THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31Y 1915. 15 APPLE PRICES FIRM Market Has Distinctly Upward Tendency. ' NET RETURNS ARE LARGER London Cables Reiort Sales of Yakima Jonathans at Good Fig ures New England and Southern Demand Active. ' The apple market Is steadily gainim in strength, and while no further advance waa announced in the latter part of the week, the coune of price is distinctly strong. The trade la await to the fact that It will haTe to ret busy In order to secure Winter sup plies. Early In the season buyers held back, influenced by the belief that the American crop would be larger than 1t has actually proved to be. The total yield, ac cording to the latest reports, will be about the same as that of 1913, though some au thorities Insist it will be materially short of that year. That prices are on a satisfactory basis is shown by the returns made on North Pacific Fruit Distributors sales of Yakima Valley apples for the season to date, which are $1.55 to $1.70 for Arkansas Blacks. Spitaenbergs and Delicious; $1.10 to $1.25 for Rome lieauty and $1.30 to $1.40 for Wlnesapa and Kewtowm. The trade ts already taking storage Jona thans in the Distributors' hands at the re cent advance. These apples were put away to make use of the storage plant. The pol icy adopted this season of effecting the widest distribution possible has enabled the Distributors to clean up practically all the remainder. The great effort this year has been to side-step the large markets and get Into the smaller ones. The Texas trade is still fairly good, with increasing strength, and. more markets are calling for Northwestern fruit. The Boston lemand has been unusually good, and ad ditional markets are being developed in New England territory. The Middle West Is gradually coming into line and a number of Iowa markets, which were not in the field two or three weeks ago, are now try ing to buy stock. The local apple market continues quiet, and California is slow on Northwestern fruit, owing to the large supply of Watsonville apples on hand. According to cables Just received from London, Yakima Jonathans sold there at 92.75 to $3 a box, with the freight at about $1. Even with the high transportation charges, war risk. Insurance and other ex Tenses, the net returns have proved to be healthy In every respect. Both grades of fancy and extra fancy Jonathans net $1.5 at shipping points, which is higher than the domestic trade paid at any time this sea son. Prospects are that box apple exports will be less than for a number of seasons on ac count of the short crop and the satisfac tory home demand. About the only variety to be shipped In volume, if space is avail able, will be Newtowns. These have not developed strength in Kuropo yet. .REACTION IN LOCAL. WHEAT MARKET I'rices Fall Back After Friday's Advance. October Figures Favorable. There was no sign in the local wheat market yesterday of the bullishness that was displayed on Friday, and pricaa were readjusted at a Generally lower level. Spot blues teln bids were reduced 3 cents and forty-fold 4 i-entB, as compared with the preceding. There were , no sales on the board and the country markets were also r ported inactive. October statistics, however, show the month to have been much more active on the Exchange than the corresponding month last year. Total sales in October, 1915, were 140,000 bushels of wheat and SH) tons of oats of an aggregate value of $153,200. In October, 1014, the sales were 45,000 bushels of wheat, 700 tons of oats and 250 tons of mill feed, of a total value of 71,250. Wheat Is coming out of the country at a better rate than in the early months of the season, although the total arrivals for the cereal year to date have been 1S2S cars less than In the same period last year. October arrivals were 375 cars more than in the same month of 1014. Monthly re ceipts In carloads compare as follows:: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay October, 1915. -2MM "56 212 140 $3 October, 1014. 235 -oli aS7 210 The Merchants' Exchange reports terminal receipts In cars as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland, Sat.. s ll 11 16 , 13 Tear ago 4S 10 10 7 tt Total thlsw'k. 4f-i 7S 7ft ftr. 74 Year ago "-' 79 HQ C2 Reason to date. 803 4i'S P-4 Si'tJ Vear ago 73u0 713 97S SSI 75ts Tacoma. Frl... 35 1 12 Year ago 33 1 31 Reason to date. SS". isa .... ISO 1019 Yearago 330? 210 .... 2o 1501 Seattle, Frl.. . . 4-i 15 S 2 5 Year ago 42 1 21 2 10 Reason to date. 414 715 fiOO 45 17SS Year ago SRtt.t 330 $00 6tJ 1774 CALIFORNIA GRAPES HIGHER IN PRICE Oregon Stock In Good Demand at Stesvdy Rotes More Grapefruit In. There was a very satisfactory cleanup in all fruit lines yesterday. California grapes have advanced In price, owing to rains in that state and the near approach of the close of the season. Michigan Concords are moving fairly well at 22H25 cents. South ern Oregon Tokays and Malagas were steady. The second car of Florida grapefruit has arrived and It proved to be heavy and well colored. Another car Is due tomorrow. The Florida market Is firm with a good demand and Indications of a short crop, so prices are not likely to decline, at least for some time. Another car of Los Angeles tomatoes is due tomorrow. California tomatoes are quoted at $1.25 In lugs and $1 In four basket crates. The season for Oregon to matoes ts now practically over. Local celery is arriving In fine condition and the local cauliflower that is coming on the market Is superior to that from the south. HOP DEALS AT ELEVEN CENTS Two Sales Reported In Thin State- Twelve Cents Paid in South. Two 11 -cent hop sales were announced yesterday. Ed. Gravos. of Aurora, sold 73 bales to the Loavey Hop Company, and Joe Jiartwlck. of Banks, sold lio bales, both at this price. H. L. Hart bought the Shoddie lot of 200 bales at Buckley, Wash., at 9 cents. Two hundred and fifty bales of Sonomas were sold at 12 cens to Richardson & Wolf. Of the New York State market, the WatervUle Hop Reporter, says: 'The local market is at a standstill owing to the fact that the best hops have all been picked up and there la no demand for the class of goods left. In the entire t ate the majority of the bops have been iiold. but it it not so in this locality, more remaining In growers' hands than have been disposed of." Mall reports from London are of unsatis factory conditions, but the French markets are firm and rising rapidly with prices far beyond those quoted for the best English grades. Sugar Advance Is 10 Cents. A 10 -cent advance in all grades of re fined sugar was announced in the local mar ket yesterday. As there was a further rise in the Eastern market during the day It is probable local prices will be lifted again on Monday. Fretdi Ranch Eggs Higher. The demand for fresh Oregon eggs la far In excess of the supply. Buying cards for the coming week quote 40 cents offered for No. 1 grade. No change was made In No. 2 or No. 1 grades. Poultry and dressed meats were un changed In price at the close, but the mar ket was very weak. - Butter was steady at !ast prices. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances Portland $l.S41.bS g21.494 Seattle . 1,912,68 00.050 Tacoma 2u9,b40 2,7U3 Spokane 690.703 t4,905 Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week In former years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. 1915 12,i2A&' S11.275.0H2 1.16.3" 1914 9,074. 03- 10.91S,3iJ 1. 616,706 1913 ll,t41.41 1 'J. 7 03. 2,010.115 1912 Il.fc9S.tW8 53.24;i.5.5 3.'.J5,67S 1911 10.U;i7.55 11,390.042 4. 655, 20s 1910 11.02J.057 11,912.71:4 4.&7U.U40 1909 9,OU5,53fc i2,940,WJ7 5.Sy3,05 1903 0.63o.01 8,940. 707 4.204.509 19(17 R.W4.0'.t4 9.b'.ty,22y 4. 143.3 IttOti 6,98;;. S20 10.fe01.971 4.245.U1U ly05 5.S11.9UO 7.1U3.9U7 4,0o.4a3 Portland bank clearings in October of this and former years were: October, iai5 $59,997,497 October. 1914 . &:, 15,22s October, 1013 03.727.5.9 October, 1912 5S.US7.OlS October, 111 55,133,193 October, 1910 44,344,.r0fl October, 19U9 '. 4i,9o8,54& PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Et. Merchants Exchange, noon session. October delivery. Wheat 11M. Ask. Bluestem . $ .92 Fortyfold 9 Oats No. 1 white feed 24.00 25.00 Futures November bluestem 93 .94 December bluestem 93 Va 94 November fortyfold 92 s .94 December fortyfold .!- Vz -94 November club $9 .92 December club Si .93 November fife 87 .SU December fife 87 .90 November Russian ....... .87 .90 December Russian t7 .90 November oats 24. OO 25. 0O December oats 24.50 25.00 November feed barley 20.C0 27.51 December feed barley 2t;.00 27.50 November brewing barley.. 27.50 29.UO December brewing barley.. 27.50 29.00 November bran 21.00 23.00 December bran 21.00 23.00 November shorts ........ 22.00 24.00 December shorts 22.00 24.00 FLOUR Patents, $4.80 per barrel; straights. $4.30 Q. 4.60 ; exports, $4.10 ; whole wheat, $5.00; graham, $4.80. MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran. $24 per ton; shorts. $25; rolled barley, $2930. CORN Whole, $37.50 per ton; cracked, $38. 50 per ton. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, $15(1; Valley timothy, $12(13; alfalfa, $13,500 14.50; cheat, $910; oats aqd vetch, $11 412. Fruits and Vegetables. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Valencias, $5. 50 5.75 per box; lemons, $2.25 4.50 per box; bananas. 6c per pound; pineapples, 4 $'6CNper pound; grapefruit, $0,25 7. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 7590c per dozen; tomatoes. u0c$1.25 per box; cabbage. lo per pound; garlic, 15c per pound; peppers, 455c per pound; eggplant, 4(g5c per pound; sprouts, 8 ! 10c per pound ; horseradish, 10c per pound ; cauliflower, 90c $1.25; celery, 601? 70c per dozen; beans, 8 10c. GREEN FRUITS Apples. 75cf?$l.T3 per box; pears, $1.00 1.63 per box; grapes, S5? ft $1.35 per crate; casabas. lMsc per pound; cranberries. $9.50(310 per barrel. POTATOES Oregon, 85 90c; Yakima, $1 per a:k; sweets, $1.90ra2.00 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon, buying price, $1.25 f. o. b. shipping point. Dairy and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotations: EGGS Oregon ranch buying prices: No, 1, 40c; No. 2, o0c; No 3, 2uc pr dozen. Jobbing prices: No. I, 42c. POULTRY Hens, large, 13 1 4c; small. 12&,12VjC; Springs, 1213c; turkeys. 17 6 18c; ducks, white, 13 & 15c; colored, 10(0 11c: geese, 8l0c. BUTTER City creamery, cubes, extras, selling at 31c; firsts, 29c; prints and car tons, extra. Prices paid to producers: Coun try creamery, 22tfj2Sc, according to quality; butterfat. premium quality. 33c; No. 1 aver age quality, 31c; No. 2, 29c. CHEESE: Oregon triplets. Jobbers' buying price, 15c per pound f. o. b. dock Portland; Young Americas, 10c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 8$8lAa per pound. PORK Block, 8(&Syo per pound. , Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia Rlv-er, 1-pound tails, $-'.30 per dozen; one-half flats, $1.60; 1-pound flats, $3.50; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 85c. HONEY Choice, $3.25 per case. NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, 1 He; Brazil nuts, lCc; filberts, 1618c; almonds, 1 22c; peanuts, 6c; cocoanuts. $1 per dozen; pecans, 10&'20c; chestnuts, 10c. BEANS Small white, 5.65c; large white, 5c; lima. 5c; bayou, 5. 60c; pink. 4.85c. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 14-giSSc. SUGAR Fruit and berry, $6.20; beet, $6.10: extra C. $5.70; powdered, in barrels, $6.45; cubes, barrels, $6 60. SALT Granulated. $1.50 per ton; half grounds, 100. $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11.50 per ton; dairy, $14 per ton. , RICE Southern head, 5He4o per pound; broken, 4c; Japan style, 4&5c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, So per pound; apricots, 1315c; peaches, 8c; prunes, Ital ians, 8. 9c; raisins, loose Muscatels, Sc; un bL?anched Sultanas, 7 ; seeded, 9c; dates, Persian, 10c per pound; fard. $1.65 per box; currants, 8!4$$12e; figs, 50 (-ounce, $2; 10 4-ounce, $2.25; 38 10-ounee, $2.40 ; 12 10 ounce, 85c; bulk, white, 78c; black, 6c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1915 crop, 9 12c per pound. HIDES Salted hides. 16c; salted kip, ISc; salted calf, 16c; green hides. 13c; green kip. 13c; gnsen calf, 18c; dry hides, 25c; dry calf, 27c WOOL Eastern Oregon, 1 S 25c; Valley, 27ift 2Sc; Fall lambs' wool, 25c. MOHAIR Oregon, S7ff30c per pound. CASCARA BARK Old and new, 8 4c per pound. PELTS Dry long-wooled pelts, l&Hc; dr short-wooled pelts, llsc; dry shearllnjcs, 10 15c each ; salted shearlings, 15 pitta each; dry goat, long hair, 13c each; dry goat shearlings, 10 20a each; salted long wooled pelts, September, 75c $1.25 each. Provisions. HAMS All sixes, choice, 20c; standard, 13 He; skinned. IS IS Vfec: picnics, 10ic; cot tape roll, 16c; boiled, 17 28e BACON Fancy, 29(0; 31c; standard, 24 25c; choice. 18 23c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 11H&14C; exports. 11 13c; plates, 10Jflla. LARD - Tierce basis, ksttle rendered, 13c; standard. 1 1 'j c; compound, 10 4c. BARREL GOODS Mess beef, $21.50; plate beef. $; plate pork, $20; tripe, $10. 30ft 11.30; tongues. $30. Oils. KEROSENE Water white drums, barrels or tank wagons. 10c; cases, 17H50Hc. GASOLINE Bulk, 14 H; cases, 21 c; en gine distillate, drums, 9c; cases, 16c; nap tha, drums. 13Ho; cases, 20 Ha UNSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 72c; raw, case. 77c; boiled, barrels, 74c; boiled, cases, 79 c. . TURPENTINE In tanks, 7c; in cases, 74c; 10-case lots, lc less. SAX FRANCISCO PttODCCE MARKET Prices Carre nt on Butter, Eggs, Fruits. Veg etables, Etc-, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 80. Butter Fresh extras, 27c; prime firsts, 25c; fresh firsts. 24c. Fggs Fresh firsts, 40c; pullets, 39c. Cheese New, 15H 164c; California Cheddars. lHc; Young Americas, isc. Vegetables Summer squash, 40 a 50c; string beans. 21t3c; wax. 334c; II mas. 3 'n.lUc; esic plant, 40 5 75c; bell peppers. 3U40c; tomatoes, 4075c; cucumbers. 23g 40c ; cream squash, 50 g 65c. Onions California. 85c $L Fruit Lemons, $33.25; oranges. $20 3.50; grapefruit. $2.50 5 4. 5u; pineapples, Ha waiian. $1 23 si 2 bananas. Hawaiian. 50c & 1.75; apples, bellefleurs, 90c. Deciduous fruit: Crapes, tokay. 75$S5c; pears. Winter Nolls. 75c5$1.50. Potatoes Delta. SOe iff $1 ; Salinas. $140 O 1.55 : sweets, on the street, $1.S5. Receipts Flour 10.810 quarters, barley 19. 815 centals, beans 11, 2 SO sacks, hay 2b0 tons, potatoes 2600 sacks. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Raw sugar firm; molasses. $3.6;3.75: centrifugal. $4.45 4.52. Refined firm, 10 points higher. Cut loaf. 6.25c: crushed 6.15c: mould A, 6.80c; cubes. 5.60c; XXXX powdered. 3.50c; pow dered. 5.45c: tine granulated, 5.35c: dia mond A. 5.35c; confectioners' A, 5.25c: No. 1, 0.10c. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., Oct. 30. Turpentine firm. 50 Uc; sales. 81: receipts, 273; ship ments. 143; stock. 11,077. Rosin firm. Pies. 036; receipts, 900; shipments. 590; stovk. 59.403. Quote: A. B C, D, E. F, 4.37H: G. $4.53; H. I.. $4.40 4.45; K. $4.70?5; M. $3.55; N. $6; W, G. $6.25; WW, $5.J(X Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Oct. SO. Batter unchanged. Ebss higher. Receipts 2675 cases; firsts. 27 27 Sc; ordinary first. 26 O -Hc; at mark, cases Included, 20 $ 27c Hops at w York. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Hops steady. WHEAT PRICES SAG Record - Breaking Receipts Cause Drop at Chicago. CLOSING IS UNSETTLED Balkan Reports Count In FTor of Bears Export Trading Is Not a Factor Late Rally Due to Evening Up. CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Record-breaklnc re ceipts led to a KTod deal of bear pressure today on wheat. Largely In consequence the market, which closed unsettled, was c to 1Q1C net lower, with December at $1.01 and May ajt $1.03 K. Corn lt H & Mo to He and oats 5 4 to Kc In pro visions the outcome varied rrom 47&c de cline to a rise of 77 c. Assertions that Rcumanla would Join the Anglo-French allies counted to soma extent in favor of the wheat bears and so also did reports of the dispatch of RussiaiL-frces to invade Bulgaria from the east. On the other hand, little waa beard of export de mand, although some, business was put through. A slight rally in the last few minutes appeared to be due to week-end evening-up. Fine weather, that implied larger re ceipts, tended to ease the corn market. Foreign advices, however, acted as some thing of an offset. Oats gave way a trifle with corn and wheat. Export transactions at the sea board prevented any serious decline. Realizing sales by longs weakened the provision market as a whole after an early advance that resulted from higher Quota tions on hoga A notable exception to the general setback was a squeeze against shorts n October ribs. The bulge, which amounted to 77 He. was accompanied by but little active business. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Onen. Hirh Low. Clbse. 91.014 1.01 1.05 1.0314 .S7 .5774 .69 U .59 .38 .38 .39 A .39 Dec May . . 1.04 1.04 H CORJf. . . .57 74 .SS . .& ., OATS. . -2ST4 .39 H . .3 .3i Dec May Dec. May MESS PORK. Dec Jan. 14. 3 16.90 14.70 ' 1S.90 LARD. 14.00 16.411 H.1I 14.46 8 87 9.00 S.80 J.B7 Jan 9.12 9.1S S.Si 8.90 SHORT RIBS. 5 10.10 t.5 10.10 Jan 9.17 9.17 s.Ili S.97 Cash prices were: Wlieat X'o. 3 red. 51.1001.12; No. a red, H. O6I&.1.09; No. 3 hard, 97c1.01. Corn No. 2 yellow. 4 94(S:65c; No. 8 "yel low. 4464?ic: No. 2 white, 644'4c. Rye No. 1. 1.03. " Barley 54iic 63c. Timothy o& 7.75. Clover $IlfeU. Primary receipts Wheat, 3.153,000 vs. 2.275. 000 bushels; corn. 583,000 vs. 453,000 bushels; oals, 1.5.'3.O0O vs. 1.123,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 1,1'92.000 vs. 864.000 butthells; corn, 231.000 vs. 251.000 bushels; oats. 1.US4.00O vs. 769,000 bushels. Clearances Wheat, 1.264.000 bushels; corn. 10GO bushels; oats, none; flour, 17,000 barreh,. Foreign Grain Market. LIVERPOOL,. Oct. 30. Cash wheat un changed to ltd higher. Corn and oats un changed. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. HO. Wheat Decem ber. 964c; May, 9974c; No. 1 hard, tl.014; No. 1 Northern, 9Slfc(1.00. Barley 50 57c. Flax Jl.biai.S6. Eastern Grain Futures. DULUTH. Oct. 30. Wheat Closed: De cember, 964c bid; May, tl bid. WINNIPEG. Oct. 30. Wheat Closed: De cember, 9440 bid; May, 9914c bid; October, 11.01 bid. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 30. Wheat Closed: December, 9654c; May, 9Sc. ST: LOUIS, Oct. 30. Wheat Closed: De cember. S1.0134; May, 1.03. Eastern Cash Markets. OMAHA, Oct. 30. Wheat, 2c lower. Corn, 14o lower. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 30. Cash wheat, le lower. Corn, fcc to lc lower. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 30. Cash wheat, un changed. Corn He lower. Oats, vc lower. Grain at San Franclsro. SN FRANCISCO. Oct. 30. Spot quota tions Walla, 81.6214 1.65; red Russian. $1.5714 1.60; Turkey red, 81.67 V- 1.70; bluestem, 1 701.72!4 ; feed barley, $1,27 0 I. 30; white oats. Jl. 3341. 37: bran. S24.50 25.00; middlings, $30.00(331.00; shorts, $24.50 Call board Barley, December, $1.31; May, $4.37. Pnget Pound Grain Markets. SEATTLE, Oct. 30. Wheat Bluestem, 93c; turkey red, 9314c; fortyfold, 92c: club, 89c; life, 87c; red Russian, 87c. Barley. $26.50 per ton. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 42, Oats 2, baxley 15, hay 5, flour 8. TACOMA, Or. 30. Wheat Bluestem. 93c; fortyfold. 92c: club, 90c; red fife, SS. Car receipts Wheat 35, barley 1. hay 12. WHEAT SUPPLY AMPLE ALMOST SV'KFICIBXT FOR TWO YEARS REQUIREMENTS. Xo Fear of Shortage in Importing Countries If Transportation Ar rangements Can Be Made. Discussing wheat supply prospects through out the world, the London correspondent of the Northwestern Miller writes: As regards supplies for the season It Is obvious that the indicated world's surplus in exporting- countries Is so large that it is almost sufficient to satisfy two years av erage requirements of the fmporting coun tries. The London Grain Reporter esti mates the requirements of this countrv at 23,ir00,000 qrs., those of France, Italy, Hol land and Belgium at 7,000,000 each, Spain and Portugal l.OOo.OOO, other European coun tries 6. 500,000. and non-European countries 8.OOO.000. This makes a total of 6S.50O.C0O qrs., and It is suggested that Germany may require ,000.000. The estimated surpluses are as follows: I'nitod States, 42.000. Ooo qrs.; Canada, 24. 00O.O00; Argentina, 12,000,000; Australia, 8, OOO.OoO: Ind'a. $6,000,000; North Africa etc., 1.500.000; Russian (Including the balance of the lt14 crop). 30,000. 000; the Balkans. 10, 000,000 making a grand total of 133,500,000 qrs. These figures Indicate that, if the transportation arrangements can in any way be compassed, theTe Is no fearof any short age In the importing countries. In the United Kingdom the weather has been generally fine, and in the North the harvest has made excellent progress. In many districts the grain is not threshing quite so well as was expected, as, owing to the slow growth In mid-Summer, the heads did not get properly filled. In France the weather Is overcast, with some rain, but more is needed in order to admit of Autumn cultivation, which is be ing delayed, both plowing and sowing be ing difficult, owing to the srll being dry and hard. The delay to cultivation, how ever, is not considered serious. The dry weather has enabled farmers to devote more time to threshing. The results have not im proved, but northern departments, vrhich produce the bulk of the grain, are much more satisfactory than the southern. In Spain, plowing and mowing operations are in full swing, and although some showers have fallen, more moisture is requisite for Autumn cultivation ana the satisfactory ger mination of the seed now being sown. In Russia the lack of labor has delaved the harvest, and the intensely hot weather Just before the cutting period had an ad verjse effect, Spring and hard wheats suffer ing mo, and although the quality will be fairly up to the average the quantity will be under. In the aggregate. Winter wheat Is good, and threshing operations are being pusaed forward with all dispatch. - In some districts, however, the eather has been warm and showery, while In others more or less copious rain was reported, which in terrupted the carting of the grain. In the Unner Volsa resrion the harvest ing of Winter and Spring wheat has made rapid progress, and Autumn field work is being taken in hand. In the Lower Volga districts the harvest is better than last year, official estimates giving a total yield of 113.440.000 qrs., against 85.700,000 in 1U14. uonstantine, jsortn Africa, aa vices state that if weather conditions are favorable thresh in cs will be finished bf the middle of October. Tunis reports copious rains in the center and south, and cola, stormy weatner in the north. From India, private cables report good rains in most parts of the Punjab and the outlook In nearly the whole of India is now fairly satisfactory, with further rain likely in the northwest. In the United Provinces East. Punjob Bast and North, Central India West and Central Provinces Hast, the rainfall was excessive, but else where fair to normal. ' The position in the Australian Common wealth continues highly satisfactory. Good rains have fallen in New South Wales, and useful rains are reported in Victoria. A splendid rainfall is reported from South Aus. tralia and in Queensland. Soaking rains have greatly relieved agricultural interests. The latest Argentine cables stats that the recent ruins have for the most art im proved the agricultural outlook, but accord ing to mall news the drouth was rather serious. STEEL PRICES RISING QUOTATIONS ADVANCED TO CHECK HEAVY NEW DEMANDS. Current Wire Business Is Largest on Record Purchases of Railway ' Equipment Steadily Increasing. ,Tbs.t prosperity has returned to the Iron and steel industry is not open to question, and Just what this means to the country at large is now beginning to be fully appreciated. It is obviously necessary to get the wheels started before general business can advance to new goals and a study of the reports from all sections cioarly shows that the wheels are on the right track and are moving in the right direction, says Dun's Review. To explain tae transition from a state of depression to one of activity in strictly mer cantile lines it is not necessary to look be yond the iron and steel trade, although ag ricultural success is a contributing factor of no little weight. But in the final analysis it Is plainly the steady increase In the pro ductive force that furnishes the means for expanding consumptive requirements and thousands of men who were earning com paratively little, if anything, a few months ago. are now receiving full pay envelopes every week. Hence, it Is really the boom in iron and steel that is supplying the mo tive nower to the wheels of progress in other direction, while the big crops afford a solid foundation lor tne upiut. The fact that the tide of returning pros perity is the direct outcome of the war does not check the current, but It is gratifying that the foreign demand in Iron and steel, though sttll the dominant Influence, do not so completely overshadow the markets as was formerly the case. In other words, domestic business is broadening materially i and the railroads, af'.er a protracted period? of con servative buying, are now playing a promi nent part. Purchases of equipment by these interests .are steadily enlarging and, with European orders continuing unabated, man ufacturers are virtually swamped with work. For example, the wire trade le reported to 0e more active than at any time in its historv. and elsewhere so many contracts have ipn hooked that deliveries are several weeks behind. This results in premiums being paid for prompt shipments wherever they can be made, and, while there is no evidence or the unaestraDie leature oi r&piu nrin inflation, in some instances quotations are beln raised in an effort to check the rush of business. Much space would be required to discuss all of tho favorsble sides of the situation, the resumption of an active buying move ment in pig iron being one oi idb interesting developments. MARKET FAVORS SELLERS SHEEP RECEIPTS BARELY EXOiGH FOR LOCAL TRADE. Cattle Prices Are Steady, With Light Demand for Feeder Stock. Hoar Run Large. There was a large run of hogs at the Portland stockyards in October, the gain over the same month last year being 6916 head. Cattle receipts were slightly less and sheep receipts materially under those of October, 1914. Arrivals of stock compare as follows: Cattle. Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Cars. October, 1915. 0,005 4i7 So.lDt 10,100 ttO'J October. 1014. H aa.l'So a7.2U3 Increase Otf 0,010 15 Decrease .... 137 17.135 . . Tear to date. 61.031 22S3 l&7.7-'5 172.U03 5223 Last year... 5,741 2322 17,6it 54.008 5027 Increase 21,033 ...... Decrease... 5.S10 3'J 81,107 404 There was no trading at the yards yester day. Receipts were 347 hogs. The ship pers were: C. E. Lucke, Canby, 2 cars same, Molalla, 1 car; Scharlngler &. Rent, Lebanon. 1 car. Reviewing local market conditions the Livestock Reporter says: "The cattle market is continuing steady. Steers with the exception of heavyweight stuff are on a good steady basis. Whil Monday did rot bring any exceptional prices, yet stuff seemed to sell for all It was worth. Heavy cattle was not in de mand as usual, light, heavy weights being wanted in nearly all cases. She stuff isn't coming In great quantities and It looks as if the market for this class of stuff is a shade stronger. Bulls sold as high as 5 cents and stage as high as five-fifty. The feeder movement is not large; several cars were taken out within the past lew days. Feeder buyers are bearing down as much as possible, seemingly unwilling to take high-priced steens to ttve feed lot. A lot of feeders held by a speculator moved early In the week to Eastern Oregon. - "Receipts of hogs at this market have been excellent. Monday opened with about 4700, and about 1000 bead each day since until today, owing to tne break in the East, which was entirely expected by those who keep In close touch with livestock con ditions in general, a gooa many iaano snip pers who chase butterflies lately got in on the low spot at several eastern centers. Those who take their chances are generally speculators. Producers find it profitable to nick out a market ana stick to It. "There seems to be but barely enough finished mutton trade coming to take care of immediate requirements. wuauty ship ments -have been the rule this week. The supply in sight, present and prospective, favors the sellers." Current prices at the local stockyards of the various ciase ox livestock, are as ioi lows: ('At tie Choice steers . $6.60 6. S5 Good steers 6.00 6:6.25 Medium steers Choice cows Good cows Medium ctfws Heifers Bulls Stags Hogs Light Heavy Sheep n Wethers Ewes Lambs Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Oct. 30. Hogs Receipts 1700, higher. Heavy. $7.10 7. 2i; light, $7.20 7.20; pigs. S6.SO&7.1; bulk of sales, $7,150 Cattle Receipts 20O, steady. Native steers, $6.5010; cows and heifers, $5,50 0 7: Western steens. $6 6 8.00; Texas steers, $3.807.20; etockers and feeders, $5.508.25. Sheep-teceipts ju, sieaay. leanings, $)6.50; vetherst $3. 50 6; lambs, S3. 60 8.60. Chicago Livestock Market. . CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Hogs Receipts 7000. slow 5 to 10c above yesterday's average. Bulk. $6.607.3O; light, S.60(g 7.30: mixed. J 501". 70; heavy, $d.35 7.60 ; rough, $6.S5 46.55; pigs. $3.50 & 7. Cattle Receipts BOO, weak. Native beef steers, $5.90010.50: Western steers, $4.60 9 8 60: cows and heifers, S3.808.2; calves. 67.25911. Sheep Receipts 2000. firm. Wethers. 6 6.65; ewes, $3.905. S5; lambi, $6.758.90. Cashmere Apples Sell at CMcago. WE NATCH EE. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Special.) A car of Cashmere apples sold on the Chicago auction Monday and brought fair prices considering the general level of the apple market. Extra fancy Roman Beauties averaged from $1.55 to $2.30, Steymen from $2.10 to $1-40 and Spitzenbergs, $2.70 to $2. 6.ZD 5.73 6.00 5. 60 4.504.75 .754.26 S.&O 96.00 S.O0&4.5O 4.50$S.25 6.757.00 6. 75 O6.00 4.75?.S5 4.003.60 6. SO 7.35 STRONG FRd START Stocks Advance in Face of Profit-Taking Sales. STEEL LEADS IN ACTIVITY Dealings Closed at Best Price Since 101 0 Coppers Firm on Ad vance in Metal Quotation. Foreign Kxchange Weakens. NEW TORK. Oct. 3. There w a con tinuance today of tbe brief demand lor railway and other investment shares which marked yesterday's active sessions. Stocks were strong from the outset, though re ceding fractionally at intervals under heavy profit-taking. Total sales exceeded 700.000 shares, with a broader" distribution of opera tions. War shares were most conspicuous in the initial dealings, but that group gave way to sucn seasoned shares as the Harrlmans and Hll.s, Norfolk Western, New Tork Central, Reading and Chesapeake & Ohio. Union Pacific roie-iH to 134. Southern Pacific 2 54 to 102, and Chesapeake rose S to 2. Some of these prices represent ed htghest quotations for a year or mora. Canadian Pacific was under tho pressure of realizing sales on yesterday's substan tial rise. United States Eteel was again the cyno sure of speculative attention, opening with 7500 shares at S3, an advance of Vi point, and its maximum since 1U10. Later it made a further gain to 884. but at that level enormous selling orders stopped the rise. Steel closed at but soma private sales at a slight advance over that price was reported after the session's close. Metal shares were In further demand. Anaconda Copper advancing a point to the new high price of S3 . Utah, Inspiration and Guggenheim were active at moderate advances. Unofficial quotations showed another advance in the price of ( refined copper here and abroad. Automobile stocks afforded some diver sions. General Motors rising almost 4 points to the new record of 38S. and Willys Overland rose 12 to 262. Maxwells. Stude baker, Baldwin Locomotive and General Electric gained 2 to S points; Bethlehem tAi was Attain reactionary, a single sal. of 100 shares showing a loss of 1314 "at I There was a sudden renewsl of weakness In exchange, demand sterling losing most of its recent recovery on th. withdrawal of Important buying interests. Bonds showed increased strength on the moderate turnover of about 3.00u.OOO value. United states bonds were unchanged on call during th. week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Alaska Gold s.6(0 8214 31 Hi 32 Allls-Chalmers.. 1.100 43 42 42Js Am Beet Sugar. l.H'O oe 604 ' American Can.. 4.60O 3!s 61 S 62 American Loco. S.2ft0 71 0V .OH Am Sm st Kefg. 3.000 9414 83 93 J4 do pfd 10914 Am Bug Refg... 2.400 113M. 112 JS Am Tel Tel... 1.100 12414 12 . 12JH American Tob - - - - - - - AnaconJa Cop.. 3S.2O0 SSTi 82 J. 2Jt Atchison 3.100 108-.-10T li'S Baldwin Loco.. 13.4CO 319 134 S I4 Mi Bait A Ohio 7.400 94V4 Both Steel 5Ii Br Rap Trans.. 1.500 87 97 S.H Calif Petroleum -JS' Canadian Pac... 4.-900 1S4 1R3 -f Cent Leather... 7.6O0 B9 B9H Ches Ohio 22.800 62 J9H 62 Chi Grt West... 2.30O 1 Chi Mil & St P. 2.800 OS 94 3 Chi & N W 0 131 S 131 131 J, C R I P Ry.. 1.600 IS 1S4i 18V4 Chlno Copper... 2.3W 53 52 .JrJ Colo Fu &l Iron. 2.200 r.Sli & S Bi Cruclb'.a 6teel... 3,800 8T 85 D ft R Q Bid... ..... ..... IS Dlst Securities.. .ll"0 4JT4 4H 48J4 Erie 32.000 43i 424 42 Gen Electric K.90O 163 180 1S1J Grt North pfd.. 8.400 12St4 1?4S 1JJH Gr Nor Ore ctfs. 10 .100 32V4 31 31 '4 GiicKcnh-lm Ex. 16.1O0 73 Tl Illinois Central 10;4 Int Cons Corp... 4.80O 234 22 23 Inspiration Cop. 14.800 46 43T4 Jut Harv. N J K C Southern... 6.600 S3H 3S 33 Lehigh Valley.. 5.200 61 '.4 0s 8H Louis & Narh 127 Mex Petroleum. 2.000 01 89 S3 Miami Copper... 9.700 33 3S! 3.i M K T Pfd 1 Missouri Pnciflc. 1.500 5 5 5 National BlBcult 1?3., National Lead.. 600 67 6i 6i Nevada Cop l.0 13 13 N Y Central 0,200 1"3, 102 103 N Y. N H & H. 4.000 N3 82 82T4 Nor ft Western. 8.900 119 117 119 North Pacific... 10.400 113 114 113 Pacific Mail.... 700 31 'A 31 31 Pac Tel ft Tel.. 200 44 43 43 !4 pennsvlvanla .. 11.300 6014 RT4 60 Pull Pal Car SOO 108 108 10S Ray Cons Cop.. R.S00 26 20 211 Reading 21.OI0 84 82 S3 Rep Ir ft Bteel. 3.800 33 54 34 Southern Pac... 2C.2O0 102 loo 101 Southern Ry 7.200 23 23 23 Studebaker Co.. S.eoO 173 169 172 Tennessee Cop.. 2.400 4'i 63 63 Texas Company. 300 171 170 170 Union Pacific... 28.800 139 137 138 do pfd 82 U S Steel 81.300 88 87 874 do pfd 2.800 117 11 H rtah Copper... 12.200 73 72 72 Western Union.. 7"0 SI 81 - 80 West Electric. .. 9.100 7314 72 72 Montana Power. 700 60 39 59 General Motors. 2.100 393 874 390 Total sales for the day. 700,000 shares. BONDS. U S ref. 2s reg.. 97A'Nor Pao 4s 92- do. coupon.... 7!Xor Pac 3s 64 U S 3s. reg 101 iPac Tel ft Tel 5s !8 do. coupon. .. .101 iPenn con. 4s 104 U 8 4s. reg.. ..109 rSou Pao ref. 4s. 87 do. coupon. .. .109 lUn Pac 4s 93 Am Smelt 6s. . .107 U'n Pao cv. 4s.. !3 Atch een. 4S. . . 93TT S Steel 5s... 103 D ft R G ref 3s 5ft Sou Pac cv 5s.. 106 N Y Cen deb 6s,109 Money, Kxchange. Etc. JCEW YORK. Oct. 30. Mercantile paper, 33 per cent. Sterling. 60 day bills. $4.5950: demand. $4.6330: cables. 4.64 Bir silver. 49c. Mexlcsn dollars. 37c. Government bonds steady., Railroad bonds strong. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. SO. Sterling. 60 days. 4.61 : demand. S4.63: cable, 14.65. Mexican dollars, 4ic: araits. signt, i per cent; do telegraph. 4 per cent. LONDON, Oct. 80. Bar silver, 24 l-18d per ounce. Money. aQ4 per cent. INCREASE OF FOUR MILLION DOLLARS More Federal Reserve Notes Taken Out In Fast Week. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. The net m-mount of Federal Reserve notes taken out By rea eral Reserve banks increased nearly $4,000. 000 worthduring the past week, according to a statement of the banks' condition. Octo ber 29. issued today by th. Federal Reserve Board. it snows: . Resources Gold ooin and certificates In vaults 21R.24.000 Gold settlement fund 61,960,000 rsold redemntlon fond with United States Treasurer 1.222.000 Total gold reserve 281.406.000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. . . 37,iks.u(u Total reserve $318,464,000 Bills discounted ana oougnt Maturities within 10 days $ 4. 939. OOO From 11 to 30 days 10.593. 0O.1 From 31 to 60 days 13.99..00 From 61 to 90 days 8.442.000 Over 90 days 2.102.000 Total $ 44.067.000 Investments fnlted Ststes bonds $ 10.3O3.tW) Municipal warrants 23.01 4.000 Federal Reserve notes, net 19,723,000 Duo from Federal Reserve Banks net 8 333. f on All other .resources 3.645,000 Total 1-resources Liabilities Capital paid in Government deposits ...... Reserve deposits, net...... Federal Reserve notes, net.. .$429,931,000 .$ . 13.000.0OO . 843.334.000 . 13 91S.C0.) Total liabilities $429.991. OOO Gold reserve against net liabilities. 77.3 per cent. - Cash reserve against net liabilities. 87.3 per cent Cash reserve' against llsbllltles after sea ting aside 40 per cent go!d reserve against net amount of Federal Reserve notes lb circulation, 89.4 per cent. SCRPLCS RESERVE AGAIN INCREASING Gain of Three and Half Millions Reported by New Tork Banks. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. The statement of the actual condition of clearing-house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $1H6.215,170 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This is an increase of $3,415,120 over last week. The statement follows: i incrfaw. I Loans, etc $8,044,229,006 $24,664,000 Reserve, own Its. .$526,287,000 4.363.000 I Rsr-ve in Federal f reserve bank 164.61.000 3.541,OOOt Reserve In other de- j posltaries 46.554. OO 361. OOO ( Net demand dep. . .S,l-5..6U.0"u 27,iMVUiH Net time deposits. . 144.251. OOO 2.601.000 Circulation 35.601.0K) 113,000 ' wnien vto,oo3,wo in specie. Decrease. Aggregate reserve. $737,462,000: excess reserve. $196,215,170; Increase. $3,413,120. Summary of state banks and trust com panies in Ureater New Tork. not included in clearing-house statement: Increase. Loant, etc $602,803,600 $ 556.300 Specie 52.04 l.BOO 45. 7O0 Legal tender ,2i5.S.tKH 57,&N) Total deposits . 794.44,300 13.138.500 Banks cash reserve In vault. $lO,S9S.30O. Trust companies" casn. reserve in -vault. $50,412,200. Coffee Futures. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Th. market for' coffee futurea opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 3 points in sym pathy with continued steadiness in Brasll. There was some further Wall street and foreign buying, but support wss much less active than recently and the market sagged off from 6.75c to 6.7oc for March and O.S6C to 6.80c for May. under scattered realizing. The close was net unchanged to four points lower. Sales. 8500 bags. November and December. 6.70c: January, February and March. 6.69c: April. 6.74c; May, 6.79c; June. 0.84c; July, 6.88c; August, 6.93o; September, 6.98c Spot steady: Rio 7s, 7e: Santos 4s. 9c No change was reported In tha cost and freight situation. The official cable reported an advance of 123 reis at Rio. Rio exchange on London was unchanged. Santos unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 3a The cotton market closed steady within a point or two of the best, net unchanged to four points lower. Spot cotton quiet. Middling Uplands, 12.2oc. Dulnth .Linseed Market. DULUTH. Oct. '30. Linseed, cash fl.865 L86; December. $1.83; May. $1.88. Dried Fruit at New York. -v itvy xukjs., uct au. evaporated apples firm; prunes, strong; apricots and peaches, .tudv mlMini Alitor. Metal Market. - NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Copper aulet. Elec trolytic 18318.12c Iron unchanged. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. 111.. Oct. SO. Butter higher. 100 tubs at 28c. SENATOR LETS WIFE GO Mr. Hoi I Is, of Xew Hampshire, Will Not Contest Divorce.. COXCORI. N. H.. Oct. 26. Tho an swer of Henry H. Hollis. United States Senator, to the bill filed by bis wife asking; for legal separation and sup port, maiied by the Senator from New foundland, has been received at the of fice of tbe clerk of tbe Superior Court. In it tbe senator recognizes bis obli gation to support hist v.'lfe. announces that he will not contest the suit, but will allow the decree to be entered, and will leave it to the court to determine tbe amount which be will pay to bis wife for ber maintenance. In his answer Senator Hollis says in part: "When we separated, in May, 1912. because of incompatibility, she spent about a year in Europe with her chil dren, and I made her a liberal .allow- ance. For some time up to July,-1915, I paid her $4080 per year for the sup port of herself and my daughter. About the middle of June last further differ ences arose which would. I be lieve, have been amicably adjusted if she had not employed Mr. Streeter. He bears me a personal grudge. "I shall Jreturn to Washington soon to attend the sessions of the Joint Con gressional committee on rural credits. I am now engaged as chairman of the land mortgage committee of said com mission on an exhaustive study of the subject. "I consent to a legal separation and Join in the prayer that a suitable al lowance be made for ber support; also that she have tHe custody of her daugh ter, Anne R. Hollis. After furnishing detailed facts I shall leave the matter of an allowance to the discretion of the court- I do not wish to be beard. It is my experience in such cases that a personal contest In court eerves no useful purpose, and i... dignified and de grading to both pcities." The answer is signed by Mr. Hollis and was executed at Bay of Islands, N. F., on October 15. ' HEAVIER TAX IS ADVISED Professor Would Levy Married Men Heavier Than Bachelors. XEW YORK, Oct. 24. Matrimony should be discouraged by compelling married men to pay a heavier tax than bachelors. Professor Joseph French Johnson, of New York University, de clared before a state legislative tax in. vestigation commitee yesterday. Dis oussion of a proposed Income tax caused Professor Johnson to assert his disapproval of showing favoritism to married men. "I would not exempt married men," he said. "I would not give any pref erence to a man who is married over a bachelor, because I do not believe it is a good thing to encourage matrimony by lowering taxation." Johnson explained that he agreed with the theory of Thomas R. Malthus that population has a tendency to in crease faster than the means to sup port it. "I believe that the awful war over In Europe is being fought out because the human race has deliberately re fused to see the lessons of his doc trines which were taught a hundred years ago," the professor said. SWISS INVENTORY STAPLES Wool, Cotton and Rice to Be Valued and Hotel Men Suffer. LONDON, Oct. 28. A dispatch to the Morning Post from Bern says that German inspired new.-spapers in Switz erland are attacking a private import trust recently formed by Geneva mer chants. A similar import trust has been formed by merchants at Basle. The Swiss government is about to make an inventory of existing stocks of wool,- cotton and rice, after which estimates will be made of foodstuffs. The correspondent quotes the Ncue Zurcher eZitung as authority for tho statement that there is still sufficient rice in the country, but that part of it belongs to Germany. The government Is said to be considering the importa tion of cane sugar because of the dif ficulties of getting beet sugar from Austria. The Swiss hotel industry, with some $217,500,000 invested in it, is said to be in a highly critical situation. It s suggested that the government may be asked to form a bankng insti tution with plenty of capital to extend relief to those in the hotel business. Read The Oregonian's classified ads. TRAPPERS Farm ffave Advamcea faUvmlueiritliBndanicktvtTirnL Wa taw best markat in America for Farm. Hide, etc No commisiioa. Write tod&y for free price list TTrv--M"rn magypiimm at P"motory frrtemm ROOCJtS FUR COMPANY, O. tUU, Me. TD ADC AND GUNS X-r-.A fc-J At Factory Cost We pay hicrhest prices for furs and sell you (runs. Traps. Supplies, etc.. at factory cost. Write for free catalog. Trappers' Guide, and Fur Price List. K. W. Biggs C. 17 Biggs Building, Kansas City, Ma. mi RAILS DEMAND Investment Stocks Again Tak ing First Place. WAR SHARES HAVE SETBACK Steel Mills Taxed to Take Care of Railroad Equipment Order. Fewer Orders for Projec tiles Are Closed. NEW TORK. Oct. 30. Trading In stocks this week was again very extensive and the trend of prices suggested a revival of spec ulative Interest. It was regarded as sig nificant, however, that railway Issues com prised a very considerable part of the busi ness. Peace rumors gave a much needed set back to war stocks during the week, but many of those issues msde material re covery later. In th. main, however, the highly speculative industrials were not fac tors of importance. Two advances in refined copper testified to an Increased Inquiry for that product here and ahroaH ah . . . . metal shares were conspicuous in the week's higher movement. Anaconda selling at a rec ord prlc Heaviness in foreign exchange and the complex political conditions in England and Franca were among tho few adverse develop ments of tbe week. Exchange on Lon don was especially weak and gave force -to the proposed establishment of further credits here. France is also negotiating for addi tional resources In this market. Th. flood of orders tbat deluged rail road equipment manufacturers the past week embarrassed some of the shops already running at capacity. From a profit stand point, of course, the foreign business is desirable, but tbe necessities of regular home customers must be taken care of, ap parently, even at the expenso of war con tracts to a reasonable degree. Fewer orders for projectiles were closed. out several large contracts for rounds, bil lets and blooms for next year's shipment were accepted from domestic manufacturers making war munitions. Rail contracts were heavy. Including 173. 0OO tons for the Pennsylvania system and 1U0.000 tons more for export. Car builders placed contracts for 240.000 tons of bars, plale. shapes and axles and received orders for 21. OOO csrs. Shipyards placed orders for 50.000 tons cf Steel DlULes. Th. km-ln. . - iron rolled up sales of 330.000 tons during the week and 1.000.000 tons in October. Rsllroads reported a t.nrfv in....... tn tonnave movement and It is alresdv evident that the leading lines will be taxed beyond their capacity when crops begin to move. OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers. Stocks. Bonds. Cotton, (irmln. Ktc ZMI-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLOC. MICil BEKS CHICAGO BOARD OtT TRADE. Correspondents of Laran Bry Chlcaso and New York. MEMBERS New Tork Stock Excbance. Chicaso Stork Kschanae. bowton Stock L'tclianse. ( hlraao Board of Trade. New Vork Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Kirhia New Vork Coffee Exchance. New York Produce Eirbsoca Liverpool Cotton Ass'o. COPPER STOCKS "We will furnish you complete detailed reports on sll active copper slocks. In cluding the following active Issues, with, out rharee: KKNXECOTT KAY CON. INSPIRATION- HIVO riH'.'F ; RAN BY t'TAH MIAMI BR.ADEX MAtiMA We Buy, Sell and Quote Thee Se curities and Solicit Your Business. CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO. ESTABLISHED 1903. COSIMISSION STOCK BROKERS, Chicago. 178 W. .larkson Boulevard. NEW YORK MILWAUKEE BOSIO.V FOR SALE FIFTY SHAKES Associated Fruit Growers OP HOOD RIVER. S.50 PER SHARE. BOX AN 115. OKECJONMS. TRAVELERS GUIDE. .Twl'Talaeea- .f tstsr Vaetflc-" B.3rfflrflsflSMlBsgtsh tiREAT NORTHERN" -NORTHERN fACIHC" Tuesday l"i M l"1 isss&j rorbanrrancisco Best of Ujd in daytUhi :o round trip dally till Nov. 30. One way. $8, $15, $-'0. All fares include meals and berths. Ste-amer express steel parlor cars and coaches) leaves North. Bank Station ft::J0 A. M.. ar rives 4:r P. M. Sunday, Wednes day, Friday. oANE TICKt-T OFFICE 1UTH AMi S I ARK Ptaones Broadway 20. A 6671. Tickets also at Third and Vorrison, lOU Third St and S4S Washington St. Str. GEORGIANA Harkins Transportation Co. Leave. Dally (Except Mondays), 7 A. M. Sunday. 7.30 A. M. for ASTORIA and way landings. Returning, leaves Astoria at 2 P. M.. arriving Portland 9 P. M. Landing foot of Washington street. Main 1422, A 4122. Daily Boat to The Dalles Strs. DALLES CITY and STRANGER Leave Portland dally, 7 A. M. ex eept Krtd.jr. Leave The Dalle, daily. 7 A. SL, ex cept satnrssy. ALDER-ST. DOCK, PORTLAND Pbone Mala 14, A 0112. J Parr-McCormack Steamship Line DIRECT . FREIGHT SERVICE. SAN FRANCISCO TO PORTLAND (Pier S3) (Conrh-St. Iock 3 SAILINGS WEEKLY PORTLAND GENERAL OFFICE 181 Oak bt- Phones Main at) 60. A 332 1. A V