THE SUSDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTXAXD, AUGUST 59. 1913.. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR INSTITUTE OPENS AT ORENCO FRIDAY Several Portland Men of Prominence in Religious Work WillBe Among Speakers Methodist Women Looking Forward to Convention in Seattle, September 29 to October 6. 10 THE dimI important event ta re l.gtoas rlrriea for tb nr future A wt! id, first lenatl Institute ef th Christian En!Tor I'nton In Ortnn at t I-u- an-l Tunmoor country place Ht.mhr J. 4.. a ami 6. President i.. J. l.uhn!I. of Forest Oror.. wtl preside. Anion th - r will bs several 1'ortand men of In rvliftoua work. Tb JJtf"V!t womn r locking f'Twifij to their National noma mta eionarv ronv.ntlnn that will bs helJ tn ?eatl lerr. tr 3) to October -Many I'ortUn.l wnm.n will attend. A j-tmf of Portland ministers ar af'II awar ori varationa and their pul ptta in fills! by distintrulsbetl visitors. Th l:v. Hobert A. and Mr. Jaffrar. who Cor 2 yeare fca bn na;ae4 In tha missionary work of tha Christian and MvMior.ary Alilane In tha Province ef Kwarc M. South Ct-.lna, and are bow rct'irntnc to their field of labor, will aaak In tb ;spt Tabernacle, rornar r t Ninth and Kast Clay street, at 11 A. M. and 2 It I'. M. Mr Jaffrar l a nn of th lata Rob rt Jaifray. of Toronto. Canada. e t:. S R. Harrison, pastor of tha Ionartty Presbyterian Crutch of Se attle, will preaen at piedmont Prs bvtertan Church on Sunday morning at It o'clork. SubJ-el. -Ufa a Tru I'htloaophr." specla.'r for tha young. UntTerMklist Church Mecca of Summer Visitor. & t'rwea t tMilUi Plata Worm lira, alalraatoo of - day itakooi . l ooatavrad. Tnn tnlvrallst Church, at Broad way and East Twanty-f ourth atreet, baa barn tha m-f for a hoot of visitor IM i'jmmr. Many of tha official of tha general convention and mora ! 1" delecatea from tha con v.rt;.n wara brouaht to Portland to tho wrrk dona Northwest Hearty pr' baa been tttvao It. and j Mr J. I. Corby, tha pastor and super- j lntenlat. for tha rMeirmnl . by j their a-rtClca and rlc. Tentatlv plan rav been talked . ver ftr tha rttrniton of tha work. I r.rLIlv alone Sunday Kdool line. and th plana will b perfected arJ announced In tha near future. KranUr rkt will b tMumnl to day with a otmog by tha pastor. Kv. Ir J. IX r.rby. Tha Sunday a.hool will ho'.d Ita : n I n session at noon. Tha vrrta-er anl tchr ara consld annc na of th moil notel rally day ri. a.. rr lvn In tho rlty. Th rnln rrrli-a will b roaumcd In lbr with a naw and lntratins ftur In th form of a pub;u- forum, whrr currant rtrnta and aubjet-ta of tnlr"at may b tuiKI'irtto. Kmincnt apkra will lead t.i dtaculona. Tha I nlrll a tha homo of Tr'-.o No. I of tho r Pcouta of Anirl.a. haa bao.m th natural hradtuartara of the ut work. ir. Crb. a a-itiit muttrr. drotr much tura t tha b.-)a of tho nrlhhorhHd. and many parrnta havo lhanaad him for h:ptn th boya to b mor aclf rrliant and ti..cful at bom and ai-hool. Tn younc oo;l'a work of thla par ish la to b ml a p ial fratura Ihla yrar with an lrtrt:n proaramm. taurine Mr. Tafl's visit to Portland th committee t.x.k him to the t'niver sallt thunh. the crn.r.on of which ha placed hn lie was President. Home Misiionary Society to Convene in Seattle. Meibdl :plrorat Catbertai ea-bee S to Uevober Will Uta. laseOTtaaf Ptaaa. AN 1.MI uled t IMItl:TAXT B-ttherinr sched- th 3tch annual National convention of th bo-ird of manjieera of the Woman's Home Missionary jiorlr'y Of the Metho dtut rlpisroil Church, to be held from September : to ,ctoter a. Inclusive. Prom all parte of the t'nlted Stares will b carhered protably mor than i aw delraatea and mny times tht numher of vislturs. Intent upon devis-) Ins; wars and mrini tor alilinx and , abeltlni; all forms of missionary work ' now earn. I on ttrer the auspices of ; thi grrit trxantj-tion. Industrial sehooi wr. first estab lished in th Sou.h. and this has been th keynote of all wrk of the U o mn's Howe Missionary Society. Wher ever th mlsioiiry has iron under the direction f IMi ffreat orcanlsatton the people hitve been Instructed In the practu-al as well the rellKtoua af fairs of nr.. Ind'istnai s'ho!s for the nefflected rnountsin vrite children followed tha est-hi..shment of chol for the nero raee. and ':y s.ion' ithrr fields of endeavor railed for Ire lolr hrl of this society, until n.r the work re.hes from ,--sks t. K.'tila. from the All iniu- to the aru across the waters to HssYe I and 1'oitii llti'O. Indi.trtsl itliM.ii. home, orphanages, hospitals, work and city missions. drAi-ones.s work and trainlna s-ho.le : anions: Ifr many means Used. Th nesro and m." "tn whites, the Srtntrds an. t - M--. I. atis. Indiana. Aieut... ef ;krf. th ImmisTrant ar-rivm-. In ;ne. i. a and l lit already e'tl-d in trie Istrlita of our sreat r ii'-s jrt amontf th many losses of p.ot-ie aide,! by the organisa tion. The men' hr r h ii of the V. oman's Home )n..l.iurr Society is approxi mately ! .md a. a field of labor PARABLE OF LION AND DOG IS APPLIED TO WORLD AFFAIRS Weak Nation, Guided by Christian Spirit, Declared Better Than Most Powerful Monarchy With Outworn, Heathenish Principle of Ruling: by Might of Sword. r,.- I.. Mn th.t Is f.WMsi .11 .ln. il)r. Is h " f"C ft .ii..' iM.n a a. M '. t-- :sst 4.- I Ir Is fcs'ttrr brUM tt baa llfr. Tb smallest and . k . t itamc with It fa i : :tr I :sn th tart anj s:ronit Mn( itlt llf. Ttt ln t lna-4 th kins ef beasts: fat is. a lin 1- lila ruar Is th terror cfth Jvnt. V nwr rrvm Inf quarter cxma ta.-lt l him sihen Issue, hi defi ant lila I. I". majesty C eess:t.ia klncnosj. TK. d tt !' tin was. antl Is. th most contempt. b! t.eai la ta srorlO. II Is a Mef. a I Y', A sasenaer. and f f rcs.rJ lla Is a f f - sroa.lL fallow t most woriIss cur I .los't soiMrr t.:". e, im ts iotroa In my text puta tb !ok aad tn M'-b la ruatrast. And yet ton thus, th llTlnc d.-a; Is fcett.r than th llr-n dead. mall and rnottmptiMe toush b la. h la atlll actm sood. Ijf maavs tb dlffrnc. Toi mar ttilnk tni a trans tl for a srnc.n. but thr ta a .treat e rmon la lu Tba bol cat:. e( Ausual U and atudy alonr roclal llnra offers treat opportunity. The unit of organ isation la the auxiliary rilfnclinic up tbrouih tho district to the conference orssnuationa. The first president. to 13SS. was Mrs. Lucy Wrbs llsys. wife of the iTrsident of the L'niird Stat-s. Huth erford B. Hayes. Mrs. Wilbur I". Therk leld. wife of Bishop Therkteld. of New Orleans, la now serving her second year as president, and Mrs. May lon ard Woodruff la National correspond ing secretary. Tha National board of trustaa will held an annual meetlns In Seattle precedlnr the convention proper. I'uset Sound conference is to be host ess to this notable itatherlna-. and plans for entertainment are rapidly nearlnc completion. Mrs. F. E. Carter la e eral chairman of all commit teea: Mrs. John MCI. chairman of delegates, and Mrs. Samuel it. Hoover, chairman ol cuealSL IleKatea and ruesta desirinsT inior- matlon should communicate early wltn tha respective chairmen. All confer- em-ea ara reouested to send $10 on or before September 1J for each d-ea;ate In attendance. In accordance with the constitution. a la San Francisco tomorrow the th World's New Thouirnt i onureas ill open and continue In session tor ona week rloslna: -ejeptemoer a. nrr. aeaslons dally will be held. Speaker of not and ability will be on this aeven- Iday proaramma. The aesslons of this conkrass will be I held In the Mooee Hall, on Jonea street, near Golden Gat avenue. Amon tha few speakers honored with a place on th programme Is Ir. perrr Josenh Green, minister of the Portland New Thousht Temple of Truth. Mr. Oreen has been assigned the topic of "World Pear Throukh the Practice of Brotherly l-ove." to be clven on "Pea. day." Mr. Green haa ban taking ahoot three weeks' vaca tion tn the mountains and at tho beach. He left here Wednes.Uy for San Kran rlsco and will return ScMember 11. Christian Endeavor Workers to Hold Institute. Method and Prlaelplew M III Be IX- II ialberiaa; al Urrara, AN event Kndcav N event of Interest to Ihe Christian vor workers of Portland and vh-lnity will be the first annual Insti tute on Christian Kndeavor methods and principles, to be held at t'rrnro September 2. 4. a and . Tho Institute la In rharce of the Portland Christian Kndeavor I'nton. the proKramme brln directed by Llayd K. Carrick. president of that oricarrsiatlun. and inanaited by Clarence H. Spraieue. The purpose of the four-day Kathtrlnic Is to complete the plans for tiie Fall campalsn of the I'ortland I'nlon and to Incrrase the ef Itclency of the Portland so-iety work ers. ep tally the presidents. Tho leadina featurea of the pro irramme will be addresses by lr. Georce a Pratt. K. Karl Kelk and G. Kvert Baker, of Portlnml; Levi T. Pen nington, presl lent of Pacific Colleite. Nr.wbs.ra- and lt. Charles J. Puhnell. president of Pacific I'nivereliy. Forest Gruwc. K. v. U Myron Hooter, pastor of the Orrnro Presbyterian Church, will bo In thane of all devotional serv ice. rrniay ana rauniij win we . In special c-inf erem-e and on Saturday' e'enln there will be a tv-mire and "stunt " proarammc. Sunday There will I be a epselel church servl. e. followed i by a b...ket luncheon to be served by I the Orrnco Kmieavor Society. Monday. j belntc a holiday, will be itlven over to, I a picnic and prosrratnme of sports. Attendance at the Institute la open, I to any of the Kndeavor workers of this 'vlcln'ly. Most of the persons attend- In will arr've Saturday and stay over Sunday. Many also will come for Sunday only. People evpecflna; to attend may no tify the manaaer at Marshall 6107 not later than Atytust 30. so that reserva tiona may be made for entertainment. Dr. Kantner to Preach at First Congregational. Tfcarastar KvewtwaT Vleetlaa to Be la a face of elrwaao la lr. Hyett, II e Wedae day. KV. W. C KAXTN'Ett, who recently accepted call to the Pilgrim Con- Church, of this rlty. will preach in the First Church, corner Park and Madraon streets. to,luy. At II A. M. his theme witl .e "The Passion for God" and at T:IS "Th Choir Invtslhle." A. Munimt Kobarts will stnic at both services, his solos bclnc "Kc.l ' Parker) and "An F.ter.lnff Praer tltohannan). Mr. Br.nnerd will preside at the orsan. ln Thursdav evenniK. at T ti. a "Chnroh-al-Home eo.'lnl wilt be Itlveli !n the parlora of Ihe First Conitresa Itonal Church. It Is th custom of this church to devote the first Thurs day evening of ra h month to Informal receptions follow tna the regular prayer eervt.-e. I't. lott will conduit ths meetlna this week and the social hour foliowinc will be In the nature of welcome home to Ir. Pyotl. who will return from his vacation on Wednee day. a a a Tlte Fpworth Iaitue will hold a pic nic at Itidseneld on Uabor day. Plans for this outtttk were mvde at th cabi net m"et:nk of the league recently In the V. M. C. A. The next cabinet meet Inst will b on September 11. an lna.(.ropriat tlm to to vrr pro- Hi-tentl); into th matter, so I shall Just touch a few ro!nta ty . of suss tion. Thes srill !o to think absvit till a mor farorabl tim for aermoa-mak-1ns; and aeroioa tastlos. Ymii Mlada Are ret. 1. " A )ounf. sfrowlB- mind I bet ter than an oUl fossilised mind." It Is not batter Id the sensa that It Is stroncer. but In t?i sense that It has flexibility and outcome, and Is bet ter aM to itrappi tli new questtoas and problema of lif aa they arise. Younf nntnds are therefor tn In ventor and discoverers of th world. They ar th drlrlnc wheels of Ita prog ress aad Improvement. They ar not hedged by prejudices and prcconceHtons. They are Dospit abl to nw truths and Ideas. Tbey ar not aver. to thinut and advancement. vhn Harvey aonoum-ed bis irreal dis covery of the circulation of blood, and Janner declared that Inoculation would prvnt amall-pox. tbera was not a physician In Enrland over 49 years of i who accepted their statements. The old fo,stl:ted mind thinks In grow deeper and deeper. It la t s:ave of conservatism and rou tine. It !s weighted down by te cake of custom. ro far as new thlnkins: Is ccccerned. It Is already dead. It pur sues forever the old treadmill round. It mar have been once a mind of great power, of llon-lik fore, far superior In endowment to the younir mind coming after. But th young mind U Hltcr becauae, it la mora elastic and, v ' ' f Lj UL" "JiJ H"' !:l' .'I V; -i"-' . Vie) j aaaVo--a-11 Mre- O.9. aiw ; v..-v . V v !fi . xaz3isszr ,r : . I 'J1' 1 ' ryt, .1 t mm Baptist Leader to Speak Sun day at White Temple. Dr. Jane- Kraaela. of Is Aaaele , W 111 tddreaa Moralac aad Hvei lok Services. Tllbl pulpit of the White Temple will be supplied both morning and even ing by Dr. James Francis, of the First Baptist Church, of Los Angeles. CaL Dr. Francis la one of tha leading; men of the Baptist denomination. He was for a number of years a pastor In Boa ton, where he carried on the work with marked success. The morning service begins at 11 A. M. when Mrs. McMIchael will render the numbers on the organ and Norman A. Hooae will sing "King Ever Glorious" (Stalner). and In the evening "Adore and He SUM" (Gounod). Sunday afternoon at X P. M. Miss Ada Shepherd. Baptist missionary In I'tah. will give an address in the lecture hall that will be of special in terest. In the evenlns at :30 1 M. the young people hold a meeting: of unusual Interest, as Mrs. Mabel Bur ton, state president of the B. Y. P. U.. will be present and conduct the service in the Iiw-er Temple. Swedish Colony Church Is Dedicated in Clackamas. Pleale l.a-rheoas Served by Women aad Debt on Property la lie s' -rest- THE dedication of tho Swedish Church In the Outlook Swedish Colony. Clackamas County. Oregon, last Sunday was a great success. The church waa filled to capacity with an appreciative congregation. Service In the morning was Sunday school at 10 o'clock, with an address by the pastor, after which a sermon waa delivered by Itev, Eric Nelson, of enersoorir. V ash. Luncheon was r.wblo of dealing with new phases of thought. Just as "a living dog is better than a dead lion. t. re teat laadele Are Kx celled. 3. "A humble and Insignificant Chris tian Is tetter than the greatest infidel In the world. lie may not be much now in the way of spiritual ower and moral excellence. He may Indeed ba very imperfect and defective as a Christian. But ba lias in him the germ of a new life that is capable of Indefinite expanslon " Beloved, now we are children of God. and It Is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that. If he shall be manifested, we shall be like him. for we shall see him even as he ta He that bumbleth himself shall be exalted." Here are two inspired utterances de claring with the certitude of absolute knowledge that infinite possibilities stretch out before the Christian. To bebold him r.ow. and behold him by and by when Christ haa completed his work of grace la him. la like look ins: upon a graceful sapling and then upon the giant oak Into which it grows: is like looking upon the rough, unhewn block of rttarble covered with filth and slime, and then upon the beautiful whlie-wlnged angel whloh the sculptor Carres out of It. Eternal Oeseeat la Fwtare. The Infidel has no such life and hence no such possibilities. He never can be more than he now Is. He is greater now than he crcr wlU be afiala. Eternal . V 2 H .,"1" ...St w served In the beautiful grove near the church. The dedication services began at 3 o'clock. The opening programme con- sisted of songs. Bible reading and I prayer. Among the singers was Miss Elva Blanchard. of Oredon, City, whose solos were most highly appreciated. T. B. Ford. . u.. pastor or tne t irst Methodist Episcopal Church In Oregon City, delivered an imprescive dedica tion sermon, and immediately follow ing tlte church was dedicated by the pastor. Hev. John Ovall. assisted by the ministers present. Large donations were received, so that, only a small debt remains against the property, which the trustees plan to take 'care of. The pastor and the church people feel encouraged and ex pect a bright future. . The annual convention of the State Spiritualists Association of Oregon will meet In an all-day session on Satur day at the business headquarters, the home of the honorary president, Mrs. Lucy A. Rose Mallory, Sll Yamhill stn-et- This association was organized in her home on July S, 19)2, and incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon on November 18 of the same year. The charter list contains the names of many of Oregon's honored pioneers, two of whom. Mrs. Ladd Finnlgan and descent and retrogression are his des tiny. The Christian shall grow larger and purer through eternal ages, but he shall grow smaller and meaner. He may once have roared against Christianity with the lion-like eloquence of Colonel In- gersoll himself, but the least In the kingdom of God is greater than he. The humblest child of God. with such stupendous possibilities ahead of him is better than be. just as "a living dog is better than a dead lion. . "A little church. full of love and good woaks is better than a big. cold, dead church, however rich, fashionable or Influential. Tha one may number its members only by the score, the other by the hundred. The one may have no ele ments of social power or worldly at tractiveness, the other may have the elite and culture of a city in it. Love Greater Than Wealth. Tha one may be despised by all who seek church-membership as a stepping stone to place and power, the other may be sought for all such. "But in the sight of God the differ ence Is vastly in favor of the former. It is full of love and life and charity. The other has a name to live and is dead. It finds its exact prototype in the Laodicean church to which Jesus said. "Thou say est 'I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of noth ing. and knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked." - j And he. tells It 'plainly that he lsi JaawMMiauhai t ..a a iswafr& asta-al w -At n r BAPTIST MISKIOXAItr ACTIVI TIES ANU LEADERS I.N WORK. Pleatant Home Baptist Church was dedicated this month. A large number of Portland worKers at tended the service. Rev. E. A. Leonard, pastor of the new Pleasant Home Church, is one of the veteran pastors and is a leader in effectual church en terprises. t The Baptist chapel car. "Good Will" takes the services of the church right into the towns where mission work is needed. Rev. and Mrs. V. C. Driver have charge of the work. Miss Edna Shoemaker left a few days ago for the Orient. She will become a missionary. Her former home was in Gresbam. Ludwig -Larson, have but recently passed away. At the convention artl cles of memorial will be drafted to their memory. The convention will be called to order at 10 A. M. by the president, Kev. j. H. Lucas, who is also a charter mem ber of the association. V isitors are welcome to attend all sessions. First of 75 Missionary Con ventions to Open in Chicago. Prayers of Thousands Aaked for Sueeesa of National Campaign. B1 ELIEVING in the power of old- fashioned prayer, the leaders of the Laymen's Missionary Movement are asking thousands of men and women to pray for the National missionary cam paign, which opens the first of Its 75 great conventions for men in Chicago on October 14. Individuals in private, families at their family altars, pastors in their pulpits, attendants at church prayer meetings and groups specially organized are requested to offer per sistent prayer for the campaign and ail who participate in It. The call to prayer, which has been issued, says the opportunities aa well as the difficulties of so great an un dertaking as the projected campaign of missionary inspiration and education, including the organization of 75 con ventions in the leading cities of the L'nited States, constitute an unusual challenge to the faith of Christian men.: Therefore prayer is regarded aa the1 going to disown it. "I k-iow thy jyorks. that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So be cause thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, 1 will spew thee out of my mouth. And as "a living dog is better than a dead lion" so is a little church full of love and good works better than a great big cold church lacking every evidence of spiritual Hie. Yosis Republic Better Nation. 4. An Insignificant republic with free institutions and face towards the rising sun is better than an old. cruel, tyran ieal. outworn, oriest-rldden monarchy. whose greatness is all in the past and whose history for the centuries gone proclaims it the unchanging foe of liberty and . progress, tne malignant, enemv of the rights of man." There is some future for Cuba, for Porto Rico, for the Philippine islands. There is no future for Spain, tiha is a dead Hon, or lioness. I believe the work done by America in delivering the oppressed from Spain's withering grasp will stand out In his tory as one of the noblest and most un selfish political acts ever done on this earth. In behalf of civilization, freedom, and of humanity. I believe it will be applauded by the right-thinking and the right-feeling of every land and clime, and that posterity will award it the palm for purity and disinterestedness of motive and aim. New nations were born out of our little skirmish with Spain- New gov ernments, filled with, liberal ldeaa and most- important means of- preparation for the .hard workof the.campaign. Seven subjects for prayer include the campaign as a whole, the mission boards participating, cities in which conventions are to be held and the com mittees appointed to organize the con ventions, the convention speakers and the delegates to the conventions. An effort is to be made to obtain written pledges from large numbers of men in each of the 75 convention cities, as well as men In other parts of the country, to pray daily for the success of the campaign. A promise to pray, which is to be signed In duplicate, is part of the call tOi prayer which has been issued, the duplicate to be re turned to the mission board with which the signer Is affiliated or to the Lay men's Missionary movement. Rev. .Alfred Bates wllk leave War- Sunday Church Services CHURCH NOTICES DI E THTTttSDAY Church notices for The Sunday Oregonlan .should be in this office by Thursday at 5 P. M. It Is not possible to assure publication of any notices after that hour. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Temple of Universal Fellowship Service 709 Frankfort street. Take Brooklyn car to Frankfort. S P. M... topic, "Life's Problem," by Kev. Dr. J. H, Dickey. All welcome. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS. Woodmen of tho World Hall, East Sixth and Alder streets 3 P. M., discourse by A. A. Yerot, "What doth the Lord require of thee 7" 4:15 P. M-, praise and testimony meeting. 8 P. M.. lecture by Stewart Mc- tasslck, "Man s giorioua aestiny. . . BAPTIST. First. White Temple. Twelfth aid Taylor streets. Dr. W. B. Ulnson, minister tf:60. Bible school: classes for all ages; 11 ana 7:30. preaching; 6:C0, Baptist Young Peo ple's Uaton. Glen coe Baptist Church. East Forty-flitn and Main streets. Rev; A. B. Walts, pastor B:45. Sunday school: 11. d reach ins by tne pastor; 6:45, Baptist Young People's Union, 7:Xu. preaching by the pastor. Tabernacle, isast Forty -first and Hoigate streets 10, Sunday school; 11, preaching. Arleta. Sixty-fourth street and Forty eighth avenue Southeast, W. T. S. Sprlggs, pa tor Preaching jfU A. il. ana B f. m. Sunday school at 9:40 A. M. ; Young Peo ple's meeting at 6:40 P. M. Goodwill Mission, Fifteenth ana -toise streets 3, address. Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tib. betts streets Rev. Francesco Sannells, pas tor. 10. Sunday school; 11. preaching serv ices; 7, pastor's circle (prayer service) ; S, preaching service; 10:30, short sermon for English-speaking people; t ;ou, preatumg. St. Johns Rev. n.. ym it o race, pastor. Services, 11 and 8. Calvary. East ElKhth and Grant streets Rev. Walter Duff, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pastor. Swedish, Fifteenth ana tioyt wreeis R,v V. Linden. Dastor. Preaching, 10:4a and 7:30; Sunday school, 11! noon; B. Y. P. U., 3. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets -Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 nd S; Sunday schuol, 12.U0. RiiRsellville schoolhouse. under auspices of Grace Church, Montavilla Sunday school, 2:15. Chinese Mission. 808 Burnslde street bun- day school, 7; J. G- Malone, superintendent. First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt. pastor. Services 11 ana 7:ju; ; Sunday school, !:45. bell wood, Bievenin street ana laroma avt-- nu Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor, rreaciniis, and 7:30; Sunday school, lo; a. x. r. t.. 6:30. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. :4d A. u Sundav school: 11. preaching by the pas tor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U-, 7:30, preaching by the pastor. h isrh land, rorner Sixth and Alberta v. Mieir. Dastor. Bible school. 8:43, jf W. Black, superintendent; preaching by th nimtnr at 11 A. Al.: evening-. :jw io . The H. Y. M. C of the Highland Baptist Church- East Sixth and AiDerta streets, meet every Sunday morning at 0:45 for Bible study. Kernnd GemanKev rauj meier, pas tor. S. S.. 9:45 A. M.; preaching service, 11 A. M. and 8 P., M ; B. Y. p. u.. r. so.. CATHOLIC St. r harles' Chapel. Alberta street be tween Glenn avenue ana .bast i nirty-inira street Catechism classes Saturday at 6 : tnw mans Sundav morninr at 8 and nign mass at 10:30: rosary and beneaiction, Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackama streets Very Kev. h. h. K.eiiy, j. i-uw mass. . 7. 8 and 9: hieh mass and sermon. 11- vespers ana Deneaiction, cou. un mo first Sundav of the month rosary proces sion, sermon huu unicuiLiivu, , . , -Sunday, sermon and benediction of the mosi hif-s..rl sarrament and benediction. 7 :30 ; every Thursday evening, holy hour from 7:30 to 8:30. Holy Cross, University Park Kev; c. . Flnner. Low mass. 8:30; high mass ana sermon. 10:30; vespers and Ijenedictlon, 8. St. Michael's (Italians, fourth ana ami treets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, o:60; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers ana benediction. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, -Williams ave nue and Btanton street ttev. w . a uaiy. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9: high mass and ser mon. 10 :3; vespers and benediction, 7 :30. sl Francis. East . Twellth street oetween Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass. 8: hlffh mass ana sermon, i:30; ves pers, instruction and benediction, 7:30. j-toiy Keaeii UI uu.c oiu Williams avenue Redemptorlst rathers, Kev. oseuh A. Chapotan, pastor. Low mass, o and 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; bene diction, 7:30. St. Andrew's, isast ismth ana Aioena streets Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass. 6, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon, 10: ves pers, instruction and beadle t ion, 7:30. fit. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. H. Hughes. Low mass, 6. 8 and 9; high mass and sermon. 10:30; vespers, in structlon and benediction, 7:30. St. Rose. Fitly-third and Alameda--Rev. Cornelius A. Maher. Low mass, 8; high ass and sermon, l u ; vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:30. Ht. Clare's (Franciscan Fathers), Capito. Hill Rev. Capfstran, O. F. M. Low mass. 30; high mass and benediction, 9:15. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D. Low mass, 6. 8 and 9; high mass and ser- glorious purposes, are in the process of formation as a result of it. Future Greatness Possible. Adn however weak and insignificant the down-trodden seem now to be, and incapable of self-government yet will we find that the future has In store a fresh demonstration that "a living dog is better than a dead lion." And who will deny that America, with its free public schools and churches, ita flourishing arts of civil ization, its lofty principles of freedom and- humanitarianistn, is better than European countries with their age worn customs, enslaved citizenship, antiquated militarism. - and crowned kings and queens trying to enforce by the sword the heathenish principle that "might makes right?" Their holocaust of war, if they don't watch out, will prove a prolific pro ducer of dead lions, if indeed, in some cases it has not even now done so. They are all mortally wounded. But the chariot of Democratic Ameri ca, in its glorious career, has ever had and has now an axle no less strong than the arm of Jehovah and a control no less secure than the hand of Christ. Life la Exuberant. It is a country exuberant with life and love and power, however despisea and depreciated by its old, querulous and pugnacious sisters in the sister hood of nations. It is giving a Healthful exhibition of the triumph of love over hate, friend ship over enmity, forgiveness over re- renton on Monday for Vancouver. B. C, where he will visit his sister for one week, returning to Seattle for the Puget Sound annual conference, where he will remain from September 6 until its close, September 13. Mr. Bates will preach at the Clatsop Plains Church today at 11:30 A. M. and at Warrenton at 8 P. M., where there will be spe cial music at the evening service. e The Rev. J. Allen Leas of St. James' Lutheran Church will be out of the city this Sunday passing the day with his family at Columbia Beach. In his ab sence the Rev. W. I. Eck, of Vancouver, Wash., will conduct the services. Rev. Mr. Leas and family expect to be homo about September 3. and all the services of the church will be resumed on Sun day. September 5. mon, 11; vespers, instruction and benedic tion, 7:45. St. Philip N'eris (Paullst Fathers). East Sixteenth and Division 'street. Ladd'a. Ad dition Sunday masses at 6, S:30 and 10:3u; evening services at 7:30 P. M. Kev. William. J. Cartwright, pastor. St. Agatha's Catholic Church, East Fif teenth street and Miller avenue (Sellwood) Low mass, 8 A. M.; high mass, sermon, 10:80 A. M. Sermon and benediction, 7:30 P. M, Pastor, Father John Cum misty, O. S. B. Ascension. Montavilla Conducted by Franciscan Fathers. Low mass at S; high mass at 10:30; sermon in both masses. Dur. in.g vacation benediction after high mass. CONG KEG AHOXAI. First, Park and Madison streets 9:50; Bible school; sermons by Rev. W. C. Ksvnter, D. D. ; themes. 11 A. M "The Passion for God "; 7:45 P. M., "The Choir Invisible" Sunnyside, corner East Taylor and East Thirty-second streets Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D., pastor. Services at' 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:30 P. M.; Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. ; topics of sermons, "The Glorious Mission of tha Church" and. "Short In Stature, Long In Determination." Pilgrim, corner Shaver and Missouri streets-te-Sunday school at 9:45 A. M.; preaching at 11 A. M.; no evening serv ices; midweek service Thursday at 7:45 P. M.; topic. "The Place of Forgotfulness in the Religious Life." Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue al East Thirty-third ctreet. Rev. A. C Moses, minister Sunday school, 9.45; morning wor ship. 11; Young Peoples Society, 7; evening worsulp, 7:45; prayer meeting. 7:30 Thurs day; sermon subjects, "Intercession" and, John and Judas. Laurelwood. Sixty-fifth street and Forty- fifth avenue. C. S. Johnson, minister Serv iees 11 : evenine. 8. oDen air service on church lawn at 8 P. M. Sunaay school, 10 A. M. ; C. E., 7. University Park, Haven street, near Lom bard Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. Sunday school. 10 A. .M.; preaching. U A. M. and 8 P. M-; Christian Endeavor service, 7 P. M. ; midweek service. Thursday, 8 P. M. St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. iu o'clock, Bible school; 11, self-sacrificing service: 6:30, Christian Endeavor. Highland. East Sixth and prescott 'ttev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10. Sunday school: 11. "The answer to the human call"; 7:4.",, "Our service K-ongreuaiionui; in tongues," illustrated; 0:45. Y. 1. S. C . L. Last Side, liust i went let n ana -i.-eiiy streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pajstor. 1'.. Sun day ei'-hool ; 1 1. preaching by the pastor; 6:45, B. Y. P. U.; 7:45, preaching by the pastor. x Tabernacle 9:4... Sunday scnooi; preacn- Ing at 11 and 7:-i0 by Kev. A. J. Ware; 6:30, B. Y. P- 1 Atkinson Memorial. n.asc i wenty-ninm and Everett streets, Frank W. Gorman, min iBter Bible school, 9:45; morning service. 11 : Rev. Horace Mallows, pastor or Ply mouth Church. Los Angeles, will preach. Sunnyside congregational unurcn. conior of East Taylor and East Thirty-second streets Rev. J. J. Staub. D. D.. pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; Sun day school, 10 A. M. ; Junior Christian En deavor, 3:30 P. M. ; senior Christian En- ' deavor, 6:30 P. M. CHRISTIAN. First. Park and Columbia streets Georr Darsiu, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M-; C. E. at 6:45 P. M.; church services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Morning subject. "As we have opportunity"; evening subject, "The childlike spirit." Woodlawn, coiner East Seventh and Lib erty streets W. L. Mlllinger. minister. Bible school, 9:45; morning worship, 11; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening service, 7:30. Kern Park, East Sixty-ninth, corner Forty sixth avenue Southeast K. Tibbs Maxey, minister. Bible school, 9:45; morning worship, 11 : Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening services, 7:30; prayer meeting. Thursday evening, 7:30. Vernon, corner East Fifteenth and Wy gant streets A. J. Melton, minister. Bible school. 10; morning worship, 11; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening services, 7:30. Rodney avenue S. S.. 9:30 A. M.; Chris tian Endeavor, 7 P. M.; preaching by S. R. Hawkins, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Central, corner Twentieth and Sast Sal mon A. L. Crim, . pastor. Rev. C. V. S wander, state secretary for Christian Church, will occupy the t.ulpit 1 1 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Bible class at 10 A. M. and C. E, ' at 7 P. M. Montavilla Dr. J. F. Ghormley, In tha absence of the pastor. Rev. J. C. Ghormley, will speak at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett, between Eighteenth and Nlnteenth streets Services, 11 and 8; sub ject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sun -day school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday even ing meeting at 8. . Second, East SixtlT street and Ho Had ay avenue Services, 11 and 8; subject of les son sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school, 9:43 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting1 at 8. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services, 11 : subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school 11 and 11!: 15; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services, 11; Bubject of lesson ser mon. "Christ' Jesus"; Sunday school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at S. Fifth, Myrtle Park station Services, 11 A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus" ; Sunday school, 9 :30 ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Gospel Tabernacle, corner East Ninth and Clay streets John E, Fee, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M. The (Concluded on Page 11, Column 1.) venge, humanltarianism over militar ism, and Is better Just as "a living dog is better than a dead lion." 'Man's Glorious Destiny" This will be the subject of an address to be delivered by Mr. Stuart McKissick today, 8 P. M., at W. O. W. Hall, East Sixth and Alder. Mr. McKissick is a careful stu dent of the scripture, and his ex amination of the subject of man's destiny, from the divine viewpoint, is very interesting;. All are welcome. Seats are free. No collection.