13 BUSINESS INCREASE . SHOWN BY REVIEW SOME OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN PETS PARADE AT CENTRAL LIBRARY YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. Poverty Stricken Portlani drew on its bank account yesterday and came to Aronson's great sale To Buy Gold and Diamonds! October Bank Clearings Are $6,000,000 Greater Than for Same Month in 1914. 5f s i . v;.-y 9 X: . -V -i-: WAV:' .X.. .S9S 1 H G.'',Y."k.0 ,r. ". f " ft J--- -LT I GRAIN SALES ALSO HEAVIER Export Trade Curtailed by Clos ing or Canal and Building Actir Ity Not Marked Decrease Is Noted in Postal Receipts. A statistical review of the current month as compared with October of last year shows bank clearings. Mer chants Exchange sales and hog, wheat and barley receipts on the favorable aide of the ledger, with slight decreases shown In postofflce receipts, building permits, exports and receipts of flour, oats, cattle and sheep. For the month Just ending the bank clearings reached a total of $59,997,497, as compared with io,715,228 for the cor responding month last year. ' For the first time since the season opened in July the sales at the Mer chants Kxchange show a substantial increase over the same month of last year. During the past 30 days the sales have aggregated 140,000 bushels of wheat and 800 tons of oats, the total value being $153,200. Last year 45,000 bushels of wheat were sold in October, 700 tons of oats and 300 tons of mill feed, the aggregate value being $71,250. Grain Receipt Heavier. The grain receipts by carloads for October were as follows: . . 1915. 1014. Wheat L'5f)4 219 Barley 3ri 235 Klour 252 Oat. 140 287 Hay 288 246 During the month 6078 head of cat tle, 27,787 head of hogs and 9779 head of sheep were received at the stock - yards, as contrasted with 6232 head of cattle, 23,280 head of hogs and 27,245 head of sheep received during October of last year. Owing to the unexpected closing of the Panama Canal there was a slight falling off in exports during the month just concluded, but November promises to be well ahead of the same period last year. A total of 397 building permits have been issued this month, authorizing the construction of buildings worth $350, 980. Last year during October 426 per mits were issued calling for a total expenditure of $508,705. During the entire year to date 4062 permits, total ing work costing $4,398,255. have been issued, as contrasted with 5382 calling for $6,278,899 last year for the same period. I'oatal Receipt Are Less. Postoffice receipts at Portland for the month of October show a consider able falling oft overthe corresponding month of 1914. The total receipts for the montn ending today had not been compiled last night, but Assistant Post, master Durand estimated that October receipts would total $96,000. For Octo - ber last year the receipts amounted to $112,684. There was a reason, however, for October of last year making such a big total, for the election during the first week in November of last year added largely to letters mailed durinir October. It was, in fact, the biggest montn tno Portland oince ever knew, with the exception of December, 1913. DEMOCRATS PLAN UNION Jackson Club Seeks Affiliations . Throughout State. throughout the state Democratic clubs luui win ue axiiiiaiea witn The JacK on Club of Portland, a committee has "cuii numeu 01 roruana uemocrats The following are members of the com. nilttee: H. M. Esterly. Samuel White K" X Mvc.ru rif f T itfmltv, i v. , - J t w -"ill I ii, tfuiiu iuun. tag. John Van Zante and Frank T. u A meeting of the Jackson Club i rhpd II 111 ffir imn m-.i...- . .- v. . .. . 1 1 " . i ' -J i iv. uisui at 1113 Central Library. Jonathan Smith will appear as the chief speaker. The com mittee on arrangements for tomorrow e uieoiing consists- or John Welch D. D. Near. W. U Page. 11. J. Latou rette and John Manning. PEACE MEETING THURSDAY Public Invited to Hear Prominent Speakers at Library. r The constructive needs of the day mwtl& l DL CQUCKUOn, CCODOIUlC and preparedness for peace, will b taken uu bv various miuiiar, meeting to be held in Library Hall next Mnursaay evening at Si. o clock. Amonff the snekprs who n r n .5 ; 1 cuss different phases of the subject are uoionei c f.. s. wood. Mrs. Millie Trumbull. Fltirpna Smith r.. ir Chapman, Mr. Gearlty and Miss Grace te uratl. Mr. ueanty is a writer wh has Just returned from the Europeai war zone. Miss De Graff will some human interest stories of scenes at the front, never before given out. The public Is invited. EXPERIMENT STATION WINS Noted Agricultural Explorer Latids AVork Done by College. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLKOR Corvallis. Oct. 30. (Special. ) David Fairchild, famous as an agricultural explorer in the service of the United States Department of Agriculture, who recently passed several days at the Oregon Agricultural College, has writ ten Director A. B. Cordley, of the Ex periment Station, complimenting the station upon the work being carried on. Dr. Fairchild was enthusiastic In his commendation of the investigations carried on at the branch station a Talent in pear culture and the control of pear blight. CHECK RAISER GETS $20 Hosebure Merchants Defrauded by Man Who First Tried for $60. ROSEBVJRG, Or., Oct. 30. Entering the home of Paul Cuvilller here yes terday. a man stole a check in the sum of $6 which was signed by A. K. Clay ton, a wealthy rancher. The man raised the check to $60 and presented it for payment at & local bank. The check was then reduced to $20 .and wa passed on Wilder & Age, local merchants. The Sheriff's oil ice bus been unable to locate the man. - -j t f I - - - v-1 rrrrn v - -x --.IfC i. -..' -J i i i e f '.It! Vii lw r , .j Ig .j-V! I branding would be desirable, but de- II M I 1 1" I I"' 1111 UU I I If L I I ry, . ,1 clared that a law forc'ne a company II f I I T I VV I I U II I I II l" I I VMiA.fc""v- ----4 I to put a special brand on its product nil I III I U 1 1 U 1 111 LI I LU For everything in this, the city's finest jewelry store has been marked down. Cut Class is half Solid Silver is all reduced. Even Diamonds can he bought now for less than market value. For to tell the plain truth A.ron- son has too much merchandise and not enough money! COME of my wise friends up in Seattle J told me: "Portland is in bad shape (1) Beatrice Chilson and Her Black Kitten. 3) June Held witn tier uoi. 3 Robert Lee Stephens and Collie. (4) Archie Kline AYItn His Riding Pony. He urged that a law prohibiting mis branding would be desirable, but de clared that a law forcing a company to put a special brand on its product might work an injustice. Charles Coopey. the speaker of the day and one of the strongest workers In the interests of the "Pure Fabrics" law; Customs Collector T. C. Burke and A. C. Callan, each took his turn in "going after" Mr. Chapman's argument, declaring that a pure fabric law was as necessary as a pure food law. Wide Variety of Treatment At tracts Notice.' PETS' PARADE HELD Pageant of Youth Enjoyed as Part of Juvenile Exhibit. CHILDREN PROUD OWNERS Fully 1000 Visitors Gather at Cen tral Library to Witness Show In Afternoon and It Will Be Open to Public All Week. Although it was not so long as had been expected, the pets' parade, held yesterday at the Central Library as a feature of the Juvenile Exhibit now in progress there, waa a pleasing affair and brought out a number of children and their most cherished little friends. Uncertain weather of the morning kept many children from venturing out with their pets, but those who did enjoyed the little pageant and there were several hundred people assmbled on the Library steps who watched the kiddies on parade. .The tots gathered at 1 o'clock and shortly thereafter one circuit of the Library block was made by the children and their pets. The affair was in cnarge oi jnarry Blough, principal of Portsmouth School; H. M. Barr, principal of Buckman School; D. T. Vantine, principal of Cen tral School; A. R. Draper, principal of Shattuck School; C. M. Boyd, principal of Highland School, and W. A. Pettys, principal of Peninsula ocnooi. Two white raoDits in a dox, smiting suspiciously at lettuce leaves as they were carried along by two little children, cute little kittens held by little girls, the cats showing some peevishness at the close proximity of a number of dogs led by their youthful owners, a riding pony and another tiny horse drawing a dogcart, these were the principal actors in the pageant of youth and its friends. There were a number of attractive collie dogs led by their proud owners and an aristocratic Boston -bull was in lino. A plan is on foot to organize pets' parade at a more favorable season of the year some time in the future when It is believed there will be a much larger turnout. The juvenile exhibit was visited yes terday by a large number of people, the afternoon showing about 1000 visitors. while many more came at night. The attendance is increasing, as during the first two days of the show about 1000 people saw the display of childish ingenuity. The exhibit will remain open all this week. RATE HEARING POSTPONED Departure of Speaker Delays Cham ber Discussion of Astoria Tariff. The meeting for hearing the discus sion of the issues involved in the As toria rate question, which was to have been held for the members of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night. has been postponed. J. N. Teal, counsel for the bureau of transportation of the Chamber, who was scheduled to give the presentation of the subject, has been called "out of the city unexpectedly and informed the Chamber last night that he would not be able to be present on the date set. The arrangements will be suspended until he returns, after which a new date for the meeting will be announced. It is regarded of especial importance that an attendance of the full mem bership shall be present at the time when the meeting is held, since there exists some division of opinion of the subject among the members. Mr. Teal the only available speaker who has gone - into the matter thoroughly . in every detail and prepared a presenta tion of the case in form for the mem bers of the Chamber. The gathering at which he is to ap pear will be preliminary to a series or hearings in which advocates of all sides of the question will be asked to present their positions for the Cham ber. CIVIC LEAGUE ARGUES BILL C. C. Chapman Center of Fire Fabric Branding; Tilt. In C. C. Chapman made himself the cen ter of a heavy fire of argument at the Civic League yesterday when he pro tested against the "Pure Fabric" bill, saying that the tendency of the Gov ernment at present is toward too much regulation of details which militates against toe development of, industry. Mr. Holman to Talk at Oregon City. County Commissioner Holman will go to Oregon City Tuesday noon to ad dress the Commercial Club of that city on the subject of good roads. Mr. Hol man declared yesterday that his aim is to see hard-surfaced roads constructed on both sides of the Willamette con necting Portland and Oregon City. Next Friday Mr. Holman will speak before the State Editorial Society at Salem. ?: . - ' I i n W " fh EXHIBIT CLOSES TONIGHT Lillian Tingle Comments on Differ ent Temperamental Views Ex pressed and Good Handling of Several Topics. BY LILIAN TINGLE. Wide variety In the treatment of problems of color, space relations and light la characteristic of the exhibit of works by Pacific Coast artists, open to the public today, for the last time, at the Museum of Art. This variety of treatment is depend ent upon the individual temperament of the artist, and ranges from the broad "modern" handling inexactly described by some observers as "post impressionistic" shown in the works or jarj Walters, Floyd Wilson and Henrietta Shore to the reserved tech mque and Quiet color of Bldiwv Roll Perhaps the most individual temoera. ment Is seen in the Daintinsrs of Clara j. Biepnens. wnich. in color and desls-n show a truly artistic enjoyment of many aspects or life and of nature. The variety displayed in the exhibit as a whole is typified in the work of H. F. Wentz. The delicate radiance of "jariy Moon Neah-Kah-Nle." the work a-day realism of "The Ferry Slip," and the gay spontaniety of "The Laughing Boy." show a quick responsiveness, both of brush and of spirit, to vividly felt impressions. Three artists exhibiting for the first time are Lesley Smith. Ruth Flsken and Dorothy Gilbert, all of whom have worked In the classes of the Portland Art School. Edna Breyman In "Holiday After noon" and "Veranda, California" has succeeded in giving a vivid effect of California sunshine. In striking con trast are the leep-toned and sympa thetic paintings "Jeanne" and "Hose Marie" by Althea Chase. Agnes Jamison has a notably quiet and complete "Landscape," and Mary Edith Uregory shows a group of care fully drawn life studies. MacDonald Mayer's etchings, the sculpture of Paula Qrum, and Ksther Hult, water-colors by J. M. Crook, Co lista M. Cowling. Mary Hillyer, J. W. Lawlor and Carl A. Walters, are also included in a collection ranking high in the excellent series of exhibits ar ranged by the Museum of Art. E. H. HOLT SUED BY WIFE Wife of Piano Man Charges Cruelty In Divorce Action. Viola N. Holt has started In Circuit Court suit for a divorce from E. H. Holt, piano man, on grounds of cruelty. They were married at St, Charles, Mo November 26, 1903. and have one child, a boy of 11. Mrs. Holt alleges that her husband frequently threatened to end both their lives and on two oc casions evidently started to carry out his threats, once trying to run their automobile into a telephone pole and at another time maltreating her in their home. He is declared to have said that her parents would be sent to the - poor farm and that her mother was insane and should be in the asylum. Mrs. Holt wants 1 100 a month alimony, de claring that her husband is making easily fzOO to fooo a montn. nobody has any money ; you'll not do very much jewelry business down in Foruanai But we decided to try. And you should have seen the crowd that came to buy! In twp minutes after the doors opened, the store was jammed. And We had to lock the doors again! The Chief of Police very courteously sent a uniformed officer down and a couple of plain clothes menfor safety sake. And everybody kept good natured. And you should have seen folks buy! THIS is being written at 5 o'clock, for the newsDaDer men insist they'll not print a line if it's not ready on the dot. Already we have broken all records. And we have still five hours to go. So you can readily believe the buying has been going on the "high gear." We should like to make it very clear that Aronson's sale is not for a day. But for the entire Holiday Season. So if those who couldn't get in today will come Monday (and hundreds decided to do this very wise thing) we shall be obliged and everybody will be better pleased, for as one portly gentle man expressed it : "This is no place for a fat man!" OF COURSE, no single advertisement can possibly contain all the items in the sale. So I've just picked up the following from my notebook ; some are in the windows and some in the store : A $10.00 Jewel Case (silver-plated) is $6.75; a $7.00 Copper Tobacco Jar is $2.50; a $1.50 Ash Tray is 75c; a $10.00 Smoker's Set is $3.75; a $5.00 Brass Set is $1.50. Valdemar Watch Chains, gold filled, are $3.73 instead of $5.00. A $7.50 Toilet Set, silver plated, is $3.75. A trayful of Gold-Filled Bracelets are $2.75 each instead of $5.00 and $6.50. Solid Gold Cuff Buttons are $1.75 instead of $3.50. Gold-Filled Watch Fobs are $2.65; they were $3.50. Solid Gold Scarf Pins are $3.35 instead of $5.00. 1 COULD fill pages of this newspaper with descriptions of Diamonds. But alas! You. can't put the glory of a Dia mond into a newspaper ad. There's a $400.00 Diamond La Valliere for $300.00. A $1000.00 Solitaire Ring for $675.00. A Diamond Bracelet that was $175.00 is $131.25 and so on. Solid Gold La Vallieres in artistic designs each one set with semi-precious stones can be bought for $4.85 instead of $7.50 to $10.00. A trayful of Solid Gold Brooches, that were $5.00 each, are marked $2.50. Solid gold, mind you! IN THE Cut Glass Room everything is half price $10.00 Bowls are $5.00; $12.50 Decanters are $6.25; $5.00 Sugar Bowl and Creamer are $2.50; a $16 Pitcher is $8.50; an original design is found in this Square Sugar Bowl and Creamer, now $4.25 instead of $8.50 beautiful. ROGERS' "1847" SILVERWARE is selling to "beat the band." Spoons are 95c instead of $1.75; Desserts are $1.70 instead of $3.25; Knives are $2.75 instead of $4.00; Forks are the same price. HOWARD WATCHES are also re duced. The prices are fixed by the manufacturers and plainly printed on each box. The $40.00 Howard Watches are now $29.50; the $75.00 Howards are $59.50, and the $95.00 Howards are $79.50. Elgin and Waltham Watches that were $12.00 and $15.00 are selling for $7.35. Over a score of Ladies' Watches, up to $18.00, are marked $9.85. ALL the fine Stationery is half price. It's "HURD'S," too none finer. The Cut Glass, as stated, is also half price. So are all the Umbrellas. All the Clocks are reduced a fourth, a third; some that have been here too long are cut to one-half. "Gorham" Solid Silver is reduced a fourth. All the Solid Silver Flatware is reduced a fifth. And with the exception of a few contract goods, everything in the store is marked down. Some things only a little; some things a good deal. BUT nobody makes any effort to create the impression that the reductions are bigger than they really are. Neither in the newspapers nor in the store. You can depend on that much! IF YOU can arrange to come tomorrow early we shall appreciate it. For the nearer we get to Xmas the bigger the crowds are sure to get. And any selections you make now will be held for later delivery if you desire. A small deposit will "seal the bargain." Doors open Monday at 9 o'clock. P. S. FOR the splendid response today every body joins with the writer in a happy, though tired and hungry, "Thank You." GEORGE FRAXC19 KOWK, A,iPoinisoini9s Jewelers and Silversmiths Broadway and Washington Sts. JUVENILE HELP WON "Flying Squadron" of Cham ber Arouses Interest. MANY REGRET ABSENCE President Colt to Answer letters or Youngsters, . Telling Them ot Need for Study of Resources and Their Duty to State. The recent trip of the "Flying Squadron" of the Chamber of Com merce tnroug-n ureguu i terest in the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show has resulted in a wiae interest among scnool children of the state in the work of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. C. C. ColU president of the Chamber, has received many letters from school children ex pressing their regrret that they could not attend the land show and. their in tention to fcive more attention in the future to Orearon and Oregon develop ment work. Thirty-five Ashland High School pupils have written President Colt and 2i letters have thus far been received from Medford. All oi me tetters pean of the splendid feeling aroused among the people ot Jackson County, and ex press the thanks of the writers for the opportunity given them to hear and learn something more of Oregon and Its products. ' President Colt is sending a personal answer to each of his student corre spondents and is pointing out the de pendence that the present generaton of business men of the state feels toward the youcg people who must take their places before many years. Tlie letter followa: On rih?ilf of thA tnit1anri Phamhpr nf Commerce I take unusual pleasure In ac knowledging the receipt of your letter of October 2G. expressing your Interest in the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, now beinjr held in this city. The Chamber of Commerce Is exceedingly disappointed because of your Inability to be present, but we feel much gratifica tion at having aroused your Interest in the products of the great State of Oregon, and the educational mission of this exposi tion,. The men who are now dolor big things In the business world must depend upon the schcool children of today to carry on the work In the future. Mav I exDress the hone that you will continue to study and Investigate every sec tion oi uregon : With the assurance that the Portland Chamber of Commerce stands ready at all times to co-operate for the good of every county In the state, and with our personal best wlshces, we beg to remain. Sincerely Yours, c. c. corr. President. Following are some of the letter- writers already heard from: Dorothy Edwsrrds. Harold Frobach, Rnth Daniels, Aubrey Furry. Aileen Walker, Leith V. Abbott, LeVerne Buck, Mildred Gearhart, Gerald Gunter Lillian A rant. Vera Mc- Donouirh, Mae 8 keen e, Margaret be hell, Glennellen Roberts, blade bonger, Myra Gunter. Mary Mathes, W. Hammond, Frank; Tinker, B E. Badger Ella Evans Char lotte C. Chappelle. Helen Moore, Verl Rigby, O. F. Silver, Meredith Beaver, C. M. Sum mers, Mildred Million, veitx k. aioore. rr nest Abbott. Mytrie V. DeCarlo, Essie tiltn dennlng, Grace Davis, Hazel owell and Klwood liedoer-, ox Asniana. Wllni Harriaon, Ruby Wilcox, Dorothy Thorne, Vera, E. Lane. Browning Purdiii Grace Wilson. M. Id red Wlrks. Y. Yamaahlta. Myrl Davis, , Carl Elnkorr, Frances Greb, Mary Jackson, Carter Brandon, Lee Bailey. Alta Steele, Helen James, Grace FurkeypUe. Lorn Stratton. Mary Henson. Leon D. Lawton. Hubert O, Hchenck. Clem ma Finley, Claire Hanley. Laura. Gates, Krele Stewart. Uarrell Mink ler, Georgia Whillock, Janie Smith, Thorn ton Gould, Juanlta Crawford, Vivian Stew art, Olive Kfncheloe, Mercedes Barber, Elis abeth Hill, Hasel Brown. Ora Wo Ham, Lor. lug Jermsta, Francis Winn, Gerald Wollum, Milton Lansing, Margaret English. Myrtl Standly, John Whlonant, X. C. Barber. Mary Holmes. Roland Parker, Anderson S. Joy. Loral ne Cow gill, Doruthy Miller. Reginald D. Fifer, Mildred Heine. Kerby S. Miller. Es telle Clark. Nick Vernon. Grace Perry. George B. Henaelman, Eitha, Payne. Verti McCredie, L. J. Cochran, Heulah Fansher, S. E. Rosenthal, Nellie Campbell, Frances Bacon, Lucile Frctsche. Daisy Baine. Bern ice Balsom. Hazel Wik--y, Victor Bell, Josephine Clark, Raymond S. Fish. Francis H. Ben nett Ethel Anderson, Grace Kinchelae, Vera E. Roundtree. F. A. Given. Edna Van GOe then, Edna. Marquis, of Medford High School. Eunice Rush. May HeUrick, J. A, Raymond. Dana Dixon, of Drain. AGRICULTURIST IS ASKED Pomona Grange Secka Official for Douglas County. ROSEBURO, Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) At a meeting of Pomona Grange here today It was decided to ask the County Court to employ a county agriculturist. According to the grangers, an annual appropriation of $1800 by the County Court will be sufficient to defray the expense of this official. Addresses were delivered before the grange by R. IS. Smith, editor of the Tax Liberator, and M. O. Kvans, of the Oregon Agricultural College. Tho South Deer Creek Orchestra enter tained. - Cozy Dairy Lunch 323 Washington Street, Near Sixth Never Closed Business is always good, because we give double value for the money every time. Let us prove it to you. Choice Roasts, Steaks, Etc., Only 10c Regular 75c Chicken Dinner Today for 35c