' 1 TODA1. T -WW TODAY. SGHOOLPLANSGOAHEAD KCVOVAL or -IE!I'G LODGE from district ioioht. IW.tHrts at Caafereaew Deeld rickl Warraata Actlm. . J - Cnllna Move. " PRECOX CITT. Or, Aur. 7. (Spe cial) No attempt wlU be triad to light th quo warrant proceeding of resident of tbe Jennln; Lodge dis trict' In the Gladstone Union High School case. The district will be dis solved, accordlnr to a decision at conference today. This decision, sowner. does not mean that all plana for the onion high school will be abandoned. The pur pose of the action Is to remoTe Jen Bins: Lodge from the district. -W feel that Jennings Uode would always be a thorn In our side." said John N. Blvra. on of the original union high school booster, today after the eonlerenee. me rwonu v. . urtlnn hin shown they would always . . i. iha irhoAl and would cause trouble In tbe future if w would force them to tay In the district. lr. ISIever added that another elec tion will b held in tn -rati, wnen attempt would be made to Join Glad stone. Parkplace.' Clackamas and prob ably Stone In a school district. He said that H. E. C roes' proposition of eionat- .1.. r. i -. I n n . Prh waald bold good la cas a district waa forced of thes lour communme-s. The quo warranto proceeding and a demurrer were to have been argued before Judge Campbell Monday. Backers of the union high school did - admit tonight that the point raised in the ejuo warranto proceeding that the original petition did not contain sufficient number of legal voter probably would have been sustained wbea the ease was taken Into court. A demurrer Bled In the case made a general attack on the union high school 0.1 G. HEAD TO SPEAK PRESIDENT KERR OFF TO ATTEXD CO TEXT! OS or COLLE6K9, Prominent Cdaeatora to Addrena Boeae Eeaaasaie-s Seetlen Alae la See ) at Berkeley. . OREGOX AGRICT'LTVRAL COLLEGE. Corealll. Aug. 7. (Special.) President W. J. Kerr, cf the Oregon Agricultural College, ha gone to San Francisco to attend the convention of tbe Associa tion of American Colleges and Experi ment Station, opening at Berkeley on Aucuat 14. Pr. Kerr will address also the home economics section that meet at the same place and time. Dean O. A. CovelL of the school of engineering at (he college, will speak oa the correlation of courses of atudy In engineering, before the engineering section. Mrs. H. B. Brooks, head of the domestie art department, will pro sent a paper on the subject of home economic before the National Educa tional Association Professor C L Lewis, horticulturist, will present papers on the Held of plant breeding In tbe Pacific Northwest, . grape growing In Oregon, and some phases of orchard economics, before the societies affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Other scientists I presenting papers before one or nofi of these associa tions will be: E. J. K reuse. R. W. Allen. V. R. Gardner, F. C. Relmer. H. 8. Jackson. H. P. Bars. H. F. Wilson. X R. Hyslop. R. R. Graves and Pro fessor Irydn. CLARKE CROPS BOUNTIFUL Oat Yield Good and Prune Harriet Worth About i,000,tj0. ' VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 7. (Spe ' clsX) Crop In Clarke County this year are bountiful. The oat crop, now being harvested, la unusually good, and the weather for garnering the grain has been friendly. The prune crop, unusually heavy In most parts of the county, probably will bring at least $1,000,000 Into the cof fers of the growers. Packing plants are being put Into shape to handle the crop, though the price this year, on account of the war. Is (H cents for a base, which la three cents cheaper than last year. The peaches are a little early and are large and luscious. Some farmers near Vancouver are stacking their second crop of alfalfa. The potato crop wilt be the largest In tbe history of the county, without doubt. INJURED MEN REST WELL Railroad Man feava Engine Dell Gav Warning to Convicts. SALEM. Or Aug. 7. (Speolal )j-Su- perintendent Mlnlo, of the Stale Pen itentiary, annonunced today that the convicts Injured Frtdsy when a switch engine struck aa automobile truck in wbica the men were riding, were rest in easily and that none would die. F. L. Burckhalter. of the Koutbern Pacific Company. In a statement made today, said the engineer of the loco motive was ringing the bell when the collision occurred. He said the driver of the automobile truck turned his machine 1 feet from the track, throw ing it over the curb and sidewalk. Governor Wlthycomb said he would suggest to the management of the prison that automobiles carrying con victs stop at railroad crossing so that the driver may look out for approach lag trains. L1NN PLANS SCHOOL FAIRS Thre Industrial Exhibit Will Be Held This Year. , saa ALB ANT. Or, Aug. 7. (Special.) Three Industrial school fair will be held In Llna County tbia year, accord ing to arrangement perfected today by County School Superintendent Jackson. There will be one each In the northern, central aad southern portion of the county, and the date are so arranged that all of the exhibit may be shown - at each fair. The first will be held at Solo Septem- her I. and 10 In connection with the annual Lina County fair. The second will take place at Harrisburg on Octo ber aad t In connection with that city's annual Potato Show, and the third will be held In Albany October It and 1. t. GIRLS' ANNOYER ARRESTED Detect! vea Trap Youth Who Tse -.. Telephone to Insuft. Acting upoa numerous complaints coming from the firm of Old. Wort- man King. Lang Company. Lip man. Wolfa Co, and Meier A Frank's, that aa unknown man waa telephoning to girls tn their. employ and nslng the vilest language. Detective Hyde and Vaughn conducted an Investigation and yesterday boob arrested Earl Torango, aged IS. The young man was caught in the act of talking over the telephone with a girl at a department atore. While his employer, tbe proprietor of the Champion Cabinet Work In Sellwod. waa at lunch. Torango had used the of fice telephone. He admitted doing this for several days. Disorderly conduct waa the charge made and the case will be heard in Municipal Court Monday. Torango I a box-maker by trade. A complete, confession that he waa the man responsible for the complaints was secured by Public Defender Robin son yesterday afternoon. Torango ad mitted 4 hat ha would telephone a de partment store. ask for the girl In charge of some department, and at her answer make Insulting proposals. He never knew any of the young women to whom he talked. BENSONDAYPLANSGROW CELEBRATION AT FAIR WILL BE NATIONAL IN SCOPE. CelamMa ' Highway- aad Haltaoaaah Ceeaty Will Share la Tribute to ' Be raid by Thraaga, w-fcen the committee selected a. Ben son "first cltiien" they did not have any Idea that August 17. "Ilenaon cay a the San Francisco Exposition, waa go in w a ha of naarlv National scope. Nor did they realise that Oregon waa going km uivcrtiaed bv the exposition om- cial to the extent that It will be when 8. Benson will receive homage from Callforntana and Easterner a well as the citizen of the state ha represent. "Benson day." when first conceived, waa not the "Benson day" that will be -w t. win h rnlumblt High way day and Multnomah County day aa welL A request from Oregon representa . . . ....nini. tha Commis sioners of this county waa received yesterday that some one bo appointed officially to repressnt Multnomah Coun ty at -the exposition on "Benson day. As yet no representative nmm -w- i . -. .... rnmmiiilMiiri will no i - aAmAna within a tew UUUW. M ' " daya And aUo yesterday to the Cham ber of Commerce came a request the Ban Francleco newepapera forpic- ture of the Columbia Highway. Beside member of the committee v. k . i'himtr of Commerce. other Portlander will go to the fair for th celebration. Several acceptance to Invitations given by the Chamber of Commerce already have been received. Beside the formal programme, con tv Msvnr Rolph. of San Francisco; Governor Johnson. of California, and uovernor combe. of Oregon. PTeaident Moore, of the exposition, and Mr. Benson, a mu sical programme will be given at the Oregon building. DAILY " CITY STATISTICS Marriage Ueense. 1M Twenty-fourth street, and Bessie Keater. road. !eii. li Third street North, and toe Una Clair, letr.t. 71 Missouri venue. i-URK-PAXilN-Leonardo 8. Clark. ri Nineteenth street North, and Mary Granbeck. 21. 4e Lrrabee street, aad Myr tle "on. u. v... - Echo, or- and Elisabeth aneU, 5. 27 Bast ElshteentTi street -North. iuk ni.i,i.n afreet, end Ella F. Gam ble. Iral. l!l Belmont street RIEUER-FOROYCE Henry Rleder. legal, Oo Msrsuertte avenue, and Hasel ioroyce, l.iL lsil Bayard street. BASNER-BECKETT Martin Msner. ie. Vancouver Barracka W'ash.. and Mary Irene atecaetu Births. POUXn? TO air. ana '""'.', ' U4Q East iloyl street. July 30; a dausbter. . BKO W TO sir. inn . """-" Brown, loe Cook arenue. August z; a son KAA H TO air. ana mim. . -umb Slxiy-faurth avenue. Southesst. July 81, a son. - ,,.. it pHATTU to air. ana " " ' ' " " Sh.tto. Scappoose. Or July 2: a dauhter. HOLMAX-To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Roiman. 1 East Flfty-Mth street, August 1; a diushter. . ' .,v. DANIELS T Sir. ana sirs. n.m.ia 431 East Harrison street. August 4; a daughter. . n. , v StOONai 1 o sr. - 1 - - - - an. T . I r I V-.l . )l Street BOUtU. Ju!.v': "h"r. w Keller. Su Forty-sixth street South. June 20; a son. ... . t LONG To r. ana atrs. c.aioan i. woi. SHI Est Fifty-second street. Juae 15; a aaugnier. , , w B A w r. TO 31 r. ana ," Sage. -"7 Tenth avenue boulheaat. July 2, a daagtiter. 1-BKKINd Te Mr. and Mrs. Ben Perkins. U alsraia street, Aogust a; a daughter. AVUEKrOX To Mr. and Mrs. Lx-onird Anderson. &i01 Thirty-seventh avenue south east. AUgUSl " . wm. . ARTHL'K Te Mr. and Mrs. Tfi. H. Arthdr, 4ttt Vancouver avenue, July SO; a dauah- '"FRANCOIS Te Mr. and Mrs. Bernard s-...rAi. a u rui Sixtr-fMcaad street aouth. J"lr 3; a eo.i ,t , -J i i p io air. .uu aaie. v. ...n Sl East FIfty-eevenia street North, July an. li-US Sandy boulevard, July 19; a spn. fel. el East Eightieth street North. August i; . "rti- .... - v JUBrn IB 1 ml 1 ' u .mriii. SO 3 East Flstjr-lhlrd street North. August 4; HtkAt-t-H It TO sir. ana sirs. . s wren i. H..r.rk. I lul Weedward avenue. July X: a daughter. TOO ITE TO CI-AMFY. tlS.eO LOAM WANTED AT T PET CENT. WANTED By youa widow, lady between .O and 3. object companionanip ana mu tual pleasure; must be near, cheerful, kind, afTeotinst nature, fearless and bold, fond of outdoor work nd sport, healthy and bright, slender enough to pass, la male attlra on trip through mountains. Ana wtih description of self. Must be unin cumbered. Ne man-lovers or flirts want ed. BC 3. Oregonlaa. MARRIKD man wants work; ran drive team. pis planer or sawraiii. auiia rwai or -glngTara ahle to take iliarge of losgiug camps or mills er aity ether work; know the city well: rts give first-class refer ences; will work for reasonable wages; Swedish, but American cltlseo. John An deraon. yf Worosster bid. LOOK HERE The only sawmill, planer. timber end jana mr saie. amy muee from renter of Portland; at a bargain r will accept a email part In trade, cash and time. J oh a Brows, tireeham. or.. i'hee Gresham 111. - FOR HALJi .4-foot raUed deck cabin cruiser, 1 b. p.. Gray motor; boat and engine in good condition; storage battery e.ctrte light In caMn: tat reasonable ff.r will not be refused. Inquire C. F. Oismhers. Oregon City, or. Msln ?4. tONJBNIAL gentlemen, ti to 4 may have ro)m (private batht In widow's borne; nsa of piano, best of location, on Hoyt between 2Id and t2A. 12 month; board If deelred. a nr.it. Oreeonlsn. UADT. alone, middle aged, wishes posltlorJ aS nOUSeseeper, i' nr. .11 puii Fi..,nni, eapabia ef managing, no objection to leav . tng cliy. beet ef references. AK x2. Ore gon Ian- WILL, sell cesp for cash or part trade. 40 acres, uncultivated, eloea to Portland, richest soil, natural irrigation ana syien did Umber. Address B. M., 048 Id IU Portland. Or. ijT "nEW s-roora cungalow, furnished, mod. era. at tt aV S7th si. te nice couple whe will board me and son. Call at house Eundar betweea It and t or evenings sr:r 7. en brick apartment building. 4 stories, and basement, automatic elevator, nearly covers ftOilOO lot. Nob Hill district; value, $.kT im. insuranca $30,000; assessed valus lot S4-1HJ. assisssd valae building tlS.ooo; building 3 years old. leased 4.1uO month. This la A-l. Want It Immediately ; ae brokerage. BC tM. Oregonlan. s Bot-AIK furnace heap If so'd at once. K. 4C7J, m 01 Blags. Atarshall 903. Mouda. f TTTE SUNDAY OREGONTAJf, PORTXANDt AUGUST 8, 1915, vA AM VA rli&irf - I . - - - If L, ,n i . I . i ' - ' f " " ' .-- A HELIARLK concern desiring the service el aa konrst, trustworthy aad buslnosj getlln salesmen win find It to their at tentate to communicate with, K Ml, re- fonian. TWO roll-top desks. 2 revolving chairs, good as ew. and 1 Smith-Premier . at a bargain. SJ7 Worcester bldg. call Monday. TO Gearhart or Seaside. Thursday. August 11 in auto, ea opening da of near Colum bia Highway; S days' outing. $7.60 round trip. Weod lOt tHh. Main 3W. FCRN1HHED house for young couple; owner of furniture will pay -' 'or board and room; rent $12 per month. Tabor 4t-U, between 11 ana i-z. COMPETENT woman, general housework; email family, and help with chUdreo: must be good plain cook and kind to children. tval apt, it. ass lits su WE HAVE 75,000 cedar posts, any six or length: will deliver anywhere, state Wood Tie and Pole Co., Oswego R. F. 1. o. 1. Box 177. Phone Main 779T. . 950. ... $10 cash, 10 a month, 1-room good corner lot. 80 minutes out. sgenta, AP Oregonlan. lioo LIGHT lunch and confectionery. Mor- i . L'll. I Hiatrtct- YOU will certainly get your moneys worth. Main twlB. . WANTED Young man. experienced grocer, to sell family and restaurant trade; give reference and name of last employer. Pan Kelteher. Grsnd and B. Morrison. DANDT 8-room bungalow on Portland Hgls.. completely furnished, piano, garage. 1 blk. from car. Call Main S52. trice to right parties, U. NL'RSB MAID to care for "-months-old baby; going to Oearhart: references re quired. Call Monday or Sunday, 11) to Msln 8118. or SOS Montgomery. FOR EXCHANGE View- corner. 100X13S. a new bungalows, occupied. 2.V10; O Grove. Want small farm same value. P. O. Boa in. pan prove. OOOD all-round auto mochanlo and chauf feur wanta work; la years' esperlence. reasonable wages. J. Orlffln, Hew 8ar nae Hotel. . TWO very pleasant, well-furnished house keeping rooms; running water bath, elec tricity, phone, walking distance; cheap rent. ifl Montgomery. NICE front room for rent, newly furnished, suitable for three or four men; close to two csrllnee. BO N. 1th St. toss OVERLAND. 1914. . elee. starter and lights, near batteries, near tlrea. 4u Thompson. g -room furnished tent house: Dutch kitchen, hot water, gas range and lights. Tabor 54B0. , aivTrn ta ..ni . small hotel or room ing-house by an experienced hotel man. Address BC S0, Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nurse wants nursing, nervous, mental or confinementa A-l references, city or eonntry- 21)3 10th st. Main BITS. FOR SALE S good cows. Jersey, Guernsey and Durham. IromV lo I1O0. HI Bast !d at. North. lOt'NO lady wants position, doctor's or dentist's office, experienced, competent, reference. A 1806. W N T V. l V n who can use megsphone. to work 4 hours each" day. D. Kellaher a Co.. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. FURNISHED house, one month, Irvlngton, fruit, vegetables, piano, Bieepiug csr 1 block. East 1B7.. ' MAN snd wlfa want place on farm; honest, 4 eiiltn. wnrkere. Y OTS. Ore- sronisn LA RGB front suite free cooking gas, 2.S0 wk.; nice room. tW; large yard. 201 8. Grand. OS I R I H BOA msksr wsnted: must be perlenced on make-over work Hartness flume fcnop, rwa iin. FOR SALE A Wold compressed air brush, never used, price $18, will trade. Call Broadway 2184. Ask for Nelson. WANTED Msn who is employed day times, and wife for light janitor work. AN VSt, Oregonlan. ' WANTED Esperleneed salesladies and flt tera for country town; give full particulars. AP t. Oregonlan. FOR SAIE Two 28-in. auto casings, three 20-inch tubes. Call at 11 S. Everett any day but Saturday. FOR SALE New S14-ln. wagon cheap, or trade for cow or pigs. J. L. Cogswell. Ltnnemann Sta. A GOOD BUY. No. 10 E. Kth st. N., at 20 per cent dis count this neck. Inquire on premises. WILL trade fine unincumbered city lot for good suto; high-class macnine cunuuucu, give particulars, u vnv, urfr"m.ui WANT lot for 1200 equity in new 5-room bungalow on Rose city rara canine; uei. as rent. BC QMS. Oregonlan. NEW i-room bungalow. Rose rlty park car- llno. only ll.0; cut rrom smxi: w cuo, balance like rent. BC 087, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR, married, eober, steady, wants any kind or sou. aiarsnau aoio, ,iiuu Apartments. WAST to do plastering for cow or anything of value. Tabor 5wi. MODERN 6 and 8-room flat, painted and tinted, reasonable, qjv Lvcrtu . WANT to buy second-hand birds of para- TWIN lfilS Dayton, fully equipped. $100 cash. Pellwood I4t3. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes cham ber work. Phone slain oooe POPE-HARTFORD. 5-pass., good condition; 5iKi;- terms. 4S3B wm st. a. a. THOROUGHBRED orange Persian kitten. Terrington stocK. reasonaoie. a iwa NEW H H.' P. A, C. electrlo motor 140. Phone Main tSOL FOR SALE Ford, 1.13. good condition, 300. Phone Bellwood t4S. WANTED A 'violinist to share downtown stndlo. AO T7. oregonlan. BOARD and rooms. Casa Rosa, too Jeffer son street: Ii'S ana up. GAS RANGE, almost new, 4 burners, large n.Ki 494 Jefferson. BAUf carriage. Wagner,' first-class condi tion. Marshall sen. MULTNOMAH county rights automobile ac cessory. 8i3 Front St. Sunviay. to 12. OAK. porcelaln-llned. Eureka Opal refrlg- erator. appiy at on awnnmtij - WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR JOB FRIM1UI no urtngnnu i-CHAIR barber ahop for sale. 64a Thur- nian. WANTED t-'-"...l on (8200 home, close In. r ifio, urciuuiM. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily aad auaday. Per Hoe. . lee mm ad two YssMe'cutlve times tie tine ea or spivs mr. . . ..- tha sjait rate apply te advertisements nnder "New Tedar" aud all ether elaeaiilca- Uotie except ma isuesuii Mtuatioaa emrM ....... Ml salivas Mauled remele tor Kent. Boosne Private Families. Hoard and Meosas Private tamiliea. Iloueckeeplag Rooms Private rauillles. . .K. I mk I km I Uifl A. 7 I . a !sefkkr5'li, k ... Qej -roariv aTiiwni.i.it. .in v. based the eumbee of lines appearing I the paper, regardless, ef tha Bomber of word rach line. Minimum charge, two lines. ernlseroenls ever th telephone, provided be advertiser Is a subscriber te either phone. No prtrea will be quoted ever the phone, but Whether eubseaueat advertisements will oe u-u aver the skoee depeads apoa th It-ssrets. hltualloas W anted and Personal sdirrtiee meals will aot be accepted over the telephone. Orders for ane Insertion nly will be acrepted for -Fmaltur for Bale," -Bui- llupenasio wwie- - lied to HfSt." k. i-:ia a'ciaek Saturday eight. Tbe off ire ill he sura until le e cieea I-. as... ae o.uai, and aU ade received too late far proper rlassif Icattoe will he run oader tbe beadiag -lew Laiv iw v . Telephoae Mala 17. A gMS. MECTIJtO NOTICFS. KlltltrAiaivA . wi..... ..... """ and Ladles of Security Big open meeting next Friday. August 18. :S0 sharp. Moose Hall, Moirison ani Brosdwsy. cards, MM). Entertainment, dancing. Hocks' nnlon music. Good prises. Admission 13 cents. Come, an bring your friends for a sood time. Also re member our bl picnic. Sunday. August SX at Crystal Lake Psrk. Full for all. Coma Refreshments mm rain, s 1 DnDTl lvn' TEST AND HIVE NO. 1 of the 1-sxlie of the Maccabees, will have a picnic on Council Crest sturday afternoon and evening. Dancing and fireworks In th- evening No admission to grounds. Hanoi tickets. J5c Everybody Invited. A good tlms is assured. FORESTERS. ATTENTION. All Portsters are expected to be at Esta rgda Park oa Sunday. Aug. 13, to celebrate Forester dsy. Musle. dancing, games, races and general picnic Round trip only 600. children 2.'. Trains leave East Water and E. Morrison sta at ft A. M. . MARGUERITE "COTERIE CLUB will have basket picnic on August 12. at Columbia Park for all Royal Neighbors and friends. EXTRA Past Masters jewels. Special designs la embiesa jewelry. Jaeger Bros. "Vtai Advertleeeaents te reeeiTO pro to pi eiswsirt ratieai ansst be in The Oregonlaa attire be fore o clock at Bight, aaxept eiaturday. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS AND TITLES. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Paciflo Title A Trust Ce. I Ch. of Com. ACCORDION FLOATING. K STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord., side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged; mail ordsra to Fittoc block. M. I7. Pleating, hemstitching, ploottiag braiding. Eastern Novel ty Co.. tSfr 4th. Bdw y too. AsSATEBS AND ANALV8T8. MONTANA AJSSAT OFFICE, 141 Is d. Gold. silver and plstlnum bought. ATTOatNCY8-AT-LAW. J. 6. NELSON, LAWYER, (it P1TTOCK BLK. CONSULTATION FREE. BD'T Hit. CABI EX WCAVEBB. FLUFF RVaa RAO RUOo. New rugs from old ingrain, Brussels, Smyrna, Azmlnater carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resialng; country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. West ern Fluff Rug Co 14-t Union eve. North. Phone East 4tlt, B 147s. " NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag ruga 181 K. 1th. Bo th phonea. CELLILOID BITTON9, BADOK8. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPAST. 117 Washington st. Mala 111 and A liSt CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and William, Jr., Devenr. the only s-lentlflo chiropodists in the city. Parlors 101 Gerllnger bldg., a W. corner td and Alder. Phone Main lltl. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HI1L Office Flledner bid. Main 1471; CHIROPRACTIC PHY8ICLVN9. DR. M'MAHON, alith year. Chronic cases taking time, 11 treatments, tlo. 121 4th St. CLEANING AND PRESHINO. DRESS SLITS tor rent. We press oa suit each week for fl.60 a moath. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. tot Stark su. Tec ilh and 4th. Main 514. COLLECTION AGENCI. CLAIMS of any descrlptloa collected oa per centage anwhere; highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency. 414 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall iSCL NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17 No collection, no charge. Established 100. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. PINKERTON CO.. U.S.DETECTIVB AGCT. Established over 30 years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigation and reports niade oa Indi viduals any where. Consultation free. Suits 854 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 7t. DAXCIXG. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, toft tth St.. bet. Stark and Oak; sp'I Summer rates, I private lessons, 1: morning, afternoon, evening, all latest danoes guaranteed. Class Thura. Sat. evenings, 7-i:I0. Children's classes Sat.. I to 1. to. Broadway 1140. HEATHS SCHOOL Lessons daily; class Fri. eve. Auditorium Hall. 20SV4 3d St. near Taylor. Main 8H22. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment bv aoecisllst: STlassee fitted. Df. T. F. Caasaday, 617 Pekum bldg.. Id A fft, WHOLESALE AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLB BUGGY TOP CO.. 100 td St. Baggage a Omnibus Transfer. Parfc A Pvi. AstUfcAlf aoaani. Royal Bakery Coal., inc. lith and Everett. BAtt-n cisvo arts nutiuuu. HENRY WE1NHAKD, 13th and Burnslda - . . . ........ .-n-r...J rlTDVIttUIVriH FLElSCHNEtLAYECjJy lUl Ash St. srew w--w s-s'a r- a r C T OEPI If S aCesUJDiV A lUVAli 0 at a vsa.avj. Etubbi EctricA Co., th nd yia lU, w a uCDtl A W'TB Albert Bro. MUling Co.. Front and Marshall, H. M.. HOt'SER, Board of Trade Bldg. WADnAM9ACO- 47-ia Fourth St. - HATS AND CAPS., . . THANH ATJSER HAT CO., 64-S8 Front st. HIDES, W UUL, lAavaas "". XAn pnyjo.. a iniv tensaa PACIFIO IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. HOP MERCHANTS. K'NEFT" BROS.. 224-35 Plttock block. Main SSL Phones. Broadway 1140, MEETING JiOTlCKS." COME TO THE PORTLAND ART CLTJB'S !,. special 500 party Tuesday af ernoon 6 cirVry Sa't'urdiy Sfght h -t. Every- body welcome, aoiiuiu SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE ARK will give ouu pari? -7" St. ; hand-painted china prise. Members and friends Invited. Admission IBc . rCSERAL NOTICES. RANDALL In this city. August J""? Randall aged 1 years, late of 008 feast Ankeny street The funeral services will beheld Monday. August . t :8 olock P M at the nresidence establishment of J P Flnley A Bon. Montgomery at Fifth Friends invited. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. JENXINS The funeral services of the late Ll . Jenkins wlll.be held today (Sun day) at 4 o'clock P. M. at the residence wibll.hment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friend lv'tedi.vInAe11 rnent it Lone Fir Cemetery. Mondgy. Au gust 9, t 4 o'clock P. M., privata JOHNSON The funeral servlyes of John F. Johnson will be held Monday. August . at 1 o'clock P. M. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. f "'' Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friend, in vited. HARALDSON August T. A'vlna Harald.on, axed 1 years, beloved daughter of Mr. ISd MrsAnton H.raldsou, of Ashland Or Remains at Dunning A McEntees priors; from where they will be shipped to Newberg. Or.. Monday, August 9. MILLER The funeral service of the late Jennie L. Miller will be held at Warren. Or at 11 A K. Sunday. August 8. Re mains at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. East Eleventh snd Clay streets. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Th only resluence undertaking tablU. dobi In Portland with prtvat dxlvwy. Mai. . A 4VlNLET A SON. - Montgomery at Fifth . wv ota a A TT lh lAaVdlflaT fticra, riiff Ssumos, Lady aaalaiant. A l'lL Main sui. r A DUNNING, INC. .... !TJr.i nir.ctora 14 East At' Sill Blue r mm... "---J der street. a.ast .a. MILLER A TRACE Y, Independent lunsrau i.lal!.,?JkwJZJi&A??.t V ainiDllOB MUtA aa.ia -w . . 'aa nr ITT TlWR V IC .,;r n lOSi liiy attendant. Dw and night service. . " DUNNING a M ENTEE. fi ""Van '? a'na Broadway and Pine. Phone Mala 480, A 464A LsBy Attendant. d t t cT'U East 11th and Clay strset Lad'y assistant. East T8L - !T . . . . . - .-. . . n V US 8KEWES IMJtBlAAiAU " and Clay Main 416. A 2Zti. Lady attendant. rTT. BYRNES. Williams av ana moii. ESt 1110. t; AlrSe. .WJ ....... BHEKZB b.-suutv. '" suto hearse. 1028 BelmonU Tab. 1258. Biaoit. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.f florUts. 817 Wash ington. Mln 18. A 128.. Flower for all occasions artistically arrange. CLARKE BROS., florists. 187 Morrison st. Main or A 1806. Fine flowers and floral designs. no pre.ot.-n .iv 8LNNTSIDE sreeshouse.- Freeh Xlowsra Phone B 15lf. E.-88d snd Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7818, A BelUng. MONUMENTS. Portland Mxrbis works, 268 4th t opposite City Halt, builders of memorial OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BELMONT ST. Pnoaea East 148, B SMB. Opea Day aad Niche. Keport all senses of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled snlmala at a moment' notice. Anyone dealring a pet may communicate with us. INSCBAJfCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, gen'l Insuraaoe: flee. marine, auto. 3 and wnam. -"- MESSENGER 6EBVICm. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main . A n. MUSICAL, Emll Thlerhorn, violin teacher; pupil Syvclk. 107 Flledner bldg. A sieo. jaiarsnaii SCHOOL OF MUSIC, STAFF of TEACHERS. lO.NSjSttVAAOItv ASA AStn a OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. . S-. A fight oa hign prices. fljlf J pay . to 110 for glasses V. V 5,nea i can fit your eyes with first - Quality lensea. gold-tilled frame as low sa $1.50 T C. W. Goodman, Jul Morrison. Mail orders prompt ly filled. Write for particulars. Main tit. A fight oa high price. Why PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C, Wright 21 years' practice TJ. S. and foreign patents, sua ueaum oius. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and h,fea , ... - h i.h.n referancei beat re sults; promptness assured; sand sketch or rooeel ror searoo. wauoa b. patent lawyer, 484 F st-. Washington. D. C arlPB. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and opice near am ana iw.. - STORAGE AND TRAXSFEB, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO AN FROM ALL POINTS on nonsenoia goous, v-"1'-. " . Through carload aervlce, guaranteed Get our rate before shipping anywhere. We can save you money suu ''" PACIFIC COAST FORWARDINTJ CO. 201 WILCOX BLDG. - Thot.a -Marshall 2487. Maxahalt 1S39. . . . . . . . . - n.TiT? u c c-f. lUnilHhalll Goods Specialists, Storage, Packing. Ship- j i tJasss sjsa A n Ifl pins Knu juuTiAiB. AJ.W4-V i . cTo. PICK. TRANSFER A eT,aa1Bi0' Id antPlneSta.. Broadway ti. A OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Glisan st, corner 13th. Telephone Main 8 or- we own ana uiii . . " " , , , warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. . MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. STORAGE Reduced freight rales to ll P'Bt MANNING Warehouse Transfer Co. vt.m toi ith and Hoyt, A X314. aiADlSON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 1S "sai. and lorwaraing agents. rv. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F VETERINARY COLLEGE begin Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C, Keen, prea. Itlt Mar- net St.. pan r raumw... WOOD. . .i - a en Alstant FlRST-CIAsa seaaoueu , . delivery. 4.7s. National Fuel Cow E. Id ana Oregon. i. -v.. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5710. A 18. . MANUFACTURERS LEATHER. AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front; Leather oc every description, tay. ms. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 81 4th St. U v VWBV BRADSHAW BKOS., Morrison and 7th sta VHiia.HIVAAU ........ w - - Portland Wire a Iron Wks., Id A Columbll BiivTa . xr , T I'RH ll'ATIMl OiXA. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 13th and Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. BA8MTJ6SE.V a CO., Id and Taylorstreeta PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VAXVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-84 Front st. PLCMBUfG AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-84 Front St. PKINTKRH AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTEo A CO... 1st and Oak sta . . . . ........a.'i.. yc-u a vva EVERD1NG A FARRSLL. 140 Front-. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northmp. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER at CO.. 12th snd Davis. MORGAN WALL PA'PER CO.. 180 fid St. NEW TODAY. ESTABLISHED 1893. A Lady. Who Is Leaylng; for the South, Has-Instructed Us to Sell tho Fur niture, Rugs, Etc., of 'Her Pri vate Residence. We Have Moved These Goods to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE For Convenience of Auction Sale ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising; fumed quarter-sawed oak library suite, viz., davenport, settee, costlv library table, large easy rockers and chairs, all complete with genuine leather cushions: gas lamp, cellarette, oak parlor desk, oil paintings, box couch, leather-upholstered stools, genu ine Wilton rugs, hall stand, brass elec trlo and gas fixtures, velvet and Brus sels rug-s. brass and Iron beds, best steel SDrinsrs. silk floss and felt mat tresses, pillows, bedding, blrdseye maple and oaK aressers ana cninoniers, wnT.rl aimrtereri oak d 1 n 1 n tr - room suite, viz., 48-inch top dining table eight ieet long, set or. leainer-seaieo chaira, buffet, copper and brass chaf ing dish, mahogany music cabinet, steel range, refrigerator, linoleum and many other useiui lots. We shall also sell the part furnish ing of five-room flat, as follows; Bed room furniture, dinlnsr table and chairs. cook stove, gas plate, nearly new tent. utensils, etc PLEASE CALL TOMORROW AND INSPECT THE ABOVE GOODS. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. CN THURSDAY NEXT We Sell Furniture. Carpets, Rugs. Etc. Auction on Thursday Next at 10 A- M. HE PAT CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Or Will Sell the Same for You at the Residence or Our Salesrooms. W. C. BAKER W. H. DEAN. Fnrnltare Dealer and Auctioneer, 188-168 Park Street. $1500 Will Handle This Beautiful New Home Leeated la aa Exclusive Fart of I .iiMlkMp.li fara.r Ir. II 4 v 1CM- One block from carllne. Consist of eigne rooms imianea in raanog&ujr aim iwry, ail wuiiv-iii vvui.iii.ui.coi ub, u- wood floors throughout, tile bath and steeping-porca. garage, ajosvi wuu OWNER, 1IW Royal Co-art St. Phone Tabor 37 HO. Modern Six-Room Home ON BROADWAY CAR, IN IRVINGTON The price will interest you and the terms will please. This house Is worth mean buslrtess. E B7, Oregoalaa. Clsv aad ram Ti uiim ties In Any Amount at Current It tea HAITsfsJI-THOsrrsOg. Banktr 8at"J Con Corner Fourth aad Stark Streets. Phone Tour Want Ads to THE OREGONLAN. Main 7070, A 6095. 1. IsT AUCTION SALES At Wilson's Auction House 1SS-S First St, Near Morrison. REGULAR SA TUESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAT AT M A M. It. B. NO SALE AT salesrooms HON. DAT on account of special anctioa ad vertised below. WEDNESDAY .AND FRIDAY will find our salesrooms crowded with a good assortment of FURNITURE of all descriptions, RUGS. CARPETS, LI. OLEUM, STEEL RANGES, ajaa rsagrs, refrigerator, etc., for positive sale- OCR Private Sale Department will Prove of Special Interest to Bayer of PIANOS, ORGANS, V1CTROLAS, GRAPHOPHONES, HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE, ROOK - SIZE RUGS, STEEL AND GAS RANGES, REFRIGERATORS, WATER HEATERS, ETC. All good offered at PRIVATE SALE are absolutely FIRST-CLASS In every respect. FULLY GUARANTEED and DfXIVERED. We solicit an Inspection. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE 173 SECOND ST., CORNER TAM HILL. (Main 2032.) . " GROCERIES ! " - GROCERIES I . "GROCERIES I" JUST ADDED SEVERAL NEW STOCKS. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. BRING US YOURJHDER. ' We Can Also Save You Money on CUTLERY, SILVERWARE, MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, PAINTS, WALL PAPER, ETC. All Kinds of STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS. Don't Buy Until You See What We Have for Sale. : J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. 'SPECIAL AUCTION SALE TOMORROW, MONDAY AT 10 A.M. At the Goodnough Building Corner Fifth and Yamhill Sts. We are favored with instructions from the owner to sell the entire con tents Of S5 ROOMS ON THE FOURTH FLOOR, COMPRISING UPRIGHT "KIMBALL" PIANO, LIBRARY AND EASY CHAIRS, ROCKERS. MAHOG ANY WRITING TABLE, with plate Slasa top; larg-e LIBRARY TABLES, LADIES' DESKS, DAVENPORTS, COUCHES, CENTER TABLES, LARGE MIRRORS, PICTURES, LACE CUR TAINS, PORTIERES and DRAPERIES, WILTON, AXMIASTER and BRUSSELS RUGS and CARPETS, large Quantity of INLAID LINOLEUM, BRASS and IRON BEDS, complete with good SPRI.NGS and MATTRESSES? large quantity of good BED LINENS, FEATHER PIL LOWS. COMFORTERS, SPREADS, DRESSERS Of all descriptions, CHIF FONIERS. WARDROBES, COMMODES, TOILET SETS, complete KITCHEN OUTFIT and other effects. THIS SALE offers a g-ood oppor tunity to dealer and private buyers to stock up for Fall. DONT FORGET, sale TOMORROW at 10 A. M. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, ' etc. Main 1626. STOP AT Newly re furnished, papered v-Ann dtai aad Aide vated enlarged lobby all modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath, $1 per day up; without. 75o up. Because the rates are low," don't think the serv ice Is poor. Special rates by week or moritn. &everai ruuuis "im "w . making- thfim practically suites. FUNERALS ti.....i,i.I iil, nliiah or broadcloth casket, embalming-, rough box. bearse, two limousines .nil urvlCM for. ...... More reasonable funeral if desired for 130. S40, (to. . Higher-priced funeral In proportion. We make onr own caskets. Lady assistant. Private funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. : Washington and Ella Sta slain 1(11, A1III MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Residence Loans and 7 Per Cent, Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBEKToUJN & ttWUNli 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS - s 5, 6, 796 OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. Stock Exchange Building. Third and Yaxabtll Street. WB- WILL BUILD AND FINANCE HOMES Flat and Apartment in any part of to city costing; f roa . $2000 to 120,000; pay ments nae rent. Call and see us. W. B. BOWMAN CO. Reexa I. ta ercial lino Building. WE LEND MONEY ANY AMOUNT TO fl'0,000 ON CITT PROPERTY. ABOUT fTOOO FOft CLOSE-IN FARM SECURITY. G. H. THOMAS 267' Oak St., Room 3, Alnsworth Bid. $10,000-FORSALE Two Lota, 50x100 Each, With a 21. Roomed House. Level ground, one block from City Hall In Astoria, Oreson. Suitable for ma ternity hospital or fashionable board ing house. Insured for 15000. Terms. 330 Seventeenth Street, Astoria, Oregon West ern Bond & Mortgage Go. Onr Owa Meaey at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONOS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. 80 Fourth St., Board af Trade Bin--. 75 m.. C. i . ' ssu- . jsi m : -.' . j lei- I Auction Sale Monday, 2 P. M. 211 First St. We have received several nice con signments of furniture for this sale, including heavy metal beds, good oak dressers, library table, leatherette couch, good rockers, dining-room set In weathered oak, golden oak table and chair and. In fact, everything to fur nish your home complete. FORD AUCTION CO. REGULAR SALES Monday,' Wednesday, Friday. At 2 P. M. Each Day WE ARE LIKE THE FORD MACHINE, NOT THE LARGEST, BUT THE MOST 'RELIABLE. FOR SALE SIGHTLY -RESIDENCE PROPERTY 100x200, north end of block and 100 by 100 northwest corner of block, in restricted - district. IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. No Incumbrances. Property raised above street. Clean. Ready to re ceive building. Two blocks from Sandy boulevard. Cheap tor cash, or payments, or will exchange for modern house, six to eight rooms, and lot in good restricted district. Address DR. A. E. TAMIESIE, Peadletoa, Oreajea, Box A. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privilege. Loans quickly closed. Call today. dOI LARGE LOANS ON COL OO BUSINESS PROPERTIES U JO A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-21 North westera ' Bank BaUdlasf. Marshall 4114, A 4118. REAL ESTATE DKALEBS. PALMER-JOKES ' CO., fi. P. 04-iOs-OS Wilcox bldg. - . - BENEDICT BROS., ISO Hawtharn ave. REAL ESTATH. For Sale Lots. FACTS, HOT FAKES. Real estate is beginning to move an. I it' going to move fasts very soon. I have a sightly lot In Leurelottrst 8Mr Laurelhurst Park, which I am compslled to sell even below prosent market value This-lot will be worth twice this amount within twa years' time on account of its proximity to thl beautiful city park. I offer you an unusually beautiful homeslts and a-wonderful Investment. No agents. Phone Tabor 2JT1. " $1 DOWN, II A WEEK. Who would not own a lot on these terms? These lots are extra large ones: line soil; price Includes sidewalk and water; less than a block to car and Sandy road, which is now being hard surfaced without ant expense to property owners; sav your rent. See Mrs, Russell, at . HART MAN A THOMPSON 4th and Stark. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, two lots, SOxlOj each, located on East a th st. and Steel ave., near Jteed Institute; must be sold to settie an estate; no reasonable offer rs fusjd. Address E. K. Beardsley, 1057 SSth su. Brooklyn. N. Y. -- WHERE do you wish to live? We can sup ply you lot at lowest prices, anu win finance, plan and construct home. Terms easy. Interest only T per cent on deferred isyments in uregon noins jjuuuers, 3S0 N. W. Bank bldg. ALL. CASK BAROAIX. 100x100, northweat corner East 15th St., and Skidmore. Fine view aud on irvlng ton carllne. Must be sold quick. ' OOPDARP A WIEDRICK, 813 6tark Bt. iU IAM1. -R. C. Park district, fine lasge lot, no gravel- sold for $lu00; worth JS00; will take S350 cash, but be quirk if you want it. Bee it today. Tsbor lt3. HAVE' some dandy snaps, vacant lota, SI and up; small homes, 4500 and up. o J. A. Turner, at - HARIMAN A THOMPSON 14th A Btark.) BIO SNAP IN LOT. v V U block n East S5th. one black from Irvlngton, sacrificed at 2000; J0O casii will handle. ' F. FUCHS, 20 Chamber ef Cnmmerea CORNER, ROSE CITY PARK. Facing east and north, fHh and Tilla mook, 1 block from carllne. improve ment all In and paid to date. Price WOO. OWNER, MAIN S580. L BARGAIN Four lota, three on corner, numbers 6. 8. 9 and 19, block 27, Rail way Add.: 85x100 each! fruit, trees and barn; $800 casta for all. J. J, Jordan. Oak Grove, Or. ' BEAUTIFUL view bomesite. West Side. 7ft 100-ft. lot, city water, only 16 minutes' ride, Sc fare: best value in Portland at ts:,0; $10 down, S a month. At. S. Les, 60S Corbett bldg. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS BXCLUS1 VEI7. Have several downright sacrifices, UotH in ;ots and houses; make an offer. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3889. NEARLY 3 lots, level, with magnificent trees, near carllne. surrounded handsome homes. Price $11500.- Mrs.' Ott, Main aliOl Or Marshall 8013. Lj PORTLAND HEIGHTS Fine, large, view lot, close In, 8 blocks of car; sacrifice, might take oheap car as part payment. ROSE CITY PARK One corner, on Inside, each BOxlOO; east tront; Improvements paid; near car; 1135 .cash each;-worth double; sold singly. Call 702 E. frith st. N. LOT 40x100, level, water, 2 blocks to car, 300. Acre, Newhurst Park, $aoo. Let East 6Bth and Tillamook, $200. Call st 220 2d st. WILL SACRIFICE choice lot, Laurelhurst Addition, lot a. block S3; price 100 cash. Owner, E. Bru. 760 7th ave San Frsnclico. A LARGE, beautiful view, tract, West Bids. 6c fare. 15 minutes car ride, city watrr; best value in Portland Jor ;f0; 10 down. 5 a month. M. E. Lee, Bus Corbett bldg. WARRENTON snap, 150x100, 1 lots on Ce dar St.. s blooks from depot, for lluoo cash. Owner, box 23, Warrenton, Or. FORCED sale, beautiful lot; paved stroets, streets all paid; price this week $6u0. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bidg. LOTS In Wellington; make offer. Owner. 60S commercial diock. arsn.iicsoo. BUILDINO LOANS AND HOME BUILD ING. CURTIS, 167K OAK. . FOR SALE Southeast corner East Pine and lath Streets. fctarg&in. n B oicgum-i. IBVIXGTON SNAP Lot. block from 15th and Stanton, tlo.'.O. AO 070. Oregomsn. ' THREE fine lots. 100x10,. corner E. Market and butn, ror ?aav. rn.no c.. j.,. S350 GOOD, lot-for $60 down, SIO- a-month, Woodlawn 1A54. A LOT In Westmoreland for sale at a sacr.- flce. BC 9S7, Oregonlan. LOT $15d0 paid in, $1500 to pay; can't make good; make offer. P 989. Oregonlan. LAURELHURST lot, fine location, chep for cash. Chaa Rlngler. 81 By. Ex. IRVINGTON lot, BSaloO, ti:',00. everything paid. Owner S 4T. Oregonlan. For Sale Beach Property. SEASIDE. . The Palms. 100 feet frontage (corner) on paved street, S rooms and bath, tolie'., tine e'ectrlc fixtures, sleeping porch, stc. ; will sell for less than cost. H. P. PALMER-JONES CQ., 404 Wilcox Bldg, IF you will consider the best 100x100 build Ing site on Cannon Beach, unobstuctlbla view, few steps from ex-Governor West's Summer residence, for $200 cash, wri'.s owner today. N 980, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy small cottage at Long Beach. Wash. Give location and terms. B 975, Oregonlan. DESIRABLE corner front lot on Cannon Beach, just sootn ot fiay stack rot. Owner, box 205. route 1, Mllwaukle, Or. EIGHT choice lots, Bayoccan, $800; one a'- Fer Sale Hooaes. BEAUTIFUL new home on river bank st st Helens, or.; senior cost or nouse. costs nothing. 903 Corbett Bldg. $12 A MONTH buys 6-room modern house. X DIOCKS nose t-liy car. v., v. omuci. 401 Board of Trade bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. noma, 13 1-3-ft. loti medern, $1700; pari ceaii. .n. mv-xv.y - nme- J,m ro.. FOR SALE by owner, . modern 9 -room real -dence on Thurman su, WUlamstt Hsignta AL 895. Oregonlaa, ... ,1