The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 29, 1915, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
72 Pages
Pages 1 to 16
N- jr nj 7 7 7 v v x m t J
German Comments on
Present War Aspect
Russians Declared to Have
Suffered Violent Shock.
British ffrl. Predicted for
tare. Ah Will Hired to Ix-ath.
rjlrlt Thai Deetde Wan
Po-.rd T Teatona.
T OKxmAt. r. VOX B Ell HA ft,
irw "n-fi" v-t wf"
fi'1 "H-"aii i'mmn 9 VM " Oc-
re. liMi, bt Ift. I - l"u-?.-
r Ta a h.r
.9 ttrt. (It. '-" K a.T':
ant .n i-'Ptal f..-tir. lnl'-l isl pt-waat.
a v'-i-t if tn- at: w salad
In a ...- h K.rua.
Tha qulra taaln of Prsanwyl and
h lctort of th allld Crnan and
,i)trun rtr.; s Orodac-k and Lera
fcarg. at Z:t and ruwa-Rusaa. and
th ! cf armies across
tn H'i sad tha Pnltr on tit en
14 and aa-ainat Loblla on tb th.r
aid, all the er.lTmcat form nn
doubte'iTy n Important chapter In th
prssant world war.
Ta arrqpatioa of Lmbanr. tha
capital af Oallcla. la la ltlf not of da atrmt.cleal Importaae. alt boar, h
an Important railroad center waa
tharafey tk.n away from th my.
Hut It I Important as a vlalbl proof
f tb brilliant victories which th
Taatoale alll.a hav carried away orr
th Rusalan army la a somber of
glorious battl.
Moral Krre tarnluL
It la furthrmer Important through
th aeormotis moral (fct which tbU
rare eratd Trywhr la th
world and that It - provf that th
Russian army waa at th tlm Do
fcuif.r abi to resist th kostll attack.
It alon to nndertak anew a bl
treta.ical offensive moe.m.nt. Bat
th real military success la to be found
la th rlctory K.elf and In th vlol.nt
ho-k which th Russian main army
It la Ira that It attempts to dfnd
lttf with astonlhlr . tenacity naalnat
th onward pra of th pursuing vic
tors, and trioa tlm and again to r
aum th offnalv at ll at certain
points Th.r are visible symptoms,
fcewaver. which show that tha effect
It stst of th army has been erIy
disrupted. During h month of Jan
alon th armies of th Generals eon
Uaetaa. a Mackensea and Ton
Woyraca hav raptured 40 officers.
Ilflll men. cannon and ttt machine
aaaad M VIS aVal.
Tb troop under Field Marshal tod
Hlndanberc captured 121 o Ulcers. Ja,-
m.a. seven cannon, six bomb
throwara and 12 machine (una. while
tb troop ftahtiris ander Austrian
commaed captured durlnrr the aame
partc-d. 11 officers. lt.o men. l
cannons. 14 machine iuu. Tt muni
tion transports and ID field railroad
It la t-u that th... r.cur.s cannot
simply bo a.l K-.l together, as it ma
hav poutblj thst srr Itrms
has b.ra mninl twKr. Put th fact
that tha Kusalaa arm I .a atnc th
aattlr en th tunJt have lost a
round 2 '"' men. autaercus artillery
.J otn.r army mat. rial In (lalllria
ion poiat to th conclusion that tbl
e.rloa trop part.
"a. C-
a 1.
i " " -5 (on aj.l.h2 V fooNr .
: . n Chi harvest) Sm7TXl , L-j f wfR S &
CHINA ) ' AOY& 03 ZYHA "J fl ' fUjFMOiA
r..ih TrM Com Dan loo to Climb
Illfc-h-Fower Pole With Him nd
Dlresrd WarBlns to PealaU
r et afraid to touch It with my
hat.- called Marrin A Laraen. ad li,
to Albert Klmbley. a friend, referrlni
- . an aoa-volt hiih-MWir wire, held
up by a tower upon which younr Lar
sen waa perched, at X o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Ula frland shouted a warn
In, bet there waa a audden atlffnln
of th bor a body, followed by a flash
of blu flam, and tha aaa
dropped bead foremoat to tha ground.
Thi happened half a mile from An
derson Station, oa tb r.siaraua
ad Si feel from tha Clackamas
county boundary Una. Tha younc man
waa emploo In a section n
Portland Railway. Uht Power Com-
... . . . IT f T .
pany. or wnicn nia jain.r. ... -r
Rorini. waa foreman. The
r.iK.r a i.i nni mmm tha accident, but
. . n Ida a momnt later.
. ..n -. nA anirlta In spite of
hard work la the warm sun. youoc wr-
sa climoeo; on o
portir. hlh-o:ts wlr. A slcn
mark.d "Danroua. .. Volts,- was
diaraaard.d. II dared Klmbley. fal
low worker and friend, to follow. Th
latter replied that ta wouldn-t I. and
told lair.en not to make tha attempt,
aa It waa daneroua. Ills adrlca was
diarecarded and death resulted.
Th boy l.aeea bl father and a
brother of 14 year. Ula mother baa
been dead for 1 y.ara.
Arkansas larmers Warned In Time?
"to lire In Safety.
UTTLK RfXTK. Ark, Aug. SS. A new
break today In th Whll Rlvr leeea.
this tlm ! milea aboe Dea Are. flood
ed another larae area of farm land, but
ampl warnlnB nabled th InhabltanU
to reach place of aafety with most of personal possessions, though they
suffered heavy losses In crops. Kxcept
for this break, tha flood situation im
proved materially.
Mora than persons wr quartered
tonight In camps at Georgetown. !
rails Bluff. Augusta and Clarendon.
Ther baa been no confirmation of
loss of Ufa-
President Stand In Pownponr for
Half Hour Rerlewlnf Troops.
WASHINGTON. Anf. :. President
Wilson stood half an honr In a aoaklnf
raln today and revlawcd th District
or Columbia National Guard, which
bad Just returned from Its annual en
campment In Virginia.
Tha President wore a heavy over
coat and rod to th review In his au
Paaghtrr of ek-Repreaentative Wed
to Vnltrd Stale Xaejr Officer.
WICHITA. Kan, Aug. II Miss
Uarcla. daughter of Representative
and Mrs. Victor Murdock. waa married
her lata today to Lieutenant Harvey
Delano, p. 8. N.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Delano left for
Saa Francisco, where they will sail
September 4 to Join his ship, th Ver
mont, which haa been ordered to China.
They will pasa two years at Shanghai.
Several Shocks Come In 1 1 Hours,
bat No Paniare la Reported.
AVEZZASO. Italy, via Paris. Aug. I.
v.ral earthuuak shocks bar been
during th last H hours.
o ilimaM ti ol on However.
Signal for Revolution
Is Awaited
Larae Quantities of Arms
Shipped to Philippines.
Route Between Islands and India
Being Watched Cloeely by Brit
ish and Japanese; Latter to
Send Troop If Necessary.
WASHINGTON. Aug. . A revolu
tion in India on a gigantic scaia is
being fomented by th German govern
ment. Tb details f th Carman operations
which hav com into th possession
of Th Oregonlan correspondent snow
th usual systematic methods of th
Berlin War Offlc.
Larg quantities of arms and am
munition hav been shipped from th
L'nlled Statea and China to secret ports
In th Philippines and tha Dutch East
Indies. A large fore of German
agents. Including Garman missionaries.
haa been busy In seditious campaigning
among th natives of tha great eastern
possession of th British crown.
t prUlaa- Slaasl Awaited.
Plana hav been perfected for th
transporation of th munitions to
point In India where they can be landed and distributed among
the natives. When th time Is rip, tb
signal for the uprising will be given.
The British government Is aliv to
th German purpose and Is exercising
th greatest vlgllanc to effect It
failure. Both tha United Statea and
th Netherlands have been informed
of th efforts being mad to us their
Kastern territories aa oaae of oper
ations against th colony of a friendly
power. British and Japanese warships
sedulously are patrolling th waters
leading from the Philippine and the
Dutch East India to India.
Through tha efficient Information
system, best described In Rudyard Kip
ling's "Kim." tha activities of the Ger
man agents within India are being
watched carefully. In addition, the
necessary military measures have been
taken to suppress any revolt that may
ladla Prlacea Offer Aid.
Th South African revolt was prompt
ly quelled, and tha world waa f- r
nlshed tha spectacle of men con
quered li years ago by tha Britisn
fighting for the continuance of British
rule. Instead of India proving a source
of trouble to th British. It proved a
source of assistance; for Indian Princes
offered their fortun to the British
crown, and Indian troops volunteered
for service in Europe. The large fore
assembled In Kgypt prevented a suc
cessful movement by tha Egyptian na
tionalists. When Turkey Joined Germany and
Austro-Hungary, it '-as feared tha
"holy war" proclaimed by tha Sultan
would cause an outbreak by the Mo
hammedans In India and Egypt.
There haa been soma trouble. It la
known, but tha British authorities have
tha situation well In hand. It is to
bring their work to naught, to stir tha
natives up to attack and to end British
rule In India that tha Germans are ao
busily preparing to arm tha malcon
t.nts. Th report was current some weeks
ago that the Germans were preparing
l luded on l'sge Column 1.
The Weather.
TESTE RD AT 8 Maxim urn temprmtur.
decrees: minimum, decrees.
TODAY'S Sunday, fair and . continued
warm; northwesterly winds.
Washinrton learnt of Germany- plan for
up ruin-: In Itdia. Section 1, p&se !
Kaiser's advisers a. most unit (or avoiding
complications with United States, sec
tion i, pace 1.
French army preparing- for Important ac
tion. Section L page .
General Ton Bernhardt sas foes of Germany
are doomed. Section 1, page 1.
Carranca's reply Is expected soon. Section
1. page 2.
William H. Taft makes plea for Ked Cross.
Section 1. page 5.
Logan family "mourned" by Oregonlan at
i-air. section I, page .
John D. Long, ex-secretary of navy. dies,
section 1. page X
Pacific Northwest.
American ehmliu to r on vena at "Washing
ton University will discus lumier prob
lem a Sectioi 1. page V.
Western pine shippers decide to advance
prlcea Section 1 page 9.
Salmon park In Columbia Is valued In Hall
lions. Section 1. naxe 8.
Use of defaulter in Idaho treasury probe
la criticised. Section I. psge a.
Coaxt league Result
Toat Aneele S.
Portland 2: Oakland 8,
Kra ncisco 5 -4. V ernoa
Salt aUake 1; San
Section ...
psge 1.
Beginners will work at traps
turn at 10 o'clock today
at .fenne Sta-
becuoa sc.
psg .
First football practice of - Multnomah Club
players scheduled for today. Section X
page 3.
Giants shut out Cubs 5-0, Tesreaa twirling
Section 2. page 1.
Boston takes both games from Cleveland.
Section 2. page X.
Johnston end Griffin win doubles at South
ampton. Section t, page 1.
Throngs swim In river from early day un
til well Into pi gnu Section 3. page 4.
Ryan advises of hazard to pitching by use
of "mudbelL Section 1. page it.
Success of Fight Promoters Union is doubt
ed. Section 2. rg A.
T. J. C A- a-ymnaslum classes soon Trill re
sume. Section S. page O.
Athletes at O. A. C rank high in studies.
Section 2, pass IV
Astorla will welcome Queen of Regatta on
Ihuradeay. Section page 4.
Besdrk gets line on gridiron squad. Sec
(Jon 2 page 3.
Commercial and Marine.
Opening prices will be named be apple ship
pers In coming week. Section 3, page IS.
Chicago wheat sags to lowest price for new
crop. Section 2. page IS.
War shares lead In trading In Wall street.
Section 2, page 13.
Huge dredge sought for mouth of Columbian.
Section 3. page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Cham ler of commerce to offer entertain
ment to General G, W. Gocthals, due here
Tuesday. Section 1. page 12.
President Foster of Reed College, decries
college athletic system In speech at Oak
land, Cat. Section 1. page I.
Bar Association visitors end convention by
motor trip out Columbia Highway, bee
tlun 1. page JO.
Marvin I, arse n In fan toucnes high-power
wire and meets death. Section 1. page 1.
Portland suffers with temperature of 97.
Section 1 page L .
Rot is cut from coo trees to save them. Sec
tion 1. page IS.
Jomelll will sing at "Inspection day cele-
brntlon on Highway. ectua J, page is.
Noted Herygmaa delighta children gathered
In his honor. Section 1, page 16,
Thousands are leaving dally fr hop fields.
Sertlwn 1. psg lu. .
New confession In arson "ring" Is reported.
Section 1. page. IB,
War situation declared to depend on bank
ers of America, tec Hon l, page i.
Weather report, data and forecast. 8ectlon
2, page &
Playground festival at Columbia Park is
great cniiaren s event, section i, pko a.
Flames sweeping- throuph valuable timber.
with hundreda flghttrg. section i, page i.
Commtslon form of government proves cost
ly. Section 1, page 1.
Work on elimination of grade crossings ex
pected to start at once, bection l. page i.
Council will set on paving awards Wednes
day. Section 1. page 10.
S. B. Huston makes Baker-Burns run in aay.
Section 1, page 10.
Reed College faculty assembles to begin
school September 13. Section 1, psge 10.
Inspector bays Kcyuiation Mas
Brought Xew Cars Into Field.
Jitneys are on the Increase, accord
ing to Municipal Jitney Inspector Gal
lup. He reported yesterday that since
tha eltv recently enforced for a short
time the inspection of curs and drivers
the total number of Jitneys in the city
has been Increased by about 65 or 70.
At the time of the inspection there
were about 326 Jitneys in operation.
Inspector Gallup reports that the driv
ers now are using new cars in place of
th old type. It having been found more
Temperature, Koseburg, 100.
ROSEBURG, Or.. Aug. 2S. (Special.)
The people of Roseburg and Douglas
County today experienced the warmest
weather for the season. At I o'clock
the thermometer registered 100 de
grees. The unusual warm weather has had a
good effect on watermelons, which are
now being marketed by the growers
of this county
Hundreds Fight Fires
in Many Sections.
Situation Cited as Mo
gsrous SiP',v .
Blaze Near Mount Hood Being
Fought by 100 Men Southern .
Oregon, Particularly Jack
son County, Also Suffers.
Hundreds of men today are fighting
forest fires in Western and Southern
Oregon, covering thousands of acres,
and mora will be called out if necessary-Indications
at a late hour last night
pointed to high fears on the part of
forest officials and rangers that the
excessive heat, long dry spell and high
winds, prevailing in the mountain
country for the past three or four
days, would mean a disastrous forest
season not known in the state since
A few miles southwest of Mount
Hood, on the Salmon River, already
more than 1000 acres of valuable tim
ber have been .Ire-swept, and the dan
ger is not yet passed. Fully 100 men
are at work in that district.
In the Cascades In Eastern Clacka
mas County, more than 150 men will
be fighting before Sunday is far spent.
Three dangerous fires and a acore of
smaller fires are giving great concern
in the thickly timbered Cascade coun
try. For a time it was feared several
families had been entrapped by the
flames, but a change of wind late last
night relieved aft fears, and it is be
lieved danger to them is now passed.
Fighters Gather to Combat Blazes
Caused by Big Storm.
OREGON CITY. Or., Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) Three forest fires of serious
proportions are raging in the Cascades
in Eastern Clackamas County. A score
of smaller fires have been reported in
every part of tha county by hunters,
deputy game wardens and farmers.
The fires In the Cascades were start
ed principally by a thunder storm last
Monday. The most serious blazes are
back of Sandy, and scores of men from
Sandy, Cherryville and other Eastern
Clackamas communities have left for
the mountains to fight the fire. F. M.
Morgan, Joe Laundree. Al Edwards, P.
T. Shelly and Alfred Bell, of the Sandy
district, have been busy hauling men
and supplies to the mountain fires for
several days.
The largest fire near Sandy Is on
Shell Rock Mountain, near Clackamas
Lake, about 50 miles from the town.
This fire has covered about 700 acres
of timber. Another fire is on Bonpies
Butte, about 25 miles from Sandy.
Oak Grove Blase Serious.
Deputy Game Warden Ames returned
to Oregon City today after several
weeks in tha Upper Molalla and Ogle
Mountain districts. He brought in
word of a serious fire on the Oak Grove
Creek on the Upper Clackamas River,
which was started during the thunder
storm a week ago. The blaze is in
heavy timber and is doing considerable
damage. Owing to the remoteness of
the fire, it is difficult to fight. Its
extent is not definitely known, but
from meager reports. It Is certain that
it Is of considerable extent.
Another fierce blaze Is near Gagley
fConcludedon Page 2. Colu-nn '!)
Morning Honrs Comparatively Cool,
With 83 Registered at Xoon
and Jump Comes Suddenly.
That was the favorite word in the
English language yesterday in Port
land. Old Sol. feeling that due pub
licity had not been given him the past
three or four days, yesterday shone
with, a vengeance, and as a result the
iry went almost out of sight The
v'.,w r.(ord of the day was 81 ae
T and that was registered at 5
In addition to being one of the warm
est daya of the year, yesterday was
perhaps one of the most peculiar be
cause of the temperature registrations.
At 2 o'clock the mercury stood at 90
and at 7 o'clock registered 87, rising
seven degrees in three hours and drop
ping 10 degrees, in two hours. The high
degree of humidity was one of the rea
sons for Portland sweltering.
Hourly temperatures were as follows:
11 A- M S 7 P. M ot
12 Noon e-i
Saturday's War Moves
WHILE Petrograd unofficially ex
presses the opinion that the
Russians are on the eve of digging
themselves in and making a stand on a
new front, there are no indications as
yet of a halt in their retrograde move
ment or of any let-up in the Teuton
rush. w
On the contrary, the Austro-German
offensive has broken out again in a
sector where there had been compara
tive inactivity for the better part of
two months past in Eastern Galicia,
where the lines along the Dniester, the
Zlota Lipa and the Gilna Lipa have
changed only litt'e since early July
when the Teutonic armies swung north
and began the closing-in movement
which resulted in the Russian with
drawal from the Warsaw salient.
The early lines. Berlin contends,
have now been broken along the Zlota
Lipa and the Russians are in full re
treat under energetic German pursuit.
Apparently it is the Teutonic aim to
clear Galicia of Russian troops.
The retreat of Grand Duke Nicholas'
armies from Brest-Litovsk and the line
to the north is being harassed by Field
Marshal von Mackensen's armies and
those of Prince Leopold of Bavaria, the
latter having penetrated the Bleloviezh
-.t hiie southeast of Bialystok
General von Etchhorn has pushed east
ward as far as the town oi jarew.
In the north, however, where Vilna
and Dvinsk are at stake, the Russians
are offering a stiff resistance. At some
point, here, apparently, they have even
taken the offensive. Berlin declares
their attacks were repulsed.
On the front in France, the artillery
and the airmen have been active, but
infantry sallies from the trenches have
been lacking. Berlin says that French
air attacks on Ostend, Middelkerke and
Bruges were without success and that
in Mulheim, Baden, three persons killed
in a bomb attack were civilians.
Little change in the situation in the
Dardanelles is indicated by recent ad
vices, both official and unofficial. The
losses of the entente allies in the attack
made at Anafarta, while the recent
landing was taking place, are declared
by a correspondent at Turkish head
quarters to have been extremely heavy,
the killing alone being estimated at
about 6000.
Conferences are in progress between
British government officials and rep
resentatives of the Welsh miners,
among whom there is dissatisfaction
over the arbitration award following
the recent coal strike. Several thou
sand operatives have already gone out.
despite the advice of their leaders, 4000
being added yesterday to the number
on strike.
The Arabic Incident and Germany's
submarine policy are the subjects of
Concluded on Page 2.
Column 3.)
Von Tirpitz Alone for
Submarine Warfare.
Chief Aides of Emperor Favor
Concession to America.
Ruler's Personal Adviser on Xaval
Affairs, Admiral von Mueller,
Joins Others in Plea to Avoid
Complications With America.
BERLIN, via London, Aug. 28. Dr.
von Bethmann-Hollweg, the German
Imperial Chancellor, and Admiral von
Tirpitz, Minister of Marine, who left
together on Wednesday evening to Join
the Emperor, are still at eastern head
quarters, where the Arabic case and the
submarine policy generally undoubtedly
have been the subjects of consideration.
No word has reached Berlin concern
ing the conference, and no develop
ments of any sorthave occurred In the
case here since the Chancellor's decla
ration of policy given in a statement
to the Associated Press last Wednesday,
Tea Mueller Favors Jagow.
Admiral von Mueller, chief of tha
private marine cabinet and the Em
peror's direct personal adviser on naval
affairs, also is with the Emperor. The
Admiral's influence, it is known, is
thrown with that of Dr. von Bethmann
Hollweg and Foreign Minister von
Jagow against complications with the
United States, and so, the opinion is
held here, there is no reason to change
the hopeful view of the situation ex
pressed after the Chancellor's state
ment. The exact wording of instructions is
sued to naval commanders has not been
divulged, and higher officials when
questioned avoid an answer, but it is
stated that they certainly include the
direction to attack no passenger steam
ers without adequate warning. Whether
this applies to freighters cannot be
learned, but the technical difficulties in
distinguishing a freighter from a pas
senger ship through a periscope would
in any case produce the same effect.
Arabic Sinking Not Reported.
The American Government is now
ostensibly in possession of the declara
tion of policy as contained In Dr. von
Bethmann-Hollweg's statement and ap
parently with the same limitations, this
having been conveyed by Minister von
Jagow to James W. Gerard, the Amer
ican Ambassador, at a conference
Wednesday noon.
No report on the sinking of the Ara
bic has yet been received, none of the
submarines which might possibly have
been involved having returned to port.
The Admiralty says that the report
may come any day, and may possibly
be delayed another fortnight. At least
that interval must elapse before the
last of the submarines operating south,
of Ireland returns.
Von Bernstorff Goes to New York In
Hope of Satisfactory Instructions.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Count von
Bernstorff. the German Ambassador,
will leave Washington tomorrow for
New York to await instructions from
his government which it is confidently
expected will lead to negotiations that
will bring a speedy and wholly satis
factory conclusion to the entire contro
versy between the United States and
Concluded on Page Column 5.)
m 108.0