The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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iurnUhed Apartment.
quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular,
well known and of the highest
standing. A. house of quality, com-
fort and service. New features:
10th and baimoB Sts.
Film and Columbia fits.
Five re lnates- walk to Meier as Frank
tore; good surroundings, strictly modern.
2 and 3-room furnisned apartments, ail
outsioe. with French doors and balconies.
RAIE6 KK S( i t A H L h;
186 Vista tve., near 23d and Wash
ington. Attractive. airy, ail sunny outside
rooms, unsurpassed view, f urmsned com
plete. Every tning modern, Special rates
to those having linen or silver. .Reason
able. Walkinn distance.
12th and Taylor.
Host modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
'Walking distance References.
XiEFORE choosing your apartment look at
the Ford ham, 170 Vista gve., near 23rd
and Washington street. Prices reason
able, livery apartment finished in hard-
, wood, each has beautiful large porch,
tiled bathroom and we maintain the best
service in the city. Phone Marshall 1&49
tor appointments.
$20 49 E. 10th at. north.
$ S S7 7 Junior st., Woodlawn.
$23 6&1 Multnomah st., Irvington.
920 116 &outh Jersey, Su Johns.
$25 1109 E. Couch st., LaurelhursU
$35 IGu-t E. Irving St.. LaurelhursU
$50 34 E. 24th St. N., Irvington.
Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock, Jiix.
THE Palace Apts., East 37th and Market;
4 rooms furumi.ed, private phone, bath.
Unfurnished Apartments.
17th ana Tillamook Sts.
One corner b-room aparun-enu hardwood
floors, tile bath, private front porch,
sleeping porch, steam heat, best janitor
service in the city, gas range, electric fire
place; among tne finest homes in Irving
ton, one block te car lines; rent $0; no
it road way 3u;ao, A. 12SL
FUHDHAJi AfAiilMisTfe.
ITU Ford su, at Washington.
The most elegant ana best unished S, -
and 5-room apartmema in the city. Fin
ished in oak and mahogany, hardwood
floors, elegant plumbing, tiled baths anu
very modern convenience.
8-room and pain, $30.00 up.
4- rooin and bath, $27.60 up.
5- room and bath, $42.50 up.
1S6 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing
ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance
light and fresh air. Everything mouern.
Private balconies, fine location, unsur
passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis
, tance.
on Lucretia at., tOU feet north of 23d and
"W aching ton; mout beautifully located
high-clt-fis apartments. 2 and 0 rooms; ail
large outsiue rooms; 2 apartments newly
furnished, prices reasonable; reierences re
quired ; see them before locating. ilan
ager. Marshall 1513.
4 and 5-room unfurnished.
Main 208 ti. 13 th and Jefferson.
Beautiful 6 and 6-room apartments; all
outside rooms; ideal location; see the
before locating fur the Winter; prices rea
2lst and Hoyt
8 and 4-room Unfurnished Apts.
$22.50 to $37.50.
Exclusive residence district, near schools
and shopping district; splendid car service.
ISth and. Couch.
3 and 4-room apartments, large, sunny
rooms, all outside; private bath y.nd tele
phone in each; central. $27. "H to $35.
SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway St.
1 4-room apt., 1st floor, $30; X 8 -room
apt.. 2d floor front 2 wall beds, 2 clothe
closota. Main 2506.
SiR LCE APTS., 25th and Northrup, amldit
Portland's select residences, --six outside
rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; modern
service; references. Main 4003.
KOSENKELD APTS., 14th and East Stark
Brick bldg., strictly modern; S and 4-room
apts., ail outside rooms, private phones,
janitor service, reasonable rent; refs.
IRVINGTON 5 rooms and sleeping porch;
convenient and comfortable ; janitor serv
ice; one vacancy only, $45. 40a E. 16th fit.
N.. near Hancock.
FIVE rooms at Kline Apartments; janitor
uervice. 12 -minute walk to Postofflce. Mar.
27u6. Went Side.
6-ROOM unfurnished apartment; all outside
rooms; large porch and back porch; Mary
land Apts. Phone Main 8251.
GARDNER, 13th, East Ash. 5 large rooms,
first floor, fireplace, hot-water heat, first
class; references ; aiso garage.
603j Union ave. N., near Broadway, new,
strictly modern 3 -room apts.. reasonable.
i rooms, large porch, everything modern.
47S Schuyler. East 547, C 16tt8.
STEVENS APT. 6 large outside rooms,
front, back and sleeping porcnes, heat, nat
water and phone. 7il Northrup. near 24th.
ONE fine ti-room, breakfast-room, inclosed
sleeping porch; one 4-room, hot-water
heat, reasonable. Woodlawn luSO.
KOBE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef
ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments.
first-ciassservice, private phone; re.
PGR PENT 2-room strictly modern apart
ments, only $17 a month. Chapman apts.,
;i..f Chaimiaa st.
KEELKH APTS., 14Lh and Clay sts. Now is
the time to secure high-grade permanent
a pa r tm e n ts. references. Mar. 5758.
XE A RNE Y APT. 5 rooms, light and airy,
cheap. Apply Manager, 672 Kearney.
ItOOoEVELT. 67 0 Kearney st. Five rooms.
e-5 and gau; attract! v-uy arranged.
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson, a, 4,
rooms, reasonable. Mar. 8360.
780 IRVING, 6 sunny outside rooms, two
sleeping porches. Kefs. Marshall 175S.
1HE MARLBOROUGHT aTst and Flanderv
Large, light 5. 6 rnis.. real. M.7516. A-bio.
LOVELY 4-room, fireplace, hardwood floors.
Phone E. S9.
$36.50 ti room unfurnished apartment, good
district. Main 62S0.
1'urnUhed or "Unfurnished Apartment.
170 King t.. Near Washington.
Under New Management.
Absolutely fireproof building; private
balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart
ments, furnished or unfurnished; from
$17.50 per month up.
Largest. most homelike, high-class
apartments in city ; furnished and uniur
nlsued; sleeping porch; walking distance.
CT. CLAIR Apartments. 170 St. Clair St..
near 22d and aeitington. One 3-room uu
furnished. 1 furnished : clean, eood serv
lee. very homelike; call and see them and
you will be pleased; main line phone in
eacn apaitmenu .siartinau iouo.
tV ELLINGTON APTS., 15th and Everett;
very cent ral. Targe, light rooms, corner
building. 3 r. furnished. $22.50; 2 r. fur
nished. $20; 4 r. uuiurnished. 17.60. Main
32th and Harrison.
Finest apartment-h use on Pacific Coast,
beauilf ul location, strictly modern, walk
ins distance; reierences. M 1UH1, H 10o.
CECELIA APTS.. Sid and GlisaivoVcer
building. !' outside apts., private bal
conies, direct phone service, one 3-room.
120.50 furnished; one 3-room. t22.u0. un
ON E. 2 and a-room modern furnished and
unfurnished apartments, private- bath,
heat. etc.. $11 up. 420 E. .Morrison. East
4 ST.
and Clay I rooms, furnished.. 20; a
rooms, unfurnished, f 27.50; close in, apian
did, weil-kpt building.
t'L'RNISHED suites of 1, 3 and 4 rooms at
24 t K.UlinRsworth ave.; low rent, close
to cars, fhone Woodlawn 1407.
THE WIN D SO R S bea u t ti ul t ron t corner
rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E. 29QT.
KING-DAVIS APTS, 64 Kin st. ft and
rooms; hlph-ciass reference. Main -05S.
MEREDITH S and 4-room apts., very
sonable. 711 Wash., opp. 2d. Main 7LS4.
4 AND 5-ROOM apt-, with sleeping porches.
1S5 E. 15th. near Yamhill it
KEN ARMS. 13th and E Morrison t and
1 rooms; reasonable, modern service.
421 WEST PAR tv S and 4-rooiud, steam-
sut ni cXkildxaa; reXecences
1 urnibheU ore nf urniiOiecl Apartments.
S13-&21 Morgan Eldg.
Furnished and uoiurDlabtu apartments
in ail parts of the city, great variety of
locations, sizeb and prices. Our free auto
iaoo:9 at your servioe in visiting any of
our apartment.
Main aula. A SO IS.
THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving
Furnished and unfurnished apartments in
2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
built-in bullets and writing desks, plenty
cf closet room, vacuum cieaner free; aiso
4-room basement apt.. $1. Phone Mar
shall 2961.
6 ROOMS, well lighted, fireplace, hot-water
coil in furnace; close In; janitor and scav
en?ep service free. Rent 2o. Key at news
stand, loin and Washington sts. Phone
Marshall 3340.
Nice 4-room flat; sleeping porch, front
porch, heat and hot water, gas range,
wall bed; only $25. 303 E. 21st, at Haw
thorne. Tabor luyi
5 rooms, bath, haruwood floors, Boyn
ton furnace; Broadway car; walking dis
tance. Gordon, E. Oth and E. Broadway.
E. 306, C 2U35.
IF you want 5-room modern flat, on West
Side, steam heat, fireplace, sleeping porch,
gas range, reasonable rent, call Main 2(148
5-KOOM LOWER FLAT 782 Gllsan st
hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi
tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur
nace; $18 per month. Call Main 2015.
NICE 10-room modern flat, Jackson street,
.near 10th, very handy to the business cen
ter, rent reduced to an immediate tenant.
Main 4172.
PKETT Y corner flat, unsurpassed location,
accessible to business and churches, light,
clean, strictly modern, 15 clays' free rent,
open for inspection. Owner, ttt N. 19tn.
4 LARGE rooms, sleeping porch, heat and
water furnished ; new building, homelike,
fine view, desirable neighborhood, $2&.
Marshall 3 9 7 8. Call 1 to 6.
SUNNYSIDE car, 5-room flat, in two-family
building; hot-water heat, janitor serv
ice; new, entire floor, porch, yard. Phone
Tabor 5188. 120 E. Thirty-fourth.
MODERN 5-room flat, with all built-in con
veniences. West Side, 2d st,. close In;
rent $14. H. B. Davis, 453 4th st. Main
BEAUTIFUL 4-room flat, built-in buffet,
gas range In tr-e kitchen ; instantaneous
S ts heater. al?o furnace, $12.50 per
month. ttu E. 28th.
FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and
downstairs; furnace, newly tinted and
painted; 1087 Hawthorne ave. Phone
Wallace Drug Co.. B 2527 or Tabor 773.
5-ROOM upper, large, well-arranged ; all
conveniences; excellent neighborhood, $18.
201 E. 25th, near Hawthorne. East
HAVE a 5-room flat in Irvington, strictly
modern, for rent, $25 per month. Wood
lawn 3673.
BEAUTIFULLY located 5 -room flat, with
sleeping-porch. Reduced rent. 21st and
Hawthorne. East 2417.
SWELL modern 7-roora flat; furnace and
fireplace; $25. 446 Park su Tabor 763 or
East 1431.
NEW, modern 4-room flat near Walnut Park
between Union and Williams ave. car;
price $14 mo. Phone Woodlawn 1149.
$12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close
to BChool and carline ; desirable location.
Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 20.
UPPER 0-room flat. Nob Hill district. 782
Johnson, rent cheap. Main 7820 and Main
FOR RENT 3 rooms, flat, front room,
sleeping porch, kitchen nicely furnished,
walking distance. 3871 Vancouver ave.
S-ROOM modern flat, large lawn and
pursue; aauits. At zstz ft South Broad-
x uuue Aioiu
4-ROOM flat, strictly up to date. Walk-
" ujoianoc. iuuuiKomery. t rea. w 11-
Huma Q-li fa
FOR RENT 2 5-room flats with sleeping
iiue, tiuae in, .cast biae,
$20 per month. Phone East 217L
FOR RENT 7-room flat. 566 Market street,
$15 per month. Tel. Main 6130. Saturday
and Monday.
MODERN 5-room flat, near Broadway
bridge, reasonable; 85 Benton st East
2571. .
IRVINGTON, o rooms and sleeping porch,
upper corner flat; adults only. 5ti0 Tilla
mook st.
BEAUTIFUL 4 rooms and sleeping, in Irv
ington; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors
j412 E. 17th st. N. Phone E. 2580.
MODERN 0-roorn fiat; gas range, linoleum,
walking distance. 215 E. 10th, cor. Sal
mon. East 640,
$12.50 3-roora; heat, water and gas r"or
bath. 021 Overton st. C 1S74. East 1004.
5-ROOM flat, sightly, clean. &S3 Montgoni-
MODERN 5-room flat. 610 East Madison
st. ; all conveniences.
7 AND 9-room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th
6-ROOM lower flat, modern. 188 Lownsdale
' """ Jnmt. l o.
UUDtRN 6 and 7-room llm.1. clos. In. uT.
quire 189 16th at.
4-ROO" tlat. every convenience. oe.t rent.
near 23d. Washington. Main88g8. A 2678.
739 Overton, choice location, modern sun.
ny upper flat, attic, porchea. Main 75 si.
MODERN 5-room flat. 5th near Jackaon.
West Side. 10 mln. walk. East 2377.
MODERN- 4-rodm upper flat, gas range,
water heater, furnace. Sellwood 515
MODERN 5-room lower flat, fireplace, fur
nace. 711 Kearney. East "J6-1.
SIX rooms, bath, light, gas; reduced to
$s. 89 Graham. East 5012.
3. 6 OR 8-ROOM flat; close in. newly tinted.
Call 2i5 14tft. cor Jefferson.
XEU'LY tinted 6-room flat, with or without
garage. 2au X. ISth.
G AND 7 flats, heat and hot water, janitor
service, il.'t Johnson. Call Main 25a.-).
A CORNER flat modern; close in; reduced
rent; 412 hi Wasco st. East S805.
4-ROOM fiat, 510 E. Clay, reasonable rent.
East 152ij.
'Purnlhhed Flats.
FOR RENT Upper furnishes flat, 3 bed
rooms, living-room, dining-room, kitchen
and bath, steol range and gas plate, gas
and electric fixtures, complete with linen
and di&hes $20; could comfortably house
2 families; located 182H Gibbs. Main 1511.
Also have partly furniahed flat for $12.
OWNER'S beautiful modern flat for the
Winter. All large, light rooms. $35. Nice
ly furnished, piano, fornace. fireplace.
References. ';33 Broadway. Marshall 1972.
TO responsible people. Clean, neatlv-fnr-
nlshed :t-room flat, private bath, fireplace.
Homelike, reasonable. ti71 Belmont. East
:;4o. ;
FOUR nicely furnished rooms, living, dining,
kitchen and sleeping-room of flat lfeH
Sixteenth at., between Morrison and Yam
hill. Call between 12 and 2 P. M.
lu AND $lo Two or 3 large, clean, newly
papered, completely furnished H. K.
roonw; Axminster carpet, linoleum; child
taken. 7ti E. Yamhill, near 2Sd,
29 BROADWAY, near Madison; beautifully
furnished, large front room, with break
fast; NICELY furnished 3-room upper flat, light,
water, phone; desirable location. 590 E.
2d st. N. C 3012.
6-ROOM furnished flat, piano, corner, cheap,
o blocks from Broadway bridge. 400 Ross,
corner Dixon. C 3t39.
NKW, modern 4-room furnished flat, rea
sonable. Borthwick su Woodlawn
2-3-ROOM FLATS, furnished or unfer
nlshed; sleopinj? porch, light. bone, fuel,
from $10 up. 3&0 Chapman sc., cor. Mill.
FIVE-ROOM furnished flat; hardwood floors,
tiled bath, sleeping- porch, fireplace. Ta
bor 04o.
4-ROOM flat, well furnished, modern, walk
ing: distance, furnace heat, flit for 2; no
rhildiv?n. Main 5651.
415 4-room furniBhed flat, modern, sleep-ins-porch.
1 block from car, block from
school. Tabor 3324.
Uf you want something- nice in a 4-room fur
nished flat citll 7 til Commercial st. Phone
Woodlawn lGlo.
CLEAN 4-room furnished flat, fiunnyslde.
Tabor 1017.
MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat. 8 East
12th N. Marshall T37.A.713L
MODERN 4-room furnished flat. 10 minutes
walk to Union Depot. IStf Ha'.sey st.
MODERN heated. 5 rooms. SS0 Belmont.
Tabor 2515.
4-ROOM flat, furnished, one unfurnished.
East 17iy. 664 Williams ave.
MODERN 4 rooms, sunny and bright. 9 East
Sixtieth North. Mt. Tabor.
FURNISHED modern 4-room flats, porch,
walking d lstanco. 569 Market.
BE DUTIFULLY- furnished 5-room flat, $16;
adults. 914 H East Morrison. Tabor 18.
$20 l-ROOM. completely furnished, phone,
liphts, water; walking distance. East 3310.
3-ROOM modern furnished flat, Sunnyslde;
$14. including water. Phone Tabor 1811.
Honsekeeplnc Rooms,
461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping apta Reasonable
OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder1 Furnished
iLouaekoepiiig rooms cheap; fX00 week. up.
4Hoosekeepinc Rooms.
$3 WEEK UP. completely furnished house
keeping suites. absolutely cleanest In
town; not water, baths, and every con
venience, free. Desirable people only.
Save carfare. Tn. Cadillac. 3rd. near Jef
ferson. NICE suite, or 1-1-3 and 4 housekeeping
rooms, partly furnished, at Z44. K-ililngs-worth
ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low rent.
Phone Woodlawn 107.
THE fcSAVER. 12ih and Marshall. fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot watei, bath, laundry free;
8 mo-uh up, clean place. Phone A 4otu.
THI1EB furnished housekeeping rooms,
steam heat, modern. 234 East ISth. cor.
Main. .
REDUCED to 2 week, cosy H. K. room.
ctci jmiag lurmsnea. 12tn St.
SUITE of 2 rooms, 8 per month. S00 Flint
St.. between Page and Russell. U car.
Cambridge bldx.. bd. cor Morrison.
Housekeeping Room. In Private Family.
lean housekeeping rooms, very cheap
for 2 ladies, middle-aged or elderly couple;
.2 entrances, gas range, electric lights, tele
phone, etc.; 143 y, nth st.r southwest cor
ner Alder, upstairs.
NICEI.'S' furnished suite 2 h. k. rooms, pri
vate toilet and bath, splendid view, on
ground floor, everything modern, free
light, water and phone, very reasonable.
291 E. sath su
WHAT you want; first floor, large parlor
suite, modern; furnace heat; S15; also two
room suite at J10.I0. 07 N. uth su Mar
shall 713.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
downstairs front. 10 per month. Includ
ing lieht and cooking gas. 82 E. 8th at.
CICELY furnished front room with board
lor 2 ladies or gentlemen; strictly mod
ern home; Holladay Addition; home prlvl
legeB; housekeeping privileges. East 4491.
13t.P,RrSXR-Nice.)ocation' modern con
veniences. lower 3-room suites, li; or
sen io9 "t- 5, a nd 11 moo"'y-
NEWLY papered front housekeeping rooms.
i?-m.,i?u,e'L.walk fPom Postofflca; free
410 4 th it pnone. bth- Main 1617.
, j-i-if. kj, juaaisoD,
i .i r, n a vn ti . 1 , n
wJl6 'ree phone, hot and cold
KtlYI" Aat, Jan."r. -ervlce.
ana jenerson sts.
1kIiliSi. nif?.iTree ir.ont "oms for house
J.KWal5n distance, with phone.
shaft 8931! Wd- -53 ChaP"an- Mar:
A7-two ,10' or four-room 15furn
Uhed housekeeping suites, ground flcSr
Jealfth taaCe- Apply " Ea""
3 hea?E!TifhtrUw112le1 huleePlnB rooms,
F??de'ri,"'Ma1itnh AW """"enience. 624
KXoVTreItIv.?vd.dKOMHfV.'? .room
Grant ' cor-
5it11.L,L etwten 12th and 13th Nice
Mr wkm' fRie atl1 aad "oone: 2-50
T,--ful"nl85e'1 H- walking dis-
MalCn-66mi0dBrn- 10 for 2 lirel
fE front H. K. rooms, walking dis
Fl?st St. SrUhd; 1.50 up. 3S7
1nr. Xi 60k Waek.' "nnhed H. K. rooms
fL, ,?.nSat .baUl. laundry. Phone East
6v39. 208 Stanton, u car.
COMFORIABLEH. K. and sleepingroams
m ie7rtb. U'tf UP: wShinWn?m2o
3 OOM,S- 2 bed?-. also "'"Bio room; usual
soS Lownsdale. cor. Morrl-
THKEE large well furnished housekeeninK
TIiR.EB clean connected H. K. rooms, all
win dS,.TLS- 01eap; see these. 1125
Wllllam. Phone Woodlawn 1428.
2 t?hDERN '"rnlshed H. K. rooms and
MarshSl lVne dltan- 227 Chapman.
Lt?-::Hou"ek.S,e-IilllK rooms, three rooms,
I? r foo .r at n at
llKht. -Water, hath Tahn J U'
TIiR.?E 'are furnished housekeeping rooms
with alcove and bath. In private house
rent reasonable; Nob Hill. 124 N- iOth st
TWO modern H. K. rooms, furnished com
plete, heat, phone, light free: only 114.
Brick hml. lino- has pi.' y
2 3.?iceIy furnlhed housekeeping rooms,
Ith st Per monta- Mal 04. 614
23, THREE rooms, two beds, clothes
' SrmfnS AeaJn heat- hot "no cold water!
" voiumpia st
LARGE front room, $2.25 week outiiriA
-j. ..wo. o.'- nn sc.
CIi?r? ,"sh.t I1' K- or "'"Ping rooms 1st
F1iniVIt7HSI,.,SnmTES toK. "ht "ousekeepl
io?ner i-SiJi0 per monUl; 3' Weldler St.
3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 12- abjo"3
ZIS.F'&O tlRVJ0"' BVoad-way
FOR working girl. 2 light, clean furnished
. K. rooms, all conveniences, light heat
phore; no carfare; 110. Main
LARGE front suite fur. h. k. rooms J' 'n
week; another U.75. 267 Knot? at will
lams ave. -t m
if;N"9 SU 1 and 2 large, sunny H. K.
NP"fa'thestry lnodern convenience. 250
1. 2 OR 3 large, light H K. or single
rooms, all complete, walking distsiseS S?
Colloen Phftna a c fi uisiance. Jo7
3-ROOM apartment with kitchenette facin.
park and hill; also 2-room apartment ne
and cheap. 450 Park. ui- ,aI' noat
TWO cheerful. tvell-fnm.hAri ,
jmr .M.,,h.a bath, etc.; .drntV onlV.
2-P.OOI suites. furnished complete for
rcr,pl.8; $7 and s p 5J.e
2 NICS. clean housekeeping rooms- also
h'eeaetP1DS2t"LlVrPab1eVeatIthOU'a- .ti-S
hums. ! .-. ii
COZY furnished room, with kitchenette. In
private home, for lady employed, price is
month. 130 E. Nineteenth. East lSse!
3 .WELL.FURN1SHED housekeeplns rooms,
including wood. $13 month. 314 Main at.
LARGE front corner H." K. roomweniuT
nisned: $10 per month. 294 JenVrRon
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping aTd
r, y icuu ou nan.
lbj CHAPMAN, one furnished front room
for Housekeeping Main 2600.
3 DESIRABLE rooms, completely furnished
for housekeeping. 541 6th st.
A BRIGHT, cheerful H. K room. with
kitchenette. $3 mo. 355 N. "22d.
VERY reasonable, furnlshd housekeeping
roms, single or en suite. 71 E. llth st. N.
TWO nicely furnished h. k., cloee in; free
light, phone and bath. 9 E. 7th at.
1S4 13TH ST. Nice iront room, also house
keeplng room.
FRONT room for two. H. K if desired
electricity, phone, bath. 835 Bth. '
2-ROOM front suite, free phone; $9 month.
350 14th et.
THE ELMS, 191 14th st. 2 and 3 rooms,
clean, bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up.
PLEASANT room with use of kitchen, or
board: two ladles. 770H Johnson.
NICELY furnished housekeeping room, hot
&nd cold water. 712 Hoyt,
TWO newly papered housekeeping rooms,
kitchenette; private bath. Jialn 6179.
THE LYNDHT;RST.'225 W. Park; nicely fur
nished rooms, single or en suite.
PLEASANT H. K. room, fur. heat, $2.50 per
week. 3b6 14th St.
CLEAN, quiet front room; good bed: $1.23
week; close in. 295 10th st.
$2.50 WEEK Choice front housekeeping;
heat, bath, nice place; close. 215 10th.
CHEAP Nice, clean, furnished front room.
uuum;nOD;iiifi us Dicoyius;. -00 AIQer.
ENTIRE lower floor, iJarge, sunny rooms;
walking distance. 504 East Couch.
TWO-ROOM apartment H. KL. $2.50 per
woeis, up. j oaimua, near iiin.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, from $1.25 to per ween, rree pnone. l'4 3d st.
SINGLE or en suite, rent very reasonable.
6S7 Gllsan, near 21st.
3 COSY housekeeping rooms, $10 per month.
5 Pettygrove. Main 3423.
WELL-FURNISHED 0-room cottage. 348
i uiamooK st.
DESIRABLE clean basement H. K. room for
two men. $1.50 per wit. 294 Jefferson.
MODERN room and board In private
3 AND 3 nice, clean front H.-K- rooms;
rich conveniences; 214 13th.
12 NEAT, clean H. K. rooms, private bath
and entrance. 1037 Cleveland ave.
1 AND 2 LARGE modern H. K rooms, first
rioor. 4- .Mam.
A REAL snap. H. K. $5
fceilwdod .i..l.
month. Phone
Houwkeepmg Boom, tn PrfTBt. Famlly7
WHY live Jn apartments when you can get
a homelike plac. with one or two rooms,
use of parlor, with piano, everything new,
ail modem conveniences everything fur
nished, steam heated, 10 to 118 monthly?
Main 0160.
$12 OR 15 do. very nicely furnished
large rooms, H. K kitchenette, choice
location, easy walking distance; baths.
fhone. laundry, furnace heat near Waah-
ngton-st carline. 69 N. 21st at.
A 2 or 3-room furnished "apartment with
bath. Dutch kitchen, finished in whit.; to
married couple or two women; very rea
sonable to right party. Call forenoons, o.i
Gantenbein ave.
PARLOR, kitchen, two ledrooms. complete
ly furnished, 13 month- water, lights,
phone, piano Included. East 7115. 731
Rodney, near Fremont Williams or Union
ave. cars. .
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, large
kitchen with sink, gas range and wood
heater; private entrance, nice yard, walk
ing distance; no other roomers. Call 532
Clay at.: no children.
is MONTH. Large front room and kit
chen and 1 H. K. room $8. Extra clean,
bath and phone, walking distance; ladles
only; very private. 2SS 14th. near Jef
ferson. Houses.
1 1 0 rooms, neat cottage with nlc
yard. 4138 4!th ave. S. B. W-W oar.
1J 7 rooms. 7Sa E. Ash at
25 rooms. 392 E. Taylor St.. corner
Grand ave.; large vard.
30 10 rooms, i4 J. 18th st, near
Hoyt; good for housekeeping apts.
206 rtfoms, modern. 84 B. 19th at. Jr..
near bandy blvd. Rose City car.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Maln 8699;
25 RENT for Slt.50 Fine, modern .ight
room house, corner East 61st and Oregon
streets; repainted Inside and outside,
looks Ilk. new; hardwood floors, lights,
bathroom. Get the key across the street
on the corner.
7-ROOM modern house, furnac Dutch
kitch.n, et.2., Slo per mo; also 6-room
house, $7.60 per mo.; 4-room house, S6
per mo.; 4-room house, small lot 5 per
mo. Bee J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of
vwaimercB Diqg. Alain 0129.
SEVKN-ROOM house, very modern, in per
fect condition, low rent to good tenant;
house open today from 2 p. M. until 4:30
P. M. Cor. Eleventh and Siskiyou sts.
Take Irvington car.
S75 per mont'j to the right party strictly
modern home, finished in hardwood; ref
erences required. Phone A 34Otl.
NEAT little house in Lents near car, 15;
H acre, Jennings Lodge, with neat bunga
low nice place, 5. 207 Panama bldg.
SUNNYSIDE car, 0-room flat In two-family
building; hot-water heat Janitor serv
ice; new, entire floor, porch, yard. Phone
NEAT 4-room cottage; modern plumbing,
nice yard, walking distance; only $11.
Phone, Sunday, Tabor &507: Monday.
Main 125.
FOR RENT West Side, 17th and Yamhill.
10-room cottage, newly painted and pa
pered; 5 m.nutes' walk downtown; S20.
Phnna Uoln tuit , T
12-ROOM HOUSE Electric lights, modern
ntllmhino- plnca In - fan Hn
rooms and pay ail rent; $25. " Fred S.
Williams. 92 1st st.
HAWTHORNE district. 6-room bungalow.
ivivv, iiiduciu, diift iioors, Tirepiace, Duiit
In effects. 327 East 30th; $20. Tabor
4 083.
MODERN furnlahed 6-room bungalow. Rose
-ity rarn, j. diock zrom car. Hardwood
floors, furnace. $25. Marshall 3072 : A
2516; week days.
A large list In all parts of the city.
J. O. CORBIN COMPANY. Lewis Bldff.
New 7-room bungalow, thoroughly
modern, 1178 Haesalo St.; $25. Provident
Trust Company, Selling bldg.
SUNNYSIDE 5-room bungalow, modern;
esvu.ric, open piumoing, launory tubs,
large attic, corner lot; rent $15. 2o9 East
41st, cor. Taylor.
WEST SIDE 7-room house with garage,
corner 10th and Clifton; modern, $35. 202
Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill.
Marshall 205. A 4144.
ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalow at
tatlon fare 5c S 206. Oregonian.
MODERN 6-room house. 56 Lucretia St., Nob
Hill district, good condition, walking dls
tance; very reasonable. Main 6076.
5-ROOM cottage, electricity, gas, bath, way, utiaeiiieui, yara, near car, $14.
780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426.
$22.50 Modern, pretty home, six rooms;
uuuoutti vvu.cureutcB, uuequaiea at mis
price. Key 843 East 7th North.
NEW and modern 7-room bungalow. Haw-
mome aistnci; rent . x :i04, Ore
gonian. 6-ROOM $16 and 7-room $22. on Portland
Heights. Postal to 609 Hoffman for lnfor
mation. 3-ROOM houae, $8 per month. Including wa-
ici, oniii o,u-i lunei, eiectnc iignts, one
block from car Phone Tabor 2342.
nAuor,. fi yjJ., iUj JjiWIS BLDG. MAIN
MODERN six-room house in good condi
ti n. 29th and East Buraalde. Sellwood
WILL rent a small house on pleasant lot
witn oearing rrult trees for $5 a month
Seeowner at 512 Piatt bldg.
MODERN 4-room house with all conveni
ences, $6 a month. See owner at 512 Piatt
COMFORTABLE 5-room house; modern
jj. uuiuiiiH, gooa neignooroooa; $io per mo
Marsh all 1215.
CLOSE In. West Side, very desirable, cor
ner nouse, a large, sunny rooms, cheap.
"t- muauwaj', vuruer n..rnsony
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room bunga
low; strictly modern; pent reasonable.
Phone Sellwood 2586.
tance: no carfare. .tOKU inth noa
UNFURNISHED 5-room house, close in; has
nice yard, walking distance. 5t Clay st.
STRICTLY modern 6-room house, newly
renovated, good location, rent $20 734
E. Burnslde, near E 22d. East 3474.
549 SIXTH S rooms. JE25. rnttBr.. iiu
East Alder, $10; 01 North 15th, $18. Keys
011 Selling (Drake's).
WEST-SIDE, modern S-room house; sleep
ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors
built-in conveniences. 266 North 26th.
1153 E. GRANT sL. at 39th 5-room m Adorn
nungaiow, a monin. Tabor 1420, even
8-ROOM modern house for rent. 591 Mar
shall. New Couch school. Main or A
BARGAIN, modern 6-room houiA in Trvin.
ton, large lot, furnace, range, near school.
ECU Ul-CU. 4-U AO, .US L Ot,
6-ROOM modern house, nice lawn, rose
vuojico, i.ji uoi . oo- xiawxnorne, cor.
ONLY $9 5 rooms. West Side; walking
FIVE-ROOM bungaow. Rlst nd E. Morrl-
.;io per4rnone kj vvi.
7-ROOM HOUSE, 742 Irving sL. near new
Couch School; rent reasonable. Main 5724.
$40 6 rooms, 715 Wayne W. S
Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.
$7.50 y ACRE, new modern 6-room house.
amnn-wagoner to., to toe K zLX.
5-ROOM COTTAGE $5; back of 582 Union
ave., on lira nam ave. ; can Sunday.
6-ROOM modern house in Holladay Addl-
nor.. inquire at aj tL.. , tn st. iorth.
VERY des.rable modern house, on 13 th,
ner jjtutveu inquire wt MarKet St.
$7 MONTH, 6-room cottage. West Side, walk
ing distance. Inquire 328 Morrison.
WILL rent fine borne on Portland Heights
at very tow iigure. jaam
MODERN 6-room house on 1st and Hassalo.
inquire at tno nouse or pnone .ast 4247,
MODERN 6-room -house with sleeping
porcn. in irvington. rnono t,ast oiW4.
5-ROOM cottage, fine location, reasonable.
otn. beuwooa tts. -
FOR RENT Rooming-house; good location
rnone uronaway a rvi
5-ROOM bungalow, 1 block from Hawthorne
car. 534. raoor 3411.
IRVINGTON home for rent, 6 rooms, $20.
rnone rjast 300. u -'uaa.
9-ROOM house, $20, walking distance. 310
loth st., near coiumoia.
FOR RENT fr-room cottage. 487 West Park.
ft.ey at so west ram.
FINE, modern. 7-room house. 556 E. 42d N,
Beaumont carline. Phone East 3478.
6-ROOM house. 334 Mill st., opposite Lincoln
High. Phone East B47S.
FOR RENT 4-room modem house. rent
cheap, near carline. 831 E. 30. W3 car.
6-ROOM house, strictly modern, furnace.
etc.. $15. Phone woodlawn 191.
TEN-ROOM house, CorLett and Vermont
sts. reiepnone aiarsnau
MODERN g-room furnished house, with
piano. oil Jiui st. iain 021-.
9-ROOM house, close In. cheap.
A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg.
184 N- ISth su. 8 rooms modern. Phone
Sellwood 164u.
5SS FIRST U. 7 rooms, also 5S0, 8 rooms, 1
fle-slrftp.e moacxa causes deuwoua osu. j
th Floor. New Building.
Complete and reliable list of vacant
houses, flats, apartments and bungalows
In the city. Make use of this service when
you desire. This does not obligate you in
any manner to this store. You will And
us ready and willing at ail times to he p
you in locating. Newcomers in Portland
will find this verrtce especially value Die.
Real estate men and owners of privet
property are invited to list their unoc
cupied apartments, flats and houses at
Meier st Frank's Free Rental Bureau.
8-room modern house; furnace and fire
place; $16.
6-room cottage, 89 E. 46th St., $8.
6- room hottse, 1049 E. Grant st.; $12-50.
S-room house. 145 Hassalo iL, $12. oO.
5-room cottage, 465 E. Couch su, $10.
5-room cottage. 4U7 E, Couch St.. $10.
8-roora house. All E. Grant St., $12.30.
5-room cottage. 533 E. Market su, $if.
7- room house, 545 Front su, $10.
0-room house, 413 tth su, $a.
171 4th SU.
M. 6915. A 2915.
IRVINGTON Near Club and playgrounds.
strictly moaern 0 rooms, tue oatn. screen
ed sleeping porch, full basement, furnace,
fireplace, corner lot, nice lawn, bedrooms,
bath, kitchen and pass pantry In white
enamel ; near Fernwood fireproof school ;
.Broadway car; northeast cor. 25th and
Braaee; low rent to desirable tenant; long
lease if desired. Open today. D. G.
Wilson, 250 8d st. Main 56i2.
SPLENDID modern 14-room house, fur
nished or unfurnished: hne grounds, walk
ing distance. good location. East Bide;
suitable for first-class boarding or light
housekeeping rooms ; bargain ix taken at
Main 752. JJOo Spalding Bldg.
6-room house. East 9ih and Morrison,
10-room house. Grand ave, and Oregon.
10-room house. 821 Montgomery, near
Phone Main 844.
$25887 11TH ST.. good 8-room house sult-
anie ror targe lamuy, xor nouaeaeepiug
apartments or for rooming-house. Newly
papered and tinted; walking distance;
good oar service.
STRICTLY modern, almost new 1 rooms and
den, hardwood floors and rinisn, ml Manor,
overlooking city, $35 to responsible people,
no children.
214 Lumber Ex. Bldg.
SAVE ENT by paying $5 month on good
west a ia a lot; price oniy iuu; put up
temporary house, have garden or chickens;
others are saving money that way; let me
tell you how. Ask foi Purse at 306 Oak
su Also houses on easy terms.
LARGS 8-room corner house, newly deco
rated throughout; rent reasonable. uau
today. Llth and Montgomery sts.
5 rooms, fair condition, with good
plumbing. Ski dm ore su A. H. Birrell
Co., 217 W. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114,
A 4118.
6-ROOM modern house. Just papered and
painted, gas range ana neater, iinoieum
kitchen floor, cement baeemenu Furnace
heat, stationary wash tub. Rent reasonable.
Bjelland's Grocery. Main 1867, A 1607.
IF you wish to rent a house, flat or apart
menu either furnished or unfurnished, ask
about our listings- We can suit you.
Main 75U2. 306 Spalding Bldg.
SEVERAL'bargaina for those who will pay
rent; also a few for such as desire to buy
on monthly payments. Rental DepU, 269
Stark, A
$12.50 6-room modern house in North
Irvington, newly tinted, pav jd street. 93-"
E. llih at. N., near PrescotU blocks
from -ivington car. Pnone Woodlawn
352ti. .
BEAUTIFUL 6-room house on Belmont st.,
on Portland's best carline- newly calci
mined and painted Inside; beautiful loca
ltion; low rent. Call D 1764 for appolnt-
6-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new near
Hawthorne ave. car; nrepace, uaruwuou
floor a dandy for $17.50. W11I lease for
year. A. H. Birrell Co., 217 Northwestern
Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118.
FOR RENT, cheap, good 6-room house at
No. 67 67th su, Montavilla. Bath and
toilet. W. L. Cady, owner. Forest Grove,
BEAUTIFUL home site on Westover Ter
races ; owner will build good home for
suitable tenant on lease. AB 113, Ore
PuKT. HEIGHTS 8 rms., modern, furnac
onsi firan.aA fnnr hod rttn m5. QhwIV DAlOt-
ed and tinted; rent $25; key next door.
Main 5794. Evenings East 4294.
ABSOLUTELY modern 6-room residence
and Inclosed sleeping-porch; best part Rose
City Park; $25; open for inspection. 424
E. 49uh st. N.
560 EAST Alder; 6-room house, clean, goou
neighborhood., close to w asmngion nu.
Owner, Dr. W. A. Lindsey. blO Morgan
bldg. Phone Main 6960 or Mar. 406tf.
FOR RENT Good 7-room .house, within
walking distance; good car service; 4o5
Rodney ave., near Tillamook SU Tabor
$1 5-ROOM cottage, fresh painted, elec
tric llgnts, gas lor cuutvius, wuu
bath, water, furnished. Apply 619 Rodney
6-ROOM house. East 49th su. Just off of
Belmont su, close to school; only $15.
Take Mt. Tabor or Sunnyslde car. Phone
Tabor 425 or call at 170 E. 49th st.
GOOD Svroom house and brnt nice chicken
park, lots of fruit; corner East 13th and
Ash; $18 per month. Address 6 East 6od
Bt.. or phone Tabor 2530.
wnrsi.-. ft rooms, eood condition, wide lot,
some fruit or will soil cheap; with mall
cash payment, rest, ue rem.. uum
663. C 2432.
Real Estate and Rentals.
Grand ave. at e. AnKeny.
BEAUTIFUL bungalow.lx rooms and bath;
furnace, fireplace, withor without garage.
' Five-room bungalow, good location fire
place; One DIOCK iruiu a.t. waiu -t .
r-ROOM house, 39th and Tillamook, $20 uni
furnished or $25 furnished. Phone Tabor
CLEAN 8-room house, 184 Hamilton ave.;
. v. . v. .r Anu vlanr rant In W
llIR, uain, muuui j , - -
Columbia 265.
$30 Fine modern house, 4 acres of land,
good district; 2 or 8-ear lease. John P.
O- itUUil OUUBQ, c lev- 1111.11.J1 .
close in, $15. 630 E. Madison, near lttth.
Eve ry t h lng In o rder.
ESPECIALLY good vancancies. much re
duced, b-room house, 5-room compart
mnL E. 19th and Burnside. E. 6733.
-ROOM house in Holladay park, 3 fire
places, hardwood floors, 75xloo garage.
TV..n Cub, lOI j
39 ROOMS. East Ankeny and Union ave.
For particulars see J. J. Oeder, Grand ave.
at Hi. AnKeny
$15 5-ROOM modern house, walking dis
tance, on West Side. See owner, 614 Stock
Exchange. M&ln 6765.
5-ROOM- clean, modern house; nice yard;
$10; water paid. Apply 6933 72d sU Mu
Scott car. Tremont station.
MODERN house for rent; 6 rooms, 3 bed
rooms, full basement, woodlift; $10, with
3 lots $12: 4703 42d ave. S E. Sell. 1624.
FOUR-ROOM modern bungalow, with fire
place. for $13. Call Sunday, 372 E. 37th.
SEVEN rooms. 471 E. 12th South, on car
line; $18-; key next door north.
7-ROOM clean house. 203 14th St., near Jef
ferson. Main 3S70.
6-ROOM modern, near Jefferson High ; no
reasonable offer refused. Woodlawn 692.
MODERN 6-room house for rent. Apply at
25S Graham ave. East 1092.
7 ROOMS with garage a fine modern home.
Low rent to right family. Main 037.
8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy. uear
2 2d. Inquire 130 6th flU Main 627a,
667 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity,
furnace, walking distance. Phone East 8.
329 E- 67TH. near Hawthorne 7 rooms,
sleeping porches, garage. East 8.
MODERN 6-room house. 1 block from Sun
nyslde car. 1066 E. Yamhill su
NEAT 6-room cottage, 1299 Cor belt street.
$12. Main 404.
WEST SIDE cottage, 5 rooms. C41 Sherman
su Walking distance Main 867.
7 ROOMS Furnace, fireplace, water heater,
yard; close in; desirable. 1 22 E. Main.
5-ROOM bungalow at 505 Schuyler su Call
Marshall 5S3Q.
5-ROOM cottage. Just lenovated: hot water
beau close in. East Side; $18 Mam 937.
ROSE CITY PARK Dandy 4-room bunga
low, $15. Phone Marshal) 5521.
FOR RENT 8-room house. 433 Jefferson sU
Phone Main 4764
474 STAFFORD ST., new bungalow, $
rooms. $8 month. Main IS 75.
$10 6-room house, 70 Oregon sU East
S659. .
a 00li modern. 20i HQithm fit
$13, 7-room mod. house. 1004 E. Lincoln.
iu. 4-room mod. house, 644 E. 14th su
5. 3-rm. house, large lou Bloomlngton Pk.
0. 4-room house 46 E, 44th su
$13, splendid s-room modern cottage,
large attic, stationary tubs in basemt-nu
lot 5OX100 with all kinds of roses, shrub
bery and fruit trees, nice lawn, well kepu
lot enclosed, cement walk. 442 J arret t
u, 2 blocks east of Union' ave.. opposite
Piedmont; best car service In city.
$10, 6-room nearly new. modern bun
galow with large attic. Interior of house
nicely finished. Dutch kitchen, fireplace,
located at. 2yj E, 734 atteet N.
$10. 5-room nearly new bungalow, nice
ly finished inside, fireplace, Dutch kit
chen, 2U5 E. 73d st. K
413 Chamber of Commerce.
Modern 0-room house, walklnr lstance,
2 block, north of Washington street; $.
per month,
the shaw"-Fear compant,
, . 102 Fourth treeu
Meln 85 102 Fourth su A 830.
6-room house, modern, freshly tinted. 912
Cleveland av. Also
6-room house. 800 Skid more, good condi
tion; want good reliable tenants for these
houses; make special rentals to right par
ties. 5-room cottage. 137 Idaho st., newly tint.
; rent only $10. Call owner. A 2131,
M . - Z131.
HOUSES that are not for sale when rented:
JH 24th x- "A" car $12.50
Ji? h- i?4tu N A cmr $15.00
12i ,K- 8?d N- "A" car, S rooms. ..$15.00
26o E. 76th N., "MV car, 7 r $14.00
" eiA? Stafford su, Kenton car, 6r....$U.C0
STORE, with plumbing. $07 S. Jersey. $10.00
snu. iumrmuont iuxi 1 eon blag.
FINE 8-room home, large grounds, located
at 45th and Sandy; rent $40.
Good Irvington 6-room ' house located
between 13th and 14th on Tillamook; rent
?17;50- Se owner, 510 Lewis bldg. call
Main 2081.
STRICTLY modern, almost new 7 rooms and
den, hardwood floors and finish. Mu Ta
bor, overlooking city, $35 to responsible
ircvyiwi uu
tii uuiuoer n.x. .ts iag.
FOR RENT C-room modern house, part'.
lurnisned ; 7 lots, chicken hmisA.- u-m
give lease and cheap rent to have place
cared for; 6730 59th ave. S. E., Tremont,
Mt. Scott car; owner on premises Sunday
SIX rooms, bath and full basement, on Al
nerta su, 1 block from Miss. -ave. car-
line; win repaint and kalsoinlne inside;
i per mo.
Broadway 1656. 306 Oak st.
Beautiful home. 7 mnmn tlMnlnv nnrvh
thoroughly modern, new; fine view; 1185
Imperial Terrace, ISO. Provident Trust
company, selling . bldg".
FOR RENT 10-room house; a good place
for a hoarding house; all newly painted
inside and outido ; reasonable rent l;to
-roe 01. inquire uiowa liroi.. tailors,
244 Alder st.
$40 8 rooms, east front H block.
40 S rooms, modern, double garage.
$35 8 rooms, furnace, west fronu
Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.
MODERN 5-room rnHs n-iu!mr HtsttaWX.
West Side; clinker brick fireplace, full
concrete basement; all light rooms; small
V" L yaru; i-u. j; rea o. Williams.
Main 125.
uitr r k nouse, good neighborhood, easv
walking distance; nine large rooms, good
attic and basement; excellent condition;
electricity, gas, cheap rent to responsible
KIVERDALE districU beautiful suburban
home on Oswego electric; attractive house
and grounds. Bull Hun water, gas, elec
tricity; also for salo. Owner, 10i6 Spald-
"s mufcj. jm.u 000, or juars.
1? OK RENT Waliut Park, a desirable
home, 0 rooms, large lawn roses and fruit,
reasonable to responsible tenants. Apply
at 1011 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn
W E HAY E a large list of houses, unfur
nished and furnished, for rent In alt parts
of the city and in best districts. Call or
phone Fred A. Jacobs Co. rental depart
ment. Main oa6P. No. 26Q Washington at.
Beautiful 10-room residence, fine con
dition; lowest rent in that dlstrlcu $40.
Sam Norton, 7 Chamber of Commerce.
OLD-FASHIONED house with 2 acres of
land, on Hawthorne-avenue carline; $15
per month. Apply Hammond Mortgage
Compay.424 Ch amber of Commerce.
FURNISHED HOUSE, Rose City Park, "$33.
Bungalow, $12.50.
311 Mohawk bldg- Main 1)012.
MODERN bungalow, Hawthorne district.
429 East Thirty-second st. ; $14. Phone
Marshall 2432.
Furnished Houses.
6-ROOM HOUSE In Irvington: piano, silver
ware and linen; 744 Clackamas, cor. 2Jd.
Call from 1 to 4:30 or phone Main 2U7.
FOR RENT 8 rooms, furnished; furnac1,
close in; fine for two families. East
IRVINGTON Part ot furnished house, 5
rooms, on carline; entire ground floor, in
cluding heat, $30; adults. Eat 43M.
6-ROOM comfortably furnished, new. mod
ern, rent fcur months or longer. E. 32d
and Main. Main 50CS.
IF you want a corner cottage, furnished.
reasonable rent, walking distance, phone
, Tabor 1191.
WITCH HAZEL station. 6 rooms, vege
tables, fuel, apples, $20; references. Mrs.
W. B. Bolton. Beaverton, Or., R. 4.
FOR RENT 3-room house furnished, $10
per month including water. 1141 East
2Cth North. Alberta car. Call Sunday.
$20 6-rm. fur. house, fireplace, electricity,
gas, bath, 13th, nr. Port. Academy. Mar.
4215. 351 W. Park.
LAURELHURST bungalow, furnished com
plete, for at least three months, beginning
Dc. 1. Tabor 2271, or AL ll6, Oregonian.
$12 5-ROOM cottage furnished, nice gar
den, fruiu 268 E, 28 th st. Phone B
1949 or Kast 1726.
5-ROOM modern clean bungalow, nice yard
and flowers; Richmond dlstrlcu Phone
Marshall 236, apt, C.
IRVINGTON'S new, beautiful furnished six
room houae, 21st and B razee sts.. No. 525
Rent $40. Phone Main 3&99.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5 rooms, sleeping
porch, level lot, flowers, fuel furnished.
Main 7974.
NEWLY furnished 6-room home; modera,
$15 month; $11 a month Income. Su Johns
car. 1189 Omaha ave. Apply tiunday.
LAURELHURST furnished nome, 8 rooms,
modern. Chas. Rlngler. Tabor 2952. Main
WEST SIDE, $-room bungalow, well fur
nished, piano; fine view; rent oniy $35.
Main 8429.
4 ROOMS very nicely furnished on Skid
more su, pavad etreeu 207 Panama bldg.
Main 3897.
$20 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished;
2 blocks south of Hawthorne on 38th sU;
references required. Tabor 4112.
4-ROOM furnished house, electric lights ami
gas, $10 50 per month; no children. 75i
E. 9t h N.:
$25 SrROOM house, partly furnished, suit
sble for 2 apartments, walking distance.
Call in the morning. Phone East 1230.
BEAUTIFUL 0-room eottage, also one un
furnished. Main 0976, A 4361.
PARTLY furnished 8-room bouse, ;Uano,
large yard, fruiu Sellwood 2141.
PIEDMONT dlstrlcu 5-room. with piano, gas.
electricity, $21. Phone East 4640.
268 MILL 6-room 2-family house, partly
furnished, part or whole.
& ROOMS, extra well furnished; references.
70.1 Northrup sU
IKVINGTION Completely furnished
Phone East 5495.
$20 Furnished, 6-room modern cottage;
adults. Main 3275.
NICELY furnished house on MU Tabor car
for rent. rea3snable. 2026 E. Yamhill.
A 4-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished.
E. 15th ct. South. Phone Sellwood 46.
5-ROOM furnished cottage for rent $19
month. East 75th. East 4732.
MODERN furnithed bungalow, $15 per
month. M22 65th st. S. E. Call Tabor 2155.
5 ROOMS, furnished, carline. modern ; no
children; reasonable. Woodlawn 109.
4-ROOM furnished house, $10 month; 5c
rare, uregua clCuLrig. jtiain a 141.
594 MARKET ST. DRIVE Six rooms, gas,
furnace, comfortably furnished, fine view.
VERY nice 7-room bungalow, well furnished
or unfurnished. Woodlawn 1822.
j 1.1 5-ROOM furnished cottage.
Yamhill. Tabor 4849.
10t' East
4-ROOM BUNGALOW Furninhed; Mt.
Scott car. Phone Sellwood 24S3.
tROOM cottage, near Portland Heights; a
pretty place. Phone Main 5309.
WHOLE lower floor, furnished, piano, elec
tric light, cheap. 227 Cherry st
$15 4-ROOM and bath. 1102 E. 34th st. No.
Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex.
4-ROOM house. Mount Scott car. . Phone
Sellwood 24bi.
Fi;RXIoHU ZJl iii.iun.
JTurnlshed Ileuses,
MOST attractive, elecantlv fnrr,: e leiir
rooms, baneuienu garage, lawn ar.d flowers,
everything complete, fine furnace; lease
s;x montai or xuore to responsible parties,
4o per mouth. 4S1 Tillamook, cor. Vth.
Ihone Kast 6595 or call Ued-Frenon
tm-u oiig. to., lotn and Stark sts.
NKU fine home, 8 rooms and sleeping bal
cony, elegimtly furmalied with tiuhuguny
rurmture. piano, hot water beau garage
line lawu; will rent only to adults lor not
less tiiun six months; privilege of om
VT: rviert-uces required ; $60 a month.
1117 Maliory ave. Main 19vV3, C 2v7.
CORBfc-TT- cor- Hooker su, opposite New
si. lng School. s-roora, well-furnished
house, beta. gas. Huud heater, furnace,
fireff.ace, nice yard, $35 per month; ref
erences exchanged. Inquire in rear. Fred
J. t'olivka, ;i4 Water, cor. Hooker.
7-ROOSt elegantly furnlahed house; furnace,
stationary wash trays. sieeping-porcX
pmno. beautiful lawn, roses; will lease to
rcspontib.e parties reasonable. Marshall.
i:,b3 or call 10.S4 E. Morrison. 3;th .su.
1 blocks from Sunnyslde car, near school.
ATTRACTIVE country home. V-room fur
nished house with modern conveniences, on
tine auto road and near electric I'ne.
stores, churches and 4-room school. Good
garden, fruit, shade. $12.5u per month.
AC lt2, OrsKQnian.
Furnished. 1 block to carline; 1 bed
room and bath downstairs. 2 bedrooms,
tath and sleeping porch upstairs, iaratce
619 IS. 21st su N.. cor. Brace. Will :.:.
Kast 4 2io or Main eiid.
h. HA E a largo list of houses, furnished
and unfurnished, for rent in all parts of
the city and in best districts. Call or
phone Kred A. Jacobs Co rental dopart
menu Main QS69. No. 269 Washington st.
6-ROOM furnished house, corner W. Park
and Clay, Jiij a month for 3 months or
longer to responsible parties only. Phone
Hn-adwny 2167.
TWO large eunuy rooms, hardwood floors,
eparate bath, steam heau slghtlv. water.
g:rbaKe. Hawthorne districU $13. 789.
Kast Main. Phone East 3024, Also gar
age $2.5u a month.
BLAUT1FULLY furnished modern B-room
bouse with lare sleeping torch, very
desirable: will rnt cheap to responsible
party. Call owner, Woodlawn 3420 or
V 1J. Oregonian.
553 TAYLOR ST., hear 17th, 5-room fiat,
finely furnished; new Wilton rug, walnut,
fumed oak furniture, oak floors, piano,
rent $30; also 4-room furnished flat, pisne.
To LEASE 6-room house, electric light,
gas range in kitchen, plate in basement,
hot-water furnace, finished floors; Wil
lamette Heights, l'arrish As Walking. 106
2d st.
3-ROOM bungalow, with fireplace, complete
ly furnished. $22.50; with electric lights,
bath and water, furnished. Phone Tabor
1610. or call 252 E. 44th, 1 block north
of Hawthorne ave.
NICELY furnished S-room modern house,
rent $10 per month and room and board
for owner. 51U E. 40th N.. cor Brazed.
Take Beaumont car.
6 ROOMS, good location ; hardwood floors
not water heal, nicely furnished Includ
ing piano. Call Sunday between 10 and 5.
544 K. 45th X. Tabor SIS.
8-ltOOM. new modern home, completely
furnlehd: Portland Holghts. Terms very
reasonable to responsible party. J. J. Mc
Carthy, 521 Ablngton bldg.
$3i . ROOMS, furnished, modern house at
h'SO E. Taylor su, near K. 2lth. H. P.
I'nlmer-Jones CoM 4u4 Wilcox bldg. Main
aiTitlOTLY modern 8-room Irvington home
conveniently furnished, oak floors, fire
place, hot water heat, etc. F 1&3, Ore
Foninn. MODERN 6-room furnished bungalow; 3Sth
and Lincoln; $16 per month, or free rent
for room and board for lady employed
during day. Tabor 2471.
WILL RENT my attractive and completely
furnished house for ti months or a year.
Very reasonable. East 1913.
MY home until April 1, per hups longer, to
couple, reasonable; references. lol K.
69th sU N. MV ear.
$1S FOR RENT, modern 5-room cottage,
nicely furnished, corner Grand avenue
407 East Broud'.vay St.. walking cllstnoace.
$1S Woll-furnished. convenionu modern 5-"
room cottage, easily heated. Phone Sell
wood 912.
FURNISHED new and modern C-room bun
galow. Hawthorne district. $30. Y 107,
WELL-FURN ISH ED modern 7-room house,
pmno. i-52 Schuyler st. East 5025.
Summer Keswrta.
Fine salmon ashing at Seaside; room in
private home $3.50 per week or furnished
housek 3tipii;g cottage $5; free boat fop
trolli ns-. The Morse, No. 315 3d ave..
Seaside. A. J. Walker, prop.
FIRciT-CLALSS location for meat market
in new brick building at 41st und Division
sts., $15 per mo.; nlrto large room on cor
ner 40x4u. good for hardware, furniture,
feed, coal and wood store. See J. H., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main
FOR RENT Two stores, 26x60 feet, good
location on mam thoroughfare, good
neighborhood; Plastered partition In the
center ; one store nas good brick oven ;
win rent reasouable to right party. O
191, Oregonian.
ONE of the best corner stores for business
in -the city. 1 f you ar con templatlnt;
going in or transferring your business to
nny other part of the city it will pay you
to Investigate this. C 1. Orenonian.
FOR RENT Two stores In Linnton, one at
$10 and one at $15. This is a busy suburb
get some of Its trade. Apply liammon-i
Mortgage Company, 424 Chamber of com
merce. STOR13 21st and Gllsan, central Nob Hill
and good for meat market or barber shop,
for rent, $20; also store on 2d su, close In.
with tixtures in for grocery; rent $10.
H. B. Davis, 453 4th st. Main 242L
FOR retail stores, many that are now occu
pied; wholesale or manufacturing loca
tions. See II. M. Carquevtlle, of A. H.
Birrell Co., 217 N. W. Bnk bldg. ,
LOFT. 20x50, 10th st., 50 feet south of
Washington su; plenty of light: good sign
paintln? location account cheap rent.
E. J. Daly. 221 Falling bldg.
Three stores lor rent in Elks bldr., on
Broadway, near Stark su Apply secre
tary's office. Elks' Club.
THREE-STORY and basement store. 49x60.
Front su ; will arrange to suit tenant; good
lease. 424 Chamber of Commerc.
GOOD store on Third su. corner or Inside;
will change front to suit. J. H. Mlddie
ton. 424 Chamber of Commerce.
TWO stores. ea:h 25xlr4, Nob. 543 and 54
First su Owner. 324 Worcester bldg.
3D-ST store, $20; 292 3d St.. near Jeffer
son ; plate glass front 18x55.
NEW store, modorn flat above. Westmore-
land. Tabor 2094.
WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk
room, $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com
merce. SINGLE or en suite, outside rooms, second
floor. Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. In
quiro Lion Clothing Co.
OFFICES $10 up: furnished offices and desk
room ; free pnone ; very reasonable ; Port
land's busiest corner. 3t3 S wetland bldg.
DESK ROOM, Including new desk, phone,
care of calls, etc.. In light airy office on
ground floor. 306 Oak su
NICELY furnished private office, phone, re
ception room, etc., $15. Main 8313.
PIANO for rent. $2.50 per month,
mercial sU
FLOSS The funeral services of the late
Albin Ft oss, of Ardenwald, will be held
tomorrow (Monday). November 3, at 2
o'clock P. M.. from the chapel ot tho
Portland Crematorium, 6u Glen wood
& enue. Friends invited. The remains
are n.t the funeral parlors of Walter C.
Kenworthy, 3 532-15;4 East Thirteenth
street. Sellwood.
LIGHT groceries, candy, rchool supplies,
etc.; owner will sell this store cheap and
show you It is clearing over $125 month
before you invest one cent. Call room 329
Morga n big g.
CHANCE for reliable man as partner In
paying office business, some outside work.
Requires small investment. Call 243
Stark et.;
SOLID grocery for sale; my sales are $75
day. all cash, end no delivery; have othr
interests and can't tend to it. Call room
o29 Morgan bldg.
$400 BUYS stock and fixtures, confectionery,
cigars, etc. Good location, low rent Co:no
quick if you want this. 504 Dekum bld-n.
FOR SALE Evaporator plant; new ; too A
condition; party changing occupation,
must sell. AK 189, Oregonian
FOR SALE or trade. 20-room hotel, n techy
lurnifiiied. In business district, by owner.
Main 5Q75.
CIJ k.R and confectionery; best proposition;
West Side. 1016 Winona ave.
MERHANJISE-oTa!l kinds bought for
cash. See ur. W 1S3. Oregonian.
CIGAR stand In transient hotel lobby ;
nothing to buy; low rent. Broadway 670s.
START a rrocry ; only small capital re
el uired. P 1H Oregonian
EMKICK'S MARKET for sale. trade or
rent. l''-2 Ilmoin, Portland. Or.,
BAsKMKNT for carpenter shop or other
business. 241 6th st.