THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 24, 1915. 9 i HEAL ESTATE. DO TOU BELIEVE US? When we say we offer for Ml tomor row mornlnr NEAR TUALATIN. 17. miles from Portland 10 minutes walk from electric depot, 40 ACRES. 16 acre guaranteed cenuln beaver dam together with 24 acres adjoining of ordl- iii rucn mna, iu acres in au, witn dwelling, two barn, fine team of horses, tools, implements, etc.. ALL FOR $5000; EAST TERMS. If you don't believe, we are ready to prove it; and as a tip. this is one real snap; the bearer dam land alone is worth feCOO. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison Street. $35 PER ACRE. 842 acres. O miles south of Rowburs. rnile to railroad, 150 acres in cultivation, 2. acres more ready for plow; good house, barn, hog house, granary with wagon and machinery shed, 3 chicken houses, 7 head of horses, cow and calf, 16 hops and some chickens ; running water, spring at the house. This is a dandy good farm and has all the necessary equipment to operate it, such as wagons, plows, mower, rake and other small tools. There is also some wheat, oats and hay; everything goes for $12,000; terms as fol lows: Cash, $2500; clear Portland prop er y. $300u ; balance can run for five years at 6 per cent interest. JOHN H. GIBSON, 912 Cham, of Com. FOR DAIRYMEN. Danish dairyman, 35, single, with agricul tural training and 20 years of practical, theoretical and. experimental experience, desires position as manager on dairy and hog farm. Is perfect bookkeeper and first class milker. Profit and success guaran teed or no wages required. Will consider full equipped iarm for cash rent. P 166, Oregoniaji. FOR SALE or trade, a fine dairy near Myr tle Point for stock ranch. Write owner, box 18. Myrtle Point. Or. 1NAMED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. IRVINGTON HOME. Cflent with two clear lots In Ala meda Park desires to exchange for modern home in Irving ton not to exceed $650O in value. P. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. RANCH OR COUNTRY ESTATE WANTED. Circumstances require me to locate in Orejon; I am seeking a ranch or gentle man's estate and will offer In exchange my valuable- property and home in Or ange, only few minutes from the business center of New York City; consists of 23 room modern, beautifully appointed house, garage, stables and finely kept grounds; send full particulars, with price, in first letter. H. C Bradford, owner, 20 East 22d st.. New York City. WANT stock of merchandise or clear real estate for $15,000 equity In -room bouse and 78 lots; excellent access to street corner. P. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground Floor Henry Bid. VaNT apartment or business Income prop erty up to about $3O,000; have first mort gages, gilt-edge contracts, clear land and . some city property to select from; will not asaume big mortgage. Address AH 112. Oregonian. WANTED 2 to 5 acres, cleared or un cleared, with some buildings on it; must be close tj carllne. and have running wa ter near center of tract. Lued riemann Company, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED LOT OR LOTS. As first payment on my 7 -room house, with bath, 2 toilets, fine lot 8Oxl00, fruit, roses, 2 blocks from car. Price only $2300. Will take lots to $1200, balance good time. A 189. Oregonian. WANT Alameda Park lot, or some goo" location. Have modern 5-r. bungalow and garage, worth $3200, mtg. $170O; take lot for equity, or two lots worth $1500. Call Woodlawn 888 Sunday and evenings. U. E. Keaaey Co., Main 1180. HAVE cash customer waiting for about one acre with some good improvements; price not to exceed $2uo0; must be near electric line and not more than 15c carfare to Portland. O. S. &mith &. Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Home In Rose City Park or Sun nyside In exchange for Improved North Dakota farm, clear of Incumbrance; might take close-in acreage; give full partic ulars in first letter. You deal with the owner. 215 Abington bldg. $3000 5-ROOM bungalow, in Alberta, clear; timber claim In the Roseburg section, 'value $3500; $1000 in cash to trade for a farm of 40 to 80 acres; mut have run ning water. Coe A. McKenua A Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce, ACREAGE or small farm. O. E. or S. P. lines preferred. Have 5-room cottage worth S2400, with $SO0 mortgage, to trade in. No Inflated values considered. D 183, Oregonian. WE have people who will trade property In California, city or country, for Oregon or Washington. We can sell or trade your property. Write Geo. W. Austin, 1424 Broadway, Oakland. Cal., dept. 1. WANT acreage close to Portland, on paved highway, for my $2000 equity in beauti ful, strictly modern 6-room bungalow; Hawthorne district, worth $3500. A 190, Oregonian. WANTED Lot in Irvlngton; must be snap; state lowest price, lot and block number and full particulars, so that 1 can act quickly; prefer around 15 th or ltith st. W 166. Oregi:ian. WANT vacant lot cheap for cash; must be genuine bargain ; give lot. block and amount of assessments unpaid; what im provements? Owners only. AE l&O, Ore gonian. WANTED Bungalow ; prefer Alberta dis trict; have clear email house, big lot, 4 room house tirst payment: will assume. What havft you? Jacob Haas. Gerllnger bldg. WANT Improved property for a $25uO mort gage and ha block of Inside property, worth $M".0O; will trade all or part and as sume lome. Owner, 301 Lbr. Exchange bldg. WANT to rent, trade for or might buy 6 or 7 -room house in Sunnyslde or Hawthorne. Kuil information first letter. G 64, Orego nian. WANTED City income property up to $35. 000 in exchange for ranch which pays 15 per cent on the purchase price. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED G-room louse. East Side, not far out. f" $iJ,-H0; will give clear city lots price $I5oo. balance cash. 42S Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANT two or three seres with or without buildings; must be on the river; will pay e! ! her all cash or good first payment. WHITE. 20 Couch St., Portland, WANTED 5 acres, unimproved, close to Portland, at bargain price for cash; no gravel. AB 16.. Oregonian. A LOT as first payment on a bungalow and of an acre on Oregon City carllne; 6 cent fare. Owner. Main 1166. HAVE Irrigated alfalfa lands In Umatilla County to exchange for city property. J. tt. stream, au J. or o. war. z;4. 6-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City Park, about $3250; have clear home, T2250, part payment. X 114. Oregonian. WANT clear lot in Irvington for my equity in modern Irvlngton home. Rent for $45. AO 179. Oregonian. H AVE cash buyer for $100.00 inside prop erty: must be bargain. J. F. Donnell. 316 Chamber of Commerce. WANT .bout 40 acres, some improvement, creek. Term ; mubt be moderate price. BP 171, Oregonian. WANT lot suitable for dwelling, west of E. .vtth. between Sandy blvd. and Division st. Must be bargain. L ltiS, Oregonian. WA VTED Lot within 3 blocks car; $1S0 rash. $15 p'er month, with second mort gage privilege. Y 1 64, Oregonian. WILL take vacant lot In Irvlngton for equity in nice Rose City Park home. E. Hartog, 2j9 S tark.a near 4th. WANT lot in Rose City Park or Belle Crest; ?uh: give lot, block and price. AE 179, Oregonian. WANT nice lot for a home in Rose City Park: under the hill preferred. AO 1T3, Oregonian. IF you have a real bargain in the way of a lot In Irvington I would be giad to en tertain It. AO 175. Oregonian. 1 TO 10-acre tracts near Oak Grove. Prices ersoiutely rlFht. Your own terms. Walker. 202 Wilcox bldg. WA NT large Irvlngton house; will assume mtg. ana give otner property. A 119, Oregonian. WANTED Unimproved acreage, cheap. 61. Oregonian A LOT in good district ; near car; give WANTED Acreage near Portland and car line; give phone. C IS". Oregonian. ANTED Improved, unimproved acreage or rancn: give pnone. i i. oregonian. IT In Ladd'e Addition: give lot and block and price. AO i:i. Dregonian. MODFKN S-raom bungalow at a bargain. A 161. Oresonlan. WANTED Laure'.hurst lot. Alice Hutchin son, GO 5 Title & Trust bldg. Main 13T3. WAMED REAL ESTATE. WANT city Income property for eq uipped big stock ranch. BD 160, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. ALL RIVER BOTTOM DAIRIES. 1200 acres for lease and the personal property for sale, 13 miles from Portland, boat landing on the place; fine roads. 270 ACRES DAIRY. For lease and the personal property for sale, about 10 miles from Portland; good buildings; a money-maker. See this. 318 ACRES DAIRY. For sale together with all the personal property; fine location and a bargain. Price $32,000, including alL NO EX CHANGE. 10OO-ACRE DAIRY. With the personal property, pries $50, OOO, and will take up to $15.00l in trade and $12,000 cash, balance term to suit. This is the cheapest dairy In the state. Also have one of the best equipped dairies in the state, together with milk route, for sale. It will require $6000 cash. E. F. GILBERT. 112 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. WILL lease for a period of 3 or 5 years one of the finest farms on the Upper Wil lamette River, near Wilsonville. Farm ad mirably adapted for dairying, raising of hogs, grain, etc. Extensive orchard with it If desired. Responsible German family preferred. Renter muse be prepared to buy from $SOO to $1000 worth of stock and equipment on terms if necessary. Owner desires careful upkeep more than revenue. Give xeferences. Aa dress H 170. Oregonian. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 or more acres of fine, level ground, good soli, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to school; this ground will grow anything that can be grown in this climate ; price $30 per acre, $5 per acre cash; will give terms on balance that any industrious man can meet; no Interest. F. L. GORDON. Olatakanie. Oregon. FOR LEASE Ten acres inside city limits. near car line, cement siaewaiKs to place. Two and a half acres in orchard apples, cherries, pears and plums. Five acres or more of berries, including blackberries, lo ganberries, strawberries and currants. Four-room house, barn, other outbuildings. City water. Inquire 341 E. 21at St. N. REST OPPORTUNITY FOR DAIRY. Will sell my dairy route, cows, young stock; will lease the place to a good party; this is located only 4 hi miles of Portland Postoffice; am engaged in another busi ness; cannot attend to both. If you mean business, phone Marshall 5502, or T 177, Oregonian. FOR SALE: 28 acres, Shi miles from Win- iock, iz acres cleared, house, barn, chicken houses, 140 chickens, 3 cows, 1 heifer, team, wagon, harness, 2 hogs, cream sep arator, furniture tools and 1915 crop, price $3500, half down and bal. 7 per cent. K.. P. Keldsen, Win lock. Star route. Wash. FARMS for rent, 82 acres and 40 acres; stocK to sen with both; oy owner. Ad dress R. E., box 17-A. Oregon City, Or., or call at 426 Lumber Exchange bldg. Ask for Mr. Lynch. TEN acres, nice little place, very good house, otner outouiiatngs, rent cneap, aesiraoie tenant. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 723 Chamber of Commerce. 54 A., ABOUT hi ml. from Tualatin; 16 or t a. ciearea, au iencea; 2 sets oi im provements; rent $2 a mo.; household goods for sale; price $150. P. O. box 106 Tualatin. Or. FOR RENT 33-acre farm, 18 In cultivation; lock ana implements ior sate; rent siz.ou month ; take Oregon City car end of the line, then walk up R. R. line to box 34. F. Leuenberger. DAIRY farm for rent with or without equipment; 230 acres, 9 miles northwest of Portland; running water; 20 cows, etc., etc. Wm, Kerron, Portland, route 2. CHICKEN' RANCH for rent, 110 thorough bred hens, team, harness ana wagon, ior sale cheap. Come and see or address C H. Blazer, Oswego, Or. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres oottom iana, close to city; earn ana small dwelling-house. Inquire J. H. Mid die ton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED 5 acres on electric carllne or eell on easy terms. 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 6976. 20O-ACRE ranch with all modern conveni ences, one mile out from nice little town. N 177. Oregonian. YAMHILL CO., 75 acres, cultivated . cash; personal property I or sale. T loo, Ore gonian. FOR RENT Farm 47 acres, all fenced. In cultivation. -t?r particulars write kox 41 A, Brush-" prairie. Wash. HAVE 6 A., 5-room house, 5c carfare, $14 per montn; win give l to 3 years' lease. See J. A. Turner, 269 Stark. 5 ACRES, improved, house, mile south Mt. Scott carllne. Inquire 0915 72d st. S. E. Evenings, 6526 59th ave. S. E. FOR RENT 40 acres, improved, 30 miles irom portiana, near scnooi, on county road. Call at 2040 E. Taylor st. FOR RENT 30-acre farm, IT in cultiva tion. For particulars write L. N. Leach, R. 6, Oregon City, Or. WELL-EQUIPPED hop ranch near Portland for rent on shares. Marshall 4440. TEN acres to rent near Beaverton. Phone Marshall 4248. 320 ACRES, Lincoln Co.. to lease for term of years. 631 Thurman st. FARM near Portland, 1,10 acres, hi clear. water piped to buildings. 695 E. Ash st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. CORDWOOD STUMPAGE, old growth fir timoer, triDutary to Portland maraet; cash deposit required. E. J. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Com. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CUACKKN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. THREE buildings. Portland, good Income; 2 farms, 3 houses, to exchange tor tim ber. C. C. Shay, 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. CORDWOOD stumpage, large or small lots. E i9, oregonian. FARMS WANTED. A LARGE farm with stock, implements. west or tne mountains; win exenange u acres with plenty of running water. 50 acres in cultivation, house and barn, acres of fruit, good condition, all tillable except about 15 acres; no rock or gravel; 22 miles of Portland; good automobile road; 3 miles from electric station; small sum of $10,000. G. 8. Smith A Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Dairy and hog ranch on good roaa near transportation; win give nouse and lot, good vacant property, clear of incumbrance, and part cash, for desirable place. J 161, Oregonian. V ANTED A good stock or dairy ranch, with stock, on shares, or will rent ranch and stock; by a reliable rancher. G. A. Mayer, Wedderburn. Or. IF YOU want to seil wour farm, list full details w ith us. Plenty of buyers for good farms at right prices. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. 204 Morrison st. I WANT to Suy 60-80-acre Willamette Val ley farm; must be hi cleared; pnefer with stock; would like some stock; have $2009 cash. AP 174. Oregonian. WANTED To hear direct from owner of good farm or unimproved land for sale. C. C. Buckingham, Houston, Tex. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, with privilege of buy ing. 2 to & acres, cleared or uncleared, with some buildings on it; must be close to carlin-2, and have running water near center of tract. Lucdde nann Company. 913 Chr-mber of Commerce. WANTED TO RENT From 1 to 5 acres improved ; must be on carllne. H. Barrows, pho ne M aln 7710. WANTED to lease for long term, cash or H'lare. furnished dairy farm, Tillamook Co. ; experienced. A R 180. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 100 or 200-acr farm for dairy. Charlie Paggenstos. rout 1, Beaverton, box 72 F. FIRT-CLASS dairyman wants stocked farm to rent. C 175, Oregonian. WANT to rent farm and work out rent. Wm Wilson. 14 N. Broadway. WANTED TO RENT One or two acres land on chares. E 163. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MODERN i"i-room suburban home, large ground, best car service: value $4000; will trade my $2600 equity. BF 173. Oregonian. WILL trade equity in new 5-room bungalow on fine Rose City Park corner for vacant. K Hartog. 269 Stark, near 4th. WANT direct from owner large body of land, valuable Inside property. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. ft ACRES. Oregon Electric station, for Port land property; give phone. B 1S2. Ore gonian. WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH. $50.00 ; city property, $20,000; trade for apart-ment-house. Owner. AC 1S2. Oregonian 60 ACRES, fine soil, climate, near good town ana raiiroaa; give pnone. 4 is, orego nlan. I HAVE a $20,000 home In Irvington to traae Tor a gooa iarm near t'ortiand. fnone m r. jerome. owner, uain ACRE on new paved highway at Gilbert station: this is a bargain, woodlawn 321 HOUSE equity for beach lots or other property. 1 1 7. rpgonian. WHAT have you to trade for portable or stationary sawmui i Aiam oote. -REAL ESTATE. INCOME AND CLOSE-IN-BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR EXCHANGE ON CONSERVATIVE VALUATIONS. lOOxlOO-ft corner. S blocks of Washington street, producing good income; price $45,000; mortgage to be assumed. $15,0u0; for clear prop erty. West Park street, very close-in . lOOxlOO-foot corner; prioe $85,000; mortgage $30,0 00; for property on which substantial loan can be made; this property was -formerly held at $U5,O0O. Third street business corner; price $60,000; mortgage $25,000, 4 .years at 6 per cent ; some income ; equity for Valley farm. Near Washington street: one of Portland's finest apartment-houses; a substantial income producer; own er will guarantee 6 per cent net on Investment for coming 15 months. Mortgage on same will he adjusted for right deal. Downtown business property ; price $100,000, for scattered city prop erties. Nob Hill district, new strictly modern brick apartment-house; 60xlO0-ft. corner lot; all the mod ern conveniences In each apartment such as fireplace, etc.; price only $30,000; want apartment site up to $15,000. Client with properties to amount of $13,750; total Incumbrance but $2400; for flat building or small Valley farm. No better time to concentrate your holdings into income or downtown business properties than today. i No use submitting propositions on inflated valuations. Signed statements from, owners as to income and expense. We solicit your careful investiga tion as to merits of all properties handled by this firm. F. E. TAYLOR CO INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. GROUND. FLOOR HENRY BLDG. FOR EXCHANGE. Good house, Sheridan, near 6th; no In cumbrance, fo- bungalow. Rose City Park; $3500. Laurelhurst residence, mortgage $3000; will take clear lots for equity $3250. Beautiful Iwlneton home, with quarter block; price 317.500. mortgage $8000; will take logged-L.ff land for equity, if suit able for i.tock ranch. 20 acres, Scnta Rosa station, 10 culti vated, good buildings; running water; ideal small dairy farm ; will take clear city property as first payment up to $2500; price $575. 10 acres, Sunnyside district, ten miles from Portland, all cultivated, good build ings; will trade for dairy farm, Tillamook County: price 4f00. UUUU A i L r W lturtiCft, z3 starts di, PARTY owning two large pieces of land will consider trad for city property, one tract of 2600 acres, the other 160O acres, all good land, about 1750 under cultiva tion, go as high as $100,000. lf.lo-acre wreat farm. 1200 under cul tivation. 400 acres in oak timber, but fine land, lot of good tutldings. several springs and wells. 400 Summer fallow, big lot of stock t.nd machinery, price $00.O0O; con sider other good property to $4O,000, bal. easy. This is deep, heavy land and pro duces from 30 to 40 bu. per acre. 960-acre wheat farm, 900 under cul., fine well, fair buildings. 500 Summer fal low wheat, all goes with place; price $25 per acre.; consider other good property to $16,000. L. K. MOORE. S17 Board of Trade. ooi.awHF.AT ranchforValey FARM. 800 acres. 1' miles from station, 64 acres in cultivation, bal. bunch grass pas. ture, all tillable except 20 A.; fair build ings, good welt and windmill, all machin ery, equipment; clear of incumbrance; price $SQ00; wants small valley farm near some town. 20 A. NEAR PORTLAND. A gentlemen's estate with magnificent view, all In cult., nearly all in bearing fruit: 7 -room horse, all modern conven iences, large barn and other buildings, with fine water, near Base Line road. 13 miles from Courthouse; price $25.00o; will take part trade, prefer Eastern property. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Cham, of Com. 35 ACRES, g Near Vancouver, Wash., fine soil, 24 cult., bal. pasture : 10 acres mixed or chard, plenty of small fruit; 5-room house and collar and store room; frame barn and plenty of outbuildings; plenty live stock, feed and Implements; want home In Portland about $2500, baL 6 per cent. Ask Mr. Loehr at HARTMAN & THOMPSON EXCHANGES OF MERIT. We trade city property, farms of all kinds and sizes, business opportunities, small farms for larger or vice-versa; in fact any legitimate proposition ; skinners and hot-air peddlers stay away, aa we give all our time to people who honestly try to better themselvea mutually without skinning the other party. F. FUCI1S, 420 Chamber of Commerce. $15,000" EQUITY In a $40,000 farm of 300 acres, 20O in cultivation, balance pasture; good buildings, good roads, R. R. station on place. 3 miles from good town in Willamette Valiey, SO cows, 80 head of young stock, 50 hogs, horses, etc.; fully equipped. Some cash, balance trade for farm In Eastern or Southeastern states. Address AV 18. Oregonian. WANT Portland home in trade for fam. An ideal, income-producing, highly ?m proved suburban farm of 18 acres, bear ing fruits, near good Willamette Valley town, now offered at reduced price for Portland residential property up to $7000. This place guarantees a living. Write. Peterson & Skolheim, bugene, ur. STOCK RANCH In Eastern Oregon wanted for Valley farm. We offer in exchange one of the finest farms in the Willam ette Valley, Ideal location, good soils and buildings. Full details will be submitted upon receiving particulars concerning your offerings. Write Peterson Skotheim & Company, Eugene, Or. GOOD doubte flat building on good corner and small unincumbered cottage, both bringing good rental, to exchange for acreage and will assume or add cash on extra good proposition. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 226 ACRES Famous Royal Orchard Tract. Southern Oregon. H mile from town and railroad, subdivided, practically clear of encumbrance. Acreage adjoining selling for $i00 per acre Improved. Want town property, will assume. Value $40,000. Box A V 208. Oregonian. 320 ACRES of fine bunch grass land, most all surrounding lands under cultivation, price $20 per apre. clear of mtg. Will consider residence or flat in Portland to $8000. I will also agree to loan $1500 on the 320 acres. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. COTTAGE: t nice, large rooms, lot 80x 100. 7-room modern house, quarter block, fruit and shade trees. Mortgage $15u0. Want to exchange for good acre age or ranch. Owners only. AN 171, Ore gonian. ONE block from Oregon City carllne, Hull avenue station, 1 block east. 4 acres to exchange for house and lot. Must be a bungalow, new; will assume from $1000 to $200. Phone Woodlawn 1512. C 2655. UNINCUMBERED $2500 house to exchange for well located acreage of about same value, improved or unimproved. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 60 ACRES. CAfeTLE ROCK. Part cultivated, cheap buildings, good soil; want house in city with 2 or 3 lots, up to 3500, clear. What have you. Jacob Haas Co., oernnser uiug. WANT FARM OR IMPROVED CITY PROP. ior a sj.hhj nuts. 1 1 1 1 uiwa ""-'"c erty valued at $ooo: will assume some. PIEDMONT N'ire rooms, new home, one block of car, trade for Alberta farm or cacrlfice equity for cash. AF 178, Orego nian. 200 A. near Rainier, Oregon and Columbia Hlghwav. fine stream, school adjoining, for Portland property. Dubois, 723 Cham ber Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, good manufacturing business 1 or automobile or team, wagon and harness. Phone Woodlawn 2450. &-ROOM bungalow, practically new. finished attic, full lot. for clear lots. Owners. R 179 Oregonian. WILL trade my equity In $5000 business property for lot or automobile, $3000 mort gage. 1001 E. Stark. GOOD lot Berkeley. Cal, for mortgage, acre age or Portland property. E 162, Ore gontan. SEATTLE lot an acreage on Puget Sound for Portland. Cochrua, 207 Panama bldg. Main 3897. WANTED Grocery stcre or confectionery to trade fcr acreage. 506 Stock Exchange, M.A. BITGOOD. 146 ACRES suburban property to tradefor city property; prefer improved. AN 174, Oregonian. TH REE acres land near Benson Park and good beach lot exchange for light auto or good team. Phone Tabor 251S, TO EXCHANG1 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. "WE EXCHANGED $42,000 PROPERTY THIS WEEK, LET U3 HAVE YOUR LISTING. WE WILL PUT DEAL THROUGH. SEE DIVERSIFIED LISTING BELOW. 8-room house In Laurelhurst, all mod ern, mahogany finish; price $650O, clear; also 8-roora modern home close to car in fine district; price $6000; also Large lot on Thurman St., West Side; price $4500. Will combine all for a good bunch of timber within 30 miles of Portland for cord wood proposition. New 10-room house in Laurelhurst, all mod en. clear of Incumbrance; price $8000; will exchange for good acreage close to Portland ; does not have to be Improved. but must be clear. 5 acres, close to Portland, on good road and J. 11 highly improved ; good house, barn and all other outbuildings; price $8000, clear; wants some acreage on the river for hunting purposes. Want good merchandise stocks to $30. OOO and can give a very good trade for the right stock in the right location. Want apartment-bouse for client with clear property and willing to assume a mortgage: will make a very good deal and can add a reasonable amount of cash if nedssary. Grocery and meat market close in on East Side, on carline; doing $3000 a month; prica $2900; no trade, as this Is a sacri fice. Grocery stork, fixtures; doing about $2000 a month, corner in good district ; price $2000; will trade for acreage to the sam4 amount and need not be cleared Grocery and delicatessen in the best district of San Diego. Cal., doing a big business; worthy of closest investigation; bank references; owner now in Portland and will make signed statement giving full details; price $3uO0 or invoice and will pay cah difference for a home in Portland to $4000. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. THE OREGON HOME BULDERS. Oliver K. Jeffery, President. 1 330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A 6291. Mar. 3718. TRADE. 80 acres of first-class soil ; 16 acres cleared ; 3-roora house, barn with room for 80 head of livestock; well watered; want city home, $3250. 32 acres, 12 acres cleared, good new buildings, young orchard, on railroad, near river; want -house and lot centrally lo cated; 6000. , Good income-bearing property for farm. $00,000. Suburban acreage for farm, $15,000. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, 404 East Alder St., cor. Grand avenue. Phone East 640. Ol ACRES land 17 miles of Portland; 00 acres in cultivation; ltl acres In hops. 10 acres in English walnuts, fine orchard of all kinds of fruit, berries of all kinds, fine house with 10 rooms; water in house; wash stands, well porcned, tine large barn with basement- under. running water, with good pasture and machinery of ail kinds; good hophouse, other outbuild ings, all good; 2 nice largp cows, cream separator; all for $12,00O: this Is a tine home for anyone and clear of mortgage; will tako a home in Portland up to $."mho, with some cash and take a mortgage back on place at 6 per cent for rest; this is a bargain for anyone who wants a farm. If this interests you. write New berg. Or., No. 2, Box 9t. Phone Newberg White 15-S. HOME "PICKUP." S2D, NEAR EVERETT. ' 7 ROOMS. BATH. LARGE CORNER LOT. HOUSE NEWLY PAINTED, IN GOOD ORDER. READY TO MOVE IN WILL CONSIDER GOOD CLEAR LOT OR SMALL HOME OR ACREAGE UP TO $1000. OR WHAT HAVE YOU TO OF FER? PRICE NOW $2500 (WORTH $3250). ADDRESS E. BCRKITT, OWNER. 200 SELLING BLDG. BIG RANCH WITH STOCK FOR INCOME PORTLAND PROPERTY. 1240 acres in South Dakota; 140 head of high-grade Heresford cattle. 50 calves, 130 head of horses and mares, fine stal lion ; 60O acres bottom land. 70 acres alfalfa, 200 acres corn, several hundred tons native hay. all kinds farm imple ments; $4000 home, abundance of sheds, good fences; this ranch will run 800 to 3 000 head of stock; price $50,000; no In cumbrance; exchange for Portland Income property. See S Hewev. 2ft9 Stark si. HARTM A N& THOMPSON 391-ACRE RANCH New buildings, some stock, 2 m lies from Dallas; place newly fenced with woven-wire fence; river and spring on place; price $25,000. clear; will trade for apartment -house at same value; will assume a little. J. C. BOLLORE, 510 Lewis Bldg. WANTED $30,000 PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY for 1540-acre wheat ranch In Eastern Oregon, and SOO-acre improved ranch, 40 miles from Portland, located on the rail road and Pacific Highway. S. Hewey. 200 Stark St. HARTMAN A THOMPSON GASTON FARM. Well Improved, 170 acres; about loo In cultivation, balance open timber, pasture; good bldgs.; near Gaston In Upper Pat ton Valley; some stock ; price $12,5h: some trade. U. 8. Mtge. Inv. Co., 60 7 Yeon bldg. STOCK OR WHEAT RANCHES, with or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first-class properties, any size, many of them personally inspected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. WILL trade my stock ranch. 640 a,. North ern Cal., for any kind of ranch close t Portland ; is 40 miles from coast and ocean shipping; send full particulars ol your ranch: owners only; value $h000. BF 15Q. Oregonian. IDEA I ruburban farm horn-. 18 ucres, all Improved, at station on Hlllsboro electric line; auto road, city water, electricity; will take clear city property to $Goo0- as part payment. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. OCEAN RESORT COTTAGE, overlooking ocean and lake; five rooms and basement; hot and cold water, bath, toilet, large grounds; exchange for Alameda or Olm stead Park property; price $2500. X 173, Oregonian. 20 ACRES 80 rodsfrom electric statlorCin Yamhill County; placo all la cultivation, new bungalow and new barn; price $45oo; to trade for house, clear of debt. J. C Bollore. 510 Lewis bldg. HAVE YOU CALIFORNIA properties to exchange for Oregon or vice versa? If so see or write us. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. 100x200 SPLENDID location for apartments and stores. East Side, clear of incum brance, will exchange for equity In choice Income property. See Jordan, 301-2 Lum- Dermen s mag., ruin ana trtarK FOR TRADE 470 acres well Improved land for good apartment; prefer corner bldg.: no inflated prices. Schemers need not WILL exchange a modern 7-room house near E. 11th and Alberta st. for milk cow and stock. East 4147. 550 Williams ave. Call week days. NEAT, modern hou&e. value $2500. to trade a- first payment on small first-class al falfa farm: prefer place with horses and tools. V 182. Oregonian. WANT house, exchange 43 acres, 4 acres in crop, 10 acres nearly ready to plow; good barn. 5-room bungalow, mortgage $14oo Tabor 5572. WELL-ESTABLISHED barber shop doing good business: 5 chairs and 2 baths; for sale or will exenange for city property or acreag. M 166, Oregonian. $5O00 PROPERTY. TtTi uC near Alberta'; want acreage. 25 to 40 acres, with stock. If possible. See me Monday. Epton, 432 Cham, of Com. MECHANICAL automobile starting device; will sell or trade for property patent rights for U. S. end Canada. H 176, Ore gonian. GOOD 'J -room house, modern. Alberta dis trict. 40x100, aiooo mortgage; will ex change for clear acreage near city. 1131 E. 2ftth st. N. HIGHLY improved valley ranch, 630 acres, stocked and equipped, clear of incum brance: want clear city property. R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE for Portland property. Some near big artesian well. Morrow Co. Some closer In. Tabor 130$. W A NT a h ou so ; will a ssu m e $200. in ex change for 75xlOO; also 4-room house, and H"ixl 00. mort ga ge $5. -O, Tabor 5572 WHAT have you to trade for sawmill or citv cottage? Main FOUR clear Tacoraa lots, valued at $000 What have you? Wdln. 1454. $200 BEACH lots to exchange for motor c ycle. Phone Tabor 20 1 0. HOUSE and lot, machine shop and garage for acreage. Address box 666, Lenta WHAT have you to trde Tor citv cottage or lets? Main .1543. " WILL trade good lots in Gresham for Ford 5-passenger car. AH ISO. Oregonian. OFFER fVr equity In modern 7-room house, close in. - AP 171, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, FOR EXCHANGE! 2 new 6-room modem bungalows and 5 lots In Los Angeles, Cali fornia; price $10,000. clear of incumbrance; trade for Willamette Valley farm; not as sume over $1200. FOR EXCHANGE 18-room 3-stor? apartment-house, nearly new, modern throughout, also 6-room residence on same lot, close in. located st Roseburg. Oregon: price $0O0, no incumbrance; exchange for Willamette Valley farm to about same value. FOR EXCHANGE Fine large 8-room modern residence, 2 lots, Roseburg, Ore gon, well improved; price $4500, clear; same party has 160-acr timber claim. S. 000,000 to 4.000,000 of good timber; price $2500, with no Incumbrance; also one-half interest In one of the beat grocery stores in Roseburg, Oregon, doing fine business, invoice his interest about $3500; will trade all of the above for a good little farm in the Willamette Valley. FOR ' EXCHANGE $375.00 worth of clear income property in 6 an Diego, Call fornla; exchange tor equipped stock ranch. WANTED Have a ellent with $250,000 clear vacant Chicago property to exchange for timber tract; will pay some cash dif ference. What have you te offer? WALKER & DOCKSTADTER, Room Beck, with Building. Eugene, Or. FINEST 20-acre tract in 8-mlle limit, beau tiful view, finest soil, mostly cultivated, set buildings, ideal country home near Cor nell road. Make us an offer or will trade for clear property. S dandy lots and Japanese bungalow on lower Portland Heights, overlooking city, close In; forced sale, make Offer. VouId trade for Income property. 5-acre tract In fine irrigated district, clear, to trade for vacant lot. 40-acre irrigated farm, all in cultivation, good buildings, fine location, for Portland home. 2 5-room bungalows and y acre tracts for 6 or 7 rooms close in. 500-acre wheat farm for Income prop erty. Cash and clear lots to trade for grocery. Two store buildings, well leased, and fi room frame cottage, on two lots. In a well settled district of Los Angeles; also a 6 acre tract of 10-year-old navel oranges in West Riverside, for business and business property in the city or close in. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 619, 62Q. 621 Yeon Bldg. CONTRACTOR "DEAD BROKE." TWO HOUSES AT ALMOST HALF PRICE; NEAT COTTAGES. 5 ROOMS. BATH. ETC.. IN " LENORA PLACE. MOUNT SCOTT CAR FOSTER ROAD ), NEAR FIRLAND; DESIRABLE WORK INGMAN'S HOME; SMALL CASH PAY MENT, BALANCE EASY RENT; ONLY $1450 FOR HOUSE BUILT TO SELL AT $2250; ONLY $16i0 FOR CORNER HOUSE BUILT TO SELL AT $2750; WOULD CON SIDER 25 PER CENT TRADE AT FAIR PRICE; MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS BUR KITT (OWNER). 2o9 SELLING BLDG. FOR EXCHANGE. $25,000 valley farm. inrliirtin- - worth of stock, to exchange for city prop- $50,000 wheat farm. Including all stock and equipment clear, to exchange for in come DroDertv. $35,000 apartment, clear, to exchange suu, n-improvea iarm. Also have smaller farms, apartments, houses and vacant lots to exchange. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man," 510 Lewi Bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY RANCH WITH STOCK. 90 acres dark loam soil, no rock, fam ily orchard; 24 miles from Portland; good 5-room house, bta- barn, other outbuiidlnH near school, .good well, spring, trout di 1 n.iii, Au (.una ana neutn, a ceivm, Holstein bull, big team horses, hogs, chickens. 20 tons hay, all kinds farm im plements; $10,000; exchange for $3o0C Portland home, some cash, balance terms 6 per cent. See S. Hewey, 269 Stark St.. at HARTMAN A THOMPSON W A NT PORT LA N D HOMES. 43S acres, close to Rusk and Cleo, Okla homa; 200 acres river bottom land ; good buildings; fine water supply. Price $10, 950. clear. w 140 acres tlmberland southeast of Be dalla, Missouri; fine fruit or corn land. Price $3500. Will exchange all or part for Portland property, and will assume. Lueddemann Company, 013 Chamber of Commerce. CLARKE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 80 acres. 25 acres cleared, well fenced In 4 fields, balance good pasture; 4-room house, very large frame bam, spring and creek, good orchard, farm implements and one-third croo: tenant has hnrnrht m farm and this must be sold and occupied at once; price $6000; will take clear home in tun iuiiu. v BQcouver or Seattle, wash, and some cash. A. E. Peake, 1124 Clin ton st. Tabor 12 SO. SOO-ACRE RANCH ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY 42 miles from Portland, 24 trains a day, 20O acres bottom land. 150. arrM in nil. tivation, 300 acres rolling. 4 acres timber, trout stream, several springs and good well ; new 8-room house, big barn, other out buildings: price $35,000; exchange for r.aB;ern Oregon wneai rancn. . Mewey, HARTMAN A THOMPSON FOR EXCHANGE About 60 of the finest lots in Newport and two lots in Portland, with four-room house on each, for a grass ranch, free from incumbrance, well ai-r?a or ior siock or merchandise or hardware. Address P. O. box 1026, Corval. 11s, jr. MODERN residence and improved business property, choice location, with a future, valu J 12,00-1. some incumbrance; want equippea ana improved ranch ; will as sume up 10 si.uuu vaiue. am 176. Ore gonlan. 6-ROOM house in ScAth Portland, $3000. clear, for more modern hnn and mnr ground farther out; can put In close-in tnjietme ior iuuu more ir necessary, coca run. 207 Panama bldg. Main 3S97. HAVE 5-room bungalow in nice residenoe district and clear lot In Rose City Park; will trade either or both for Rose City X-U.IM. HuiHo, duiium) or evenings, xa- bor 5099. FIVE -ROOM house, near Denver, Colo.; 2 acres ground: 1 block to car. Km farA- nn Incumbrance; $4500: want Portland house up 10 ouu. c jtussell, 723 E. 7oth St. JN. 960-ACRE WHEAT RANCH in F!nf Oregon: 000 acres seeded to grain; for Miucutr ui upci auu terms. aee j. Xr. nuise, wiin HARTMAN A THOMPSON WHY look for prospects, have collected them for sales exchangee everything. every where; tell what you have and want, M. i.- i'.. Mailers bldg..- Chicago. HAVE client with cash and clear city prop nj4 wmni slock rancn, huu to 4uo acres. iitt iu BAi-etu tv per acre. j. w . Bryan, rn Chamber of Commerce. FOR TRADE 12 1 acres, adjoining good town on Oregon Electric and Fourth st. une. w ant ti or 1 -room modern honse. n 1 n. uregonian. WE have $20,000 worth of gilt-edge real estate, part income, practically unincum bered to exchange for good apartment- house. - J. H. Dietz, 932-.Chamber of Com. WANTED Good ranch to$4500 for Income city property. J. C. BOLLORE. 510 Lewis Bldg. WILL trade 30-acne dairv farm, improved for clear residence. D. M. Rohrbough, 269 eiarii, near iiu WILL exchange second mortgage for $2500 for well-located unincumbered city lots. AO 170. Oregonian. HAVE second mortgage on real estate, $10 monthly; trade for auto or clear lot. F xoa. urjgonian. GOOD HOUSE and Improved 100x100 lot for smaii iarm. vaiue 10 .ruv. no s. Edison sc.. at. jonns. uwner on 1 y. 8-ROOM HOUSE 3 lots. 150x100 26 full bearing fruit trees, trade for 5-room house on canine, pavea streets, woodlawn 33ua 5-ROOM modern cottage. Woodstock; 6 room house, between Division and Haw thorne to 4Qth. F 179. Oregonian. WILL accept city property in exchange for improved iarm in gooa community. Oweier B. Simonson. route 2. Rldgefield. Wash. TIMBER claim near Astoria to exchange; wanif novel in guou i uuiurv town or iarm value $5000. H 160, Oregonian. WILL Trade income property on Williams ave. ior unimproved land or stock ranch. 1 iwq, urcgoni a n 60O ACRES. Bend district. $15 ner acre: 85 per cent cultivaole; want house or lncome-oearing propert3. 70a Lewis bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $30OO equity in $00 property; exceptional opportunity. AE 17S. Oregonian; LAURELHURST Six-room house, near car trade $2750 equity for smaller house. AB 1S3. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade by owner 20 acres of land near Goble; no equity. L 164, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE $3000 equity In 7-room house In Irvlngton for house near Garden Horn. M 165, Oregonian. HAVE $0000 worth of city and suburban prop-rty to exchange. What have you? Address T 180. Oregonian. WILL exchange real ete for general store in good community: give full particulars. Adress T 170. Oregonisn. SALE cheap or trade. 40 seres: timber will pay for land; also fine cor. home free, 20 mln. walk to center. $55 E. Burnslde st. STOCK tools, furniture, some crop" 60-acre ranch, b'dgs.. 1 8 cleared, for clear city property. N 167. Oregonian. . WANTED Acre or two. close in. irVi part payment on new Piedmont bungalow, val ue .. rnone euwood To WILL exchange good timber claim In South ern Oregon for farm or city property or stock of goods. 604 Dekum bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR QUICK EXCHANGE, 4000-acre wheat farm In Eastern Ore gon, with or without equipment, part trade and crop payments. 2000 acres splendid wheat land in East ern Oregon: this place is fully equipped in eery respect ; will take all or part in good income property and part crop pa menu. 1 OtO-acre wheat farm, fully equipped, for small farm and part crop payments. 960-acre wheat farm, fair bldgs.; handy to market: 40i acres seeded to grain; for Portland income or small valley farm and terms. 390-acre dairy ranch. 16 miles from Portland : this place is fully equipped with milk and work stock; for income property and terms. 8U acres Improved, near Vancouver. Wash., for Portland residence. I have different sired wheat and valley farms for exchange. See O. P. Hulse, with HARTMAN A THOMPSON BANK (4th and Stark) 320 ACRES, all fine land, about 200 under cult.. f0 more easily cleared, bal. In woods, pasture. New 10-room house, with fire place; barn, stone dairy and outbldgs. 2 good orchards. Watered by well, springs and 2 fine creeks. Place fenced and cross fenced. On fine auto road, all rural and transportation advantages. Wthln 12 mile circle of Courthouse in Portland. In thickly-settled locality and one of the finest all-around ranches in the country. Price $150 per acre. Will take good in come property. Wheafc or stock ranch. If equipped. THOMPSON A SWAN. Cth and Main Sts.. Vaucouver, Wash. YOUR LIVING. You will be able to gain a comfortable living from this little valley farm. Over 30 acres, all improved; good buildings, on county road, near good school. Our client cannot use the farm, he has use for your modern cottage In this city and will ex change if price is right. See pictures and get full particulars from A. H. BIRR ELL. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 S. CALIFORNIA TRADES. Want acreage or town property In Sac ramento Valley up to $3500 for nlce Port land suburb unincumbered. Wanted; a good residence or suburban home UD to $5000 for niix residence in Ixm Angeles, value $7500; also other trades ot similar suna. F. FCCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID modern home, on big corner lot, with all improvements in and paid. Hot water heat, fireplace, sleeping porch. un porcn, -Deautiiui nx lures ana aecora tions; hardwood floors, nlate srlasa win dows, garage with gas tank, electric lights and water connections. And you tun irnao ior in is. W. H. ROSS,' 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. 80 ACRES, best soil, H in cultivation, no ouunings, aDunaance ot water and for ex change for citv Dronertv or acreaire : near ly hi of this 80 acres Is in fruit, and it is hard to find a better or prettier piece OK iBUU. SAMUEL DOAK 1303 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 136 ACRES in Valley, moat all hlehlv inv proved, on crushed rock road. 5 miles to town; good 5-room house, including bath; large barn, family orchard; all deep, rich soil. Price. Sloo per acre. $ilXK will han dle, long time on balance. Might take .uw nouse in city in on nrst payment. 5m6 Stock Exchange. M. A. Bitgood. $1000 CASH. $1800 good mortgage paper, $SOO0 conservative equity in income busi ness and apartment Dronertv on nromi- nent East Side street, to exchange for KoinR sioc rancn. 1'rerer iow-pricea mna wunout range. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. 260-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. STOCKED. MACHLNERY. FEED. 2 wells, 2 springs, 14 0 acres ready to seed; 1 mile of station; $25 per acre; want roaiana residence or small iarm. COLUMBIA R E ALTSf INVESTMENT CO., 617 Board of Trade Bldg. 32o ACP.Ko of iriigated land, in Crook County, water right for 315 acres. 820 acres can be cultivated. 140 under cultivation; outside range, good buildings, stock, ma chinery and household effects. Price $25 per acre; clear. Want place on Coast or valley. Ferguson, wi Gerllnger bldg. 200-ACRE ranch near Blodgett. Or., 110 acres In cultivation; $2500 worth of stock ana machinery; to trade for Portland in ..come city property. State what you have in first letter and address A. H. Johnson for further particulars, 235 5th st. 160 ACRES of irrigated land near Bend. Or.. well Improved. Good stock ranch, large outside range. Price $50if0, clear. Trade for acreage near Portland or logged-oft land. Will not assume. Ferguson, 501 Ger- nnger mag. GROCERIES ACREAGE. I have a fine acre tract just outside city; cleared, city water, wood; will ex change for grocery stock. B 163, Orego nlan. " YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively In exchanges. We can trade your property; no Junk wanted. AYERS & SMITH. Main 7206. 501 Northwest Bldg. 10 ACRES, best of soil, two sets of Im provements, close In and well located, to exchange for good house in Portland. ' SAMUEL DOAK a 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ABSOLUTE equity $2-VK. Portland resi dence, for unaller house, lots or good homestead. Straight mortgage (renew able), runs 2 years. Consider good logged. A 170, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. New 5-room bungalow. clear, value about $1700. for 20 or 30 acres with some Improvements. Ask Mr. Loehr at HARTMAN A THOMPSON- WILL TRADE neat iy new, modern income property in Si'.n Bernardino, Cal., for good farm near Portland or Salem, up to $'ouo. Owner, F. E. Dalley, gen'l del'y. Eugene, Oregon. LOTS for 500 to 1000 acres, cheap, old burn lands In Tillamook County; must be ac cessible and clear of Incumbrance. S. 14tt. Oregonian. WILL exchange 15 acres, under cultivation, near" Portland, for Chicago property. C E. Smith. 217 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Chicago 5-ROOM house, lot 50x100, East Side, close in. value $2300; equity of $1500; will trade for unimproved land. Call 43 N. 3d st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for Chicago property. 7 acres, clear, lo miles on Ore gon Electric. House and improvements. ?55no. AD 165, Oregonian. CLEAR FOR CLEAR KO-acre farm In Cen tral Oregon, value $32oO. for a bungalow In Rose City Park of equal value. Mc culloch, 501 Gerlinger bldg. EQUITY in $4000 bungalow In Rose City for farm or equity, equipped and stock ; incumbrance $1600: will assume to $50U0. 477 E. 56tn N. l a oor oy-. 200 ACRES, partly improved, east of Van couver, to trade for clear city property. Owner will be at Ockiey Hotel, room 08. till Wednesday. WILL sacrifice my 7-room modern house, on 10vxlS0-ft. lot. In -ood-located district, for a well-equipped farm about 40 acres. 408 Alberta st. FINE large home on large grounds, in East Portland, Vaiue $6000. incumbrance $1500. Want farm for equity. What have you? McCulloch, 501 Gerllnger bldg. WILL trade 60-horsepower automobile, good as new. on ranch within 30 miles of Port land; deal with owners only. AC 173, Oregonian. WANTED To exchange city property and real estate mortgages for rhea.p land which can be made into a good farm. B 167, Oregonian. WILL TRADE income property on Wil liams avenue for unimproved land or stoK ranch. T 166, Oregonian. TRADES Bring them to us. We may have what vou want. LARGE list city, country. Sengstoke A Lyman. 511 Henry bldg. WILL TRADE clear 0 acres Irrigated, value $1000. for grocery or genL nidse. What have you? V 164. Oregonian. I MUST let go my equity in 5 good Laurel hurst iota. What have you? X 161, Ore gonian. UNION-AVE. store building, full lot! flat upstairs. $25o0 equity for clear; snap. J. D. Kennedy, 836 Union ave. N. 30-ROOM modern hotel to exchange for house and lot not to exceed $30o0. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. I WANT cood country store. $3000 up; have city and farm property. R. G. Hofer, 1146 Union ave. N. DRESSES, coats, furniture, household ar ticles, for suit, bicycle, liquors, groceries. 474 E- Washington. IMPROVED farms and acreage to exchange for Portland property. Stout Investment Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE and lot to trade for vacant property In Irvington or vicinity. c 163, Orego nian. OWNER will trade 7-room modern house for smaller one. What have you? Tabor 4453. $5XH CLOSE-IN flats, fine view. $15u0 cash, bal. trade. E 16i. Oregonian. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. R. A. Miller. :t33 Worcester bldg. Main 71u5. NEW piano In exchsnge for clear city lots; state location, price. AP 10, Oregonian. WANT Oakland or bay for equity modern East Side house. Tj 1 51. Oregonian CLEAR property to $25.0OO for apartments; will assume. See De'ahunt. Phone E. 1275. $13.u00 75 and160 sere. Linn Coflnty, for Neb.. Dakota. AE 176. Oregonian. 2 ACRES fruit and berries, buildings; $.ii0u; clear lota to $1600, baL mtg. t,eU. !. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD TRADES. LOOK THESE OVER. 40 seres wheat land In Morrow County! price $10 per acre, clear; will trade for Portland property and assume. Dairy ranch, Tillamook, all stocked and equipped. Including cows, heifers and other stock; price $20,000; trade for citv property, or take smaller place aa part payment. Highly Improved farm, close to Port land ; good buildings; stock and equip ment; prioe $30,000, clear; trade for in come property. Fine farm within 12 miles of Portland; highly Improved, stock and farm machin ery; price $15,000, clear; trade for city property. Big farm property, with cattle and full equipment. $95,000; want city property to $125,000. " " S0OO acres in Wisconsin, fine cattle rancb or good grain land; fair buildings, price $75,000. Wants Coast property to thai vaiue. Apartment-hous, close In, 11 apart ments; price $20,000; take farm to $15,000. Three-quarters block, close in, covered with frame buildings: leased $ipO month net (tenant pays taxes and insurance also); price $0, 000; will take acnesse, farm near Portland or Portland property to $37,500, balance mortgage. Brick building, 100x100, good East Side business corner, Income $400 a month price $45,000, clear. Take vacant lots or good farm to $2a,OO0, balance mort$$e. Fine apartment property. West Sfdo. 100x100; big income; price $125,000; take Eastern Oregon stock (arm, slocked and equipped, to $100,u00. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANT GENERAL MERCHANDISE OR GROCERIES STOCK. WILL EXCHANGE WHEAT LAND. BARGAIN. "GRASS VALLEY" WHEAT RANCH. 366 ACRES. ABOUT 60 HEAD HOGS, HORSES. COWS. GOOD FARM. EQUIP MENT. COMFORTABLE NEW HOUSE. FAIR BARN WELL FENCED. SPLEN DID SPRING. RUNNING WATER A VALUABLE ASSET ABOVT 230 ACRES SUMMER FALLOW READY TO SEE1; 5 MILES TO TWO RAILROADS; WILL INCLUDE ALL STOCK AND EQUIP MENT FOR QUICK DEAL AT $40 PER ACRE; ?3o00 CASH, BALANCE LONG TIME. WILL CONSIDER REASONABLE T RAD" ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND, OR. 100 ACRES, $5500. 10O seres. 2 miles south of Toledo. Lin coln County ; 85 acres cultivated ; 5 springs, piped to house and dairy ; 5-room house with fireplace, built-in buffet, elec tric lighted; barn for IS cows with patent stanchions; other outbuildings good; 9 Jersey cows. 3 calves and one hog; all necessary farming Implements, wagon, etc.; also fishing boat and net; motor boat and launch: an Al place; half trade, some cash and mortgage. See Mr. Parker. FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 269 Washington St Main 9. WANTED. IRVINGTON HOME. Client with two clear lots In Ala meda Park deslnes to exchange for modern home in Trvpngton not to exceed $6500 In value. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground Floor Henry Bldg. EXCHANGES. Improved farm 104 acres, stock and im plements, $10,000; will exchsnge for city property up to $6000. Good 6-room bungalow. $3000; will trade for one or two acres near city limits up to $180(1. Highly Improved farm S15 acres In Marion County; stock and Implements. $35,000; will exchange for apartment house same value. 17 acres near Portland. $6000; will trade for a residence up to $5000. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. 240 ACRES, fine land, climate, bldgs.. In cluding stock and implements. Will con sider some trade. Price $75O0. 152 acres, 20 cult., fine bldRS. Will con sider small acreage and some cash. Price $6000. 10 acres. 8 acres In younr bearing or chard, 2-room house, chicken-house and runs. Price $2500; mtg. $750. Will con sider vacant lo:s for equity. 10 acres unimproved, Claike Co.. Wash., price $2000: $1000 mta. WnT consider vacant lots for equity. Pee J. A. Turner, at IHRTMAN A THOMPSON 17 hi ACRES. -4 mile from boat landing. Willamette River. 4 hi miles from Salem Electric: all level, all in cultivation, on main county road; will trade for house or vacant lots; would consider good ma chine as part payment. baL time. 0 lots In Salem, bearing fruit. ISftx" each. 2 blocks from car: will exchange for house and lot in Portland. Price $250 each. G. S. SMITH ft CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. A DANDY well-Improved farm of 75 acres, 1 H miles from Newberg. with good im provements and stock, plenty of tools snd machinery; cver-runing creek fed by live springs; 3 acres of fine fruit trees, all In bearing: lots of hay, oats, potatoes, etc.; plenty of cordwood. Will eU at reason able figure or V lie a valley grain farm in trade. See A937. at 021 Yeon bldg. Associated Investment Co. SMALL FARM HOMEr 15 acres, near Vancouver, Wash.: 14 acres cult.; good house, barn, chicken house, hi mile from R- R. sta.; abundance of fruit, near school, all good land: value $4400; will take $3500 Portland bungalow, $900 mtg. D. M. Rohrboueh. 29 Stark sL HARTMAN A THOMPSON MR. STOCK MAN: Over 1200 acres. Im proved ranch in Lane County; here in the making of one of the finest home places in Oregon; all but 100 acres tillable; cVear of Incumbrance: will take $60,000 Port land property, bonds or stocks; give full description of what you have in first let ter. 213 Abington bldg. 640-ACRE highlv Improved farm. Southern Alberta; first-class land : fine buildings: 250 acr?s cultivated; will Include stock and machinery and take Improved farm In Valley; full details by writing. CASCADEN A RE ADEN. Main 4297. 207 Ry. Exchange. FOR SALE At sacrifice, or will exchange for Montana land. 40 acres one mile from M isier and Columbia Highway; 14 acres "ommercinl orchard coming Into bearing: modern cottage, fine spring and reservoir: water piped to house. Owner ill and must change climate. AF l??. Oregonian. HAVE two good mortgages amounting to $2500 and unincu nbered lot to exchange for new modern house In good neighbor hood to S400O. Might assume small r mount. H. Atwater. Phones A 1777. M.tin 0 00. 72-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE In apL-house district: good lease, reason able rent. This place Is really bringing a good income; best of reasons for dispos ing of It. Cajl 629 Washington St., and let me explain. Owner. IFyou have spartment-houses or other in come property snd want to get out of paying interest on big mortgages we have good proposition to offer you. J. C. BOLLORE, 510 Lewis Bldg. 60S ACRES all bottom land, high state of cultivation; 70-ton silo, new, fully equipped for dalrving: trade for Income city prop erty. 301 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark St. $20.000 BRICK BLDG.. $11,500 equity, for good farm : prefer near Columbia High-m-av; $50,000 apt. bldg.. $HO.0no equity, to trade; 10 acres Improved for lots or house. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 316 Ry. Ex. 10O-ACRE first-class dairy farm In West em Lane County on boat and rail trans portation. Improved. Will trade for Port land property or acreage. U. S. 51 tg. A Inv. Co.. 60? Yeon bldg. WANT equity In modern bungalow, re stricted district, have lots In choice resi dence district of Tacoma clear of encum brance also arreape. See Jordan. 801-1 Lum bermens bldg. 5th and Stsrk. WANT to exchange 10 scnes on Section Line road, close to electric line, for 6 or (-room bungalow in good district; will as sume small amount. Phone Woodlawn I3S1 HAVE beautiful home, rented $J7.50 month; best East Side location; for acreage near Portland; price $.".0O. mort. $2800, -one vear yet. 7 per cent. Main 981. jO0 2-FAMILY flat, close in. pays 8 per cent : trade for vacant lots or bungalow. J. F. O'Donnell. 316 Chamber of Com merce. EXCHANGE modern home for 80 or 40 seres or close-in place of few acres on carline near Portland: will assume; owner. 1174 East 27th st. North, Portland. Oregon. TEN acres vourg orchard, $2500. trade for In or ntar" Portland property. 205 JefTer son. WA NT good farm near Portland for clear city propertv up to $40,000. R. F. Bryan. sp Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE Metsger. Tonquln, Hillaboro. for houses. Owner, 200 Mohawk bldg. Mar shall 125. Hf'PsES to trade for house and lot or lots; will pay cash difference. E. Pine. Thomas Barnes Phone R 1037. MUST "aerifies my equity in 5-room modern cTts?e on corner lot fnr ha'.f its aetr.l valu?. -rash or trrvlc. Phone Tabor 4373. - IMPROVED acreage n Ore Electric, close in. for cottage. L- 161,- Oregonian-, V4