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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
11 I-mor1te of m Publisher, 1M5-18-15, by George Haven Putnam, Lltt. D. Cr. 1". Putnam's Sons. New York City, Pleasantly Intimate, frank, educative end reminiscent, these memories of the most important years of a great New York publisher and publicist, -warrant attention, even if the book shelf groans under the weight of books waiting for examination. "Memories of & Publisher" is a. bi ography that will rank among the most able and frank, of the last two years. The book has discoursive charm, although many of the para graphs are too long and ought to have been broken up. Mr. Putnam has been on friendly trrnu with public men of this country. England and Japan, and Jt is refresh ing to view them, and their opinions, Jinder the medium of such a- searching Jieadlight. It will be recalled that in 1913, Mr. Xutnam issued a "Memoir of Oeorge ' 5'- Putnam,' in which a record was furnished of the publishing house ': Sounded by him. the memoir closing ' with the year 1S72. In 1914. came : -Putnam's "Memories of My Youth." re ! Jating experiences of our author's I school days, his experience In French ' and German universities, and of the rears of his service in the Civil War. erminatlng in 1865 when Mr. Putnam (was 21 years old. Now comes the present book, an tav "portant one of 492 pages. It continues ho "account of the Putnam publishing (concern from 1872. I have, however, tiot attempted any detailed record, for (which there was, in fact, no adequate "material. It seemed sufficient to bialce reference only to certain of the jnore distinctive of the publishing un dertakings and to a few of the long Jist of authors with whom our personal relations have been Important or in teresting. The book continues, also, , tram 186E to 1916. the account of my personal undertakings and interests." It is noteworthy that since our Civil War (Mr. Putnam is late brevet Major, 176th Regiment, U. S. Volun teers) our author has not had the use of a writing arm and has been ham pered with restrictive eyesight The preparation of this volume, therefore. Is due to the co-operation of two sec retaries, the author's daughter and alias Charlotte M. Zamow. Mr. Putnam favors the British allies In the present war. "I am fully sym pathetic." he writes, 'with the citizens who want to see the war brought to en early close. I think that stiy more important, however, than an early termination of the war, is a settlement that shall Insure peace, andthat shall tnke away the necessity for retaining Kurope as an armed camp. I believe that such settlement can be secured only through the defeat of Germany, which should bring to a close the at tempt to control F.uropo under the mil itarism of Berlin." Mr. Putnam is, however, in too great haste to have the war finished. On pace 66. be writes: "Before this volume will come into print,- the present Eu ropean war (the war of German ag gression) will probably have been de cided." Not yet. We are told that Grover Cleveland "had a good working knowledge of the practice of the law. but could never have been described as a Jurist. He had no sense of humor and was lack ing in cultivation. Of personal mag netism, he had no trace. Attractive personally ho certainly was not. Mind find speech worked slowly, and he found it very difficult to be even graceful in his relations with men who were working loyally in his behalf." In 1884. at least, our author worked Tor and succeeded in getting a Demo cratic victory in Tonkers. N. Y. Andrew Carnegie "is in his disposi tion so much of a fighter, that it is a little difficult to think of him as an o-postle of peace." Mr. Putnam, in ' crossing the Atlantic with Mr. Tarnegle as a fellow-passenger, heard ?fr. Carnegie say: "As for the Old Testament writers, they are very much : varrated. Why, sir, there is not a ' prophet, neither a minor prophet, nor a major prophet, whom I would intro duce to Mrs. Carnegie." Theodore Roosevelt was once a part tier in the Putnam publishing firm, and our author speaks of the Colonel ns "Theodore." "I became very fond of the man (T. R.) although there were times when the prolific suggestions, the exuberance of utterance, and the cockiness of opinion came to be fa tiguing." writes Mr. Putnam, plain tively. In the Spring of 1910. Mr. Putnam crossed the Atlantic and met the famous Lord Kitchener, who was a fellow-passenger. "My first impression of General Kitchener was not entirely favorable. The figure was tall, and the bearing erect and soldierly. There was a slight divergence in the eyes resulting in a sinister expression which doubtless did injustice to the nature of the man. The general im pression given by the face was not autocratic, but suggestive of a ca pacity for bad temper. Kitchener had a Kreat respect for the leaders and the personnel of the army of Japan (in talking of the Manchurian campaign) nnd was of the opinion that if Japan came into antagonism with the I'nited States, we should find it dif ficult to defend the Pacific SIoro against such an invasion as would be organized. Kitchener had in a seven day trip across the States arrived at the belief that our educational meth ods in tTie Western States must be working serious mischief in the com munity. "It is evident.' Kitchener re marked, 'that among the results of co-education there must be a great Increase in the number of illegitimate babies.' " ' In speaking of Myrtle Keed. the author of "Lavender and Old Lace," Mr. Putnam writes: "I know of no author on the Putnam list, or on the list cf other houses, whose early books continued in such steady and increas ing demand." Mr. Putnam thinks that "next to af fection, friendship is, I hold, the most valuable factor in life." Wliir of lns;er. iy Arthur A. Nelson. $1.5o. llluslvn.led. Robert M. McBride .'o.. New York City. Much of the wild charm of Haggard's 'King Solomon's Mines" is found again in this, novel of a lost and suddenly dis covered treasure city in Central Africa. Trie hero is Alan Severn, an aristo cratic, wandering young Englishman, nnd there are his two chums, empire huilders. De Roquemont. leader of the Black Company, and Lord Chalmes not forgetting Cecil Rhodes. There are plenty of fights to stir the blood, and the discovery of the old Norse colony comes as a delightful surprise. Norma Koylescraft is a sufficiently romantic heroine. National Floodmark. edited by Mark Sulll van. $1.50. George 11. Doran Co., New Yi.rK CUy. This notable book of 391 pages con Fists of selected editorials which ap peared in Collier's, a book which com memorates CJollier's Magazine's 20th Mrthday. It is stated that these edi torials were either written by the present editor of Collier's or by the members of his editorial staff. The subjects of these essay-editorials run from politics to business, to chess, or patent medicine but they are all brlcht. crfsp and readable. They all reflect America, .and our; American Sir (Joseph Macqueem. Wjhat we thinK or what w.KnavvMs in the End olitH-s "conjeauence. TheonV thing gconssgquence is . - '-:- -v lit v V - . 7 ' ?i ? - -- r I - g 'J . - . If- v, 1H v. ' , t t if A TK. - i 5 ' i i 4 1- O t .. . OO CO c tendencies, and have more than pass ing value. These essays are errourjed under 23 heads: Peace and War; fa. the Ameri can Plan; Some Human Beings; A Democrat in the White House: Youth and Age; The Books We. Read; Tariff Talk; Our Town: Political Personali ties; The Press; We Go to the Country; We Relax: We Stor and Think: The Land We Live By; Money Talks; waat About Booze?; Shop Talk; Here Are Ladies; Matters of Business; For ward; Home Matters; The Play-Actors: That Married State. Not one of these essav-editorlals 4 dull, and not one ig too long. Beyond the Jontler, by Randall Parrish. Ulo.3tra.ted. A. C. McClurs & Co.. Chicago. Miss Adele la Chesnayne is a won derfully attractive heroine, worthy of being the star and sun of this roman tic novel of the Middle West. Its setting is of the old davs when the, French voyageurs were blazing the way to civilization ami when the gold lilies of France new from blockhouses in the Indian country. Adele is of course meant for love and she meets it. The Indian attack bn Starved Rock is. a thrilling bit of writing. ' The Quiet Courage, by Everard Jack Ap. pieiuii. i- aitiwuri & .tviaa Co., Cincin nati, Ohio. . ( Fifty-five poems of worth, many of them possessing religious references and all of them high class and read able. These verses have healthy op timism, and a common sense that is as rugged as health. Several of them have appeared in first-rate magazines and newspapers. This is a second edition of an ad mired collection of poems. The Path of Peace, by. Beverley R. Potter. fi.oy. ine jonn v. Winston Co., Ftiila tielphla. Compiled and edited by Mr. Potter, we have in this book of 352 pages, a selection o the most helpful thoughts of the world's greatest writers, point- Sunday Church Services (Continued From Page 10.) "The Lord Sent the Hornet," and 7:45 P. M., "Undamased Goods." Atkinson Memorial. East Twenty-ninth and East Everett Sunday school, 9:50: morning service. 11; .Christian Endeavor, 6:30; eveaing service. 7:45. Highland, East Sixth and Prescott, Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor 10, Sunday school; 11. "How Crosses Are Crowned"; 7:30. "Jo nah Without the Whale": 3.-Junior En deavor; 6:30. Y. P. S .C. E. . Pilgrim, Shaver street at Missouri avenue. Rev. W. C. Kantner, D. D.. minister 9:45 A M., Sunday school; 11. "That Girl"; 6:30, Christian Endeavor: 7:30, musical service with address by the pastor, "A Certain Member of the Choir." Sunnys-ide, corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-jecond streets. Rev. J. J. Stanb, XX rx. pastoi Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday School, 10; Junior Christian En deavor, 3: Intermediate Endeavor, 4:15; Senior Endeavor, 6:30. - Topics of sermons, "The Investment of Life." and evening ser mon by He. H. H. Rottxnan. field secretary of Christian Endeavor. Laurelwood, Sixty-second street and Forty fifth avenue -C S. Johnson minister. Morn ing services, 11, "The Weary Toller"; even ing. 8, "Outstretched Hands." Sunday school, lo; Christian Endeavor, 7. Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue at East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C Moses, minister. Sunday school. 9:45; morning worship. 11; Y. P. 8.. :30: evening service, T:30; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 P. M.; sermon subjects, "Nature of Spiritual Life" and "Jesus in All My Life." University Park, Haven street, near Lom bard Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A M.; preaching, 11 A. M. and a P. Christian Endeavor service, T P. M.; midweek service. Thursday. 8 p. M. St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 10 o'clock. Bible school; 11. service; 6:30, Christian Endeavor. East Side, East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11. preaching by the pastor; :45, U. Y. P. V.i 7:45, preaching by the paster. Tabernacle 9:43, Sunday school; preach ing at 11 and 7:30 by Rev. A. J. Ware; :S0, B. Y. P. U. Kpm City Park Community Church. Forty-fifth and Hancock Rev. J. M. Skinner pastor. School of religious education 9:45. Morning worship 11; Young Peoples meet ing 6:20; evening worship. i:3u. CHRISTIAN. First, corner Park and Columbia, streets. Mr -r--J ' " ft - 1 4J ing the way to contentment and easy happiness, all arranged for reading and ready reference. An admirable Christmas present for a serious man or woman. A Maid of by EmlUe Bennon Knipe and - Alden Arthur Knipe. SI. 25. The Mac- millan Co., New York City. Here we have an American novel that romantic maidens will be sure to enjoy. It is a novel of the American Revolution of 1776 and the heroine. Miss Charlotte Morton, works for the colonists, while her father is a Tory. The conversation is bright and engag ing. The Kinirdom of the Winding Road, by Cor . nelia .Meigs. SI. 25. Illuatrated. The Mac. millan Co., New York City. Illustrated by Frances White, these one dozen stories for children are of the entertaining fairy story quality. The book will make an admired Christ mas present for a child. The Passionate Crime, by E. Temple Thurs ton. S1.30. D. Appleton & Co., New York City. An artistically fashioned novel of Ireland, with its quaint superstitions, mystery, romance, tragedy. The love story is one of poetry and romantic devotion. NEW BOOKS RECEIVED. Shoe and Stoekinr Stories, by Elinor ?or daunt, SI. 25. attractively illustrated )n color, a selection of charming fairy stories for children, and a Christmas gift book; The Rose of Youth, Elinor Mordaunt, $1.33, a remarkable revelation of a remarkable hero. Teddy, a London character fash ioned into an entertaining story; looking for Grace, by Mrs. Horace Tremlett. $1 25, a strong, skillfully constructed novel with a. background of London life of the" pres ent, in war time; and The Axhiel Mystery, by Mrs. Charles Bryce. S1.25, an - Ingen ious, punling detective story of good quality (John Lane Co., - N. Y.). The Green Half Moon, by James Francis lwyer, SI. 25. A girl, a mysterious Jewel a sweetheart and a manly engineer-lover, making up a first-rate novel (McClurr &. Co.. Chicago). George rarsle. minister. ' Sunday school at 9:45; men's class in the Y. M. c. A. audi torium at 9:45; yonng women's class In the Y. W. C. A. auditorium at-9:45; Christian Endeavor Society at 6:30: church services at 11 A M. - and 7:30 p. M. . . Central, corner East Twentieth and Sal mon A L. Crlm. pastor. Bible school at 10 A. M. ; morning service at XL subleet. Tho Man of Galiiee": evening serv." at 7:30, sermon by Rev. S. M. Conner- Chris, tian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. v-nns- Woodlawn, comer East Seventh and Lib erty streets W. L. Milllnger. minis J- Ttlhli. ahnnl Q- ! " Uliaister. ' 'ug wvnSln It. Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening survloo Kern Park, East Sixty-ninth, corner Fortv. sixth avenue Southeast R, Tlbbs May., minister. Bible school. 9:45: morninr worship. u; Christian Endeavor. s io evening services, 7:30; prayer meeting! Thursday evening, 7:30. Rodney Avenue Rev. J. p. Ghormley pastor. Preaching, n a. M. and 7--i P. IT. ; Blele school. 9:45 A. M.: Christian Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. v-nnstlaa Vernon.- corner East Fifteenth and W. gant streets A. J. Melton, minister Bible school. 10; morning . worship, n. Christian Endeavor, 6:30: evening services. 7 S0. Montavllla Or. J. p Ghormley in fh. absence of the pastor. Rev. J. C Ghorml.v will speak at 11A. M. and JP.XClSuS Endeavor. 7 P. M. v.onio CHRISTIAN SflKXCE. ' First, Everett - between Eighteenth Nineteenth street Services II and 8 rfeaSh"'. ""S Mrmon- "tion8'A"fUter S? i l, faundar school, .-45 and 11 Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Second. East Sixth street and Holladav avenue Services, 11 and S: subject of ' lessen sermon, "Probation After Death"- 6uS32v Chri,31i- wdnKay evening meeting Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services 11 and 8; eubect of lesson sirmoT "Probation After Death": Sunday school li 12J.l5'' wdnJay evening reetSnTa't 8 fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerann Fiftfa, Myrtl Trk Station Services 11 A M. ; -robJect of lesson sermon. Proba't!oa After Death': Snnd.y .chool, S-aJS Wednesday avecing meeting at 8. CHR1STIAX AND MISSIONARY AIXIANC Goapel Tvbrnacl. comer East Ninth Ba Clay atreeta John E. puter. Su-dar cioal 10 i, il,; iprcacluBp, U. Jk N is Prayer in tine Tuaaday 7:4tt. Blbla atndy on acrtptaral hvaUaa; Friday X:S P. AC CHUBCH OF CHRIHT. Ulnth avnue, thraa blocks north f ear Una la Lent, oorner Eighty -fourth atreec and Fifty-fourth avanua. Southeast Evan- ! seiiat S. O. Fool will hold aervlcea each evening dux Ins; tha waalc at o'clock, MM welcome. IrVXKlS fTB-CTH CENTKK IMvlna Truth Chapel, Selling -Hlrsch bulia 1ns;, corner West Fark and Waahlnctoa streets Slav. T. AX. Minard. pastor. arv icea 11 A. AC. Blbla cl&aa Tuesday. 3 P. AC EPISCOPAL. St. David's Church, ast Twelfth and Bel mont streets. Rev. H. R Taloot. rector 7:30 A. celebration of holy ucharlst; 9:45 A. AC. Sunday school; U A. AC, mom lnT prayers and sermon. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tha Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. Ai. M. Ramsey, dean. Holy communion, 7:4o; Sunday school. X0; morning service, 11; serv ice lor colored peopie, 3; evening service, 7:45. - Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets -Rev. Dr. A- A,- Morrison, rector. Services, &, 13. And S- Sunday school. 8:45; Good Fel lowship Society, parish house. Nineteenth and Xavla street. 7 to 7:55. Church of St. Michael and All Angela, Broadway and East Forty-third street North, Sermon, 11 ; holy communion. Xlrst Sunday. 11; third Sunday. ?:&a - Graca Memorial, Weidler and East Seven teenth streets North Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar.' Holy communion. 8, excepting- on first Sunday In the month; morning- prayer and sermon. 11; Sunday achool. 10. .No even ing service. - St, Matthews. Corbet t and Bancroft streets Rev. v "W. A. M. Breck. vicar. . Sunday school. 10 A, M.; servica and sermon. 11 A. M T , . All Balnts. Twenty-fifth and Savier streets Sunday school,' 10; -morning prayer and sermon, .11; celebration of the holy com munion the first Sunday In tha month at U and the third Sunday at 8. Good Shepherd, Graham street and Van couver . avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector, Sunday school,.. 9:45; morning; service, 11) evening service, 7:30. Ct. Paul's Woodmere. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion,-first Sunday of month. 6; evening; prayer and sermon. 4. except the first Sunday of month. St. John's, Milwaukie Rev. John X. Rice, vicar. 8, holy communion, except on first Sunday . of month; 10, Sunday school; H, morning prayer;' 7:30, evening prayer; Holy Communion first Sunday of mont a. St. John's, Sell wood Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. Prayer, 3; holy communion. 8:30; first Sunday of month. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard, chaplain. Holy communion. 7; ves pers. -St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. EL Simpson, rector. Sum mer schedule: - Sunaays, ' T:30 a, " M.; holy eucharist; 9:43, Sunday school; 10:15. matins; 11, holy eucharist and sermon. "Weekdays: 7 SO daily, holy euchari&t; . during .August there will be no evening service on 'Sunday or Friday, . - " , v Church of Our Savior,' Forty-first street and Sixtieth avenue (Woodstock), W. W. car. The archdeacon In- charge, Sunday service, 11 A. M. St. Andrews, Hereford street. University Park, Rev. F. M. fiaum, vicar Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday achool at 10. - EVAGK1JCAL, First English. , Jmet Sixth and Market streets Rev. E. D. Hornschuch, pastor. Services, 11 and S; Sunday school, 10; Y. P. A.. 7- , Tho Swedish Evangelical , Free Church, corner of Missouri avenue 1 and Sumner street H. G. Rodin e, pastor; Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, ll A. M. ; young people's meeUng, 6:45; preaching. 8 P. M. First German, corner. Tenth and Clay streets G. F. Ueming, Sr., pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. ; preaching service by the pastor at 10:45 A. M. ; Young People's Society services at 7 P. M. and preaching by tha pastor at 8 P. M ; 1L TILE KAN. Bethany, Danish, Union avenue North and Morris street M. C Jensen-EuTisrhelln. niutor Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school and Bible j.u; xoung people s meeting, Tuesday, 8; Ladies" Aid will meet in church basement Wednesday at 2. ' " ' Trinity German (Missouri Synod), Will lajns and Graham avenues J. A. Kimbach, pastor. Services, 10:15 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school. 9:15 A. M. St. Paul's oerman, East Twelfth and Clinton streets A. Krause. pastor. German and English Sunday school, 9:30 1 A. M. ; services, 1030 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Bible study "find young people's meeting, Thurs day, 8 P. M. St. James English, corner -West Park ana j tier son streets a. Allen Leaw, B. t., oaator. Services at U A. .M. and 8 P. M. ; Rev. W. -C- Draham. of La tirande. will preach in the morning; Luther League rally at night with addresses by visiting pastors; Sunday school at 10 A. M.; Luthor League Bethel Free, Stuben Hall, Ivy and Williams streets Rev. J. A. Staley, minister. Pre soil ing at 11 A. M. and 8 P. At.; Sunday school. 10 A. M. . . United Norwegian, Fourteenth and Davis streets r-sv. wiineim Pettersen, pastor. perviueB, 11 a. jo., ana s f. M., alternately cugnau ttnu. Norwegian; ounaay school. 10 Ay M Norwegian Lutheran Church, Fourteenth and Davis Sunday achool, 10 A. M. ; other services at regular hours. Everybody wel come. Rev. W. Peterson will preach. United Lutheran Church, 45 North Four teenth street Preachtnjr at 11 and 745 - Our Savior, Norwegian, East Tenth and Grant George Hendrlckson, pastor. Sunday school and Bible class. 9:30 A. M. ; English sermon, 10:15 A M. ; Norwegian service at 11:45 A. M. German Evangelical Zion (Missouri Synod) corner Salmon and Chapman streets, serv ices 10:15 A. M... 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school, 9:15 A. M. H. H. Kopplemann, pastor. METHODIST. First Church. Twelfth and Taylor streets. Frank L. Loveland, IX D., minister. 10::i0 A. M., sermon, "An Abiding Foundation"; "Browning's Mad Soul; or, Saul and the Witoh of Endor." Westmoreland, Mllwauklo avenue, between Rtmona and South avenue. 10 o'clock, Sunday-school, 11 o'clock, preaching; 7:30. P. M., evening service. - Sunnyside, corner East Yamhill and Thirty fifth streets. R. Elmer Smith, pastor. Sun. day school 9:50 A. M. ; preaching,-11 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M. ; "A. Scrip tural Paradox'. Dr.. W. W. Youngson 7;45 P. AC Rose City Park; Sandy boulevard and East Fifty-eighth street North. William Wallace Vounnon, minister. 9:4.1 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A, M., "The Signs of the Times"; 7:30 P. M., stereopt Icon views of Hawaii by Rev. R. Elmer 'Smith. Mount Tabor, comer of East Stark and Sixty-first streets E. Olin Eldridge. pastor. Services Sunday as follows: Preaching, 11 A. M.. 8 P. M.; subjects. "Disloyalty-to"God'' and "A God Inspired Life"; evening, "Work as a Recreation"; Sunday school. 9:43 A. M - Kp worth League, 7 P. M. ; mid-week prayer service, 'rnureoay evening a o cjock. Woodlawn, East Tenth and - Highland Louis Thomas, . pastor. - Morning, "When Mercy Seasons Justice": evening. "Tho -Men .We Are"; Sunday achool, 10 A. M. ; Ep worth League,. 6;45 P. M.; prayer service, Thursday -evening. Trinity, East Tenth, and Sherman streets Rev. A. B. caioer, pastor, faunday school. 10; Epworth League. K:30; 11, "The 'Inspiration of Hope"; 7:30, "Rising and Walking."- Berkeley Heights Clubhouse Services at S P. M. by Rev. A. B. Caider; preaching at 3 P. M. Centenary Church, ' East Ninth and East Pine streets T. W. Lane, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 A. rM. ; morning worship, 11; sermon, Oood Ch?r for Dark Days"; "Bp worth -" League,- 6-13 P. M. ; evening wor ship, 7:30. "Sufficiency of Grace.". Lents Rev. W. R. F.. Browne, minister. Sunday school. 8:45 A. M., S. R. Toon, su perintendent. Sermons by the pastor morn ing and evening; -11 A. M.,""Tho Tender ness of God"; 7:30 P. M.,' "The Power of God"; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M. Serv ice at Bennet's chapel, 3 P. M. University Park, corner. Lombard and Fisko streets C. L. Hamilton, pastor.. Sun day school, 9:45; Epworth League 6:30; preaching. 11 and 7:30; morning subject, "Tho Full Gospel"; evening subject. "The Promises of God." Cent rah Vancouver- avenue 'and Fargo street C C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; morning sermon, "The t Comforter," 11! class meeting, 12:1".; Epworth League, 6:30; evening sermon, "Under Syrian iSkies," Prinoess Rhame Haider, -7:30; mid-week service. Thursday at 8. Methodist Episcopal South, Union avenua and Multnoman street ttev. w. J. Fanton, pator. Sunday school; 10 A. ' M. ; preaching 11 A- AL; Epworth League. 7 P.. M. First African Zion Church Rev. W W Howard, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 11 a! M, and 8 P- L by Rev. E. D. L Thompson. D D. ; Sunday school, 9:45 A, M. ; V. C eI Society, 7 P. M, Everybody welcome. German. Rodney avenue and Stanton street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Epworth League, 7:15 P. M. First Norwegian-Danish, corner Eii?it.nT, and Hoyt O. T. Fieid, pastor. Morning servic) at 11 and evening services at 8 Young People's meeting every TuesdUy evening at 8; prayer meeting, Tuesday 8 "Epworth, Savier and North Twenty-sixth streets. O. O. McCulloch. pastor Sunday school. 0:45; public worship, 11 and T-an morning sermon, "Abounding in the Work"; vening theme, Th God of Jacob"; Ep- Lincoln, East Fifty-second and Lincoln streets. Rev, Gt O. Haley, pastor tunday school at 11:30. Preach In a services a. io-sa and - rMnnn Vsillw W .. M.v "Tha Christian's Possessions" ; Sunday ".uwui, .-i a prmyer meeting, unurs- day, 7:43 P. M.;7:S0. song service and "Tho Portland Norwegian, 43 Twentieth street. North Pitman Larson, pastor, fiei wloea as 11 and 7:45; Sunday school at 10l Abraham Verelde, pastor. Sunday aerviMs at 10:45 A, M. and 8 P. M. Sunday school at 9 :4a A. M. Bethel, corner Larrabe and MrMillen . i-.sw, puior. oundav school, 9:30; Christian Endeavor. TP i : , , . 47 as a meeting 1 P. M. A cordial welcnvn. w public . Westmoreland. Milwaukee ' avenue, be tween Romona and South avenue Rev. C. B. Harrison, pastor.. 10, Sunday school- 11. preaching. 'The Growth f Pearla" 7:30, "Science Requires God," , NEW CUTRCH SOCIETY. Knights of Pythiaa Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets. 11 A. M. Rev. Samuel Wor cester, pastor. Suboct, -The Uses of Afflic tion and Sickness"; Sunday school at 10:1a. NEW THOUGHT. Temple of Truth, Eilers Recital Hall, 142 Broadway. Perry Joseph Green, minister. Lecture at 8 P. M.. R, c Douglas. Interna tional Now Thought Alliance officer, of Boston; Truth school, ll o'clock, x PREHBVTERIAN. First, Twelfth and Alder streets Dr. Boyd -will preach today at 10:30 A, M. and 7:30 P. M. j. Spokane-avenue, East Sixteenth and Spo kane J. E, Youel,- pastor. Sunday school. 10; worship, 11 and 8 o'clock... Mixpah. Division . and -East Nineteenth streets, .. Rev. Harry Leeds, past or Service Sunday, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. First Christian, Oddfellows Hall. 'East Sixth at Alder a P. M-, communion servloa; messages. Ida Stoller; 8 P. M,, lecture. Calvary, Eleventh and Clay streets. Tha pastor. Rev. Oliver S. Baum. will preach. 10:30, "Out Into tho Deep"; 7:30, "Knocking at -the Door"; Sunday school, noon; Chris tian Endeavor Society, 8:S0. - Ken 11 worth. East Thirty-fourth and Glad stone avenue. Rev. L. K. Richardson, paator Bible school,' 9:45; - morning service, 11. -sacrament of' Lord's supper and reception to new members; sermon? "The Penitent's Cry";1 Young People's Society Christian En deavor, 0:3o; vesper service, S P. 11., "Back to the Home. Piedmont, Cleveland and Jarrett streets. Rev.. A. L Hutchinson. pastor Bible school at 9:45; Christina Endeavor at 6:3ft. Central. East Thirteenth and Pine streets. Rev. L. K, Grimes, minister 10:3O A, M "God and th Crisis" ; 12, noon, Sunday school; ti;30 P. M.. Christian Endeavor, all young people; ' 7:30, "God's Measure and Judgment." Vernon, corner Nlnteenth and Wyg-ant streets. Rev. H. V. Mount, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 -A. M. : Junior Christian En deavor, 4 P. M. ; Christian Endeavor. 6:30; public worship with sermon, 11 A- M. and 7:30 P. M. Piedmont Church, Cleveland and Jarnatt streets. Rev.- A. L. Hutchinson, pastor. Topic at 11 A. M., "Sand or Rock 7" even ing topic at 7:30, "Standing the Siege" ; Bible school at 9:45; a lively Christian En deavor meeting at 6:30. Mt. Tabor, - Dr. William Graham Moore, pastor Sunday school, 10, morning service, 11, "Unavoidable Responsibility" ; Christian Endeavor. 4; Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:45; evening service, , 7:45, ''Standing Square." Fourth, corner "First and Glbbs streets, Henry G. Hanson, pastor. - 12, Sunday school; 6:30, Christian Endeavor; 7:30, "Dyspeptic. Sin. Hope. Seventy-eighth and Everett streets, S. W. Seemann. minister Morning subject. "He That la Wise"; evening, 'Why Were You Born?" REFORMED. First German, Twelfth and Clay streets, G. llafner, pastor Services 10:45 and 8; Sunday school. 9:80; Young People's Society, 7 P. M. SPIRITUALIST. First Spiritualist Temple, corner Sixth and Montgomery streets 3 P. - M., lecture, Mrs. Congdon; messages. Mrs. Partridge; 8 P. M.. lectures, christening services and messages; special music, Mrs. Althea Wiesendanger. Church of the Soul, service at Auditorium, 208- Third street St. Conference at 11; Sunday school at 2 P. M. ; mediums meet ing at 3; entertainment at 5 P. M. and ser mon by the pastor at S on "Tho Greatest Religion in tho world. Christian Spiritualist Church, 129 Fourth street. Foresters' Hall Lecture and mes sages, 3 P. M., by M rs. Zimmerman ; lec ture, 1 Taylor, 8 P. M. UNITED EVANGELICAL. First, corner East Sixteenth and Poplar streets, Ladd's Addition r-Preaching services at 11 A. M. by Dr. J. A. Goode, at 7:30 P. XL by Presiding Elder C. C. poling; Sunday school' at 10 A- M-; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. ; midweek service. Thursday evening. Ockley Green Preachinpr at 11 A. M. by Presiding Elder C. C. Poling; preaching, evening; Sunday school at 10 A, M. ; Chris tian Endeavor meeting at 8:30 P. M. ; all invited. Pastor. Rev. G. L. LovelL St. John's Preaching both morning and evening dv a P. Lay ton, tno pastor: bun day school at 10 A. M. ; -Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. M. All welcome. UNIYERSALIST. Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway and East Twenty - fourth ntreet Rev. Jamas Dlmond Corby, pastor. Worship, with sermon at 10:45. by Rev. A. N. Mac Donald; public forum, "What Scholars Think About Preparedness for America" ; sunshine hour Sunday school rally at 13 noon. Junir.r Christian Endeavor at 5 P. M. M. Strangers find welcome. . UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father, corner of Broad way and Yamhill street Rev. Thomas L. Eliot, D. D. minister emeritus; Rev. William G. E'.lot. Jr.. minister. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; morning sermon, "Tho Spirit of Youth In a Philistine World"; ovenlng sermon, "Tho Nation and the Child," an ad dress by Dr. Anna Louise Strong, of Wash ington, D. C. ; Sunday school at 9:4o A. M. ; pastor's adult class at 12 M. ; Young Peo ple's r raternity at e:au r. s. UNITED BRETHREN. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets, John, D. Niseworder. pastor Jiihle school. 10; preaching, 11, by pastor, "Tho Divine convoy ; tt:3V, Christian jnaeavor; j, preaching. Alberta., Twenty-seventh and Alberta streets, cr.nton- c. iseu, pastor -Public worship,- 11 A. M. ,and 7:oO P. M. ; Sunday school, 10 A- M-; Y. P. S, C E., 6:30; pray er meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. Third, corner - Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue, S. E.. Herbert F. White, pastor Sunday school, 10 A, M.; morning service, 11 o'clock,- subject, "God's Love Bestowed"; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 P..M.; Senior Christian Endeavor, 7:30 P. M.. Bishop William Bell, of Los Angeles, will speak; Walter Perry will sing. Fourth, Sixty-ninth street and Sixty-sec-one avenue Southeast. Tremoni Station J. E. Connor, pastor. Sermons, 11 A. M. and 7:40 f. m. ; feunaay scnooi, av.A. ju.. ; tnris. tian Endeavor - 6:4c- P. M. - UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. ' First. East Thirty-seventh and Hawthorne avenue Frank uewitt jjinawy,. minister Bible school. 10; sermon. 11, Dr. J. H. White, of Pittsburg: Christian Endeavor, :H0; sermon, 7:30, ' The Golden Rule." Kenton J. S. Cole, pastor, Bible school, 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11:45 A. M. ; Christian Endeavor, 6:3o ' P. '" M.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS. Latter Day Saints Church, corner of East Twenty -f if tu and Madison Sunday school, lo A. M.: services at 11:45 A. M. and spe cial evening service at 7:30 p. M. Every body i7ivited. - . - Divine Truth Chapel. Selling-Hlrsch build ing, corner West ' Park and Washington streets Rev. T. M. Minard. pastor. Serv ices. 11 A. M.; Bible class, Tuesday, 2 P. M. ; class meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M. Regular Bahl meeting Sunday, 8 P. M., room 5 ltf Eilers building. Charles Mason Pemey, of Washington, D. C. will speak. Thtiosophjcal Society, 726 Morgan build ing Fundamentals cf Life," by M- Remey, of Honolulu, - Swedish services. Oregon City, - today at 3 P. M., John Ovall, minister1 All Scan dinavians are invited. The Rose City Park Community Church, Fortv-fif th and Hancock streets. Rev. J. M. Skinner, pastor Services, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M ; school of religious education, 9:43; Young People's meeting. 6:30 P. M.; mid-week service, and studv, "The Book of Isaiah." - Sunday night the choir will give the regular monthly musieale. Young Women's Christian Association, Broadway and Taylor street Vesper service snd social-, hour,' 4:30 o'clock. Strangers welcome. " ' - . WOMAN ASSAILS HUSBAND Wife Creates Scene When Spouse'ls Accused of Theft. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 17. A young wife shook- the bars of the cell In which her husband was confined and taunted him with the fact of bis ar rest in the United States Marshal's office in the Federal building, follow ing the detention of David H. Duff, 27 years old, of Audubon, N. J., a -letter carrier, charged with stealing: money from letters. Duff was trapped, the postal inspec tors say. by marked bills placed in a letter .addressed to, .George Wtutehillj PROBER OF INDUSTRIAL SITUATION IS BITTER Frank P. Walsh, in Report to Be Made to Congress, Will Arraign Capital ists, and Particularly John D. Rockefeller, Jr. fl: 4 v .v: h I i ESS. FRANK P. WALSH, chairman of the Commission appointed by Congress to investigate the causes of Nation-wide industrial unrest, recently turned in his report which is concurred in by the labor members of that body. That the workers of the 'Nation are denied the full product of their labor and that this condition is the basis of ;ill the Industrial strifes which have rent the country, that a small group of industrial potentates controls the well being: and actual existence of the ma jority of the Nation's workers, and that this group has violated all principles of law and order and has instituted a system of mediaeval feudalism in in dustry is the essence of the report He la accused of taking from the letter $4.50 yesterday afternoon after sus picion of other thefts had been direct ed against him. When he was con fronted wi(h the evidence Duff signed a confession, according to Chief Postal Inspector Cortelyou. After the scene in the marshal's of fice. Duffs father, Her.ry Duff, pro vided $1000 bail for him, and as he was .leaving the building another en counter with his wife occurred. The woman, who Is small and pretty, re marked that she had no money, and Duff offered her B0 cents. She threw it on ' the floor, grabbed him by the throat, and. despite the difference in their size shoved him against the wall. "To think that I picked? out a man like you," she screamed, "I could kill you." Duff then turned to the deputy mar shals, who witnessed the incident, and asked them to arrest his wife. They re fused to take any part in the affair. Duff will appear for trial in the Sep tember term of the United States Dis trict Court. The bail was accepted by United States . District Attorney Ed monds. According to Mrs. Duff, her hus band's troubles have all been due to other women. She told the postal in spectors he had pawned every valu able he owned. She has had to work, she says, most of their married life. HOMES NOW DOT LANDS (Continued From Paso S. diking operations going on. for they keep their two big dredges busy for themselves or others. All told. Messrs. Jones and Brown own about 6000 acres on the islands mentioned and others nearby, which they will have reclaimed this year and next. The first work was done on Tenas Illihee. which has 1600 acres, all of of which now belongs to Mr. Jones, who Intends to develop it into the finest stock and dairy farm in the West. . Tract Once Flooded. There was not a foot of tillable land on this island three years ago last February.' Every high tide covered it with water. It was overgrown with brush and trees and rank weeds. Now only about 400 acres is in its native condition, the remainder being cleared, or nearly so. It cost about $20 an acre to get rid of the brush. - This is done in the Winter. Then a mixture of three pounds of clover and 12 pounds of rye grass seed is sown without any harrowing or plowing. With the first rain the grass starts and such grass I never saw in my life. Mr. Jones says it is almost impossible to keep it pastured down. I saw a "pas ture" field that in June was eaten off close by several hundred head of stock. Then the stoick was shut out and late in July hay was cut and gave a yield of five . tons to the acre, by August it was again covered with cattle. I did not see the hay weighed, but I saw the stacks and I do not believe Mr. Jones exaggerated one iota. Rutabagas Yield 87 Tana to Acre. But I did see 87 tons of rutabagas to the acre! There were ten acres in the patch. We took a row indiscriminately; pulled the first ten from a row, weighed them (from 10 to 18 pounds), counted the number of. hills to the acre: result, 87 tons. We went at the kale proposition the same way. Mr Jones is milking 70 cows. His cream check runs at the rate of $25 a day. He expects to milk 200 cows next Summer and after that 100 dur ing the Winter months and 200 during the Summer. I could not do justice to Tenas Illihee under several columns. It is a large estate. There are nearly 400 head of cattle on -it, nearly 700 head of hogs, about 300 goats. It is well fenced with mile upon mile of pig-tight wire netting. It is a lovely, place. The buildings are large, modern, hand somely furnished. I do not know when I have enjoyed a meal as I did in the meahouae. presided over by Mrs. Lil faA B. Lawrence. Mrs. Lawrence goes on the theory that such dainties as salads, cakes. pies. custards little things out of the ordinary are ' more economical than ctraight "ham an" or even beans and bacon. And I guess she is right. Girls Born Iike Siamese Twins. LAFAYETTE, Liu Oct. 14 Mrs. Andre Foreman today, is the mother of :J based on two years' searching: Investi gations all over tho United States. In a special report prepared by George P. West, investigator for tho Commission, John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. is charged with full responsibility for the bloodshed and riot which attended the Colorado strike. In Rockefeller's mines. The report scores the young magnate for deliberately flouting the will of the President of the United States, and accuses him of deceiving President Wilson and the public. Scores of other accusations, all founded on Mr. Rockefeller's own tes timony -and the correspondence be tween him and his Colorado officials, are made public and will be submitted to Congress at the next session. twin girls united by a formation sim ilar to that which joined the Siamese twins. "WRONG WOMAN'MS WIFE. Husband Within Week of Marriage Regrets, Says Mrs. Hyndman. NEWARK. Oct. 17. Deserted in April. 1912. by Robert J. Hyndman, whom she married March 24. 1906. Mrs. Ellen M. Hyndman. of Glen Rock. Bergen County, has just received a di vorce decree as the outcome of an ex parte hearing before Special Master Jacob L. Newman. She also received the custody of their 7-year-old daugh ter. Mrs. Hyndman, whose maiden name was Murphy, testified that within a week of her marriage her husband, holding a responsible position in a New York department store, told her he had married "the wrong woman." The "Why" of Excitement. Exchange. There really isn't much occasion for excitement, unless you have that kind of nerves. Shout for His Rights. Atchison Globe. The gentleman you hear shouting for his rights is really clamoring for spe cial privileges. SUPREME PERSONALITY By DR. DELMAR EUGENE CROFT THE BOOK OF A THOUSAND SMILES ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SOLD The book that is making people laugh, well, .happy, brave. A money-burdened grouch read it, now is a millionaire- of cheerfulness. A. cross-eyed office boy. per fectly atrafg-ht, only he looked crooked, read it. now he is a bank clerk. A minister, so sad that when he said grace it froze his coffee, read it, now is preaching to standing- room only. His church janitor, a hard luck goat, so poor if it rained soup he didn't have a bucket to catch it in, read it, now he Is a salesman at $5 per. Several maidens of hopeless, impossible age, re juvenated their cosmos by it, then married the bet men in the world. Makes the web footed brain "hit the star-dust trail of golden success. Puts velvet on the sales man's tongue, and cuts the fuss out of the buyer's ear. Shows you how to love your relatives and not be miserable doing it. Fills you with desire to live your life all over again, though married. Where it Is sold mills have started full time: they're building schoolhouses; hinges on cemetery gates are rusting: undertak ers going out of business; people quitting the dying habit. A Sunday school teacher ays: "It beats the deviL" That's just its purpose. A bank president says: "Every business man in the United States should have your little book." A great automobile maker says: "It i the biggest little book I ever read." A DOUBT, FEAR, WORRY CURE Makes yon a world master by Thought Waves; method with codes complete. DEAlERj SV ITLIKn BY THE OREGON JTEWS COMPANY. SOLD AT ALL NEWS AM BOOK STANDS, 25 CENTS, OR BY MAXL. DR. CROFT, NEW HAVEN', ( ON". Any Book reviewed on this page caa lw found at your Book store. The J. K. GILL CO. Third and Alder. - X A -f . 1 t 3