SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 10 AUTOMOBILES, DRAMATIC AND REAL ESTATE VOL.. XXXIV PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1915. NO. 43. We Want You to Know the Lipman-Wolfe Store Better -The weeks just past have been the most remarkable ones in the history of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. They have been the busiest this store has ever known. This splendid activity inspires us to still greater ef f qrt. We propose, week by week, to demonstrate the usefulness and helpfulness of this store to the public. We shall use every endeavor to have you become more intimately acquainted with the workings.of this institution, ite efficiency, its service, its liberal policies. The whole store vis imbued with a spirit of progressiveness and aggressiveness. Our advertisements are-daily inter pretations of this spirit. Tomorrow should be the busiest Monday of the Fall season. Every section has unprecedented merchandise offerings, and they await you with a welcome of utmost cordiality. i A Xmas Suggestion Boudoir Caps Regularly to $1.25 Sale 59c They are so dainty and fresh, they would make ideal Xmas gifts. Pretty round, Dutch or close fitting caps, in a world of styles, all very new. Clever combinations of fine double thread nets,, heavy lace in sertions, wide satin ribbons. Of crepe de chine or pussy-willow taffeta, with lace -pleatings, edg ings, or silk and lace insertions. In pinks, blues, lavender, maize and white. Fourth Floor From France Hand-Made Apparel For Infants From our Paris office recently came this shipment of dainty things for the wee baby. The most exquisite of hand made and hand-embroidered gar ments. Little skirts. long and short slips, lawn and pique buggy robes, bibs, poplin and pique dresses, and pillow slips. The best part of it all is, that these little things are so little in price, for in stance as low as 98c dnd range in price as high as $9.93 for the most elaborate Fourth Floor Tomorrow We Repeat Last Week's Success ;' New Metallic Lace Flouncings Selling to $8.50 $1.98 Yard 45, 36, 27 and 18 inches wide. The most beautiful im ported metallic laces, done on fine Maline and silk Tosca nets. Every piece different. Gold and silver on black silk nets, gold and silver on white and cream nets. 15-inch edges to match selling to $2.50 yard 69c Yard No laces will be sold or sent on approval. First Floor We Hardly Know How to Begin To Describe These $32.50 Suits It's a Remarkable Array of Models AND EVERY ONE Fur-Trimmed Ten distinctly new models, every one created within the past month therefore every new and up-to-date style is represented in. this un usually beautiful assortment. And every suit is trimmed with fur. Made of broadcloth, gabardine and poplins, in. black, navy, brown and green. Flaring models with straight fronts, semi fitting and flaring skirts. Other styles in box effects, as well as belted models. Every jacket is lined with silk, beautifully tailored and fin ished. The skirts are flaring as well as plaited, according to the style of the jacket. Third Floor Even Though They Are Scarce Fur Trimmed Corduroy Coats Are Here At $14.85 We can offer these most fashionable of coats at this price because our buyer had the foresight to anticipate the demand before the' materials became so scarce. These coats are fashioned in one of the most attractive of the Winter styles, being 45 inches long and belted all around. Trimmed with a soft fur collar; lined throughout with1 silk. Shown in black, navy blue, brown and green. No more fashionable and at the same time practical coat can be found than these identical models of corduroy. Third Floor SEE THIRD PAGE THIS SECTION FOR GREAT MONDAY SPECIALS IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Always Months ahead of ether pattera. Aid the osly yattern nrflth eattlna; aai Instrartloa sjaldea which lre a. perfect fit. 5ecnd Klr. NEW! NEW! NEW! ate re tfje rjogue -f. course they are here and t j of course we are the first to show , them. Always alert for the most X r) advanced modes of the hour is the reason why we can offer the shopping public of Portland the very newest of new fashions. Come tomorrow view this ex hibit of the latest millinery fash- 2 Tr MvF "V "J - r . h )L 1 you WM oe ure to find one most .. VS.Sfc. J suitable to your particular indi vidual style. , . Artistically trimmed hats' of white silk plush, moire plush and imported felts. At the one price of ( fix. $8.95 Third Floor Plaid Silk Petticoats $2.95 That Under Regular Selling Would Be $4.50 A silk petticoat occasion of more than passing interest an occasion when it behooves every woman in need of such a gar ment to profit by this sale. , For these petticoats are of a fine quality soft-finished taffeta silk in a variety of colors modeled in this season's full-flaring style with ruffled flounce and patent elastic fitted top. tThird Floor - AT mitts cost Did you get your share of the shirts in our great final closing-out sale of Manhattan shirts? If not, you still have another chance Monday. Hundreds of the handsomest shirts you ever saw will be piled high on the counters for your easy selection and you will surely say you have never seen such quality, such diversity f f styles and colorings. Your size is here but it won't be here long at these reductions. Be on hand early Monday morning. Extra salesmen in attend ance. $1.50 Manhattan Shirts $1.15 $2.00 Manhattan Shirts $1.38 $2.50 Manhattan Shirts $1.88 $3.00 Manhattan Shirts $2.25 $3.50 Manhattan Shirts $2.65 $4.00 Manhattan Shirts $2.85 $5.00 Manhattan Shirts $3.85 $10 Manhattan Shirts $6.45 first Floor The Velvet Store Our display of velvets is arousing much interest today among the women of this city who are planning suits, dresses and wraps of this most fashionable of materials. -Nowhere can be found such an array of colors and shades in beautiful soft pile fabrics, such as velvets, velveteens and plushes, corduroys, chiffon velvets and chiffon panne velvet - And yet these lovely velvets are priced at the smallest 'figures imaginable justftvhen they are wanted the most Velveteens from $1 to $4.00 Plushes $6.00 to $9.00 yard. Chiffon Velvet $5.00 and $6.00 Corduroy 85c to $1.75. Chiffon Panne Velvet $3.50 yard.-- - v Second Floor Rain or Shine Monday We Shall Hold the Great Sale of $5 and $6 Silk Umbrellas at $3.49 In the New Rib Style For Women For Men Black Phoenix silk umbrellas, of extra heavy quality, guaranteed rain-proof, in regular shape, in the 8-rib style. -EbonLzed loop, carved crook, plain loop and straight handles, some with ster ling silver trimmings. nly 200 umbrellas at this price rirsi Floor UP, UP, UP Goes the Price of Wool For the Most Serviceable Dress Goods to $2.00 95c And Not One Yard Shown Before This Season Every year a certain prominent manufacturer, who operates one of the largest woolen mills in America, clears away his remaining stocks. This year we closed a deal with him which enables us to present to you, on Monday, the greatest of all dress goods sales. When we are fortunate enough to buy for less, we sell for less, and here you will find the very fabrics you most desire at a price that is more than exceptional. GABARDINES, FRENCH SERGES, WHIPCORDS, MELROSE, EPONGE, STORM SERGES AND BEDFORD CORDS. This collection is distinguished by the unusual broad assortment of fashionable and scarce colors, such as browns, grays, navy blue, black, heliotrope, taupe and wine; also checks and stripes in many handsome effects. 48, 50 and 54 Inches Wide DOWN, DOWN, DOWN Go the Prices in This Dress Goods Sale Undermuslins Selling to $1.75 Monday 98c Ea. Gowns, Skirts, Combinations, Drawers ' Princess Slips, Corset Covers, Bloomers ' Gowns of longcloth, slip-over, square and round necks.' Princess Slips of longcloth, front or back closing. Combinations of longcloth, princess or waisted. Corset Covers of longcloth or fine secco silk. Drawers of longcloth, open or closed, medium width. Bloomers of silk filled crepe or secco silk. Greatest variety of styles ever found in a sale. Trimmings of laces, nets, embroidery, insertions, headings, lace insets, and ribbons. Fourth Floor Do You Know We Have a Section Devoted Exclusively to Intermediate Girls', Misses' and Small Women's Suits, Dresses and Coats? It's Located on the Fourth Floor The most exquisite party frocks, of soft taffetas, combined with the finest of laces, airy malines, embroidered designs in silver in all the dainty colors girls love. . Velvet dresses, and silk dresses galore, smartly trimmed with fur, or with braid, in clever styles. The best looking suits in tailored and more dressy models, very smartest styles, and dozens of them fur trimmed, velvet trimmed, button trimmed, braid trimmed. Warm, comfy coats, with high collars, deep pockets, belted and half belted in every style that a girl or woman could wish for. Fourth Floor Second Floor. Annual Sale Sheffield Plate THIS SALE WEEK The Most Comprehensive Stock at Lowest Prices enuine Sheffield plate has not been made since 1 845 the modern Sheffield process is one of elec trolysis, and when reliable is superior in appearance and finish to the real Sheffield. These pieces are from one of the best American manufacturers, and that means today the best Shef field reproductions made. Included in this sale are chop plates, vases, fruit bowls, trays, water pitchers, vegetable dishes, tea sets, coffee sets, mayonnaise bowls, sugar and cream sets, pie plates, syrup jugs, coffee pots, tea pots, tea strainers, tea caddies, well and tree dishes, bread trays, sandwich trays, comports, baking dishes and many other useful and wanted things. $17.00 Chop Dishes. . .$12.75 $ 9.00 Water Pitchers. $ 6J75 Ml. 00 Trays . . .$ 8.25 $ 8.00 Vases $ 625 $ 4.00 Vases $ 3.25 $ 7.00 Sugar and Creamer Sets . . $ 5.50 $ 9.00 Syrup Jugs $ 6.75 $17.00 Bowls ... .$13J7S $11.00 Vegetable Dishes $ 8.25 $19.00 Well and Tree Platters $14.50 $ 4.50 Bread Trays. . .$ 3.50 $ 6.00 Sandwich Trays $ 4.75 $ 6.50 Gravy Boats $ 4.95 $ 3.50 Bon Bon Dishes. $ 2.75 $ 9.00 Vegetable Dishes '. .....$ 6J75 t 6.00 Mayonnaise Bowls ......... $ 4.75 Sixth Flr. If Silk Prices Were Normal, These Negligees Would Be Exceptional But, With Silk Prices Soaring so High, They Are Extraordinary at $4.45 Crepe de Chine Negligees And the fact that they are in the scarcest and most wanted colors enhances their worth and desirability, too. In pink, rose, light blue, lav ender, maize, navy blue, Copen hagen and black. Fourth Floor LOVErUNM BRACELET The ideal gift to give or receive. A love link bracelet is the tie that binds Friendship. Love and Devotion. It is jewelry plus Sentiment a beau tiful bracelet plus a beautiful thought. You can start your Love-Link bracelet with only one link and the dainty wrist ribbon we give you free. Goldfilled or Sterling Silver Links, engraved Free. 35c Each First Floor Reductions That Will Create Buying Interest. 9x12 (Room Size) Rugs Rugs that are noted for their wear-resisting qualities, as well as for their beauty of coloring and design. Many are copies- of the finest imported Oriental rugs. " . . $22.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs. . . .$16.85 $25.00 Axminster Rugs, superior quality. . . .$17.45 $35.00 Very Fine Axminster Rugs, sale .... $27.45 $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs, extra quality. . .$29.85 $45.00, Wilton Rugs, best American make. . .$36.85 WOOL AND FIBER ART RUGS Ideal rugs for generalise light, attractive, and possessing great wearing qualities. Plain or figured centers, fancy borders. Tan, brown, blue, rose and mixtures. $10.00 Wool and Fiber Rugs, 7-6x10-6 feet. .$7.95 $12.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs, 9 xl2 feet. .$8.95 $2 and $2.50 Small Rugs $1.47 Sizes 27x54 and 20x60 inches. Fine velvet Wiltons, chenille rugs, and mottled Axminsters, in a great collection of pleasing designs and colors. Washable Rag Rugs Now Reduced - $1.00 rugs, 27x54, sale 79c; $1.50 rugs, 30x60, sale 98c. $2.50 rag rugs, size 36x63 inches, $1.79. $1.25 Inlaid Linoleum, Yard 89c Bring us our measurements -we will tell you just how much linoleum you will need for each room. Fifth Floor Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691 man, Wi Merchandise cfcl Merit Only Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers Tick! Tick! Means Dollars to You Half to Third Off Sample Clocks er 100 high-grade clocks. A full line of a manufacturer's samples including Desk clocks, library. Tambours, guest, bou doir and traveling clocks, in fact clocks for all purposes in the new Bronze, ivory, mahogany, and best wanted finishes. -All new numbers taken di rectly from the manufacturer's shelves, some of them so new that stocks have not yet been delivered to the dealers. This special purchase enables us to sell them at $ 2.25 Clocks $1.25 $ 2.50 Clocks $1.45 $ 3.00 Clocks $1.65 $ 3.50 Clocks. .. .. .$1.75 $ 3.75 Clocks $1.95 $ '4.75 Clocks $2.45 $ 5.75 Clocks $3.25 $ 8.75 Clocks $4.75 $10.50 Clocks $5.75 $13.50 Clocks $7J25 Up to $54 Clocks, $28.50 , Sixth Floor