16 I BRITISH on c GREETED BY Lord and Lady Aberdeen, En Route to Fair, Receive I Temperance Workers. RETURN VISIT PROBABLE Ex-Governor or Canada and ex Viceroy of Ireland Exhibits Keen Interest In Child Wel j fare Wife Prohibitionist. Temperance workers, suffragists, so cial reformers and British subjects joined together yesterday afternoon in receiving the Marquis and Marchioness of Aberdeen who are on a tour of the United States. The couple passed through Portland on their way from Vancouver, B. C to Kan lrancisco. They were at the Union Station only 20 minutes, but were greeted it that brief period by scores tt Portland persons:' An official welcome was extended by Ifarry L. Sherwood. the newly ap pointed British consul in Portland. Mr. iSherwood just assumed his office yes terday morning, having arrived the night before direct from England." So this was his first important duty. He was accompanied by J. P. Trant, the British vice-consul in Portland. The interest of the crowd, at the station was almost equally divided be tween the Marquis and the Marchioness. Kach has been prominent in social and official life in the British Empire. If the Marquis were not a person of nobility his name would be plain John Gordon. Many Titles Borne. But as it happened he was born the seventh Earl of Aberdeen and he bears nil the honors, titles and dignity to which that position entitle him. He is best known in America, however, as an cx-Oovernor-General of Canada. The Marchioness is many years his Junior. She was dressed yesterday in becoming garments of dark material, tho somber hues of which were relieved by the flashy shades of a Roman striped scarf hung loosely about her neck. Both were in splendid spirits when the train brought them to Portland. As they descended the steps they were showered with floral bouquets brought by a committee from the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The Mar chioness is an -active -worker in tlie English branch of that organization, and is president of the International Council of Women. Members of the committee included Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, state president for Oregon; Mrs. Mary D. Russell, corresponding secre tary; Mrs. Madge J. Mears, recording secretary; Mrs. L. H. Addition, National superintendent of the labor department, and Airs. Davenport, head of the pub licity department. Return to Portland Likely. The Marchioness received the invita tion of the Portland women to visit Portland again before returning- to England and to deliver an address here on behalf of temperance. She con sulted with the Marquis and the two promised to give the proposal serious consideration. Before leaving they said that it is highly probable that they will visit Portland again in a few weeks. The Marquis was much concerned in the reported injuries to King George, who was thrown from a horse while vi.ittinK the British soldiers in France a few days ago. "I only hope that he is not serious ly hurt," he declared. "But I am sure he will recover quickly. He is strong and wiry and tough." 'Conscription?-' he repeated to inter rogations on that subject. "No. I fion't think it will be necessary. Even those who were loudest in their de mands for it a few months ago now think that it will not have to be resorted to. Enlistments are more brisk now than ever. "Of course the people are thoroughly confident of the outcome of the war." The Marquis of Aberdeen has twice been Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. He is a privy councilor, grand commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. lieorge: grand commander Victorian Order and Knight of the Thistle. The Countess of Aberdeen is a noted charity worker and prominent in the affairs of women. L. S. 'BOOTS' CLARK KILLED Runaway Accident Xear Baker Fatal to Wcll-KtiOM 11 Ballplayer. BAKER. Or., Oct. SO. (Special.) Le land S. Clark, known to nearly every baseball fan in this part of the state as "Boots" Clark, was killed late yes terday when he was thrown from a load of hay near Half Way. He wu hauling- hay for his father-in-law. Clarence Gaylord. when the horses ran away. Clark lost his balance and pitched from the load. -the wheels of tlie wagon passing over his head, kill ing him instantly. Clark was SO years old and formerly lived in Union and North Powder, but since his marriage a year ago has lived with his father-in-law. He played base ball with orth Powder and Union. 3 WOMEN IN DRUG TRIAL Witnesses Called for Case of Baker Physician in Federal Court. BAKER. Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) Three women will figure in the testi mony in the Federal Court in Portland against Dr. H. E. Currey, ex-president of the Oregon Medical Society, who is to be tried November 11, charged with violation of the Harrison act. Deputy Marshal Fuller arrived from Portland today and served subpoenas on Mrs. Julia Cavin and Mrs. Augustus Tygert. both of Baker, and Mrs. Stella Clinkinan, of Durkee. What the nature of their testimony will be has not bten revealed. LIQUOR SELLER SENTENCED Hon ley Stulti, George AVortinan and G. C. Cates Suffer Penalties. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) llonley Stultz. charged with selling liquor in a dry unit, today was sentenced to 10 days in jail and to pay a fine of $100 and costs by Judge Back, of the Superior Court. George Wortman. charged with main taining a place where liquor was sold, was fined $150 and costs. A similar fine was imposed upon G. C. Cates. who formerly operated a bar-buffet for the Moose clubrooms. . William Well man, charged with selling liquor, was dismissed. lAbrador had a population of 3947 in 1801 and two mure ten. years later. MEMBERS OF BRITISH NOBILITY WHO VISITED PORTLAND YESTERDAY. MANY i L ";r : jduflBaMrtiiMBMy . jani jr. v' - y f; f r . kf4t Ht&b :-.y 111 IlV '"m JjxXr. T ' , a FIVE IN JITNEY HURT Machine Skids; Is Crushed Between Streetcars. WOMAN AMONG INJURED Jitney Driver Blames Motoriuan of One Car, B.'E. Brown, for' Acci dent on Union Avenue, Xear Fremont Student Hurt. INJURED. A. R. Myers, 993 East Twen tieth street North: skull and jaw fractured; may die. Charles H. Wertenberger, 1125 East Twenty-fifth street North; fractured collar bone. Injuries about chest: serious. Miss Jean McLean, 964 Gar field avenue; cut and bruised; not serious. Kenneth Wilson. 16. 1005 Grand avenue North; cut and bruised; not serious. Jack Hoare. driver. East Forty sixth and Alberta; cut; not seri ous. Five persons were injured, two seri ously, yesterday when an Alberta jit ney, driven by Jack Hoare, skidded in attempting to turn out from in front of a southbound streetcar on Union avenue near Fremont, and was crushed between streetcars going in opposite directions. Those hurt were passen gers of the jitney. A. R. Myers, driver and collector for the Portland Laundry Company, was the most seriously injured, being taken to the Good Samarit&in Hospital in an unconscious condition with a fractured skull and jaw. Charles H. Werten berger, salesman for the - Mitchell, Lewis & ataver Company, was bruised badly about the chest with possible in ternal injuries, and received a broken collarbone. Kenneth Wilson, aged 16, a student and son of J. W. Wilson, Miss Jean McLean, employed in the auditing de partment of the Meier & Frank Com pany, and Jack Hoare. the driver of the jitney, received minor bruises and cuts. The jitney driver blames the .motor man of the southbound streetcar, B. E. Brown, for the accident, saying that the streetcar man crowded him until he was forced to turn from the cobbles where he was driving for se curity on the slippery street at too sharp an angle. On the other hand. Miss Babe l'svrler. Who W ill Lead Ulrls' Chorus at Empress The ater. - THE SUXDAX" OHEGOXIATsY PORTLAND. OCTOBER 31, 1915 the Portland Railway, Light & Power men say the jitney driver was driving too fast, and carelessly. Patrolman M. E. Lillis took lloare to police headquarters, when the other injured persons were removed to the hospital. Hoare was questioned by Deputy Attorney Deich regarding the accident and allowed to go. The accident happened about 8:23 A. M. lloare was driving south on Union avenue with an Alberta street car close behind. In answer to the motorman's gong, lloare endeavored to turn out from the car track and skidded. The jitney swung almost entirely around and the front wheels were struck by a. northbound Union avenue car, R. C. Sly inotorman. The impact carried the small five-passenger machine about 15 feet north, into the southbound car, the automo bile being crushed ' between the two cars. . None of those injured were thrown from the machine, but were caught in their seats. Myers, Wertenberger and Miss McLean were in the rear ,seat, Wilson and Hoare on the front seat. EMPRESS ADDS TO BILL LOCAL. TALEXT IS BOOKED IX BIG . . MlSICAL COMEDY. Billy Rice's Company Features Chorus of Girls In Stunnlns Costumes and Popular Sons Hits." ' i ' Notwithstanding the cost of present ing seven big vaudeville attractions on the regular Empress bill, the manage ment has added another feature whi(h would ordinarily be a complete show in itself, a big musical extravaganza consisting of 15 people. Billy Rice's Musical Comedy Company was given a tryout performance at the Empress last Thursday night, and it made such a big hit with the audience that Man ager T. R, Conlon decided to book the big attraction for the entire week at the Portland Empress. After completing their engagement here it is expected that they will be booked for a term of weeks over the Sullivan & Considlne circuit. It is one of the prettiest girl offerings ever pre sented in Portland. First of all, their costumes are brand new, stunning and expensive, and a complete change of wardrobe is made by -the entire com pany for each singing number, of which there are five. Their songs are new and catchy, including "Dixie Band." "Tulip Time in Holland,"-"Just a Little Love, a Little Kiss," "Sing Me to Sleep With an Old-Fashioned Melody," and other popular hits. Miss Babe Fowler, well known here, a clever performer, is leading the chorus in the company. Miss Fowler is a Detroit girl and has appeared with musical companies throughout the East, and has also fulfilled engage ments in San Francisco and Los An geles. Miss Dorothy Lewis, another of the principals, is the possessor of a won derful contralto voice. Miss Lewis is popular with the public of Portland, having appeared in vaudeville many times in this city. Jack Vale, a Hebrew comedian, has been featured with companies both East and West. Wheeler Romlg, a German comedian with this company, has just returned from Eastern tri umphs. The title of this production -is "By the Sea." The scene is that of a fash ionable hotel at the beach. Billy Rice, manager of the company, is a well known actor, and has taken leading parts in a number of musical offerings, as well as appearing in vaudeville. In presenting this big aggregation of talent along with seven other splen did acts, the Empress management takes pride in announcing that this is one of the biggest treats ever accorded its patrons, and it is one that will long be- remembered by those attending the theater this week. PERS0NALMENTI0N. Emile Mack, of Seattle, is at the Ore gon. - Dr. A. G. Prill, of Scio, is at the Ore gon. H. B. Olds, of Seattle, Is at the Cor nelius. O. Lowell, of Harrisburg, is at the Perkins. F. L. Meyers, of La Grange, is at the Seward. C. W. Gales, Pasadena. Cal., is at the Portland. J. F. Phy. of La Grande, is at the Imperial. S. G. Runner, of Chicago, is at the Nortonia. A. W. Nietman, of Seattle, is at the Nortonia. A. M. Marshall, of Duluth, is at the Multnomah. . Colonel W. K. Riley, of Honolulu, is at the Oregon. A. J. Baker, merchant of Eugene, is at the Seward. S. C. Halloday. of Independence, i at the Perkins. . KL. Law ton, of Cottage Grove, fur mer superintendent of the Oregon State Penitentiary, is at the Seward. IT. L. Gill, publisher, of Woodburn, is at the Eaton. Mrs. Clara Friskc. of St. Helens, if at the Cornelius. N. M. Blumeneaadt, of Rainier, Or., is at the Eaton. Mrs. F. IT. Adams, of Hej'burn. Idaho, is at the Portland. A. W. Fisher, of Corvallis, is regis tered at the Eaton. W. C. Noyes is registered at the Cor nelius from Spokane. J. B. Caples, of Scappoosc, is regis tered at the Perkins. J. G. Donegan, of Burns, is regis tered at the Imperial. Mrs. R. Burgess, of .St. Helens, is registered at the Cornelius. George E. Neville, of Salt Lake City, is registered at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Houghton, of Al bion, New York, are at the Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fanburn, of Se attle, are registered at the Nortonia. II. M. Fiskey and Mrs. Fiskey, of Gooding, Idaho, are at the Portland. Phlmieter Proctor, sculptor, of Burns, and Mrs. Proctor are at the Multnomah. Eugene Hawley and Mrs. Hawley, of Moscow, Idaho, are at the Multnomah. P. L. Campbell, president of the Uni versity of Oregon, is at the Imperial. Thomas G. . Gerdine. of the United States Geological Survey, is at the Seward. J. Payne and E. Earle Blossom, min ing men of Juneau, Alaska, are at the Perkins. Judge T. A. McBride. member of the State Supreme Bench, Salem, is at the Imperial. ' G. P. Putnam, private secretary to Governor Withycombe, Salem, is at the Multnomah. August Huckestein. postmaster at Salem, Or., and Mrs. Huckestein are at tne Oregon. -. F. D. Kueltner. who has been in Alaska for several months, has returned and is at the Nortonia. WHITMAN Y. W. C. A. AIDED Benefit Headings Given by Profes sor Boas Draw oGod Crowds. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.) The read ings by Professor Boas given Tuesday night for the benefit of tho Whitman College Young Woman's Christian As sociation, drew good crowds. Prose selections from Stephen Leacock were followed by representative poems from Kipling and Browning. Professor Boas was assisted by Sigurd Nelson, of Hood River, Or., whose songs, accompanied by Miss Margaret White, added to the entertainment. -xt tne regular meeting of the Young Woman's Christian Association Thurs day afternoon Miss Mabel Gute, chair man of the finance committee, pre sented a budget for the coming year. The budget system has not been uaea by the Whitman girls for several years. out in view of its success in other schools it will receive a trial this year. STANFORD UNIVERSITY MAX WILL LECTURE AT CEN TRAL LIBRARY TONIGHT. Professor A. T. Murray. - "The Acropolis of Athens." an illustrated lecture, will be given before the Portland Society of the Archaeological Institute of America tonight by Professor Au gustus Taber Murray, of Stan ford University. The lecture will be given at the Central Library, room A, and is scheduled to be gin at S o'clock. . Bishop Charles Scadding is the president of the Portland society and Kelly Rees, of Reed College, is the secretary. The lecture is open to tlie pub lic. ..... . - " - ; . 1 1 I REPEAT 1 JLiJL, XjjXJ Jl J D11V1UU 3 If you want quantity and quality you'll beat a path to Simon's Salvage Store. Our MONDAY SPECIAL 21 POUNDS of SUGAR t ith other purchases of One GROCERIES IN A BIG SALE 15c String Beans Dp are going for Ou " W c I c ome " Con- . densed Milk for. .. . 1 lO'i pounds of CO Rice on sale for. . wUli 25c Oysters are on iy I 5C sale now for onl 49-lb. sack Choice Flour 25c WashUslOU. Powder now.. 2 15c Catsup is now C selling at, bottle... Ow 25c Catsup is now Qn selling at. bottle. ..OU 20c CallforniaQn Fruits now for Ox 50c Japan TeaOCft now selling at....,Ju $1 gal. Sorghumlfln on sale for. ...... ' " Six pounds ofOC .Beans now for...vU C a n n ed four cans Solid Pack Toma- 0C( toes, four cans for 3" 15c Heinz' Beans, qc three for Z3U Tlllamo ok Full I C n Cream Cheese, lb.. I 3u Fancy Tea, two C -packages for 3l 10c bottle now goes at. . M pounds nuts now go SIMON'S J. SIMON 131 - & BRO. COUNTY FU N DTABBED Expenditure Material Compiled for Budget-Advisors. $426,287 SPENT ON ROADS Cos-ts of Maintaining Various De partments of Government Arc Listed in Statistics Pre pared by Auditor. Interesting material on county ex penditures is found in a statement com piled yesterday by County Auditor Martin for the use of the advisory budget committee, scheduled to hold its first meeting tomorrow. The statement shows that in the first nine months of 1915 there was expended out of the general fund a total of J 6S9.944.97. an average of $76,660.55 a month, while in 1914 the total expended was $902,818.76, an average of $75,234.90 a month. Total expenditures in the various road districts for the first nine months of 1915 were $426,287.06. an average of $47.365.2.1 a month. During the whole of 1914 the corresponding expenditure was $738,567.23. an average a month of $61,547.27. The" 1915 figures do not in clude the $1,250,000 bond issue for hard surfacing, this being an independent transaction outside the general work construction and maintenance. Road Find Average Galas. General fund receipts, outside of taxes, for the first nine months of this year totaled $136,242.58. an average to a month of $15,138. while for 1914 re ceipts outside of taxes credited to this fund were $156,080.69, an average to the month of $13,006. Road fund re ceipts have averaged $,3362.33 r. month this year, while last year they averaged $2763.55 a month. The statement shows the cost of maintaining the various departments of county government to have been $689. 944.97 for the first nine months of 1915. The cost for 1914 was $902,818.76 for the entire year. Comparative Costa Are Listed. The following will ehow the compar ative cost of maintaining the principal departments in the two years: Flint 9 TWrtoWrvont 1314. M O. 181.1. Board Co. Commis' loners $ 7.2:t.:t." $ ."i.7:rj.il County Assessor County Clerk .. County jail .... 40.ttu6.13 31.941.19 nu.'-'.'.Jl 4.1.4SSI. IB ... JS.71U.US 16.l44.!9 Sheriff 37.C07.7S 2J.a?2.M Constable 19..-.7B.4:. H.1144...3 Circuit Courts U4.14::.S n7.Wt3.30 District Court 10.11y.1u ii.uo.(a Juvenile Courts l...tlO.!li l.ie.-'U District Attorney .uu.us .in...t Multnomah Farm 4S.017.2l 38,671.23 Multnomah Hospital 2.-i.sri.1.04 2:i.5:tt.27 Tax collecting dept 30..-u:t.38 34.770.28 Widows' pension 31, 01 1.48 2S.2.0( CAT KILLS ERRING SNAKE FELISE RETALIATING FOR ATTACK OX LAD BECOMES FAVORITE. Pot RXnta Injury to Playmate. 1V1 la Bittern Thrice, but Not Seriously Hurt. The family cat. a brindle feline of otherwise uncertain charms, is the pampered pet in the vicinity of Fifty seventh avenue and Seventy-second street Southeast today, as the result of its heroic attack on a water snake, which had bitten voune Willie Zim merman. The snake, which is 18 inches long- and as big; around as a 10-cent piece, lies in alcohol as a result of the encounter, and master Zimmerman is nursing- a painful but otherwise not serious wound. Young Zimmerman, who is 6 years old. and four or five of his playmates of the neighborhood and the cat, were Dlayinir at Fifty-seventh avenue and Seventy-second street Southeast yes terday. The cat suddenly spied the reptile sneaking along the sidewalk and made playful battle with it for a time. Ansrered the snake sat back in preparation for a strike, which in due time it executed, landing securely on Master Zimmerman's ear, following which it took two nicely guaged. jabs at the boy's head. The bites were effec tive at the top of the ear near where it joins on the head. Seeing the havoc that bad been wrought, the family cat then made serious battle with the snake and shook it to endless sleep. Mrs. Alice Crofts, 1IO6 Fifty-seventh avenue Southeast, by THESE MAGIC WORDS: prices are the lowest m town and WE DELIVER PURCHASES OF $1.00 OR OVER SALVAGE SALE OF S1SS 85c Ladies' Storm Rub bers on sale now Cfln at only 3Uw Jl.00 Men's Storm Rub bers on sale noWCn for only UUu Dollar or over. Mens OIL ' 10c CAN OF WELCOME MILK FOR Black Apron I IC Pants for I r3 Black J a c kets f I M C on sale for.. ...Ml ii3 Black Three-Quarter Coats on sale f O IC now for $S.0O Mackinaw Costs on sale nowffCQr for only.: vtuw $7.00 Mackinaw Coats on sale nowC4 QC for only iOU $5.00 Mackinaw Shirts, waterproof, o n M QC sale for d0i33 $.1.50 Mackinaw Shirts, waterproof, o n (JC sale for iu3 of I C forV I I w Salmon, for.... 25c 5c Mustard !5c Wal- Cp. for.. UUU SALVAGE STORE 133 FIRST STREET that time had reached the scene, and Dr. William Stout was called to attend young Zimmerman. Dr. Stout pro nounced the bites not poisonous, al though the wounds were treated with all the known antidotes for snake bites. The cat belongs to Mrs. John Mac Roberts. 5720 Sevcrjty-first . street Southeast. BRAKEMEN ROUT HOBOES Tramp AVho Starts Fight Nurses Injuries in Baker Jail. BAKER, Or, Oct. 30. (Special.) In an effort to route one trarip, three brakemen on an O.-W. R. & T. freight train early this morning battled eight hobos and finally put seven to rout and turned the leader over to the city police here. The trouble started just after the freight had left Huntington. Fred Henderschot was recognized by one of Conductor John Jeffries crew as the man who had beaten a brakeman on the Oregon Short Line. The brakeman tried to put the man off. but the tramp chased him the length of the train and seven of liendroshot's companions rushed to his aid. Two other brake men joined in the fight, and when one felled Ilendroshot with a club the other hobos jumped from the train and fled. Ilendroshot was brought to Baker. Five stitches were taken to close the wound over his eye, and he was put in jail. S. BENSON NOT TO PAY l-'urlhcr Mood Ttlvcr Deficits Not to Be Met, It Is Announced. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) While S. Benson has advanced S10.000 to tlie county to pay expenses in excess of the $75,000 highway bond issue, his attorney. E. B. Coovert, of Portland, has announced that no fur ther reimbursement will be made. memoers or tne county Court say. There is still a shortage of between 2000 and $2500, according to , esti mates. The money is needed to pay for the shifting of the O.-W. R. & X. tracks at Lindsay Creek and for the construc tion of fenecs along the highway. College Glee Club Entertains. The Senior Glee Club of the Christian Brothers' Business College entertained with an "at home" at the residence of Mrs. M. T. McCarthy. 335 Wygant street. Tuesday night, to the Women's Tuesday Evening Chorus and the char ter members of the college glee club and friends. A musical programme was rendered. Members of the College Glee Club are: Arthur Albertini. presi dent; Louis Harder, vice-president; G. D. Hoban, treasurer; Linus Martin, sec retary; John Buckley, sergeant - at- arms; Theodore Matschiner. Herbert Decker, John O Connor, J. McMahon. Joseph McEntee, Michell Mernane, Rryan Dooling, Darnall Circle, Vic- DOES YOUR STOMACH TROUBLE YOU? Wonderful StofflachReffledy win orange fhnt iLong Face! And One Dose Has Often Dis pelled Years of Suffering;. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy can really be termed WONDERFUL. No matter where you live you will find people who have suffered with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, etc.. and have been restored to health and are loud in their praise of this remedy. It acts on the source and foundation of these ail ments, removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, taking out the in flammation from the intestinal tract and assists in rendering the same anti septic. Sufferers are urred to try one dose which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that Mayr's Wonderful Remedy should restore you to good health. Put it to a test today. Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemst, 156 Whiting St.. Chicago, or better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist, "or ealo by druggists everywhere. 75c Child's Storm QCi Rubbers for. Owls 65c Men's Foot- 1(1, holds now for.. . . . . H-U 65c Ladies' Foot- M p, holds now for. ..... rU Extra Quality Dull-Finish CLOTHING $5.50 Men's All - Wool Sweaters now 1 Cf on sale at 9dijU $2.00 Boys All - Wool Sweaters on I I fl sale for. ) I I U $S.0O Men's All - Wool Shirts on sate f I CO now for only.. . vliUU $2.50 Regulation Army Shirts on saletl A now for only.. . V I I U $1.25 Jumbo Shirts on sale now forTCn only I 3u 35c Heavy Yarn Socka on sale nowOO.1 for only ..y2 NEAR ALDER tor Nichols. William Walsh. Frank Dowling. Kdwin Houch. John layan and Michael Mahoney. Women in Orrat BnlHln are ricinandtn that nil firmans at liberty there be In terned. Their petition to that eftect has more than l.O0.OlM signer. IT'S YOUR LIVER! HEADACHY, SICK! Don't Stay Constipated With . Breath Bad, Stomach Sour or a Cold. Enjoy Life ! Liven Your Liver and Bowels Tonight and Feel Fine. Tonight sure: Kemove the liver and. bowel poison which is keeping- your head dizzy, your tongue coated, breath offensive and stomach sour. Don't etaiy bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full ot cold. Why don't you get a box of Cascarets from the drujr store now? Kat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing- you ever experienced? You will wake up feeling- fit and fine. Caacareta never gripe or bother you all the next day like calomel, salts and pills. They act gently but thoroughly. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or fev erish chiltlren a whole Cascaret any time. They are harmless and children love them. Adv. Unsurpassed for renewing the nat ural, healthful activities of the stomach and diges tive organs. mi mm, SPECIAL NOTICE If for some reasoi. your local trade cannot sup ply you send your order and remit" tance to The Daffy Malt Whiskey Co., 171-173 Minna St.,' San Francisco, Calif. They will have your order taken care of promptly at the following prices: 1 Bottle, Express Paid, $1.15 2 Bottles, Express Paid, $2.10 4 Bottles, Express Paid, $4.00 Remit by Express Order. Postoffice Order or Certified Check. If cash is sent have your letter registered. Phone Your Want Ads to THE ORECONmA N Main 7070. A 6095, YOU'RE BILIOUS,