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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
80 Pages SIX SECTIONS Section One Pages 1 to 18 VOL,. XXXIV. XO. 43. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. i OCTOBER BLOODIEST IN WORLD'S HISTORY Million Men Killed arid Wounded in Month. FEARFUL SACRIFICE IS FUTILE Allies Gain New Foothold, - Nothing More, in West. CRISIS NOW MOMENTOUS pnlparia's Entry Into War and In- vaslon of Serbia Overshadowing Events Berlin's Eyes Are 'f J j on British Cabinet. BERLIN, via London. October 23. 'Special.) The month now drawing to n close has been the bloodiest and most decisive in the history of the world. The long-promised and terrible Trench and British offensive, which be Kan September 21, is ended. At the name time the fighting on all the other fronts reached a climax. The result has been that in 30 days the loss in killed and wounded has exceeded the terrifying figure of 1,000,000. There liave been weeks of slaughter on every front, and many of the rivers of Europe are carrying crimson tides to the sea. fearful Sacrifices L'navallinK- Thoujch fighting is still going on along the west front, the allies' of fensives are at an end. Fearful sac rifices netted the British and French nothing but slight gains of land gains without military significance while the failure of the long-threatened oper ations, with the enormous expenditure of stores and ammunition by the allies, leaves the Germans free to make greater offensive efforts on the other fronts, especially in Serbia, where they re now hacking their way toward Con stantinople. It is possible that the British will be able to make another offensive movement, but historians for all times will devote many pages to the red rec ord of this October, in which the na tions doluged Europe with blood as lavishly as nature paints the Autumn leaves. , Battle Lines 20OO Miles Long. The far-flung, corpse-strewn battle lines are now more than 2000 miles long. No census has yet been taken of the tears and broken hearts here in Oermany or in the homes of her allies and her enemies. The most terrible letting of blood was on the Western front. Here two thirds of French army and millions of men. including one-half of all the British troops and part of the Belgian army, were hurled into the assaujt. It began September 21. with four days of artillery fire, creating such thunders as the world never heard before. In Flanders and in the Champagne, the British and the French surged over the cannon-torn trenches in the face of murderous fire. liven the British cavalry, more foolhardy than brave, rode up to the muzzles of the German machine Eunc, which mowed down regiments. Koothold trained, Xoiblns; More. Both sides used asphyxiating gases. The French and British got footholds, and no more, at the ccst of a gtagger ii. g sacrifice of human lives. In the first days of October the enemies of Germany made a second at tempt. Again days of artillery bom bardment were followed by another furious attack, but weaker than the first and resulting in only slight gains. German counter attacks tore away as jnuch land as was won at such a fearful price by the foe in the previous assault. Then came the third offensive, the tConduded on F'ase t. 'olumn .V) UOUfYDS SO SCHOOL TAXED TO SEAT FAMILY OF 16 RUSH ORDER IS SENT BY LANK COCXTY DISTRICT. Two Families of Children Now in Section and Enrollment Is - Trebled In Day. EUGENE. Or., Oct. 23.-(Speclal. School districts in Lane County have reported remarkable growth during the year, but it remained for district No. 125, about 11 miles southwest of Eugene, to break all records for growth in a single day. No. 125 at one time was one of the promising school districts of the coun ty. Finally the last family of children moved out of the district, but a butch er, with five children moved to his farm Just in time to prevent the dis trict from being abolished. Since that time the school has been conducted) with but five children and all of them in one family. Today the clerk of the district made a hurried trip to Eugene and an nounced that more seats were needed. "Surely, you have enough seats," said the superintendent. - "We had," he replied, "but a new family moved into the district this week, in which there are 16 children, and most of them want to attend school." The seats have been ordered. RURAL VENTURES FAILURES California May Warn Settlers TTn less Situation Improves. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23. Land problems and the position of the farmers in California have reached such a stage that unless something is done to remedy existing conditions a warning must be sent broadcast cau tioning prospective settlers against coming to this state. Professor Elwood Mead, of the University of California, said at today's hearing of the State Rural Credits Commission. An estimate of the Commission is to the effect, it was said by Colonel Har ris Weinstock, one of the Commission ers, that 90 per cent of the rural ven tures within the last five years have been failures. 47 VESSELS BLACKLISTED British Warned Against Neutrals Now Under Suspicion. LONDON. Oct. 23. There -was posted at the British Admiralty today a list of 47 neutral vessels, ten of which fly the American flag and a warning to British shippers to be careful in char tering these ships, which are suspected by the authorities of being either controlled by German capital or en gaged in an unneutral service. Any ship on the list which provides evidence to the contrary will be re moved immediately from the list, say the Admiralty officials. SUNDAY LAW IS UPHELD Chicago Saloonkeepers for Second Time Lose in Court. CHICAGO, Oct. 23. Saloonkeepers at tacking the legality of the Sunday clos ing order met defeat again today when Judge Windes in the Circuit Court, after listening to long argument, re fused to issue a temporary injunction restraining the city authorities from enforcing the closing rules. A similar petition was denied last week by Judge Matchett. PERMIT GIVEN CARRANZA Five Thousand Men to Be Sent Through American Territory. LAREDO, Tex.. Oct. 23. Permission for 6000 Carranza. troops to journey through American territory from here to Douglas. Ariz., where they will re enter Mexico, has been granted by the United States Government, according: to reports here tonight. No troops have begun to move yet. WARTIME A it n " n - 1 m, ipj i x itvf ii j j ' i DEATH TRIANGLE OF WARSAW DESOLATE Region Silent, Fields Yellow With Weeds. LITTLE IS WORTH GUARDING Refugees Are Only Sign of Life on Old Battlefields. GERMANS ARE REBUILDING Work Goes on Xights anl Sundays and Involves Transportation or Vast Quantities of Ma terial Across Border. BT JAMES O DONNELL BENNETT. (Copyright. 1915, ty the Chicago Tribune. Published by arrangement.) SOCHACZEW. Russia, Sept. 25.-r-On a bright Autumn day I fared by round about ways 30 miles to the west of Warsaw and found myself back ln the 'triangle of death," where I used to watch the field sieges last "Winter. The triangle of death is empty now, but more deathlike than It was when men were dying there every hour. The fields were white then.' Now they are yellow and rank with weeds, for there was no planting in the triangle of death last Spring. The whole region Is very silent. It is difficult to convey an impression of the desolation, the loneliness, the stillness that brood over the scene. And yet, perhaps, I can convey it: Work of War la Done. It is as if the land were a human being that had been fearfully beaten and left for dead. The grim six months work Is done, and the work that shall make the plain smile again has not been begun. An oc casional party; of refugees is the only sign of life along the broad roads. The triangle of death is tipped on the north by the considerable town of Sochaczew (population about .10.000), on the south by Sklernlewice (13.000). and at ita apex on the west by L.owicz 15,- 000. Its base is the 20-mile line run ning north and a little cast, from Skierniewice to Sochaczew. The three points Sochaczew. Skierniewice and Lowlcz are important both in peace and war. and they remain so in the present deathly quiet which is neither peace nor war, but "occupation. Jience they are well garrisoned with troops and ane the centers of considerable forwarding activity. Little left Worth Guarding?. But within the triangle - of death there is not much left that is wortft guarding. Its area bounded by the 20-mile line on the east, the 14-mile line on the northwest and the 12 V4- mile line on the southwest never com prehended anything but farms and sparse hamlets, and before the war there was hardly a less Interesting re gion in Polish Russia. On this country side there was naught to arrest the attention or touch the imagination of the traveler except the little town . of Zelazowawola, where Chopin was born and the truth is that that place lies a little outside the triangle. But now this is historic ground and I was glad to get back to It, though the hours spent in it have been sad ones. For I am again in the old Raw-ka-Hzura line, which held for more than six months from Christmas time until late in July until finally the Rus sians, threatened by Hindenburg on the north and threatened in their rear by Mackensen on the south, fell back to their Blonie line, where, with the un wearied optimism that makes them like any place in Russia where the Garmans allow them to tarry, they de- r Concluded on Ta g , Column . ) TOPICS AGAIN GET THE t. ""7. INDIjX OF TODArS NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 66 degree; minimum. 49 decrees. TODAY'S Fair, warmer; westerly winds. War. James O' Donnall Bennett describes desolate death triangle of Warsaw. Section 1. page 1. October bloodiest month In world's history. Section 1, page 1. Allies troops on way to Serbia reported re called, to Salonika. Section 1, page 7. Swiss hotel men have difficult lives during war. Section 1, pace 7. 1'oreign. Sarah Bernhardt Is 70. Section 1, page & National. President to be married early In November. ' Section 1, p&ge . Domestic. Conference fails to end - Arizona copper strike. Section 1, page 3. Oregon has happy family at exposition. Sec tion l, page a. Mexico. Texas border citizens demand action to pro tect lives and property. Section 1, page 5. Land 8 how. Land Show exhibits are nearly all placed for opening tomorrow. Section 1. page ltf. Special days at Land Show are fixed. Sec tion 1, page 16. Forestry Service to illustrate work oy models. Section 1, page 16. Chamber of Commerce committees ars named for special days at Land Show. Section 1, page lo. Sport. Oregon defeats Whitman 21 to O. Section 2, page l. University of Oregon freshmen defeat Ag gie freshmen. iZ to 0. Section 2. page 2. Pari He Coast League results: Vernon lO, Portland 1: Salt Lake 11, Los Angeles 9; San Francisco 11. Oakland 4. Sec tion page- 4. Portland Oolf Club plans extensive im provements. Section 2, page 5. Interest in Aggie game overlaps all at University. Section 2, page 2. Six elevens clash in Spalding League to day. Sectiun 2 page 3. Aggies start East today to play Michigan. Suction 2, page 2. Beavers to send Derrick: to Vernon In ex change for Kane. Section 2. page 4. All Oregon Ur.! versity to take part In in tramural basketball. Section '2, page 6. All Berkeley is astir for Washington games. Section 2. page 3. Two Interscholestlc I-eague football games due this week. Section 2. page 3. Ritchie is displeased with treatment In New York. Section 2, page 5. Hockey shatter old contentions as to play era' experience Section 2, page 5. Yale, Harvard and Pennsylvania all lose 'on Ea&tern gridirons. Section 2, page 2. Pacific Northwest. Politicians can't guess successor to Judge Crow. Section i, page 8. North Idaho after its share of pie. Section lp page 0. O. A. C. pen cinches lead in egg-laying con test at fair. Section 1, page 9. Indoor Instruction to start at Fort Stevens. Section 1. page 9. Congress of Mothers adjourns. Section 1, page 8. Automobiles and Boads. Speedway promoter opposed to long races. Section 3, page . Year's paving programme completed. Section - 3, page 9. , Roses spread fimt at Firestone convention. Section. 3,. page 7. Oregon has 23,33!J machines licensed for 191 ft. Section 3, page 6. Auto day at show to be big event. Section 3, pac 7. Real Katate and Ball ding. Portland builders are optimistic over im proved prospects, due to realty move ments. Section 4. page 10. Deals in property about city boom. Sec tion 4. page 10. Site offers expected to attract factories. Section 4, page 10. Commercial and Marine. Three-fourths of Northwestern apple crop disposed of. Section 2, page 15. Chicago wheat prices break under enormous receipts. Section 2. page 13 Stock market cpena strong, but - gains are wiped, out by profit taking. Section 2, page 15. Japanese control of "Pacific tonnage means rise In rates on American goods. Section J, page 16. French bark Ttene chartered here for grain at 100s. Section 2, page IS. Portland and Vicinity. Provisional school budget calls for 10-mlII levy. Section 1, pag 10. Kiddies frolic and feast as Rose City park Club guests. Section 1. page 10. L. W. Chick, identified as suicide, and sweet heart are reunited. Section 1, page 11. First Auditorium working drawings arrive. Section 1, page 3 1. ' Mlllt at-- highway plan to be discussed at defense dinner at Chamber Tuesday. Sec tion 1, page 12. Mrs. W. S. Stoner, at Heilig Theater, illus trates methods of educating children at play. Section 1, page 15. Houdini plans mid-aid escape from strait jacket tomorrow in public. Section 1. page 15. Towns .along Willametfao Valley Southern dedicate road. Section 3. page 14. Trim of city budget to date $339,620. Sec tion 1. page 14. T. E. Burke returns from East and dis cusses National politics. Section 1, page 17. Portland men to talk at Vancouver ' upon future . interstate business relations. Sec tion I. page IS. R. E. Strahorn gets cheering news one rail road problem Is solved. Section 1, page lO. GREATER PART OF CARTOONIST REYNOLDS' ATTENTION. r A.' rGTl 1Q6.Q LAND SHOW OPENS TOMORROW NIGHT Farm and Factory Will Exhibit Products: DISPLAY IS TO LAST 18 DAYS Armory Building Is Center of Big Exhibition. MADE IN OREGON IS MOTTO Amusement Features Include Pa rades, Bands and Special Events for Portland People and Vis Istors From All Oyer State. . OPKXIXG MGHJ PROGRAMME. 7:15 P. M. Explosion of aerial bombs, fired from roof of Com mercial Club 1 building to an nounce official opening: of the second annual Manufacturers' and Land Products Show. 7:30 IV M. Opening; night pa rade headed by McElroy's Band. Parade will leave the Commer cial Club building: promptly and move throu gh the downtown busi ness streets to the Armory. 8 P. M. Opening: exercises at exposition. Addresses by Mayor H. R. Albee; C. C. Colt, president of the Chamber of Commerce; A. J. Klngsley. president of the ex position, and George II. Hardy, executive secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce. City and county officials present will participate in the programme. 9 P. M. Inspection of the ex hibits by officials of the Cham ber of Commerce, officers and directors of, the exposition and guests. to 10:30 P. M. Concert by HcElroy's Band. During evening: of opening night, and while the exposition is in progress, a powerful search--light on top of the Pittock block will flash its rays over the city. Once again - Portland becomes the show city for the agricultural, indus trial and horticultural wealth of the State of Oregon. It is becoming that the state's me tropolis should at all times be the great central bureau of truthful Information, the clearing-house, so to speak, for the exploitation of the products of the factories and the fields, the forests and the streams. This is the direct purpose of the sec ond annual Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, which will open Its doors tomorrow night. For 18 days all may learn the lesson taught by live geography, acquire an intimate knowl edge of what Oregon can,' will and has produced from its soil, and exactly what the factory life of the common wealth represents. The industrial division will show be yond question of a doubt that this sec tion of the United States Is as great in industrial and manufacturing possi bilities as any part of the East or Mid dle West. "Know your state better" was the slogan adopted by the committees early In the life of the exhibition. One of the best results of the exposition as a whole is that Portland people, those from all over the state and visitors from the Northwest in general will es- Concluded on Pace 16, Column 7.) n . y ' - w ' s-pu t .x - - r - 1 i ; Saturday's War Moves WIDELY separated, though synchro nous, diversions by the entente forces on land and sea. designed evidently as preliminary moves to re lieve the strain on Serbia pending: the time allied troops of sufficient weight can reach the Balkan front have marked the developments of the last 36 hours.. Italy, having confined herself for weeks to local actions, isolated at tacks and counter attacks, has launched a general offensive along: the Tyrol and Trentlno frontiers of - Austria; allied warships, including Russian vessels. have battered the Bulgarian ports In i the Aegean and Russia has increased the pressure on the eastern front and by combined land and sea operations has flung men and guns on the coast of Courland, 90 miles northeast of Riga, thus menacing the rear of General von Buelow's army, which for so long a time has been trying to take the Baltic port. The news of this surnrise landing is disclosed In th afyV communica tion whi- " - lorces landed i ne fact that a Russian vessel parti pated in the bombardment of the Bul garian coast is attested by a British official statement and is welcomed in England as an incident which will dispel the Idea supposed to be held by many Bulgarians that they are fighting Serbia only, and not their former ally. Russia. The Russian southern fleet is locked in behind the Dardanelles, and the only Russian war ship in Aegean waters, so far. as is know, is the cruiser Askold. The Admiralty statement relative to the bombardment speaks collectively of "British, French and Russian ships"; so tt is impossible to state the makeup of th squadron. If Italian craft took part it haa not been made known in England. Russian participation, however, has given stronger color to the recent rumors that she plans the landing of troops on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.. What progress the British and French troops are making in their ad vance northward to the relief of Serbia is still well withheld and there are misgivings in many quarters that Serbia never will be saved in this way. Greece's apparently authentic demand that allied soldiers insure her safety rather than allied concessions to ex pand her dominions constituted her ij price for aligning herself against the central powers ana lurwey, carries me implication that she regards the forces landed at Salonlkt as far from adequate for. the purpose. Roumania's stipulations governing her entry into the war in behalf of toe entente powers has, according to re port, ' narrowed, too, for a similar, though more specific demand for 400, 000 allied troops to insure her against invasion is reported. France. It is ar gued in some quarters, could hardly spare the men, and so th,e burden would necessarily fall on Russia and Great Britain, primarily Great Britain. The King's appeal for recruits in England has had a marked effect on enlistments, according to the London papers, and Its ultimate effect, with fair trial of the Earl of Derby's plan, may decide the moot question of con scription. That the berblans' position is grave is the opinion of the British press. With this admission there is developing dally an increased rancor over Greece's attitude, coupled with demands that the allies do not allow her policy to drift while there is a possibility of her turning against the entente. A Serbian official communication rer fers to the presence of French troops co-operating with the Serbian force in the neighborhood of Strumitas. but in none of the communications since the beginning of the new Balkan cam paign has the English been mentioned. The Bulgarians though hampered by bad weather, are driving further Into the interior of Serbia while the Austro German forces on the north and east frontiers are maintaining: terrific pres sure and moving slowly forward. They have gained another passage across the Dvina River near Visegrad. Eugene Man Gets Clerkship. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Oct. 23. J. Z. Holland, of Eu gene, has been appointed clerk in the Interstate Commerce Commission, as the result of civil service examination. BEGINNING OF NEW SEA RAIDS FEARED Chain of Events Puz zles Washington. BOATS MOVE MYSTERIOUSLY Escape of Interned Germans Viewed With Suspicion. BASE OFF HAITI RUMORED Officials Divided Retwcnc Theo ries, Involving German Activi ties and Filibuster by j Wealthy Mexicans. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. A tuigled skein of - circumstances is perplexing officials here, pointing either to the institution of a new commerce-raiding campaign by Germans In the Caribbean' Sea or the beginning of a series of filibustering expeditions against Mex ico. The Justice, Navy and State de partments have worked on the mystery several weeks without result. The departure of several sca-going motorboats, the escape of German war rant officers interned at Norfolk and the mysterious mcvements of several American yachts in the Gulf of Mexico have baffled not only officials of the Washington Government, who are anx ious to present violations of neutrality through use of American territory as a base of naval ' operations, but also agents of the British government, who fear a commerce-raiding campaign -x about to be begun against the tank steamers which carry oil from Mexican ports for use of the British navy. Serlea of Clrcumatances Rioted. The circumstances, which, official believe are all connected In a general way, follow: 1. The sudden departure of six in terned German warrant officers from Norfolk in the motor yacht Eclipse pro visioned for several days' voyage. 2. The arrival at Buena Ventura. Colombia, of the American ship Acad emy from San Francisco, heavily pro visioned. One of the owners of the Academy telegraphed the Government here that the vessel had no instruc tions to go to Colombia. The captain of the vessel asserted that he put Into the Colombian port for repairs. Some doubt exists as to the real Identity ot the vessel, and officials have sent the American Consul at Callao the reist.-y number of the Academy and have asked for a complete description. Mysterious Yachts at Key West. 3. Two yachts the Alameda and the ' Ventura have been lying at Key West for several weeks. Louis Vanhorn. of New York City, who owned them origi -nally. is understod to have sold the Alameda to General Pasquero. The Ventura was recently Btolen. it is as serted, from Key West by "Mexican pirates" and recovered by an American coast patrol. 4. . An American sailing vessel called the Two Sisters went aground on ant Island on the coast of Louisiana re cently, claiming to have come from Mexico for repairs. Her status Is under Investigation. 5. The American ship Zealand!. It ft Pensacola. Fla.. suddenly at Dlht with ' a large stock of provisions n board for Tampico. Mexico, and with several Germans In her crew. The arrival of the vessel at Tampico has seen re- -ported, and an investigation will be made there. An American flag, painted on the side of the vessel originally, had been painted out. It is said thi vessel flew the German flag at sea, but this has been denied by Jhe owners. 6. An American yacht, the Ethel. Concluded on Face . :olumn 2.) 4 4