The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 25, 1915, SECTION THREE, Image 31

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NO. :?o.
Next Wednesday Will Be "RED LETTER DAY" IP Stamps Will Be Given FREE to All Visitors to Premium Parlors on Fourth Floor
Saving 4?C Green Trading Stamps Enables You to Choose From Over 4000 Beautiful and Useful Articles for Personal or Home Use FREE
4th Floor
Special attention given to orders
for camps and beaches. We
carry the largest and best
selected stock of staple and
fancy groceries in the Northwest.
OldSyWorttnan & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 6231
with all cash purchases made in
our MODEL BAKERY, on the
fourth floor. Birthday and wed
ding cakes made to order. Try
our delicious OWK bread and
pastry, made in our own bakery.
Exclusive Portland
Agents for the Celebrated
Electric Suction Cleaners.
New Price, $27.50.
Carpet Dept Third Floor.
Principal Portland
Agents for Ladies Home
Journal Patterns and
Pattern Department,
Main Floor.
Ask to See Our
Made Corsets.
A Model for Every Figure.
Moderately Priced.
$1.50 Up to $4.00.
Exclusive Portland
Agents for "Merode" Hand
Finished Underwear for
All Weights and Styles.
Moderately Priced.
Exclusive Portland
Agents for World-Renowned
"Richardson- Table
Linens the Standard
of Quality
for Generations.
v&f .u "5 sa jss ?4. the
rW5fit3frS!SS5iNS!i riht home-
Jfr.r 3irtS-b .rH3nft-riK.:. 1 Out-of-
-S'j'iUW -f JTJ w " 1 make this
I"" - rtrZSA'ZZ rri W-4 k 4T.".T V'l the city.
ST lYJ : UJZ V3' Vi JS Parcels w
The Satisfactory Store
'and we do not put you under any obliga
tion to buy. You are free to come and
pee, admire and wonder as you may. All
store's many conveniences are at your dis-
Make free use of them and make yourself
town people are especially invited to
store their headquarters while in
ill be checked and held until called
for, free of charge, at the Accommodation Desk
on the Main Floor.
Last Week of Our Great JJulujj Clearance Sales
Six Days of Unprecedented Value-Giving Throughout All Departments
Clearance Women9 sLingerieDresses
8000 Yards Dependable Black Silks
In a Remarkable Clearance
Silk Department, Main Floor A GREAT ONE-DAY SALE of Black Silks that will be of greatest
interest to every woman within reach of this store. We will devote our entire selling space
aisle table and counters in this department to this sale, as practically our entire stock of Black
Silks is included in this offering. Beautiful rJlack Taffetas, Duchess, Messalines, Cashmere
Charmeuse, Paillett de Soie, Faille, Peau de Soie, Satin Meteor, Cashmere Meteor, Moire, Fancy
Moire and Fancy Crepes fashionable weaves for dresses, coats, waists, petticoats, suits, etc.
Black Silks of dependable qualities from the best makers in the land at prices much below
what you would ordinarily pay for inferior grades at other stores. Don't neglect this splendid
opportunity, for it s safe to say youll not be able to buy such good Silks for so little money again
for some time to come. Sale starts promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Shop early!
$1.00 Black Dress Taffeta, 36 inches wide, the yard 79c
$1.23 Black Dress Taffeta, 36 inches wide, the yard 98c
$1.50 Black Dress Taffeta, 36 inches wide, yard S1.29
$1.75 Black Dress Taffeta, 40 inches wide, yard SI. 39
$1.00 Black Duchess Silk, 36 inches wide, the yard 79d
$1.00 Black Messaline Silk, 36 inches wide, a yard 79?
$1.25 Black Cashmere Charmeuse, 40 ins. wide SI. 09
$1.25 Black Paillett de Soie, 36 inches wide, a yard 98d
$1.39 Black Paillett de Soie, 36 ins. wide, yard SI .09
$1.75 Black Faille Silk, 36 inches wide, the yard S1.39
$1.75 Black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide, a yard S1.48
$2.25 Black Satin Meteor, 32 inches wide, yard SI. 59
$2.75 Black Cashmere Meteor; 40 inches wide, at S2.29
$1.50 Black Moire Silks, 36 inches wide, a yard SI. 19
$2.00 Black Fancy Moire, 36 inches wide, a yard S1.59
$3.00 Black Fancy Crepe, 40 inches wide, a yard S2.19
Clearance Sale of
OddLines Stamped Goods
Infants Gowns, Bonnets s
Pillows, Robes Choice MTYll,1
Art Department, Second Floor In going through the stock we find
many odd lines of stamped and embroidered articles one or two of
a kind some slightly soiled and mussed which must be closed out
at once. In the assortment are Infants Gowns, Bonnets, Pillows, Car
riage Robes Children's Dresses, ages 3 to 5 Fillet Pillow Tops,
Laundry Bags, Doilies, Centerpieces, Lunch Cloths, Cozies, etc.,
in great variety of designs. YOUR CHOICE, AT HALF PRICE.
Embroidered Center Pieces at V2 Price
Muslin Underwear
Princess Slips, Drawers and Combinations
On Sale at Bargain Circle, 1st Floor
Embroidered Japanese Center
pieces and Lunch Cloths in many
attractive patterns. Half price:
Reg. 75c grades, Clearance, 38c
Reg. $1.25 grades, Clearance, C3
Regular $2.50 grades now $1.25
Regular $3.50 grades now $1.73
Regular $5.00 grades now $2.50
Regular $7.50 grades now $3.50
Regular $9.00 grades now $4.50
Wash Goods Clearance
Dept., Main Floor
Extraordinary price reductions on dainty,
sheer wash materials for Summer
dresses, waists, etc. Buy now and save!
$2 Wash Goods
At $1.38
Main Floor Beautiful Em
broidered Voiles of finest im
ported quality. Exquisitely
dainty and cool for Summer
dresses. Great variety of neat
patterns. Colored designs on
white grounds. Grade usually
selling at $2. In f O O
the Clearance, yd. P -"-- -7
Wash Goods Remnants l2 Price
65c Silk Novelties, 39c Yard
Main Floor Tomorrow will be
REMNANT DAY in the Aisle
of Cottons. Hundreds of short
lengths of wash materials
batistes, lawns, organdies, etc.,
in white and colors offered for
this one day's U D.;,
Main Floor Imported novelty
mixtures of silk and cotton-
prettiest of sheer fabrics for
Summer dresses, waists, etc.
Any number of neat patterns
and various colors to select
from. Reg. 65c grade. OQ
Clearance Sale. vardOIt
selling a 1
Beautiful Lace-Stripe Crepes, Venetian Crepes, etc., the yard, 8
Clear anceSale of Linens
and Domestics
BATH TOWELS, plain and
fancy striped. Regular Q Q
35c grade. Special, each"'''
jacquard designs, each-
Towels, special at, each
INITIAL SETS, consisting of 1
sheet, 2 pillow JJO QO
50 outfit V
cases, $3.50
ular 15c unbleached at
ready ftor use. Attractive patterns.
TABLE DAMASK, two yards
wide. Regular $1.00 QQ
grade. Special, yardOuC
NAPKINS to (go CTf
.match above, doz. P W O v
LINENS for kerchiefs, fiffi
all colors, 75c grade O C
quality. White and O f df
P1 0
$2 grades P J- UO
colored b'ders, doz.
Hemmed, f
Clearance V O J
Princess Slips in many attractive styles full length, trimmed
with lace and embroidery flounces, all sizes Women's Drawers
in open and closed styles, of fine materials, trimmed with laces,
embroideries and insertions Combinations (corset cover and
drawers), princess and waistline styles, with open and closed
drawers, trimmed with laces and" embroideries. Hundreds of
garments are included in this great HALF-PRICE SALE.
Regular 98c grades now 49
Regular $1.50 grades now 75
Regular $2.00 grades at $1.00
Regular $2.50 grades at $1.23
Regular $3.50 grades at $1.75
Regular $6.50 grades at $3.25
Regular $7.50 grades at $3.75
Regular $9.00 grades at $4.50
Regular $2.00 grades at $1.00
Regular $2.75 grades at $1.38
Regular $3.50 grades at $1.75
Regular $5.00 grades at $2.50
Regular $6.50 grades at $3.25
Regular $7.50 grades at $3.75
Regular $8.00 grades at $4.00
Regular $9.00 grades at $1.50
grades at, the pair, 83
J . 1 : tf .
grades, the pair, $1.75
grades, the pair, $1.88
grades, the pair, $2.0
grades, the pair, $2-38
grades, the pair, $2.50
grades, the pair, $3.50
$1.25 Crepe Gowns
At 98c
Women's Crepe Gowns in plain
white and pretty floral designs.
Several attractive styles in this
lot. Nicely trimmed. Stand
ard $1.25 grades. InQO
this special sale at f Ot
Lawn Mowers Reduced
A Rare Opportunity to Save!
3d Floor 14-inch
Cadet Mowers at 1
12 -inch Colonial CJO Ckf
Mowers, 4 knives V0J "
14 -inch Colonial 42 A OCT
Mowers, 4 knives f-rf
16 -inch Colonial G?Z Qf
Mowers, 4 knives P. O J
16-in. Lakewood, J J OCT
high wheels, for
14-in. Rajah high- fl Qff
wheel Mowers at 'fO
Clearance of Refrigerators
$27.00 Refrigerators,
$32.40 Refrigerators,
$34.20- Refrigerators,
$34.50 Refrigerators,
$42.00 Refrigerators,
Kitchen Furnishings
" fr.' V- 4. - '- . ... 1 V I1.
A Dozen Special Bargains
for Tomorrow's Selling.
$2 Wash Boilers S1.59
Third Floor Full-size Wash Boilers
with heavy copper bottom. Grade
usually selling at $2.
Priced special now at
$2.00 Folding Ironing Table and Sleeve Board, special, $1.59
$3.00 guaranteed Clothes Wringers on special sale now at $2.55
$3.50 guaranteed Electric Irons on special sale at, each, $2.75
$2.50 Carpet Sweepers, extra well made, special, each, $1.75
$3.25 Aluminum Tea Kettle and Inset priced special at $.)
Regular $2.10 Gas Hot Plates, Clearance Sale price, each, $1.75
$1.40 Covered Garbage Cans on sale tomorrow at $1.11
$1.75 Double Aluminum Boiler 2-quart size, special at $1.25
50-ft. Garden Hose, with couplings and nozzle, special, $4.2.j
Regular 50c Parlor Brooms in the July Clearance Sale at 35
21-inch heavy Nickel-plated Towel Bars priced special, each, 40
Demonstration O'Cedar Polish Mops, Department, Third Floor.
Demonstration Economy Fruit Jars, Department, Third Floor.
Lot l$7.50 Dresses at $4.98
Lot 2 $16.50 Dresses at $11.48
Second Floor Dainty Summer Dresses of
white voiles, in attractive new models.
Deep - tucked skirts, also with three
flounces or with scalloped tiers. Low
neck and short-sleeve waists, with soft
lace or net collars. Trimmed with buttons
and laces. Good assortment of sizes.
Dresses worth up to $7.50. j?5 QO
Priced for July Clearance Vre20
Second Floor In this lot we include many
handsome Dresses in voiles, nets, cotton
crepe de chine and other desirable tub
fabrics. Corded and plaited skirts, also
full-flare models. High waistline and
other effective styles, with deep girdles,
low necks, short or long sleeves, and
fancy waists. Dresses jf W l Jj O
worth up to $16.50 nowV-I
Lot 3 $25.00 Lingerie Dresses $16.65
Department, Second Floor Beautiful high-grade Dresses of finest batiste, figured
voiles, nets, crepe de chine and linen. All the season's latest fashions are shown in
this lot. Flounce-trimmed skirts, full flare, yoke models, with embroidered voile bot
toms and other styles. Trimmings of laces, fancy buttons, hand-embroidery, silks, etc.
Shown in white, cream, light blue, pink, etc. Every Dress new this i 2 E?
season. All sizes in the assortment. Grades selling up to $25. Special P UiJ
A Clearance of High-Grade Waists
Regular $12.50 Grades Now $9.38
Regular $32.50 Grades Now $24.37
Department, Second Floor Practically all high-grade" Waists are included in
this Clearance. Exquisite models of shadow lace, filet and Spanish laces, embroid
ered chiffons, nets. Georgette crepes, silks, etc High and low-neck styles, with
long or short sleeves. Beautifully trimmed with laces, fancy buttons, tucks, etc.
$12.50 Fancy Waists, special, $ 0.38
$13.50 Fancy Waists, special, $10.88
$16.50 Fancy Waists, special, $12.38
$17.50 Fancy Waists, special, $13.13
$18.50 Fancy Waists, special, $13.87
$22.50 Fancy W'aists, special, $10.87
$25.00 Fancy Waists, special. $18.75
$27.50 Fancy Waists, special, $20.0.3
$28.50 Fancy Waists, special, $21.37
$32.50 Fancy Waists, special, $24.37
Special Line Fancy Waists at $3.29
Wool Sweaters With Caps $6.95
Second Floor Special line of high-
grade Waists on sale tomorrow at big
reduction. Latest models of Georgette
crepe and lace, xsew -juser ' waisis
also included. AH sizes. OO QQ
Priced very special, each P
Second Floor Women's Angora
Sweater Coats with cap to match.
Styled with sailor collar, sash and side
pockets. Trimmed with contrasting
colored stripes. All sizes.
Priced very special, each
Clearance Sale Summer Furniture
Prices Reach the Lowest Level
Department, Third Floor The last week of the July Clearance Sale
brings forth timely offerings in Summer Furniture, Rugs and
Draperies. Thrifty buyers will find many opportunities to supply
their needs in this line and save considerable money during this sale.
Reg. $8.00 Grass
Rocker. Clearance
Reg. $8.50 Grass
Rocker, Clearance
Reg. $7.00 Grass
Rocker, Clearance
Reg. $11.00 Grass
C h a ir. Clearance
Regular $4.50 Old C? f QO
Hickory Table t P J-.ZsJ
Special Price Reduction on
Maga- CO AO.
k now vf0
Reg. $3.50
zine Rack
Reg. $S Grass Cen
ter Table now
Reg. $3.50 Grass (JO SQ
Sewing Stand now CJ
Regular $2.75 Old Hick-QCrt
at w
ory Costumer on sale
Regular $5.00 Old QO QO
Hickory Table at J3-'0
Wicker, Reed and Willow Furniture.
Great Sale of Wilton Rugs Will Continue All This Week
Reg. $7.50 Wilton Rugs,
size 36x63 inches, now
Reg. $6.25 Wilton Rugs, JJT J ET
size 27x54 inches, now V7- -
$21.00 Wilton Rugs, fiJIO CZfh
size 4:6x7:6. special lO.Jl
$35.00 Wilton Rugs,
size 9x12 feet, now
Reg. $4.25 Wilton Rugs, J?Q 7 CT
size 22Hx36 inches, at V"
$56.50 Wilton Rugs. QytfO CZfl
size 8:3x10:6. special Jt
Hammocks, Tents
Porch Swings, Etc.
Fourth Floor Everything to make these
warm Summer days comfortable, whether
at home or on that vacation trip.
Tents, 7x 7 feet, 8-ounce duck, $5.55
Tents, 8x10 feet, 8-ounce duck, $7.40
Regular $4.00 Hammocks, special, $3.19
Regular $5.00 Hammocks, special, $3.98
Regular $6.50 Hammocks, special, $4.98
Canvas Hammocks at $1.90 to $3.50
Hammock Stands at $4.00 and $5.00
Full line Camp Cots, Camp Stools, Camp
Stoves offered at the lowest prices.
Automatic SandCrane
Worlds of Fun for
the Youngsters
Fourth Floor One of the most fascinat
ing Automatic Toys ever shown. Chil
dren will amuse themselves by the hour
with the Sand Crane. See the demon
stration on the fourth JJ T
floor. Reasonably priced at - U
Other Sand Toys at 3 up to $1.50
Our entire stock of Boys' and Girls' Play
Suits now on sale at special reductions.
Women's Low Shoes
Clearance the Pair
UR entire stock of Women's Low Shoes
I for street and outing wear is included.
Every Low Shoe must be off our
shelves before August 1, consequently drastic
measures must be adopted. Over 40 styles to select from.
"Colonials," "Peggy" Pumps, strap effects, etc Very newest
1915 models with all style heels and toes. Patent leather,
tan and black calf. Vici kid, satins, suedes, bronze, etc. - Low
Shoes for street, outing and dress wear in such standard
makes as "Duttenhofer," "Dugan & Hudson," "Gray," "John
Kelley," etc., included in this tremendous Clearance Sale
A complete range of all sizes and widths. Shoes selling heretofore
at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. Priced for quick clearance at, the pair
Traveling NEEDS
Under priced
Fourth Floor THREE special of
ferings in Suitcases and Bags for
Monday and Tuesday's selling.
$4 SUITCASES, $3.25 Matting
covered and fiber-bound. Sewed
on handle, leather straps and
corners. Extra fine lining, with
pocket. Regular $4 J O O
grade. Priced special P O .w
ill "SUITCASES, $7.45 Genuine
cowhide. 24 inches long and 7
inches deep. Straps all round,
sewed-on handles, steel frame, cloth
lined. Standard $11 J ij
Suitcases. Special at V 4 4t-0
3 BAGS, $5.00 Genuine cow
hide, leather lined and sewed
comers. All sizes, 14 to 18 inches.
Black and tan colors. J i -v
Worth up to $8.00 &y.UJ