7 6 TITE SUNDAY OKEGONTAX. rORTLAM), .TUTST 25, 1DI5. 'CURE' TO BE DESTROYED J1ICROHK KILLER IS GIVEN LTO HANDS OK MARSHAL. Owner of Six Cases Offers Ko Contest to Seizure Analysis Shows One Part Acid to W of Walcr. Six cases of Radams' microbe killer, which was despised and rejected by the United States Districr Court yes terday, in spite of testimonials that ac companied it, declaring that it would cure distempers and ailments from ague to zoanthropy, are now in the hands of the United States Marshal, to be de stroyed. The six cases of microbe killer were seized In April, and Assistant United States LMstrict Attorney Johnson wrote to William Radams in San Francisco telling him of the seizure and the na ture of the complaints the Government had made. William Radams offered no contest against the seizure, and the ' goods were condemned yesterday morning. A. S. Weils, a state chemist, reported on analysis that the microbe killer con sisted of one part sulphuric acid and 99 parte water. He said he would be glad to supply any amount of the microbe killer for 5 cents a bottle, which Is quite a cut In rates, considering that the Radams mixture was marked at a retail price of $1 a bottle. Dr. Calvin . S. "White was called In and asked if It is true that this chem ical mixture will furnish relief or cure In cases of dyspepsia, biliousness and various diseases of heart, stomach, kidneys, liver and other organs, be sides being, according to the adver tisements, an excellent blood purifier. Dr. White said that he would pre scribe a glase of circus lemonade as far more likely to have beneficial re sults in any of the diseases mentioned. He added that the Radams microbe killer had been "exposed" In half a dozen magazines a few years ago. And now. accordingly, the United States Marshal has six cases on his hands to dispose of and he says he hasn't any microbes to try it on. LEGAL BATTLE IMPENDS S. V. RAILWAY FILES OS HOLD PROPERTY. Owners of Yaqnina River Lands Hold Title Under Government Patent i and Will Fight Case. NEWPORT, Or, July 24. (Special.) - The biggest legal battle ever staged In Lincoln County is about to take place between the Southern Pacific Company, which owns the Cor vallis & Eastern Railroad, and about 75 property owners whose land ' borders the meander line of the Ya quina River established by the Gov ernment. The Southern Pacific Com pany rece&tly filed statements of own ership with Walter E. Ball, Lincoln County Assessor, Involving property worth a million dollars or more, and for which patents were issued by the Government in the '70s and earlier. These property holders met today and were addressed by Oswald West, who, as ex-Land Agent, Railroad Commissioner and Governor, has thor ough knowledge of the situation. Mr. "West probably will be engaged to rep resent the freeholders and J. P. But ler, of Toledo, and State Representa tive S. G. Irvin, of Newport, were ap pointed chairman and secretary, re spectively, to Investigate further, with power to act or call other meetings. Among; those present was Mrs. ID. A. Mclntyre, who said that she had re fused to allow rsylroad surveyors to cross her property to survey, and who was informed by them that she would soon be paying the Southern Pacific Company rent for a dock on her land, -which she purchased from Thomas Ferr, who had received a patent for it from the Government in 1875. Norwegian Expert Calendar Filed. Vice-Consul Endre N. Cederbergh, of xxorway, oi tnis city, nas rurnished the Chamber of Commerce with a Norwe gian export calendar for the year 1914. which gives exhaustive information on the firms of Norway engaged in the export business and the commodities they offer to the foreign trade. This volume has been filed with the Cham ber and will be at the service of any business man who wants to study the problem of Norwegian Imports. In view of the fact that the Olsen steam- snip line plans a service to this port later tnis year, ana the Johnson line also Is getting into the field through W. R. Grace & Co., it is expected that tnere will be important developments in the trade relations between Oregon and tne scanainavmn peninsula. CLASSIFIED AD. Daily and 81111 day. RATES For line. One time ljc bame ad two consecutive time xic bame ad three consecutive timett uoe bame aa -x or iteveo consecutive times.. 5b llie above rates apply to advertisements under 42Sew Today" and all otiier cuubiiica lions except the following; Situations Wanted Male. tsitualiune Wanted Female, Xor Kent, Rooms -rrivate Families. Board and Kooms Private Fa dm lies. Housekeeping Koooih Private Families. Hate on the above classifications i ? cents ' a line each insertion. On "charpe" advertisements charges -will be baol on the n umber of ttne appearing in tho paper, regardless of the number of words iu tach line. .Minimum charge, two lines. 1 he Oregonian will accept classified ad vrrtUements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. 'o prices wUI be quoted over the phone, but Mil will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment off telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advert itemeiits will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will lie accepted for "Furniture for Kale," "Busi-ne-s Opportunities, FUoming-llouse" and 'Wanted to Rent." Advertisements to receive prompt classlfi cation must be in The Oregonian office be fore 9 o'clock at night, except Saturday Closing hour for The Sunday Oregonian will be :t0 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M as usual and all ads received too late for proper classification will be run under the headina "Too Late to Classify." - Telephone Main A 6093. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriasre Licenses. ANDERSON-HOLM John Anderson. 81. Astoria, Or., and Amelia Holm, 24. Seward liUEKS-BAKEK Henry Doern. legal. 840 f.asi t-isnieenin street, ana K.atle Baker legal, same address. GATES-F1XCH Frank E. Gates. leraL ooa tast Seventeenth street, and Mabel Ade- wiae r men, lerai, same address. MITTBO-SCHEr Rasmus Taali !Wltt lesal. Gresham, Or., and Anna Margarethe Bchey. legal. Gresham. Or. v V AKKU.U-KU1T John Wakrom. 24, 450 Park street, and Amanda Kelt, 20. same aaaress. HARRIS-SEIP George Rollo Harris, legal. 7i8 Lovejoy street, and Shirley Leah Seip. Jcstt", --o iweiiin street. DRIEM ER-JL'KCAK Joseph Drelmer, 36. Oregon City. Or., and Anna Jurcak. 24, 1006 .ast r landers street. Births. , WANNEBO To Mr. and Mra William' H. "Vv'annebo. Oswego. Or.. June 6. a son. i -TERBA To Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sterba. 272 Watts street. July 8. a daughter. STOKES To Mr. and Mrs Frank L. Etokes. Tenino. Wash.. July 13. a daughter! CLIST To Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Clisn. 108 East Thirty-ninth street North. July, JO. a son. . WICKMA.V To Mr. and Mra John A. Wickman, "65 East Seventy-second street Horth. July 15. a son. A.NDEKSOS To Mr. and Mrs. Chester PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AHSTKACla ANU TITLES. FKOaH eSKKVICJS at ruouaul price, pacific Tllle at Iruat Co., 7 Ca. ot Com. AltUlUliUM I'Li-AlLNcT PieaiiDg-. huiusti hijjg. picoiicjt. braiding. rjnurn .Nov-aqy t.u., ftm. udw y iuou. STif-HAN iiemsiiicnini; nnl scalloping, accord, siue pleat, button covered, guou. fcVoiiged; mail oruer. 3bs Alder. Ai. : AUClLllJbCls. HUNG ALOW plaa book, loc; jiiaus i. A. H. raper. aw Ainsworta ave. A V 1. K-- AMD AALlba. liUMAAA ACiA 1" Kjb't Li. 2d. liOtd, Oliver mm tiiaiiouqi DOUgut. AllOKMilS-AI-LAW. J. S. .NELbU.N. LAWItK. ill flTTOCK feLK. CUAatlLIA'llO.V SUSii. HL y olio. t Attl'ET Yt EA V k.HS. FLUFF KUtiS RAO RUGS. New rugi from, old ingrain, .Brussels, Smyrna, Axmiistcr carpets, carpel clean, lug, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention, bend for booklet. West' em .bluff Kug Co., ot-ao Laion avs. Jtorto. fnoiie tl. oilO, a 1416. NOKIHWiiciT KUG CO. Hugs from old car &tu. ksotii pnoues. pete, rag ruga, lbs E. CELLLLOIU BLTTONS, UA1H.ES. THE lRWlN-iiOlJt.ON COMPANY', 387 Vyaaninglon st. Main '6VZ and A : tUlBOl'ODISIS. WlUla.ni, feslelle and William. Jr.. Xleveay, the only scientific chuopoutsts in tae ct... Parlors duj Gerlinger bidg.. 8. W. corner snd Alder. Pnone Main X6UX. CHIROPODY" and pedicuring. Mrs. M. U. jihu omce r iieaner mag. Main &t&. CHIROPRACTIC PUislClANS. DR. POULaON, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. Putock blocs- Broadway 282. DK. M'MAHON, sixth year. Chronic cases taking time, 31 treatments, tic. 121 4tn u CLEANING ANU PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit eacn week for si.au a montn. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 Stark St.. bet. 5tn and tftb. Main S14. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywnere. Hlgnest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency 4 J 6 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 480. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17W6 No collection, no charge. Ji.slabusned lwuu. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 86ft 5th St., bet. Stark and Oak; sp'l Hummer rates. 5 private lessons, $'J; morning, afternoon, evening, all latest dances guaranteed. Class Thurs., Sat. evenings, 7-8:30. Children's classes Sat., 'i to 3. 25c Broadway 21t0. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOL; lessons daily; all dances guaranteed. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Come today. M. Sold. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. P1NKERTON CO.. U.8.DETECTIVE AGC V. Established over 3tr years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suits 85-4 Pittock block. Phone Broadway U73. WHOLESALE AND A l TO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 20 2d st BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Tianefer, Park & Davis. BREAD IsAKEBY. Bakery A font. Inc.. 11th A Everett. Koyal BREWERS AND HOTTL""HS. HENRY WE-JNHARD. lath and Burnslde. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. IXKNISHINGS. Fl.EISCHNEK, MAYER st CO.. au7 An su ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etubbs Electrical Co.. 6tn and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. " Albers Bros, lilliiig Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOfSEll, Hoard of Trade Bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS A CO.. 7-76 Fourth St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEH HAT CO.. 64-55 Front St. HUES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front St. HOP M'NEFF BROS., MaiTi S81. SlERCHAJiTS. 814 WORCESTER ELDO. Phones A 117a. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OP.EGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL. PLANT. FOUNDRY. Anderson, 876 Yamhill street, July 16, a daughter. ERSKIN To Mr. and Mra Albert M. Erskin, 0107 Eighty-fourth street South, July 11, twins, sun and daughter. MOLL To Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Moll, Lents, Or., July 10. a daughter. DERRICK To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Der rick, 73o Hoyt street, July 13, a daughter. ARKIX To Mr. and Mra Harry Arkln, 3Q4 'j; 1'ark stre-t, July l.'i. a daughter. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. HAVE CONTRACT HAULING WOOD. 1.60 CORD. AND NEW MOTOR TRUCK. TRUCK $1S50, $;0U DOWN AND YEAR'S TIME ON BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ONE TRUCK NOW ON JOB HAULED 10 CORDS YESTERDAY. THIS Is WELL WORTH INVESTIGATING QUICK IK TOU ARE INTERESTED. AD l:.T, ORKGOXIAN. MANUFACTURER extracts. locating whole sale depot here, sell salesman's sample colt drink dispenser, wholesale $20; $o0 stock: fresh; no further use this season. A BUu 0, Or egonia n I WILL buy stocked and equipped farm near Estacada from first person who makes price riifht, feO to 10 acres, or will con elder renting and buying equipment. V t.i;. Oregonian. TO trade for auto, stock in Portland Knitting Co. This Is an old-established Mmpany and paj s good profits. W. C. Thurlow. Tabor 22 JO. $2:00 EQUITY modern bungalow, Haw thorno district, mortgage $lUOO, for cloar lots or unimproved acreage. AD Uo2. Ore gonian. LARGE, well furnished room, with board, walking distance, by single lady, em ployed; not exceeding t2o. AG Ore gonian. WANTED Ladies and girls to learn trade, special rates given to those enrolling be- iure August iu. Portland school ot $111 linery. 542 Union ave. N near Russell. MAN and wife, no children, wants work in graaing or logging camp; wife cook, man helper; will contract. fiC t56, Oregonian. BOT to learn automobile business, no sal ary. 717 Hawthorne, East tilde Auto Repair Co. LOAN WANTED $1300. house and lot. value $:;ooo, private party, eSO commis sion. Marshall 15&8. WILL sell my clas.y roadster, just newly painteu ana overnauiea; w-ili sell cheap and give terms. 4y3 Alder. WANTED $9000 on highly improved farm rents for $1750 per annum. AK Uo, Ore gonian. TWO piano lessons 75c, 2 vocal $1; expe rienced teacher. Telephone Main 4o37 mornings. Ask for music teacher. WANTED From private party 11300 at 8 per cent on new property Income value woo, urtgonian. TO RENT A 1-ton or IVi-ton truck for 30 aae Dy responsioie party to use on camp ing trip. Answer Monday A. M.. 492 -3d st. vv a. i i.u 3 or 4-ton auto truck, state . maae, price ana wnere seen. BD 9e Ot gonian. A FINE Jersey cow, 9-months-oId heifer I am leaving city; make me an offer. pox J, I'ralg HO. woodlawn 1319. 40 OR 00 acres. 16 miles from Portland good house, burn, fences, etc.: trade for suouroan property. V 57. Oregonian. LOST insr. -Silver mesh purse, Thursday even- rtewarq. rnone Kroftflway 7413. NICE furnished front room, modern conven lencea. $12 month. 404 Clay, near 10th. $40 DOWN on 6 and 10-acre tracts, work out ine caiance. .iain S4U3. . WANiKU to hire a small delivery auto. AD oregonian. MODERN 5-room house, sleeping porch; also a n. k . rooms. tn4 ancouver ave. WILL, sacrifice nearly new roadster, for quicK sale. fcaat louo, Monday noon. WILL give vocal lessons in excha"nge" an A-l accompaniHt. Tabor 107. to LIGHT manufacturing, good seller; leaving ciiy- make oner. 4,u h.ast oak. TWO or 3 connecting rooms, reasonable. 30 t.apt 13tn St. -X.- WANTED Five-passenger automobile. 10O iown. i;t montn. i; i ., oregonian FOUR-FOOT floor showcase, coffee urn and dishes. 3i5 taylor st. WA1TKMS WA.MEU 113 North 6th st. mnn.ni neaiuritin. .ail arter X f. Al. HOT-AIR furnace; or Marshall 9li2. a snap. Phone E. 4675 ROOM suitable two gentlemen, week each. 67 El'.a St. 2 beds. 81.25 oO PIT bull pupple. S270. Will sell cheap. Main WORK Day. hour; experienced; good ref erejicesIEast 4543. THREE 4-gallon cows. $t5 eachl 1593 Di' vision st. EYE. KAIt. NOSE ANU THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Lrr. F. Casseday. 647 ljekum Mdg.. ad Ac Wo. HAT CLEANING ANU BLUCKIMi. PANAMAS blocked and bleached 76c; straws feif 50c. Kaurman's. 44-bs ad, nr. titark. LNblKANCE. DAVID li. UUNNIi. g.n'l insurance; fire. marine, auto. ana 038 cnam. of Com. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MKsst.NiiliR CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main J.3. A MLttlCAL. MUSIC published, arranged, printed, popu larised. Verses written to meiodR-s. bend xnsuuacrlpts. icho Music Pubiisuing i.u., Efeattle, Wash. Emit Thieihorn, viohn teacher; KU7 FUedner bldg - A 41.SU. J pupil bev:iJC larsnall SCHOOL, OF MUSIC, STAFF of TEACHERS. CONSERVATORY 141 13lh It, at Alder. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A ligbt on blgn prices. Why pay lo to 1U lor glasses wben 1 can fit your eyes with f lrst - a ualliv icnaai. goiu-tuiea frames as low as si.oo? c. w. Goodman, Morrison. Man oruers prompt ly uuea. write xor particulars, saiu -14. PATENTS. PATE.N'1'S that protect and pay; advloe and bookA free; higbeat reieience; best re suits; promptness assured; send sketch or model for search. Watson E. Coieman, patent lawyer, t2 F St., Washington, L. C PATENT ATTORNEYS. i. C. WRIGHT li years' practice U. S. and foreign patents, ool Deaum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WoOD P1PJS CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main a4t. STJRAGE AND TRANSFKS. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" Household Goods Specialists. 6torsge, packing, snip ping anU Moving. Horse or Auto Vans, fcpeclal irelgbt rates to all polnta C O. PICK I RANa KR at 6'iUuaGE CO.. Sid at Pine Sts., Broadway &vo, A-luut. Oregon transfer to., 474 Giisan st.. corner lath. Teiepuone Main c9 or A lltta. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks, lowest Insurance rates in city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING, STORAGE. Reluced frelgiit rates to ail points. MANNING Wareuouse sr Transfer Co., Main 7u3. Km and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office lu Madlsun. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Pnone Main lowl. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers wiual opportunity. Catalogue free. C Keane. pres.. isls Mar ket St.. San Francisco. "HOOD. WOOD National Fuel Co.. Just started. S. Second and Oregon sts.; orst-cless sea soned fir, 4.6U; distant delivery, S4.5. East 3041. GREEN and dry slabwood, a ma Fuel Co.. Main 720 blockwood, Paa A SbUU. 1MANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHA6. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front; leatner of e-.ery description; taps, mtg. flndinga MEN'S AND WOMEN'S IKWEAH. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. ha o.li St. M1LLLNEKY. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sta ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRJfi. Portland Wire 6t Iron w as.. 2d A Columbia. PAINTS AND LCliKJCATLNI OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12tb ana Davis. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSaTN &. CO., 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPK FITTINGS ANO VALVES. M. L. KLLVE, M-Bb Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. U KLINE. 84-B Front SU PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTKS A CO.. 1st and oak sts. PRODUCE CO.LiIIS10N MERCHANTS. EVE'KPINO A FAHKgLL, 14J Front. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland cordage Co.. 14th and Northrap. - SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. ll'tn and Parts WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL. PAPER CO, 230 2d SL TOO LITE TO CLASSIFY. AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, lo a. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland H..r.o A Mule Co.. 24 East Sth St. Kast 31i. FOR RENT (or for sale at a trui t.m- gain) Newly finished modern -room bungalow, 1169 Stanton. 2 blocks west ot Beaumont car. at 42d and Stanton. Call Tabor -1(63 and will meet you at the house. FOR KENT Greenhouse with modern hast ing system, good 6-roora house, barn, or chard and berries, situated on 6 acres near Portland. Win, C. McClure. 414 Fali Ing bldg. WANTED Children to board for Summer In s-"'u vuumry nome; special care given prices reasonable; references furnished. Phone East 0347. 'OH RENT Furnished log cabin on iroi.t stream up Columbia River; easy trans- WA.Nitu An exj.erienced girl for general . . naiBBlo St. MEETIXfl NOTICES. JOSHUA D. RILEA Thurs- usy at nis residence. 470 Park 3.. T . ... 'ear- Served k.; 5 A -"' war as a mem ber :.t Company E. 129th Illlnoii jniontry funeral services under iVe.hau",?,ce"t.,of y Grand Army or the Republic, from Dunning i McLntee chapel. Broadway and Ankeny streets, Monday, July -'6 at 1 o'clock A M. Intermeni at Rlvervlew I -,.,,.., . rades and T i. nt . . r' . , Z r-.m. i.it.i MTRCIA CIRCLE wnMPv OB- CRAFT, will give Ire cream social Tuesday July 27. at 430U Sixty-sixth street evening Southeast. Everybody Invited. Ice crea iua nume-maae cake, COME have a mnA tfm . w - . and Daughters of ths Ark Monday evening, . "L j inimsrj wnist party. 1J 4th "vkjvw wicome. i cents idmiulnn Hand-painted china prizes. ,A111A Put UllLr1! --. c designs in emblem Jewelry. Jaeger ijros.. Jewelers DIED. KELLOG B. C. Kellog died at bis late res- .uHe. i.m r.. xamniil. July 2. 1XNEKAL XOTICES. ""'"A Juiy 3, at the residence. 470 t . " "lr.""- nua lUlea, aged t3 years. uo.ovea tatner or w. S., It. J.. Sarah Z. Riles, of Portland; Mrs. M. Kuer, of Sa- ox cnerry- yille. Kan.; I. M. Rilea. of Oakland. Cal. l-uncrai services will be held at Dunning A .McEntee's chapel Monday. July 2) at 10 A. M. Friends invited. Inieroaect Kiver- KELLOGG In this city, July 23. at his lata residence. 1261 East Yamhill street. Delle Rttiwn, hcu yvars. in, funeral services win oe neia Monday. July 2ti. st 4 o'clock P. M., at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Finley A Son. Mont gomery at rum. r ricnus lnvitea. In terinent at Greenwood Cemetery. STEINHILBER The funeral services of the late .annie a. oieinn u oer, a-lfe of Theo dore Stelnhllber, of Oswego, or., will t held Monday. Jul 20, at X:3o o'clock P. il., at the resiuence estattlishment of J P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at Flftn Friends Invited. Interment st Klvervlew Cemetery. KIRKLAND The funeral service of the late Charles f. Kirkiana win te held at Mult nomah Cemetery tomorrow (Uonuav), a 10 A. M. Services will be conducted by ML Hood Masonic Louie. Remains at L. Lereh undertaking parlors, feast 11th . and Clay sts. B ROWER In this city. July 19. J. B. Hrower, age , 57 years. Funeral aervlces will be he,d In the chapel of the Mt. Scott Park Cemetery Crematorium Monday morning at iu:ju o cioca. ao nowers. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND Marble works. 2(8 4th St.. opposite jty nan. ouuuers ox memorla.s. tLOOlSTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 117 Wash ington. Main 261. A 116. Fiowers for ail occasions, artistically arrange!. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A 1805. Fin-e flowers and floral aesigna jn o orsoco storea SUNNYS1DE Greenhouse. Fresh flowers fnone u isaz e. sa ana Taylor. MAX M SMITH. Mala 721a. A 2121, bull dins. Selling rJl KIRECTOKH. - r The omy residence undertaking establish ment 111 Portland witu private dnvsway. Main . A lbs. J. P. FIN LET SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director, 320 1 bird street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A 1511, Main but. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors, els East Al der street. East hi. B-2526. MILLER A TRACE Y, Independent funeral directors. Funerals as low as $0. $40. stto. Waahiugton and iiia sts. Main aptfL, A 7s3. A. R. ZELLER CO. fi WILLIAMS AVE. Easu loss. C lOss. Lady attendaut. Day and night service. DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors, Broadway and Pine. Pbuue Main !ii, A tt Lady attendant. MILLER A IHACEI, Independent funeral directors. Fineral. as low as 120, 140. 40. Wsshlngton and Ella sta Msm 26L A Issft. P. l LERCH. Esst lltli and clay streets. Lady ass.stant. East 7sL SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Id and Clay. Main 41o2. A 2iil. Lady attendao. Breese A finooa. Sunnyslde Parlors; suU' hearse. 10i Belmont. Tsoor 12&s. B list. R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knoic East Ills. C 14S. Lady attendant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 74 HKLMU.N r ST. Paoaes Estat 14UM. a U. Osra Us mm RUkt Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Ltbal chamber for small animals. Mors ambulance) for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone deslrli-a a pet may com municate with ua NEW TODAY. Colonel J. J. Morrow. United States Engineers Corps, who is leaving for his new post In the Panama canal cone. has favorer! us with instructions to sell the) first-class furnishings from his Nob Hill residence: al.to we shall sell several pieces of furniture, etc., from the late .Mrs. Mrouse a estate, compriMim upright Richmond piano in mahogany case, rifh old design parlor suite or five pieces in walnut, several mahog any parlor chairs and settees in pan plush coverirs7. hand - embroidered cushions, oil paintings and historical picturro, costly portieres, lace curtains. couches, andirons, fire screen and set of fire irons, body Brussels ruga and carpets, library tables, large easy rockers, vanes, bric-a-brac, hall mirror, reception chairs, Morris chairs, old violin. Edison phonograph and records, mantel clock, quarter-sawed oak din ing table, 4s-incli top and eiKlit teet long: set of chairs, Jacobean buffet in mahogany, chlnaware, silver tea set. cutlery, hand-painted vases and pitch ers; also massive square - top 'dining table In quartered oak. 10 feet long; set of box-seat chairs, two solid walnut bedroom suites, complete with bent springs and curled hair mattresses like new; brass and iron beds, spring ana mattresses, pillows and bedding, dress ers and chttfonlers in mahogany ana oak, .New Home drop-head sewing ma chine, small rugs, large and small fluff rugs, gas range, Ajax steel range, cost ly parlor healer kitchen outfit and many other useftil household effects. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Ton are cordially Invited to call to morrow and inspect these two lots of goods, which must positively be sold. You will find them well worthy of your most careful attention. AlCTTIO AT OI K A 1. I: S It it M S. lflrt-lW PARK STHKKT, ON TUESDAY N K XT AT IO O'CLOCK. SALE TO START WITH TIII2 lilt IC--HHAC. ON THURSDAY NEXT i we shall have another larK lot of g:ood household furniture to sell. Don't fall to call on Wednesday aiternoon and look thet-e poods over. AICTIOX O.N THI IISIIJAY .NEXT AT IO A. M. N e pay cash for good furniture, runs. etc.. or will sell flie same for you on commission. Auctions at private homes our specialty. Phones Main 3332 and A 2567. INVITE. Come to the oldest auction house In the city, where we sell first-class fur niture. rtiKH. etc.. at auction to the highest bidder, our only exceptions are mimii-Bi instruments ana valuable oil painting: a. W. C. BAKER &. W. II. DEAN', Furnlture Dealers and Auctioneers, ItMt-Itu Park Street. Auction Sale Monday, 2 P. M, 211 First St We have received a nice lot of furni ture to sell. at this sale. Including sev eral very nice reed rockers In mahog any finish, very good couch upholstered in imitation leamer, Circassian walnut rocker and six chalra, several nice rockers in oak. hsll tree, center stands, weathered oak dinins set. including round table, buffet, four chairs and carver; bedroom chairs, metal beds, cotton mattresses, pood dressers, quar tered oak somnoes, wardrobes, pil lows, comforts, dishes, utensils, steel range, gas range, etc.. etc. FORD AUCTION CO. Auction Sale Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday At 2 P. 1M. Each Day Owner will sell at the right price a modern, well lo cated, six -room BUNGALOW on Broadway car in Irvinjjton. Terms like rent to the right party. AN 954 Oregonian MORTGAGE LOANS 5, 6, 7 OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. Meik Eacbaaae BnlldlBK, Third and Yanmhltl Btreeta. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Mouy at current Rates. UIMUI'M ANO COKIDKA MOV bU.Ds FARM ANU CITY LOANS. M iHrts UoerU mi Trad Itlda. Jo NQRThwESTERN OuilinS MORTQAG E-LOANS Party Prepared to Market Tito sf Larirat h.at Ureses liwldinaa. Right I'arty Wanted to Help l'lace. SWAIN'S HCALTV OKKICK. 287 Column bia Su Marshall FCNEKAL KSTABLISI1CU 1SIT3. mv L.UUUULI NEW TODAY. AUCTION SALES At Wilson's Auction House IM-at I' I rat St Near Marrlaoa. KEGILAII 8ALESDATI MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. THE OLD HKI.I MILK AUCTIO.X HOUSE I'Ull Ulll.XU A.D Sfc.EEI.NU. At each of our sales this week w have all kinds of (rood, useful furnish lritcs fur the parlor. diniiiK-room, bed room and kitchen, includiiia; good steel and ft as ranties. refrigerators, pictures. Ince curtaSns, drapes, bedding, dishes, utensils, etc. Bargains 'for Everybody Attend Our Sales Private Sale Department Iartrest assortment of pood second hand furniture on the CoasL Itooin sixe rugTs. body Brussels carpets, wool carpets by th yard, various makes of reiriReraiors, st-eel ranges and eras rangi sol.f os. water he.itars. etc. All iroods at rlilVATE SALE sruaranteed and delivered. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE ITS SECOND ITRF.ET, (Phone Main 2031.) Wa Are Continually Adding- to Our Stock of CROC'EKIK', HARDAVARK. P.HXTS A.NU WALL. I'APKH. PEOPf.B ALWAYS TRIDB WHERE THEY UKT Til K MOST FOR TIIKIll MO.NcZY. Thafs Why We Ar Always Busy. STORE FIXTURES Come In nd foe What Oood Bargains ne tjan uiv you. j. t. wii.sox. ritorHiirroR. SPECIAL AUCTION It E S I II P. ? C K. NO. 717 K .' ANKK.NY SIllKKr. K A S T TUESDAY NEXT, AT 2 P. M. e have been instructed to sell the entire f urnlshlnif of nine-room private home, comprising- rockers. stsnd. Mor ris chair. SOME V K II I KINK OIL. 1-ai.n'i i.Ni. nooKcast-, clock, lace cur tains and portieres, l.irne mirror, hall tree, porch swing, dresser, chiffonier. oeuroom suites, toidlntr Hen. springs, matt reuses. .NKAItl.Y NEW MONARCH HANtiK. refrigerator, lawn mower, gar- oaire can. Kitcnen utensils, etc. SALE TIESDAY', JtJ.' 2Tth. S P. M J. T. WlLSO., AlCTIONEKR. To Jeo. Pafford or to Whom It May oncrn On Friday, AuKUKt th. at 10 A. M., at our salesrooms. 166-6S First street. we shall sell for cash to the highest niaaer one KI.KITI1IC PIANO to satisfy cuaut'i mortgage on same. J. T. WILSON, AtCTIONEEIt. CASH PA in V O n K IT II NT I T I' H E, S I UI KS Ur M KKl'H A MllSL, ETC MAIN Klll. Columbia Highway Country Home Twenty-five Acres Miles East Portland on the llard-Surfsrrd Clnmbla lllahway. This Is one of the choice home sites, with runninfr water, fineuview, wonder ful trees, some bearlne fruit; part l.s cultivation. The east-rt part of Mult nomah is destined to be the choice country home district for Portland people. If you are a Judse of values this property will please you at $2o0 ler acre, see MR. MORGAN', At Chanticleer Inn, ( orhrtt, OreKon STOP AT Newly re furnished. P a p r d uu rcoo- vated enlarved lobby all modern con veniences. Kooma, with private bam. II per day up; without, a&c up. Because the rates are low don't think the serv ice ts poor. Special rales by week, or month. Several rooms with wall beds. niaaina; tnem practically s u 1 tea. FUNERALS or broadcloib cuku Cl rTr rMmam embiimiiif, ruugh dux. 'flC Jm nre. two iimoutiOM B I J J m MM and serv lc. tor....... 1 f w Mor retionab! fuoarals IX deslrvd tor 9ZO. 40. .6 0. 21 !g hr- prif-ffd funeral in proportion. Wa mAko our aw a caket. l-ly aaaUtarit. Prlvaio funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACE Y lnnrnd-ni Funeral Dlroctora. WLn.naton ant Ella, La. Mtio 2tl. A 768a. MORTGAGE LOANS en improved city and Urn property at current rates. Attractive repayment prlvilosa. loana quickly closed. Csui today. f(J LARCR IAA!s 0? (ZO ' C" BCII.VUSS PHUFEHTIEJ V c A. IL BIRRELL CO. sit il N.rthsveatera Hanbsll 1 1. Bank BnUdiat A 411. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 tfS IMPKO'F.D BIMNPM PltOMrRTiri Kesldence Loans and 1 Per Cent. As. corainsr to Location fienty or Money, ROBERTSON & EWING 107-H N.I-thwestersi Rank BldJT. . UOWX-TOWX GI'tUSfTEEU BAHGAI.Ns. S37.000 B u s i n e s s corner. Third, near .Morrison; big sacrifice, one half Its value. 860.000100x100. near Library. Mor. rlson street: 130.000 below ca.-h value. PTO.UUU mtiiiiu", Morrison street. Warehouse site. K. It. trackage. Thir teenth street. Owner refused jai.OiJi), Must sell. .Make offer. rilS. ItlGI.I-;lt A Co.. 314 Ky. Kir i'ok sale: OH THtllH A Firm Close In. Knlly Kejnlpped and in trap. l trade for It y Prop erty or Ilimlnes Prspokltlus. MONKV I'O LOAN. Wo Have Several Clients Looking; for iuineg V7ien.inirrt. Both City and Countrif 1'ropert v for Sale FO.XTON AM) A.MKsi, 317 Beck tilde llrsadns, and Oak St l none HrosowtT r.. MONEY TO LOAN We Want Oood Applications for fiooo. ir.iio. auno. rj.-vco, saouo. :tr,oo. CONSULT IS. GEO. H. THOMAS SB7 Oak St., Room t, Alnswurlh Dlds; i.-U. 4 On City and Farm properties I 1 On City a w A I Aur Ami 'm,Z4Li Corner I ami Pronertles In mount at Curnuit iUttes AW-THOMfSOS. mssktfs ourUi aad btark ouseta. tth-asd Aides- XFf TOU AY. Beautiful Country Estate OV IANKt or ( Ol lMHU Kii:it, .NKAK Willi e; salmon. Contains 613 acres. About loo acres cleared, balance beautiful natural park. Leraro new rustic Jos; house, modern in every respect; three stone fireplaces, two baths, bin porches with view fur mils up and down Columbia Hlver, al.HC over entire Hood lUver Valley, wlta Mount Hood In background; first class water system and pumpinx plant; keeper's house, new barns and out houses. Can be reached from i'ortland by auto over Columbia Highway or by North Hank Railway; excellent road rlKht to place. Fine younrf orchard. In fact, an Ideal country estate, for which the Columbia Gome will soon become famous. Owner. Portland busi ness man, who must move taft, only reuon for sellintr. Price 0.'U0; erms if wanted. Place worth twice hat amount to party wanting such an estate, iee F. N. Clark personally. F. N. CLARK & CO. TITI.K AMI Till T III II.OINO. WE WILL BlILD A.NIJ FIXAXCK HOMES Flats and Apartment! In any part of tt -kkjt'l , $M to v-o.ouu; pt a - , "T UienU like rant. 2. sF-aV-i Call and ea ua. Roaa I. Coaaa.err.al ( lo. UalldlaaU REAL KSTATK DF.ALKRA. PA LilKH-JONttf 49 4-40A-404 W liCOl bide BKNEUICT BROS.. 920 Hiwtborot ava. LL F-STATK, For Kale Lata. PARKROSB SNAPS. 1 Mxl H corner, 3 iota, laaa than a block fr.m car; )fu;iful ww, water plivd to irrope-riy: .u. -ar irma. Half acre In Pmro. amall hou ani all it out It tk iruit tree; mater piwt io nouco. i nia la a grtkt aaerilico I 0O cniih. Mra, Ku-uwil. at HARTMAN A T HuMPSu.N' ' t4th and btark) UK CAN tl Tl'IsV YOl LOT IV .ANT HRST-l LA.-:.S MSTKICT IN t'OHTuAN l yOU LIS MONKV. Will also construct jour hoitiv and curry tha whole on niutitui rninit rian it Gf.ri. lain it over. Tha orKon Horn Uulldcra, l.iiiO N. V. Hank b'tK. liECAUB 111 IN BAD Til take 111 fro. all caa. tor tha Tinrat jilJ corner on Jat- iaoor; I jaiJ for tlila. but must baa caah within 10 days. my aicent. t. l. birow, block t-jLchata Dm, alain AUMKDA PARK, Ulmatead Park, Irln ton, kiune City fur, iota ciifaptr than you can buy vlMwbeiv. W ill buiia to au:t "ti. t.i L-itii or oti. (1 n tr .'! fui:ii build era in tba Northwet.) Tb Oifijon Homo Umltkri, I....O . . Hanit t-IUti CASH PART TERMS ALAMKDA V1CW L.T ON TOP lULL. THK tr..-T OK THK M ALL. rj:.0 ch, l.i0 p.rt torniK. U ou want It rrpiy at uure foro tt la piticd in agcut'a Untia. X if 44, UrrKuntaU. LOWER PORTLAND H EIGHTS. $ 1 v no. ncf iii.oiui v-,vr buniaow elte, la ml a. a.k of l'oto:r:c: (: patner.t 1-2. any tuna on b:t..Kc. Main 66.u, ukd rr. f. or bet i blcia;. PORTLAN 1 H kvltiH Ta KXCLLKI V KLT llava 4cral Uonricht Mcruscf?, both in lota ana houM: maiie an oliar. Marshall 4S:.. BKouKL. A NOKTHtCAT corner, avkioo, tut SOth and Lavia, ail at a very io (:iur. k ftnu V-,at rticular sva J. J. Utoer, uraua aav Ankny, l H. 8ALK Uy owner. 3 lota. 3. 4 and -V block tt. eat Portia nd Park, very cbrnp AUJrcsa Jtio. Oouuvnu, lio4 AIaio at. K.in.ta tuy. mo. LOT SA( RIK1CK AT 4oo. Corner lot, Koa City Park tllatri-t. abort niocka from carlina. C ir'. iara b.r. f.J4 Yron bid. WILL iSAOKlKl'"K choice lot. Iaureihurat AlHilon. lot k. l!Kk prlro $t0 c.ih uDer, Ei. liru. 4 7T11 1T.. RO.shl CITY PARK. t blocks north of rand, east racinc. and a snap at .6U. AdUreaa AJJ 4 J. urso- nian. 1 KVINOTON'S i:KST. Sacrifice lot fa.rinic eaat on b'ffotc south of Knott; llii; VmuI. O Ort-Kwiiian. h W K CAN auppiy you lot lu any Bood d i it- trie t, rock bottom pricra. W ill build hom t kuU on tortus. Ttia Owm lloiua iiUllderx. l.iJU N . W . li-ank .dE. liAVB '2 beautiful lota lu Hom City Purk, Inca east aud litvt (ma trees, cloae to car oud a liool ; will aell murli bolow Uia uur kft. CS Mra. Ku'il, .'J muik, iit-ar 4th StLlS CAiH buys fina corner In Kvaw City Park: faces eat; muat raiaa mouey. AO k-4i, utt BUU1.Q. WKST SILK LOT SACRIFICEdT" $Tiu lot for $o. owQvr must hav $10 ca!h ; t Iks la a pic a; up. iiobsun. ita Cor btt bldff. lh VALCK. A lameda $ll'oO c aah, autotnobil-. view lot; will sncrtflea to or will accept mmi caan aud All !.". oteconian. I'KNKU lot on M il wiukia street. fr lnt pro vr rrtfiita In utid j-ala; Liir t-urtKin, tea G. T. HedrUk, hvS 1 w h ukte at. IRVINOTON CAR LINE. TXixlwu. N. W. corner Last. 13th and 8 k id more, fine view ; yours f or f 1 ;n0. tloUDARU A WIKURIOK. 24J Stark St. f s.. LOT fr $ jO cash ; &vx loo; St. Johns car to Ainsworth. no 2 b!ocks east. Ownei on ground Sunday, 3 to 4. or call Wood wat d ave. LA RUE. beautiful view tract. West Fide, city water, on.y la minutea ride. 6-cent fare for l35o; $10 0on, a month. U. 11. Lee. .05 Corbet, bids;. LI LOTS, fenced; Hi Jarite fruil tree. 4 room house, near car ; clear tllle; J5J. P iH 4. oregonian. FORCED SALE Full lot worth i00; this week. at real paid. A. li. HILL, 41i Henry Bid. price WARREN TON snap, lUfxIOO. S lota on Ce dar st., I b.ocks from depoL lor $luo cash. Owner, bo 21, Warrenton, Or. THREE lot on well Improved.; lx&l. C LnioB will a av. sll all and O rah am. or part. East CHEAP lots, cloea to "WW" car; W. Brills, lluo Gladstone a. IKV INGrON choice lot for $.00 ell. J M'o. ores: on lan. terms. P. LACRELHCRST lot, f ina location, chAup f..r ra."li. Chna. Ktucler. 311 Ky. Kx. TO LOAN on t arm within reasu auce of . It v. Mam :;7 4. DA ROAIN Lot TixS 1 feet. Clark s station. Mt. Scott. t3 2S. A L jS Ops a on Ian. iJEALTIPLL SOxlOO lot tn (310 caah. Phone Wood la Alberta dlatrict. an 13. 2 Lt TS. A Itmo'U Pa rk; muat ha v money; t."0 Mi-h. io Commercial block. IRVINdToX LOTS-CN ( St AL llAlHSAlXi XHt HAL'SKX A CO.. 7M LKU IS ltLLKi, For Sale Itearh Property. AT TIOGA. Willi., one mlia from Lone Beach, close to the nde but protecieJ by -.piendldly trimmed spruce treea. a well-built bungalow with two lota and ch ic ken -houses and fenced yards; housa has four rooms and maid, s room adjoining. Huse la thoroughly well furnisued wjtn verthinf r.e.'ii y for a family of six. Inventory can be aeen at 711 E. ISth at. N. Terms If required; prlca ry low to autt the timet. A anap. W. A, Aiuchanan. owner. MY HOME t S-aide la f.r s.i! cheap; mf Kht tiade; modern 7 -room house, four lota on tn river, park and Inwn. com f iNi; make offer. Valentin Brown. .d W r ci t e r bid s. IF TOV are, Interests in a real snap In a Payocean lot -n pared atreat and nar hotel and natntorium, drop me a lina price will surprise you: terma can b ar ranged. HO P4d. Oregonian. NKAH - KAH-N1 E MOUNTAIN, Orejcon i sus: beautiful bcn rc"-i t. Out-of-town onrr wlti acrit.c thrw choice lota for $!H'd, Inquire room C I pit lock Mock. WILL exchariKe unincumbered beacn lot. near station ard ocan for fully paid fur Vlctroia. AL T4. UregonUa. ;OI"lTV In modern bunjca'.nw for Seaslds or ties rh art coitace. P reonian. For Sal luf CANNOT BEAT THIS IN PORTLANO. $1 Jihi T-r. house, on 2 car.itK.; lot S'xiMi, fru;t and berries, o-minutt car er ice; only cash, balance ;a p.r month. $11.00 4-r. hone. acra fruit, berries, barn, well, chicken-house, at Mipwoi Station; ,00 cash. baL $li per monLix. beo' Mr. Landman, at HARTMAN A THOMPSON I4tt and Stark liA RA IN -rrom nndern htu. rui and elctnc flut urea. ? lts 4 an cie.tr. t.r.HK. Cehler. 413 Yeon blda Mnr. 7 . WANTKLj First moriRtre loan of about f t tu on r"1 LaurelJiurat hum. Phone Htoadway 7.. 0-RitoM huuae lot .Vx ;-), Lat bt, Johns. $C0 CiaL. Columtta trw JtKAL t. STATE. 1 or raleUou 1 i K A t T I F L L HOM U. Omner pmcrj in our hand for n!4 ha Linuiom IrvaiRlaa hmna , t ha bona is .Tih .l.no. i-ut hfj'.i im it f,.r f'.S.im. jirv ha tiQ a.l it by Aur. i". Tha tiou is atr.t . y rnr Jt?m a:, d rai:y a r'.n- hotue. MC.i-rru.i, t roon.a. h:g.i-ofaaa wail covei :r. bt-kt p. una inc. ii.-f r-on.1. in luj.i.on to iS b.i i I.e. 4 :; ir, t.'! rre 1 t- di2 b".- -v . ri. i4l o: t r I. ti: j i a one r c -k ; r. i. j h a : n a b t .!- u k it ; unJtr.,-r.ii,,.a -tii--i:i . tiiz :nur.tt. p:rnt t-: ;:iu;iry, ii.wc;s and :t.vd t rot-a. t'lie curnur on Oiia of lr!n.tana i.irt d tei s: r-ta and m r. thera ar p.. my 4r wiLer jUi,j liomt-a. Terma 1f you wint tL.;n or mould t.ika onto trade. We hv the photoitrsrhs of tfce interior and cx ;rlor a t our on 1. V I N " K N r a CO.. Sid Cha tn ft-r i f C :n im-1 v c !'!(?. xt;w nu'iNMTON homi: at sacktkiok. v i ouiiii, sti jj t iH'iii a i ivl p . :, j por.h. livjii-room :a eu- .nr.! a.o bedroom ou id noor fc;i jji,,,. loin roAu.s ha v ms; beautiful ti. center hall tin inrd in h ;iu a ni i:. i-.. any; tllo bathroom. lvauuiui ; i-. r. ;-r.ti.:ii. uji-ij.4i.it J.ui n kilt itfi:. ce:i . i :,..--ment, uh joia big fun.ace. iru.i c.--t t ai.d wash ttas, Ih-umj I.m. chiuih por.i,.-s :tU ast front; a-eral nice trcia and . i:a bu lu n J ro.a that t.c .o.t t.ir.a and :n jney. as 1 intendr J int,k.ic t;i:a my bon.e; movJ m ti:u J,ti j h, t buaiiiefv uri nia Ll and h' i" at o:ue; must lea auk. 1. i d. oant valij eloou: sma.i i-i.wi.fnt a .1 s:. lrr Joiiva. MoNEV ..i:.ts hKI.il, Tnnt s wnut it iiu.i. .Mini uu b :v one of these titw trraii-M m und o-Vv,m bunuo 'a i.i b auurl l urei u ur:. um l, e-lii', ou terms cl ; ,m t.m.. Uiai ,u niotiihis, which m.-: .aea interest. Ao ona at '.V'0. or.o at o and ;.rcr nes f.r a itt.e tnore. li-.UT a these bfora ou think tf buyinig aUoUt.era, j.ouo ard i ii c:il with Miuo and j-ml j W C K O LK V . ::, Mark t. V a i a "l 5 v 3 or A 1M.V iund.i nil Mmii STn WILL SACRIFICG MY 7 -room new housa. lot &0xl.i;tf. full baa( ment. sleeti:ue p,irch. lva:nd cc..: in d.tunir and iiv:r.t-rouma. Uatch k::chen and bu.f.-in i-:f-ct. ,.niru.i.a t hrousiiou:, (card n. f!nver. irt.rory a "id lan nil lu. .6'u. Will take lot as' pan .') m-uL 0n-r a ;!l t.itie ..1 av Mn i.i. V,1. l Last Hint st, N. ; Mon.avi.-a or Mi. Ta:cr car 3400 BUNGALOW FOR JlTo. - 0 ersize lot. eicveem liUoi. i lai jca roa:ita and a ama.l r..;n limhed :n m::. ih,.-ouKh: modem, tu.i baeaieTit with eminent floor, t uroace, latin c r i: a s and lru;irwom. porvh and w sc: (u-, ht unfii;eiR0; terms n au.t any ia-si-o:i't . pa.t. Ma;ii I'iU.i UL NCAN. Whrr.l.r-i; A C . ?i Cti tint-vrf Ci';u:i.c: va L.djt. Tli K Columbia H tin ar. the is : of a !.- l li.fllt, la CftiiH p V d . I : !. t I 111 .lilt l beautiful lu: a it.e it jest bea ro:n- reled ; bill l.ttVfill O.IT JTlerl one cent. onl a -r, er Kw l.s.f acea and B'-u-i i;t Vou .an ime all me i.m forts f tho i: with a. M.m J- of l lt country h;e. Let ua show j ou. ih.a.ty ca-p.ruiu-nt of lLUiTMAX A. THOMPSON tCor 4:h and s-tark.) li;VTNroN SAv'UlKlCK. tioINO TO CAL IKv'U.N I A AM Mlt T K LL M V I K V -IN. TON. LO V EL V 1 !oM tl. h K i K M a. KIN ISKEH A TT1 .. HA RJW ooi K Lv tons T WO HKKPLAC K . T W O HA Tl 1 LOOMS. KLT.NA.. 11 COM I LK iL. W ILL Mil. L Kt iM?H LU, PAi'.l LV i-'i. .iMMitH OR L .LU- N i- i i ii : vi.i: . i k a i , ii:!' r L'l iiol.-:, T- CMA.ViifclU COMMERCE. Pi;hllM' ti v'i.v :t.f it'nil:io!'i aie the beat ever for home lu i . u .i. a" . if oj o n a vacant lot, i,'!.'r: un; : Is now krockiBi a: jour duor. mcj times are on tn ay and uli tnem vki'.; uaue l.i;,er pru a tt mat. r; . ai.d la ;or . come in ai.4 let ua a :inr yuu how t pro d 1 1 : our pr i m in . r rrjnr:i.f tiin and a : ia.ifl to mr l.naicia iv u,rnn:i.L ur .uTs Oak St. Vv.'V'I.L be ur;.r4-d at t ha na, plrk llll Ill L" 11V I'NIa, t.i..l ... j can S a n J l.oumr ,y t.a4.litti uii the li.a.; L pai t- liltrnt of ilAKTMAN A TMtMPa.N 1 4 : h j nd Mrk t i And you .u ue vur tims as to I'i)iiH-m. HcTMlS !s i i k oi.u. K.sy lVrmi, Sta our Iui.k.oni aii'l totui;!. all bUl.t-lll. IllOdulU (UUVtLKUCla, u.uy to mje. in I'MIJDKNSTOCK A.- LAKoN COH 1 i-T HioHJw). LAL KKLHL JiST SNAP Centra! part of l.aureili tn st. 1 bloi k Irom cur. - 1'iorki from Lnii i h urt 1'arW. my T-ro..:.t n-na, fii.v M'cniK-pu: c!i. w ti!t rnamei iii lioRwny Iintf.i h;rdwoi, in-ors, i. al of fixtures; -r t hint; rompNie-; ,an and s !ir uoh. I nil in; 1 1 11. ih :ivK-r s. jt'0, let ma. Lun. HLRtt Ja WULKiC MoNLV 'iALKs. Strictly nn'il-rn 5-roum bur c :o- - c S-,li. now si.-oo; one li-r. w i'. a .c porcJi, .n tie. t reir.ct-i a.Miui. ot ...4l.o. now $:ioo, l -d u-i, b.. i.i. e mig., no ati'iu. mut have i:iun- ;u ptoiwi 1 r k e tr. t-- rr.u A 1 ore a:-. a n. l.NS'ltAU or hutuin a.i owr ana then hav li. K to come lo u after U save ouriiC tho trout'le and let ua -no )u the ,reai est baraina in Rose City Para liorti to Lwn', un t ay tenths K.a.ty L'epl, of HAKIM AN At 1 HOUi'SuN- v4ih and Siara.. i LIST UP I'LiTrtAHLK HOs Ki ll lore buy:n be aure to A-oa, at our lit of brand new, cAquisit home in LAJJ KKLHL UT, tne auuuion of beautnul hunts, ranic in c f rcm .i0 up. Laurei h ursl Co., 2 10 Stark at., ur at tra:t of u m Laureihurst. K. 3bth and O.Imu eta. La no Ai n b.tLL. Modern rl-ue. rouim. lot rosloo feet. In Portsmouth liia, one blo k to car. fine neifehbot aood; prica --0. too lr. Lotur l II ARTM V N A THOMPSON 4th and Stark) PAYS 1 PER CENT. t"uilex r Mi'.cnvT ou We.t Side, f!ne Io cs t 'on . doub.e a ra;e ; sirl-'t .y modern, permanent kiimui p.t vir.t; $ 1 -o monthly. Pric? lu.loJ. M i:g. of ouo can re- " 'iuATtn A Wli:iHlCK. 2tS Stark St. f. 1 vl J N A N 1 ." A MONT H puts you in po!;eMn of new little tun pa low In Rof-e City park, near car; be our own laiuiotd atl jour money. Realty dtpL-lflAnTMA A THOMPSON iCor. 4:h and Mrk.l WHY PAY RENT? Have a-jme. of t!i l-et buy In city in inoiltrn l,'Mi,t's. f u ii lota. tetu--ted d: t u i not 1: 11. s dvw n, mor.t h i " meni like Vent; t.iaa clear lot- tmiih-Wagoner o , s.ock i.x. WILL u: for noihir.s down and pr month, hoime tht cost to build 1 . nd on two lots, eat h K'0.".o; lot ji coat was jjsi'O. Located near IVion: a i i ' Wi l "'l on t hen e.-ty terms f or I l.'.O. L. K. I ' a ! 1 e Co m i ;i ny. A b : r. t o n b . d . IttLVlTsNAP IN HEAUMONT. New b-rom ui-lo-t he-mmute home, nlco lawn, neair car. coat to bund $4000. not conmderinic lot. can be Iwuitht lor .;j..0; $'.oi iK handi. -10 Aoinf!on bldu- . FtR SALE Very attractive, 6-room. com pletely modern hoine on Wi.lametta lleitfhta: perfect condition ihroufaout ; coat isiiOO; will sell for -10lH. with cJa pavmeni of iluOO. bal . Rnee.and, lot T 1 tie Trust bid g. M arsnall " " n:o haroain. Modern house of tt rooms. In Portland HeiRhta, einl.ny view, quia; la 4ooo Ask Mr l.ehr a? HAiUMVN A THOMPSON 1 4 : h a n d Stark) yl A MONTH. .nclud.r.K inter t. 5 -room bun ua low : has hi ep.aoe. burl el, Dutch kitchen i.in !1 iiiao-; ready to move in, liore norchg; nice vtww of mounts nut price, only gJl.'.O. Callme. T:ibor a:A. " FOR SALIi. Account of leavin Portland will se:; veil-buiit 3-roo:n buiu.i!w on laree lot In Co, Itnaview. M-fl. - down. i0 par in o r.tn. C a:i Mitminil C.nOtf. Mol'KUN -rt.o:n hnue. leotr.cted district; S eepinaT porch, hardwood flO'r. tearinc tree and frui ; forced to s-.i quick; sea It una mka otT"r; smw.i pay menu ba.anca rssv tern.s. Tabor 2"o. UL S a miern hw-room Lunga l.rKo tre:-:ace. K"d baitinent. every convenience. men n.iut oe. o.u nine-f-.re ih price, .-ve attorney. il2 P.att b .1C. f' T particui.ir. LEAL tsNAP. ltandv UttV home; fruit. had ire-s, chtckens fc o with this piace, all for 57.v tr:-m. ls'4 Hallway Kx. j.liOoM liotn. 12 f. lota, nice icvrden. f;rt cisa well, ro water renl; 41"oo. tlt-Odown ci secunt iind 110 per month. See J. IL jv.iu, oa net. Chamber of Commerce. west" siiehome. iowntown pn ap. Modern, b roms clee-in, fine locat.on; brmse. 1 '-'-, carpets, all. $5otK. Terma Tab..r - l'OR SLE New. modern lH-tory bunca tow In Irvimcton; completa In tverjr q?taii; price 5Q. Phone E 4&4a. W 1 LL tuke Kood a.;to first pa inent new hoii.'. o blocks Jetferaon Hl.i. -J Co:n- mric.al block. si Y equity lu 2 acres. $4o0, 30 minaret.' ouu K,od soli, dose to car li ne. for a 00 a iut" mot-lie lH'T MIST aell my Rosa City Park buu:alow. terma. V wt. otgonlan. J- R00M ED house, pa rtly f urr. tslve-d. and :tme. .wner. n.'id e.a si. s. NEW modrn homes 1 or anl or rent. la fvloalua and Laurtiliursu iut ?.5a