12 - , THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, 19T5. (SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING. Simple and inexpensive systems Installed to suit the business; audits and Investiga tions; books kept. Geo. Ridout, C. P. A. Marshail 2?G5. 2ti6 12th st. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON wants to learn of good opening. "Will buy practice and take possession a.t once. Give full particulars first letter. AR o, Oregonian. A YOUNG attorney, four years' actual prac tice, wishes to make connection with le nal firm good standing. Previous to law, experience in railroad claims and freight accounting. V i5, Oregonian. "EXPERIENCED young man wants clerical position, willing to take any thing if chances for advancement are good. Best of references. Call Columbia 331. EXPER IE N CED bookkeeper wishes position; references. AO 1W, Oregonian. Misc-elluoeotiM. LLDKKLY man desires a position as a wa tcli man, janitor, or all-around man, to tend furnace ; can give bond to guarantee careful work. Will work for board and room and small pay. Address Ed Sulak, 5ti W. 2tith, Vancouver, Wash. "DRAFTSMAN and transitman, member en gineering society, 15 years' experience, married, with family; lirst-class refer ences, etc.; employment any capacity. Ap ply AO UU, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young man experi enced in steam engineering, driving, re pairing, selling and demonstrating auto mobiles ; neat appearing, aggressive ; will lng to do anything. Woodlawn 3629. ' IESIRE work as a secretary for some com pany for a few hours each day in con nection with my other business; am fully equipped and competent. R iS, Orego nian. TRUSTWORTHY young man, good penman, wants clerical position, corporation or wholesale house; local references and ex perience; will begin small ealary. BC 66, Oregonian. BUUKKEEPER, employed short hours, de desires keep books for some concern neces sitating only about three hours' work per day. Accurate accountant. Y 123, Ore gonian. AS executive or superintendent with good farm; am capaoie, aggressive ana get me maximum from employes ; 1 will enthuse your sailing force; highest references. E. A. Jflehne, 202 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Position as pump engineer and f Item an, stationary, locomotive and ma rine, ti years oil or coal. Woodlawn 4GUS, C - CHAUFFEUR, married, wants position driv ing private cur or truck, in or out of city; sober and references. T 04. Ore gonian. CHAUFFEUR, Pierce-Arrow driver, wants position driving private or commercial car ; city references. Lester Dallas, Sell wood 15 as. XOl'NG man. 23 years old, honest and re liable, muet have work; will take any thing, city or country. Address Women's Protective Division, I'd and Oak sts. JAMTar;, with 4 years' experience, with no bad habits, wishes permanent position; will accept anything right and on the square. I'll one Tabor ."145. , "We'll educated young man, sober, indus trious and experienced, wishes permanent position on ranch. Capable of laying out work. W. B., P. O. box 4Q2. HUlshoro, Or. WANTED Architectural work, contracting and building, general jobbing, repairing and cement work; leave word and address at Marshall 213d. AM. 125, Oregonian. PRINTER wants steady position in country shop. Can handle any class of work ; strictly sober; married. Address AG 70, Oregonian. HOUSEMAN Thoroughly experienced In housework. care dining-room, general waiting, wishes position, private family ; h ighest references. T 97, Oregonian. "WANTED By middle-aged man, with fam ily to support, position as care taker, jan itor or night watchman. AK 7S, Orego nian. 1 HAVE a good machine. Will convert into light delivery car and take contract for some biieiness firm in city. Write AH 90, Oregonian. II IGH SCHOOL boy, age IS. wants work a f ter school and Saturdays, or place o work for board and room. S 08, Ore ' gonian. WAN and wife must have work of any kind, together or singly, city or country; give us a trial ; references. Main 8100, or ad dress J lo3, Oregonian. 1AN cook, wife helper, would like work ; understand cooking, baking and meat cut ting; don't drink. Howell, 511 Everett. Marshall 1M2. , G KAOl'ATE male nurse wants position in hospital or sanitarium ; will take care ot invalid, private homes. W 124, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants work driving private car or truck ; is not afraid to work ; can do own repairing. AL 124, Oregonian. EN PERIENCED farmer with three children desires position; can milk. Call Monday. Main 7051; A 1517. 411 Commercial bloc k. FIRST-CLASS carpenter will work at $2.50 day. or contract, in or out of town; work guaranteed. X 03, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS garage man, shop helper, would drive auto delivery or private. Mar shall r230. Main 7271. WINDOW cleaning. floor polishing, 25c hour or job. Room 107 Couch. Broadway 2164. 6-ROOM house, 012 Cleveland ave. ; modern, good car service, cheap rent. Inquire owner, phone A 2131. M. 2131. IF YOU want a, stenographer with some ex perience for permanent position, call Co lumbia 648. evenings or Sundays. KN PERIENCED watchman desires position, day or night work; references. AC 98. Ore gonian. WANTED A position by a middle-aged and refined gentleman; a good home more than wages. Address AB 123, Oregonian. MAN and wife want work on ranch; can give references. Address C. S., 32$ Main st., Portland, Or. SALESMAN Specialty -salesman, nrst-cla&s rustler, well acquainted, wishes position ; highest references. T 00. Oregonian. JANITOK by thoroughly competent man in apartmentrhouse or office bldg.; capable of repairs and firing. Batson, Marshall 1208. CARPENTER contractor, 10 years in Port land, will go in country, first-class worker, will work cheap. K 122, Oregonian. POSITION as janitor in small apartment ; have other employment during day. F, B. J.. Balboa Apt Mar. 2900. POSITION driving delivery auto, truck or In garage. Experienced; references. Phono Woodlawn 1205. WORK wanted by young man on the farm or lu city; a good gas engine man. O 102, Oregonian. 1RI VER. married, sober, steady, private or business car; no objection to uniform. Maltby. 601 Missouri ave, Woodlawn 14S2L B WAP carpenter work Sr 30-30 Winchester or Marlln rifle. 93 model, in good order. Will Gee, 1600 Jordan St. BY MAN and wife Position as janitor, apt house, experienced, best references. Ta bor 2330. CARPENTER Just the man you want; al terations and general repairs; rough or finish ; first-class; reasonable. Main 8127. PRINTER News and job, with wide expe rience, at liberty October 1; salary no ob ject. Address Box 703, Newberg, Or. DAI R YM AN wishes position driving route; will do collecting; references' AG 91, Oregonian. POSITION by young man, married, driving delivery -Or auto truck or in garage; expe rienced; best of references. Tabor 4475. EXPERIENCED, reliable man desires win dow washing, housecleaning or any odd job. can Monday. Aiain iuoi; a joh. ROOF painting, $10 up. See Business Op portunities. POSITION as chauffeur; experienced ; refer ences ALL-AROUND garage man, 3 years' experi ence. AK S4, Oregonian. JAPANESE man wants job In apt. -house, janitor; small wages. Phone A 2787. JAPANESE school boy wishes position In city. AN 60, Oregonian. WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work. Charles O'Mara, E. 323. . JAPANESE boy desires a postbm as cook or houseworker in family. AK 70, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver and mechanic wants position. Call Columbia 331. YOUNG man wants work in garage, expe rienced. AG 33. Oregoifln. K ALSOMIXING, painting, plaster-patching, reasonable. Woodlawn 2400. BOY att-ending trade school wishes place to work for room and hoard. Woodlawn 3965. pAPERH ANGING 20c a bolt; painting and tinting cheaply done. Tabor 6213. JAPANESE Free Eemployment Bureau. A 1670. Jap. Assn. of ore., 218 Henry bldg. M. A N and wife wants work on ranch ; best of references. Past 6030, room 14. JANITOR, experienced, wants position; first class references. Main 2S6ti. JAPANESE MAN wants position as cook in private family. AK 87, Oregonian. CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. Phone Sllwood 1359. YOUNG Japanese wants position as Bchool- boy in private family. 73 N. 10th. A 1020. WHEN you want a carpenter for any kind of work, phone East 351. TWO young men want work of any kind In city. AB 78, Oregonian. BAKER, 20 years' experience, bread and cakes, city or country. A 1Q3, Oregonian. JANITOR wants work; is handy with tools. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ENERGETIC, progressive young man, 22, married, good all-round office man. good salesman, five years with local company, managing- local corporation at present, de sires position with concern where there will be chance for advancement ; have goo J reasons for leaving present position; can furnish the best of references give me an interview. AM 80, Oregonian. CLEAN-CUT PROGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN. 22, WANTS POSITION WITH RELIABLE FIRM. WITH CHANCES FOR ADVANCE MENT. GOOD APPEARANCE AND AD DRESS. DO NOT SMOKE OR DRINK. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE IN PORT LAND YEARS ONE FIRM. GIVE ME AX INTERVIEW. R 90, OREGONIAN. ELECTRICIAN desires employment as in side wireman; ten years' experience under the rules of the Board of Fire Underwrit ers; best references; low wages to start. AB 100, Oregonian. Fl L1PINO BOY, experienced, wants job In hotel, can do any kind work. Main 860. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LAW ?LERK AND STENOGRAPHER Open lor first-class position. Possesses a thorough knowledge of law office uetails. can prepare deeds, wills, mortgagee, complaints, and other court proceedings ; uses stenutype in taking dic tation, which assures absolute accuracy; references or bunu given if position war rants; salary commensurate with services. Address AL 80, Oregonian. YOUNG lady of ability and office experience open for position on account of aeath of employer; quick and accurate in dicta tion an-1 other work; understands prepara ration of legal papers and competent to take full charge of office. Address AL 92, Oregonian. POSITION, all or part time, by expert ac countant and systematizer with three years' selling experience. Thoroughly posted in all lines of accounting. V S3, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced office woman, situation as bookkeeper, cashier or ste nographer; capable of handling combined duties and taking charge. Phone Main 1 02S. LA D Y. experienced in general office work, ledger posting, clerk, cashier, wishes po sition, permanent preft-rred ; references. Main 59 72. BF 4 4, Oregonian. CA PA RLE and reliable lady stenographer, book keeper, blller, etc.. seeks permanent p'ace wit h reputable firm ; best refs. Ah. 77, Oregonian. POSITION as stenographer mornings on ly ; reasonable wages satisfactory ; experience. Address R. D. No. 3. box 151 or telephone 5523 Hood River, Or. STEN'O, with all-around office experience, also some knowledge of bookkeeping, de guvs position. AD 93. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant bookkeeper desires immediate position. Call Helen Brand. Marshall 5l56. COMPETENT bookkeeper with"" 10 years' city experience wishes position ; references, bond if required. V 7l, Oregonian. POSITION as bookkeeper or stenographer, half time, nine years' experience in the East. AO 123. Oregonian" STENO-B. K., capable, accurate, experienced general lines, desires position; references. AH 7d, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer and office as sistant wishes position. 4 years experl ence; references. Phone East 4732. v EXPERT stenographer. 12 years legal ex pecienre. desires high -class position. Miss Schwartz, Marshall bOiu. EXPERIENCED stenographer, bookkeeper; good in dictation, writing and figures. Marshall 5S33. THOROI iHLY competent stenographer de sires position, temporary or permanent. Phone Tabor 60OO. POSITION, office girl or stenographer; ex perienced and best of references. Marshall 21 67. Miss May. STENOGRAPHIC work to do evenings. AN 125, Oregonian. POSITION AS TYPIST. AE 121, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with several years' expe rience desires position. Phone East 2542. I rets makers. RESPECTABLE woman with child 3 V, po sition as housekeeper for widower with children where mother's care and home making would be appreciated. Marshall 257, Apt. 204. GOOD nurse will give her services reason able; hospital training; cases by the day. week or month. S 06, Oregonian. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable; home or day. 3ol Buchanan bldg. Main P.', 13. MRd. HILDEBRANDT. fancy gown maker. J'V (lay or home. 204 Eugene st. Phone E. RiM ODKLI NG, dressmaking, work guaran teed, terms reasonable; will fit at your home if d-jsired. Phone Tabor 1480 HRST-CLASS dressmaker and designer, work in families; best references. Mar shall 1681. LEA RN to make your own garments; no failures; complete courses offered; drap Ing a specialty. Woodlawn 2577. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, work by the day. Tabor 2351. SEWING by the day by experienced seam- stress; price $1.50 day. Sell wood 1722. SEWING by day. reliable dressmaker, ref erences. Main 353G. RELIABLE woman wants sewing, $1 ' day. 410 Glenn ave., near East Grant. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and suits. Phone Main 3Si5. ' WORK EXPERT seamstress, alterations, saleswoman. AO 75, Oregonian. DRESSMAKER wants work by the day or at home. Call Tabor 2351. DRESSMAKING. $2.50 a day; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 413C. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; also chil dren's garments, $1.00 per day. Sell. 1205. Norses. MIDDLE-AGED nurse-mother, take engage ments or any kind of case; help with work; 10 years in Portland; best refs., city or country; terms to suit. Marshall 715, or AD 123, Oregonian. WANTED Position aa child's nurse by ex perienced, thoroughly reliable woman; city references furnished; small children preferred. Good seamstress. Address BC 13, Oregonian. A STRONG, capable, educated lady, 35, would like to accompany and attend an invalid to Los Angeles or vicinity this Winter for expenses. Best of references. Address AV 151, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, 20 years experience; references; maternity cases a specialty. Tabor 2874. YOUNG experienced nurse girl wishes po sition in nic private family; reference. 482 Tacoma ave., Sellwood. TRAINED nurse, wishes invalids or chil dren to board. Al references, reasonable. Sellwood 2454. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, doctor's references, wants obstetrical cases; no ob jections to light housework. Woodln. 2105. CAPABLE, reliable woman desires practical nursing; chronic cases a specialty; A-l ref erences. Call Monday. Main 7051; A 1517 EXPERIENCED nurse desires care of eick, invalid or elderly; reasonable. Marshall za-j. PRACTICAL nurse, very kind with invalids, permanent position desired; reasonable. East 4358. PRACTICAL nurse, any kind of cases; ref erences. Phono East 4358. PRACTICAL nurse, maternity cases pre ferred. Woodlawn 2515. WANTED The care of invalids and elderly people. Phone Main 3555, A 5G24. NURSE will board invalids or children. Sell wood 1780. GOOD practical nurse, doctor's reference. Main 6037. Housekeepers. NEAT, refined young lady wishes position as housekeeper for widower. AE 70, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as manager of hotel, rooming or apt-house; best of references. Marshall 5331. MIDDLE-AGED woman, thoroughly reliable and capable, desires position as house keeper. Call Monday. Main 7051; A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED widow, with daughter 15, wishes housekeeping in country. AP 76, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged woman for widower; good home more ob ject than wages. AH 78. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE woman and daughter 8. good housekeeper; god home more than big wages. AV 144, Oregonian. WANTED A position as housekeeper for ividower with children or a small club. 27 E. 47th st. N Tabor 1540. GOOD cook, from East (daughter 13). wants position as housekepeer. AP luO, Ore gonian. BY middle-aged lady, position as house keeper in widower's home. Phone Main 3530. HOI'S EK EE PER In widower's home by re spectable middle-aged widow. V 81, Ore gonian. WANTED By middle-aged lady, light housework: small adult family, good cook. Box 367, Eugene, Or. WANTED 'Position as housekeeper for widower or on ranch. 364 E. Mor'ison st., room 2l WA N TED Position a working housekeeper in hotel. Phone E, SITUATIONS WANTtl) FEMALE. Housekeepers, REFINED, respectable, reliable woman, ca pable of managing and working, desires position In a successful widower's or busi ness woman's home; no objection to chil dren or leaving city. Phone A 2034, apt. 10, Main 1001. 535 Couch st. REFINED young lady, Scandinavian, with lU-months-old baby, wishes position as housekeeper in a well-to-do gentleman's home or with elderly couple, phone Main 8452. 731 Washington st. REFlN ED lady desires position as compan ion or housekeeper where he can take 5-year-old boy; good home more man big wagt-s; references. Sellwood 1541 or T 9u, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE, refined middle-awed widow with good references wishes position as housekeeper for a widower with or with out children, or for elderly couple. Wood lawn 2105. WANTED, by middle-aged widow, . house keeper's position in hotel or rooming house, experienced and capable ; good ref erence; city or country. AM 00, Oregonian. Phone Broadway 1631. WANTED By respectable, practical, middle-aged woman, position as housekeeper with elderly couple or widower with chila; references. Phono Marshall 428. NEAT, middle-aged housekeeper desires work In widower's or bachelor's home ; good plain, economical cook. AB 01, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as manageress of rooming or apartment-house;- best of references tor fine apart ments. Telephone Main 220. RESPECTABLE, unincumbered lady, past 50, refined, reliable, wants light house keeping good home, salary. Mrs. A. Kernan, Hillsboro, Or. MIDDLE-AGED lady, with daughter, 12. wants position as housekeeper; more for good home than wages. AF 122, Orego nian. WANTED By experienced, refined married lady position as caretaker apartments, rooming-house; best references. AH 122. Oreconian. NEAT, middle-aged widow with two little girls, wishes position as housekeeper or cook in camp ; must be moral ; country preferred. Good cook. X 02, Oregonian. REFINED lady, widow, 38, wishes position nouseKeeper bachelor or widower between 4ii and 50; no objection to one child; rcf erences. AL 121, Oregonian. WIDOW, aged 30, neat in appearance, fine housekeeper, wishes permanent position. Good home more than wages desired. Phone East 6309. RESPECTABLE woman with two children wants light housekeeping, prefer country, $o a month, good home. Room 316. Main 5753 WOULD gentleman, widower or bachelor, like hts home given in tell igent care by capable, refined lady housekeeper ? If so, address at once, V 53. Oregonian. LADY, middle-aged, desires place as house keeper in small family, good home, small wages. X 120, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper or nurse. Call M 123, Ore gonian. Al HOUSEKEEPER for private family or gentlemen's club; best city references. M 121, Oregonian. WOMAN of 6 desires position as house keeper In widower's home. Woodlawn 3013. YOUNG lady wants a position as a house keeper. Call forenoon. Main 202, room -0. Domestics. ONE most competent as cook or general housekeeper desires employment In home where liberal pay is given for quality rather than quantity or services. BD 61, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY efficient cook, having ref erences from those who pay liberally, wishes employment in private family. K 1 04, f regonian. NOR W EG I A N girl, good cook, wishes posi tion in private family ; w ages $4U. Mar shall 2805. M iscel laneouH. YOUNG LADY wants to go to San Fran cisco as companion or governess. Phone Woodlawn 1723 or Res. 932 E. 18th N., Portland, Or. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes cooking In camp or boarding-house or anywhere a good cook is, in demand. Main 903S. room 8. WOMAN of brains, experience and travel wants position of trust or traveling com panion ; references exchanged. X 70, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as a housemaid by Swedish young lady ; address Rev. John Ovalls, residence 54S Mill st. Phone Mar- n ali 11 4: ; EXPERIENCED girl wants housework and . cooking in small family; references; $30 month. Call Sunday 9 to 3 P. M. East 5330. OH AM RE R.MAI D. thoroughly experienced, middle-aged, wants position In or out of ci ty. Phone Marshall 2771. AR 70, Ore gonian. RES PECTABbE and reliable lady wTth child 11 wishes a position as assistant in boarding-house; have had experience. V SI, Oregonian. CATERERS for luncheon and dinner parties, afternoon teas; conks, serves, clears up, reasonable. Mrs. R. Borgsen, 748 Minnesota EXPERIENCED girl wants general house or second work where she can go to Lincoln High night school; wages $30. AM 122, Oregonian. COMP E T EXT laundress, with best city ref erences, wishes permanent work. AM 121, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Mon day, Thursday. Friday. Saturday, $1.50 day and carfare. Sellwood 1932. WANTED By two sensible and experienced women, position cooking in logging camp. AO 81, Oregonian. WOMAN of refinement, education and ex perience, position ; understand business management. AO 76, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese woman wants general housework; can cook and speak English. 32 N. Broadway or A 1192. COMPETENT high school student wishes to tutor grammar school pupil 1 or 2 even ings a week. Marshall 25uo before 5 P. M. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman desires day work; 25c an hour and carfare; A-l ref erences. Call Monday. Main 7051 ; A 1517. WANTED To tutor common branches In morning and teach music ; small children preferred. AN 77, Oregonian. YOUNG woman, of good family, fond of children, wishes posit ion as nursery gov erness. AG 124, Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN of refinement wants house work with C. S.) family. Good, plain cook. Best references. AF 123, Oregonian. HIGHLY capable lady wants care of room ing or apartment-house on reasonable terms. T 54, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL graduate, refined, capable, wish-as position telephone operator. X 123, Oregonian. BUSINESS college girl wishes place to work for roam and board. O 103, Orego nian. NURSE-MAID, disengaged, thoroughly, ex perienced; best of references. Telephone Main 2286. EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants position, can give good reference. Call Woodlawn 27GO. NEGLECTED education; private instruction given to grown people and children. J 123, Oregonian. EDUCATED nurse will care for child's edu cation, bodily health in So. California. AM loO. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young woman would like day work of any kind. Call or drop card. Mrs. prentice, 589 Kearney st. WANT day work of any kind by Mrs. Hurley. Woodlawn 4243. YOUNG married woman wants steady work; no housework. Marshall 856. apartment 1. WOMAN wants work by hour or day. shall 2500 before 5 P. M. LACE curtains done; 11 years at the work. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5033. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, any kind. 248 Monroe st. DAY WORK wanted by experienced laun dress and housecleaner. Phone Tabor 2351. WOMAN wants work by the day. Wood lawn 1444. LACE curtains har-d laundered. Phone 1S19. WANTED Day's work by experienced laun dress, colored. Main 3 402. WANTED Day work, cleaning or laundry. East 59S2. WOMAN and boy want work by day or hour. Phone East 6858. COMPETENT piano teacher, modern meth ods. Main 59GO. RELIABLE girl desires position, general housework or second maid. Tabor 3258. A GIRL for housework and care of ch.il dren. H 04. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the day or hour. Main 6S00. Room 43. COLORED lady wants day work. Phon Marshall 1664. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Call 168 12th st., in basement; reasonable. til RL wants general horse work. 17th. Call Main 3301. 2 S6 X. EXPERIENCED womas or chamber work, $1.: wants day work I. Main 4774. WANTED Work by day or hour. Phone E. 4 1 35. LESSONS given in grammar grade or high school studies, 50c. Main 5721. IRONING -and cleaning by the day. shall 1748. J A NITRES Hunts work. E. 5050. SIT CATION S WA XTED FE M A LE. Miscellaneous. A FORMER teacher would like a place to assist small children in their studies ana do light housework; can take charge of a house and give references. W 79, Orego nian. RES PEC V ABLE, middie-aged lady w.shes light work, any kind, city or country; good home, small wages expected, permanent. N. O. 215. Monroe St., Albina. EXPERIENCED teacher desires more pri vate pupils; am organizing classes. Wood lawn 600. A SWEDISH girl wants any kind of day work. Call Woodlawn 3001. WANTED TO RENT. HOG or chicken ranch with stock; will pay cash for stock. K. Huber, 646 E. 10th st. Huuo WANTED To rent by refined married couple, a rmnll furnished bungalow, cot tage or camp within 100 miles of city; must be near water where good fishing can be had; give description and lowest rent. AM S2, Oregonian. OCT. 1 4 or 5-room modern cottage or bungalow, with built-in features. Alberta district preferred; rent not over $15; man and wife only. Very best references, 8 years in present position. 7 years in pres ent quarters. AC 92, Oregonian. FOR lease. 5 or 6-room modern cottase, large grounds: chicken-hou.se and runs, or barn, fruit, near school and car, 5c fare; must be cheap; family of three; would consider closs-ln acreage. AD 97, Oregonian. 9 OR 10-room dwelling. 5 bedrooms. Includ ing maid's room, hardwood floors, with good lawn, located good residential dis trict, Portland Heights, 25 minutes' car ride to P. O. Phone Young. Marshall 862. WANT to rent or buy 9 or 10-room mod ern residence In desirable location on West Side. Must have view. Address X 90, Oregonian. FAMILY of 4 adults will take oxcellent care of and pay reasonable rent for nicely furnished bungalow for the Winter; ref erences if desired. AK 71, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5 or 6 -room house with 2 or mora lobs, chicken runs; rent cheap; close to car; no children. H. Berger, 685 7 4 th st. No rth. city. WANTED Modern 10-room house. West Side preferred. Answers to be in by TO o'clock Monday morning. Wakefield, Fries & Co. "MODERN tt-roum t nturnlshed house, witn furnace and Fleering porch ; must re in good location and rent reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 2745. WE CAN rent your house or apartment, fur. nLshed or unfurnished.- MAI-ONE O. HUTCHINR CO., Main 7502. 3o6 Spalding Bldg. WANTED To rent a 4-room bungalow not over 1 block from car with privilege to buy Inside a year for not more than $1500. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. HAVING so many calls for houses we have decided to handle all kinds of rentals, so if you have a pla ce phone Main 8774. OA RLAND & L1ND. 101 4th St. 11 A V i-: clients for houses and f hits. Renting Depart men!, Hartraan & Thompson, 4 th and Stark. GOOD tenant want 6 or 7 -room dwelling, reasonable, well located ; state location and price. Y 101. Oregonian. WA NTEO 5-room modern bunpalow, per manent renter. Call Tabor 3021 ; Haw thorne district preferred. WANTED To rent, 5-room cottasre on Wet Side. close in; modern. Address 20SVi North 22d. 5 OR 6-room bungalow, walking distance; price must be reasonable. AR 101, Ore- gonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room apartment or house; bath, near Montavllla or Rose City carlines. AG 123, Oregonian. FINE tenants want 5-room modern bunga low ; furnace. A R 102, Oregonian. 4 BEDROOMS, sleeping-porch and furnace. L lOl, Oregonian. 0 OR 7 ROOMS, in Sunnyside or Hawthorne nistrict. 1 ahor ..'. LADY wants care of a cottage by the sea. AP 75, Oregonian. WANTED Modem 8 or lO-room house, near in. A 101. Oregonian. APMALFrhouse7close in, or a furnished flat. Mar. 3Q2. Apartments. WANTED By young married coupl 3 or 4-room modern unfurnished apt., on East Side; must be reasonable and a respect aide ho-ise; give price and location in an swer. AC 96, Oregonian. YOUNG couple without children wish 2 or 3 desirable housekeeping rooms In private family. AN 124. Oregonian. Rooms. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms by young couple ; must be modern and reasonable; give telephone number. O 1 OO, oregonian. j OR 4 unfurnished rooms, reasonable, by lady; best of ref. AH 90, Oregonian. YOUNG .man violinist will give lessons in exchange for room. Marshall 1427. Rooms WTt b Board. WANTED Home for the Winter in refined French family by American bu.sineps wom an. References exchanged. AN 7 8, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires room and board. West Side, private family, piano; reasonable. AC 01, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes room and board. Rose City Park, neighborhood of 43d and Sandy. O 62. Oregonian. . YOUNG man attending business college wants work for board and room. Y 103. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants room and board with private family. AN 90, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. LARGE, airy room, with or without board, in strictly modern home in Piedmont; rea sonable. 1201 Williams ave. Woodlawn 2740. Furnished Roomn. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison Sts. Trcns.ent and Permanent Guests. A cen-rally located hotel with every mode.n convenience ; rooms single or en suite, with and without private bath; modest prices, with special rates by the month to permanent guest. HOTEL BLAC KSTON E. Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water; steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room ana bath $1 day; tansient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates l per day. $4 per week. With pri vate bath $1.50 per day, $5.50 per week. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms in all parts of city, also in the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.73 per week, double, with individual beds; or $2.50 to r-4-itO aer week single HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room: rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath, $15 U.P. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 2071-2O914 4th st. Rooms with private baths $1 per day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. 1 BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 652 Washington St.; a modern fireproof hotel desirable location, all outside, clean, quiet' rooms, public and private hatha, $2.50 week up; 5t)c day and up. HOTEL CONRADINE, 10th st. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly mtfclern ; fireproof building. elevator and large lobby. Rooms $3 per week and up. HOTEL LOCKLEY. Morrison St.. at 10th Central location; REDUCED RATES. 50c per day up; week ly. $2.00 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and bjths; steam heat. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison sL, at 10th Central location; REDUCED RATES. 5oc per day up; week ly. $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. ETHELTON HOTEL. 105"vt 12TH ST. Modern; Special reductions on all rooms; $2 per week and up. Marshall 279Q. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms 3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. SNP Rent $0; tenthouse on Palatine Hill, completely furnished, gas. drainage, wood, telephone, beautiful view. B 3U31. KODAK ERS. valuable coupon free; hand colored enlargements. Edwards, Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. SAN MARCO. 11th and Washington; respec table and strictly modern; free phones; $10 mo. up. You'i 1 lik e t hem. FINE furnished room, hot and cold water, bath, free phone, suitable for two : $2.25 per week. 123 14th. corner of Wash. NICE room, home privileges to business woman; walking distance. 549 Taylor, flat B. STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Wash. st. Steam heated outside rooms $2 per week up. HO i EL GRANT, 451 Washington. Modern, clean rooms, all conveniences; $2.50 up. KLICKITAT East 1st and Holladay; clean modern rooms, walking distance, $2.00 up. HOTEL NORR1S. 5o3 - Alder. Modern out side rooms $2 per week. up. MAXWELL Hall. 2U7 14th; strictly rnot.'e!".. use of parlor; rw.1 home, $2 up. M. 1153. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. "THERE are lots of folMS arriving in Port land every day who would be glad to know that there is a hotel where they can have every comfort, which is always clean, decent and homelike, where rates are always reasonable," said one of our satisfied guests as he was leaving after a two weeks' stay. Same service as a big hotel at a small hotel price. HOTEL VERNON, S. W. Corner 12tn and Stark. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms J10 month. $20 up, witn private bath; large, pleasant .lobby, care In connection. Phone East 323. Furnished Roomw in Private Family. ALL of the first floor of nice Colonial home, fireplace, large porches, lawn, all con veniences, or will rent the whole house furnished or unfurnished ; nice location. 234 E. 20th, near Hawthorne. B 282 4. E. 7257. NICELY-FURNISHED large front room, ( suitable for one or two gentlemen. Mod ern. Large yard, quiet surroundings. Will make bargaiu prices to steady tenants. Walking distance. 424 3d -St., cor. Hall. NICELY-FURNISHED room in strictly pri vate family, walking distance ; use of pi ano, board if desired. Call 414 Columbia st. Marshall 4467. IRV1NGTON Large, sunny bedroom, all convenitnees, 15 minutes ride, from town on Irvington or Broadway car, $10 month; references. Phone East 5405. ATTRACTIVE Hunt front roonT beautiful location on park; door opens on broad porch ; also sleeping porch ; convenient for two. 351 Park. Marshall 4215. PRIVATE family, lovely home, rooms, with or without board and furnished or unfur nished; all home privileges. 513 Morri son. 2 ROOMS In private rooming-house at $2 each a week; will rent 3d floor with 2 or 3 beds to several parties reasonable. Ap- ply 345 11th St.. Marshall 3957. LARGE ROOM Neatly furnished, as light and airy as a bleeping-porch ; heat, bath, I'h ne and ail home conveniences; walk ing distance; rent reasonable. Mar. 1678. NICELY furnished rooms with private fam ily, modern home, with privileges; fine lo cation, close Hawthorne avenue. 29 E. 47th st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in Lau relhurst home: all home privileges; close to good car service. Tabor S304. NIC ELY-FURNISH ED ROOM, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room Iri strictly private Irvington home; all home privileges. East 2912. LARGE front room, electric lights, hot wat-r. phone, strictly private family: con. venient to business center. Mar. 6i:w. COM FORT A BLR outside room In modern home, ji; per month, free phone. 454 E. Market 8t. 20s PARK In modern flat, jtleepin g-room. facing on park. Furnace heat; right down town. . NEATLY furnished room in apartment house, clo.ip in, breakfast If desired. No. 2 Ros Friend Apartments. Marshall 1366. XI 'ELY-FURNISHED room in private fam ily, light, airy and beaut i fill view. Ref erences required. 704 M ississippt avenue. FOR RENT Large front room lxl4. suit able for 2 gentlemen, all modern. 444 E. Aahsl., or phone East 831. LARGE front room for two gentlemen, bat h, phone, $2 wek ; nice room for batching, $1.50. 39 2 E. Burn!de. LIGHT, airy room, gentleman ; close In; no uher roomers; breakfast optional. 311 Halsoy. ONE small sleeping room, $1 a week; also large front room, $2 per week. 204 Jeffer son. tURNISHED front room, all conveniences, suitable for two. $10 month, board option 1. 470 Park. Marshall 1117. OUNG men to share bachelor apartment, modern. reason a hie; st udents preferred ; references. -Marshall 4i27. NICE, clean f urnished room. $2 a week in cluding l.ath and phone. 411 East IMne, near Grand ave. 475 MORRISON', lare or single, newly ren". ovaied rooms, electricity, phones, bath; reasonable. ELEGANT room, new modern home ; rare opportunity for gentleman; select ncih- borhood. 646 Cypress, Uadd Add. E. 2i08. N ICELY furnished rooms, strictly private family ; board, all conveniences, use of parlor and porch. 48 East Couch. NICELY furnished rooms, private home. hoard optional; near Broadway bridge. 408 Benton st. FURNISHED room in beautiful home $7.00 per month. On 3 cariines. 60-j E. 2 2d S. Phone Sellwood lf30. 3-'. W. PARK Nicely furnished front room, ulcovo and sleeping-porch ; walking dis tance; suitable J or one or two. $6 MONTH Room, board optional; walk ing distance; bath, gas, phone, home ptivi leges. 34Q Montgomery, cor. Broadway. LA RGK furnished room, $15. 715 Multno mah st. NICELY furnished rooms, excellent board, reasonable, walking distance. .Mar. 35i. ROOMS in private family at H)'J Kearney. Main 0;73. PLEASANT room, use of kitchen, f,,r lady employed. 770 Johnson. Main 4204. 708 EVERETT. 2 large light rooms, sleep- uiK porcn, conv-en.enfeB; rent siu ana 14. CHOICE room, every convenience, central, no other roo me rs. $ 1 0. Main 0721. 27 (iTH Large, cheerful rooms, new reai djetiee. Eany walking distance. Use piano. LARG E front room, modern vi alking dis tance, . furnace heat. E. 1552. A HOME for you with young couple alone; every convenience, tail Last 3117. $1.."k W EEK, small, comfortable room. 208 i-'m st. NUliLY furnished front mom, $ 10 per ""'"ir. ii" rii o -i 1 1. iiei r ClininP. r un t M'pins room with coking NEATLY furnished bedroom, rent reason able . references. 542 W. Broadway. FURNISHED room In private home, suit able for 1 or 2 Indies. 445 Weidler. ROOMS reasonable ; house kep in g room, $2.5. 102 Lownsdale, near Taylor. ONE nicely furnished room, $1.50 a week. t4 rJ. in ti st. N. $10 FRONT room, every convenience. 43i jutnst. Main 3195. NEAT front room, close in. phone, bath. neat ; j.ju. l z. Jim St. LARGE front room suitable for two. plenty neat, not water. St unsan. Marshall 764. WELL-F1;RNISHED front "rooin, gcod'loca tion for gentlemen. 251 10th. NICELY furnished rooms in good family; muuern accummouauons, um onsan. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home; running water, shower bath. 55 Everett NICE. clean furnished, close in, cheap 2'.: A Salmon. LA RGE. modern front room, $10; smaller rooms, and up. 191 Lownsdale. NEAT, clean furnished rooms; furnace heat. c i m on i n. -o. v . I'arK. NICE, big. comfort able at tic room for rent. o per momn. i i i join St. NICELY furnisheil room, with bath, $8. A liiMI. TOJ j-ioyt. Unfurnished RooniM. LA RGE connect ing unfurnished rooms, bath, electricity, heat; 10 minutes to post office. Main 4400. TH REE large unfurnished or 2 small un furnished or furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 74 Glisan st. UNFURNISHED room with chance for stove In quite clean private house, upstairs. AO 97. Oregonian. TWO rooms, $4.50, four-room flat, water, $8. 192i. Market, near Front. Room a With Board. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables ; extremely reasonable rates, worth investigating. Main 7584, A 7933. HOTEL CAMPBELL, A modern FI REPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carllne. lt minutes from business center; price in accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. THE WEAVER. Private residential hotel. Newly fur nished rooms with board, private bath and phone; strictly home cooking; 15 minutes' walk from center of city; must be seen to be appreciated. 710 AVashington st. ALEXANDRA COURTS 53 ELLA STREET. An American plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 8211. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA HILI. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 92S3. A 6628. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall. 253 Sixth st., has fine table board, modern roorrm, sun parlor, a real home ; reasonable rates THE CALV ARD. 452 Morrison ; under new management; rooms and board ; walking distance. BOARD and rooming-house, furnished, clean, close in; rent reduced. AN 123, &TRYKER. 554 Couch Choice room and board, reasonable rates. FOR KENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL large room, newly furnished ; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds. 2 dressers, every convenience, good board. 15 minutes' walk to post office. Main 6381. 5ol H arrlson. near 14 th. LARGE steam-heated front room, with bal cony and fireplace; suitable for 2 persons. Splendid meals, refined, homelike place. West Side, easy walking distance; mod erate rates. Marshall 24U8. LARGE, elegantly furnished room, with reception-room and bath, excellent board, new house, piano, furnace heat, 10 minutes' ride Hawthorne car; rates reasonable. 304 East 22d st., near Hawthorne. East 603 ti. LARGE, light front room, nicely furnished; suitable ior two people; in modern home ; walking distance on West Side; also nice single room; excellent home cooking. Mar shall 303O. ROOM and board in private family, home cooking. East Side, for .2 gentlemen, any where from Williams ave. to 28th st. Bet. Holladay and Tillamook sts. AF 92. Ore gonian. WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board in private family; steam heat, pri vate bath and sleeping porch if preferred; 10 minutes from Postoffice. Call Marshall 5471. -IJ2 3d st. LARGE beautiful furnished rooms; steam heat, running water; good Lea, special attention paid to the table; home cook ing; close in. reasonable. Marshall 544o. 394 3 2th st. 335 11TH. Attractive, large rooms, near Lincoln. Phattuck and Ladd schools; close in; West Side; plenty of hot water; very reason able rates. Main 7205. BOARD end nice, large, airy room in mod ern home ; good meals, everything clean ; home privileges, 2 people, re.isona.ble price. Phone East 2075. Near Broadway, 309 E. 7th st. North. VERY attractive bedroom, good view, in young ladles' apt., to rent to scnooi teaener or pomtone . mployed. C. S. preferred ; meals if required, near Campbell Hotel. Main 8710. COUPLE living out of city limits would like care of child; lots of playground, best of care and food ; references. AN 71, Ore gonian. COMFORTABLE, steam-heated room, and board, home cooking, in Nob Hill district, walking distance, reasonable. 6SO Flanders St., apt. 22. LADY with good home would like two steady boarders, gentlemen, or work in g girls preferred; home privileges. 812 Front st ., nr. Gibbs. COM PORTABLE rooms and two meals In attractive Laurelhurst home, for gen tie men or busin-ess women; reasonable rates. Tabor 2845. ONE or two persons to room and board rea sonable or live as one of faintly in nice home with lady and two daughters; use of piano and garage. Phone Tabor 4101. LARGE front room ; excellent board ; con genial and homelike; very short walking dist ance ; rates $6 week, $25 month. 349 la ith st. Phone A 2841. NUB HILL. 06 Lucretia pt., front corner room, home cooking, us of piano and all home privileges, reasonab.e. Phone Marshall fo0.. LADY boarder by young couple ith no cm dven, nicely furnished front room. a 11 modem conveniences, piano, furnace heat. Tabor 0463. 32S 10TII ST. Good rooms; hot and cold water. home cooking, walking distance, sleeping porch In connection. Main 77'V. WANTED A gentleman to room and bnard in private home; a.so have housekeeping room. Phone Tabor 5S24. BACHELORS CLUB desire members, goou cooking, th independence of home. 7-9 Glisan st. Marshall tin IT- TWO large, comfortable rooms, suitable for two or four young men. home cooking, close in 2 13 W. Park st. ROOM and board, private home. 574 Ladd ave., 1 block from 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145 PLEASANT, sunny room, in private modern home, breakfast or us of kitchen; also garage. 32d si. at Hawthorne. Tabor 4. ;t3. $0 MONTH Room, board optional; walk ing distance; bath, gas. phone, home privi leges. 340 M ontgomery. cor. Broadway. FIVE rooms in modern home for gentlemen. $3 per week, with breakfast. ili Holiy St.. corner E. 16th. Ladd's Addition. TWO men for room and board in private family, close In. Call evenings or Sunday. ;j;;o u Ross st. Take Broadway car. NEAT front room in modern home one block .Hawthorne car. with or without buaru; reasonable. East 4toO. WANTED A gentleman to room and board in private family, only boarder; must give references. BF, 4', oregonian. NICELY furnished sunny room, with board, home privileges; furnace heat. 74 Bel mont. East 7170. WANTED Two respect able girls to hoard and room in private family; very reason ar:. Call 1m3 E. JMh st. N. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; plnno, bath, board if dcs.reu; rea sonable. 54! Taylor, nut C. WANTED Babies from, infancy to years given mothers care ana love, as oat i, Hillsdale. W I LL give home to small boy and gir' ; rates reasonable; references. lv 1-1. ure gunian. . NICELY f urnifli-d, modern, large. light, airy room, with homeeooked meats, only 10 blocks west of Postoffice. Main 4.'.4l. TWO congenial young ladies or gentlemen to nom anil board m well appointed home; $J.50 a month. A J 71, Oregonian. ROOM fur rent. apt. In exclusive apartment house, rear Good Samaritan Hospital. Cal! H 1 1 34. LA RGE room with bat h. attractive home, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Excel lent board ; reasonable. 20 1 West Park. DANDY room and board, every modern con venience; only young people in family; walking distance. Main 77-0. ROOM and toaid for 2 gentlemen, private fa mil v. home comforts, i defences. 25(i E. Franklin st. WW far. B 22-U. Fl'RNISHISD rooms, with or without board. in private home, close in, on Last Side. Phone K. fiUo.V CASA ROSA. 'For young men; very reasonable. 300 Jet'Ierson. Main 143 4. 25 11TH ST. Comfortably furnished rooms; all con veniences ; suitable for gentlemen, with board, rates reasonable. WOULD like 2 little girls to board. 2 to ti years ; good yard and sleeping porch, best of references. phone Woodlawn 30S:t. COM FORT A B LY furnished rooms and home-cooked meals are found at Falr hoim. Phone Marshall 51SH. ROOM 10th. and board, private family. -30 'a Marshall 530J. ROOM AND BOARD, near E. lL'th and Mar ket. Ladd's Add it ion. Phone East 44 J. ROOM, board, priv; sleeping porch. 57 . home, I,aud av CHOICE room and two meals, near Mult nomah Club, good, reasonable. Main 22 li. BE A LIT 1 KL'L, large rooms, with board ; J5 up Main fi'!M. iU Harrison, neaj 14th. RooMS with board, 2 meals, women .em ployed. 302 i'ark. cor. Columbia. LA RG-E room, ru lining water, good local ion. closo in. 745 Hoyt st. Marshall 475;;. ROOM and board. suitable for two young men. Home cooking. 5'. "X Trinity Place. iU(l business giris or students," $4 week up. "Anna Lewis'" Hall, 51o Flanders st. ROOM and board in newlv furnished home, $25 per month. 454 Mill st. Main 6140. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private home. IGrt N. lt. Main 4220. A HOME for you with young couple alone ; every convenience. Call East 3117. ROOMS, with board, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. FURNISHED room with board. 320 11th st. Phone Ali3S: OCTSIDE rooms, 2 people, $4.50 week up; 3 meals daily. 2S4 Main st. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. North 16th. cor. Davis. MODERN rooms and home-cooked meals. 30 N. 17th st. Phone Marshall HI.a. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, ail conveniences. 774 E. Burn side. East 3151. TWO children who need mother's care, real home, reasonable. Tabor 472S. KuuM and board in Irvington for couple or 1 or 2 ladies; references. East 3415. GOOD home and board for 1 or 2 child re n. Terms reasonable. AP 102. Oregonian. WANTED Children to board, near Holladay School; private family. Phone E. 4l5. WANTED 2 or 3 children to care for in my home; ood references Sellwood 2.171. ; ICELY furnished room for gentleman. Phone Main 4'.mS. PRIVATE board and room. Tabor 2323. Furnished Apartments. HA M M ERS LEY COURT, 250 12th at. By the day, week or month; modern, close to P. O. ; reasonable ; ret. Marshall 2052. ARDMAY TERRACE. 315 12TH First-clas In every respect : attractive rates. NEW furnished apartments ; concrete block, $10 and $12. 1 144 , Union ave. N. LAM BROOK E. 7th and Yamhill, clean, comfortable, desirable. 1. 2 and 3 rooms. 421 MONTGOM ERY Clean, modern flat, 3 large rooms, furnished, $1S. Main 125. HARRIMAN APTS., 164 N. 24th st. and has one nice, large, 4-room furnished apart. THEMUNCEY. 390 Clay, between 10th' and W. Park. 2 and 3 -room modern apts. $25 f. ROOMS, sleeping porch. 427 Rodney ave.. near Tillamook. FOB RENT. Furnished A part men t a. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSE THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean, sate, popular, well known and of the hlgnest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features; BALLROOM. BILLIARD AND CARDROOMS. LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes" walk to Meier & Frariic store, good surroundings, strictly modern. 2 and 3 -room f urnisiied apart went a. a.l outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. DAY WEEK MONTH: VILLA ST. CLARA. 12m and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclfla Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden iu connection. Wa lkln g dis ia.n ce. K ef eren ces. SERENE COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah Sts. The most up-to-date 2; and 3 -room fur nlsned apartment-house ; each suite has 2 disappearing beds and two dressing-rooms; roof garden and sun parlor; rent $25 up; 1 three-ro;ms. unfurnished, $30. East 1420, THE ALT A MONT. Fifth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nlshed apartments; rents reasonable. Also bachelor apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor servloa included. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2. S and 4-roorq suites; best location in city; reasonable, STELWYN APTS. Of the highest standing; elegantly fur nished apts. ; sleeping porches; reference required. Corner sl Ciair and Washing ton, .varsnaii iiu. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3 -room fur nished apts., $ 12 per nionih up. Hot and cold water, heat, light and bath furnish. One week.' rent iree with first niontn s rent in advance. Grand ave. and E. Wash ington. East 4441. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished" 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private pnone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest tne L'ninri Depot of East Side apart ments. 25 cor ner Clackamas and Ross st. Fast 3172. ONLY $ls to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per w eek, completely furnished housekeeping two-room apts.. including electric lignts. heat, hot water. Lath, private phone, new brick bldg.. 15 minutes from I. O. Lincoln Apts. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4 1 52. DELA1IUNT COURT, ly f urn! shed apartments, whit a enameled, tile baths, hardwood lloors t.swellj ; $.2.aQ and $ Phone East SCOO ALCO APARTMENT? Attractive and cofj I wo -room a pa rt ments. all outside rnoms, walking distance, well heated and venti lated ; $ 10 nd up ; lights and telephone included. ' 37 E- Couch sr. rtlESTERRURT Hotel and Apartments. Dining room in connection. 20th and Kearney. Marshall 74. A 445S. WESTFAL. 410 5th St., elenantly furn. and uiUurn. 3 and 4-room apts., automatic elevator, easy walking distance, most rea sonable r-nt; day, week or month; to $50. Mam 2071). 75 WILLIAMS Neatly furnished 1 and 2 room apts. Iteauiuui yard, nil conven iences; hot-water heat, on carline. Kea sona hie. HISLOP 1 1 A LL, cor. East 0th and Ha.v thorne. 2 and 3-room apts., private bat hs and phone ; also single rooms ; well fur nished; $12.5o up. 1'iione Eist 82. BERKELEY APTS. 3o Trimly Place; 2 and 3-room ap:s., light and peasant, bal t oui s ; central. $ 1 7.5U to tJu.uo. Mar shall lH5t. DAINTILY furnished rooms with exci: hoard, in newly lunrshed home, use ent f piano ; reason a ole. Park st . sue Lincoln liigh. Marshall 05o. ppu- T W - U M apts.. ne walking distance. ; $14 and $15. 421' .Main 102. vly furnisher, modern, st to SluiUiii'k mmiio:; tith. corner of Hall. "i-ROOM a ;t-, modern con vm ier. ces, 1 i ml 11. walk P r miner 1 n 1 1 m inai i mi. va.i n- nay. Main weekua j s. t a.l alter t P. M. rA VKNTOliT APT.- Fireproof, brick, m o d - em in every respect ; ;t 11 1-riMiin auari- ments; aiso private baths; rent $2n tip. a. so single rooms. 5t5 Jefferso and si. MADISON PARK. APTS. I'ark st., at Madison. Modern 2, o and 4-room iurnished apart ments, close in; by w eek or nmniii. IU iAN T A A PA RTM LNTS. $20 month up. modern '.i and 4-room apartments, completely furnished. ltsj N. J5. cor. Kearne . Marsna ll 2i45. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broad ay south, one 3-room apt.. $ JO ; one 4-room apt., all outside rooms. line ievv of city and Mount Hood. $50. Main 25oi A ol 4l. C "LA Y I 'OO L AN N F.X. Eleventh and Clay. Two room s; light, pleasant and well I ur nirthed; walking distance; $20 to $25. 00. Mam 757. THE EVERETT. G4 4 Everet t. bet. 2m h and Ella sts. ; furnished 5-room apis.; with or without sleeping porch; modern. THE FLORENCE. 1 ITH ST. 3-4-room apts. thoroughly modern and clean; roof parden. sand boxes for chil dren ; $25 up. on due 1 ed by owner. BARON A PA R T M B N T S. 14th and Columbia. 2 a nd 3-room apart ments. furnished, firad -class; rea.-onahl raus. Main Toil.. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. E. ::7th nr.d Market 4 rooms furnished, private phone, bath. heat. etc. Tabor 2t'.5l. FUKNlSHE'li AI TS, of rooms ea water. lig't. on carline; $U 'oi nmbia .".77. a ; phone. .5't. call N F. W II A RT A 11 torn at ic elevator. phone, lights, linen, gas. hot water always ; 2.50 to $5 50 week. 170'. j 2rl. nr. Mor. 4th fior. NEW C LA K K 2 -room furnished apis., larco kitchen. disappearing beos; phone and UiTh t f ree ; J 1 2 and up. ' 1 tl Pet : y grove. BKAL'TlFl'I.l.Y f urr. ished bachelor's duplex apt, ti rooms, very exclusive. Phone Mar shall 5S3. il Ell.M F.N I A A PTS . Huh and Hali 2 and 5 rooms, all outside lurnished apartments. Wry reasonable. 250 NORTH I'.'TII ST.. lame, airy 2 and .1 room apts., modern ; walking distance; reasonable. iir- A I'TIi'l' LL Y f urn .s'o-d j a rl men: for rent; m.ilioflny, while eii.tm; furr.ish int's; sl'M-pIi.K' porch. M:ir. 5 2 2 i. M AYO APAKTME NTS. 50:11- Cn'.on ave. N., near H road way New, sl lic't !y modern ."-room apts.. reason n h'e. JACKSON buncai-v.v, modern; st.-am heat janitor service; Jf25 mo.; walking distune' 4. '.4 11th. ELM Wool AIT-.. HTIi AND HALL lot'by. social hall, modern, 2 and room finmshe,i apts.. walking distance. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apt.; tcam heat, electric lights, etc.; rates $12 to 1S. ;;:4 5th st. BJKLLANO APARTMENTS, Pith and Love iov c hoicest 3 anil 4-room furnisned apts. ; rates th lowest. THE Cll ELTF.NII A M Ream if ul f r.rn 2. 3 and 4-room a pa rt men ts ; lowest aiiu t.... . k ty. Corner N. li'th and Nortrup. 3-ROOM apartment. nil tnitsni rooms T.rl- vate. bat h. Pacific phones ; $ 1 5 up Tabof jtS5. H 13.. FAlRMOi'NT APTS.. 11TH. Modern furnished two-room $jo up. close in. Main 2m. apartments. -! v.- "V cnmfnrtillilv furnished -rm. cola apts.. $ 14.5H up. including hot and liter ; light and heat. 328 Mill st. OK ANDKsTA East Stark and Crand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Creatiy reduced rtes. phone E. 2t8. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished; hardwood floors, walking distance; $22. 5o. Main 1245. THE ARCADIA. 7"6 Everett, near 22d st. Modern, cb-an, safe. refined; two and three rooms. $20 up; single rooms. CAMAR. 74 Lovejoy 2-3-room npts. villi sleeping porch. $2t to $'". Mar. 2il7. KEARNEY APTS.. 5 rooms and bath, n e.:y lurnisnea. cneap. .Manager a rn e y. I'nfiiraNhed AnartmenlK. LRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup, amidst Portland's- select rvsideiiCfs; six outside rooms, veranda, hardwood floors, modern service: references. Main 4oo!S. IONIAN COURT. 1STH AND COUCH. 3 and 4-room a part ments, unfurnished, all modern conveniences, walking distance, rents reasonable. Main 1 112, COLLEGE! "cheapest and hUh-grade." light and airy, close in. phones, porches, 3d and College. Mar. 5555. FINEST 6-room apartment In Portland; modern improvement, select tenant. Mam 414. FINK new ii-room and breakfast room, bui'.t ln conveniences and sleeping porch, veran das, hot water heat. Wood lawn 4227. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Now la the time to secure high-Oracle permanent a p a rt ments ; references. Mar. 5753. UOSENFi-J.D APTS.. 14th and e! rtark; one 5-r om foutside rooms), private phoue; $1S; reference reu.uirtd.