The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 22, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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lata ai aa-ava at a
tm nlt. rfaH, c!a. ear. pa
v ar. wu k-utt aad f a. ".
e-a.a. n t ts ts" o-t a
ajwaij. fia u4 aars-
Wft. Day.
t-rpa-a $J
l-roa... u t & 1 s lMu
-r-;a... J to So 4 u? Aw
aWas... i aad us- $ a 1 t
N 5'- . tu: Vo. tcl 2h-
i aa A - ru'i f . 4 eper .m a ..
Pta. 4.4 a $-i. by tC BdStB an.y w,
fc.aj . . to ea mr f e-.. ry j
saw.' (re.: pace, aatn. 1
';C a.-ad fo -Ri, cut an 4 I
m u ; - r- 5 pa :."n on. y. I
W ptt;e.y wt.. r,i f ncirTft
99. a ere sac e Mars-iaa a4. I
l rou waa to t s a'. i-iJ.
l U4-apa.'.ci bvi. tsuitM.n l-
rnoaa p:-: Bjra. rata:&ar
t-'-m i (mt3-i. lic.4a..e bt.
ho aa4 c-i,4 ;94i rca.4 '
-, t if T tfa.r tt u a
d im it. R,.-f-n4. . a a a Ui'va -
7tiC ifcwi A r.;.t,
ana C:uaib lea
Vita, wa a ta M r A i'raelt atara.
-ual a - a . a-i a.Ja la rca
.' aa4 MrfMAt.
i ar Waam liacth
I. . ' oa-aAa. ala r a-i ail.
C-aat 9"-r& a4 iUcua.A S'raaca.
in at a-Lo-Ua.a I and J-riiii far
S! art:x.ut-6jta . aa-- 'it- b a 2
d-4-.B aC U4 ta 4rB-fwm.
a.. -"Li: ru.itna, iof fifta as 4 aa
t:t r a t. clara.
l.ta, a4 Iir.
Kmc BiMttn iiar:iMit aa tba raailla
Caat. fa.' coai a a. -ta ia aaaaicttea.
1 'rs 4 nnc Krraaa.
Cf t maat cisJ.i. antty
firs4 ip.i. . -a" j.rc"a. rX-
ru.- r.;i CJ'sr 3 v. c-r aad
llib; ALIAU T.
k U .a ao i w -4 .
r;a. cwa. tt;: aui t j r-rorn for
IU.ii a par :na.. ra rsaaAr..
A ' ta- i-.r a;ar:mi'.
w:. p. m and Jaltor Mrttca
M'.VDCti APT .
rran a.4 at p.ara ta r!ty:
lD' and a:n. tiu 11 a
aud u. pjjr-a. at-'. i-a and
, . n -. .a waa la. a Aiaa
Tii atalov
ru-a:tsd r 1-rooat apart
niacu. i-Df a. at.raara, prtvata p-aa aad
aatu. vttt, Dri taa L.aa
Iw.l : e-at s.Ca iBafict oo-C:a.ii-
aj.-l R-a - li.'J
Ki.Lt .4 'a .i r aaia or i lo P'
a. Koiu.aiv.j fwra-"4 boi4JaPaa
I j-rgo a a.;., tac .. ( . Li" e: a;r. aaia yraapAaa. t
r...a . li ai.c:e i.;acva
Ay:a. and Uo.o. kia.n liT.. A ..
a'MINTuN uT.ANJ - aaa -rooa ir
tit ad
a r.; B-
i.jt it aaa iurniar.xi.
aaa isr.I t. i.r
fit -'
a ala.1;- tifa4 a
a. 44 i
, aau . VV aa-i-
iiKLorU COLKf. sertt and ITta
Na owdera. 4aai avat. pritai ba;bs.
Uund.-v. cwup.e'.e.p I jta.S'id I aad
a. ; j ii a. a. fro o Dau tanier
aa ca.far. ra.aa mouaraia. ra.ervaoe.
STTt" JOJCr.KT ADt.. cor. M aad alaat
. lin.f. ia.. etr.w.y ae4r. a oua,
i .ru.'.i i i-raom apt,. e.:tr asator.
bast ear. Lc c-aa is. la t
i.'.'. Ma. a
VL.nUt.U AIT--.. 41 A-b a:. t:.eaat.y
Ii.-...i.i or uaijrnisavi a aad -rootn
iruit. e:y ra.'( o: raat. . up
. Hir4 4'.aitti o.aa'.ar. jua tli-
tsn . ul baar fnspttoa.
Hots aad Apr;mata
tLa.n rooia to -naeetioSL
fKfl taa Aarue Marsaa.t JIP4.A43
ThC UZKRNa APT.. d. and Hs.L m ?
bn a. u.wa futninau. uJr nw maa
ai,n( . aaa-y a4 f uraind.
pr . aa .rj r-a-ia. Cai aad Wo
t r. Mar. 4iJl.
n arariiiia-.a a dtstaaea.
$M 3l up. ia-.-d.a La ts. A Apia.
b caa su a
vjo tLKT."w si a. aar W aaaiaa
taa L v. .l-(wrotaa- txui. outsa aa.
aooy. e it.J waiiw d aacwa. laat
wtVa? Cwl HZ Al'ArafcMa,
.ar I a ard Tar.
HaaJJta.f tratjd A. A aad 4-
Uife. fcafc wvti a ta citj, t eaaoaab-e.
Jkwt.irA. taat aJ tiraad a.
aad Oslo. aa.a
kAt'liON I'Aste AfT4
X4 at-, at Malays
Msra A sa J 4 .' uru.be4 apart
rru-a coa in. by ea or sama.
1KB aad .o.uma.
t aad i rovus iaawii;, faronad,
rrst-ASO. raaawiab a rabca. Mala IJAi.
CL A POO L AN N IX kteotk aad Clay
tj room. l-au aad "ail Xur
a iefA. a-..- d stan-a. k w tM
i . e a. w, 1 Ai'U.
auA 'wns -
j. Tr.a.ty I'sca; J aii-i pMsaat.
, $ to e-w.-.w.
a. a : 1 J
lTi;.''N'. E APAt'vMs.N'r'. l a-4 JhBoB
wlsAtt. ul "-- laiar rates
t. fmioio.ia-A '-- .
i Er LO Kt N C ei ! I ITU T.
4-room kka. urM&:i uwdeta aad
r m r Kjf aatdea. ad os-a lr COU-
Thhr: M tmm r-wms, furn:sied
far elaU. ground f-owr. coraef.
li'-a. 1. U irvr as h n. s-
- i i A-Vrts , ilM:w.pil nr
Iter st.. rwrar i.t. (at;y f4rn:she4
ara-t"n-. prioa.w pnoc. ba.a aad ba
c f. yorvft-a. 4 Ii aad Up
) .t Ki.Nl
r Mora 4-room ar;mni : ur- .e to r;nt p4r: .
a, Ne;oa st. U as io.- iira
a. rtt fa
rooms ii4 sun
I m a. ta n; !
h.:. -
ry. n.-
r. -. M:
ULu? HALL f Ksa. 2 aud 3-room apta. pruata Oa::. S
a4 pone: a.s ars. i
A.sae4. i:: 5i up -oae
o as. a ! fur-
Io mo"ta a i . &io.!"a a aad 4-room
rimaa-a. cnp iu-. turaL. ls N.
cor. Kearaey. Marsba. HA,
JvN TEf Lady reut ro--m or s.-are 3-roTn
f.a;. verv beaatlfo furniture. r rooms.
b'-Ti prv :. reaaoaaoia p.e. Awask
M- st Eaat 4' .
JUS LL 'NAKO 4-room af.nm'.i, steam
teth. phone. Ki a. iliis.
jAs- 'S li
f.a: . !f.
Vnfnralbe Apartmawta.
a Lacre'ta l ft north af JM aad
Yt asd .satoa. moat beautifu,. y lo-a!d htgb
c apartman-.a 3 to 1 room! all larga
a rawma t aparcmeata aewlp lur
a.sh4. prices raaaou s t. . . rferaces re
aiir4 a them balore locaiiaa- Maa-
r Msraai: IMS.
ril'KAM AFT, 170 Ford et. S rooma
ha4ood t-oora. as fva.! tli bata. prv
o aad p.".oce. $0
1 r iU;i.wa Ap:a. jkc Est Ank'oy. nar
tai --tt St.. ! furr. ..d or ttttur
r. . i4 J rootn Apia, mouera La every way.
1.. . t '. oN. 44 s-d 4 9 East lath Si. N.
c r Harcuck sc. ; o raks and a'erptcs
porrl : la a and f '.ow r. coavalct ac.4
c.T.i."-'r:4i.. janitor sr ica
l si Ir'Ti. -3ta aad NoriaraAX aai-:
vri.aal s et rilDi'. a outside
roouia . vraa -a baxcaood f swaai
ear-vu- rrncaa Maia 4iK'4.
fc;.u.i:i Kf APT. Is UA ava. Caar
uuun. targe A-room. t bed. bairo.
ecM.y kxati a. good earvWa. raaa ab e
J i n - T S. 4-ri". h wr hat. ba'lt
la p " - b-f -roo-T!S. var-
taaaA, 1-7 Vt. uvw .a m a 4
n-r. FUKM corae Broadway aad Jef
feraoe aMTsat unrc saaNA apart nia;
f t-t-.aa aericepr.a:apooae rat
I-, fNIf V suite ef I. 2 ar.4 4 ro-ims
44 Kti,. inioMn ae ; Tta woaa
t car. lont w vi.a-fi 1.'7.
aal-fcii A4r4. lth acd Cy at a No :
t.-a iirw t rm h ) grade p erasaa.aa
Bjar.ants. rf-etca Mar. 4 734.
THC ORsONDS 4-roea a?t . enfant askad.
54 F N- H m. srAL
OHAvK APARTMENT-. :.r od Nenkrup
S-raw Bnf'j.tnial aartmBt; ail as4-
era tuain:Ra Jatsrnail 1IA
MiHLHORul'ul t;f avsd Flaadera
CHAi .iA'.Lt-. J st roooia, aod-
r riiaa ta. ra oaabta
N;Lv'.V iroo:n r. I r u
i u:ar.- 3 Uh-
Laa, il a. f, raaa M, 141 4. Jk i.'.
I af urm!w4 Asartsaemta.
O-'.i. 1MH AM' O'L'CkJ T.
N li.ti d.;rtrt. or bk from Wnh
tn"a et. J -ertu.et4 sr. d rrS'ii I r
ur' y ew;i. 1. a moOm i-tory. flra-r
trt I of fU and rtOnf
CuU ifa Jty lo . -ited. rct;ilUi of 6J
aad 4 txvn ;:-: nfura.htu ipan
H'.nljk Witt iarT. h(it room. w( T-tl-
t btarMRi iajr katba. : trtc
r - ilvr.r .(!. faMneta, bi-
(oui, pelte phu. ,tt Linueff a -Ur
c4 conurt-.i tu b bd m ao
otber apart :ittit in c.ty. Tu bitid
I" & I a -l ; au'matic e a. Jf
s?t'a. iars --ar?-rv,3i. with ta.
iiri.- aai aa a:i.;si :tca bdio.
icy car o rtjftinctja tt.
aa4 -roaaa aafaraiahtd.
Xi lata a&d Jaffaraoa.
l:h aa4 Taj .or.
kto4ra 1 acd njooi.
Jtataa raaau.a. Mala IOC
UTlt AL t U.NUHi aTa.
iwcu'lI i and a- r Aftxuntau; all
u:j.a rsa. tdcai Watta. a a ihaaa
t ;k; lw ua M aira pru;a ra-
:u IA'I3 AT.
Ha of Kias at.
M muu ao4 taaa.aaaai apart
ntnt-BOUM ia J'oftaa. aaav(:jr lra
p;:. Ibiaa la 3raua QaiuraaaUapaxt
Voara 4 acd -rwti anfurnashad apart
irviita. a.l outaida rmt, iiqJm. p
frtaia tatr.A gara; on J-roora lu
b id until "-t. I. aroali
lO.'tUN COt It T,
1B:& aad Com a.
t aa.d 4-tMi apartmauuL tare, tuna?
ruma. aU oui.. pr:a:a aata and laia
ph ia ta.a. caauai. i- M to JJi.
ftAbuli ai,a.-.:ncC Vary daairabla 4
u.f kfiiif ad apart maat. aiourata
rci. Iiu airy roon.a. wa;r. heat. l.nt
aud tt.fpuj&t, f r a i.aai Umai.l,
-r la n at. Kat
aiit Oa AiI . ira oula.da rooma, froat
and back . prtata porcbaa and aap-c
p rcn. aau boi tiu aad puooa l
S-rtcru. aaar 4ta-
luTH ST.. bear U a ire rooaia. nan
f'.oon, lr..nt rauaa .pto pwtn,
raaa. r;nrat jr aai. hot aater; autct
ly uiodrrn. jut'd.
F ;RtNT F:ra unfnrniabad --rwra apart
m. ii .a. irKt.y micrn, a.l built-in cod
vani ncrf, rnt tl f-O jnonto,
r ,m: Wi.l and t"iiarnan ai . vt btda.
6-K apart mr at. aU ouU.d room, d
Kljr.aori. itr.jua A?ia.; urea ua
iHIb A3at-K1JAN. 21a'. aad Jobnaoa. J. 4.
rvisOi. rriictiADit. Mar. JJ. A
lumg tu 3 rooais.
I.J at J -J
At'.riUkt.y ar.-aaed.
rurai-diea r t aiuraaabati
Moraaa ti.tla.
Furnks-iad and uafwraiatieu apart meat a
ts a., paxis of in c.t . great rtty of
kvcailoas. ss aad pricaa. Our fraa auta
xnobi.a at ..-r aarvwa im tatusf ay af
auf apart aicAta
M ia ami. A ft a,
liia. If A Hal aK. corner or Slst aad Irrtng
FuraiU aud unfurataed kA-artaeats ta
1 1 aad 4 rooous. four-story orick.
trie automatic a.aaUr. oacs,
Sai.t-.a bwiis aad nt.b deaa. piaaiy
; cvsai rooov. cum caaaar fie.
rbODe Marstati J44X.
Tliai KOI At AitMa. 19tb aad Levojej
t ie a eat aad moat up-to-data apia. La
1'oriU.t.d. aaxdaooA (.ooxa. ba.cuaaT ate;
a:; raui moderate; 1 i-rooo.; 1
i 1 no-a. I-X Marsaall ilL
Hipb-ctsas. n.a Uut rooms. Itk a pri
iioinc. .arse bi.vony, .cp.C porth,
i kli-l cVstabe. aieau bitL MtsoaU
3 .';. 4 ' Lradway.
Hue.NFktO Alia.. Mtk aad Kaat a lark
iinck b.ds- aad strwtiy aodera; 4 aad
e roorn aia. arsa rwm prtac pboa
ta eah s I . ra-jnao a raa t . reference.
Iia aad bsmwa.
Fiat aanm-iut-bw a t'acifte Coast;
fcraoi.rui cxi'on. str nvwtrn, aa k
a.tanc. rcrereacea. M. lwl. M. 1jJ
avr. C LA I ft APTrf, -! and J-rvoro apart tuapt.
furu.ud or uuiuxt .a.ia. and up.
ai iai.Oid 1'K.att- i. 1" Cair SC, Bear
A SLA. . r I
l' AfAKiMiAli
Hi-s; ur" TO :..
Prto.Ns. sAKsuaLL 110L
hkr'ti.Ll Apartarant. 274) Broadway 4 to Dus4aas ccter, best kxaiwa ia
P-tuad. and uaf uratsaed. a.
-o' rducevL Maa 1-44, A
Ti ai uKMs LL -room sptsv, I urais:ied
aad aod oUrs, Nob AlLk
M. sUol.
CH E nl'A APT A lM- and FlsnUera, J-3
t4 4-rta and ur.furuaual, rai
raa irjirrd. Ma.n o.
vC a HILL Modem room apt.
ma; porcn. low rot. aao S-roam. coos
f ,rtt,y itr apt. W mo aVU K-aauera.
4 a.a o (osta aata, wub potcaea.
lji E iim. a ear laoai st.
iTl t ;L-iOlt i, i and 4 beauuful roums,
(jT.iifU or not. E 14th anl lsmhili.
k...,.uAUi AJ ri. At Ktca st. J aad 4
rooms, b-gh c-aas. reference aia .'uA
MK RKLJiTM I and 4-room apt, very rwa
soua.e. :i?U a :.. op p. ilo. ai:nHK
Itt.X AHM.i-li'& aad E. Morrison. 2 and
i rwin, ravtb.e. modera ser vica.
..IuMa-New i aad 3 -room apartmeaiA
u-Mn et Maia o44.
r at ;
?o.-:ab. d'slrab.e.
r.4 lmhitL
I lata.
$Ii 7-ro-n fau 410 Eas: Cy. or
from hith"rnt ava.; will d.t 1
j.k'.r. t Utaiaaca, eacelleni tar
Kst 4
A ro:ns In to-ra;itiiy f..t building,
pori-h. rd. ruouil car. Phoba Toor
1 -r 1- E. J4th.
PKKTTT comer f'at delightfully located.
:rl.-t:y m Oern. acceee:. to cnurchea ana
bus.u-a ceuter. opea toe ir.spectim. Ken:
: ualil o:mor 1. Oa .V 1 v.a.
L Kot i-ao,n witu at'iw. s;as ranee.
ii-a--r. i .lo.fuoi. a e..;ig dstan fib,
K- i st.. iitarAh: East
M;;v and modem 4-room f:at, 20 Ilsoa
;r et. r ta r c ast a pproa- a c mac a ay
br;ts: a i.Wir.- clstane. rcaonat,e rent.
tliA M-Nlt NeWy tta:ed 4 rooms. clae
to ac:.o.i and car. in, des.rabte vocation.
Vii.ta. 10 1 .--.iwr. Wood.awa 142
tAiMM m.iera fiat, sleeping porch. g-is rcce, linoteurn, a. 21st
st. lisatboioe car. East 4Toa
M,kt'ERN fr roL 1 b:ock fmm Clin
ton Kelly :h-JO: so wan red.
t-uwe... ror. tn. Take "WW car.
d-i." 'M tirp' f'.at. all outside rooms, fire
! '. s.-c( rnc por-cfi. cor. E. 17lb and
Madtin. 1'itune East -o4-
14 MOt'ERN" 4-T-oma ani . ba'h. jhone.
g.a rar.(. Kti.i;m :n kitchen, tUO m.
Y .anjrn. Last 4.
g-l.'v'M modern f.aU clo in,
n- ar 4 -..o., ntoderat
y. r. io-:. 3" a s-rk et.
W-at Si le.
renu Ca.i
t;KA and b-n;iu. y located d-rootn
I'.au '.luc-J reat. Ualking d .stance.
I'bone Est '
UOVr.RS 4-rooi.i f:t. J Ai'olna a'. lia-
o eum. -:ss :a: c. water heater, ;o. Main 514.
L N f I l'.Nt?HE: 5-room flat. U';
two l4r( s -iiz p.r'hr. rr.
ace. h4 E l':.i . L. 4v or M
le gar-
FLAT of 4 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt at. 4tn sc i'hou Mam 4274.
MODERN 4 ard f rooi, near City Park;
rxasvtiib.e. M:a J?il. A 24".
Nr'W 4-r-"ra f'at. wa.: bed. east front. bl, M niocth. Wood awn 1I4.
MoDE UN -ro n laquir II 14Ua au.
corner Tsoahi, ,
aKOOM l-tr r.w-..ern. r.aar Broadway and
a-e-l brilt. --" 1 s lia e.
Cat. imo
ood la w n
un on kitchen, els An
i--?. t74 Kerby SL
3 . J. iO.
U'r0hTnLK f:st of 3 rw and bath.
vay wa k-cg dutance 344 V Montgomery.
IRVIN'ITON. 5-rom upper. emer flat.
a.'-l's oily. :Ti:Lamook st.
Jr H.MIH f at. modern. Ca.i 412 Vs Wasco.
J i.
4. ."ii'Ovi nnJ r:
a lor I su 64i Mar
. .. 'r
-ii'OM :uodern. fair d:rsbe. perfect
ti. tLon . &rp.aC. garaae. Eiat 114?.
L'VW K f'at rf & la-ge cn rooms, sa
wa.k.;,g utataroe. j Columbia St.
FI K Irrtrgtoo f at with sleeping porch,
larg ard. Phoct East aid. C JOii-
HmiTTI'L 3-ror-m far. ver
: i', juv(r av Wood:
3-lI-H'l mv!era Tar 41
M per flat. iC2 4 park.
rr k
room flat, to deslrabla coupl.
MoL AvjOh -xoaa JLai. laHulra 444a ta at.
M i-f.iiN i-r- 'f 11. ga rans--. wa:er
hat. r. linol. . n. L". 3 Esst 14th Iffik-tr-
r.iht, . t r jliii.i.
WEST StPE Vary irabla -room Tata.
l.m nc.fbonrnooo, ary ca-niDca, iir
BUc :urcac wttb boi walrr colL sia
i.oiary luoa, et c. T2J t acd T2( ikarnr
Mr aju. and For furi&er
Bjtirutra ca.1 taat lilt moraiasa aAd
A7KACT1V moUrrn a-rooia lowr coror
f -at. Jig ft t and cc aaa ran a. water
rratT. rtrapia;a and furaca; .North lta
:.. wat s.dw. J block otf nublncton
rrftt i4tonit). to tba rlfbi party, faoo
f -.. Ht'iN.;fuN. a rni, hardwood
t. jr. Luti-n kitchao. BotaioB f urnac.
NMatit aad atilc 3 I lock Erotowij
car. wa.kicit d t:tarc "Vrtfon, C Otb aad
I road ay. E. va. u ?Jj.
KI.AT. 4 rooma aod batb. corntr lou ttrict
y nuMW-rn. r toa. Dutcb kJtcarn. buT
let. cmbmattcia badrcom a&d
p-rcb. I o..outi' a.A from P. O. 40
f.a: Ankvay. tat 4'.
T n.oira f .a: tit & aad a room.
aacft. 14 S and Hi oa zlat au, batwaa
lio; and i'ric p-er mo.
a: r:t 147. or caU Main avau.
Hi Vi.i',TO, La ft-room cornar toarr t:t
:a : -( at bu.tiina: ati ou::t-ta ooarant
aca. bardod flour, tirap.aca. whit
namal kitrbn. lluo'.rom, (aa tan(.
w:- nta:rr. i'tiont t.aat i:n morn: a.
FiAT. 4 room a. bath, alevplnc- porch, saa
rar.c. ruroac. iirap.a., nari wvkki tioora.
Iniifum oa k:tcrn aud ba;h. S aV
30;h i Tabor
N I " K 4-rocm ftat. ptn porch, m'ro larre
fra: potvb hir and Lot itr; in
rn and wall bel, Call f"3 F.ul
lst. liawthorna car. or phone Main tt.'ti.
frmibr1 faaaa.
lance, clran.
well-furnish ad
f at. plraaant aud comfortable, od quiet
n cn!Ki:nMl, z car.ios ana wanting ai
aqc; tjaa. baia, u siova. 7T2 i. la lor.
ii'I'tH.N" S-room flat. na Ur furnlihed.
aawly palntrd aad tinted, :94 alarg.a
t.. foot of IfalMr. fronttna on river: 14
minute' va:a to L'nioo depot; IT (I laclud-
rr. water, ajut 112.
-HChM furnlhed flat for rent for tfara
mntha at 13 a raontb: rerarencea ra-
Qutrrd. At7 Uaatacbeim ava. 1'booa Wood
la wnc ,
Mi'rXT furnished Cat for rent; nice yard,
r-ica neighborhood. Phooa niMditwn
Ion artar 1 o'clock.
FU KENT w 4 -room furnished flat, 0.
uaa ranea, sear Dish school, bat, - car
II rrs. , mo. wooti :a w n l .
- NEW.
modern. 4-room f Int. sleepinc
porch, u blocs; from l-J-Cbapmaa cx.
Jtij Market sc
6 KLIt 4-room furalaheU flaw built-in fur
niture and sleeping porch. Oooj urana
ivt. Eait 1711.
Fl'It KI ft-room fist, larce rooms, two
Jaeite i-plD porohas. pnvut garasa. a
t-. Iflth st. t. aviw or js, -.
TWO nice rata. SS2 Vancouver av,, $19
and l i: near la. 9 rooms, cook.
n-r (iantebbeln. Hi
NirrLY furnished lower S-nwm flat, va
cmi tfept. 1. walking dlstaaca. 4 Tilla
mook. Kast 4137.
Fl 2.MSIKD A-room f.mi- hardwood floors,
HUM batn. sleeping porch, fireplaca. 1V
Gl-nn ava.; llawihorna car.
in 2-ROOM, whole floor modern, clean,
comp eir'y furnished. 470 MlU iL
2, ANl 4-room 1 lata, furulned or un
fumtihed. East 171 Williams ava.
ELECiA"XTLT furnished. :0; ieam heat,
phone, wster 18 X. Sd. Marshall
ft WEKK UP Absolutely clean, complete
ly fur Dinned Housekeeping suites; bot
water, betas, every convenience free.
Hingle H. K.. rooms fl.73 up. tiav carfare.
The Cm d U la c -Ao 3d st, p ea rJ e fl e r so u .
CeZY llitia suite of 2 housrkeeplnr rooms,
exceptionally cool and Lsht, io per mo.;
o 1 room and kitchenette, 4 per mo.
East J14o. Fl!bt SU
MCK aulics of 1-2-1 and 4 housekeeping
roms, partljr furnished, at 244 Killluxa
a orth ava.. rur. Vancouver. Low rent
Phone Woodlawn lUiiT.
$1 TO 13.50 week, clean furniabed house
keeoina rooms. aultab for 2 or 4: ass.
free heat, laundra. bsth. yard. East 0S.
4-1 ancouver, s nianion. u car.
THE PEAVEII. 12th and Marshall House
keeping rooms, $4 monin up; modern.
Jr. on A 4jJ. or take lrJth-sL car; get
vf at MarsialL
rZ 11TH. Pleasant housekeeping rooms
and s:ngte rooms suitable fur gentiaman;
w :klng distance.
$lv CLEAN, light and comforuble, two
hoaskcrptnK rooms, walking distance, oil
54 st. Marshall S57S.
OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Kurn lined looms cuaap; sl.soweek up.
THE ELMS. 1M 14th sl I rooms, clean.
batb, pnope. light; gi4 up.
FL'RNIftH EI housekeeping rooms, cheap.
cimoiwuie oiag.. so. cor. jsorrison.
FiK KENT Furalslved housekeeping room,
a Itftf 'j tth. cor. Col u m bia.
461 t AT aluJiKlsuN Furnished on
l wo- ro- ra Housekeeping apia; reasonable.
Ilooaekaeptng stooeaa aa Privata Farally.
.n t.i-V furnished 2 -room suit with klt
crUa, modern conveniences, suitable
for two. C'O 11th. near Library.
PEK month, 7 furnished housekeeping
rooms, e.rctrlc lights and water free.
Harrison st.. near Park.
ll.'.O MONTH, Ihre Bcatly furnish a
housekeeping rooms In private family,
bth pftou c. 4 E. 30th. cor. W ash.
ei. 1 1 E of rooms, ltshl. clean, m-dern. als
sleeping lent, nice yard. 474 Aider, S. E.
co r r.r r 14: h.
I Dandy housekeeping room, r.ght
dxwu-town, suitable for two sir; just
ilka home.
TWO (umiihrJ housekeeping rooms, private
bathroom, s.eeping porcn, hot-water beat;
c o m. East sol.
hoie. reasonable rent to permanent peo
r .
P e
sl isin
Ek.EA N T corner bay-window room, kitch
enette, heat, chotc neighborhood, clo
tn. U month; us of pino.;i 10th.
ENTIRE upper floor. 3 rooms and bat'.t.
etric Lgnta, tlu month. n-sr car barns
and Jeffwisoa Woodlawn 2Sb7.
1WO furnished housekeeping rooms, ground
f loor, a a .king distance. 344 E. 2d N.
ONE, suitable for gentleman, IS; on
2-room h. k.. Ho. on 3-room h. k., f l2.Su;
f-ee l-ath. iight. phone. 4!1 Wear. Park st.
;:;. N. 1K141 Lsrge. airy 1 and 2 -room
housekeeping apartments, first floor, mod
ern, eery reasonable.
ifol'PKK CKPINO room a. wk; sleep
ing rooms,' 'ioc; electric, gas, phone, 4U
'-th st.
1 V O front If. K. rooms, clean, running
water, gaa range, fie phone, nlca neigh-t-rhood.
cheap rent. 37tf 12th St.
1; CHAPMAN FT., near Yamhill. 2 fur
nished and 3 unfurnlahed. for housekeep
ing IvUTLAiNU I ITS. Suit 3 rooms, view, gss.
c'e-tnc lights. hth, yard, wslklng dis
.anc. Cheap rant. H 32. Oregonlan.
MODERN, three housekeeping rooms, clos
t3 Creston school, on block to car. 4540
-3d st. S. E.
TWO nice H. K. rooms, separate or to
gether. a!so large, airy front room.
1 10; good house and lot-ation. 4oi Main st.
FOR KENT Two fine, newly furnished front
cottage H. K. rooms: walking distance;
$11. 131 E. Itfth at Morrison.
TWO large housekeeping room, nlca yard
S.4 Johnson su Mam 753 .
4 LARGE furnished U. K. rooms. Phont,
batb. electricity. E. Morrison.
3Fl: It nTsH ED H. K. rooms In front. $11
monto. tloe-lB. lua gth sL
&, ALMuN. 2 desirable rooms, furnished
for housekeeping; furnished room.
IRVINGTON Thre furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, eleciricltyCali East 4oUs.
THREE front H. K. rooms, very clean; fl6
mo ; no sign out- 41 Ella st.
loo 2rtTH. cor. F'.andera well-furntahad
r o o m. light and cle an; $2 per week.
FRONT suite of housekeeping rooms $1& par
month 403 W. Park.
11) MONTH 2-rwom suites; nice location;
aU furnlihed. alsin tf72. sot Ywn bidg.
LARGE room, completely furnished for llgbt
hoes keeping. No children. 2'io 12th,
ttath, $1T3
in. U. K. rooms, phone,
and $2 21. 4twtd st.
NICELY furnished H. K. roOrna, modern con
veniences, $2 per week up. 4-6 Alder U
TH REE or four housekeeping rooms for
renL Call afternoons. si Everett sL
VERY b-autlful two-room suite, complete,
alto Sinjte room or tenc Marshall 4J14.
H. K. ROOMS whtre children ar welcome;
r.yar ahiKjl. 2v4 Clay st.
VF I; Y reasonable. H. K. rooms, walking
:.-- n e 71 E Ilth St. N.
CALL at 412 3d st. for a rlean. ntry house
keeping room. Phona Marshall 1214.
houi front room and kitchenette for
(keeping; no children. 4uS Mala at.
$1H PIVB fumiahed rooms, lower floor or
2i4 Ivy st.. near Wiiliama ave.
NIOrlT. e'eanest H K rooms In the city
for the ntor.ey. 4 .. Main st.
"r week. '
bo':f keep.oa" rooms, $Lo0
1 147 I.'ith U
ONE or 2 furnished H. K. rooms with
Utehene't. r l E 2:td. Phon Esst 4155.
TWO neatly f-ji-n'she-l H. K. rooms, bath,
phoaa. a.c urici uy. tyj Moatgomcry.
HoosekepAng- Kssaa ta PrivaA Family.
Two nicely furnished houaekeeplng rooms
with envtoeca pbck porcn. neai. nmu aou
phone Included, near Jefferson UiRh School
and pcniasAua Park. Phono Woodiawn
TWO front rooms. bautlful'y furnished
magnlhcent sleeping-porch, sink, hot wa
ter in rooms, gas range, electricity, fur
nsc heat, laundry, silverware, linen; re
TWO ground -floor rooms, bachelors pre
ferred; electric ilarht. stove, gas, sink, hot
and coia water, cloaot ana loiiec. private
entrance, close In. Price 910. lbl 11th sl
Main o70.
2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms for a youn
couple, eltnr furnished or not, on Umoi
av., near Going, reut very reasonable.
(. ail n iwuiawn
WHO wants 4 comfy rooms, furnished.
bedrooms, cheap T Separate entrance; gas,
bath, water, yard, stationary tub, 4o
East STth, near Mi In. Xaor 179s.
r'uii KENT Furnished housekeeping rooms,
2-room apartment, private laintiy, flown
s:a;rs, sunny rooms. .oo nut oisinct. aa.
j. ZJd st. inon aiain t &e.
NICELY furnished outside iL K. rooms, all
on around floor, close to car line, every
thing modern; free light, water and phone.
cry reasonable, .va s. om su
NEATLT furnished housekeeping room, with
us of batb. pnone, etc.; easy warning
distance; aso sleeping room. o4 Wheeler
4 KOOMS, furnished complet. lower floor.
panto', sink, bath, gas, xurnace, porcu.
nice yard. - ntocits siawtnorna car. too
E. "Hain. corner lid. B llMU.
Kl'kMSllEli housekeeping rooms, lights
urnutea, ara ana pnoa. u jast oiu
or Lb.
FRONT h. k. room and kitchenette; also
single h- k, rooms; furnace heat, etc.
I'S ith si.
TWO largo upstairs housekeeping rooms.
glu; three nicely lurmsnca downstair
rooms, i itn su o. m a in 4 .
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
bath. gas. ncht. telephone furnished: rva-
aonsble; Olisan st. phone Mar. 4ul4
Thrllt does not mean a mochy miser
! In ess or the hardship of great seif-de-
nla: ; It means a leasening of extrava
gauca and useless expend aura and a cul
uvation of iii saving 'hablL
Mart the saving baolt by buying t
home in Laurelhurst: 1 can sell you i
ce::snt:ul new b-room bungalow for Si'ooO,
IUu cash and -o per mouth; everything
Included; others . at 4-oUU, So4ou and
Siui'O, on eaey terms. Don't throw away
another month s renL F. M. BlclUbl
:;o': Mark st, Muin lo03, A 1j15.
A. If. Ill Kit ELL CO..
IRVINGTO.N. nice b-room modern homo,
flue district.
EAST blDk 3 -room cottage, E. 30th
at.. alii ffO
1UV1NGTON Flna 7 -room house, close
In, walking distance, low rent, ;.2.oo.
FLATS Thoroughly modern 3 and 4
room flats, Eaat and West Side, at 13 to
per monin. b.a our rental
A. H. HlKKELL CO., 217 Northwestern
r.ank bidg. Marsuail 4114, A, 411a.
Stop throwing your rtnt money away;
with that very rent money you can buy
a nice, new .Vroom bungalow - In Laurel-
r.urst. with narawooa noors. nreptace.
built-in eifects, white enamel kitchen;
hit 50x120. evervthinir un to date and n
landlord to say "move out." J ust phone
mo tnu i n can witn auto ana snow you
J. W. CROS6LEY, 270H Htark St. Main
l.'Oo. A 1315. On tundny call Main o73b.
FOR RENT Comfortable 7 -room bouse, fur
nace, pantry, wash tubs, roses, flowers,
lawn, IJO rent. 3 blocks to cars, 1067
B.oadway. Call evabor 4470.
leures, inciuotng fireplace, lawn, roses,
flowers and garden, to rent for 15. til
E. 27(h st. S. W. W. car.
Nice O-roombungalon'; sleeping porches.
Z nrep:aca, toilets, mm ace; oniy sou.
Main 6'.2i. Call Tabor 109:. evenings.
MODERN b-room house: has a large Dorch.
it rcpiace, gooa xurnace. nas Dearooras
witn extra room In attic; low rent. Call
44 11th SL
4-ROOM house. Of, hardwood floors, fur
nace, fireplace. 4s4 East 24d st,. near Di
vision. Call Marshall 4400 or A C717. Aak
lor apL oui
ZZ2. 50 1-room modern dwelling; fireplaca.
xurnace, gas ana eteciricity. tiroaa-
y West.. Fred S. Williams, 1st at.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room houses, 204
and sua vtnitaaer sl; rent 4 a 4 and gis.
Key at s:i r ront at.
PLEASANT 7-room home In Beaumont,
furnished or unfurnished; owner leaving?
tow n ; reference, o aa, oregonian.
COTTAGE. 126 North 17th or S-'3 Glisan.
near new Couch and Catholic acbools. K.ey
at owners, rtortii Aotn.
ALJIOoT new, modern. 8-room house, cen
trally located, good neigaoornood. ouo
11th. Call from 2 till 6.
12.oO Nica
remodeled 5-room cottage,
painted in and outside,
r,ast Taylor.
nice yard, luatf
very desirable for small family; situated
In Nob Hill district. Phone Main 3S3&.
MODERN S-roora houa. furnace, electricity,
gaa, cement base meat. 7SQ East Main,
cjr. :th East 166.
$10 s-KOOM houe, hardwood floors. Yard
ltHmluO; trees, waiklnj distance Keed Col-
Itge, I'hone yellwood 22.
MODERN S-room house, electric light, gas
ana lurnaoo. near new couca scnouu
Etia st.
SLFEPINO TEXT With convertible sides.
wood f lojr and frame; also cul; choap.
Tephone Eas 4i ''.
PORTLAND HGTS., beautiful home, fine
view, moderaia rental, September X. Main
2171. ;
MODEKN 7-room house in Irvlngton; hard
wood flcor: 18th and Wasco; price 35.
Phone E.
AH SAN RAFAEL, easy walking distanoe to
center f city; 5 rooms, gss. electricity,
jard; clean; 112. Phone East 7026.
MODERN home. Nob 11111. 10 rooms, iease
to responsible party; walking distance, AF
Z J. Oregon. an.
tlo MO. d-R. house, 311 kan Rafael su, neai
Union ae., iare lot, fruit trees, etc Alain
luCi4. Tnbor r.'iS.
FOR RENT 3-room bungalow, near Alberts
street and Union ave. So Mr. Olin, Par
kins Pharmacy.
ON ACCOUNT leaving city modern 8-room
- home; bargain to right parti, inquire
Mil E. Salmon su
FOR RENT I -room bungalow; bath an'
electric lipht (modern); rent $7; furnltur
for sale. 0446 72d st. S. E. MLScott ca
FOR RENT My 4-room cottage; rent onTy
$'.. See J, H. Nash. 724 Chamber of
Commerce. Phone Main SIW.
HOUSE and several lots or acre, lease 1
year, near owl csr service. Must state
location. AJ 22, oregonian.
lodo K. 21ST. N., 1 blk. Alberta car, 5 rooms,
sleeping porch, newly tinted, with garage,"
$ 1 o. PHono Alain
COTTAGE. 5 rooms, gaa- electricity, ret
$12. lu4d East Salmon. For key. Tabor
4-KOOM modern house. EL 18th sr.. cloae
in; it month. Owner. 60S Commercial
btock. Marshall Sba.
GOOD, new six-room house, close to car;
long leas and low rent to right party.
Ow ner, box 1, Fore. Grove, Or.
NICE up-to-dat 7-room borne at 344 Wasc
st ; walking dlstano. Geo. D. Schalk. 22
Stark suMain 392. A 292.
7-ROOM house. 742 Irving street, near 23rd
Dtar new Couch School; rent $25. Mai'
5724. IRVINGTON cottage, 4 rooms and bath.
good yard, una fir grove, choice roses, 4
rent 9 id. A hone s.ast 3ob, c 2V4o.
$1S IRVINGTON 7-room house,-large' yard,
fine ahad trees. C 2035, Eaat 40ft.
)i; MODERN tf-room residence, BeaumonL
Eait 2J0o.
FOR RENT Beautiful bungalow In Axle La;
fir shade trees. $!. Main 1940.
IKVINGTON Large home, garage, 711
Thompson su, $oQ. Neuhausen & Co
MOI'ERN f-room bouse, 330 Halsey sL
Phone East 1221.
$ NICE, clean modern 6-room house.
near asr.ington nigh tcnooi. blast zwa.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 73 B.
loth N.. bet. Davis and EveretL
j E- 2ijT ST. 3 rooms, modern, clean;
rent reasonable. Phone East 2oJ9,
$7 MONTH 6-room cottage. West Sl.e;
walking distance. Inquire 32 Morrlson-
34 EUGENE ST., 6 rooms, big yard," $la
month. Phone East till.
724" EL MAIN. 7 rooma, fireplace, furnac.
gas range, water neater; very deslrabla
DESIRABLE houses and flat in all parts
city. Stout Investment Co. 'tain 51--
i-POOM furnished house, cheap rent
Powl. near 16th. Brooklyn car.
697 EVERETT Six rooms, gaa. lectrietty.
f u rnace; walkin g distance. Phone Eaat a.
TWO modern rottages, walking distance;
cheap, by owner. Main 6tf7d. A 4361.
7-ROOM, flrep'ace. furnace, sleeping porch,
garage. 321 E. 57th, nr Hawthorn a East $.
I-ROOM modern hous T1S Lovejoy. Bear
2Id. Inquire HO 4th. Main 4171.
DFSIAFLE 6-room boused Ssn Rafael,
ni-ar Union, cloge In. cheap rent. East 16fe5.
J-FOOM housa
Main 3$70.
26$ 14th su. aear Jefferson.
10 StX rooms, wslklng distance, S2S Clay
sl inquix; 523 Clay.
$104 rooms. 414 l-th ave, S. E., WW
car to Mow atauoB.
i -.ii a rnomi mndrn UflT Commer
cial su, corner Ulaadena. near deflerson
High SchooL , ,
xiO Six-room bungalow, 144S oartleld
ave.. near Dekum; Woodiawn car.
jlo 7 rooms, large yard, 42tf E. Bum-
317.00 rooms, 7S E. Ash sL, Bear E.
SIS 6 rooms. 5o3 Overton U, cor. 17tn.
ia 6 rooms, modern. 671 E. fiveret
vtsae C 1ih: KiUm I ' i : v PaxC Car.
i;li10 rooma. 144 N. ISth sU, near
Hovt; euitablo lor bouackeeping apt.
gjo 11 rooms, iu N. ith at.
gj u room. 70 Hoyt su, near 34.
404 "Wilcox bicig. Main &CW,A. 2658.
VinnE-DV n ir: r arr-invait rftom bungaiOW
n.ii-t-tn' with niert wood range connected,
aud soma other furniture if desired; water
included. is connected up wun ukuib,
gs, phone; roses and vines. $12 per month.
Number of bouse, 4121 biin sU S. E. ln
uuire lor Key next ooor aouth or at owner.
7-room 1 HTury house, located one-
half b.ock from iaure.lhurst Park; -
if netreii: hurry 11 D. US UllS Vi
ku . v hrniohi i .O J. DELAHL'M'i.'
Tabor o43 Sunday. During the week
Main 13U4, A loli. -
w." i't;T wine; civir f lRFARE.
S1U.50: 3 -room fiat; gas range, refrls
era tor, wash tray, etc.; 423 Montgomery
$20; good clean S-room house; 24 Clay
2i: 12 rooms, modern; 327 Broadway
FRED S. WILLIAMS. 2 1st st.
EiGHT-ROOM modern house on Portland
Heights, two bloc les irora car, tour, oeu
roonn, Urepla.ce. cement basement, furnace,
i ininnn.) rin.trx duwii Btfl i rs. utwlv paint
ed and decorated. Kent $40. Phone East
4.2W or Main 674.
SIX or 7-room house, modern, located on
Portland. King or vwnametie ji"vo.
grounds must be attractive and of goo
size; will give -o iu eov vr
family: bast of referencea W 10. Orego
rnn u c-t l a iirnlhiirnt thorouarhlv mod
era 8-room house, z Dainroora.
floora fireplace, furnace, full cement base
ment, wash trays, furnace, bedroom first
floor; beautiful iixiurea, iuccucu
ing ana oaca yur.-. wmii -w.
rn n rt E x'T Comfortable 8-room house,
vegetable garden, near river; reasonable
to right party. Can be aeen at 014 East
7tn S. Brooklyn car.
WILL lease from October for one or t
wnrt mv residence. AO. MS-t -i uuiumu ..
wivnmntt, (lelirhta. unfurnished or par-
iiaiiv furnished. Frank Wilder. Phone
P roadway 13.
KOOMS AND (jAKAUl, Mr. .AAnwrv.
In all parts of the city.
J. C. CORBIN CO., Lewis Blog.
New . house, 10 rooms, also sleeping
porch and beautiful ballroom, thorough
ly modern and most artistic W'ill lease
for threo years. G 26. Oregonian.
RESIDENCE for rent, large, light rooms,
auitable for rooming-nouse or we:i auni.
aT n nrluo r a Brhnnl tllirDflSPB 1 eXCellCn
neighborhood, easy walking distance. 333
J - L II
TTiV pnr.n a. JACOBS CO..
Main ti6tf. 209 Wash. St. A 1777
NOTICE $23 rents 549 6th; 8 rooms, yara.
2 toilets, sinks, attic, oasemeuu o-roow
cottage. 104:; East Alder, $10. Keys 911
Selling. Main 34t2; aiso 4-room furnished
fiat, yard, 11 Vancouver. ;.Ti"AiiP or sale, modern i-room house.
nl ritv conveniences. 4 acres in o"tw
fruit and berries, on good auto road and
close tcr electric station. 35 minutes ouU
809 Chamber of commerce.
vi ir ret TSeautiful country home,
minutes' ride from city; on gooa eiecino
road; will lease cheap for one year t
responsible tenant who will keep It up in
proper aaape. x as, uregunwu.
ufiiiEHx nearlv new. cheau rent, gas and
steel range, o rooms, oam auu
735 Rodney, 'cor. FremonL Ear 11&.
Williams or Union ave. car. .
t nnrnv r..mnm hnuii. newlv renovated,
all light rooms, warning meiauLo,
basemenL Porches, yard. 610 Northrup
FOR RENT Modern 7-room housa in good
neighborhood, one Dioca irom varnuo.
yard, with or without garage. $23. Phone
Main ej4o.
Tit-viPAiii c 7-rnom house, restricted resi
dene districu largo sleeping porcn. v
toilets, furnace, laundry trays, cement.
basement,, etc. hnone beiiwooq --u.
WEST SIDE, walking distance, neat 7-room
home, cement basement, not water
nace. 510 Markou near 11th su Main
4M0 j
Real Estate and Rentals.
Grand Ave. at E. Ankeny.
no a-ROOM house. 10 minutes' walk to
High Schools. Good neighborhood. B00
Harrison. Main IKJ2.
NEW S-room bungalow, one biocx irom
Montavii.a car. tast st.,
month. Main 24Stf, A 2S06. Scott & Aiees
ley. 212 Abincton bldg.
CLEAN 8-room house, fine view, laundry
accommodation, near lerwimger- oouie
vard. 284 Hamilton ave., 4-minute car
service. Columbia 26o.
NICE 5 rooms for rent, upstairs or down
stairs, with a yara; cneap rem, "
month, at 1318 Corbett su Call Marshall
WILL leasj for one year 1 hi acres, witn
0-room modern house and large barn, ax
2Ju Hasealo st., in - Montavilia, for $13
month. Inquire at 412 Stanton St.
25 rooms, cor. 13th and Yamhill ; reno
vated throughout uau v to a wwuv.
Also 10-room house next door
0 ATTRACTIVE modernhungalow, over-
looking Oswego Lake; all conveniences
good train service, near Oswego. H 2d
liilAL'TlFUL bungalow on E. Flanders; 3
rooms downstsirs. one upstairs, cement
bascnenr, furnace, fireplace. Phone Main
WEST SIDE. S-room cottage, bath.
triclty, full basement, neany new.
shall 2173.
4-ROOM house, 2034 East Salmon, near
82d sU. Altameaa, reasonaoie; cnicaen-
house. garden, 4 lots. Tel.Maln 8o5.
MODERN C-room bungalow, walking d
tance from s. f. enops. na iw au
Phone Sellwood 175.
WEST SIDE, modern 8-room house, sleep-'
Ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, onm
In conveniences. 266 North 26th.'
f.xtirr lower floor of nice private res!
dence, 4 light, clean rooms, reasonaoie to
good tenant. UJ -V iotn.
MODERN 6-roorn corner hhuse, every con-
vie nc3. v iiiamette neigau,
2Uth su
f ARTISTIC, modern 5-r. bimgalow, near
Pe insula Park ; one-half bAck to car.
Owner, 102O Yeon bldg.
$15 FOR this house, walking distance, yard,
DIOCK I roil I scuooi, oiuiod, J. IUV M.
Morrison. Tabor 5532.
MODERN bungalow, 7 rooms, fireplace fur
nace, linoleum, xurnisnea or umaruiaucu.
$;0. Irvington. Marshall 1923.
MODERN 6-room fla with 3 rooms and at
tic, suitable for few" roomers. Inquire 42ttfc
LAL'KELKURST HOME C rooms and sleep-
every modern luxury.
r innaers.
FINE, strictly modern 6-room house, near
Washlngtorrsflign : a. &. can; lurnnaea
or unfurnished. 686 E. Washington bu
ROSE CITY PARK, new 5-room bungalow,
631 E. 53d North; open Sunday.
ROSE City Park. 50th and Sandy, 6-room
modern Dungaiow,. a-u. j .quj.
WEST SIDE, modern 6-room house. 862 14th
st.. near aiontsomcry. m
12 6-ROOM modern, clean, near school
and park. Sellwood 247.
6-ROOM modern house, walking distance of
Keed College. Main 7131. J. Robbins.
Z06 COLUMBIA ST.. near 14th,
modern, yard. '
5 rooms,
k-OR RENT &-room house, Rose City Park,
1 block from car. 440 E. 47th st. N.
COTTAGE on "Southeast corner 11th and
Taj lor Inquire Tabor 2050. W. G. Beck.
FURNISHED modern 7-room house, located
563 E. Morrison and 13th sts.
FOR RENT An attractive 6-room house,
corner E. 33d and Kelly. Phone East 847o.
$30 7-ROOM. lH-story bungalow, portlana
Heights. Phone Marshall i4o0.
161 EAST 16th. cor. Belmont; modern nine
rooms and room in attic. East SttoO.
SWELL 8-room house, corner East 16th and
Madison st. Phone East 234.
S-ROOM house, bath, electricity. 3 lots,
fruit: $10. &ol5 67th art. S. E. Mar. 42S1.
$5 NEAR Irvlngton Park new school, 3
rooin cottage. Owner. 1020 Yeon .bidg.
4rBOOM"house, two lots, in garden, fruit.
$12. Woodlawn 1482. 62 Webster sU
FOL'R rooms, ground floor, large yard, hatha,
gas. West Side. 47 Market St.
cotta ge, large garden
569 Hoy I
near 18th. Call Main 8201.
MODERN 5-room cottage, very nice.
East 6ih su Sellwood 778.
luih Floor, Temporary Annex.
Complete and reliarji list of vacant
houses, fiats, apartments and bungalows
In the city. Make use of this service when
you desire. This does not obligate you in
any manner to this store. You will find
us reacy and willing at all times to he.p
you In locating. Newcomers in Portland
will find this service especially valuable.
Real estate men and owners of private
property are invited to list their unoc
cupied apartments, flats and houses" at
Meier & Frank's Free Rental Bureau.
MODERN, up-to-aate 4-room bungalows,
with built-in beds, buffets, bookcases,
window seats, and coolers, seir-lightins
gas ranges, water heaters, linoleum in
kitchens and bathrooms, fine lawns, walks,
clotheslines and noles: if you want some
thing fine, see these on Sumner su, near
I4t n. owners.
702-3 Selling Bids.
$15 5-room bungalow. Rose City.
$12.50 6-room bungalow, Woodstock.
691 Multnomah st. Irvington.
$2.50 4-room. sleeping porch, Laurel
hursu $-3 7-room, Laurelhurst.
$7 9-S Oentral ave.. St. Johns barn.
ONLY $15 per moxtt rent for a fine 8-room
house, refinished, just like new, hard-wood
f'oors. bathrobm, shades, screens and ail
ready to move into; splendid locking two
story house, corner East 61st and Oregon
sts. Get the key across the street in the
second house.
5-ROOM cottajre, 229 Gaines, $7.
6- room house. 736 E. Salmon. $12.50.
7- room house, 4 92 Hawthorne, $17. .
7-room house, "IS E. Morrison, $17. '
7- room house, 309 Hancock, $-0.
8- room house, 620 E. Morrison, t0.
F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg:
Famished Houses.
from $50 to $200, may communicate with
us. We cater only to the very best proper
ties in Portland and can save you time
and expense. No telephone information
2d F'oor Title & Trust Building.
$50 7 rooms, Laurelhurst, lease.
$H5 7 rooms, Sellwood,
$3u 5-room, new, 19th and E. Wash.
$22.s0 7-room, partly, 15th & E. Ankeny.
$35 8-room, Irvington.
$18 5-room, Hawthorne.
SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange.
SEPTEMBER 1, very desirable, beautifully
situated, in choice residence district.
House is furnished, in good repair and
has garage attached. Responsible peo
ple wishing to rent a home lor a few
months pnone aiain odot
LOWER Portland Heights; artistically fur
nished bouse: five bed and three bam
rooms, sleeping porch, living. dining,
music, rooms, library and conservatory
usual offices; garage and good garden.
A r 23, Oregonian.
MODERN 9-room house. West Side, close in,
rooms large, very light and pleasant; on
line corner in aesiraoie neignoornoou,
will rent only to party with best refer
ences, x z, uregonian.
Tents at Sunset Beach. comDl-etely fur
nished: fiv?e water and wood; $4 per week.
DORK Hi. KhiASt X at CO.,
2d Floor Chamber of Commerce.
FURNISHED bungalow, 6 rooms, 2 sleep-
iiia: Dorches. autopiano. iiarawooa noors,
Haviiand china, sewing machine, vacuum
cleaner. . 10 oi Vaughn st.v Willamette
Marshall 4981.
FOR RENT Furnished house of 2 rooms
and bath, suitable for couple, reasonable
rent; Montavilia car. 359 E. 74th N. Phone
East 4o26.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 1 block east from
end of 16th ana Davenport, su. t-room
cottage, furnace, gas, $20 ; 3 bedrooms,
sleeping porch. Marshall 2449.
FURNISHED apt., 2 large, sunny rooms.
oak floor, se Derate baths, norch. steam
heat, water, garbage; Hawthorne district;
$13. Phono Eaat 3U24, 7SJ E. Main.
COMPLETELY furnished 7-room bungalow.
fireplace, furnace, range, piano, gas. eec
tricity. lawn, garden, near two cars. y:
E. 17th N.
FOR RENT September 1, 245 DougJas
place, 10-foom house, fully furnished
garage, beautifully situated. Main 536!).
A Quiet Place for Quiet People.
Furnished. modern. complete: lar;
trrounds: adults: four to six months: cor.
Rodney ave. and Jess up. Woodlawn 10H.
8 ROOMS, furnished, clean, modern, fur
nace, walking distance, 4 oiocks scnooi
and high school, fine yard. S2o, with watsr.
jos ;ast lotn st. iast 4wa.
FURNISHED house of 7 rooms, modern,
lino yard, good surroundings, reasonable
renL 1007 E. 10th su X., cor. 10 th and
COMPLETELY furnished 7-room modern
house. 2n E. stu, st.. near .Main, aou
key at 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main
FURNISHED house, with exceDtion of linen
and china, 6 rooms. Bleeping porcn, iur
nace. Price. $32.50. 397 E. 47th N Rose
City Park.
WILL LEASE for year attractive 8-room
new home and garage, w ell lurnusnea ;
in most select section of Laurelhurst.
Call Main 874S arui I will drive you ouU
FREE! 2 MONTHS' rent of nice 5-room
bun train w furnished If vou buy mv furni
ture; only $100. Big bargain. Call 11:30
to 1 or arte. 7 r. M. JU-- uortnwicK.
COMPLETELY furnished- 7-room house,
centrally located, ror rent ror beptemoer
and October; reference : required. Phone
Main 32S1.
GOING east, owner will rent private home
zor t montus or year, -o per montn;
p. ino. sewing macnine, - pnone, rexerences
514 E21st st. WR car.
553 TAYLOR ST. Six rooms, furnished in
Circassian wainut ana rumea oajt, uphol
stered in Spanish leather; piano, $35.00.
Also one four-room nicely furnished. t25
FOR R ENT Elegantly furnished home of
9 modern rooms, player piano, large yard
and garage. .Phone sell wood isau.
POSITIVELY the best furnished 5-room
cottage In city. Piano. 1113 Last wash
lngton. -
WANTED Couple to take attractively fur
nished home ior raw months, rent reason
able to right party. E. 19io.
UPPER bungalow, 3 rooms, eeplng-porch,
cen. a inc. urepiate, uecia, uru, diioiic.
private entrance. $C7 E. Wash., cor. 2SthJ
ALTj or part furnished house, 3 sleeping
porcnes. .fomana neignts. jaain ivia.
Main 4390, Lawn, garden.
FURNISHED house to rent, 8 rooms, 3
sleeping porches, all furnishings inciucea.
iyj council i.rai wine. ruuo u
FOR RaENT 7-room furnished house, mod
ern conveniences; reasonaoie. iada mail su
ww car.
PRIVATE residence, furnished. 8 rooms:
modern throughout; ou montn. on uver-
ton. Main 30o6.
WELL-FURNISHED house of 9 rooms to
lease to responsible people for a year or
more. Inquire in mornings. M Nortnrup.
MODERN 5-room furnished house; nice
lawn, roses and zruit. win lease. 876
East Ash. Inquire Main 6601, worn 430.
-ROOM bungalow, furnished, all conven
iences. Good location, 4oi hi. iztn, near
Sherman su
MODERN S-room house, 5 rooms furnished
complete; piano, water and lights included.
$12 month. 780 E. 32d. corner Francis.
SEPT. 9, furnished modern bungalor, clean,
fine location, cneap; no cnnaren. auai
East 21st st. North. Alberta car.
THREE rooms, bath, nice yard and use ot
phone. bG4 E. Ash
FOR RENT A 6-room furnished house Sept.
l. Call Tabor 5tsa.
NEATLY furnished small house clean,
$12.50. 7'J2 E. 28th St. W.-W. car.
FURNISHED 5-room modern house with
nice yard and rruit treea. tjaii xaoor oni.
MODERN 8-room house furnished.
2ith su N.
MODERN, 4 rooms, furnished house, stove.
gas, lawn, $10 month. 612 Remona ave.
1077 E. 29TH ST. furnished
bouse; modern.. '
ROOM bungalow at 1033 Arnold, near
34th, Call Main i&SZ.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 6 rooms.
Phone Marsnaii bob.
SIX rooms, modern, piano. 5631 42d ave. Ta
bor 2y2.e reasonaoie.
IRVINGTON. new 8-room finely furnished
bungalow ana garage, rast
$13 3 ROOMS, modern, large lot, electricity,
Datu. Jttam jui., aoir i eua umg.
-ROOM bungalow, Westmoreland, well fur
nished, gia montniy. aoor aou.
25 Well furnished 6-room house including
piano. 1041 vernon ave. fnone main iwj.
TO LEASE 5-room bungalow on car. rea
sonable, to rignt party, w ooaiawn iu.
COMPLETELY furnished bungalow with
sleeing porcn, rent ao. iast ooo. u -:uoo.
WELL-FURNISHED house, 2 lots, 23d and
Tibbetts. sis. t jjvu.
ROOM furnished house, with piano. 70S
Borthwfck st.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 7-room
house at utio nawtnorne ave. xauor -oi.
ICELY furnished 5-room home in Irving
ton. $25 month. 6S3 E. 11th st. N.
SIX room, water, lawn, 4 Go 13th.
Furnished Houe.
GOING south and wish to lease my home
in Sunnyslde for one year to responsible
party ; 6 rooms, nicely furnished, piano,
sewing machine, fine yard, roses, fruit;
reference required. 209 Glenn ave., or call
B 2172.
WILL rent by beautiful ft-room residence
in Holladay Addition for six months; ma
hogany and oak finish, steam heat and hot
water gratis; elegantly furnished ; hard
wood floor, Turkish rugs, "ano; rent,$i5;
no children; reference. Phone C 2072.
NICELY furnished S-room house, with
sleeping porch; near Ladd Addition; hot
and cold water, gas and electricity: bath
and toilet upstairs and down, furnace,
sanitary wash tubs; price reasonable, K
22. Oregonian.
FOR RENT Attractive modern home, com
pletely furnished; 7 rooms, sleeping-porch,
garage,. West Side, near in, good view.
Only responsible people need apply. Call
Main 21 aa mornings only after 0.
LEAVING city for a year, wish to rent to
responsible party, my handsome 7-room
home; very attractive In design and fur
nishings; charming living-room; a real
home in every particular. Tabor 1503.
7-ROOM modern furnished house for rent
In Irvington; reasonable rent to reliable
people. Call East 8011.
Summer Resorts.
FURNISHED 2 and 3-room cottages, also
tent-bouses, $3.50 to $7 per week, at Pa
cific View Beach; charming fishing and
a tea tea For reservation call 614 Stock
Exch. bldg.. Main 676o.
rue vci aiar, --room xumisnea apart
ments, reduced rates for September. Phone
Marshall 274o, or write box 152, Seaside.
modern improvements and comforts of a
home. For ra tea wire or write. Sea View.
NEW cottage on ridge at Gearharu from
September 1. Completely furnished. East
lwS or C 2803.
4-ROOM cottage, ocean front, one mile north
ot Hotel Gearnaru A-ugXo to uct, L -o.
Lacey. Main 570
TWO nice people can get room and board
at Seaside until September 1 in nrtvave
family. Main 8672. 309 Yeon bldg.
SEASIDE Beautiful modern 7-room cot-
tage, overlooking ocean. Completely fur
nishe.d. Cheap for September. East 5074.
FOR RENT at Cannon Beach for September,
furnished cottage on front beach. Phoua
Marshall 1L -
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms.
tents, desirable, uouirey ros., seasiue,
SEASIDE, Or., fine modern 4-room cottage.
month of September. Phone East 2319.
CANNON BEACH COTTA GJflf or rent for '
September. Address Mrs. H. A. Cole,
Ecola, Or. '
1-ROOM furnished cottage, with sleeping
tent, two beds, $5 week or $1 day. Sell
wood 1677.
WELL furnished cottage at 1-oach Center,
Wash.; cheap for balance of season. E.
Grimes, Seawew, Wash.
FOR RENT Completely furnished house
keeping rooms on ihe ridge. Seaview, Was a.
FOR KENT Tenthouse in tho woods, fur
nished, fine view, 15-minute ride from
city, gas end range, phone B 3031
$200 BEACH LOT for $50. pay $2.50 a
month. Main 5303, A 40ul.
$10 SEASIDE 4-room turnished " cottage,
city water, for September. Main 3504.
FOR RENT -room Seaside cottage, com
pletely furnished B 2j14.
SEASIDE Furnished
nea; ocean, cheap.
cottages fo
Tabur 4S1S.
Aug. 28,
o-room furnished cottage from
near Necanicum Inn. Main 11 'ii.
Long Beach, Wash.
it Newton Station.
East l4li.
on Killings-worth ave., near car barns;
floor space 50x$6; will divide to suit
tenant; if you intend changing your lo
cation or enterillg into mercantile busi
ness, see -this fine, modem, up-to-date
corner with steam heat and over luO
feet of plate k'ss, centrally located.
7('2- Selling Bldg.
STORE for rent right at the -and of the car
line. East 2Sth and Halsey sts. ; splendid
place for cand y, cigars aud Ice cream in
connection with a utug store, nhelvt and
counters alreauy In. Phone owner C. L.
Boss, during the day at Marshall 40J3 or
A 5US3, venings phone East I'S.
TWO-STORY brick building. No. 181 Second
st., near Yamhill. containing electr:c
freight elevator, suitable for jooblbng
business; store 33 by leu and loft above,
same size. Inquire room 5U6 'Gorlinger
oliis.x. 2d and Alder sts.
BARBER shop for rent, an unusual oppor
tunity for a good barber to get an ex
cellent location for $15 a month; we rem-.,
ed two shops last week, but this is the
best shop we have had -for montns,
202 Rothchild Bldg.
NEW STORE with basement and 5 living-
rooms for rent or sale very cneap; nearest
store mile away. Phone Broadway 37.
FOR RENT Old Louvre restaurant, 4th and
Alder; best location in the city. $0 8 Mc
Kay bidg
FOR RENT A store building in good loca
tion, suitable ior pooiroom. inquire at ouin
and East Glusan; rent $10 per month.
GOOD grocery location, water, lights, phone
included; rent $30. Main 32S2.
OLD-ESTABLISHED meat market (Bechlils
Bros.) for rent. uo .Mississippi ave.
FIRST-CLASS dental suito to let. share one-
half reception-room with established M.
D. ; oentral location in business district;
reasonable rental. K 8S7, Oregonian.
In Northwestern Bank bldg., with use of
outside waiting-room ; cheap to right
parties. Phone Main 85QO.
WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk
room, $6 and $7. -3 Chamber ot Uni'
merce. .
OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk
room; free phone; very reasonable; rort
land's busiest cxirnor. 80 3 Swe t land bid g.
FURNISHED oftlcespace, equipped for
draughtsman or commercial a rust; iow
rent. Room 1C. 82 3d.
LODGE HALL, 50x50, best location in. Port
land, cheap rent. , jiain af.
FOR RENT Factory space for small manu
facturing; rent cneap. rnone j. 4 i u.
FOR STORESC, offices, factories, warehouses
or garages, see us. e nave tne largest
list and are the only firm in Portland
handling business and industrial properties
Poth Phones. Automoniie Service.
Rothchild bldg., 2S7 Washington St.
ONE-CHAIR SHOP In Gold Hill, Or., the
best town in Southern Oregon; mining and.
farming; wet town : on main line S. P. ;
electric lights, city water; price $150
cash. Box 122, Gold Hill, Or.
7-PASSENGER automobile, good condition;
wish to exchange ror real estat or any
thing that will not deteriorate until busi
ness conditions Improve; price $1000 E.
M. Kellogg,OregonCity,Or.
CONFECTIONERY, West Side: soda foun
tain, clean stock, average oaiiy sales ju;
living-rooms? $250. Call 303 Lumber Ex
change. FOR SALE Equipment and good will of
small maternity hospital; very reasonaoie
If taken at once. Address Maternity Hos
pital, Albany, Or.
COUNTY SEAT newspaper for sale; cleared
$2000 last year; price $4nu, wit h sub
stantial payment down. Address the Call,
Montesano, Wash.
STABLE TO RENT Feed, sale and board
ing stable, 0 stalls, large storage room ;
doing good busint-ss. Excellent downtown ,
location. Main 3100.
PARTNER wanted in established manufac
turing agency business, required. Must
be a live one. AP 27, Oregonian.
TO TRADE Equity in houpe in Pittsburg,
pa; and clear lot in Dayton. Or., Ior stock
of drysoods. N 943, Oregonian.
52-ROOM rooaulng-house, close in, all filled;
clears $l2a month; ?uU will handle, bal
ance terms. C. D. Wood. m
FOR SALE Small candy kitchen in good
town, fine location, gooa Business. . a v
f.O.'J, Ore gon 1 an.
CoN FECI ION ERY. ice cream, on, busy
street, 2 living-rooms, worth $.uu; sell lor
$3lih Call 315 Lumber Exchange.
CIGAR STORE, grocery or
some mtgs.
wanted lor ciear lots ana
Lipson Inv. Co., Lewis bldg.
V ERY finely equipped confectionery, fine
location, nice clean biock. good trade;
snap. $600. Call 303 Lumber Exchange.
WANT to buy country paper or Interest in
one. Give run particulars nrsi letter.
AO 26, Oregonian.
GROCERY, very little competition apt. -house
trade, close in, oncK Dunaing, rent su;
price $S50. Call 303 Lumber Exchange,
$J75 HALF interest In one of the best auto
repair Bnops in city; gooa ior ioo monm
each. Call 303 Lumber Exchange.
FUEL business, good Valley town of 6000, equipped, fur sale reasonable, F. O.
box 244, Albany, Or. t
W'ILL sell on account of sickness good pay
ing gasoline ruling station, with small
a Lyre, .Last 1141,