10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 5, 1015. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FUR finishers, liners, and experi enced fur workers warned immedi ately. H. LI E BE S & CO.. 2SS Murriion St, XJPMAN. WOLFE & CO. requires a thor oughly experienced picture saleswoman: references required. Apply Superintend ent's Office, seventh floor, between U and lu Tuesday. "WANTED An experienced nurse for chil dren; only those of experience and excel lent references need apply: applicants should call in person and bring letters of reference with them; good wages. Jjieufnant J. M. Hbson, Qrs. N. 7. Van couver Bks., Washington. GIRL to do light housekeeping and care for a child 3 years old, 20 miles out from Portland ; state wapes wanted, give use, references and experience. AF 53, Oregonian. PROGRESSIVE Busimas College; all moa ern business courses, including Spanish, French and German; register today and save $5; positions filled. 301 N. W. ii. bldg. MUXICIi'AL Bureau for Protection of Wo men is now located at room 303 new Po lice Headquarters Information, protection or at-sistance given to women and girls. Iner iewa coniiaentlal. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; position, good wages; must be good cook ; state apt, references required. AR 55, Or'g"ninn. VANTED A middle-aged woman for house keeper on a ranch lor a family ol five, lather and four children, youngest ;i. wages $2t per month. Address Thomas Dorria. Cathlamet. Wash. IWANTED at once, woman with self-confidence, plunk, organizing and executive ability in the $loo to $-00 class. Call in person. 01:4 Northwestern Bank bldg. VANTED A lady for general housework, not over 4o; light work; wages $15. Call S. E. corner E. 47th and Broadway, Rose City Park car. ETHNOGRAPHERS wanted. Gov-eroment. 65 month ; Portland examination Oct. 15; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 F., Rochester, 1. Y. GERMAN, Swiss or Swedish woman to do general housework, short distance out or town, 310 Oak St.. near Oth. Tuesday from 2 till 4 1'. M. tUVEN girls between IS and 25 years to learn comptometer adding and calculating machine, special Fall terms, riiO Morgan biag. "WANTED Competent trained nurse to superintend hospital; fullest Investigation wanted and will be made. Call at 0O2 Menical bldg., he t ween lt and 12. VANTED Refined lady housekeeper to take care of bachelor apt., morning and evening in exchange for room and board. AE 4h, Oregonian. V ANTE D by widower with 2 good children, respectful, a good middle-aged governess ltouseket'per; good home, small wages. A bu. Oregonian. "W a vpi? 1 t i.i a i i j 7Z . panion for elderly lady evenings in ex change lor room, walking distance; state i eie.-ences. AL 4U, UregOtllatl. WIDOWER, 35, with 3 children. want! housekeeper, 30 to 40 years old, wages $12 to $13 month: easy work. Arthur Blaber, Garibaldi, Or. Ali K.NTS wanted for household novelty; samples and full information on receipt of lo cents cash or stamps; enamel bake ovens. 504 Burnalde. V A N T E D H i g h School girl to assist In family work, small wages. 370 E. 47th st. N., corner Broadway, Rose City Park car. iCX PERIEXCED girl for cooking1 and gen eral housework, family of three adults; references required. 831 Kearney st. Hl.N'SDALE'.S Commercial School, 502 Or pheum biug. (Empress bldg.); individual instructions; positions when capable. C1RL. help wait table morning and evening. Immediately. Elton Court. 11th and Yam hill sts. MAKE money writing stories and articles; big pay; free booklet tells how. Address I nited Press Syndicate, San Francisco. Cil RU 10 to 20 to learn chiropody, $3 to tart. Apply 10 to 12, room 11, 313 V Vniilni.-li, COMPETENT and trustforthy lady for gen eral house work, small family and new house. Phone Tabor 02 0 1 . "WOMAN or girl to learn Deauty culture, one who wants a position and means business. 37 Northwest bldg. Main 0155. LADY with pleasing personality solicit uental work; liberal commission. AB 42 Oregonian. Id EAT, reliable woman or girl for general housework in suburban home ; 2 children Phone A liMj3. AM B IT IOCS, energetic woman, over 25, tor position with local firm; permanent; ex. perience unnecessary. AB 40, Oregonian WANTED o women to prepare fruit for cann.ng. Oregon Packing Co.. E. ath and Belmont. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re-t-ponsible position. Viavi Company. 4iS Pittock block. 3ss Washington at. WOM.N for light housework; come at noon Ko nome nights and fcundav off. P, O. box 005. Phone Tabor 5450 Monday. SCHOOL, girl or lady to assist, easy work, no washing, three in family ; wages. 5o '-".'th st. S. E. A ANTED Young women, for paying propo sition. Telephone Marshall 2I0tt between lo and 2 .Monday, for appointment. Tt't'XO giii for general housework; mut sleep home night. Call between lu and 12. Apt No. 3. Roosevelt Apia., 006 Kearney St. SALESWOMEN who have had recent experi ence; muMt be able to make good. We Day I i sit I :t t-ies 1 .in nn.ii- . M -..i . ANTED Ladies and girls to learn trade. Port kind School of Milllnorv -..! ave. North. CO M P ET E N T girl to assist with genera 1 h on jo work ; pleasant home. Phone East 2720. VANTED Thoroughly experienced cook for small family; references required. Apply Corn e 11 road, head of M a m hall. liOA RD and room and small sa 1 a rv to young girl i not school girl ). Call after Monday. Tabor 5433. COMPETENT skirt cutter and maker wanted. State salary expected and where last employed. AJ 57. Oregonian. WA XTKU Hichschool girl, witling- to ex" chunge services before and altt-r school for board and room. J 7,"i, Oregonian. V ANT ED High school girl to assist with nouseworK. lor room and hoard. Woodlawn i:i. Ski A K K E money writ inK stories or articles, big pay. Free book let tells how. Address United press Syndicate, sin Francisco. G1KL who wants good home. Will furnish clothes and pay small wages. AN 40, Ore Ionian. APPKENT1CES for dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. AM 50. Oregonian. OPERATORS on power machine ave. N. I'tility Garment Co. WANT ED High school girl to assist housework, small wages. Tabor 1475. til KL for housework ; state age. experience and wnges expected. AE 60. Oregonian. LADV solicitor, good selling article and as sist at office work. AK 45. Oregonian. W A NT ED En dies of good appearance, $2 per day. 5o5 Columbia bldg. 2SRING this ad and 25c and get n shampoo and hair dress. 5Q5 Columbia bldg. WA NTEP School girl to help with house work lor room and board. Sellwood 22.1S. MISS M ATTINOLY'3 SCHOOL. Shorthand. T pw ruing. $5 mo. 209 14th. Ph. M. 3S93. HVK girls to learn beauty cullftre. 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. W A N T E I A r i r 1 to do h ousew ork. Cafl in the morning at S2". 1st sr. MILLINERY apprentice at 405 Morrison. Call after t o'c'ock Tuesday. J EPPERSON Kik'.i School cirl to work for room and board. Woodlawn :;i'l4. X.EXRX beauty culture. Summer rate. 505 Columbia bids Graduite Paris. Berlin. GIRL to take care of child, sleep home. MaT shall 3i'.'7. Stelwyn Apis. WANTED Experienced millinery makers; rone other need apply l,oenpart & Co. MOl.ER Harbor College wants ladles to learn th.- trade; special rates. 4" N. Second. JtKl.P WANTKI) MALE OR FKMAI.E. WANTED Names of young men and women with unqiitstiona hie records de.i ring per mannt salari-d positions in Southern Cal ifornia. Inclose postage for particulars and a pplb ation. N. s A. l o.. box. 14-4. Los Antjes. PARTNER for six people dramatic ehow ; w- hiely rnd book play, established repu tation, good scenery, paer and territory. Spiend'd onortunity for small investment ami yerwoes. a:i room 1 Aiuer 10tei cor. 4th tind Alder. -ENt 5c for trial package of No-Rub Wash ing Compound. Does away with wash board; rubbing of clothes unnecessary. Afct-m w.n.ied everywhere. No-Rub Mfg. Co.. 55 Commercial St.. Portland. Or. CREGN Rarter College wants men and women to lea-n the barbr trade In S eks; tools free ; paid while iearn ing. earn from f IS to "5 we-k; n-r w r-ourse for Summer: tuition reduced. 233 Madison. WANTED Lady or gentlemen who will piny second violin to call on C. Foland, atf saiinon U HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WE want three men or women of good ap pearance and- selling ability to travel with a superior article that meets with a ready sale; $10 to J 15 per day easily made: we want bright, hustling people, not dead ones or has-beens. Address Wit bur Woolen Mills. St ay ton. Or. LADV and gent solicitors. V44 E. Ankeny st. W. Co, HELP WANTED MKC'ELLAXEOrS. GOVERNMENT clerics. $t month, puil un necessarv; common education sufficient; vacations, short hours, rapid promotion. Write Immediately for free list of positions now obtainable, franklin Institute deot. R. Rochester, N. T. TELEGRAPH class now being: formed by newspaper telegraph operator; easily learned; positions guaranteed graduates; tuition $3 monthly. Particulars write AL 4'Jf Oregonian. COPY LETTERS Persons writing and copy ing letters make $10 to $25 weekly fol lowing directions Stamped envelope for particulars. Brooks Copy Co., 56 Pa. ave., Washington, E. C RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, toon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State School, McKay bldg., city. WANTED Names of men 18 or over wish Jng Government Job, $)i. month; no pull necessary. AV Soo, Oregonian, 61TCATION3 WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. DRY OOODS man. middle-aged. American, thoroughly familiar with all dry' goods, including women's ready-to-wear; over 13 years for myself. Want position as man ager or buyer or both for entire store or Ready-to-W ear Dept. Address AF 4S, Oregonian. I MAKE A SPECIALTY of keeping smal 1 sets of books. If your books do not re quire a reguiar bookkeeper, see me at 34 Broadway or phone Broadway 1023. Rea sonable rates and good references. C. L. Hendrix. YOUNG man. So. with 15 years' exp. in de.pt. and gen'l mdse. stores would like to connect with firm in or near Portland; will furnish A-l references as to char acter and ability. AG 50, Oregonian. EXPERT accountant, lumber, mining, bank ing experience, tamiliar with tax matters, abstracts, titles; t'irst-elass stenographer; handle anything. Address AB 46, Orego nian. WANTED By young man, 4 years, good education, position as stenograpner, oitice assistant; several years solid experience, coal line; oesirous getting in wholesale concern ; good references. Woodlawn 2157. RELIABLE young man, good penman, wants clerical position corporation or wholesale house. Local experience and references. Will begin small salary. AC 53, Oregonian. THOROUGH LY competent bookkeeper-stenographer desires position as private sec retary or would take charge of small oi! fice. AM 31, Oregonian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, office work or collecting; several years' experi ence; can furnish best of references and bond. AF 4. Oregonian. KEEPING BOOKS for small concern in spare time desired by reliable bookkeeper; has had a banking experience and can giv bank references. R OS. Oregonian. EXPERT accountant and system man wants position; part or all the time. B MQ, Ore gonian. WANTED $700 on $2400 worth out of town realty; three years, per cent. AM 44, Oregonian. FEW more small sets of books to keep; references. A 58, Oregonian. Miscellaneous, AMERICAN of education and refinement, age 28. desires position as companion, secretary or business assistant ; expe rienced; best references; small wages; will go anywhere. AD 40, Oregonian. WANTED by young man, position driving; repairing, selling or demonstrating auto mobiles; neat appearing, not afraid of work and willing to do anything.' Wood lawn 3021). ONE excel 1 lent, well-furnished front room in modern private home; all conveniences; best board; adjacent to Kern. Buckman and Washington high schools. E. 4blu. PERMANENT position wanted by honest, middle-aged German, experienced gardener, aLso familiar with stock and poultry. ti 46, Oregonian. SALESMAN wants sideline of Portland man ufactured goods to sell in Spokane and Montana territory. Marshall 1634. Y 56, Oregonian. WANTED Position as chauffeur or ma chinist; would like to drive car touring; very cheap rates; good references. AD r6. Oregonian. ALL-AROUND country printer wants steady position. 15 years' experience in good coun try shops; best of reference. Inyuire Box 14, Heppner, Or. SITUATION wanted by watch repairer and jeweler, 5 years in present place, two weeks' notice to give, salary i 2u ; prefer small town; married. AV" S3, Oregonian. JAPANESE, honest man, wants position of plain cook, and place for his young daugh ter, school girl. both in same good f a m ily. AH 51. Oregonian. COOK or helper, by young colored man, very light complexion; best refereuces; private or public. Phone East 2o5. Will make best terms. WANTS D A rooming or apartment-house to take charge of by man and wife, expe rienced: best references. Address M. A. B.. 143 E. 3oth. NON-UNION cylinder and platen pressman would like position in or out of city. Can give best of references. AK 00, Orego nian. MAN, experienced cook, wants work, either as cook, housework. Janitor or elevator. X 46. Oregonian. GARAGE work wanted, day or night, b ioung man; expeneneea. Ati an, orego nian. STEADY position on farm wanted bv young man : can handle horses ; reliable; good worker. AF 44. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position driving for private family; can give best of city ref erences. AH 41. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 20 years of age, handy with tools, wishes any kind of work; painter. Woodlawn 11S2. YOUNG Japanese cook with 6 years" expe rience, wishes position, private family. P. O. box 125. city. BLACKSMITH, machinist, auto repair man. wants job; would lease repair shop. 641 2th S. E., city. BUY. 15. wa nts work on farm for board and schooling; good at farra work Wm. Wells. 545 Washington Marshall 5931. A J A PAN ESE wajits a position as all round man. has good references. Marshall :;!74. WANTED by licensed engineer, charge or apartment-house or small hotel in or out of city. AM 55. Oregonian. to MANAGER of New York Corporation, now in Portland, desires suitable position here; references and records. AL 52, Oregonian J A NITOR Experienced in first-class apt.- iiouse wora, can manage; city ret. AM o4, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants cook, porter, cham ber, any kind of work. 83 X. 5th st V 2007. JAPANESE, young man. speaks English wx?ll. desires work In garage or store. Call at Wash. Shoe Shop, t5o Wash. et. l iti.N l All-around country printer, steady, reliable. Dan Jones. Treves Hotel Portland. WANTED Farm work near Portland; wages, or wages and shares. J. B., 1162 High st. Woodstock. FILIPINO boy wants a position as a janitor or bus boy; had two years experience. Main 86o. WANTED by middle-aged man. Amerlcar.. lipht work for room and board or its emii valent. E 00. Oregonian. Fl ' RNISHED front room. 3 large window s, sleeping porch, heat, light and bath; $3 5j a w-?ek. 7ns Everett st. POSITION wanted as eny'r.. fireman, watch, maa, janitor, etc., by ail-around American, : references. A R 40, oregonian. 52 WTK street. -A t tractive little room. 2GS 12 tb WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work. Chari-es O Mara, E. 323. J A PANESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1 07 jap. Assn. of Ore.. 21 Henry bldg. SPECIALTY salesman open for engagement. now employed Is Y 51. Oregonian. CtljOD, reliable ooy. kind. Marshal! 200 wants work of any CARP liNTER wants work ; terms very rea sonable. Campbell. East 5:;74. I WANT work ; am experienced man ; have best reference. Call Woodlawn 182. EXPERIENCED gardener wants position. W 45. Oregonian. GERMAN, middle aee, work on dairy. "B C 5 '2 ;ood milker, wants Oregonian. BOY. 17 M. wants work after achool PHh st. PA PERU A NG ING 20e 8 tinting cheaply done. bot; painting and Tabor L BOY. 17. needs work after school and Saturdays. D f3. Oregonian. 1 AM broke; wife sick. I will not steal but 1 will work. Try me. D t5, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED trardener wishes permanent position as janitor. C; U Tabor 735. BOY. 16. with wheel, wants work after school and Saturdays. Tabor 4u6. MADAME MUN7EI.1.A. instructor of palm istry and cards. 422 '-2 Morrison st. MAN and wife, good cooks, want place In country hotel. AJ? X Oreeoniaa. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous, DO YOU WANT A SALESMAN AND HIS CAR? Have had the best of experience and can deliver the goods, or will rent self And car and help you or your salesmen on an kind of proposition, either selling or doing missionary work for a week or month. AC 54, Oregonian. YOUNG married man of good education, five years' experience with largest paint and oil house on the Coast; selling and solicit ing experienc 2; consider any locality, in cluding Alaska; excellent references. AK 43, Oregonian. OLD German man wants work on dairy, do chores, milk few cows. Henry Althans 2o6 Couch st. WANTED. by experienced conductor W brakeman, job on logging road. AC 47, Oregonian. SIT CATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. Y'GUXG woman. 24. wishes position re sponsibility ; expert bookkeeper; can op erate typewriter and aduing machine; eight years' experience in two large houses in East. AP 53. Oregonian. EXPERT bookkeeper will give two or three cays a week to small set of books, draw off monthly balances, straighten out tan gled work, audit and sj stematize for any line of business. P 51, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and accountant, experience general, including construction and lumber, knowledge of stenography; will go out of the citv. i 52, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge book keeping. at-sircs permanent position ; thor ough experience general lines. Address K 5'J, Oregonian. STENOGRAUHER, bookkeeper. law. real e- tate and railway experience, desires' per manent position; am also competent ab stractor. J 06. Oregonian. CAPABLE and reliable lady stenographer, bookkeeper, biller, etc., seeks permanent place with reputable firm; best rets. Mar shall 5444. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wishes permanent or temporary work. Marshall 5833. INDUSTRIOUS young lady, experienced, wishes stenographic position. Tabor 4oyu. Call after 0. STENOGRAPHER Experienced, competent, city or country. M. S.. R. 2, Box 124, Salem, Or. CAPABLE stenographer and all-around of fice woman, lo years' experience. Phone Tabor 882. Mrs. Ayer. SllUAriON wanted as stenographer and Housekeeper; very capable in both lines; middle-aged: modest salary. AE 44, Ore- STENO. desire position; would accept gen eral office work; reasonaole salary; lum ber experience. T 47, Oregonian. CASHIER with knowledge of stenography and bookkeeping requires position. S 02, Oregonian. POSITION as bookkeeper or cashier; have four years' experience ; can furnish refer ence. E 55, Oregonian. CASHIER with 8 years experience wishes position; excellent reference. AK 50, ore gonian. STENOGRAPHIC work for afternoon and Saturdays. Phone Tabor obGO between 5 and 7 P. M. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion ; good references. Phone Woodlawn 14S2. BOOKKEEPER wants position. 10 veai-3' ex perience. Phone room 74, Imperial Hotel. Sunday or Monday. EXPERIENCED bookkeepers and stenogra phers furnished for one and t wo-hour-per-gfcy Jobs, 35c per nr. G 05. Oregonian. WHY hire a stenographer for a couple of hours' work per day 2 We will do it for 35c per hour. F 58, Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS dressmaker and designer, work in families; best reference; reason able. Marshall 10P1. COMPETENT cashier wants position; can furnish reference. G 58, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with exnerien ,-e wishes po sition in deritit's office. AV 60, Oregonian. POSITION desired by young lady having ft DredKtnflVrrv THOROUGHLY experienced coat and skirt hand from San Francisco wishes a posi tion in alteration dept. Phone B 2310. HAVE your dresses made to suit your own particular style, by the day, $3; city ref erence. Phone East 0u4,1. FASHIONABLE dressmak ling, reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 1)513. CHILDREN'S each article goods kept. outfitters, 1 03 West Park ; carefully made; no factory Your own material made- up. DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, all work guar anteed; terms moderate. 103 West l'ark. CALL Main 725 $ per day. for plain or fancy sewing. WANTED Sewing by the dressmaker. Main 3530. day; reliable WANTED Dressmaking piano or vocal lessons. in exchange for B 91, Oregonian. MAKE-OVER shop, 422 Flledner bldg., all kinds of sewing. Main 5430. DRESSMAKING at home or by day; stvlish and rapid. 241 E. 43d. Phone D 1012. Nurses. UNINCUMBE RED. respectable German widow wishes to keep house, wlidower's home, elderly couple or lady alone. AD 41. Oregonian. CAPABLE, practical nurse wants position, city or country; references. Phone, be tween S and 10 A. M. and 2 and 5 P. M., Columbia 245. , EXPERIENCED nurse, private, permanent cases or institution work; not less than $40. Main 451. Call Tuesday, 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. N U RSE or traveling companion to Califor nia, traveling expenses oniv paid- call Tuesday fiom9A.M. to 4 pM. M. 451. EXPERIENCED, reliable nurse wishes" care of elderly, invalid or companion to lady ; city or California. Call Main 7010. FRENCH, German Experienced teacher iioni Europe gives lessons. Tabor 2870. PRACTICAL nurse. 20 years' experience" oest of references; satisfaction guaran teed. Tabor 2874. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as practical nurse or child's nurse. Phone Tabor 725. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes work. Is willing to care for children. Phone Mat a 3530. WET NURSE wants position. Mrs. Wood, St. Patrick's Hosp., Missoula. Mont. RELIABLE confinement nurse wants work. Phone East Marsh. GOOD practical nurse, doctors' references. Main 6937. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AO ED widow, unincumbered, neat and refined, wishes position as house keeper for 1 or 2 gentlemen or in wid ower's home. East 5140 or E 57, Orego nian. WANTED By respectable, practical middle aged woman, position as housekeepe- with elderly couple or widower, with child; best rity reference. Phone Marshall 428. WANTED Middle-aged lady. position nurse or housekeeper In C. S. home, city reference. Phone before 10 A. M. or after o P. M. Woodlawn 3032. REFINED, motherly woman would like to keep house for young men or widower w ith children; experienced. AP 51, Ore gonian. R E F I N ED lady, with boy 5 years o Id d e -sires position as housekeeper in respect able home; references exchanged. Sell. 1541. REFINED middle-aged widow wishes posi tion as housekeeper in widower's family. more lor good home than salary. Phone r-'--" i or i i ' '., oregnnian- SITt'ATION wanted as stenographer and housekeeper; very capable in both lines; mid i :e-aged ; modest salary. AE 44 Ore gonian. Hr-r 1 N ED. competent woman, position ad housekeeper for respectable men, not more than s:x: no triLers need answer; fine cook. Mrs. Scott. 233 Fifth st. 1'oM i'lON as housekeeper for hotel or nachelor apartments. References. AC 51. oregonian. NEAT little lady with a little girl wishes a place to keep house; will appreciate a coo. home. AD 54, Oretronihii. YOUNG widow with two children wishes position as housekeeper: no triflers. 732 Thurman st. Main 6!H?4. " EDl'CATED lady, highest references, man aging housekeeper; cali Tuesday, 0 A. M to 4 P. M. Main 24V WANTED By middle-aged lady, position a s housekeeper iu widowers home.' Main 3530- LADY with child, good cock, neat house keeper. wishes position. V Orego niai'.. RLKINED. elderly widow lady wishes posi ' lion as housekeeper for widower or bach elor between 55 and HO. R 81. Orefmr.ian. RESPECT A RLE woman wants position, housekeeper, on farm; good cook. AJ 44, Oregonian. WANTED By lady n:d dauchter, charge of roomine-house; experienced; will do all chamber wovk. Y "!. Oregonian. YOUNG widow wishes position as hou.se keper. C ii, Oregonian. A POSITION as housekeeper bv neat, re fined, respectable lady. Main 6SO0, room 3. Ioroetics. TO ASSIST, or nurse girl. n!an. AH 53. Orego- & T E A T y work, p'n miiy. work, board, room. ii(J 51, Iitrht chamber trcouaiao. SITUATION S WANTED FE MA LE. Iomeitice. SITUATION wanted, general housework; good cook, no objection to the country. E bl. Oregonian. COMPETENT, refined young :ady desires housework in Christian Science home. Call Marshall 1632 between 9 and 1 P. M. A NEAT, middle-aged woman, good plain cook, will give services for a quiet home. A K. 55. Oregonian. LADY, with son 6 years, desires housekeep ing, city or country or small hotel near school. 785 E. 34th. Phone Sellwood 1S70. GIRL wants position as cook in private family. Phone Tabor 1222. LADY would like housekeeping in a gentle man's home. Phone C 13.Hi. M ifccellanrous. YOUXG GIRL attending night school wouid like home with congenial couple; no chil dren; good neat housekeeper and cook ; very quick. Do not want a servant's posi tion, but a place where I Van be as one of the family. After the work is done, would like time for myself. B:g wapea not wanted; references if required. Address AV 07, Oregonian. W ELL educated woman of wide experience in demonstrating and soliciting, wants po sition with responsible firm ; onlv posi tions with salary considered : good ref erences Marshall 6013 or AB 45, Ore gonian. FANCY WORK. High-class needlework don on trou seaus, making and marking household linen and fine lingerie and all kinds of fancy needlework done at home, T 46, Oregon ian. WIDOW in need of employment; hotel cook, housekeeper; understands manag ing hotel ; would leave the citv. Phone Tabor 5415 or address S029 5th ave. S. E. Portland. Or. Phone after 8 A. M. NEAT young lady will assist evenings and Sundays, good Christian family, for room and board; good home appreciated, close in ; seldom out evenings; references ex changed. Woodlawn yt4. TWO competent women would like to have positions in ready-to-wear dept. and alteration-room ; are capable of taking full charge: no objections to a small town, to 5S, Oregonian. CHOCOLATE and bon bon dipper would like permanent position with reliable firm; 10 years' experience; wages $12 per week. Y" 41, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY reliable cloak and suit wom an desires a position; can give good refer ence; will go out of city. E oi), Orego nian. GIRL, IS, atten ding West Side T rad e s School, wants housework or care of chil dren after October 1 ; best of references; some wnges. C 2430. REFINED, respectable Iadv with 4-months-old baby, would like light housework for room, board and small wages. Addresa Mrs. J. B. C, McCleary, W as h. EXPERIENCED teacher desires pupils; col lege preparatory a speeialty; class in study of South A merica being organized. Tel, woodlawn 600. COMPETENT "reliable couple want perma nent position as housemaid and chauffeur; careful driver, good cook. Call East 3404. YOUNG lady of refinement will spend Win ter in California, companion to elderly couple; references. AG 40, Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse and masseuse will give massage at your twn home. Main 173U. Apt. B. EXPERIENCED lady wants general house work and cooking or would do chambei work in or out of city. Phone Sell. 205u. -fciN. PEItl ENCED dressmaker and talloress w ill make engagements by the day. Phone East 2740. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid wants position, middle-aged; city or .country. Phone Mar shall 2771. WANTED Position as governess, bv refined French young lady. Phone Main 413-. EXPERIENCED laundress, home work. Mrs Stolz, Call Tabor 1557. COLORED lady wants day work. Marshall 1004. CHAMBERMAID wants work. 6331. Call Main TUTORING; primary work a specialty. X 3U, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman. day work, a'lfthe week, l. 5Q day carfare. Sellwood 1032 . EX P E RIENCED woman will do work of any kind. Marshall 1748. RETOUCHER, young lady, six years' expe rience. A 11 41. Oregonian. Main SWfli. WANTED Day work, good cook and laun dress. Tabor ;1723. EXPERIENCED laundress and housecleaner wants worn, oy uay. jrtroaaway 4217. POSITION as governess by cultured young lady; highly connected. AJ 4S, Oregonian. E X P ERIENCED woman in all kinds" of work wants day work. Main 6600, room 43. LADY alono would like chamber work or nouseKeeper. 1'Dono Mam bioi. WOMAN wants work of any kind by day Woodlawn 1'705. AMERICAN janitor wants steady positioner i1"' i QJ- tune; reierences. i qj, Oregonian. PRIVATE tutoring lu grammar gi ade ana nign scnooi studies. jic, Main 5721. WANTED Day work of any kind by Mr Alice Hurley. Woodlawn 2462. COLORED woman, any kind day work. Broadway 335. ROOM and board by school girl in exchange '"t " "i -n-r oregonian. LADY wants ligh work, homelike place. Phone East 5040, room 30. WANTED Housework of any kind by day oi tioui. wuuuiawa oiiil. PRIVATE lessons In English, grammar, rhetoric, literature, etc. AG 44, Oregonian. GOOD, reliable girl wants work by day or it iui. cas; Diva. LADY would like care of children by the rumr or nay. W OMAN wants work by d a v. Woodlawn 1444. WOMAN wants day work. East 3!S7. FINE needlework" and crochet. Tabor 4811. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. NEWLY married couple want, by Septem ber 15, 5 -room modern bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished, close to carline. What have you? Must be reasonable; give full particulars and phone number. AL 54. Oregonian. WANTED Comfortable cottage at Seaside io care ior uunng w inter until season opens next Summer: can furnish refer ences. Phone C 2513. Address "C," at 054 E. 24 th N. WANTED by couple. 5-room modern bunga la w in good condition ; reasonable rent. Give full particulars. References. AC 57, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished heated flat, with gas range and water neater. State price and location. AH 5S, Oregonian. FA MiLV, three adults, would like house", rent free, for care of property. AE 46. Oregonian. 5 OR 0-room house with large yarL fruit trees, chicken-house, etc.; low rent. Phone Sellwood 1101. WANT unfurnished house, city or suburbs', in exchange for good car and low rental. References given. AB 54, Oregonian. HAVE you a neat bungalow or flat that you will rent cheap to careful coupkj G i v e full details. BD 49. Oregonian. A CLEAN 3 to 5-room house with bath, near carline, reasonable ; only clean places considered. AG 46, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished house cIobo in West Side, reasonable, adults. AD 62, Oregonian. WANTED A pood house on Portland Hgts. not over $5o rent- T 67. Oregonian. 0-RoOM' modern house in good locality. Reasonable rent. BD 46. Oregonian. COTTAGE or bungalow, close in. for man and wife; permanent. D 06, Oregonian. lot-NG couple wants to rent bungalow wit1; parage. Tabor 5404. 6-ROOM house, modern. West Side ; lease with option to purchase. A i2. oregonian. 5-ROOM house with yard and small green house. D tt',, Oregonian. O R 5-room furnished house, couple and daughter. 14. 841 ZSth S. E.. city. Bosids. TWO or three unfurnished rooms in re fined modern home. permanently. by mother and grown daughter; reierences. AJ 5o, Oregonian. V ANTE D To r e n t one or two f urntshed housekeeping rooms in private family on East Side, near school; family of three. Add ress Box AH 45. Oregonian. FOUR or 5-room modern, furnished bunga low, with sleeping-porch, in lrvington or Laurelhurst, by couple, best references. M;in 7307. CO!" P LE desires 1 or 2 rooms in private family; about $15 per month; give full partu-ulrirs. E fei. Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished room, kitchenette, gs. electricity, private family. BD 51, oregonian. LADY wants p!ano for small rental; guar anteed best care. Anne C. Walsh, TJ W. W a t ts st. TWO large, ciean. partly-furnished house keeping rooms: moderate; walking dis tance. B S7, oregonian. WA NTED Two rooms with sleeping porch. If possible, in vicinity of 15th and Belmont, by two young ladies. East 55oS. Rooms With Board. GOOD hone with kind Chri?!nn people fcr companionable girl. 13. aN 0O, Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Rooms With Board. WANTED First-clasa board and room by lady with 4-year-old daughter, or fur nished 2 -room apartment. AG 4 L, Ore gonian. A LADY employed would like room an board for self and child. 3, where care would be given child during day, in a re flned Christian home. Y 44, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN and wIfeinPortland for the Winter desire conxfortabl room, with board. In desirable modern home ; kindly glve street address. AF 46, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS plano teacher" from Europe would like partial board, walking distance from Hotel Mallory; highest references, O 37, Oregonian. BY young lady employed, room with or without board. West Side. Steam heat preferred. In private family. AD 46. Oregonian. YOUNG man connected with iniimsce office would like room and breJr,Sal in private family. Will exchange reference, AR 57, Oregonian. WANTED P.oom and board bv two teach ers, centrally located: references ex chan ged Address L 62, Oregonian WANTED Room In pleasant home near E. iuh and --Mill; board optional. AC 60, Oregonian. WANTED Good home and care for infant; state price. AB 52. Oregonian. BOARD and room for boy 15, near Holman school. AN 67, Oregonian. BuslnetiA Place. WANTED To rent unfurnished house 7 or S rooms, XoS Hill district or Portland Heights, 1 or 2 years lease; give location and price. AD 44, Oregonian. WANTED To lease, by responsible couple, five or six-room house in restricted dis trict, Oct. 1; state location and price. AB 43. Oregonian. DESK room or private office with phone, typewriter, for $10 or $15 per month, in Chamber of Commerce. AD 66, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL EATON". West Park and Morrison Sts. Trans.ent and Permanent Guests. A centrally located hotel with every mode.'n convenience; rooms single or en "suite, with and without private bath; modest prices, with special rates by the month to permanent guests. AT THE S. W. corner of 12th and Stark sts, a quiet corner without streetcars, is the HOTEL VERNON. Have you looked it over yet? A house of service, where you are given every consideration from the moment you be come a guest. Make your Winter home here. You will like it. ROOM REGISTER, listing several hundred. In nil parts of the city, at Y. M. C. A., also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms . at $1.50 to $2.75 per week double, witn individual beds, or $2.5u to $4.50 oer w eel; single.- HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water; steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern Room rates 1 per day. $4 per week. With pn vate bath $1.5u per day, $5.50 per week, HOTEl7ORD " 735 Washington. Family hotel ; hot and cold water and phont in every room; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath. $15 up. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st., at loth-r-c antral location; REDUCED RATES.. 50c per day up; week ly, $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phono and baths; steam heat. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 207 -2o 4th st. Rooms w ith privat e bath II per day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL 652 k Washington et. ; a modern fireproof hotel, desirable location, all outside, clean, quiet rooms, public and private baths; 62.50 week up; 5oc day and up. HOTEL TREVES, Northeast corner Stark and 11th. Modern omside rooms, 13 weekly and up. Large grouna-floor lobby. HOTEL HAZEL Conveniently located; has all ouLside . rooms, with hot and cold water in each room. Ratej reasonable. 3&j 3d st. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E Bel mont Rooms $1 month. $20 up, witn private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cat in connection. Phone East 523. ETH ELTON HOTEL, I051, 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all rooms; $2 per week and up. Marshall 2790. BUSH MARK HOTEL, 505 Washington, fur nished rooms, $1.50 wk. up. Modern, walk ing distance. SAN MARCO, 11th and Washington Strlct ly modern rooms, $lo month up; witn bath. 1S month up; come and see. HO T E L COR D O VA, 2 0 0 11 1 h " s t " Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up Main 9472, A 4763. HOTEL GRANT. 451 Washington. Modern, clean rooms, all conveniences; $.5o up. MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern; use of parlor; real home. $2 up. M. 1153. KLICKITAT East 1st and Holladay. Clean. modern rooms, walking distance. $2.00 wkl WANTED Gentleman to share- furnished apts. A 62, Oregcnlan. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 U. Alder, fide rooms $'2 per week u;. Modern out- Unfurnihhed Room. TWO connecting rooms at your own price or in exchange for care of children. pnone Tabor 458. TWO unfurnished front rooms, modern con veniences, close, very reasonable. Inquire 424 Jefferson. 200 ROSS ST., near Harnman bridge 3 rooms; references. TWO or 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 472 East Oak. Piione East 1102. Furnished Booms in Private Family. FURNISHED ROOM in private family; use of bath; all modern conveniences; close in on Rose City carline ; large porch. 4 68 E. Couch, near loth st. GOOD board and room, reasonable rates; home cooking. 4S9 Jefterson st., near 14th. Phone Marshall 2909. FRONT room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men, hot and cold water in room, furnace neat. 2oS 13th st. LARGE front room with board, suitable for 2 lad les or gentlemen, use of piano, near "B" oarline, very reasonable. East 53t. LARGE, pleasant front room, with 2 closets, for business women; close in, in beautiful home; rent reasonable. East 4843. l'X RNISHED ROOM Electric light, bath, . phone; 5 month; 700 E. 0th st. N. Woodlawn 243-S. 2 WEEK Elegant front room for gentle man, modern conveniences, close. 424 Jefferson. CLEAN, well-f urniFhed room in nice home; verv best of service given: $7. :'.2 E. 15th. EXCELLENT room and board in modern home 774 E. Burnside. East 3151. ROOM and board, private family, young couple pre&arred. Phone Tabor 1008. C2: WEST PARK- Nicely furnished "front room, with alcove, sleeping porch. NICELY furnished, steam heat, phone, 4M month; 10 min. from P. O. Mar. 1714. FRONT, downstairs room. $15; small room, $6; free bath and phone. 104 Lownsdale. FURNISHED room, with or without board. 4 74 Yamhill, cor. 14 th. 26', 14TH. near Jtfferson: rooms, walking distance. Phone Main 3693. TWO furnished front rooms. reasonable, w alking distance. 245 McMillen su ATTRACTIVE room, also sleeping porch, for 1 or2 gentlemen. 351 VV. l'ark. Mar. 4215. NICE front room for one or two gentlemen. 16 N. ISth. Marshall 18. SLEEPING-ROOM. $1) mc. 475 Clay St., cor. 14th. $10 FURNISHED room for business wo man 434 loth st. Main 32t'. a-aRGE. modern, front rooms, suitable gen tlemen. 3''7 0th. near Clay. WELL-FURNISHED, front room, good location- for gentlemen. 21 loth. $1.5o WEEK Large, furnished front room, bath, phone, close In. 420. Jefferson. NICELY furnished room at 70 Cornell stT, n.?ar 23d and Washington st. : BROADWAY, near College. Single room, private entrance, adjoining bath, $8. NICE, large front room, 2 beds; smaller room $5 per month. 414 Salmon. WELL furnished rooms, private family, use of piano, close in. 394 Harrison st. ONE nice front room, facing the park for 1 ;..mun th. 2 74 vP a rk s t. NEWLY furnished room suitable for 1 2 gentlemen. 73 Lovejoy. Main 2199. FURNISHED room with bath, ground floor, lrvington. Phone East 3903. GOOD, quiet room, walking distance, $5 per month. East 1269. LARGE room, running water, good location, c'osc in. 745 Hoyt St. Main 4753. I FOR RENT, reasonable ; nicely furnished room; Nob Hill. Marshall 3SiH. NICELY furnished rooms, modern con ven iences, close in, $i.tt week up. 12 fl Aider st. FOR RENT. Furnished Koom In Private Family. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms newlj decorated; everything new and clean: bath, phone, walking distance: no other roomers: 1 at $7 or 2 at 11S per month. Phon East 7100 or call at 14 E. 13th X. $S OR $10 month, clean, nicely furnished front rooms, choice location, easy walking distance, clos to Washington-st. cariine. hot baths, phone, piano; fine table board close by. ia N "1st nt ON E nicely furnished front room, with board, in modern home of 2, Please call before 2 P. M., after 6 P. M., at 24aVa Clay st. (West Side), near 3d MODERN home in Laurelhurst. close to good car service, two furnished rooms, one with sleeping-porch. Iu35 Multnomah. Break fast if desired. PRIVATE home, Ladd's Addition, 1 block from Hawthorne, 2 rooms. 12 and $S; . sleeping porch; home privileges. 577 Laud ave. East 5255. ROOM with heat, large sleeping-poi ch con nected. In private family, no cm'.dren. ery reasonable for two business people Sunnyside district. Telephone B 2024 WANTED Five or six-room furnished or partly furnished house, Hawthorne or Bei uont district ; must be reasonable. 206 East 40th st. LARGE room, suitable for 2. also sr.g:i room and sleeping porch; walking ms tance; excellent board: hom m-vif reasonable. 62 Ella, near Washington. WANTED Middle-aged couple, a'.eo single iady to board ; large, pleasant home. For particulars phono East 0731 after Sunday. FURNISHED ROOMS Steam heat. eTectric. ity, hot and cold water in rooms, phone; 2.;Q up; 370 0th st. Marshall 5S62. COMFY furnished rooms, porch If preferred, connected, furnished, to rent, 3a:- Grand avenue X. FINE room for gentleman. $3.5o a week, wuh breakfast. Oil Holly, corner E 10th st.. near Hawthorne ave. FURN 1SH ED large front room ; furnace heat; 767 Glisau. Marshall 704. Reasou- ROOM and breakfast for 1 or 2 girls; mnd ern home; walking distance to West Side; reasonable. 721 E. Yamhill. NEATLY furniehed attic room, electricity, ail modern conveniences. $1.50 week. 13 N. 23d. A VERY desirable furnished room, reason able, bath and furnace heat; call morn ings. 415 12th su 44S TAYLOR Clean, desirable front single and - double sleeping rooms; conveniences; $1.50 and up. NICELY furnished room, cloe In, on East Broadway, for teacner; meals if w anted. Phone, East 4042. GENTLEMAN wishes room and board in private family, East Side. Reply with par ticulara. AC 42, Oregonian. EaGE elegantly furnished room for two; private bath; one of the finest homes on West Side. 374 Park st. LARGE front room ; furnace heat, modern con , eniences, home comforts ; month. Phone East 1552, ELEGANT room, new modern home; rare opportunity for gentleman ; select neiKii borhood. ti46 Cypress, Ladd Add. E. JIGS. LARGE airy room, nicely furnished, mod ern, splendid home for business woman, walkingdistance. Marshall 3401. 32S 10 TH ST. Good rooms T hot arid cold water, home cooking, walking distance, sleeping porch in connection. Main T7y5. NICE. large, cool sleeping porch, g la s'-iucii encioeea, ior ivnt t nueman fcr $ a month. Call Tabor 26s 7 WELL-FC FINISHED front room or 2 rooms if desired. 3 b'ocks east Washington High School ; references. Phone East 3330. NICELY furnished front room in private home, near carline, month. u4 E. 3 2d st. 4 75 MORRISON Large front room; double closets, electricity, phone, bath; singl-a rooms. WILL rent to gentleman a nicely furnished. WIDOW'S home, positivelv clean rooms and beds; will board. 310 0th st. Rouuu and Board. more home-like than hotel-like. THE HILL. W ashington at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate taoles ; extremely reasonable rates; worth lnvstigating. Main 7564, A 7033 HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan ; on carline; lo minutes irom business center ; price in accora with general business conditions 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 661. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 ELLA STREET. An American P:an Resilience Hotel. Suites, tingle rooms. Excellent table. A 0211. Main 4611. THE VIRGIN A HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main W263. A 6026. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 Sixth st.. has fine tab. board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. LARGE front room; excellent board; con genial and homelike ; very short 'walk ing distance; rates $0 week, 25 month; oth st. Telephone A L"Mtt. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, downtown district; table board. Elton Court, 11th at Yamhill. Main C953. TWO modern 0-room houses, sleeping porch, tireless cookers. 344-340 E. 17th N., near Broadway. Inquire 047 Weidler. STRYKEK, 554 Couch Choice room and board, reasonable rates. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th ; rooms, w ith or without ij oard ; modem conveniences. Rooms With Board In Private Family. REFINED home in small private familv," on Sellwood cariine, for one or two gentlemen or elderly man; terms moderate. AD 57 Oregonian. VERY attractive front room with fireplace, suitable for two; half a block from Mult nomah Club; fine location. AE 45, Orego nian. NICE clean front room with board, in mod ern, up-to-date home. Fine location; Haw thorne carline. Call Tabor 41O0. Res. 313 Glenn ave. PLEASANT room in lovely, modern home ; home cooking, large yard, 2 blocks from car; gentlemen only; references required. Io-7 E. 7th st. N. CAS A ROSA ' " For young men ; very reasonable. 300 Jelf erson. Main 14f4. NICELY furnished rooms, w Ith or without board, phone Marshall 3657 or A 4500 102 X. 22 d. ROOM, with board, two gentlemen, widow's home. o each. Sell. ls7o. LADY with new btingaiow would board sev eral gentlemen, rooms and 2 meals. Phone W001 1 awn 3 U 6 . WANTED 2 young men to board and room togetner in wiaoWs home; large front room. Marshall 1031. LARGE, airy room, with or without board; inod.T:! home: piano. Uol Wiiriams ave. Woodlawn 2740. YOUNG lady boarder; teacher preferred; home privileges; use of piano. Phone Ta bor 1 7'3. Nii.'LLY furnished room, excellent board, by widow with no children ; 422 Vi Jef ferson. Main 0746. COMFORTABLE room, good board for 2 ladles: walking distance; reasonable. 6S0 Flanders St., Apt. 22. GOOD home for boy or girl; price reason able, more for company; two blocks from school; use of piano. itPo E. 2oth st. X. ROOM and board for gentlemen, with home privileges and home comforts; reasonable rates. 4QB 4th. near Harrison. ONE with experience would like to keep small child: good home, large yard. AE 61. oregonian. ROOM and board in modern refined home, waiking distance, near Hawthorne school Phone East 7199 WANTED Children to board, school age or younger; good home with young people. W t;2. Oregonian. ROOM, suitable for 2. ladies preferred; will board them after Septemoer 20 very rea sonably. 714 E. Madison. East 400O. SEVERAL children that appreciate good home near school ; pleasant surroundings. Tabor 4728. NICELY furnished front room with home cooking ana home comforts, walking dis tance. 466 Market st. Marshall 331. BEAUTIFUL, large rooms, with board; $0 up. Main 63S1. 5Q1 Harrison, near 14th. MODERN rooms find home-cooked meals. 30 N 17th st. Phone Marshall 1003. WANTED Children to board. In need of mothers special care. tast L'cio. RoO.MS, 'ith board, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders, Main 1547. CHILDREN to board In my home; good ref erences. Sellwood 2371. ROOM and board near E. 12th and Market. Ladd's Addition. Hhone East 4M2. DEslRABLE room, modern, Nob Hill, rea sonable. Marshall 3255. USED doors and windows cheap. 6'0 Mc Kay bldg. ROOM, with or without board. 515 Morrison Phone Marshall 4i23. LARGE front room suitable for 2 or 4 347 Hall st. ROOM and board with bath, in elegant re fined home. 400 Clay. 1 . . - --v 1 ''mi nii uua.ii 'r men; 1 walluitg tiistaace. Ecu on u E, 15 o 4. FOR RENT, Rooms With Board in I'rivatr Families. FOR 2 l.tdiea or gentlemen emploved. larte front room, wl furnished, best of boatd, privilege of living-room, phone, pi.ino and bath, in fact, everything that goes to make a pleasant home ; best of neighborhood. 2 minutes off Hawthorne avenue; jitney will bring yu to heart of city m 10 minutes. Tabor 3345. FINE East Side nome for teachers or stu dents; mo i beautiful residence, conven ient location to W. II. S-, F. H. S., Reed l. o I leg e, Richmond or Clinton Keliv schools : every modern convenience, home comforts. Telephone B 3545. or FR 50, Prehuman. MAN and wife can have aocommodatlonsln private lainily in lrvington; large iront room wita two closets and every conven ience, with prtviiet- of entire house. Con genial coupie wi;i tind our home the same as their own. Phorte East 6-01. L1TEN The moM reasonable rent m tiia city for a lovely room ; . new Iv furnished, real home cooking if desired. West Si tie. 1 minutes' walk from Post of : :ce. near 4 schools, ut head of 11th st ; Jn'.tu Jack gon. Phone Mat-shall 701 ; . mornings. CONGENIAL gentleman. 30 to 45." mav have room, private bath, modern tonveniences, use of piano; widow's home; best ot ioca-ns- Hy t near iMd. Room lo. room and brd AM 411. OreKonia:i. a-akue. elegantly furnishod room with r- c piton-rooni and bath, excellent board; new bjuse, p:ano, furnace heat. 10 minutes ride Hawthorne car; rates reasonable. 304 Last I'i'd st., near Hawthorne. KLst 663t. LARGE iisht front room, m.vlv f iirnVh,Crr suuable lor two reis.ns. in modem home. large porch, waiking distance on West lue. A .so nice ume cooking. '..e room. Excellent shall oOiUi. LA KGL front roo m for one or two; exo?i lent board, new furniture, new houe ; p:ano. furnace heat, lo minutes' ride Haw -thorne car; tales nas.:iab;. 304 E. 221, near Ha thorne. East tit Jii. iii-lAL'Tlr L'L largo room, new rurmshe... . not and cold water, steam hi at. tw in teds, dressers, every convenience, good, board. 15 minutes' walk to postoftitv lliin fil. 5oi Harrison, near 14th LARC E beaut if u heat, running furnished rooms; steam good beds, special 1 . el; l ion na :il to 1 in t - t h.nna ing ; close 111, reasonable. Marshall o4u. o:4 Uth st. LARGE FUONT RJ youlitf ladies emplo privileges, close i:i M Suitable for two ol ; good board, home near Hawthorne car. 1 "one Sellwood :vt'. WELL-FURNISHED, large, front room In private lamiiy, incuern nome, with all con voiieiicts: near Wash. H. S. S S. car. 174E.i5th st. WANTED Three young men for large! ele gantly furnished room iu private home, with board. JO per month. 71 Trinity place. Nt.nu 1:547. Room v eel .e nt 1; h oath in it. live home! tv- v. . ii-rsii aoie location: tentie- ii.cn only; walking d. star.ee. leasuiiauie. -W Wyj-. l'ark. Alain 0037. HAVE fine accommodations for school teacher or business people in a tine home wim good home cooking. 725 i'rospect orive. Portland Heights. Main 1057. -A KG E. nice room, with board, in clean, modern Louse, for 2 people; good meals. hom privileges, 5 week. E. Uo75. 30U E. 7th st. N. ONE or two persons to room and board rea sonable, 111 nK e home, w ah lady and uaunhters, use uf piano and garage. Phone T:itor 4 .M . 333 11TH STREET. Beautiful room with sleeping-porch; also larje double room. excellent meals. West Side", c lose in. Main 72 65. TWO lovely front rooms; nicely furnished; best of board. pieasant surroundings, waiking distance and very reasonable. Main m's'.i. WANTED Three young girls for large, ele gantly furnished room in private home, witn board, $'jo per month. 71 Trinity place. Main 2547. R00M a lid board for teachers, in walking distant-.? of Crest on, Clinton Keliy and Richmond schools. 1'hoiie Sellwood 6O0. FoR business gills or students, $4 week up. "Anna Lewis" Hall, 510 Flanders L. FurnihedApartments. BERKELEY APTS. 30 Trinity Place; a ana 3-room apts.; light and pleasant; balconies; central, $17. 5U to $30 uo Mar- shall 19a0. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 2uui and Ella sts.; fur nished 3-rocm apts.; wiui or without sleep ing porch; modern. LAilOX APARTMENTS. 14ih and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartmems, furnished, first-claAs; reasonable rates. Main 7337. MADISON PARK APTS. Park st.. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 -room furnished apart raems. close in. by week or mo 1 th. SHEFFIELD APTS 27 u Broadway soutn; one 3-room apt., 2tt; one 4-ioom apu, all outside rooms; tine view of city and Mount Hood; $30. Main -5Q6. A 31U. $20 PL" RN 1SHE1) AP A RTM EN T. 4 large rooms; heat, phone, water all outside rooms. 1st Hour. 715 Wayne St. 23d and Wash.. Monday. Adults. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. i'arK and Taylor. Handsomely turn is tied 2. 3 and 4-room sui tes ; uesi i oca lion in city ; reasonable. CLAY FOOL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay, Two rooms ; lignt, pleasant and well fur nished ; walking distance; $J0 to $25.oo. iNiain 6757. THE FLORENCE. 368 11TH ST. 3-4 -room apts.. thoroughly modern and clean; roof garden, sanu boxes for chil dren ; 1:5 up. Conducted by owner. THREE furnished apartments, nice, clean; gas, phone, sleeping-porch, sink. etc. ; yard, beautiful view of city. Call at once 562 E. Otli st. 11 IS LOP HALL, cor. East 0th and Haw thorne. 2 and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well Xur nlshed; $12.50 up. Phone East 862. FAMILIES wanting to live near the Jeffer son High School can find furnished apts. at 1161 Kerby st. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room apts., steam heat, electric light, etc., rates $10 to $la. 334 5th. Cos V 2-room suite; kitchen, modern, $12 mont n ; 5oo Flint si-, between Page and Russell: U car. East 1145. rEW CLARK 2-room furnished apts., large kitchen, disappearing beds, phon-e and light free; $12 and up. blti Pettvgrove. MAYO APARTMENTS, r.0314 Union ave. N.. near .Broad wav New, strictly mo(iern 3-romapts. reasonable. ELEGANT front room at the Fordham, 23a and Wash.; C. S. prelerrcd. Marshall 1064. KEARNEY APTS., 5 rooms and bath, nicely furnished, cheap. AJjply manager, 6 72 THE ARCADIA. 70r, Everett, near 22d st. Modern, clean, safe, refined; two and three rooms. ?2ft uo; single rooms. HERMEMA APTS., lorh and Hall 2 and 3 rooms, all outsiue lurnianed apartmenLs. very reasonable. 3-ROOM apartment, hot and cold water, private bath. 72 7 Milwaukie. Phone Sell wood S5. NEAR New Couch School, 4-room apt.. 2 :ind up. The Leouce. 22d. near Johnson. REFINED couple to exchange rent for 01. Oregonian. board gentleman in furnished aparta. A BJELLAND APARTMENTS, 16th joy Choicest 3 and 4-room ind Love furnished pts. ; rates the lowest. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 3 ana --room apartments ; low est rate In city. Corner N RHh and North ru p. 492 UNION AVE N. Sacra mentn anart. ments, new mana gement ; reasonable, clean. Very desira ble. ILAMM eTTsI-y"! COURT. 250 12ih St. By the day, w eek or month; mod em, c lose to P. O.; reasonable; ref. Marshall 2052. 3-ROOM apart men t, all outside rooms; pri- tate bath. Pacific phones ; $15 up. Tabor S"65. B 1035. FA I RMO I "NT APTS.. 260 11 TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, $2o up. close in. Main 2266. THE DEZENDGRF; 90S l fit h Bt. near Tav.or Marshall oioi 3. 4 and 5-room furnished and unlur. apis" CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2-rm apts., $14.60 up. including hot and cold water, light and heat. 323 Mill SL GRAND EST A East Stark and Grand a'vel Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 208. THE DRIt KSTON APTS 44S 1 1 tii st.. clean, cool, 2, 2-rm. mod. fur., unfur. ; pood service. Mar. 57. A 54U&. NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. 5S5 Marsha. i. . Modern 2-room apart ments. $1S to $25. Under new management. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished ; hardwood floors, walking distance; J22.50. Main 1245. CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy 2 -3-room apts. with sleeping porch. $2J to 5AMar 2017. A RDM A Y ' EiTr A C 1-5! 30 5 1 2 T H First -'class in everv respe. t; attractive rates. N E .V furnished apartments; concrete block. $10 and $12. 144 Union ave. N. LAMRROOK E 7th and Yamhill, clean, comfortable, desirable. 1. 2 and 8 rooms WANTED Lady to share apt.. West Side.. teacher preferred. Main 6511. WANTED l.nriy to sh.ire apt.. West' Side; teacher preferred. Main 6501. JACKSON BUNGALOW Five-room modern fiat, ileal, walking distance. 45 4 11th. FURNISHED and unfurnished. $20 up! Tele- phone Marshall 445. W A NT E r Lady to share apt.. West Side, ie.acn.tr preirrecL Main. 6075. (