TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER lO, 1915. 11 FOR SALE. M iscellaneous. POSITIVELY QUITTING THE SECOND HAND MACHINERY BUSINESS. ALb OUR MACHINERY FOR SALE AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALED. Ralls, any size that we have in itock, 1c per pound. 1-beama, all sizes, ll4o per pound. Iron pulleys, 2c per pound. Iron boxes, 14 c per pound. Eteel shafting, Ifcc per pound. and H -In. cable, c pr pound. 1 60x16 boiler, all complete, $300. 1 30-H. P. economical boiler, $105. 1 20-H. p. upright boiler, $93. 1 13-H. P. upright boiler. $70. Gear, all kinds, 2c pound. Lot new wood pulleys, 50 per cent off regular price. Kemeraber, this Is an absolute fact; we are quitting the second-hand business and you tan positively save money by dealing with us, as we must dispose of ail our aecoad-uand machinery stuck. J. SIMON A BRO., FTont and Grant Sts. NORTHWEST PIPE CO.. 1S7 Front St. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! BAP.GAlN prices in new and second hand pipe from to 8-inch. SPECIAL PRICKS l.V TOILETS, we it re selling this week 1 o vv -down eon -binatioa toilets, guaranteed new, for $tt.50. ALSO Plumbfns supplied all descriptions, at low. eat prices. We will save you money if you let us figure on furnishing your plumbing; supplies and pipe, as well as -doing your plumbing work. We are giad to give estimates free of charge. All work guaranteed. NORTH WESTERN PIPE CO,, 17 Front St. Between Yamhill and Taylor. 1 LARGE TRUCK. 1 RUNNING GEAR. J, SIMON & BRO., FRONT AND GRANT ST 3. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. We have a large stock of galvanized pipe from to 8-in. pipe, new i-inch gal. pipe- J4.25 ptr lot); new 2-in., lac per ft. ; second. 12c per foot. We nave a large stock of plumbing goods oti nand ; bath tubs, toilets, etc. Get our prices before going elsewhere. Contracting, Jobbing, Free estimates given. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. Main 6325. 200 Front. WILL trade 4 large draft horses and 2 trucks too. an automobile truck; new one preferred, , J. SIMON A BRO., Front and Grant Sts. JUST the tiling for country home or club. Electric light plant, complete 4 K. W. generator, 10 H. P., gaa engine, new; will sacrifice for 1-3 factory price. Phone M. 4001. JfOR SA LB A few Bant a incubators, new ; cost $20, will sell fur storage, siu; also & few brooders at $5 each; litter carriers, cost $20, go at 1U each. Occidental Ware-house, 12th and Glisan sis. r'OR SALE 22-ft launch, 7 H. P. engine, 1125; 2l-ft. 5 11. P., U0; 2 11. P. detach able rowboat, motor. new, f40. A. T. W h it man. Standard Boathousti, foot or Madison st. SEWING MACHINES 20U slightly usea sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drop heads, $5 ana up; box tops, and up. S. S. tiiegel, two stores, u&a Al der st. and 242 Alder st. AHGli safe, cash register, meat slicer, meat oiock. large refrigerator. eldo scoop scale, cheap or 1 might trade for something 1 can use. w 143, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY WRECKING CO., Lumber, brick, doors und windows for ale, also will buy buildings to wreck. Phone East 5H2D, HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns; cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged- Hochfeld's Camera Exchange. So. yd st. J3ILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tubles and bowling alluya and accessories; oasy payments. The Brungwick-Balke-Culleniler Co., 40-48 3th. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand; we save you 4d to 00 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, 351 Vs Washington st. JjjLECTHIC coffee mill, first-clasa condition, cost ?;;00; will seil for storaye, only $75. Occidental Warehouse, 12tu and Ollsan streets. iiKWlNO MACHINES, new and second-hand. sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium, U ;ti near Ta lor. Mam 143 1 . A I'll UTU A P.C, Aristo, rheostats L. C, pt ing chairs. SxlO camera and stand, with i.o.ra color lens; cheap. AE 15., Orego man. $105 THUKMAN vacuum cleaner with year's guarantee, sacrifice at $47.50. Main .ve2. JJHamj new rug, never been used ; paid $-.0; will sell lor 25. llUi E. 2;id N. Al- a ys nome. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, per gallon. $1.75. Portland l'amt Co., I'oO Front sc. Marshall 100. liAlUlAlA 1:1 unredeemed guns and re- vol ein ; an make; cheap. Beauregard's, .Main si., Vancouver, waun. CHANCE frr two spnrtHmen to take inter- est in fine duck lake, close in. O 143, rit&onian. I'IN'E diamond, solitaire, ring, cheap. 1 Uon Wood lawn 3G0u. Residence. E. 15 th st. Xorih. FINE rHiiKe for enle or trade for linoleum for kitchen, or library table. 546 E. 14th south. VAUDEVILLE SKETCH For sale ; male cast. Mack's Music Shop S4.7 Morrison et. lilLI.lAKD and pool table, almost new completely equipped; new cloth; cost $.iuu. FOR SALE CHEAP. f3J gasoline stove; has 3 burners and oven ; only used 6 weeks. Call Sellwood 2S55. CK A i-'ONOLA. mahogany, ;t0 selected rec ords, bargain. Phone or call room 721 Y. M. C. A. A H Al'INK canoe, lT-f t., in good condition, .insl repainted. 2 padrtles, $25. Sell wood U4 or AK 141, Or.rfcoiiiun. ELKO. MOTORS FOR RENT. FOR SALE. TV E. DAVIS A CO,, t03 E. Water St. East S148. B 2238 plAMOND for sale; large, white, perfect t one : need the money and will sacrifice. Hi' 1 55, oregonian. -CHAIR barbJr shop, ideal location, for s:ile. cheap; must leave on other busi-Me.-rf. A b' 1MH, Oregonian. joR SALE 50 cords oak wood in carlots only, $5.25 per cord f. o. b. tracks. Call Br.-ta-lway o?, X.I.ECTUIO MOTORS for sale, trade or rent expert repairing. Walker Electric Works! 4ia Burnside Bid, or A 5(174. 1 ON' KEY FUR neckpiece fine condition, j...o, navy blue suit, sealskin collar, size U. $7. SO. Eaat aTO.Y 6 A C K I VI C E " 1 20-gn 1 Ion patent kerosene tank, modern computing scales, one-half prh-e. 660 E. Ankeny. AN electric vacuum c'.eauer, cost $125, for sate or trade for a vh trola. Wm. C. Mc clure, 414 Failing bldg. 150 DU N'T LEY vacuum cleaner; owner can't make payments; snap t $H5. guar anteed luily. M. L. lienth,y Co. Main .'h2. WILL sell steam tnbie. counter and show- -ase; bargain. Owner, TO Broadway. K a T I o AL CA?H 1 seg ISTE It for al e fh"ap. Main Tfltifl. fcllAUPLKS cream separator, used tf weekd cost ytiTi. W i i Isae ri f i Le. Mai n 22S7. H A X I -COLORED HlTaTThoToraphs and other scenery. Edwards. Swetind bldg. USE Passett's Native Herbs foi rheumatisiu" 5n tablets for iiSc. AM druggists. WANTED-MISCFILAXEOUS. WANTED Five fresh cows! t Zst Vd ; "S-ga't. O IV. Oregonian. WANTED National cash register. Main ti 351 H Washington st. ETK ALY "lob, 2 teams, make J." to $S dav Phone 140. WANTED All kinds of records and phono Fiaphu Main 44 1st St. Wa STEP The best roll top desk for $10 cash. Phone East ?613, l-'l'UXlTLTH for four-toum apurtnient; pimt be very nood. ! IL Oregomitn. WANT dairy lunch and cafeteria fixtures Ira vs. et.v V 1-M, Orvgonian. Wi LL BL'Y good invalid O 14.". Oregonian. w heel-chair. Ad- (sTRlCTLf American dealers In usid furni ture; square deal our motio, &eil, 4 lib;. WANTED MISCELtAXEOCS. WANTED ONE 60-CYCLK 220-VOLT ELECTRICALLY OPERATED. MOVE ABLE CRANE OR DERRICK, . 30-FOOx BOOM. 5-TON LIFTING CAPACITY. WHEELS FOR STANDARD GAUGE TRACK. TOTAL WEIGHT NOT OVER 15 TONS. ANSWER WESTERN SALT COM PANY, SAN DIEGO. CAL. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay the highest price for ladies' and gents cast-off ciothing. bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need 't and will pay for it. GLOBE .TORE, 2fc5 First. Main 2080. Main 2OS0. WE CALL PROMPTLY. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. J. MEYERS, THE TAILOR. PAYS YOU MORE FOR VOIR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSHALL 1229. WE CALL PROMPT LY. RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER. 2JQ MADISON ST TEL. MARSHALL 122. GEVTRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshall 5S7. We buy your second-hand furniture, stoves and other household goods. Highest Prices Paid, THE GEVUKTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5-1S7 First St, Will buy good used furniture, rugs, ranges and household goods; phone for an appointment with our buyer. Marshall SUbl. FOt a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 717-4, Main 9072. FURNITURE and carpets wanted; we are in position to pay good prices for fur niture and carpets that are as good as new; goods are to be shipped away from fortiana.- xse uregonian. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. Honest deal. We pay the highest prices lor laoies ana men s ciota;ng, a noes, c.c. Try us. Call Broadway 3bi2- 251 Front st. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st. Main 57t8. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of same. I BUY OLD GOLD. Old Jewelr a Specialty. Ores bought. Assay er. F. A. Sennett. 510 Xortwest Bldg.. Z'll Washington St. WANTED No. 12 Remington pump or Win Chester hammerlesg. Will iiive in exchanuri a beautiful set of e:k horns. Call Main STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Main 4773. 1S2 1st st. Main 477S. Pays best prices for yotgr furniture, etc. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GCvjD8. PHONE MAIN 332. A2507. WILL pay cash for diamond, Must be cheap. State price. Oregonian. to 1 K. AK 153. WANTED A second-hand 2-H. P. 110-volt single pnasa motor. vv nat nave you? Appiy -io sstn, cor. jji vision. WANTED Invalid chair, rubber-tired, that can ue operated in house and outside, 3"S w. Sth at., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED About 10 second-hand leather upnoiterea chairs lor notel loboy. av 224, Oregonian. CAMERA. 4x5, Cycle, poco or similar; must nave extra long oeiiows, good condition must be cheap. P 154, Oregonian. WANTED A victrola in exchange for $125 vacuum cleaner. wm, j, iicujure, 414 waning piog. WANTED To made to order: East 1710. buy combings; switches 551 E. Yamhill. Phone WANTED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE, showcases, office furniture, bouse- nom gooas, stoves. Alain 4 4ao, izs First. SMALL recond-hand mahogany typewriter oeis; ste-te size ana price. x orego nian. WANTED Good Victrola with high-class records ry two adults for reasonable rent. I'lione tJast (nil. GOATS WANTED for land clearing. Give coinpieiB ueseripijon ana price zr. u, Box 2. TICKET WANTED Gentleman going East. WANTED Set of nice dishes, reasonable. i-none Jaac iua.. WANTED UulloeK. -Some young Hillsdale. Or. turkeys. B. Main U54S. ELECTRIC A. C. must be cheap. Motors, 3 to 15 H. R 155, Oregonian. WANTED A Victrola, first-class condition, reasonable price. AP 140. Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all aescriptiong. Main 309. Klines, 208 First. WANTED Portable taa oven: state, uake. size and price. P It:), Oregonian. WOOD heating stove; must be in fine con dition and reasonable. Phone Tabor 62 4X WANTED Glass and frames for a grecn- house. C 152, Oregonian. WANT best boy's bicycle Phone Tabor 542. $10 will buy. liABY'S high chair. H 152, Oregonian. Describe; state price. OWL FURNITURE CQ. pays best price for your furniture. 204 1st st. Main 4627. WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work: Charles O'Mara, E. 323, WANTED A second-hand microscope in perfect repair. AF 14, Oregonian. WANTED --Small, light-weight cruiser's tent P 155, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wants to rent a piano; Pe liable. HF 126, Oregonian. WANTED Oak filing cabinet 4x5 Va in dex, letter files. Y 1C6, Oregonian. II K LP WA XTE D M A LE. YOUR SPARE TIME Is worth money. Are you getting It or are you wasting your leisure moments in wishing you had something to do? A post card will connect you with that golden opportunity which comes but once in a lite time. No selling no soliciting. If you live in Oregon, Washington or Idaho ou'.side of Portland, write, now today, beioi e someone el tie gets your territory EDWARDS COMPANY, Home Furnishers on Credit. Firth and Oak. Portland. HARDWOOD inspector (top salary); car penter, 25c; engineer and loaderman, S; planer man, $tia; hoop foreman. $100; millwright. $10l, sawyer and fiWrs; molderman; derrick, loader and loco motive engineer, $3, lath grader and con tractor. If you are sawmill man, me chanical or clerical, get with us for future openings. Mack's, Little Rock, Ark. WANTED Man. your own territory, salary of $luo per month, traveling expenses and commission; experience unnecessary. Write quick, it. u. it artei. nyu Indiana ave., dept. 11S0. Chicago. 1 WILL pay any honest roan up to S-"0 monthly for part of spare time; no can valine;, no capital ; write today. Voor hies, desk 152, Omaha, Neb. $5 TO $10 a day easily made; co-operate with us; capital or experience unnecessary. Write today. Walter J. Kruee Co.. 14u6 24th St.. Detroit. M ich. $8 A DAY easily made; our proposition will Interest you ; big profits; positive neces sity ; write W. E. Groppenbacker & Vo. Uetnet. unio. WANTED Mechanical draftsman, 501 Broadway bidg., Tuesday morning. Bring samples of worK. MEN and women get names, addivesses for mail order nouses; particular ror stamp. UirectAppeai v-o., i-iymouin, 111a. EXPERIENCED grocery boy wanted be tween 16 and 20. Call today. i70 E. Olisan. BAKER with wife to take interest in store and bakery; no money to right parties Marshall li50. Call Francis. HUSiv V boy. not less than IS. years, farm wok ; $10 per month, board ; no school boys. N ll?. Oregonian. SALES MANAGER, experienced in real es tate and handling men; permanent. F 157. Oregonian. $S0 MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute camples and take orders or appoint agents, lermanenu Jap.-American Co.. Chicago. CoMl'E TENT gardener, steady job. some housework; references. D 153, Oregonian. STEADY local work far person of adapta bility. Apply afternoon. 4('3 Dekum. WANTED Egg candler, man. Morris Co 15th and Marshall. TWO young men of ability. $10 week start, Monday morning. H40 Morgan bid. WILL give bouse rent In exchange for plumbing work. C 15$, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. Hawt horn e ave. W. Root, 1869 ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for high class work. AP 165, Oregonian. WANTED All around ladies tailor; good wapes. 131 10th st. W ANT -D A solicitor for delicatessen. Call at ivtiQ Belmont st. PHOTO agents, something" new; extra com mission paid. Saroijy Studio, Royal bldg. vIlTEPEerrenc"ed bakerT 427 WashT, HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M C- A. loung men seeking employment in com merciaL clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To n on -mem bora, a special membership is issued, costing $ per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' full privilege and a relund of the membership t-ee If satisfactory employment is not se cured. WANTED By a ean Francisco corporation o-ooui to open a branch, office in Portland, Seattle and Spokane, a man of fair edu cation and energy for responsible outside position, including handling of collections; c&tih bond or hrst-ciass references re Quired; permanent position with advance ment to capable man. Address Manager, ox L 65. Oregonian. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night c. asses; expert training In repairing, driving and machine work. Including lorge, lathe, ohaper, drillpress, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational Off 10 v m c A hid to in spect our shops and methods. Competent J ccaurteurs and mechanics supplied. IF YjL can read and write English don't he a laborer, earn more money by learning electrical engineering, mechanical draw ing, gas engineering, automobile repairing, steam engineering, machine shop prac tic;; day and night school; easy pay- ' ments; individual Instruction. Seattle En ginee rmg School, 104 West Roy st. PAINTERS WANTED Get next, mix It yourself. It wears longer, covers moro and works freer with less wear on brushes than pure lead. For rough walls, roofs, fences, etc. it cannot be beau Try a sampie Xor a gallon free. Ten cents for postage, that's all. C. J. O'Connor, 1046 Somh Hill. Los Angeles. LEARN auto trde in most practical school on Coast. Course includes every thins; worth knowing about auto business. No time limit; Special exposition rates. Many fiositiona secured. Board and room while earning. Catalogue tree. National School of Engineering. Los Angeles. Est. 1UQ5. WAN TED An idea! M ho can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and 'llow to Get Your Patent." P.undolph c Co., Dept. H&Q, Washington. D. C. MEN wanted to work Independent on chick en ranch to be developed near Portland; z Interest on investment of small capital; must know how to raise and take care of chickens and poultry. For particulars write O 141, Oregonian. WANTED Names of young men with un questionabia records desiring permanent salaried positions in Southern California. Inclose postage for particulars and appli cation. N sic A. Co., box 1424. Los An geles. GOVERNMENT positions in poutoffice, raif way mail and other branches are good. Prepare for "exams." under former U. S. Civil Service secretary-examiner. Hook let H 35 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. CHICAGO manufacturer with Portland branch, wants two dependable young men to demonstrate and sell finest low-priced electric vacuum cleaner on Coast; very easy terms, lioeral pay. H. Atwater, 20U Washington st. SECRET SERVICE America and the Ori ent; persons possessing confidence tem pered with judgment may send confiden tial personal particulars to Asiatic Pacific Agency, jos Angeic-a. iai. PORTLAND OPTICAL SCHOOL is now running with night classes, competent in structor. See you through right. Watch making, Engraving, Optical School. 213 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, STEADY employment, good wages, day and nignt classes; lew months learning- Prof itable work. Positions guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving school, 214 Common weaith bldg.. 6th and Ankeny, Portland. SECRET service American, traveling, for eign, especially Asia, Africa, South Amer ica. Reliable persons address J. H. Fountain, District Secretary, Asiatic Pa citic Agency, Los Angeles, Cal. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money seinng our naruy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses proviaoa. w as a log ton ursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. 1000 LIVE-WIRES wanted by live-wire con cern on high-grade, low-priced household device. Great demand, bonus offer, prizes in goia. urana Aiig. uorp., lUoo uiton, Brooklyn. N. Y. NEED branch managers, world wide mail or der business, operate from own home spare time ; no canvassing or peddling ; experi ence unnecessary ; should maloa $50 week ly, jsutier, 4bs f actories. Toieao, u. AUTOMGKILE INSTRUCTION. Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical sahool. HAWTHORNE AUTO SlHOOL, 445 Hawthorne Ave. MAKE your own fortune; an unusual prop osition for ambitious persons; sort cut from nothing to independence; no ped dling; no soliciting; booklet "M" free. Box Riverside. Cal, WANTED Collector between SO and 40, country work; must furnish $o00 personal bond: salary and expenses. Call Sunday forenoon after i) A. M Room 430 Clark Hotel. itn ana stark. BOOKKEEPER, a thorough business man. acquainted with ofllce detail in manufac turing business; great opportunity for man wno can invest .wu. o xoi, oregonian. BY an inventor, wanted a business manager oy a man wno has inventions, and can invent any kind of machine. Call Monday, St. Charles Hotel, bet: 9 and 12 for X X. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teacn you the barber trade In 8 weeks; tools free; position guaran teed; paid while learning. 232 2d, nr. Main. WANTED One more man or woman to complete a party of three to file on a homestead 12 miles from Spokane, Wash, Inquiries received at 727 Clinton ave. WANTED, at once, young man with some business experience to All vacancy In board of directors; take charge of busi ness; $2.'0U required. O 156, Oregonian. I WANT a real salesman to sell grocers' sundries to the grocery trade: salary if proven satisfactory. Telephone E. I027 for information. SALES MANAGER We have an Eastern opening for a man of ability with some capital ; this means about $&(Xh per year to you. Y 141. Oregonian. MAKE money writir.tr stories or articles; big pay. Free booklet tells how. Ad dress United Press Syndicate, San Fran- AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. Call or write for free trial offer. PACIFIC AUTO A GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, 266 11th St., Portland. Or. WANTED A middle-aged man for a clerk in a hotel; one who can meet the trains; small wages and a good home. Dorj Hotel. Woodburn, Or. WANTED Experienced laundry man: state age, wages wanted married. Years uoe- AV 21. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS reference book salesman cap able of earning $100 per week. 517 Lum. Ex. bldg. AN ALL-ROUND good florist is wanted; good ages for the right party. Phone Wood lawn 1512. ABLE-BODIED MEN qualify for firemen, brakemen, $120 monthly. Railway oare Oregonian. SOLICITORS for photo coupons. Splendid holiday offer. Rewena M- Hogan, residence stuuio, fieamont, nvt uieveiana ave. MKN 16 or over wishing Government Jobs. S7 0 month, should apply immediately for information, av lib. oregonian. PRIVATE instructions in optometry, which will prepare you for the state board; evenings Address AR 152, Oregonian. WANTED Builder to build house and take lot as part payment, balance cash, Sell- wood BOO, O'JOO 4Sth H. J. S10-S15 WEEKLY. Collect and sell names. Complete plans, 1000 words, 10 centa John Yeakei, box 4iirv, isverett. Wash. MAN to call on offices, factories, etc.; fast seller. ou weetciy ; get territory today Garrie. 1U25 Broadway, Spokane, Wash. AGENTS wanted for fast sellllng auto ne cessity hustlers mane good money. j. n Broadway. WANTED A man who understands grow ing seeds for market; good opportunity ior rignt party. au ivi, oregonian. PARTNER with auto to take photographs in country, r. a. oiaru, iJ.u Aicivay Did., or t .low, oregonian. MOLER Barber College wants men to learn the trade; tuition reduced ;i paid while learning, rend for catalogue. 48 N. seeond. HAVE splendid opening lor good aecountant with some cash or clear property. Call b - x 1 eon oiug. MAN and wife to take care -of furnace and halls tor rent ol apt. 424 Abingtoa bldg., Monday morning1. WANTED Man and wife; man to operate picture muenme, wne a descriptive piano pi a y er. Mar i neater, i o n a o n , or. A-l O KO acetylene weioer as partner; no Investment; good mechanic AM 153, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS fish man. G 153, Oregonian. Uelu M anted Agents. N EW wonderful oOo kitchen Invention, la bor saving, cuts Jiving expenses V ; 35c pront each eaie. u sales daily easv: demonstration creates sensation. Triumph jianuiaciurers, transportation Bldg.t Chi' cago. SOMETHING new; fastest sellers and quick est repeaters on earth; permanent, prof itable ousiness; cood for 5oO to 17a a week. American Products Co., 1682 Third MAGAZINE SOLICITORS, crew organizers, wake up : We have a crackerlaok maga-si-ia proposition paying biv profits. It's c wo rid -beater. Act quick. Postal Subscrip- HELP WANTED MALE. Help W text Agents. NE A. ig money-making marvel; new, sci entific discovery ; wonderful. different, high-class, elothea washing ideas revolu tionised; positively abolishes drudgery, rubbing, washboards, washing machines, etc.; $1U00 guarantee: $00,000 corporation, inventors, manufacturers; nature's mighty el ments work wonders; women simply de lighted; Franklin, Idaho, realizes $345 -0 days, exclusive territory; no experience necessary; credit gran tea; own fascinating repeat order business; big profits; hurry; write today; overwhelming proof; free. Equitabi Corporation, desk fi. 21 West Superior. Chicago. EVERY household, on farm, in small town or suburbs, where oil tamps arti 'used, needs, will buy onderful coal oil (kero ile Lamp, burns common coal oil tkero sene; ; gives a It gut tiv times as bright as electrio. Awarded gold medal San Francisco exposltit-n. Farmer cleared over $500 six weeks; hundreds with rfgs earn ing $100 to $;i00 month. No cash required. ' Furnish capita. reliable men. Write quick wholesale prices, territory, asonpie lump free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 47 Al"in 01a g., rortiand, or. $1000 in this Invention for you; new, me- tuuiLi wunoer; scientmo marvgi; tre mendous sale staggers country; over 1.00O, oul sold, yet Just introduced; agents bank ing enormous profits daily ; Walters, $00 first day; O'Connell, $40; everybody wants Grab's 10-bJad adjustable, double action shoe scraper on uuoi step : automatically removes mud. snow ; seven new patented features; terirtory free; worth fortune. Se curity Mfg. Co., dept. 1 9 0, To! edo, O. AGENTS a full course in salesmanship given every agent selling tbe Handy Light, unique electrical device which cuts the cost of eletrlc lighting in half; selis for $3.0 in home, office, store, factory; weighs one pound; sold by demonstration; well planned methods for gaining inter views furnished; high-greda business for general agents. 208. The Handy Light Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ATTENTION We will pay S500 reward If our home butter merger falls to merge one pint or milk into one pound of but ter in two minutes, sweeter than creamery nutter; demonstrators. general agents wanted ; salary or commission ; write for ii.ustratea circulars and sworn testi montals: wonderful invention. Family PULicr jwerger v,o.. wasnington, u. w. HOUSEHOLD necessity. Our pure alumi num triplicate sauce pan is all the rage; cojks three different foods on one burn er; saves gas, lasts a lifetime; quick i-d sure seller: lino in tH(n mnnth Write quick for territory and our large " catalogue or 4U0 other specialties. Div. aiS. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., L-mont. Ill, became Independent; sell E. Z. guaranteed safety devices for Ford cars; rapid-fire. eme-iciK-aiiiig eei.ers; starter. io; op erates from seat, stops embarrassme-it mud-puddling and back firing danger; steerer, $1.75. kills wobbling, holds roads, saves tires Geo. H. Wilson, manufacturer, 3020 Northwestern bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. MAKE $0 to $00 weekly selling our new 3'JO-candle-power gasoline tuole and hang. lng lamp for homes, stores, halls, churches; no wick, no chimney, no mantle trouble; costs lo per night; exclusive ter ritory; w loan you sample. Sunshtm Saf jty Lamp Co., oil Factory bldg., Kun sas City. Mo. E show men and women how to make .iu to siuo weekly ear around: amazing opportunity for large Income. Why was 10 time working for others L'se your spae nine at nome anu gain xinanciai luue penaence; no canvassing; be your own master. universal success Co., Dept. 43, 70 5th ave.. New York City. WE start you In business, furnishing every thing: men and women, $30 to $2U0 weekly operating our "new system spjeclalty candy Factories" home, small room anywhere; no canvasHing. opportunity nietimc; oooa. let ye. Ragtfdale Co., box S. East Orange, ACTION Can you sell automobile gasoline ON B CENT per gallon? If o. sell VASO TONIC ; gives 40 per cent more gasoline mileages; eliminates carbon; auto owners grabbing for it; $10 day easy; Heisey made -j urs 1 aay, act quicg. man. Details iree. White Mf g. Co.. dep t. 75, C Incinnatl, O. A ONE C E N T post card will put you touch with an -a-week uronositl pelllnjp aluminum utensils and specialties irect to consumer. oon t it one cn: stund between ou and prosperity. Div 4uv. American Aluminum Mfg Co., i-e mont, 111. AGENTS Side line men, lnvestigate-our new specialty; sells on sight lo merchants; weighs 4 ox. ; costs $2; fine repeater; DLiuu permanent ousiness at nome travel; sample free to producers. Spe cialty Sales Co., 033 Real Estate Trust Didg.. Piuiadel pnla. Fa. BIGGEST hit ever! Eleven-piece toilet ar ticle set selling like blazes at $1, $1 carv ing set free. Enormous nroflts. Tre mendous sensation. Engle made $31 first week. Write Quick. Pierce Co., i20 I'lirce Bldg., Chicago. MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble gen uine; same rainbow fire; stand tests; Fell at sight; live agents wanted; profits $50 weeaiy up, write sample case oner free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., box A, L.1H rut: r a, .--s . jh. AGENTS, canvassers, f itnur sex, new money ma -ting proposition; build up a permanent trade. Good leaders and marvelous re peaters. Our liberal offer on request. Con solidated Sales Co., 21S Post St., Spokane, Wash. AGENTS Salary or eommtssion; greatest seller yet ; every user pen and Ink buvs on sight; 2no to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales $rt20 In six days; another $:2 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X-44, L.a crosse, wis. WANTED Lady agent, 100 per cent profit eeiiuig uiir uiaiitx new cunimry urnwtrs ; every lady will buy: first time offered to agents; not sold In stores; send postal for particulars, moss -0., it mobs oidg Rochester. N. Y. $5o WEEKLY, Only knife sharpener made on correct principles. ondcrtul seller; 12!1 to 300 per cent profit. Simply demon strate. No talking; general agents $150 week. Particulars free; 5ic sample mail -j;tc. xniele .'o.. Austin ave.. i.nifBK FREE LAMP to active agents; Beacuii .Kerosene Mantle Lamps beat electricity cobt one cent six hours; 100 per cent profit; exclusive territory free. Write man ager, Home euppiy t;o.. Kansas Olty. Mo. AUE.NTS WANTKU Agents make 500 per cent prout selling -isoveiiy sign Cards. Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. no varieties, catalogue free. Sullivan Co. 1234 w. van uuren St., Chicago, III. RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires placing vaiuaoie agency, sure repeater, permanen Income, business builder, easy, no conino- tition; protected territory, perfection Com pany, ljvvesiaist, jn. x. agents WANTED One smart man or woman m each locality to introduce niKU-Kraue household sneciaitv: nartieu lars free. Deck C, Sunset Supply House, jd-i a. ourjington ave., l-os Angeles, OA: AGENTS Large manufacturer wants reliable men. women, to sell guaranteed hosiery underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Writ a for free samples. Madison Mills, 5t.J Broadway, New York. AGENTS wanted everywhere; fastest selling auto necessity on maraet; iuu per cen profit ; sample and particulars 10c. Se auto page Sunday Oregonian. Motor Vigo o.t i .. croauway. S30 WEEKLY and expenses Free samnlP Gold and sliver letters, stores and office windows, metallic sign Letter Co., 437 N .iarK, Lnicagu, Aus-A 1 a msKing nig money spelling rain coats direct from manufacturer; get sam pit raincoat. Norman Garment Qo., 32 L-nioa pijuare. is. 1, AGENTS make big money, become sales mgr. for our it nods, fast office seller: fine nrnr- its. Particulars and sample free. One Dip ren o., ot Liiy rtecora, tsammore. Ma. WOMEN to sell ladies' garments direcf to wearer; reai ractory price; no investment: big commission. People's Garment Mfg t-o., t 1 o Arcn, rnuactipnia. LIVE agents with some capital, carry small stocK of brand raw article; sells every nousenoia. ouc. netting eoo per cent. Mag- iew, linn 11 v uiufl,, l niudgo. WANTED At last the best seller for agent has been found- We have It. To Drove 1 send for particulars. C. Co., box 41, Oak urovi, ur. WE MADE $1700 In ten months selling names to man uruer nouses. w n y nol work it In your locality? Particulars free, Taliaferro Co.. rt. V orth, Texas. FREE SAMPLE N'osplash water strainers sen tnemseives; cany profits upwards, sena c 1 mailing costi. rt. i., cnion Fii ter Co., N. y. AGENTS wanted for household necessity great seller; exclusive terrltorv ran ted get our most liberal proposition. Write to t'.e x c o.. i rj i proa away. Mew York. PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service on proofs iruiBiieu ui u 1 iishib; writs ior cata logue, Roberts, 1420 McGee, Kansas City, At O. HANDLE remarkable money getter; easiiy soid; easny nanniea; repeat orders aimosi every house; write for free lamnlt-s. cata losue. L. J. Sindelar. Santa Fe, New Mex. BIG money handling line of auto accessories agents wanted; send for particulars: ex ceptional opportunity. 1863 Q'Farreil at. aan r rancisco, lbl LIVE agents for Auto Lock. Best thing 1 town. Northwest Novelty Co., 431 Cham ber of Commerce. GET newest, quickest sellers direct from makers, i u!l list free. Nat'l Alien ts Au'n. 122 Michlgnn ave. cnicago. TO sell wearing apparel ca eredlt; no for mer experience necessary; liberal eommis AGBVTS learn about profits made supply ing perfumes to families. Address Le,ffle- & co., inaianapons. ma. AGENT wanuJ, something n w. 100 cent profits. 72S East Oak. Sundays. CANVASSERS Men and wonien can mak fj.v per uay, vua jranema piag. U. Lf HAMtD MALE. Uelo V anted Agents. MAKE $21 next Saturday: brand new prop- vaiuuu, psuentea last January, amaxiug invention, compressed air washing ma chine, weighs but two po and; excels wurk of high-priced machines; customers exciteI; agents coining money; iao at every house; price only el.ou; 2uu p:r cent profit; clean tub of ciothess S min utes; works like magic. F. Hughes made $-1 first eight hours; no charge for ter ritory; investigate. Write now. Wndcll Co.. SKI Oak st.. Leipsic. O. MEN or women, real, honest-to-coodness- elis-ltself-line; over ISO lightweight, pop ular priced necessities; we pay luO per cent commission ; $b a day can be made at start; no capital, no -experience ie quired; enormous demand; sells fast; big repeaters; valuable territory open; all or spare time; elegant agent's outfit fur nished tre. W rite tod. Postal will do. American Products Co., 181 American bidg.. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS, canvassers, magazine, six months' Lnai subscription iic; suuacrioe now. pay when received; independent. bigh-clats monthly; itlu trat, describes new spe cialties, inventions; helpful salesmanship suggestions; tells how to buy direct from manufacturers; exposes fakes, etc. Can vaaseis' Magaslne, South W hitley, Indi ana. " GET particulars of one of best paying prop ositions ever out. the new portable 011 gas stove for heating, cooking and baking. Sells like wildfire; tight iu weight, prac tical, $25 to Sou per week. A postal will bring our mocey-maping proposition. World Mfg. Co., 40tt World biug., Cin cinnati, O. $10 DAILY refinUhing chandeliers, brass beds, etc, new method; producing amax lng results; no capital or experience necessary ; write, information. Guumetal Co., 47th a v3. . Decatur. IA. AGENTS make 5 to $25 daily; no ex perience ; free catalogue, samples; new goods; quick sales; big profits; world's beaters. Cruvr Co.. Jackson Ac Campbell, Chicago, 111. WE will pay you $75 month. travi, collect names, aavertise ana distribute samples; expenses advanced. Write today. Rider Co.. dept. ?, Coshocton, Ohio. BIG money for you ; start now ; lust out. unlimited field; write today; full partic ulars free. Del- Lee Mfg. Co., Klralaud, Wash. Help W an ted Sale amen. $100 PER WEEK can be made selling our enamel and other nousenoia ware direct from the factory to retail merchants : liberal commission arrangements can be made for weekly a rawing accounts; some territory now open, give reierences. UNITED STATES STEEL WARE CO.. Pittsburg. Pa, SALESMEN for Southern Oregon territory ana auey towns; good house-to-house canvassers for local territory ; quality goods, premium inducements. The anti trading stamp and coupon law is found invalid by the Federal Court of Oregon. This shows that our form of advertising is recognised oy the federal (Joverninent, Grand Union Tea Co., 44 Wasnington sc. ruruanu, -r- 8ALESMA.V8 OPPORTUNITY Are you salesman witn tne real pep 7 Maue your self a part of a business of exceptional merit. Have you some resl money to hold you lBvel while your income grows like weeds in a Summer garden? Spike the guns of grouch and drop a line, giving ae, experieuce and amount you will in vest w hen satisfied with our proposition. Alt 12 6, Oregonian. SALESMAN with Ford car for Portland and vicinit v to secure exclusive territory ing rights for best, most popular Ford automobile accessory in America; this is big thing; a fast selling article, with good profit; an article that is 100 per cent right and sold to consumers under free trial plan; manufactured by large and wen rated concern. B. Baker, sales manager, 11 jo Michigan ave., Chicago. WhZ HAVE an DDtnliiv for a sneciaitv sales limn w iiu is iauta ui inaiviu wwv v more yearly : a man possessea oz an n gaging personality and energy ; to such w a ran offer a oermanent uosltion pre renting great possibilities; write, giving experience and references. National En graving Company. 154 Nassau street. New iora city. SALESMEN with Ford cars, demonstrate real Korfl starter; only device invented ; any lady can easily operate; absolutely guaranteed to start car sero weather; turns engine over all four cylinders; sam pie starter on your car will sell every orrl owner vuur district : puuiar orlce ; cluelv territory. Automatic Mfg. Co.. 1507 Gt. Northern bldg., Chlcago. 111. TRAVELING salesmen who will accept clothes made to their measure in payment for placing with merchants "The Line That's Different.' all-wool tailoring line. quoting six special prtoes; no extra cnarges. Write for particulars. J. W. Jones & Sons. 516 Mid-City Bank bldg.. Chi cago. CAPABLE, experienced salesman. Oregon comolela line calendars, novelties, cloth leather goods for advertising; every busi ness man buys product ; liberal commis sions; exclusive territory; great opportu nity, permanent position; contract now for 11G; write sales manager. United States Calender Co., Cincinnati. SPECIALTY SALESMEN Large Eastern or ganization manufacturing patented pop ular-priced office efficiency devices, wants representatives. unoccupied territory; splendid proposition; small capital, cash or credit: fine line rcpeater-a; lull pro tection; ask for "Folder C-2U2." Chelsea MTg. Co.. Ill Broadway. New lorn POCKET side line, new live proposition, all merchants towns juo.uuu anu unuur want, it Pavs $5 commission each sale. No col lect in a. no risk to merchant ; take bark unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paying side line offered. Canfield Mfg. Co., 20a Slgel. Chicago. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, bis pay ; write for large list 01 openings of fering opportunities to earn from $100 to $503 a month w Ml you learn. Address nearest office, dept. 311. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago. New Yoric, s-an Francisco. EXCLUSIVE territorial contracts given live wire business salesmen. New proposition. None but successful, responsible meu need apply. Give complete references and st ate if proper bond can be furnished with lirst letter. S l."4, regonlan. VACANCY Oct. 15, experienced any line to eell general trade. Pacific territory ; un excelled specialty proposition; commission contract. $:iii weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co. 80-41 Continental bidg., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED Quick, salesman; exclusive state right; brand new premium deal ; mer chants jump wlz it; no competition; sella for $46.25; easy to make $.10 up per day; :efrences Willi uiplication. National Juv. Auto Co., Toledo. O. SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Oregon ; staple line on new and excep tional terms; vacancy now; attractive com mission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Mile F. Bixler Co.. b.41 Carl in bldg., Cleveland, O. SALESMAN Acquainted with retailers In small towns, to sell dry goods specialties on commission; excellent side line for trav eling men. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadel phia, Pa. SALESMEN Whole time or slcLj line; J lu minutes' time pays you 10. Pocket sam ples; prompt commissions. State territory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co.. Inc., 1118 Mich igan ave., Chicago. ABSOLUTELY new sideline, salesmen visit ing retail trade, cities through state, should require about third time. Raised Letter Sign Co., St. Joseph. Mirh. EXCELLENT permanent position now open for capable salesman, Oregon, staple line for general retail trade; liberal commis sions, $35 weekly advance. Ralph H. Jde, 4S41 Williams bldg., DetroiL WANTED Salesmen to handle exclusive line of bank supplies, calendars, etc., for old established house; exclusive territory ; liberal commission. Economy Advertising Company, Iowa City. Is, SALESMEN wanted to sell our check pro tector; it sells to every person who writes a check; circulars and Information free; sample 25o. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Col ton bldg., Toledo, O. TRAVELING salesman. place high-class sales boards, commission, big side money easy; no camples to carry. Chicago Dia mond Importing Co., & East Madison, Chi cago SIDE-LINE salesmen, brand new article, general stores, grocers, hardware, dr'ig stores, etc Good commission; state terri tory covered. Vivace Co.. K177 Broadway. Chicago. BOTH SEXES; brand new household article. 100 per cent profit. Clark, Illinois, made $11. clear profit first 2 days; sample free. Vivace Co., 11179 Broadway. Chicago. $KH) MONTH, expenses and com., auto tires and accessories; excel- terr. to right man; exper, unnecessary, Empt. Dept., room :;77, 50J5 Waah. Chicago. SALESMEN wanted to sell hosiery seconds at real tow bargaiq prices to retail deal ers. Easy sellers; liberal enmrrrtnston. Second Hosiery Co, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED A Kodak salesman : one who thoroughly understands the Eastman line. Apply Hi 6th st., Sunday, Oct. 10, 1 to 2 P. M. SIDE line salesmen; this is country town line, offers big inducements for workers; prices recently roduced ; pocket samples. Devon Mfg Co., Chicago. IIL $40 UP weekly, new quick selling electric changeable metal letter attraction signs. Ever Ready Attraction System, Chi cago. ENERGETIC salesman, visit schools; $100 salary, liberal commission, k. j. Lvani Co.. 1104 Wabash ave.. Chicago. $60 UP weekly, new. quick selllnsr electric changcaoie metai let.or attraction nina Every Ready AttractlonS stem, Chicago. SALESMAN with auto going to Eastern Ore gon and Washington, would like party to 1IJZLP WANTED MALE, ' Help Wanted salesmen. SALESMEN, GET YOUR SHARB OF WHAT YOU CREATE. An established Illinois corporation wit a lare" business and capital wants 4 mid-die-aged. well-dreesed. tactful, high-grade men. who bav sold merchants, aav. scales, premiums, bonds, etc. and who have earned JJuoO to SI 0.0 at) yearly, to call on out-of-town hardware and imple ment stores with our buying and selling service, eliminating wasteful distribution, merchandise experience valuable, but sales ability the main requisite; must be fluent talkers, able to present a "'busines plan" forcibly to good deaiers. Write J. H. Free. New Davenport Hotel. Spokane, for ap pointment . only those whose letters give full information wiil be considered. BLANCH ARD BROS.. Inc. are now open ior contracts with salesmen for fortiana for the year 1016: can place a few men in good territories at once; our line of htgh class. original and copyrighted calendars and monthly service has successfully met a1! competition ; the Blanchard line f display advertising pencils. penholders, etc. has set the pace for years; only men of proven selling ability will be consid ered; if you can qualify write at once, with full particulars as to experience, ref erences, etc. Address King H. Gcrlach, sales manager. liHh su and 8th ave,, Brooklyn, N. Y. TH E MERCHANTS 1'L'B. CO, Kalamatoo, Mich., manufacturers of the w ell-known "Kalamasoo" line of advertising, desires to fill a vacancy In Western Oregon the coming season. New line of copyrighted and exclusive duotone and deluxe cal endars, as well as fans, leather goods, pen. nants. signs and a careluliy selected as sortment of specialties ready January 1. Correspondence solicited with hustlers who wish to make permanent connection with a large and responsible house In a profitable field of work; established 1HS2; exclusive territory assigned; commissions liberal. Write salenianer at once. SALESMAN CAN MAKE BIO MONET on our wonderfully low-priced and quick selling patented display form, a necessity for women's apparel retailers; small, light, compact sample FREE; big commission; state territory coverea. bcnacK atig. CO lltf-129 W. 23d IC, New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 13 WEEK, exnenses advanced, women travel, appoint agents, concentrated 1 00a flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg Co.. 223 Como bldg.. Chicago. NIG HT and day classes, shorthand and typewriting; each pupil given individual Instructions. Classes Monday. Wednesday and Friday nights. Reasonable. Main 41 .17. room 403, Sunday. WANTED Lady manager for good paying wholesale and retail business; good op portunity for responsible woman dslring a vocation, not merely a position. AK 137, Oregonian. $15 WEEKLY Spare time ; addressing cir culars, experience unnecessary. No can vassing. No scheme. Send 10 cents sil ver for postage and Instructions. Century Publianing Co Syracuse. N. Y. WANTED Lady to cook and wash dishes for 2u young men ; do not serve or plan meals or get an evening meal on Thurs days and bund ays; state salary expected. AE 151. Oregonian. TWO young ladies to play piano, sing, for traveling moving-picture snow; saiary -no. ex penses. Call room 3oG Lumber Ex change bldg, Sunday. WANTED Active women to Introduce and take orders for tailored front and back lace corsets. Address J. St O. Corset Co., 3Q2U1 Wabash ave., Chicago, HL WANTED A young girl to assist In house work and care of children; prefer one going to school; good home and wages lo right party. AF 142, Oregonian. WANTED A respectable, middle-aged worn, an without encumbrance, fur a place In the country, near a mil way station and small town. F 14'!, Oretienlan. EXPERIENCED woman canvasser for well known woman's magaslne, salary and comminlon; address, giving phone number, AH lia. Oivgoman. CAPABLE, accurate girl with bookkeeper training, for permanent position; write de- tailed letter, giving age. experience, phoDe, salary expected. B li4, Oregonian WANTED Two reliable women demon traton for a staple article : house to house. Salary end commission, H loo, Ore gonian. WOMEN as Government clerks. $70 month; Portland examinations coming; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. dept. "03-G, Rochester, N. Y. N ICE country home In Hood River for youn g w oman who can cook and do gen eral housework; no objection to child. Call today. 71 Johnson, near corner 22i. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tin School of (Quality for Girls. Individual in struction Positions filled. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTKD Active women to introduce and take orders for tailored front and back la -e corsets. Address J. & O- Corset o.. Ii2 Wi''Dh ae., Ch ira go. III. WOMAN or girl to help with light houco work and take care of baby. 1 year old; must go home nights. Main 6iU. i0l N. 21st st. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $23 to S50 per week ; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company. Dept. 611, Omaha, Neb. MAKE monev writing stories or articles; big Pay. Free bouKiet tens now. au d ress C nlted Press ay ndicate. ban Fran- Cisco. W ANT ED Experienced young woman to heln with housework: no cooking: refer ences requli ed, wages $3 month. phone Scllwood 2o:i8. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged lady for liuht housework ; no washing; references. BP 141. Oregonian. WANTED Ladles and girls to learn trade. Portland School of Millinery, o42 cuion a v e. N o rth. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavt company. Plttock block. 585 Washington. CAPABLE woman for housework ; small family, at Salem. Oregon. Apply Tie East Madison st. is.ast 4.r. COMPETENT, neat girl for general house work, liood cook. references required. 1 Q!SS Vaughn. EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicur ist and apprentice for new beauty shop. Apply at residence, cook ave. GIRL wanted for kitchen work In private family hotel, can Aionuay morning. 710 Washington st. NEAT, canable woman, llvlnsr near E. 52d and Salmon; no other need apply ; few Hours ngnt wora aaiiy. uaoor HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 302 Or Dheum bids:. (Emorees. Individual in struct ' n siJosUtonsTa-hencapa Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladles only; make yourself independent witn good trade, ivu-l u ueaum oiug., ju anu v aau, WANTED A wh'owed housekeeper; give name and phone number. a. 14s. ore Knian. LADIE3 wanting work We want demon strators; l to $2 day is made, 5u5 Co lumbia bluff- WANTED Dressmaking in exchange Ior piano Instruction , professional t-acher. Marshnll b"j7 efter Sunday. AN experienced nurse girl, willing to assist in upstairs work; references required. A p- piy morning, am mm sc WuMAN to do general housework for four adults and 5-y ear-old child. AK 155. Oregonian. WANTED High school girl to do light housework in exchange for room and board. Wood lawn suns. YOUNG woman capable for general house work, 3 In family, good home. Call u0 Cook ave. Phone C !.!. STRONG, willing girl for general housework. 056 Clackamas a;., corner E. 21st; Broad way car. WANTED Girl to assist with housework anu care of baby; good home; wages. Tbu Kearney. GIRL for general housework; must he good cook; i'J'i month. 393 Asper sL Mar shall 13. LADY wants housekeeper: give room, board; care for small boy; light work, AH 169. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer in law office; give references and experience. AH 104, Ore gonian YOi'XG girl to clean tables, ner Couch. 35 N. 5th, cor. WANTED Good girl t r assist with general housework. Main 8620. WANTED First-class cook for family hotel. Call Sunday between 10 and 3- 554 Couch. WAN T E DCho r u s g Iris.' Room 80 SE Hers bldg. Call alter 2:30 P. M. WANTED Girl to share apartment. East Side. $7 each per mo. Phone E. 4417. LEARN beauty culture. Summer rate. 05 Columbia bldg. Graduate Pans. Berlin. SOLICITOR, music student preferred. BC 146.Oregonlan. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. $ me. tt l4ta. Ph. M. Sa3. WOMAN for country ; no children ; good wanes. Call Sellwood S04. EXPERIENCED nurse for hospital. Oregonian. V 1C7. TWO S t tire. a fcirlb to learn beauty cul hlnston bid. SlOlfEIt Barber Coilega wants laJIes o Uar.1 the trade; special rates. 4t N. Second. G1KL to assist with housework. 2i N, 4th. HELP WATKt t KH.41A. MOVIE PICTURE ACTRESSES WANTED. Now Is the tune to get busy, salaries run from $loO to $2000 weekly, in iact there la no limit If you can deliver the goods. There is no tel.lng how much ta:nt you have unai you try. Your chances are just as good as an one e;e. It s worth trying; you have lots of fun; i:a fascinating. hea'.t h-giviug and the best money-making work on earth. See your self as others see you. We are now lorm lng a day and nignt class, but you must act quick, only a limited number will be taken. Vi wS Can UM few more gentlemen. Call between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. or 4M0 iK f'- ohlck Photoplay Training frchool. 207 Globe bldg.. city. YOC1 is worth monr SPARE TIME Ara you getting It or ar wasting your leisure moments in )uu had something lo do? A Post card will connect jou with thst gotuen opportunity which comes but ohm in a lifetime. No selling no soliciting. If you live In Oregon. Washington or Ida ho outside of Portland, write now to jy before soineouo vise gets your texn- EDWARDS COMPANY, Home Furnishers on Credit. Fifth and Oak. Portland. TV ANTED Young girl lo care for small children aud ass jt in housework; good, congenial home in the country; the work Is light and tbe aages will be small; ref erences will be required. Piione Columbia 601 Sunday afternoon, or call at 64 1 Bow. doln st., between & and 6 P. M. W ANTED Educated woman to take train ing in professional corset ry. thai she may be able to serve tbe client In the seclusion of her home. Satisfied 10 earn $10 to $12 a week for the tirst 3 months. AF 14L Oregonian. $25 TO $00 per month, extra money to em ployed women and men without interfer ing with regulcr work. No selling, no canvassing, positively r.o investment. Un employed need not apply. Spencer Co , 337 W. Madison, Chicago. 111. TWO women at once with strong executive ability; salary $i00 at ulart to ones cap able of handling and directing others; state agc, n aimug and capabilities; no t Ping. O 154. Oregonian. WOMAN w:th practical business training and strong social tactics for position of Importance lust opening; state experience- and salary expected for services. C 151. Oregonian. CALIFORNIA, 2lM motion picture com panies; easy to write plas; biptiet prices; no school. We revise, seM. Free details. Photoplay Bureau, Si a, C. Los An geles. EITHER sox, make $3 to $20 weekly, even, ings and spare hours, copying, listing names. etc. ; experience unnecessary , stamped envelope for pea tlcuUrs. Com mercial Ttureau M7 fSro e. Oakland. CaL WANTED Thoroughly cosnpetent girl for general housework in set en -room apart ment. West Side; no children; must b good cook; wages $40; reference required, l'h me Main 2M9. 4LN I CI PAL Bureau for Protection of Wo men Is now located at room S03 new Po lice Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. I n ter vie w s confidential. TYPIST to do copy work; must be expe rienced and rapid; temporary work; $l.a0 per day. state capabilities and experience. It l 142. Oregonian. $2..r0 DAY paid lady each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permapeut position, F. E. Barr Co., Chicago. YOUNG woman for beauty culture; good position to right person. SU7 Northwest hidg.. wth and Wash, st. GOOD strong girl for general housework at 1 igaru. Oregon. Modern. house, email family. Phone Main ."-47 CHILDREN'S nursemaid, help about hou out of loan; s u per month. N 15 J. onih. N 153. Ore gonian. WANTED 12 oices, trained or untrained, for our choral department. 612 E tiers bldg. WANTED An experienced second maid In a small private family or adults; must have good references. AN 15.1, Oregonian. NICE girl for general housework. Must tike children; good wages; references. Tabor 3 . l ' NAMES and addresses, by mall order houses. big pay. no canvassing, information lor stamp. Q. C. Smith, Covington, Tenn, GIRL for light general work in exchange for room only. 4 10 jiorrison. WANTED For general housework, girl who 11 ices children. 1'none 'i aoor oui. NEW substantial line for solicitors. Easily sold. Au 1T. oregonian. WANTED Children's sewing by expert, AF 10-. uregoniun. WAIST trimmer and finishers, with hlgh- class experience, wanted. 4.1 Morrison. SOLICITOR for child's book; dandy propo sition, a oregonian. PIANO teacher, one who will come to h WANTED ; iris for -us work, with or ill Eilers bldg wit ho ut e X perle tic ONE girl to learn Maurlne beauty culture; commission while learning, -oa itoyai mug. ENGLISH rrammar teacher wanted two or L h ree nights week. I-. 13. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. j-j -a st. .x. GIRL for general housework, good plain cook; references. SJ1 Oth st. YOUNG girl wanted for waitress. S4 N. 4th. IIF.I.P WANTED MAT.K OK FEMALE. WANTED 15.UH men and omen to be come L. S. tjovernnient employes. $76. 00 month. Vacations. Common education sul fide at. Write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Fiankiln insti tute, floor R, Rochester. N. Y. FALL term begins now. Men and women to learn the barber trade in S weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools free, paid wmle learning; tuition reduced; expert instruc tors. Oregon Barber College. 2-i3 Madison. EA RN $10 to $15 weekly addressing, mail in n circulars, spare time; circular in structions. oc. Asa Supply House, 21U South Second ave.. North Yakima, Wash. GOOD, trustworthy German or Swede, wit 1 wife, who understands cows and farm; references required; good proposition to right one. A 171, Oregonian. MATH EM A TICS Experienced teacher wants a few students for private Instruc tion. A R i:t!. regonian. CAMERA expert, equipped for SxlO flash lights; also amateurs for dramatic ckaib. X 151. Oregonian. TEACHKUS who desire review work for city or county examinations. Broadway 425M. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, ex ant. soon; purcel post demands many mure clerks; act at once. pacific State School. McKay bldg.. city. A W ELL educated young lady desires pri vate pupils; reasonable. A 73mi. 701 Vj Huyt WATCHES cleaned 75c; main spring. 75c; work guaranteed. 21S Commonwealth bldg., 6 tli and Ankeny. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepc-rs and C lerks. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. 12 years experience, 1 year as salesman ; married, temperate habits, reierences. Permanent position desired with opportunity for ad vancemeuc Address E. E. 1C, lufeO E. Grant st Phone Tabor 44H5. BOOKKKKPER Experienced and compe tent man desires position as bookkeeper or salesman; up to date in office detail and good su Iceman. Ait 160, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER young man. thoroughly ex perienced in book keep ing. accounting and geiwiral office work, desires position. Mar shall SS22. room 40. RELIABLE young man, good penman, wants clerical position, corporation or wholesale house; local experience ; will begin small salary. D 150. Oregonian. GRADUATE pharmacist, also bookkeeper capable of any clerical position. Address J. B 1 1 1 s. 535 E. Su 1 nncr. city. COMPETENT and experienced young man w ishes clertral position. Y 3 42, Oregonian. Miaellueuus. MARRIED chauffeur, can do own repairing; must have work. Phone Tabor 2hH6. MAN ham! v with tools, janitor and steam, take anything. B 145. Oregonian. JANITOR for apartment and wages; paint ing, tinting. Mar 2ti75. Main &4K2. jAi'AXESE Free Employment Bureau. A J670. Jap. Assn. of Or. 21$ Henry bldg. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling eneap by com racL Phone Sellwoed $L WA N'T pu it ion night watchman or Janitor work. 4 15 E. Aider East S442. WORK wanted by married man. $6 per week. 1 7 l'.i Division st. PAINTER warns work. . day Phone Soil. 705. or contract. BY COMPETENT man cook, meat and pas try. Clean and sober. O 151, Oregonian. YOL'NG MAN. experienced position. J 144. Oregonian. waiter, wishes MUST have work : handy w ith tools ; go anywhere; references, AK 170. Oregonian. JAPANESE reliable cook wants place In family. Phones A 3 50:, Main 36l'S. iil.KKH for wU nd he on. Jj !ri.-.:r.an. experieriCutL. 15 5, oregonian. WHR.s' jnii want S5T. C .756. a carpenter, phono East nation, b 1 efe.Miccs. Ii. M;., 419 jC, Sist. 1