The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 42

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Go yT 7&&7erT SZr&s yf?- rene 5A:iy
papers as an American citizen, that
next season she wanted to see more
of the American people and the coun
try she now calls her home, and there
fore would sin? in most of the princi
pal cities. Now that Sign or Campanini
has succeeded in his efforts to hare
Madame estinn open the Chicago
opera season with "Giaconda Novem
ber 15 and with additional perform
ances, many engagements in cities had
to be canceled. Her fame as a singer
and as an artist has become known
throughout the civilized world. It is
considered doubtful if any woman
singer of modern times is more fully
equipped with voice and intellect than
this arreat Bohemian soprano.
Not only on her new tour will she
sing "arias from the famous operas,
but will introduce many novel songs
to the concert stage. She will sing in
six languages, Madame Destlnn
reached America October 20, after
spending her Summer at her home Jn
Prague, where shi did a great deal to
help relieve the sufferers in that sec
tion. Madame Destinn is said to pos
sess a great dramatic soprano voice of
tremendous power.
NOW that the Apollo Club male
chorus concert, at the Heilig The
ater. October 26, with Madame
Julia Claussen, mezzo-contralto, as solo
ist, is one of the successful events that
were, it is in order to review friendly
suggestions made by people who were
in the audience on that occasion.
One or two of these suggestions may
be for the betterment of the Apollo
Club and then again possibly not.
One person thought that it was a
mistake to place two pianos on the
stage and in front of the chorus, argu
ing that when the piano accompani
ments were played, the sound waves
from the pianos first reached the ears
of auditors, making it difficult to hear
the chorus singing. One man said he
could not hear the first tenors when
the last chorus was being sung, on ac
count of the strong piano accompani
ment. It seems it was necessary to place
both pianos on the stage so that both
piano accompanists could be in front
and watch the directions of the conduc
tor, "William H. Boyer. If both piano
accompanists and pianos had been
placed on the floor of the theater, as
has been the custom, the former would
have been behind the conductor, and
therefore in a bad position to watch
the baton.
Two women patrons of the concert
wondered, after choral selections were
tiling and applause became prolonged,
why "funny" numbers were not sung
for "encores The reason is that al
though the Apollo Club membership
does cherish the friendly appreciation
of audiences, the management does not
-wish to sing extra and "funny" num
bers as "encores," as it is rather desired
the chorus sing music that has already
been rehearsed. "When applause is con
tinued, the practice of the Apollo Club
is to repeat a portion of the music that
lias just been sung.
A Mount Tabor citizen said that he
couldn't hear Madam Claussen sing at
the latter portion of the rendition of
Kerns "The Minstrel, and wondered
why she "didn't sing out." The reason
for this is amusing to those who
studied the music. The solo for so
prano occurs in the middle of the selec
tion, and according to the score, the
soprano should not sing any more, once
this solo in question is concluded.
Madam Claussen could have obeyed the
music score by standing mute before
the audience when the chorus was
singing the latter portion of the selec
tion, but this would have been awk
ward. So, to relieve the situation, at
the music pages indicated, she sang
with the first tenors. That is all there
is to it.
Any suggestions for the betterment
of the Apollo Club should be made In
writing and sent to the headquarters
of the club at the Tulford building,
Tenth and Morrison streets.
Both Edgar K. Coursen and A illiam
C. McCulloch played admirably as piano
accompanists. Madam Claussen thanked
Mr. Coursen for so artistically play
ing the piano accompaniments to her
pongs, and as a mark of her esteem
Madam Claussen presented Mr. Coursen
with a beautiful diamond sttck-pin.
She also sent this message to him:
M v rrar Mr. Courser : Herewith only
simple lit; le pin. but I wish that uu would
remember how much I appreciate your art
and the Apollo Club. With all good wishes
lor you and the ciuo.
sincerely yours.
Verily, a first class, sympathetic.
competent and technically correct piano
accompanist as Mr. Coursen is, must
be esteemed as a musical treasure. Be
fore the last rehearsal of the Apollo
Club, October 25, It was discovered that
Madame Claussen desired the "key
Edgar E. Coursen is presented
by Madame Julia Claussen with a
diamond stickpin for his artistic
piano accompaniments at the
Apollo Club, male chorus, con
cert, last Tuesday night.
Guilio Gatti Casazza. of the
Metropolitan Grand Opera-House,
New York City, welcomed on his
arrival from Europe by his wife,.
Madame Frances Alda, the grand
opera star. I
Miss Alice Irene Ekiff, of
Salem, one of the vocalists who
took part in the recent musicale
given in honor of Woman's day
and Press day at the Oregon
State Fair.
A. E. Davidson, bass, will sing
at the banquet of the Blackstone
Club. Friday night. Cotillion
Mrs. Elsie Bond Bischoff is re
appointed music director at At
kinson Memorial Church.
Gio T. Taglierl, grand opera
tenor of this city, will sing at
several club and recital events
this Winter.
Raymond Campbell and Gordon
Soule, the latter of this city, are
cousins, and are each 13 years
old. but the disparity between
their sizes Is great. Gordon is a
boy pianist of note, and has just
returned with his aunt. Miss
Marie A. S. Soule, from a vaca
tion in the East.
Miss Asensth Barnes, contral
to, and Miss Anna Maltman. so
prano, two students who will be
presented in recital by Hartridge
Whipp, Lincoln High School Au
ditorium, November 16.
lowered in her solo in "The Minstrel,''
and that in the chorus part the music
ought to be sung in the "key" in which
it is written. The difficulty was ex
plained to Mr. Coursen. "All right."
said he. Just before Madame Claussen
sang her solo in the middle of the se
lection, Mr. Coursen played one "key"
lower, and when she concluded her
solo, he raised the "key" for the chorus.
Only -four or five persons knew in ad
vance of this fine "trick of musicianship."
David Bispham, for many years a
leading and distinguished figure on the
operatic and concert stage, wnose work
as an artist as well as a propagandist
has materially contributed to the prog
ress of musical knowledge and culture
in this country, says: "I firmly believe
that the voices of today are the equal
of the voices of former years. But to
day there is a wider field for the artist,
and naturally the demands are greater,
and any minor defect is markedly no
ticeable. In intellectual development,
which perhaps is best seen in the Ger
man artist, there has certainly been
advancement. To say that the voices
of today are not up to the former
standard is absurd. I don't believe that
any generation has ever produced a
finer voice than that of Caruso. I think
he Is oie of the greatest tenors the
world has ever known, and just as
great an artist, too. Of course, there
are always those people who must give
some dissenting opinion, otherwise
they would be unhappy; but they
should remain unnoticed.
"The vocal teachers? Ah! there we
comeato one of the graver questions.
The teacher of singing should be an
intelligent exponent of trie knowledge
whicn he endeavors to pass on to oth
ers, and I cannot understand why peo
ple will not come to realization of
this. Take as an example the teacher
of the violin. He must be able to play
his instrument and, what is more im
portant, if he is a good musician, he
will not accept students who show no
talent, and will not. in such a case, en
courage them to think they can suc
ceed, as singing teachers so often do
with their untalented students. Being
a good musician, he naturally knows
the literature of his art, which is more
than the average teacher of the voice
knows. The violin teacher can play
his instrument, whereas many singing
teachers cannot sing and use th
Mr. Bispham's versatility is not un
known to the huge public that has held
him in distinct admiration for so many
years. He is now en tour as Beethoven
in "Adelaide," one of the greatest music
dramas ever written, supported by a
fine company of actor-singers, which
will be followed by a one-act comedy.
called The Kehearsal.
Emmy Destinn. who has long been
recognized as the possessor of one of
the finest soprano voices ever heard
on the stage of the Metropolitan
Opera-House. where she has sung for
the last seven years, will be heard in
the Springfield (Mass.) Auditorium De.
cember 1.
Madame Destinn remarked last Feo
ruary, when she took out her first
Miss Felice Dyne, the young grand
opera star soprano, whose relatives In
clude Dr. F. C. and Dr. H. C. P. Moore,
of this city, is appearing with quite
distinguished success en tour in East
ern cities in the Auber opera, "The
Dumb Girl." with the Boston Grand
Opera Company. Anna' Pavlowa ap'
pears with the company in conjunction
with the Pavlowa Ballet Ruses.
The Louisville (Ky.) Herald news
paper recently said: "In Miss Lyne we
have a youthful, charming, dainty and
fascinating Elvira. Competent as an
actress; modest in ensemble work
knowing precisely her exact range and
place. It is not a big voice. But it is a
voice of remarkable purity, flexible,
liquid and of unerring pitch. It is a
coloratura soprano of that good old
school that gave u. Patti and Tetrazzini.
It adapts itself admirably to the florid
score. It never tires. It is never
shrill, and it is never forced. It has
been many a long day since Louisville
listened, and with so much pleasure, to
so admirable and cultivated a young
The Toronto (Canada) World news
paper says: "Felice Lyne, as Elvira, the
betrothed of Alfonso, established her
self in her opening number as a colora
ture of the very highest rank. She is
an artist who can be classed with none
lower than Melba and Tetrazzini."
Miss Lyne sang last Monday night
in the same Auber opera at the Man
hattan Opera-house, New York City.
Miss Asenath Barnes, contralto, and
Miss Anna Maltman, soprano, are two
of the students whom Hartridge
Whipp is to present at his recital at
the Lincoln High School auditorium
November 16.
Ernest Voiter, the distinguished pi
anist who recently arrived from Eu
rope, and who is touring this country
because the war in Europe has inter
fered with his mueical engagements.
will be heard in a "novelty" piano
recital November 11 at the Hotel Ben
son. He will play several of his orig
inal piano compositions, and the re
cital is certain to be one of unconv
mon interest.
Francis Richter. the talented young
Oregon piano virtuoso, will be heard
in recital at the Multnomah Hotel
ballroom November 15. Mr. Richter
has not been heard in public recital
for a long time, and on this occasion
he ought to be greeted by a large
David P. Nason, violinist, will pre
sent in recital these students. Edith
Mozorosky. Sam Sobel. Mark Sher
man and Max Israel, saturaay mgni at
8:15 o'clock at Lincoln High School
auditorium, assisted by members of the
faculty of the Irvington School of
Music. Icilio Miccoli. flute; Charles
Duncan Raff, cello; Miss Sue M. Frith,
soprano, and Miss Ethel J. Elliatt,
piano accompanist.
Oscar Laurence Woodfin, baritone,
of Oregon City, sang a group of songs
at the reception tendered to Rev. J.
Richard Olson last week, at Immanuel
Lutheran Church, and was cordially
received. Mr. Woodfin was soloist at
the State Convention of Congregation
al Churches, at the Commercial Club
reception, and the musicale given by
an Eastern Star lodge all of Oregon
City. Mr. Woodfin has been prepared
for his public recital work by Mrs.
Rose Coursen-Reed. and appeared in
many recitals last season.
... m
Miss Lelah Coyle, mezzo-soprano, of
Walla .Walla, was soloist last Thursday
at the P. E. O. meeting held at the
residence of Mrs. T. H. Edwards. Miss
Coyle. who is spending the Winter in
advanced vocal study under the direc
tion of Harold Hurlbut, was especially
pleasing in rendition of songs by Franz
and Massenet.
. . . -
Three new compositions are being
studied by the Tuesday Club, under
the direction of Rose Coursen-Reed:
Gena Branscombe s Or Marse Win
ter," Harker's "At the Tea-House ' and
Lynes" "Come Ye Fairies." The per
sonnel of the club for this season is:
Miss Helen Fromme, Miss Helen De
kum, Miss Louise Walker, of Oregon
City; Miss Esther Minsinger. Miss
Helen Clarke, Miss Gertrude Ost, Mrs.
Elizabeth Bond. Mrs. Mabel Selover-
Conway, Miss Bernada Harry. Miss
Jeanette Crosfield, of Wasco; Miss
Marie Silcocks. Miss Carolyn Clark.
Mrs. H. N. Nolan, Miss Ada Holmes,
Mrs. R. H. Tucker, Miss Pauline Jacob-
sen, Miss Alice Gilman, Mrs. Glenn
Foulkes. Miss Nina Dressel, Miss Clara
Glass, Miss Marion Brodie. At the last
meeting a Schumann programme was
rendered by Miss Dekum, Miss Cros
field and Mrs. Bond.
Lutheran Zion Church this morning.
The service is known as the Reforma
tion celebration and is in honor of the
birthday of Martin Luther.
Master Vern Isom will play "Adorav
tion" (Barowski) as the ofTertory solo
at the First Methodist Church tonight.
Master Isom displays an unusual talent
for mastering the difficulties of the
violin, and as a soloist he is much in
demand. He is a student with Frank G.
Miss Ella Van Lewuen. recording sec
retary, and Miss Edick. of tte ensemble
department of the Monday Musical
Club, appeared on the programme of
the State Federation at Salem last
Tuesday. Miss Edick opened with a
piano solo (a) "Dance of the Elves"
Kroeger). b) "Two Larks" Lesch-
etizky). Miss Van Lewuen sang "The
Valley of Laughter" and "Bird Lullaby"
(Sanderson). Their work was done in
a finished, sympathetic manner and was
well received. ,
Miss Josephine Burns Hoben has been
appointed organist of Holy Rosary
Monday Musical Club gave a splendid
programme last Monday at the Hotel
Multnomah, consisting of numbers from
the ensemble department. Miss Isabel
adswortn Clark contributed a ktoud
of piano numbers in a finished, sympa
thetic manner. She played a "Noc
turn" and an "Impromptu" by Chopin.
Romance in F-Sharp. by Schumann,
and "Theme and Variations" by Pade-
rewski. Mrs. Daisy Ross was heard to
advantage in "Night in the Desert"
(Rose), "Now Sleeps the Crimson
retal" (Quilter) and "My Heart at Thy
Sweet Voice" (Saint Saens). Christian
Poole gave as 'cello numbers his own
beautiful composition, "Longing." and
"Au Bord du Ruisseau" (Fischer), with
Mrs. Fay Huntington accompanist. Miss
Marie Chapman, accompanied on the
piano by Miss Wagner, played beauti
fully "Zigunerweisen" (Saraste). and
"Minuette No. 2" (Beethoven).
That the United States Government
has secured the Ernest Gamble concert
party for a fourth tour of Panama in
January is a criterion of the esteem In
which this sterling company Is held in
Government circles. The Gamble party
will tour Louisiana, Arkansas and
Texas in' November. December will be
spent in Bermuda, while the nnnnnl
Pacific Coast tour will be In Februiry
ana marcn, uuring last Summer more
than 100 concerts wer oiv.n kv ty,m
Gambles. This COmDanv har nnnntnt. !
ments made two years ahead.
The Saslavsky String quartet, head-!
oj Aieunaer aasiavsKy, concert
master of the New York Symphony
Orchestra, is making a tour prior to
the opening of the orchestral season,
which includes a number of cities of
Virginia. West Virginia. Northfleld and
Fairbault. Minn., and Madison. Wis.
A considerable sum was cleared by
Kreisler by the sale of photographs
at the time of his concerts recently in
Los Angeles. Cal. Latest figures show
the amount to have been some 65o. all
of which goes directly to the fund to
help destitute artists in Vienna. The
largest return came from the sale of
photographs at the matinee concert,
and a great deal of money might also
have been made -it the evening recital
had not the photographs run out be
fore a hundred had been disposed of.
But private donations helped to make
up for any loss which might have been
sustained on this account, as patrons
of the concert were advised to pur
chase the photographs at the Alexan-
"the only instrument
J The Victrola is the only
instrument for which the
world's greatest singers
and instrumentalists make
f The only instrument
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J The Victrola is the only
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ists in your own home just
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Cf Hearing is believing. We will gladly play any
music you wish to hear and demonstrate the
various styles. We offer perfect Victor Serv
ice a service which provides for your utmost
comfort, pleasure and satisfaction, whether
selecting a Victrola or a Record.
Victrola $15 to $350 on Easy Terms.
All the Victor Records.
,f lajr-& Go.
Sixth and Morrison Sts., Opposite Postoffice
dria Hotel. While in Los Angeles
Kreisler received a gift of 200 photo
graphs from the Hemenway company,
and 00 reproductions of his photo
graph in half tones from the Fred
Alles Lithographing Company.
Yielding to the desires of his many
friends, George T. Taglieri. the Port
land concert and opera tenor, will Lla
at various club and recital events this
Winter. He has been so busy in pro
fessional ' vocal instruction work for
many months that he has not sung in
public lately.' Mr. Taglieri has had a
distinguished artistic career as solo
tenor in professional opera In the East
and In Europe, and It is an uncommon
pleasure to hear him step into one of
his grand-opera roles and sing- Mr.
Taglieri is a much-talked-of man along
Giulio Gatti Casazza, the New York
opera manager, returned to New York
from Italy recently on the "Dante
AliKhleri." and was met by his wife.
Madame. Frances Alda. who is one of
the sopranos of tiie Metropolitan Op
era. Mr. Casazza predicts a good opera
season in New York, the subscriptions
being larger now than they were at
this time last year wnicn means near
ly a million dollars in the treasury.
There will be many new singers and
most of the old ones. Among the new
comers are Maria Barrientos, Spanish
oolorature soprano: Madam Erman
Zaraka, a young soprano from the op-
ra at Prague; Ida cajetti, a lyric so
prano. 24 years old, from Trieste: Flora
Perini. a mezzo soprano, from La Scala
in Milan, and Giacomo Damacco. a light
tenor from Italy. Caruso will still lead
the corps of tenors, and among the
other well-known singers who remain
with the company are Madame Gad
ski. Geraldine Farrar. Madame Alda,
Madame Borl, Madame Homer and
Madame Ober.
Manager Can you sing up to high C?
Soubrette No; but I can kick above
the staff.
Manager Name your terms. Judge,
Famous Tenor (who has been in
vited to dinner) I should be only too
pleased to do as you ask and sing i
little song, but I am quite hoarse to
Hostess Oh, what a pity. Can t you
do anything else? Fliegende Blatter.
Dent Mowrey, the Paris pianist who
Is making his home in this city, ap
peared in three piano recitals recently
at Ontario. Burns and Prinevtlle, Or.,
and was quite successful. There were
large, delighted audiences at all three
Mrs. Herman Hucke. soprano, who
has been substituting in the choir of
the First Methodist Church during the
absence of Mrs. Pauline Miller Chap
man. will be soloist at the Evangelical
"Grand Old Citizen, of Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, President of Institution
When It Was Second Largest College in Oregon.
PHILOMATH. Or., Oct. 23. Major
W. S. Walker, of Bonner's Ferry,
Idaho, to whom stiecial hnnnr wan
recently paid as the "grand old citi
zen" of that place, has been honored
also in Philomath because of his for
mer association with Philomath Col
lege. Major Walker was president of
this institution when It was the second
largest college in Oregon.
He nad previously served with honor
in the Civil War with valor and after
wards received recognition for intro
ducing military tactics in various
schools of the Northwest.
As a pastime he does oil painting.
Recently he presented to Philomath
College two large portraits, one of
Bishop N. Castle, senior bishop of the
united tiretnren cnurch, who resides
in Philomath; the other of Professor
Henry Sheak. also of this city, who
has been connected with Philomath
College for more than 40 years. Dur
ing the time that Major Walker was
chief executive of Philomath College
the institution enjoyed a wide client
age, drawing students from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho. Montana and Cali
fornia. Nearly 200 students were ill
attendance here and Willamette Uni
versity .alone had a larger enrollment
among the colleges of Oregon. During
the '70s and "80s Major Walker was
widely recognized as an educator. He
could speak 13 languages and could
read as many more. He was con
stantly in demand as a public speaker
and lecturer.
On leaving Oregon Major Walker
organized a military academy at Latah,
Idaho, which later became the state
college After this he entered the
mercantile business, in which he pros
pered, and retired to a country place
at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. Here, - in
a picturesque spot overlooking Koote
nai County, he erected a cottage with
a conservatory and studio, in which he
can follow his favorite pastime. The
conservatory forms a section of the
main parlor, filled with a wealth of
shrubs, vines and flowers, bright and
cheerful the whole year through. In
this charming home people from all
parts are entertained by Major and Mrs.
Walker after a manner which, once
enjoyed, is never forgotten.
River Valley, where several return
games will be played. They met Ash
land on Friday, and will play Medford
luesday and Grants Pass Thursday.
oacnes wiuey and Motchenbacher ac
companied the team.
Basketball practice will be started in
a few weeks, and the prospects for this
year are said to be exceptional! v hrleht
Most of last season's good players were
juniors, so they will still be playing
this year. There will be teams of both
boys and girls.
A debating team is soon to be organ
ized. also. There is an abundance of
good material this year to work with, ere should be so provided for that they
Portland streets. He has resided in
this city for four or more years, and
he has quite the manner and distin
guished appearance of a singer who
has appeared professionally in many
roles in grand opera. He does not
look a mechanic or a worker in iron,
but music seems to be written over
him. To spend half an hour In his
company is entertaining musically, and
he is a splendid conversationalist. In
the near future Air. Tajriier! will pre
sent several of his stulents in recital,
one of whom is Mrs. Leslie M. Scott.
Threatened trouble over a demand
for higher salaries among several
members of the San Francisco
Symphony Orchestra has been averted.
"We shall proceed with our concerts,
not with a smaller orchestra, as for a
time I feared, but with a larger or
chestra than that of last year." says
Alfred Hertz, the conductor. "We shall
have at least 80 instrumentalists. Al
ready the 'wind' department of the
organization Is completed, while in the
string" division I have more to select
from than there are stands to be pro
vided. Unwittingly I was drawn into this
controversy through the eagerness of
some to involve me. but, as a matter
of fact, and as I could easily demon
strate to the most doubtful of the dis
satisfied players who tried to disrupt
our organization, I have from the first
fought the musicians' battles. I was
not eager to accept the post, since it
was not at all clear that conditions
here would be as propitious for the
kind of work with which I have hith
erto been identified. As my corre
spondence with the managers of your
association will prove, I was most of
all anxious that the question of pay
and services should be entirely to the
satisfaction of the instrumentalists,
since men work better when they are
content. It was I who urged the play-
and It is now hoped to be able to ar
range several debates with outside
clubs during the Winter.
Read The Oreconlan's classified ads.
would not be forced to play cafeteria.
theater or cafe engagements. Those
Ideal conditions are. for the present,
out of the range of possibility, but 1
Western Walnut Association Meets
In Portland This Week.
McMINNVILLE. Or, Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) A varied collection of seedling
walnuts is being made here for the ex
hibit to be made at the Imperial Hotel,
Portland, Wednesday and Thursday, it
being the occasion of the first annual
meeting of the Western Walnut Association.
E. C. Apperson has a tree that has
borne annually 12S to ISO pounds of
well-filled nuts for the last three years.
J. C. Cooper has produced a beauti
ful nut of large size from a Prince
&eedling planted six years ago. Ex
hibits from other counties will be
placed in the Portland exhibit, as well
as collections from Washington and
Idaho. A delegation of walnut men
will go from here to attend the meet
ing and take in the land products show.
where they will try and place the ex
hibit at the close of the association's
Gaines to Be Played Witli Medford
and Grants Pass Thursday.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Oct. 30.
(Special.) The Klamath County High
School football squad left Thursday
morning lor a trip through the Rogue
We Take Great Pleasure in Announcing the Ar
rival of a Carload of Beautiful
These instruments include all the styles in uprights,
player pianos and grands, and will be on display tomorrow
morning at our salesrooms. People who are interested in
pianos are cordially invited to visit us and hear these
wonderful instruments before they are tuned. We want
to prove to you that even a trip across the continent does
not throw a Knabe piano out of tune. You will see and
hear them as they were when released for shipment by
the staff of expert Knabe tuners.
Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.
NOV. 11