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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
THE SUNDAY OREGONTANV PORTLAND, 0CTOBTCR 4. mi.f. PASTORS TO HEAR DISCUSSIONS ON COMMUNITY PROBLEMS Practical, Everyday Questions to Be Discussed by Methodist Association at Winter Meetings. 10 BROAD in its scope is the pro gramme for thd Methodist Minis ters' Association, which' has just been completed. The Rev. C. O. Mc Culloch, D. D., president of the asso ciation, and his committee have en deavored in arranging- for addresses to have (speakers who would brina; the preaehers in touch with phases of everyday life of the community. The address tomorrow will be made iy the Rev. Goorge Mains, of New York City, who will speak ,on "The Christian Function of Literature." JJr. Mains is an author and editor, and has been connected for years with the Methodist -Book Concern. The meet ings are all held in the First Methodist Church. The remainder of the programme in cludes: November - 8 "Municipal Economy True and False." Mayor K. R. Albee. .Vovamber 16 "Optimism." B. F. Irvine. November 22 'Thankaslvlng Medlta tlona." Rev. Ir. Carlos November 2l Tn. Evangelistic Prepara tion of the preacher." Dr. Carl O. Doney. president Willamette University. December 13 "Tlie Laboring Man as an .Asset In Society." Jamts B. Kerr. December 20 "The Motion Picture in Modern Life," Dr. C. O. Mcculloch. December 27 Symposium; Revivals in Hellglon: "Their NatuTe." Dr. C. E. Clin.; Their Necessity." Rev. W. L. Hamilton; Their Methods." Rev. W. E. Ingalls: "After the Revival, What?" Rev. W. K. Hampton. January 10 "What Is the Greatest Need of Present-Day Christianity?" Dr. T. W. Lane. January 17 "How "We Got Our Bible, Bishop R. J. ccoke. ' January 24 "Lay Leadership," Professor C. A. Rica January 31 "Pentecost and Modern Evan, rellsm." Rev. J. H. KawUlna, of Oregon CltJ February 14 Theology of Tennyson, Rev. W. W. Youngwn. February 21. "Delinquency. Its Cause and Cure," Judge J. II Stevenson. "Preaching for Present-Day Needs." Rev. Dr. Fen'.cn. Methodist Church South. March 13 "Press and Pulpit In World Betterment," Edgar B. Piper. March 20 "What Change, If Any. Should be Made in Our Episcopacy?" Rev. C. C. Rarlck. March 27 "The Future of German Meth odism," Rev. E. Hertzler. superintendent of Herman -wo-k ir. the Northwest. April 10 "Subjective Condition. Essential to the Highest Pulpit Power," Rev. R. E. ttmltb. , , April 17 "Some Special Phases of Social Questions," Dr. E. Olln Eldrldge. April "An Old Discipline." Rev. Dr. I'rese. May 8 "The Minister's Relation to God, Rev. J. H. Irvine, of fiilverton. May 15 "Human Units Versus Human Systems," Hl-v. F. L. Loveland. May 22 "Novelty of Service," Rev. A. V. Crarmr. May 20 "What Would John Wesley Stand for Today?" A. R. Maclean. Juno 12 "The Epworth League Problem." June 19 "Architecture as the Expression of Me:hollst locals." June 26 "The Church In Hard Scrabble, Uev. Mr. Benedict, of Vancouver. Wash., successor to the Rev, W. T. Randolph. Tn the United Lutheran Church, at Fourteenth and Davis streets, tonight the pastor. Rev. Wilhelm Pettsrsen, will speak in English on "The Hyphen in Church and State." Dr. Petersen will roply to some of the opinions ex pressed recently by Dr. Loveland, vho spoke on the "hyphenated. Americans." Dr. Dyott will give the first of a series of sermons on "Undamaged !oods" tonight, when his topic vi ill lie "An Inventory of Our Undamaged (ioods." This morning Dr. Dyott will speak on "God Sent the Hornet." He will refer to the American situation. The missionaries of the Oregon Con ference of the Northwestern States Mission will hold their semi-annual conference in the Latter Day Saints Church, corner of East Twenty-fifth and Madison streets, today. Services at 11:45 in the morning and at 7:30 o'clock. President Melvin J. Ballard will be in attendance at both sessions. Everyone is Invited. There are :!0 mis sionaries in the conference. The Maud C. Gilman Sunday school class will have charge of tonight's service at the Hope Presbyterian Church. There are 35 girls in the class, and they will sing a class song. They will do the ushering and receive the offering. Laura Campbell r.nd Sylva Lee will sing a duet. D. W. Ros3 will sing a solo. The subject of the serrton will be "Why Were You Horn?" Second "Great Soul" Sermon to Be Delivered Tonight. First TMetbodlat Church Xamcn Fi nancial CommlNHlon to Handle Af fairs for Year and 12 District freated. VAKINCJ his topic of the "Mad Soul" from Browning's famous poem of "Paul," Dr. Frank L. Loveland will de liver the second in his series of "Some Sermons by Great Souls," whom he classes as 'Tulpltless Preachers." at the First Methodist Episcopal Church at 7:30 o'cloi'k tonight. Last Sunday) night the First Church was filled for the first mrmon in the "Soul" series. The old Biblical Ftory of Saul, his meet ing with the Witch of Endor and a comparison of ancient witchcraft and modern spiritualism will be features to be discussed in this sermon. In the morning Dr. Loveland will preach on the subject, "An Abiding Foundation." Special music will be rendered at both services. e The finances of First Church this year are to be handled by a finance commission, composed of 12 of the ac tive laymen of the church. The com mission has been named by Dr. Love land and will begin its work tomorrow. Charles M. Henderson, of the railway mail service, is at the head of the com mission as chairman and financial sec retary of the church. E. S. Miller, man ager of the local branch of an Eastern flour company, is secretary of the com mission. The other members are: W. J. Gill, real estate: L. S. Williams, traf lic manager Dodge Steamship Company; C N. Taylor, department manager Fair banks. Morse & Co.; E. A. Baker, at torney; F. H. Rupert, grocer: E. A. Curtis, loans; B. A. Green, attorney; AV. W. Richardson, grain; C. L. Booth, physician; W. A. Carter, attorney. It will be the duty of the commis sion to raise the current budget, which amounts to more than $1000 a month. Assisting them will be a committee from the general church membership, the Sunday school. Ladies' Aid and Young People's Council. The city will le divided into 12 districts, with one commissioner in charge of each. Beginning with next Thursday and continuing each Thursday night for two months, the usual midweek serv ice at First Church will be given over to a series of special addresses bv Dr. Loveland on "Ancient Lyrics, Carols and Hymns of the Church." Attractive topics have been arranged and follow ing each meeting a social half hour will be held, at which refreshments will be served. Next Thursday this feature will be conducted by the Ladies' Aid bocicty. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society was held in the church ra,r- lors Wednesday afternoon. Following ihe business session a programme was rendered. Mrs. J. F. Kinder, the presi dent, gave two readings from Eugene Field's works and Miss Pauline Tuttle rendered a piano solo. Refreshments were served. Next Wednesday night a meeting of the Sunday school officers, teachers and officers of all organized classes will be held In the parlors. At this meet- !ng the matter of grading the Sunday school will be considered preparatory to moving into the new Sunday school temple, which will be ready for occu pancy about November 3. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year and plans laid for doubling the Sunday school membership. The first Fall social of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church, held dur ing the week, was a success as a get acquainted gathering. There was a large attendance. A new department of social activities has been created by the session with C. A. Mulr as director. He will have a large number of as sistants. The young men's class has decorated the church during the recent Sundays with a generous supply of Autumn foliage. Miss Eugenia Patten, the organist of the church, has Just celebrated the fourth year of her work. A series of sermons for the next four weeks has been arranged by the pastor. Rev. Dr. Moore. Today he will speak ACTIVE WORKERS Ilf CCR RE.T CHURCH EVEJfTS. Rev. C O. McColluch, pres ident of the Methodist Minis terial Association, has just com- ' pleted the programme for - the meetings of his association for the year. Wilson Benefiel was elected on Monday president of the newly organised Presbyterian Elders' Association. . Mrs. Herbert T. Cash' Is one of the leading workers in Bap tist mUionary societies In the city. . MrB. W. E. Mcllhenny is pres ident of the Ladies' Aid Society of the First Congregational Church. Charles Mason Remey has de livered several addresses recent ly on "World Peace" and the Bahai movement. on "Unavoidable Responsibility"; Oc tober 31, "God's Living Temples": No vember 7, "Sowing Good Seeds"; Novem ber 14, "The Comforter." The night subjects will be: October 24, "Standing Square"; October 31, "A False Face"; November 7. "Religious Fads"; Novem ber 14, "A Story of Surprises." Vesper services will be held today in the Y. W. C. A. at 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, of the Woman's Pro tective Bureau, will speak. ' Miss Frances Gill will play violin solos. A social hour will be held at 6:30 o'clock. All girls who are strangers or who are oneiy will cordially welcomed. Central Christian Church Statement Is Given. Exact Amount of Indebtedness Must Be Settled by Court, Says Rev. A. L. Crlm. A FINAL statement of the affaire of the Central Christian Church ia here given: On April 1. 1910, Rev. A. 1. Crlm, of T coma, Wash., was called to lead In the linal effort of the Central Christian Church to maintain its work as a congregation. ! After a few months of investigation and oft repeated conferences. It was decided by unanimous voice to abandon the work as a hopeless on by reason of the financial bur den. Rev. Mr. Crlm has spent nearly 30 years in general evangelism, and states that this is the first time that he has ever advised a church to close doers and to announce the day of dissolution. lie also states that any report that he might make concerning causes leading to the Inevitable loss, would of necessity be. a very Imperfect one and doubtless unsatisfactory to some who have1 been connected with the work of the church. ; A brief statement of facts is all mat he attempts to give. The church was organ- ' tsed in A temporary tabernacle was used as a house of worship until the erec tion of ihe present stone structure. This was dedicated in 1011. Early in 1W13 two mortgages, one for $15,000 and the second one for $l6,Ot0, were placed against this property, the mortgages being recorded one minute apart. Since this date Mr. Crtra regards the property as lost, although many believed that it could be saved, and made heroic efforts to this end. but the burden was too great. Many who would have been willing to arsist in any ordinary work refused to take bold of this because they believed it to be an Impossible one, and It was. An accurate statement of ihe present n debtedness Is practically an impossibility and must be settled by court decisions. To take in all reported claims at par would require more than $40,000. Since the dedication of the house the con gregation has lost In numbers and financial ability, increasing the burden of the work for these remaining. Seeing the inevitable, they humbly bow and surrender. The church extension fund of the Chris tian Churcn, holding the first mortgage for flo.OOO, has been requested to' foreclose. This they are doing through the action of trto second mortgage, now in the hands of F. E. Hilton, of this city. This mortgage was formerly the property of Mr. Montgom ery, who at the time that it was made was a member of this churth. Oa he imperishable monument of mem ory for he Central Christian Church, the friends thereof will Inscribe, "Her sun has i gone down whl!e it was yet day." In reference to the present membership w ie cnngrFKauon, !te. Mr. (.Tim says: we are in peace. No internal troubl mar our last days. It has never been my privi lege to work with a more devoted and self saerlfielng peopie. Through all of our trou- Dies w nave neitner lost faith in God nor man. i o an wno m any way have con tributed of good will to thi vnrk we desire to express our appreciation for the same. With hearts filled with love for all. and without malice toward any, we are prepared to sweetly tell our friends goodby.' The Central will conduct public services but two more Sundays, the 24th and Slst All trienas are requestea to be present at these two services." Rev. Mr. Crlm also announces that a new congregation will be organised on the -ast Side and will te known as the East Bide Christian Church. It will conduct its first public service on the first Sunday In No vember. A full announcement of this ana the place of meeting will he given later Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Lane will leave tonlgrht for San Francisco and Los An erels. In the latter city Mrs. Lane will attend the annual meeting of the National executive committee of the Methodist missionary societies. They will return November 12. There will be a union service at the central Methodist Episcopal Church to night, when Princess Rahme Haider, the Syrian, will conduct the service- Special Syrian music will be a feature or the evenlnsr. The quartet will be clad in the costumes of people of the Holy Land. The women of St. ravids Episcopal Church are invited to meet on Tuesday at 2 oclock for a sewinsr bee and in formal tea. Arrangements will be made for a kitchen shower for the new rector. All who are interested are in vited to enjoy the social afternoon. Catholic members of the St. GIrard Society celebrated the feast day of their patron saint by receiving holy communion in a body at Holy Redeem er Church last Sunday morning: after mass. Breakfast was served in the hall and Rev. F. X. Miller addressed the women, commending; their chari table works and urging them to con tinue. The society is not denomina tional and anyone who wishes to assist those in need Is invited to Join. Mrs. J. P. Kogan. of 1197 Cleveland avenue is the president and will give any in formation desired. In the First Presbyterian Church several courses and organizations will i k i $ ; I - ; if ' TO irp'Tl vVsrS,. be launched under the leadership ol the pastor's assistant, Richard K. Ran dall, who has recently, been obtained to take charge of the young: people's department of the church work. Mr. Randall's leadership will besln Novem ber 1, at which time a programme of Interest and novelty will be built up around the. various organizations, and a Eeason of activity will be launched. Mr. Randall's successful . connection with the Y. M. C. A. of this city makes him a welcome addition to the work ing force of the First Presbyterian Church. - Dr. Anna Louise Strong ' will speak tonight at the Church of Our Father on "The Nation and the Child." Miss Strong is associated with Miss Julia Lathrop In the- work of -the United States Government Children's Bureau, Washington, V. C. - The lecture is the fourth In a. series on "Race Better ment." The course will be concluded on October 31 by the pastor of the church. Rev. "W. G. Eliot, Jr. A practical sermon Is announced- by Rev. John H. Boyd, D. I., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, f or ' the morning service at 10:30 today, on YOUNG PEOPLE OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO APPEAR IN PLAY TOMORROW NIGHT. t i (iftOVP OF CHARACTERS IN "XAAJIAN, THU LpPER." At tne First Christian Cnurch, next Tuesday nignt. Princess Rahme Haider, the 'Syrian, win present her Biblical drama, "Naaman. the Leper." This play Is being put on for the benefit of the orchestra fund and T W. Bacon, of the Northwestern School of Music Is directing the orchestra. - Egyptian and Syrian mu sic will feature the evening.. The historical facts of the healing of the great Syrian captain by Prophet EUsha, and his conversion to the faith of the Israelites, have been closely adhered to throughout the play. Miss Haider seta forth in the climax a strong comparison. between the two religions; one the old mate rial form; the other -the new spirituals - . . The cast of characters is composed of young men and women prominent in social and church circles. Miss Haider takes the part of the princess, wife of Naaman; playing opposite her is A. E. Meserve as Naa man. G. Evert Baker represents the Prophet Elisha: Miss Hazel Hoopengamer, Marian, the little Hebrew, captive maid. - Mrs. Mary Meserve. one of Portland's readers, and Mrs. H. V. Martze! are noble ladies of the court of King Ben-Haded. W. L. McFarling and F. C. Lelbold will take the roles of King Ben-Haded and King Jehoram. respectively. Among the attendants and courtiers are J. A. Johnson, L. Linn. F. K. Linn, H. Davis and R. K. WinchelL - - - .... .. ' - Mrs. Eleanor Sanford-Large Is directing the performance.' f5 ' MS c mm 30 "What Jesus Means to Me,"" a confes sion of faith in terms of modern thought and every day experience. The night services at the First Church, as is customary during the Winter months, are now being held at 7:30 o'clock. The sermon topic is "The Fact of Pain and Struggle" as against the current theo ries that these realities do not exist. Dr. Boyd will bring out the testimony of science and history and the con fusions of reason. ... All seats are free "at this service, and the public Is Invited to hear this discussion, which must be faced by every person In thought and In ex perience. - - Dr. Boyd "-wishes to emphasize - the change of hour from 7:45 to 7:30 P. M. from October until May.. . . . . . . :. The Lincoln Methodist Episcopal Church has taken on new life since the Roseburg - conference. The Sunday school has a splendid outlook, under the leadership of the newly-eleoted super intendent. F. E. Frost. The young people of the Epworth League are ral lying under the president. Miss Joy Hall. . The Sunday evening congrega tions are increasing. Tonight the pas tor. Dr. G. G. Halsey, will begin a- se ries of practical sermons on "Elijah a f Man of the People.'' Trie subjects and dates aro as follows: October 24, "The Fearless 5lan": October SI. "The Obe dient Man";- November 7. "The Daring Man"; November 14, "The Vacillating Man"; November 28, "The Cowardly Man"; December 5, "The Young Man's Can. The Beaver Male Chorus has been engaged to furnish special music for this series. The Lincoln Church Is lo cated on the northwest corner of Fifty second and East Lincoln streets. Serv ices begin at 7:30 P. M. Tho various activities of the Pied mont Presbyterian Church Indicate a healthful- condition in the parish. The Woman's Society, under the presidency of Mrs. H. M. Colborne. is meeting its joint obligation to missions the local church by the hearty co-operation of all the women. The "Fidellls Chapter" gave a suc cessful silver tea at the home of Mrs. E. S. Reynolds, on Thursday afternoon. The Altar Guild on Wednesday pre sented the lecture on "The European War" by John Lewtas. The midweek congregation closed the study of the Book of James, -which was conducted by the pastor. During the present month the pastor. Dr. Hutchison, is ln- Iroducing his evening topics by discuss- ng some phase or incidents of the European war. The cervices are largely attended and the chorus choir is fur nishing good music for all the services. . The welcoming of new members to Calvary Presbyterian Church, was the occasion of a harvest social in the church parlors, Tuesday night. The rooms were beautifully decorated In the rich tints of the time when "the frost is on the pumpkin." ' Rev. Oliver 8. Baum, In well-chosen words, greeted the new members and then followed a fine programme. Mrs. Milne gave a medley of old-fashioned songs and Miss Edith Campbell and Miss Pearl Austin, pianists. rendered selections. Miss Annie Wat kins, the elocutionist of the evening, contributed greatly to the en joyment. Calvary Presbyterian Church continues to be known as The Family Church." Immanuel Lutheran Church Compliments Pastor. Rev. J. Richard Olmi, Retaralnic From Eastern Trip, Is Honored by - His ConsrcsatlAD. J IMMANTJEL LUTHERAN CHURCH held a large reception on Tuesday night In compliment to the pastor. Rev. J. Richard Olson, who had just returned from an extended. Eastern trip. The date was the regular meet ing time of the Young- People's So ciety, but the larger gathering was ar ranged as a surprise t6" the pastor. Rev. J- A, Levin, a member of the con gregation and a missionary well known In Alaska and British Co lumbia, was present and delivered an address. Dr. S.-M. Hill for many years president of Luther 'College in Ne braska, where Dr. Olson graduated, read an original poem in honor of . the occasion. Levin Lundquist. of the board of deacons, in behalf of the congrega tion presented Dr. Olson with a purse. Mabel Johnson and Martin Lind. two tiny tots of the Sunday school, pre sented the pastor with bouquets of roses and chrysanthemums. Elaborate refreshments were served by the Aid Society. The rooms were decorated with vines and Autumn foliage. Mu sical numbers were contributed by- Mrs. Hilda Llndborg. soprano; Oscar Lawrence Woodfin, baritone; Henry Dahl, cornetist; Miss Myrtle Holmes Miss Cordelia Hill, accompanists. ... On Tuesday afternoon about 2o women of the Waverly Heights Con gregational Church pleasantly sur prised Mrs. W. F. Downing with a fruit shower, as a slight token of their appreciation of the valuable and faith ful service so willingly given to the church during the past year by Mr. and Mrs. Downing, he as director of the choir and she as organist. . Rev. Luther R. Dyott's subjects an nounced for Sunday nights are: Oc tober 31, "God's Strong Man"; Novem ber 7. "God's Beautiful Woman November 14, "The Power of Purity"; November 21, "Around the Fireplace In Our Church Home." A community sing will be held on the last date. ... Miss Ellen Stone, a well-known mis slonary and a devoted Congregational 1st. was a visitor here recently. On Sunday Church. Services ADVANCED THOUGHT. Temple of Universal Fellowship. Serv ice very Sunday at S P. M-. Apartment 208. The Grandesta. S Grand avenue, at Stark. Rev. Dr. J. H: Dickey, pastor. Interesting and Instructive topics of tho day. All wel come. Spiritual Temple, corner Sixth and Mont gomery streets Service Wednesday nignt, S o'clock. Sptcial music Public cordially invited- AUE.A11319. Services of this denomination are beld on Saturday.) Central. Kast Eleventh and Everett streets Elder P. C. Hayward. pastor. Sabbatn school. 10: preachlnc. 11 Prfia e.tin' neancmiy eveu"i v - Friday evening at 7:45. .. Tabernacle. West elde. K. of P. Hall, corner Eleventh and Alder street; M. H- St. John, pastor. Sabbatn acnooi. CHCRCH NOTICES DCE THXRSDAT Church notices for The Sunday OrcKcmlan should be in this office by Tnuraday at s P. M. It is not possible to assure publication of any notices after that hour. mon. 11 A. M. : lecture. 7:43 f- M. : S un day evening special services. Mo; prajer mertlnr, Wednesnay evenlnR. i :4... Montavllla. East . Eightieth and FnJ streets J. F. Beatty. local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preacning. 11; pr .. v d m.tlnir. i P. M. : Wednesday even- ln-ents?D. J. Chltwood. local elder. Sab bath school, 10; preaching. 11: prayer mee'.. Ing. weanesaay ;ieutu St. Johns. Central avenue ana i,nrrai. .. n 1 1 .,...- In.,1 lri.r. H11 bath school, 10: preaching. 11; prayer meet ing, weanesaay uia Mount Tabor. East Slxtletn ana streets C. J. Cummlngs. pastor. caooata school. 10; preaching. 11: prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. Alblna (German), corner tmamon Mallory A. C. Soh weltser. local elder. Sab-i.-.w -.. t m. r.r..hin, li- nraver meet ing. Wednesday evening at 7:45. Scandinavian. Tnlrty-nlntn avenue, ana Sixty-second street Elder O. E. Sandnes. . Af.Ani 111- 1.1 PUlOr. OKUUttbU - - prayer meeting. Wednesday evening at T.4a ASSOCIATED BIBLE SIIDESTS. Meetings in vvooamen ui ,, .- - - Sixth and Alder streets. Sunday. October 1 :40 to z:4., evanxwi'Bi.v; vi,.-v-.--. - t. M ., aiscourse vy - . - Tblngs That Malta for Peace ; :: P. Ap praise and testimony meeting: l f. M-. nubile lecture by Flnlay McKercher. topic. "Man: His Fall, His Rise and His Destiny. D.rni. ct T.mnl. Twelfth and Taylor streets. Rev. V'. B. Hlnson. D. D.. minister a:S0. Bible school, classes for all ages; 11. preaching by Dr. Hlnson: 0:15. B. Y. P. l; 7:30. preacnlng by Dr. Hlnson. East Side, East Twentieth and Anltery streets. Rev. W. O. Sbank. pastor 10 Sunday ....h-wi- i-M- it w. Davis, of Euaene. will exchange pulpits with the pastor; II, "The . - . . , , r . . .. G-nn,, ra vn.n t" 1 1 - TO M. Ytiue ui xi -j. . . . -, . - - V. p. U.; 7:o0, "Tha Causes and Cure of 1-" - ,o Arteta. Kev. v , 1 Sunday school: II, preaching by the pastor: 6:30. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:0. preaching by the pastor. Calvarv East Eighth and Grant streets 10 Sunday school; 11 and 7 ::f. prcachlns by Rev. F. C. Stannard, of Newberg, U:UO, Glencoe.East Forty-fifth and Main streets. Rev A. B WaHx, pastor; :45. Sunday school; 11, preaching by the pastor: theme. -A Five-Year Programme": 6:30, B. Y. P. V.: ":'. preaching by the pastor, theme. -Family Resemblance." Grace. Montavllla, Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor 0-45. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. preaching services: 6:30, B. Y. P. U. Highland. A:berta and East Sixth streets North. Rev. Charles F. Mielr, pastor ID. Sunday srhool. 11. preaching by the paa tor; 0:30. B. Y. P. U.; 7:30, preaching by the PLents Rev- J- M- Nelson, pastor 10. Sun day school: It and 7:0. preaching by the pastor; 8:S0. B. Y. P. U'. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave nue. Rev. F. H. Hayes pastor 10. Sunday School:. preaching at li and 7:30; 6:30. B. Y'sZ' Johns, Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor 10 Bunday school; 11 and 7:3; preaching by the pastor: 6::iO. B. Y. P. C Tabernacle. Forty-second and Tlolgate streeta W. S. carl 9:S0, Sunday school; 11. preaching by Rv. Walter Duff theme. Drawing Prayera Bow"; 6:80, Junior B. Y. p J a:3. B. Y. P. V.: 7:30. preaching ljy Rev. "Walter Duff, theme, "God Save tha Xhird. Vancouver avenue and Knott street. Rv. W. J. Beaven. pastor 10. Sun Monday she was entert&L ed by the missionary committee of tho Women's Christian Temperance Union and by several missionary societies at a re ception in the Y. W. C. A. Volume l. No. 1, the Portland Chrls tion. made its appearance Fridav. It is a neat, newsy, attractive little pa per gotten out by the First Christian Church. It announces for the church a. nome-coming aay set ror November 7. when the emphasis will be placed on gathering to the church home all who are interested, in . the Christian Church. t The sermons for the dav will, he in. propriate. In the morning the min ister win speaK on "The Power at a Shadow." In the evening he will berln series of sermons on "The Blhl ' tho first one being entitled, "wti! me BiDie Is For." Other subjects will be "Why the Bible Is True." "Why the Bible Is Sufficient," "How All Can Understand the Bible," "How tho Bibla Comforts." "Why the Bible Will Never Pass Away." Rev. George Darsle, wto has heen 111 for the past two weeks, will occupy his pulpit today. To the Ladles' Aid Society of the Immanuel Lutheran Church is due the credit for arranging the details of a reception Tuesday night In tho church, at Nineteenth and Irving streets. One of the most artistic events of the week in church circles was tho en tertainment given Tuesday night un der the auspices of St. Mark's Guild, at the parish house of St. Mark's Epis copal Church. Miss Irene Campbell played two exquisite Chopin selec tions. Miss Dorothy Bliss played vio lin solos and Miss Edna Bertch gave as a reading "The Shepherd of the Hills." R. C. Douglas, an international New Thought Alliance officer, will speak for the New Thought Temple of Truth Society Sunday night at 8 o'clock on "The Evolution of the Christ Con sciousness." and Monday night at 8 at Eiler's Recital Hall. ex-Rabbt Joseph Goldman will speak on "The Second Coming of Christ." and on October SI at 8 P. M. Judge H, H. Benson, form erly of the Unity Practical Christi anity Center at Kansas City but now of Los Angeles, will speak at 8 o'clock on "The Frictionless Way." Perry Jo seph Green will speak nightly at the East Side Library, beginning Monday, on various New Thought topics. All these lectures are free and open to the public. ... The active work for the Winter has begun in the various societies of the Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church. The Epworth League recently held a servlco at Multnomah Farm. The meeting was ably led by Walter Stearns, assisted by Messrs. Schnell and Boswell. Mrs. Sarah A. Royal also gave a brief address, which wad much appreciated. The Ladies' Aid Society, under the direction of Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, the newly elected president, will give a musical and literary entertainment on Wednesday evening, October 27. The Good Fellowship Brothers are planning a social to be given In the near future. C. C Miller has been chosen as teacher of this class and a pleasant and profitable year Is assured to the members. All men are welcome. day school; 11 and 7:.10, preaching by the pastor; 0:. b. Y. P. IT. Vnlrorslty Park. Flske snd Drew streets. Rev. C. L- Heskett, pustor 9:XQ, Sunday schucl;ll and 7:30, preaching by the paa- Mount O'lvet. Seventh and Everett streets. Re, wv - Magett. pastor Services 11 and 8; Sunday school, 12:30. First German, Fourth and Mill streets. !i.J??ob J'Sr!!it- pastor 9:45. Sunday school: li and 7:30. preaching bv the pastor. c..'J:on Oerman. Morris and Rodney 0:43. Sunday school, preaching services. 11 and . 13 x - P. U ., 7. rvh.JOiAnS' c.0"11". Rv. F. Bueermann. pastorio. Sunday school; U and 7 SO preaching- by the pastor; 6:30, B. T P U Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets, Rv. tT'- Pto' Preach. nr, 10:45 and 7-30: Sunday school. 12 (noon); BL T. I? Ksall Ml8S'on- EAt ElRhteenth and Tlb- 7!l p-v- Francesco Sannella, pas- Is.irnKllsh'8rakmK PPle: 11. preach. ns; S tSlVg7i- pMtor:" Prayer servlcs); 8. preaching- vervlce. Chinese Mission. 33S Bumslde street fenndeVr chooU 7i J" G' alone. suplrln. Rus.elv1i!- Mission 3, S:-4.. nreachln.- irn-r Sunday school; .-,T5f. I?unar Men Claw H. T. M. C of te Highland Baptist Church, East Sixth and Alberta otrtiets met st 0:4.-. A. M.. Sunday. AH young; men are urged to attend Goodwill Mission. Fifteenth and BoUt streets a, addreaa. CATHOLIC. - Pro-Cathedra!. Fifteenth and Davla Streets. Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass, . 7;l5. 8:30. 0:45; high mass, 11; evening aervlce. St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets. ,NJ'- IIueLc Mass. . 8:30; hlcli maas. lO:J0; evening service. T;34j. St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savler streets. R.w. E, P. Murphy. Mass. S; hlh mass, 10:a; eveninc service, 7:30. St. Francis", East Eleventh and Oik 1 streets. Rev. J. H. Blauk. Mass. C. 8, 9; high mass, 30:20; evening service, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, William sve. nue end Stanton. Rev. w. A. Daly. Mass, t8. 0; high macs, 10:30; evenlncervice. Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas. Re". C. J. Olson. Mass, , 7, ; hisb mass. 11: even ins service, 7:30. The Madeline, Eau Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou. Rev. G. F. Thompson. Mass. 7:o, 9; hih mass. 10:30; even ins; service, 7:4. St, Andrews', East Ninth and Alberta streets. Rov. T. Kiernan. Maes, 8; hlgi mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:aa Ascension. East Vamhlll and East Seventy-sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; hi eh mass. 10:30: evening service. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament. Maryland avenue and Blandena atreet. Rev. V. Kelly. Mass, S; hlsth mass. 10:30 ; even ng service. 7:30. Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and Vancouver averue. Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass. 6, 8; high mass 10:2'; evening aervlce. 7:30 St. Ignatius, ;2-'0 Forty-third street South, east. Jesuit Futhcrs. Mass, &; hltfh n:ass, 10:30: avoning service. 7:30. Holy Crow, 774 Bowdoin street. Rev. 7 Raymond. Mass. S; hiffh mass. 10:30; even Ins; service, 7:30. St. Rose. East Fifty-fourth and Alameda. Rev. J. O'FarrelL Macs. S; high moss. 10:30; even tn c services, 7 :'-Mj. St. Stephens. Forty-second and East Tay lor. Rev. W. Witt. Mass. 6. 8; high mif. lt:30; evening service. 7 :30. St. Philip Neri, East Sixteenth and Hick ory. Rev. W. J. Cartwrlaht. Mass 8; hign Disf, 10:30; evening a:rx'ice, 7:30. Sacred Heart. East Eleventh and Center. Rev. G. Ro'.L Maes, 8; high mass. 10:Ju; evening service 7::i0. St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and MMier. Rev. J Cummlky. Mans. S; high mam. 10:30; evening service, 7:30. St. Joseph (German, Fifteenth and Couch street. Rev. B. ourrer. Mass, 6; high asa. 10:30: even In a service, 7:3U. St. Clare's. Capitol Hill. Franciscan Fathers. Rev. Father Modestus Iow mas. 7:30 o'clock; high mas and benediction, 9:9 o'clock; sermons at both masses. St. Stanislaus (Italian ). Maryland avenue and Willamette boulevard. Rev. F. Mathew. Mass, 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:30. St. Michael 'Italian). Fourth and Milt streets. Rev. M. Balestrsu Mass. 8; higil must, 10:30; evening servioe, 7:30. St. Clements, Smith and Newton streets. Rev. C. Smith. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; eveninc service.- 7 :30. St. Petera. Lents. Rev. P. Buetgen. Mass 8; hljh miss, lO;30; evening service. 7:30. St. Charle. Thirty-fourth and Killings worth. Rev. G. Snlderhorn. Mass, ; high mas. 10:30; evening aervlce. 7:30. CONGREGATIONAL, pirat. Park and Vadlson streets. Lnther R. Dvott. minister 9:50 A, M.. Bible school; 0:80 P. M.. Tourg People's Society Christian Endeavor. Xr. Dyott preaches at 11 A. M . iConcludtrd oa Paga 10, Column 2.)