" . PRESIDENT TO WED NEW PICTURE OF PRESIDENT AND VIEW OF HOUSE WHERE HE AVf) BRIDE WILL LIVE NEXT RULE IN ALASKA IS DECLARED FAULTY 1 f EARLY IN NDVEMBErl There Are Stores Members of Immediate Fam M Mr. Lane Evidently Intends to Renew Fight in Congress for Development Board. Hies of Couple to Be Pres ent at Ceremony. . tores BRIDAL TOUR TO BE. BRIEF RED TAPE YET PREVAILS and isriurn to Washington Not Later Than Thanksgiving Day Planned Mrs. Gait Orders Work on Trousseau Hastened. "WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. (Special.) President Wilson and Mrs. Gait will be married In the first week of November, probably about November 3. This Is the report here tonight, and it seems based on circumstances so convincing io leave little doubt. The wedding- is to be a quiet event, but it is to be in the oresence of nil members of the immediate families of Dotn tne president and of Mrs. Gait. Mies Margaret Wilson, the Presi oents daughter, has returned to the White House to remain until after the ceremony. Secretary McAdoo and Mrs. McAdoo, the latter another daughter of me i-resiaent, will return to Washing- ion irom tneir western tour Novem ber 2. Work on Trouwan Rushed. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Savre. the lat ter another daughter of the President, are within a few hours' ride of Wash ington and will come on notice of the nour or tne wedding ceremony. ivira. uii is naving rushed work on all the dresses she considers necessary for her Immediate bridal outfit and her days are being given over to visits to ana irom Ber dressmakers. me plans oi the President and of mrs. imt contemplate, it is said, a re turn irom a bridal trip not later than Thanksgiving day. November 25. and possibly a first, but informal, recep tion at the White House on that dav to intimate friends. The wedding in "the first week of November would make this schedule possible and give to the nswiy-weaaea couple two or three days for their wedding trip even to the Ban Francisco .Exposition should this ue aeciaea on. . President to Watch Congress. ' uao irmima or tne KriKifiAni cav he will be in Washington during the n or Liie next session or Con gress to see that the Democratic fences are all tightly built and that the Ad ministration legislative programme is started properly on its way through the nM or representatives. The President and Mrs Oatf long automobile ride today, accompa nied by Miss Helen Woodrow Bones They, left the White House early (and even the Secret Service men professed complete ignorance as to. the route to be taken and the places to be visited by hud iiuusa parry. MAYS TO RETURN SOON EX-fOI,T. OW OF RED SOX, 0. HV.VriXO TRIP IN MISSOIRI. Pitcher to Arrive Week From Tomorrow to Pass Part of Winter la Portland. twHeH'V' rrtI"d youth Who twirled for the Boston lied Sox during the past season and figured in the wnrl ? 8 ,r. 'though he did not work i the big games, is now on a bunting trip in Missouri and will be borne a week from tomorrow A tele gram to this effect was received yes- inryrMbythe P'W relatives hire In I ortland. i-JiV5 W.t8 iraft''i trom the Portland i oits by the Providence club of the In ternational League when that team t?, ponerty "t the owners of the IJetrolt American League club. He was slated for a berth with the Tiirer out when Joe Lannin. owner of the ""ma cnampion Ked Sox. purchased -rivmenco irom th Detroit owners. k irn it. He then got ........ .,. rtcn sox and was con- sirlered one of the five leading twirl-r.rSu?n-BI11 c"rrllt,s staff during the light for the American League flag. Carl did not hurl a great number of games during the season, but this was diie to the fact that the Sox had on their roster several veterans. When the selection of world's series tw triers was made. Mays' name decorated the list. The Portlander came within a hairs breadth of getting into the big show on several occasions. Manager Cerrlgan had him warming up for re lief duty four o. t of the five davs the series lasted. The only time lie did nor nmoer up during a contest wben "Dutch" Leonard was on mound. was the A hunting trip In the Maine woods bad been planned, by several members of the ned Sox and Mays intended going but It evidently .'ell through WILLAMETTE SPAN CLOSES Marlon and IoIk to Krect Bridgo at Salem. New SALEM, or., ' Oct. 23 tSpecial.) The bridge across the Willamette at taiem between Marion and uik counties today closed at once by th of Marion and 1'olk bridge was condemned was ordered County courts cunties. The as unsafe this week by ment. the state Highway Depart Today ay's action in closing the bridge itfic means the construction af to tra a new bridge, plans tor which already have been drawn by the State High way Department. The proposed bridge will cost approximately 1230,000. Mar lon County is prepared to pay its por tion of the tost, while Polk will have to vote a. special tax for the bridge. Cntll Ihe new structure shall be com pleted, a ferry will be operated be tween the two counties. State Library Buys Oregonlan Files. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 33 (Speoial.) Complete files of The Oregonian for the last 20 years were sold today to the Oregon Stats Library bv Dr s c Stone, of this city. The library" hith erto has only had the files of The Ore gonian for 10 years back. Dr. Stone says he has been a reader of The Ore sonian for the last 40 years. Itoheburg Railway Survey Somplete. ROSEBUrta Or.. Oct. 23. (Special ) The survey of the Koseburg & Eastern Railroad, which it is proposed to build here as soon as the rights of way can be obtained, was completed today. The surveying work has been In charge of Charles L. Selecman. of Washington, personal representative of Kandall Brothers, and F. M. Von I "Ian La. of Portland. ' - F : - . - : - - ki'- i-'u If ill I ' V " ' 5 r? I ' 2 ' ' j t V. VfA ELOPERS FLEE, WED Son of Federal Reserve Banker Carries Off Bride. ROADS CLOSELY WATCHED Penfteld Pea body and Miss Stewart KiMtapc to ChelialiH, Get License, and Send Message When Ceremony. Is Performed. SEATTLE. Wash. Oct. 2.1. iHnocial 1 Penfield Peabodv. 18 veam i-naries f-. Peabody. member of the ooaro 01 airectors of the Federal Re serve Bank of San Franclnco nn, mu. Martha Stewart, 18. outwitted unwill- ng parents and Dursuinir nomu tnHav and were niurrled In Centralis. The couple had received a license in Che halls while their pursuers had taken the other direction, and one hour 'atr they were married, according to a mes sage received by King County Jailer M. Halley tonight. , All the surroundinir conntloa wsi- closely watched except Chehalis, wh'.i'h was the one selected bv the mftv people. Young Peabody is the son of Charles K. Peabody. chairman of the board of Irectors of the Puget Sound Naviga tion Company, and former nr.HiH.nt and now a large stockholder in the Alaska Steamship Company. The girl s tne aaugnter of W. P. Stewart, who wne a large dairy near Bothel, and ho resides In Seattle at 1816 Thirty- glith avenue North. Neither boy nor girl has h..n unci inco a wild ride bv automohiin nwai-H vvooainvme, which began lata PrMnv lght, during which one automobile, a ar owned by Mrs. Stewart, thn s-iri' moiiier, was aitcned in a small irnich ear tne snuggerj-, one mile south of aKe forest Park. Another nni- wa astlly borrowed from a nearby ranch- anu rne rioe continued. Young Peabody. tonning six foet two nches, tall and slender, attended tho ulver Military Academy, at Culver nd. He returned home several months go and was to have been sent to urope on the sailing shin riii-iirn bound for Liverpool, via the Hnrn. The Dlrigo has been held at Bfattl. nee Thursday night. . The boy frequently called nn th irl at the Stewart ranch at Bnihn here she stayed with h mother. They decided to marry, but because of young Peabodv'a a zt f- received no encouragement. t-ate f riday night, icrnrifin? Sheriff Hodge and Deputy Sheriff Hal ley, an attempt was made to find the oy ana put mm aboard the Dlrigo. te is said to have learned of ih. ttempt while visiting the girl In. West eame. Tne pair returned to ih. ronrk packed suitcases, borrowed Mrs. Stew- rt's car and started for Wnnriinuiita The car was uninjured when found bv epury onerins Saturday morning. Young Peabody. it is thought, be- eving the car had broken down. astily borrowed another maohina from U. Ombrecht, a rancher living on the Bothell road, and at 4 o'clock Sat- roay morning continued the journey ith Miss Stewart. At 10 o'clock Sat- rday mornipg Miss Stewart brought the car back to the rancher alone, and. ltnoilt vouchsafing an explanation of nere young peabody was. told the mbrachta she was going to valk back- to the Stewart ranch. She carried a suitcase and started southward in the road, according to is. Ombrecht. Mr. Stewart said Saturday that he had no particular objection to their marriage an? that he only honed thev would return safely. "I tried to talk them out of gettinsr arried." he admitted. "But what can ou do with a couple of young peoDle ho have set their minds on each other? You might as well let them so." Martha, who is. just 18 years of age. pent three years at Bothell Hiirh School and this year started her senior ear at Broadway.. Although voun Peabody has called at the Stewart home requentiy. Mr. Stewart, because of lr egulur hours, had seen the boy but wice. ARMERS WILL ORGANIZE Co-operative Livestock Shipping Aa ociation Planned at Estacada. E3TACADA. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.)- To form a co-operative livestock ship ping association here, 100 farmers were the guests of the Portland. Railway. Light & Fewer Company, at a banquet at the Estacada Hotel today. Among thoee who spoke were C. N. MacAlestar special agent of the Port land Union Stockyards Company; Q. E. Faybille, C. E. Lucke, livestock buy er, and R. M. 8tandisli. F. C. Hunt, of the traction company, presided. RAID BEGINNING IS FEARED 'fontlmtfcl From First Page) disappeared from Jacksonville, Fla., within the last few weeks, and has not been found. Officials have two theories as to the meaning of this aeries of happenings. Iv 1 I r f ' f - Top stately Porches of Shadow Lawn. Kluron, !V. J. Hrlow President WII ' "ndM" Henry B. Fine. Wife of Professor Fine. Just After the President Had Voted for suffrage. 1: a one is that wealthy Mexicans in the United States are financing filibuster ing expeditions that have some con nee tion with the raids In the vicinity of Brownsville. Tex, and the other is that small boats putting out - from the United States are being met at sea and armed with guns of medium caliber ror raiding purposes. The latter theory originated wben a British tank steamer arrlvlnir In South American port reported that on ner way from Tuxpam, Mexico she had ueen urea on at sea by a small boat. The belief exists In some quarters here mar, a oase or operations has been es tablished on an island near the coast 01 iiam, where guns have been ac cumulated for use on small boats that are LaKen mere irom the United States. Oreat Britain and France have main tained a patrol of cruisers in the Carib bean and the seas are being scoured ror suspicious cralt. MINING COMPANY FORMS Grant County Organization Has Cap ital of $100,000. - SALEM, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) In corporation papere were issued today by Corporation Commissioner Schulder man. to tne ivew Eldorado Mining & Reduction Company, of Austin. Orant County. The company Is capitalised at xiuo.ooo. Incorporators are Eugene B, rteea. Daniel ts. Smith and Calvin H. oaxe. Certificate of Incorporation also was issued to the Agency Company, of Port land, whose object as given is to deal 111 uaioni riffnrs. traaemarKs and copy rights. The company ie capitalized at '." incorporators are A. M. Can on. ueorge s. Keia and Paul Stroat. of Portland, and Thomas F. Ryan, of GOVERNOR'S RECALL ASKED Arizonan Charged With Incompe tence and Wanton Extravagance. PHOENIX. Ariz.. Oct. 23. Petitions for tne recall or Governor Hunt, on th ground mat his administration is wantonly extravagant and incompetent, were placed in circulation today. The movement against the Governor began at the last session of the Leg islature, which deadlocked for weeks over appropriation bills and it crystal lized when, in an address recently at Clifton. Mr. Hunt espoused the cause of the striking copper workers of that district. Mr. Johnson had about 300 signa tures tonight, but declared a state wide organization would make it easy to procure 13,000. the number required. MAN WITH GUN CAPTURED Sheriff Runs Down Vamhill Count v Theft Sukpet-t. TILLAMOOK. Or.. Oct. 23 Snnlt 1 William Rlggins. wanted in Yamhill County on a charge of stealing a Win chester rifle, was arrested near the Johnson bridge by Sheriff Crenshaw He had traded the rifle for a revolver' When asked by the Sheriff if he had a gun he replied In the negative. The Sheriff commanded him to put up his hands and when he searched Riggins .he wa heavily armed with a large revolver and belt full of car tridges. The Sheriff disarmed the man and brought him to town in his auto. . 1 JAPANESE CONSUL BACK K. KIMASAKI UIVES VIEWS l.ADl.C OK PILGRIMS. If Pacific Coast Had Been seen First. They'd Have lions No Farther, la Declaration After Trip Kast. "If Ihe Pilgrim Fathers had landed on the Pacific Coast instead of the At- Deueve tnat they would not nave gone farther." So thinks K. Ku masaki. the Japanese consul with Jur isdiction over Oregon, Washington and the southern part of Idaho, who lias just returned from an extended trip luruugn tne Eastern and Southern states -purely for pleasure." Mr. Kumasaki has been the consul in this district for three years, and this s nis iirsi visit to the Eastern states. tie went through the Northern states on his trip East and, after visiting Chl-ea-go. Boston. New York. Washington K. Kumn.ikl, Japanese Consul, Wh, Has Just -Jr turned From nn Extended Kastern Trtp. and Philadelphia, came back to Port- uj way 01 -ew Orleans and Cali fornia. "The Eastern states and riii.. richer in tradition than the Western states, but they should be for they are older," said Mr. Kumasakl yesterday. But even though there are so many interesting places In the Kast 1 am glad to get back to Portland, for 1 feel that I am a Western product and fee! more at home In this environ ment. "I visited Niagara Falls, and on mv return to the Coast passed several days in Yellowstone Park, but after all I think that Portland is hard to equal for Deauty. ah tne eastern cities are built on level plains, and there is no chance to see the beautiful scenery that may be seen from such a point as Council Crest." Mr. Kumasakl was gone on hf pleasure trip just seven weeks and during that time he did nothing but "sightseeing." He declared that he took no time to think of business con ditions, for those subjects trouble him enough at home. ! jf ,sWh ) 4 ji . I r "A tl s . j' In Article in Eastern Paper Secre tary Goes. Into Detail to Show Cumbersomeness of Plan in Vogue at Present. OREGOXIAX NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Oct. 21. Secretary Lane evi dently intends to renew, before Con gress next Winter, his fight for the creation of an Alaskan development board to take over the administration of Government business in Alaska and put an end to the red tape now neces sary when Alaska is governed from Washington, some 5000 miles away. When this board was first proposed the suggestion did not get far in Con gress, largely because departments other than the Interior Department op posed the plan, and principally on the ground that an Alaskan board would deprive them of a certain amount of authority they now exercise. The arguments which Secretary Lane advanced last year In favor of the crea tion of an Alaskan development board still prevail; the red tape has not been eliminated; delays have not and can not be eliminated as long as Alaska is governed from Washington. Friction In System Shown. Secretary Lane is strongly hopeful that Congress will carry out his sug gestion at the coming session In order that the way may be paved for aiding in the development of the territory by the time the Government railroad la completed. In a signed article, printed In an Eastern paper. Secretary Lane goes into much detail to show the cumbersome method by which Alaska Is now gov erned. Every one of the Government departments at Washington, he shows. has a certain jurisdiction in Alaska, and frequently, these jurisdictions over. lap and conflict. "Division of authority and resDon sibility under this system, combined with the effort to dirjet administra tion at long distance in compliance with general regulations d.siE,-ned for the United States as well as Alaska, naturally results in much red tape and contusion, says secretary Lane. iipe cially is this true with reference to the laws for the disposal and protec tion of the public lands and natural resources. vast areas in the forest reserve are entirely untimbered, but are held under the regulations of the forest service, while timbered lands in other sections are unprotected. Timber in the National forests Is sold at auction under rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture. Timber lands outside these reserves are sold under wholly different rules and reg ulations made by the Interior Depart ment. "Roads and trails within the forest reserves are built by the Forest Service. Roads and trails outside these reserves are built by a commiasion of Army. of fleers. "It has taken aa long as three years to issue patent for uncontested land claims in Alaska after final certificate was issued, merely because of the lengthy procedure involved in securing the filling out of papers. Fish Protection Held Faulty. Mr. Lane points out the total In adequacy of the protection of Alaska's risherles as now conducted, by the Bureau of Fisheries from Washington: shows the inadequacy of the work of the coast survey and the handicaps under which it is working, and shows wherein all these things could be bet ter done if Alaskan affairs were di rected by a" well-selected and compe tent commission on the ground. "Alaska's remoteness makes any thing like supervision by bureaus lo cated in Washington more or less per functory and superficial." says the Secretary. "What we now have in Alaska is little more than a number of independent and unrelated agents, acting largely upon their own initia tive, each attending only to some spe cial branch of police work and no branch adequately organised to cope with Its own problems without even attempting to co-ordinate its work with that of other branches. OCTOBER BLOODY MONTH (Continued From Flrt Page) greatest of all. It was the last des perate and futile effort of the allies to shatter the German Z'nes and break Germany's hold on Belgium and the richest provinces of France. The allies put their all into the attempt. The murderous artillery bombardment, which began October 13 raged three days before the shells had torn the first line of German trenches so that an attack could be made. German Reserves In Readiness. There was a hall of shells and shrap nel so great and so terrible that noth ing could live in these first lines. The German reserves were ready. When the assault finally came, the German artillery tore great gaps in the ranks of the storming foe, which again chose the same ground as former assault Again the efforts of the assailants were in vain. Here and there the French and British got a foothold rn the German trenches, but that again was all. For days they fought, try ing to extend their captures. Now the British, as well as the French assaults, are spasmodic or are mere local as saults, without stragetlc value and un important in the general fighting. The British hold a small gain near Loos, but not on Hill 70. the capture of which they have repeatedly reported. In all they have gained a space not more than ten miles wide and three miles deep. Decisive Day Seems Near. Overshadowing all else in the month was the Bulgarians' entry Into the war and the Austro-German invasion of Serbia. This, too, was bloody, because' Serbia fought as none of its allies have fought, though It fought in vain. With help from allies out of the question and with the Germans In control of the railroad from Nish to Sofia, giv ing Germany an entry into Constanti nople, it seems as if the day of de cisive results has been reached. The war may not be ended, but In the minds of militarv nhmrv.r. th... i .. no question as to the derisiveness of the results attained during this red October. All eyes here in Berlin are now on the British Cabinet. I Lecture on Economics Aiiiiuiie-l. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla. Wash., Oct. 23. (Special.) The first of a series "of lectures to the student of the department of eranoraics and business at Whitman College was an nounced by Professor Ralph 10 Ccursc, head of the department. for nevi Thursday, when K A. Worms, or L! i ton, will address the classes. Mr.'J but always in every city there is one store that stands out distinctly as' the store where the better class of mer chandise is to be found, and where the better dressed people go for their wear ing apparel. In Portland it is Gray's Store, the most beautiful store in all the Coast country, stocked with Clothing:, Haberdashery and Hats for Men, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Skirts for Ladies, as late and exclusive in style and as fine in quality as you will find in Chicago or New York smart stores. Remember this "when you need some article of wearing apparel and call at Gray's and ask to be shown. R M ; Washington and West Park Indigestion May Be Due to Constipation Neglect of Important Function May Seriously Impair the Health. There are many people who believe they suffer from Indigestion when their discomfort really is due to a constipat ed condition. Bloat, with its attendant mental de pression, sick headache, the belching of sour stomach gases, etc., are frequently uuo 10 inaction or tne bowels. Relieve the congestion and thn tronhl. niiiv disappears, xne use of cathartics and purgatives should be avoided, however; mese Bnock the svstei. . nniunuiriiv and. at best, their effect is but tempo- ' rary. A mild laxative is far preferable. ine compound or simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold In drug stores for fifty cents a come, is highly recommended. Mr. Benj. Bassin, 360 Madison St.. Gary, Ind., thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin a wonderful medicine; for four years he had a severe case of indiges tion and constipation before trying Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin, which he is glad to recommend to all who suffer nuuuie. , Storms is the field manager of the Bab- son statistical Service, and is consid ered one of the best authorities on presentday business conditions in the country. Chehalis Invites Itoad Meeting. CHEHALIS, Wash.. Oct- 28. (Spe cial.) The Chehalis Citleens" Club has received a number of offers of support lor the honor or entertaining the Isle session or the Washington State Good Koads Association. At a meeting of the club last evening it was voted to ex tend an invitation for this gathering to be held in this city. A representa tive delegation from the city will be TAKE CASCARETS IF CONSTIPATED They Liven Your Liver and Bowels and Clear Your Complexion. Don't Stay Headachy, Bilious With Breath Bad and Stomach Sour. Tonight sure: enjoy the nices bowel cleansing Take Cascarets and gentlest liver and you ever experienced. Cascarets will liven your liver your liver and clean your thirty feet of bowels with out griping. You will wake up feeling grand Your head will be clear, breath right, tongue clean, stomach sweet. eyes bright. Ktep elastic and com lex ion rosy they're wonderful tlet a. 11 cent bos now at any drug stoiv. M'.in- rs can atV!y glvr a whole Cas- net to children any tlnw when trosn, fevcr- uijloij.. o:iL-uo coated or c..sti- paced they are liarjnless. Adv GIRLS! WOMEN! GRAY DE.J, BAS$l-. ' I A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep- sin snould be In every . home tor use when occasion ai sea. A. trial bottle. free of charge, can be obtained by writ- ' lng to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 151 Wash- 1 ington St.. Monticello, III. In attendance at the state association meeting at Ellensburg Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. SPECIAL NOTICE"1' ior som - reason your local trade cannot supply you. send your order and remittance to The Duffy Malt Whisker Co. 171-173 Minna St.. San Francisco, Calif. They will have your ordr taken care of promptly at the following prices: 1 Bottle Express Paid $1.15 2 Bottles Express Paid $2.10 4 Bottles Express Paid $4.00 Remit by Express Order, Postof Tice Older or Certified Check. If cash is sent have your letter reg istered." A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks Sparklin? Eyes Most Women Can Have Says Ur. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician. Dr. F. M. Edwards for IT years treat ed scores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these yc.ira he gave to his patients a prescription nmd- of a few well-known v.-gj-table ingredients mixed with olive oil. naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet, you Will know them by thfir olive color. These tablots are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which causu a normal action, carrying off the wast.. una poisonous matter that one's sys tem col iccts. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coaled toiiiiuc, head-uehc-s. a listless, no-good leeling, all out of auVia. in active bowels, ou takt? One of Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets nijjhtly for a time and note the pieas inir results. Thou.sar.ds of women, as '.vet! ns men, tiike Dr. Edwards' Olive Tbl-ts now and then just to keep In the pink of condition. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet, the sut eessful substitute I'or calomel 10c ttlul 'l.'ie per box. All drufiui.sis. The Olive Tablet Company. 'Colum bus. O. 1 rt3W-.t-tV T,s. .1