The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 24, 1915, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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Tenth Street Is Strung With
Lights and Armory Is
Ready for Opening.
Feature of West Hall 'Win Be "1018
Bar," Where Women May Par
take of Soft Drinks With Bet
ting Men Are Used To.
Exhibits of the various counties at
the Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show, which will open tomorrow, -were
for the most part, in place last night,
when the Armory closed and the rest
of them will have their exhibits com
pleted easily by tonight. It is thought.
The manufacturers' exhibit! are going
in a bit more slowly and many of them
probably will be up to the last minute
in getting in readiness for the opening
Monday night. The lighting of the
halls under the direction of H. B". Wold
was practically completed last night.
It consisted of a re-assembly of the
material used in the Rose Festival
at the Civic Center and on the prom
enade leading- to it. Over the main hall
are draped long chains of green and
red Incandescent lamps and similar
light chains are worked out In the
other exhibit halls.
Tenth Street Lined "With Lights.
Tenth street is lined with lights as
far as Washington, where a canopy of
colored lights attracts ' attention and
lirects one to the promenade down
tenth street to the Armory, where the
show is being held.
Among the exhibits that were
finished yesterday was the "1916 bar."
which will be a special feature In the
west exhibit hall. It is conducted by
the Chamber of Commerce, under the
direction of S. Davidson. While the
bar has all the sinful fixtures, even to
the brass rail of the regular saloon
bar, nothing but soft drinks will be
served over It.
Loganberry Juice, non-alcoholic malt
drinks and other thjngrs that are ex
pected to be with us in 1916 will be
dispensed by bartenders in regulation
uniform. For the first time perhaps in
the history of Portland, women may
lean against a regular bar, set their
foot on the brass rail alongside the
foot of husband or sweetheart and de
mand that he "name his poison," quite
in the manner heretofore monopolized
by men.
UraiiM Feature in Decorations.
Grains and grasses are the most
prominent figures in the decorations of
the various county booths. Morrow
County, however, has a fine display of
vegetables In the body of the booth,
in front of the display of grains and
grasses. W. W. Smead is in charge
of this exhibit, which is the choice
from the recent fair held in Morrow.
-Umatilla, Jackson, Clackamas, with
a fine apple display, Lincoln with fruits
and vegetables, Columbia, Polk and
Union were the counties that had their
exhibits furthest advanced yesterday.
In all. there will be 23 counties rep
resented in the -west exhibit hall, where
the land products displays are situated
The ceiling of this exhibit hall is
decorated beautifully with oak boughs
bearing the russet Autumn leaves.
Many Special Displays and Conces
sions will Be Featured.
More than 200 exhibitors will have
part in the Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show, to open at the Armor
nd special exposition buildings tomor
row night. In addition to Oregon coun
ties many special displays, concessions
and other features, the following ex
hibitors will have booths in the Indus
trial division at the exhibition:
Independent Coal & Ice Company.
Arrow Cement Tray Company, Berger
Bros., Northwest Auto Company, Ore
gon Chair Company, Rudgear-Merle
Company, Freeland Furniture Com
pany. Portland Fruniture Manufactur
ing Company, Carman Manufacturing
Company. Lennon's. Calef Bros., Hazel
wood Company. J. C. English Lighting
Company. Warren Bros., Kelley Adver
tising Company, Mrs. A. B. Schwartz,
Crescent Manufacturing Company,
Fruitola. J. L Cooler, Freer Jewelry
Company. Edlefsen Fuel Company,
Shope Brick Company, Dondero & Nel
eon. Enamel Bake Oven Company. Mrs.
Porter"s Products Company. Zinn's
Candy Company. Ira Powers Furniture
Company. Blumauer-Frank Companv.
.Tones Milling Company. Durable Roof
ing Company. F. E. Kenney Stump
Puller. Zancker Sign Company, Port
land Pure Milk & Cream Company. Ore
gon Mirror & Bevel Olass Company,
Zan Bros.. Universal Tire Filler. Iron
clad Silo Company. M. J. Walsh & Com
pany, Portland Pump Company. Port
land Knitting Mills. Farm Produce
Company. Fleischner-Mayer Company,
Ixjg Cabin Baking Company, Coast Cul
vert Hume Company. H. S. Gile. Clos
et & Devcrs. Union Meat Company.
Henninger & Ayers. Plerce-Tomlinson
Electric Company. Weinhard Brewery
Company. Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Company. Dalton Adding Ms-t-htne
Company. Northwest Fruit Prod
ucts Company. Knight Packing Com
pany. Celro-Kola. Spaulding Logging
Company, Coin Machine Manufacturing
Company. T. J. Ross Water System,
Forbes Manufacturing Company, pa
cific Coast Coal Company. Brong Realty
Company. Carlson Printing ComDanv.
W. K. Finzer & Co.. Inc.. Covey Motor
i ar v ompany. fortiand Has & Coke Com
pany. Portland Railway. Light & Power
ompany. Pacific fc-toneware Comnanv
Kristin Sttump-ruller, Portland Wooi
fn Mills, Pacific Coast Biscuit and
j.wignt r.dwards Company.
I'rofcssor Bouquet. Corvallis, Also to
Rate Land Show Exhibits.
Charles J. Sinscl, of Boise. Idaho,
wno nas a national reputation as an
agricultural and horticultural expert,
has been selected chief judge for the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
fihow. He judged the exhibits in the.
land products section last year.
Professor A. G. Bouquet, of Corval
lis. who has charge of the vegetable
jrarden features at the Oregon Agri
cultural College, will also be one of
the Judges at the exposition.
Judging will commence with tfi
opening of the show tomorrow. By
Tuesday it is expected several of the
prtxes to Oregon counties will be
Bridgeport Quarry to Be Opened.
MONMOUTH. Or.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
A new rock quarry Is to be opened at
uriageport. eight miles west of this
city, in a short time. The Portland
Cement Company has purchased sev
eral acres and machinery and full
equipment now are on the grounds. A
branch track also has been laid. The
npenirg of the quarry will be followed
by rust of output.
life- mWWia - fill! l Qfc)!P aa T&ftHi ll
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1 f--v , m A .tJ Jtr'7as7sy. rc&scr& , i 1
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Forestry Service to Exhibit in
Products Display.
Treating Plant Designed to Teach
Farmer to Prolong Life of
Fences and Effect of Woods
on Streams Xoted.
One of the chief attractions of the
Land Products Show this year will be
the Forest Service exhibit.
The service aims to make a special
feature of the forest products of Ore
gon. A model of a properly-laid wood
block pavement is to be shown, the
model being four leet long and one foot
wide. Kmphasis is to be placed on the
fact that there are several species of
wood grown in Oregon suitable for this
class of pavement in fact, more than
3.000.000 miles of wood block could be
laid from wood grown in the State of
There are also to be tiny piles of
stacked lumber, .slabwood and of saw
dust. Beside them there will stand a
clay replica of Mount Hood, giving an
idea of the amount of lumber, slabwood
and sawdust in the state.
Treating; nut la Dralcord.
The third feature in the forest prod
ucts exhibit is a miniature treating
plant, designed to show the farmer how
to prolong the life of fence posts by
creosote or other preservative treat
ment. The effects of erosion upon a defor
ested watershed, and the irregularity
of flow in a stream resulting from for
est destruction, will re shown by a
unique model. A timbered mountain
slope, -with its surface covering of
moss, twigs and forest debris, will be
represented. Beside it will be a simi
lar area entirely barren of vegetable
growth. A tiny stream flows from each
area into two lakes at the base of the
mountain. The water coming over the
forested area is clear and the now reg
ular; that coming from the denuded
area is muddy and the flow spasmodic.
In this connection a relief map of the
Oregon National Forest will be exhib
ited, showing the Bull Run watershed,
from which the City of Portland gets
its water, and also the network of
roads, trails and telephone lines which
form a part of the protection system
which keeps the water pure and pre
vents forest fires.
HiMfr Methods Illustrated.
A complete outfit of flreflghting tools
used by forest rangers will also be
shown. Prominent features of this part
or the exhibit are the Osborne fire
finder, by which the ranger locates fires
at a dlstanoe: storm-proof telephones,
i and the small portable telephone re
cently invented by a member of the
Forest Service. , . -
This portable telephone weighs only
two and one-half pounds and is to be
used on most of the National forests
during the next five seasons. Many
of them were in use during the past
season and this trial demonstrated the
fact that the portable telephone is a
great improvement over the former
heavy apparatus.
The space occupied by the - service
will be lined with evergreens native to
Oregon and further ornamented by a
series of bromide enlargements show
ing numerous activities of the Forest
In Land Products Section at Leaat 23
Count-lea AV1U Have Exhibit DU
play Space Limited.
About 0 prominent Oregon manu
facturing1 concerns have taken space
and will have special exhibits at the
Manufacturers and Land Products Show
which opens here tomorrow. Prac
tically every one of the leading: manufacturing-
industries of the state Is rep
resented in the lineup of these ex
hibitors. in the land products section at least
23 counties will have exhibits, and other
counties will not be represented chiefly
because the exhibit space available is
Following is the list of exhibitors
in the manufacturing- section:
Independent Coal & Ice Company, Arrow
Cement Tray company, iterger ttroB.. jNiorm--t
Auto Company, Oregon Chair Company,
Rudgear-Merle Company, Freeland Furni
ture Manufacturing: Company, Carman
Manufacturing Company. Unnon'i. Calef
BroB., Hazelwood Company. J. C. Engli&n
Lirhtinn Company. "Warren Broe.. Koltey Ad
vertising Company. Mrs, A. B. Schwartz
(Marie Antoinette preparations , Crwoent
Manufacturing Company, Fruitola Mr.
Haight), J. 1 Cooley, Freer Jewelry Com
pany. Edlefsen Fuel Company. Shope Brick
Company. Iondero & Nelson, Enamel Bake
Oven Company, Mrs. porters products com
pany. Zinn's Candy Company. Blumauer
Frank Company, Jobea Milling- Company.
Durable Roofins Company, F. E. Kenney
Stumn Puller. Zancker Sign Company. Port.
land Pure Milk and Cream Company, .Ore
gon Mirror and Bevel Olass Company, Zan
Bros.. VnJrerss.1 Tire Filler. Iron Clad Silo
Company t North). M. X Walsh & Co., Port
land Pump ompany. roruana vni tiing
Mills, Farm Produce. Company, Fletschner
Mayer Companj. Iog Cabin Baking com
pany. Coast Culvert and Flume Company,
H. S Glle. Clopset & Dever. Vnlon Meat
Company. Henninger & Ayes. Plerce-Tom
linson Elfctrtc Company. Weinhard Brew
ery Company. Pacific Telephone A Tele
graph Company, Dalton Adding Machine
Company. Nortiiwest Fruit Products Cora
nanv. Knicht Packing Company. Celro Kola.
Spauldlng Logging Company, Coin Machine
Manufacturing Company, T. J. Boas Water
Svstecn. Forbes Manufacturing Company, pa-
cifiq Coast Coal Company. Brong Realty
ComHnv. Carlson Printing Company. W. E.
Finzer A Co.. Inc. Covey Motor Car Com
pany. Portland Gas & Coke Company. Port
land railway. Light Power Company. Pa
cific Stoneware Company. Kristin e. Stump
Puller. Portland Woolen Mill. Pacific toast
Biscuit Company and rwight Edwards Com
pany. Ira Powers Furniture Company.
A full row! .. ivertiM 102 pound, in
Chamber of Commerce Names
Special Committees
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Exhibition Will Have Four
Events, to Which Members
. Will Devote All Efforts.
Special . committees from the . Cham
ber of Commerce have been appointed
to have charge of each of the special
days in the Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show, and under this system
the -worlc of making each ' day Indi
vidually a success is distributed among
a wide representation from the man
ufacturers' bureau.
Following are the committees that
have been named already to handle
some of the most important among the
special days of the show:
"Opening day Chamber of Commerce
day." Monday, October 25 C. C. Colt;
Chester J. Hogue. chairman for mem
bers' eouncil: C. F. Wright. A. J. Bale.
C. S. Loveland, W. A. Montgomery.
rul 'Wessinger, J. W. Vogan. J. C
Hoyt. Paul Schallinger, William Young,
R. r. Carpenter, F. S. Alkus, O. C. Cal
houn. J. R. Tomlinson. R. D. Fontana.
A. II. Kdlefsen. Francis Seeley, Ed
ward Ehrman, Frank Barrlnger. George
Lawrence. Jr.. J. H. Joyce, W. H. Clem
ens. M. H. Insley. William If. Daugh
trey. George B. McLeod. William F.
Norman. H. A. Connor, Rev. J. H. Boyd,
F. M. Case, Hugh Hume. George M.
Cornwall, Sidney C. Rasmussen. O. W.
Mielke, Dr. E. A. Pierce, M. L. Kline,
E. J. Daly. John P. Plagemann. Everett
Ames. Charles A. Mackenzie. Frederick
C. Pratt, Merrill A. Reed, T. R. Conlon,
J. A. Currey, Blaine R. Smith. A. H.
Devers, F. H. Page. Sol Hart. Dr. H. C.
Miller. Thomas Autzen. W. If. Warren.
John M. A. Lauc. Paul C. Gieey. Wil
bur B. Coman, F. B. Upshaw. Charles
J. B. Malarkey. Albert J. Clarke. Will
iam Gadsby. J. W. IJettit, H. W. Metz
ger. W. II. Wallace. D. A. Pattullo.
Horace Mecklem, E. J. Jaeger, John
TaiU W. U Boise, H. C. Clair. G. M.
Duncan, C. J. Kerr, H. M. Haller. B. C.
Darnell. Henry Albers. A. M. Prentiss.
James D. Abbott. James R- Wood, Eu
gene C. Protzman. O. H. Flthian. John
F. Daly, T. W. Reed. W. A. Robb, J.
A. Ormandy. Raymond A. Chapln. John
T. Dougall.
"Marine day," Thursday, October 28.
S. S. Hewett. chairman.
Oregon Yacht Club Captain Todd.
A. J. Ramsey, E. J. Carr, Dr. Jack
Yates. Dr. R. M. Emerson, Miles Stand
ish. F. B. Neston, C. S. Raynor, T. J.
Mendenhall. ' -
Portland Motor Boat Club. Dr.
Charles J.- Hill. Roy Crandall. Ernest
Vonderwerth, George A. Kelley.
. OCTOBER 24. 1915.
Fraternal day. Friday. October 29
Dr. A. K. Higgs. chairman; L. M.
Thomas. W. A. Bullock, E. P. Martin.
Mrs. Carrie C. Van Orsdale, I P. Mor
row, H. Li. Camp. George P. Henry,
Dr. D. H. Rand, Miss Emma Fallert,
Edward Lance. George Funk. J. II.
Tregilgas, Miss Harriett Hendee. Mrs.
John Wells. F. Shulzo. William Reidt,
J. E. Werleln, Judge William N. Gatens,
H. S. Hudson.
Halloween night. Saturday. October
30 J. E. Werleln. chairman: W. T.
Pangle, A. M. Grilley, Dwight Hubbell.
Gordon B. Raymond. Blaln Hallock. A.
G. Clark. R. H. Crozier. A. L. Flnley,
Edgar E. Frank. A. P. Goss. E. If. Halt,
J. P. Jaeger. W. P. Jones. A. Langguth,
Dr. L. J. Manlon. C. J. Matbis. Gus
C. Moser, W. A. Montgomery, Harvey
O'Brien. Conrad P. Olson, Chirley D.
Parker. Henry C. Prudhomme, Merrill
A. Reed. T. G. Swivel. W. M. Umbden
stock. A. L. Barbur. W. D. Whitcomb.
W. B. Wells, Owen Summers.
Jobbers' night, Tuesday, November 9
Nathan Strauss, chairman: F. A. Spen
cer. O. W. Miehlke. H. Frank. A. If.
Devers. C. B. Woodruff. W. A. Mont
gomery, Joseph Goodman, F. S. West.
Walter Rosenfeld, W..H. Beharrell. M.
L. Kline. George Lawrence. Jr.: S. C.
Pier. Edward Ehrman. O. C Calhoun,
Edwin Xeustadter. J. P. Rasmussen,
Sanford' Lowengart. I. Lowengart, A.
Oberdorfer. Dom Zan. Henry Hahn, O.
H. Fithian. Thomas Honeyman.
Proper Method of Preparing Ship-
meats and Materials to Be Vsed
Will Be Shorn.
The United States Postoffice Depart
ment will have part in the Manufac
turers' and Land Products Show, open
ing tomorrow at the Armory and ad
joining buildings. A similar exhibit
was made last year and Portland offi
cials say more than 10,000 questions
were asked by Interested visitors re
garding the parcel post division.
Tbls branch ot the postal service is
practically in its Infancy, but there is
no doubt that in the near future the
parcel post will be the means of fur
nishing market for the products of
the farmers, as wpU as supplying the
farmer with facilities for the purchase
of goods from a distance and having
them delivered by rural free delivery
direct to his home. In this connection
it may be stated that the Portland post
office is compiling a list of producers
and the commodities they have to sell,
which will be printed and distributed
to the Portland consumers without cost
to the producer.
The intent of the display at the Man
nfacturers' and Land Products Show
will be to illustrate the method of pre
paring for shipment, and a demonstra
tion of a line of containers and pack
ers which art now manufactured ex
pressly for the use of making parcel
post shipments. A Government clerk
will be detailed to make explanations
and give all information concerning
rates and regulations governing - the
parcel post.
Complete List of Special
Events So Far Announced.
Manufacturers Bureau of-Chamber
or Commerce Will Give Out
Additions as They Are Made
and Entrants Increase.
Every day at the Manufacturers and
Land Products Show, which opens to
morrow, will be a special day, and for
each day a special chairman haa been
appointed by thfc manufacturers bu
reau of the Chamber of Commerce.
The complete list of special days ar
ranged thus far has been made,
Further additions may still be an
nounced as the show progresses and
other organizations indicate a desire to
be represented.
Monday, October 25 Open in r day: Cham
ber of Commerce day, c. t. Colt, chairman.
Tuesday, October 28 Sister Cltiea" day
(Oregon fit y day, Vancouver day. linntoo
day. Estacada day. Urea ham day, Oswego
da . Joha T. Doupall. chairman ;-' Booster
Clubs' day, Cbarlra F. Ber. chairman.
Wednesday, October 27 Good Roads day,
Auto Club day. C. M. Menzles, chairman.
Thursday, October 28 Marine day, B.
Hewitt, chairman.
Friday, October 20 Fraternal day. The
Dalles day. Hood Kiver nay. Dr. A. iv. Hlggs,
Saturday. October yo School - Children'
dav, Li. R. Alderman, chairman; PoetonTl
night, F. S. Myers, postmaster, chairman
Halloween nleht, J. E. Werleln, chairman.
Monday. November 1 Manufacturers da
(Klamath Falls day, Ashland day, Medford
day. GranLs Pass day), A. J. Xtngsley,
chairman; Elks' night. W. R. McDonald,
chairman. '
Tuesday. ovmhr 2 Transportation day
(Salem day, Eugene day, Albany day). R. ri.
Crozier. chairman.
Wednesday. November 3 Japanese day, X
Nakaya. chairman.
Thursday. November 4 Loop day, Mc
Mlnnvllle day.
Friday, November 5 Realty Board day,
Central Oregon day, hutern Oregon aay,
Clayton OeblT. chairman.
Saturday, November 6 Farmers' Market
Inr day. John F. Carroll, chairman: Mult
nomah County day, Oregon State day, Orenco
dav. Rufus C. Holman Chairman.
Monday,- November S Retail Dealers day.
C. C Bradley, chairman: Electrical night,
J. E. Davidson chairman.
Tuesday, November J Jobbers' day, Na
than Strauss, chairman: Retail Grocers day,
W. C. Gunther, chairman.
Wednesday. November 10 Military day;
College day, O. M. Plummer, chairman.
Thursday. November 11 Chinese Babr
Show. Chinese wedding.
Friday. November 12 City of Portland
day. yayor'H. R. Albee. chairman,
Saturday, November 13 Closing day, Muts
day. W. P. Ptrandbors;. chairman.
Iurlng the year ending last July e)S
peVpons In the ITnlted Kingdom wer irn
?nced to penal servitude, against SSI in the
previous year.
Toieeow night
Armory Building Is Center of
Big Exhibition to Last
Eighteen Days.
Amusement Features Include Pa
rades, Bands and Special Events
for Portland People and Vis
itors From All Over Stats. i
(Continued From Prst Pr
tablih a profitable acquaintance with
Oregon as it really is today.
Chamber Conducts Show.
This year the exposition Is given by
and under the auspices of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce. Since Indus-
trial and land products are the featura
of the rast- display, covering 75.000
square feet, the directors and officers
of the exhibition were selected from
the manufacturers' and Industries and
Oregon development bureaus. The. show
this year covers a period of three
weeks, and the doors will be open
afternoons and evenings, with the ex
ception of Sundays.
The industrial and land exhibits of
fer the serious side of the exposition,
and the amusement features arc in
tended to keep up Interest In the great
show from day to day. provide oppor
tunity for many local clubs, organiza
tions, societies and fraternal bodies to
have an active part In the life of the
The displays made by manufacturers.
retailers and jobbers have been assem
bled in the main Armory building. Spe
cial exhibits are arranged in the bal
cony, and the ballroom will be the
scene of many entertainments where
the events are too large for the thea
ter. Products of the soil are grouped
In the temporary structure covering
Eleventh street from Couch to Davis,
and thence on Davis for more than 250
With 23 Oregon counties bringing in
their displays of fruits, grains, grasses
and vegetables, and competitive exhib
its of apples, pears, potatoes, onions.
nuts and evaporated fruits, every phase
of the agricultural life of the state will
be represented in a most comprehensive
Industries to Be Demonstrated.
Life and action will chaarcterlze the
displays In the industrial section at the
exposition. Working exhibits will' be
many and varied and models will be
shown to illustrate how Oregon goods
are made. Each exhibit will truthfully
represent short excursions Into the fac
tories of the city and state.
On display at the show will be many
articles manufactured in Oregon that
have gained National prominence from
systematic advertising campaigns. New
markets will be created as a result of
the exposition, and many of the coun
ties exhibiting will have a, golden op
portunity to exploit what they produce
in the way of special articles suitable
for the city markets.
Taken all together, the Manufactur
ers' and Land Products Show will bene
fit the exhibitor and the visitor alike,
and the show will be something In the
nature of a Winter school for the study
of the agricultural and industrial fea
tures of the state.
More than S00 exhibitors will have
part in the exposition. As early as last
Monday representatives of counties in
Oregon were in Portland arranging for
their part In the big show. Industrial
exhibits are about ail Installed, and
when the exposition opens tomorrow
night it will stand complete in every
It is noted that the' various exhibits
are Installed with apparent ease. Ore
gon has always been prominent In the
Chicago. Minneapolis. St. Paul and
Portland expositions. . Counties of the
state have profited by this experience
and the character of the agricultural
and horticultural displays has greatly
improved the last 10 years, so much so
that some county in Oregon undoubt
edly will carry home a gold medal
and $200 in cash for the best display.
Tour-tat a trared o Attend.
The exposition will be of unusual in
terest this year, since it is expected
many tourists in Portland, en route to
or returning from the expositions in
San Francisco and San Diego will at
tend the show while visitors in the city.
Portland hotels will urge upon their
guests to visit the land show and the
railroads are offering low fares for the
round trip to encourage travel from
within a radius of 250 miles of the ex
position city.
Amusement features and special
events on the daily programme will
not be confined to Portland alone. The
entire State of Oregon will have a part
in the entertainment end of the enter
prise and cities, towns and communities
will send delegations of their business
men to Portland to view the exhibits.
Many bands and musical organiza
tions will be heard in daily concerts
at the exposition, and there will be
new features on the programme after
noon and evening. Parades through
the downtown business section will be
of daily occurrence.
O.-W. R. & X. Company Will Show
Samples Grown by Counties.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Company will have a corn
booth at the Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show, where samples of corn
grown in different counties reached by
the lines, both east and west of the
Cascade Mountains, will be exhibited.
The marvelous Improvement "both -in
quantity and quality of corn being
grown in the Pacific Northwest is
largelv due to the strenuous corn cam
paign" the O.-W. R. & N. has -carried
on for the last four years. This ex
hibit wiil exemplify the advantages of
careful seed selection and the use of
acclimated seed. The question. "Can
corn be successfully and profitably
grown in the Pacific Northwest?" haa
been answered in the affirmative as
demonstrated by the samples of corn
shown at county, district and state
fairs this season.
The quality of corn and the yield an
acre indicated that with properly se
lected seed, well prepared ground and
thorough cultivation an acre of corn
not only produces more stock feed, but
In reality is one of the most profitable
crops the farmer can grow In rotation
with grasses, small grain or vegeta
bles. Baron Monlono, doyen of the diplomatic
corps at Petrofe-rad. is one of Japan's fore
most diplomats, lie has lived in Fetrograd
ninre 1nV
Oreirort-made goods. It quenches
thirst. I all ready to use, just add
to water. Used for punch. Orange
and lemon fluvors. See demon
(rfrntor a.t Iand Show. Phone Main