TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy. PORTLAND, AUGUST 29, 19T5. "i1 "7 LODGE CONCLAVE IS HELD If! OLD CRATER PATFTFTNTDTMa PARTY INVESTIGATES ROUTES TO YAQUINA BAY POINTS Little Ko Four. Alremdj Well-Loaded. Is Taxed to Capacity When Good-Hearted Drirer Hail. Womea Hiker. for Lift Drive to Newport by Motor 1 Found Plettaant, Pythians Conduct Ritual in Natural Hall at Base of Cliffs 10CO Feet High. anewaawawaWaw. MMM aaaa- lilt I 120 A'JTOS TAKE PARTY TrTramnM Ctoodocted Abowt FTrwe at Night, Marie' Cwtru Pbo tocrmph Scene. Trip About Lake lo Scenic Spot Made. bt G- w. kmc lit: J. KOiEBCP.O. Or.. Asf. It. (Special) Leaving M.dford jtmaM IT la aa a teaaoblle for Crater Lak for lba Xaigiu of rythla conclave, our party passed through a portloa ( tha beau t f ul Rogue hirer Valley, crowtd the eteeerc. reached the Onioa at Call ferala Company, power pilot, returned the way we ta4 coma, made abort .top. to aa tie Natural Bridge. Union Craalt (ore loots ara la lava aad Iiomui roc formatlona. and oat oral obleeta of great Intereet). HofiM River Caa yon. He fa Camp, aad arrived at tba laka boat S P. it. When our party stcod Bpoa tha trun cated riaa at a point ! foot above tn surface of tte laka aad looked aat and over tbo m oxpsnea of lia blue waters, we fait tba emotioaa of sub linily la bo .aiall degree. Xavtw Pletarea Take. On Tueeday algal, la a apruca aro-ee Bear tba lake. In tbo light of two huge bo.firee aad lb headlights of throe autoa. two movie f-plctura oparatora IKk a number of (laaalighl pictures af trie camp. Tha meeting of ta conclaa waa celled to orier by E. W. Jagua. C C of Taileican Lodae. Na II. of Hedford, and tr a following programme waa glv an: aluaio by taa bacd: waicoma ad draaa by William (J. steal, snpenntend aot of tbo Cratar Laito National Park; mueie by tba baad: presentation of tia drama, "Damon and l-ythiea.- by Talis man Lodxe: nunc: "cat-acquainted aortal-; lata, by bugler: -lights oot" Tba authorised drama. "LesMa of Friend ship." waa wall randarad aad much aa y y ad. Tfcere waro In attendance more than !) knKbta. bastdea Udlaa. repreeant-In,- . citiee and aTn elates. Twenty four wara frwra Hoeeburg. Nea.-iy all tba knt.fcta nudt tba trip from Mediord I til automobiles. Iwr In tba aame tima 3i other amoa reg istered at tba Government ollica la tha park. Tha Vled'orj band made tha trtn to tria laka with tha Kaiabta of Pytblaa and payad tna first baad mualo ever beard on tha ehorea of tba laka. Ln( Troll la Paoceedeal Farty on Wedneeday morning. Au guat 11. tbo knichta aseembled and b-.an to drecead tha ate p. iiiui trail tnat bacha on tbo rim of tha laka near tia Cratar Laka Lod-e. for tba crater af tVUard laland. On tba e-iore of tba laka an arch bad teen erected, wbara each katcbt waa required to give tba peaaword before aloe admitted through It to tna float Ira; plar lrn which two caaollne boaU carried the knlfchta to Witard Island. Then tbay bad to aacand on the trail tha precipitoia aidea ot tba lalaad. -fter racr;lna; the rim they bad to crend tha bollum of taa cratar at a piKh of about 3d decroaa to a depth of lt fet. The floor tbo cratar l about by i feet, contalnlra; rook a of different eliea homo of them were uaad for the altar and atatloaa. Ta alaattoo of the la Ui4 above the lake la 11 feat. Tha 0 ameter of tta crater at tha tap la about I eat. rtewoea af OrwaCa t oaar I'aaa. Tba oparatora took aeeeral picturaa af tl:e kn'abta In tfce cratar. IB a aaurt time tha ceremonial Paneu- At thta time aboot ,1 candt alatee to'k decreae. amonc tbetn belnc J4.fcn M. Jieott. ;enerl paenar aaent of tte iKu.hrn Pacific Ballroad Com jianv and William .. riteeL flowara ef tle colore of tha order ware found la ine crater. Af;er luncb and after tha Vnlsbt rank had been eonferre.1 upon Si caa e):datae. Iba lodaa cloae-l la dua form. All bad lo return oer the eame root, but tha aavent from the boat laadlea 1., tha rim of tha Uho waa ataap and lakorioua. and eaeeral atopa ware made t raat; and .'O'X f"t had to bo trav eled, where. tha eieeaitoa la a direct 1 M u iwi feet. Soma went to tba KilM of rytMaa encampment and othere to the toJsa. which will be com pleted Beit Jear and modern la aery particular. Talfca Waa a at Ptaaaw At tilaht. around campflraa. there were talaa oo Pjthianlam aad tba baa'c petnc-p.ea of the order by .V K. Wr:Btman- craad caancettor; U R. rtlaaon. grand beeper ef racorda aad aeal. Oua C Moaar. auprama repreaen tattee. aad other, after which many rpl.-ed to tha lodo aad danced to the rauata of the band aata attar rald- ''liiau lode a la to a- coacTata tta4 for be eucceee of ta Ka'chta of Pytbaa corc!ae and for tbalr patae takiac care for t-a tomfart of tba ia ;in kaiaat and tnair famillea. la tha ralf-Mntury-aaro column of Tea korainc rreaonlan tha followlnt; It.aa appaared. kaarmf cata of Aucuel 1'-Ja'onr.Ia. SaVaral of oar cltl aena retarned laet weeh from a la!t ta tsa ret auakan laka. altuated la th. Caavada yi Jntalna. about Ti mliaa rorthaa.t of Jae kaonellla. Tbla lake ra.a tha famoua a:iey of !nbad tha aaitor. It la thoucbt ta aearae u feet da to the ede of tha water . .I;,. a ti. w.:;. loat p.r- pend runniaa down Into the wa fer ani l..'n na b.acb. No Urtr. maa baa ben and probably aeaar will ho ab.e to reach the water-a edg-a. Oo Tur1y morn'.nr. ' our party !e?t tha take on Ita return ee.r the aceeic route, we.l repaid fox aar lnrocenieaco underrpoe. and ar rived a: Vejrord In the afternoon la .mo to ci.aa vp bafor. lakiaaT tba tram for borne at RoaabaraT. ASTOIUAXS MOTOR TO CTTT Trip to Portland la Made la Boor and 31 Minmra. C. R. Kiarma. caabler af tba Aatorla Rational itana. C. a Stoat, preeideal af tna Aat-iria Cbarabar af Commerce, aad J. K. Uratka. editor of the Aalorla lI.y Bud ret. made taa trip from Aa torta to Port'and and return In Mr. Orathe'e automooila Tbo party laft Aataria laat Tuaaday noon, reafhtnf Portland afta'r boura and 1 mtnataa Tbey eaia alont the b;hway which abuta the Co.umhia RtTar. and altbouch taa road waa eomewhat roaah at aome j,ea. tbay kept Tbay report tia I Sa aauaual tmoutl of travel la now oa betweea Aatorta and Portland by automobile. After remainlat hare ever alfhl tba trvo left for tkotr kemae Vedaaaday at i i o clock. - . .. AfZ- r ' " errr' i rrZZLj-- - - ' "Zlf . W? t ' e ---T:, --.v r-w. r- V. ... V -Iv ;' ' saj - - -w v Uren-r ' r ' it . ' - . 'n . .? r , p , j i-. Z- .v-a-;--' k t-a - n .V.- -j r v.-v, . .v - f lv v-;i: .-!; : -'v-...; r-v vvi". -. . v-'.. .. a---VX..- ' ' j-a"vt".itL 1 . JLNT a rldeT- "Sura wa do. -Then toaa ma your paeka aad atep In." , Tbo queatlonar waa Prod W. Vogler. who. aa head and ahouldera of the Nurthweat Anto Company, anjoya tbe aelUnir prlvilasaa of Lba Rao aad Cole pleaaura care for tba entire Northweat. Tboaa queatloned were Martha Jeake. Vlinnle Jeeka and Clara Nlelsea.. three JaacUoa City flrta who eat out nearly a month ago for a :S-mile walk from their home to tbo coaat at Florence, to Newport and back homo over the mountalna aad through lba Willamette Valley. Tba placa of the conversation was not far taia etda of lodetl. a viuaaja In tba Coaat Ranao Mountalna that waa firat put on the map by a Vale grad uate who bora mat name. When Mr. Vo.ler Invited tha three women hiaera to ride, hia hva-paaaan-ir. four-cylinder Rao touring car al ready waa loaded to tha brim wtth tbe member a of aa Oregonlan pathflndlng party and attendant luggage that tba aturdy Rao had banled from Portland to Newport aad back over tha moun talna witkout a whimper. Road Investigation Area af Trip. It waa n't a pleasure Jaunt by any meane. Tba purpose of tba trip waa to find out tba condition of Ibe roada from Portland to Yaquina Bay polnta and to give Oregonlan reader, tha ben efit of that Information. But tha Incident at tbo roadside and tba eaaa wtth whtcb tbe Kao Jerked that monumental load over tbe road to DeUlaa did more than I Host rata the blg neaa of tha heart that baala behind the rlbe of P. W. Verier. It did more than demonstrate Mr. Vogler'a com plete faith la tbe car and the truthful neis of that 'trade-marked byword. -You Caa 1h It With a Reo." It was a testimonial to tha high quality of tha roads betweea Biodgett and Dallas, for Mr. Vocler-. car. with Ita double load of panaanaers and lucrsre. Bailed over that 31 mile of road la leaa than aa hour and a half. Tha motort.ts of Portland have bean passing up a pleasant opportunity these many years by not patronixtng the drive to Newport. Pr almost all af tha 11 mllea the roadway from Port land to Newport via Dalles. Blodgett aad Toiedo are now la splendid condi tion. There are intermittent stretches that axe good and fair only, but the road averasea np to a hlga atandard and there la absolutely no road that caa truthfully be called bad. In setting out for a trip over tbe mountains to Ui beach the motorlat Is apt to sink Into qualms about Impoaal bla trlla and other dira thing. There ara a good many bll'.a betweea bare and Newport but almoat all of them ara of tna rolling variety that are amaatae; rat bar Uiaa terrorising. Tha ot.s along tha road Ih.nk the road tear rtoneer Mousta:a. between Cpitwood a-:d Toledo, la about tb flal teat ta blUxrllmb.ng. They bad ua scared moat ft deata about that Pio neer HUL The women folka threatened to Jump out and walk tba rest of tba way. Even the veteran Mr. Vogler. wbo 1. said to have organized tbe worlds first automobile stage line in tba mineral lands of Nevada about a couple of decades back, grew a bit nerroua and teethed hia cigar Into breda. Mill Cllaak Xet Xetlced ay Party. Biit lo and behold, when It came tima for Pioneer Hill to loom up above us wa looked and kept on looking for something tough, and after tha Reo bad vaulted over a grade for a little mora than a mile, all of the time oa Inter mediate gear and with breath to spare, wa learned from paaseraby tbat w bad conquered tha so-called terrible moun tain. Wa had a good langb about tbat bill for tbe rest of tha arternoon. The writer la willing to grant that tba Rao ta pretty much of a eucceaa as an automobile, and also that Mr. Vogler can give most of tha boya cards and spades when It cornea to driving, but ha will not grant tbat Pioneer Hill la a terror. Perhaps a car with pneumonia and manned by a malted milk driver would fall by tba wayside, but Pioneer Hill la no better than tbe average car and the average driver. If you ara one of those persons who insist on compari sons, it doesn't hold a candle to tbe old Uatourell Hill and to tha hill around Mitchells Point. It wa. hardly daylight when we aet forth for Newport via tha Terwtlllger boulevard. Bertha aad Multnomah. While tha County Commissioners are tinkering with tbe road betweea Mult nomah and Tlgard It la necessary for motorlat to make a detour by way of Garden Home. There ara eigne Just outside of Multnomah and Tigard on either end to guide tba motorist to tbla detour. Thl. road, by tbe way. i. hirh with dust and amount, to perhaps the mort Itvagreeable road between Portland and Newport. But It doesn't laat more than Ore mllea Then you come back on tha main highway at a point 11. 1 miles from Portland. On going aouth you must take tha right road Juat acroaa tha track, from Multnomah and on coming; north tbe detoar lead, to the left not far thl. .Ida of Tigard. From Tigard on we found tba road In One condition all tha way to Dallas, a point our speedometer showed to be t:.X mllea from Portland. Tha road connecting Tigard and Rax. long fa moua aa tbe worst road tn tbla coun try, la now In perfect condition, and a la the highway that laada on to New berg. Dundee and Dayton. Tha motorist baa two optlona from Dayton to Dallas. By keeping tha di rect road, aa we did. at a point about two aad a half mllea tba other aide of Dayton be la taken by way of Kick rea.L Returning wa cum via Perry dale, and wa found that tba Dallas parage snaa bad told us tha truth whan Ibey aaid tha propoeltioa waa about half a dosea of one and all of an other. too me body baa made a faux pas on a road slck. Wbert our speedometer HHiSBORO -' L--jk'55Ef30N V- 9 i CITY TALJS jrj ' I city TV r ijNvAU.'EV -LopcrTT j read 19 mile, from Portland wa aaw a sign that almost "shouted" 41 mile, to Dallas That aign i. not quite 20 miles off. But In the Held close by we spied fully 20 China pheasants, so we soon forgot the circumstance. In and about Amity ara aome wonderful wheat fields, aod between Rickreall and Dallas we saw some rich oreharda and a beauti ful country. The four and a half mile, of road from Rlckreall to Dallas Is par excellence. In fact there ara three roada with a smooth macadam surface In the center. Dua compliment already ha. been paid to tha road leading on to Blodgett from Dallas. The Blue Book touring guide carries a detailed og of the road from Dallas all tba way to Newport, but that guidance la acarcely needed, for helpful signposts are the rule, and the roads are so good you don't care much whether you go the long way or not. . Between Lewisville and tna town of Kirrere Valley we crossed the railroad tracka and tba Luckimute River numer ous times. Soon after Blodgett come. Ladd Hill and five or six mile, farther on the motorist reaches the -summit of tha Coaat Range mountalna. The grade, are rolling and tba climb ia so gradual that the bllla ara hardly noticed. Before tha tourist know, it ha 1. driving down Little Elk Mountain and through tha valley of the beautiful Uttle Elk River to Yaquina River, which bob. up now and then almost all tbe way to Newport. Tbe railroad ta left tbla side of Pioneer Hill, a hog- AGED MAX WTTH BUT ONE ARM DRIVES ALTO ACROSS COUXTBT TO PORTLAND. t f ... ... , j W;f; , - t . - . f - t ''J '- --..' , f : . ",'k . . ... -a ...a ,) : . A.. i-ra.f . ' Xv 'iX-J. ' v . y- " ' . ' I ? ' -;t,a - . 1 . f.-:; , t . n . . - 1 7 4 f i-'i?- Y - a- ' i -i" ,. i - 1 Ml. a U atatk. htAaUUh - a 1 1 1 w ilAL, 1U. aAl) llaavi aLaU At-lOAlOalH.ii Every Man Wants a Six In other words, any man that knows what a six is by having driven it will pre fer a six to a four, and when a six can be bought at such a price as we now have on the aiitchell six of 16 and you can get such a six, one that has power, snap and get away, is easyridlng, comfortable to sit in and a joy to drive why look farther? . .... . v. . .. Our six of '16 we are selling at the price of a four. If you could afford a four last year, you can afford a six today. We have not been able to .make deliveries recently, but now have stock. See us. Let us demonstrate to you that this is a car that will do the things you want to do in the way you want to do them. ' PRICES66!. 7 Pass. . .$1250 .-.$1285 8 CyL, 5 Pass. $1450 F. O. B. Factory First and East Morrison back mountain ridge, and It lsn t long until the lnleta about Toledo are reached, and than, not far this aide of Newport ara the Yaquina hilte. Machines Average X tm SO Dally. At EddyvUle and Chitwood. ' towns Intervening between Blodgett and New port, wa learned that an averaso of 20 or SO machines had passed back and forth each day during Jtbls Summer, but surprisingly few came from as far as Portland. Nona of tha tourists who have taken tha .trip fail to praise the scenery through the mountains and down the slope, to Newport. Tbe woods are of that delightful green with many complimentary shades, and everywhere peace and comfort beckons to the trWben'" Mr. Vogler pulled the cool and powerful Reo up at the Hotel Ab bey at Newport on the afternoon of out statrt. the timing watch showed a min ute past four. We bad been on the road elightly over 10 hour.. Wa count ed three or four of tha main stop, ag gregating 104 minutes and it Is safe to aay that the many Incidental .tops reduced our actual running time to eight hour.. If anyone makes the 137 niile. m much less than eight hours Mr. Vogler aay. he ia not getting all tha pleaaura there ia In tha trip. There ara all aorta of places to drive by machine near Newport. One of the favorite places for fishermen Is on the Sileta Indian Reservation. There Is a good road leading to the Siletz country and It Is also possible to drive through Fall. City and the wonderful Siletz country to Newport, thereby cutting what 1. claimed to be SO mile, off the running distance from Portland to Newport , ' This road via Fall. City was complet ed only this year and" those who have traveled It declare that It Is still in the rough and they advise all motor ists to keep off for this year at least. Falls City, the interior termlnua of thia new road, may be reached by turn ing off from tbe main road to the right at a point 5. mile beyond Dallas. By ferrying across to the south beach the motorist who love, fishins can also drive over the beach to the Beaver Creek. Waldport and seal nocas terri tory that abounds with both fish and game. Newport Resort Read Planked. A level plank road connects New port proper with its famous beach re eort. Nya Creek, where most of the Summer cottagea are located on the shores of tha ocean. Newport la sit uated on Yaquina Bay not far from tha bar. At Nye Creek machine, can be driven an the beach and at low tide there la a clean aweep to Agate Beach, a comparatively new resort that nestles at tha inner edge of the long cape that holds the lighthouse. Even at !high tide the long stretch of beach from Jump-Off Joe to Agate Beach can be reached by a good road over the bills. It took The Oregonlan, pathfinding party two days to eat up about all of the appetizing sea food dispensed by the Abbey, -and we also enjoyed a "gorge" at Idaho Point, a place on the south beach pretty well inland toward the town of Yaquina from the south Jetty. Idaho Point is said to be the only community "in captivity" that is ruled by a 17-months-old girl. The queen of Idaho Point la Betty Dunn. tOO OF Al'TO TRIP FROM PORI - IiAND TO NEWPORT IS PUB PARED BY PATHFIXD IG PARTY IX R0. Time. Place Miles. A. M. Oregonlan building, Portland ......... Bertha Multnomah ....... Garden Home Greenburg .. Tigard .......... Rex Newberg Dundee ......... Dayton ........ Amity Rlckreall Crider'a Garage, Dallas ..- Lewisville ...... King'. Valley ... Blodgett 0.6 . -1.0 . 6.0 . .l . 10.5 ..11.5 . 2J.4 . 25.5 . 28.4 . 33.5 . 44.1 . 57.7 , 2.2 1 Arr. ' I Dep. . 73.7. 84.5. 5:25 5:3l 5:40 5:49 :00 6:04 6:30 6:45 6:5t 7:05 7:36 8:16 94.9.. Eddyville 111-5 Chitwood 116.9 Start Pioneer Hill. 122.5 Toledo 128.7... Newport 137.6... S.2S 8:57 :50 ..10:26 ..11:20 P.M. ..12:38 .. 1:07 . . 2:33 .. 3:03 .. 4:01 Several stops not Indicated. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Dunn, of Payette, Ida. Betty is a good poli- tician. It i. more fun than a circus to see her raise her little nana io xpe say three times and cry. "Three cheers for the working man." Our trip home didnt vary much from the Journey over except that we en joyed it even more. We didn't atart from Newport until nearly 1 P. M. and we reached home about 10 that night, thus avoiding all beat. For a share of tbe way we had a fall moon at our backs, which helped some, and the roads were still crackerjacke. On the whole trip there is hardly any cord uroy. We found Pioneer Hill to be two miles In length on the far aide, but the Reo climbed it at a 20-mile-an-hour gait and Mr. Vogler was led to remark ' that anyone who didn't like that road didn't know what good roads were. From Dallas our course led by way of Perrydale and McMinnville, through country where golden wheat fields and bunches of green trees made a won derous picture. This took us three miles further, but Mr. Vogler was driv ing like a veritable road demon and . the 62.1 miles were covered by the Reo tn 2 hours and 45 minutes. In spite of the dust the roads were fine. Our total elapsed time for the return trip was 8 hours and 25 minutes, and the actual running time was 7 hours and 46 minutes, which proves, all over again, that Mr. Vogler is "there" as a road driver and that the Reo is an automobile all the way through. AUTO FREIGHT CAR SHOWN O.-W. K. & S. Co. Invites Dealers to Slake Inspection. Automobile dealers in Portland have been Invited to inspect a new type of automobile freight car now on exhi bition In the Portland yards of the O. W. E. & N. Company. Tbe car is designed particularly to accommodate autos in set-up con dition that is, machine, on their own wheels. It is 50 feet long, and high enough to carry two tier, of machines, one tier above the other. Its aides are of solid steel. It haa aide doora. ar ranged diagonally across from each other eo tbat a machine can be run into the car and turned around Into Its natural position. The Onion Pacific system la having built a large number of these cars and is seeking tbe advice of automobile shippers on details of construction. -' HIGHWAY STRETCH COMPLETED Work Progresses Rapidly on Cow litz County Road. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) There has been 3.S miles more . of the Pacific Highway Just completed , south of Kalama at a cost of 812,507, and worlc is progressing rapidly on a similar stretch north of there. Porter & Conley were the contractors. It is expected that by Winter a fairly good highway will have been built t&rougn Cowiltz County, leading north and south. HERCULES S rl I I tires rl i W 7000 miles Auto Owners Attention About Hercules Tire Adjustments Hereafter we wfll make any adjustments we may have on a basis of 7000 miles. -Heretofore we have guaranteed for 5003 miles, bnt the replacements have been so small and the average has been so far in excess of 7000 miles that the manufacturers of this FAilOUS TIRE feel safe in increasing: the mileage instead of lowering it, as so many other tiremakers have been forced to do. Fionre the cost per mile of any other tire you may be using and compare it witn it-a-CULES, and you will find HERCULES TIRES in the lead, and besides, your mind will be at ease when you know your tires are- right. . r. All our stock is new and fresh from factory. We want you to come m and see WHY. and HOW we can increase your mileage with HERCULES TIRES. HERCULES TIRE SALES CO. We are distributors for State of Oregon and want live agents in all sections. Phone Broadway 164J .102 Oak Street Between Fifth and Sixth .Portland, Oregon