The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 30

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Bookkeepers and Clerk.
EXPERIENCED. capable young business
man desires to make change; good edu
cation, business training and experience;
' want position with, good company; com
petent to handle good proposition; willing
' to invest small amount of cash to show
' .that I mean business; best references. 1
ISA, Oregonian.
EIGHT years with one concern in the ca
pacities of storekeeper, transportation
agent, purchasing agent, bookkeeper and
,.hief clerk. Also some experience in seal
ing machinery, insurance and real estate.
What can yon offer? AX 10, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeeper
wishes uosition; accustomed to assuming
-responsibility and can take full charge
of books, etc. Apt. 3, 0u4 E. Clay su
Phone East 434.
BOOKKEEPER. accurate and efficient,
wants position, experienced in cashier
work and office management. Gilt-edged
references. AL 136, Oregonian.
UL.G MAN bookkeeper, employed, desires
to assist some one or write up set books,
1 or 2 hours each night. AE.ISs, Orego
nian. itY THE hour (night or day), bookkeeping,
billing, statements, correspondence. Inven
tories, checking and closing books. Ad
dress, Box frTfr, Portland. Or.
BOOKKEEPER Young man thoroughly ex
perienced and competent, desires perma
nent or temporary position. Marshall 3b22,
room 40.
INSURANCE or commercial, thoroughly ex
perienced office clerk desires engagement.
McCleai y. 42i Mam st. t .
EXPERT-bookkeeper, ten years' experience;
Government work, implements, groceries
and other lines. AK ISO. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, up-to-date
methods; best references. A 204,, Ore
Ionian. fcTK NOG RA PHEK, rapid and accurate, de
sires position immeuiateiy; good penman;
references. Marshall 4404.
.EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher, married; .must have work. Main
4:iS. Monday.
KXPEUIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher wants position, city or country. V
2"0. Oregonian.
IOUNO man 21 with mother and small
brothers to support wants work ; exper
ienced in running spinning machine In
cordage company; A-l rets. Call Mon
day Main 7051, A-1517.
IiELIAIiLK middleaged man; experienced
houseman desires work for room, board
and small wages; A-l references. Cau
Monday Main 7Uol. A-1517.
1A. and wife, experienced in farming and
stock raising, lo year's in stockyards.
Chicago, wants position as manager of
ranch. G li4, Oregonian.
1 1 DDLEAGED man and wife (no chil
dren) want work on farm ; both well,
strong and thoroughly experienced; ref
erences. Call Monday Main 70ol. A-1517.
UUXG man, married, fair mechanic, wishes
position at $2 per day, where there is a
chance to learn tho automobile business.
O. S., room 2. fe2 X. 10th st. A 223S.
EXPERIENCED milkman would like to
meet farmer having own cows; object
starting retail milk route; must be close
toPort'and. A 202, Q re go nia n.
WANTED Bv a competent farmer and
dairyman of long experience position as
manager, running on share or wage scale.
AL. l::t. Oregonian.
TRUSTWORTHY young man wants clerical
position, corporation Or- wholesale house ;
Kood penman, local experience ; will be
gin small salary. S 103, Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL senior. 18 years of age, de
. sires employment after school, either in
the afternoon or evening. Tabor 4840.
2 CARPENTER, day or contract, hus
tler; hang doors 20c, fit locks 15c. East
223. '
BE LI ABLE man wants position as stock
keeper or salesman. Auto Co. AM liJ,
Orego:iian. .
CHAUFFEUR and first-class man for pri
, vate place, Al references. Aa 188, Ore
goiiian. ,
YOUNG man. milk driver, wishes similar po
sition or other work. Address A. V., Hotel
Rhein, 232 FronV
EXPERIENCED boy. 16 years, wants wprk
on farm; good milker. Phone Last 6il2.
302 Ma E. Morrison st.
M1UDLE-U1ED man. active, willing, wants
work ps dishwasher or kitchen helper;
very low wages. AE 187, Oregonian.
ABLE-BODIED young man wants ranch
work, good milker. L. W. Elliott, Tim
ber. Or.
ilARKIED man, 28. in need of work, handy
with tools, oil fireman, would take charge
heating plant. East 5374.
BANDY workman, general experience, city,
country, age -7, references. V 19o, Orego
nian. MAX, sober and reliable, handy, wants any
kind of work, town or . country. D 1!J,
Oregonian. ;
YOU XG MAX, Danish, wishes position in
. ureamery or dairy, country preferred. AD
!!. Or iron inn.
SWISS, strong, young man wants employ
ment for general farm work or on dairy,
phone Main Mi IS, J. 2ol Jefferson st.
HUiH SCHOOL boy will take care of auto
mobile and do chores for board and room.
AO Ht7. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 2U, licensed chauffeur, wants
work driving or repairing ; garage pre
ferred. 8 E. 0th st.
VI R ST-CLASS cook. baker. meatcutter
wants work: wife mlper. Marshall Ji42,
room 4 511 Everett st.
FIKST-CLASS stationary and marine gaso
line engineer, also erector and repair man,
wishes position. AL 102, Oregonian.
-lTr a vkkK married man. wishes DOsItlTn,
janitor hotel or store or any place, without
room. i i:m, uiTgunmu.
CHED1TMAX open for position with whole
sale or retail cicern. H li'"-, Oregonian.
A 1305. '
"WANTED Position driving Ford delivery,
taxicab or jitney, phones, Broadway 5070
1 or 4S 1 1 or A 573.
WANTED Position by two men as wood
cutters and clearing land. Geo. Hedrech,
box 2, Lents. Or.
a r;ooti sober and industrious Scandina
vian chautteur wants steady position. Call
Main lOtio. -li N. 1 1 th st.. for.uana.
JAPANESE wishes to do cooking and wash
ing. ironing; good, city or country. D 101,
Oregonian. . .
YOUNG man attending school wishes work
for board or hoard aim room; private tarn
ily preferred. G -Qu. Oregonian.
MACHINIST, first-class all-round man wants
position in or out ot city; 15 years expe-
r i one o. E IS 3 , Ore gonian.
jvr.l.-ROI'N'n mechanic and build ins re-
paiivr wants day or contract work. .Main
ssti. w. wuhe-imsor..
FILIPINO first and second cook wants to
work in restaurant or hotel, city or coun
try. R 194, Oregonian.
1TION by No. I combination cook; no
objection to leaving
city. HF 1S2, Ore
"WANTED To build fires in private houses
and clean porches for room rent. AL 101,
oregonian. ,
wax'TKD Position on farm by cxperiencei
man with small family ; can give ref-
rrences. ilox si1 A. Oregon City,, Or.
VI RST-CLASS carpenter and cabinetmaker
seeks work; reasonable wages; references.
Call Monday Main 7051, A-1517.
yol'NG man wauls work; good carpenter
and gardener; A-l references. Call Mon
day .Main 7i.M A-1517.
ltXl'EHlE.N'ED operator wants private ex-
- change, Phone- lauor .4ld.
JUAN wants care Juriiace part time for room
rent. 11 l',t. t'
EXPERIENCED janitor wants position for
board ana room. A J I M. Oregonian.
VANTED Lawn or garden work, odd" jobs.
1 ,piivf orrtcis cell. 14. V
J A 1 young man wants a position of any
kind. T -!0,i, oregonLan.
KXPER1EXCED gardener w ishes permanent
position. Phone laoor -'.
FIRST-CLASS auto repair man and driver.
touring ear or trucK. Ah l .",. Liregoniati,
jlil.U kk and herdsman, v xprijncod, open
for position. uregMiuan.
KIM TOR - R K PORTER, all-around newspaper
man. wants position on dany or weekly
in Oregon, RF 1S4, Oregonian.
CA R PENTER foreman wants work day or
contract. Sellwood 1359.
TO employers: Try me. K B. Clarke, Couch
Hotel. Couch st.
FISH ERPIAXb, oak finish, in fine condl
tlon. $175. Phone Mr. Johnson. Main 137.
JAPANESE boy wants to do housework in
family. P.D 1U'2. Oregonian.
YOUNG man going to school wants work
f.r board. K l'.5. Oregonian.
G "OP cook, also Tire pin reman or anything.
Thomas. Main i 27r. t? 4 7 t: h.
JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A
ItfTU. Jap. Asan, of Or. 218 Henry bldg.
1'AtfNTING, carpenter work. remodelWg,
cheap by contract. Phone Sell wood 87.
EXTE rTencE d-FII ipi no cook wants posi
tion In family. R 1 Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED janitor wishes position;
good refortneos. L 5, Oreconlao.
FKfcM-T euiploment. Japanese and Filipino.
A22S0. N. 4th ft.
YOL'NG M AN wants p'.ace to
board !nd room. Phone ilain
J'A lM'IN'J and tinting cheaply done : also
NEWCOMER desires to locate here. Com
petent and reliable manager, experienced
in transportation and mercantile lines,
economical and a constant, loyal worker.
Would like opening with good, reliable
firm which can pay a. justifiable salary,
and. wherein I can invest after a reason
able and satisfactory trial. Can furnish
bonds -and highest references as to char
acter and abiiity. G 13. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, 15 years' experience
in electrical work, honorably discharged
from U. S. Navy as -electrician, desires
situation; have specialized in telephone
work, with experience in exchange man
agement, but can take hold of light and
power proposition; not averse to out-of-town
Jobs; first-class references. G. Van
Home, 7Q1 Multnomah st. Phone E. 4&0S.
PRINTER, non-union, married, strictly so
ber and reliable, 18 yeara country and
city experience,' desires position good
country shop; come immediately. Apart
ment 410, 65 Grand ave., Portland. Phone
East 4578.
YOUNG man attending night school wants
day employment of any kind; clerical
work pi ef erred ; expert bookkeeper, type
writer operator, good penman; had prac
tical experience; small salary to AX
19 2, Oregonian. .
RESPONSIBLE couple wants position on
gentleman's country place, man poultry
expert, able to transfer your place into a
paying modern poultry plant. Wife good
manager and cook. Norwegian. No chil
dren. Answer N 181, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on farm, woman
to do cooking: and housework, man to do
general farm work, or can take full charge.
Best of references; give full particulars
in first letter.
Address Eoi 82, Dee,Oregon.
YOUNG man, 23 years of age, wants position
on fruit orchard ; five years' experience,
understands tnoioughly pruning, spray
ing and cultivation; good milker. AV
75, Oregonian. -
SINGLE man, good character and habits,
best of references, experienced at janitor
and porter work, must have work of some
kind ; willing to do anything; wages no
object. C 194, Oregonian. -
MAN -ind wife, German, wish position,
hotel, restaurant or boarding-house, city
or country; man good, all-around cook;
wife helper, waitress or chambermaid. P
ai. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by 15-year-old boy to do
chores around house or on iarm; wages
$$ per month, room and board. Address
Wylie Shultz, R. R. 3, Box 27, Woodburn,
CHAUFFEUR and wife will work together;
am experienced man ; best reierences.
Wife educated ; xperienced governess or
maid. We understand our business; will
work reasonable. . O 185. Oregonian.
HOUSEWORK Young man fully under
stands nousework and general waiting,
wishes position private lam ily; room,
board and small wages. ' AN 189, Ore
gonian. FIREMAN, competent, used to all kinds of
iuel, wants position, hotel, apartment
house or anywhere in the city. Address
G. Anderson, 448 Taylor st. Marshall 1608.
Al ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, city or
country, Dest on perspectives; oroaa ex
perience, valuable to right party, small
wages. V 185, Oregonian.
PRIVATE! housecleaning, kitchen helper.
carpenter s helper, moving helper, wood
splitter, key-fitter. H. C. Mount joy. East
YOUNG ATTORNEY, going through starva
tion period, is in a condition tor lmpecu
Hiosity) to do most anything legal, of
course; city reference. F 110, Oregonian.
STOCKMAN and wife on stock ranch; no
wages; sober and reliable ana tnorougniy
experienced. 471 E. .Burnside. Phono J
WANTED Place on farm near Portland for
a strong, willing boy, li ; clean haoits,
$10 to $15 mouth. Address Malcolm
Y oun g. 780 E. li'Jth.
COOK Al on breads, meats and pastry,
wants position camp, Doaramg-nouse,
country hotel or restaurant. Tel. Main
7411. Address 03 Sd st.
LIGHT car and drive: for hire by day or
month, as salesman or hauling salesman
or anything else in or out of city. X
181, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
BY young lady. experienced in planing
mm, sasn ana aoor ana launary oaice
work, tnorougniy experienced in answer
ing telephone and waiting upon public;
references. A 251S.
WANTED By competent young lady, with
business experience and some knowledge
of bookkeeping, position as oiiice assis
tant, whole or half day employment; ref
erences. Phone East 0110.
YOL'NG lady would like position as ste-
nocraDher : exDeriencfed die tan hone and
adding machine operator and can keep
set ox doors ; Dest oi references. l xv,
COMPETENT stenographer. experienced,
will work small salary. AK Jbl, Uego-
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po
sition, legal work preierrea; reierences.
Phone East 5374.
COMPETENT A-l stenographer desires
work, all or part oi day; rate reasonaoie
references. P lS'i, Oregonian.
EXPERT stenotypist wishes position,, two
yearx experience; small wages to tart.
Phone B 30'0,
WANTED Position, office girl, stenograph'
er; best reference; experience. Marshall
1!1G7. iliss May.
STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper,
general office assistant; references. Cali
Marshall 500.
EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant seeks
position, some knowledge of stenography,
Will go out of city. 13D 188, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper will audit, close and
straighten out small set of books, reason
able, a is t, oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL, student finishing steno
graphic course, desires office work after
fi-nooi t-aiuraays jjar. 4oz4.
CAPABLE, reliable dressmaker wants work:
$1.50 and carfare ; references. Call Mon
day Main 7051, A-1517.
position; experienced in various office
lines; reasonable. Marshall ob33.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion mornings; can give references. Phone
iast doit.
STENOGRAPHER, general office work, all
or halt day; experienced. Main 5834.
DRESSMAKIN.U reasonable; cloaks, suits.
gowns, alterations on reaay-to-wear gar
uients: from San Francisco. Ph me B U310,
LITTLE boys' and girls' clothes remodeled
and made over zrom old goods at very
reasonable prices; oe'.ieve we can please
you. pnone i aoor o t a.
CAPABLE, reliable woman would like place
as apprentice in dressmaking shop. Call
or write o.u rfltn st. . E.. city. '
LADIES wishing ladies tailoring or dress
making done at their homes phone Main
GOOD seamstress, expert making old goods
over, go out by day $1.50. Call Tabor
213::. call Monday.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day en
gagements, gowns, etc.; satisfaction, guar
anteed. Marshall 1947.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable.
home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main
DRESSES .made over, alterations. ladles and
children; rapid wpk. Reasonable. R lbo,
Oregonian -
KIRST-CLASS dressmaking by the day. Call
A 3002 or Mar. 2188. Apt. 1o2. $2.oO per
EXPERIENCED rash ih onable dressmaker
home or by the day; price reasonable.
Phone Main 5472, room 212. A 47S3.
DR ESSM A KING, plnin sewing and mend
ing, aiso comioatTs maue ana recoverea.
Call afternoons. Phone East j284.
DRESSMAKER wishes sewing by the day
can give references; $1.75 a day. Mar
shall 1757.
LJfDIES. you want style ; I want steady
customers; try me. Main 2o0S.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make en
gagements oy day. Main 7toi.
SLITS, gowns, alterations, home or shop,
work suarantee.l. 20J F'iedner. Mar. 3201.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, neat and fast,
Alain b.'o.
GOWNS, remodeling und tailoring, $2.50 per
day. jaDor od.-i.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
will go out oy the day. Main TtHo.
AM wrecking Portland docks and selling
timber wood, sawea in stove lengtns. j-i
East 4970.
WANTED Position by an experienced
child's nurse: good references. Marshall
1 00. Phone.
REFINED middle-aged widow lady would
like position as nouseKeeper in widowers'
or pacne.ors name, i-none laoor &773.
PRACTICAL nurse would care for invalid,
man or woman. Thor .". 7 7 n
PRACTICAL nurse, hospital training, want;
to tak care of invalids. T 181, Oregonian
TRAINED NURSE wishes invalids or chll
dren to board: reasonable. Sellwood 2454.
FIRST-CLASS practical nurse; ready now,
PRACTICAL nurse, will do housework. Dr.
references. East 5704.
PRACTICAL nursing: experienced; reer
CNDER-GRADUATE nurse wishes more
cases, charge of convalescent, aged or
sick person ; can travel; reasonable. Call
Marshall 2ii0.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes position car-
panion; references. BD 205, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL young woman wishes Immediate
worit; gooa domestic and nurse. AU iva,
PRIVATE room, sleeping porch, trained
nurse ior invalid ; reference. Aaoor a.sxt.
PRACTICAL nurse would like work. Phone
Eastern G. Nurse Massage treatment; ner
vous rheumatism specialty. Wood. 2ob2.
A MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper with quali
fications far exceeding the requirements
of home keeping, wanu position in good
home of gentlemanly widower or bach
elor; unencumbered. BC 204. Oregonian.
WIDOWi 24. first-ciass housekeeper, good
piain cook, can give nrst-ciass reierences,
wishes position as housekeeper for some
gentleman of good character. Q 16 J,
CAPABLE, neat appearing young woman
-i. aestres position as nouseKeeper wnere
can take her b-mos. baby; splendid cook;
$20 month; references. Call Monday
Main 7051, A-1517.
WIDOW wants position as housekeeper for
one or more men; can taKe lull cnarge ot
a home; reference. Address A V 27b. Ore
gonian. REFINED widow wants position as house
keeper for refined widower or Dacneior;
more for a home than wages. D 13 7,
Oregonian. '
NICE, respectable widow lady. Christian,
wants position as housekeeper for nice,
respectable gentleman; Christian pre
ferred YOUNG widow, with boy 4. wishes position
as housekeeper for gentleman witn one
or two children; references. 3 lbti, Ore
gonian. REFINED, respectable woman of 50 wants
Jjgnt housekeeping in wiuower s nome,
good cook, first-class housekeeper. AG
l&ti, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS housekeeper wishes position
in Christian widowers nome or lamiiy
employed, in city; no triflers need answer.
A 19, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position as house-
Keeper or assistant witn iignc nouseworn
where she can take her piano; C. S. pre
ferred. H 187, Oregonian.
LADY, widow, wishes position as housekeep
er ior wiaower or Dacneior. jju ure
gonlan. GERMAN woman with, child wishes posi
tion as housekeeper; country pre i err e a.
AM Oregonian.
WANTED Position by refined widow as
housekeeper ior Dacneior or wiuower.
Phone Marshall 3175.
WOMAN unincumbered wishes position as
housekeeper in widower's nome, reason
able wages and good home. Phone A 4392.
RELIABLE widow of 23 wishes position as
housekeeper in wiaower s nome. uoo coucn
st. A 2084.
LOUSEKEEPER in widower's family by
young, responsible woman. AK lbo, Ore
gonian. REFINED, capable woman desires house
keepers position in motherless lamiiy.
Mrs M. Knapp, 207 E. 20th St. N.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower or elderly couple;
good wages. Phone East 6039. room 9.
WANTED Position as firs t-c lass cook; best
references. Main 3649.
LADY will keep house for man or cook for
men; country. Aiain .ji.
ELDERLY lady wants position as house
keeper, in town or out. J aoj, uregonian.
SITUATION as manager in first-class apt.
house; references. A lob-i. M soil.
SITUATION wanted by experienced woman
hotel cook, some snort oraer ana iuncn
man experience; 25 years' experience; can
take full charge; give best of references.
Or wouuld rent small hotel furnished;
not afraid of work; reliable. Call Wood
lawn 4.177. 240 Fargo st.
MIDDLEAGED woman, Hungarian (speaks
fairly good English) desires house work;
Is good cook; wants to take her 4-year-old
daughter; "A-l references: $10 month.
Call Monday Main 7051, A-1517.
MIDDLEAGED woman, slightly lame, but
well, strong and capable uesires house
work; $ IS to $20 ; references. Call Mon
day Main 7051, A-1517.
YOUNG woman 28, experienced, wants
chamber work; references. call aionaay
Main 7051, A-1517.
GIRL wants general housework in small
family. Call or write to 9utt Garfieid ave.,
YOUNG woman, with boy 4, wishes position
doing housework; can give gooa reierences.
B 1&5, Oregonian.
WANT general work, private family, by
experiencea coiorea woman. tutn. uroaa-
w a uouu.
RlHT.n.ASS rook in nrivate famllv. city
references. .Main iiij.. tan jiunu.u.y niu
9 A. M. to 4 P. M.
NEAT, reliable woman will do housework
and assist in care of children or oaoy;
experienced. E 202, oregonian.
COMPETENT woman would like general
housework in apartment witn aauits; ret
erences. Y 19i. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants kitchen
work; good laundress. Cail Monday Main
7051, A-lJli.
EXPERIENCED second girl wants place In
private family; references, a. iat, orego
EXPERIENCED woman in general house
work, age iO years; reierences. is ai,
COMPETENT cook desires position private
tamily ; reterenecs. D 194, Oregonian.
WANTED Poi tion as lirst-class cook, best
reiereiices ji.-iii
COOK wants position where I can go home
nights. AE lt0, Oregonian.
references M'.in 3049.
EXPERIENCED girl wanta housework
wages 30. Phone wooaiawn JB,
YOUNG girl wants
Woodlawn 930.
general housework.
TWO experienced Finnish girls want gen
erai house work. t-o .rettigrove st., near
20 :h st.
YOUNG lady student wishes light employ
ment for room, ooara ana canare. x iw,
HR1.IARLE woman wishes care of chil
dren by the hour; reasonable. Tel. Broad
way oJ49,
GIRL 15, desires to assiBt with housework
ana care ior cniia; iv monin. aii Mon
day Main 7051, A-1517
A YOUNG Belgian woman,
eood worker.
wants position as janitor.
Call Marshall
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work of
any kind, by day or hour. Main 424.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants work
by day. Cail Marshall yi.
YOUNG lady wishes position pianist, pic
ture show; 2 years' experience. East 1106.
FOR QUICK, excellent laundry or cleaning.
day or hour, can -Main -iyj.
LIGHT housework by middle-aged woman.
unincumoerea. Marshall o04o.
LACE curtains hand laundered by F. D. Bell,
14 .Marion ave. aeuwooa i t .so.
LACE curtains hand-laundered; ail work
guaranteed, bell. bOl or Marshall Goti.
WOMAN wants work by hour, cooking, dish-
- -. sKin rr r. V-irahl! JIT".
RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone
Main 5209.
BUSINESS girl wants place to work for
board ana room. Marsnan zw, room o.
COMPETENT woman wishes work by day or
halt aay. ooaiawn jioi.
EXPERIENCED demonstrator desires posi
tion: reierences. n jiu. oregonian.
LACE curtains laundered : 11 years experi
ence, "taoor usio. ocott.
HIGH or grammar grade studies taught;
backward pupils a speciality. Main 5721.
PRIVATE lessons in English given to grown
people; Eastern teacher. R 1S6, Oregonian.
Tei. Tabor 5517,-
wants day work
GIRL wants general housework. Call Mon
day. Tabor 5416.
COOKING and serving, weddings, dinners,
luncheons; reierences. i aoor 31 1.
WANTED To read hy the hour to invalids
or for dictation. Last 14( l.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day's work.
Phone W oodiawn 13.
DAY work for Monday and Tuesday; city
reierences. laoor oua.
EXPERIENCED Finnish girls want general
housework. 620 Pettygrove St., near 23d.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work.
Main 8 321. call mornings.
WANTED By first-!ass cook, work in pri
vate lamny ; coioreu. -iam i-u..
W AM I D Cioeneting of all kinds: prices
rrasrnapic. fnone jjain up is. ietn,
PLACE where mother can work for home
for hcrseif ana aaugnter. Marshall 394
JAPANESE woman, wants position as
houseworker. 2S7 1st st.
RELIABLE woman cook, small hotel, res
taurant, aeucatessen. w ooaiawn 1574.
AN experienced woman wants sweeping
nas ner own vacuum. .Main uiu.
WANTED Day work by colored woman
Broadway 1641.
iO, any kind day noxk,
EXPERIENCED waitress wishes position
in city or out; would accept housework;
references given. Phone E. 632. Mrs. Hall,
2G4 E. 20th; .
LADY wishes any kind of housework by
day; very good reference for many years,
please call mornings. Phone Woodlawo
WANTED In January, position as' teachei
or governess, town or country; English
course; fluent French, music, experienced.
AV i!56. Oregonian.
GERMAN lady wishes position as lady's
maid or any position of trust: speaks sev
eral languages; would like to- travel; ex
cellent references. Phone Tabor 5310.
TYPEWRITING, filing, card-indexing and
general office work accurately and well
done by young woman of experience. AF
192, Oregonian.
CAPABLE, reliable middleaged woman de
sires care of children day times or even-
in gs ; GOc and carfare ; A-l references.
Call Monday Main 7051, A-1517.
REFINED lady wishes employment as casn
ier; has had no previous experience. AU
205. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants po
sition in hotel or rooming-house. Main
2803. room 1. -
RELIABLE woman needing employment
will work at church, private parties or
do any housework. X 183. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook, with references,
wants a trial of same; wages $40 up.
Wdln. 310.
CURTAINS hand-laundered, first-class work;
also clothes washed. S37 E. 11th st. Phone
Sellwood 232. Call after 4 P. M.
REFINED lady wants position in doctor's
or dentist's office, photographic studio or
companion to invaiia. n leu, wregoman.
POSITION wanted as companion by young
capaoie woman ; speatts reiicii uuu uci -man;
traveling experience. Marshall 1024.
MARRIED lady would like place to do
chamber work or housework & few hours
a day. A 205. Oregonian.
WOMAN wanta to work for her and hus
band's board and room. Phone Marshall
!8t5. room 6.
YOUNG lady wishes light office work from
9 to 3, four or five days week; good at
figures. N 188, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED English woman wants work
as cook to men or wiaower witn lamiiy,
town or country. Main 4336.
EXPERIENCEL woman wants day's work
cleaning or washing, etc. Both phones.
East 5379 or C 1418, room 14.
GIRL, good with, children, desires thMr
care mornings, aneruooun or eveniasB.
Main 0622.
RELIABLE woman, 4 to 6 hours Monday
and Tuesday, woodlawn 303o.
WOMAN wants work by the hour; wash.
ironmg, cleaning, rnone t.ast ua.
WANTED A four or five-room well fur
nished house near Mississippi and Shaver
must be reasonable; permanent tenants
If suited; will give excellent care and
references. Fhone w ooaiawn i4Ut.
WANTED At once, a 4 or 5 -room furnished
bungalow in Alberta district; must oe
thoroughly modern and up to date; rent
$0. Phone Woodlawn 1542
COMFORTABLE 5 or 6-room bungalow.
room for garden and cow. ac car line.
Responsible couple will lease. W 192,
A MODERN bungalow, one with garage
-.t - amilu nr torn, a Hill t a A Mf.l.
WANT to rent well-f -lrnished modern house.
close in state particulars. iu 100, ore
gonian. MODERN 5-roora bungalow; will pay J15
for one or more years lease. What nave
you? AO 199, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 heated rooms, or small house.
Must be cheap. AP 1H-j, Oregonian.
YOUNG married couple desire one or two
furnished housekeeping rooms witnin ju
minutes walk of business district at rea
sonable rental; private family preferred
In reply state rent asked. H lbb, Ore
gonian. WANTED By couple, both employed.
housekeeping suite m retinea private
modern home, walking distance. West
Hide preferred. AN 1U4, Oregonian.
WANTED Unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
private family preierrea. f j.uu, wregu
nian. WANTED By lady, light housekeeping
room in private tamuy; state price anu
location. E 102, Oregonian.
YOUNG man studying German wants room
or sleeping porcn witn uerman private
family; state terms. AB 19. Oregonian.
VIOLIN LESSONS for desirable room, cen
tral location. est Side, isu list, orego
nian. ROOM and board wanted; state terms. N
193, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN wants room and board, strictly
private tamily; lull particulars, piease. .-s
105, Oregonian.
WANTED By young laily, board and room.
private family. Christian bcientists. Jhiust
be first-class. X 18S, Oregonian.
Business Places.
WANTED Good location for grocery at rea
sonable rent, f i. oregonian.
PRINCESS HOTEL, E. od and Burnside;
rooms $2.oo ana outside rooms witn uatn
$3 and up; elevator, steam heat, phone in
each room; under new management.
Furnished Room s.
V.'est Park and Morrison Sts.
Transient and Permanent Guests.
A centrally located hotel with every
modern convenience; rooms single or en
suite, with and without private bath;
modest prices, with special rates by the
month to permanent guests.
List of .rooms in all parts of city, also
in the Association fireproof building, with
shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week,
double, with Individual beds; or $2.50 to
$4.50 per week single.
Corner 11th and Stark. $3 week and up
elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat
telephone connection in each room; no
extra charg-e for two in a room; room and
bath $1 day; transient solicited.
Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private
baths, individual tephone. electric lights,
steam heat: single rooms $2 per week and
up. with bath $3.50 and up; thoroughly
respectable; entrance on 12th.
422i,4 Washington Beautiful, clean, at
tractive rooms, facing street, $12 mo.;
courtrooms ss mo. up; suites with bath
$18 mo.; free phone; best rooms in city
for the price.
207fe-209Vt 4th st. Rooms with private
baths, $1 per day; special rates to perma
nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty
of steam heat and hot water.
10th St.. at Oak. Desirable downtown loca
tion; respectable and strictly modern, fire
proof building, elevator and large lobby.
Rooms $3 per week and up.
Broadway and Ankeny Remodeled and
greatly improved; steam heat, telephone
and running water; very low rates by the
week or month for the Winter.
65214 Washington st, ; fireproof; Idea',
location; steam heat, running Lot and coia
water, phones, baths, all outside, clean,
quiet rooms; $2.50 week up; 50c day up.
Morrison St., at 10th- -central location,
REDUCED RATES, Sue per day up; we iK
ly, j:.50 up; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths, steam heat.
hot v.i. FORD
735 Washington.
Family hotel; hot and cold water and
phone in every room; rooms without bam,
$10 up; with bath, $15 up.
NEWLY furnished, steam-her ed single
room, bath and telephone, $o per month,
Belknap Apartments, 187 17th, near Xam
hill. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel
mont Rooms $10 month, $20 up with
private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe
in connection. Phone East 323.
HOTEL Auditorium. 208 Third St., down
town location, respectable, modern; rates
$2 week up ; free bath, elevator service,
hot, co:d water in each room, steam heat.
1j3 12TH ST.
Modern; special reductions on all room .
$2 per week and up. Marshall 2790.
THE best furnished modern rooms at the
Standish Hotel. 64SVe Washington st., off
ISth, $J per week, $7 per month and up.
HOTEL CORDOVA. 20t 11th st. Strictly
modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3
tip. Main 9472. A 47S3.
NEW brick. 6-room, high-class, most com
plete in portlnnd; 21st and Overton; must
be soen. Main 8V or 3194.
For comfort and convenience: modern
and clean: 50c up. 44 Sd st.. Broadway 488.
LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm,
clean. In walking a is tance; $1.75 week end
up. '27 M; Larrabee.
MAX'SLL Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern;
use of parlor; real home: $2 up. M. 1153.
S1ANDISH HOTEL, 546 Wash, st, Steaoi
bevted ouuide rooms. $2 pe week un v
Ku rnihed Rooms.
If you are contemplating a change in
your place of residence we Invite you to
call and inspect HOTEL CLIFFORD, E.
Morrison st., near Grand ave; you will
find an attractive hotel, scrupulously
clean, remarkably quiet and supplying ail
the modern comforts at very low rates;
warm, cheerful rooms with free phone. $12
per month; rooms with private bath. $4
and $5 per week.
F. H. & G. M. STRONG, Owners and Mgrs.
One of those swell corner rooms with
bath is ready today for first comer at
103 li' th. near Washington.
Nothing finer in Portland at the low
rates we ane making. Several fine out
side rooms at $15 per month, two big in
side rooms left at $12 per month; others
as low as $10. Rooms for transients
from 50c up to $1.50. A cheerful, home
like hotel, clean and decent, day and
offers comfortable furnished, well-ventllat-ed
and heated outside rooms at $5 a week;
$6 a week with bath; first class, popular
priced restaurant in connection; service
and accommodations equal to tny down
town hotel at a much less figure.
CARLTON HOTEL. 14th and Washington.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location. Re
spectable and strictly modern. Room
rates $1 per day, $4 per week. With pri
vate bath $1.50 pjr day, $5.50 per week.
HOTEL NORR1S, 533-fc Alder. Modern out
side rooms, $2 per week up.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
$S OR $10 mo., very nicely furnished, cheer
ful front rooms for gentlemen or busi
ness lady; choice Nob Hill location; easy
wrtlking distance, few steps Washington
fft. carline; furnace heat phone, baths.
69 N. 21st St.
ATTRACTIVE room for one or two young
men ; modern conveniences, reasonable,
close in, on Wet Side. Main 6726. ,263
13th st.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, bath, Iur
nace heat, with or without board, in pri
vate home; very reasonable rates. 229 E.
35th et.
FAMILY of two wish to share new, modern
7-room furnished house with refined
couple, or two ladies employed. Tabor
ROOM for two gentlemen or working girls
. In private family; electric lights and bath;
close in. 494 Jefferson, near 14th; $7.50
LARGE, clean front room ; electric ligr.ts.
heat, hot water, strictly private family,
convenient to business center. 40 Blla st.
Phone Main 6990.
LARGE, light front room, furnace heat, hot
water, electricity, phone, walking dis
tance, very reasonable. 427 Main St., bet.
11th and 12th eta.
NICELY furnished room: furnace heat,
electric lights, telephone and bath; $8 a
montn ; ciose in ; suitante ior g emiemen.
20S 14th st.
TWO connected rooms suitable for 2 or 4
people; brass beds, platform springs,
phone, electric lights and bath. Tabor
il W PER WRRK Lar&re. clean room.
phone, bath, furnace heat; want 2 or 4
employed men; note location. 213 West
$3 ATTRACTIVE room In modern resi
dence, Ladd's Addition; furnace heat,
walkinff distance; lady or gentleman.
Phone East 143.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive room,
furnished or unfurnished, on carline, 15
minutes from city; all conveniences;
breakfast if desired. Phone Marshal 2440.
TWO or more ladies employed can have all
home privileges, use of piano, sewing ma
chine, etc., for 5 a month; close in. Phone
Ala in aia.
WANTED Married couple to share well-
furnished six-room flat, hot water, steam
heat, quiet place, walking distance, rates
reasonable. Marsna I JU-r or Main aouu.
2 LARGE front room;, nicely furnished,
with lieht. heat and oath. $1 week each;
could arrange for light housekeeping. 5315
TOth ave. L 14's.
GENTLEMAN may have room and
comforts in modern Nob Hill hom
to Washington. Piano. Widow's homo.
Marshall 3490.
LARGE and small nicely furnished rooms.
Heat, light, bath, in a good neighbor
hood, adults only, reasonable. J? lan
ders. Main 7S1j.
WELL furnished room, all modern conve
niences. Nob Hill district, for gentleman.
A 14 2 8
FURNISHED rooms with private family
single or suite; modern conveniences
terms moderate. 443 10th. cor. College.
IF looking for pleasant, clean rooms, ai;
modern conveniences, easy walking dis
tance, call 331 Broudway. Marshall 5o74
320 WEST PARK, nicely furnished front
room, with alcove and sleeping porcn, suit-
able one or two; walking distance.
PLEASANT room with bath, home privi
leges; A-l location. N. Grand ave.
Phone C 2S03. East 2570.
NICELY furnished attic room; modern con
veniences; central, reasonable. 404 Clay,
near 10th.
$3 WEEK 2 clean front rooms, suitabl
for housekeeping or sleeping rooms, tor
gentlemen. 308 Park. Marshall 4Ui.
IRVINGTON resident wishes roomers; best
of accommodations; sleeping porch. F ISO,
ATTRACTIVE large front room, suitable for
2, private family, modern conveniences,
board if desired. 730 GUsan. Main 1224.
NICE modern rooms within walking dis
tance; prefer refined business man E
WELL furnished rooms, single or apart
ments. Modern home, in best location. 2S9
E. 47th st. South Hawthorne ave.
TWO nicely connected sleeping rooms, heat
phone and bath: very reasonable; close
in. Marshall10T.
NICELY furnished room, warm and cheer-
rui; neat, electricity, not water an nours,
$2.50 week. 123 N. 23d. Marshall 349.
$10 FURNISHED outside room in Ford
ham Apts., Washington and 23d. Marshall
A LARGE, comfortable attic room. 4
month; no objection to girls; close in.
mi- ntn. aiain ziii.
LARGE front room, clothes closet. bath,
electric lights, furnace heat; very rea
sonable, oi East toaimon.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished front
room, modern conveniences, walking dis
tance. 440 W. Park.
TWO rooms in private family, desirable
location, board if desired; 77S Lovejoy st,
Main aim.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, suitable
for one or two, in quiet neighborhood;
reasonable. Marshall 12C0. 451 10th st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, walking dis
tance, gentlemen preferred. Main 710L
3S5 Victoria.
LARGE front room, with all conveniences,
in private family, at 577 Ladd ave. East
NICE front room, furnished, for one or two
persons; all conveniences; reasonable. East
199. B 3027.
BEAUTIFUL furnished, large, clean, warm
front room, strictly modern, close In, $10
per month. 332 Harrison st.
LARGE front room, down stairs; reason
able; email room $1.25; 192 Lownsdale,
near Taylor.
LARGE front rooms, douMe closets, elec
tricity, running water, etc.; also single or
H. K. 475 Morrison.
NICELY furnished room. with sleeping
porch, suitable ior two; good location,
walking distance. Phone East 2400.
LARGE, elegantly furnished room for 2,
private bath, in one of the finest homes
I n ri ty, f aci ng the park. 374 Park st.
2 EXCELLENT porch rooms for rent cheap.
547 Yamhill. Mn 3536.
NEWLY furnished convenient basement
rooms, sleeping or H. K. 475 Morrl son .
BEAUTIFUL front room for one or two;
also, small room, tS a month; 414 Salmon.
$1.50 WEEK, sleeping or housekeeping room;
phone, bath. etc. 206 13th.
GOOD room, with heat, walking distance;
S1.5Q a week. East 1260.
NEATLY furnished front bedroom. $1.50 per
week; walking distance. 429 6th st.
FRONT ROOM, Ford ham apaTtment. 2:id
and Washington. Marshall 10S4.
$2 WEEK : nice Utile room, good location.
26S 12th st.
FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 week.
prove stree Marshall 5806.
781 Petty-
1RVINGTON Beautiful room, new home;
1 H blocks to I or B car, near club. E. 419.
$10 HANDSOMELY furnished front room
for woman. 434 10th st. Main 32Q6.
LARGE, modem room, suitable for two
gentlemen; very reasonable. loth st.
ONE nicely furnished room.
Phone B 2264.
64 E. Oth X.
SM ALL. neat room, rent
6S7 Glfsan. near 21st.
$5 per month.
ONE newly-furnished corner room
vate tamily. Call 4O0V Clay.
in pri-
FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 week; steam
heat, phone, bath. 1 47 Th i rteen t h st.
2, 3 OR 5 rooms, unfurnished: phone, light,
heat, water. 634 E. Morrison.
ROOM and breakfast with use of garage.
AP 2"0. Oregonian.
TO girl employed or student, steam-heated
room ; rentral ; West Sid. Mafn S24 8.
M'KL1 furnished well-heated room, S7
ZQlhk Uoy.U
I'nfnrnltihed Rooms.
CHEAPEST rooms, finest location, fifth and
xourtn xioora oooanougn mag.. lormeny
lodging-house, now entirely renovated;
for rent as unfurnished housekeeping anU
living-rooms. suam heat, elevator serv
ice and free light. See engineer in base
ment. Fifth and Yamhill sis.
3 MODERN rooms, private bath, on ML
Tabor, near car; one view. Phone Tabot
4372 before IO A. M.
ROOMS very close in; partly furnished
If desired; convenient; reasonable. Mar.
Rooms With Board.
At 11th and Yamhill, opp. public li
brary; all outside rooms, with or without
private bath and shower; private tele
phone; running water; elevator service;
steam heat; $3 to $6.50 per week. Ex
cellent dining-room i Southern cooking);
ownership management. Main 6953.
A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel,
American plan; on carline. IO minutes
from business center; price in accord wtn
general business conditions.
23d and Hoyt sta Marshall 8SL
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel ; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main 92l3."A 662S.
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table.
X C211 Main 4611.
ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur
nish board and room for $a.50 a montn
and up at the Rainier Hotel, rnone oia.
Under former management. Large, at
tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable.
THE LYNDHURST. 225 West Park Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite. nu
or without meals.
MODERN single room, home cooked meals.
free phone, piano, eiegani recepuuu nmn.
$6 week. 30 N. 17th street. Marshall 1003.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
TWO well-furnished rooms and good home
cookine in private family, witn qatn. run
ning water, connecting bathrooms, for any
one who isn't fble to pay much. 351 Union
ave N.. near Broadway.
GOOD home cooking, first-class furnisnea
roams, modern home ior res pec ih. me w. ui
ing girls, where they can do their own
washing and tewing; rates reasonable.
175 N. 15th st Main 6407
LARGE, beautiful furnished rooms; steam
heat, running water, gooa oeas. epe-ia
attention paid to the table:- home cook
ing; close in; reasonable. Marshall 44
394 12th st. .
ELEGANTLY furnished room, excellent
hnnrd in triotlv hitrh class modern nome,
West Side, walking distance, suitable for
two aentlemen or man and wife. East
LARGE, well-furnished front room, suitable
for one or two; use ot piano ami hwi.h
room; homelike, congenial; all young peo
ple; excellent board, rate $6 per week,
$25 a month. 341M 6th st. A 2S46.
vni-fi ' of refinement would like room
mate in large room in mouein ui.. "j
arate beas, excellent mem, tmsg r
per wefek. 547 Oth. Main 9325.
irr Btfim.hatd room, and boara. in
prlvlieKea. $" and $6 a week ; walking
distance. 51 GUsan. Mar. 4u-j.
roa Rn mi mom. home cooking, clean.
auiet. weil-heated room, best of meals.
walking distance; rates from $o.o0 UP.
4VJ Jefferson Marshall 20.
VKTtv lifMiruhln front room, large c.oset
furnace heat, .waiK'.ng oisiance, picannui,
surroundings; terms very attractive. Main
ri .it a v inrB-A front room, modern con
veniences free, board optional; walking
distance : reasonable. Marshall 2424. 451
West Park.
A NICE place to room and board, clean
nnd nnmellKe: KOOa nome cuumhb,
em: $20 per month. 367 11th st.. near
WANTED Boarders; good room and board.
home privileges, terms reasonable, auuih
or children under school age; references.
5412 Powell Valley road, cor 54th.
WIDOW will give board and room to 2 or
4 ladies or geutlemeu or two married cou
ples, very reasonable; pest nome coo hi us,
walking distance. Phone East 443s.
$4.50 PER WEEK Room and board for 2
you ii k luuifH. mi ... ,
double parlor, use of piano, walking ais
tance; 50S Hoyt st. Main 54 O0.
MARRIED couple, no children, would room
and board two respect aoie kchwciucu
modern house, with home privileges; first
class board. 454 E. Ankeny.
LARGE, nicely furnished room for one or
two men ; congenial family: no other
boarders: 15 minutes' walk from business
district. 6t E. Ma st. N.
PLEASANT corner room, adjoining bath
mam i-.i rnmfnrtflhle. modern home, ex
cellent board, walking distance; furnace.
electr:c lights. East 46 9.
vrr uiu.. u-alklnK distance. nicely fur
nished front room, suitable for one or
two; strictly modern, best or home cook
Ing; all home privileges. Main 5643.
m -ii-furnishcd. large. lignt.
airy room for 2, with best of home cook
ing, prepared by one who has had do
mestic science irniuuiB.
GOOD home with best of care for one or
two cl.llaren, on a lime mmi jum out
side city, close to school ana canine.
Call C 1012.
LARGE front room with alcove and meals
for 2 or 3 gentlemen; spienuiu luxa
tion. 35 N. l&th st. Main 2301.
CHILDREN to care for and board, near
school and Pen. Park, by practical nurse.
Phone v oodiawn 4-'w.
EXCELLENT room and board for 2 working
people in new home; everyming muuwu
furnace heat; $17.50 each. Wdln. 208.
WOULD like a few roomers and boarders.
$15 per month; gooa, nrst-ciass ooara
O.V2 Schuyler st. East tQ2o.
K'KAT front room in private family, with
or without board, or privilege o using
kitchen. Phone East 4uuu.
DESIRABLE rooms with board for 2 or -men,
residential district, modern con
veniences walking distance. 3S7 12th St.
T"tt-- ni.-ui v furnished rooms for 2 oi
young men, with or without board. Phone
r.ARGE front room, running water, Individ
ual beds, excellent board, two gentlemen,
reasonable, central. 201 W. Park.
f.i.kv EN'TH. Nice rooms, all conven
iences, homelike, with board; rates rea
FRONT ROOM Modern conveniences free
board optional; close in; reasonaoie.
shall 4410. 474 Salmon st.
L ARG E well-furnished modern room, fine
for 2 or 3. home cooKing, a.ou ween,
N. 17th street. Marshall 1QQ3.
LADY to share 3 attractive rooms and sleep
ing-porch, walking distance; references
exchangea. ou n-ast uait.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences, close in; reasonable. 214 lltn, cor.
CHILDREN to board in a nice home, close
to Catholic and public schools. $10 per
mo. BD 181, oregonian.
1 ROOM for young man or lady, exclusive
family boarding-house, excellent service.
30M 10th, corner Montgomery.
FURNISHED room, private family. near
Multnomah Club; board optional; lads
preferred. Marsh. l-ol.
335 11TH ST. Attractive large rooms with
sleeoinir porch ; excellent board ; West
Side Main 72G5.
THREE rooms and bath, one block Sunny
side car; $18 with water, light and
phone. 1076 E. Morrison. Tabor 13o2.
SOO JEFFERSON ST. 2 large, airy rooms
hot water in room, suitable for 2; excel
lent boara. Main
FINE H, K. and sleeping-room ; walking dis
tance; reasonable. Main 63tl!. 2'-il 13th st.
WANTED 2 men to room, board if desired.
347 Hail. .Mar. fwift
BOARD and room in Irvington home for
1 or 2 ladies; references. East 3415.
FI RST-CLASS rooms, excellent home cook
ing, oil .Morrison. Jiain - -
ROOMS with board, walking distance, mod
em. i 1 1 r lanoers. jaain i-ti.
ROOM and board for two gentleim-n; home
privileges: relerence. M lSi, Oregonian
ROOM, board, private home. 2 gentlemen
sleeping porcn. pit tsaa svo. E.sst
FOR business plri or students. week up.
"Anna Lewis" naa, oio t lanaers st.
BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board. $
up. Mam 6oi. out Harrison, near itn.
FURA'ISHED rooms, with or without board,
or will serve meals alone, 681 Glisan.
waiter; u;
T. warm room; board;
se of piano. o6l loth st.
FlRNI SHED rooms, with or without board,
or will Merve meals atone. 631 Giisan.
ROOM and board near E. 12th and Market
Ladd s Aoaition. .ast
PLEASANT rooms, $H ; with board. $22.50.
home privileges; ciose in. Marshall H70J.
STEAM-HEATED rooms, home cooking, one
or two meals; reasonable. Marshall 4766.
ROOM and beard, $40 for two.
era st.
567 Fland-
WANT ED Young child to care for by re
fined ndult family. Phone Main 4oo6,
WANTED Or.e or two children to
good home. .Main 0-12W.
CH'LD to room and board, good home. C.tll i
Woodlawn 1121. I
ROOM and board Tor two gentlemen, fur-
futca aeaii 411 ;oin. corner jjavi,
Room With Board in Private Family.
WELL furnished room to refined man or
man in private nome, all home priv
ileges, walking distance; 2lst. near Wash
ington: a spiendid opportunity to get a
iirwly furnished room that has" never been
occupied. Apply in person. 60 N. 21st st.
No sign on the house.
GOOD home and board $3 per week. hom
wufcing, nome privileges, phone, use of
parlor, bath, electric iron, washer run bv
motor, steam heat, electric lights, good
car service, one block west of Union
avenue on Failing st., 301. Phon Wood
lawn 42lo.
Large sunny front room adjoining bath,
furnace heat, home privileges; room with
board for 2 peoplj $00 per month. $50 if
slight assistance is rendered ; room with
out meals $15 pr mouth. 529 Montgom
ery. Marshall 0O13.
ROOM and board for cue or two persons
in reiinea, attractively turntsned home
like place ; steam heat, plenty of hot
water, best of board, all home privileges;
good location. West Side; S5 said $ti per
week. Phone Marshall 243.
BEAUTIFUL, large room, newly furnished:
not ana coia water, steam heat, twin
beds. 2 dress rs, every convenience, Sfxnl
board, 15 minutes' walk to post office.
Main 63S1. 5oi Harrison, near 14th
TWO gentlemen illing to room together
can have room and board lor price of
board in private family; bath adjoining
room; best car service in city. 2Gt E
4Qth S. K.
SPLENDID board, large, pleasant room, suit-
auie ior two gentlemen, in private family:
bath, furnace heat, home cooking, easy
walking distance; price very reasonable.
2SE. Uth st. N. East 6018.
LARGE, light, nicely furnished room, suits-
uio ior i wo people, in modern home; walk
ing distance, on West Side, sieeping
porch if desired ; also fine single room;
excellent home cooking. Marshall S030.
NICE furnished rooms, with or without
board: home comforts; in private family;
walking distance. Call Marshall 3010.
Furnished Apartments.
East First and Multnomah, $40; beau
tiful o-rooin corner apt., elegantly fur
nished, with 19 disappearing beds and
built-in sideooard and desk, roof garde i
and sun parior, wita piano; unsurpassed
view, walking distance. U car. East 14
F:ith and College
Clean, cozy, tl'-reo and four-room fur
nished apartments; rents reasonable.
Also bachelor apartments.
Heat, water, phone and janitor service
Inel tided.
$40 715 Wayne u, best location, walk
ing dietancv, large outside rooms, front
and side porches, plenty of hot water,
steam heat, private phones, adults.
Smith-W agoner Co., itoek Ex.
Furnished, or unfurnished 3-room apart
ments; linen, silverware, private phone and
bath, sleeping porch; nearest th Union
Depot of Eajst Side apartments. iSa cor
ner Clackamas and Rom sts. East
Cor. Park aud Taylor.
Handsomely furnished 3 and 4 -room
suites; best location lu city; reasonaoie.
PRIVATE parties having an attractively
furnished 3-room apartment will rent very
reasonable to responsible people until first
of year; West tilde; walking du tance. A
la6. Oregoniin.
Hotel and Apartments.
Dining-room in connection.
20th and Kearney. Marsna 11 "M, A 445S.
I-room apts.. $1S to including pri
vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat.
Laundry room with steam dry-r. Garage
convenient. Mam 131 7. A 4152.
W EST FA L. 4lO 5th st. Elegantly furnished
Had unlurmsnea sua room apt.; auto
matic eievmur, ey walking distance,
most reasonable rent, day, week or momu;
t-U to J0 Main -07 M.
ALDER. 2 and 3-ioora iurnisnea ana un
furnished apL; inouern service; very rea
sonable raui; 2 -in in. car service; a mm.
from town.
WASHINGTON GRANi- 2 and i-room fur.
apts., $10 mo. up. cioi ana. coiu wmur.
htat, light and bath lurnisned. One weeks
rent free with first mouth's rent in ad
vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 444 J.
2ui 16th St., Near Taylor.
5 -room lurnisheu apts., waging distance,
fine view, all outsice roonxs. everything
first-class; reiereuce. Mar. 324.
28th and Sandy Blvd.
3-room apartments. completely fur
nished, t.le bath, hardwood floors, white
enamel; swell. t. Phone East 300.
CARLOTT A COURT, Everett and lth
New, moaern ; steam, nritu pritnie ukius,
laundry, completely furnished 2 and a
room apts., lu mm. from business center,
save cariare; rales moderate; references.
Park st., at Madison.
Modern ii and 4-rooui luruished apart
ments, close in; by week or month.
ONE $7, two $10, or four-room $15, furn
ished housekeeping suites, ground floor,
walking distance. Apply 634 East Davis
near Itith. m
CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay.
Two rooms; light, pleasant and well fur
nished; walking distance; $-0 to fiia.Uti.
Main 8757.
H1SLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw
thorne. 2 and 3-room apts.. private batna
and phone; also single rooms; well fur
nished; $12-50 up. Phone East 8&.
IONIAN COURT, Ibtu and Couch. 3 and 4
roora apartments. All modern conven
iences; walking distance. Rents $22.50 to
$32.50. Main 112.
2 -room modern, clean and comfortable.
Very low rates, llo N. 21st st, MarshU
4141 and 4140.
644 Everett, bet. 2 uth and Ella sta;
furnished 3-room apts.; with or without
sleeping porcn ; moaern.
nenn : nne 2-room ant- corner. privat
balcony and phone. bplendid location,
tU7.50. Main 13J0.
Modern furnished two-room apartments.
$2u up; close in. Main ZZ&6.
42 UNION AVE. Sacramento Apts., under
new management. New heating panl,
good apartments, $14 and up. East oG40.
BANNER 4S9 Clay St., 2 rooms, furnished,
$s to $16. including heat ana light; walk
lug distance. Marshall 04.
joy Choicest a and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apis., rates lowest. Main 167.
005 V- WASHINGTON 1 and 2-room fur
nished apartments, free gas, electricity,
steam heat, pnone, bath, j lo month up.
ELMWOOD APTS.. loth and Hall Lobby,
stcial hall, modem 3-room furnished and
unfurnished apts., reasonable.
NEW one and two-room apartments now
being fitted up. Reasonable renu -t-11th
FoK RENT 4 and 5-room suites, furnished,
near corner of Alberta and 7th, $16 and
$1.S. Phone, furnace. 4.2 Church eu
THE Davenport Apts.. 505 Jefferson St.;
four-room pts.. modern iu every respect
price 22 per mo.; also rooms for rent.
XHE CHELTENHAM iicautllul f urnism d
' 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate
Th city. Corner N. l'Jth and Northrup.
t"hE PARKHULST Quiet, refined, well
ordered home. In modern high-class apt.
house. Main 1 17s?.
JACKSON BUNGALOW J, 4 and 5-room
aKurtmenis, all furnished, modern, walk
in distance, good heat ; 454 1 1 th st.
THE CLARKETOX. 3 outside rooms with
laige alcove; free phone, steam; 2 car lines.
K u u E. Ankeny. Kaa t 67.! 1.
GRANDEST A -East Stark and Grand ave.
Modern three-room apartments. Greatly
red uced rate. Phone K. 2U8.
NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apart
ments, steam electric lights, etc;
rates $11 to $1S. 34 5ih St.
Grace Apartment. 241 h and Northrup; 4
room furnished apartment.MarshalI 1 0 7 i.
HAR RIM AN APTS.. 164 24th et. N. 1 largs
3-room apt., furnished, equivalent to 4
rooms ; references.
HERMEN1A. 400 Hall iu, corner 10th, one
basement apt.. $ IS asd one front 2-room
GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart
ments; prices right, strictly moaern. Co.
Grand av., East Oak. East 3302.
the day, -week or month; modern, close to
k. O.. reasonable; ref. Marshall 2053.
ARUM AY TERRACE, 395 12TH First-class
in every respect; attractive rates.
CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy ; 2 and 3-room front
apartments. Rent 32Q to $3Q.
CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2 rms..
$14. SO up; lignt and heat. 328 Mill it
C E w f urn ish e d apts.; concrete block; $10
and $12. 1114 V Union ave. N.WdL6i;4.
jH E A LAM O. 4l4 Market st. Nicely fur
nish ed3jjocrnajts, $16 up.
hr APT., newly furnished. Hphts. heat,
close In. H5 N. 'Irand ave.
TH E M L'NCEV, li'.'O Ctay. between loth ajid
-W. Parn : 2 and ;-ruom apis., mod 'i n.
I LADY Share
fi-room flat or rent room.
cooking yriviicgc. iu oUU'J