THE. SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31, 1915. EDITORS TO DISCUSS VARIED PROBLEMS NEW COLLEGE CLUB IS FORMED BY STUDENTS AT PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Purpose Is to Provide Rooms and Board for Qut-of-Town Members Affairs Will Be Supervised by 1 Group of Faculty Members Blair Paul Is Elected President, In Twenty Dollar and " Twenty-five Dollar BENJAMIN Suits Overcoats and Raincoats President Brodie Announces I Programme-for Meeting at " Salem November 5-6. INSTITUTIONS TO BE SEEN 10 ,tf- I -v , - 'I I 1 Sis 8 Inmates of Penitentiary to l'lay Baseball Game and Oregon Hos pital to Be Inspected Club to Be Host to Writers. OREGON CITT. Or., Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) The complete programme for the annual convention of the Oregon State Editorial Association, to be held in Salem November 5-6, was announced today by E. E. Brodie, of this city, president of the association. The sessions of the associations will be held in the Capitol and the Salem Commercial Club and Salem newspa permen will assist in the reception and entertainment of the visitors. A trol ley trip to the Oregon State Hospital and a baseball game between two teams from the State Penitentiary will be features of the convention. Many Editors to Speak. The programme includes talks by Edgar B. Piper, of The Oregonian; John E, Gratke, of the Astoria Budget; John F. Carrol!, of the Evening Tele gram; Alfred Holman, editor of the San Francisco Argonaut and the Oak land Tribune; Mark Woodruff, of the Portland Chamber of Commerce; P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem; A- R. O'Brien, of the ; Marshfield Record; Eric Allen, of the University of Oregon; Rufus Holman, Multnomah County Commissioner; Ar thur H. Deute, of Portland; Elbert Bede, of the Cottage Grove Sentinel; A. E. Voorhies, cf the Rogue River Courier; R. J. Hendricks, of the Salem Statesman, and E. E. Brodie. The programme follows: Friday forenoon 9-10, registration and payment of dues; 10, invocation by Dr. T. X. Ford, district superintendent Methodist Kpiscppal Church: address of welcome, R J. Hendricks, publisher Oregon Daily States man; response and annual address. Presi dent K. E. Brodie, publisher Oregon City Knterprlse; appointment of resolutions and other committees; 10:ir, "What Is the Mat ter With Newspaper Men and Printers in Oregon?" Joseph P. Hurley, Washington County News-Times, Forest Grove; 10:30, 'System in the Various Departments,'" A. 3!. Voorhies, Kogue . .River Courier. Grants Iass; 10;40. "What Editors Say, Elbert Hede, the Sentinel, Cottage Grove; ll:O0. "Co-operation Between the Press and the Agency," Arthur II. Deute, Deute-Tyler Com pany. Portland, Or. ; 1 1 :30, discussion on previous addresses; 12, adjournment to yalem Commercial Club, where buffet luncheon will be served by George Palmer Putnam, Carl D. Shoemaker, Carle Abrams, George A. Whit, Frank Davey. appointees from the fraternity by Governor James Withycombe. 111800 Management Topic. FTiday afternoon 1:30. "Facts in Relation to the Administration of the Penitentiary." Frank Davey; 1 :4o, "Some Things of the First Importance to the Development and Prosperity of Oregon and Their Dependence T'pon Accurate and Honest Publicity," Hufus-Holman, Commissioner of Multnomah County; ::ir. "Some Recent Improvements in the TV aching of Journalsim in the Uni versities." Eric W. Allen, department of journalism. University of Oregon, Eugene; 2:30, "Wrestling With a Little Dally Pa per." A. R. O'Prien, Evening Record. Marsh field; 2:45, "Free Publicity and Where to Trraw the Line." Mark Woodruff, publicity representative of the Portland Chamber of Commerce ; 3 :t0, , discussion ; 3:15. "Pio neer Editors and Printers of Oregon," P. H. D'Arcy. Salem, Or.; 3:45. "Higher Re sponsibilities of Newspapers," Alfred -ol-Tnan. editor San Francisco Argonaut and Oakland Dally Tribune: 4:45. "Some Ideals in Newspajer Work," John F. Carroll, pub lisher Portland Evening Telegram; ad journment. Friday evening at 6:3t the Commercial Club, of Salem, extend a banquet to the visiting newspaper men and wives at the Marion Hotel. Saturday morning 0:00. reports of reso lutions and othT committees: 9:30, "'he Newspaper of Today and Yesterday," John K. Gratke, Dai'y Evening Budget, Astoria, Or.; 10:00, report of secretary. Philip to. P.ates. the Pacific Northwest; 10:13. "Jour nalum,. Conservative and Otherwise, Edgar B. Piper, editor The Oregonian; 11:15. o minutes' discussion of pertinent subjects re ferred to the officers of the association by members; 12:00, election of officers; 111:0, adjournment SEATTLE SLEUTH BUSY PIER K1RB CAUSES ACTIVITY TO HALT ARSOKT WORK. IeMee Knew of Threats to Kire Prop erty and Arrested Man's Move " I ' ments Are Investigated. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.) Working on the theory that the at tempted destruction Thursday night of Tier 14, used by the Blue Funnel Line, one of the largest British carriers in the overseas trade, was the work of a ring sworn to prevent shipment of mu nitions to foreisn governments, and that if such activities are not nipped In the bud there will be other water front fires, the detectives are central izing their efforts in an endeavor to catch the conspirators. That Dodwell & Co., lessees of the pier, had warning: of a plot to destroy the pier is evidenced by the fact that an employe of the company went to I'rosecutingr Attorney Laindin several days ag:o and reported that . efforts would be made to lestroy the pier, at the same time asking for advice how to proceed to obtain protection. Immediately afterward the two in' eendiary fires were discovered in the early morning hours and three days later damage amounting to more than $1. 000,000 was done by an incendiary tire. I. .Wilmann, the dock worker who was arrested on suspicion of having knowledge of the plot to destroy the pier. Is still held at police headquarters and his movement during the entire period of his residence in Seattle are being investigated. Wilmann has been identified positively as the man who was seen acting suspiciously. about Pier J 4 in the last few weeks by half dozen dock workers. The prisoner has griven several conrlictincr statements. The facts leading up to the tire have been uftQjT icially presented to United States lMcict Attorney Allen. Prac tically the combined Federal, county and city machinery in Seattlethas been uruuni m i ' i i uii nits Liise. . Centralia lias Kiglit Candidates. CKNTRALIA, Wash.. : Oct. 30. (Spe rial.) Two more candidates for city offices at the coming municipal elec tion filed their Intentions of candidacy yesterday, bringing the total number of those who have tiled to date to eight. The last day for tiling is November 5. Those who have Bled are John Galvin W. H. Hodge and H. V. Thompson for Mayor, uauoe Berlin. H. H. Tllley, Herman loung. William Scales and W. W. Dlckerson for Commissioners. Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Members' meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. Monday, S P. M. Presenta tion of the Astoria rate case. Adv. The war in Kurope ha, terloualy Inter fered with fhe foreign biulnua of the United FOREST GROVE, Or.. Oct- 30. (Spe cial.) The Collee 'Club at Pacific Universitjrwas organized this se mester for the purpose of giving the out-of-town men a place for board and room. . The club supervised by a group- of faculty members. The cluto is at present located in what is known as the ."Aunt Ann Smith" house, on College way and Second avenue North. MOSIERAPPLESSOLD New York Firm Buys Entire Crop of Fancy Grades." - ASSOCIATION MAKES : DEAL Shipments of Spitzenbcrgs and Yel low Newtons Will Approximate 25 Cars Price STot Revealed. Total Is About $20,000. MOSIER, Or.,- Oct. 30. (Special.) Steinhardt.& Kellv. nf New York, have purchased Trom the Mosier Fruitgrow ers' Association the entire crop of fapitzenberg and Yellow Newtown ap pies, which includes the graces ol extra fancy,- fancy and special. Twenty five cars will probably be shipped, divided about' equally between the two varieties. According to the wishes of the buyers, who have other deals pend ing; and do -not desire to have the price paid to one. district affect that-of another, detailed returns will be with held for at least a month, said Manager Chatfteld. However," he added, "the prices were very satisfactory to the board of directors and certainly very-encouraging. The sale was made cash, freight on board Mosier, and the gross amount will be in the neighborhood of $20,000. All sizes were taken according to our graxling rules, from 200's and larger. This disposes of the entire . crop of apples of the Mosier district with the exception of the choice grade and a lew miscellaneous varieties of apples." The shipping of this recently pur chased fruit is ging on daily at the rate o one to two cars. At the present time enough apples to make 15 cars have been delivered at the warehouse. Towards the windup of the hauling the shipments will not be -made so fast, so that teams will be busy for -the next three weeks hauling the apples from the apple-houses of the growers to the association warehouse. At the beginning of the season the estimate of tonnage was placed at 50 carloads, whereas it will actually reach somewhat over 30 carloads. The extra fancy grade will average only 20 per cent of the entire crop. Due to the extremely dry weather, this class of ap ples throughout the Northwest is eagerly sought on account of' the scarcity. For a number of years the apple buyiirg firm of Steinhardt & Kelly has purchased the Mosier crop. The sale this year was made through the North west Fruit Exchange, with which the Mosier Fruitgrowers' Association is af filiated. Pendleton Work Hurried Along. PENDLETON. Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Work is progressing rapidly on all OREGON CITY CAPTIVATED BY jr , - . fill -- ': - s s : - - : t . ? I n x t OREGON CITY, Or, Oct. 30. (Special.) Oregon City Is still talk ing admiringly of the graceful dancing of the Misses Marguerite and Lila Mathie, of Portland, at the meeting of. the Robert Burns Society last Friday night. Their dancing was the feature of the meeting. "The Highland -Fling" and the "Sword Dance" were the most popular offerings. Miss Florence Grace was accompanist. The society determined to co-operate with Portland women in making bandages for wounded soldiers, and Mrs. A. D. McDonald was appointed chairman of the committee. . i TO become a member of the College Club, a student must board and room or - take at least two meals a day at the club. Each member is to conduct himself as a gentleman at all times and obey all the rules governing the house; if not,he is subject to a tine of not less than 25 cents upon a vote by the house committee. . The officers of the house are elected the first Friday of each semester. The three of the new public buildings un der construction here. Pouring of con crete for the retaining wall being erected on the south side of the new Umatilla County Library site was be gun yesterday; excavation for the basement of the library is almost com pleted and the forms probably will be pot, red next week. At the Eastern Oregon State Hospital the work on the new east wing is progressing swiftly, with all of the outside plastering fin ished and the inside work started. The last cf the steel for the new Federal building has been received and a large force Is at work on the steel and ma sonry work. PASTOR TO ARBITRATE DR. H1XL.IS WILL ADJUST LITIGA TION OUT OF COURT. Amicable Methods Adopted After Per. suasion br ClergTmcn tVho Have Been Clone Friends. ' NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, the pulpit which was once occupied by Henry Ward Beecher, and Frank L. Ferguson, ex-president of the board of trustees of the church, today signed a binding agreement to submit to arbitration all matters at issue be tween them. Chief of these matters was a demand by Dr. Hillis for an accounting of his business adventures for several years, the books and papers relating to which, it - was charged, had been retained by Mr. Ferguson, who was Dr. Hillis' busi ness manager for several years. Discussion over this has resulted in the filing of a libel suit for 50,000 damages against Dr. Hillis by his nephew, Percy D. Hillis, and legal ac tion to have Mr. Ferguson examined prior to the contemplated filing of an action of some sort against him by Dr. Hillis. Dr. Hillis and Dr. Ferguson were per suaded -to adjust their differences by amicable methods by clergymen who have long been close friends of the Plymouth Church pastor. NOTED CLYDESDALES SOLD W. R. Iieadbetter Purchases Cham pion Horses From S. li. Brooks. LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) Sixteen Clydesdales, among which are stallions and mares that took grand championships at the state fair this year and have done likewise in Lewis ton, Walla Walla, Union and here, have been sold by S. L. Brooks, dean of Clyde breeders In this valley. He is com pelled, due to old age. to retfire from the business. He has bred. Clydes for 30 years. W. R. Leadbetter, owner of a string of champion Shire horses, is the pur chaser, and bought them on a specula tion basis. While the price is not given, it is known several of the stal lions brought close to 11000. Read The Oregonian's classified ads. DANCING PORTLAND MAIDS i officers for this semester are: Presi dent, Blair Paul; vice-president, George Wilcox; secretary-treasurer, Walden Dillard. Blair Paul is a member of the '17 class and a prominent member of the Alpha Zeta Society. George Wil cox is a sophomore and a member of the Gamma Sigma Society. Walden Iillard is an active member of the freshman class. At present there are 1G members. BOY SHOT BY Clayton Davolt, 1 6, Victim of Eugene Rhodes, Near Kelso. INJURIES - ARE SERIOUS Youth Is Returning; From Masquer ado With Companions When At tack Occurs Shooter, in Jail, Avers He Fired to Frighten. KELSO, Wash.. Oct. " $0. (Special.) Clayton Davolt. 16-year-old son of G. F. Davolt, of Freeport, was shot and seriously wounded Friday night by Eu gene Rhodes, former inmate of the Ore gon Insane Asylum, in front of the lat ter' s home near Freeport Hall, south of West Kelso. The boy was sent yes terday to a hospital in Portland. Rhodes is in jail at Kalama. According to the story told by young Davolt, he and a number of youthful companions had walked from their homes in Freeport to Kelso to witness the Kelso High School iunior-sopho-more masquerade on Friday night. About to o'clock they started to walk home. When about a mile from Kelso two little girls were missed, and sev eral members of the party went back after them. Clayton Davolt. with Irene Baxter. 12 years old, and Olaf Longman. 15, stood in the road awaiting the return of the others. The boy says that a man came out on sthe porch of a nearby house, shouted something unintelligible, raised a snotgun and urea. Rhodes was arrested and given a hearing this morning. He admits fir ing his shotgun, but disclaims any in tention of hitting anyone. He avers that he fired to frighten the party. After the shooting he took the injured youth into his house and summoned medical assistance from this city. The man has some wood piled along the road, which, was shoved over by boys some days ago. according to re port. He Is said to have threatened to shoot if the wood was again disturbed. Evidence at the hearing showed that the boys on Friday night were clear across the road and not molesting the wood. He is held to await action of the Superior Court. Rhodes was discharged as cured from the Salem Insane Asylum in Oregon In 1912. His sanity will be tested. BOY IS IV HOSPITAIi HERK Clayton Davolt Probably Will Lose His Left Eye. With two shot penetrating his left eyeball. 12 more imbedded in his neck and head, and 20 more in his body and limbs, Clayton Davolt lies at St. Vin cent's Hospital in a serious condition,. as a result of being shot Friday night near Kelso, Wash., by a man found to be Eugene Rhodes. It was stated yesterday at the hos pital that the boy probably will lose the sight of his left eye, Dut his otner in juries may not prove serious unless complications set in. JOSEPHINE WOMEN UNITE Club Is Organized to Promote Good Legislation in State. GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) Josephine County women have organized a legislative club to promote good legislation through intelligent voting. From this parent club, the first of its kind to be organized in the state, branches will be organized in every school district in the county and a thorough study made of all measures before the people. Advocates of important measures will be invited to address the club. Officers were elected as follows: President. Mrs. W. W. Canby; vice-president, Mrs. W. P. Counts; secretary. Mrs. A. W. Bartlett; treasurer. A. A. Porter. WOMEN'S CLUB IS ACTIVE Jnnction City Organization Shows Results for Past Year. JUNCTION CTTY, Or, Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) The Women's Improvement Club, with a membership of 30. have proven live wires here during the past year. They gave $11.15 to the Red Cross tubercular fund. Red Letter day fund $10. Industrial fair $10, domestic science department $25, band $50; sent crippled child to Salem for treatment. MAN as well as those at Thirty Dollars and Thirty-five Dollars, you have but to choose the model made to your indi vidual order the fabric you would have chosen, ' the design that brings our your best lines,- and the perfection of fit you demanded are all awaiting: you. All we ask is the pleasure of showing you. Buffum Pendleton Morrison Street 10; premiums for "punkin" show, $15.50: various floral gifts, 22. The club prepared a year book, placed trash cans about the city, was instru mental in having "Cleanup week" ob served better than ever before, and served as a powerful auxiliary to the "punkin" show association in conduct ing tho Queen contest. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: Mrs. Joe Nichols, president; Helen Thorn, first vice-president; Mrs. M. P. Corbin. second vice-president; Mrs. I f. Oberteuffer, secretary; Mrs. C. ir. McKnight, treasurer; Mrs. H. Roe, auditor: Mrs. D. L. Strome and Mrs. D. F. Mason, directors, and Mrs. K. J. Mason, librarian. FINE SHEEP SENT TO FAIR Carload of Shropshircs Entered by Agricultural College. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis, Oct. 30 -(Special.) A car load of Shropshire sheep and lambs was shipped yesterday from the Oregon Agricultural College to tho Panama Pacific Exposition for exhibition. Pro fessor O. M. Nelson, anlmahusbandtnan, in charge of the sheep investiga tions, and Chauncey Hubbard, senior student in animal husbandry, have charge of the shipment. Fifty of the best'lambs will be en tered in world-wide competition as rep resentatives of carlots in the lamb trade. Later the exhibit will be en tered at the Portland International Livestock Show. In addition to the carlot entry there will be entries in single and pen classes. CHEHALIS SQUABBLE PENDS XV. J. Murphy Still- Waiting lor $56,000 for Sewer Work. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) The long drawn out dispute be tween tho City of Chehails ana w. j. Murphy, a Tacoma contractor, who built a sewer system here about four years ago. is possibly further from set tlement now than ever Deiore. The original price on the sewer jod waproxlmately $56,000. Dispute as to loc-al acceptance of the work by the city authorities who retired when Che- halis changed to the commission iorm of government, and damage to the outlet of the trunk sewer built by Murphy owing to a flood in the Che halis river, destroying a portion of the of the work, together with alleged faulty construction, caused the litiga tion, which has kept Mr. Murphy out of his money. WASHINGTON CLUB FORMED I Organization at Agricultural College Has 200 Members. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis. Oct. 30. (Special.) Students enrolled from the State of Washington have organized a Washington club for tho promotion of the Interests of the Oregon Agricultural College in their home state and the advantages to be derived from closer association during the college year. The membership is open to all students who have at any time resided in Washington, and num bers 200. . One hundred and fifty are residents of tho northern state. The- officers are: President, Alton D. Hurley, Seattle; vice-president, Beaumont DeLosh. Aberdeen: secretary. K. L. Green, Aberdeen; treasurer, Fred Halferty, Aberdeen. State Surveyor's Work Checked. ROSEBURG,' Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) E. F. Cantine, assistant state en gineer. Is passing a few days in Doug las County Inspecting the work being done by the state surveyors. It is the plan of the state to relocate the greater part of the Pacific Highway passing through Douglas County. Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Grip, Influenza, FOLLOW DIRECTIONS Many good things are condemned because they are not properly used, so be sure to ioiiow directions. To get the best results, take "Sev enty-seven" at the very beginning of a Cold. If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze, it may take longer. A small vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. S5c and $1.00. at all druggists or mailed. Humphreys' Uomeo. Medicine Co. 138 WII- Ham btreew New York. Opposite Postoffice IRRIGATION IS SOUGHT CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED TO CREATE DISTRICT NEAR CULVER. Meetings Held Throughout North Vnlt of Deschutes Project to Promote Land Development. CULVER, Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) A campaign is on to create an irriga tion district out of the north unit of the Deschutes project. Meetings were held this week within the proposed unit at Opal City, Culver, Mud Springs, Madras, Gateway and Metolius. Many signed the petition to the Jefferson County Court asking that a district be created. The north unit Is that portion of the Deschutes project within Jefferson County and extends nearly 30 miles from near the south border of the county to near the south line ot! Wasco County. It contains nearly 100,000 acres of irrigable land. The Jefferson County Irrigation Club has been active during the past two years In advancing irrigation. An or ganization committee will have charge of the organization of the district. A finance committee will raise the neces sary funds so that the district, if created, will be debt-free. This land is Ideal for irrigation be cause of the quality of the soil and is comparatively level with sufficient slope to insure proper drainage. During I Gladly Add My Mite Of Praise To Peruna I Feel As Well As Ever III! Back and Sides Ached 111 I An International Motor Truck for Nj ?"" Model MA, air-cooled, $600 cash f. o. b. Akron, O. THIS extremely low price is for a 1,000-pound truck, ready to run, with standard express body, as shown above, finished in rich brown. We can also furnish different styles of body on special order. Model MA is the latest model of a truck we have sold by thousands for eight years, and that has proved itself just right for quick deliveries and light hauling. Air-cooled, heavy-duty motor tho long wearing kind with power to spare. One lever control, simple and easy to manage. - Roller bearings in transmission and countershaft. We recommend this truck to retail merchants who want an economical, up-to-date delivery system, and to contractors to use when hauling men and material from one job to another. At $600, this Model MA is a remarkably good buy. We also have other models: M, water-cooled, of 1,000 pounds capacity, at $710; E, of 1,500 pounds capacity, at $950; and F, of 2,000 pounds capacity, at $1,500 for the chassis only. All prices cash f. o. b. Akron, O. Write the nearest address for complete information and get a line on International H arvester service before and after the sale. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Portland, Or., Spokane, Wash., Helena, Mont. Salt Lake, Utah. Agents Wanted in Unoccupied Territory. Write, Wire or Thone - V-1 a wet season a few years since the wheat yield ran as high as 40 bushels an acre. Little of the proposed project lies more than five miles from a railroad. In spite of dry seasons, isolated stalks of alfalfa grow to huge proportions, especially on north slopes where there is more moisture. New Industrial Teachers Named. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis, Oct. 30 (Special.) Al though the school year is well ad vanced. Professor E. D. Ressler. of tho department of industrial education, re ports that the call for teachers of in dustrial branches still continues. Miss Mary Hawley and Miss Margaret Han son, graduates in the class of 1915. have recently been appointed teachers of home economics and commercial work, respectively, in the high schools at Monmouth and Redmond. Miss Winnie Shields, of the 1914 class, has been ap pointed teacher of home economics at Falls City. Aberdeen to Take Religious Census. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) A religious census of Aberdeen, to determine the number of people be longing to the various denominations, will be taken here during the first week in November by the Aberdeen pulpit association. Rev. T. H. Simpson, of the First Presbyterian Church, has been elected president, and C. W. Mc Laughlin, secretary-treasurer. - The TTnltd 8tata Government pays out annually $35,000 In Interest on the money of sailors and soldiers leposlte1 Tvlth It. Mrs. M. McGough, No. 401 W. 57th St.. New York, N. T., writes: "I gladly add my mite of praise to Peruna for what it has done for me. Two year., ago a depressed feeling took hold of me. My back and sides ached contin tlnually. My stomach got out of order so that at times I could not hold a glass of cold water. I didn't like to eat. afraid that my stomach would fret sick. I have been using Peruna for the three past months, and now I feel as well as I ever did. My stomach is as strong as ever and my nervous troubles have disappeared. I keep recommending Peruna to mv friends who are troubled as I was. and I have been thanked for doing so." Our booklet, telling you how to keep well, free to all. Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tablets. $600