The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 22, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 39

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--i). Mia Dorothy M.-Malr. The
e'.aytei. "A Rac fiorlaMe.- concluded
Or. and Mr. L. 8. BautBttardner., of
Tortland. have opnd can-.p in the
S t-- Th-trs is -Kautrrl Cam ..
Jar. ard Mn T. E. Mc.N'ut aad xH
f V.n"uver. Wajh . are in their cot-t-aae.
" Wou-lrow." for a two
eta .
Earl H-ltachmltt an! Fred
were I'arn vittturs last Friday.
At Captain Pow-1!" cottace era: Mr
J J. eaipiea. ef fortUod: Mr. and
Mra. J. A. .-n'-iley and HIM Aau
x-'-.lay. of R i.'ttwoot U
Ftar Bertley jrrived rerentty. bavtnc
n-.ere-J tne M rn.iea from rortlafc.
to bae-ilt. Mr. H-otley Bay the
. ar ti:iir.i. la crtp being
r.aie lr. cn 4r-
iir. a-wi Mra John 1-ewla. Gertrude
1--w I . Unit Will aT.e. Mr W. J. Mor
r.a and 'n and i.ui-i Klih-r rtili
t-. ai the "Cut Ual fk from
vlr. and V:i J. IT. Haa-lton. Cart
taseitor IB) dauvhccr. Mary. Mlaa I.
and M! E. Anili all of Port
land, era !ot-u .I. lr. the tUnUuo cot-
tra. M. i'ntir and children have
esr-J thetr cctrafe fr the fraisa
Ll -- Mr. a-4 r. John Lewi
ft '-'rtaii.ed at rartll in boner of Mr
ai I Mr, r. f:i' i. of Portland, and
fries butcher, of to a-rn city. Those
(rqat ware. Mr. and Mrs. Joan l-awta.
r acJ Mr. rrank similh Frank
I;l-hr. Loo'ra r'laher. ire:a Wil-j
lama. Mr. Vv. J. Morrta, FMillp Mm-
l r4 rtrude l-ew.a.
w It. Jiavis. of Portl--J. la taking a
two real at Ocean Tark.
lira c w. Hamilton and aiauchter.
of f ortiand. ara In their camp. -Haxrjil-t"
Kc.t. ' lira, H Alfar. of Superior.
W .a . ta their sous t itL
louiu si. aid Ceora tSt-jrley. of
Vanccairor. fc aari.. ara ajucata at th
Jtrlri:kn coteaca.
.arrto iaan of Cilntort. la la alan
ine frtanda al TaDor ick..
A mon ractrt arrtvau ara: Cra
L. K Hickam. Portland. Mra. A. Ill
aora, Vaacouvar. Waan : Kva f. Hart
ltt. eoaana. W'.i : Mr P. A. Kaa
Jr. Mki TS'lma Kar.nSr. Portiarjd.
Jaia H. liilt. Har Jacoba Tacoma.
Tark. H.nrr C. HMkaBbarb. I'ort
laa 1. Ada Harraafar. atartora. KX
ttti'l In f. -ara and Mra. P. t Bn
ld;ca aU dacht-r. all of Portlasd.
vara (uaita at Mr. and Mra. A. O
Mra F W Slitsa aa4 daoarbtar ara
fr-rn t or.
Mi aa ?im a I'ratctr and Mita 5t.
Varla. of T"ia I'aiUa, ara iumii at-tea
Aaara c'ta.
Cloiaa Plnavll. of a-to-la. la paaalns
la tat atlorj at tfra "Clark "
Ua.ia b:'A Raipb an i Frank Thar-r
rvd Juha Mart paaa'l throuab tAa
t'ark. a:':o a'.ona- .N rtb P-a.a.
X"t L P. iainaa. of Tooa. Wub, la
ln:n at tb laaa of Mra.
A'jturn Craibtoa a -yd Mala pkar.
af Tha t'ailit r.:n:l arrir-d at tha
I'aa Bakar -ottaa.
t-nt tu.ala at (ct)ruckla
I-od" Inc: j. Mr and Mra. Jamas
K-ait. Ml-a fclUn .Volara acd Harry
ftrowbridfa. a:t of I'ortlaad.
Uariartt a rxi Annamav Bronauab
vara racant Ocaan lark rlaltora from
t& lower baa. ho.
R jtb CVnn:i laft for a ank'i vlalt
at Uti H'arb.
Mra. A. riarboar and chll. of Port
lar.d. haa tcoaad a rott tea for tha aa
oi Mra F. O. Downln of PorMaml.
paaard tba waak-ar.d wnb Mr. arad Mra
L. H 5-aama
Tba Moir rottara ha a baai opa-ia.J by
M a. J. R Moir anj Mrs. W. Kicbtar.
f Vancouver.
Mrs. .vtt a Cra.r Taylor has l ft for
krr boma la Portland. Mra. Taylor la
a prominent club womaa and ainarer of
tbat rity.
. Vas S.-boonhoran pa.ael a weak
-: h.a hr.
William O-mrarll. of Portland, was
ar.u-h-r w-a-anl vl-ltor. atopplnc
a tta bis farnt'.y.
Vr tr-i Mrs. Krnt fharp!t. of
Cantia. Una, are tentinj east of Rail
p; rord Smith, of Porttan.l. spent the
w.a::-a. ltb his family bare.
tra. J. li. Mi,m Bnd chiHran, of
l-'rt:r... ar. at tba Chapel cottaat.
!-l'rtr Mra. F. J fonaaily la Mra
1' tl ?tara.. of Portland.
r..iiar.r-. at Ta)lor ltotl are:
!r ai:4 ,l r Mid-on. Frances Kama
l.u.a t-j-.t. -. L. S-aqul. Mrs.
Jam'a itar.iily anj Fl-nor Mena lly.
Portland Mr. W. Kaa-S. Oar-n-
alol.n.- Htjn.. Mr. firl Orlfttta.
""" " :r. ".. jiootn Ran.L WaaH
ti.T.ot ;uAr: Naaoprt, Or.
At tla 1" irk' ar r'Ciatarad tha
f..l oirVT Vr. anj Mr. R. Manachao
'' -1:ar. Kmn .Vaaacria-i. Mr and
'r H C io!rn and fart-.ily Mra L.
F. jitrxrk. Mr.. M O fu 1 r I n r -jam. Mrj.
.V H-r-y. . r Clara a-d i, Ul-n
MaT H-ir. Portland. Vr. K W -at-
taon. l;u;a UV.trmi and Mrrton
W.-.term. ta Cnnj, Or. . Iua J
rr:ci. t,l.ta(. III.; Ma.-r- and Mrs
dam. a j(. ,1 Kp:rA K W. Kr.?ard
ard A F trtarl. of Iba-rv U . . a -
and Mr. J It Landoruui r.l
i-mur. I'f-mi ri:i. Mr. J a.
and ceiil-en. Portland. Mra. XV. it
lawa. Por-.laol.
Tba "C'.ark" carrp.ra and a fear
Inatrad ua:a t.! aat l-'injay p,c.
aitkioa; a tba a.lvraa of -oalratr
R.t'a:-r.j at tba -Kaatab.t- are:
Mr P. T Sc!i(mrlioa and daaahtar
li-e BIa T1or3ta, Iirnu-e Tho--.-n.
Mi'dred tlrartam. In-a :oldtrai
Mr I. kalaun and dauctter. Portland
X K. klat. MaaTar. Waa?v
Miaa Aacaa Harri s an m -ae.k-and
later at tba Moir rottaae. Uveas
lark. n aia.
nrrojkrrV Crowd ilajoyo Halhlnc.
IWaa-ball. plcnlo at IT-Mnc ICurka.
nRLlKCK.a. Waari.. Aac. :l. u-te-'al.
Picnics and bor.f'.r, hare baaa
tne prineir-! feat iraa at tba lireakars
tla past jk Tsa htl patron an-J-ye-l
a barra. rida and p.catc to tba
f a wn ro. k last Vadsaalay. Pain
Inar. b'tsa a-.d ti( wera partici
pated in by old an I younr. Kaaerai
a ;bta l.-:e patr.-r.a bate bald bonfire
on t.-ia braca. and toaated siaraama.
low a -are a.Ta.l.
Cnariaa K Arcb jr. a ho baa boa-a
atudjiri rr. -aic at Milan. t:a:y. for tie
past tttava year, -tub b a mother. Mra
J vt. Art..r. re:ur&d home tat Sun
dar T.iy rrpvrt aaar condition In
l.a.y rruca n-.jra d:; tbaa
n- 'liana realise.
J K. H cMf ar.f ncr for the)
a". .
K. k .V. Itr.aa. wstn tie daugh-ilnc aa brr house guest Mlaa Marie
atl-anne and llvelyn. Is paaa.nsi Hartmen for several days at tha Mc
tra. K
a c( a of ia.a at tba Breakera Ha
ul Mr. I E. Woodruff and diuthur,
at I'iciiaa I. ara ac;-urntr.a at the bote.
tor a taw daya '
P. . Kum. of Portland, arrlrad
Monday to take hS family boma a?tr
a tlire atfa Vialt.
Mr. and ii r. 7 satu of pprf.and.
-aith Mra. M. bcran.aon. of Boston.
Maa. arrttri at tba I'reakars tbia
O F- Arnar and wife paaaej a few
daaa a. Itf llraaitar from Spokane.
Mrs. !i;en I- Maraereaa. of Port
land, la ptit'inc In much lima on tha
Ilieaker av'.f links, l-.ia holds tha bast
. a . .ora f .; r thta Year
lioirinc la tl; popular sport at the
. ..
Fmimti Amons tae moat eperiencea
c:fr piaaiPit are: K. K. artnncr.
t. W. Dvtda, F. . Dietrich. A. Born
ateln. C B- Arthur and H . Pace.
wther patror.a at the Breakera are:
I M Lupto-i. Portland: A Seelig. rort.
lard. F V l ook. -!a:tie. tta.h.; Myrtle
Baker. Walla WaUa, Waa a.; KateUe
--r a TT-r-r-tr -
MarkaJey. Portland: f1na nynn. Se
attle: Oily a E. Lender. Spokane. Wash.:
Marjorie MaacKlmaon. PorUaJid: J. J.
Ruaentxr-r. Portland: A. Bornataln. Se A. Ftied.-nan. Francoa E. Paga.
Mr. and Mra. H. V. Paaa. Mra. J. -J.
KoaenbareT. i-aaarenca Itaaaa, Mary
Appleby, ileiaaa Klo Appleby. Teddy
Thomas. Captain Mclnllra. Oaort H.
NorrW. Captata XV. B. Whltcomb and
wife. H. L Qrlt. B. V. Maroney. Lalatl
r. .Nelson. J. If. Flatar. Sylvia Wheeler.
Mra L. Hammond, all of Portiana. or.;
Misa Jenette Rtca-n. Boston. Mass.: Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. McOowan, llwaoo. Wash.:
Mra. Albert Doiitar, Miaa Francoa Dun
bar. Astoria, or.: M a Mary Patrina
McOoaraa, llwaco. W asX
Vacallonlats at Keaort Oorarplrd
Also by Ontdoor PuUawf.
SEAVIKW. Waah-. Au. II. -SP-claUr
-A stroU aloca; tba beach at aun
rla for a few. but mora oflan a walk
at that equally beautiful hour, sunset:
a picnic to any of tha loaely spots
alone the caul la or on Shoalwater
Bay or tr.rou.rh Sa wooda: a supper on
tha sands or a motor trip up trie beach
at low tide, ea-b plaaaura has Ita fol
io in and each la equally delichtfiiL
Tha huatie and bustle of tba mrd
saasoo baa bean In evidence ail week,
and taa number of weak -and curat and
tla. tors for a day or two baa bean
na nr. . .
i n of tha moat enjoyable artaira 01
Tuesday was a picnic ta band Island
which was taken by a croup of boya
and atria, moat 'of whom ara mamb-ra
of tha younier aat cf Inrlncton. The
party took tba launch at llwaco, and
arrtalna- at tAa Island, bad a basket
luncha-nn and then witnessed tba eeln
Irc Thoaa who made tha trip wars
Misaaa fraa Jacobaea. Janet Patera
Helen Adams, allltabeth Prter. Mar-sarr-t
Verstees. Helen Clark. Dorothy
tira and Jack O Bryan. Rudolph Ca
(ail. Marsh Davis. Hubert Halt James
I'amaron. Read Ellsworth. Altca Ball.
Jack Holden and Kay VerateeC.
Another picnic ta Sand lalaad and
rort Caaby and tba lifaaaln station
as wall waa anj"d by a (roup of pao
pla last week. Tba picnicker lunched
at Fort Caaby and tbaa made tba trip
to tba Island to aaa tha afternoon arino.
Tba party Included Mr. and Mra.
Bert Roberta. Mlsaaa Marvel Case. Roe
vhirhi U.ratr.t alchacht. MiTtnl
1 o Kara Madeline store. Bertba Stcbacht.
Mollis Harnett. Ethel coon ana rrana
Maculra, Boy McFaddea and Jerome
Elmer Spencer, who It at Band Island
this Mummer, passed tba week-end with
frianda at tha beach.
Among those wbo were at f-earlew
for the wek-nd waa Will Grenfell.
whose family are here for the season.
Mr and Mra W. L- Boise and P. I-
ll.aafaa ara house a-uesta at the L J
Wesley Lad! collace. lvda urf, for
seterai day.
Mra. H. V. Corbett la hoateaa to Mlsa
May Failina; at tba Bandeoma corbett
borne oa the rldaa.
Mr. and Mra John Patterson and Mtss
Blanche Patleraon arrived tUe week to
be tha house aueata of Mr. and .-ira
M. O. Thorscn for several daya The
Thoraens are most hospitable and have
done much eniertalnln- during th a-
aon. A number of ituet departed Mon
day after a clraiant stay of several
aki Thar Included Mr. and Mra
P. XV. Thoraefi and son Marvin. Mr. and
Mr. Arthur Plinklewlsh. Mra. Ida Han
sen and Mrs. II. larc n.
In a cosy red cottait at the Flahln
Ro-ka Mra P.aby D. Ewcet and little
ion ara nasaine Autrust.
Max ttcbulx. of Portland, baa taken a
tent at tteaview. which he will occupy
for about ten day.
An Informal luncheon at har home
on the boulevard waa nlven by Mrs. .
XV. Loirk recently. Covers ware laid
for a dozen. Including- Mr. and Mra J.
MacAffer. Mra A. Peaonen. Eilen Mac
AfT.;e. Heln Vom Cleit. Hedwla Unorf.
Cornelia. Hiaa and. Ernst Llck and 1.
H. MacAfTee
Par tha nlaaaurt of a arroua of the
kiddies, who must have ttieir a;ood
time Juat as well aa the grown-ups.
Mlaa Eiolae Lowanson gave a Jolly bon.
fire Friday nlcbt. Dr. and Mra Law
rence S-U'n-i aaalated Misa lownson
In carrylr.; out the eatnee which were
arrange I. ReJreabmenta were served
and the afaif wa every hit a en
joyable aa a biar folks' bonfire. Amon
thnee preant were Myrtle ilea-an. Dor.
othy lacott. Naomi Levy. A. Stuart. Sam
Levy and Teddy Levy.
After; a few daya In Tort
land. Mrs. William Allard ha returned
to her cottace at the beach, which she
will occupy for the real of tho season.
Miss Hilda Bacusky baa taken a cot
tace at tha beach for the rest of the
srason he will arrive this week.
Mr. M. Anderson has taken a cottasje
namrd Croft for tha reat of the
Summer season.
Mias Madca Volton la the house truest
of Mta llayle Roberta at the latter
raita.a at llolman Station. Donald
Koorrta. Mlaa Roberta' brother, waa
amons the younc people who Journeyed
to Ocean Park for the laraa dance last
we- k.
Mr. and Mra A. J. 1'asserman have
taken the Waaaerman cottace at Sea
view. They will occupy It until Sep
tember. At Seldom Inn Mlaa Marcaret Vera-t-a
1 entertaining aa her bouse curat
Miss He. en Cark for several daya.
lalerr affairs ara being planned In honor
of Miss Clsrk.
Mr. and Mra A. I. Levy motored up
the bea-h to Ocean Park recently on
a clamminc trip, which waa succeeeful.
They were ac omranled by Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Coha and Mr. and Mrs. H R.
II. K. Roberts and F. M. Cobn passed
Mmlay fiabinc at the Rock and were
successful In catching a number of
tomcod and bass, la the evening they
were joined by Mra. Roberta and Mra.
Coin and the party had a plcnlo lunch
and bonfire on the baach.
On Monday Mra 11- Kelly arrived to
dwe'l at the rj,e pottage on tha ridge
for the reat of AucusL.
A group of girls from Seavlaw and
Peach Center paa-ed a dallrhtful day
at t'aker Bay Wednesday. They went
swimminar In the bay an J afterward
had a boaket luncheon on the beach.
Tnoee who took the trip were Mlaaes
Mariruertte Sheehy. Mary Corcoran.
Marvel Cae. Rose Schacht. Marcaret
f.arbt. Mayme o Hare. Motile Harnett.
Brtha Scharht. Ethel Conn. Mildred
and Tilly Anderson. Florence and Mary
Homes and Mra. Robert Roberta
Miss Patsy Stewart waa a recent
house cest of Mlaa Kate Holman at
the Holman eottac In the Wtllowa
."ft a has since cone to Gear hart to visit
i tor a short time.
Ml.-e r lav la abuvnnm is iniwitsiu-
Donnell cottage at .eaview.
From Astoria Mrs. U. A. W. Folkere
cam laat week -end to pass the time
with her sister. Mra Frank StrauhaL
at the latter a home In Scavlew.
At the Wolfard cottage Mrs. 8. Cat
tin I visiting Mra I 1. Wolfard for
a fortnight. Marlon Kyle waa the
houa g4ct of Catlln Wolfard for a
week. Both leave shortly for coliege.
After passing about a week with his
parents. Mr. and Mra L Oevurtx. Harry
ilevurts left Tuesday for Seaside, where
he remained the rest of the week at
the cottace of his slatcr-ln-law. Mra
Anna Oevurts.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Brown and three
sons Alex. William and Kenneth, are
numbered amons the race n t arrival at
I TK. hr. W n m...
h Center. They have taken a cot-
tase whi.b they will occupy for the
reat of Auc'Jat.
Mrs. J. F. Danlke la housed In the
Taw ley cottage at Beach Center for
the reat of the season.
Tuesday afternoon Miss Marjorie
Adams was hostess to a number of the
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younrer girls at an Informal party
complimenting her house guest. Mlsa
Adelaide Richardson, the young daugb
tar of Mr. and Mra Thomas Richard
eon. The afternoon was passed In cards
and dancing and refreshments were
served "by the bostesa. Those present
were Misses Richardson. Helen Park.
Doris Wlldman. Arlln Cameron. Mary
Lee. Luclle Jenklna. Mary Holmes and
Marjorl Adams
Mia Jean Jacob, who was the guest
of Mi.a Florence Holmes for a few
day, returned to her home In Portland
Monday. During har stay at the beach
a number of affair were given In her
honor. Including a bonfire, a aupper at
tbe Rock and a picnic to Fort Canby
and the Fishing Rocka Those who
went on the picnic wero Mlsa Frances
Cabell, Mlsa Nona Lawler. Mlu Jacobs.
Miss Mary Holmes. Miss Florence
Holmes. Robert McNury, Warren Thor
icn. Adrian Wlldman. P.onnld Mcln-to-h.
liarry Oevurtx and George Knljrht
Guests registered at the Hackney cot
ta-e thl vteek Include Mra. J. S. Bays.
Miaa Ella Wlberc;. T. F. T. Maher. P. J.
Cannon. J. F. lKnnel!ey. Mr. and Mra
George Orr. W. p. Jenklna. John Baikle
and family and E. Clark, all of Port
land: S. J. Comway. Kansas, and Paul
Whltehou-e. Walla Walla.
At tbe Shelburne Hotel the following
namea appeared on the register during
tbe paat week:, Ada Buah and Mra L.
O. Loom.trd. Boise: Mr. and Mra. F. A.
Raymond and family. Spokane: Mrs
Hicks Fenton. Leland Fenton, Virginia
Kenlon, Mra W. F. Sttne. Dorothy Stine.
R. E. X. H.inlsch. Mra. W. A. Hathaway.
Mra. K. S. Ervin. A. B. Jenkins. Ruth
Drake and Dr. D. Brenar. all of Port
land. Gueats registered at the Sunset dur
ing the past week Include: From
Portland. O. P. Schroeder. R. Abraham
ion. Edith Abrahamson. Mabel Preston.
Cora - Preaton. I. A. Alsager. Anna
Anderson and S. S. Purdy: from Welser.
Idaho. Mr. and Mra H. W. Benfer and
Helen and Hugh Benfer.
Miss Edythe Flora, of IKS East
Couch street. Laurclhurst. Is the guest
of Mra Ben Greene at El-Gr-Be cot
tace. Mrs. F. A. Collins and daughter. Aud
rey, wbo are passing Auguat at Sea
view, entertained a party of ten with
a motor trip to the Iifesaving atatton.
North Head and Fort Canby on Tues
day. Mr. John Albert Keating, Miss Er
wln. a charming visitor ftora Chatta
nooga. Tenn: Miss Hallle Keating and
Ralph Keating are at Seavtew for the
remainder of August. They recently
returned from California.
Warm Surf Attracts) Hundreds of
Visitors at Seashore.
SEASIPE, Or, Aug. II (Special.)
Between SOO and (CO people took a dip
In the rolling surf Sunday, the tem
perature of the water being unuaually
high, fully 19 degrees warmer than It
haa bean for yeare. The breakera were
enormou. and owing to a stiff under
tow the bathera kept close to the shore
where there were no life-lines. The
warm, brilliant sunshine lured them to
llncer and nap on the beach, than rush
In for another plunge in the fascinat
ing aurf.
Since the opening of the Columbia
Hlrbway. countless motorcars have
a4 mm .1.1 SjI1m4 wllh marrv
ri...ii.iiri Mnrt the main t hop-1
ougbfare over the week-end was brim
ful of aimless pedestrians, sallying
along, absorbing the atmosphere of in
formality and trreaponslbillty, the
throngs vibrating in response to the
whir and bun of the streets. They
did not miss one of the attractions
found along Broadway, wandering up
and down, stopping to akate. ooarL
shoot, taking In the movlea and ending
with a dtp in the alluring briny sea.
A great many spectators gathered on
tbe balcony of the natatorium on Sun
day to see Mrs. Constance Meyers take
her dally exercise and rlunge In the
tank. She was quite the feature of the
afternoon, although she was merely one
of the many swimmers and divers and
waa cot giving an exhibition.
The Thes Dansants at the Colonial
Grill are charming and attract the
younger beaux and belles. The even-
In are crowded with merrymakers,
wbo Indulge in supper parties and
dancing, especially on Saturday night a.
Laat Saturday the grill held the larg
est crowd of the season, and the seml-
sacred concert Sunday night was also
well patronized and a delightful treat
to the lovcra of music Summering In
There were two other notable events.
the Dahlia Fair and a bazaar for the
benefit of the Catholic Church, both
moat successful.
Here again the motion picture man
pursued tbe eager public clicking off
every possible position of the willing
posers wbo gathered on the beach. The
primary reaaon for his appearance was
to take picturee of the life-saving suit,
a demonstration of which was sched
uled to take place In the surf during
the afternoon, but the breakers were
too high to permit of getting the boat
out, so the effort was abandoned. Pro
teaaor 11. A. Ludwig demonstrated the
Life-saving cult la tbe natatorium Mon-
t y. ovaro s
day to the Interested galaxy of spec
tators. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker, of Port
Innd. passed the week-end at Hotel
Moore and entertained Miss Nadyne
Baker. Lucille Abbott, of Bend, Or., and
Li da Littell, of Portland.
Thomas R Dalton passed the week
end at the Moore as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Smith, of Vancouver.
C. C. Chapman, of Portland, also was
a visitor over the latter part of tho
week at the Moore.
Mrs. Victor Johnson and sons visited
Mr. and Mra Gordon Voorhlea In Sea
side last week.
A group of young folk who are pass
ing tbe aeaaon In Seaside made up a
picnic Tuesday, chaperoned by Mr. and
Mra. Jerry Newman. The party walked
to the Rocks, built a bonfire, had a bas
ket luncheon and later climbed around
Tillamook Head. In addition to ' the
chaperones there were Misses Lucile
and Gladys Dunne, Irene Collins, Clara
Qui flu, Sidney tlberle. Edward Edris,
King Tyler and Lieutenant S. V.
Schneider, of Vancouver Barracks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Edris. of Spokane,
and family recently came down and
opened their cottage for the rest of the
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Eastman and
baby arrived Saturday, and will pass a
few weeks at Locksley Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wood also came on
Saturday for a fortnight's visit at the
Kufua C. Holman passed the latter
part of the week with his family at
the Halt
Mr. and Mrs. Marton Wallace and
daughter. Nan P. Wallace, of St. Paul,
are in Seaside, stopping at the Hall.
Carl E. Fielder, of Seattle: Miss
Louise I. Kelly. Portland: L. XV. Per
kins. Mrs. J. E. Beam and daughter,
Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. L. XV. Pay ton.
Lucile Jarr.erson, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Manson, Louise Manson, Helena;
P. S. Pearter. Seattle: H.. L. Bruce.
Chester Hodgdon, E. Shainwold, Mr.
and Mr. George F. Moeck. Gretchen
Moech. Kalnler: Jasper and J. W. Jones.
Seattle: T. Smythe. O. Jackson and L. O.
Gary, Tacoma: Nan O. Hansberry. Ta
coma; G. E. Bukiington, Delphia Cob
ban. Great Falls: E. S. Nelson. P. A.
Wllhani, Helena Hammer. Marltn, Tex.,
and Mary Torgler registered at Locks
ley Hall during the week.
The guests of the Hall made up a
long hike and picnic on Friday, chap
eroned by Mr. and Mrs. J. e. Wakefield.
There were about .0 in the party, and
luncheon was cooked in a big bonfire
near the Rocks. After luncheon the
picnickers climbed the trail to Tllla
mpok Head and passed the afternoon In
the picturesque wooda
Mrs. George Goodell was a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. .Leightoa during the
Mrs. M. S. Drake entertained Lieu
tenant Reams. L'nited States Army, and
Herbert F. Shaw over the week-end at
her cottage here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ingalls are visit
ing at the home of the latter's sister,
airs. John Brailier.
At Oaies Natatorium Saturday night
hunareda of week-end excursionists
were entertained with a fancy diving
and swimming exhibition. Professor
H. A. Ludwig was assisted by Clair
Talt, who is in charge of the natato
rium at Gearhart: Sidney Eberle and
Eroll Strom, who gave their thrilling
fire dive, and also did excellent dou
ble work, diving and swimming.
Charles Henrya and William Hoopes
further contributed to make the pro
gramme one 01 mirrcii auu cuuiuuu.
Dr. and Mra L. Keeney, of Portland,
are passing a few weeka aa guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Henry In their cot
tage on the boardwalk.
Mr, and Mra C. W. Young, of Port
land, are sojourning at Pleasant Nook
cottage for a few days.
The Rocks cottage on the beach Is
housing Mr. and Mra E. J. Condon and
son, of Portland, for the rest of the
Mrs. George Luders. Mra W. R.
Boyer. Mrs. Arthur Murphy and Mra
Ralph Meyers have been domiciled In
the Bushong cottage for several days.
Mr. and Mra. E. P. Klenan. of Min
neapolis, are passing several weeks
here in a cosy cottage. They have
Kn .-lAvinr a month' visit in San
Francisco attending the fair, and a CI
tha end of this month they are plan
ning to return to their home.
On Tuesday a number of well-known
Seaside matrons gave a card party at
Hotel Moore for the benefit of the
Episcopal Church, and the affair was
quite a success socially and finan
cially. ' The proceeds considerably
swelled the fund for tbe new building.
Out-of-town patrons at Hotel Moore
durlnar the week Included C. P. Bock,
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. G. O.
Furst. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs, Bascom
Glaze, Canyon City; Miss Laurlne
Smith. Ontario: Mr. and Mrs. K. Ko
hart and daughter. Jordan Valley, Or.;
Milton Allenberg, Memphis. Tenn.; Gut
L. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Strum,
Astoria: Mr. and Mrs. L Stark. Helena,
Mont.: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mackenzie,
Spokane: Duncan Ferguson. Astoria;
M. G. Grebe. Mountain Home, Idaho:
M. Foard. Bucoda; F. R. Stokes. Te
nino: A. C. Nelson. Flavel; J. T. Ross,
Jr, Astoria: H. 1. Smlthsoa. Astoria;
Mra R. Medley. Dr. and Mra A. Hart
man. Ford Autzen, Astoria: P. H.
Stokes. Aatorla; C U. Green, Spokane;
-JTr -.v. - a" - -J-ai2a.
J. E. Dodd. Mr. 11. 22. Clawson. Mra
M. F. Graves. St. Helens: E. D. Patton,
Chicago: F. A. Swan, Vancouver, Wash.;
C. G. Swan. Chicago; H. A. Sackett,
San Diego; Mrs. Taylor and daughter,
Philadelphia: Lucy Coffey and Buby
Yates. Wasco; Mildred Baker. Walla
Walla: Leslie Butler. Hood River: M.
A. Sexton. San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs.
R. Schleicher. Lewioton. Idaho; K. Har
adon and M. Wall, Astoria; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert White. Spokane; R. Alex
ander. Pendleton; B. B. Wallick. Salt
Lake City; Dr. and Mrs. T. Forstrom.
Mr. and M-s, T. . Laurm, Astoria;
Mrs. K. L. Rector. Wheeler. Or.; C. H.
Callender. Astoria: A. C. Nelson, Fla
vel: M. C. LaMalle, Astoria; Miss D.
Cobbin. Great Falls, Mont.: J. M. J
Hawthorne. Astoria: E. H. Joseph. Al
tone. Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith,
Mrs. S. J. Whitchouse, Vancouver,
Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pomeroy
nd children. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs.
R. X. Pemberton. White Salmon: Mrs.
s c Smith and dauchter. La Grande.
Or.; Neil M. Bain, Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Clover and daughter, ou
Louis. Mo.; Anna and Anna Belisle,
Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hooner,
Boise; Henry C. Rowles, J. W. Rowles,
ci,,..- C. E. Evleth. St. Paul: M. S.
Warren. Cannon Beach; F. S. Pamport,
. . . . i ii.A'n II Q n n ii rt o "
saiem; -urs. jaaisiwci. - " -
c v rBv!. Wollinsrfora. Pa.; C. D.
Auld, Miss Grace L. Auld, North Yak
ima: Misses Lavinia Pilling und Mary
Josephson. Spokane; C. L. Houston. As
toria: Mrs. s. w. o nrieu, onu-...c,
Miss Grace Barnes. Weiser; Mrs. J-ne
Shaw. Mrs. J. B, Shaw. Mill City: Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Kaser. Walla Walla;
E F Stevens. Vancouver. Wash.; John
,vl Miller and family. Goldendale, N. Y.;
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Anderson, Golden
j I . v v
Portland folk sojourning at Moore
rr..,i x tha week were Mr. and
Mrs J. L. Merrick. C. Wiesand. Mr.
and Mrs. R. P. Meyer, C. A. Mann. Mrs.
Edward S. Higgins. Albert B. Ferrer a,
o r Ponnev. Mr. and Mrs. V. A.
ri.nti and child. Mrs. M. C. Ewing.
David Dodge. O. M. Watts. Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Davl . Daniel Marx.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bacharach. John Fer
guson. Jr.. David Selander, H. C. Hays,
C L. Campbell. David Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs C. H. Wheeler, Marguerite Wheel
er J Bryant Wrheeler and Mrs. E. L.
Rector, of Wheeler. Or.; H. Schwartz.
S. B. Martin. Philip Holbrook, R. W
Foster. Mr. and Mrs. T C. Haas. Fhlllp
Easterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roy.
Marie Paige. F. E. Beach. Mary Elliott,
v S Taylor Mr. and Mrs. P. Feldman
and aaughter. Mr. and Mrj. U A.
Means. K. E. Barrett, J. A, Matteson.
R I Nol'.an, Mrs. Frank Sweeney. Mrs.
C." R. Hllyer. Mr. and Mrs. R. V Jones.
Peter Zoratl and 'au---TMranMr.roV
mJ MrV'r:ndeMrs.II: l."
and" Mr.-" James Conley A. T. Fielding,
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Thompson. J.' C.
Green. Mr. and Mrs Albert Kalk Mr.
and Mra B. R. Seydel. J. J- Cole O O.
Itetten. Gus L. Feldman. Mr and Mrs.
Charles Zimmerman. Mr and Mrs. A.
O. Jones. Capltola E. button F B
Pratt. George K. "Sw
Grace Cheshire, Mr. and 1 Mrs W W
Theilat. Miss Mayme Stack, Phil tc
t -v,. .nd R. L McGrath.
Miss Ethel Murphy Is mid-season
arrival and Is domiciled in a cottage
at 833 Ninth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Heesa and Miss
Cornelia Heess are passing a few weeks
in Seaside,
nr. and Mrs. J. T. Fulton, of Lewis-
ton. Mont, are enjoying a brief visit
in Seaside.
Mrs J. W. Newman, of Knoxvllle, Is
domiciled in a cottage here for a short
Mrs. Scott Swetland Is domiciled In
a pretty cottage in Hermosa Park.
lUione Paschal, of Walla Walla, is
visiting in the Pelton cottage.
Mr and Mra U. Carmach and con.
Gilbert, of Portland, are summering in
Seaside. .
Mrs. D. T. Nunn Is a newcomer and
is sojourning in a cottage at 118 Ninth
avenue. ,
Rev Alfred Bates, of Warrenton, is
passing a few weeks In Seaside.
Mrs, C L. Dane and Louis Dane are
passing a few weeks at Hoopes cottage.
Mrs. J. D. Meaney also is a visitor at
the Hoopes place. ;
Mrs. W. E. Bell and family are re
cent arrivals who are passing the rest
of the Summer in a cottage here.
Mr and Mrs. W. BiekeL of Cleve
land, Mo., are enjoying a seashore
visit. ,
Misses Marguerite and Jean Burrell
are among the latest arrivals who are
summering here.
Miss Bella Bloom Is passing a few
u in tha Del Mar apartments.
Mrs. Frank McFarland is established!
In a comfortable cottage on bixtn ave
nue. Mrs. W. P. Crawford and family have
opened a cottage on First avenue and
Avenue L
Misses Dorothy and Mildred Nichols
are domiciled In the Hinman cottage
for a short visit.
Misses Edith and Sara E. Smith
are established for a few weeks in the
Pacific View cottage at Serf station.
Mrs. M. St. Sloan, of Spokane, is en
joying a visit at the seashore in the
American, on Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ortel, of Spokane,
motored to Seaside the latter part of
TTtr a m
inuw ai
tha week and are now in their home
in Hermosa Park for the rest of the
Mrs. J. W. Talbot and Leona Talbot
are recent visitors to Seaside.
Miss Ida Wolf and Mrs. T. 43. White
are temporarily domiciled in Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Doane, of Portland,
have Joined the cottage colony for the
rest of this month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wright motored
from Lewistop. Idaho, last week and
aro established in a cottage in Her
mosa Park for the next few weeks.
Mrs. Orton Goodwin and Miss Hazel
Cleveland and Mrs. Alfred Cleveland,
who have been summering in a cottage
on the road, returned Sunday to town.
Mrs. Daisy D. Emerich. who was a
house guest for a week, accompanied
them to Portland.
Miss Mabel Taubenhelmer Is enjoy
ing a delightful visit with the Emanuel
Mrs. Lesser Cohen and son are sum
mering in the Braeside cottage.
Howard Svade, Oscar Edlund and
Nelson Horsman came down late in the
week and are enjoying a ca,mplnT trip
at Godfrey Grove.
Mrs. Thomas B. Carson also Is sum
mering at Hoopes cottage.
Misa Leah Cohen recently enter
tained a number of the young people
who are summering in Seaside with an
informal party. Music and refresh
ments were the features of the event.
Miss Clare E. Hood, of Knoxville,
Tenn., is passing a few weeks in Sea
side. The Simpson cottage houses Miss
Dorothy Koelsch. of Boise.
Mrs. L. Jones, of Portland." also Is a
recent addition to the colony of Sum
mer visitors here.
Mrs. Joseph M. - Keatlnge and chil
dren, of Portland, are occupying one
of the Butterfield cottages during the
month of August. Mrs. Keatinge- has
as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E.
Fowler and children, of Lewiston,
A farewell bonfire party was given
Thursday evening in honor of Laman
Bonney, who will soon leave for col
lege. Those present were Helen
Bracht. Edythe Bracht, Florence Pare
lius. Jennie Parelius, Helen Woodcock,
Frances Soden, Bertha Vandermeer.
Hazel Peters. Lou Gallien, Helen Gregg.
Laman Bonney, Kenneth Price, Irving
Heusner, Jerry Bromberg, Art Wood
cock. Oscar Storey, Rudy Janesch, La
Verne Van Martar. Earl Gruber and
Lionel Talliuger. Mrs. R. Trimble was
Colnmbia Highway Opening Lends
to Attraction of Resort.
GEARHART, Or., Aug. 21. (Spe
clal.) Opening of the Columbia High
way is responsible for the enormous
throngs of holiday makers that have
been continuously motoring into Gear
hart for the past week. The beaches
were so crowded on Sunday and the
two days preceding that a "movie"
man was busy clicking off the many
and varied diversions to be found here.
He was in the dining-room while the
unsuspecting guests were eating, later
he pursued them on the beach, where
they were lolling, surfing and horse
back riding.
t. a-t yhtt lar-pat number of ecrues-
trians of the season were on the beach
Sunday afternoon, as well as a great
many motor cars filled with gaily at
tired folk, most of whom had made
the trip down over the new highway,
t .nititiAti in ih. mnTiv machines
coming down over the highway on the
opening day. Thursday, tnere were a
number that followed later in the week.
Thomas Robertson was among those
who came in on Saturday, motoring all
the way from Portland. His guests
were Edmund L. Devereaux. Kurt H.
Koehler, Harry Reed and Hawley Hoff
man. Asahel Bush and his guest. Dr.
Thomas Smith, of Salem, also motored
down, reaching here Friday night.
They started from Salem, and, after
passing the week-end at the hotel with
the Bush family, motored back Sun
day afternoon. K. V. Lively returned
with them.
Joseph E. Wily is another enthusiast
who took advantage of the completed
highway to motor down to Gearhart.
He reached here Saturday night and
had as guests Graham Glass. Jr., and
George P. Stanley, all of whom passed
the week-end with the Glass family.
Oskar E. Huber came down Friday
night and passed a few days with his
Lieutenant F. V. Schneider, of Van
couver Barracks, is here for the golf
tournament- It is a source of much re
gret among his coterie of friends that
he will leave early next month to take
up his duties In Honolulu for three
Mrs. Landon R. Mason is passing a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. William
Gearhart folk have been living on
golf for the past week, rushing through
all other duties to get in every bit of
practice possible before the tourna
ment, which opens Monday. Each day
brings a number of the devotees of
this game, and this.' afternoon the full
quota of entrants will be established
for the coming week.
Many of the cottagers are planning
to entertain house parties for tourna
ment week, and the next seven days
bid fair to be the gayest of the sea
son on this section of the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hindman
were week-end visitors with the David
Taylor Honeymans.
Timothy Kinney arrived late last
week and is passing the rest of the
season at his cottage with his daugh
ters, Mrs. James A. Dougherty and
Mrs. Charles Whitley.
Miss C. G. Rees, of New York, and
her niece. Miss Virginia Scully, also of
New York, with Miss Ruth Teal, David
Lorlng, Jr.. and' George Kribs. passed
the latter part of the week at Gearhart
Hotel. They are planning to pass sev
eral weeks in California attending the
fair. . . .
King Tyler was a week-end guest oi
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sidney, of Hood
River, who are summering here.
Harry Reed passed the week-end
with Edmund L Deveraux.
Miss Mary Louise an, daughter of
r-t J Tamoa C 7.n P 1 P h T t C d
I . (1 11 11 .u, a. va...'..w
her birthday' anniversary on Saturday
and was hostess lor a aeiignnui mu
party, entertaining about 16 of the
future belles and beaux of Portland's
Inner circle.
Henry Goode was the house guest of
Mrs. E. D. Kingsley and Archie Kings
ley last week.
TTaiintt Maxwell was also a visitor in
Gearhart over the week-end.
Miss Ellzaoetn jneneiee, who ps
the week as the house guest of Miss Huber. returned to Portland
Monday night-
Mrs. Van Bicnnaum, oi oeatue, auu
n.i - -, mtut nf the former's
tuuuicu - f .
sister-in-law. Mrs. Charles F. Adams,
for several days.
Mrs. Walter M. Cook, who-passed sev
eral days In town last week, returned
to Gearhart and will remain for the
rest of the season.
Miss Mabel Beck left Friday to Join
a house party at MacGowan's over the
t-. J ir.. 7 u Tiida T? n a c n f 1 il fOladv.
i . auu -
Lang) are passing a few weeks as
guests or tne latiera pa-reum, ir. auu
Mrs. L Lang, in their cottage here.
r' i ir rinviu .Tr nasHerl a few
days the latter part of the week at his
i XI T? A T.pHor onrl .Tllrie-A
and Mrs. Davis, who have been sojourn
ing in Gearhart at the Leiter cottage
for a fortnight, returned this week to
town. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Leiter and
small son Ted will enjoy a fortnight in
tne cottage.
Unit Pdntln-ham wh, has been a
guest at the Huber cottage for ten
t TrT T Trn
days passed a few days last week with
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Marshall. He
later joined a house party at Ecola, for
which Joseph Minott was host.
Miss Polly Youngs is visiting Mrs.
E. L Deveraux for a few days.
Frank Post and son Phillips, of Spo
kane, who have been with Mrs. Post
and Miss Harriet Post at Gearhart
Hotel, are in San Francisco, visiting the
Fair, and later will join the family here.
Henry I. Pittock, Mr. and Mrs. Lock
wood Hebard and Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Gantenbein were among the numer
ous parties that motored down on the
opening day of the Columbia Highway.
They reached here Thursday and re
mained for the week-eiid.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Starr and chil
dren enjoyed a few days' visit at the
hotel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hurley, of Port
land, passed a delightful week-end
visit with trends in Gearhart.
Mrs. Bruce Glendenning, who has
been sojourning at Sol Due Springs for
a week, returned Saturday to her cot
tage to pass the rest of the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Standifer were
among the official party motoring from
Portland over the Highway last week.
They remained over for a few days at
the hotel.
Portland patrons of Gearhart Hotel
on the opening day of the Columbia
Highway included prominent folk from
Portland and surrounding country, as
follows: Governor Withycombe. Mrs.
John Withycombe, Miss Mabel Withy
combe. Simon Benson, Ben W. Olcott,
Samuel Hill, Julius L. Meier. C S.
Jackson, P. L and F. C. Jackson,
Leonard Wager, Howard M. Covey. A.
L. Clark, of Kainier; T. S. Cornelius,
Frank Terrace, Orvilla: A. M. Shannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Evans, Misses
Mary and Alice Evans, C. W. Hodson,
W. H. Powell, Shad O. Krantz. A. A.
cRosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Peters
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Knight.
Miss H. Cake. H. N. Steele. Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Wilcox and children, Mar
guerite Robes. Mr. and Mra J. A.
Byerlv, Lloyd Byerly. Martha Gotturold,
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Clarkson, Miss
Katherine and Frank Ridgley. Herman
Hawkinscn. A. S. Benson and children,
C. C. Kelley. T. J. Cleeton. C. D.
Strower. C. O. Garwick, Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Garwick, of La Grange. Ind.; I.
Aronson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Fancy, K.
V. Lively, W. E. Pearson. Rufus C.
Holman; J. H. Albert, Salem: Mr. and
Mrs. J A. Pettit, Mrs. Steinmetz, Eben
F. Weils, Mary hill; Dr. R. J. Hill. Min
neapolis; H. L. Bowlby. J. C. Potter,
Leslie Butler. Hood River; Mra C. H.
Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Leech,
Mrs. James W. Tifft, Mrs. Martha M.
Zellar, James D. Mackln, Dr. J. W. Mc
Collom. L. J. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. B,
Yount, Rainier; Mrs. Archer, Seattle;
Judge Olark, C. J. Stewart, Astoria; B,
C. Johnson. William B. H. Ensner, Dr.
and Mrs. A. W. Kinney, Astoria; Phil
Easterday, Henrv A. Sprague, Edward
C. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Salem; J. L. Gerstel, Edward Kol
iopline. J. A. Jackson, A. M. Prentiss,
J. Builer, G. C. Tufts and J. Silva, Rai
nier. Many of the motorists remained at
the hotel for a few days, others re
turning the following morning.
Other Portland folk at the hotel
during the week were: Mr. and Mrs.
D. XV. S. Ramsey, James Ramsey. Jr.,
George M. Noltner. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Meyur, Dr. Max Rosendorf. J. A. Wil
son, Bessie Rae Campbell. F. S. Jack
son, R. H. Hughes, Samuel Connell, W.
Riley Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shepf
well, Daniel Marx. Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Wheeler. Miss Marguerite Wheeler.
Joseph Bryant Wheeler. Mrs. H. W.
McDonald. Mrs. E. L. Rector, George J.
Campbell, Charles A. Barnard, R. P.
Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mont
gomery, William C. Kavanaugh, C. V.
Lutkin, R. L. McGrath and P. L. Lahey.
Out-of-town patrons of the hotel for
the past week included: Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Allen, Walla Walla: Miss Mar
gart Du Vail, Spokane; Mrs. Horace
Geiger, H. Geiger and H. Braun. of
Philadelphia, passing several days at
the hotel; George F. Wilkinson, Hono
lulu; Wr. W. Boon, Cleveland; Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Jackson, Chicago; Mr. and
Mrs. John Taifr and Miss Ethel Tait,
Chicago; Mr. and Mrs., J. N. Griene,
Spokane; Mrs. G. B. Carpenter and F.
G. Anderson. Medford; Mrs. R W. Ruhl,
Medford, and Miss Works. Rockford,
111.: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. S. Ramsey and
James Ramsey, Jr., Ellensburg.
Joseph C. Sherman, of Spokane, who
passed a week at the hotel, returned
to town Monday morning. H. L.
Whiting, who accompanied him to the
beach, left Sunday for his home in
Several large parties motored over
from Astoria on Sunday and passed the
day at the hotel and on the beach.
There wer also a number of dinner
parties at the hotel, the cottagers en
tertaining their house guests or guests
for the day at dinner. One of the
parties who motored over from Sea
side included Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wes
singer, Mrs. Philip Hart and Mr. and
Mrs. C. T. Haas. They came over Sat
urday night to dinner and passed the
Mrs. R. F. Lytle was hostess for one
of these parties, her guests including
Miss Doris Lytle, Mrs. J. H. Parker
and Miss Phoebe Parker, of Tacoma.
Mrs. J. R. Wiley is visiting her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Daly for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Daly are going to see the fair In San
Francisco and will return the latter
part of the month to their cottage here.
Mrs. James Nicol and son Douglas
passed the week in Gearhart visiting
the Groene N. Blacks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montgomery, of
Portland Heights, were at Hotel Gear
hart lor the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Starr and chil
dren, who have been occupying the J.
P. Kavanaugh cottage for a month, re
turned home on Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Wilder has been a house
guest of Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor dur
ing the week. They were joined by
Mr. Wilder during the week-end.
Lieutenant F. V. Schneider passed the
week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oskar
Huber. He will be at Gearhart Hotel
for the golf tournament.
Mrs. Sarah B. Forbes is a house
guest of Mrs. Russell B. Caswell for
a few weeks.
Miss D. E. Goodman is a recent ar
rival at Gearhart Hotel, where she will
pass a few weeks.
Walter M. Cook passed the week-end
with his family at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush, of Salem,
entertained with several motor trips
and supper parties over the week-end.
They were hosts for a delightful trip
to Carnon Beach, which was later fol
lowed by supper and "dancing at the
Hotel Moore. On Saturday they were
again hosts for an interesting trip to
Fourt Stevens.
Wilbur Hillis passed the week-end as
the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Robeson.
Mrs. F. W. Grelle and daughter. Miss
Elsa Grelle, arrived Monday and have
leased the Miller cottage for the rest
of the season. They are entertaining
Mrs. Harry Powers and daughters Jane
and Ruth.
J. Olson and family are recent addi
tions to the cottagers, having taken the
Henry Clarkson cottage for the rest
of the Summer.
Oliver Wassell passed Saturday at
Gearhart Hotel, en route to Cannon
A. Davis and family are newcomers
and are established In the Ridgway
Miss Virginia Menefee arrived Mon
day to be the house guest of Miss Win
ifred Huber for a wees, xney lert
Wednesday, accompanied by Holt Cook-
ingham, for Ecola.
Frank Mlhnos left Monday for a
short visit to Seaview, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Schuyler and
family, who have been Summering In
the Caswell cottage in the meadow.
..Continued on Pag 10.).