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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1915)
14 OPEN STORES TODAY WILL RISK ARREST Sunday - Closing Enforcement Is Restrained, but Ultimate ; Prosecution Is Possible. INJUNCTION WISDOM CITED Judge McGinn, Though Xot Taking Sides, Declares Controversy Is Within Police Power or ' State "Mercy" Plea Made. AH stores supposed to remain closed under the provisions of the state Sunday-closing law my run today without fear of immediate arrest, but the re straining order signed by Judge Gatens in the Kellaher case does not protect proprietors and clerks from prosecu tion any time within the statute of lim itations should the decision finally be against Kellaher. Robert G. Duncan, secretary of the grocers' association, said yesterday that today he will have a corps of men at work gathering evidence. He an ticipates that the courts will decide against Mr, Kellaher and he proposes as soon as the injunction is vacated to prosecute all who may remain open today if the Kellaher conviction is sus tained. Mr. Duncan said that Joseph M. De vers. District Attorney of Lane County, who prosecuted the case which resulted in the law being upheld by the Supreme Court, agreed yesterday to come to Portland as Mr. Duncan's personal at torney to act as private prosecutor against all violators. He said further that in gathering evidence today he will have the assist ance of many church people interested in the enforcement of the Sunday law. Washington County to Enforce. That the determination to enforce the Sunday law is spreading from Portland to other parts of the state is shown by the fact that the District Attorney of Washington County has given notice that it will be enforced all over that county beginning today. At a conference of District Attorneys In Salem about 10 days ago, the ques tion of enforcing this law was discussed and several of the prosecuting officers present announced their intention of enforcing it. It is probable, therefore, that there will be arrests in all parts of the state. Mr. Kellaher's case is to come to trial next Saturday, so for this Sunday- at least there is no danger of "stool pigeons" dropping In, or at any rate, if they do it will not do them any good. Mr. Duncan expressed great chagrin in District Judge Dayton's court Friday when he learned that the injunction would prevent further molestation of those who refuse to obey the Sunday law. Wisdom of Injunction Cited. Court officials declare that Mr. Dun can's announced intention of a cleanup is the best evidence of the wisdom of the injunction. The only effect would have been to work the District Attor ney's office overtime and squander pub lic money in the payment of jury fees, officials say, and that at a time when the whole public cry is for economy. The decision in the Kellaher case will hold good as to all others similarly accused. One of Mr. Kellaher's chief conten tions in appeal is that he operates a meat shop and bakery as part of his business. Both butcher shops and bakeries are exempt under the law. The modern grocery, he contends, is the butcher shop and brakery of 1854, the year when Sunday-closing legisla tion was first adopted in Oregon. Police Power Is Declared. Circuit Judge McGinn, while not tak ing sides in the controversy, declares that as a matter of law the Sunday closing law is within the police power of the state and that the whole trouble arises from the method of its enforce ment. 'That law means that druggists should sell only drugs for the relief of Illness on Sunday, that restaurants should serve only meals, that butcher shops should sell only fresh meats, and so on," he declared. "l.lvery stables are exempt because In the old days there was lack of rail communication and it was often a case of necessity for a man to get some where in a hurry on Sunday. It would be held that the modern automobile livery is exempt, in that automobiles, to a great extent, have taken the place of horses." Another point which may prove in teresting in Mr. Kellaher's case on ap peal is his contention that the condi tions of modern city life make Sunday opening of grocery stores not only a necessity but. a mercy. . Herrrsal In to Be Asked. He will ask for reversal of his con viction on the clause in the law which states that "all circumstances of ne cessity and mercy may be pleaded in defense when the case is tried before a jury." The principal fight, though, will be made on the constitutional question in volved, which is: Is the Sunday-closing law class or religious legislation, and as such repugnant to the National Constitution? On the ground that the phrase "Lord's day" occurs in the law. Judge Canten-bi-iu held some years ago that it js re ligious legislation and hence invalid. TARIFF BLAMED BY IDLE Two-Thirds or Chicago's Printers In Job Shops Out of Work. "Who is to blame because two-thirds of the job printers of Chicago are out r worn ana begging Tor unemployment benefits through their union?" is a recent issue of the Manufacturers' News, captioned "A Hunch for Gov ernor Dunne's Unemployment Commis sion." "The tariff," is the reply quoted from a printer in the same editorial. "The Vnderwood tariff, nothing else. The printing business, reflecting general conditions, has gone to h 1 since the Underwood tariff was passed. It has been harder to get a job. You can guess how the printers would vote. We want a tariff that will make business what it was three years ago. "And all day long in that shop men thrown out of work by the operation of the tariff law, so they say walked up several nights of stairs and begged the harassed foreman for work just a few hours work and although this is one of the busiest shops in town and running with a greatly reduced force, he hadn't the work to give them." Wedding Guest at 82d Aniversary. ECHO, Or. Oct. 30. (Special.) Mrs. A. K. Hammer left this morning for College Place, Wash., to attend the S2d wedding anniversary of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Oliver, of that place. Mrs. Hammer la the only living witness of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. PORTLAND CHILDREN APPEAR IN 1 I J) LJ VI- . n ! 1 . M jf 3 . - ;-:r) , - -a j " (1) Performers lu "All Aboard for Blanket Bay" (Left to Right) John Sllloclc. Helen Zlgler, Robert McColloeh, Corrlne Buck, Violet Jannlngi, Marvin Bnerhtel, KUxabeth Shurluck. 2 Corrlne Buck Off to Dreamland.'-" . (3) Laura Shay, Who Had Charge of the Little Dancers. (4) Violet Jennings In a Graceful Step. VICTORS ON RETURfi Oregon Guardsmen Figure in Notable Triumph. LOCAL SHOTS RANK HIGH State Is Fourth in National Match With 43 Competitors Sergeant Pearson Third Against All Individual Contestants. I SCORES OK OHKGO.V RIFLE- Sergeant H. B. Conner 309 4 Corporal L. H. Spooner 30S 4 i&ergeanL v. vvooten sua Lieutenant O. A. Stevens. ... 302 Sergeant J. li. Woiford 302 t C. A. Myers 300 I Sergeant S. U. Pearson 298 I Knsign L. M. Spooner 29S Sergeant L. C. Tennis 292 J Corporal D. R. Chase 291 I Sergeant A. A. Schwarz 290 ? Corporal G. L.. Irwin 285 Returning from the National rifle matches at Jacksonville, Kla., where MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF OREGON RIFLE TEAM, WHO MADE REMARKABLE SHOWING AT THE NATIONAL MATCHES RECENTLY CONCLUDED AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Reading Kroii Left to Right tipper Row) Sergeant A. A. Swan. Corporal L. H. Spooner. Corporal D. R. Chase, Sergeant H. B. Conner, Corporal li. I.. Im-la. Sergeant R. S. J. Hamilton, Ser geant L. C. Tennis, Sergeant S. W. Pearson. Sergeant K. V. Wooten, Sergeant C. V. Tnornton, Sergeant J. II. Woiford. (Unrr Row) Sergeant H, (i. Hefferman, Lieutenant U A. Stevens, Captain Eugene Moshberger, Captain J. A. Buchanan, Team Captain; Captain W. F. Dougherty, Lieutenant T. W. Swarta, Ensign L. S. Spooner, C A. Myers, Naval Militia. THE SUNDAY CHARMING HALLOWEEN PAGEANT AT MANUFACTURERS' AND L -AND PRODUCTS SHOW. they made the best showing that an Oregon team has ever made, the mem bers of the team from the Oregon Na tional Guard and the Naval Militia will arrive in Portland early in the week. Standing fourth place among the 44 teams from National Guard, regulars, military and naval academies, the Ore gon team maintained its position in the first division and brings to this state many individual honors as well. Only one other National Guard team that was represented in the National matches had a better score than the Oregon men. The team from Massa chusetts beat Oregon by a bare 13 points out of a total of 3574. The teams from Wisconsin, New York and Penn sylvania finished 7, 8 and 11 points, re spectively, behind the Oregon team. The Oregon team was the only team from the West that had a score placing it among the first 10. Of the 44 teams competing, Delaware and South Carolina were the final two. Sergeant Pearson, by virtue of his winning third place in the National in dividual match, was retained as a mem ber of the picked team from allthe National Guard teams in the country, to compete against a picked team from the Regular Army. The match resulted in the score of 2228 to 2174 in favor of the militia team. The match included 200 yards rapid fire, and 600 and 1000 yards slow fire. The members of the Oregon team are now supposed to be in San Francisco, and will undoubtedly leave for Portland tonight or tomorrow, a3 their expenses are paid only until November 1. Human Side of the British Empire. L,. V. Jacks in Yale Review. The following well - authenticated story conies from a civil officer in a remote part of Burma. One early morn ing not long ago this officer found an ancient Burman squatting on his heels OKEGOXIAX, PORTjLAJTD, in front of the bungalow, whom he recognized as the headman of a vii lage distant 5) miles away in the hills. Questioned by the officer as to the pur pose for which he had undertaken so long a journey through the jungle, the old man replied as follows: "Thakin (master), my villagers wish to make some return -for. the favors bestowed upon us by the British government. The government has lessened our taxes, killed the leopards, given us good wa ter, and appointed a most discrimi nating policeman to visit us when need shall arise. And now I am come to tell you that we have in our village eight guns, ancient and well-tried, and all held under a license granted by the most honorable Thakin; we have also four pounds of excellent gunpowder in a bottle, and a bag of bullets; -these being neither more nor less than the Thakin'a license permits us to hold. Moreover, there are in our village two trackers who have proved their skill in the capture of dacoits. Thakin, we have heard a rumor that the British government is in great trouble with its enemies. Wherefore our villagers have empowered me to say that the eight guns, bottle of gunpowder, the bar of bullets and the two trackers are freely at .tn.s disposal 01 the British govern ment" Whitman Frnecli Club Klects. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.) L' Alliance Francais, the French club of Whitman College, held Its first regular meeting last night at Reynolds Hall. Officers elected were: President, ' Clarence Thorn, - Lebanon, Or.; vice-president, Lucille Kelling. Walla Walla; secre tary, Gisla Elliot, Walla Walla; treas ured. Virgil Argo, Walla Walla; re porter, Mayzie Penrose, Walla Walla. Costa Rica yearly Imports $20,000 worth of laundry soaps. v&&m - --Sr-'vss 'H.? Js"Tfj OCTOBER 31, 1915. TAXES If PORTLAND PUT AT 25 MILLS Estimate Is That Total Will Be Two to Three Mills More Than for 1915. SOME INCREASES CERTAIN Among Uncertain Items Is - Koad Provision, as ' Policy Has Not Been Indicated School Rate Likely to Advance. With an increase in the tax levy for municipal purposes a certainty, an In crease In the school levy probable and little hope of material reductions in the levies of other branches of govern ment supported in part or in whole by the taxpayers of Portland, the pros pects are the total tax levy for 1916 will be 2V4 to 3 mills higher than for 1915. Budget-making is now under way by most of the branches of government, but none has completed the work. From all that can be learned the levy for municipal purposes will be close to 1.5 mills greater " for 1916 than for 1915; the levy of the School Board of District No. 1 will be all the way from 1.6 to 2 mills greater; the state levy In Multnomah County will remain about the same as for 1915; the county levy for general purposes may be trifle higher; the county road levy may be reduced; the county library levy will be the same; end the Port of Port land levy may be shaved off a little. Estimate Is SS Mills. The total levy on Portland property owners for 1915 was 22.8 mills. The prospects for 1916 are that the levy will be close to 25 mills. It may run as high as 26 mills or It may drop a trifle below 25 mills, all depending upon what the boards and commls sioners in charge do with the budgets of proposed expenditures. For every mill of taxation the prop erty owner pays tl on each J1000 of assessed valuation. For the present year the total tax in Portland for all purposes was $22.80 on each $1000 of assessed value, and In 1916 it will be approximately $25 on each $1000 of as sessed value. From the state comes the informa tion that the levy for next year will remain close to the present years ngure. This information is concurred in by members of the State Tax Com mission and in the view of State Treas urer Kay. Commissioner Galloway says. However, that because of the de crease in the appropriations by the last Legislature there is a possibility of a slight reduction. School Board Figures Due. With the City of Portland the levy cannot help being higher. . With budget worn getting near an end the lew stands at 8.9 mills or 1.4 mills higher man tor The School Board will get to work in a . lew days on its budget. It seems to be the consensus of opinion that a 7-mlll levy will be the limit. If this levy prevails it will be an increase of 2 mills over the present years levy. With the county there is much un certainty, xne election next year prooaDiy win permit no decrease in the levy for general purposes. No increase In this levy is probable, however. For county road purposes the levy is un certain. Ii all probability It will be no higher next year, but it may be lower. This is an uncertain element so far, inasmuch as the road policy has not Deen nxed. The county library levy probably will remain unchanged at .45 of 1 mill as will also the state school levy now fixed at 1.4 mills. -The Port of Portland has not taken up its budget and it is not known what special appropriations will be sought. A reduction of one or two-tenths of a mill may be possible here, it is said, provided no large special appropria tions appear. STATE TAX PROBABLY SAME levy Likely to Be 3.34 Mills, as Slade for 1915. SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) Oregon's tax levy for state purposes for 1916 will be approximately the same as this year, when It averaged 3.34 mills on a valuation of $932,413,000, it was announced by members of the State Tax Commission today. In view of the decrease In appropriations by the last Legislature, however. Commis sioner Galloway said there was a pos sibility that the amount required for state purposes would be slightly lower. Completed figures of the valuations in all the 35 counties of the state are not yet available, but within the next few weeks assessors are expected to turn them in as equalized by the county boards. A few counties have sent in their equalized valuations. The tax commission for the last month has . been compiling the valua tions on pubic utility properties throughout the state. These will be ready the latter part of November, but definite announcement of the total tax able value of all property in Oregon is not expected until early in December. Last year the commission did not com plete Its work until the middle of De cember. When all the counties have reported and the public utliity values have been equalized, it win be necessary for the tax commission to equalize the total values for the different counties ac cording tor their respective ratios. The law provides that the state tax levy shall be made in December, and until then it is impossible to determine wsat the exact levy will be. After the Legislative session of 1913 the tax levy for last year totaled $4, 165,000. In 1913 the tax levy was but $1,122,000. When the commission fixed the 1913 levy it was not able to antici pate what the Legislature of that year yould appropriate and. therefore, in 1914 the levy had to be increased to provide for the appropriations made. This year the levy was $3,112,000. At the 1913 session, however, the Leg islature passed a measure whereby the Tax Commission Is enabled to anticl pate Legislative appropriations, and thus the state levy is now more equally distributed between the two years In tervening, from one Legislature to an other. SCHOOL LEVY 3.5 MILLS Gresbam Union District Fears Big gest Levy Allowed Is Too Small. GRESHAM. Or., Oct.- 30. (Special.) A tax of 3.5 mills has been levied on the five districts, composing Union High School District No. 2. by the board of directors, for 1916. The amount levied is the limit allowed by law and it is feared that it will be insufficient. If such is the case, a taxpayers' meeting of the five districts will be called to authorize more. Bills to the amount of $3855.98 were ordered paid by the board for furniture, fuel, lights and other school supplies. A petition signed by a large number of patrons of the school has been pre sented to the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, asking for half fare rates on all lines. November 22. 23 and 24 the first three days of Tranksgtv Ing week, will be "Go to School Days," at which time all parents are invited to visit the school. MAN, 34, NEVER KISSED Bachelor Who Lost Out In Aliena tion Suit to Vindicate Innocence. - NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Justice Scud der, in the Supreme Court at Mincola, opened the sealed verdict of the jury which has been considering the evi dence given in Joseph O'Connor St. John's suit for $10,000 against Warren A. Browne for the alienation of the af fections of Mrs. St. John. Browne swore at the trial that, though he is 34 years old, he never kissed'or hugged a woman nor never even held hands with one. The jury gave St. John $2000, but Browne says he is going to vindicate his years of Innocence and circumspection by an appeal. It was true, admitted Browne, he once sat in Mrs. St. John's lap. but her husband, he declared, had put him there. In the trial the drawing of a pig figured. It followed Browne's sig nature to a rather affectionate letter, and St, John thought it might stand for "Piggie," a pet name he believes Mrs. St. John might have called Browne. Nothing in the rather tangled story unfolded to Justice Scudder. however, aroused as much interest as the testi mony of the bachelor that he had gone kissless and hugless through life. St. John and his wife have been separated since last Spring and have two small children. MANY TWIN STARS FOUND Astronomers Back "from Buenos Ayres Also Locate New Comet. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. The Lamport & Holt liner Vestris, in from Buenos Aires, made a new record of IS days 21 hours and 12 minutes from that port to Sandy Hook, .bringing among other passengers. Professor William Joseph Hussey, astronomer of the University of Michigan, whose specialty is discover ing twin stars. He has been scanning the skies in the Southern Hemisphere at the University of La Plata, In Ar gentina, with Professor Paul T. Dela van, of Ann Arbor, and they have add ed 680 more dual stars to the former list of 1000. Professor Delavanv who has a fancy for comets, picked another one out of the cosmos a few months ago. Professor Edward C. Greene, of the Department of Agriculture, who has been in the wilds of Brazil instructing the natives in the cultivation of cotton, said if the country awoke to a realizar tion of the value of modern agricul tural methods it could raise a better quality than Egyptian cotton. 6 WIVES CHARGED TO MAN District Attorney Investigating Rec ord of Publisher. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 25. The activi ties of Charles E. George, publisher of law and banking periodicals in many states, particularly on the Pacific Coast, have been investigated by Dia DANDRUFF MAKES HAIR FALL OUT 25-Cent Bottle of "Danderine" Keeps Hair Thick, Strong, Beautiful. Girls! Try This! Doubles Beauty of Your Hair in Few - Moments. Within ten minutes a'ter an applica tion of Danderine you cannot .a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please -you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy . at first yes but really new hair growing all over your scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan derine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and lux uriance. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treat ment that's all you surety can have beautiful hair and lots of It if you will J j: t try a little Danderine.- -Adv. trict Attorney Zabel and his staff. The District Attorney asserts he has evidence that George has been married six times.- His wives, in chronological order, the District Attorney says, were as follows: Lizzie E. George, Bath, Me.; Ellen J. Gallagher George. Boston; May E. Ritter George, New York and Chicago; Ida L. Austrian George. San. Francisco; Albertine Jensen George, Los Angeles, and Selraa Klein George, formerly of Milwaukee, now in New Orleans. In 1900 George served a sentence of 11 months in the Milwaukee House of Correction imposed by Federal Judge Kohlsaat, of Chicago, according to the records. The charge was using the mails to defraud. Notice to Mariners. Latest of the Bureau of Lighthouses publications contain the following In formation bearing on changes in aids to navigation in tho Seventeenth Light house District: Columbia River entrance Columbia Bar Dredging Range Lights discontin ued, October 12. Formerly maintained by the U. S. engineers. Juan de Fuca Strait Neah Bay Gas and Whistling Buoy. 2. Characteristic of light changed. October 16. to flash ing red every 3 seconds, flash 0.3 sec ond duration, of 120 candlepower. Without other change. Dundee. Scotland, last year Imported from Tndla STOT'-" hal.s of .1nt. NO ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, GASES OR INDIGESTION In Five Minutes Your Sick, Sour Upset Stomach "Will Feel Fine. "Pape's Diapepsin" Neutralizes ' Acids in Stomach and Starts Digestion. Take your sour, out-of-order stom achor maybe you call it indigestion, dyspepsia or gastritis, it doesn't matter take -your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and let you eat one 22-grain triangule and see If wlthir five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble is food fermentation acid stomach food souring; the digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric Juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleepless ness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache. nervousness, dizziness or many other similar symptoms. If your -appetite is tickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of undi gested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It Is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepsin. Adv. ' .. .. 'v-A- ( A i i ..-.-fn