The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 29

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S5 HEAD of high-grade Hoistein, Jersey
and Guernsey cows, some- fresh, others
coming fresh from now to Spring; $40 to
-SO. Woodstock car to 50th ave., 3 blocks
yGR 6 ALE Lars Yorkshire boars, read;
for service ; can make Immediate iuitV"
went Coldstream Ranch, box 4-9. Rouu
2. Gaston, Or. I
WANTED 2 fresh cows, not less than foui
gallons eah ; grade Jersey and Durham
preferred, G. F. Reynolds, Clackamas, Or.
B-ROOM houseboat, nev-ly built, with 4 H.
P. mo tor boat floats, etc., for quick sal a,
$250. Main 4408. Marshall 719.
els, a few. grand Spring boars ana gilLS.
Geo. F. Kendall, mgr., Clackamas. Or.
FOR SALE - Fine young Hambletonian
mare, to ride and drive; beautiiul young
Jersey cow and calf. 4S2 Church st.
JtRaEY cow, 6 ears old, will be fresh Feb
ruary; will sell for $5o. 285 Front st.
SCHUMANN piano. $400, to trade for fresh
cows. W lbl, Oregonian.
FROM 1 to 100 dairy cows, terms. Bruce,
l-Olon Stockyards. L lbS, Oregonian.
YOUNG Jersey cow with calf. Oak Grove.
I'RKdH dairy and family cows. Union Stock
Yaras. Call for V. R. Sexton.
JOO TAKES 4 good cows giving 4 gal. per
auy. i-orDea. unneman station,
FuR SALE 2 fresh cows. Phone evenings.
Oak Grove 23 W.
FOR SALE Young pigs.
Oak Grove 23 W.
Phone evenings.
"WANTED Heavy duty Corliss engine, 28x
sa or its equivalent in a twin; give con
ditlon and history; must be in good shape
Clear Lake. Wash.
ISL-o Yeon Bldg. Main 6705. A 8330.
WANTED Machine lathe. Give price and
size. AN lt3. Oregonian.
Launches and Boats.
larger boat: must dispose of runabout,
25-ft., 2-cyl., 11-H. P., 11 miles guaran
teed; will do belter; seats seven; standing
, top with curtains. Recently thoroughly
overhauled and painted ; able and sea
worthy ; complete equipment, cushions,
elec. lights, anchor, etc. Burns distillate
as well as gasoline. Call Broadway 644;
ask for Mr. Johnston. Price $290.
IsKW cabin launch, 30x7-9, full head room,
heavy duty motor, capacity 20 people in
comfort, good carrier, fine for livery or
terry service, or as pleasure cruiser; will
accept auto as part pay. D. A. Chambers,
167 s. Broadway, or Von der Werth's boat
shop cast end Morrison Bridge.
3 -room furnished houseboat, woodshed,
boat. Best of walks, lights. Bull Run
water, 2 carlines. Party leaving, must
sell at onoe. No 58, Willamette Moorage,
foot Crampton, Sellwood car.
MOTOR canoe for sale. 17-ft. Sponson, 'fully
equipped. Evlnrufle motor, electric lights
and horn, solid spray deck, complete set
of tools and accessories; am leaving the
city and want quick sale at $100. L. C.
Jones. Main 8525, A 55:25.
C. W. RAYNOR Marine broker, 809 Spald
ing bldg List your wants with me. House
boats, launches, engines.
EM ALL- cruiser, $200. Just the boat for 2
or 3 boys; good condition; a bargain.
Seilwood 2319.
LAUNCH, auto top, electric equipment,
house, snap, ySO, leaving town. M. 5u02.
Typewrit er.
Modol 3 $30.00
Model 4 30.00
Model 5 37.50
REMINGTON, tt and 7 17.50
REMINGTON, 10 40.00
REMINGTON, 11 45.00
OLIVER 3 17.50
OLIVER 5 30.00
OLIVER 7 37.50
L. C. SMITH, 2 30.00
L. C. SMITH, 5 47.50
M ITH PREMIER. 10 30.0!
ROYAL, 1 30.00
ROYAL, 5 40.00
Every machine thoroughly rebuilt and
fully guaranteed. TERMS cash and $5
per month. Machines sent for three days'
examination to any point on Pacific Coast
ami if not satisfactory may bo returned
at our expense. RENTALS 4 MONTHS
FOR 5 AND UP. Initial payment ap
plied if purchased.
3L' I Washington St., Portland, Or.
Branch stores In all Coast cities.
tiPLENDID No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter,
A -I shape, 'a Price $10.50, $5 down, $2
monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350
TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5
and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur
chase price. Remington Typewriter Com
pany. 80 Broadway, Portland, Or.
WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all
makes of typewriters; sertd for our illus
trated folder. Retail department WHOL12-
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The
Northwest Typewriter Co.. 262 Stark st.
Main 6628.
NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut
rates. P. P.. 221 Stark at. Main 1407.
OL1 VEK type writer agency Is now located
at UuG Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658.
Why pay a premium to your plumber?
Our prices on
TORIES, PIPE, FITTINGS, etc., is far
You buy at wholesale.
Let us figure with you.
The House of a Million Bargains.
240-244 Front St., Cor. Main.
1S7 Front St.
BARGAIN prices in new and second
band pipe from 4 to 8-inch.
We are selling this week low-down com
bination toilets, guaranteed new, for $9.50.
Plumbing supplies all descriptions, at low
est prices. We will save you money if
you let us figure on furnishing your
plumbing supplies and pipe, us well as
dotug your plumbing work.
We are glud to give estimates free of
Charge. All work guaranteed.
1S7 Front St..
Between Yamhill and Taylor.
IF YOU desire to hear a really wonderful
instrument come in and listen to the
new Kdison Diamond disc phonograph; no
needles to change; the records are in
destructible; easy payments. Hyatt Talking
Machine Co.. 350 Alder st.
DIAMOND for sole. If you are looking for
a bargain, write me. I need the money
and will make big sacrifice- D 190, Ore
- Mixers, piledrtver. clamshell, pumps,
derricks, scows, hoists. Coast Steel &
Machinery Co., 1505 Yeon bldg.
LEARN TO dance. The new Orafanola
or Yinro!a plays all dance records in per
fect time: $15 up; 50c a week buys one.
Hvatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st.
A fine mounted head for sa'e, Beaure
rarii's. 70S Main st.. Vancouver, Wash.
EDISON disc phonograph and 30 records
for pale, easy terms. Write or call at
225 E. 9th st. N.
TWO $-5 todies suits, brown and" gray, size
3d. ?5 each. Call 401 3d, Monday and
FINEST Alaska mink skins ready to make
up; sell one o a hunnrrd; prices rea
sonable. Phone Main 6002.
TATENT on mechanical starting device that
can be used on any car. AP 104, Orego
nian. FOR SALE Fine. lar:e Buck heater and
gas kitchen range. 304 Rothchild bldg.
FOR SALE Set of fox furs, very reasonable.
Call East 6360
OAK roll top, typewriter, desk, sanlt
roll top. four chairs. 848 Mississippi,
CASH REGISTER w ith two adder. for
cho.ip. St 11 wood 417."
LADY'S long Astrachan cape, $20; cost
large sise. AP 103. Oregonian.
N EARLY r.exv Underwood duplicated
ChU Main or A ;$ko&
ROLL-TOP desk in good condition
sal cheap. Call Main 3431.
LAW books. Enclyclopedta of Forms,
vols., great bargain. Phone East
BILLIARD table, complete, $100.
COW manure, rot t.'d. for sale. We
aver. Phona .Last 2Sdi.
roa sale.
1 modem SO-ln. safe. $15.
1 house safe, 24-in., $10.
4 foot power grindstones. 93 each.
14 oiacksmith blowers at a guaranteed
2$ blacksmith vises, new, 35 lbs. to 120
lbs., at 10c ib.
3 einory stands, different "sizes.
62 wheelbarrows, iron, at $2.
27 jacks at a low figure.
9d rolls chicken wire at less than whole
sale. 13 tons smooth galvanized wire 2c Ib.
6 ton large canvas at almost a close
300 rolls roofing paper.
1 Ruud gas heater, cost $200, for $40.
4 stoam feed cookers for the farmer or
dairyman at $20 to $50.
Anvils new, for J -.50.
We are going to- sell a 6x9 double drum,
double cylinder donkey engine, in almost
new condition, for $425. It worth $750.
Do you want any steam machinery?
We are going to sacrifice our entire stock
of boilers (butt strapped and lap seam),
engines of all kinds and sizes, pumps, fit
tings, etc., at prices never before heard of.
W-e have a boiler or engine for any need,
from 2 K. P. to 1000 H. P., and at prices
that will surely bring the business.
Gas engines, consult' our stock before
buying. Why ? Look! 2h H. P. Water
loo gas engine, almost new. $40.
12 other at proportionate prices.
If it' pipe you want
We bave the largest, best assorted
stock in the Northwest.
AH pipe guaranteed.
- Pipe work of all kinds done at most
reasonable prices.
Anything you want In this line at prices
that astonish.
Our stock includes anything at prices
that are way less than wholesale cost
In sizes up to 24-inch.
4 to 1-ln. plow eteel stock in pieces
10 ft. to 6000 ft., at worth your investi
gating prices.
150 kegs nails, at $1.50 keg.
94 boom chains, y in. to 14 in.
44 Western dump cars at less than
See us and save real big money ; any
amount of any size rail,
240, 244 Front St., Cor. Main.
The House of a Million Bargains.
Phones, Main 663, A 1663.
23 Years in Portland.
We have a large stock of new end second-hand
pipe from in. to 8 in. We
carry a full line of plumbing supplies at
bargain prioes.
Main 6325. 269 Front.
LOT of old clothes, quilts, blankets, fold
ing cot, Stilson wrench, tin snips, large
lot of other hand and auto tools. Includ
ing breast drill, grease gun. air friction
carbureter for Ford car, small steam and
vulcantzer for road work. Many others,
etc. Call Monday at basement garage, 2d
and Montgomery.
WE BUYi sell and exchange all kinds of
second-hand and rebuilt National cash
registers. Easy terms.
352-354 Burnside, cor. 8th.
Broadway 1816, A 1816.
2-INCH centrifugal pump, 2, 4 and 30-horse-power
steam engine. 1 vacuum pump. 1
small positive blower, pulleys and belting
and miscellaneous tools and repair parts,
machinery and auto repairing. Northwest
Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front st.
BOOKKEEPER'S desk and chair, typewriter
desk, 1 writing tuble, 1 flat-top" oak table,
1 wrapping counter, 1 1500 Ibb. Fairbanks
platform scale; also a lot of machine loois,
propellers and marine engines. Gas Power
& Suply Co., 170 Front. Mar. 5172.
FOR SALE A wall case, new, two sections,
4 sliding doors, adjustable brackets, also a
new draughtsman's or architect's table,
hinged cover and casters. phone Broad
way 3090.
SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used
sewing machines, all make, will be closed
out. Drop heads. . and up; :ox tops, $2
and up. S. S. Siegel. two a ton. a. 333 Al
der St.. and 242 Alder at.
SEWING MACHINES, new and second-band,
sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Em
porium, 1)10 3d t.. near Taylor. Main 9431.
A 366.
HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and
shotguns; cameras, kodaks and lenses
bougnt, sold and exchanged. Hochfelds
Camera Exchange, S5 3d st. -
BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom
and pocket billiard tables and bowlnig
alleys and accessories; easy payments. The
Bi unswlcK-uaiKe-tJoiienaer to., u--o um.
an s auto cut-, "-"c
Alaskan trip not made; $30. BC -Uo, Ore
gonian. ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade or rent;
expert repairing. Walker Electric Works,
413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 0674.
CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our
prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange,
iol Washington st. Main 606. A 30OtJ.
PRECISION model lathe 5x12, treadle,.
chucks, complete iu. air. enry, a.
24th st. Marshall 2227.
FOR SALE Large safe, suitable for grocery
or office; nave no xurtner use ior it.
1?S, Oregonian.
POWERFUL steel stump puller for only
s:5; tJO da. j Iiee trial to everyDoay. v-ti
liith ave. South, Seattle. Wash.
$S5 B1SSELS electric vacuum cleaner, in
BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re-
VUlveia, All uinkED , uncap. xcnui ft ai u b,
70S Main st., Vancouver. Wash.
WILL dispose of a lot of used sewing ma
chines, all manes ana guaranteea lor so
each. 349 Morrison.
BEAUTIFUL white fox fur. two yards and
liair long, cost r.n; nenriy new; lor
1 1 East 52d st. South.
FOR SALE Baby'B iron bed, mattress.
hiirhchair, sulKy ana creeper. Jr'none c
1 44 1.
FUR COAT for sale; astrakhan mink col
lar and cutis; cost siuu. win tan
Phone Main 5831.
FINE black $:0 silk lined overcoat, 38 siza.
slightly worn, $10. Call bunflay. 147 13:h
st. Room 33.
103 E. Water st. East $146. B 233 9.
PLANT strawberries now; will bear In
Spring: Marshalla and Oregon $3.00 per
1000. Marshall 3297.
FOR SALE Lady's diamond ring. three
perfect stones; cost 1275 ; will sacrifice;
jewelers references. N 1S7, Oregonian.
WILL sell 'heap broadcloth fur-trimmed
sait; slightly worn, size 30. O 1S7, Ore
gonion. HIGH-GRADE bicycle, first-class condi
tion. Telephone East 61 or Sellwood 9oti.
No. 1 Grand avenue, corner E. Ankeny.
DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made
in Oregon; per gallon, SI. 75. Portland
paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100.
DIAMOND, 1 k., absolutely perfect, costing
$T2o; sacrifice for $150. AN 160, Orego
nian. SEAL coat, size GC. short; price $20. Tabor
10 ROLL-TOP. 3 flat-top. 2 T. W. desks, 13
chairs. 2 filing cabinets. 91 Park st.
FERTILISER; well rotted cow manura for
sale. We deliver. Phone East 2361.
HEATER for wood and coal, sell cheap. 233
Clackamas st
BEARING size apple trees. 50c each. Mitch
ell Nurse.-. Tacoma, Wash.
PLUM BING supplies at wholesale price-btark-Davls
Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797.
0." WHEELER & WILSON in first-class
condition fur $25. Woodlawn 1728.
TWIN baby carriage for sale. Phone Sell-
NEWLY-LaID esgs, market price, phone
STEEL RANGE in excollent condition, $1S.
Call 2'7 E. 20th N.
TWO revolving postcard racks, half price.
lt;:il E. 13th St. S.
ROYAL coffee and peanut roaster, motor
attached: sit.. cost tJou. oj union ave.
CANARLEd iu fine suae for sale. Main 047.
We want to buy or dismantle any plant
or machinery you don't want.
Main 663, A 166a. 240 Front St.
We pay the highest price for ladies
- and gents' cast-off clothing, bicycles ana
everything in merchandise. Call us . p.
We need it and will pay for iu
GLOBE STOKE. i3 First.
Main if 00. Main Z0S0.
1S5-387 First St.
Will buy goad used furniture, rugs,
ranges and household goods; phone for an
appointment with our buer. Marshall
Marshal 587.
We buy your second-hand furniture,
stoves end other household gocs.
Highest Prices Paid.
FOR a thoroughly reliable bouse to buy or
sell houseaoid gooai or anything in the
hardware line, call the Levin Hardware c
Furniture Co., 221 Fonu Phone A 1174.
Main 9072.
14 1st. Main 768. 184 lit.
Call on us and get our estimate on your
furniture and household goods before dis-
W A N T E D -Piano by man and wife, no chil
dren; will care for same tor privilege 01
U1US , DDI l Ul Cltl (ULSt , niue.
lkC t,n ton
WILL exchange fine up-to-date Victrola,
Grafonola or Edison phonograph for
piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 30
Alder st.
H18HEST cash prices paid for all "kinds of
scrap iron, metals, rubber, machinery,
railroad materials, rails, etc. H. B. Davis,
391 Water st. Marshall 2460 or Main 2421.
GOLDEN OAK typewriter desk, in first-
'liidi f.nn it inn hea n -. ail A T 1tV
Main 4778. 12 1st St. Main 477S.
Pays best prices for your furniture, etc
WANTED At once, 50 H. P., 220-v., 3-phase
motor; state full particulars. M 157, Ore
gonian. PHONOGRAPH wanted; second-hand, but
no horns cr cylinders; Hdlson preferred.
Wood lawn 360O.
WANTED One second-hand triple mirror;
must be in good shape. '
Address AV 273, Oregonian.
SECOND-HAND clothing buyer. J.Meyer,
tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Call
Marshall 1220. 220 Madison street.
YOUJNG fresh cow, tuberculin tested, giv
ing not less than 40 lbs. milk dally. Ad
dress Mapiecrott Farm, Tlgard. Or.
PHONE MAIN 3:i:i-. A 2567.
WANTED Standard pool table in good con
dition, must be reasonable price. Address
AV 272, Oregonian
WANTED To rent dictaphone or Edison
dictating machine. Call East 64S2 Mon
day. WANTED Large showcase, for bakery
goods, must be cneap ior casn. ueotu,
Tabor 2577.
WANTED 2d-hand woodworking machine
for carpenter shop. Give full details and
best price for cash. AD 18, Oregonian.
VI LL store baby prand piano for its use.
Best of care. References. Phone A 4383,
or X 2S0, Orerronian.
FLYNN'S books on diet and exercise, must
be cheap. Johnson, Lion Clothing Co.,
Morrison and 4th.
RESPONSIBLE company would like to rent
Ford with delivery body by month. - Tabor
WANTED Diamond, must be cheap for
cash. Marshall 1204 or 721 Salmon at.,
WANT portable garaee, 10x16. in sood con
dition; cash for bargain. AC 178, -Oregonian.
WR tint rooms for $2.50: do good painting
" work. Charles O'Mara, East S23.
I BUY ladles' and men's clothes; pay the
highest prlcesBroadway 3932.
WANTED Second-hand portable garage;
must be reasonable. Phone Sellwood 800.
OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for
your furniture. 204 let. Main 4627.
WANTED 100 cars of fir wood t. o. b. East
Portland. t7 Union ave. Ring East 444 L
TENT wanted; must be reasonable, for cash.
Phone East 1426.
WANTED National cash register. Main
6 (. 351 Washington st.
SEVERAL small cash registers for 10-cent
store Isaac Hamilton, General Delivery.
H1CHEST prices paid for furniture of all
descriptions. Main 309. Kline's. 205 First.
WANTED To rent a pianola for the Win
ter by refined family. A 183, Oregonian.
SMALL second-hand boiler: must be cheap
for cash. Phone Main 1352.
PIANO wanted; adults; will give best care
and low rent. Phone Main 4006.
1 W.NT to buy candy-making outfit. What
have you? Box 376, St. Helens, Or.
WANTED All kinds of records and phono
6 r aphs. Main 44'J6. 1 28 t st.
ONE second-hand rain coat, medium size.
For heavy overcoat. AB 193, Oregonian.
WANTED Hand-made art goods to sell
on commission. iWd Yamhill st.
STRICTLY American dealers in used furni
ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1683.
WANTED Ducks; will pay a little" better
than market price.'AV 2o7. Oregonian.
WANT to ouy one or more oak vertical lt
ternles for office. L 186, Oregonian.
SCALES Portable or dormant; state sixe.
prive and location. AE 112, Oregonian.
MAN of good character wanted in each
town to distribute free goods as advertis
ing; experience unnecessary, references re
Quired; $15 a week to start. Hudson. King
Co.. Inc., Dept. 10M, 9 South Clinton
St., Chicago.
MAN your own territory; salary of $I0O per
month, traveling expenses and commis
sion: experience unnecessary; write quick.
R. D. Martel, 2uutt Indiana ave.. Dept.
1733, Chicago.
WANTED Energetic collector for city who
can devote all or part time; must give
references and security. AP 205, Ore
gonian. I WILL pay any honest man up to $50
monthly for part of spare time; no can-
a vassing; no capital; write today. Voorhies,
Desk 152, Omaha, Nebr.
AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily, no experi
ence, free catalog, samples; new goods;
qiuck sales; bits profits; world's beaters.
Cruver Co. Jackson & Campbell, Chicago.
WANTED 10 young men to take the course
in Public Speaking in the Y. M. C. A.
Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts.
MA K.zZ money writing stories or articles;
big pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate, ban Francisco.
YOUNG man wanted who understands a
Ford; also to make himself useful around
a shipping department. H 1S6, Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL boys" wishing toearn easy
Xmas money, send name and address; uo
soliciting required. S 191. Oregonian.
BAeiiETilAKER, one that understands the
making of chairs preferred. H. Jibemann,
Orenco, Or.
WANTED Solicitors for furniture repair
work and upholstering. Call Monday,
Bowers & Parsons, 188 Madison.
COMPETENT door patchei-s wanted; steady
work and good wagw Apply to Henry
McCleary Timber Co.. MeCleary. Wash.
MAN to work In real estate office; steady
work ; can make good wages; v"0 re
quired. 247 Couch st.
FIRST-CLASS coat operator, steady wurk,
good pay. and must be ready to go to
work at once. Ray Barkhurst. 94 6trv st.
ABLuS-BODIED MEN uuallfy for firemen,
brakemen, $120 monthly. Railway, care
m Orecorlan.
WANTED Two hiEh-grade coffee specialty
salesmen; must hare experience. BF 188,
WILL give boy not over 15 years home and
wage for light work. 143 2d st. N.
Montavilla car.
WE pay highest cash prices for men's second-hand
suits and overcoats. Phone
Broadway 16tt and we will calh
A GOOD all-around blacksmith; must be
A-l shoer. Write me, 1518 Jefferson St.,
Boise, Idaho.
SALESMAN to handle candv line in the
city: good territory; correspondence strict-
MEN. with insurance experience preferred.
340 Morgan bldg. Monday.
PHOTO ag-ents. something new; extra com
rrlsslon paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg.
REGULAR and special edition ad solicitors.
Exp. men only. 207 Stock Exchange.
CARPENTER with tools, experienced, state
lowest waffes expected. Y is:i. Oregonian,
WANTED Man to repair Cadillac caby
dp.y or job. Phone East 4085.
GOOD buinetss partner wth $350 In well
equipped pnotograpa stuuio. j.u,Dor iouu
Young men seeking employment in com
mercial, eiencal or technical lines are in
vited to consult the employment secre
tary. The service of this department s
free to all members. To non-members, a
special membership is Issued, costing ?j
per annum, giving the service of the de
partment for a year two months fuu
privilege and a refund of the membership
fee if satisfactory employment is not o
Day and night classes: expert training
In repairing, driving ana machine work,
including forge, latae, shaper, drillpres.
etc. i time unlimited, secure pass at Edu
cational Office. X. M, c A bldg., to in
spect our shops and methods. Competent
chauffeurs and mechanics supplied.
IF i'OU can read and write English don't be
a laborer, earn more money by learning
electrical engineering, mechanical draw
ing, gas engineering, automobile repairing,
sieam engineering, machine shop prao
tic; day and night school; easy pay
ments; individual Instruction. Seattle
gineermg tecnool, i4 west Roy s
LEARN tfcuto trude in most practical school
uo Ooast. Course Includes e v ery thin
w orth Knowing about auto business. No
, time limit; Special exposition rates. Many
positions secured. Board and room while
N learning. Catalogue free. National School
ot Engineering, Los Angeles. Est, 1905,
WANTED Ambitious workman; your work
on actual jobs pays for teaching trade of
automobiles, plumbing, brickiayin -; only
few months required. 7oo students last
four years. Write lor Information. Bruns
Contracting Trade school, 234 Aiiso, Los
CENTRALXA store wants all-around, experi
enced men's ciothing and shoe salesman
and good window trimmer who is willing
worker; steady position, but no fancy sal
ary, state age, experience, reference and
expected salary. P. O. Box 2UO, Cea
tralia. Wash.
LBK. yard foreman; master mechanic, $100;
bojkketfptr; stenographer $75; mill fore
man; millwright $4. Go. Store clerk; meat
cutter s55; blocksetter $2.5u; Loaderman
engineer )75, blacksmith $75 ; lbr. inspec
tor and buyer itep salary). Mack's, Lit tie
R ock. Ark.
ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell
high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental and
fruit trees; camplete outfit free; liberal
commissions weekly ; expens provision
rovided. Ornamental A Fruit Nursery Co.
ox a 17C, Wapato. Wash.
WANTED An ideal Who can think of
some simple thing to patent? protect your
ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write
for "Needed Inventions' and "How to Gt
Your patent." Randolph t Co., Dept. 80,
Washington, D. C.
LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon City
Woolen Mills, Oregon City. Or.
WANTED Hustling men and boys to send
me their name and address on a postal
and receive free by return mail full par
ticulars of ever 50 different plans to make
money easy and quick. Mitsoff's Spccial
ty House, Box 668. Lebanon, Or.
YOUNG man to work in wholesale plumb
ing supply house as stockman - must be
experienced in this line. Reply in own
hand wri tin r. giving reference, age &nd
w ages have been receiving. O lbtt, Ore
gon! a n.
GOVERNMENT positions in postoffice, rail
way mail and other branches are good.
Prepare for "exams"' under former U. S.
Civil Service Secretary-Examiner. Book
let H 35 free; write today. Patterson
Civil Service School, Rochester, N. V.
RAILWAY mail clerk examination an
nounced Jan. 15. Customhouse, 1st Sat.
In Feb. prepare now; salaries $70 month
and yearly promotions to $1'J0; age from
1M to 50. Pacific States School, McKay
bldg., city. ,
STEADY employment, good wapes, d.y and
night classes; few months learning profit
able work; position guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving
School, 218 Com
monwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, Port
land. TWO live men wanted to sell a correspond
ence course in traffic; only school in
America conducted by A-l traffic men
and piving no other course. BC 104, Ore
Uncalled for suits and overcoats? for sale
$2 up.
855 Stark, Cor. Park,
RECENTLY enacted railroad and Interstate
Commerce regulations necessitate trained
traffic specialists; scores of positions at
$2u0 to $40O per month now open. For
particulars address BC 107, Oregonian.
WANTED Creameryman understanding
bottle washing, pasteurizing and all work
connected with same; quick and good
around machinery, etc ; good references.
1U05 Belmont st.
WANTED Two more young men to travel
for advertising purposes. Eastern firm.
Call at Carlton Hotel. Hours. 8:30 to 10:30
A. M. and 2:30 to 5 P. M. Ask for Mr.
SECRET SERVICE America and the Ori
ent. Persons possessing ambition tempered
with judgment may send confidential
personal particulars to Asiatic Pacific
Agency, Los Angeles, CaL
CALIFORNIA 200 motion-picture companies.
jEasy to write plays. Highest prices. No
school. We revise, sell. Send tor free de
tails. Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sta. C.. Los
SOBER, substantial liquor men, under 50,
with grammar school education, out of
business January 1, may now be prepared
for exalted office work at big pay; speedy
action necessary. BC 106, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make
money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna
mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part
expenses provided. Washington Nursery
Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash.
MEN to sell Ambrew, concentrated "beer,
sparkling, healthful, economical and ab
solutely pure. We money back it; 42 per
cent to vou; live salesman only. For tip
point men tAJt 200Oreg on iai
WANTED Man who has ability as a sales
man, can write insurance and understands
bookkeeping and stenography; must be
able to stand Investigation; give phone
number in answer. R 187, Oregonian.
Oregon's oldest, best equipped
and most practical school.
Day and night classes.
NEED branch managers world-wide mail
order business, operate from own home
spare time; no canvassing or peddling:
experience unnecessary; should make $50
weekly. Butler, 3:;!5 Factories, Toledo, O.
MFG'R will pay man $100 month, traveling
expenses, commission to call on trade.
Dept. 7, Sales Engineering Co., 5025-35
Wabash ave., Chicago.
WANTED Man with picture machine and
film; week stand; vaudeville; salary Or
per cent. Write
GUY TERHUNE, Colfax. Wash.
MAN and wife wanted for janitors in
apartment-house; man must be sober and
able to do repair work and both able and
willing to work. P 193. Oregonian.
BE a detective; earn $50 to $100 weekly;
travel over the world. Write Tept. -7,
United States Detective" A Adjusting
Agency, Railway Exchange, St. Louis. Mo.
PERSONS now employed, anxious to fill of
fice positions at '$200 and better per
month, and willing to qualify for this
work, address BC 102, Oregonian.
EVERYWHERE Men willing to distribute
circulars, samples, tack signs, collect
names, etc. No canvassing. Continental
Register, Chicago.
YOUNG man as office boy and assistant
bookkeeper; must be bright, neat and good
habits 18 to 22; salary $40 to start vt
1 1 , J rwunmu
DRAFTSMAN wanted; must be mechanical
and iirst-class for lsy-out work, by es
tablished antomobile factory. Apply
Suite 317 Railway Exchange blag
WANTED Three young men to fit then,
selves for wireless cperators at the Y. M.
C. A. Wireless School, corner 6th and Tay
lor streets
HUSTLERS $20 to $30 made weekly dis
tributing circulars, samples, tacking signs,
etc. Advertisers' National Agency, Dept.
A70. Chicago. III.
instructor to teach you the barber trade
in 8 weeks; tools Tree : position guaran
teed; paid while learning. 232 2d, nr. Main.
Ilelo Want eel Ag-ents.
SELLS like hot cakes. Laundry wax. Per
fumes clothes with lasting violet per
fume. Working outfit 5c New offer. Per
fume Olchs. 13 Water, N. Y.
5uO TER CENT profit, free samples, gold
sign letters for store, office windows. Any
one can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 435
N. Ciark. Chicago.
AGENTS make big money, become sales
mgr. ; our goods; fast office seller; fine
profits. Particulars, sample free. One Dip
. Pen Co.. 731 Dally Record. Baltimore, Md.
SELL Evans 1916 vacuum cleaners, clothes
line reels, cutlery: factory prices. Why
jobbers' prices? Can buy direct. Evans
Mfg. Co., 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago.
AT YOUR SERVICE "The Agents and
Mall-Order Directory": send stamp and
address. National Agents Publishing Co.,
Dept. X. 404. Tacoma. Wash.
WE WILL pay you $75 month travel, col
lect names, advertise, distribute samples;
expenses advanced ; write today. Rider
Co . Dept. 87 Coshocton, Ohio
GET newest, quickest sellers direct from
makers. Full list free. Nat'l Agents' Assm,
122 Michigan ave., Chicago.
AG ENTS, learn about profits made sup
plying perfume to families. Address
Lelfler A Company. Indianapolis, Infl.
AGENT You can make from $8 to $10 per
day. special holiday offer. Van. Dyck
Studio. 404 Washington at.
saclp Wanted Agents.
WARNING to agents selling Stewart's Magic
Washing Crystal. Save money, bend your
orders direct to factory. We do not 1
B'.ewart marvelous, Magic Washing; Crys
tal through any other company. Don't
buy imitations or substitutes for Stewart's
Magic Washing Crystal. Get the oM, re
liable, 20th century, purewaan day wonder
and get it direct from original manufac
turers. Eliminate all midOiemen's profit.
- Stewart's Magic Washing Crystal is fully
protected by state registration as to sty
of package and name and any counter
feits mill be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law. WARNING Agents selling
counterfeits sre Just as liable as those
who manufacture same. Get original, old
reliable Stewart's Magic Washing Crys
tal, known from coast to coast. Get credit,
get protection. Established agents can be
supplied at big savings. Hurry. Write to
day. F. P. Stewart Mfg. Co., desk 47,
Findlay, Ohio.
IT'S NEW, It's wonderful. ILK) years com
ing here; at last 140 per cent profit. In
vestigate, be convinced, new scientific dis
covery, millions packages to be distributed.
Kalomite laundry marvel ; protected by
trade mark registration and patent appli
cations; revolutionises clothes washing ;
idea positively abolishes drudgery, rubbing,
washboards, a ashing machines; Nature's
mighty elements work wonders. $1000
guarantee Kalomite supreme; will not
stick; clothes rinsed cold water; fool
proof; marvelous merit astounds, satisfies.
$50 to $-00 repeat order business. Horn
wires rush 210O pkgs. Reputable $5u,oco
manufacturing corporation. Experience
unnecessary. CrediL Pocket big profits.
Hurry; write today. Overwhelming proof
free. Equitable Corporation, pi v. si, 215
W. Superior, Chicago.
EVERY household, farm, small town, sub
urbs where oil lamps are used needs
and will buy wonderful Aladdin mantle
lamp, burns common coal oil t kerosene ,
gives light five times bright as electric;
awarded gold medal San Francisco Expo
sition; farmer cleared over $crm 0 weeks;
hundreds with rigs earning 1(M to 7300
month; no cash required; furnish capital
reliable man; write quick for wholesale
prices, territory, sample lamp ; free .rial.
Mantle Lamp Co., 747 Aladdin bldg., Port
land. Or.
AGENTS, men or women; a real honest-to-goodness-sells-ltself
line over 250 light
weight, popular priced necessities, pay
100 per cent commission; $4 a day can
be made at start, no capital, no experi
ence required ; enormous demand, sells
fast, big repeaters; valuable territory open
all or spare time; elegant agent's outfit
furnished free; write today; postal will
do. American Products Co., 3otS Ameri
can bldir., Cincinnati. O.
HOUSEHOLD necessity. Our pure alumin
um triplicate sauce pan is all rage, cooks
8 different foods on 1 burner; saves gas,
lasts a lifetime: quick and sure seller;
$10O to $20O a month easy. Writs quick
for territory and our large free catalogue
of 40O other specialities, Div. 318a Ameri
can Mfg. Co., Lemont. III.
A MIRACLE. We have preparation to keep
the steam and frost from indows; will
polish all metalware and keep it free
from tarnish; leaves no dust or dirt. We
want liv agents for this vicinity; 100 per
cent profit; can be sold to homes and
all stores; everybody buys. Write today
for territory, enclosing 25 c for sample.
Vivace Co., 3177 Broadway. Chicago, 111.
MAKB $30 to $0O weekly selling our near
300-candle-power gasoline table and hang
ing lamp for homes, stores, halls,
churches; no wick, no chimney, no mantle
trouble; costs 1c per night; exclusive ter
ritory; we loan you sample. Sunshine
Safety Lamp Co., 911 Factory bldg., Kan
sas City. Mo.
everything; men, women; $30 to $2U0
weekly operating "New System Specialty
Candy Factories," home, small room,
anywhere: no canvassing. Opportunity
lifetime. Booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box
S. East Orange, N. J.
merchant. No pedaling, canvassing, beg
ging. Your own business "Money loaned
to honest persons." If you'll co-operate
with us send 25 cents (refund) for propo
sition and booklet s ; tells how. Marsh,
box 383. Riverside, Cal.
A 1-CENT postcard will put you in touch
with an $80 a week proposition i.elling
aluminum utensil j and specialties direct
to the consumer. Don't let-one cent stand
between you and prosperity. Div. 4089,
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont,
SNAPPIEST household line on earth, red
- hot sellers, steady repeaters, 1(H per cent
profit. 250 light weight, fast selling, popu
lar priced neceesities; agent's outfit free;
get busy, quick ; write today: postal will
do. American products Co., 3087 American
bid or., Cincinnati, O.
AGENTS WANTED Agents make big profits
handling our "fast-sellinsr holiday post
cards, " "novelty signs," "holiday decora
tions," "Pennants," etc. 5000 varieties.
Demand unlimited. Write today for free
catalog, ouuivan jo., van Jtsuren St.,
BIGGEST hit ever; 11-piece toilet article
set selling 11KO Diazes, fit; carving set
free; enormous profits; tremendous sensa
tion ; Engle made $51 first week ; write
quick. Pierce Co., 920 Pierce bldg., Chi
cago. WE WILL pay you $120 to represent us,
distribute religious literature your com
munity; HO days' work; man, woman; ex
perience not required; spare time may be
used. International Bible Press, Phil
adelphia. LADY AG2NT 100 per cent profit selling
our brand new sanitary drawers; every
lady will buy; first time offered to agents;
not sold in stores; send postal for particu
lar?. Moss Co., 36 Moss bldg., Rochester,
N. Y.
NEW, wonderful 50c kitchen invention, la
bor-savlng, cuts living expenses ; 3c
profit each sale, 50 sales daily easy, dem
onstration creates sensation. - Triumph
Manufacturers. Transportation bldg,, Chi
cago. N EW NEW NEW
Amazing discovery, big profit, no com
petition offered men and women. County
and stare rights open. For particulars
write Magnetic Specialties Co., Inc., , 253
Broadway, Dept. B., New York.
WOULDN'T you like to have people every
where sending you money, mail. You
can. Own prosperous mall-order business.
. Will start you, furnish everything. No
canvassing. Butler, 642 Factories bldg,
Toledo, Ohio.
MEXICAN. DIAMONDS, exactly resemble
gonulne ; same rainbow fire ; stand tests ;
fell at sight; live agents wanted; profits
$50 weekly up. Write sample case offer
free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
Box A, Las "Cruces, N. M.
MAGIC INK ERASER No blade, no acid;
removes ink like magic: 10c; sells 25c to
35c, off fees buy 1 to 12; any one that
can't sell hundreds couldn't sell bread in
a famine; sample 10c. S. MFG. CO., 41
Warren, N. Y., Dept. 2.
ACT QUICK. Automobile gasoline going up.
Sell Gasotonic. Equals gasoline, at 3c a
gailon; eliminates carbon; dollar an hour
profit. Sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.,
De p t. 10, Cincinnati, O.
IF YOU want to make big cleanup by Xmas
write immediately regarding new sharpen
er, automatically hones safety razor
blades; nothing like it: sells at sight, $1.
Foyer. Diclegy bldg., Chicago.
SELL our new aluminum polish, only
cleanser that really cleans aluminum
utensils, 50 per cent profit. Answer
q uick. Div. 204S, American Aluminum
M f g. Co., Lemont. 111.
MAKE big profits selling new household ne
cessity; something every housekeeper uses.
IOO per cent commission ; $50- to $75
weekly easily made. Write particulars,
dept. G, Thatuna. Moscow, Idaho.
NEW Tungsten nltro lamp, giving wery bril
liant light, cuts electric light bill in half,
restricted territory given. Write full par
ticulars E. Rubes Co., 220 Taaffe Place,
Brooklyn. N. Y.
AGENTS Large manufacturer wants reliable
men, women, to sell guaranteed hosiery,
underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Write
for free samples. Madison Mills, 5SS
Brondway, New York.
WANTED Agents, hustlers to sell our new
line of household articles; fast sellers,
wemen delighted. Write today. Monarch
Sales Co., 173S Pine St.. San Francisco,
Help Wanted- Salesmen.
EASY Christmas money traveling salesmen;
brand new punch -board deal, red hot sel
ler, $5 commission; responsible house. Pan
MfT. Co., 874 East 2ith. Chicago.
$S0 MONTHLY, expenses, to travel, dis
dtrtbute samples and take orders, or ap
point agents; permanent. Jap American
Co.. Chicago.
$25 Interchangeable 30-letter electric win
dow sign reduced to $12: outselling every
thing, amazing profits; exclusive territory,
free samples. Flshtrlc Sign, Chicago.
$50 to $?0 up veekly, electric and non-electric
changeable outside, and inside signs,
territory. Multiform, 323 Manhattan
bldg., Chicago.
WHOLE time or sideline. 10 minutes' time
pays $10: pocket samples; prompt commis
sions; state territory covered. 1 Elwood
Mfg, Co.. Inc.. ma Michigan. Chicago.
WANTED Young men to prepare as sales
men by taking the practical Scientific
Course in the Y M. C. A. School of Sales
manship, cor. 6th and Taylor sts.
SALESMAN who can Invest in manufactur
ers' agency, excellent lines, permanent
business. Inquire Mr. Leighton, Hotel
ENERGETIC salesman visit schools $10O sal
ary, liberal commission. R. O. Evans
Co., 1104 Wabash, Chicago.
STUCK salesman wanted at once to sell
stock of exceptional and unusually promis
ing proposition, e 64, Oregonian.
SALESMEN acquainted with rrocery trade,
large demand, liberal commission; pocket
sample. Wirth Salesbook Co.. Chicago.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs
no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg.
Help Warned fealesmen.
SIDE LINE Earn $20 to $50 daily during
spare moments; positively have fastest
selling metal noveity ever placed on mar
ket; it 1 just out; 5.0OO.0OO will be sold
before Christmas ; retails 50c ; sold to
drug, elpar, dry goods, haraware, sta
tionery, novelty stores, news stands, etc. ;
$3.e per dozen: every store buys, from
three dozen upwards on sight; profit $1.10
per dozen; sold on money-back guarantee;
quick action necessary to reap harvest; lc
postal will bring full particulars, send
oo stamps or currency), sample; money
back if dissatisfied. Farquhar-Moon Mfg.
Co., Dept. 10-C, 140 W. Van Buren. Chica
go. IU-
MERCHANT S Publishing Co., Kalamaaoo,
Mich., manufacturers of the well-known
"Kalamazoo" line of advertising special
ties, desires to fill a vacancy in Western
Oregon and Western Washington the com
ing season. New line of coyrighted and
exclusive duotone and 'de luxe calendars,
as well as fans, leather goods, pennants
. signs, and a carefully selected assortment
of specialties ready January 1. Corresponu.
ence solicited with hustlers who w ish to
- make permanent onnectiop with a large
and responsible house in a profitable field
of work; established 182; exclusive ter
ritory assigned; commissions liberal. Write
Sales Manager at once.
SALE Si.' EN to sell our "Myers Quality
line, exclusive calendars for Iftlo; every
piece copyrighted and made by us ex
clusively, together with high-grade line
of leather goods, memorandum books and
diaries; a complete line of signs of all
kinds and novelties; everything manu
factured in our big factory; very liberal
compensation. Elwood Myers Company,
Bprtngrf leld. Ohio.
TRAVELING salesmen who will accept
clpthes made to their measure In pay
ment for placing with merchants "The
Line That's Different." all-wool tailoring
line, quoting six special prices; no extra
charges. Write for particulars. J. W.
Jones A Sons. 61t Mid-City Bank bldg..
Chicago. '
SALESMEN in every county U. S. tq sell
only 2-piece quick detachable spark plug
Just patented ; biggest money getter; no
competition; sells on sight; salesman sold
Tver 1000 three weeks; - big commission,
exclusive territory, to hustlers; write to
day terms. Warren fipark Plug Co., Fisher
11 k, 111.
SALESMEN Kew, lWe proposition, good
for $10 day. Crew managers more. Sells
for $1. bend 85c for sample snd full in
structions. ..Start taking orders at once.
Will till orders from our stock. Some good
territory vacant. Spokane Metal Co., Spo
kane. WANTED Western technical salesman and
organiser. Work requires large portion
of time in the field. Party must be in po
sition to finance self. More than average
opportunity for man of experience and
, capable of successfully handling other
representatives. AM 191, Oregonian.
POCKET sideline, new. live proposition,
merchants towns 100,000 under want it.
Pays $5 commission each sale. No col
lecting, no risk to merchant. Take back
unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paying
sideline offered. Canfield Mfg. Co.. 208
Slgel. Chicago.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big
pay; write for large list of openings -offering
opportunities to earn from $100 to
$.00 a month while- you learn. Address
nearest office. Dept. 311 National Sales
men's Training Association, Chicago, New
York, San Francisco.
EXPERIENCED any line, sell general trade
Pacific territory; vacancy now; unexcelled
specialty proposition; commission con
tract; $35 weekly expenses. Continen
tal Jewelry Co., 80-44 Continental building,
Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN For general mercantile trade
in Oregon, to sell a new proposition of
merit; vacancy new; attractive commis
sion contract: $35 weekly for expenses.
Miies F. Bixler Co., wholesale Jewelers,
220-44 Crrlin b:dg Cleveland. O.
SELL 28x58 Artzkraft Felt rugs as side
line. Kelso, Battle Creek, Mich., sold 30
dozen last week, profit $00 ; wholesale
price $13.50 dozen, 30 days. Sample pre
paid $1: exclusive territory. I. Condon,
Mfgr.. Stoning ton. Maine
COMPETENT salesmen or merchants pre
ferred, by well-rated Cleveland concern.
. to sell merchants greatest specialty of
the day, $300 to $500 per month; com
missions paid weekly; state experience. H.
A. Taylor Station C, Cleveland. O.
DISTRIBUTERS, manufacturers, brand new
merchant article, revolutionizing an in
dustry; no competition, large income, ex
clusive territory : readv for market Xnv.
1; write Immediately. Bevelle Mfg. Co.,
TWO high-class salesmen Nationally known
corporation; worth $20V$300 monthly to
right men - to start ; opportunity to ad
vance ; special training; permanent to
men who qualify; reference. E. II. ingle,
President Dayton, Ohio.
NOTICE Salesmen. with Fnrd r nnlv
real Ford starter ever constructed ; rpins
engine irom seat, iaay can easily operate",
get sample, demonstrate, exclusive terri.-
tory; big commis-slon. Automatic Mfg., 20
West Jackson blvd., Chicago. 111.
VACANCY November 13.. Want live, ag
gressive traveler, high-class specialty,
work general trade, $35 advanced weekly
against commissiens; est. 16 years. Sales
Manager, Suite 46, SOU Woodward. De
troit. SEVERAL wideawake salesmen, high char
acter and education, to handle specialty
of exceptional merit; large territory, cash
market, no competition; give age and
state fully experience and qualifications.
F 04, Oregonian. t
SALESMEN WANTED to carry our line
of calendars, bank supplies, cloth, leather
and wood novelties, fans, etc.. exclusively.
Libera commission, exclusive territory.
Bankers Supply Co., Iowa City, la.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our check tiro
tector. I, sells to every person who writes
a inecK ; circulars ana inrormation free;
sample 25c. Tirry Mfg. Co., 12J Colton
b!d?r., Toledo. O.
FOR Help-a-phone; almost every telephone
user buys one to three; sells $3; earn $1U8
week. Send for complete set of lnstruc
. tions in salesmanship free. Caldwell Bros.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
SALESMEN making small towns to sell
mill line to retailers. Dress fabrics and
white goods. Liberal commission, good
side line. South Phila, Woolen Co- Box
1341. Philadelphia, Pa.
TO represent manufacturer; must be wide
awake, energetic and able to produce; ex
cellent opportunity; exclusive territorv to
right man. Box 19 o. Station C. Cleve
land. Ohio.
SALES MGR. Something new, business
necessity, retails $5, $10, $15. Enormous
profits. No competition. Exc. territory.
Free samples. Sayers Co., 45u Walnwright,
t. U)U1R.
SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries,
side line; 12 V per cent commission; sam
ples light; only men with trade now
traveling need apply. Merk st Co., 416
Broaaway, ew 1 oric.
WANTED A live salesman, acquainted with
the fish and oyster trade in Portland, to
Handle an out-or-to wn iccouMp hermw
netit position for right psrty. Address
AV T". oregonian.
REGULAR or sideline salesmen to sell pop
ular priced line of water-colored calendars
January 1, snappy selling line; exclusive
commissions paid promptly. Empire Art
to., jmcago.
SIDE LINE salesmen; this is country town
lin9. offers civ inducements lor workers
prices recently reduced; pocket samples.
uevon Mig. to., tFTcago, jn.
EXPERIENCED lady demonstrators for
house-to-house work: steady position ;
$1.50 per day. Apply 2 to 4, $28 Worcester
D Id g.
fi:r finishers. exDerlenced. and fur sewers
at Sllverfield-'s, 236 Morrison su Apply
after 4 p. it.
LADIES wanting work. We want demon
.st rat ore. $1 to $2 a day is xnad. 502-3
Columbia bldg.
WOMAN, experienced in house-to-house
work, to solicit customers for reliable
dairy. It 17. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waist hand. Apply in per
son Sunday vwmams ave. .
BRING this ad and 22c for manicure and
face massage, bua-a toimnoia piug.
room and board; small wages. Manor 5544
Typewriting. $S mo. 269 14th. -Mn. 3393,
LADY solicitors, salary $1 a day. commis
sion and raiiroaa iare. ay oregonian.
LEARN beauty culture. Summer rate. 605
Columbia bldg. uraauate f'ans. ueriin.
NICE hom in exchange for assistance wltn
nouseworK. v2 acnuyier st.
N L'RPE wanted for child. Must be French.
Apartment 4". '.Trinity Place. Mar. 1115.
HIGH-CLASS girl, nice home and carfare.
in return for iignt nouseworK. mast tzs.
WANTED Girl to work mornings; no cook
- C1E T.' - t Vol. llt!J
GIRL for general housework; a Norwegian
preferred. BOS Taylor. .
WOMAN to assist with housework for room
and boaro. J Ji&y.
for cb amber work ;
Hotel Lind, 44 3d st.
WANTED German or Swedish girl, general
nouseworK. iun su. nsan.
LADY barber wanted at once. 325 Glisan st.
Scores draw from $100 to siodO a week.
Th opportunity of training for these po
sitions is now st your disposal. Everyone
lias talent If developed and our court
of instructions will prepare you for & po
sition that will pay you better than anv
other business or profession you could
possibly select. New day and night clashes
now forming and are opn to only a lim
ited number, both ladies and gentlemen.
Special terms for above classes &j a
week. We advise that you enroll at once
r there will not bs another opportunity
for some time. This Is the only school in
the Northwest thoroughly prepared t
motion picture training.
Chick's Photo Pay Training School,
10 Globe Bldg.. 11th and Washington
Sts.. City.
Wanted, several good-looking, classy
young ladies and gentlemen for big vaude
ville set to play the better time; must
be good dressers, good f iow of language
and ladle and gentlemen st all tune;
would consider good amateurs with some
dramatic ability; no singing or dancing.
For particulars call
Chick's Photo Play Training School,
107 Globe bidg.. 11th and Wash. sts. city.
A CAPABLE middle-aged woman of refine
ment as housekeeper; must be a good
economical cook and be able to take entire
charge of home; must look after a little
girl's going to school. Call after b.30 A.
M. EsleI 32.
RELIABLE woman wanted in each town
to distribute free gocds as advertising ;
experience unnecessary ; references re
quired ; $15 a week to si art. Address Hud
son. King & Co.. Inc.. Dept. 16M, 0 South
Cllntoi. st.. Chicago.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men la now located at room S03 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assist ancs given to women and girls.
Interviews confidential.
LADIES A fascinating home business; tint
ing post cards, pictures, etc., spare time;
$5-$J2 weekly, no canvassing; samples 10c,
particulars free. ARTINX, S-S6G. 130 Man
htn. St.. New York.
LARGE knitting mill invites correspond-'
ence with women desirous of earning
money, full time spare hours, experience
unnecessary; good pay. International
Mi:is.. Ire, Dept. 20, Norrlstown. Pa.
CALIFORNIA UOO motion-picture companies.
Easy to write play a Highest prices. No
school. We revise, sell. Send for free de
tails. Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sta. C, Los
A DEPENDABLE rirl to work for room
and board and small salary, light work
and some care of children; must be neat,
capable and willing; a good home to
righttersou. Phone Tabor i5T.
WANTED Woman, about 45 years! to de
light housework; don't apply unless you,
want steady Job; will pay $10 per month.
Apply grocery store. Grand ave. and L
WANTED Women solicitors and demon
strators; experience unnecessary; htgh
grade line; salary or commission; steady
work. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M.
Camthol Co., 184 Burnside, by the bridge.
$15 WEEKLY, spare time, addressing circu
lars. Experience unnecessary. No can
vassing. No scheme. Send 10 cents stiver
for postage and instructions. Century
fuDiismng to., Syracuse, p. 1.
WANTED Bright young lady for office
work n wholesale house; must write fast
snd figure quick ly; Xtf per week: give ref
erences anu phone numoer.
BD lbO.
EXPERIENCED .ove saleswoman: please
do not apply except experienced in glove
department; pera.anent employment, good
salary; applications from out-of-town in
vited. Leiinon's.
YOUNG or mldc le-aged lady as partner,
toilet preparations; references and small
capital required ; give name and phone.
K lit.i. Oregonian.
$18 WEEK, expenses advanced ; women to
travel, appoint agents concentrated food
flavors In tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 358
Como bldg., Chicago.
RELlABLH woman to come in and get
lunch and dinner every day for family of
four and go home nights. Wages $'.
Main 4SM. 54 N. 21st st.
WANTED Bright young girl for child's
nurse and tutor; must have cheerful dis
position, well educated; suburb near Port
land. AP 201. Oregonian.
WOMEN Government clerks, $70 month,
Portland examinations coming. List posi
tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. 7u3 H. Rochester. N. Y.
$150 SALARY, 6 days' work, paid lady
each town, distribute free circulars, take
orders White Ribbon Concentrated Fla-voj-ing.
J. S. Ziegler Co., Chtarg
WANTED Active women to introduce and
take orders for tailored front and back
lace corsets. Address, J. A O. Corset Co.,
1029 Wabash ave.. Chicago, ill.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework In family of adults, city refer
ences required. Phone Marshall 2494. Ap
ply at 77S Northrup st.
NICE girl for general housework; must like
children; good wages; references. 1183
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by a widower with
no children, in the country. Address AV
277, 'Oregua'.aj. "
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
keeper, good home and reasonable wages
to right party. AV -14, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 43
Plttock block, 385 Washington.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman ever 2s for
position with Iocsl firm ; permanent; re'.
erences. R 192, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman or girl In vicinity of
Woodlawn to do housework. Phone Wood
lawn 1814.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors Csliege for ladies
only; make yourself Independent with good
trade. 4t'0-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wajih.
HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 502 Or
pheum bldg. (Empress). Individual in
structions; positions when capable. M. 154.
GIRL for Usht housework who can sleep at
home. Highland Court, Monday after 9
A. M. Apartment 202.
G1KLS. 17 years or older, to learn compto
meter. 3 months' courn- $45, terms; only
wide-awake girls wanteJ. 3i:0 Morgan bhlg.
GOOD woman by Eastern firm to conduct
branch; small investment. AM 200, Ore
gonian. RIGHT party can make part of room rent
by helping care for small girl evenings.
Call Tabor 2107.
WANTED A general housework girl; good
wages; no laundry. Apply OS Trinity
Place, between Washington and Everett.
WAX'liiD Capable woman to take train
ing in professional corsetry. L ISO, Ore-
HIOH SCHOOL girls wishing to earn easy
Xmas money, send name and address; no
soliciting required. S 1H2. Oregonian.
WANTED Bright well-dress.-d young lady.
Inquire Miss Payette, Perkins Hotel, Sun
rtav. 12 to 5.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
and rooking; two in family. 05 North
T wenty-lirst st. -
MAKE money writing stories ar articles;
big pay. Free book'et tells how. Address
Ur.ited Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED Girl to assist in kitchen. Call
79 V. Pafk st.
GENTLEMAN wants neat housekeeper with
one child; small salary. K 10H. Oregonian.
WANTED Agents, male or female; a mar
velous . repeat ordt r business ; a gigantic
success; this is what we otfer you; it's a
chance of a lifetime; a household neces
sity Call 10 to 12 A. M.. 7 to 8 P. M.
Donnar Supply Co., (Not Inc.) 1038 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg.
and women to learn the trade; tuition re
duced; paid while learning; diplomas is
sued to graduates. :,2 collees; 22 years
In business. Writ for catalog us A, 48 N.
2d street.
FALL term begins now; men and womts to
learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; posi
tions guaranteed, tools free, paid while
learning; tuition reduced ; expert Instruc
tora. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison.
WANTED Boys and girls to take orders
for visiting and business cards; outfit
free !h Mays Pnntery, Cosmopolls,
SALESMAN who Is hustler to sell specialty
in Portland and nearby towns. Boyer
Printing Co.. S5 Fifth at.
BAKER and wife to take interest in store,
no money to right party. Phone Marshall
1 050. On 11 Francis.
COMPLETE course stenography. 60 days,
night and day classes. M. 3505. M. 4137.
SEE Octavius, Lyric Theater, Sunday.
10 YOUNG men and women who want to
learn stenograph y. You can finish in 2
months or less by faking my revised sys
tem. Private lesHons day or evenings.
Terms. Miss Ostbye's Short Hand School,
515 Stock Exchange bldg. Call Main
4T3T Sundays for information.
15,000 Mrs ar.d women to become U. S.
Government employes; $75 month; vaca
tions. Common education sufficient. Write
Immediately free list position now ob
tainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. K,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Men tc try examinations ' for
Government jobs. $70 month. Common
education sufficient. Apply immediately.
AV 223, Oregonian.
RAILWAY mall clerks, P. O. clerks, esr
riers. exam, soon ; parcel post d man da
many more cler'.t a; act at nce. Paciflo
Stnt School MrKiv Mdg. city.
WATCHES cieiined 75c. mainspring 7rie;
work i?uar;inteed. 21S Commonwealth
bldg., 0th and Ankeny.