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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1915)
SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS - vol, xxxiv. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1915. ' NO. 31. unDnnnn dtudo at I - FAR WESTERH MEET FOUR STARS OF THE RACQUET WHO FEATURED CHALLENGE ROUNDS IN OREGON STATE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS YESTERDAY ON IRVINGTON COURTS Oregon Aggie Runner Takes Mile and Two-Mile From . Fast Field. FEE AND BELLAH BOTH WIN CljtJc, Muirhead, llnramell and Cole Too Place In Events at Which Mind Aids In Breaking World's Records. BT EARL. R. GOODWIX. AX FRANCISCO. July SI. Speclal. Cur HobaroooV of Ih Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club of Portland, representing the Pacific Northwest Association, and Dan Mahonejr. of the Caledonian Club of San Francisco, and representing .the Pacific Association. hand honors for high point-getter In too finals of the Far Western track and field championships held on the J'anama-Pacif ;c International Expoal tlon her this afternoon. Each won two first places. Because of Its large number of en tries the Pacific Association registered first honors with 1S points; the Southern Pacific Association was sec ond with S. the Pacific Northwest As sociatlon finished third with JiH. The Hocky Mountain Association went Into fourth place at IS points, and the In ter-ilountain Association brought up tae rear with half a score of points. Recwrsls e Stand. Records were made but none will be allowed. Two world's records were broken, and two were tied before the day's programme was completed. The strong (wind which cams In from Uis Uolden Gate gave the runners In all the races up to and Including the straightaway 440-yard run an ad- vaniajta wuicu cuuiu not da acccpivq . t . lai'il- by the records committee of the Ami- BOSIOnS Defend P 3C6 Wltft RED SOX KEEP LEAD 4-1 Victory Over Detroit. teur Athletic Union. Fred Kelly equaled his IS seconds flat mark in the hitch hurdles, and Fred Murray tied the 23 S-S low hurdle record of the world. i.ile Robert McBrlde ran the furlong in II seconds, snd A F. Meunter coTered the 440-yard hurdles In S3 4-4 seconds, the last two breaking the previous world's record. The Pacific Northwest Association athletes gars some mighty strong com petition In the events that they were I Athletics Take Great Pitching Battle icaturera in. YANKS DEFEAT WHITE SOX llceseed Is Seausatlost. The fclir sensation of the afternoon was the running of Guy Hobgood. of tha Northerners. The Oregon Aggie was expected to make a great show tng In the two-mile match, but further than that be wasn't even considered by any except Coach William Ilayward. of the University of Oregon. !!ot7ood took the two-mile from O. Alulard. of tha Olympic, and finished without much exertion, while Millard was almost all In. 'Hobble' then wanted to win more laurels, and he entered the mile against such stars as Paul Wilson, of Stanford University, ... . . j . i i ttasningion. rts made naoa quit on i Hush..... the next to the last lap and breasted ICooD.m . .. the UH about six Tarda ahead of I ' 'rrrd.r Clyde, who ran In second. Fr sad Bellab Wlaacra. J'rora Cleveland Browns Win lYora Senators and Kren Series With Washington. I Vearn.l. I Burns. I... Touns.3. . SI .n. x. c Chester Fee and the veteran Sam I CvTakr.B Fellah proved winners, too. Sam cap- I chM BOSTON. July SI. The Boston Ameri cans defended their league leadership successfully today, winning from D trolt. 4 to 1. The Red Sox bunched hits oft Coveleskle In the fourth Inning for all their run. Score: Detroit I fioatoi B H O At.l 0 H O AE 4 o I 4 v.Hooper.r. . J u X vu SIS S 1 Barrj.2... t 1 0 SO Sll e VSsk.r.m. 4 S 4 V u 4 11 0 UCialn.r.l... S Sll XI 0 0 0 V Lewts.1.... e 1 00 4 Oil OO..ardner.3. S 1 3 2 1 4 11 4Scotl.a.... S 0 1 111 S e S X v .-ady.c... S S S 11 3 0 0 SOFoaier.p... Mill V -J - rj-e.3 g, .1 . 1 ':''. 1 I'' . . . 1 1 1 ' K- - ' f (' ' II 1 'V V mi mi -imttvmi vv l x i r. 'II' K w Tfcaa a t,-y- -tt aw T i f-T a- v--' -X to .'.::.;: ovv, M m ; ','.. -f- Y?w 1 Jv H v 1 -4 " Ik (1) Mlaa Sara Llvlnastoae, Seattle, Winner of Women's Singles CbamplonsU Ipj 2) Rev. t K. Richardson, ex-Cham-ploa. Who Lost Title, and Hls Vaaqalaher, R. V. D. Johns, San Francisco j (3 Miss Mayme McDonald, Seattle, Ranaer-lp In Women's Championship. tared first In the pole vault and fourth j '.. J!JJ In the Javelin, while Fee reversed the I Totals. S3 4 34 31 1'. Totals.. 2 37 14 order In the same events. Fee eur-I Uaticd for coveleskle la seTeottu prised even Coach Ilayward by doing I proit S Ml it - ... ..... it. Boston oo os see o , . " . . i,k . I Rna Cobb. Speaker. Gainer, Lewta. Scotl. l itirmra for third place, and. with a I rw-tu. bits. i'd. o.m.r. xtaien has little luck, would have beaten him. I -h-oit. Double r:ar. Vltt to Burns. Kirat A'alter Ilummell has two medals In le ea errors, u.trait 1. Hoaton a. Ksm v . . i. i . ... I jn balls, off Coveleskle 1. Foster 1. Hits. In the 440-yard hurdles and tied for I struck out. by Coveleskle J, Foster 3. la- ine same position in me ;.l-yara lowipirea, fvaas sna cniii. sticks. It was the first time he had ever attempted the quarter-mile top per, and his ahowing has encouraged Manager Hawkins to. enter him m the same event In the Juniors nest Friday. lie was Iradlns: at the fourth hurdle when he stumbled, losing about eight yards. Towsrd the 400-yard mark he besan to gain, but the lead was too much and he was besten by the first two men by less than two feet. 11 yet may be credited with second place, as House, of the Southern Association. ran under protest, and the directors I Shotton.l will decide his case later. "Moose" Mulrhead raptured fourth In the event In which Fred Kelly barely SU Louis S, Washington 3. WASHINGTON. July SI. St. Louis broke a tie In the ninth Inning today nd evened up the series with the Washington Americans, S to S. Singles by Walker. Howard and Severeld. coupled with Howard's steal of second. gave the visitors the winning runs bcore: St. Louis I Washtast B H O AE. B H O AE 4 3 10 O'Moeller.r.l. ft I 0 1 0 SIX XOKost.r.3... 4 e S Q 0 Milan. m... 4 4 1 ft 0,SBank.S.. a a a v ufjanau.i.. . Aastln.4 MS'er.nt. Hratl.S. . Walkrr.r. nosed out Fred Murray and equaled I Hru.l. 4 S IS 3 0 Aco.ts.l bis world's record of IS seconds. Cele Xet t to Fersa. Harry J. Cole was not himself. The big SOO-pounder could not get the dis cus away from him. At that he placed fourth, and the event was taken at less than 1J3 feet. Dr. i J. Stewart, coach of tne Oregon Agricultural College, was en the grounds and witnessed the per-l,t iui. f ormances of rtobgood and cole. I Washington Lvan.e... SOS S SJohnson.r.. Severeld. e 4 1 S 3 0 Henry. e. . llamU o.p S 0 0 1 V McBrtde.s.. fiaina.p... Williams. tBoehllng.p lAlnsmltQ Totals. .S3 IS ST 14 M Totala.. SI t ST 13 1 Patted for riallla In seventh. Batted for Boehlinc In ninth. .30S100SO 3 S ooozooio o s Coach Ilayward. of the Pacific I Runs, ahotton. PUler. Pratt. Walker. How Northwest representatives. Is begin-1 ard. oandll. John. ton. McHrlde. Two-base i . . h,.MI. Valkr. Three-base hlu. Hhntton. dsn. . . "1 k-. ," , till. Stolen baae. Howard. Earned rons, off ordered the boys to report for a stren- ,;.,, Boehllnr 2. Hamilton 2 First base nous workout Monday. He thinks thst a error. 8t. Loula Rase on balls, off Ham- bta athletes will be able to give a good "n a. Gallia 1. Hits, off oallla In 7 In- account of themselves In the Junior '" J Vhiia-Tf-mnhJ- w.TJi! Ik., I .1 , -b.rf..l.rf foe ll"nl. Oallla 4 Boehlln 1. Umpires. Hlide- -" - ' r - i Diana ana ULoninnn. next rlday aiternoon. Earn Stenstrom got away to a poor tart In the 129-yard dash and did not place Dick Grant was the only other Northerner who failed to break into the win column. Philadelphia 1, Cleveland 0. PHILADELPHIA. July St. A pitch Ing duel between Wlckoff and Harstad her todav resulted In a victory fnr the . aioitia ..uu5. ,.c...,-.iuibi i putimeiphi. Americana over Cleve land. 1 to 0. Only 28 batsmen faced Wlckoff. The only run of the game was scored by Healy In the eighth In ning. Score: Cleveland ' I b h u A r. 4 1 1 0 Healey.x.. 0 4 e Wal.h.r... OSS I'Oldfins.l.. 1 I 0 11 slLajoie.l.. lit Malone.l.. O S 4 1 Lapp.c... O 4 0 Kopf.a. . . . 0 S 0 Wvckoff.p. eo. o o Philadelphia H H O A E 4 112 1 f the Pacific Northwest, was ref eree. running the meet off In less than three hours. Summarr: A4-1 ard run Won by C M. Bonnett. Southern raetfte Aeeot-iauon, Los Aneel.s. fal. Athletic CluU. KCwotl, T. M. frmjner. faclfic AM-notation, Olymplo Club: tnlrd. R. I !oath'th.r AdklnwiL t4utnrn pacific Association. Lot Tunitr.l.. Ana-Hes Athletic liui; lourta. . lionurt. I Chap an.a S arin i Assuctatlen. Olymple Club. Time. I Jarkson.L a minutes. 1 -i seconaa I Klrke. I r3 a a, i nan iy 21. r. urvw. i Mnitn.m SVmthera Pacllie Association, Ie Anitl Wtmb'j.1 Atb.eile Club: second. H. alrBrtde. Kocky I O'Nel l.e Mountain A "elation. Deaver Atbletie I Harstad. p c lub: third, w tiammond. lntertnountaln I llarbare Moc!atiia. Utah l nltersity: fourth, R. I aini" V n I'. ri'f A.aoiatlon- Olvmola Club. Tim. 10 seconds fiat. I Totals ST S 24 14 II Totals 12-yard hlxri bursies. won by Free I "tiaiwa xor u.aui um hiiui Ic.llv Smehrn Pacific Association. Is I Harstad la nlnto. Ans.le Athletic lul: second. F. Marrav, Cleveland .........0 0 0 0 0 00 I'aclttc Asaoiatlon. ODmpie riuo; tnira. I phlladelpaia ... v o e e o v i - i Run Healv. Sacrifice hit. Klrke. First base on errors. Cleveland 1. Philadelphia 2. u..m on bails. Harstad 1. Struck out. by Multnomah Athlrtte rius. Time, lj seconds Haratad 4, Wyckoft 4. Umpires, Tallin and X-at. s.quaia worm m rrrora. I TJmeeEU Tti-m run noil ey . HorcoM. J I- el'io Northwest Aaaoclatlon. Multnomah CMuo: second, O. Taclflc Associa tion. Otmplc Clcb: third. K. luaht. Pa- c'flr AswoeistlOB. Olymple Club: fourth, R. Stoat. Hai-tfle Anorlatlon, OlymfJIe Club, Tim. 10 mlnutae. S sevonoa lA-onund hammer throw Wen by TV Vsi-ion.v. Pacific Asaoclatlon. Caledonian C'cl.n Franrlro; second. J. SlrFacbe-n. Pacific Aorlstlon. raleoonlan t luh. saa Concluded ea fsg t. Col dm a Xx iiT i 'batted for Ktrkoatiirk. Southern Pacific tlon. loe Anc"ls Athletie Club; fourth. W. Mulrhead. 1'artflc Northwest Association. Xtnv York S, Chicago 1. NEW TORK. July SI. Caldwell had tha best of Bens In a pitchers battle here today, when the New Tork Ameri cans defeated Chicago, 1 to L It was the second game or the season won by tha Yankees from Chicago. New Tork woa la Uis oiaUi when Soon opened Weavers. S & Colli' s.S 4 Foumler.l 4 J. Collinsl S Felsch.m. 1 Mayer.c S Blackb'n.3 S Bns.p... X with, a double and Bens hit Hartzell. Score: Chicago I New York B H O AE B H O A K slurphy.r. 4 10 0 OJHIrh.l. ... 4 S 1 J 1 l sv:oon.i. N a 0 S 2 0iHartiell,8. 3 0 0 1 0 12 1 0-Hlpp.l.... S 0 8 t'l 1 S 00;rook.... S 1 2 00 0 2 0ORarnem. S 1 S 00 1 1 S0IUaumii.3. S 1 S 2 0 1 2 II Nwy.'r.g S 0 T SO 0 11 OiCaldTell.p. S 0 1 0 Totala SSftx24 10li Totala.. 2 6 2T1U0 x None out when wlnnina run scored. Chicago 0 0 00 11) 0 0 01 .New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i Rune. Felsch. Hlith. Poone. Two-baaa hit. Boone. Home run. HigX Earned runs, K York 1 Chtcaeo 1. First base on error. New Tork 1. Bases on balls, off Caldwell X Hit by pitcher. r Bens 1 (Hartzell). Struck out. by Caldwell 3, by Bens 2. umpires. Wallace ana connoiiy. EASTERN' ATHLETES ARE HERE Koleturtnlncn and Rons Work Ont on Multnomah Field. Members of the Irish-American ath letic team on the way to compete the championship track and field meet the last of this week at San Francisco arrived in Portland yesterday from Se attle. Hannes Kolehmalnen. the runner, and Eddie Rens visited the Multnomah Club during the afternoon and Umbered up a bit on the field. Kolehmalnen dashed off four miles in 20:S94. while Rens walked two miles in 15:12. They were timed by Francis, a member of the sporting staff of the New Tork Mall, who la accompanying the athletes In the Interest of his paper. The party Includes Ted Meredith, the quarter-mtler: Jim Duncan, discua; Al- vah Meyer, sprinter: Pat Ryan, ham mer; Abel Kiviat, miler: George Bron- der. Javelin: Pat O'Connor, all-around athlete, and Coach Robertson, of the Irish-American Athletic Club. EOS CHECK BRAVES Baseball Statistics STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. Boston.. Boston.. CblcsKO.. Detroit.. . National League W.U P.C.I PhlladeL... M 39 .SrfT'Chlcarn. .. Brooklyn.. . 3 .233 New York. Pittsburg.. 4T 45511t. Louis.. 47 o.doa,t-incinnau American Leaurae. .-.ft S3 .(WNow Tork... 44 4T.491 ftS S5 .ai4 -!t. Louis... . 88T.5.4UU 57 38 .olS.Cleveland.. . 3d ."IT .3S7 Washlnston so .ova. Cincinnati. Federal Leacue. Kansas City 54 3S .SRTlNewark.. .. Chlcaao.... 55 40 .S7i, Brooklyn. ., Plttsburc.. 61 41 .o.lHutlalo. ... St. Louis... 41.35J,Baltlmore.. American Association. St. Paul 56 41 .STTLoulsvllle.. Indlansnolls 54 43 .337IMIlwaukee.. Minneapolis 51 4' .62rt Cleveland. . Kansas City 02 i .Kd.coiambus... Western Leastie. Pes Moines.. 5 S3 .n41Sioux City. , Denver..... 63 38 ,SN2.Uncoln. . . . Topeka 48 4.1 .61 Wichita. .. . Omaha 48 44 .Ollpt. Joseph. . Dodgers Keep Up Slump by Losing Two to Pirates. CUBS AND GIANTS DIVIDE Chicago Drives Matty From Box. Phils Drop First to SL Louis, bnt Take Next by Big Score, Blanking Cards.' CINCINNATL July - 31. Cincinnati batted Rudolph hard and won the fifth and last game of the series from the Boston Nationals today, I to I Dale pitched fine ball for seven Innings, but weakened In the eighth. Two errors made by Cincinnati cost two runs. Gowdy's throwing to bases wss poor. The score: Boston I Cincinnati BUOIKI Sll 00Groh.3.... 2 0 S 0 Herxog.s.. 0 O 0O Wagner.:.. 3 2 C O KIllifer.m. 14 1 0 Grifflth.r. 0 11 0 0 1'larke.c... 1 1 2 O.WIneo.c... it O Willlams.l. 4 2 Mollwitz.1 2 01 Dale. p 1 OiKodsersT. B Moran.r.. Kvers.2... Fitzp'k.2.. ron'oliy.L Maxee.m.. Schmidt. 1 Smith. 3... Marn le.a. Oowdy.s.. itud Iptl.D Davls.p. .. Tyler. . . Ptrsnd". Ejan"".. B H O ATE 4 3 110 4 8 J 40 4 0 4 4 1 4 3 S 0 4 110 1 114 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 0 0 4 3 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi 0 0! 0 0 tV.L. P.C. 45 45 .500 43 45 .488 43 SO .T4 38 52 .422 82 01 .344 48 43.523 44 34 .440 4.1 5d .434 82 SI .344 40 4T.S10 44 50 .484 43 51 .4..3 37 60.381 49 48-305 43 45 ,3I0 87 55 .40? 37 ill .3& Northweatera Leacue. Spokane.... t 41 .5I" Vancouver.. 4054.478 Tacoma.... 50 40 .54V Victoria. . . . 45 3tt .4.13 Seattle 55 51 .SlujAberdeen ... 48 61 .430 Yesterday's Results. n Association St. Paul 4-L Cleve land 1-3; Louisville 11, Kansas City 5: Minneapolis 1L Indianapolla 7; Columbus 4. siilwsuKeo w. Western Leacue omana 0. Topeka 4. ko others. Where the Teams Play Today. Pacific Coast League Portland vs. Vernon at Los Angeles. Oakland at San Francisco. Los Anseles at Sail Lake. How the Series Stand. Pacific Coast League Portland 4 camea. Vernon S games; Los Angeles 4 games, salt Lake 1 game; Oakland games, ban r ran- clsco S games. Beaver Batting Averages. Ab. H. AT.I Bates. . . . 313 112 .3.14 Hammond 12 Carlisle.. 4 Ljish. Fisher.... 261 6 322, Derrick. . . fltumpf... 411 117 11 Evan.. .. . tpeaa. .... .V4 107 ..T'J K rauee. . . . risen... 1n ai MCAmie.. Hllirard.. 2W "4 .2iS.Kahler.... Lober.... 83 S?.272 Hlgg Osvls... 130 il -W.CovsieslUa Ah. H. Av. 430 1U8 .2-"3 60 15 .2A0 448 110 .245 43 10JT.(2 71 16 .823 67 13 .104 23 4 .160 91 12.132 62 ,Ui Totals. 34 S 24 14 21 Totals. 33 12 27 13 2 Batted for Rudolph In eighth; ran for Gowdy In ninth; Batted ror .Davis in ninth; Iran (or Clarke in eighth. Boston 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 5 Buns. Fitxpatrtck. Connolly 2. Oroh, Killi fer 2, Griffith, Clarke. Two-base hits, Ktlli- fer, Clarke. Three-base hits, ilollwlis. h.1111 f.r. Earned runs. Boston 1. Cincinnati 5, Double piaya. Dale to Clarke to Wagner to Clarke; Ituaoipn to Aiaranviue to ocnmiat. First base on errors, Boston 1. Bases on balls, off Rudolph 1, Davis 1, Dale 1. Hits, off Rudolph 12 In 7 Innings. Davis none in 1. Struck out, Rudolph 1. Dale 2. Umpires, Byron and Eason. St. Louis 2-0, Philadelphia 1-8. ST. LOUIS. July 31. St. Louis divided a double-header with Philadelphia, winning the first game Z to 1 and losing the second, 8 to 0. A ninth Inning rally won the first game for St. Louis. Bescher opened with a double and Long tripled, -tying the 'score. After Miller walked and Wilson filed to Faskert, Snyder Singled and scored Long, win ning the game. Perdue was easy for the leaders In the second game. The scores: First game: Philadelphia I SL Louis B H O AK B H O Ah; Bancroft. 4 0 0 3 uBescher,l. . 4 1 S 00 Byrne.3... 3 10 OOLong.r 4 1 0 00 Kinrkl... 10 3 OOMill.r.2... 3 2 0 III Becker.l., 2 0 1 0 0 Wllaon.m.. 4 0 4 00 Paskert.l.. 110. OOSnyder.c. 4 15 20 Cravath.r. 3 2 2 0 0,Hyatt.l. ... 3 013 0 0 Mehoff.2. 4 11 SOButler.a... 3 0 2 30 Whitfd.m 3 1 T 0 0;Beck.3. . . . 2 0 0 2 1 l.udcrus.1. SOT 0 0Betxel.3,.. 0 0 0 00 Kllilfer.c. 2 14 li Amca.p.... 2 0 0 40 Demafe.p 8 0 0 1 O.Boche.. . 1 1 O 00 Axnd'r.p 0 0 0 0 'IRooinson.p o 0 0 20 IDolant 0 0 0 00 Totala. 20 7x25 8 11 Totals.. 30 6 2T IT 1 s One out when winning run scored. Ran for Roche In the eighth. Batted for Ames In eighth. t Ran for Beck in the eighth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 nun. Ttvrne. Bescher. Long. Two-base bits. Miller, Wbltted. Byrne. Bescher, Pask- ert. Tnree-oase oil. iong. r.i uru run.. Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 2. Bases on balls, orf Demaree 1; Amea 1: Alexander 1. Hits, off Demaree. 5 in 8 Innings (none' out in ninth): Alexander. 1 In 1-3 Inning; Ames, 8 lU g fnnlnss: RoblnSOU, J Jj, J losing. J Silt, j B II O AE 4 0 3 00 4 3 3 0 1 4 1 0 10 4 0 4 00 2 13 0k 1 0 4 00 4 18 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 4 1 0 20 1 0 O 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 00 34 7 2T 8 2 Ames. 8truck out, Demaree. 4; Ames, 8. Umpires, Qulgley and Eraslie. Second same: Philadelphia St. Louis B H O AE' Bancrofts 3 1 2 3 0 Bescher.l. Stock,:... S 1 0 4 0Long.r Becker.l.. 1 0 0 0 OiMlller.2. . . Paskert.l.. Ill 0 O Dolan.m. . . Cravath.r. 4 13 0 Olsnyder.c. . N'iehoff,2. 4 3a 0 lGonrale,c. Whltted.m 3 0 0 0 OiHyatt.l. .. I,uderus.l. 4 1 12 0 0,Butler,a . . Kllilfer.c. 4 0 7 2 Beck.:l Klxey.p... 4 0 0 11 Perdue. p.. Robinson, p Roche. . . . Niehaus.p. Belxel.. . Tntsls. .as 8 27 10 2 Totals... Batted for Robinson In seventh. - Battud for Niehaus In ninth. Philadelphia 1 3 000103 0 8 St. Louis :o 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Ruas. Bancroft. Stock. Psskert, Cravath, Nlihoff 2, Whitted. Luderus. Two-base hits. Bancroft, Long 2. Paskert. Home run, Luderus. Ptolen base. Nlehoff. Earned runs, Phllalelphla 4. Pacrlfice hits. Whitted. Becker paskert. Left on bases, Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 9. First base on errors, Phlla- j . i 1. 1 .. , c T t 1 1 n . i . on halls, off ijit.v f virh'aus 1. Hits, off Perdue 4 In 2 Innings, none out in third; Robinson 2 In 5 Innings; Niehaus 2 in 2 innings. Struck out, bv Rlxe' 4. Robinson 3. Wild pitches. Me haus, Rlxey. Umpires. Qulgley and Emalle. Time, 1:47. - Pitsburg; 5-5, Brooklyn 0-4. PITTSBURG, July 31. Brooklyn lost two games to the Pittsburg Nationals today 5 to 0 and 6 to 4. Mamaux held them safe in the game, while Appleton was reached for five hits In the eighth Inning, which with the aid of a wild pitch, scored five runs. In the second game both teams changed pitchers twice. The scores: First game: Brooklyn 1 Pittsburg H M U A r- v 4 0 2 0 0 Carey.I 4 2 O'Mars.s.. 4 2 1 0 1 Colllns.m.. 4 J Daubert.l. 4 n iu u wuionnwon.i. - Wheat 1.. 4 I - " ' mnenm n.r o Cutshaw,2 3 0 3 3 0Wagner.s. 4 1 5tengle.r.. 2 0 4 0 Viox.2 .... 4 1 Gets 3.... 3 0 0 3 0iPalrd,3... 3 0 Mlller.c... .1 0 2 2 OIGibson.c. .. 8 1 Appleton, p 3 0 0 lO Schang.c. 0 0 DIRECTUM I BEATEN H. VAN DYKE JOHNS WINS TENNIS TITLE Miss Sarah Livingstone De fends Honors as State Woman Champion. , ' RICHARDSON, LAME, PLAYS Great Pacer Forced to Yield to William. DETROIT RECORD BROKEN Grand Circuit Feature Event lor $5000 Purse Sees Struggle of CJianiplons With One Heat Made In 2:0O 1-4. 10 0 4 0 0 ft 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 6 10 10 0 0 30 Totals. .30 8 24 9 1 Totals.. .30 8 27 Brooklyn o o o o o it " " ritWhlSg 0 0000005 3 Buns. Carey. Collins. Johnston. nwr Rchang. Two-bass nit, wagnor. '"r" hase hit. Gibson. Stolen base. O Mara. Karned runs, ritisourg d. x..i Brooklyn 1. Bases on balls, off Appleton i. off Mamaux 1. Htt by pitcher. ty Appieton (Johnston), Ktruca out, oj avitoi i Mamaux 4. Wild pitch, Appleton. umpires, Kigler and Hart. Second game: Brooklyn B H O A E B 1 - Oil S 2 1 4 1 K 2 13 1 0 Myers.m. O' Mara.s. . laubert,l Wheat.l. . Cutshaw,2 Stengel. r. Getx.3. . . McCarty ,c Olson. . . Mlller.c. . Smith, p. . Dell. p. . . Schults". Pfeffer.p. Pittsburg BHOAE1 Carey.I... 4 1 2 00 Collins.m. fi Johnst'n.l 5 4 0 3 0 0!Hinchm'n.r 5 4 0 0 SO Wagner.a. 4 4 n 2 OOIVlox.2 4 4 0 0 2 0Balrd,3. . . 3 0 0 Alurpny.c, 4 OOAdams.p.. 2 OOCooper.p.. 0 0 OlCosteilo t- 1 2 O'MQ'uil'n.P. 0 o 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 o 1110 1 12 0 0 3 5 0 0 2 3 0 5 3 2 14 1 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Totals. .ST SO 16 3 " DETROIT. July 31. William showed his aunerioritv over all other pacing champions this "afternoon by outlasting and out-gaming his field and winning the $5000 free-for-all, two neais out. ui three. This event which brought to gether the most famous pacers in the world was the race of greatest inter est for the final day of the urana t-ir cult week. Onlv a little less spectacu lar was the 2:03 pace, which went four heats, while the 2:12 trot, with five, also was a splendid perrormance. ine giner two races which completed the pro gramme, were won in straight heats. Starting the free-for-all pace William took a lead of half a dozen lengths in the first elKhttr of a mile. Following him was Directum L, the same distance in front of Flower Direct, with Anna Bradford a bad last. They maintained these positions for five eighths of a mile when the trailers began moving up. Directum I was only a lengtn away from William at the laBt turn; halfway down the stretch he was on even terms and. passing the distance flag, shoved his nose in front. In a furious drive he increased his advantage a few inches and took the heat by a scant neck. The time, 2:0014. was a record for a De troit track. Marvin Changes Tactics. Marvin pursued different tactics In the second mile, allowing Murphy to do the leading. The fast clip of the first heat had tired Directum I and When the dash for the wire began he faltered. William passed him in the last eighth, when Flower Direct, under the whip, rushed up to beat him for second place. The last hair or this was covered In 69 seconds. an the final heat Anna Jraarora paced out in front with Flower Direct second. William third and Dictrum I in the rear. In this order they raced until the three-quarter pole was passed. Then Marvin gave William his head and it was all over. Flower Direct and Anna Bradford, in the slower going, were able to keep close, but Dictrum I was through. Lettie Lee took first money in the 2:12 trot, which went five heats. She was able to win only the first two, but her a-ood position in the next three gave her the race. McCloskey won the third and fourth heats and then wilted and Mirthful took the final. The 2:05 trot was rather easy for Maritaret Druien. In each heat Ryth- mell led the small field Into the stretch, but Cox pushed to the front when ready and won easily. Eno captured the 2:16 trot In straight heats, leading all the way in the rirst heat and coming through the bunch in the stretch In the other two. The summary: Hotel Pontchartraln stake, 2:12 trot. 3 in B, purse S'JOOO Lettie Lee, b. m., by Moko... IWhlte) 1 Mirthful, b. m (Murphy) 5 McCloskey. br. g.. (McDonald) 4 Todd Temple, br. g..(Snow) 2 Also started: Loe Blossom (Childs) Tnl.l.. .so lnt2f 13 l Ran for McCarty in the ninth. .o.,. r.f ntl In the eichth. tTwo out when winning run scored. Batted for Cooper in ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 o o o 3 u ;ijune Rea iMcMahon), Miss Alice McGregor u 4. v w - -1 (McAllister), Axtlen ( 3 1 1 4 4 3 Mary AISU Dial liu . uuc uiuiati... .wi.iiua,, ...... j Warren (Kealey), Brooklyn Hal (Snedeker), lit Ichnrv Cna i-.t-w fVMara.. Ulion. amun. 1.01 tins. Johnston. Wagner, Malra. jnurpny. Two-base hits. Carey. Collins. Hlnchman. Three-base hits, Wagner, Bairn. btoien Ku Wao-ner. JJOUDie Piay. nagiier iw Tnhn.tnn Earned runs. Brooklyn 4, Pitts burg 5. Base on errors. Brooklyn 1. Pitts burg 1. Base on balls, off Smith 1, off Pfef . 1 Hit, on Smith. A in 2 1-3 innings: oft Dell, none in 4 2-3 innings: off PfeCTer, 3 In 2 2-3 Innings: oft Adams. 8 In 7 1-3 in nings: off Cooper. 2 in 1 2-3 Innings; off Mc Qulllen. ribne in 1 Inning. Struck out. by Smith 1, by Dell 3, by Pfefter 3. Umpires, Rlgler sna. inn. Chicago T-2, New York S-9. CHICAGO. July 31. Chicago and New Tork Nationals broke even again to ri htt in the final games of the series. The locals won the first, 7 to 3. while the Tlsitors took - the second, s to z. Chicago won by punching nus on Mathewson, one of which was a homer by Williams, which netted three runs and caused "Big Six" to retire. Vaughn had little difficulty keeping the visitors' hits scattered. Cheney's wildness. Concluded, on Page 5. Column 6.). Harris). Time. 2:08. 2:09. 2:08. 2:09. 2:1014. Divide third and fourth money. 2:05 trot 3 in 5, purse $1300 Margaret Druien, b. m., by Peter The Great (Cox) 111 Rythmell, blk. m (Shank) 2 2 2 Star Winter, b. g (McDonald) 4 4 8 Also started: Joan (McDevitt). Time, 2:07, 2:09, 2:07X. 2:10 trot, 3 in 5. purse J1000 The Eno, ch. h., by The Native (Floyd) 111 Seneca Boy, ch. K (Fleming 2 3 S Glenwood B., b. g (Purcell) 5 2 2 Aiso started:. The Guide (Goers), Di rector Russell (Snedeker), Tommy Todd (Snow), Empress of Russia (Murray), Pre cious Cresceus (Stokes). Cacus Star (Hall). Time. 2:10, 2:QI?4, 2:09?t. 'Divide second and third money. Free-for-all pace, 3 heats, purse $5000 William, b. h.. by Abe J. .. (Marvin) , a 1 1 Directum I. ch. h.. (Murphy) 13 4 Flower Direct, b. m. . .(Whitehead) 8 2 2 Also started: Anna Bradford (Shank). Time. 2:0054, 2:02,- 2:04. 2:03 pace, 3 In 5. purse S500 Bradon Direct, blk. h., by Baron Direct (Eftan) 3 111 Earl Jr., g. h (Cox) 1 2 :i S Peter Stevens.- b. h. .. (Snedeker) 2 2 2 V Also Btarted: Pickles (Mott). Sir H. Brett (Grady). Time 2:034. 2:02. 2:05Vi, 2 :04 ft.. Divide second and tihrd money. Ex-Champion Puts Vp Game Match, Despite Injury Catlin Wolfard Gives Johns Great Tussle and Loses in Fifth Set. BT ROSCOE FAWCETT. H. Van Dyke Johns, of San Francisco, Is the new men's singles tennis cham pion of the State of Oregon, and Miss Sara Livingstone, of Seattle, remains state women's champion. The chal lenge rounds of the state tourney, which winds up today on the Irvington courts, settled these coveted honors yesterday before a silk-sweatered assemblage of several hundred en thusiastic society folk. Both championship events were de cisive. In the men's event, L. K.. Rich ardson, ex-champion, attempted to de fend, hobbling around on a sprained ankle. He beat his 19-year-old op ponent last year in the finals, but his physical handicap yesterday, coupled with Johns' year of seasoning, con spired to make him easy meat for the Californian. Victories Are Clean Cat. Johns beat him In three straight sets 8-6, 6-0 and 6-3. Mlsa Livingstone's victory over Miss Mayme McDonald, of Seattle, was like wise clean-cut. Miss McDonald showed flashes of brilliancy and covered the courts like a world's champion, but. In the grind. Champion Livingstone's steady play gave her a distinct ad vantage. Scores in this match were 6-4 and 6-2. It was Miss Livingstone's third con secutive victory in the Oregon State championships, and the J. Wesley Ladd trophy cup is now her permanent prop erty. She can use It for an oil can, can boll eggs in it or tie it up in baby blue ribbon and give it the place of honor on the mantelpiece, or melt It up for the Belgians. Usually the big event of the day fur nishes the thrills, but 'twas not so yes terday. Wolfard Furnishes Thrills. By far the most exciting match of the big day was that between H. V. D Johns and Catlin Wolfard, of Portland, In the finals of the men's sin gles. Johns defeated Wolfard, of course, or he would not now be state champion, but Wolfard gave him a battle that will be long remembered by the few spectators so careless as to be up that early in the morning. Wolfard won the first set. 7-6, lost the next two, 2-6, 3-6. won the fourth, 8-3. and lost the deciding set, 6-3. Johns appeared to excel him even In snappy, cross - court shots. Wolfard was up and doing the whole time, how ever. For instance, in the Initial set, with the games 6-4 In Johns' favor and a love-40 score against him In the sixth game. Wolfard rallied, took four straight points, won the game and capped this off by taking the next two games for the set, 7-5. Injuries Heal Handicap. Crippled as Richardson was. it Is believed that Wolfard, as well as Johns, could have defeated the ex-champlon yesterday. The latter simply couldn't move around the courts fast enough to recover lino shots, and there were times when it looked as If Johns was being nice to him by not feeding him impos sible angle drives. If true, it was fit- ting reciprocity for the nerve and good sportsmanship shown by the ex-champion in attempting to defend in his crippled condition. Rev. Mr. Richardson received his In Jury a fortnight ago while doing a lit tle charity tennis Instruction work on one of he local playground courts. Owing to the Friday postponements, not all the finals in the secondary . ji n cpveral events In the state tournament will have to be settled toaay. Few Double Matchea rinyed. Four matches were played In tha fourth round of the men s inr the dav and one, semi-final was erased off the board. In this Lieu tenants Hobson and Taylor defeated Brown and Lancefleld, no score being posted due to oversight. The Army team will meet the winner of the Wickersham-N'orrls vs. Johns-Marcus game In the finals. In the men's doubles William Mar cus and H. Van Dyke Johns, both of San Francisco, defeated Byrd and Ware, Spokane. 6-0, 6-2, qualifying for the finals in the event. The finals will be played tomorrow. Summary: Men's doubles, fourth round Wickersnam and Noiris beat Barber and Doerlns -l. 6-0: Johns and Marcus beat Byrd and Waro 6-0 S-2: Hobson and Taylor beat Pease and Minor 6-3 Brown and Lancefleld beat Andrews and Smith. 7-5. 6-2; semi-final. Hobson and Taylor bat Brown and T.anco- field. ... ,r.n...l, nnri Women's doubles fliias j.-wu...u - Mrs Harrtgan beat Miss rronnmn "u Father Tucker 6-3, 6-2; Mrs. Stafford and Miss Claire Tucker beat Miss Hoffman and Miss Burns. 7-5. 6-1: Mrs. Xorthup snrt Miss Fording beat Mi&s Campbell and Miss L'MTxBed0aoub7.. third round-Mies Living stone and Smith beat Miss Collins and Goes, 6-4 6-4; Mrs. Harrlgan and Marcus beat Miss Hasselo and Shannon. 6-3, 7-3; Mrs. Stafford and Wlckersham beat Miss Cia!re Tucker and Wakeman, 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. Notes of the Tennis Tourney. Champion Johns and his California team mate. William Marcus, will enter the North west championships at Tacoma commencing tomorrow. Johns will remain over also for the Washington State events at Seattle, but Marcus will have to return to his bank du ties after the Tacoma events. Champion Livingstone will also enter the tourney and it Is possible that the women's T-unner-up. Miss McDonald, of Seattle, and Brandt Wlck ershaw, of Portland, ex-state champion, will also attend the Tacoma meet. Friends of Brandt Wlckersham's are be moaning the result of his match with Catlin Wolfard. It was played after 4 o'clock Fri day afternoon under a cloudy, lugubrious sky. and Brandt's backersxbelleve this semi, darkness cost him the state- championship. Wick is a good sport, however, and he ad mitted that Wolfard had it on him under those circumstances, at least. Anson Frohman's Improvement during the past year was the subject of much favorable comment around the "loth" hole. If they have such a meeting ground In tennis. Froh- man beat Lieutenant Hobson and worked himself up to the semi-finals whan ha lost to Johns, 6-3, 6-2. 6-0.