V WOn BALE- I TO. ML. EOJLSALJL ... 'LIT Typewriter. Miscluaneons. nuik. Pet Stack. for u-i.bi.ii gent rmbb'1. . brad, some with ;,u; HKi Ml front I M I montn. old; e1"1., fT forma stock. -3 - Uood i.u-a. Porcatvd. Or OUAMIK Persiaa kitt.o. cheap. US nviiiuh il. R SAt-E Pdlxred. bull lr'r- E.X1 REST arada Ancona While Leghorns, Lis. Must be lm..- wul leave K.r Ho'"-,.J,1aif1iirit a: 1 I-. M. la snow bird. v l- prtll Qevurta. KKE-BHED Barr.d Rock cockerel and pu..t (or Ir. J.tferaou. osw.go. - FINK W. L. chickens l-r aa. cheap. Main eo47. t7(RES unite L'tJ-rn r-i.r. 1 io each. or tne tartt tor - - ---- FLVlluLTH HuCKS. batched la March. llus g. jut S f AT whit duck. E-at &174. Ja.KscV cow iiul heifer. both with ca ( ill ki of tha U. ix. champion Jersey bull- will sacrifice. Phone toU-v oak ureve, aiter P. M- . TOR SALE Pig. 33. H. F. Brandon, Maple Lane, ocegoa CUjr. Phone 2.1x23. tireon IiARU.NO nhrorsfclr rama tregisteredt for eaie. single or lot of 10 or 12. btaple the Jeweler. WILL, exchange nice new booi. fine loca- tioa, for Inn Block. bmcsu AXT good.' fresh, dairy cow. Call Taoor IF yea tave good beef cattle for ea.e. st .-a, coii pr WILL pay I J for young pise. wee or e:der. Af 9T2. HnmnnB. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! . AT TUUli CARS. THEY AKi BAiiGAlNS. T -PASSENGER PACKARD -bo"T pow.r. good, coiuUUos; good Urea, top and inUtil.a PARRT -paaa.rg.r. S-bfrM?J",,r-. J? rna condttloo. nawiy painiaU: good i u. wlailsawio. i-mwun --- ai4omair FORD RCN ABOUT Juat OTarhaulad aawiy palniad, good uraa o NAPIER 7-paanangar. P0 horapowar. !n gtxKl ruualcg order, wlra taa.a. t00 uraa. top and wiadatilald.. iuvo BTEARNS l-paengar. J0-horaDowe.-. Jaat moroughlj ovarUauled. good Urea, top. wiadauia.U uul i ral-o-lULa lanA WHITE STEAM ROADSTER SO-horaa-ta, la good, running order 1500-LP MONITOR Trurk. with good Ura. angina Juat ovarhaulad. ood top aott in good runnlas oruar. .......... .aw WTLX. DEMONSTRATE. WILL SKl-L ON EAit TKRM3 TO RE-cr-U.NSIBLa; i'ARTlti. FRED Il-TE. gTS JSrwa Sl. i'oruaad. Or. jvRiJ roRi3 roRDS fords 114 Ton!, 5-paaa.. Treat condition. 1373. lal Tori. S-paaa.. JJ3. PTl'DE bAKR (our. B-paaa alao tc lic&ia and aiaxtar. uaad ary liltla. I'l4 Mltrhall . ft-paaa.. atactrta llghu and ararter. M .. w. 1U Cha.m-ra ad. ft-paaa.. alaclric llgbu ad atartar. . Ji. 1911 lludaoa roauUtar. S3w0. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. X. Haw. E. inn and Hawtnornaara 1-J1J ROADSTER OVtHU.NO. Elactrto atartar. alacu'io ligata. alactrle laar iightar. h..axon born. tuH'l tel buawr. iww axtra l.raa it). two extra rim (new), two extra ollclotb tua coTcr. lor a and chain (or extra uraa. lock for gear ahlft. ocfc for tool box; run !ee than JiMt mllae: coat Ildi, WU1 lake SToo cua. AK XJ. uragonlaa. xtt"Lev.N ti, Juat evarhauiad. good conili tt.n. Chainiera to, forodoor. good order, muat aail Monday, owner leaving town. Wnua truck A-too. overhauled, receipted bill to ehow; make an offer. T-paaa. L s:r. 114 Mcta Koadater. electric equip ment, run 5H mi.ee. I'tiona Maia hOuS. Port.an'l Automooila Exchanr Co. ,;EVE.j Dt'RTEA. -cllnder. 7-paan-gar. perfect mecnanlcal condition; dt mountahia rlma with extra non-akid tire on rear; ahock ahaorbara; douo.e ignition; anlendid ataga or daUvery car; wia damou ara&a and guarantee cundltlon; price H.XJ. terma It daairad. AH :. oragouian. AL'TO repair and machine anop for rant or would U; it you ara the right maa you caa keep null craw buay a.1 the time; ver oo car owaera to draw from. 3i aev Oregonuia. CALL EAST Olli. East f?lda Auto r-xchange. Automobiles kousht and sold; general repairing and atorua. 410 bast Aaa St, near Graud ava. TuK SALE CailU.ac. 33-H. P.. large or aga battery, presto tank, apceoometer. extra tutwi. dx:L-very boUy and a-paaeen-ger touring body; In good working order; cajh. B 9T0. Oregonian. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOA Large Stock. Prices J0O to ;. UREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studeoaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Aiders UICK Great big snap: 111. i-paaaenger touring car. Al condiuon. completely over hauled; fore-doora. newly painted and new top: electric Ughta; price 400; terms It uaa ired. A H I7. Oregonlan. ANTONE wishing to buy new 5-paaa. 30 H. P. auto will receive something of groat intereat by sending name and address to box L eTi. Oregonlan. No agenla JaEKr. u) 7our opportunity to get a &-paa-aanger lata model touring car; will take roaueter as part payment, palanoe tarus to auit. N . Oregonlan. LOCOM 0BI LG In f'.rat-claaa condition for aala cfieap; will give terms; take first mortgage or will accept smaller car aa part njmi. BDIjl. Oregonian. TORSALEFiTe-paasnger. 4-cyllndar car. ftret-claas condition, at a bargain, or will trade for boat or anything 1 caa u. &jo Aider at. t-PA5S. Packard, cost 3Sa. Is In fine shape. ik tires fore doors, dem. rims, eiectno lights, prlca 12'JO; 450 down, ba.anca iu a month. H. E. Joy. io stark. WANT A TRADE? 1-paaseager rosdster; will trade for flva- aaxeanger car luu mui mmwi, w mjum. X sua. oregunlan. r-Arvtij-AC elrht. run lust 110O miles; aac ritlee price IHQ cash; no terms, no trade. Addreaa only If you have the money ,aud mean buiineee. AL 917. Oregonian. )uK SALE One Federal truck, capacity t.in. in sood condition: extra heavy asrtngs. price very reasonable. For par. ticuiara sddress A-r VTo. uregonlsn. OARAGES erected complete 110 up; ready cut or portable house. 3;;S up. TAKE DOWN HiU CO, 141 water st, aaar Harriaoa. Mala 114T. V-TON Bulck truck, 1911. platform body, caavas tup: bargain, cash or terma, HOWARD ALTOM-BJLE CO 14th and Davis eta. 3'EaRLT new Flandera No. 20 delivery wagon, a bargain; will stand Investigation: can make terma to responsible part. S. L. Kartn. Broadway lu4 or Tabor (. 31EO prst-o-lite. air mixer. Robecker Sums, soaedometer. complete set of tools, extra tuner tuoca. lk4 ah only. Wood lawn g.'S. o-MLLL auto rida on the Columbia llih wsy 3XSo each. Duplex Auto Co, oU Stark. Main SI- IO rent by the week or month. Ford deliv ery cars only reepouaio.e business firms or s-.oras' need app.y. N oregonlaa. L-rrii-uil.TkrCK. 1W tona with sood big body, best of condition, for aala at t1; reasonable price. L W7J. OregoniaJl. 34- DOWN. 323 a month. 1200 In all. buys 4-c under Maxwell la good condition. AK Pur. Oregonlan. K :i . M-G RAUE a-pssenger auto, lata model; wi.l tra la for nrvt mortgagee or dear r-al estate. BC Xi. Oregou sn. i PASSENGER trade, party Grand ava! M.tchell leaving car for sale or town. Call loSSi RIG SNAP. 13-oasaenser tourina car. P.rtrt-c!aas condition, must sell chssp. Msln 2ua. l.ix roRE-DOOR. 3-psseanger Rao. fully eouipp-d. run only 2on ml lea. bargain. Call Mr. Hemphill. Broadway jt AVE your repair work done at home tor ne:r ine pn..-. FOR SALE One llsht (meet sspa. cheap. delivery car. tn Woodlawn 3930. ICR SALE Thwntl ae trade or S-paaa llrr.ter car. one Woodlawa 333S. 3'v.iK SALE At a bargain. Bulck racing car, Call &7i Jer.-an at. before noon. lsis FORD 330: e.actrlo lights and aait- s-arter. X 1. OregorUa. si itiHTLT used tires from 33 to $10 each: 6 -Il.iJd 2ic tire, repairing. 307 Madison. 1 c v-. o I'tna track: little money 1 auired; easy terms. Call 4 Waahingtoa. y.PASaF.NGER Loxlar. cheap for cash. W 943. Oregonlan. BARGATN In ts't faxon roadster. Call 109 T. A dr todi-r . 1314 J-OBA tlO down, X. 340. Oraa-oaia. i OREGON MOTOR TAR COMPANY. Ltl CAK DEl AIMk-M. WE OIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN bLNDATo. 8TI DEBAKER "3V Roadatar. OTar hauied and repainted ETfDEPAKER -XT Touring fine condiiioa car. 3K MAXWELL i-paaangr touring car. overhauled and repainted xj.v TL'LLMAN Touring car .iiu WHITE model W Tourlnr car. 1S11 .I3.t STrPEBAKER "Touring car. oalt tartar i STI'DEBAKER "CO" Touring ear. lvm model, overhauled ...3i3 STI'PEnAKER-OARFORD parscnger touring car .... STrPEHAKER FIX. )9U model, thor oughly overhauled and repainted ..e950 STVDEBAKER -FOUR- Electric Uh:a and atarter 30 OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Studebaker bldg.. Comer chapman and Alder etx.. pbona Maui Itu2. A dS. WE HAVE -iha following cara left from our aarrlflce ale. which you can buy from luo to S'.oq leaa than any other place In Portland : 1013 CHALMERS. 4-paaaanger coupe. 1013 CHALMERS. S-cyl.. T-paaacnger. 1913 CHALMERS, 5-paaaenfer. 1013 STEARNS- KNIOHT, e-crL. s-paaa. 1913 W1NTON. 7-paaaenger. 1014 TTINTON. 6-pasaenger. 1914 TTINTON. roadatar. THE WINTON CO ISd and Washington St a. MUST BE SOLD. ALL SECOND-HAND AUTOS.' Notlca Wa will consider any rsasonabl offer oo aecond'hand cars. Bargains la fine, modern, op-tc-date cars as well as oid-atyla automobiles. C. I BOSS at CO, 61a-17 'Waah. Su BARGAINS IN TIRES. We have on hand a number of odd tlras for aala cheap. 1 &;S ti W. Goodyear. 1 3kx3 Clincher Goodyear. 1 Sx4H Clincher Goodyear. 3 JMw Clincher Diamond. 1 in S. v. Michelin. 3 4x4 Clincher Goodyear. -NORTHWEST At'TO CO, Itroadway and Couh. . Phona Broadway 847. Ar for Mr. Hemphill. 11. U 5-PASSENGER Ilupmoblle. A-l condi tion, with elf-tarter and elertrie lights, extra tire, demounrabla rlma; snap If there aver waa one. S'luo. 1913 Hoick 5-paeaanger. electric Hrhta and aelf-atarter. extra tire, demountable rlma: the best buy offered yet, SoSu. HOWARD A I' TO MOBILE CO, 14th and Davla eta. 1IJ 4-CYLINDKR R-raaeenser REO. run only fsw hundred mllra Waa taken In ax chanra for KEO ft. Will sslt ysry rsa- onahle. SOUTHWEST AUTO CO, Broadway and Coueh. Phona Broadway a. Ak for Mr Hemphill. STRICTLT A-l model 37 Bu!-k S-paaeenser auto; everything flrst-cias condition; guaranteed mecbanlrilly A-l: fine tires Stewart vacuum evatera. elertrtc lights snd stnrter; coats aa stsnds 31423: prls S7.1. 4o down. 1'J monthly. E. H. Hvstt. 30 AlrteT. NEW AND 1'fED FORD AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON EAPT TERMS. BENJAMIN E. PIONE at CO, FORD AGENTS. 314 Aider St. Msln 3". KLANDERS SO racer, fins condition. I2i3 American rcadster. electric Ilrhts. lust overhauled; terma Foredoor Msx- welU "- ACME AUTO CO.. 531 Alder. USEO-CAR BUYERS. Before buying that car have an experi enced mechanic make a tnorough examin ation aa to lta condition. Id to fit. 245 "j Morr.eon St.. room 7. ' ONE-TON Atterbury truck. 4 cylinders. chain drive: in rirst-riasa conomon; :u tu P. Prlca 317 If tnken at once. ELMORE CO 724 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS in used aulas and delivery cars terma given. NORTHWEST AUTO CO, Broartwav and Couch. Phones Broadway S87. A 49.19. IF TOU have a good foredoor B-paasenger car or roadster, bring 11 around. Wa pay cash. ACME AUTO CO.. 631 Aider. WARREN Detroit roadster. 30 H. P., over- haule.l. net S423 or sood trade small 3' passenger. Main Soft. Portland Automobile r-xchance Co. ll14 PTl'DEBAKER. fully equipped, electric lights, starter, oversize tires, extra tire, two tubes, bumper, paint nearly new. cash. K. C, Main "331. MAXWELL roadster, k. No. 1 shspe: four new tires: will take single Harley aa pay menu Call Woodlawn SOUS or 800 Al berta St. ONE 4-passenger automobile with Ever Ready starter and all modern Improve ments for sale cheap or will trade lor real estata. AC 979. Oregonlan. CHALMER 3FORT Y" touring car. fully equipped, driven very little, like new: must bo seen to be sp preolate.1. At Kests Auto Co. . 3-PASSENGER cars from 322.1 up: demon. strationo given. The Auto .cixcnange co. 13th and Alder. 3-TON POPE-HARTFORD TRUCK, driven only about I'oo miles; bargain terms. Brosdway f.StS. 37..0 WILL buy best high-grade touring car In town, i a.s is a aacrince. A vwu. ura gontan. 1914 FORD roadster body, with dash and wind shield. Ilka new, 20. Phona Marshall S20O Apt. B. TWO-PASSENGER runabout, will make (ood delivery car: price, 1123. 4421. c ave. S. E.. Woodstock car. BUICK 3-tassenser in fine condition, cheap, or wi:i take light roadster In trsda today st 74th and E. Etark. 3-PASSENGER Page Detroit. In fine run ning order, extra tires snd tubes: a snap at 1.123. Phone Main 72. after Sunday. GooD 6'pasaenger car to trad for light roadster of late model. What have you? B 9l3. Oregonlan. -PASSENGER Maxwell, new tires, good running order; 3Ko will handle. Call Mr. tlomphili. Broadway 8n. STANLEY STEAMER, rebuilt for delivery, in good running order; 330. Cor. E. 37th N. and Broadway. 0 PALMER SINGER Marshall 44. cheap for cash. VELIE race type roadvter. $cr. or mortgage. For information e.asc boo. SWAP Maxwell runabout for motorcycle. Broadway oarage. -4tn and Broaaway. IMS FORD. $S. Tabor 11. UTFMOH1L& ro-vdvter. In fine condition, for 3:30 casn. ArJ pi 4. dragoman. FOR SALE. Three-ton truck, la good eon rtitlon. -:i xiarsnaii s.i"u. FOR SALE 3-ton Packard truck. Al con dltlon. cneap. t wi.s urtionian. CHALMERS. 1912. 7-ps . self-starter, etc bsrgsln. Broadwsy GOOD 3-paasenser suto to trsde for lot. ft 04a City preferred. Msrsr.ail 2o1. 1U14 LIGHT ROADSTER. Fine condl'.lon: "QQ. Broadway 33. FOR SALE New 34x4 V. 8. tire; straight Ida. 310. Call East IWI. CHALMcR-"! 3' 3-pa.. model K; bargain terma Broadway o:ini. WILL sacrifice 8-pasenger auto for No agents, no tradea. Tabor 313-I. cash. 3-TON truck, nearly new, cheap for cash. W 92. Oregonian. Rl irK rosdster. Il.m If sold by Monds r.00-1. isll owner. Main et Monday A. M. SAt'HlKlCE 3 psssenger Carter-car for a30. A F l7. oregonlan. ROADal&KS (row. Ilvtt up. aS Aider. TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, AUGUST 1. 1915 USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Mithall. T-paaa. lata model, 6-cyl., So li . P. .electric lights snd stsrter. nearly new; will accept your old car as part pay ment. Mitchell. S-pasa.. lata model, 40 -H. P.. nearly new; will accept your old car as part psyment, Mltrhall. S-pass.. 6-cyl, Just overhauled, repainted, good tires, 00a extra; a real aerifies only 3130. Mitchell. S-pasa, lata model; electric lights and starter; only s30. 6peedwell. 30-H. P, Just the car for bus, delivery or aervlca car; only (400. Commercial delivery, brand new, capac ity 13O0 Iba.; Northway 4-cyU motor, Bosch U. T. magneto: snap, 3730. Several others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVE R." CO, East 1st snd East Morrison Sta. East 177. B 1210. OVERLAND. Buy from a responsible dealer. A sensi ble investment is a used car In good con dition at a right price. Depreciation Is SO per cent lesa than on a new car. 1915, 1914, 1913 models. And all bargains. Tour ing cars, roadsters, delivery cara. J. W. LEAVITT A CO, -329 Washington Su SOME REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1014 BUICK truck. 3300J 250 down, terma HI DFON Six, like new, 3723. fiTUDEBAKbR touring car. 3263. EVERKTT touring car. $M0. CADILLAC touring car. 3250. CHALMERS touring car, 3233. ETCDEBAKER. stripped rosdster, 3275. BUICK roadster. 32SJ. HLI'MOBim touring car. Ilka new, 3375. . Sea us before you buy or sell. EAST STDE AUTO REPAIR CO, 717 Hawthorne. East 13U0. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. list and Washington. CHALMERS, latest ," 1U sold at a reduction of lluOil. CADILLAC, 112, electric starter and lights, brand new seat covers, new tires, repsinted snd in best condition: 3733. CADILLAC, &-paasenger. a car you caa depend upon for aervlca; 3330. CADILLAC S-pasaongar. in very good Condition, snap S--. BTUDEBAKER roadster, good tires, re painted. I27&. u-iuiDS ELECTRIC, only 1300. PEEKLESs) -pasengr. Ideal car for stage; new top; 3v. CADILLAC. 3, CARS. AND DODGE BROS. DO.VT-RUY JUNK; BUY THli NEW COEY NfcR, best five-passenger four-cylinder car for 3t."0 ever placed upon tne maraei, sold on endless chain profit-sharing plan. Buy ona and become an agent; 373 com miuinn nald on every aala you maka. and no reatrlctla-n on territory. Apply to Joseph Norton. 14 N. th st, city. TWO 11S HUPMOBILE8. Ona 1314 riii'MOBii.E One 1914 MICHIGAN. '&. Ona 1S11 HUP. ROADSTER. 1S0. One OVERLAND. 4o0. one NATIONAL. DLLMAGE eV MANLEY AUTO CO. 4.-48 North 2uth, St, WANTED I have an option on one of the best automobile agencies m runtauu ii contro.s the best Hue of trucks and pleas ure cara on the market. Would consider partner with capital to handle this Leave your communication at oregonlan office. The company will bear the closest Invest!- gatlon. Af son, ores omau. PEERLE.-S. 6-cyl, 7-pass.. lste model, elec tric seir-starier anu iisuia. bargain; terms. Broadway 530. Automobiles Wanted. ST. JOHNS HOUSE. House and lot in St. Johns to ex change for modern, up-to-date runabout. Call office. CoL 282. or res., CoL 196. WANTED An autonioone in exchange lor four lots tnat cost me ww iu iuiw years ago. AR 943. Oregonlan. WANT the best automobile I can get for a good 3400 7 per cent ursi mortgage. Phone Marshall 4430 WILL trade good business lot in small town for rord. Dsn joaxtieiu, uiciuu aav.i Co.. Multnomah HowL FOrtD. "good condition; will trsde kodak flnlahlng studio; wiu teacu two uu.mcw. AO Oregonlan. SELLER'S equity 31100 for car In good con dition ot oiaer tnaa ii ts''" Hotel. , WILL trade my equity of 3S00 In 7 acres on Oregon r. IOC trie, anu somo tuu ivi - model car. Sellwood 712. , WANTED Automobile truck and driver whj can naul 1 corns ui wouu a uvi ateady work. East 4703. WANTED To trade lot in Astoria or lot in Bay Ocean lor a iignt car; wu pay cash. T 980. Oregonlan. WANTED Ford runabout. Write me and give particulars, w. 1.. i upper, ntiis boro. Or. ',u rr a or -uassenaer late model car; electric lights anu starter, lima uvuuinuu, make and price. L. ims. oregoniao. 7-PASS. auto; must be up to date; will trade real estate nu 11 ww -. Moore Co, 618 Ablngton bldg. WANTED l-pu(r auto, no Junk, for lota and oesiraoie a,crcaae. ah. ve, urir man. BEST 3-pesesnger car cash will buy; no Junk; Stale price, tun uescriptiuu mat letter. AD 3. Oregonlan. WILL PAY' 330 per month rent for 6 pass, car. Must be la good condition. X 996, Oregonlan. tci.i.en'9 enultv 8400. 310 and interest monthly, for small car. -au or pouna mi Perkins Hotel tooay. UNINCUMBERED acreage, county aeat townt for email car; call or phone 331 Per kins Hotel todsy. c-i-.ii first mortsaxe on city property. 11 months to run. want good auto. W 970, Oregonlan MODEL K Chalmers, S-pass. and first mort gage 3330 on city property, trade both tor modern auto. W 971. Oregonlan. WILL trade my equity In 6-room home near Sandy boulevard for auto. D 973, oregonlan. WANTED To trade one fine 3630 player piano for good auto trues. jeicpuou Tabor a'? or 410 E. ?Mn n piist vnur car yourself, save 325 to 373. Particulars mailed free. Auto Paint at (- Varnish Co.. 407 Main st. Portland. wanted Ford automobile; must be in good repair; etate loweal caah price want ed. V 97. Oregonlan. WANTED 1914 Ford. 5-pasaenger. will pay cash tor good car. State condition and price. No dealers. Woodlawn 9X3. WANT 5 - pass auto:, give 37 acrea la Clackamas county; state particulars, t- 171. Oreg.'nlan. 3 ACRES of fine land at Kirkland. Wash, value 3300, (or automobile. 406 McKay bldg. WILL take good auto as first psyment on my new home close to Jefferson Hlga. ou commercisi pipes. WANT light delivery car. 323 caah and 310 per week. 44 su. Apt, w. WANTED Best Ford touring car 3250 cesl will buy. 80 4th L ; GOOD 8-pasaenger auto; have clear lot and some cash. BC OnO. Oregonlan. WANTED To lease 3 or 3-ton truck. C 961. Oregonlan. 8030 FIRST mortgage for lste model auto mobile. Call 216 Ablngton bldg. jOR 3-ton truck, or will trade 8-ton wagon aa part pnjrirrui. . i--u, yrcivuiH. HAVE a lot and some cssh for light tour ing car. H uu, oregonian. " WU1TY in suburban realty for good auto. AG V', oregonian. MY acre for 3-passenger Ford In good con dition. M WW, oregonian. WILL trade lot 30x100 la Kenton for aula AP . oregonian. BUNGALOW on 116x150 feet, for auto. East 1JM. . SOME rash, clear lots for auto. AB 9S2. Oresoalea, t tr- 1 r L CT 1 TC FHR AUTO. If you hava a lot that la worth 300 and Is absolutely clear, you can trade It for ona of the best 3-pasaenger cara In Portland for the money. Phona Tabor 84o, Broadway 3288. , WANTED Automobile and some caah as first psyment on new cottage and one acre all In fruit, garden: macadamised road, three and one-Half mllee from Eu gene; 3 Jitney busses; snap. U H. Wise, r.ugene. ur, n. -. .- 1S14 OR 1913 model, 3 or 7-pasa. automobile, standard maka. ho, old style con.idar-,.1. County." valued at 31000. .pay som, cash I ..nrani-a mr 1 aTaCrtrB .333 -ssa --- " CaU 400 McKay blag. Main dttfereuca. 934. JiAVE SoxloO. 7-r. house. 00 carllne; no r i Mtl street. In exchange for good la'to modal 6-pasa. car.; sta ta make. year, price and condition. M 994. Oregonlan. HAVE a o-rooro moaern oungaiow; trade for late model 3-pasa. - Ford- no money nesdwl; big bargain. A 9b0. Ore go n lan WANTED Good rosdster In exchanga tor some cash and 310OO stock In well-eatab-llshed local concern. Telephone aflor 8 P. M, Marshall Ztfoa. WILL trade motorcycle with side car, two- aoead. and kick atarter, tor . miii call woodlawn 8030 from 12 to afternoon. WANT to buy ona lata model O-passenger Ford or other maka of light machine; will oav 350 doan and 340 per month. Phone Sellwood 2281. ' . WILL-trade 20 acrea Umber land. Grave r nor? on automobile. C 970. Oregonlan. THE best Ford 2.'0 cash will buy; no J.unk consiaereo. jv. woi. vi WANTED Auto as first psyment on brand new bungalow. Phone Tabor MS3. Automobiles for Hire. FOR. HIRE Cheap. 1915 Hudson car; careful, competent driver. Main 6378. Motorcycle ,.A,ATis.irT trc unTrlRrvflLE". 1915 8-epeed Harley-Davldson, Just like "T914 two-speed Harley-Davldson A-l shape and luiiy cquiwu; v-". - 113 O H. P. Dayton; a snap at 3165. 11)13 9-H. P. Dayton, equipped. 312o. 1914 2-peed Indian, A-l shape and A C1TK ioia 2-soeed' Indian, thoroughly over hauled and rebulit: a good, nrst-ciass ma chine equipped. 3145. 1914 2-speed Dayton, good as new, equipped; will guarantee at 3225. 2 1913 Excelsiors. . 101 M.rU.I 1 1913 Emblem and many others at varlou. P-'c-ON CYCLE CO, 210 Broadway. USED MACHINES OF ALL M AKES FROM 325 UP. ON EASY TERMS YOUR OLD MACHINE TAKEN IN ON TRADE. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, a oMnrf Ava A gency for the Flying Merkel. - t xr,ol lata model. fully .onioned. 1123; also 1913 Harley-Davld- aon, 1FFERSON CYCLE CO 7 Third St. - 1914 EXCELSIOR motorcycle for aIe, cheap. In good condition, fully equipped Call at O K. Shoeshop. Williams ave. and Cherry STRICTLY flrat-class single Reading Stand ard motorcycle, lots of power, all In fine condition; price only 383. 323 down, 310 monthly. E. B. Hystt. aw Aioer, 1914 Tu'voovirn twin Excelsior. fully equipped, dresm tandem, used very little: 3173 cash takes It; call before 3 o'clock to day. TSbqr 44 oo. . r rt T-i . I'inynv in nenect oruar. ... Minnenoiis machine for 375. Stein's Bargntn Excnange. -w .orin on. MUST se.1 this week. 1912 rnotorcycle. guar, snteed. and new tires, price will surprise you. Phone ?-eutTpou iqip. 13 HARLEY twin tuny equiptitm. ;v- rasonable; any oriuuuBi.iuu ' Oregonlan, 1913 HARLEY motorcycle in oesi cunumo.., fully equipped, a bar 6' o st. Eng. No. 3. e . 1913 INDIAN. 2-speed. run 4600 miles: A-l shape; price 3173; cost 3400. with equip ment. Call East 82, room 436. WILL exchange elegant diamond-disc Edi son pnonograpn lor urnr-i. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 80O Alder. 8-H. P. 2-SPEED Harley-JJaviason. uks new, 11 10. terms to rwrwuBrur. r." 26 North 6th St. FOR SALE Two-speed Indian and side car for casn. cneap. 00 qui r. MERKEL motorcycle, single cylinder, very cheap. Br Vtv, uregiiiimN. 2 LOTS. Central Oregon town, and cash for motorcycle. J. 974. Oregonlan; MOTORCYCLE for sale, 813 cash. 247 E. 44th st. 3S0 SIDECAR for 333. Stein's Bargain Ex- cnanice, --o oin. Launches and Boats, 3-ROOM houseboat for sale, furnished. 333?; also small uniurnieneu . h. moved awav. Call Monday. J. J. McCarthy. Ablngton bldg. 40-FT. CRUISER LAITNCH, Equipped for camping; 4-cyl. Van Blerck motor, self-starter, etc. Including boat house; bargain, Broadway 5368. LAUNCH for sale cheap; auto top, wind shield. 24 reel 10ns, ihhk rrco, ui.d tery fully equipped; 375, terms. Foot of Morrison st. Favorite Boathouse. BUY a 313 Vlctrola for your launcn. canoe or the beacn: ensuy cameu. ir down, 32 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine CO.. fl'ue LAUNCH. 53 by 1L 40 H P. He.vJ' duty engine, gooa -ui 10 m.- , . o . Boathouse, foot of Madison St. 3'." FOR J6-ft canoe, sail and equipment. v . - 1.'- hn.lv.nl V . F Morrlnon von uer , 1 1, ... a , bridge. 16-FT. motorboat. wun tiray engine. J"'- overnauiea ana. reyamtc, 8775. '0-FT LAUNCH 2-cylinder engine, first class condition. A bargain. AP 956. Ore gonian. 4-KOOM houseboat for sale cheap. Call Mar- shall znv. MOTOrtBOAT and house. Just overhauled: in flno shspe: must sacrifice. Mar. 38IH3. WANT launch, five clear lota AD 9bu, Oregonlan. HOUSEBOAT J. L. Gllham. Sellwood 814. B 24 1 6. enop loot ot prmtan. Ml. FOR SALE; Furnished bouseboaU 3433. CANOE for sale. Call East 1692 after 3 P. M. Machinery. RUMELEY oil pull tractor, 13-80 else, nearly good as new, low price; also a very effi cient gasoline donkey grubber, S. H. Hill man. Lyle. Wash. . WANTED To buy or rent a 4 or 5-ton steam roller to be used on road work. C. J. Hanley. Broadway 727. A-2290. 28 N. 2d. Ty PC-writers. PRICES SLASHED on FACTORY REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, "ALL MAKES." UNDERWOODS. Model 3 52-22 Modal 4 Model 3 .1 8i.30 1 OTHER MAKES. REMINGTON, 6 and 7 17.50 REMINGTON. 10 40.00 REMINGTON. 11 45.00 OLIVER, 8 1J-30 OLIVER. 5 30.00 OLIVER. 7 37.50 L C SMITH. 2... 80.00 U' C" SMITH. 5 47.50 SMITH PREMIER. 15.00 SMITH PREMIER. 10 80.00 ROYAL. 1 80.00 ROYAL. 8 0.00 Every machine thoroughly rebuilt and fully guaranteed. TERMS 35 cash and $5 per month. Machlnea sent for three days' examination to any point on Pacitlc Coast and If not satisfactory may be returned at our expense. RENTALS 4 MONTHS FOR 35 AND UP. Initial payment ap Dlled if purchased. P RETAIL DEPARTMENT. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Inc. 321 Washington St.. Portland, Or. feranch stores in all Coast cities. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for 33 and up: months" rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. 83 Broadway. Portland. Or. WE save you from it ta 78 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our ilius folder Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 31 ash, st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 310 to 165. The Northwest Typewriter Co, 1(2 8tark su Maln3533. NO 7 Remington la perfect condition 310. 204 Oak st. OLIVER No 3 for f-i0 cash: all late Improve ments. -3 973, Oregonlan. . n . . . , A . ..bH,.. It -111 Ross, 1 ti.S Chamber of Commerce bids. ". " I wrtn SST.K. F HELP WANTED MALE. STANDARD vinible typewriters rented three months for 34, delivered, cau at 24 Stark st., or phone Main 8173. NEW. rebulit aecond-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark St. atain noi. Miscellaneous. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO, 167 Front Street. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. 1 BARGAIN prices In new and second hand pipe from to 8-Inch. SPECIAL PRICES IN TOILETS. We are selling this week low-down com bination toilets, guaranteed new, for 39.50. ALSO plumbing supplies all descriptions at low est prices. We will save you money if you let us figure on furnishing your plumbing supplies and pipe, aa well as doing your numbing work. Wo ara glad to give estimates free of charge. All work guaranteed. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO, 187 Front Street, . Between Tamhlll and Taylor. SO SEWING MACHINES SOLD AT A SACRIFICE 190 THIRD STREET ONE Reliable gas range, good aa new, 37.50. one Garland range, used 3 montna. i.iu. One Vulcan, first-class condition, 33. Tr vnt. a r lnolrina for a bargain In stoves don't miss the opportunity. We don't disappoint. Ask for Brant. COVELL FURNITURE CO, 203 First Street. Between Salmon and Taylor. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 201 First St. 207 First St. HELP YOURSELF I AM SICK. 1 SS mandolin. 320. 1 Underwood visible typewriter. 25. 1 set of law text books, 335. 1 set Lord's Oregon Laws, 39. 1 5-passenger Ford, 3300. 1 modern 6-room bungalow, lot 75x110. '31500. 1 .38-40 Winchester rifle. 310. Sellwood 400. 5612 E. 50th St. S. E. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. Logging and hoisting engines, derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets, "concrete mix ers, pumps, etc. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating and direct-current " motors, guaranteed in every respect; ail makes. STANDARD MACHINERY CO, 46 2d st. We sell or rent. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from to 8-lnch; 3-ln, pipe, 13c; 3fe-ln, 14c; 4-ln, 16c; galvanised 2-lnch pipe, 16c. Any kind of plumbing supplies; prices low. It will, pay you to come and see us before buying elsewhere. Prompt at tention given all mail orders. Portland Pipe Shop. 269 Front. Main 6325. WE ARE going to dispose of a lot of used sewing machines for this week only aa we need the room. Wheeler & Wilson, Stand ard Singers, New Home, and a good many more of different makes, all guaranteed, at 35 each; 349 Morrison. ' CHOICE FRUIT. 100 trees Bartlett pears, 40 trees Wash ington plums. 60 cents tree pears, 25 cents tree plums. Home Sunday. C. Shaw, Vineyard station, Oregon City tar. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. Wa do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co, 31 1st SU N. Phone Broadway 3. COME in and hear the new wonderful Edi an,i rliamnnrl-fllBri nhonovraDh: nil needles to changef fine tone; special Summer terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 330 Alder. LAWYERS Will sell cheap Montague's Oregon Digest of Vols. 1-43 and Benson ot King's Digest of Vols. 44-54 of tho Oregon Reports; business is rotten; a swer quick. T 993, Oregonlan. GROCERY FIXTURES Showcases., cheese cutter, coffee mill, scales, etc. For sale cheap or will trade; 212 First. - THREE roll top, 3 T. W. desks. 1 double flat. 3 fiat-top desks, 1 bookkeeper's. 3 filing cabinets, 5 chairs, 1 safe. Bushong & Co, 91 park St. ONE Barnes foot and hand power circular saw, with boring attachment, one toof power lathe, 1 mattress sticker, lbs Mad' lson at. t sewixg MACHIXES. new and aecond-hand. aale or rent, 32 up. Sewing Machine Em porium. 190 c su. near xayior. jaain 431. A 3626. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and nocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-coiienaer 10, 40-4S Din, CASH REGISTERS, large stock, on hand; we save you 40 to 60 per cent; all registers guaranteed, casn rtegiater s.xcnange, sazts Washington sL ' HOCHFELD'S Camera Exchange, 83 3d st, Cameras, kousks ana enses oougnt, soiu and exchanged. weseiitnexca cameras. FOUR VOLUMES new Amateur Photogra pher, bound in cloth, 3-4. AV 4S1, Ore gonlan. niiPTDH'S nberatina tuble. also new ob metrical forceps. Phono Main 5431 - or 8270. GRAFLEX camera, value 8175. 5x7 plate and film attachment, lor aale cneap. A-N 9l:i, Oregonian. SANITARY, quarter sawed oak office desk. banker s roll, typewriter couiftii micui. swivel chair, 827.50; terms. Maiu 0953. FOR SALE chesp, Invalid wheel chair; good as new; also lady's bicycle. Telephone Woodlawn 529 after today. 500 OPERA CHAIRS, all or part, cheat., also Powers Cameragraph, electric piano. AP 95, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3 pool tables, worth 3000. J150 cash takes them. 1095 East Glisan. Tabor 3079. miMflKD rlnr clear white. 4 carat. Tif fany setting, at a bargain; . need the money. A 973, Oregonian. FOR SALE One engineer's Wye level and Gurley transiu ii. . nan, xtumu viejr, Wash. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers: all makes; cneap. ceuitiu 70S Main at, Vancouvej, Wash. COMPRESSED air brush for sale, very cheap Make an oner, tan wo touuii. Ask for Nelson. Phone Broadway 2104. FOR SALE CHEAP, gasoline filling pump in good condition; party leaving city. A 972, Oregonian. TWO 6-foot nickel-plated showcases and 1 Jeweler's work bench, for sale. 325. C. O. Pick xransier -u, .u nuu tin DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Orexon: per gallon, 11. 10. rumauu Paint Co, 230 Front st. Marshall loo. HOUSEBOAT, completely furnished: canoe. SUltaOlO XOr A JUUKB 2242 or inquire at Bunqy s. . MULTNOMAH County rights for automobile accessory; article 01 merit; new uu- mar ket. AK 0S1, Oregonian! SMALL gasoline tank cheap, suitable for motor boat or auto. King, 718 Oregonian bldg. : OREGON Home Builders' stock. 1230 shares for sale at 20c a sharu, now selling at 36 cents. HI. l. oregoui-m. CARD automatic printing press; a bar gain. Stein's Bargain Exchange, 26 N tith. ' Use Basett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 50 taolets for 35c. All druggists. THE neutral Cigar Havana filler sella for Sc. tastes like 23c. 265 Burnslde. ALMOST new furnace for 8 rooms, complete, cheap. Rose City Wrecking Co, E. 5029. SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co,4 StaxkSi FOR SALE Auto and vacuum carpet cleaner combined. Phone East 895. 275 OPERA chairs. Powers 6-picture ma chine; price right. Box 1004. Portland- CHICKEnThOUSE and wire for sale at 81 W. Simpson. Main 3787. 3-A SPECIAL S'ixS'i Yeiss F 6-3. 03 E. 2bth N. anastigmat. TWO showcases for cigar store; for sale cheap. 594 4 th. DIAMOND. "4k. for sale at bargain price. E 960. Oregonlan. i'LKl SALE Auto and vacuum carpet cleaner combined. Phone East 895. GAS RANGE, four burners, almost new, large oven, reasonable. 424 Jefferson. WE buy and sell floorcases, desks. Dies oar mirrors, etc. 65 First su FOR SALE Large, light, oak, flat-top desk, cheap. Phone SelL 1277. BAKERS' OVEN cheap; Inquire first "house at station. Jennings Lodge. Or. FOR SALE 1 Winchester repeating shot gun. Tabor 373. FOR SALE New inner tube, size 36x4 is. Tabor 573. . ANYTHING you want? See Stein'a Bar- gain exenanae. NEARLY new 3100 Hughes electric range for 333. w. E. Roberts, care Roberta Bros. LATE model-Edison moving picture outfit for sale cheap, or trade. 212 FlrsU DIAMOND -tar studs. Phone East 6192. room 24. before 2 P. M. Sunday. 130 STEWART speedometer for 88. Bargain Exchange. 26 N. 6th. BARGAINS in everything. Exchange 28 N. 6th St. Stein's Bargain JfOR SALE Gasoline woodsaw. Halo 918L . - SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES ' MEANS SEE BABDE. Our stock Includes anything for the saw mllL logger, rancher or manutacturer. our prices are lowest possible consistent with GUARANTEED GOODS. SEE OUR PLUMBING SUPPLIES tor bargains as never before heard 01. And remember. All goods are guaranteed. Your money back it not satisfied. SEE BARDE FOR ANYTHING. IT PAYS. M, BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains. 242-4 Front S.L ALL statistics show Sioux City. Iowa, to be In the heart of (he most prosperous sec tion of the United States. ' 1 The Sioux City Tribune Is issued each evening to readara approximating 240,000 and covers Sioux City. -Northwestern Iowa, Northeastern Nebraska and Southern South Dakota thoroughly. The Tribune has more . circulation than any other evening or morning newspaper published in tne State of Iowa. The "Great Trl-State Want Ad Medium will carry your message to the homes of tms Dig territory at ct irgsi j. " " j " - - cent a word each day. Send your advertise ment today. THE SIOUX CITT TRIBUNE, SIOUX CITY. IOWA. , 184 1st St 18 -- St. Mian uruNiJ. urtiy 00. . IX I,.,. hunt antlnili bedroom set in Portland. It consists of massive war robe 8 fu high with room in it ior e persons to stand, handsome bed, marble top -dressing- table with 4-ft. French piate mirror, and a lovely old chiffonier. These pieces have a history and must have graced a rich old family's bedroom. No doubt the initial cost ran Into many hundreds of dollars. They are In a splen did state of preservation and the old black walnut wood is a picture. If you love old furniture, come and look at them f,D Ad.mir, lh Vrn'i-nilu0' '00' anu lUUiiiQ tueu. a ,.. . the price of a cheap, modern set. MISH FURNITURE CO. 184 1st St. 1S4 1st St. PUBLIC NOTICE. We have bought the entire belting stock of the C. R. VVinslow Co, Portland, in cluding all sizes from 1 inch to 10 inches, and a lot of frictioa surface planer belt, also a large lot of gaudy red stitched belt; we will sell any ot the stock to the mill man or dealer at prices that will open .your eyes. Now Investigate this. It means dollars to you. M. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains. 10 LIVE decoy ducks. Call 365 Eugene su WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 500 men and women to share in souuu worm ot vwu-ure v..-.. -----iums to be given away absolutely free at the first big sale ot the Peoples Co. new store, 349 Akter, between Broadway and Park sts, 840.U00 worth of new, hign- gracie dry goous, suues, cwui ui, - women's and children's furnishing souas . .4, n n w i.la Or lOni- on sale at pntc. .w j - --- petition. The free tickets cost you noth ing; every numDer uiwb b. u,i..,u... solutely free. Come this week. Hunt your number. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay nignest isu ini -. and gents' castolt clothing, bicycles and ...T.I. i .n-hmdii. 1-all US Ub. evorytiiiiie w v... ... -. - i. mnA urill nlU for lt GLOBE STORE. 235 First St, Mnin MlfcO. Main 2080. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything In the naru-a.o i.. v.-" "-,,-;',,,, 1-urnlture uo, i.i - main su. I NEED a quantity ot ccuuu-ww ture and caa use anywhere from one piece to complete house; better class furniture "preferred; will pay good prices. Call Mam ?,. i. ti . Umnrl. . , . I U.n furnl JU. nir. .. . v."-1 v mi - su v. , the highest prices for you fr.imi carueta. stoves. Phone Mar shall obi .. . t nTUtVrt DC It VTE1V J S-VO- rS-t X V."rT Pivfi BEST fkiaSi SHOES BOUGHT. CALL MAIN WANTED Standard size gravel ,tody t or . ir tt-ith or without sifu State condition and price, where seen. T Otiti, Oregonian GASOLINE tugboat wanted W. r will lease tull parficuiars. Kerry Timber Cc, West- port, or. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, iSO tsi. U Buys second-hand furniture and household goods, rrione tor um umjv. ONE flat-top desk, chair, to raateh. prefer oak; also staiioioa --r"--- RD who, , rir.ironIan. WANTED To buy used transformer 8i6"o una eU Corcanby, Or. State price. B WlJUJU rAl -Uari-axi A' v-.. SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332, A 2307. WANTED To buy good second-hand vi brator. Phone Broadway 216S for appoint menu GET our estimate, painting tinting; good r.iirllUlie. itain UUO. Jiaiou-". 1508 ANYONE having wheel chair for rent foi i.Yr Vo ii Tabor 4005; muat be rea- cniiu ot - v-- sonable. .. . c&.onrl-hitnd four-burner Per fection oil cook stove and oven. BF 872 184 1st MISH FURNITURE CO 184 1st. Before you buy or sell your furniture g-et our prices mamu. KSlT?kE-; BEST PRICES P-AID. 374 L - . v r. L-vr-Ul VdFP TJ A WTHOHXE A V Ci. CABX IAO il . C7in i I h u nrl r-aiiiin WANTED-xo " -lce. AK Clieaf. "- ," 960, oregou.au. Want"" $10,000 used turnltare; pay good VVAVA .I.r- Klnrn Sellwood 1682. prices; WANTED National cash register. Main 606. aois ,v . 7,e n.id -for hair comblnga . Sanitary v-. r , . i A ,'iO nekum DlOk. neamy jr WANTED Portable garage for Ford auto. G. iownsgnn. -l -. r-"-WANTED Used cameras for cash. Nab. osia SECOND-HAND cash register; state make and price. w ant head and tail for wood lathe band saw. H 977. Oregonian. also DIAMOND wanted, from to liik.; ""hiriiln. AE 958. Oregonian. WANTED Good, grade shotgun, rifle and knrlBK Casn oai Si" w..,. . WANT a cart or trap for small horse; must be cneap. rnuu.-; WANTED Heavy steel tank, not less tjian "..r ,-,... ,nltv Main 3537. "t o WANT phonograph and records: must be Oinilt Kimf . i : , , - cnesp. i. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your rurniture. ,v HELP WANTED MALE- v. M().N 1111 I ----- , . , distribute samples, take orders or appoint . Qart lan Aninrii-jrn f!o.. agents; rjoiru.t. " Chicago. J... WEEKLY, evenings home. Everything furnished, no experience, no canvassing. worrv about cauriBr. Auau Rrown. Dent. A-294, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Organizers to obtain members and establish lodges on commission. The OWIS, yOUtll ueno. wavted Experienced solicitor for clean. Ins and pressing establishment Apply 546 Washington. 1" '.H.m. c 905. Oreeonlan. UII131 - ' ' - . - n.iirv ri,.m.n brakemen, 3100-8120 monthly. Railway As sociation, WANTED Reliable party with small cap ital to take half Interest In good manu "facturing proposition. L 979, Oregonian. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto- hiia rerialrlnir ana nnving. can at Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthorne ave fHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. HOUERENT for kalsomlning. plastering, carpeauring, plumbing.. Phone Jiaia SliTu. 9 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, T. M. C. A. li'uir- 111 . . ocellus . merclal. clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a special membership is Issued, costing o per annum, giving the service of the de partment ioi a year two months full privileges and a refund of the membership fee If satisfactory employment is not se- AT ONCE Foreman, 3125; veneer cutter, S3.50- millwright. 8100: engineer, 3d; planer foreman (top salary); sash and door supt. (top salary); loaderman; fi.ers sawyers, 3100; stenographer; cypress planer foreman; hoop foreman, 3100; also . 1 ,1 . nn,nlna Wa n!.f! men VLUVt III6II-.IC Ofc...ft . - of every skilled occupation around wood working plants, all kinds: if you are saw mill man, write Mack's, Little Rock. Ark. WANTED, in California, competent, reliable M..hn, man fnr Ol-U f-lrwr tt flOrV T OlU&t run Sultana machine, cracker machine. Dough brake, etc. Weekly wages 311.00 for five days work. Cannot pay trans portation, sober, competent ' man would have good position. Reply by night tele gram. Bishop Cracker iactoiy, Sau Diego, MACHINISTS, molders, woodworkers, also . ..1.IIIj. n.'.m.n fn. aittOmOhlla factory, steady employment, best wi.en together with our profit-sharing pian; small investment with absolute security at 7 per cent Interest required. Reply, stating age, experience, amount money you can invest, married or single. N S58. Oie- s-onifln. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO OCT. 1. Unusual opportunity. For particulars call at educational office Y. M. C. A. in cluded in tuition cost is full Association AN Old-established Eastern publishing-house wants active, intelligent and experienced subsor'ption book collector with some man agerial qualifications and strong personality to take care of collections and deliveries in branch office; remuneration on basis of COllecUJn commiasiun auu ueu-wj . ante. Only responsible man with best references need apply. Write particulars to f. u. out 1. . j.,...,, -. . MAN desirous of attaining position that has a bigfuture, with large automobile concern operating branch houses on the Coast. Personality and education es sential requisite. Prefer man of prom inence, good family. Preference will bo given those who can invest small amount of monev and are willing to learn, c Val. oregonian. WE teach electrical, gas and steam engi neering Wltn column ii , - operation, building and repairing gas en gines automobiles, dynamos, motors ana steam engines is part of instruction given students in our 3 months' practical courses . . ,.t,,,i,rD up. 1 1 a l-.nirineerinf oenu tor iraiiivm.,.. - .... .,- . u llttflll - RIkHT-KINrr0FAMAN WHO HAS. Toi CA DEVELOP ABILITY A3 SALES- acnooi, iiu vy wi - OR CAN DEV ELOt- ABIUII 1 1. X iv MAN, CAN SECURE PROFITABLE AND PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT , VI 11 H LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION; GIVE FULL PARTICULARS AS TO PAST CONNECTIONS. W 972. OREGONIAN. THIS WEEK ONLY. Tuition fee ONE-HALF regular price, full course, automobile driving, repairing, gas engineering. .,-. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE 266 Eleventh and Jefferson Sts. LEARN automobiio repairing in lu'- equippen maenine snup, uii.b cars- also electricity. Many positions se cured. Board, room while earnln.B-, J-'w Exposition rate. Catalogue free National School of Engineering. Los Angeles. Estao- ll.;hrn 1HII.1. MAN to deliver on route for local wholesale house; years contract arm for second year If services are satisfactory Must have $000 cash or first mortgage for initial payment on new truck You can pay balance on truck and live on. flist year s wages, a pau, SErSD branch managers and agents for ex. elusive state man " ;' -. , need no experience and make from io to $1U in few hours each day; one of the fastest sellers on the mantel. Territorial managers Hayden. Wassen & Benson, Iji-I'j humrKir nf ('ommfclCC. POSTOFFICE CLERK and ;. sept. 4 salary t" to 31200; prepare now. Pacific states Schools . Mcfcay bldg, .city Tch.r ' "" 10 years' experience in the business in Portland. MAN of executive ability 'and magnetic per- to assist in closing deal; "J""! of real estate; one not Permane"tiyr" cated and who wants to leave here prs- terraa. A mi, u"1 WANTED Married man to work on regis tered stock ranch; must be good milker, experienced; smokers not wanted . no children; permanent place to right nam. bzAtIoeprIset THEM IV TOWNS i WITHIN 100 MILES PORTLAND; GOOD POSITION TO SigSt MANrDTOREGONIAN. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make expenses provided. Washington Nursery AV III, yjicgv,,,.-. Co, ToPPenisn, vi MEN wanted to Join co-operative land coj: Mwy. near Portland; get 5150 1 land at 8j. an acre, only 330 an acre cash, pay re st m work; 5 and lo-acre tracts. G. wynn wu son, 903 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Bright, energetic young man. with ability and references, for position of responsibility with reliable concern. Pre fer one who could invest. AN 994. Ore gonian. Steady employment, good wages, aa ana S night cusses; few months learning; profit able work; positions 8un,d-r maklna-Engraving School. 218 Common weal th bid. 6th and Ankeny. Portland. WANTED Two collectors for this territory; only "uns men of integrity DD ' Sood income; permanent; experience un 5e2sarv International Association, se- . curity t'idg., Los Angeles, Cel. w a vtfd Several voung men, high school or lollege students preferable, who wish s t Phone Columbia3J4. W 4.XTED Solicitor to leave p.r''andr;.nB," the best proposition going, aay .nJj.nd6o'cIock. 402H 3d St. S. -MARRIED man who understands the cars and feeding of Jersey herd; must be a ISod d" hind milker, sober and reliable. K 980, Oregonlan. "ASSISTANT WANTED. Will teach and give half Interest In prassins establishment tor only 3100. C 077. Oregonian. WANTEDResponeible party with $200 for beat proposition on (Toast; dn:tn,n8w.e,r unless you have money and mean business. M H72. Oregon!"- STATE manager for Eastern financial con cern "onafide proposition: salary and commission; some capital required. V US. Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert InstruVtor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed, paM Vhiearrng2..near3aln. 7Z . n.v easily made; we have a propo- JionLtawi'u St.rt ' positive necessity. Write H. Carney. Mar tin, Tenn. tV Tci 310 a dav easily made; co-operate with is" no capital or experience neces sary Write at once. Belmond Supply Co, ' city del.. Belmond. Ia. p-vFRfSETIC man. capable of listing and closing leases on business property, on commission basis, by reliable firm. Has ueen? not wantedJArJ979.Oregonlan. IS A DAY easily made. We have a proposi tion that will Interest you: big profit, positive necessity. Write Sunbeam Mail positive Eu, 44th. Chicago, III. to X10 a day easily mad-e: co-operate with us; no capltatl or P?.r'na sary. Write at once. J. P. McClary. sus- bee. TeX. r-RFW managers agents, biggest 50o mag azlne proposition ever offered; new sales me?ho 518-514 Euclid bldg Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED Good, capable manager to Bin tie fliiVpictura show or vaudeville: state. SxperiS'ce and salary. E. L. Campbell. Kugene Or. , W TvteD First-class ladies tailor, at schwlitzer Eagin. 147 10th st. Marshall 1937. . IF you are skilled in any line of work reg-, i.7-, with us. Northwestern Efficiency... Bureau. 409 Ellers bldg. No charge. EXPERIENCED door patcher wanted. Write of apply to Cbehalls Fir Door Co, Mc- Cleary. Wash. WANTED Good salesman. solicitor and coUector; permanent salary. Singer Sew ing Aiucnme .. -.. . . . 1 rtll wM rtrlller: must has references; no boose fighters wanted. PSJiSonlan. OLER Barber College wants men to learn tbe traoe; iuhiuh . mv. . ........ learning; send for catalogue. 48 N. Second. learu.un. - - - - Woodlawn 140. Woodlawnl40. MAKE money writing stories or articles; oig pay; free booklet tells how. Address United Pres3 aynaicaie. oo.. EXPERIENCED umbrella repairer: must have had actual experience; steady posl- . tion; good salary. Lennon's, 309 Morrison. - NEW proposition. Just out; earn 15 daily calling on automobile owners; particulars free. Dept. 1, Box 7. Petaluma. Cal. SOLICITORS for best selling specialty; be tween 10 and l- today. 250 2d su AMW ul good appearance to sell adver- ' tisi'p slna. CaU Jlain 73. - -