The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 29, 1915, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Carolyn Wilson Sees in Spirit
of People Signs of Im
portant Action.
Mar to sBlf" I .rrrplrd Now In
ttmur Great Motor Lorrlr.
Rallrosvai.. Can. . m ra a-
Itloa Ready for Activity.
be aralUM In tul of wr h -
umt deflnit form, accordlna- to an
mxli bar today by Blon
J. Araold. " .
The urt'on w taken up by in
American Society of Clell Engineer,
th American Institute of MInln. J-nt-ceera
the Aicirlraa oclety or Me
cbsniral Knaineer. the American ln
stitut or fcltrlcar Kni ineere and th
American Institute of Consullln Entri
r.frrr Karl, appointed committee to further
the inurement whlib baa now become
consuhdated br the appointment. Just
announced, of the chairmen of thes
committee as merr.bera of a Joint
committee to taae charae. In co-operation
wit the War Department, of the
TSe FToropeaia war. accordlnc to
mfUiilvri wa "
tbat enlier r needed on a acale
hitherto unKnown-
fr.Ti,,-. tali. ; Trtt
rut. au'l w
FARM. Aos. WH.ther It
Vveparatin'n f -r or aralnst a t' offen
,'t tmini. I n l know, bat tM-re
re ardent ctietti.a aroineT on behind
the whole rrenri line
Tfcesa d.jre bn pernlsslonalre. are
as plentiful a d4-tlun In .-prlnr-eime.
one learns much more of actml
re,.,. an-1 prosoe-t than er.r before.
Not tbat l th-e m.n tell are eoofl
aierr. tJl tr tncther a blj
tiers an-t a bit there, one rok almo.t
a strsiaht mmt!. and tiethln hss
been el.arer to diecera durinar the.e
pant two sr.eks than le about t
be -som.thlne 4irf on the rrench
front. ,
One telle Tn of the town toward
the ta.t whlcb be be-n rlrared M
elelll.n. be telle oa It U '; ,h
t qu.tlon w tweomin so diffl-ait
to hand e. b-Jt h! -ropaln" eontrad'.cte
Mm and ' It I b-cau.a there are
to be bta- moTeroent that wsy and the
arwir need free nop. and cent be
troubled br the presence of elvll.ana.
And a third say. It I. Jn.t bet.ow dur
tos the bombardment so many or there
-were r-ttioc hilled tbat It Is f r tnclr
own rood that they bar been sent
Cans Kery S reed.
Tna ouht to see th cannon at
one place I mlcht mention, but 1 ""
ear a husky "Why. they
crowdej op so many. .:. In Just one
section, that ther r ot ! of em
alona a etrefh : "et.ra
as that l only a ml. and that would
mean one errr SJ feet. I may hare
looked Incrednlou. but be Bare me no
time to escreee my doubt. -And the
r.w mltraUleu-e.: U Ih.y are prette!
American, you know, and wonJers.
tbey II maka me nl.-o little present
to the tlochesr
Another men told me ..f the sn'end'd
new motor lorries ror tran.i-rtin the
heavy cannon oeer bad rod.l - ney are
simple enormous, ft'.l trie a hole street
as tr;ey lumber br. and v ",r
he.le with an l-lnch Mm is
perforated 3aln an I acmn to let the
mud pa troul.-h when thry are baul
tnsr orer bed road.
Or there I the o'her kind, the mbeels
- . . . m . I - thoee of eome
r our frmln machine flrllble
bande held In pta. by Other HRht
Vng hear that there are ""r"'"
road. beiee b'it e.errwhere. " h-t
here yoo been tllr.T lately'- yea ak
a man from a certain eeitlon.
-i jixinr. mini-!-, and rlearln-
ed for new rHroid.-
Moewra Dyed Khaki fober.
Pometim be tells you Ihit he has
bn d.m bore. and Ma d rlpt'..n
of the poor ftas.d trns ea they con
template ertitle -hue or lla. k
hums dyed with henna to a losttous
khlkl l lootmu-lnc.
-Sure and Mi apprentice my-ir .o a
balrrraeer when I'm throuh with the
war" said a blue-ey.d Irlhmn to me.
"Tie a fine t.u.h o red Id b s;lrln
ta the ladl" blr. what with me
knowiedce of mlslna the atuff. be It
f.r blondes or brunette or now
The l nll.h are said la be eominc
eer In number. And to
a rath' - nshuna remark on the part
of a cti:-n about their rla-btloe nudi
ties a Krenci a..ldi.r spk up yery
ajul.rkly la their defense.
Teaekj Adealre BHIIek.
-There ln-t a lnch Idler who
tia the new men a ho are comma:
i.r l.iay thoee who he hd the
full tralnim but admires them. be
aal.l "Vo.t of ue rrer.rhmen bad trre
years" traintnc. and Bow a year whl'-h
la better than all the tralnin In the
world. lu these b..e at best haen"t
bad but elibt months or ome of
em lea. And yet Ih.y flht with an
sndunns- p-wrr and patience and stolc
l.m whi.-a l.a.cs nothins to be d'slred.
The rtt ft ehara.terl.tic are there; the
eapert.n.-e and tactical education t-t
the ll come In time. I don't
. . t -... t.rr erud of the way
I behar.d th- rt month or the war. certainly wesnt much Intelli
gence In It hy rtpect tbera to
come oer here perfect
-Mr iod. we'll tithl. dU.nt worry
about that.' aid a man In khaki a ho
bad come up during the preceding
speech. -They'll all nrht. When eny
toe baa n ah. I my reetment saw
1 days a there ta no thought of anr
thiaa but flshtma and hlllin In his
an I i-l It er to the bmfe n-w -
-I should say It aa.. took up a
STench e-i4ler. " I JM knleea.
We all bar them, and I tell you
I,, craweome after the borobardin
when yoo into the trench.a and the
few litna are hiding perbapa and you
Ko forward aith your ba..n.t and a
,h.n knife. . ih't't nothinc better
In that svrt of work than a short. d-a-.r
l:e knife with a firm handle, lou
, - h went on cheerfully, -you re apt
to ruin your bayonet, break II off In a
bodr or onethiti. and you hate dom
that we are all denoted to our U.salte."
Hut a knife is much better, and though
It vent a.r.t the gram to us there
at rt. th" other side ha them, t".
and they are much fairer than either
potsoa gas if the fame.""
Aatledpatloa fJa Aaatety.
evi. .mm of anticipation of big
things l a g.-d thlni Jui.t now. for
It complet.ty carries th props oer
any araicty that they might bae bad
,,t,r th turn aSaif be taken in
Ku I a- .
r.nally. I can't understand the
calm acceptance of the loss of I'oland.
1 has yet to find th Frenchman ho
Is at all peiturbed by It, or who sees
In It a menace. Th fict that th tier
man will now be free to send bug
numbers of troops to thi frontier
ea t seem t worry them at all. In
fact- they scarcely admit that It Is P"
slble. And to the statement that the
tiernvans hae g.-ln.-d many material
things by taking I'oland material and
natural resource which a ill mak th
war continue longer. If It fnally re
aolee It.elf Into a duration of material
war they say that that Is possible, but
ao matter bow lorg th war go on.
,h. rrencb will be the last one out
fA"for meeelf. I don't tak nearly o
rbeerful a lew of th troop about to
be released, and I oniy hope that rery
thlng her Is In "apple pie" order to
gret them whea they am.
Itrwnr Corp Martenl.
CHICAGO. An I. Th moeement
begun In n tntatl way laat Uprlng
ta Xm a rtaarra cr oT nlara l
Berlin Haa wa at Mlaklag af Oa
daall (raker aad Deatrayer by
fabaaaHaea Off JatlaaaV.
i nv-THiv i .ir ;i .rreiiftd br cen
sor V A dispatch to tha Central Nawa
(rum Amsterdam say:
-A semi-official telegram from Ber
lin stair that th British Minister at
Bucharest haa asked th official news
man official report of August II was
inienleci.- Thl report rrierrj to an
attack by German torpedo-boat near
it rtirr Iieht.hin. off tli Jutland
coast oa August IT. when a small Brit
ish cruiser and a Brmsn aosu-oyer
ar stated to bar been suck.
"iMritin in rurthee Information.
It Is declared, tha British sia were
surprised by th attack or tno uermnu
torpedo craft and that tha cruiser,
which belonged to th Aurora clasa.
sank within four minute, th detroyer
being- Immediately afterward struck
oy a torpeao.
No statement ha been Issued by th
British Admiralty In rgrd to th
declaration In tha German Admiralty
statement receld on August l. tbat
"a small moaern eriunn v.e
a iDrpmeuv! . .
off th Jutland cot with torpedo
in an ataca oy live nwiii v m v.
torpedo-boat flotilla.
Germany Tells of Accidental
Flight Over Holland.
CerrniaKat Pakllcatlea Say a If Allies
ataaa. Arrlaa la rtwbable.
eiOFIA. Bulgaria. la London. Aug. J.
An Inspired statement appearing In a
publication controlled by tha govern
ment contain th announcement that.
If condition affecting Bulgaria should
be modified by the granting of Bulga
rla'a territorial demands "to uch an
. - aA ..It trtr Intervention In
. v v.i. I mm w -
th war. lh novt-rnm.-nt will convoke
I-arlUmcnt mmpUtiriy.
ctln of the oppolton In Pnrl.mfit.
. a .1 a .ta amrila ! tt A fttt II 1 tl tt
pUDI I (.al bun V nanuiM....a '
th atmut of th pcovernment 11 con
trary to nm ini?rri v. u
. . .-- .e,.vnjliii, nf PavrllA-
I ni immrqiatv sj-. . , - -
m-nt dfmanded by th oppoitton.
a. . . . ...laln.rl trial It ! thn 1H
pUOIIt .U"M a-K. x . . ' '
trntloR of tho 'blnt to ahor to H
policy of neutrality except in the event
. . w . - xfiiahari from Riilcarla
under the treaty of Bucharent mttr the
econd HiKn ar ar .r-i
.... .bsAtit s-sn ri 1 1 to n b po mod I-
.1 I. rf-minil interrentlon.' the
atat-ment roncludea. tho government
1U immediately aummon Parliament."
r- n-ii.-ni I heir Krtlrrafion llc-
glne S.latr-Vlde Motrmrnl.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Aug. S. The
. . nt the t'onnectlcnt
IWlIlliw iviu - -- -
federation of Labor met her y
lormulat plan lor a '--'"- -"
- ' . -..-V.... work dar.
paign tor ne ----- J
Julius . Ptremlau. president of the
a . iinlnm In
rederallon. oeciareu .. --
. . .... ...t. are asking that
very city m " -
th federation bring about a campa.go
for the snorter wora o-j-
-The sucve.s of th morement In
Hrldgepott. whero S concern ha
g.yen the eight-hour day without a
cul- said Mr. Stremlau. "shows
! ...i . iu.ti.-e of th demand made by
workinginen la being conceded."
Maatrra of Sugar Lighter Accnard
of Mrlne; Iloale to Mrhl Cargora.
NKW YuRK. Aug. SV Three cp
tair.a of augar lighter, a mat and an
alleged receiver of alolen good wr
arreet.d here today on charge of
grand larceny ami recelrlng atolen
property aa the culmination of a pollc
inse-t. gallon of numerou uar nre
aboard Teasel at dock her and after
leaving thl port.
Th tires, th poll.- assert, were et
to cover up wh..leal theft of ugar.
although at th tim It appeared aa If
tbry arvre part of an organised at
tempt to prevent lb sugar from reach
ing the allies.
Arorrk-an Ambassador at Paris Hont
to llaron Klkujlro Islill.
Berlin Has Hcporta of Depression
In Cur's Reailtn Doe to Contin
ued of Toe Soldier
Without Fyod or Mnnltions.
BERLIN. Aur !. (By wlrele to
Sayvllla.) Th Overseas New Agency
today cava out th following:
formed tha Dutch government that on
August J a ueruiKn aiieii.o,
from Its course by contrary winds, flew
over Dutch territory. As soon a th
commander noticed that he was on the
wrong course he changed the direction
of the airship. Strict Instructions hav
been given to commander of airship
to avoid flying over neutral territory.
vrnaniMiion ui v.i ..
. .... CC. AAA M.mKA.. ). V M
empioree, wi.ii .av.vvv
collected fSIS.OOO for the support of
lamiiiea ui iiir-m . . i w. --
lion wno are in. nwuh-
p-.i.hln. Rerlln
state that tha rapid succession of Ger-
. . . .. . .
man vicioriea nai . u v "
all over Russia, especially at I'etrograd.
. .i . w ......)... The
wner inrrv is muni ... .". u . . ..
earlv loss of Vllna. Uvtnsk and Grodno
la expected. Captured Russian from
all part or in troni niai u
wera witnout otiicers anu aoe w
munition or food wa distributed.
"'Messages received here from Berne
.a.. araanaaeal ataff d-
HF Ifiea. . 1. " r "
Clares that Kugen Gilbert, the French
aviator a no escapea irvm 4 ....... -
after being Interned, had not taken
back hi promise to mko no effort to
escape. On th contrary, he broke hi
paxola and fled.- ,
Fire-Year Sentence GlTen for Kill-
In. Resulting from Fray In Club.
PAN FRANClfOO. Aug. 18. Judge
Franklin A. Griffin today sentenced
Menrv Mohler to flv year In San
Quentin Penitentiary for the killing
of Paul Lyon, li yeara old.
Th crime wa commmeu -.
lli. In a young men- oclI club dur-
ng a Quarrel over a reruaal oy tne
club to elect certain young men to
(.ratlc Added at La Center Scliool.
. . - . '-r t- TV'. -ft. S.iar 9 1 ( S ni-
clal.) Th LaCenter school will start
September U. One more grade and on
more teacher will be added. The teach
ers thl year will be: i-rincipi u.
. , 1 lflth a-r-a rl . M ' Mlsa
1 1 W 1 11 II. llllllii . - ' ' a-
Moon, seventh nd eighth grade: Ml
A. ScOlien. n 1 1 II anu e.... '
.. ... ...I.J Iniirfh erarlea:
C . UlflQll, allllia . " - av.. ... .
alls M. Slgel. primary. A contract wa
.. . . a I I J . .lav .Vtawt
let to A. nansen ' uurni r "
n r the school for $Sl.
Why's "Gets-It," for
Corns, Like a Kiss ?
Because Everybody Trie It, Every
body Likes It, It'. Painless and
Takes But Moment
to Apply.
"Oets-IC 1 the wonder of th corn
pestered world. Millions say ao be
cause millions huve used It. Tht
It the Olggesi selling
-Xeverlo My Jtlf " l!lLir
tiascaij and iiaglcally aa 'OaU-iu
corn remedy on earth toddy. "Oets-U
will surely get -that corn or callus
you've been trying for a long time to
get rid of. take It right off clean as
a whistle." Apply It In 1 seconds.
nut your stocking and shoe right over
t nothing to tlrh. ','h," ,h"rA:
You needn't fuss with thick bandage
that make a package out of your to.
No knives, raxora and scissors, no tape,
no troul.le. I fa simplicity Itself, sure,
quick, palnles. Try It also for bunion
"'..""'if" Is sold at .11 druggist. ISc
a bottle, or sent direct by K. ''"
2 l'o. Chicago. Sold In Portland by
The Owl lrug Co.. 51 lor on the
pa.-lfle foa.t.
For that "faired
out" "tired out"
feelinf tbat comet
orer yon this time
of rear, there i
nothinf so jood as
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
aU r taee
PAU:?. Aug. : William G. Sharp,
the American Ambassador.' and Mr.
jinrp gave a dinner tonight to Baron
Klkujlro 1MI. the new Japanese Mln-
l.ter of Foreign Arialra. and ma wne
and to the staffs of the two embassies, j
liaron lshll. who at th tlm of his
acrertam- of a portfolio In th Okuma :
fabinet w Japoee Ambassador to
Frame, will leave with th Rarones
for Toklo tomorrow ty a japanes
steamer from Marseilles.
Kocltester-Oakvllle Stage 1 Plan.
CKNTRAUA. Wash. Aug. Zi. (S"P-
R. A. Wh'.tcomb Is preparing to
establish a stag lm between Roch
ester and Oakvllle. With th Inaugura
tion of the eervic ther will be a line
from Central. clear through to Aber
deen, connection being made In Oakvllle.
Oregon Instructor Geta Position.
t L( special.) Warren Porter Tuft,
until lately an ntructor In the Oregon
Agricultural College, ha been ap
pointed lntruetor In pomology at th
Pavt farm. Th farm I a branch of
th l'ntverity of California, and l lt
uated sax aaacramanto.
to bring back the feeling and reality
of perfect health. Make rich red
blood, quiet the nerve and correct
the jaded appetite by stimulating
the stomach to healthy action.
Keep th system In such good con
dition that It Is almost Impossible
for summer compluinta to obtain a
At most arugg1t, grocers and
dealer 11.00.
local trade cannot upply you send
your order and remittance to
Th Daffy Malt Whiskey Cw
171-173 Mlaaa M, Ma FrsnHsr,
They will hav your order taken
care of promptly at th following
1 Bottle Express Paid $1.15
2 Bottles " " $2.10
4 Bottles " " 54.00
Itemlt by Express Order. Post Of
fic Order or Certified Check. If
cash Is sent have your letter
Goiters, Tumors
and Rheumatism. La tost and beat
nwcthoci. No Operations, no Medicina.
Consultation and Examination Fro
S12 Swetlasd Bid, Fhooa iUi teli.
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 50S0
The IMost in Value The Best in QuaUty
"Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P.M.
On Saturdays
6 :00 P.itt.
Home Phone
A 2112
A Sale of Stamped
Readymade Gowns
Regular $1.00 Grade
At the .Art Counter tomorrow we
place on sale a fine lot of Nainsook
Gowns, read y-m a d e and neatly
stamped ready to embroider. They
come with kimono sleeves and with
square, round or V-shaped, neck, in
all sizes. Regular $1 values. 7Qr
Priced this sale at
Those who aDDreciate unusual values will do well to visit this store tomorrow and Tuesday. Theywffl make
Jrofita and a most economical exchange of cash for seasonable goods. Note these
money-saving offerings: -"
Fall Showing Silks and
Woolen Bress Goods
Women who appreciate the importance of early selections are ing niost mteresUng
choosing in our unusually large assortments of Silks and Woolen Dress xas.
Fall's newest styles in the most fashionable weaves and colorings arc ihere in abundance
Many are exclusive and cannot be duplicated later-that fact, together with toe -low
prices we are now quoting on uie cnoicesi launcs, aiwuiu
New Plaid Dress and Waisting Silks
Specially Priced at $1.00 to 2.00 Yard
A wonderful assortment of the new Plaid Dress and Waisting SUks
shown in all the wanted colors or combinations. They come full 26 to
36 inches wide, and cannot be equaled in quality elsewhere J0 rf
at, yard $1.00 to VV
New Print Warp tfc Pompadour Silks
" Specially Priced at $1.50 to $2.00 Yard
A splendid assortment of new up-to-the-minute Printed Warp and
Pompadour Silks, in taffetas, messalines and silk serge. Bich floral
designs in both light and dark color combinations. Match- fcO QQ
less values at, yard, $1.50 to 'V
d's Celebrated Serges
Specially Priced at 75t? to $2.50 Yard
They are shown in French Storm and Ocean Serges, made of the
finest Australian wool in any wanted weave and color. They come
full 42 to 58 inches wide. Specially priced here for to- 2.50
morrow at, yard, 75S to ....V
Fall and Winter Coatings
Specially Priced at $2.00 and $2.25 Yard
A complete assortment of the new Fall and Winter Coatings is to
be found here. Included are Scotch mixtures in a wonderful assort
ment of new designs and colorings. . They come full 58 inches wid.
all wool, double weight Coatings. Specially priced here 0 25
for tomorrow at, yard, $2.00 and V
Women's -Fine
Pumps and Shoes
One, Two and Three-Strap
Pumps, in Gunmetal, Patent
and Velvet; Shoes With
Cloth Tops, Etc.; Regular
$3.00 and $3.50 1 OQ
Grades, the Pair 1 .OI7
At no other store at no other safe
will you be able to find Shoe values -to
equal these. The styles are the very
latest and best, including, as they do,
one, two and three-strap Pumps, in
gunmetal and patent leather, and in
velvets. Models with hand-turned and ,
flexible McKay soles. All sizes. Also
button and lace Shoes in the popular
styles, with cloth tops, patent vamps,
kidney heels and light soles, as well as
other styles. All high-grade footwear
of standard $3.00 and$3.50lJ1 OQ
qualities. Priced, the Pair r1'u,
Misses' and Children's $2.00 Mary
Jane Pumps, Sixes 8!i totl AH
2. the pair P 1 '
Infants' Patent and Velvet Pumps,
Sizes 3 to 8. Regular $L50 QO
Grade, the pair aUVe
Onderpriced Specials in
Knit Underwear and Hosiery
. J "WT . M -V I aea Va aSBS
Children s nose, uur iveguiai iv.
25c Grade, for This Sale, Pair 1 l
A splendid-wearing Combed Maco Cotton Stock
ing for children. Comes with reinforced heel
and toe and in all sizes in black, white and
shades of tan. A stocking of 25c qual- - T
ity. Priced for this sale at, the pair...--
Women's Cotton Union Suits, OQ
Instead of 75c, Now Priced atJft
Perfect-fitting fine cotton Union Suits, shown
in low-neck, sleeveless styles, with Torchon
lace-trimmed knee. All sizes. A garment of
regular 75c quality in a weight that many
women wear theear around. Priced
for this sale at..' aJaV.
Cotton Pants, Instead of 35c,oo
Now.Specially Priced at only"
Women's Fine Cotton Pants, shown in styles,
with wide Torchon lace-trimmed knee. All
Garments of a quality always O
For Women and Children Silk Lisle Hose,
r,.s. Tfoet T?oo-nl 2F.r. flrade. Priced 1 fl
V LI A IJIOH -afc -J .
Special for This Sale at, the Pair only
As a trade-winning special, we have underpriced a splen-
- . - . CM1 T I .. 1 Ol-nnl-.nne mnHa With
did line ol women s r me oui uioic oniuuugo,
extra spliced heel, sole and toe; also stop-run garter top.
All sizes in fast black. One of the best 25c Stock- 1Q.
ings made. On sale tomorrow at
civoQ (.arments oi a
sold at 35c. Now priced- to close at. . .
Early Showing of .
Women's New Fall Suits
Shown in Poplins', Serges and tfc i jam CQ
Mixtures in About 20 Different P tJ V
Styles ; Shown in Navy, Black, Af - Q
rican Brown and Mixtures at
Uncertainty in dress becomes a certainty here where distinctive style
in appTrel fs featured by specialists always in touch with the test word
from leader, in their accepted lines. Included are tf;
ferent styles made of high-grade serges poplins and J
are well made and finely finished garments and are shown in the best
shades of navy. African brown, blaek and mixtures. J J Q
1 I KCU lrviv a v -
Women's Taffeta Petticoats, on Sale To
morrow at :
Here you have choice of four new styles in Women's Petticoats. They
ae made of high-grade taffeta and are finished with neat unce and
dust ruffle. Shown in the fitted top style. A fine assort- 2.98
ment to choose from at the low price of
Fall Showing of
Silk Georgette Crepe
Shown in All the Popular Light and g m g A
Dark Fail Shades Priced Here To- H
morrow at
Do not fail to come in and inspect our new shipment of Silk Georgette
Crepe. It is a beautiful, sheer, all-silk fabric shown in the wanted
lieht and dark Fall shades. Just tne tning ior marung w,
: j,a a,.. A comnlete assortment moderately
priced, at, yard
Silk Marquisette
at 98c Yard
Shown in a large assortment of
the most popular light and dark
shades. It comes full 42 inches
wide. Priced tomorrow at, Q Q
the yard .7C?l-
Chiffon Cloth
at 98c Yard
An elegant All-Silk Cloth with a
high luster finish. It comes full
42 inches wide and is shown in
about fifty of the leading colors.
Regular $1.25 yard grade. QO
Priced here at iOl
Tew Fall Models R.
& G. Corsets
$l-$3.50 Pr.
Just received a large shipment
of all the very latest Fall mod
els of this popular Corset, in
both the front and back lace
styles. . The new models are
made of good grade coutils,
with medium and extra long
skirt and medium bust,
straight back and front and a
slight curve at the side. A
style and size to fit every fig
ure at $1, $1.50, $2 up to
Model A 332 at $1.00
This model is fine for the average figure. Made of high-grade couta
with medium high bust, long skirt with slight curve at waist. Shown
in back lace and in all sizes from 19 to 30.
Model C 154. at $2.00
Made of high-grade brocaded material in front-lace style. Shown with
medium bust and long skirt. This model will suit an average figure.
Reduced Prices in
Our Domestic Section
Turkish Towels, Reg. 15c... 11?)
Turkish Towels, Reg. 18c... 14
Turkish Towels, Reg. 20c... 17
Turkish Towels, Reg. 30c... 24
Turkish Towels. Ree. 45c. .33'4t
Turkish Towels, Reg. 50c... 390
Crocliet Bedspreads
$1.75 Grades $1.48
A fine line of Crochet Bed Spreads to select from. Made of high-grade
material in full size and a neat assortment of patterns. g 1 AO
Regular ?1.75 grade. Priced at.. V
50c Grade Bleached Sheets, Size 72x90, at 42? Each
Hoppickers' Blankets
S4.00 Grades $2.48
Hoppickers should profit by this sale of Blankets. About 50 pair of
Heavy Gray Wool Blankets shown in full double size. They are
especially desirable for camping purposes. Regular $4.00 t0 48
grade. On sale tomorrow at, pair r
Cotton Blankets
$2.50 Pair at 69c
Tomorrow we place on sale a fine assortment of Cotton Blankets, of
good weight. They are shown in either tan or gray and with pink
and blue borders. They come in size 45x70 and are exceedingly QQq
good values at, pair