The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 24, 1915, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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governor Lister Said to Have
'' Plenty of Receptive Candi-
dates to Choose From.
;Eat and West liotli Feel Entiled to
'. '- .' Flace and Democrats Think Mem-
ber or Party Sliould Get Post
,?! WltU Election in View.
J. -
OLTMPIA, Wash.. Oct. 23.: Appoint-
"merit of a successor to Judge Herman
"D. Crow, of the Supreme Court, whose
death occurred yesterday, ha created
for Governor Lister one of the most
Mickllsh political situations of his ad
ministration. With the exception of
.about 15 or 20 men, it may be said
"that every practicing attorney in the
,state is either an active or receptive
: .candidate for the position, and geo
( '-graphical and political conditions com
I.bine to make a choice difficult.
Governor Lister has declared flatly
tthat he will not consider any claims
. .'until funeral services have been held
for Judge Crow tomorrow, but that if
..jjoBsioie ne win announce an appoint
iMnent early next week, thus tending co
'Tfchut off some part of the expected
.avalanche of applications.
', Kant Feels Entitled to Place.
I? Eastern Washington feels that it jias
the right to nil the vacant seat on
"the bench, because Judge Crow was
Strom Spokane, while Western Wash
ington lawyers urge that the present
3s the accepted time for placing the
majority of the court in Western Wash
ington, where two-thirds of the popu
lation of the state is resident. With
,pne seat now vacant, four judges, S. J.
'had wick, Wallace Mount, Mark A.
yullerton and O. R. Holcomb, are from
;(rfast of the Cascades, and the remain
ing four. Chief Justice George E. Mor-J-is.
O. G. Ellis, John F. Main and Em
tnett Parker, from the Coast counties.
J'or many years past Eastern Washtng
ton has had a majority on the bench,
-fc' Added to this is the political situa
tion. The Supreme Court has been
elected on a nominally non-partisan
, Jasis only beginning in 1912. There
tr three Democrats on the bench,
"ttudges' Chadwick, Ellis and Holcomb.
and live Republicans. Whoever is ap
"Tiointed must stand for election next
iS'ear, at the same time that Governor
'Agister makes his expected contest for
, 3 e-election. If a Democrat is named,
enemies of the administration may he
Inclined to call the appointment polit
ical, while if a Republican should be
"appointed dissatisfaction with the non
; Jiartisanship of the Governor, which al-
'ready has agitated some of the true
Jiourbons, promises to become more
Democrat Likely to Get Post.
.J' Tt can be said authoritatively that
itJovernor Lister will disregard the
. geographical element, since the bench
: Js now evenly divided between Eastern
;tind .Western Washington. As. to
W hether the appointee will be a Demo
i ' or Republican prediction is more
; rtllfficult. Governor Lister has filled
Mriir vacancies in the Superior Court,
appointing two Republicans and two
. Democrats, bejt he would naturally
. find, most of his 'lawyer friends in
Democratic ranks, with the entire state
from which to choose, and it is s'.gnifl
A rant that all the men mentioned in
. statehouse gossip are members of his
own party.
Politicians frankly are at a loss to
predict who will he selected. What
ever appointment is made probably will
. come from the Governors' own knowl
edge of the candidates, as the an
. nouncement that an appointment v ill
le made next week leaves little or no
, time for the collection of letters and
petitions. The best guess of the politi
cal prognosticators is that the new
". appointee will be a Democrat, and prob
ably will hail from Western Washing
ton. . Puciric Endorses Judge Alston.
RAYMOND, Wash.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The Pacific County Bar Associa
tion has indorsed Judge Guy C. Alston,
of Everett, for the appointment of Su
preme Court judge to succeed the late
Judge Herman D. Crow. Judge Alston
.. has held court in this county on sev
eral different occasions, and is held in
hih esteem as a jurist.
Creator Supply Ts Kxpected After
i 400-Foot Depth Is Passed.
i WEISKR. Idaho. Oct. 23. (Special.)
'Considerable excitement prevails here
'over what promises to prove a perma
nent gas flow, which was struck al
jjmost in the heart of the city. The strike
was made Friday night at a depth of
J400 feet by drillers on the property of
iJnhn E. Warren. The blaze shoots up
several foet from the top of piping,
iwhlch extends 30 feet above the ground.
'The torch was applied last night at
.6 o'clock and a strong blaze shot up
throughout the night.
Chris Mills, who has charge of the
drilling, states the flow is an excep
tionally strong one and favorable In
dication considering the depth. A
rumbling noise is heard in the bottom
Cot the well, which indicates, so ex
perienced oil men say, that a stronger
,flow will be tapped as depth is reached.
The work of sinking the well several
"hundred feet more will no doubt be
pushed as rapidly as possible. The
Jflow already struck is said to be suffi
cient to supply several homes.
iiXon-Mcmbei's of Independence As
sociation Confer.
If INDEPENDENCE. Or., Oct. 23. Spe
JJclal.) Several of the hopgrowers of
-thi vicinity, who are not members of
'the association, met last night in this
petty to confer with members of the
ihop association In regard to the situa
tion at tnis time. They have decided
(.finally to either withdraw their entire
Stops amounting to about 4000 bales
. from the market, or else go into the
'association, and In any case to be guid
(Jed largely by. the action of the asso-tc-iatlon.
This was the unanimous de
Jtision of all those present.
In the past week several offers have
4 'been made here for better than 11
icents. but noyne seemed inclined to
'sell at these prices.
:tax saleis $110,000
Certificates on Weyerhaeuser Prop
erty Are Purchased.
1 HOQL'IAM. Oct. 23. More than S110.-
000 In tax delinquency certificates on
limber belonging to the Weyerhaeuser
Timber Company of this county have
been sold this week. The certificates
of delinquency were taken in two lots,
one of $100,00 and the other of more
than $10,000.
The larger purchase was made by
Thad D. Prenzel. of Icuie, Mich., and
the other by R. H. Fleet, of Montesano,
representing parties whose identity he
did not reveal. Mr. Prenzel is one of
those interested in the Neft & Prenzel
timber holdings in this county and in
other parts of the country. The NefT
& Prenzel holdings in this county alone
are said to be in the neighborhood of
Whether the purchase is made as an
Investment or is made for the Weyer
haeuser Company is unknown here, the
latter theory being advanced by some.
As an investment, delinquency certi
ficates are considered unusually good,
drawing 13 per cent if the property is
redeemed by the original owner. In
the case of the Weyerhaeuser Company
the conditions are somewhat compli
cated. The delinquency certificates
taken up were for the 1912 taxes. The
John Pike Gage,
STAFFORD, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) John Pike Gage, who died
Wednesday at the home of his
daughter in Portland, was the
founder of this town. He was a
pioneer of 1851.
The funeral was held here
Thursday, the services being; con
ducted by Masonic brethren.
Mr. Gage left six children.
company has become delinquent on a
large part of its taxes on timber in
this county.
It is not anticipated the company in
tends to let the timber go for the
taxes, the timber covered in this deal
in certificates being several townships
in the eastern and southern part of
the county, and is as good timber as
there is in this district, it is said.
It has been generally believed by
county officials and others that the
Weyerhaeuser Company would start
suit in the courts for reduction of
taxes, which have been allowed to go
delinquent. Thus far nothing of this
kind has been done It is pointed out
that if the company paid the taxes It
might weaken its case, and some
profess to believe the buyers have
acted for the company and that suit
will still be filed.
This is believed here toJrtTthe largest
purchase of delinquent tax certificates
ever made in the state. The 3110,000
will prove a great help to the county
Only One Party, Socialists, Will Have
Ticket in Field, Because it Doesn't
Come t'ndrr Lanr.
ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)
Though the AlDany city charter con
tains provisions for a primary election
to name candidates for the municipal
elections, no primaries will be held here
for the city election this Fall. By com
mon consent the primaries will be
The saving of the expense to the city
is accomplished because no candidates
filed petitions for primary nominations.
All will wait until after the date for
the primary nominating: election and
then file the petitions.
As party candidates can be named
only in primaries, this means that all
aspirants will run as Independents. The
only party which will have a ticket In
the field will be the Socialist party,
which does not have a sufficient voting
strength to come within the provisions
of the primary law.
A Mayor, City Recorder, Chief of Po
lice, City Treasurer and one Council
man from each of the three wards are
to be i:hosen at the forthcoming elec
tion. From present indications Mayor
Curl ahd Treasurer Cusick will have
no opposition for re-election, except
from tho Socialist ticket. City Recorder
Van Tassel is not a candidate for re
election and J. S. Van Winkle and L. G.
Lewelling will be candidates for this
As usual In Albany's city elections,
the office of Chief of Police wijl be' this
most sought-for place this Fall. A.
Austin is a candidate' for re-election
and other prospective candidates are
Grift King. John Catlin. Ala B. Mar
shall. A. !. Ramsay and J. A. Wood..
R. I. Hutton Predicts Struatele to Keep
State Dry Vita Saloons Have
Been Banished.
3CGENE. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)
The Iowa decision, by which a Vnlted
States District Court compels the rail
roads to accept liquor shipments .for
persons residing in dry Iowa, may
mean that the Oregon law limiting re
ceipts will not .stand either, is the
opinion of R. P. Hutton. state superin
tendent of the Anti-Saloon League,
who is in this city today.
"If the Oregon law does not stand
we are in for the fame disagreeable
fight through which Kansas passed for
20 years," Mr. Hutton said.
"There are a hundred towns in Ore
gon where liquor Is still sold. In most
of them there tiaa never been a cam
paign under local option. The dry
forces are unorganized and therefore
are void of effectiveness.
"Arkansas goes dry the same day
Oregon does. It Is already dry by
local option save at four towns, and
three of these are small. Some differ
ence in problems.
"When great cities of the size of
Portland, Seattle and Denver go dry
next New Year's the world will see a
new kind of struggle. It will differ
from that of other, states as this war
differs from our Civil War." '
j'r 0
it ! f ' l-V' -'",!
Resolution to Take Juvenile
Court Out of Politics Re
ferred After Debate.
Act to Provide Kindergartens Pro-
posed, and Plea for Free Text
books Is Heard Corvallis
Thanked for Hospitality.
CORVALLIS, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)
After a four-day session, the first
ever held outside of Portland, the Ore
gon Congress of Mothers and Parent
Teacher Association convention ad
journed sine die. Afljournment came
at 4 o clock this afternoon, two ses
sions having been held today. The
new president, Mrs. George W. McMath,
was installed and closed t"Ee conven
"The hospitality the Corvallis people
have shown " Mrs. McMath remarked,
i "is the best I have ever seen. Just
think of what these Corvallis women
have done to make this convention a
success, and you can't help liking
By resolution adopted at this morn
Ing's session the citizens of Corvallis
were thanked officially for their hos
pitality, the president of the Oregon
Agricultural College, the Commercial
Club, high school girls and college girls
who served luncheons and banquet to
the visitors, and cadet officers who
acted as guides when the convention
visited the college, receiving special
Several Cities Want Consreas.
Invitations -for next year's congress
were extended by delegates from Eu
gene, Dallas, Roseburg and Medford.
The selection, of the place of conven
tion was left to the executive board
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Churchill was one of the speakers at
the morning1 session and President Ack
erman, of the State Normal at Mon
mouth, spoke to the convention this aft
ernoon. President Ackerman spoke, of
the help a parent-ter.cher circle can
give to a rural school. He said they
can help greatly by careful selection
of -teachers; that girls reared in the'
city cannot always adapt themselves
to the rural surroundings of their
schools as their sympathies are in the
city. According to the Normal presi
dent, any community can have any
kind of a school it wants.
Take Court from Political, Demand.
Each morning session of the con
vention has contained ita fireworks, and
that of today was not the exception.
Following the speeches of Judge Clee
ton and Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, recom
mending a bureau of domestic rela
tions to handle cases for the Juvenile
Court, a resolution was introduced in
the convention to "take the Juvenile
Court out of polities."
Then Mrs. -Millie Trumbull cited the
constitution of the organization where
in it provides that a resolution of that
nature must come from the legislative
committee, and moved to refer the res
olution, but was outvoted.
-Some of the convention ladies want
ed to amend the constitution then
anl there, but the constitution remains
unchanged, and the resolution was duly
kindergarten Favored.
The resolutions committee recommend
ed that each parent-teacher council
in the State of Oregon appoint a legis
lative committee to work with the
Legislators for the bills the congress
proposes. They resolved to work for
a kindergarten law, to provide that a
child about to become of school age
may start to scnooi at the beginning
of the school year. .
The Mothers' Congress favored by a
resolution adopted maintaining the
present child labor laws. State tire-
pitals for crippled children were advo
cate a.
State Printer Brown, of Salem, ad
dressed the convention this afternoon,
advocating state ownership of school
books. He said the average cost of
school books in the State of Oregon ie
44 cents, and that in California, where
there Is state ownership of books and
operation of printing plant, the cost is
but 22 cents. He thought his plan
would save the state $70,000 per year,
and urged the convention to appoint
a committee to investigate the matter.
Mr. Brown was not a scheduled speaker
on the programme.
Child Welfare Meaxares Proposed
That the Mothers' Congress conven
tion accomplished its oblect Is th
opinion of delegates, who expressed
tnamseives Detore and after adjourn
ment. The "back-to-the-home" move
ment, closer relation, between home
and school, industrial and vocational
training in the public schools and leg
islation that will be of benefit to the
mother and child were advocatod.
While the morning session aroused
heated debate, the convention generally
was a harmonious one. The morning's
thrills only added spice. There were
rumors that a dark horse candidate
for president would appear. If there
was any opposition, it failed to gather
its forces in sufficient strength even
to be recognized.
Condoning of French Girl's Act Com
pared With Nurse's Execution.
BERLIN, Oct. 23, by wireless to Say
ville. N. Y. An article appears in the
Norddeutsche Aligemeine Zeitung to
day under the heading: "English Press
Confessions." This newspaper, as
quoted by the Overseas News Agency,
"The Manchester Guardian published
an editorial on October 18, about the
heroic deeds of a French girl, which
were oertified by a British officer. This
girl shot with a revolver, from behind,
two German soldiers who could not be
reached by the British.
"The Norddeutsche Aligemeine ob
serves that this deed was contrary to
the laws of war. but was glorified by
the French and English press. If this
girl had been taken by our troops and
shot by process of "law, the English
press would never stop talking about
the barbarous way of the Germans In
making war: Just as it is doing now
because an English woman In Belgium,
who was found guilty of treason, has
been executed."
Mrs. V. S. Stoner Condemns Ex
pense for "Worthless" Literature.
That the pressure of publishers upon
school officials for the purpose of
profit is responsible for a large per
centage of useless books required in
school curricula was the opinion ex
pressed yesterday in an interviey by Mrs.
Winifred Sackvill Stoner. wiio has just
concluded a series of lectures in Port
land upon educational subjects, and
who left tho city Last nignt to continue
her campaign in Seattle. Mrs. Stoner
condemns most severely the use of
English grammars, for which, she said
there is not the shadow of an excuse.
The discussion in class of current
events, with the use of newspapers and
magazines, she regards as a. much more
sane and efficient method of teaching
pupils how to speak good English.
Mrs. Stoner says that "in- spite of the
opposition of superintendents, princi
pals, teachers and parents, all of whom
are fully cognizant of the fact that
children in need of food and clothing
must pay excessive prices for books
which are frequently worse than
worthless, the same pitiful sacrifice to
the god of greed goes on from year to
year. "It 13 my intention to carry on
a vigorous campaign both in my writ
ing and speeches against such abuses,"
she concluded.
State Board Meet Tomorrow to Cos
aider Evidence Easterner Aaka
. Tune to Furnlaa Securities,
SALEM, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)
untu certain evidence bearing on the
past record of Jason Moore fs satis
factorily explained to the State Land
Board, that body will refuse to grant
an extension of time to him inj which
to furnish .415,000 in securities for
performance of the terms of his lease
of Summer and Abert lakes. This was
decided by the Board today at a meet
ing held to. consider Moore's aDnlica
tion for more time in which to submit
approved securities. Pending a decision
of Moore's request, the Board has asked
C. A. Sheppard, of Portland, Moore's
attorney, to appear before it Monday
and explain the evidence against his
If the evidence which the Board has
in its possession is not disproved, the
rsoara may cancel the lease. Should thi
contents of the report be shown un
true, Moore is expected to obtain the
desired extension. No intimation of
what the report concerning Moore con
tains has been given out by the Board.
The 15,008 securities which Moore
must furnish are to complete 25,000,
which is required by the Board as a
guarantee of the faithful performance
or nis tease.
Co-operation of Men of All Denom
inations Pledged at Kennewick.
KEXNBWICK, Wash., Oct. 23. Spe
cial.) Nearly 100 men gathered at the
Congregational Church last night for
tne annual brotherhood banquet and
good fellowship meeting, prepared by
the women of the church. A. C. Hart
was chairman.
Mark M. Moulton, attorney, made the
welcoming address, in which he plead
ed for "unification of church effort for
community betterment." Melvln S.
Lewis, superintendent of Kennewick
Bchools, responded, assuring the men
of the Congregational brotherhood of
the willingness of the men of the other
churches and of the community to co
operate in any movement for the bet
terment of community life.
Wlllasta Valley Folk Join in Festlvl'-
ties at Raymond.
RAYMOND. Wash. Oct. 23. (Sne-
cial.) The Elks County Fair, held by
tne rtaymona tiK' Lodge, opened last
night with the largest parade ever held
in this city. It was reviewed by nearly
2000 people from this city. South Bend
and the Willapa Valley.
the parade contained manv hand
somely decorated automobiles, and the
members of the Elks' Lodge, dressed
In sheets and pillow cases, brought up
the rear bearing torches. At the "fair
grounds" there was a jam of people and
every one of the booths, side shows and
various amusements was popular. The
show will continue tonight and a num
ber or the Centralia Elks are expected
over to take a hand in. the fair.
Balance From Mitchells Point Work
to Be Used in Improving Hoad.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) Approximately $3000 will be left
from the 150,000 fund appropriated by
the state to bore the Mitchell s Polr:
tunnel and to construct the 250-foot
concrete viaduct at Its west entrance.
Members of the Hood River County
Court declare this money will be used
in dressing up the rough stono sur
face of -the' road, which at present Is
wearing cn-automobile tires. Improve
ment of the road will be begun as soon
a technical differences between the
state and the O.-W. R. & N. and the
Western Union Telegraph Company are
I'nion High Establishment Subject
of Election Contest.
ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)
Through a case filed in the State Cir
cuit Court here yesterday, the legality
of the procedure whereby a union
high school district was established
at Holley recently will be tested. This
is the second time such a case has
been in court as a result of the ef
forts of some of the citizens of that
part of the county to establish a union,J
nign scnooi at Honey.
. More than a year ago the proposi
tion to establish this high school dis
trict carried, but the matter was taken
into court and the procedure held
Grants Pass Merchants Report Busi
ness Reaching Large Proportions.
GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) This was "Dollar day" In
Grants Pass. Bargains in all lines
were plentiful and merchants report
a tremendous business.
The Dollar day bargains had been
well advertised throughout the countv
and brought in a large Saturday's out.
ot-town crowd. Housewives laid in
Winter's supplies.
Home Products to Be on Menu.
ABERDEEN. Wash Ot ft
cial. ) Home products will take the
prominent places on the menu at the
banquet to be tendered Edward F.
Trefz, Secretary of the Chamber of
Commerce of .the United States, here
on Tuesday evening. The meeting
promises 10 oring iorth some Impor
tant r,Rnlntinn, frim tKa cKlno-i :n
men of this section. Many Hoquiam
men will join in the banquet, and prep
arations are being: made for aii at-
tenaance or i.a ousiness men and manufacturers.
on everything but me.
J-' ache
Capacity Is 7,250,000 Gallons and Cost
Is f 50,000 Work Progresses on
Remaining Project.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The new Aberdeen city reser
voir, with a capacity of 7.250,000 gal
lons of water and which cost approx
imately $50,000, was placed in use here
for the first time Friday. It is the
first link In Aberdeen's new $450,000
gravity water system, now building,
which, due to several unique features,
promises to hold the attention of the
entire Northwest.
One of these features Is that home
labor, married men and men of fami
lies preferred, will be given all the
jobs on the construction of the new
plant. Another is that the contract
system will be eliminated entirely, day
labor doing the work. In every pos
sible case the material used In build
ing the new system will be bought
here and as much of the money will
be spent at home as possible.
The men who will control the con
struction of the new plant will be a
committee of three Councilmen, to be
named Wednesday, and L. D. Kelsey,
City Engineer, who will be head en
gineer. Work on the new project has
been in progress several weeks, and
some 20 engineers and helpers are mak
ing preliminary surveys.
One pleasant feature to the project
is that it promises to be self-supporting.
The Aberdeen water department
at present has annual receipts amount
ing to about $66,000. while its operat
ing expense and cost of upkeep is about
$30,000 annually.
The reservoir recently completed and
put into use, and which is the first
link of .this system, is 25 feet deep.
It measures 260x280 feet at the top
and 160x180 feet at the bottom. It Is
located just north of the city in what
is known as the Fairvlew residence
State Highway Engineer and County
Officials on Tour.
THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 23.- (Spe
cial.) State Highway Engineer Can-
tine, Assistant Engineer Elliott. County
Judge F. S. Gunning. H. G. Miller. J. L.
Kelly, president of the Wasco County
Good Roads Association: R. D. Butler
and F. C. Clausen, County Commission
ers, and E. F. Sharp, County Road
Supervisor, left yesterday for an auto
mobile tour of Wasco County with the
object of determining what roads shall
be improved in the event that this
county adopts the proposed bond issue
of $252,500.
Centralia "Wood men Hosts.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) Tonight the local camp of Wood
men of the World staged a tlg class
The Voice of
the Tooth
AM the human tooth the most valuable and
necessary human "possession. From the time I
first push my way through the tender gums of the
teething infant until the dying embers of the fire of
life tell me that I am no longer needed, my worth is
T F I AM cleanly kept and rightly taken care of I
give both health and beauty to my owner, but if
I am neglected and allowed to decay I will cause pain.
That is my warning and I will sound it daily.
T WILL cause misery to my
J- duce countless scores of ills
ills that will
am the cause and I will throb,
until my cry is heeded.
arp EMPORARY relief and panaceas only hasten
J- my destruction. While trying to ignore my
condition will make my owner nervous, irritable and
T F at the first sign of decay you will take me to a
J- man who knows me who studies my needs and
understands me, I can be made right again and the
cost will be small. At no stage of my going am I
hopeless, but the longer my owner waits the more
pain and discomfort he has to endure and the opera
tions necessary to save me in the final stages are
sure to increase the cost."
initiation, the degree team of the
Olympia camp putting .on the floor
work. A banquet followed the Initia
tion. Delegations of visitors were in
attendance from the camps at Che
halls. Winloek and Olympia.
DR. B. E. WRKaHf
Give them the best possible care.
When they ache or break see me
at once.
Skill, service, experience and
gentleness are features of my
practice. My prices are very mod
erate. Painless Extraction of Teeth.
N. W. Corner Sixth and Waaklng
ton, Korthwest Balldtng.
Phones Main 2119, A 211.
Office Honrs, 8 A. M. to P. M.
Consultation Free.
Gray Hair Changed to an Even
Dark Shade No Dye.
Tou can easily turn your gray,
faded or streaked with array hair, beau
tifully dark and lustrous, almost over
night if you'll apply, a few times.
Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer to hair and
scalp like a shampoo. Q-Ban Is a
harmless, ready-to-use liquid. not
sticky, and darkens all your gray hair
so naturally and evenly that no one
can tell It baa been applied. Q-Ban
is not a dye, but acta on the roots,
makes hair and scalp healthy, naturally
changing- gray balr and entire head of
hair to that soft, even, dark luster,
fluffiness. beauty and abundance which
makes the hair so fascinating and at
tractive, besides preventing- dandruff,
itching scalp and falling hair. Guar
anteed to satisfy or money refunded.
Only EOc for a big 7-oi bottle at Hunt
ley's Drug Store. Fourth and Washing
ton streets, Portland, Or. Out-of-town
folks supplied by parcel post.
I will pro-
be blamed
jump and
46 to 4S Morgan Bulldlns (Fourth
Cloor), WasnUiK'toa, Near Broad- -way,
Portland, Or.
Phoae Marshall OS.
MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy.
One Dose Will Con
vince You.
Alayr s Wonderiul l:emriv in wl I
known throughout the country. Many
thousand people have taken it for
Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments
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ing ' enefits sufferers have received
even from one dose are heard every
where and explain its tremendous sale
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Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments,
Indigestion. Gas in the Stomach and In
testines. Dizziness. Fainting Spells.
Colic, Attacks, Torpid Liver. Constipa
tion, etc., should by all means try this
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gives permanent results for stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as
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distress after eating, pressure of gas In
the stomach and around the heart. Get
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it on an absolute guarantee if not sat
isfactory money will be returned.
For sale by druggists everywhere.
A Horns Cars 6lvea by One Whs Had It
In the iprlnr of lset I wu ttck4 by
llatcDlar and Inflammatory Rbunaatum. I
nflord m only too wbo bare It know, for
ever three yenra. I tried rimed? attar
remedy, sod doctor after doctor, bat saca
relief as I received was only temporary,
finally, I found a remedy that cured ma
completely, and It baa never retnrned. I
bare fflTea It to s amis ber who were terribly
afflicted and eren bedridden with Jibeuua
Uim, and It effected a curs la every cae.
I want every sufferer from any form of
rbeamatle trouble to try this marreloua teal
lnc power. Dost eend s cent; (Imply mVl
your name sad addrete and 2 will send It
frea to try. After yon bave naed It and
It baa proven ttaelf to be tbat lons-looked-for
means of curing- yoor Bbeumatlam, yon mar
aend tbe price of ft, one dollar, bat. ander
taad, I do not want year money unleaa yoa
are perfeettr eatuned to aend It. lan't tbat
talrf Wby eurrer any loenr when positive
relief -la thai ousted roe free? Don't delay
Write today.
Mark B. Jackson. Ke tSlBGarmey Blag-.
Syracuse. XT. T.
Phone Your Want Ada to
Main 7070. A 6095.