V 1) THE WHEELDON AKNEX. loth and btlmos SLa. Is quiet, ular. wei refined, cleans iaf. Don 1 known and of the bignest lauuiug. houn of tee. ftoi me cneapeal Lui a quality, comlort and serv- Month. 3u to -t"iO 45 to 63 65 to BO 16 and up Week. 1U up 16 up lit) up 5 up Day. f up 2.5U up U.uu up 1.00 up 2 - room. 3- room. 4- room. Koomi . , THE CROMWELL, Sth and Columbia fits. S mln. walk to Meier A Frank store' nice surrouuclings J oat the thing- for Summer- strictly modern 2 and 3 - room furnished apis., all outside, with Frencn doors and balconies. Day. Week, Month. . Rates reasonable. Marshall C198. VILXA 8T. CLARA. 11 ill and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; turni&hed complete. Hoof garden In connection. "Walking distance. Kererencea. SEKKNB COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah Sta. The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur nished and unf urni.Ued apartment-house; each suite has uiaappeanng beds, two dressing-rooms; all ouLside rooms, roof garden, sun parlor; rent up. Hi. 14i-J. THE ALTAMONT. Filth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments; reuls reasonable. Also bachelor apartments. Heal, water, phone and Janitor service Included. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silver are. private pnone and bath, steeping porch; nearest tile Union Depot of East tide apartments. 2S5 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sis. East olTJ. ONLY $18 to 3f2i per month or $5 to $7 per week, completely furnisned housekeeping two-rooin apis.. Including electric llgnts, beat, hot waler, bath, private phone new brick blag., 15 minutes from P. O. Lincoln Apts.. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 41oX ELK APARTMENTS. E. 34TH AND 13KLi.-u.NT 8TS. 2 AND 3-HUOM SLUES; AIRY BATH, HOT AND COLD WATER; KENTS .RE DUCED. PHON E TAB OR 846. lONlAJJ COLHi; ISth and Couch. 8 emd 4-room apartments, large, runny rooms, all outside, on vale bath and tele phone in each; central. to $35. CHESTERBURT Hotel and Apartments. Dining-room in connection. 20th and Kearney. Marshall 784. A 4458. JEFFERSO.MAN APARTMENTS. X8tb and Jefferson. 3 front rooms. 2 beds. modern, walking distance. Slo. e Ii.002o.ti and bath, nicely furnished, $27. Apply manager, tiili Kearney si. U'nlurniahed Apartments, COMFORT! ACCESSIBLE! REASONABLE RENT! All these features and many more are Included in these apartments. Rent where you get the most for your money. THE BELLE COURT, Trinity Place, near Washington. THE HANOVER, King st. and Wash., nuar 22d. THE liEKYL. 695 Lovejoy si., near 21st. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, with all the modern, up-to-date conveniences. Look at these buildings today. Better your living- conditions. Call at buildings or phone THE FRE1J A. JACOBS CO., (MANAGERS; Main 6S69. 20'J VVasn. &t. A 1777. TWO 6-room modern flats for rent, unfur nished, nice and clean. Just having been painted and tinted througnout; 5 minutes walking distance; rent very reasonable, includes hot and cold waler. Janitor serv ice, etc.; also has fireplace; to see these fiats, call at 043-501 Washington street. For further particulars call at tne office ot PAKH1SH, WAT KINS at CO., lOo Second su LUCRET1A COURT on Lucretla St.. 100 feet north of 23d and Wash., most beautifully located high-class apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, all large outside rooms. 2 apartments newly furnished; prices reasonable; references required; see them before locating. Manager. Mar alial" 1518; RENT reduced $15 to $18; neatebt apart ments ou East Side; private bath and phone in eacli apartment; no children; brick feullding. thoroughly modern. Waver ly Court, East 2otn and Clinton eta. Waveriy-Richmond cars. 705 DAVIS ST.. Head of King St. Most modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-room unfurnisued apart ments. MODERN family fiat. 5 rooms and sieeplng porch. West Side. 10 minutes' walk Post oxxice. Sth at., near Jackson. Mam 7oti5, A 66UL HANTHORNE APARTMENTS. 251 12th St. Unfurnished apartments, modern in every respect; close in. first-class service; each apartment has a private balcony. 25 10TH ST.. near Clay. 5 large rooms, oak floors, front veranda, sieeping-porch, range, refrigerator, heat, hot water, strict ly modern, just completed. STEVENS APT., 6 large outside rooms, front and back, private porches, heat, hot water and phone. 791 Northrup, near 24th. KOSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, iirst-ciass service, private pnone; ref. BRUCE APT3.. 260 N. 25th 6 rooms; ve randa, hardwood floors, steam heat, phonee q n H i.nime Main 41111M A :mth -KOOM apt., all outside rooms. 666 Flan ders, large front and back porches. i-ioo Hill district. Call Main t25x. KKELER APTS., 14th andClay ele. Now Is the time to secure high-grade permaikent apartments; references. Mar. 5753. 2-ROOM strictly modern apartments; new brick buildings, all modern conveniences, at special Summer rates. 355 Chapman. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders! Large, light 5. 6-r. reas. M. 7516. A 2076. 6-RM. apt., 8 bedrooms, outside ran.. 2 porches, hardwood floors, refs. Mar. 1758. $63 FLANDERS. 6-room apt.; sleeplngporch. every convenience, low rent. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson. 8, 4. S rooms, reasonable. Mar. 3:io0, A 2676. THE LEONARD 3-room apartments, heat, phone, bath, water. 665 East Main. Furnished or tln.uraisned Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCEU : 813-S21 Morgan bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our 'free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beus. built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room. vacuum cleaner frea. Phone Marshall 2961. HIGHLAND COURT APIS., 2i'D AND GLISAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. In city, furn.shed and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3248. B U F.N A VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest aparimeni-nouse on pacific Coast; beautiful location, strictly modern, walk in gdisunceeferentttS. M. .1091, M 1052. ' kinujsburtJ 1S8 Vista ave., olf Washington st. 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished; high-class neighborhood; best of service; reasonable. THE ROYAL ARMS. lth and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-oate apts. in Portland; hardwood floors balconies, eta.'; all rents moderate; 1 2-roona, $17. 60; 1 l-room, $30. Marshall 6811, GRACE APARTMENT, 24th and Northrup; 5 large unfurnisned rooms, sleeping porca and all modern conveniences; one 3-room furnished apartment. MaTshall lo79. KOSENFELD APTS. 14tb and East Stark Brick bldg. and strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apts., large rooms, private phone in each apt.; reasonable rent: reference.. SHEFFIELD Apartments. 270 Broadway ( blocks to business center; best location in Portland; furnished and unfurniehed; ail rents reduced. Main 2506. A S14V. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TO.Na. 49-oJ TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110L THE ORMONDE; 6-room apts.. furnished and unfurnishea; 656 Fianuera, Noo ti.ul. M. 8251. CHETOPA APTS. 18th and Flanders 2. 3 and 4-room apts., furnished or unfur nished. Main 880. 4 AND fi-roc-, apts. with sleeping porches. 1S5 E. 15th.. .near Yamhill st. THE WINDSOR 2. S and 4 beautiful rooms. furnished or not. E. 14th and Yamhill. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st 3 snd 4 rooms; high class; references. Main 2o58- REX ARMS ISth and E. Morrison : 2 and $ roome: Summer rates; modern service. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts! veryresT aonable, 713 Wash., opp. 22 (i. sdaln 7134, MODERN PLATS tlftr.rt i vn tti E. "th and Hancock. Irvington. 5 and 6 rooms hardwood floors, Boynton furnace. 2 blocks Broadway car, walking distance. Gordon. E. 6th and Broadway. E. 356. SMALL FLATS. nnd 4-room flats, steam beat. East and West Side, good location, low Sum mer rents. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 N. " Bank bldg. Marshall -4114. A-4118. SUNNTSIDE FLAT, o-room, in 2-family flat building, gas range, linoleum, heat and Janitor serv L.e, furnished, porch and yard. Tabor S1S8. 126 E. 34th. FOR RENT, FLAT Exceptionally well-kept almost new upper flat. 4 rooms, den and sleeping-porch, fine location; $21. Includ ing water, phone, garbage. 303 Monroe, near Union. nOB HILL, upper fiat, furnace, fireplace. gas ramie, hardwood floors, select neigh borhood. 254 North 25th, corner North- ren. WEST SIDE 6-room lower flat; furnace w-ith hot-water coll, fireplace, tubs, faces south; 725 Kearney: $25. Phone C 8002 mornings or evenings. MODERN 6-room flat, cor. E. 10th and Hai eey, iarffe yeranda, furnace, fireplace, gas range, linoleum, open air bedroom. Holmes diaappearlng bed. Main !Su8 forenoons. $18.50 AND $21 See Gordon E Oth and Broadway E. 35G) about these modern G-room flats, near Union ave. and Broad- way. waiKing distance. FLAT, 4 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, gas range, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, linoleum on kitchen and bath. 268 W E. 30th st. Tabor 2236. MODERN family flat. 6 rooms and sleeplng porch; West Side. 10 minutes' walk Post office. Sth st. near Jackson. Main 7065. A 6561. UPPER or lower new mortem flat. In cluding heat and water; $--J.50 (adults). J-2-4 E. Taylor. fi'' I'lVE rooms and bath, gas range, lino leum in kitchen, free phone and water. E. 20th and Sandy blvd. Phone East 42". $12 A MONTH .Vewtijr tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Wood. awn 202. UPPER 6-room flat in Nob Hill district, with yard; 780 Johnson. Main 7S20, A 1 6S'.. 6 ROOMS Modern, very desirable, perfect .-......mi. Kig i inKe, garage. r.ast l in MODERN C-room fiat; also s-rooui house. Inquire 175 16th st. FLAT of 0 rooms and bain. 733 Hoyt St. Inquire l'lO cth st. Phone Main 627S. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, n-ur City Park reasonable. Main 3833. A 2676. 4-ROOM FP.OXT APARTMENT Xlce .rd. fireplace. Woodiawn 1U45. 10 MODERN 4-ROOM-FLAT Clean. light rooms; 628 E. Main. Phone East t97. 7 AND 0-room modem flat; rent cheap. I2a and Mill. 430 Mill. Msln 4018. t2 5-room lower; furnace. gas range water heater. 6!0 Marshall, cor. 20th st. THREE-ROOM basement fiat, very cheap. Inquire 275 14th. cor. Jefferson. MODERN S and 6-room flat, very reasonable, corner 16th and Everett- 3-ROOM fiat and bath, rent $; adults only. fcST E. Main it 5-ROOM lower; modern, near Broadway and steel bridge. 251 Halsey. 5" A-N"D C-ROOM FLATS New and modern! very reasonable; West Side. A 4798. 4 ROOMS, ground floor, gas, baths, large yard. West Side. 497 Market St. 5 ROOMS and hath, steam heat, walking aHtance. 307 11th, near Columbia. SIDE $27.50. 208 14th. 8-room modern flat. East ;r,0L $20 E. BURNSIDE, cor. 12th, modern flat! o rooms. East 2301. Furqlhhed Flats. - MODERN C-room flat, neatly fur nished, newly painted and tinted. 20414 ireio' frontlng river; beautiful location; j ......... 3 main, to union iiepot NICELY furnished flat, five rooms, with piano; centrally located: rent to two adults; two rooms rented. AD 949 Ore- jronlan. ' . FULLY furnished 4-room fiat, one block from union ave.; piano, sewing machine, garage, water heat and garbage removal included. Call East 4708. !' 3 ROOMS. $22 5 rooms. New. clean, modern, sleeping porch; completely fur nished. 672 H Mill. Main 6447. 3! COZY flat for 2. furnished, sleeping porch, private bath, walking distance. East 5043. 669 Belmont. 4-ROOM flat. chicken park. water and V'-!' Ble'pins Pri;n; $lo month. East o-ROOM furnis'ied fiat, hardwood floors tiled bath. sleeping-porch, fireplace; adults. Mar. lall 5300. NEWLY furnished 6-room Hat, walking dis tance, est bide, reasonable rent. Main 302O. 6-ROOM furnished lower flat, 783 Hoyt. Plione Main 544U. 3 - ROOM modern furnished f.at, private bain, beautiful yard. Sellwood 70S. f: NEW modern 4-room furnished fiat, porch, walking distance. 5ti! Market. MODERN i or 6-room furnished flat, g East 12 th st North. Marshall 77. A 71 2 L 5-P.GOM furnished flat, garage, piano, heat. water, phone. East 20U3. MOliEliN furnished fo..-room flat, water nnd phone flee: Mount Tabor. Tabor 171. $17.0(1 bath. - FOUR rooms, finely furnished. built-in buffet. Phone East 7128. 4-ROOM modern, newly kalsornined. private bath. 383Jsa.gbjksBdwy. bridge. $16. 1" FIVE rooms furnished except dTshes and bedding. 188 East 45th; nice yard. FURNISHED LOWER FLAT " Call S-!lwood 1943. ELEGANTLY furnished. $2t. Janitor service, heat, phone. North 23d. Marshall 2'.i4.i. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat. free heat. FINELY furnished. 5 rooms and bath, steam heated, walking distance. ;ir7 11th. Housekeeping Rooms. $1 TO $2.50 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable fur 2 or 4 ; gas. free heat, laundry, bath, yard. East 6o39. 406 Vancouver. 2o3 Stanton. "U" car. NICE suites of 1-2-2 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 Killlngs- worth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low reni Phone C 1337. ONE single H. K. room and 2 rooms with kitchenette, bath, phone, light, free. 410 Jefferson. FOUR unfurnished rooms, first fioor light, water and telephone. $12 per month; near Portland Heights carline. Tel. Mar. 5;os. FURN I SH E D su t teeof l72 and 4 rooms at 244t KJllingRortb ave.; low rent. Phone Woodiawn 6s0. A 4144. Marshall 206. THE COLONIAL. 165 10th Light house keeping suite, first floor; running water maid service; phone. ' THE LENDORA. 225 11th Clean u it. rooms and other rooms; walking distance: reasonable. G1LM AN HOTEL. 1st ai.d Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge MOg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 401 E. MORRISON Furnished one and two room housekeeping apts.; reasonable. ROYCREST. 175 12thConvenient sultesand single h. k. rooms; use of piano. lloupekeepinc llooms in PrUate Family. $5 MONTH, nicely f urnished"-rooms," house keeping sleeping; walking distance. 44 East 7ln. TWO large front housekeeping rooms bath o2Vs clayf St. TWO newly papered h. k. rooms, very con venient. cheap. 312 Main st. 50 MONTH Beautiful front room with g.-is range. See today. 115 N. 23d. ERY reasonable, furnished h. k basement ro3m, walking distance. 71 K. 11th st. X. THREE large housekeeping rooms, lower lloor. with yard. 490 E. Oak st. LARGE clean front housekeeping room 114 single. 8. 2-6 12th st. 1 OR 2 rooms with kitchenette; all modern conveniences. Marshall 4410. 4g4 Taylor. FRONT suite housekeeping rooms, water in rooms, large yard, reasonable. 405 W. Park. LARGE room, completely furniehed for light housekeeping; no children. 266 12tbl NEWLY furnished 2-room apt., everything modern. Cail r,2q Hail. Mar. 3292. 3-P.OOM housekeeping suites, cool, clean. cozy; walking distance. VI. 1929. 13 E. 7th. CHEAP H. K. suite, one $12. $10. $3 per month. 411 4th st. ONE cosy suite of housekeeping rooms, first floor; all conveniences. 400 Market. THREE furnished housekeeping) rooms 30 East 8th North; large yard and phone. SUITES and single rooms, also sleeping rojms; Summer rates. 409 E. Salmon st. TWO single H. K. rooms-t188 14th St. Low rent for one, for Ijght .services. TWO front downstairs h. k. rooms; bath gas range, phone: $10 month. 446 E. Oak! NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, light, bath ar.d phone. $1.60 up. 400 2d. TWO large, light housekeeping rooms in private family, close In. 614 E. Oak st. FRONT room $1.75 week, free rooklnc gas. ele-trlc!ty, phone, bath. 392" 4th ' SLi'i of 2 or 3 well furnished front rooms Gilsan. TWO very modern front H, K. rooms. $15 2 for 112. 429 Main. lJoux-k-epinc Rooms In Private Family. CLEAN nice front room. porch. large kitchen, all completely furnished, yard, bath, sink, toilet. 1 room for light house keeping $4.50 month. Electric lights, phone free. Quiet, respectable family: walking distance. East Sill. 087 East Morrison. NEWLY furnished rooms, also housekeeping rooms, single or double; hot and cold run ning water in rooms; electric light, tele phone, heat, laundry; walking distance; $2.50 to $4 weekly. 370 Ulh st. Mar sliall 5882. . 110.6V MONTH, phone, cooking gas in cluded, three connecting rooms, private entrance, complete housekeeping ; adulls. 21 Rodney, near Fremont. Williams or Union ave. cars. WANTED Write photoplays; $iOo each; in struction absolutely free; experience or correspondence course unnecessary. Frank lin. 127S Market, San Francisco. LIGHT furnished basement housekeeping room, clothes closet, bsth, electricity, gas plate; fur bachelor, $1.50 week. 123 N. 2:ld s $15.00 THREE rooms completely furnished, neat, clean, new.y tlnle.1; private bath. Phone, gas range. Phon-. or call Monday, 12S East loth near MoirLson. E. 554;. 2 OR 3 H. K. rooms, ground floor, sink In kitchen, neat and clean, use of piano, water, light, bath included; walking dis tance. Phon East 1226. TWO clean mdern h. k. rooms, furnished complete, light, phone, bath free brick building, fine neighborhood; only $12. llsi Belmont, corner 89th. LARGE, clean, front 2 and 4-room apts. ; running water, gas ranges, free phone, cheap rent; be cure and see these. 3.0 1-th st. ONE clean, neat housekeeping room, suitable for 1 or 2 men. separate entrance, electric light, bath, phone. $2. inciudinec cooking gas. 475 East Burnside. FRONT ROOM. bed7oom and kitchen, for housekeeping; walking distance, good lo cation, pnone, lights and bath; $14. 253 Chapman st. Marshall 3938. 3 SPLENDID housekeeping rooms on 1st floor, 'corner lot, large yard, with shade trees. West Side, walking distance. See manager liawtnorne apts., 261 12th St. WELL furnished front H. K. rooms, reasona ble; also clean, cool basement room $1 week; respectable people only. 294 Jeffer son st. NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, 'close-in; $1 50 and up. HJ Lownsuale St. Main 2600. FULLY furnished H. K. rooms. $5. $12 or $16; good, clean, desirable, walking dis tance. Main 4589. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. ftrt floor, separate entrance, close in, bam. phone. gas. 523 couch, near 15th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; every convenience; rent moderate. Main b5iu. SI'S College at. THREE single H. K. rooms; 2 have pri vate entrances. Bath, phone, electricity. K35 6th. NICE clean housekeeping rooms, with sink; 1 room $1.75. 2 rooms $2.5u per wee. 82Sa Hawthorne. FURNISHED two large, airy H. K. rooms; gas range, electric light, phone, $15; front S!eepliig-room, $0. 12J K. loth, cor. Aid r. CLEAN, cool, single front rooms. 1st and 2d floor, $2.50-$; boat, light, phone, iaun dry. 4li Market. TWO, three, four H. K. rooms, clean ana neat, $12. $15 month; lights and phone, private residence. 450 sark. Mar. 4558. VERY reasonable, lovely large front room, with or without light h. k.; ladles only. 23 14th St., near Jefferson. TWO front apts., beautifully furnished, sink, running water, gas range, electricity, laun. dry, ard. large porch. 123 N. 2.'id. A $16 SUITE for $lo; another suite cheaper; phone, bath, laundry trays, large yard and tree. 3-JS Mill St. FRONT room and kitchen, furnished for housekeeping, phone, gas, light; $11 per month. 634 E. Morrison. THREE large downstairs rooms, cheap, w-alklng distance Broadway bridge. 382 E. 1st. $10 FOUR clean, comfy furnished roon-.s. 2 bedrooms, stationary tubs, gas; 245 E. 37th. near Main. Tabor 17S. H. K. ROOMS, large or small, kitchenettes and sleeping porch; cheap rent. 337 12th st. Phone Marshall 30'i WELL furnished one and two-room house keeping suites, basemeut rooms $1.50 per week. 109 Park st. $10 8 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 634 E. Davis St., corner J!th. $10 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, ground rioor, w-alKlng uistance. E. PaviH st., corner 10th st. $7. ONE large furnisned housekeeping room, one Kitchenette, ground floor. Ap ply 34 K. Davis St., corner Irtth. SINGLE housekeeping apartment; walking distance. $S per xnonth. 187 17th St.. near 1 am hi 11. II V K nicely furnished roome with piano, modern, nice neighborhood, rent reasona ble. 1034 Mailory ave. FRONT KL'ITE. beautiful home, gas rango; will certainly please you; only $15 month. 115 N. 23d. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close In: free light, bath and phone. UK. 7th St. ONE large front room with kitchen, first floor, phone, aras and water, newly fur nished. 17 Chapman, near Morrison. TWO well-furnlshed housekeeping rooms, gas, electric lights, running water, bath and phone. 271 Montgomery. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. G01 E. Washington. East 3287. A PLEASANT home for responsible couple, reasonable; everything furnished, modern, fine iocatlon. close lu. East 625 HOUSEKEEPING rooms and furnished room, with sleeping-porch; walking distance; adults. 226 14ih st. FURNISHED two large airy II. K. rooms, gas ranfee. electric light, phone $13. Front sleeping-room. $6 123 E. 19th. 2 FINE furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate bath, sleeping porch, hot water heat. East 611S1. TliKKrl furnished housekeeping rooms In flat, $12; three Mocks eat end Broadway bridge. 4O0 Ross. cor. Dixon St. FRONT SUITE with private porch beau tifully furnished, gas range, only $15 mo. Very select- neighborhood. 115 N. 2nd. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping rms.. gas. electricity, hail. yard, lower fioor. 627 Thurman. Marsliall 19'2. ONE and two housekeeping rooms, i'J to $14 er month; free bsth and i.hone. 40 lam- 111. between i-'ii ana i.;tn THREE nicely furnished modern housekeep ing rooms, reasonable to steady tenant. "207 Viilon N. NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, modern conveniences, close in. j.ou ana up. eo Alder st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, elec tric llErhts. bath and phone; very reasona ble. 060 Glisan. TWO nice clean housekeeping rooms, electric light, every convenienre. 214 ir.th. FURNISHED H. K. suites, 3 rooms. $11; four. $12; yard, machine. 412 Vancouver. s L RN 1 SH ED li. Ki rooms, reasonable. 5.2 Hawthorn' LARGE front H. K. roonvs. $2 and $2.60 per ...... U V?n)i!ll Kt. Mt'DKKN 5-room cottage. fine location, walking distance. 692 E. 6th. iSellwoud 77. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern, nice. Roe City Park district; $25. A. 11. Blrrell Co.. Mar. 4114. 4-ROOM bungalow, modern, built-in buffet, bookcases, chiffonier, dresser, furnace. f71 E- Crtth. STRICTLY' modern 6-room bungalow. I.mM's Addition; long lease; cheap. LaJt 4461. 416 SAX RAFAEL, 6-room house, newly t'nted. clean, gas, electricity, $13.50. East 70; s. 5-ROOM cottage and large yard. 651 North rup. $14 SANDY BLVD. cor. 19th, 4-room mod ern cottage. East 2301. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern. Phone Wood lawn 668. MODERN 6-room house. 210 Eleventh st. between Taylor and Salmon. S ROOMS, right In town; suitable for business. 169 Park. Mar. 4440. $20 MODERN 6-room house, nice yard; walking distance; good location. East 24tr9. $16 A MONTH, nice 6-room house, gas, elec tricity, furnace. East 2997. 4-ROOM house, 1 block from Hawthorne ave.; J5. Woodiawn 3732. FLAT, 6 or rooms, garage. 700 Irving at. Main 1951. $13. 7-ROOM house, fine yard. 655 E. Taylor, cor. 13th. Key next door. MODERN, clean H. K. suite, cheap, desir able location 654E.f"tark, cor. 13th. $1.1 5-R. bungalow. 494 E. 33th st. WR car. Phone E. 6rf46 $10 5-ROOM HOUSE: walking distance- 519 Clay st. Inquire 023 Clny. IRVINGTON residence, entirely modern, In cludlng gss stove: rent 680. Main 430. FOR RENT 5-room house; 490 Stephens St.: walking distance: $15. COTTAGE. 1043 E. Alder. 3 rooms, wired. rnn. 33H2 Main. Oil Selling bldg. MODERN 5-rm. bungalow, 429 East 32d, near Division; J 15. Mar. 2432. FOR KENT, Houses. $13.00 6-ROOM house. strictly modern. cl jse In. East Side, near HollaUey street. $18.00 S-room cottage, modern, walking dis tance, east approach steel br.dgc. house in new couditlou. 425.00 8-room house, strictly modern, fur nace, fireplace. Call and soe this house for yourself. 693 E. Salmon st., near 20lh su $30.00 8-room house and sleeping porch. new house. Just completed. 111 Ladd's add.; furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, all conveniences. $20.00 5-room bungalow, strictly modern. furnace, fireplace, hardwood lluors. located in Rose City Park. Tilla mook st., near 37 lb. Call at office or 'phone THE FKED A. JACOIIS COMPANY, 209 Washington St. Main 6te0. x 177T HOUSES. . 10 I rooms. 4139 49th ave. S. E.. W. W. car to iiowe Station. $13 6 rooms. 1448 Uarfieid ave.. near Dekum. 15 7 rooms, large yard, 423 E. Burn- side St.. near E. 7tb. 137 rooms, modern. 7O07 63th are. 8. E.. Mount Scott car. 150 rooms, modern, 99T Commercial st., nesr Blandena. $1T.5 7S E. Ash st.. near E. 24th. $.!0 10 rooms. 144 N. ISth St., near Hoyc $19 rooms. 689 Hoyt st,, near 2.11. -0 9 rooms, garaue, 41 B. 25th SU N. If. P. PALM Lit-J ONES CO. 4Q Wilcox Lldg. alain 80;.9. Tilii OLD. OLD SioltY. It's tbe wise man no knows when to buy a home. He don't invest his money when a boom is on. He has pieced his money before and profits by the rise. Be wise, yonug man. Pout let this chance to get a home slip l.y. 1-abor and materials ure now on a bedrock basis, jut are sure to rise soon. I have some wonderful bsrgalns In new well-built 5 and 6-room bungaluws In LA' HELHU'RST from S-..00 10 4..uo on reut-Uke terms. You can save ooo by buying rlgnt now. Tell me how tuuen mo ley you ve got and I'll "fix you up." tin,M-.U.L.?,fi0-NG- -To si. Main 1 o.. A 1 i 1 E. MEIER ft FRA.VK.-S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, loth Floor. 'leiLiputar a 1. 1 c x. Complete and r..able list ot vacant nouses, tats, apartments and bungalows in the city. Make use uf this service when you desire. Tnis does not uoi.aau you la any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to t.i.p ou In locating. .Newcomers lu Port.aud will find tale service especially valuable. Leal estate meu and ueneis of pnvai properly ate invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, fiais and houses at Meier A Frank s t ree Rental Bureau. PRICE NO onj -:r"i 1 want to rent three housea They don't pay Interest at the price I baer them. 1 pay for water. 449 7th. 6-room f.at $16 50 65 Holland st-, modern cottage $13. 0o 42S ban Rarael, bath, etc $ 6.7J 613 4tu sr., bath. etc. Make ufter T. 11. EDWARDS. Mam 1927. COS Y 7-room modern house. with bath, newly painted and tinted throughout. lull cement basement, special good p.timblng, Dutch kitchen, etc.; desl.-abie. pleasant surroundings; good location. No. uos Schuyler St.; reasonable rent. Take Rose city car. gel oif 33d st. Call for key 1)66 Schuyier st. MR. HOUSE HUNTER. Ee us before you rent a p.aoa to live In. lve minutes in our otflce under our new system equa.a a month of personal searching. We will show ou any prop erty you wlsn to see. ee Bixby, INTERSTATE T1TLK sk LOA.M CO.. 61 Gerllnger bldg. Main sul. GOOD House, cheap kent, the fred a. jacobs co., main ten., a i;;;. FOR RENT House. West Side. 10 rooms. ln" 1-. mill, tr t ten t.ai nr. ,.... m n r... gas, eectrlclly. beautiful grounds, fmeni location In the City, one blovk irom Port land Heights curlilie; Very reasunaule. Telephone Lust I0O11 or C 2a05. FOR RENT OR SALE Comf ortahle. niod ern, 7-room house, roses and large yard. . garage; 1007 Broadway. l'houe 'lbor 4470. Inquire 1U84 E. Broad v. uy. Rose City Psrk car. MODERN six-room houso on itroaduai street, near 2ilh; choice residence loca tion, pleasant surroundings; will rent for 420 a month to deiiutjle party. Paillcu lars at 512 Plait bl'lg. IRVINGTON seven-room houc, large Sleep ing porch. In walking distance, eleotl Iclt tas. stationary liajs. etc AO ti2. ore Ionian. W ANTED To lease -for one year, 6-room motlei-n oungalow, with lurns... In itoee City or oilier equally goed addition. Exst Side. 410 E. 4lst su N. DESIRABLE 8-room dwelling. $2( Broad way West; fireplace, furnace, gas. elec tricity, modern njumoing. reasonable roL Fred S. W ililama, 2 First su FREE RENT. Neat 6-room. two full story residence, convenient, good neighborhood, osuor, T oregontan. Modern. 7 Rooms and sleeping pch. worth $50. will rent foid- $32.60. OPE.-C r UN DAY. 1223 E. DAVIS STREET. FIVE rooms. No. 411 lllb St., near Hall st.. clean and ueslraule. Item $ls. Key al No. 409 11th su Parrlsn, Wsikins at Co., No. luu 2d su roll KENT Ne-w modem Loose, 1 rooms nil sleeping porcn; reference. Tabor 27 ?3. S-ROOM modern iivlngtun home, lovely sleeping porch. Corner lot, close In. East 2j8j . IRVING 1'oN home, 9 rooms, 2 fireplsces. hard f'oors. sleiiln port-li. garage, qwar ter tlock. I'hone E;it 65u4. MODERN 6-room bouse. No. 640 a, ij J at.. J.ok cuy 1 ma, nvur cariui... oa pav;d street. phone owntr. M. 0130. FIVE rooms. No. 413 11th. corner lis. I St.. first-class condition slid lotailou, rent $-0. Parrish. Watktns at Co.. 106 2d st. $7 MONTH ll-ruum cutlase. llro.lvM) drive, walking distance. Inquire 42s Mor. riwo 1. ALMOST new, modern, 8-room house; has latge porch. 4 bedrooms and extra room in attic; iuir rent, tall HI llin. $16. SNAP Irvington 4-room modern, fur nished bungalow; phone; water paid. E. 1 lo3. FoR RENT $10 month. 3-rooin cottage. 3- Emerson St., cor. Union ave. luijulie lo64 Union ave. N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS b-ro'-m modern buiigu.ow, garage, large grouriils. Can at 211 Me.tpsi l.iug. or phone Main 3.i-2 l-'oi. RENT Clean and modern 6-room I.. -use. rent reasonable, f.-i E. oak. East 2069. FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished modern cottage with large garden, OtlJ Hot St.. near l-th st. tail Main 8251. TWO 8. room modern houses; deeirable ! cation, for rent ressonaMo. lii'iuire JJr. A. j-i.xer. U20 Selilug blug. FINE 6-room bungalow, $1$. l"t0 Arnold St., near Marguerite ave., Hawthorne na tncu Call326 Board of Trade. Mam 1452. 7-llOoM mo.lern bouse, 2 loia, chicken park, I-Mved street, close to car; fruit, garden; $13. East 2(0.1. NEW 5-room bungalow, tinted, fireplace. 915 E. 3iuh so. $12. 93J. 8 rooms. $13. Tabor 6414. LARGE yard, walking distance, reasonable rent. 5 no E. Morrison, conveniently lo cated. S. S. car. Tabor 65.12. FOR KENT, furnished or unfurnished, beau tiful new 6-room Colonial house, Willam ette Heights Marshall 1925. $11 2 MILL ST., all the lower floor. Ap ply grocery, cor. Id. $20 MODERN house for $12.54. Hi Union ave. N. luoxloo; lawn, fruit, close in. 113 COSY Irvington collage. 4 rooms and bath, fine yard, phone. C 2035. East :i..6. 9- ROOM modern house, C10 S7thsL." $20 Euet 23H5. Main 1940. t-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. neax 2 id. Inquire 120 4th. Main 121$. MODERN 6-room houses, 392-:t98 Pan Rafael St.; desirable, close in. East lno. MODERN bouse, very cheap, by owner. Main 6976. A 4361. HOUSE. 8 rooms, thoroughly clean, close business center, low rent. Msln i'72. COTTAGE. 126 N 17th. near Lilian. Key at owner. 88 N. 16th. 67 EVERETT 6 rooms, gas. electricity, fur nace: walking distance. Phone East i. ii K. 67th, nr. Hawthorne, 7 roome sleep ing porch, fireplace, gs rage. East t. S-ROOM rhodern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 6278. $12 4-ROOM cottage, bath and gas. 4-JI Montgomery su ONE month free; 8 rooms, bath, close in. $12.50. East 1411. 8-ROOM. modern. Rose City, at 539 E. 47th st. N. Main 66. IRVINGTON Peven rooms. $35; 5 rooms. WEST SIDF. 6-room modern house. 3il2 Hth st , nesr Montgomery. SIX-ROOM modern house, fine location, only , $16 Wallace Investment Co.. Main Ins.". CLEAN 4-room modem house. $73 East moca irom i.auremurst Park. 6 ROOMS, modern, cheap. See owner. 2 to 4, 129 East 20lh su HOUSES. 61S R. 64th st . S R. 414 Mill st 14 It. 1111 E. 24th St. N 7 lc ' 2o7 Penuoyer St. ...... 6 li. " Jol K 19th st -6 It. 9 E. loth st 0 1U ' 9.8 Madison st 7 It. 6'm K. Morrison st..... 4 lu 2i'" Oraut SU lu hill Front st 7 lu 1S t5 2) 1.1 2d 20 20 1.1 20 IS 1 us L. Burnside 6 li. furnished 25 FLATS. 141 11th st s r. e"S 14 7 llin st 6 It. 2.-, 38" Broadway 6 R 728 l'elmoilt SU 5 It. 14 And uiauy others In nil parts of the city. J. C. CORBIN CO. 34 Lewis Hldg. FOR RENT. $12.30 5-room modern bungalow, with fireplace; nicely ararngrd; 29.1 AU. 73d au N.; take Muutavilia ur. OTTO A HA11KSO.V 11EALTT CO. 413 Chaaubor af Commerce, 8-K00M modern residence. Nob Hill dle trlcu Vest side; lurulshed or untur iiislied, for oils or two years: reforeuius . given and required. V32 Chamber of cominerce. 31. 104. iuiK-hUuil coltsg.. 7619 06:h ave.. $12. Also I-rootn mouern house and large lot at 148 9-d ave. . E., ( lu. 1 beee I IJCca are in l.rst-clsss cui.ultion. J. o. E.rou. 3io Corbett bldg. Mala 173. .0 KoK 1-E.NT. -0 1 rooms, well t urnished. including piano; close lu. on East t-ude OTTO at HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. ? . Only $20 a month; Just thluk of lu for an o-room up-lo-uate hous-r. 1 block from car; nice )urj, fruit and flow ers. 1 101 K Morrison. njr 39lh. Mouua. 63 Cliamt'er of Commerce. Marsha.1 leod. UOUaiES. FLATS ANDCTOREi ' J. J. oEKER. Real Estate and Rentals. Grand ave. at E. Auaeny. AioU.L TO KENT New 6-room tuodern bungalow. West tilde; fine view. cars. Ltrge lot; $2; buuee actor occupied. W 94.. Oregoulan. SOK RENT Modern 6 rooms and vleeping porcu; fine place, hardwood Hours. Jur liace; fln home. See owner. 489 A.. 4lst st. or call Main .131. NEAT 7-room home, cement basement, fur l.ace, sma.l )ara. West s.de, w a. king d.s taco. Ho Markeu Phone Main 4JIO WILL KENT modern 8-room huuta Alameda I'ark; every convenience; sad br iiionth. Phone Woodlaan 243. 0-RO0M mouern cottage lu St. Johns, p.a.e for cnlckens. near car and school, t'a.i or phone 410 Jefferson. Pnone liar. loli. t-RooM house, furnace. electrlc;ty, gas. large grounds. s6 Last Hoyt su. cor - '. :i. 1-none t-ellwood 1.6. 1'OR Itcl.VT 8-room bouse cn caarltue; water rent paid; use of gas range; $12 per tuo. Tabor 21o5. 6-Roo.M bouse at 22a E. 17tn st . between Sairnon t-na Maiu. newly tinted and ci.-aned. 5-llooM modern cottage, newly tinted and vanished. 892 Ganleubeln ave., near Ma- l-oll Kr.NT Good six-room house on l.-ox loo-, lots ot fruit and garden; 2 blocks from Mt. Tabor car; $15. Call Tabor IW02 lum I -4i eoj liou ItiVERDALE DISTRICT Beautiful suburb an home, near Rivera biaiion. 2i mln uies out on Oswego Electric; attractive house, large grounds, tenuis court, gas, electricity.. Bun Kuu water, superb view; rent tor Hummer or year; also for sale owner, lood tpafdlug bldg. aialn 860 or 5! arena 11 175ti. WILL rent my Rose City home, all fur nisned; llnest kind of ard. 4 bedrooms, including sleeplug-porcl with splendid view; corner lut ; Turkish rugs. European oil paintings; will real for Summer or 0 or s months at $o a month to high claas coupie without children. Tabor 3oo. NEW. modern 7-roorn house, completely furnished, including fuei and waler, l.-r rent 3 months, Aug. Sept.. Oct.; $35 s.ghlly location. Wist Side, good residence district: want place We.l taaen care of. M aril, a 1 1 5;65. ROSE CITY PAl.K. A niodern. very attractive and com pletely fuitiLshed, wilh piano, 5-loum buu gaiow. Hue lawn and oeautllul locau in. W ill rent f urnlaued or seii at a bargain. By owner. Cail alter 6 p. M. Tabor 3026. NEW HOME; Weslover Terraces; 8 rooms, s.eepmg porch, garage, beautifully fur nished with l'vrAian lus. old maUogariv. etc.; right party can lent furnished for 2 munil.a very cneap. or will r.-ul unlui nlshed for one eur. Marshall 74:t. NICELY Fl KMSUI.U MODERN HOil- LAI REL111 RST. I ROOiiS AND fcLEEP a.NU 1'OiiCH. OPEN FUNDAY. 12V5 E. DAVIS STI'.E ET. oo 7 rooms, furnisned, Laurelhursu $184 rooms. V'uoislock. 125 8 rooms. Woodstock. $35 8 rooms. Irvtnglon IVITII.H-l.l.lv-.'Li . -. .. ....... . . -. .... i. j. yv. piura t.x. rcii.-si.-5iir.il oungalow. a rooms. 2 sleeping purcnes, player piano, hardwood f.oors ilavalln china, seeing machine, vacuum Cleaner. JoOi Vau.ua su. Willamette lielg.'itS. IRVINGTON Nicely furn.shed house with o.auo. iirepiace, lurnace and everything complete. Ca.i East 5943 after 6 PM- sunuay. 5-ROOM nucly furt.ii-hed buugalow oa er liou ave.. 1 block Ironi Alberta car: bearing fruit mid garden; $17.50 .r month. Call Woodiawn 8155. $10 PEit MoNTH. r urnished 6-room house, two lots- free gnrCiu. with a.l kinds of Vcgetab.es. la. q "ire 4122 73d SU g. E. NEW house In laureihuret. 1 block from carline; 1 rooms and sleeping perch: rei- eretli.es required- 94 Haiti Fern Pis... I'i.one Tabor 6248. I-R00M moderu furnlalied house. E. 2t-th l.l Anker. y csr; large lot and fruit; .io in.i 10 permanent parties; adulls only. lit V ' "I, "rrU ma n. t I ItMeHEU home. V rooms: year or more; lentra!. West Fide; owner and wifo would like board if agree.b.e. AP V42. oregonlan. UHI.MHTITL bouse. rooms . Mno, I'UUI'S . Hn- fiiu-u, fruil, rit'-,abet, o' . pre! MoUKKX -rura compieifly funtlihr u-c, mil $ iy occgitLlU. 4 3 J ii .$ V. nt-or 2 MOlKItN C-rouin huu, biciy furnUhed t t 1-1'V and well lurnU.i houM of i rooms fln-t I'orch-, !an, fruit, liowerti; -e:y chi. CiU lull il. Main. N E W n. oil rn r-r4,rr. bun;ow, nt--I f ur l;U)iea. Hawthnro dliri. t, li minulci out K' tZ. Hjrrttvon t. 4 ail Sunday. in K TY I'AKK-Wtil and romp.vtoir fnrnlBtif-il b'iniow ; rffaca. luor 31 37.1 1 to 3- KOK h K NT Pl-rt H-room malrn fur- FoR summer inontiia, rt-ro-m lunn.ow, v.-w. comiiflc y furr.ti.hrd. bfi.w.H-a Hi vl.iTu.V Kv roomi, hsuii(ullv fur-r!-tned. ino, t lr-p.ire, furuacr, duU- - . . 4 1' K. !th ml. 'orth. R -S K '1TT 1 A1CK hau. f urnlhd and ur.farniahrd. fc lluto-cll A toon. tndy r.-rd at MM at. 7-it' OM houw, partly f urn.fh-e-1. t urttt -hed 1 b.k. H. hi. tbotn.-.' un- FOR months or longur, 4-room houi, cor r.r, on Wckt Park. & minute a.k from t'"giof tic; Call Hroatlnay il7 MoQday MobKUN 5-room furnished bungAlow. 3.-.I K. :tiih.; liawthorne car; by tnonih or leiia-o. 1A L' l-i fc.L.H I" ItST horii. 7 roomi, a;epinK portli. piano.. ictrula; near fccott homa. AF Oregontan. FUHNIH KD 5-room modern Lunc.lnw. liawtnorno dlfttrlet. l.'rt tL. Madlaun. tvil woud 15-14 or Tabor II AVTHOH N K AV E. Com ploteiy rurn:!ird r mo.lern 7-room huua, a badrooma. Tabor 47U. li HUOMS. elccantly TurmBhed. for I er-V-t a-ule. Alwln fn-J from 8 to 10 A. M.' IN I it V 1 Noi). Kurn .h-l 6-room m-dern dupici. Phone Kait 4.",1. 5-ROOM furnished bui.Kalou, modern. I.lca yard. $.0. lJhona D lb!2. r I'KMfi-H tU buDRalow, aduiia. Call at isS FL 1 1 N iSil fclU 6-room houaa for rent ,i llust HlniODt at. Pttot.V Tabor 1T.OT. W-KOOJJ rlegant furnlihfd bouse for yaar -t Fid-f. Marshall frjlT. 3-KCn M hou-, furnished or partly fur- ii i-Mt-ti , r n-i. i- none r.Hl 1S &-ROOM furnished houa, 7tt Tlobetta 8-ROOM modern hous. nice) v furnished in cluding piano. V'. Fast S:ih. Tabor aS"--. Foil RENT Completely furnished house -piano. I' hone Main 228 . ai-aW 4-KOO.M furiii-ned iOiti. AiUari -u-c . nits- fmlth-Wionyr On., ptot-k K x. T3 S bROADWAY Furnished 4-room cot tag. ele-tric llc?.t, central. S ItooilS. furnlshe!. lorludina piano. jTm. r'h; fftit I1T. :.4 Morrison. WKI.l. fur. S rms-. W-t Si.fe flrenlace, bath, c Irr'rlclty. Mar. 4 T 1 5 toreno.ra. t ROOMS flS. 745 Amherst at. UnlvarsTiy FOR TKKM One of"the best 11-room lrv. ington homes, new. modern, finished in oak and wblte enamel; tleiightluiiy ur nished. color scheme; sleeping porch, 2 bstha. 3 rirejilsces. gsruge. large. Uau titul grounds, liowers and shrubbery: lew such, places can be rented; owner leaving clly. Don't answer utiioss you are tbor-ov-ghly responsible, accustomed to cartnc for nice things, rsi gie good references and able to pay $120 per mouih. AK u-... oregoman. o-" aTjuioM bungalow, located at Mount Tabor, near g.tod car ser'ice; strictly mod em and completely furn.slied; furnace, flrepiace, haruwood floors, gamre. The best of furniture; g...l lira- ..f cnv. Tbo Pred A. Jacobs Co.. 2i.l Washington st. hummer Resorts. KOK KE.NT At Newton cmtlor.. L'n i'each. Wash., one ar.d two-room bunga lows, comp.rtelv Jurr.lshed lor house keeping; electric light and mountain water, full view of ovean. Mock frol.i beach and surf bathing; rent $2o and $2l per month. Wl.i take bo s and girls t -board. $2'f per month. Telephone Main pi-op. x ;.-n. 1'KKi; 11 K N T Heeutiful furnished -uu.i..er l.otne in foothn.s or Omuri: thorouk-Mc modern; line garden, saddle horses, gai' '' dancing, tor rent free to res;x,n i-l-people wi.l.ng to perform light c.encal fi.e in lieu oi rental. L 1-50. oreiio- nian. GEAR1IAKT Mouern S-room house. Cn. age e. Completely furnished, s.sei.ui; porch fireplace, bath; tor August. sonab.e rt-i.i. A- )i. HIKKKI I 217 Northwe.tern Bank w... .T.au sua. A-4I1V IrOIl hllM' at t-eae.de. cottage 4 .iec rooms, large poniiea. lirep.uca. city wai. r e.ectric ligats. bouse connected to ir.tr; uesirable lociiiun; iad street; Auei.t and fei.ien.ber. I.a.t 3i4 after "kionoav or Inquire 4.1i & T'.h N fc-KOHM new n.o.;rrn coliace. 12:h ave au-1 boar.iwa.k; best view cottage In Mil.., sun p.irlor. fireplace, large porcl.es. lie.u-t-.-il grounds. 1 -.a Damaun, .Nevanium .SUM-oHT, OK!". K.N Two and thr.e-ron furnished cottag.s. right on tbe kii fronu llcht ana aster in each close t. stores, balatonum. elo. Wri-.e for rates -a i're.1 -.oitsges. Newport or PAi-IH.2 Vltvv UiSAi'll collates ar.d tent houaes tor real. v'omp.eie.v fumisned i.o and $3 j er week, l-in. beacii. fi.n Ing. asate beds, i a.l OH Ktock Lxchauge lids.. ..d and anihill. Aitkin ;il Jiool) I1IVI.K ll(liH la.iM . i,rl..'. ( . ... . ..... ,..e iiini iar-.y to loer.l. n Hull ranch. houae luoOern. unusual p.araa ee.ation i;oo ft. Aduress AV .. gon'.an. i'l llXISII KD houa t'oiuinbla Iteach ...-ping t,-iua lor rent at iLljItlK ,-..mmi..e ..... lenuis, jour ac.lioa Win .o.M Iliu '1 1. s si this beautllul b. a h tail or w.-ite liuu .oi tnaestorn ltsnk b.dg. ri'RXISHKIl be.lrooni. also furnished", nt ailjoiuiin house at Kvrrgreen oa orecui City canine; 2i minutes, o-cent fare a.l conveniences, sultab.e l.r ramping p"arLv or young men. fnone Mllaaukie -r 1: WANTED T ao or ttitee-rooiu cottage al e.a-i,I. or., for m .tiui of Augj.t. state terms. A.lire.s l.D m, orvsunlan. o. riioi.e t:. imx SKASlDn 4 ro una. rojl.rlelelv furni.T . b.tn. clectrlcltv. near Mo're II. .-.el from n-lddle AM. and tepl. ; r eaoi.b.e. AJ alt", uri'hOn OH HUNT at Seaa.ie l-amo double fur nished tent, separate kltch. n. waler elec Irlclly. noar bescu; reasonable for sea son l'hone. Monday. Main 2124. -I'lir? HAi KM V t OTTAUI-:.-' llh ail modern Improvetneuts and romfrta of a home. For rates wire or wrile. bca View Wash. FOR HLNT s.aalde. or.; deudv i-ruoiu col lage, furnished corup.ele. by montn or season; situeted near Moore Holei, among nice shade trees. East 2.19. Ir'L' KM l.-H l.D cottage on ridge acln ocean at oeaview. II ail). ILis flrcp.uve. batn and eiecinc l.cbts. 441 Weal 1'ark st A or Main 87-i, LONG lJEACH Neaion Elation, furn n. d house, season; ocesn fronu very u..:r sb.e and rbcip. fnone Alain bui nesa lioura KtK KENT at reasonable price. Hjmii,", li.l.-imook Uny. 1'wel.lng. uui n. ou-.nou.es orchard, etc. IcQulie liar View aroory! liar View. Or. rol: .' MMi-.i; ulT.nii.s. I.Oa'tf Koi: S A Li, ALUX lilLlitlli a- JON, be.isle. or. KOK IIKXT tiearnart, Or.uii. modern beiutlfully rurmsl.ed -room l...iir-e Julv sn 1 Ausust. I'tioue Marshall ;;-.;' Von', cay. rOit lik.-l al liesihsrt. on ocean lionl. modern. con-.pltel furnished collage I. r AuiLil. AO t'.'2. Oregonian. SEASIDE 7-room cottage, bath elcT'ii bglit, ocean view, $-u lor August. i'i 21. -eastae -l.oo.VI cottage, furnished, at llorkaaaf lor aU5l at $2o, 1 'j blocks from .epot ONK of Seasides most deairai.ie fiirni-hed cottage, on ocean front, low rent l.ll eepL tm ner. a. art i.l.'.r.. FIK.VISHED coltsge with sleeping porch ST -""e-i.V G" afier July J.t'bon. lain isas. FrilN'lJiHKP 2 large room cottn geHrl h t Tabllr i'?7cm'"n lU "JJ "-'"ct. fct.A--.Di: For rent, furnished l-room c,t tags on the ridge. unobstructed View rtione Marshal! 4ul CANNON llKAcli ruinlil.e.l cottage. ta .,..""' "na c'Mj ar. Address .i.t u. siervay. i.ucret-.a c ouru HllXlfHKII f.ais. Iwu.rkrei..,,, , a. so furn.shed rooms. a, i-.oueiicli. a.ong u-icn. nn. HOlSEliEEI'lNd SPIS. furnls-ieaT wTd wster. i.glil. Ocean Crest, ilockaaai aiesch. Kl'lCNI.-MCla collate, ami tcnua f. r in t moueralo price l'. Kchranii. Iio.l.a.ay. BLNtiKT BEACH-For sale or rent. 4-,,, LT. 7 . ......eo. running aim kllch.u. I'.uoiu 42 Obamber of ciu. ' V ave..-, , completely rurnlshed hou keepuig rooms ou the ridge, oeaaiew. lc ' f- I T . 1 -A I . O. ONii laoili.ic.l lent, o-i . I u. i. . . . ,1 "jTT collate at rialtair. 1'hone Last 1... K. Anken. GEAIIH AP.T An attractive nsn-d coltsge. C A. J.tois. liank. a-roiim "ur r irsl .X.liuuai T-ltOOM, w.ll furn.ali. .! Loua... Occ.u mil. Malshu.I tri'JT. FOH KI-NT voitaaie si raila.r oTrTT i-each. !! Tal-,r 11.27. LH.Vi H cotiase. at.d a lor rr..i r eu.o. .a. ale ItlUfic l'o.. Ill ii n .i , i or; i ton a. bavAelDal- . ... . w , e i , lurnjnr. a and batn for season. I'hor.e Last Clio. MofN'T liooD auto : ca.ui any part of city Main A n$t. wl dt LO.Nti I1EA' H. Son $ii Last sms.i furnished bouse. tT- 4o;t Fl K.M.-H KD c aeek. . . u K i-l'aaa at ilru.viaay. aalAalDE Completely furnished c modern, good locatlcn Marsna.l $.'. FOK KK.ST-Kor Ai:su.;, Seavlew. Wash. l'houe s?nall . ot oj 'l.iwi IHK JOV I'OlTAl.ll. Li'l.g Hi ! , IS. f-om July 2o to Aug. i. $iu. r:'it a liEA llli A I1T. Main llil. -room furnished coltsge. HKMjtiEU new cottage. Dear neaviear. W aali. Last lo4X. Foil P.KNT at Seaside, e-rootn colta.e a.l furnisned. cheap. A 4"il,'t, Msln ;i.vt. 4-Kt M M SH.9itl- r.iihfd, for ''P.eU r.M i. "7ur Mul I-HN ;-arhait coi tafia 7 rm.m by nonti- or -aon. Phone tl. zlirs w etr.c-.l, a. Fl!tSIH EI houao lni; L:aura HrM.h, ,.' afrM uj: Mrltuiuld. Mar.iiai, -iJ.-i! bL. ASILE -Ctiiiii'.l!y furnlnhe-1 4 - room" m-t -tat;-:-; cily a u r ; Auk u t. I 40. A li.n 3 i k-kO -fc.AMit; C(iUmk-) fur Aucunt t'-a h; Bd 1m .nun. Knt Cose to !O.NJ t.K.V:H, AMI. Ct-rin t jrr.i.aed r'it:i:c lor rent. I'tion- .Main ."-1 !. tiKAMUE omii.i-iij'.y furnUlii-t --room -.t-taeln gn.ven-irbe!aCli. Wuod.aivn -Uo:. SMALL, furnifhrd c-ue, ni.e I nation, at p-'ivlt-w, -L')i-a f.-r Auc Main L-oNvi 1-iEACil otiau-v fu: msh.-vl. fir season. Maui lvuH. FOK RENT 5-roorn furnlsh-cd ivtiaca r.erhrl. Fhone Main 4 14.1 at VKST hoisr or attack near M t. Hn..d. wry ret son a K. t .i,'ti. Main J1 6 HOP. 4x1 :S. $0: north l;ht; iitwlhornt aa.. oar briu. U. N. iiurpe-a. at a. a 1130 STORE and of fit rooms for rent la retail buaineae ol-itrtct, C fc4. OrgoBo. Kl'LLY equipped bik-ry. r.i rs- :. li:ihd trade; low rent. 340 Front. cr. Market. COKXElt store7 Ci'." r Morrisou C See owner. 2 to 4 Hem ratn a t;e. Off Fl FiT-CLA dental aulta to let. -here one kiM.lt reception -room Hh rsiab.iahed M. D. ; central location in buaineaa diatrict. rtaJODtbs rental. K 867. Oreaonian. UFFICUi? $10 up; fuxnlabed oiTlceaand deak room; free pbone; ery reaaooable. Fort land's busiest corner 10 bwetiand bide vs LLL-f LKM.'iikl' private off ce; aiao cm- room, a ana . : X cbatnbar uf Commerce. FoK RKN'T I'rivate office mm, u of cptlon-room. in beat lua la Veon b d Gus. C. Moser. r UK . fc. r- tjooti tftiifint haagnirni. -OiV a.l or iart; central, appended for storage. &j Viilon ave. TO I.KA8K. frMAUie, i..t.4r.-ir.-iioiit.e. roome a.l ru;; lur Kain. centra.; puny n.un Uiv. lioue Mt.iuiay morninK. Main lu!4. lirsi KS NITIES. V AR I ETT TORB. Western Wash inu too, liOM, wr wi;j in-, oice; nas u.i the te-U durtuar the last ! are of dffreaatcjn. A -itirea AV 4-1. Or'ou:a. jHv.'CKi;Y rnd luncUrtcm; f.ne locatmu; lUtl line at n-iTrti-a .-imra K . . ct-ipta ui-iiy; 6 rooun and latu. ,'.niv funuaii-ed; leut lor til ..u moctl.; uitt.- t-crUlJl. rot-rxt our cli-rnts In buyiuff and leiM :11c t Mcir $rt. ttr - ita u. l.Mt ilu. Ci v J i.':i.-:ii-r of Com. ofk!.-: LVMNKs O.d ftt'.:!;t. bu.r.t'i mania a re !:au e prtirr; j;i i a la 1 1 outm..:e w..t vrfT I.; Kuaraut ou at e-t IP g mTl.i ar.d r-.r on t b: rrtrrrutvi; t:i;s rcjuirr rr i.it.t. moi.t-y. wiiu-h mt ! f f-vcu.-rd. I'art.cu.ara rooua Morgan Kd. i:vKI.UK.NT ii J'ui.7; Mfv ftr rn-M;.,!.,, iny t devti..p a rroflt-a!:.- t-uiti-s m.tn Uu.e crit-il lv a. -jutJtrt ;: riim of mm a iner Iran - ma .1 invent 1,in of jic.t 1 e m d In -flOiUeivtlc a.d ct.t in tv not I i ue. atiJ ba iu a me.i rt)!.it.ivi,t s:annnr AV 414. Te t"T a n. OM.i l----' .u a Kood a..ey town of loo-. K.M.d ba.ni ana ood tmr.orv to dr liom: thai i.xm la a tip lr'the nt aasr.c-u. at.d loi.d l-e irru (4 le p;r--t.-a.r i. J.4i the ....(. e I-r a Kood ok. r m a tx sn.et.l .a, A..dra AV I . i i. it k -jit .;ati i C-0 cht.ii, la:it :tti,r, Ir.i. -. . u 1 . .i . . ( x .. u . l.av-. tr i.c!!i:i. et ii. ::e . i v t u!.. b.a&K S , rnrry, drrss- ' '.if, Jo ev- at.-r on or i t:juV. rt: i-r ca. funa.ji, "i;it,- n 1 lr 1 mtC! -r K t.K A i.u.a trr.-ce.-,- TiTT; s-r-f.-y tior.ct v .it. llitvo m ri.-jui r.!heii no..;n .i mc rootx. cn ; t a-n-hou- rd and M.4;eT.. , a., r.-aiiire jt.,i ;.. k r.:t... . 1. . r. i.t .0. a.,:- K... li.j; I-;. mut J...-.0 1,4:11, li.l i-;n. ' . . oil . A e A W M 1 LU M N t. a hay il.e balf ii t' re.-; .n a J...., Il-.,tl!i; Ior hchh. tl.Isl i a Count! V -tn itn,i:l - .1 leal i n coi. nt 1 y an mi. I m n h a j lo.-.tl tr.i.tc; - ti'.ilvn Itx-m I'ortland. nt:ie ru.l. (...ri U.iec. - . Klevtric hl.ifi F it ?.,lr; Aul.. 4ie.,,-ii t;u.iv t ut,i,ir: K '1 rul'!.e!i--i 1 witt--. a mm. . x l'Ui,:irii. 1 m o mir!:i!n-i -tn-l fonu-icti io In U O :. M.tvnL t.vj-ia:;.r rs ii.'- t,-.- .... " (la-a-r-ssi. l.-'"P ait. II. a U sf. fi H"'ri''. AK '.-.. TrKoiu-in. li A I.. IM,:t;K.- T r. 1 Isln"; xTi and TeT- n j-itierreo. ito m.ary and profits. 1, WI.1C11 ia -Pi cured. t. a.l .;17 i : :i 1 I m (.U-AMNt". ai.d pr -.(; bafainrxa- must -.: a- , out. t of j.ol r-.v.. . o. ; t.ea we.l va-J!..:.i.f-J. rt-nit al .0, at. on; ..liiit ex ,-?mi'. a.Ma is a pair.K bmr-a urnl a anaj.. Ca.i Moii'iay . .---ftt o - lier. lot ft l. .V i 1 iiJdArvl.N-;, I..r:v :n hi hool, d."v and nikin r. I'li.v 11 n r t n -j : t . , . i..r a a- -. A: ('put al ll tT rtil.lU lata 4t-.r. ttt4-j ., y r..i .;u Lie w -tk. JIN Cmi otl- ' . " t.i-p... .,i .1 1. r. Fon auo. -l i: t un.t . u r U't m k- oni . ti ou.-. cli p. or 1 art t:nu. f.r roi.t t r 1 1 . .n.-r . .'i-i (oi.t;tain, lJ;t frorei ie. j.h sK ;.l . v uiia 1 le to run it. i.Atvr.U. A ,iv h.ikery in pood Vailrv 1 ".. do!HK il.MMi n iiii.ntn ra?'i buii.n.aa cfi rent w l: u lfe. : f.e o a 1 I.-e pr! : ti.ut it 1! Cml ..r k.iili.M M'..i.-rn H.iker. 4.l,. 1 -urt : . alem. or. 1 - 1 -1 IN T 1 : :.KSj it. i.;i 1 it ii t . . rTTu i"r l-uttne-. a. ttxe man l. C - i-oho Tin. nX tt ;id o. ti e. t-if., re. iur.,1 . ,i wau-a and !ro1 ua. c 1 ; Katlu.iy llx- c I '. ; 1 1 tl e, CAH Kr.ir), fin. u : ur ! o place, e tntiif. a l:vlna-t..,.niii. 1ftr.t r.l-e .. 1- n. i.nt si-., inc.. :o, milt lu voted. '-tl ".-t i.-imiMT l.xriia!!- r'li.SV-t'l.A.v-i iiev;.p-r an.l Job offn-e pio....ntun in ;.o j.U. v t..n; v.il utand la!.. l!)st;.i ..n , K'o.J re. 1-1 .111. for m.lliifi ; u"t f s ; m. d v 11. V iT. i it rcimtjn. U AM K.b lluJiin'ii 11 lua unh fi.'.oo cnriTy; mt.i tmr m rut in etn i$ a ! ion . b.c reluma. I'hone M.ir.i.all ;...on. Mr. LrO:.;-.ii-k. CvM NT : Y sto.-c. 1" mi.. out on i-. tr-c l:t.ti. ili-i-k ir tt, c. ;: and up-lo-dtu- Iix-tuti-a Tv-; ,"'d ttiifc.t ; m Al cotn tnunity . 1 jhh on.y. T ?... Oiegonian. Cl.i.AMNa a J I'n.e.nt i.'ioji f.r ai t h-np ; goo-l buues ; .ood i iat;n; i-.. rt-iit. 1 u fl :i4 1 ion Ui .. .-; ije oir rca-ft-r ... 1 . it . Fhone Mi:',il 1 j-3. 1 v'AN ;ou iiii i.rv ; ;,t nie ijj your h'-..Kke. p. n c inMi.iTi' ; : ji.a t m or ol -f .re u ot . . i an kt, t :.: :) ia. i'iunc 'i abor lvl' n-.m. li ' L tr.nti j:u l.a.: 1:1'.. r. t In gk"- lltn mood rt-- oaiflt. S.T.". Oi n TtiaKe i riiof.t-, m.-h. Ko. -m oj UunU.er i-x- C 1 ! : n l e Al-' T . . a . 1 :n 1 . i 1 k . tti AKi:l-. (r.-ii-'n. at -i rillo-r ...r c.ih , p.et,.iid te-.. :r c l 1 op. il . y- ill 1 1. 1 ti U.i t." .ie prlr.ts aid .1 :.t f v-t r: o - v.-i-.f 11 .1. t..iw. ;.n u m t; 1.1 1.: ' r 1. 1 'K wai.ied f..r -1." .r.-. 4 't mi. : ot feet tini ler. li.-at-l .a , L--at tiui.t. Aii..re. A ' 4.' 4. 1 . ; n. I.N h.NTni:S W-n ..eve, p and prf ett n- t-ii -.ioi.it, make in.M.e.-., imiirttip and tj- f t .tl th .it. u ( tct ut i i oit.end M ul l.A.-.I.A). III L-lei'f. t'.r. iulli" .-. -t. .r. Im jaosm: oen 1'Pt I" II. i eM '- Itt CI S. . a 1 1 i.mt. ! ft Y.i '. ii V.NT to hf ir from a n.an iv " h a few hu die i'i.-oi to ink-- ati a-ti tnt--t In a c -id ,r c ;r--..iiiin. n t ' 1 1. uaran t e tt -im-rti. I h,ti.' V l t-i -1- r.M itKtt.vi- K Ht in .. if ..f I., -l lo-n na in N I I et l.-.-a : In cit v. 3 fht'n. rfd hu-'.nfH, ''i fh, I.a'anre ra-. pivm-r-r.i. V t . H-'x 1-. '-r 1 "a ;i -, Wa'i. .t--v (.n(ri-:ii.;i--M- a.-. Iitht $."'-- in ..m mi-.h .r prtvr.:i. !mut ell1"". H 1 .J". -V!t. W If ' 1 ii Kl t A f 1 K I r!r,s-;. For a-i on- of th. nn! iifeir-i on the I'ai-irtr 1'o.in, tlni.tg giHil t-uaitieaa. 1 -reor-: n ..-. t; C.t. HA1.K initi! in l-vifv et S:.)e ar rane .end ? -thunre f.-.T if'-niiri -r r ur --- fin. IM e-nf,t initTic-in-in. T ; --.-ut:- :... t 1 ' T -1 I.-itV-- K.-Mr-. LAl'V m.th fi.iii.e i' . i me ii.-T.e it v v.ea man with ho:el buntieys, F. ....- M . 1. 1. iri..i-er. 3 1 r 4,nc-roonia. rrt rtandv ir man aid wl-e. Tnltli- Vaaon-'r ("o.. Fxrr.anee. If'R S I.K "-r-el fture fl:?-,-"! gi1 fl four l.ira; never been ufd. I'hone lar- e h a.l 1 I 1-Plt SVLK A firt-iaa mnrry, mitn a K od l.'wne maiket, near l'uruimi. K i4A 1 r : 'Yl tl I lu K ti V. tl-. ,t a ; ri. it n al conf :nit. ry. 'J li log-nxini. Kr e:e ceap. ar r.M.ni r. i hf:i.th. Tty o-n-r.er. ;;4 3 I;im-:i at. li A H It i. i;S 1 v.o-J ur ( ari-cr s hop. one inn. exrritMnc modern. food leaae. 1! . K 1 K r 'imk..r1-. O r. G.ttL (;.: ir.rt .au'iir t.-r a;e in a -M Or-ao-i t.mn; price r.KM. AV li'.'U. trc ron 1 in. FAVlNii C 'N Kt' T U t ti't Y in got.d couMiy 11 : mi!et se;i on account of health. A 1 'fei; en I a n. H A V K opn.ntr for cnorate::c man in a firai t m.-tmoM repa.r hop. Ci :i rxom s V-rig .in t 1. 1 1. l i -N I- i: 'T 1 -N I. it V air-i..; g i n am m y. I .1 - r -!a f"i"-nln. et-.. li- inc-i'Vinn; rent -fit'. ;' I l.i::r;hr KiohflDH, 0'NK;xT1"KKV West M.lo, for Iialf t-,e t out ft ft turea and atoi k. ithrow 4k i rr. 411 li. nry h.dtr. If A V K cuiont-r m anni roontnitr-lioufie tr bote! of to 4i room; 1.1 ul o cheap). 1 1 : K i- v c 1 i 1 1 .4 1 c fc. bli.l.lARn Paklhi: a n-.eod pyina ro- i1 1 Ion : rtiieon for Mhnc; mill nam: n-e for ciulck ajtle. K recont.in. GAKAt.K f-'r sal;, trade and et-rk t suppil'-, 1 1; In W lliameue- Valicy. aril 11 1 n t .1 r e 1 n . AV r '.., r--ic oil a n . Fi'i-l S Al.K -.-4 shares in the Ttti-.n HVnT- Hvillde-a. preyeni vilu '14i, Ir -quirk a i . 1 -..1. i 14 1. Orrfni!., 1T KK. ifoatl .ocatlon for hoe r-pilrin,; r-n : jl .. I nqu i re 4-M - M-.rr:on tt . OKNKHAI. nTchanillee fi'.ore In l;nker Co.. r : in; if o'd n: of-r. atn ."... CAH Krocei y f ,.r ii be ow coC owner vr.c city. Ml Altkr bXs;. rnoi.Konvi for a.ile c ?.4. Tho-e. p. Call Wood" Fi-U SAl.K. Sntat cah grocery. Owner, Carand ave. N. ACTIVE rAKTNElt -n anted ln automoMio 4,aiaie and rvyir ktiup. f.Uy eguipp-r-4 w 1 Lb marhinrr . doti.g tai rc. .ir nia ""'-it butaa-r-. kiio oi.. ciftt-., , liuv at.d iicfM.irlf. in on- of i'ortUai. a bf it iocatstina. ionc lease, fir-rproof Luii-u , int. Hori:ij ujaniy K,f jo ,.ri doltnc u Lite tuine!ie. owr.cr Ured of 0-pvr.iiln on hired be: a:.d wanu active man rejired. wn.cu is a-.cuieu. Call 17 N i: V 1-: rin v ror-ry si o,-ic and f .xturea for a A 1' 4i. t t'ec -mnn. Li - IV M A' li IM- M K.;. M' o"K. ANTtU lNj! I V K Vi 4 l.K'.V ?:!.!r..