The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 22, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 44

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a nm mrnt VTYTT7 r niirfD T A 11 1 J71
urtaniiiiri n i 11 riisiaw XTr "
Here's, a stirring photoplayone.of a. series of big productions,
' secured by the new management of the Columbia
i 2
A. I K
' w ' . J w :V is -'-V j) , .
f AL'UEVILLE U the vol ofirtcf iTumi'i feature trick, but be la prc-
.k. ii.i.. iii fnniaml itunmtd to Mrfonn othera lust as
V ..... k nt-ri... bmmr nL After Tuma e arrival today
t&ta week.
bills ara premised at the Em;nu and
til. Pan tares theaters.
Tbe PiotifM bill features aa exotic
aurr.txr. conxistinz of la professional
models from the Academy of Sculpture,
of Part, The company la headed by
Henrietta Da 6rrls and tha till a of tha
efforts a eeif-explanatory. It la
rot altogether new. but rather a rare
U.r for vaudeville presentation.
Tha Etnpreaa cornea fortb with a
mystery act tbia , and aa become
tny.lery acta, little la advanca la aald
f 1U "Iom" U tha tltla by which tha
act will ba recognised, and eurprtees
are Id store. It la announced.
With these two unusual beadllnrra.
tha leading vaudeville theater promise
a well-balanced bill la other particulars
and ara bow booking- tha fresh acts
which coma wun tha and of theatrical
tacttlgni. Tha regular Fall season
bi:i ara now starting oa tha road and
will reach Portland amon the Brat of
the Western cities.
Which brines to mind that tha middle
ef next month will sea tha Orpbeum. la
la new location. Broadway and Yam
bill street, open aela after a loaf
Period of Idleness.
In a few weeks bow also tha Baker
Theater will reopen Ita stock season.
fcdward C Woodruff, two seasons a (to
Juvenile and Joint leading maa with
the Baker Company, la to be the lead
lnc maa and "Within the law" la the
play chosea for the first week, which
will be probably the second week la
e ruein ner.
Tbe Heillr Theatera booking for the
remainder of tha bummer la liaht. The
tegular aeasoo. however, will bring
some wortny productions again. Tbe
Beat attraction for the Broadway and
Taylor street playhouse will be the
much -discussed aim. The Birth of a
Katloa." Already tha announcement of
Ita coming- baa started considerable dis
cussion here. There has also appeared
some considerable opposition to tbe
turn, aad tha outcome remains to be
. . . - I plana will be completed for him to give
lie-prod action of Art Matrrrlecr Is
Headline Attraction.
Direct from the tror-y Lane Theater.
London, tat, and Keith's Palace The
ater. New York, cornea Henrietta De
Cerrt and her company of IS living
anodels in a series of reproductions of
the art masterpieces of the world as featured attraction at I'antacee
for the week commencing with the
snatlnee tomorrow.
This Is the first time this wonderful
act baa beea produce la Portland and
It Is certain to create a genuine aea
eatmn. far many of the beautiful re
rroductions are ef masterpieces es.
atreyad la the art gallenee of Louvata
an4 Rhetme. which German shells
s-.atteret The wonderful coloring of
the f-stnttnas are graphlaclly repro
duced by the marvelous artlsty of Mad
ame ! Mema eiwl such works aa
Tne eilave Merchant (Norvnandl.
"or1n" (Collin). "The Argelus" I Mil
let!. The Regiment la Passing' (Ride.
wsy-Knigbt are but a few ef the
tmsiiic reproduction, the original
"being la the Louvre. Parts. da
Luxembourg or destroyed In the f s-
mam Louvstn. Tbe act cornea direct
from the Continent and Cast, where
It haa bean a veritable triumph.
One of the Taucaing euccesses In
vaudeville Is that presented by Arthur
O. May and fuoai KiUduff. la their
hi!artouo comsdy of tha country. Tbe
Limb of the Law- Mr. Maya deline
ation of the constable and tha counter
role played ty Miss KliMuff ara two
rharactsrs that tha stage will never
forgec Recently the act waa pre
sent. for aa tnielrmlned engagement
at Chicago and only future contracts
r.u-ed clever player to relinquish
their buokinr at the Windy City.
UebSor s Melody KloJs will prorMi
m rrogramme that la not soon for
ante a. frr they are experts upon the
bar.'o and guitar and noval'y instru
ments are also Introduced. Tha fiends
do n?t confine their work to t.:e popu
1-r hits of tbe day. but Introduce bits
ct classics and ravortt marebca.
A true novelty act la the one offered
t-y Alexander Brothers, who are expert
ball bouncers, who perform startling
feats with such articles aa the common
rubber batla
Their tVediStng Night" la a cyclonic
remedy la which Welch and Carbasse
appear to good advantage, and the
1'Bt varsity 1'cir will oCer the lataat
fa harmony. The Marvel Movies con
tiaue to attract and the Pantagaa or
chestra wt.l be heard la conceit
Juiiletta Dike, the late Winter Garden
star, will conclude her engagement
with the performance this afternoon
and torn g-1, supported by a prvgramme
ef ttnoquaicd vanilevl le.
' Vnraa Frwtare of Many Good Acta
on Bill Opening; Today.
Advajica word from tha Sullivan A
Consume headquarter at Seattle is to
tha effect that, the show opening here
at the Cmpresa this afternoon Is one
f the best assembled since John W.
Cons-.dlfe resumed control of the cir
cuit. The show is headlined by aa
amexins; novelty Yurr.a. a Slant who
ridee himself in a two-foot box aad
d--e other atartiina feats.
la Seattle Turn gave a public dem
eastrat'oa ef his mystifying act. and
arrargeaente are beicg made for biro
to Cw 1-0 same here. Yuma. althougB
he la aearly savea feet tail, twists him.
self to auch a small sue that he la able
to coocaal htmwif la aa ordinary "Mar
ry tviaoW" featbov.
To make b.s trick mora atarti'nsa. be
(laUM cotia la vt bva. I bi
demonstration of bla box trick at a
prominent downtown corner on. next
Wed aead ay.
Second place la tbe new Empress
show Is occupied by Baser and Goodwin
comedians, with a piano and tbelr own
song. - Thla act waa recruiter rrom
"big jrjme" vaudeville, and recent New
York theatrical publications referred
to It aa one of tbe beat acta of Its kind
In tha varieties. Comedy prevail la
this offering, aad every song- In. tha
repertoire of Hager and Goodwin la
brand-new. the comedians restricting
all their tunes for tbelr own use.
Aa entertainment of local Interest Is
that to ba presented by Mlaa Darling s
Ladles" Saxophone Quartet, comprised
of four Tacoma sTlrls. Thla act wag
booked In Seattle aa an axues attrac
tion for a week, and made auch a hit
the Ctrl musicians won a contract along
tha entire Sullivan Consldlne circuit
They combine singing with their in
strumental work, and tha girls ara cos
tumed elaborately.
Warden and Gearla will offer a spec
tacular aongalogue built on the illus
trated song plan. Hiss GesMn Is aald
to bava a magnificent voice, and the
act Is novel throughout. Warden guid
ing tha elides from the balcony while
his fair partner presides on the stage.
An act wall known In Portland is
that ef Tore Kerr and Irene Burton,
who win many laugha with their "talk
ing fiddle." A feature of thla act la
a flirtation carried oa by tha vaude
ville couple with their violins. Tbelr
make-believe conversation with the fid
dles la aald to ba so distinct that the
audience understands every tone read
ily. Tha new- Empress show will be com
pleted by Too Many Burglars." which
ta announced aa being a faat and furi
ous farce. Thla la a former Orpbeum
act. presented by four capable actora.
Tha situations ara unique, the lines are
laugh-provoking and tha staging of the
playlet la praised aa perfect.
Preceding every show, beginning with
the matinee today, a concert will be
given by the Lm press orvnestra, under
the leadership of Professor Ted w. Ba
con, or the Nortnweatern ocnooi or
Music. Professor Bacon haa arranged
a lively medley and several recant pop-
alar airs for tha weeks musical pro
After tbe second snow next Tnursoay
alght several Portland entertainers will
give tryout exhibitions of their acts
ta aa endeavor to obtain booking along
vaudeville circuit. Tryouta oow are
a regular feature at the Empress every
Thursday, and several talented per
former have "broken Into'' vaudeville
after making- their debut at tha Em
Shows now change at the Empress
every Sunday matinee Instead of Mon
day, as heretofore, thla plan being fea
sible, due to tbe early arrival of vaude
ville artists at Seattle la their tour of
the Sullivaa Consldlne circuit. Four
performancee are glvea every Sunday,
the matinee opening aa J:S. and three
shows being presented Sunday night,
commencing at o'clock.
News and Gossip of Plays
and Players.
By Lees Caaa Baer.
OME ara born great, soma have
x greatness throat upon them and
a others try to Imitate Charlie Chap
lis or Mary Plckford. as the case
may be.
e e e
Informing tha publlo In an Inter
view that ehe ta "tired of work." Mlaa
Alyce Le Mart, a stock actress, adds,
"and ao I'm goinx to be married." Her
conduct strikes me as. well, a trifle
Inconsistent for sea who la tlrsd ef
Every paper I pick tip bas pages and
pages of summary about the ftrat year
of war. General Sherman a till holds
the belt, however. .
e e
Lina Abarbanell. tha petite prima
donna, who visited us at the Orpbeum
last season, is going to ba ttarrtd la
a new musical play called "Molly and
L At least. It s good English,
e -
When the late Thomas Dermot paasad
out. In Oakland. CaX. recently, he left
an estate of i00i to be divided be
tween hla two daughters Jessie and
Oertte and tbelr mother, Mrs. I.brla
Paine Dermoc Jessie and Gertie, le-
tng pretty well supplied with this
worlds good a have just signed over
thatr claima to tbe tiOOO in favor of
their mother. Jesata la Maxtna Llllott
and Gertie ta Gertrude Elliott, the wife
of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, of
e a
Persistently the rumor recurs that
Adcle Ritchie and Guy Batea Post, both
on tha Pacific Coast at present, are
preparing to spring a surprise la tha
near future by announcing their en
gagement. Several of their most Inti
mate frleads la the East bava been
aware that Poat waa planning to lead
Mlsa Ritchie to the altar for some
time, but thas far they have managed
to keep the plot dark. Aa far aa Is
known at present, tbe dale la aet for
tha early iaO. It's a eecxet. aays tha
Ho under.
. e e
Sylvester Scblfer. billed as "the man
who dots everything and who did a
few of them on the. Orpbeum circuit
last year, will be aaea. In musical uom
edy the coming season. . With 8. Racu
axaaa. the Impresario who brought htm
to this ooeatry a year asro, ba baa taken
the Irving piece Theater fox. a tlm.tad
Ft."lo4 &4 a 11 ,-rcscai ihexe
in a musical production early in ua
Autumn. Mr. Echaefer haa written the
libretto and-lyrics, while Dr. 'Armani
Goetxl haa contributed the music. Dur
ing the progresa of tbe piece echaefer
will Introduce bla specialties for which
ha Is famous.
Leonora Ulrlch.-of "Bird of Paradise'
memory, baa been engaged to present
the leading- role In Jules Eckert Good
man's newest play. "Just Outside the
Door." to be produced by Henry Miliei.
this season. ''-.
. .
An exchange telft this story:
When Lew Morton was managing- the
melodrama, "Shaft No.. S." some years
as;o. be sent the following- telegram to
the owner of a theater In a email New
Jersey town:
"Have you rot open data for "Shaft
No. IT
In due time the following- answer
was received:
"Send Shaft No. 1 or none at all:
We ptay nothing; but first-class com
panies." . e e
Bv tbe filing; of a deed In the Town.
Clerk's office at Mllford. Pike County.
Pennsylvania, it haa been ascertained
that Carlyle Moore, the ' author of
"Stop Thief." haa purchased of Frank
H. Walker 23.1 acres at Dingmao'e
Moore, along; with Gardner Crane,
who played last season in one of
Moore's plays, and Jimmy Barry. "of
vaudeville fame, constitute the "actor
colony" at Ding-man's.
Carlyle Moore la an ex-Bakeronlan.
Kate Masterson. who la In the ob
servation ward of Belavue. began ber
newspaper -career as the "Matinee
Girl" on the Dramatic Mirror in 189L
She joined, the staff of the Herald in
1J. and with the outbreak of the
Spanish War went to Cuba for the
New York American, which waa then
the Morning Journal. From 1904 to
1907 she waa London correspondent
for New York papera and after she
returned to America aha became a free
lance, writing many.' short stories and
poems. Among her books are The
Dobleys" and The Thirteenth
Apostle." ' Also she wrote The Tel
low Primrose." a three-act comedy.
Ehe waa placed In Bellsvue on a com
mitment issued at the request of her
brother. Supreme Court Justice William
J. Kelly, of Brooklyn. Miss Maaterson
la under the delusion that agenta of
labor nnlona ara pursuing her. aeeklng
an opportunity to make away with
her. She had written many letters ap
pealing for protection to President
Wilson. Governor Whitman. Mayor
Mltchel and Police Commissioner
Woods, of New Tork.
e e -
Since the news appeared In print
that tbere ara nearly a million mar
ried, men In the British army I bet
rve heard a million Jokes about Jump
ing out of the frying-pan Into the Ore.
e e e
Revealing a secret romance and ber
marriage within 10 minutea after aha
received the proposal, with Ber mala
aa her only attendant at the wedding.
Charlotte Gren wood, the comedienne
now starring In "So Long. Letty." at
Morosco's. In Los Angeles, announced
she was the wife of Cyril Ring, a mo
tion picture actcr and brother of
Blanche and Frances Ring.
The news created a double surprise
aa many had supposed that Miss Green
wood waa. tha wife of Sydney Grant,
ber atage partner.
Tha brlda laughingly denlea aver
having bean married to Grant.
"He and I worked together for four
years and didn't get married." abe de
clared. "Mr. Ring and I met three
months ago and were married July 17.
When Mr. Ring proposed to mo we
abolished an engagement by mutual
consent, went to the apartment of the
Rev. Mr. Meyer and were married
"I advise everybody to cut ont the
foolishness of being enraged and get
married right away Instead."
Charlotte Greenwood has appeared
In Portland la vaudeville.
Card Game Gunplay Causes Arrest
' in Barricaded Home, '
SERGENT. Ky, Aug. 17. Miss Emma
TU Phartyo. 30 years old, shot and prob-
Adapted from the great drama by Chas. Klein and Harrison Grey Fiske
5 reels of thrills and strong dramatic climaxes
mark this story of politcal intrigue and high finance;
Throughout it all runs one. of most charming;
romances ever portrayed.
' -'"if-;
Geo. Soule Spencer
is the District Attorney
Dorothy Bernard
plays Helen Knight.
Little Egypt Malone
A One-Reel Laugh
Animal Life Studies
10c-Children 5c-Loge Seats 25c10c
a-.(CM .MM
a k3JLVai. XTL A T nuilll' a va. g$ateKsl
au;uaiJ. Itjsn ijsjihuibm u.nm
ably mortally wounded Wesley N.
Miles, a farmer, during a quarrel over
a card game at Pardee. Va, east of
She than attacked Jason Gibson. - a
spectator, and fired at him as be
escaped. .
When officers went to arrest Miaa
Pharlgo aha barricaded herself In her
home and opened fire on them. After
firing three futile shots at the deputies
she was overpowered and taken to jail.
Miss Pharlgo. officers say. Is wanted
in West Virginia In connection with a
shooting a year ago
Heroin in Starch Explains Habits of
Tombs Prisoners.
NEW TORK, Aug. 15. Several prla
onera Industriously chewing their
shirts and collars Instead of tobacco or
chewing gum, led to .the discovery in
the Tombs recently of a new method of
smuggling drugs to prisoners. Investi
gation ahowed that the starch used on
the fresh linen sent to prisoners by
relatives contained a solution of her
oin. For a week the keepers have been
puxxled at the pleasure aome of the
inmates took In munching their laun
dry. They reported the fact to the
warden, and when the prisoners' laun
dry came it was tested and the drug
Recently a man with a glass eye
called to see a prisoner, and when bis
glass eye was removed as a part of
the aearcb a tiny package of beroln was
found beneath it-
Banker Made Defendant by
tranced Husband and Wife.
NEW TORK, Aug. 15 Robert lie
Candlees. a contracting plumber, of
Paterson. K. J, has instituted an ac
tion to recover $50.000 damages from
Today Tonight
Explanatory Talk by
Prices 15-2oc
Coupons lOc-JOo
Cyrus J. Lozier, a wealthy contractor
and banker, of Bldgefleld Park, on a
charge of alienating his wife's affec
tions. Mrs. McCandless,' at the same time,
sues to recover $10,000 damages from
Lozier for an alleged assault commit
ted upon her on December 22, 1912. It
Is explained by counsel that tbe assault
was the result of a struggle between
Mrs. McCandless and the contractor for
possession of certain papers. .
"Mr McCandless says his suspicions
of a' change In his wife's conduct to
ward him were aroused about a year
ago. but "ho was not positive until
about ' three months ago. when the
family was preparing to move from
Ridgefield -Park." said the attorney.
The . McCandless - family lived two
doors from the Lozier home in that
place. They formerly lived in Hacken-
Lozler's wife eloped with Harry Van
derbeck, also a ' contractor, of Ridge
field Park, a few months ago. Vander-
beck 'was.a close friend" of Lozier's.
He-left a--wife. The missing, couple
have not--been. heard from. -
Mrs. McCandless Is an Attractive
woman, and the mQtherjf two children.
When asked ' If it-was not s. fact
that Mr. McCandless -and his wife are
still living together, and were never
estranged, counsel said; "They are' liv
ing together with 'their children, but
not as man and wife."
Read The Oreonlan's classified ads.
An Engagement Extraordinary
ft' ZP
l r" ,
Griffith's Half -Mill loa-De liar Jaasterplees
handed on Thornis Dixon's "THE CLANSMAN"
t n ;i rttM I.
x -i mm
lin i is mi m t i r- n- -.ii.iiini .t.r.1.3 H
The $250,000 Marble Swimming Pool in the home of
a noted. American millionaire.
ELSIE JANIS in male attire as a "Stage-Door
Johnnie" and in her beautiful "Lariat Dance."
A Comedy That Will Make You Happy for a Week!
Continuous, 11 A. M. to 11 P. M.