The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1915, SECTION TWO, Image 19

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NO. 44.
w ftst 4 J
i ll py
ee Big Fiirnitare Specials
at Gadsbys This Week
Hundreds more just as attractive when you get here
Gadsbys. You'll save big" money,
their own building".
Buy the furniture you need at
Come and see. The only furniture store occupying
No rent to pay that's ivhy Gadsby sells for less
"Best Selection in City of Heating Stoves We Believe"
uy If our Heater Now
Any Heater in the Store $1 a Week
Duplex, wood and coal. 18 inches
wide, castiron duplex 0 I C fifl
grates and linings. Spec'l vl 3iUU
New Era, for wood: mica door.
nickeled top, rings, dampers and
footrests. castiron linings, fin OC
Special at 0 I UiOO
Fairy Oak Heater, 11 in. in diam
eter, coal or wood burner, TC
handsomely nickeled. At...0'
Great Sale of
Six Hundred
Choose -
Patterns to
Rugs from 6x9 feet to
12x15 feet on display.
Angl o-Persians, Indians,
Arabians, Royal Worces
ter, Bagdads, Tepracs
all here- at bottom prices.
Some specials in 9x12 rusrs.
Oriental Wiltanas. . . .927.50
Wilton Velvets.. . ... .925.00
Eureka Velvets..; S14.50
Smith's Tapestries 915.00
Tyvan Art Rugs 912.00
Metropolitan Rugs. . .$18.00
All other brands equally
low. Don't Fornet We Have
the Kxtra Large Kngs In
1-44..,,IU'1P''V "TJXSVi"
ta i !il ml
Gadsbys Steel
This range embodies every
feature necessary to make it
first - class, and is built to
meet the demands of a first
class range at a medium
price. Mounted in heavy
blue steel, protected by
asbestos boards, held in
place by extra sheets. The
oven is reinforced by heavy
iron braces and has a heavy
duplex grate. A range that
will give you service for
years. High-renters have to
get $45 for ranges as good
prSicehis.!-...Gad?br.8: $29.50
Kitchen Cabinet
o, I o J
Why pay 40 when you can C7 CfV
get this Cabinet in maple forw iwU
Has large flour bins, two large draw
ers, drop sugar and salt bins, knead
ing board, etc.
Combination Book Case
and Desk
ffif ffi&M SSIS
l $15 Dressing W tttZJ f?9
I Table $7.50 h W:f
i U i Jn Quarte r-Sa wed VI J" "? 4vns I
itl L oak. wax finish, oval f.j Vff:V j-V-v, -v.-, . .
! S French mirror. 18x26. W '.',.'SpK
III k itrffiv, v: a u i u e b l iiuarier-
Jf v sawed oak, worth CIO Cfl
Combination Bookcase and
irstv, v: n u i u e b l
sawed oak, wort
$30, special at. .
Colonial Buffet and
China Closet
uw,iiiiiH;,i..ii,Qll,i,0,iimlii.ii.ii,ii iiniQ
IB fj
Colonial Buffet and China Closet in
Choice Mahogany Veneer.
$65 the Pair
Table to Match $35
Dresser, Chiffonier
Two Pieces for $35
Solid Oak Colonial Dresser, made with heavy top. larsre 42-inch
base, fitted with two large deep drawers and two top drawers, has
heavy scroll posts and lar&e French bevel-plate mirror. Splendid
ly finished and construction guaranteed. C OC nf 1! I 7 Kfl aorh
......-.......".WW w VIIIWW wwwi.
Special price, the pair.,
Big Special Sale of
Fine Dining Tables
""Hr $7.50
We have one of the
largest displays of Din
ing Tables in Oregon.
This Eolid oak Table ex
tends six feet; 45 ins.
wide. Reduced at Gads
bys' from $15.00 to
Solid oak Pedestal Table; extends
6 feet long, 42-inch top; heavy ped
estal base, giving table strength
and design. Gadsbys' special price
Peninsular R ang
Two Ranges in One
No more worry two Ranges in one- -the Great Peninsular coal,
wood and gas Range is here. The manufacturer's name is suf
ficient guarantee $75.00
Use Our Exchange Department
If you have furniture that doesn't suit want something more
up to date and better phone us and well send a competent man
to see it and arrange to take it as part payment on that kind you
want the Gadsby kind. Well make you a liberal allowance for
your goods and well sell you new furniture at low prices. The
new furniture will be promptly delivered. Have furniture youll
be proud of. ' -
Easy Payments
Corner First and Washington Streets
Easy Payments
WIN 20
Wolverine State Aggies Clearly
Played Off Their Feet in
Fast Game.
Abraham Brightest Star In Contest,
Scoring Two Touchdowns Himself
and Being Classed as One of
Country's Greatest Line Men.
LANSING, Mich., Oct. 30. (Special.)
The Oregon Agricultural College foot
ball team this afternoon put the Michi
gan Agricultural team out of business
so quickly that the 8000 spectators did
not know what happened. Few of them
realize it yet. and possibly never will.
Outclassing', outblocking. outrunning
and outgaming their Eastern adver
saries, the Coast men garnered three
touchdowns while the Lansingites could
not cross the goal line. Cole missed
one goal from touchdown making the
score 20 to 0.
Fresh from their overwhelming de
feat of Yost's Michigan stars last week,
trxe Michigan Aggies almost looked
like high school boys before the on
slaught of the Corvallis men. Only
once was the Oregon goal in danger.
Then the ball was inside Oregon's live
yard line on first djwn, but the plung
ing backs of M. A. C, with all their
prowess and ability, could gain but
two yards in the tries allotted them
and Oregon took the ball away.
No Alibi Possible.
There is not a single alibi, not the
scintilla of an excuse ou which
Macklln's men can hinge any attempt
at sympathy. They were beaten from
the start, beaten by a team which used
the old, old combination of straight
football, plus fight. Fight seemed to
stick out of the Westerners from their
cleats to their head guards, it was the
middle name of each one of them. To
this spirit instilled into them by their
coach, should go much of the credit.
In addition they had Abraham, Billie,
Allen and Alsworth behind and an in
terference which made M. A. C.'s line
look like paper and bent back its ends
until they were jokes. Oregon s in
terference, the first of the four-men-back-of-the-line
kind seen here, was
so strong that M. A. C. never headed
it until it really scattered iitself. Cap
tain Blake Miller, Star Knd Henni'ng
and Gideon Smith, the great colored
tackle, all had to quit the game for
fooling with that interference. It was
quick, compact at the start and usual
ly carried a good punch in either hand
when it landed.
As a matter of fact, the Oregon men
did not need to extend themselves. But
two of the plays were tried, one for
ward pass and . one triple pass, but
beyond this, none of the open plays
for which Macklin was loaded, came
out of the box.
Abraham Brightest Star.
Abraham was the bright particular
star of Oregon's game, although he had
worthy support from every member of
the team. If there was any hole in
the Oregon team today, it was not
visible to the naked eye. As he ap
peared this afternoon Abraham is the
best line plunger this section of the
country has seen since the days of
Willie Heslon. Maulbetsch, Michigan s
star, does not compare with the exhibi
tion the Westerner gave and even
Syracuse scouts who watched the game
threw up their hands in horror, when
contemplating Abraham and his interference.
In the first quarter, Oregon started
to fight right oft" the reel. From the
kickoff. they worked the ball back to
the middle of the field, before being
forced to kick. There was an inter
change of fumbles and recoveries and
M. A. C. got the ball on their own
30-yard line From this point it
evident that X A. C. was up against
something new. Plunges failed to gain
and it was Oregon's ball on M. A. C.
33-yard line on a fumble. Then Abra
ham and his other backs started. They
worked up the 15-yard line, were
penalized, lost the ball on a fumble,
recovered it and finally came back
with a rush to M. A. C.'s five-yard line.
Abraham went over and Cole kicked
Abraham took the kickoff on his own
10-yard line, and with locey. Allen
and Alsworth helping, plunged back to
the 30-yard line. Smyth kicked to the
middle of the field. M. A. C. woke up
here and by successive rushes, aided
by a crisss-cross play, landed inside
the Oregon five-yard line, but Oregon
held for downs and Smyth kicked to
the middle of the field Just as the
quarter ended.
Allen Makes Touchdown.
Fumbles by both teams and blocked
dropkicks covered the second quarter.
In the beginning Oregon got to the
M. A. C. 12-yard lino and Allen went
over for a touchdown, but the officials
ruled an offside play and M. A. C. got
the ball. From here on the quarter
was a kicking contest. Twice M. A. C.
got within striking distance and De
prat o tried for field goals. Once he
missed cleanly and was blocked the
second try. M. A. C tried several for
ward passes, but they were all inter
cepted, chiefly Laythe. The quarter
ended with the ball in M. A. C's pos
session on the Oregon 35-yard line.
In the third quarter, Oregon took
the ball from M. A. C. on their own
20-yard line, carried it to M. A. C.'s
45- yard line, and then had to kick. Ore
gon lost on the next interchange of
punts, but finally got the ball on their
own 16-yard line. They worked it
back to M. A. C.'s 25-yard line and were
forced to kick, more punts put the ball
in Oregon's possession on M. A. C's
47-yard line. By successive line bucks
and end runs on the part of Abraham,
Allen, Alswor.h and Billie. the ball was
carried right down the field and over
the line, Allen carrying it in the last
Stage. Cole kicked goal, score Oregon
14, M. A. C. 0.
Springer, for M. A. C, who took Cap
tain Blake Miller's place at half, in
jected some new life for the remainder
of this quarter, but his team could not
profit thereby and the quarter ended
with the ball M. A. C.'s on Oregon's
46- yard line.
Oregon Tears Through Line.
Abraham took Deprato's punt on his
own 28-yard line and then began an
other series of line plunges and end
runs by the Oregon backs which took
the ball right down the field without
a mishap. Oregon tore through the
line at will, it taking M. A. C.'s sec
ondary defense to stop them every time.
Abraham and Billie did most of the
gaining, although Allen and Locey con
tributed some. Abraham finally car
ried the ball over and Cole failed at
M. A. C braced a little here and. for
a wonder, gained first down twice after
the kickoff. but eventually Deprato was
forced to kick out of bounds on Ore
gon's 46-yard line. Oregon started its
march down the field again, but the
whistle blew Just as they reached the
20-yard line and it was all over.
The lineup:
M. A. C. Position. Orreon.
Butler L. E Schuctrr
Smith L. T Smvth
VandrrvorL l G Anderson
Frimodig- C Yeag-r
Straight R G Co'.t
Blacklock R T Laytta
Hennlnt R E Billie (Opt.)
JJuebU Q L. I Alsworth
If prato .K R r Locey
H- Miller L H Abraham
Beatty R H Alln
Summary Touchdowns. Abraham 2. Al
len 1. Goals from touchdown. Col a. Missed
coals from touchdown. Cole 1. Substitutions
Oviatt for Henning. Springer for ir.ake
Miller. Bisstitt .for Alsworth. Billie we
back of line and Bissett played end. Coryell
for Smith, Patterson for Vandervoort, Chap
pel! for Patterson. Referee, Ralph Hoax
land. Princeton. Umpire, Lei&h Lynch.
Brown. Field Judce. J. F. Cox. Ohio State
University. Head linesman. Huston. Univer
sity of Iowa.
Kerr, Morris, Berchtold and Stewart
Make Merry at Lansing.
LAXSIXG. Mich., Oct. 30. (Special.)
Four Oregon -Agricultural College
alumni made merry tonight, breaking
up Lansing's Halloween celebration
with cheers. They were Ivan E. Kerr,
'09, of retroit; Walter K. Morris. 'II.
Ann Arbor; O. W. Berchtold, '06, of
Chicago, with Mrs. A. E. Stewart and
G. F. Stewart, of Cleveland, mother
and brother of Coach Stewart. They
formed the entire Oregon rooting party
at the game.
Right Guard Cole is the only Oregon
man injured. He had a cut under his
left eye which required four stitches.
Alsworth, who was taken out of the
game, was merely played out.
Arrangements were completed today
for a return game with Michigan Agri
cultural College, the Michigan men to
make the trip to the Coast during
October. 1916. for a game at Portland.
Mnltaomah Clob Agrees to Use of Field
Thanksgiving Big Attendances
Are Expected.
Although this year's state champion
ship football battle between the Uni
versity of Oregon and the Oregon Ag
gies will be played at Eugene, it is
practically certain now that the game
will be a Portland attraction next year
and for many seasons thereafter.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club has been dealing with representa
tives of ' the colleges and has agreed
to let them stage this big game as an
annual Thanksgiving day attraction. '
This will mean a switch in the dates
for the annual Multnomah-Oregon
game, which has been a Thanksgiving
day morsel for six or seven years.
"Yes, we have been approached by
representatives of the schools and
have agreed to let them have the
Thanksgiving date." said Dow V. Wal
ker, superintendent at the Multnomah
Club, yesterday.
"The game should be played here,
and I think everything will go through
according to schedule. The Oregon
Aggies have been particularly anxious
to appear before Portland crowds for
two or three years, but the Eugene of
ficials have been backward for some
reason or other.
"1 believe that these two teams here
would draw 8000 or 10.000 spectators
next Fall, and more each succeeding
Fall thereafter. This game should be
made the real big thing on the foot
ball calendar in Oregon just as the
California-Stanford game was in San
Oregon won the last game with the
Aggies played in Portland six or seven
years ago.
Some of Players Are Laid Up With In
juries; Old System of latcr
Class Squads Abandoned.
Instead of the old inter-class system
of football, which Reed College has
played in lieu of intercollegiate foot
ball, the students have adopted a sys
tem of challenge games. The first
game will be played next Wednesday.
Archibald ClarK, '16, star tackle of
last year's all-star interclass tfani.
has picked 11 men from the student
ranks w-ith whom he challenges Neil
Malarky. '18. last year's interclass
fullback, and whosoever else he has
found. ' .
The teams have been training hard
for the last month and appear to be
fairly well matched. The challenging
team has been considerably weakened
by the loss of Quarterback Tomlinson.
whose kneecap was severely injured
in scrimmage. He will be unable to
play Wednesday.
Captain Clark, of the challengers, is
laid up with a damaged les. and W.
Grondahl. the opposing tackle, may be
kept out of the game on account of
an injured side.
The lineup of the two teams is as
Dombock . .
Piper ..
Shaa-ren ....
P. Grondahl.
Webster . . .
. K.H..
.".".'."."..".' ."."."k!g.I
K.T. .
. . K K. .
. .L.E..
. . Prlnrtle
...... Cob
. Houston
.. Hirsoh
. Iantoff
. . Kinkl
Stores May Close During Football
Game AVitli The Dalles.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 30. (Spe
cial.) Aberdeen high school students
will make an effort to have all Aber
deen retail stores close for two hours
next Wednesday afternoon during
which The Dalies and Aberdeen High
School teams play here. Interest in
the game is keen and several merchants
already have promised to close.
The Dalles plays its first game on
Grays Harbor Saturday with Hoquiam
and on Monday night will be enter
tained by Company G, National Guard
of Washington, at an informal dance
and next Wednesday nigrht will be en
tertained by the Fourth Divis'on Naval
Militia at a similar affair.