The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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IN SPITE of the holiday Halloween
which Is nupposed to brine in Its
wake a merry medley of frivolity
and gaiety for young and old. Portland
society found it difficult to keep
amused. Indirectly the San Francisco
Exposition Is responsible for the only
brlKht spots in a dull week.
Visitors either groin? or returning:
from the interesting Fair have stopped
oft for a visit, sometimes brief and at
other times long enough to be enter
tained by several leading matrons.
Mr. and Mrs. Fhelps Montgomery
rere a true inspiration for society,
and were the charming reason for a
number of interesting affairs, princi
pally dinner parties.
Mrs. Frissel, a former Portland ma
tron, also claimed a large amount of
tocial attention during her short visit
In town. The first of the week was
notable for the presence of Secretary
and Mrs. William Gibbs McAdoo, who,
during the few hours they were in
town, were showered with attentions,
trs. McAdoo was entertained by Miss
Ruth Teal at luncheon and a motor
trip about the country. Mrs. McAdoo's
cousin, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, shared in
the festivities planned for the visitors.
Last night's Halloween frolic at the
Waverley Country Club was one of the
Kayest and merriest parties of the sea
son. In the men's quarters, on the low
er floor, the walls and corners were
'weirdly decked with goblins, witches,
1black cats and all the fantastic novel
ties of the season, together with warm
tinted foliuRe and blossoms. A buffet
supper was served and the assemblage
played games and danced during the
meal, and afterwards In the ballroom,
which was prettily adorned with sea
sonable novelties. About 150 members
and their friends made merry during
the evening.
The next dinner dance at the ITni
versity Club ts being eagerly antici
pated by its long list of habitues.
The Multnomah Athletic Club held
its annual dance Thursday night and
the following night the initial dance
and card party at the Portland Heights
Club was one of the notable events of
the week.
Mrs. Lwis Fox Frissell. of New
Tork, who arrived Monday from San
Francisco to pass a few days with her
Bister. Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. before
returning to her home in the East,
was delightfully entertained. This
was her first visit here tn six years,
and she was charmed with the vast
Improvements tn the city.
She shared honors at the' charming
dinner party for which Mr. and Mrs.
Kurrell were hosts on Tuesday eve
sing, Mr. and Mrs. Fheips Montgomery
tained the visitors with dinner Mon
day evening and again on Friday eve
ning were hosts for a similar affair
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlin presided
at one of the jolly parties at the Wa
verley Country Club in their honor last
night and Thursday night Colonel and
Mrs. Kerry C. Cabell were hosts for a
charming dinner also to honor the
To assist in raising the $500 fund
pledged by the local branch of the As
sociation of Collegiate- Alumnae at their
last meeting, a skating party has been
arranged by a number of Its members.
to be given at the Ice Hippodrome rlT
day night, November 26. It will be
called College night at the rink, and it
is expected that the 70 boxes will be
reserved by society folk long before
the appointed time.
Patronesses will include many prom
inent women of Portland society. , and
Interest in the event Is being mani
fested by the college organizations and
women's clubs throughout the state,
as well as the medical college, gradu
ating students of the law xKillege, mem
bers of the University criuo ana me
leading men's clubs.
The fund will be used for the pro
posed women's building at the Univer
sity of Oregon. Mrs. Alice Benson
Beach Is ctfairman of the committee
appointed to obtain money for this
-mv wim. m dihhK McAdoo was the
oiiaof tit Knnnr fnr the charming luncb-
I eon presided over by Miss Ruth Teal.
who entertained the attractive visitor
tn the absence of her mother, Mrs, J.
N. Teal, who la in the South. Covers
I were placed for Mrs. McAdoo, Mrs.
Solomon iilrscn, Mrs. rtooeri w. ut,
Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Thomas
Carrlck Burke, Mrs. A, M. Wilson and
the hostess.
The morning hours and anernoon
land's scenic roads, also to listening
to a speech of Mr. McAdoo's at the
Commercial Club.
Dr.' and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson, who
are amoni the most delightful hosts in
society, entertained a number' of
friends at a charming dinner Thursday
night. Seated around the exquisitely
appointed table were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wheelwright, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Edwards, and Dr. George F. Wilson.
Miss Katherine Hart is in the East
attending a class reunion at Rosemary
School in Connecticut. Miss Hart also
will pass several weeks in New York,
returning to Portland before the holi
days. Mrs. Robert W. Lewis and sons. Hunt
and Bobbie, left last night with Mr.
and Mrs. Wheelwright for a week's vis
it at the exposition in San Francisco.
Mrs. W. B. AyeK who has been at
tending the fair in San Francisco for
a few weeks, has returned to Portland.
Miss Sallle Hart accompanied Mrs.
Landon R. Mason Jr., and Miss Helen
Piatt to the exposition Thursday morn
ing. Miss Hart will return to Portland
n a fortnight, and the latter two will
sail for Honolulu for several weeks.-,
One of the prettiest of the Informal
dinner parties of the week was -that
presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Wheel
wright on Wednesday evening. Their
guests included Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Mor
rison, Mrs. William Washburn, of Min
neapolis, and August Berg. .
Mrs. T. Harris Bartlett, of Lewiston,
Idaho, who has a host of friends in this
city, is the house guest of her mother,
Mrs. W. K. Smith.. .. - ..
Mr. and' Mrs. John Couch Lewis -are
at- the Palace Hotel. San Franctsco, at
tending, the Exposition.; . .
, - -
Miss .Marian VoOThlea was1 one of the
hostesses for a dolly party at the Wav
erley Country Club lust night. - The
I young folk dined m the main dining-
room and later-joined the merrymak
ers in the men's quarters. .
Mr. and Mrs.. J. G. Edwards' dinner
party Friday evening, complimenting
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Montgomery, was
a delightful affair. -
Seated around . the table were Mr,
and Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs.
Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell. Mr.
and Mrs. William MacMaster, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are plan
ning to leave Tuesday for their home
in Connecticut.
For Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Scott, of
Wilmington. Del., who are touring the
West wiht a party of friends. Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Farrell entertained Thursday
evening with a charming informal din
ner party. The previous evening Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Shevlin also honored the
tourists with a dinner party of 12
The Portland branch of the Needle
work Guild of America will hold tts
annual tea and exhibition of garments
Wednesday, November 10, at the Unl
tarian chapel. The directors of the
various districts ask the members to
send their contributions of garments to
those to whom they are responsible
this week. Last reports from the
heads of the different branches show
that this year's exhibition will be
much larger and better than ever be
fore. The garments are all new and
are sent in pairs, to be used not only
for the new-born babe, but for all ages
and both sexes.
Honoring Miss Antoinette Mears, one
of the most attractive debutantes of
the season, Mrs. Everett Ames was
hostess for a charming Informal dance
Monday evening at her home on W 11
lamette Heights. About 40 of the
Dressy Black and White
Skirts Have Just Arrived
These are decidedly novel offering's. Some have wide
black stripes with a sprinkling- of narrow white
stripes between; others are so designed in inverted
pleats as to have only the black showing until the
pleats fall away, showing- the white stripes; there
are still other pleasing patterns. These
are of beautiful wool mniq,; dressy
enough for almost any occasion.
W. G. Smith & Co
Ladies, See Geo.
H. McCarthy's
A J Back Page
r-U Section 2
It is so unusual and makes
such an appeal, direct to you,
that you must read it.
Something New!
Charmeuse and velvet
fur-trimmed combination
dresses exactly as illus
trated. We believe this is
one of the most charming
styles of the season. Note
the flaring- coatee and
smart fur-trimmed collar.
This style may be had . in
blue, brown and black at
$27.50.-Several large sizes.
This is to be a fur season, so
purchase early and enjoy your
set for many months. We have
every fur at the price you want
to pay.
Credit Your
Outfitting c
in every degree of simplicity and elab
oration. Pleasingly low priced
405 Washington
Street, at Tenth
younger set froliclted tnrougn tne
evening," their pretty, crisp frocks be
ing enhanced by tne simple Autumnal
decorations of the rooms, ; .
Portland society folic who are plan
ning on trips to San Francisco
interested in the news that the Palace
Hotef Is beginning a series of dinner
dances 'every evening except Sunday
from 7 until 1 o"clock in the dining
room adjoining the palm court. The
first of these functions will be held
Tuesday, November 1.
The premier party of the Portland
Heights Club was held Friday night,
and the pretty clubroom was gala with
Halloween decorations.'. .The- commit
tee for the evening was Mrs. J. K.
Davidson. Mrs. A. D. Charlton and Mn
Jay Smith. They attended to the re
freshments, decorations, card tables
and general entertainment. Patron
esses for the event were Mrs. A. B.
Slauson, Mrs. F. I. Fuller, Mrs. W. S.
Dinwiddie and Mrs. R. 1. Donald.
These parties have become very pop
ular In past seasons, and the members
also being honor guests at the affair,
having arrived Tuesday from New
York for a week's visit here. They
were accompanied by their two .chil
dren. Margery and Jack.
-At the Burrells' dinner covers were
placed for 17 prominent folic, who are
old friends of the visitors. Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett entertained Mrs. Frissell
with a motor trip on the Highway
Tuesday, followed by luncheon at
Crown Point. Mrs. Messier, of Pitta
burg, was with Mrs. Frissell.
iir- and Mv3 J. G, Edwards, enter-
Makes that bad odor from your arm pits
so in one or two applications. ROS-OH
is a chemical extract from -the famous Ore
gon rose. For smelly feet, t can't be beat.
Price so cent&: Asents wanted. " ROS-OH
Company, 512 Mcrgaa bMr-. Portland, Or.
J or Sale VifQDBj, ri.ARKT; qq.
The House
Is Ready .
In buying jewelry or silverware most people are
entirely at the mercy of the jeweler.
Two articles of jewelry, one twice the value of the
other, placed side by side, may, to the uninitiated, look
identical. Take diamonds, for example, how many
-people in Portland know diamond values?
In considering the purchase of jewelry or silver
ware "confidence" in the man from whom you pur
chase should be your first consideration.
"The House of Feldenheimer" has been identified
with dependable merchandise, and with Portland, for
47. years. '
We wish to announce that our Fall stocks are now
complete. Selections may be made any time for de
livery later.
Before you buy elsewhere, remember it costs no
more to buy at Feldenheimer's and here you have the
satisfaction of security in your purchase.
The Feldenheimer Store will be here next year and
the year after if at any time goods are not as rep
resented bring them in and get your money back.
Jewelers Since 1868
at Washington and Park, Portland.
MAIL ORDERS entrusted to us will
receive the personal attention of Mr.