SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS .VOL. XXXIT. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1915. NO. 42. &A1NS AT - "GADSBYsI Winter or Summer, Spring or Fall, you will always find GADSBYS' offering the biggest home- o ' - o - u. vyx an nuuc lien wuuxl, nc Ulll luanc you a price that will please. Buying in the immense quantities necessary to supply our great installment' trade, we secure discounts that make it impossible for others to compete with our prices. COMPARISON CONVINCES, and we're ready any time to quote you prices and let you compare them. Our free, easy, credit service is always open to all who want it. No interest and no extra charges of any kind. 'Best Selection in City of Heating Stove I We Believer uy orXra Your (Heater Early! Any Heater in the Store $1.00 Week Duplex, wood and coal. 18 Inches wide, castlron duplex ( I C hfl grates and linings. Spec'l V I UiUU New Era. for wood: mica door, nickeled top, rings, dampers and lootrests. castiron iimngs. Special at $10.35 Fairy Oak Heater, 11 In. in diam eter, coal or wood burner, fj 7C handsomely nickeled. At..vOi0 llMWtlll'U' Kfc1"t":I"rtg:"H--"-'-Ti Great Sale of Room Size RUGS Six Hundred Patterns to Choose F'Tem. Rugs from 6x9 feet to ,2x15 feet on .display. An;l o-Persians,- ' Indians. Arabians, Royal Worces ters, B a g d a d s, Tepracs all here at bottom prices. Some specials in 9x12 ruga. Oriental Wiltanas S27.50 Wilton Velvets 8US.OO Eureka Velvets 914.50 Smith's Tapestries S.15.00 Tyvan Art Rugs S12.0O Metropolitan Rugs. . .$18.00 All other brands equally low. Don't Korjcet We Hare the Kxtm 'Large Rose la Stock. V i m-- Gadsbys' Steel Range This range embodies every feature necessary to make it first-class, and is built to .meet the demands of a first- class range at a medium price. Mounted in heavy blue steel, protected by asbestos boards, held in place by extra sheets. The oven is reinforced by heavy iron braces and has a heavy duplex grrate. The nicJtcI trimming1 on the range is a work of art and adds to the beauty of the stove. A range that will give you service for years. H i g h - r e n ters have to get $4 5 for ranges as good as this. OQ Cfl Gadsbya' price. .... Vt0i3U Kach Rang:e Sold With a Guarantee. Kitchen Cabinet $7.50 Vi o I o nT' Why pay $40 when you can get T CO this Cabinet in maple for l lOU Has large flour bins, two large draw ers, drop sugar and salt bins, knead ing board, etc. I 1 i COMBINATION BOOK CASE AND DESK $15 Dressing S)i Table $7.50 In Q u a r t e r-Sawed oak. wax finish, oval French mirror, 18x26. Is A Combination Bookcase and jjesK, choicest quarter- sawed o a k. worth i J0, special at. Juarter-12.50 Colonial Buffet and China Closet Colonial Buffet and China Closet In fumed oak, choice quarter-sawed. $35.00 the Pair or $17.50 Each Dresser, Chiffonier, 2 Pieces $35 I ! Solid Oak Colonial Dresser, made with heavy top. large 42-inch base, fitted with two large deep drawers and two top drawers, has Javy.,BC,r2nJpOBis and ,ar French bevel-plate mirror. Splen didly finished and construction guaranteed. 0C C 17 Cfl U Special price, the pair $03 Or 0 I I lOU eaCll EASY WEEKLY OR MOTfXH.Y PAYMENTS. NOTICE, WE (7 til HAVE OTHEK DRESSERS MS CHEAP AS Jl .O'J Mahogany Dresser This Lttit Ma hogany Drea ser, -with 28x34 French beveled plate mir ror and large base m e a s u ring 22x45, made of beautiful figured m a h o b a ny. dull wax finish, two large, deep, long drawers and two small upper draw ers at the top. Ex actly as illustrat ed. This dresser sold regularly at $45.00. Gad s b price for 11 Cfl this sale.. OZZiOU Sold on easy weekly or month ly payments. MIRROR -Jjf 2834 jS . BASE . U I All-Cotton Layer Mat- Qg iresses, i.uu values, ' ' T " : --.O.. TU... f I . . - . , . . . ! f-P'eiiu.u vv nue uouon i'ell Mattresses, weieliintr 40 nminri. i , i j j aown to six inches in thickness, remain soft and Hvii?Ia,id 1.?? Ta1,: fq,ual to the mattresses so ex ten" ve"? f . J.sed at 12: absoltely sanitary, durable and com- tC OC fortable; now at only.. jtOidJ f'rMJrK'"! Special at IMjP (lining " i i si Massive in design, with brass finish, with two-inch continuous posts and heavy fillers at head and foot. A splendid bed in every way. Braced with heavy angle-iron braces. Now is your oppor tunity to get a fine bed. OTHER BEDS AS CHEAP AS 92.50. Easy Payments Corner First .and Washington Streets Oil Easy Payments OREGON'S PASSES BEAT IDAHO. 10-7 Lemon - Yellow's Bedazzling New Offense-Is Too Much for Gem State Team. OPEN FOOTBALL HAS SWAY Visiting Eleven Unable to Cope Witli Sure, Swift Passing . In First Ilalf, but Puts TTp Game Fight Toward End. r.T-NlYERSITY OF OREGON", Eugene, sPcal- Hugo Bezdek slipped a surprise over on Coach Rade macher. and as a result of the Univer sity of Oregon's new offense, a direct pass from Risley to the backs, rolled up a clean victory In the dust of Kin cald Field this afternoon. , Score. Oregon 19, Idaho 7. The unexpected won for Oregon after the two teams answered to Referee Varnell's whistle, and before the Gem Staters could solve Oregon's new at tack three touchdowns were scored and Beckett, had converted one try at goal. The winners registered only during the first half. After that they were kept pretty much on the defensive, with Idaho fighting desperately and scoring once. Open football held sway this after noon, and ere the visiting secondary defense fathomed the neatness of Quar terback Huntington's forward pass Ore gon had scored once by the method and gotten in a position to strike again on two other occasions. Mitchell la Xew Star. Bezdek introduced a great star end in Mitchell, who was on the receiving end of three tosses, while Tegert. the other wing, crossed the final trench on the other successful attempt. Just three minutes after Captain Brown kicked to Huntington, the Ore gon squad crossed the Idaho line for their initial touchdown. On the second play of the game Huntington pulled off a 15-yard gain. -Jalarkey followed with a 17-yard dash. Tuerck added two, and then the first Oregon pass Huntington to Mitchell netted Bez dek 25 yards. Mitchell was forced out of bounds on the Idaho two-yard line. Huntington crossed tne chalk on the next move. Beckett missed the try at goal. Score. Oregon 6, Idaho 0. Long Dashes Thrill Stands. Oregon next registers i after Tuerck, Monteith and Huntington thrilled the stands with long dashes. Camped In the Idaho 11-yard zone, three attempts to pierce the Gem State line were fruit less:. Again Huntington's pass worked. This time to Tegert for a touchdown. Beckett kicked goal. Score. Oregon 13, Idaho 0. Idaho received following the second Oregon registration and a series of shifts, line plunges and delayed passes brought them to the Oregon 30-yard mark. Brown dropped back for a place kick and failed. Oregon placed the ball in scrimmage and on three plays advanced 60 yards and far into the enemy's territory. Tuerck first donated a sprint of 25, Monteith followed with 15, and an other pass Huntington to Mitchell placed Oregon threatening. Three line smashes and a 12-yard dash by My telth placed the leather once more back of the Idaho posts. Beckett missed the try at goal. Score: Oregon 19, Iflaho 0. Play ended for the first half with Oregon in possession of .the ball on the Idaho 30-yard line. Idaho Eleven Braces. Monteith kicked off in the second half, Beatty returned 15 yards. Brown kicked and Huntington fumbled on his own 30-yard line. Idaho recovered and on the first play Morrison, of Idaho, swept the Oregon lef wing for a clear 30-yard gain and a touchdown. Brown kicked goaL Score: Oregon 19, Ida ho 7. At this juncture the visitors waxed dangerous. Time and again, Morri son, Purdy and Brown would sift the lemon-yellow defense for long gains. All to no avail, however, for Bezdek's men Invariably held in the pinches. The day was ideal, the crowd num bered 1000 and serious injuries were absent. For Idaho Brown, Purdy and Morri son were the shining lights, while Ore gon featured Tuerck. Huntington and Monteith in the backfleld with Risley. Mitchell. Tegert and Beckett playing grand ball on the line. Oregon was penalized for a total loss of 45 and Idaho inflicted with 60 yards of pen alties. The lineup: Orecon. Position Idaho. Mitchell k E.R Dlnsle Rerkett (Capt.) . .1 E. R Callahan Snyder L. Q. R McCormlclt Risley Hayea Spellman R. G. L Jackson hartlett R. T. L Cpt.) Brown Tegert R. E. L. Dewsld Huntingdon Q Morrison MHlarkey L. It. R -Rosa Monteith K. K. I.. . .t . .Keine, Beatty Tuerck Fullback Brown Officials Varnell. referee: Pam Dolan. um pire: Johnston, head linesman. Touchdowns Oregon. Huntingdon. Teftrert, Monteith: Idaho. Morrison. Substitutions Idaho, Purdy for Morrison: Beatty for Koane; Lomusoo for McCormlck ; Gronlger for Iomasson. FOUR BOUTS ARE SCHEDULED Programme for Imperial Club Smoker Thursday Being'Made. Four of the six-round bouts that Charles Jost's Imperial Club will stage Thursday night in the Arlon Hall at Second and Oak streets have been lined up. The curtain-raiser will be added later. The bouts scheduled thus far follow: 135 pounds Tommy Clark vs. Jack Carpenter. 135 pounds Danny O'Brien vs. Bobby Evans. 156 pounds Valley Trambltas vs. Frank Pars low. 100 pounds Abe Gordon vs. "Kid" Newsky. CAMFORXIA DRUBS IXDIAXS Sherman Team Unable to Cope With Passing Methods of Berkeley. BERKELEY, Cal.. Oct. 16 In the first intercollegiate American code football game participated In by the University of California in nine years, the Berkleyites defeated today the Sherman Indians, of Riverside, Cal., 44 to 7. The varsity team showed to much better advantage today than at any other game of the season, team work being much smoother and fewer for ward passes and formation plays going astray. After playing brilliantly through most of the game Quarterback Sharpe. of the University of California, was forced to retire. Foster, of Port land. Or., substituted, and his forward passes were features of the last quarter. In the preliminary game the Davia Farm School team defeated the Uni versity freshmen. 10 to 7. COTTAGE GROVE ELEVEN WINS Jnnction City Loses 1 9 to 0 in Game Featured, by Long Run. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Oct. 16.. (Special.) Cottage Grove High School started the 1915 football season Fri day afternoon by defeating Junction City, 19 to 0. This is the first time that Cottage Grove has ever defeated Junction City in football, though they' have several times held them to a 0-to-0 score. The Cottage Grove line played an especially good game. Two of the touchdowns came from inter cepted passes", which brought the ball close enough to the goal to be pushed across with line bucks. The other touchdown was the result of a spec tacular 75-yard run by Captain White, who returned the ball to Junction CltVs five-yard line, with Smith, quarter, back, forming Interference for him. The ball waa then put over on line bucks. Football Results . II. Dartmouth, 60; AT ANXAPOLIS Navy, "7; University of Pennsylvania, 7. At Cambridge. Mass. Harvard. 9 Virginia, 0. At New Haven, Conn. Exeter, II; Yale Freshmen. 0. At Hobo ken. N. J. Stevens, 7: Haver ford, 6. At Hanover Vermont, 0. At Andover. Mass. Harvard Fresh men. 7 : Andover. 0. At Syracuse, N. T. Rochester. 0 Syracuse. 82. -At Princeton Princeton. 40: Lafay ette. 3. At New Haven. Conn. Yale. 19 Springfleld Y. M. C. A. College. 0. At Columbus, O. Illinois, 3: Ohio State, 3. At Lincoln Nebraska, 45; Wash burn e, 0. At Middleton, Conn. Wesleyan, 13 Bowdoin, 0. At tate College. Pa. Pennsylvania State. 27; Gettysburg. 12. At Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan 14 Case, 3. ' At East Lansing. Mich. Michigan Aggies, 56; Carroll College, 0. At South Bethlehem, Pa. Lehigh 27 Albright, 0. At New York New York University 10; Union College. 0. At Ithaca. N. Y. Cornell. 41: Buck nell, 0. At Cleveland. O. Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity. 24; Western Reserve Univer sity, 12. At Durham. N. II. New Hampshire College, 6; Bates, 0. , At Hartford, Conn. Amherst. Trinity.-7. At Washington North Carolina 0 Georgetown. 33. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 45; Carlisle Indians, 0. At West Point Army. 0; Colgate. 13. At Minneapolis Minnesota, 19 ; South Dakota, 0. At Chicago Indiana. 7: Chicago. IS. At New Brunswick, N. J. Rutgers 21, Muhlenburg 0. At Carlisle, Pa. Dickinson 0, Frank lin and Marshall 19. At Washington, Pa. Washington and Jefferson 34. Westminster 0. At Providence, R. I. Brown 33. Will iams 0. At Columbia. Mo. Oklahoma 4. Mis souri 0. At Orono University of Maine 14, Boston College 0. At Baltimore Johns Hopkins 3. West Maryland 12. At Lafayette, Ind. Purdue 2. Wis consin 28. At St. Louis St. Louis University 20. Knox 0. At Lawrence, Kan. Kansas 30, Drake 17. At Watervllle, Me. Colby 27, Nor wich 0. At Collegeville. Pa. Swarthmore 14. Ursinus 6. At Pittsburg Carnegie Institute 40, Allegheny College 7. At Salt Lake City Colorado Aggies 21, University of Utah 9. At Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado College 28. Nebraska Wesleyan 6. At Denver Colorado Mines 20, Uni versity of Wyoming 0. At Redlands. Cal. Pomona 19, Uni versity of Redlands 0. At Canton, N. Y. St. Lawrence 31. Stephens 0. At Roanoke. Va. Washington and Lee 13, Virginia Folytechnic Insti tute 0. At Jacksonville. Fla. Sewann 7, Uni versity of Florida 0. At Detroit Olivet 23, University of Detroit 0. At Alma. Mich. Alma 20, Hillsdale 6. At Franklin, Ind. Franklin 20. But ler 16. At Crawfordsvllle. Ind. Wabash 13, Washington 3. At Richmond. Ind. Rose Foly 7, Earl ham 6. At Louisville. Ky. University of Chattanooga 21. University of Louis ville 6. Pacific Northwest Football AT EUGENE. Or. University of Ore gon 19: University of Idaho 7. At Corvallis. Or. Washington State Collef t29, Oregon Agricultural Col lege 0. At Portland Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club 32. Washington Park Ath letic Club (Seattle) 0. At Olympia. Wash. Hoquiam High School 9. Olympia High School 7. At Astoria. Or. Aberdeen High School 12. Astoria High School 0. At Ashland. Or. Ashland High School 19. Grants Pass High School 0. At Salem. Or. Salem High School 34, Newberg High School 0. At Woodburn. Or. Woodburn High School 47, Canby High School 0. At Estacada. "Or. Estacada High School 14. James John High School 12. At Centralia, Wash. Centralia 26, Elma 7. At Oregon City. Or. Oregon City High School 12. Hill . Military Acad emy (Portland) 6. At Hood River. Or. Hood River High 14. Stevenson High 0. At Cottage Grove. Or. Cottage Grove High School 19, Junction City High School 0. At Vancouver, Wash. Vancouver High School 27, Washougal High School 0. Washington Postmasters Appointed. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 16. Washington post masters were appointed . today as fol lows: Mrs. Olivia O'Neal, Glenwood. vice Mrs. Mary Dean, resigned: Miss Anna I. Foy. Lacey, vice David E. Gtindell, resigned; Burton G Sankey, Meskill, vice Mrs. Caroline W. Zufelt, resigned.