The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 17, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 28

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Movie pictures are still on the boom
and the demand Is greater than the sup
ply; there is always room for good peo
ple in the movies and they pay large sal
aries, but you must cave certain quali
fications, which can only be acquired
through the Instructions of an experienced
director. Mr. John T. Chics: has had 18
years' experience In this line of work: and
is considered one of the best men in his
profession and is capable of preparing you
for positions that pay large salaries; he
has the only school in the Northwest
' equipped for this line of training. If
you contemplate this easy, fascinating,
"money-making work, call at once. New
class now forming. Chick's Photoplay
Training School, 2u7 Globe bidg., Portland,
Or., Ilth and Washington sts.
EXPERIENCED lov saleswomen. Apply
between 0 and 10 A. M., superintendent's
office, basement. Meier & Frank Co.
LADIES Easy, refined, genteel work; whole
or part tim3, ?-G-$t5 weekly selling well
advertised ".Knlttop" form-fitting petti
coats and "Carlton" made-to-measure silk
petticoats and waists; experience unneces
sary ; we show you how ; write today.
Spelmaa & Co., manufacturers, 237 S.
Market, Chicago.
WANTED Lady of tact and good education,
identified with locality, who, through re
verses, finds It necessary to earn good
salary; must be free to devote five hours
daily to work of special nature; nothing
to sell. Address for appointment AJ 167,
WANTED In R. R. office, stenographer
and correspondence file clerk; must be
rapid typist and familiar with, correspon
dence; salary 405 per month; state fully
previous exiorience and references. E
143. Oregonian.
LADIES even' where to copy addresses at
home; $2 per 1O0; no canvassing; copying
blanks and instructions, 12 cents. Brown
Company, 188 North; Division, Buffalo, N.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room 303 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls.
Interviews confidential.
VIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per
week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company. Dept. 611, Omaha, Neb.
MAKE money writing stories or articles;
big pay. Free booklet tells how. Ad
dress United Press Syndicate, ban Fran
cisco. WOMEN Government clerks, $70 month.
Portland examinations coming. List posi
tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute.
' LMt. "J3 H, Rochester. N. Y,
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to look after small
girl and assist with work In family of
three, near Washington High. A 148,
WANTED Active women to introduce and
take orders for tailored front and back
lai-e corsets. Address J. & O. Corset Co.,
1029 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111.
CALIFORNIA 2U0 motion-picture companies.
Easy to write plays. Highest prices. No
school. We revise, sell. Free details.
Photoplay Bureau, 335 Sia. C, Los Angeles.
$1N WEEK, expenees advanced. Women to
travel and appoint agents for concen
trated food flavor in tubes. Reliable Mfg.
Co.. 2 OS Como bldg., Chicago. '
WOM EN to sell ladles' garments direct to
wearer at real factory prloes; no in
vestment ; big commission. People's Gar
Tnent Mfg. Co.. 716 Arch, Philadelphia.
W A N T E D Working girl to room with me in
housekeeping room; light, heat, gas, linen,
bath furnished; $u month; U2 Grand ave.
Phone Hast 0531. room 11.
YOUNG lady planlat; must be good eight
reader ; steady position. Apply Monday
A, M. The Renlek Song Shop, 322 Wash
ing tonst.
LADY, employed, may have home for light
service, morning and evening. Address
ItC 101. Oregonian.
GIRL or woman to assist in care of chil
dren and light housework; no cooking; $10
month. 515 Tillamook at.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework, none other need apply; good
wages; a adutts. Mornings; SUI Lovejoy.
WANTED Elderly woman, keep house and
care for small boy for her room, board.
W Oregonian.
WANTED Young girl to assist in house
work and care of baby; salary $10. Call
between 9 and 12. 511 East 3Uth N.
WANTED Ladles and girls to learn trade.
Portland School of Millinery. 042 Union
ave. North.
WANTED Refin-sd, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Company. 423
Pit took block. 385 Washington.
EXPERIENCED waist trimmer that can
make sleeves. Call Sunday. 1 to 2, 143
Tilth st.
CHIROPODIST or corsetierre to share beauty
parlors; desirable location, Pkace Mar
shall 6114.
6TKONG, industrious young lady for house
keeping at once; good home. AK 149,
"WHOLESALE bouse needs strictly reliable
woman; will train ; references. AK 148,
WANTED 10 more voices for our choral
society. Telephone East 65 72 or call 12
Ellens bldg.
WANTED Adaptable, energetic woman who
desires to earn living, not merely to draw
a salary. 4Q3 Dokum.
WIDOW lady wanted to work in factory,
packing candy, etc. Apply, stating par
ticulars, G 149, Oregonian.
WANTED A woman to do housework ; no
washing; good wages. Call 3&0 Morrison
Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies
only; make yourself Independent with good
trade. 4U0-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wash.
OPENING for public stenographer; free
rent and machine. Call Monday A. M. 30l
Panama bldg.
HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 602 Or
pheum bldg. (Empress). Individual in
etructions, positions when capable. M. 1542.
KXPEKIENCED girl for second work; ref
erences required. Phone mornings. Mar
shall 4121.
UUS1N ESS firm needs a woman not under
25 who is trustworthy and capable; expe
rience unnecessary. 1 15o, Oregonian.
1A DIES wanting work. We want demon
strators; to $2 day made. 505 Columbia
CilKU wanted to assist in housework and
wait on table; private family hotel. 710
Washington st.
WOMAN to tke care of small house for
use- of 2 rooms. Call between 2 and 3.
355 Salmon.
GERMAN or Swedish girl, good cook. In
family of S. 3ii 12th.
OIHL wanted for kitchen work in private
family hotel. 710 Washington st.
"WANTED Young woman take care of baby
afternoons, $." month. Phone Main 3504.
WANTED Experienced body ironer. Apply
Cr stal Laundry Co.
W I LL give a good home in exchange for
assistance with housework, t92 Schuyler.
LEARN beauty culture. Sumnwr rate, 50a
Columbia bldg. Graduate Pans, Berlin.
CUMTKTKNT anT experienced girl for gen
eiai housework. 455 E. 20th st. North.
WANTED French teacher,
ply AJ 157. Oregonian.
50c lesson. Ap-
COM I'ETENT girl for general housework;
ood home. Woodiawn 3136.
W ANTED lady for reading by hour; rea
sonable. aJ. 157, Oregonian.
A GOOD hoi I lay article for lady house-to-house
canvassers. 220 E. 51st st.
Fall terin begins now. Men and women to
learn the barber trade in S weeks; posi
t ions guarantied, tois free, paid while
leurnmg; tuition reduced; expert Instruc
tors Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison.
MOI.KH BAR RE R C 6 LLE G E w a n t s men
and women to iearn the trade; tuition re
j duced; paid while learning, diplomas is
sueii to k i adii.1 tcH. N2 col leges . 22 vears
In business. Write for catalogue A, 4S N.
2d sireeu
W A N TED By responsible party, man and
wife, w ith very ltt recommendations, a
position as caretaker of residence for
parties who are going awav for Winter,
now or later on. E 7v. Oregonian.
"WANT KD HriKht boy and girls to take
orders for visiting and business cards;
easy Christmas money; outfit free. The
Mays Printery. Csmopolis, Wash.
EARN flo to 15 wekl addressing, mail
tiitf circulars, spare time, circular in
structions. 10c. Asa Supply House. 210
South Second av., North Yakima. Wash.
NIGHT and day classes, shorthand and
typewriting, Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day nights, $5 a month. Main 4137, Pun
day, TE lH EKS desiring review work for state
or countv examinations, call Broadway
- LET me show you how to earn 95 to $10
per day. AR 147. Oregonian.
RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car
riers, exam, soon; "parcel post demands
many more clerks: met at once Pacific
State School. McKay bldg.. city.
WATCHES cleaned, 75c; mainspring. 75c;
work guaranteed. 21S Commonwealth
bids-, 6 Lh and Ankeny.
15.000 MF and women to become U. S.
Government employes; $75 month.; vaca
tion. Common education sufficient. Write
immediately free list position now ob
tainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. K,
P.ochester. N. Y.
advanced classes, conversational and com
mercial courses; former students now
holding high positions in South America.
Call 309 Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED Men tc try examinations for
Government Jobs. $70 month. Common
education sufficient. Apply Immediately.
AV222, OreBonian.
BOYS and girls wanted for orchestra; be
glnners taken. N 150, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
HOTEL men, A-l thoroughly experienced
hotel clerk wishes position In or out of
city; neat appearing and good mixer;
formerly day clerk and chief clerk in two
best Willamette Valley hotels; best refer
ences. AC 104. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man now employed seeks
position requiring greater ability. Seven
years' varied experience; capable of tak
lng charge. B 74, Oregonian.
TRUSTWORTHY young man. good penman,
wants clerical position, corporation or
wholesale house. Local experience. Will
begin small salary. EF 135, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants job as clerk
in grocery store, 6 months' experience. N
168. Oregonian.
H OT E L CLERK Ex-traveling man wishes
position as day cterk; highest references;
moderate salary. AN 66, Oregon-an,
YOUNG MAN (19) through law school, de
sires position with large law or commer
cial firm. AC 160. Oregonian.
LUMBERMAN wants position as manager of
retail yard; 8 years' experience. BP 109.
WANTED Position by first-class machin
ist; 30 years' experience in ' shop work;
used to handling men; first-class refer
ences. AK 147, Oregonian.
PRIVATE housecleaning, lawn work, kitchen
helper, carpenter's helper, moving helper,
wood-splitters, key-fitter. H. C. Mount
Joy. East 3731.
MAN, 30. would take charge of big ranch;
stock ranch preferred; do own butchering,
repairing and shoeing. AM 165, Orego
nian. HOUSEMAN Fully understands house
work and general waiting, wishes position
private family, apartment or residential
hotel; highest references. A 73, Oregonian.
BY homeowner and taxpayer, work in city,
425 per month, indoors preferred. Call
fc evenings. Sellwood IDOtJ.
MAN and wife, cooks, desire position in
country hotel or camp; good references.
. BP 155, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese, fair education, desires
position as schoolboy In private family.
Kuramoto. 327 Everett.
YOUNG man and wife want Job on farm
or any place. Write Art McGahey, Hills
boro, Or.
WANTED Situation, Janitor, elevator,
housework, cook or any other work, by
competent man. AC 157, Oregonian.
ADVERTISING writer. Services valuable to
office, store or factory. Address H. R,
Harvey, 132-3 Terry ave., Seattle, Wash.
JAPANESE boy, going to school, wants
work for room and board; good worker.
327 Everett.
Al MECHANIC and driver wants work,
private or shop; is a good worker. AR 134,
CARPENTER, cabinetmaker, ood man,
work very reasonable, day or Job. Phone
Main 6103. apt. 57.
FIRST-CLASS baker wants work in or out
city; confectionery or bakery. Phone E.
MAN and wife want work of any kind on
farm. One child. 4. Frank K.oIsky, 1594
E. Hoyt st Portland, Or.
WANTED by expert tile setter, brick or tile
fireplaces to repair or build ; cement and
brick work, all kinds. T 169. Oregonian.
JANITOR, experienced, wants offices, small
stores or windows to clean. Woodiawn
TOOLMAKER, all-around mechanic, ma
chine or bench, 20 years' experience, de
sires position. AK 172. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as carpenter or handy
man. Room b, Ockley Hotel, 300 H Morri
son street.
HIGH SCHOOL boy desires a place to work
for room and board while attending
school. G 147, Oregonian.
FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD boy wants place to
work in country. Must earn some wages.
BC 130, Oregonian.
WOOD cutting or land clearin'g by two men,
with privilege of boarding selves; day
labor considered also. AE 158, Oregonian.
MAN, 30, home in city, reliable, industrious,
references, desires permanent out-door
work of any kind. Marshall 1949.
EXPERIENCED warehouse man or janitor
wants work; Al references. Call Monday,
Main 7051, A 1517.
JAPANESE desires position at housework,
who drives and good at repairing car;
have good references. X 150, Oregonian.
BOY wants work in garage evenings and
Saturday; experience, not wages, object.
AR 132, Oregonian.
WOULD like Job management of apartment-house
or running ono on shares.
Call Main 8706.
YOUNG man, attending law school evenings,
desires position w here he can make ex
penses. BD 135, Oregonian.
CHINESE wants position, cook, private
family, or country, hotel, baker; no boarding-house.
AP 155, Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like work of some kind
before school and Saturdays. S42 Y. M.
C. A.
CONCRETE worker and finisher (married)
wants work ; is good gardener ; A 1 refer
ences. Call Monday. Main 705t. A 1517.
WANTED By dental student, work for
board and room, or either. Phone Atche
son. room 713 Y. M. C. A.
YOUNG man desires work; will do any
thing: does not smoke, chew or drink.
M 169, Oregonian.
Will consider anything; any price; A-l
references. AE 160, Oregonian.
Get my figures. I can sav-e you money.
Duncan, 70 N. 15th st. M. 3149, Mar. 406.
HIGH school student would like position
driving machine for private party after
school hours. BD 165, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with family, out of work,
would like to work farm on shares; re
1 table. J 146, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS milker and farm hand de
v sires position. Woodiawn 3034. C 2SUS.
Speaks French. German and English.
MAN and wife want charge of apt. -house
for apt. and small salary; experienced;
best references. W 14S. Oregonian.
BY honest man as janitor, porter or any
kind of work. Reference. Call Bell phone.
East 1S64.
HANDY workman, wide experience, take
anything, go anywhere; reference. F 149,
YOUNG MAN. fair education, desires posi
tion of any kind. Have roadster. BF 148.
VALET High-class, can also assist secre
tarial duties; references. E 150, Oregonian.
YUl'NG married man with Ford wants Job
with or without machine. Phone Sell. 24S5.
MY auto and services, any kind work, whole
or part time. AK 100, Oregonian.
Tl'TORIXO Mathematics. French, German.
Call Marshall 4740.
WH EN you w ant a carpenter, phone East
SM or C 2656.
HOUSE and window cleaner wants work,
hour, day, steady position. Sellwood 252.
GOOD first-class teamster wants steady
work. Woodiawn llol.
YOl'XO Japanese boy wants housework.
Call Main 303. Japanese Mission.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, good references,
wishes position. A 141. Oregonian.
MIUKEK and he Ms man, experienced, open
for position. BF 12o. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work at once; elderly
coup'.e. AM lt0. Oregonian.
GiCT estimate for painting, pood work, rea
sonable. Marshall 1 5;s. Main 49.'J.
GOOD all-around cook in city. Address AC
1.V2, Oregonian.
ARCH ITECTU R AL draftsman desires po
sition, city or country. AO 16S. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman wants staple line
of goods on commission. V 14S. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Free E mployment Bureau. A
1670. Jap. Assn. of Or. 18 Henry ildg.
PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling,
cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87.
YOL'XG man wants place to work for board
or board and room. AL loS, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position as
assistant of dentist. ti05 Union ave. N.
JAPANESE boy wants cooking in family.
Route 1, box A, Hillsdale, Or.
WHAT have you on Saturdays for expe
rienced salesman? G S. Reed College.
CARPENTER foreman wants workaday "or
con tract. Phone Sellwood 1359.
EXPERIENCE D"Ta iryman would like work.
L 146. Oregonian.
COLORED man. cook, boarding-house, ho
tel or club. Woodiawn 101.
MARRIED chauffeur can do own repairing;
must have work. Tabor 2b36.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wlehes posi
tion In city. 30 V N. 3d st. T. Hirota.
SALESMAN, In present position with Port
land wholesale house four years, calling
on grocers, butchers, hotels and restau
rants, successfully, will be open for en
gagement Nov. l, city or country; refer
ence present employer and others. AH
1 4 1, Oregonian.-
WOULD like to get In touch with good com
pany who need the services of young man.
who desires to make change; have good
education, business training and expe
rience; capable; record will rtand Inves
tigation; best references. AO 170 Orego-
RELIABLE young man, 22, German, must
find work in or out of Portland, where
there is not much walking; Is experienced
hotel clerk, but is willing to do anything;
Al references. Call Monday. Main 705L
A 1-17. 411 Commercial block.
MARRIED couple, no children, experienced
ail-around farmer and dairyman, wants
position; both raised on farm; clean milk
ers and good caretakers ; wife also good
housekeeper; no bad habits. AV 239,
MARRIED man. with family, age 35. yourrg
and active, tired of city, desires position
in smaller town; has had years of business
experience, acting botli as manager and
owner ; prefer mercantile line ; an Inter
view is solicited. T 146 Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on wheat farm
- or stock ranch; man experienced in farm
ing, good hand with stock; woman good
cook and housekeeper. Address A, C.
Stone. 215 loth st., cor Salmon. Portland.
Or. Phone Marshall 70C.
BUSINESS COLLEGE student wants work
after school hours, Saturdays and Sundays
typewriting, bookkeeping, office work, tak
ing care lawns or autos preferred. Call
Main 493. A 7h30.
SALESMAN Butter, egg and produce
salesman, thoroughly experienced, ac
quainted all Portland grocers, wishes po
sition; highest references. T 149, Orego
nian. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, draughtsman,
shop superintendent, railway, public serv
ice corporation and commercial experience;
reasonable salary ; any offer considered.
Phone Woodiawn 554.
SITUATION wanted by - first-class experi
enced bookkeeper; best of references.
Would be willing to go out of town, T 167,
YOUNG MAN of good character, can give
best kind of reference, would like a po
4 sition. Anything where he will have a
cnance. hor.e Tabor 3772.
A-l RELIABLE and competent man for pri
vate place; chauffeur and housework; ex
cellent recommendations from prominent
people. AG 165. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want Job on farm; good, all
around man; can do any kind of farm
work; have one child 6 months old. Can
or write 237 I '.all at. Irving Carpenter.
FIRST-CLASS cook and bakerrw!th5years
experience In hotel and restaurant, wants
work; wife as helper, don't drink- Howell,
511 Everett. Marshall 1842.
STOCKMAN and wife wish to take care (ft
stock ranch; experienced; no wages Win
ter mon'hs or more. E. T. E. B earn side. B
2310. 471 E. Burnside.
ENGINEER and machinist will take heat
ing plant. eleva.tor, janitor; sober, re
liable. P.eferenceo. Must have work. P.
Woodiawn 3S4H.
WANTED Engineer who can assist in In
stallation work; give addss, experience,
salary expected and references. AL 17,
MIDDLE-AGED MAN, married, experienced
painter and paperhanger, wants work; Al
references. Call Monday, Main 7051, A
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG woman, refined, capable and re
liable, desires stenographic and general
office work with firm where there will be
a chance for advancement; small wages
to start; best of references. A J 160, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED fire insurance girl desires
position; can do cashier. stenographic
work, help out with bookkeeping; prefers
insurance work. Main 6723.
YOUNG woman, capable and reliable,-de-slres
stenographic and general otnee work;
wages no object. Call Monday, Main 7051.
A 1517.
STENOGRAPHER, seven years experience,
'high-class offices, conscientious, capable,
wanLs position. Phone Main 4 t 74.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition; law work preferred. Call Marshall
3. 121
enced, good figures and writing. Please
grant Interview. Marshall 5833.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position for expe
rience, salary no object. H 148, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT, experienced young lady sten
ographer desires position ; best references.
Sellwood 1&U2.
STENOGRAPHER attending high school
wants work after school and Saturday. AC
168. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, office work, all or half
day; experienced. Main 5834.
HIGH SCHOOL girl desires typewriting, of
fice work after school. AB 16:, Oregonian.
LADY with experience wishes dressmaking
by day, in few refined families; satisfac
tion guaranteed; will respond to answer
immediately. W 14!, Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
wants work by the day or at home. Phone
East 2112, bun day.
YOUNG lady, experienced In sewing, wishes
to work In ladies' tailoring shop. D 14'J,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day in
gagemeiits, gowns, etc., satisfaction guar
an teed. Marshall 1047.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable,
home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main
y 5 1 3.
EXP ERIBXCED dressmaker wants d a v
work; satisfaction guaranteed ; room 7.
Main 1127.
DRESSES $3, suits $5 up; alterations; sat
isfatcion guaranteed. Tho Outfitters, 163
West Park.
PLAIN sewing, alterations, mentdlng, price
by day moderate. Call East 2361, Monday.
LADIES, you want fancy gowns, uit;
style becomes you; try m-. Main 2508.
WANTED Sewing by the day, reliable
dressmaker; references. Main 3536.
TAILORING, dressmaking. Mrs. R. G. Sum.
mers. Main 7271. Marshall 5230.
DRESSMAKING In families, $1.5o a day
Mar. 4223.
(VI LL do plain sewing at home. Marshall
GOWNS, remodeling and tailoring, 2.50 per
day. Tabor 3351.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires em
ployment ; I2.50 per day. Phone Tabor 2t,
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make en
gagements by day. Main 7651".
Maternity work a specialty, also medi
cal and convalescent patients received;
trained nurses only; tongenial surround
ings; $10-$15 week. Tabor 2(387. 1234 E.
Morrison st.
RELIABLE, experienced nurse, city, else
where, wishes case ; sick, aged or com
panionship to party to California. Rea
sonable. Marshall 28S3.
THE MOST reasonable maternity home in
Portland, two first-class nurses in at
tendance. Phone Tabor 2S17. Residence,
14: E. 76th st. N.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wishes to
take obstetrical cases or invalids; doctor's
references; no objection to light house
work. Woodiawn 2195.
HAVE comfortable place ' where old people
can feel at home; nice yard. East 1775
55 E. 28th St.
WANTED By practical nurse, nursing of
anv kind, day or r.icht. doctor's refer
ence. Phone Marshall 42S.
MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse, kind and
capable: maternity cases preferred. Wood
lawn 2515.
WANTED Posit ton. by an experienced
child's nurse, capable of taking full charge
Phone Marshall 1700.
PRACTICAL nurse wants work, kind, will
ing, enereetir; institutional work pre
ferred. 16WO E. Gth st.
MATERNITY nurse. $10 week; will take
full charge of home; references. Phone
Woodiawn 2625.
INVALIDS and confinement cages taken In
physician's private home; best care; terms
reasonable; close in. Phone East 5023.
EASTERN trained nurse would care for In
valids or children in her home. Call East
SCOTCH girl, experienced, wants position as
child's nurso and second work. Phone Mar
shall 24S7.
WANTED Position as child's nurse or up
ct airs work ; do plain aewing: references:
in or out of city. AH 159, Oregonian.
GOOD, practical nurse wants more engage
ments : references. Phone East 4249.
TRAINED NURSE wishes invalids or chll-
dren to board; reasonable. Sellwood 2454.
PRIVATE rooms. sleeping porch" care
trained nurse, city refs. Tabor 221J.
PR A CTICAL nurse wishing maternity work
or day work. Mrs. Hill. Marshall 4849.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in wid
owefs home. Main S839. room 49.
WANTED Position as houst-keeper bv Oct
1 ; tate salary, etc A v 141. Ore son fan.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by ca
J pable young woman. J 15S, Oregonian.
WANTED By a refined and reliable i..
with two well disciplined little girla, 4
and 6 years of age, a position as house
keeper; must be near a good school .
good home more of an object than sal
ary. Address Mrs. J. Collins, East 21)24
Fairvie w ave., Spokane, Wash.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady of business ability
wishes position as housekeeper, or first
class apartment-house to care for, can give
references. Phone East iiOOti, or II 130,
A VERY refined young woman and son. age
9, desires a good home In small family ;
small wages; best of references;, this Is an
opportunity which you should not over
look AJ 159. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow with no incum
brance, wishes a position as housekeeper In
widower's home In or out of city. D 14S,
REFINE D lady, widow, 3S, wishes posi
tion housekeeper for bachelor or wid
ower between 40 and 60; A-l references.
BD 137. JJregonian.
A WOMAN" with" 10 years' experience in
boarding-house business wants work, cook
ing or housekeeping in widower's home. F
15:1, Oregonian.
CAPABLE, reliable, elderly English woman
desires position as housekeeper for wid
ower or bachelor; Al references. Call
Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
RESPONSIBLE, middle-aged widow would
care for home or apartment for use of
same during owner's absence for Winter;
ref e ren ces. W 171, Qreg o nian
WANTED Housekeeping on ranch or gen
eral work by widow; good cook. Marshall
4643. Letter address, Albion Hotel.
LADY, SO, wants position housekeeper wid
ower's family; good cook; can take full
charge; best references. M 170. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER for small hotel or room-ing-hoiue,
experienced, reliable. Marshall
2771. 435 Alder St.
NEAT, experienced woman wishes position
as housekeeper or work sanitarium. Sell
wood 704.
RELIABLE middle-aged lady wants position
as housekeeper for small family or -widower.
Call East 5595.
GOOD cook and housekeeper with child of
5, position widower's family or cooking for
men; wages $15-$20. Call 692 Thurman st.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, alone, would like po
sition as housekeeper for widower or
bachelor. 430 Wash. st.
WIDOW with 5-year-old boy wants place
with respectable gentleman. 49tt Magnolia
St., near Duncan. Woodiawn car.
GOOD cook and close manager wants po
sition in private family or bachelor's quar
tera. AM 1G2. Oregonian.
CAPABLE, reliable, middle-aged woman,
good cook, desires general housework or
cooking In South Portland, where she can
go home nights; $25 month. Call Monday,
Main 7051 or A 1517.
REFINED young lady wishes position In
private home to assist with housework or
care for children by day or week. Stay
home nights. Phone East 4088.
REFINED young lady will act as companion
or asslht about house In exchange for
good home and small compensation. II
142, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants day
work in hotel or boarding-house; good
cook; must go home nights: $1 a day.
Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
EMPLOYMENT in private family, cook or
general housework; references. AP 149,
GENERAL housework, small family; refef
ences; in or out of city. AH 157, Orego
nlan. EXPE R JeNCED cook ha private family;
best ref. Monday. Main 2451, from 9 A.
M. to 4 P. M.
WANTED By practical nurse, position; will
consider light housework; references.
riiwufj laoor iul,
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants general
housework; good cook; country preferred.
GERMAN girl wants general housework.
Call 364, N. 17th.
NEAT, experienced cook, private family,
best city references. AB 149; Oregonian.
CAPABLE young woman wishes work, good
family, adults; references. Main 6174.
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework; home
nights. Marshall 175.
GERMAN lady wishes position as lady's
maid or any position of trust, speak sev
eral languages ; would like to travel ; ex-
. eel lent references. Phone Tabor 5310.
REFINED, educated young woman desires
care of children afternoons or evenings;
50c and carfare; Al references. Call Mon
day, Main 7051 or A 1517.
CAPABLE, reliable. middle-aged woman
wants housework or day work where she
can go home nights; Al references. Call
Monday. Main 7o51 or A 1517.
CAPABLE young woman wants situation ;
good family adults; references. Phone
Main 6174.
TEACHER specializing in English will in
struct grown people, correct manuscript,
etc. O 147, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced cigar sales
lady wishes position In office bldg. cigar
stand. Call Main 3549.
EXPERIENCED niirse girl wants position
taking care of children or second work.
CallMaln 2437;
EXPERIENCED cashier desires position,
restaurant, market or theater. Phone Mar
shall 5940.
HIGH school girl wants work In private
family; fond of children; furnish referen
ces. C 66. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady will care for children
ruurnigs. afternoons, evenings or by the
jda Mrs Fryer. Main
SCHOOL girl wants good home InGIencoe
district in exchange for light service.
Tabor 735.
WOMAN wants work by the hour, house
cleaning, washing. Ironing. Phone Eaat
LA DY wishes day work by hour, Monday.
Wed., Friday. Phone morning, -evening.
Tabor 4S65.
SKILFUL lady penman will furnish any
class of list and do the addressing at $1.50
per 1X0. AE 1 !, Oregonian.
COLORED woman wants general house
wohk or day work ; good city ref e pen ces.
Broadway 449.
HOUSE CLEANING, $1.50 per day. carfare.
Tabor 2o2S today; through week, even
ings. YOUNG lady wishes to work for room and
board before and after working hours;
apartment-house preferred. Call sell. 242S.
EXPERIENCED laundress" a nIhousec leaner
wants work by day or hour. Woodiawn
YOUNG woman, experienced kindergartner,
would like position as nursery governess,
best city references. Tabor 5971.
WOMAN wants work in private house or
small boarding-house; good cook ; not less
than $25 month. Phone Sellwood 402.
WANTED 50 women to send fine washing
to good colored laundress; call for, deliver;
done cheap. Tabor 2146.
GERMAN governess. speaking French,
w.shes position ; good musician. O 149.
GERMAN lady, first-class laundress, wishes
day work. Phone Maln 6518.
FIRST-CLASS house .woman wants work
by day. WoodlawnTllUl.
MIDDLE-AGED colored woman wants gen
eral housework; plain cooking. Tabor 2146.
RELIABLE woman wants 4 to 6 hours' day
work. Woodiawn 3035.
MENDING and darning neatly done, 20 cts.
per hour. Phone A 5257.
Lu ..tJKKD woman wants day work or a
few rooms to clean. Main 8209.
GOOD hand laundry wishes day work or
bundle washing. Phone Tabor 4275.
LACE curtains washed, stretched, 11-year
expert. Tabor 5l'33.Mrs. Scott.
HEAD waitress wishes position; experienced
in high -class houses. AL 165. Oregonian.
hand laundered. Phone
C 1S1!.
COLORED lady wants day's work. Phone
Marshall 1664.
WOMAN wants to work by the hour. Call
Marahall 745.
EXPERIENCED waitress wishes position In
hotel or cafe; good refs. AN 63. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced waitress
or chambermaid. Phone Main 7371, 11 to 2.
PRACTICAL young woman, good character,
wants steady employment. ItibO E. 6th.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants-an
kind of day work. Woodiawn 2142.
LESSONS In grammar grade or high school
studies. 50c. References. Main 5721.
POSITION wanted by trained nurse In doc
tor's or dentist's office. Tabor 4703.
FRENCH teacher wishes
Marshall 2430.
pupils. Phone
GEUMAN woman, experienced with children,
city references, hourly. Marshall 1992.
FIRST-CLASS laundress and cleaning wants
work Thursday. Room 11, E. 6539.
WILL care for children 4 hours 50 cents
and car fare: references. Tabor SIT.
WAITRESS wants short hour work. Call
after Monday morning. East 5942.
LACE curtains hand laundered, all work
guaranteed. Fell. 801 or Marshall 5656.
WANTED Day work of any kind! Mrs
Hurley. Woodiawn 4243.
YOUNG married woman mut have work ;
no houaework. Marshall 656. apt. 1.
LACE curtains hand laundered, C 1819.
M LsceLlsvneoos.
COMPETENT, experienced young woman
wants boarding-bouse or hotel work where
- I can keep 7-year-old girl; can take
charge; good manager. AF 159. Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED. competent lady of S4
wants position as clerk or management
of store, hotel or apartment-house, city or
country; highest references; any reason
able wage. Y 17Q, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE woman goinK East Nov. 1
will care for dependent person for con
sideration. May stop over at Fair. Give
particulars when answering. References.
BD 134, Oregonian.
ELDERLY, reliable woman desires house
work in small family (no washing). $12
month ; references. Call Monday, Main
7051. A 1517.
TWO experienced women want permanent
position In logging camp as cooks. High
est references given. Washington pre
ferred. HC 173, Oregonian.
NEAT appearing, middle-aged colored wom
an wants housework where she can take
her 3-yr-old daughter; good cook; refer
ences. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517.
COMPETENT woman wishes work by day
or half day. Woodiawn 3137.
WANTED 5-room modern bungalow. East
Side, walking distance, November 1, two
in family, best of references; state particu
lars. AB 172, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, with option to buy. 5
or ft-room bungalow. In Rose City Park,
Laurelhurst or Alameda, Phone Tabor
WANTED By couple with baby, private
residence, flat, or room and board In
strictly private family. West Side, Main
WANTED To rent T-room furnished house
or large flat, prefer close-in, on West
A 5 TO 7-room bungalow or house; family
two adults; must be modern. AO 166,
Oregonian. t
WANTED To rent by couple four or five
room modern furnished house, close in,
reasonable rent. AP 66, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, with the privilege of
buying on easy terms, a house near the
rasi .Morrison canine. . Fnone E. 3098.
WANTED Fprnlshed bungalow or cottage,
any part of Portland. A 74, Oregonian.
WANT apartment or flat of 3 or 4 rooms,
walking distance. BD 167,Oregonlan.
WANTED, by man and wife November 1.
the best two-room furnished housekeeping
rooms that $12 to $15 can procure in the
Nob Hill district, prefer private family:
satisfactory references furnished. Address
U 146. Oregonian.
WANTED Married couple or two young
ladies for nicely-furnished room with all
modern conveniences, piano, well located,
Vs block from car. 544 E. 37th. Tabor
WANTED A couplo of furnished or unfur
nished rooms with heat and use of gar
age or small cottage, close In, with gar
age. Mar. 2325.
TO RENT Part of office for real estate
business, with privilege of private room;
contractor or builder preferred. B 73,
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms
in modern private home, walking distance.
West Side preferred. Call Main 7351, Mon
day. GENTLEMAN" wishes 1 or 2 rooms with
light and heat in apartment or flat; state
price. AL 146, Oregonian.
NURSE wants unfurnished room, housekeep
ing, g&s, heat, electric lights, private
family. East 6509.
TOOD board, with sleeping porch, for In va
il 1. AP 133, Oregonian.
TWO unfurnished housekeeoing rooms.
West Side. E 772. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Board and room, with Bleeping
porch, on west slope of Heights or Coun
cil Crest, by young lady. Private family
preferred. Phono Woodiawn 29S.
WOMAN wants room and board In private
family on Portland Heights or some near
by district; must be first-class in every
particular. N 14S, Oregonian.
CONGENIAL couple" want to live perrna
nently with private family In modern
home. State monthly terms and all par
ticulars. V 146, Oregonian.
ROOM and board wanted by father and
son, 7 years old, with mother's care for
boy. AL 106. Oregonian.
BuHincss Places.
CENTRAL location for counter, lunch booth
or small store. Tabor 5891.
Furnished Rooms.
If you are contemplating; a change in
your place of residence we Invite you to
call and inspect HOTEL CLIFFORD. East
Morrison su, near Grand ave. You will
find an attractive hotel, scrupulously
clean, remarkably quiet and supplying all
the modern comforts at very low rates;
warm, cheerful rooms with free phone $12
per month. Rooms with private bath $4
and $." per week.
F. H. & G. M. STRONG. Owners and Mgrs.
Special terms for permanent guests at the
J 4th and Washington Sts.
Absolutely fireproof. E very room out
side. Prices $5 per week, with private
bath $6.
West Park and Morrison Sts.
Transient and Permanent Guests.
A centrally located hotel with every
modern convenience; rooms single or en
sulte, with and without private bath ;
modest prices, with special rates by the
month to permanent guests.
Large, clean, comfortable rooms, pri
vate baths, individual telephone, electric
lights, steam heat ; single rooms $2 per
week and up, with bath $2.50 and up.
Thoroughly respectable. Entrance on l2tu
List of rooms in all parts of city, also
In the Association fireproof building, with
shower baths, at $L50 to $2.75 per week,
double, with Individual beds; or $2.5v to
$4.50 per week single.
Corner 11th and Stark. $: week and up;
elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat;
telephone- connection in each room; no
extra charge for two in a room; room and
bath si day; transient solicited.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location. Re
spectable and strictly modern. Room
rates $1 per day, $4 per week. With pri
vate bath $l.t0 per day. $5.60 per week.
6524 Washington St.; fireproof; Ideal
location; steam htat, running not and com
water, phones, baths, all outside, clean.
quiet rooms; $2.5Q week up; bjc day up.
Morrison St., at lOth Central location
REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; week
. ly. $2.50 up ; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths, steam heat.
10th St., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo
cation ; respectable and strictly modern,
fireproof building, elevator and large
lobby. Rooms $3 per week and up.
2u7 9-209? 4th st. Rooms with private
baths, $1 per day; special rates to perma
nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty
of steam heat and hot water.
735 Washington.
Family hotel; hot and cold water and
phone in every room; rooms without bath
$10 up; with bath, $15 up.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel
mont Rooms $10 month. $20 up with
private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe
in connection. Phone East 323.
4 NICELY furnished rooms, living" dining,
sleeping and kitchen; rent $25 month; can
be seen bet 12 and 2 P. M.. fiat 169
16th, bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
LARGE room, down town, private club and
shower bath, steam heat, telephone, south
ern exposure; a dignined address. Main
NEW brick. 6-room, high-class, most com
plete in Portland; 2lst and Overton; must
be seen. Main 89 pr 3194.
RYAN HOTEL ANNEX, 269H 5th st. New
brick bldg.. hot, cold water in every room.
Steam heated. Main 9375.
LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm,
clean, in walking distance; $L75 week and
up. 227 y Larrabee.
SAN MARCO. 11th and Washington Strict
ly modern, clean, attractive rooms. $8 mo.
up. Free phone. Come and see.
HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly
modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3
up. Main 9472. A 4763.
YOUNG man, working nights, with good
room, close in, wants roommate. M 143,
HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder. Modern out
side rooms, $2 per week up.
CLEAN, warm rooms, shower bath, 10 min
utes' walk. 3H2 12th. Marshall 5778.
MAXWELL HalL 207 14th; strictly modern;
use of parlor; real home. $2 up. M. 11&3.
STANDISH HOTEL. 54S14 Wash. st. Steam
heated, outside rooms, $2 per week up.
ParaUbfd Rooms,
10 12TH ST.
Modern; special reductions on all rooms;
,$2 per week and up. Marshall 27i.
Furnished Rooms In Pxivate Family.
WELL-FURNISHED, light, airy room, fur
nace heat. bath, telephone, select Nob
Hill district, 12 minutes walk to Broad
way. Price very moderate; special month
ly rate to permanent tenant. 624 Flanders.
Main 7815.
NICELY furnished large room with fireplace,
sleeping porch If desired, suitable for 3
people, light H. K. privileges; half block
of Lincoln High School. Main 5406. 32 i
ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, Portland
Heights, sleeping porch, bath, on carline;
select neighborhood, desirable place for two
men or two business women. Marshall
244 0.
$S OR '0 MO. For gentlemen, finely fur
nished, warm rooms, plenty hot baths,
choice location, easy walking distance ;
finest beds, large clothes closets. 69 N.
21st St., near Washington st. carline.
ROOM or sleeping porch or both to retlned
gentleman, in modern flat; no other room
ers. Home privileges. Close in. Call
Sunday, 553 V E. Ankeny, near 12th.
flat B.
ON E large, well-furnished room, one medium-sized
room and one small room,
with large closets, for younff men. modern
conveniences, close in. 263 13th st. Main
LARGE front room. 2 large windows, ciosets.
private home, quiet, select; walking dis
tance; all home conveniences Suitable
for 1 or 2: board optional. Reasonable. 340
WANTED Married couple or two young
ladles for nicely furnished room with all
modern conveniences, piano, well located,
block from car. 644 E. 37th. Tabor
SUITE of rooms, private toilet and bath,
hot and cold water, all on ground floor,
free light, phone and water; close to car
line, H. ave., very reasonable. 291 E.
39th st.
VERY desirable large front room, suitable
for two, private family, modern home, all
conveniences and home privileges. Board
it desired. 739 Gllsan. Main 1224.
LARGE, clean front room, electric lights,
hot water, strictly private family ; con
venient to business center. 40 Ella street
Phone Main 6990.
AN exceptionally nice, newly furnished bay
window room, south exposure. In the De
xendorf apt., 208 16th. Tel. Marshall 2316
or inquire of manager.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, and
sleeping porch, suitable for 1 or 2; walk
ing distance: very reasonable. 329 West
FURNISHED room, with or without board,
within walking distance; on two car
ilnes; school teacher or office girl pre
ferred. 3J5 Williams ave. Phone E. 4955.
MODERN, sunny sleeping porch, large room
connecting; hot water heat; suitable for
one or two gentlemen. 5S0 Salmon, opposite
Multnomah Club. Main 2179.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for lady,
use of piano, all modern conveniences,
cooking privileges. 84 East 16th st. East
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
lower flat, 113.50; 3 blocks east end
Broa.QWt.ty br:dge. 400 Rosa, corner
Dixon st.
COUPLE will rent very reasonable 2 rooms,
new, modern house, in Irvlngton, to one
cr two refined and congenial adults. AK.
15S. Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL front room, mahogany furni
ture, best of bedding, use of piano and
phone. In family of two; good home for
neat gentleman. Iu56 E. Wash. SS car.
FURNISHED rooms, all modem, quiet place,
walking distance. 715 Wayne au, apt. 4,
bet. King and St. Clair. Phone Marshall
2302 or Main 3500.
2 ROOMS, private family, walking distance.
One block from Broadway and Williams
ave. cars. Phones Main 7191. A 6147, or
385 Victoria st. Gentlemen preferred.
PLEASANT room and family privileges In
.'rvington for working girl, $7.50; break
fast and Sunday dinner if desired, at rea
sonable rates. 9ott Tillamook at.
FOR a gentleman of refinement and refer
ence, nice. large steam -heated room, St.
Francis Apartment. Main 7050.
NICELY furnished, light, outside "room $8
per month, private family, very close in.
Marshall 702. 35 N. 17th st.
NICELY furnished front room, with or with
out board, home privileges, bath, one or
two men. 152 E. 20th, cor. Belmont.
WIDOW with nice home would like two
roomers, home privileges, piano. East
$-$10 TWO large, clan, front rooms, heat,
hot water, large closet, walking distance,
for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Mar. IS.
DESIRABLE room, nice location; reason
able. 2oo Grand ave. North, corner Mult
nomah. C 203.
WHAT have you to exchange for rent of
modern furnished room ? K 149, Ore
gonian. $2 WEEK, one nicely furnished front room:
private family; gas free. 34 1 Harrison
st., near Park.
FURNISHED room, with housekeeping privi
leges, in widow's modern home, for 1 or
2 girls. 535 E. Davis. East 4247.
NICELY furnish t-d attic room, modern con
veniences, central, reasonable. 4U4 Clay,
near loth.
THREE furnished rooms, gas, electric lights
and furnace heat. 227 Chapman st. Mar
shall 3015.
FURNISHED room, fine sunny sleeping
porch, excellent Jitney and car service.
East 2274.
TWO rooms in private family, desirable lo
cation, board if desired. 778 Lovejoy st.
Main 2100.
EXCEPTIONALLY nice; furnace heat. bath.
$i and per month. 12 E. 11th, near An
keny. Phone East 1552.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, suitable
for one or two. In quiet neighborhood ;
reasonable. Marshall 12o9. 451 10th st.
ONE large, light, nicely furnished front
room, suitable for 1 or 2; price $9. 400
Park st. Marshall 3322.
NICELY furnished front room; home priv
ileges; five minutes, walk from steel
bridge. 344 Wasco. East 2 2 5 S.
FRONT room, light and clean, in modern
home, walking distance; rent very reaaon
able. 427 Main st. Main 3211.
SUITE OF ROOMS and sleeping porch; pri
vate entrance ; light housekeeping if de
sired; 702 E. 65th N. Tabor 3tfi3.
LARGE, sunny porch room, family of two,
all conveniences, reasonable. C. S. pre
f erred. 2493 Clay.
NICE large rooms In private family suit
able for 1 or 2 persons; walking distance;
very reasonable. 434 Yamhill.
ROOM with privilege of housekeeping, one
or two ladies. 328 Park.
NICE, sunny front room, close in, reason
able. Phone E. 4330.
$5 MO Furnished room, all . conveniences.
438 3d; walking distance. Main 4712.
NICELY furnished room, strictly private
fami y, with or without board. 427 3d.
$t AND $8 mo., large, well-furnished; f ur
nace heat, bath; phone East 1552.
LOVELY front room, refined family. Home
comforts. References. Main 3749.
FURNISHED room with bath, use phone, $5
month. Woodiawn 2438. 790 E; 6th N.
$1.50 WEEK, small, neat room, good loca-
tion, 208 12th JL
FURNISHED rooms, clean, cheap, close In;
heat. 2449 Broadway South.
IRVINGTON Beautiful room, new home;
1 blocks to I or B car, nearclub. E. 419.
SIO FRONT room for business woman, use
of kitchen. 434 10th st. Main 3296.
JUST what you want, good location, cheer
ful rooms, 1.25 up. 3W8 Salmon.
FURNISHED rooms, with heat, bath and
phone, $1 per week and pp. 325 12th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, at 303
6th st
NICELY furnished attic room, private fam
ily, all conveniences, $1 wk. 402 Main.
ELEGANT room, modern home, reasonable.
Q46 Cypress. Ladd's Add. E. 2168.
ONE large room, also single room, good lo
cation. Mar. 4753. 745 Hoyt.
WORKING women, large, third floor, home
conveniences. 635 East Couch, at 17th.
LIGHT, sunny room in private home, very
central. $5 per month. 554 Taylor st.
LARGE room with sleeping porch In beauti
ful home ; also shower bath. 55 Everett.
$1 50 PER WEEK, pleasant rooms, private
family; walking distance. 329 West Park.
268 PARK In modern flat. 2 front rooms;
furnace heat, close in. reasonable.
FURNISHED room for 1. 2, in private home,
meals. East Side. G 150. Oregonian.
258 1ITH. Nice room, all conveniences,
with or without breakfast.
2 ROOMS in private family very reasonable.
Call 400 y Clay st.
$1 50 WEEK Clean front room, quiet home,
close in; bath. 205 10th. .
$1.50 WEEK Large front room. heat,
phone, bath, close In. 420H Jefferson.
NICELY furnished room with bath $7. A
73S9. 7014 Hoyt.
2 NEAT front rooms on 2d floor. 403 4th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, electric
lights and water. $4 a month. 614 E. 9th
TWO rooms verv close in. private resdnce,
separate entrance, convenient. Marshall
VnfurnUhed Rooms.
WHY" pay more when you can rent all out
side rooms at 75c per week each; suites
of two. gas plate furnished, 4So 4 Bel
wiont st.
3 MODERN rooms and large bath, on MU
i aoor. near car; iu montn. none itoor
4372. mornings before 10.
Rooms With Board.
hotel Campbell.
A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel.
American plan; on carline, 10 minutes
from business center; pries in accord with
general business conditions.
23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall SSL
14th and Jefferson Sis.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main S3. A 6fi2S.
An American Plan Residence HoteL
Suites Single rooms Excellent t bJe,
A 6 J 11. . Main 4611.
Under former management. Larg. at
tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable.
ELEGANT" home. West SideT Nob Hill, is
waiting for a small club of ladies or gen
tlemen with reference. Marshall 6017.
ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur
nish board and room for $22.&0 a month
andup at the Rainier HoteL Phone 3143.
THE STRYKER. 554 COUCH Rooms with,
hoard, single or en suite; reasonab.
Rooms W it h BcrdiDrrivatermlly.
LARGE, beautiful furnished rooms; steam
heat, running water; good beds, special
attention paid to the table; home cook
ing; close in, reasonable. Marshall 5445.
3!4 12th st.
WANTED Children to room and board, nice
suburban home, close to M. V. and Mt. Ta
bor carline. across street from M. .
School; Catholic schools. 42 E. 75th St., cor.
Pine. phone Tabor 4251.
NICELY furnLshed front room with boar
for 2 ladies tr gentlemen ; strict ly mod
ern home; Hoiladay Addition; honu privi
leges; liousekeepmg privileges. East 44WL
LADY with comfortable home has 2 rooms,
will board 4 young men; price reasonable.
Call 217 Cherry, cor. Denton. 3 Muck
from Broadway bridge.
WILL share my modern bungalow with
lady employed who will share expenses
with man and wife for board and room
Call Tabor 2456 Sunday and evenings.
LADY, living alone, can furnish room and
board for woman or man and wife, verv
reasonable; can use piano. tkis Carlton,
DANDY large room with board for on or
two; every modern convenience; walking
distance; only young people, in nome; rea
sonable. Main 7720.
WANTED One or two employed lady board
er, private family, good cooktug. home
privileges; $5 per week, two mtiiis. Ht
Mill si. Phone Main o34ii.
IRVINGTON, near Broadway carline; excel
dent board, bath and heat, home privileges,
suitable for two, reasonable rate. Phone
East 5t90.
R0051S or board; I have 2 furniuhed (guar
anteed warm) rooms to rent, wita -r
w ilth out board, reasonable ; references if
necessary; Nob Hlil district. 70 Cornell St.
I WISH to rent furnished room with sleep
ing porch, southern exposure, in my com
fortable Bat; home privileges, break! as t,
BP 118, oregonian.
WEST SIDE, 52 Lucretia, near Washington,
large, well-furnished front room, attract
ive; modern home, all conveniences, break
fast and dinner if desired.
ATTRACTIVE room with board in small
private family, near Irvlngton ; home
suitable for refined business woman or
gentleman. East 0720.
THE FINEST room, best board and location
and best terms, easy walking distance;
everything congenial. Investigate. Main
WANTED 2 or 3 children to board and
care lor by a responsible couple living on
a iarm; references exchanged, i'hone bun
day and Monaay. Marshall 4740.
PLEASANT corner room, adjoins bath, fa
comfortable modern home; excellent board;
walking distance; furnace, electric lights.
East 4Q7U.
NICELY furnished rooms, everything mod
ern, plenty of heat and hot water, best
table board ; reasonable. 214 lltli, cor.
MODERN home. Walnut Park, for two
gentlemen, price reasonable. Union ave,
cars. loiV Garfield ave. Woodiawn 2025.
WILL give room to lady employed during
day in exchange for her company. Phone
B 2502.
LARGE front room, running wuler, indi
vidual beds, excellent board; two gentle
men; reasonable ; central. 201 West Park.
LARGE rooms, suitable for two; hot water,
home cooking. oOO JeffeisotJ, between 5th
and oth
FIRST-CLASS rooms and bourd. 201 lGth
at., cor. Taylor. Private lamily. Phone
Marshall 301'J.
GOOD HOMEwith the best of care for a
little chilrj In the country, close to car
line. M 167, Oregonian.
DANDY large room on West Side In modern
home for 2 gentlemen; best of home cook
ing. 62 Ella, near Washington.
uuuU room and Loard for 2 working peo
ple In new, modern home. 20 per ma
r'urnace heat. Woodiawn :U2H.
GOOD homo for a child, no other children.
Good care; just outside city. 2J month.
AO 150, Oregonian:
$4PER WEEK and up for girls in private
family, modern house. Main 540O. otiii
Hoyt st.
ATTRACTIVE steam-heated rooms; fine
location ; meals if desired ; reasonable if
permanent. Marshall 4766.
FOR RENT Room and breakfast for a re
liable voune man in a refined home ; all
modern conveniences. Phone 1 abor
EXCELLENT meals daintily served at rea
sonable prices. ao2 Park, opposite Lin
coln High. Marshall 650.
BOARD and room for one or two ladles,
close In, one block of Hawthorne. East
4 wo.
32S 10TH ST. Good rooms; hot and cold
water, home cooking. .Walking distance;
all home privileges. Main 77i5.
ROOM and board, private family. 1 or 2
young men; home conveniences; references
exchanged. T 157. Oregonian.
I AM now prepared to accommodate a few
young ladies, employed, who are desirous
of rellnud home. Call Woodiawn 1443.
SOMEONE to room and board, reasonable.
In a retlned home; no other boarders; use
of piano, garage. Tabor 416L
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, excellent
board In modern home, reasonable. Mar
shall 1029.
ONE excellent, well furnished front room,
with board, in private home; all modern
conveniences. East 4616.
BOARD a,nd room, home cooking, clean,
w ell-heated rooms. 49 Jefferson st., near
14th. Mar. 2'JU9.
4254 JEFFERSON Room and board, pri
vate family; rates very reasonable; call
and see.
BOARD and room in private family: would
prefer man and wife or lady boarder; ref
erences. Phone East 2729.
SPLENDID place to live; 431 W. Park.
Phone Main 5513.
335 11TH Attractive large rooms, with ex
cellent board. West Side. Main 'i 265.
GOOD, cheerful room, excellent board,
modern private home. East 3151, Monday.
PRIVATE home for babies; mother's care.
by week or month; ref. East 2065.
BOARD and rojm in Irvlngton home for
1 or 2 ladles; references. East 3415.
GOOD board and room, walking distance,
home privileges. 20 month. East 1260.
ROOM and board. 22 346 College St., near
ROOMS and board for one or two gentle
men, home privileges; close in. Main 1539.
TWO furnished rooms for rent cheap; break
fast if desired. 3S6 Park. Mar. 4Q7.
ROOM and board. 332 10th. Main 61179. Home
comforts and modern. Walking distance.
ROOMS with board, walking distance, mod
em. 712 Flanders Main 154L
FOUR business girls or students, $4 week up.
"Anna Lewis' Hall, 510 Flanders iu
NICE rooms with or without board, or will
serve meals alone. 6S1 Gllsan.
BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board, $5
up. Main 63&1, 501 Harrison, near Ktlu
LARGE front room, suitable for 2. 347
Hall st. Marshall 5516.
ROOM and board, private family. 742 Kear
ney st. Phone Mar. 4071. m
ROOM board, private home, 2 gentlemen;
sleeping porch. 570 Ladd aye. East 23J3.
1550 ROOM AND BOARD: modern, closS)
in; 30 N. 17th st. Marshall 1008.
ROOM and board for several girls or
women by a lady. 312 Eugene st.
MODERN room and board in private family.
C 222tf. '
BOARD and rooms reasonable, steam heat
and running water. 240 16th st.
GOOD home in small family. 647 Locust.
Ladd's Add. Phone E. 2J57
WANTED 2 or 3 children to care for !n
my home; good references. Sellwood 237L
ROOM AND BOARD near E. 12th and Mar
ket, Ladd Addition. East 4S42.
ROOM and board, with furnace heat, for
two gentlemen. 54 N. 16th st.. cor. Davis.
GOOD home for 1 or 2 students or ladies
employed. Main 6i54. 1S1 Hooker at.
AKICE front -oom on Broadway carline
with or without breakfast- East 1347.