The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 22, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Image 43

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NO. 34.
Miss Steers Announces That Fritz Kreisler, Who Fought and Bled for Hia
Fatherland, Will Be Initial Attraction of Season.
Every Section Offers Wonderful Bargains Not Advertised Here
Special Offer for Ten Days Only
Pictorial Review Magazine
8 Months' Subscription for 59c
Subscribe) now and ft your copy each month
at the Pattern Counter on the second floor.
Mail and Telephone Order Filled by Expert Shopper
c Merchandise ofc Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marthall 5000 Home Phone A 6691
Brocaded taffetas, print warps, novelty
checks, jacquard taffetas, Pekin stripe taf
fetas, new plaids.' and crepes, as well as vel
veteens and corduroys. Many new colors
shown, such as field mouse, men's blue, Hague
blue, blackberry, purple, African brown, Bur
gundy, bottle green and, of course, black.
Second Floor
Clean-Up Sales From the Shoe Store, Nov Located on the Second Floofi
1000 Pairs Fine" Pumps and Oxfords
Divided Into Three Lot and Marked at Three Radical Sale Price
Regardless of Original Factory Cost
Discontinued Line of Pump and Oxford
That Have Sold a High a $5.00 for .' $1.00
In patent colt, gun metal, suede and while nubuck. Representing the best of this
teatoo's yle- Although every size is here, there are not all sizes in every style.
300 Pair of Pamp and Oxford to Be
Closed Oat at the One Price of
In this Jot e offer the greatest worth of the season in pumps and Oxfords of patent
colt, gunmetal and white nubuck.
500 Pair of Pump and Oxford to Be
Closed Oat at the One Price of
Including the popular "Vojnje" style, the La Salle and' the "Fox Trot" Oxford, in
patent colt, drnu-calf and vki kid. with French and Louis Cuban heels every pair this
season's model.
Women wearing email sixes (1, t' and 2) will find an unlimited
choice of the best style in this aale. Second Floor
Introductory Spies From the New ' Linen Store, Located on Second Floors
Mill Ends Fine Imported Irish Damask 90c Yd.
That Would Sell Regularly at $1.35 and fl 25 Yard
Lengths range from to5 yards, full 72 inches wide. Full grass-bleached heavy
Irish damask, in many new patterns, grapevine, rose, fern, etc Every cloth in this lot
is absolutely perfect.
75c and 85c Imported Table Damask 55c Yd.
Full 72 inches wide, firm, evenly woven damask, free from dressing, full
. bleached. Lengths are from 2 to 5 yards.
200 Irish Linen Table Cloths
At Less Than Wholesale Cost
Size 68x68 inches, sale, $1.75 Size 68x80 inches, tale, $2.19
Size 68x104 inches, sale, $2.69
"these cloths contain very slight imperfections the only reason for these extremely
"low prices. Warranted all pure linen, heavy quality, grass bleached. A good oppor
tunity to replenish your linen closet.
100 Dozen Odd All-linen Napkins $2.98 Doz.
Sold Regularly at $3.75 the Dozen
Made extra heavy and warranted pure linen. Size 22x22 inches. About 20
attractive designs to select from. -Second Floo-
The Millinery Section
is now in its new permanent
quarter on the Third Floor
None But New
Fall Hats
Every Jcy is e Jay of inlet al in the
millinery section. Our shoving of both
tnmmed and untrimmed models is most
complete. Second Floor
are f making their appearance m
our Fabric Section. Here you will
find a Urge variety of
Ne9 Broadcloths
Nef Whipcords
Nev Peplins
Af Cabardmes
A'f Baby Lamb
Sew Be J ford Cords
Me9 Mixtures
A'e Check
A'e Cloniingt
A'f Chtillics
and in soft. rich, subdued colorings.
Ranging from 50c to $4.00 a yard.
Second Floor
A Great Final Clean-Up Occasion of
Women's Summer
Wash Dresses
To Be Numbered Among'the Rarities
$2.98 $4.95
For Dress That For Dree That
Have Sold to $70 Have Sold to $12.
The time for our final Summer cleanup is at hand, and
to dispose of these dresses quickly we have marked them
mo-t radical reductions thai you cannot at lord to miss.
Thm Ammrn are all new and fresh, late am
variety of styles and materials are large and
No C. O. D. order, no phone or approbation order;
no exchange: Third Floor.
at two fAV" ' 1 !r
Jast In by Express
New Fall Style in
White Chinchilla Coats
For Misses and Small Women
Their Regular Price Is $12.50
Monday $7.85
The kind of coats now in greatest de
mand for present and Autumn wear, of
a fine trade of white chinchilla, cut
very full and flaring, with belt all
around, and the new convertible collar
anJ Urge patch pockets, r.arik rut
Introducing the New Plaid Silk Blouses at $3.95
That Are Really Worth $5.00
Tomorrow we exhibit a special collection of what are conceded to be the snappiest of
bUses typical of the new Fall fashion notes. Emphasizing the charm of plaid ilk designs
in plain and combination effects. The fronts being tucked, plaited and. tnmmed with fancy
buitons. Thrd Floor
Monday A Most Radical Clearance of
tvt evil. C i- C
r newest oiik jpuriD uaur
54W And White Golhne bports Uoats
A Rare Find for Thirty-Eight Women
)$V3 A Thpse Coats Sold Formerly at $16.00
rjtn a 11 . h J AP-
All at $4.ya .
Note particularly that the materials used in these coats could not
be bought for the price we are now asking for the finished garments.
They are all made of fine striped and flowered silks in a great variety
of belted effects and shown in an assortment of light and dark colors.
The smartest and the most fashionable coats of the day. and promise
to be worn all during the Winter season over a knitted Jersey. .
No C. O. D., no phone or approbation order, no ex
changes. '
-V T
The Smartest $5.00 and $650
New Hand Bags
We Shall Offer on Sale
. At $3.50
Think of buying the very Utest
sfyles m Fall bags this absurdly
low price.
Tk leathers art soft, pliable pin
. .it. i
seal "and peart seal, n tuc only, j
The shapes incluJ the new long t
envelop bag with flat strap handle, j
oval pleated and gathered bag. I
beaut-fuy bned with novelty si.ks.
The frames are in run metal, gold
aed silver finishes, f.nel ilh mir
ror and coin pjrw. some ith mirror
attached. Fust Floor
New Models in Fall Coats Are Here
For Aulomobiling. Traveling and General Wear
Specially Priced at $21.50
Fo entirely new models, of fine imported Scotch and English mixed tweeds, the latest
modes in full-leogth coats, belted and pleated styles, with the popular convertible collar,
and coat or ragtan sleeves, with mannish cuffs. These coats are altogether different from
those of the past season, and we are showing them for the first time tomorrow.
Silk Taffeta Petticoats That Were $4.00
Very Special Monday, $2.95
They are made with the latest circular flounce, in pleated, knife-pleated and ruffled
styles. Some are of all-silk taffeta, and others with silk Jersey tops and silk messaline
flounces. Come in the most popular colors, of black, navy, emerald green, hunter s green,
and a great variety of handsome changeable effects. All made with fitted top. Third Floor
Another Shipment Jast Received of the Very
Popular Fiber Silk Sweaters With Sash
At the Exceptional Price of $6.95
In the fashionable rose an3 azure shades. Made with a full-length sash.
with pockets, in jacket style.
Third Floor
Great Clean-Up Sale
of All Colored
Short Silk Gloves
$1.00 Quality for 79c
75c Quality for 59c
50c Quality for 39c
- Our entire stock included
in this big sale, in every color
worn this season. Full line of
size. . First Floor
Sample Picture Frames
Regular to $2.50
Sale 59c
:This sample line of picture frames
is made from odds and ends of the fin
est mouldings. In mahogany, walnut,
antique gold and gilt finishes.
In every regular size from 8x10 in
cluding 1 6x20. inches. Complete with
glass and mat. Sixlh Floor
Final Clearaway of
Selling Regularly to $1.65
Now 98c
Longclolh and Crepe Cowns
Camisoles, Combinations,
Skirts, Envelope Chemise
Made in the very best styles and
materials, daintily trimmed with
laces, insertions, embroidery, head
ings, medallions, drawn with pretty
ribbons. Fourth Floor
Curtains $2.87 Pair
$4.00 and $4.50 Regularly
Of Marquisette
Of Voile J
Of Scrim
The kind of curtains every particular
housewife prides herself on having at
her windows. In white, cream and ecru,
finished with fine linen lace edgings.
Full 2Vi yatds longs
Cretonne Bordered
Colonial Rag Rugs
Special $3.75
Size 30 inches, a very desirable
r i -i l
size tor almost any room, in nu-ana-miss
Dattern. with pretty cretonne bor
ders in colors. Fifth Floor
Black and White
Most Popular Combination in
Silk Hosiery $1.25
These smart stockings
have only jast arrivea, the
most fashionable hosiery for
FalL Of pure thread silk, in
many new stripes that will be
found here only. First Floor
y -
v. -.
, , ' 5... S v. - - r VXir - "iKBStsSMfc- ,
. " -:
LOIS STEERS, of Lois Steera-Wynn
Coman. returned last week from a
vacation In Eastern Washington,
and Immediately took up plans for tbe
opening- of the 1915-16 music season
In Portland. The opening- date has not
yet been fixed, but the artist has been
chosen. He is Fritz Krei6ler. the emi
nent violinist, who has but recently
arrived from the battlefield In Europe,
where he was injured. v
The coming- of Kreisler has a roman
tic atmosphere about it that Miss Steers
has discovered. Many who know of
Krelsler's art with his yiolin were
stunned when the news- trickled from,
the European battlefield that he had
been injured. All wondered if his mu
siclanly capabilities had been disturbed
by his wounds. He had given up his
career when it was most brilliant to
serve his country, but his injuries
eventually made him less a soldier and
more a musician, the satisfaction
which tempered the news of. his mis
fortune in the war zone.
Kreisler has the soul of an artist,
and therefore the experience in the
war has lent color and even more feel
ing to his sensitive nature.
Kreisler is an artist who does not
believe that, being one, he should not
risk his life in war. He sought to
return to the front after his wounds
had healed, but some more sober coun
sel stayed him. Kreisler was in reality
permanently disabled as a soldier, but
fortunately not disabled as a musician.
The devastating weeks on the battle
field and his subsequent personal ex
perience have left his art nobler, finer
and more poignant than It was a year
ago. according to authorities who
should know.
Miss Steers expects to announce the
opening date for Kreisler within a few
days. For the season as a whole she
promises an inviting array of talent
and personality.
Hood Kiver Grocer Visited by Two
Families of Relatives Same Day.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) An unexpected family reunion
was held at the home of J. M. Wood,
a local grocer, Thursday night. Thurs
day : afternoon E. V. Wood, of Se
attle, motoring with his wife through
the city, was attracted by the name of
Mr. Wood on a store. On introduc
ing himself they discovered that they
were first cousins. They had not seen
or heard of each other for 12 years.
While the reunited cousins were
talking over old times, a sister of the
crrocer. accompanied by her husband
and children, unexpectedly arrived by
automobile from Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Wood made a descent on her
chicken yard and the Wood home was
the scene of a reunion feast Thursday
Annual Shipments From Bandon and Myrtle Point Also Are Heavy, WhHe
Ocean Commerce Likewise Is Extensive.
i i
I ' '
. . . .
sr. 5. 72c
B,ANDON. Or., Aug. 21 (Special.)
' The Coquille River Is the scene of
a bustlins commerce. - The river
Is navigable as far up as Myrtle Point
a distance of 30 miles." This water
way thus serves three important towns
Bandon, Coquille and Myrtle Point.
Along the river are canneries,- mills,
coal chutes, truck and dairy farms and
cheese factories, which furnish abun
dant sources of freight.
The craft are many and varied.
There are dozens of rowboats, some
thing like 50 small gasoline boats and
11 large boats devoted exclusively to
river commerce. The Myrtle Point
Transportation Company operates the
Dora, Pronto, May, -Maple and Myrtle.
The Farmers' Transportation Company
operates the Dispatch.' a large stern
wheeler, the Norma an4 the Telegraph.
The Coquille River Transportation
Company operates the Coquille the
Charm and the Favorite. The. Wolver
ine, which has been Inactive for two
years, will be operated Independently
by Captain Willard. Several of these
boaxa a,vft sassensex capacity oX
200 people. . The jitney lines between
Bandon and Coquille are finding- an
active competition among the river
plying boats. . .
The ocean commerce is likewise ex
tensive. The ships plying between
Portland and the Coquille River are
the Tillamook, Rustier and Roamer.
Those between San Francisco and the
Coquille River are the Brooklyn. Eliz
abeth, Speedwell, Bandon. Acme aad
Phoenix. These ships,have an aggre
gate carrying capacity iof 2200 tons.
The following figures show the aver
age annual shipments out of the Co
quille River: Lumber, 87.586.800 feet;
ties. 5.685.000; piling. 3421 pieces: 6019
poles; shingles, 5.325,000; matchwood,
563 cords; splints. 2967 bundles; slices.
9996 bundles, shakes, 223.000; coal. 803
tons; salmon, 4057 cases; miscellaneous
freight, 2378 tons; passengers. 2399.
Coming- into the Coquille River an
average year shows 2224 passengers
and -17.884 tons of freight The rest of
the trade Is decidedly in favor of the
Coquille River ports.
Approximately T000 people are served
through, thesa porta, .