i - SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY VOL,. XXXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1915. NO. 44. December Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Winter Fashion Books Now In Call and Get Your Free Copy of "Good Dressing" Magazine Z&C Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Same Are Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month Open a Charge Account at This Store! Only 49 cnm - l 1 . . - - - Z -rrr . I r I tv t? w I Exclusive "MagazineDau" Next Tuesday Don't fail to visit the store next Tues day and get ,your free copy of the "S PERRY" Illustrated Magazine. This is the best number yet issued. Olds, WortmanSc King Reliable Merchandite Reliable Methods Take Luncheon in Our Tea Room In a quiet, refined atmosphere the Olds, Wortman & King tearoom serves in the most pleasing: manner, a menu of unsurpassed excellence at reason able prices. Meet your friends here. More Shopping Days to Chris ttnas Portland Agents for Gossard Corsets Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A G231 Our Annual Sale of Thanksgiving Linens Starts Tomorrow! f vllllfi?l Ml? fi P All Table Linens Reduced! REPARATIONS FOR THANKSGIVING DAY are now going on everywhere. The busy housewife in her preparation for the home-coming of relatives and the gathering of friends finds it necessary to add to the supply of linens. For our sale this year and not withstanding the GREAT ADVANCE IN THE VALUE OF LINENS, caused by the European war, we are making special prices on all Richardson's Linens. Richardson's Table Linen Sets Cloth and 1 Dozen Napkins Main Floor Exquisite new designs with border all round. Richardson's incomparable damasks world-famous for beauty of finish and quality. Sets consist of one pattern cloth and 1 dozen napkins to natch. Whether for Thanks giving use or as gifts it will pay you to buy Linens How. Linen Sets Cloth 72x 72 inches, for $ 9.00 Linen Sets Cloth 72x 90 inches, for $ 9.90 Linen Sets Cloth 72x108 inches, for $10.80 Linen Sets Cloth 72x126 inches, for $11.70 Richardson's Famous Damasks at Sale Prices $1 GRADE 83c Richardson's full-bleached Table Damask in several attractive patterns. Splen did quality for general use. Full 72 inches wide. Now on O O sale at special, the yard5 LINEN NAPKINS to match this damask all linen and size 22x22 inches. Priced spe cial now at, dozen $2.38 $1.25 GRADE $1.08 Richard son's extra heavy quality Table Damask in many rich patterns. Full bleached and 72 inches wide. Usual $1.25 grade special, the yard at LINEN NAPKINS to match this damask in quality and patterns size 22x22 inches. CJO QO Special new, dozen v' $1.08 Richardson's 72-inch Linen Damask at $1.80, $2.03 and $2.25 Yd. Richardson's Linen Napkins to Match $5.85, $6.30, $7.20 Dozen. Hand - Embroidered Madeira Linens Department, Main Floor Beautiful Madeira Eyelet Embroidered Table Cloths, Napkins, Doilie Sets, Scarfs, etc., at reduced prices. 23-Piece Madeira Doilie Sets at $12.50, $29.50 up to $58.50 Madeira Hand-Embroidered Napkins, dozen, $7.20 up to $22.50 Madeira Hand-Embroidered Scarfs at, each, $4.05 up to $13.50 Odd Lines Dinner Napkins Reduced Main Floor To close out several odd lots of high-grade- Dinner Napkins we offer them at the following special prices: $17.50 Napkins, dozen, $14.00 $15.00 Napkins, dozen, $12.00 border. Size 15x15 inches. Four special line-: in the Thanksgiving Linen Sale priced special, dozen, $5.40, $5.85, $6.30 and $7.20 $1.75 GRADE. $1 .48 Richard son's extra quality double satin Damask, full bleached and 2 yards wide. Shown in several beautiful patterns. Special at the low price of only LINEN NAPKINS to match this damask, full dinner size, 24x24 inches. Priced spe cial for this sale at $14.50TrimmedHats 6.95 Millinery Salons, on the Second Floor distinctive new models in tailored and semi-dress Hats of plushes and " velvets, richly trimmed with wings, ostrich, gold and silver novelties, pert bows, jet, etc. Small Hats for street wear or the larger styles for dress oc casions. Models hereto- j?J Q CT fore $12.75 and $14.50 PU.ZsiJ Entire Stock Hat Shapes Monday 2 Price Millinery Salons, Second Floor Absolutely none reserved every Trimmed Hat in the department to go on sale tomorrow at just half price. Needless to say the assortment comprises the newest and best styles and materials. $1.48 $4.50 Hemstitched Breakfast Cloths and Tea Cloths Main Floor This includes a splen did assortment of extra fine Hem stitched Linen Breakfast Cloths and Hemstitched Tea Cloths. TEA NAPKINS of very fine qual- lea and breakfast Cloths, lty damask, with hemstitched!"1-"" ' ' "' ip-s.-o, J.u 45x45 Tea and Breakfast Cloths, special, $1.58, $2.25 and $3.15 54x54 Tea and Breakfast Cloths, special, $3.15, $4.05 and $4.50 $1.50 Hat Shapes now at only 750 $2.00 Hat Shapes now only $1.00 $3.00 Hat Shapes now only $1.50 $3.50 -Hat Shapes now only $1.75 $4.50 Hat Shapes now only $2.25 $ 5.00 Hat Shapes now only $2.50 $ 6.50 Hat Shapes now only $3.25 $ 9.00 Hat Shapes now only $4.50 $10.00 Hat Shapes now only $5.00 $15.00 Hat Shapes now only $7.50 NewShirrRuMeBustForm i . $1.50 Grade 95c a vtevs Department Second Floor New Shirr Ruffle Bust Forms like this illustration as you will note, this is a combination Corset Cover and Bust Form. Made of splendid materials with ruffles on inside and neat yoke of embroidery. Each garment nicely finished. Complete range of sizes from 34 up to 42. These Bust Forms sell Q CZg in the usual way at $1.50. Special, each fwl SPECIAL SHOWING of new models in Gossard, Bien Jolie, Nemo, Bon Ton and "OWK Special" Corsets.- " Corset Department 'on - Seconds Floor. Home Needs REDUCED Third Flocr Timely offerings in articles needed about the house every day in the year. Note below: 50c Dust Brushes on sale at 290 90c Dust Brushes on sale at 640 25c Scrub Brushes on sale at 100 7c Vegetable Brushes, each, 50 15c Sink Brushes on sale at 110 65c Parlor Brooms at, each, 500 12c Slotted Wood Cuke Spoons 1O0 23c Select Rolling Pins now 200 15c Select Mixing Spoons now 110 15c Alum. Measuring Cup at 110 40c Alum. Sugar Shakers at 320 35c Aluminum Coffee Cans 280 25c Aluminum Skimmers at 200 15c Aluminum Funnels now at 110 Demonstration O-Cedar Products Pre-Holiday Sale Hand-Made Lingerie At Less Than Manufacturers9 Cost Second Floor Beginning tomorrow morn ing we place on sale beautiful hand-made French Lingerie Night Gowns, Combina tions, Chemise and Corset Covers at less than half maker's cost. Buy your Christ mas gifts and supply your personal needs at this sale and save money. Shop early! Imported FrenchHand-Made Night Gotvns Reduced $ 2.25 to $2.75 Gowns priced only $ 1.98 $ 3.95 and $4.00 Gowns priced only $ 2.50 $ 7.50 Hand-made Gowns, special $ 3.98 $12.50 Hand-made Gowns, special $ 6.98 $15.00 Hand-made Night Gowns at $ 8.98 $18.50 to $20.00 Night Gowns at $12.98 $22.50 Hand-made Night Gowns $14.98 Sale of Electric Portables Many Less, Than 1-2 Price $35.00 Electric Lamps at $17.50 $36.00 Electric Lamps at $18.00 $41.00 Electric Lamps at $18.00 Third Floor' Odd lines of Electric Lamps and Portables at extra special reductions for quick disposal. Some are slightly shopworn from being used as samples. Many priced less than one-half the regular prices. ALL ELECTRIC LAMPS REDUCED. $ 9.00 Electric Lamps, special $ 5.00 $10.00 Electric Lamps, special $ 7.50 $13.00 Electric Lamps, special $ 7.00 $14.00 Electric Lamps, special $ S.OO $16.00 Electric Lamps, special $ 9.00 $20.00 Electric Lamps, special $10.00 $21.00 Electric Lamps, special $10.50 $22.00 Electric Lamps, special $12.00 4 $27.00 Electric Lamos. special S15.00 $28.00 Electric Lamps, special $14. OO $30.00 Electric Lamps, special $12.50 $30.00 Electric Lamps, special $ 8.00 $30.00 Electric Lamps, special $12.00" $32.50 Electric Lamps, special $16.50 $34.00 Electric Lamps, special $20.00 $48.00 Electric Lamps at $22.00 $50.00 Electric Lamps at $20.00 $70.00 Electric Lamps at $35.00 November Sale of Brass Goods Desk Articles, Trays, Jardinieres, Etc., Etc. Third Floor Appropriate articles for gifts such as Desk and Sta tionery Fittings, Card Trays, Counters. Cigar Sets, Ash Trays, Pipe Racks, Tobacco Jars, Card Cases, Paper Knives, Umbrella Stands. $2.25 Note Pads, special at $1.80 $4.00 Library Set, special $3.20 50c Paper Knives, special at 4O0 40c Pin Trays, special only 32e $1.50 Calendars, special at $1.20 $2.50 Smoking Stands at $2.00 $4.90 Umbrella Stands at $3.85 $9.50 Umbrella Stands at $7.60 S1.00 Ash Trays, special at 8O0 $3.00 Tobacco Jars, each at $2.4 $2.00 Smoking Sets now at $1.60 $3.30 Card Cases, special $2.64 $3.50 Card Cases, special $2.80 $4.50 Card Cases, special $3.60 $1.50 Jardinieres, special $1.20 $2.75 Jardinieres, special $2.20 WE GIVE "S. & H." GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Imported FrenchHand-Made Combination Suits $ 2.75 Hand-made Combination Suits $1.98 $ 3.50, $4 Hand-made Combinations $2.50 $ 5.00, $6.50 Hand-made Combinat. $3.50 $10.00 Hand-made Combination Suit $5.98 $15.00 and $16.50 Hand-made Comb. $9.98 $17.50, $18.50 Hand-made Comb. $10.98 French Hand-Made Chemise and Corset Covers Beautiful French Hand-made Chemise. Grades selling formerly at $4.50 now $3.50 Grades selling formerly at $4.00 now $3.00 $1.25 French Hand-made Corset Covers $1 November Sale of Bedding mm u j w) Third Floor Nashua Cotton Sheet Blankets at special reduced prices: 75c White Crib Blankets now 580 $1.00 Blankets, size 55x72, at 850 $1.25 Blankets, size 60x76, at 980 $2.15 Blankets; size 68x80, at $1.69 WOOLNAP BLANKETS $2.50 Plaid Blankets, the pair $2.15 $3.00 Plaid Blankets, the pair $2.48 $3.50 Plaid Blankets, the pair $2.98 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS $6.00 Grades, special, the pair $4.45 $7.50 Grades, special, the pair $5.0O White "Cotton-filled Comforters in the sale at substantial savings now: $1.00 Cotton Comforters now at 790 $2.75 Cotton Comforters at $2.38 $4.50 Down Comforters now $3.69 $4.75 Down Comforters now $4.00 $5.00 Down Comforters now $4.18 $6.00 Down Comforters now $4.98 FEATHER PILLOWS Usual $1.25 Grades at, the pair 990 Usual $2.00 Grades at, pair $1.80 Usual $2.75 Grades at, pair $2.35 Usual $6.00 Grades at, pair $4.95 $23.50 Axminster Rugs $17.85 $58, OO Wilton Rugs, Special $48.50 Third Floor 9x12 Axminster Rugs in splendid assortment of patterns and colors. - Grade usually selling at $23.50, special for this sale at only $30.00 $35.00 8:3x10:6 high-grade Wilton Rugs in select patterns and rich colorings. Finest quality materials. The usual $58.00 grade. Are priced special at Seamless Axminster Rugs size 9x12 feet, now at only $24.75 Seamless Axminster Rugs size 9x12 feet, now at only $26.95 $17.85 $48.50 $11.50 Metal Beds $7.98 (Including Springs) Third Floor High-grade metal beds 2-inch continuous posts, .-inch filling rods, 52 inches high at head, finished white enamel, ivory enam el or vcrnis Martin. Springs have large pipe side rail and gal vanized link fabric, guaranteed not to sag. Bed and springs are worth $11.50, now OJ3 priced special at P C70 SAME BED with the exception of -inch filling rods instead of 98 inch (with Springs). Priced very special at low price of $8.98 mm New Stationery Novelties Stop at the Stationery Counter, the next time you are in the store and see the latest imported novelties in Correspondence Paper, Cards and Envelopes. Boxes 500 to $1.00 New Correspondence Cards with attractive floral decorations in cor ner, plain or folding styles very latest ideas for the holiday season. Learn to Knit and Crochet Free Classes 9 to 121 to 5 Daily All women interested in this fascinating work are cordially invited to join the classes now forming. Miss Schaefer, of Philadelphia, has personal charge of this work, and she will be glad to give you the benefit of her expert knowledge. Special Showing of Latest Knitted Garments New styles in Sweaters, Shawls, Afghans, Blankets and dozens of other garments which make very acceptable Christmas gifts. Don't fail to see this interesting exhibit in the Art Needlework Department, 2d Floor. LEISHER 'SI DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY! To Encourage Early Christmas Shopping WE WILL GIVE Double Green Trading Stamps With All Charge or Cash Purchases of Dolls, Toys, Wheel Goods, Pictures and Sporting Goods made in these departments on the 4th Floor. Complete stocks of holi day goods Toys, Dolls, Games, Mechanical Trains Bicycles, Tri cycles, Baby Carriages, Skates, Skating Shoes. Framed and Unframed Pictures, etc. This Special DOUBLE STAMP ; OFFER will be in force ' During the Entire Month of November Holiday Purchases made now will be stored free of charge and de livered at any time desired. . Monday Specials in Groceries! Order your Thanksgiving "Good Things to Eat" from our Model Grocery, on the Fourth Floor. PICNIC SHOULDER 7 fn HAMS, medium sizes, lb. vW OREGON WALNUTS p SZg new crop price, the lb. EXTRA FANCY AP- flj J ff PLES 24 to the boxVJ-l'V Packed ready for shipping or mail ing. Each apple selected from fin-, est Hood River stock. ' RAISINS, Currants, Sweet Gitfer, Peels, etc. Make mincemeat fearly. Men's 50c Hose 29c On Sale Monday Only Main Floor Men's Hose at about Half Price a bargain of the first magnitude. Splendid heavy grade black cash mere with double heel and toe and elastic ribbed top. Sizes 9 to 11. This is the identical quality you have bought elsewhere at 50c. On sale Monday p Q only, at the very special low price, the pair"''' Men's $1.5Q Union Suits 98c Main Floor Men's heavy and medium-weight ribbed cotton Union Suits in ecru color. Perfect-fitting garments. Shown in all sizes. $1.25, and QQf $1.50 grades on sale at the very low price of J C 3UI II MM t IV Women's $29.50 Suits $18.65 Women's $30 Dresses $16.85 Garment Salons, 2d Floor Nearly a hundred high-class suits are involved in this special lot we place on sale, beginning tomorrow. The sea son's smartest models are shown,' including many in belted effects with chin collar, deep cuffs, patch pockets, etc. Also the fashionable Russian effects and plain tailored styles. Skirts are plain, full flare or plaited. Such wanted materials as serges, broad cloths, whipcords, poplins and tweeds are used in their making. All sizes in the lot. Suits worth up to $29.50 in the season's smartest models are placed pn 3ale tomorrow $18.65 Garment Salons, 2d Floor Here, too, is a remarkable bargain in dresses for women who are planning the holiday season's wardrobe. Beautiful models of wool serge in combination with the new colored silks, plaids, Roman stripes, etc. There are also several very attractive models in this assortment made up of crepe de chine. Some are styled along the Princess lines, others have smart little jackets. Trimmings are of braids, embroidery, buttons, etc. Skirts are the new full models plain flare or plaited. Dresses in the lot worth up to $30.00 now at $16.85 Women's Suits $17 to $125 Second Floor Stylish new Suits in great variety of the wanted materials. New Russian styles. Redingote and plain tailored ef fects in broadcloth, gabardines, whipcords, poplins and novelty mixtures. Black and all the new est colors. $17.00 to $125.00 Street Dresses $12.50 to $37.50 Second Floor Combinations of silk and serge, velvet and silk, corduroys, taffetas, messalines and crepe de chine. Russian blouse and jumper, effects, with trimmings of fur, colored em broidery, braids, beaded girdles, etc. Charming modes, with new flaPe or plaited skirts. Prices range from $12.50 to $37.50 New Party Dresses $13.50 to $55.00 Second Floor Exquisite models for evening wear. Charmeuse, crepe de chine, combinations of silk and tulle, chiffon and mir rored velvet. Russian models with touches of fur. . Shown in all the leading colors and black. Ask to see these new models. Priced at $13.50 up to $55.00 Suits for Large Women ! Sizes 44 to SOVn Modish New Fall and Winter Models in All Fabrics w OMEN who -wear extra sizes will find this the most com plete showing of large-size garments in the city. The styles are distinctive they are designed especially for large women and are shown in tailored or fancy models of broadcloth, serges, broadcloths, gabar dines, poplins, etc. Sizes range from 44, 44, 46, 46, 48, 50 and 50. Large Women's Wais ts Garment Salons, Second Floor Beauti ful new models of lace. Soiree silk, crepe de chine and voile. Full-length sleeves. Some have convertible collars, which can be worn high or low. Shown in black, white .and flesh color. The sizes range from 44 up to 52. At $3.50 to $9 Large Size Petticoats Garment - Salons. Second Floor Special showing of Petticoats for large women. Handsome new models of taffeta, messa line and silk Jersey, with messaline flouncing. These are to be had in all the new colors and black, also in change ables. Prices range from $3.49 up to $6. EXTRA SIZE Cotton Petticoats, in all colors, priced special at 980 up to $2 s