The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 24, 1915, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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L W. Chick, Identified as Sui
cide, and Miss Alexander
Meet. in Portland. .
Jlald Says She "Jnst Could Not Be
lieve It" When She Got Message
and Both Race for Trains to
Prove Report TTntrue.
"I Just could not believe it was he,"
mnia ansa Florence Alexander, the
remewi or J w. Chick, who was
identified as a suicide by even his em
ployer ana rriends.
worn -threadbare" because of
enxlety for the man whom the Coroner
telegraphed her had committor oni.u.
in the Plaza block last Wednesday, Miss
,.iA.lexander yesterday had forgotten her
-y n again seeing him safe and
quite alive.
"I was in Spokane." said Miss Alex
ander yesterday, "when a telegram
came to me from the Coroner telling
...o Vi iu suiciae or juis, but I could
not believe it. The Coroner grot my
muuress Dy opening; a letter that I had
sent to the address of Mr. Chick In
Fortland. I had signed only my first
name, but the address where I was
oiaying in fepoKane was on the en
K'lrat Train Taken to Portland.
"As soon as I heard the news X tele-
rrapnea the address of Mr. Chick'j
mother, and the Coroner nrHf
I then made arrangements to come to
Portland on the next train, and I grot
urci-o x' naay morning.
"As soon as I got to Portland I im
mediately went to the morgue, and, al
though there was some resemblance.
could not be convinced, although all my
friends tried to make me see the sim
ilarities between the dead man and
Louis. I concluded to wait until the
arrival of Mr. Chick's mother before I
pave up hope, and then at 6:20 o'clock
rinay night I was called to the tele
Phone. I knew his voice and met him
as soon as I could get over to town. .
never want to go through that expert
enoe again."
air. t hick, the live "corpse," saw the
account of his death in the paper
while on a ranch near Amity, Or. After
he had read the account and had fully
grasped the gravity of his position, he
no nme in getting the first train
xor Portland.
Two-Mile Rare Made to Drvot
"I ran two miles to get to the depot
nu Reno a telegram to the Coroner,"
said Mr. Chick yesterday. "Kven when
I did get word to him he thought that
x was hiaaing- nim and at first refused
to Deiieve what I said. I then told him
to notify all my friends and relatives
that I wss safe, but evidently a mis
tin derstanding arose on. thir ;-nr
Mi Alexander did not know that 1
was still alive until I reached Port-
iana ana called her by telephone. How
ever, I got word to my mother and
-ne Knew ociore she got to Portland
that I was still alive and that there
"arc oeen a misiaKe.
"t got back from Amity Friday and
met Miss Alexander as soon as I- was
able to see her."
Yesterday morning Miss Alexander
and Mr. Chick both went to the train
to meet Mr. Chick's mother and when
the train arrived the reunion was com
plete. Companions Are Astounded. '
While waiting for the Southern Pa
cific to arrive. Mr. Chick went up
fcixth street for a block or two and
met his employer. Louis B. Marks, a
novelty manufacturer, talking with
friends ot Chick's. They were, dis
cussing the sort of flowers that would
be best to adorn the grave of their
late companion. Chick's advent swept
them oft their feet and they glanced
at each other in amazement. When
Chick told them that he would just
as soon have cigars as flowers they
revived and asked how it all happened.
Mr. Chick is at a loss to account
for the fact that he was mistaken for
the dead man. for he went to the
morgue himself and said that there
were few points of similarity that he
could discover.
"I could not make anyone believe
that I was still alive," was Chick's
parting comment.
Lewis County Cannery Adopts Ab
breviation "Ijcwco."
CHEHALIS. Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) The management of the Lewis
County Canning Association has
adopted a label which it is believed will
prove popular as a trade getter and
which is in keeping with the historical
associations of the Pacific Northwest.
It Is "Lewco," being an abbreviation
for Lewis.
As Lewis County was the mother
county of practically all of this part
of old Oregon and this part of Wash
ineton, it is thought the name will
prove popular, and the management
hopes to have this eventually become
a household- word in the Northwest
home, where choice food products are
Xacoma Interests Get Favorable Re
port on Shingle Plant.
MORTON. WashTOct. 23. (Special.)
It is likely that Morton will soon
have another shingle mill with a capac
ity of 100.000 feet per day, according to
J. L. Thompson, representative of the
Howell-Hill Mill Company, of Tacoma.
who has been here this week looking
over the Reed Shingle Mill, located on
the O. W. "Chapman place.' There is
alBO a small sawmill in connection. Mr.
Thompson said that he can get timber
for a two-year run. which he will re
port to his superiors.
The Lake Creek Shingle Company
has been operating its plant steadily
for many months past, giving employ
ment to a good sised crew.
Vadcr Offered Water Plant.
C EXT R ALT A. Wash.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) John Anderson, representing the
Vador Water Company, has offered to
sell the plant to the town for J3000.
Mayor Brouse is away, but on his re
turn the Vader Council will act on the
offer. The Council at its meeting this
week instructed Marshal Clouting to
dispense with the services of his night
nan. leaving the Marshal to police the
town alone.
Centralis Has 2 0 Candidates.
CKNTRALIA. Wash.. Oct. 23. (Spe
cial.) Tom Rogers, an old resident of
t entrails. yesterday announced his
vandidacy for a City Commissioner
ship at the coming municipal election.
Mr. Rogers la the 20th candidate to
announce himself and the 15th for Com-
ion. t
to f
3m- (
First Auditorium Drawmgs Ar
rive in Portland.
Commissioner Baker,' Assisted by
Portland Representative of Archi
tect, Begins Check of Work.'
. Engineering Specialist Aids.
The first of the werklnc drawing.
for Portlands proposed auditorium
"c.c received yesterday by Commis
sioner Baker from J. H. Freelander and
A. D. Seymour, architects of New Tork,
for checking. Accomrmn vini- ty,. ni,
was a' letter stating that all possible
w"i oe used in finishing the
plans and getting them here n thai
bids can be called for.
Assisted by J. A. Fouilhoux. Port
land representative of Mr. Freedlander,
Commissioner Baker yesterday started
to check over tli 1 . ,
they aro worked out exactly in ac-
iu iaeas or the City
Council as to what the building should
be. No date 1m rivn 1 -i
of the plans, but it is expected to be
- i.mii n jjuun lime.
Engineering Snevlaliat Engaged.
In his letter Afr T-'-rtH i .-
he has engraged J. K. Wood well as eh-gineerlni?-
tmniaiiD . i . . .
" ' . Mm iieuiLinK
and ventilating, electrical and plumb-
" uu rmiesBor waiiace c
Sabine, of Harvard University, to plan
for the acoustics of the building.
air. r reeaianders- letter follows:
W"a n r in mb ...
- - 1 a jour leiegram or
October 1-'. to which we replied aa follows:
Have been rushing- drawings continuously
. , , mrwani same
on Saturday and at once start cloth trao-
i n t- ii n H .n-.tfj. . i
. , iiH urgency
of the situation and will expedite the work
We beg- to assure you ag-ain that we lAi
- - - " "6"" mat we n
left- nn .rn., ....... i . ,
: - u.,Lu.Mcu w iiuni inc ar aty -
Ing-s ahead with all possible speed since the
reojlpt of the preliminary sketches and Mr
Fouilhoux' visit to New Tork.
rlnal Arrangement Is Shown.
. rvu oy express
the plana, elevations and sections on trac
ing paper showing the final arrangement
- - - - nuu.M,, .uiii. ihbh em
body all of your suggestions, as well as
(hnfl nf Xf l.'..!1V. ,
. ... iuu wo are now
starting both the working drawings on
traiilMT rlnlh onn . 1, . : e: .
shall do everything in' our power to cora-
-" ' p"iDi moment.
as wa understand the oonditlons In Port
land. As you are aware, the work is of. a
technical nature and necessitates detail in-
Aa. according to the terms of paragraph
- "l"ul1 rmitwiunai practice
or Architects, forming part of our contract
with the City ot Portland, we have retained
for the city the services of J. E. Woodwell
as engineering specialist for the beating
and ventilating, electrical snd plumbing
X -
Welda KliMbeth Zentner.
ACME, Or.. Oct. S3 (Special.) "
Welda Elizabeth Zentner, the
3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Zentner, of this place,
received a rating of 100 per cent
in the Lane County eugenic con
test. She is one of the few girl
babies in Oregon receiving such a
f II- , ? I . -ary
V - XS: :". V.--6i f s V"
1V 'rWi " v ' V f
work at a cost of 3 M per cent on the total
contract price of laid work.
We have also retained for consultation in
r-spect to the acoustics of the Auditorium
me services or professor Wallace C. Sabine,
of Harvard University, at a romivnutinn
of $200, the olty to pay for his services as
wen as ror triple or Mr. Wood well,
Mayor Proposes Ordinance Regulat
ing Coffee-Houses.
Women and girls will become miss
ing members of jvi working, forces of
coffee-honses if an ordinance completed
yesterday by Mayor Albee is passed by
the Council. The measure is aimed to
bar women and girls both from work
ing in these places and from loitering
A coffee-house is defined in the or
dinance as "any place where coffee,
sweet drinks, tobacco-smoking mate
rials or apparatus or sweetmeats or
similar articles are sold or served, and
which is patronized principally bv men
for the purpose of loafing or whiling
away the time by smoking, playing
cards or other games, regardless of the
nationslity of the. person owning or
conducting such place or of the custom
ers thereof.'
St. Lawrence Churcn to Observe
Thanksgiving November 9,10, 11.
The parishioners of St. Lawrence
Church will hold a Thanksgiving car
nival at the St. Lawrenca assembly
nail, rnird and Sherman streets, on the
nights of November 9, 10 and 11.
The fancywork booth will be In
charge of Mrs. P. J. O'Donnell; candy
booth. Miss Maris Boiletset; refresh
ments. Mrs. W. J. Smith; prize tree.
Miss Tillman, and the country store,
J. P. Hendren. W. P. Lillis. W. .1. Smith
and J. O. Heitkemper. The children of
Mary Sodality have charge of the doll
booth and fishing pond. Mrs. W. P.
Lillis is secretary of the carnival com
mittee. The proceeds are for the bene
fit of the church.
On the closing night supper will be
served and several prizes will be given.
California Society to Hear Noted
Travelers on European Situation.
The California Society of Oregon will
hold a meeting Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock, in Library Hall, of the Cen
tral Library.
At this meeting Judge William Rout
ledge McGarry, noted traveler and au
thor, will deliver an address on the
Balkan situation and the Bagdad Rail
way as related to the present war In
Europe. Judge McGarry. as a traveler
and student of diplomacy and history,
has seen much of European and
Oriental countries, and has encircled
the globe three times.
In addition to a brief business ses
sion at this meeting, the programme
for the evening will include a short
musical entertainment.
Late Christian Knudsen Long Sailor.
The late Christian ICnudsen. who died
October IS at his home, 875 East Thirty
seventh street, was bom at Norburff.
Island Alsen, Schleswig-Holstein. Ger
many, October 23, 1841. He was a
sailor for 14 years. He left the eea-at
an Francisco and a little later went
into the Serra Gorda mines, where hs
was assayer for many years. He spent
the ten years from 1868 to 1878 in
California, then went to the Middle
States and engaged in different lines
of business. At Yankton, S. XX, hi
met Miss Bernadina Elckhoff, of Ne
braska, and they were married No
vember 24, 1881. They made their home
at Bismarck, N. D., for many ears.
leaving there lor Oregon in 1899. Be
side the widow, who survives him. Is
his only child, Mrs. Irene Knudsen
Helms, and little granddaughter, Ruth
Dorothy Helms.
Rockwood Lady Maccabees Elect.
GRESHAM. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)-
The following officers for the year
were elected by the Charity Hive of
Lady Maccabees, at Rockwood: Mar
garet Schantin. commander: Minnie
Brown, lieutenant-commander; Josie
Stanley, past commander: Ella Rowen.
chaplain: Martha Cook, record keeper;
Laura Pullen. finance auditor; Belle
XHckenson. lady-at-arms; Mary Turner,
sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Florence Turn
er, district deputy, visited the Charity
Hive, Lady Maccabees.
I. It. Lingman's Funeral Held.
Funeral services of P. R. Lingman
were conducted Friday afternoon at the
Mount Scott Cemetery by the Albert
Pike Lodge, A. F. and A. M, acting
for Aslar Lodge Xo. Ill, Fort Dodge,
la., to which he elonged. Mr. Ling
man died Tuesday at Tobias station.
Until his health failed a year ago Mr.
Lingman "was secretary of the dis
trict council of carpenter. He was 38
years of age.
ffV W'W'"' S S a J
due wouia
could h
M. I. PIPES xexxs judge: morrow
Court, However, Fixe Time for Fur
ther Hearlae; In Proceedings
Against G. W. Watrrbury.
"We won't be here." exclaimed At
torney Martin L. Pipes in Judge Mor
row's court yesterday when the Judge
made a verbal order continuing supple
mentary proceedings against O. W.
Waterbury. against whom a judgment
In favor of the depositors of the Ameri
can Bank & Trust Company amount
ing to more than 1 70,000 was obtained.
TOR AT 1 , M. C. A. SCHOOL,.
Edward C. Peterson.
With heavy enrollment in both
day and night classes, the wire
less telegraph school will open
for the Winter at the Y. M. C. A.
-November 1. Edward C Peter
son, an experienced radio opera
tor, will be in charge of the
course. New equipment has been
added to the plant in the Bummer
to increase its receiving ef
ficiency and .the range of opera
tion has been extended. The
plant also has been overhauled
thoroughly and repaired. Every
graduate of the school now is em
ployed as a licensed operator and
Government examinations will be
conducted by radio inspectors at
the conclusion of the course.
f ' I , -t
;l ,,;, It
---- a.a.e. a.a
cn a Large Scab "Which Make BossiHa
AlII Distributing Depots
Firestone Tire users created an over
demand. .Forvmonths the Firestone
factory, largest exclusive tire plant in the
world, has been way behind on orders.
We work a double shift of specialists,
but we will not hurry the work. - As
much as we "Hlslike to disappoint you
on deliveries, it was out of the question
to build more than we have built and
build them up to the Firestone standard.
We could have slighted workmanship
not, vve could have relaxed
our inspection but would not.
and tufned out "srec;n tires" but would not.
And that policy is the very reason why we
were oversold for so long In Bpite of our
tremendous output. It is the very reason
why thousands of motorists have waited
weeks for Firestones, risking trouble
with old tires and tubes rather
than equip beyond imperative
neea witn any other kind.
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
"America's Largest Bzelnslve Tire and Kim Makers"
SS-S7-88 Park Street IV., Portland. Or.
Home Office and Factoryi Akron. Ohio.
nranrnr. ana
Judge Morrow made no direct reply
but dictated a written statement to the
court reporter fixing November 6 as
the date for a further hearing. He
would not say what would happen in
case Waterbury fails to appear on that
Further supplementary proceedings
against L. O. Ralston were continued
for the reason that Mrs. Ralston Is ill.
It is desired to bring her in to answer
questions relative to property formerly
owned by her husband which has been
Expert Progressive
At Special Reduced
..U.... .. 1, , Mil. I I. II,, ...ML..,! -IUSIW,.,. .nj-i.,. ., .. , p, 11 ...
Ir. E. O. Atasplund, Mrr.
15-Year Written Guarantee
Open Evenings
Lady Attendants
In the Two-Story Building.
Factoro Additions
To these good loyal friends to all who
have been patient with us we express
our sincere thanks and deep apprecia
tion. And to this thanks we add this
promise a full stock of Firestone Tires
and Tubes in all sires and styles will bo found
at all our distributing points now.
We have never stopped adding toour enormous
plant. The large wings, adding acres of floor
space, that were constructed last year are now
swelling our output with their efficient pro
ductiveness. This has enabled us to catch up
to demand. And as "most miles per dollar"
wins more and more converts to the host of
Pirestone users there will be more factory
additions in readiness to answer the demand.
Never before has the car owning public been
so positive and so unanimous ia its verdict.
Never before has the tire industry been mads
to feel so keenly the intelligent discriminar
tion car owners have gained in tire selec
tion. Firestone quality is irresistible.
Call on your dealer. Hnow has
the Firestones you"want, or
can get them without delay.
uairn Kvcrywhrrr.
transferred to the Marietta Realty
Company, of which she Is secretary
and her husband president, and con
cerning other property transferred to
her and other members of the family
in their individual capacities.
Property which Mr. Waterbury tes
tified he owns includes 20 lots in As
toria, 10 acres of land east of Mount
Tabor, a house and two lots In St.
Johns, a house and two lots in Wood
burn, three lots in Newport and mort
gages aggregating nearly $30,000. He
' The Time to Have Your Teeth Fixed Is Now.
When You Can Have the Best Dentistry at Prices
That You Can Afford to Pay.
Flesh-Colored Plates ...$10.0O
Good PJates $5.00 22-k, Gold Crowns $5 and $3.50
Porcelain Crowns. ... .$5 and $3.50 22-k. Gold Bridge S3 50
Gold Fillings $1.00 Painless Extracting 5Q
Corner Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon.
said he had assigned a (9500 mortgage,
included in the total given, to his at
torneys as security for their fee and to
satisfy certain selected indebtedness.
C W. Miller, co-defendant with Mr.
Waterbury, was not in court because
his physician. Dr. Herbert S. Nichols,
signed a certificate thr.t his health was
such that it would not be safe for him
to appear. ,
A factory In Europe that uses ordinary tar
a a bajin In turning out about 200 tons of
artificial mhrr a da v.