TTTE SITXDAT OltEGONTAX. PORTLAND, JULY IS. 1915. OREGON BEACHES GAT WITH ROUND OF SOCIAL FUNCTIONS 1 - Gearhart Sees Departure of Soldiers With Feeling of Regret Red Cross Benefit Is Occasion for Gala Day. 7i ji i . ? .1 i ... . .h V v r- n v: V r. -i j .- Pwil . iS'yi - -liri L i T-n I v t : O---. J Zallrr. of Portland, who ! tht cht ?K! ' iMX! Tv4 U' , - r 1-' " ", i Keller', famllr will move Into the ' ' iAVTVft KA t ""t J IT- " bungalow at once, and Mr. w(U f b&UiiV iiit" I 1 , -r - i make week-end trlr to f'.earharu Tha fe? t 3 T, t 'T. . , ' - , . w , y ' . 2 modem convenlencea. It U of four 4 JS , "k f-" - . . " - , " 5 rooms. t- l'bz y T - . f ' v"v' ' Mr. and Mr. U. T. Green came down I'Vfc' -L. 1"-v''J, - "I ' Tuesday and are domiciled In the rew yr.&t. W fS n x '"7, J Beckman cottaire for the Summer. f " , 'V' - J. j .fC a--"" , - , r . v.'',' ' - - THRONG IS CAY AT SKASIDE EijiijSL&.,..' .. -..,-.,. f-r r rt--nun a 1 mini In 11 11 .1 1 n mi r 'irtii nAn ' 1 f ... - i4i G EARHART. Or.. July 17. (Spe cial.) Departure of the long line of olive brown-suited eoldler boya of the Third Regiment of the Oregon National Guard, who left Thursday morning on a special train for Port land to attend the Liberty bell cele bration, together with a few of the regular Army officers who were In structing the "boys." left Gearhart rather quiet and somber. The boys in Camp Jackson added .materially to the gayety of Gearhart during their 10 days' encampment, especially last Sat urday, when they reveled in the field sports. Governor AVithycombe came .down to view the sports, which took place in front of the hotel, close to the surf. The wall-scaling contests, races of various kinds and the drilling attracted virtually every cottager around Gearhart. They were lined up along the boardwalk, the beach and steps of the hotel. The following day the Guards had a regimental parade and band concert on the field adjoining their camp. Summer visitors from Seaside. Astoria and way points sur rounding Gearhart motored to the big field to view the parade and listen to the very excellent concert. Among the United States Army men attending the camp were Colonel James Jack son, for whom the camp has been named; Colonel Clenard McLoughlln. In command of the troops, and Lieu tenants T. R. Maghee and F. V. Schnei der, of the Twenty-first Infantry, Van couver Barracks. The camp's festivities closed with the military ball Monday night at the Hotel Moore for the officers and their friends. Yesterday was a gala day. In which the French Red Cross Society was the beneficiary. Under the direction of Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux a number of prominent matrons and maids of Port land made cakes from their choicest recipes and sent them down to Gear hart. Mrs. David T. Honeyman gave the use of her cottage for the sale and cottagers eager to avail themselves of the opportunity to purchase delicious cakes and at the same time help a worthy cause, flocked to the Honeyman residence early in the afternoon to get the pick of the cakes and cookies. It Is probable the cake sale will be re peated In August, as this is the first time that the French Red Cross So- .cj. ua uaa any anair to secure xunas in Portland, and the unique method of raising funds to carry 011 their work appeals to society folk. ine druggists- convention. which was held recently in the Gearhart Ho tel, was a notable event. The commit- iee in cnarge, neaded by James Me Donald, kept the members of th .nn vention moving and amused every mo ment. Tnere were bonfire parties. 1 il """wucia. uances and an causing ceieoration in which nreworKS played a prominent rart The boulevard to Seaside has beefl fnmnlAfi1 n .4 -. j..-.. iui many mnes between uomart ana Portland, although the """" iaes ine motorist through the .Nebalem Valley for a shnrt By the middle of August motnrit iimu" be able to come all along the Columbia on the highway, making it one of the most delightful methods of transpor tation to and from the beach. The new 18-hole a-olf mnr. i Jng a delight to golf enthusiasts, who follow their sport by a dip in the surf ur a swim in me natatorium. ana Mrs. George A. Marshall and children arrived Friday night and -us uuimcuea in tnelr cottage for the Summer. Mi3s Margery Hoffman and Harold ells were guests of Mrs. C. Henry Davis, Jr.. last week. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burke passed the week at Gearhart Hotel. Right Rev. Walter T. Sumner also wis a week-end patron of the Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray Sher wood came down to pass a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Miss Isabella Gauld who has been the guest of Mrs. William Robeson for several days, returned to Portland Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alma T. Katz also re turned to Portland Monday niaht. after a delightful week's visit as the hou.e guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Adams. Miss Dorine Wyld was a house guest of Miss Nadine Caswell during the week. She will accompany her parents shortly to California for several weeks. Frederick R. Strong passed the week with his family in the Westcott cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. David T. Honeyman 2 oet y5v" and children were among the arrivals the latter part of the week and are domiciled in their cottage for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Leiter and chil dren who have been occupying their cottage on the beach front since May, returned to Portland Saturday night. They were accompanied by Mrs. O. C. Leiter and son Ted, who passed the week at the Leiter cottage. Representative C. N. McArthur came down Thursday to Camp Jackson, In specting the regiment. Mrs. Frank M. Warren, two children and nurse arrived the middle of the week and will pass a fortnight at the Gearhart Hotel. Colonel James Jackson. U. S. A.. Is passing several days at the hotel dur ing the encampment of the O. N. Guards. Lieutenant F. V. Schneider, of the Twenty-first Infantry, Vancouver Barracks, who was one of the in structors at camp, passed the week end as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Huber. H. J. Frank came down the latter part of the week to Join the Druggists' Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Dugald. W. L. Mac Gregor and children arrived on Thurs day and will occupy the Sanborn cot tage on the beach front for the re mainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Lewis came down Friday to pass the week end as house guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis. Mrs. Morris H. Whitehouse. who was a guest of Mrs. C. H. Davis. Jr.. for a fortnight, will return to Portland tonight. Mr. Davis Is en route to San Francisco, and upon his return he will pass several weeks at his attractive cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Summers- and baby are occupying the W. L. Morgan cottage for several weeks. Russell Smith and Alexander Mac Leod, of New Tork. arrived Saturday and were domiciled In the Mansfield cottage awaiting the arrival of Mr. Smith's sister. Mrs. James Zan. who has leased the cottage for the remain der or the bummer. Howard Charlton arrived Saturday for a weeek-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wlllliam Robeson. Mrs. George A. Marshall entertained about 20 of the cottagers at a pretty tea Saturday afternoon at her attrac tive cottage on Ocean avenue. Samuel HofTheimer, of Pittsburg. Pa ls the house guest of his sister, Mrs, Samuel Rosenblatt, at Gearhart for several days. Mrs. Flora H. Bettman of Cleveland, Ohio, is also visiting Mrs. Rosenblatt for a few weeks. Miss Iphagine Maloney, who attended the rent convention of the Kappa Al pha Thetas at the hotel, remained for a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. Jo nah-B. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly and fam ily are domiciled in their cottage for the fcummer. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and children are recent arrivals at Gearhart. They have opened the Stewart apartments for the season. Donald R. Mucro was a week-end visitor of Mrs. Frank Warren and Miss Frances Warren. The Munro children are passtng the month of July with the Warrens. Judge C. U. Gantenbein was a vis itor at Gearhart Hotel for several days last week. He particularly enjoyed the encampment, devoting most of his stay here to Camp Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bruce, of Idaho, with their family, are summering In their cottage in the meadow. Lieutenant and Mrs. J. Feldman were week-end visitors at Gearhart Hotel. Mrs. R F. Lytle and Miss Doris Ly- tie were dinner guests at the hotel Sunday. Harry M. Kerron. of Portland. passed Sunday at Gearhart with James NicolL Mrs. H. L. Mersereau and son. Eg bert Mersereau. enjoyed a brief visit at Gearhart Hotel last week. Robert Krohn. physical director of the public schools, was a week-end visitor at Gearhart with his family. Miss Leslie Smith Is visltlnir at the Smith cottage, which is being occu pied by Mr. Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs. Charles Rosenfeld is entertain ing several Eastern visitors, among them Mrs. Miller and Miss Wise. Miss Eulth Mihnos and brother. Frank Mihnos. are visiting In Gear hart for the season. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Burns and the Mlsse Helen and Irene Burns, of Spokane, have leased Mrs. Henrv Mc. Craken's bungalow for the Summer. Mrs. McCraken and Mrs. George C. Mason and children returned to town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Galland and children and nurse, of Spokane, with Mrs. L. Hexter, arrived the latter part of the week and will pass several weeks at Gearhart Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hellbrun and daugh ter are also recent arrivals who will pass a few weeks at the hotel. R. C. F. Astbury. of Medford. Or., who has been Wintering in Portland at the Waverly Club, arrived early In the week and will pass the Summer at Gearhart Hotel. Harriet were house guests of Mrs. Oskar E. Huber during the week. Mrs. C. Henry Davis entertained Fri day night at dinner, her guests Includ ing several of the cottagers: Mrs. James A. Dougherty. Mrs. C. Edward Grelle. Mrs. Charles Whitley and Mrs. Morris H. Whitehouse. Among the Porelanders who visited Gearhart and registered at the hotel during the past week were: Miss Gladys Mack. Raymond R. Smith. V, A. Cochran. W. F. Kichter. L. B. Aris- tene. W. D. Walker. B. E. Jones. G W. Keefer. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Crocker, E. A. Hollenhead, T. J. Hacon. J. C. Hanson. A. Q. Johnson. M. Kruger, Mrs. Holland, W. A. Johnson. Miss V. L. Blaser. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Waite. Miss Margaritta Emerson. Aruzal Samuels Bickerton. T. S. Townsend, Mrs. R. F. Lytle and William Worwlck. Out-of-town patrons were: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Don, of Don. Wash., and Miss J. L. Don; Mrs. R. M. Jonas and son. of Dayton. Wash.: William L. Ferdon, San Francisco; P. J. Lynch, Astoria: E. B. Leasy. San Francisco: H- C. Morris. Walla Walla: Walter T. Brown, Wllsonville. Or.: Martin Rosen baum. C. L. Hooper, San Francisco; C H. Griffith. Seattle: Mrs. T. H. Hart don, Mary Elizabeth and Suran Ha ra don and Dr. J. Collin. Central Point. Attending tne pharmacists conven tion were D. E. Crutchcr. Mr. and Mim. H. F. Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. A Lane. Ralph De Lano, William F. Kichter. Joseph E. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. E. It Wllliston. Mr. and Mrs. James Valen tine. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Marsh, ot Wasco; Miss Genevieve Dean. Ml sit Genevieve Miller, Professor and Mrs. C. M. McKellips. L. O. Woodworth, of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hal McNair. of; Miss Allen and J. A. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hynd and child. H. E. Dra per, J. D. Guiss. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Ketche son. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sawyer. Lee Bradcn. Stanley Ha, mell. J. T. Thompson. Leon B. Haskine. of Medford; Frank S. Wurd. of Salem: J. Lee Brown, of Marshfiold; Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Farr, of Astoria; Ross W. Plummer. Mrs. Guy Talbot arrived Tuesday to pass the remainder of tne bummer at Mr. and Mrs. Graham Glass and J her cottage with her family Graham Glass, Jr., who have been pa trons of the hotel for a week, returned to town Tuesday. They rame back to Gearhart yesterday and will occupy their new and pretiy cottage for the Summer. Misses Gladys Dunne. Clara Qulnn, Ella Copeland and C. F. Blecha. of Walla Walla, passed Tuesday at Gear hart Hotel. Mrs. James A. Dougherty and Son Jack, and the former's lster. Mrs. Charles Whitley, and children, of Salt Lake City, and Timothy Kinney, ar rived Thursday and will pass the Sum mer In their attractive cottage on the ocean front. Mrs. Otto Breyman and. daughter Miss Laura Smit': and nieces. Eliza beth and Mary Louise Zan. arrived Tuesday for a short visit at the Mans field cottage. Mrs. Kan will Join tn-sm in a few days and Miss Smith will re turn to Portland with her bro-her. Ruxscll Smith. Mrs. Vincent Cook and niece. Martha White, were alpo arly arrivals of tho week, coming down Tuesday to pass several days at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Holman, who aie contemplating building a beach liomc, spent Tuesday and- Wednesday it the hotel. Inspecting the various sec'ionx of Gearhart. -Edelweiss I the rnms of a new bungalow whioii has Just been corn- Man y Attractions Draw Crowds and Make Het-ort Popular. High tides and tremendous breakers have kept the beach lined up each day with Interested spectators, as July has rarely ever recorded such a huge surf. Flood tides and enormous breakers have tempted devotees of surf-bathing to lake frequent dips, many of them tak ing several each day. Even the tiny tots, scarcely 3 years old. are Impatient for the bathing hour to .arrive, so they can tumble about In the smaller breakers. The beaches show signs of long Summer. Many persons are planning to return to town for a few days to pre pare for a trip to the San Francisco fair and then return to rest up at their cottages or the hotels later In the sea son. The beach frequenters are enter taining many visitors en route to or from the fair from various parts of the country, many of whom are viewing the Pacific Coast for the first time. Gearnart's encampment, with Its T20 soldiers of the Oregon National Guard, has added to the social atmosphere ot this resort. The roller-skating rink was patronised by large numbers of the boys, who skated merrily. They also patronised .the shooting galleries, ex celling In this particular diversion: the motion-picture houses and the baseball courts. Monday night the officers and many of their friends and relatives motored over to attend the grand ball for which Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Moore were hosts. In the attractive grill. The room was prettily decked with flags and stream ers of the red. white and blue, com blned with artistic baskets of garden flowers placed In sconces on the walls Mr. and Mrs. Jay March Fetters enter tained the assemblage with an exhlbi tlon of their specialties in the modern dancing, and a collation was served in the big dining-room overlooking the ocean. The guests strolled out In the rustic gardens back of the hotel, which were lighted brilliantly for the occa slon with streamers of red and white electric lights. A number of the cot tagera summering In Gearhart were also invited to the ball, as well i many of the younger set In Seaside. The previous Saturday afternoon the Third Infantry band. In compliment to Mr. Moore, who Is a retired Major of tht- National Gumd. n the lawn in front of the hotel and gave a dolighlful concert. Later they mere uela of Mr. and Mrs. Moore for lunch eon. Onu uf the most Interesting recent events In the Natatorium was the ex hibition r.f clown antics and ffwlramlng races, directed by Frofesnor H. L. Lud wlg. In the ::'-yard rsco Jack Wrlg'-t came in first, with William Kinney. -f Astoria, a close second. The Juver.ilo race was won by Benjamin Ferguson. There were tub raced, nightshirt races and trapeze performances, as well as fancy diving. Mr. Ludwlg f-.-rther en tertained the numerous spectators with several of his "101" swimming stunts, which were roundly applauded. The cottage colony is rapidly grow ing, each week bringing late beachers to enjoy the pleasures of this resort. One of the latest cottages on the board walk to be occupied Is that of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson, who arrived Fri day with the Junior Thompson family. They will remain for the Summer. On the north boardwalk the Lewis cottage ha-a been opened and Is being occupied by the James O'Shea family of Portland. They motored down from Portland and are devotees of the motor car. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Clark, the tat ter's children and father. R. M. Dooly, arrived early In the week and are domi ciled In the Sans Soucl cottage In Iler mosa Park for the balance of this month. Maurice Dooly passed the week-end with them. Other guests who arrived earlier In the week for several days' visit are Mrs. Sheik, of Linn ton. sister of Mr. Clark, and her wintering In Lewlslon. Idaho, was a guest of her aunt. Mrs. Joseph M. Smith, last week, and Is planning to return shortly for a longer visit. Mrs. W. K. Smith also waa a guest of her son and daughter last week. Mrs. George Kldwell Is a house guest of Mrs. Sidney C'oyle for several dsys. Mrs. T. IL Edwards psssed a couple of days last week ct the Necanlcum Inn. returning on Tuesday to North Beach, where she 4s summering. Mrs. E. E. Heckbert and family are occupying the breymin cottage for the sea ton- Mi mb Nellie Reldt has Joined her fam ily at the lrvlngton cottage and will remain for the season. Mfks Gladys Anderson, who recently graduated from Dana Hall, is the-uest f the A. L Barbur family In their cot tage here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lewis stopped orr for a day In Seaside last week en route to their home in Ecola, where they 111 psss the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. lienjtmin iseusiaaier. who are passing a few weeks at Gear hart Hotel, entertained a rarty or friends at luncheon at the Hotel Moore on Monday. Covers were laid for Solo mon Harts and Miss lrma L. Harts. Mrs. J. D. Meyer. Selma Meyer. Flora Rosenblatt. E. Beck. Leon Sweet of Salt Luke City, and Mrs. J. V. Levy, who Is summering In i.earhart. A party of Salem residents passed Sunday and Monday at the Hotel Moore. Th r Included W. E. Klltner and Miss Lizzie Klltner. O. K. Spaulding. Ida Spauldlng. Mr. and Mrs. W. I- Spauld ing, Mrs. J. P. Metzger and Miss Mar aaret Metzger. Mrs. J. Bushnell Is enjoying a few weeks visit at the beach In a cottage on Seventh street North Mrs. M. Bloom and family are at the Del Mar cottage for a brief visit One of the cottages In Godfrey Park houses A. M. Conover and family. H. D. Andrews and family also are In the colony sojourning at Godfrey Park. Mrs. H. H. Blynn Is domiciled in a cottage at Cartwrlght Park Mrs. M. W. Dunham Is In the Willena cottage. Hermosa Park. Mrs. W. 1-1 Lewis, of Dayton. Or., and Mrs. W. L. Fraley are occupying Ninth-avenue cottage for the season. Maywood cottage la the domicile of Miss Mary Healy. Mr. and Mrs. IT, IL Jones and family, of Walla Walla, are here In a pretty cottage for the Summer Miss Edith Keith Is In the Rake cot tage on the boardwalk for a brief visit. I . Lee Clyderonloua Is among the "sea side Summer visitors. Miss Ruth Searcey. of Pendleton, is In the Marlon cottage. Mrs. S. P. Taylor and daughter are recent arrivals who are summering in a cottage In the ' Brlg-y-Don" Is Mrs. Ed-sard A. West and family. Mrs. James C. Zancker Is among the new eottasrer.H on Second avenue. Among thofe who arrived during, the pnst week at Locktley Hall were: John E. Jones. Elgin. S. A. Thompson, Great Falls: Dr. ard Mrs. S. P. F. Cook, of GlouceKter. Mass.: Mrs. L. Went worth nd lnelnsr Weniworth. of Boston. Me.; Ir. and Mrs. R. S. Ellsworth, of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Moorls, Sacramento. Cal.". Mi's Lones Stephano. St. Paul: F. S. French. Portland; F. N. Graves. Corvallls: James L Arno. Chi cago: P. S. Archibald. Tacoma: Mrs. H. P. Goddard. Gladys L. and Maude G. Goddard. with the latter's nurse, of Walla Walla, who have come down for the season. Mrs. Lome King and son Forbes King, of Forest Grove, are passing a couple of weeks at the Hall. Portland people who were at the Hotel Moore during the week, some of whom are plannlrg to remain for sev eral weeks. Included: J. C. McVav. J. T. Smith. David Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Davis and baby. J G. Bvkett. B. Wortendyke. E. F. Sims. w. W. S-hroedor. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Flelseh man, Mr and Mrs. W. P. Plperbrluk and guest. Miss Sol ma Plperbrlnk. ef Milwaukee. Wis.: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Thompson. Graham Glass. Jo.-eplrve O'Leary. C. R. Richards. S. K. Gartrd. George Lclthoff. Paul H. Eveleth. Jo sephine Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hol llsler. F. T. Sheldon. W. R. Harris. Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed. E. L. Ixck two attractive children. Miss Barbara Lartlclt, who baa been, wood. M. L and K, E. O'Connor. C M. Huntiriton. K. K. MrClure. C. Hart. John F. Connolly. Frederick Ssnioire. P. N Mendelsohn. J. C. Ilsnson. PbuI C. Morton. R. M. Moody. Maude Lamar. C. R. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lamery. Out-of-town visitors registered were: Jsmes M. Ingersoll. Pocatello. Idaho: Florence A. Ralston and James V. Rals ton. Columbus. ..: Mrs. F. Cardwell and daughter and Mrs. Hugh H. Card well and son. of Pomeroy, Wash.; Mrs. , i . . - . . . . . . W . . . - . . Atice Ly i a. oiinx, vj . ju. r lie. -n- cater. Pa.: W. W. Crittenden. J r Se attle. Mr. aitd Mrs. A. U Brown. Astoria; M. R. Pomeroy and H. L. Sintthson. Astoria; Miss G. St. Clair and sister, festtle: George White and John Mereta. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. For strom. Mrs. Korlnan. Captain Tonnls- sen. H. B. Letnenweber. Astoris: Susie M. Smith, Bess L. Pettlnger and Olive F. Gill, of Cleveland. O.: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Reede. Couer d'Alene. Idaho; Mrs. A. A. Brown and Flora C. Brown. Seattle: E. Harmon and W. A. Sprague. Warrenton; R. M. Dunlap. W. Potter. Seattle: O. E. Guernsey. Mrs. W. 11. Newton and E. W. Newton, of S;okane; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wood. Denver; Mr. and Mrs. W. 11 Moi'orniack. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wentworth. Sno ksne; R. C. Brigas. Seattle; A. Dally. Oregon City: F. L. Howell, Seattle; C N . Abercromble. Tacoms; Mrs. M. T. Oatneld and M. J. Oatrteld. Milwaukee: . T. Nalthle. Carter. Mont.: Eugene Pattberg. Jersey City. N. J.; Mrs. A. 1 Cokes. Cleveland. O: Marie Markert. St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Zim merman. Spokane. Colonel James Jackson. U. S. A., retired, passed Sunday at Hotel Moore. Mrs. F. C. Baker, of Portland. U a visitor at the Hotel Moore and will remain for several weeks. Captain and Mrs. Gordon Voorhles were late arrivals last week and are occupying the Blddle cottage for sev eral weeks. with the Voorhles and Blddle children. Mr. and Mrs. E. I Cooper were week-end visitors at Seaside, remain ing until Wednesday. E. J. T. Hoffmann, architect for the new Union High School to be erected in Seaside, Is psssing a few weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Henry, of Pasa dena. Cal., formerly of Portland, ar rived Wednesday and have opened their attractive cottage on the board walk for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler and family, of Walla Walla, have taken the Buena Vista cottage for the sea son. Master Alexander Rustles Gilbert, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luke, of Portland, for a montn. returned Isst week to Seaside, where he will be for the balance of the Sum be r. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllsm Shephsrd have opened their cottage In Hermosa Park for the Summer. N'ecanicum Inrt Is remodeled and re furnished, and is most attractive this year. The gardens are a mass of beau tiful blooms, and the addition of large porches makes the Inn more Inviting and much cosier than before. Among those who have recently visited there are: Mrs. W. A, Brat ton. Robert and Jesn Bratton. who will be there for several weeks; Mips Ida Moore, of Winchester: F. F. Haradon. Portland: V. O. De Long. Mrs. W. F. Ramsey. Ruth P. Bradford and Violet B. Waslabend, of Astoria; Lindaley Ross: Julia L. Palmer. Eva Ingerson. of Wlllamlria. Or.; Mrs. P. Kidgeway. Miss Blanche Stevens. Mrs. John Quin Inn, Spokane: Mrs. George A. Loveland, Lincoln, Neb.. Is j'ussing evcral weeks at the Inn Mrs. Eloise York and children, of Portland, arrived last week to pa.-s the Summer in Seaside In their cot taite. Major and Mrs. A. A. Cabaness, who are among the reaular Summer rert denta on thla beach, have opened their pretty home on the West Side, and will pass the Summer there. They hav been wtntertns. 1; Southern California. Miss Melbu Williams, who has been the bouts guest of Miss Helen Down ing for a week, returned to Portlsnd and will visit there tor a few days be fore going to her home In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Hanon are en terl:;!r.imr a partv of friends at their cultatj" for a. few weeks. Including