THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31. 1915. SAMUEL 6. BLYTHE SHIES AT PUBLICITY ARTICLES AT JUVENILE EXHIBIT SHOW SKILL OF YOUNG EXHIBITORS. ALL-YEAR. Oar- Weil-Known Political and Fic tion Writer Says People i Not Interested in Him. WORLD TOURED RECENTLY 12 Portland and Pacific Coast Visited to Study Sentiment Regarding,, Presidential Elect iou and, Nutional Defense. fcamuel G. Blythe doesn't believe in the- use of the perpendicular personal pronoun among writing folks. The name of Mr. Blythe is familiar to every present-day student of Amer ican politics, yet his readers seldom, if ever, see anything In print about Sam uel G. Blythe, himself. It is only on semi-occasions when he comes out of the obscurity with which he surrounds himself, as on his present visit to Portland, that he is persuaded to talk about himself. Mind you. he does not consent to write about himself only talk, and he does that sparingly. "The public doesn't want to know anything about the persons who write the stories they read," he asserted at the Portland Hotel. "If anything is worth reading the public will read it they don't care whether Blythe writes It or Jones writes it. Subject Interest Readers. "That's the reason I always try to keep myself out of my writings. The readers don't want to know what I did und what I said. They are interested only in the subjects I . am writing about." Mr. Blythe explains that only when it is necessary to strengthen a point in his story does he use the first per sonal pronoun in his writings. And that's one of the reasons why Mr. Blythe's presence in Portland will not he attended by any startling stories in in local newspapers. He has just re turned from a trip around the world. Including a visit to the war zone, and doubtless could give some interesting information about himself and his ex periences, but he doesn't like to talk about himself. Another principal reason that the Portland papers will not fatten their columns at his expense is that if he has anything in mind that be thinks mav be of interest to the public he writes it himself. He gets paid by the word. Mr. Blythe believes that he has just about written himself out on the war, and he now is in search of information on a subject more to his liking and one that seems to like him reasonably well politics. Presidential Field Studied. He is visiting the Pacific Coast to see how the people feel about the ap proaching Presidential election. He ex pects to visit most of the Western states and write a story about his ob servations. He will write another story about the polittcal situation in the Kast. Incidentally, on this trip he is going to learn what the people think about National defense plans and prepara tions for war. Then he is going to treat the subject in a popular way. That is, he aims to make his articles more popular than profound, yet add something to the. "sum total of human knowledge" at the same time. Since returning from Europe a few months ago Mr. Blythe has written a complete novel. It treats of political conditions and is entitled "A Western Warwick." It will be published soon. lie expects to take an active part in the campaign next year, and inciden tally cast his first vote for President. Paradoxical as it may seem, Mr. Ulythe has never voted at a Presiden tial election. Once he was not home long enough to register, another time he changed his place of residence, an other year he was traveling on a po litical assignment for his paper up until the eve of the election, and in 1912 he was in London on election day. Columbia HlRhway Toured. "1 may make it next year," he com mented. But it is probable that he will have a hard time of it. His legal residence is in Montana, and he will have to go to that state to vote. "But I'm going to try it," he in sisted. He accompanied S. C. Lancaster and others on Friday on a trip over, the Columbia Ulver Highway. "How does it compare, with other highways in this country- or in other countries for that matter?" he was asked on his return. "You can't compare it with any other highway," he promptly replied. "There is none other like it." Mr. Blythe will be here until Sunday. He Is visiting his son, S. O. Blythe, a local newspaperman. AUTO VICTIM IS IDENTIFIED Testimony Tends to Exonerate Driver of Ieutft Blame. The man killed at Twenty-third and Marshall streets by an automobile driven by O. W. Kennedy, president of the Kennedy Auto Painting- Company Friday niprht was identified at the morKue yesterday as Luclen . Orwigr, aged 26. an orderly at the Good Sa maritan Hospital. OrwiK was running- up Marshall street- with the evident intention of ratrhingr a streetcar when he was struck by the automobile. He was taken into the Good Samaritan Hos pital, where he had been serving as orderly for several days, but was not identified there. He died shortly after and the body was removed to the morgue. Testimony of witnesses tended to exonerate the automobile driver from blame in the accident. Orwig has a cousin in Portland, Ruby Hiatt. 655 Bast Tenth street North. He is survived by a mother, brother and sister in Kugene and a brother and two sisters at Clatskanie. It is not likely that an inquest will be held. LEGISLATORS HEAR PLEA Orcpon delegation Promises Consid eration of Irrigation Bond Plan. Oregon's delegation In Congress has informed the Portland Chamber of Oommerce that It will consider care fully the Jones bill, which authorizes the Government to guarantee Interest on bonds issued for irrigation and reclamation districts. The Chamber took up the matter with the delegation at the request of the farmers of js'ewberry. Wash. The measure will be introduced by Senator Jones, of Washington, and provides that if a district organized under state law defaults in its interest the Gov ernment shall pay and take a lien on the property. The bill provides that these bonds must not bear more than 4 per cent interest nor run longer than 40 years. ft. y- -xx i 1 1 mil iiimm?U .--rVv - N ;mmmmm li j Tr f" i l,H r0 ' It I Hi - U jft ' I t 1 H $ ' " " - (I) Marlon Clark, 50S Clay Street (Left), and Alice Hojic, SIO Columbia Street. Holdinn a Doll Which Fornu m rut. ore of the Exhibit. (2) Anna Howell. 014 Tlbbeta Street, and One of the Hrlze Cnahionn. (3) Cycle Car Shown In the Exhibit, Don Jennlngn, 18 Jcflenw Street, In the Machine and Carroll Bullen, s0 Jeanup Street, Standing. COUNTY VALUE LESS Assessment Is $286,888,225 or $10,000,000 Decrease. CITY FIGURES $271,671,025 Principal Dirrerencc From 1J4 Is in Iils and Improvements on Town or City Ijots Which Arc About $6,000,000 Lss. Not including the property of. public service corporations, which are as sessed by the State Tax Commission and figures on which will not be available until December 1, the as sessed valuation of Multnomah County is $286,888,255. The figures, were made public yesterday Dy . County Assessor Keed. In 1914 the valuation was $297,935, 555 and the public service assessment was $38,722,910, making a grand total of $335,758,465. The assessed valuation within the limits of the City of Portland is $27, 617.025. Last year it was $276,288,935. last year the city's proportion of the public service assessments was $31, 629,145. Comparison between 1914 and 1915 of the . principal items . which go to make up the assessment roll shows the following1: The principal decrease has been in improvements. In this connection the records of the city building inspector show that for the first nine months of 1915 building permits aggregated $4. 047.275, while for the whole of 1914 the total was $8,334,075. The total valuation of Gresham is 1915. 1914. Merchandise and stock in trade... t $ 13,746,620 $ 15.143,565 Money, notes and accounts 7.308,720 8,917,965 Machinery and equipment 3,029,015 3,232,335 Shares of stock 7,172.535 7,522,180 Household furniture, etc. (exempt) 1.106,885 1,315,015 Autos, farm machinery, implements, wagons, etc 2.003.295 2.067.275 Horses, number 6233 361,980 446,105 Cattle, number 7438 185.185 169,860 Sheep, number 635. ................................. . 1,375 4,185 Swine, number 1905 9,035 5.660 Dogs, number 14 305 700 Kailroad bed, four miles Rolling stock Telephone and telegraph lines. Wire and pipe lines Franchises Land, number of acres 228.454.56 Improvements on land Town or city lots Improvements on town or city lots Total This includes 52,556.21 acres in Bull $717.3T. of Fairview $167,515, and of Troutdale $54,315. - CLUB NAMES COMMITTEES Progressive Business Men Planning: Second Bis Festival. The second Annual Punkin Festival of the Progressive Business -Men's Club will be heli in the Arcadian Gardens of the Multnomah Hotel during the lat ter part of November. The general committee for this event will be Owen Summers and the general committee, consisting of Harold Jones, Karl Clarke, Siil Rasmussen, J. P, Jae ger and Sol Baum. who will have charge of two of the sub-committees. The committees follow: Band committee Dr. W. O. Spencer. Booster committee Ed Werlein, Gus Moser. Lecoration committee Prank Bar rinirer. , H. Effinger. O. H. Schwerdt mann. tr. Swenson, E. H. Morgan, P. li. Kneeland, Harold Wold. 1. F. lioyn- ton.- H. B. Weed, James Forbes, R. W. Gill. Publicity Ralph H. Mitchell. J. f. Carroll. Tickets J. H. Dundore. Construction work Chester llogue. Earl Roberts. Will Simon. A. L. UuPuy, A. C. Furlong, A. W. Kutsche. Concessions Frank Hilton. J.-A. Or mandy. Dr. Howland, R. G. Cornish. A. C. Marsh. W. J. Sheehy, Miles Standish. Dr. G. E. Henton, H. V. Stahl, Tod Ha zen, I. L. Riggs, F. B. Upshaw. Donation committee Hamilton John stone, Dr. A. J. Browning. Fred Glenn. Dr. A. K. Higgs, G. G. Joyce, Arthur Langguth, A. M. Grilles-. Special attraction M. M. Ringler, Will I.ipton, George Jackson, Aaron M. Frank. JITNEY ROBBERY SCOUTED Detectives Say G. V. Kg-gert's Story Invented to Postpone Bill line. Convinced that the story of the rob bery of G. W. Eggert. jitney driver, on October 21 had been Invented to excuse his non-payment of a debt due the next day. Detectives La Salle and Leonard yesterday reported to Detec tive Captain Baty that the case was a "frame up." The hold-up was supposed to have taken place at Sixteenth and Thurman streets, but Eggert related conflicting stories to the detectives, and he was not believed. JOMELLI RECITAL ATTRACTS Mrs. T. C. Burke Also Is Populiir as Accompanist at Big Attraction. The Wagner recital given by Madame Jeanne JomelH, grand opera soprano, and Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke, piano accompanist and lecturer, at the Benson Hotel last Tuesday afternoon was one of the principal attractions of the Port land music season. It was really a big grand opera treat on a par with first class renditions of professional grand opera on a real theater stage, without 2,;00 14,000 i... '. 8,250 11,590 21,663,375 21.894.525 2.756,750 2,841,485 17 4,275.975 .175.931.870 53,242,455 57,531.230 ' .$286,888,255 $297,035,555 Run Forest Reserve. the aid of scenery and costumes. With Mrs. Burke as piano accompanist, the absence of an orchestra was not no ticed so much, she played so artistically and with so much interpretative power. Madame Jomelli was in splendid voice, and her silvery, sparkling soprano was an uncommon pleasure to hear. She sang solos from Wagner's "Flying Dutchman." "Lohengrin," "Gotterdam merung" and "Thlstan and Isolde." The vocal gem of the whole recital was Madame Jomelli's thrilling, artist-like singing of "Dich Theure Halle." . It will be a pleasant musical memory for months to come. The audience was large and representative of Portland's musical community, and was under the auspices of the MacDowell Club. Mother of Five Divorced. Georgia Rhoads was divorced from William Rhoads in Judge Kavanaugh's court yesterday on grounds of cruelty, The decree gives alimony of ?30 a month. The couple was married at Winlock. Wash., and. have five children, two of them minora. TUBERS HAVE STORY Juvenile Exhibit Tells of One Boy's Reform. GARDEN CHANGES HABITS Display of Children's Wori at Library Contains Wide Knuge of Articles, Grown, Made or Cooked at Home. To the ordinary observer a splendid showing of potatoes grown by an Irvinston boy, which is on display at the juvenile exhibit at the Library, would probably attract no more than passing interest. However, there is a story . of the development and refor mation of a boy's life which clusters around those tubers which, if known, would make it one of the most in teresting displays in the entire exhibit. The lad who prew those potatoes was only a few months ago a resident in the downtown congested section and his habits grot him into the Juvenile Court. It seemed that he would be sent to the reform school. However, Judge Gatens decided to give him 'another chance and asked the boy if there was anything that he wanted which would help him to keep out of trouble. The lad asked to be sent some place where he could have a garden. The boy's parents secured a home in the Irving ton district, and now the boy is grow ing some of the best garden vegetables ever grown In that section. Exhibits Range Widely. The juvenile exhibit which is under the auspices of the Portland Parent Teacher Associations and the Oregon Congress of Mothers, is considered to be one of the most complete shows of that character ever seen in the state. Seemingly every kind of an article, which a boy or girl could make at home, is shown, from the finest kind of cake and pastry, and fancy work, to machinery and garden products. Leon a Wadsworth. 12 years of ace. clearly demonstrates that she is in a class with "Jack," who raised the famous bean stalk, for she has on ex hibition a sunflower which is fully 13 feet tall. Some of the cycle cars manufactured by boys with a taste for mechanics are particularly good and attract con siderable attention. One is fitted up with an engine and is .completely equipped to run. There are also various pieces of electrical apparatus. The efficiency of one battery was tieany neiriunsiraiea yesterday when one young boy, of an inquisitive turn- took hold of some of the apparatus wnicn nappenea to be charged. He found himself unable to let eo and his cries caused quite a commotion for a time. In the excitement the Dattery was jerKea upon the floor, but was undamaged. Fink Brei Interest. An exhibit of tish eggs, showing all the stages of hatching, which is ihown by Dorrance Clanton, is unusually good and attracts a great deal of attention. Some particularly good pictures are on display, among them being several by Ernest Fong. 13-year-old Chinese student of the Ladd School. There is also a clay bust of Washington, ex- moiiea uy an jrvingion scnool pupil, which is a good likeness. . ' Rich Colored Woman Dead at 91. HAGERSTOWN, Md, Oct. 26. V. Jane Reeder. probably the wealthiest ana one oi ine oiaest colored women in Maryland, has died here, asred 91 years. She -owned property valued at t about Ji0,OG0. Her home waa on the This notable achievement in body design of last season is an exclusive Kissel fea ture, and is offered to you this season with distinctive improvements in models and con struction. The Kissel ALL-YEAR Car met for the first time and satisfied completely the demand for the continuous service of one body. Its interchangeable Top (Sedan or Coupe) can be readily- attached or detached by two inexpert men in less than a half hour. The. ALL-YEAR Car gives you the utmost in versatility and practicability: If it's chilly or rainy, or foggy or blustery, put on the Detachable Top; if it's warm and pleasant and balmy, and breezes on the brow are what you're after, leave it off. There are two Top models that come with the ALL-YEAR Car a Coupe Top for the Roadster bodies and a Sedan Top for the Touring bodies, each a marvel of expert and careful construction. You can safely dismiss the possible impression that these Tops are makeshifts, for they are not set on, but set in the bodies, with absolutely no evidence that they are any thing but an integral part of the car as a whole. The ALL-YEAR Car, like all the KisselKar models, is in no sense an "assem bled" car, but is built, part for part, right in the Kissel factory. Utility is its outstand ing feature; we would welcome a thorough investigation on your part. All Prices F. O. B. Factory THE PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH 58-60 SAN FRANCISCO finest residential street in the city. She leaves two daughters. CANES GIVEN TO SENATORS Postmaster Myers Also Honored by Envoy to Siam. Oregon's two Senators, Chamberlain and Lane, and Postmaster F. S. Myers were recipients yesterday of handsome canes sent to them by William II. Hor. nibrook. Envoy Kxtraordlnary and Min ister Plenipotentiary to Siam. Mr. Hor nlbrook, formerly an Albany newspaper man, and an active Democrat, was ap pointed to the Siamese court by Presi dent Wilcon upon recommendation of Oregon's Senators. The canes are of handsome appear ance, being made of some Oriental wood with ornate silver handles. The ornamentation of the canes of the two Senators consists of silver elephants as handles, while the head of Postmas ter Myers' cane is a silver lizard. PAVILION BODY ORGANIZES Campaign to Finance Columbia Vista House to Be Started. Organization of the Columbia High way Vista House Association was per fected at a meeting yesterday and the campaign to finance the movement will be put under way in the near future. The purpose of the organization is to erect a pavilion and resting-place on the crest of Crown Point, where the road circles the point before dropping down toward the river. The plans for the pavilion have been prepared by liid gar Lazarus and the structure will cost about $18 000. Following is the election of officers made yesterday: President. H. I Pit tock; vice-presidenU W. E. Conklin; secretary. W. J, Piepenbrink; treasurer. Adolphe Wolfe. AUTOPSY OPERATOR SUED John Hoke Seeks $10,000 for Post Mortem on Wife's Body. Charging that Dr. E. A. Sommer performed a post-mortem on the body of his wife, Rusella Hoke, who died at St. Vincents hospital September 28. without his consent, John Hoke is suing the doctor in Circuit Court to recover $10,000 damages.- Dr. Sommer said yesterday that he has an arrangement with the county physician of Clackamas County by which he cares for all patients which the county physician senas to Portland, and that in return he receives per mission to perform autopsies in in teresting cases. Mrs. Hoke, Dr. Som mer stated, was a charity patient of Clackamas County. COIN EXIT TO GREECE ENDS Money Order Business Is Suspended by Postal Department. Money-order business with Greece by people of the Cnited istates has been abruptly suspended, without reasons being given, by tne united btates Pos tal Department. Orders have been re ceived from Washington by the Port land office to this effect, and the break in postal money-order relations be comes effective immediately. As Greece is one of the European countries not at war. it is not under stood locally why the order was issued. but it is assumed that the present difficult situation over exchange rates, as well as war conditions in the near by countries, may account for it. TraveTlne at SO mil- an hour eontlnu ously. u tram would (over the circumference uf the earUl in 11 daya. &issEi:Kte. Every Inch a Car" The ALL-YEAR Car models range in price from the Roadster Coupe of the 32-Four at $1450 to the 7-Passenger Sedan of the 42-Six at $21 00. The complete KisselKar line, with a wide range of models, including the new 32-Four, is now ready for inspection; also the Kissel Trucks, from the 1000-lb. capacity model to the 6-ton capacity. Twenty - Third Street. Phone Main LOS ANGELES OUTDOOR LIFE SHOWN CA.1IPKIRE GIRLS HAVE BKMiFIT AT MATI09IAL THKATER. fr'ilna Depicts Events of Summer Outing;. Members of Local Jlodlem Give Tableau on Stage. Good films of the Campfire Girl's life at their Summer camp, and songs by 30 members of the local camps, Min nehaha, and Chinook, attracted scores of people to the National Theater yes terday to attend the Campfire Girls' benefit. Swimming and diving were perhaps the most interesting events pictured. A young, girl performs beautiful and spectacular under-water swimming. Thrilling high dives are likewise shown. An unusual feature is the display of the sympathy of the Campfire Girls and the little animals of the woods. Chipmunks are shown eating out of the hands of the girls. Accident pre vention, and treatment of injured is still another feature. The minutest de tails of a clean, happy and wholesome out-of-door life is depicted. At the opening the girls sing their war song and at the close of the shows they sang their firesong. In a setting of pines and shrubbery, with a little NO ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, GASES 0RJ1ESTI0N In Five Minutes Your Sick, Sour Upset Stomach Will Feel Fine. 'Pape's Diapepsin" Neutralizes Acids in Stomach and Starts Digestion. Take your sour, out-of-order stom ach or maybe you call it indigestion, dyspepsia or gastritis. It doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and let you eat one 22-grain triangule and see if within live minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble is food fermentation acid stomach food souring; the digestive organs become weak, there Is lack of gastric juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping it bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth. constipation, pain In limbs, sleepless ness, belching of gas. biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, dizziness or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is fickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of undi gested food. Prove to yourself In five minutes that your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost Instant relief is waiting for you. It Is merely a matter of how toon you take a little Xiapepsin, Adv. 6214. OAKLAND campfire in the center of the stage, they fell asleep singing their evening song. All proceeds above the actual costs were given to the girls for use in the maintenance of the Summer camp. Mrs. Marie Pelirsoii's Funeral Held. Mrs. Marie Pehrson, who died at tho home of her daughter. Mrs. K. R. Cas tle. 753 Tibbetfs Addition, was buried yesterday, services being held from this residence. Mrs. Pehrson was 63 years old. She is survived by two daughters and one son, Mrs. F. 'Wett- land. of Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Castle, and Edward C. Pehrson. of Port land. E TEA Tl GRAY HAIR DARK If Mixed With Sulphur It Dark- ens bo Evenly That It Can not Be Discovered. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sago Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray, streaked and looks dry, wispy and scraggy, just an applica tion or two of Sage and Sulphur en hances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the tonic; you can get from any drugstore a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound," ready to use. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color, thickness and lustre of your hair and remove dand ruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. Tou uimply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abun dant, Adv. HOMEOPATHIC PRESCRIPTIONS, SPECIKICS, TRITIRATES, PELLETS, A HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY" IK CHARGES OF A TRAINED HOMEO PHARMACIST. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Wvod-LarlK Hills;., Alder Street at West Park, Portland, Or. SAG JRNS j -, - v - if