tttt: SUNDAY OREnOXTW. rnrrr Avn .tit y h mtr AatomobUe.: A.tobU IZHZ ZSZsz V.lfil- """-:Ofl HEI F m.-Ul I Hl.j- ,TtlMAtL. USED ACTO SJiAPS. LIBERAL. TERMS GIVEX. 1914 MITCHELL. -cyL. 5 r f-;ui., neany new, Dijj sacrincs. 1912 Mitchell, s-ci.. s-put, just ovtrnauiea, a sooa lamiiy car. 1911 MAEIOX, 2-pass. roadster, 300. 1912 HAVERS, 6-cyL, 5-pus.. 700. 1911 BUICK delivery. 4-cyu. . 2-H. P 200. 1911 RAMBLER, 5-pass.. 40-H. P., (300. 1911 SPEEDWELL. 80-H. P, 4-paaa. 430. 1912 MICHIGAN, 5-PU1., ES-H. P., $400. A number of others to select from. Call and look them over. We will save you money. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAYER CO.. East 1st and East Morison. East 2177. S 121. . WE have the- following cars left from our sacrifice sale, which you can buy from $100 to (500 leas than any other place In Portland: 1913 CHAXiMRS. 4-passener coupe. 1913 CHALMERS. O-cyltnder, 7-passenger. 1913 CHALMERS, S-passen-er. 1913 STEARN-ICNTGHT, 6-cyU, 6-pass. 1814 WEiTON'. 7 -Passenger. 1913 WTOTOSf, 7-passenger. 1914 WlNTOif, 6-paasenser. 2011 PIERCE-ARROW, 7-passenser. THE WTWTON CO.. r C3d and Washing-ton Eta. Closed Sundays. 1 XTZa SALE OF USED CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. HUDSON' six. run only 12.000 miles ; must fee sold; owner leaving country; $725. 1913 IMPERIAL 40. run 6O0O miles, 1550. 1913 REO touring car; S4i5. 1911 SIODEBAKEB 30 tourlngr car. $265. 1910 EVERETT SO touring- car- 4300. 1910 CHALMERS 30 touring car; J250. 1910 THOMAS 40 tourxag- car; new tires; BUSINESS IS GOOD. See ns before you buy or sell. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO.. INC. 717 Hawthorne Ave. REAL BARGAINS. 1913 Bulck, elec. light and generator, r00 1914 Buick.-Mec. light and starter, ttSOO. ' 1U1. Hupraobile, eltc. light ana starter. Jf S35. li;T National Speedway roadster, $1000 1913 1-ton Federal truck, SU0. 1913 -tcm Buick truck, $3f.O. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 14th and Davis Sts. FORD racer. Bosrh magneto, etc. J 350. 1!'15 S1200 OVERLAND. S)00. 1914 12ii0 OVKKLAND. 0 1913 OVERLAND, electric starter, etc 5O0. ALWAYS THE BEST BARGAINS AT J. W. LEAVITT & CO., Used Car Department. 527 Washington. 10-PASSENGER CAR ' Splendid stage or hotel bus. seating 10 and driver comfortably; new tires 'and good condition, newly painted; Just the car to do some business with, at a very low price; some terms. Can be seen at Auto Top Co.. 525 Alder. 1910 CADILLAC TOURING CAR $275. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO, 717 Hawthorns. FIVE-PASSENGER OVERLAND: ELEC TRIC LIGHTS; PERFECT CONDITION v COST NEW $1203. PRICE FOR QUIi'K SALE 37j: REASONABLE TERMS MAIN 7592 FOR APPOINTMENT MON- BARGAIN 1S1J Locomobile. 6-pass.. Al r ......... i.. tzo im rirrinc llgniS. Inquire F. H. Downes, 430 Burnside or phone Main S922. - " BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $30 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker Bldg, Corner Chapman and Alder. 1IODERN Decker & Son second-hand up right piano for sale: leaving city; bar gain. Daniel H. Wt:son, 617 Eilers olrig Broadway and Alder st. Call Mon. and Tues. CALIFORNIA auto trip, auto sa;esman, cir?ful driver, would like position with private rarty on such a trip: have marie trips before; give phone. BC 900, Ore gonian. COLUMBUS electric victoria phaeton, in good condition; batteries need overhaul ing; $100 cash. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO, 14th and Davis Sts. 1910 BUICK 20; foredoorsl aTi good tires and 1 spare: good mechanical condition; price.-$225: terms. National Oarage. 37th and Hawthorne. PA RTS. PARTS! PARTS. Gears Axles vv heels, radiators, etc, for 20 makes of cars, at reduced prices. Pacific Tire & Sup- ply Co, 327 Burnside st. FORD FOR SALE. 1913. in first-class shape, no Junk; $230. $150 cash. bal. terms. 329 Third st, 10 j amiuay. 11. ."ueisier. t2i0 r.-passenger 190S model White steam automobile; easiest riding car made; just overhauled; new Ajax tires; fine condition and a great bargain. Tabor o 024 . GARAGES erected complete $30 up; ready cut or portable houses $125 up TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 543 Water st, near Harrison. Main 1167. GET YOUR AUTO TRIMMINGS PLATED AUTO PAINTED. PORTLAND PLATING & AUTO PAINTING CO. A 528 2u AND THURMN. MAIN 943. FRANKLIN car. like new; can be seerTat Franklin Garage; price $1350 for sale or exchange, city property. AC .$31. Orego- nian. 6-PASaENGER. 1913 model. In good condi tion; cost J160O; will sacrifice for $395 cash; no trade; deal with owner; answer B 933, Oregonian. 1911 BUICK 40; 2 new tires, presto tank looks good; in first-class condition; iota of power; price $350. National Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. 1912 STUDEBAKER auto 20. fine condition; w ill trade. Call Col. 292 or write 102 N Jersey st, St. Johns. Or. PEERLESS. 6-cyl, 7-pass, lata model elec tric self-starter and lishts: exceptional r-argaln: terms. Broadway 536s. fcu-.MlLE auto ride on the Columbia High way. $2.50 each. Duplex Auto Co. auu atark. Main Ml. au OVERLAND 1911 touring car. good con L '?,a,,--S cash or S:i0 terms. Mar- WILL take use of automobile for certain days in the week in part payment of player piano. Main 2344. S-CYL. 5-pass car of best grade for sale by owner; cheap for cash; might take smaller car in trade. P 823. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Buick. 5-papsenger, good enn aven" Woodlawn 1249, 646 Mississippi HAVE good 5-passenger car. want roadster 1913 or 1914 Meiz, Hup or Ford. AB 930. OreKonlan. FOR SALE Buick, 5-pass, fine condition cheap; need money; 2 to 6 "P. M. today; iW and Baseline road. Fine condition: $:'.on. Rrondw-ay 5268. SLIGHTLY used tires from 3 to $10 eaca vulcanized 25c tire, repairing. 207 Madison. 4'-;HO,ri.s"EPOWRR "-oadst-er. fully equipped 1 v hj oarage, to Jtltn. CHALMERS :;. 5-pass.. model K; bargain; leritif. tiroadwaj .jriGH. $5 BUYS Maxwell roadster. 410 Montgom ery. GOING awav; nearlv new Saxon roadster '"-'"-.-lEl:iUl?"Tel- E- 19S0. GOOD 3-ton truck cheao for cash; only used short time. T3l.Or;Bonian. SAXON LIG HT'd E iTl V E R Y. Brand new ;ii.l car. B-.jariway 536". FOR SALE Sturtebalter. 25. new tires; terrrs to suit. Woodlawn 4R1. 15 lf)-7.3 . M H. P. truck-, good condition. iiu- Iciden. Union and WyganL. OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PANT. I'oSO CAR L-EPARTMtNT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN sLMlAIS. ETUDE BAKER "30" Roadster, over hauled and repainted $400 8TUDEBAKER fine condition "20" Touring car. .$3. MAXWELL 5-passenger touring car, overhauled and repainted list STUDEBAKER 11I model, touring car, overnauled. repalmeu . . $45o STUDEBAKER "SO" Touring car, thoroughly overhauled, extra road ster body and top $400 STUDEBAKER "30" Touring car. 1913 model, overhauled 1275 STUDEBAKER 8IX. 114 model, thor oughly overhauled and repainted. ... ISS0 8TUDEBA KER "r O U R" Electric lights and starter ................. $47$ OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. ' Studebsker Bid. Comer Chapman and Alder Sts. Phone Main 4o2. A TSS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. . FORDS. BOUGHT FOR CASH. SOLD ON TERMS. 1913 FORD. 5-pass.. fully equipped, master vibrator, speedometer, seat 'covers and shock absorbers, finest condition. Price $3.10. 1913 FORD, C-pama, $325. 1913 FORD. 5-pass., $293. 1914 BUICK 23., electric lights and starter, practically new; cost $1130, price $ooO. 1910 CHALMERS 30,. 5-pass.. $350. 3 913 OVKRLA-ND 3.".. roadster, $450. 1913 CHALMERS 3i. 5-passr. electric lights and starter. this can, has been used very little; original cost $23uo. price $o75. 1913 STUDEBAKER 25. 5-pass.. $473. 1912 MARION 40. 5-pass.. .!!.. 1912 MAXWELL 30. 3-pass., .;r.0. 1912 OVERLAND 30. 5-pass, $30O. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. NEW AND USED FORD AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. BENJAMIN E. BOONE & CO., Ford Agents. 614 Alder st. Main 39S Automobiles Wanted. BEAUTIFUL home, sbout 8 acres.- set to bearing orchard; bungalow, barn, fruit dryer. In city limits, .large maple trees. mile to station; sidewalks, all city con veniences; $3t0u; auto up to $2uo0; ro Junk; bal. 8 years; no fakes. W. C. Rob. erts. Drain. Or. HAVE 13 acres of 4-year-old orchard carrying a first mortgage of $Ucl0, close to good town on a main line railroad. 1 want to trade equity for unincumbered Portland property; would consider good automobile or late model. AN 922, Oregoman. WANT AUTOMOBILE. Have lOOxlvO. 4-room house, all clear. rented; want good late model auto for same. J. H. DIETZ. 923 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 164. AuiuimiilLt .wanted, r-o-issn;er or roadster; must be in A-l condition, stan dard make and a bargain inr cash; give iuii aescripiion, mase, m-id- l, miles run, condition of tires and lowest cash price. Address AV 370. Oregonlan. WANT the best Ford. 1914. touring car that s.hi. ti.i casn. win Duy; might consider roadster; no junic .At home Sunday or evenings after 7. Drop card to E. A. Strong, 15S0 Jordan st. University. WANTED To lease 5 or 7-passenger car. t preferred, any standard make; must be In good condition. For particulars call 9 to 11:30, or phone room C22, Cornelius Ho tel ; references given. WANTED Auto truck owner to contract to haul &oo tons baled hay 2a miles over good country roads; good pay for s hustler. Address Capt. Mitchell. LaureL Washington. WANT S-pass. auto in exchange for 5 acres or gooQ land mile from P. station; every foot easily plowed; no rock or gravel; w-orth i ;o. cochrun. 06 bpaidlng mag. Main 3S97. HAVE inside property at Reliance. Alberta. to trade for first-class late model auto. Address with description to Pacific Mer- cantiie Agency, Eugene. Or. AUTO WANTED Will take auto as part payment on 1 to 10 acres at Portland or on lo ftcres at Washoueal: easy terms-' Chas. Gill. Washougal. Wash.. K. No. L GOOD 8-room house and corner lot : also acre, near city limits.' water, light, phone, etc., for good automobile, AO 9o3, Ore goman. WANT automobile in trade for equity in East Side home; exceptional proposition; also have beacH lots for auto. O 932. iregonlan. WANTED 7-passenger car su. table for rent service. $2oo down, balance monthly. Al mechanical condition and appearance es aent:al. W liaa. oregonlan. WANTED Want to hire at once a truck to haul several hundred cords of oak wood eight miles: good road. John 11. Scott, Salem, Oregon, WILL sacrifice looo ML Tabor lot for 7.'.o. Might take Peninsula lot or auto as part payment. O -'7. Oregonlan. HAVE clear lot 30x110, Rose City Park dis trict, and some cash, for good Ford tout ing esr. Owner. Main 6179. WANT late model car"! have $14i;0 cash equity in modern bungalow and some cash. AO 905. Oregonlan, WANTED Ford machine: what hsve you got? per cent cash. 313 Stock Exchange bldg. Mar 6179. after lo o'clock today. WANTED A Ford runabout driving mare, buggy and harness as part payment, lxtj E. Madifon. cor. 76th. SIGHTLY Roe City lot no niortttawe, tr 4-pajisenrer Kord or other g;ood auto. East :.-".. Main 61-0. - OR auto; wl'l trade two lots at Pt. J onus worth, today. $700. Phone Main CASH for a light roadater or five -passenger car. Hup or Ford. pVefrred. Must be a go-d buy for ca.n. a.N y.ti, reunlau. THREE lots. Fosterroad. tblocks" from Lents Junction, to trade for autos. 1914 or 115; no Jur.k. X 928. Oregonian. II AVE late Saxon roadster and cash; exchange for JarRtr car V'tat na you? C 'J-iO, Oregonian. , WANTED 1914 auto In exchange for subur ban property. North western Clearance Co., 121 Northwestern Hank bldic. $J2oo SECOND mortKige. monthiy; exchange for a K. i-'J, Oregonlan. payable Uo good, new auto. LOT in Irvlngton Park Addition. 50x1 lo. for light and late auto; must be in first-class condition. AO 34. Oregonian. SOME fin clear lots to exchange for 3-o-t?n truck In good condition. Ah S&4, Orego man. IN market for truck. S tons or larger; mu.U be In good condition. Y 7tt, Oregonlan. WANT to buy portable garage. Addreaan Townsend. 4n.1f F.ast 4Tith ?jorth. TO EXCHANGE Cord wood for small auto -Phona Uroadway 2415. WANTED 1 -cylinder OldsmoLiie. condition no object. a.8 East Washington st. FORTY acres timber for good automobile. lajid In Washington L Q3-. Oregonlan. WANTED to trade for cut". Tabor .1174. Automobiles for Hire. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY OR OTHER ALL-DAY TRIPS. s2 50in Pai"t'e of 'our. Franklin car. Phone Woodiawn 2599. rOH HIRE, ll.r.O PER HOURl 5-passenger 1914 Ftrd; rates for trips or day work; Rood services. Pnoue Main 12U1 or Eas t 5 H 5 1 . FOR HIRE reasonable, clean, classy Hudson car; careful driver. Main &37tt. CADILLAC. Call Tabor ZWJ and ask about t'olumoia Highway and other trips. Motorcycles. H AH LE Y-D A V I DSON. 1914 twin, nei fully eguiprte-d. in first-class condition for quick $1..0 cash. See machine at llus East Market st. TWI Excelsior, equipped, first-class con- nuion. -j QOV.ZX and XIJ.OO a montn Tabor (3C. li14 S-H. P. two-speed Harley Davidson In f irst-claaa condition; a bargain, fc'tein's Bargain Exchange, 2 X. oth. WILL exchange elegant new $10 Edison disc phonograph for first-claw motorcycle Hyatt Talking Machine Co., .",." Alder 6-li. P. fully equipped Excelsior In fine shaye for $lw cash; a to bargain. Sr.-i.i's Pargaln Exchange, ', x. Ch t FOR SALE CHEAP 1014 Kit eisior motor- cycle, first -clans condition, fully equipped Call today at f12 East ."ith it. N. NEW mot or, twln-cvcle belt-drive -offer. :m4 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE lfir. 3-speed Harley-Davldson. Call D lliW today. 1014 DATTOX equipped. 9 1 V. two-sped Tabor a.l.'ii motorcycle. 19! 4 TWIN INDIAN," fully Equipped; snap. Call Sunday. East CLEAN-UP SALE MOTOP.CTCI.E PADDLES, original price -lu; aals price. .7i each. 23 COMBINATION MOTORCYCLK TAX Lfc.M AND l.l-(JU.;K CAKRItl'.S. original price $10; t:o.l.g out at i.7i. MOTORCYCLE CARBIDE GENERATORS. price 14; sals price oaly ll.7i. MOTORCYCLE HORNS. erlglnai .0o; sa.e price. Wc each. price BICYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE CHIVE HtLLs, original price l.-i. sale price. 3uc each. JOB LOT OF J to $J per pslr. TO 13 CLOVES at $1 Three 1914 mode'.. 7-horsepower TWIN Mk.KKc.LS. beit drive, absolutely new; $li eacu; teriua MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO.. 31-33 N. Broadway. bPKCIAL MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. We are n ottering some eatra bar gaitis In used mutori cies. 1914 Lnon. j-speed. equipped, good as new, $22.i 1UI3 U-H. P. Dayton, equipped. $130. ll13 U-H. V. Doiou, equipped, like m $1". J912 7-11. P. Indian, equipped and thor oughly overhauled. $125. 1913 5-H. I, main drive R. p.. equipped, $9o. Msny other cueaper machines. DAYTON CrCLK OCX. 210 Broadway. rSED'MACH INFS OF ALL M A K ES 1-ltoM II'. lN EA.-Y TERMS. lOLK OLD MACHINK TAKEN IN ON TKALE. EAST fllfc. MuTuKi. YCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Atenry lor the F.ying Merkle. 2-SPEKD YALE. EQUIPPED. $143. Twin Thor. equipped. vS. Twin Jeff.-r.on 7. equipped ii;$. OTHLH BARGAINS. Best repairing in the city at lower prices JKFFfc.KaOX CYCLE ' . 27 Id si. MalntlJ. FOR hALE Indian motorcycle, single mag neto, good condition, first party with -3 tak.s it. 87 Norm 13lh st, apt. I. Main 124. READING standard motorr cleT" f Ine con dition; on account or death of owner will consider sny reasonable cash offer, tee at ll;.i Maryland ave. FOR HALE 1914 Thor motorcycle. 9-horse-power. 2-speed. fu;iy equipped: good buy for cash; terms If wanted. Phone Tabor 3405. STRICTLY flrM-class twin Indian motor cycle, splendid tires; price $!".'. :15 down 1Q monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 3.1 Alder. lDc; CAR. like new, for !4o, btelu's ';ra)n Exchange. 2 North st. Ha Ijiunclies anil lUratM. 20-FOOT motorboat. 12-horsepower. Palmer engine, hull of port Orford cedar, deck ing oak, with high-grade marine lop; ail in first-class conultlon, fully equipped and good for any purpose. Wlil sea for part, cash, balance easy terms, or trade for au tomobile, tiee Air. Becker, cor. 14tb and Burnside. Main 9436. or owner, H 120O. M OTOI1 BOA T for sale at half pTlce; family launch, canopy tup. cyprcs hull. 2-H. I1. t'ushman engine; speed aoout 8 miles. $loo.. Come lo Island Station, near Mil waukle. Inquire r..r V. E. Christenson or phone 13 W, Mliwaukle. - LAUNCH. Will sell or trade rr-.v OvT.ft laitneS 15-H. P. medium duty engine and full equipment, for your automoinie. Make me an oner. t-t w;n. Oregonlafl. -lo-FT. CI'.LI-SKK LAUNCH equipped fur camping, o-cyliuder Van xnercK motor, aeir-s tarter, etc.. Including juathoute; bnrgaln. J'.r..alway 5;ws. FOR your canw or launcn ; et a $15 lciroMt or lirafanola. Portable. f:ne tone; . down. J monthly. liatt Tallt- FOH SALE Uunrb, ,.3x! 1. 40 h. p. heavy .duty eiiKino, good for 7i paasencers. tully . equipped atid m flrst-vlas-t ordt-r. iStauu ard Hoathouse, foot of Madieou. 40-FOOT houseboat liTvery fine condition to trade for iint car or chassia. Aii orrgonian. ' MOTOIUIUAT b.NAH-2J-ft.x; tl. 4 Inch.. s:e-d u miles. fJ-'o compute with boat. Last 2 JO lundaiyfc: week days. b-ROOU houseboat trr $Xi; mn '--ai ai-ear home for larre fra-ly or w,,.! v i wcnnuri. rnone e.i. 1U13. -j.wuM itoueuoat. furnmhed. muai be aoli. 1 achinery. EQUIPMENT FOK RENT AND FOR SALE. Air compressors Motors -'ra drivers .oi.-rete mixers I'umpe lerncks Srom Hoisun enslnes srm shovela Loi.orau-.lvei Traniis We are prpsrln a handbook list In ff available equipment m North est- it lnt-reted. write lor a copy. We have many rails tr equipment which we are unsi.le to aerure. If you hsv any for a:. sDd us your list wnn prices aiid comju'-ie d' scrip iwns COAirrKKL v MAOHIN'ERT CO., ls'0 Yeon L.d(. Main C7"5. a Typewriter. ALL MAKES LA RG EST f F 1. E TU -N. LOWEST FKICPP, MACHINES RENTED 4A"mNThTE" oR 5 AND UP. ("ALL AND 1NPKCT Ol it MOCK tjR KtND FOR U.L.-THATED l'AIE LIST. RETAIL, DKpAKTilLVT " n.ifi.uM rvrwanu, or. XVPEWR1TEKS for rent; 3 mor.ths for and up; 6 months rent ap,i d on pur cnasi prl'-e. i:emington lpentr Cum Pn.e6 liroad ay. Portland. Or. r. save you from 00 1 75 per cent on an makes of typewriters; send for our lilua tiated folder. p.eta:l departm-nt W HOLfc faALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Wash fit. SPLENDID I- C. Smith tynewrfter. vlaible tabulat'r, etc. ; c st 10, price t37 j. 5 "", - i munuiiv. nyatt Aaikog Ma chine Co., ao Alder. TYPEWRITERS. U makes. $10 to do. The Nortbvest Typearlter to- tJ2 biark at. Mam ::,2&. NEW, rbuit second-hand rentals at cut rgteg. p. l. C. 231 Stark st. Main I4ti7. Mlacellaneoua. STAPLE JEWELRY STOCK, No ftxturts.) DIAMOND.'. WATCHK S. -HIOH-CLAriS" NEW PTCK'K: AC'll'AL VALI K :.oOo; WILL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. OR C .NSIDEi; TKAI'E D ESI RA RLE KE AL ESTATE IN OR NEAR PORTLAND OR MoRTOA iES. CONTRACTS, tit HIUH CLASS J RoCE It Y STOCK OR WHAT HAVE Vol.' "Woi:TM WHILE- TO OF FER? ADDRESS OWNEli, b bo. ORE ; 'MAX. wv- MOTORS AND CENERATORK FOR RENT OR FOK SALE. 41 alternating current motor in stock; sizes from 1-1.1 H. p. up to 1."h H. p. 1'J direct current motors, ail sizes. We buy. sell aud repair -electrical equip ment of all klncs. Oet our prices. Motors rewound Aato repairing. Wiring. B. E. DAVIS &. Co., Electric and Machine Works. 103 Eaht Water al. Eat 3141, B FOR PALE Coltrln concrete mixer euipped with gasoline enirine; capacity 2' to u earda hour ; good condition ; cheap. MU ler at Keen, McMlnnvllle, Or. $-0 NEW l:t-j. DurlinKt-m watch. 25-year case, for $15. at In s Bargain Exchange, 2n N. nth st. CO N T R A CTO R S. A TT KXTIu N. No. 4 Reiiabte blasiang marhine cheap. Htein's Exchange, 'JH Nort h Ut h. Foil SALE Camera. 2 S x3 ; Prmoete. almost n?w, fine condition, cheap. C 12 7. tr- gonian. FOR SA LE A tota! adding National Cash Register. tape attachment: registers t ro m r cents to $5 15. $.".4. fcg 11th St. Phmi EOND IsETTERHKADS, J'J White envelop-. $1.75: samples free. Coleman Tiros. Hog vj. Portland. BILLIARD and pool table, mcle-m, com plete, very litrT used ; coat t .?Oo, ell for $115; fcrma. BD 944, Oregonlan. KOLLTOP desk and chair. Howser oil 'tank coffee mill. regwier. he!ving, counters, showases, very cheap. 24." Isu $10 ?r.o NEW at. South. refrigerator. 847 E. 51st NO. 2 Remington typewriter, good condition. $io. Inquire :p0 Oak St., nr. 5th. NEW No.-,S man suit, never used." sTorth $1. for $". Inquire -" I.elmont st. FOK SALE 2 c h I roprar-t lc adji.slln g tables am 1 1 maicuis ' or. jo;, Hrimnnt. J. RuUsK p tESKS. 2 t !nt, 4 f iMn g cab tnets 7 chairs. Hushnng t Cn., ui Park si. (jl I'K-MKAL gasoline range, near.y new $1. cost $27. li2 1st St FOR PALE Derra Address AJ lt:1. tooTa. practically new. Ortrgonian. GOCiD En:is.t a'vle baby buggy for s!e cheap. 1'hone Tabor 14-V4. Z'2 Hj. P. Ietro;t gas eng!na. fine condi tion. $-':ft. Phone Sell wood 114. La ii J E Jitok Port Ih nd wall map ood as new. for spot R ! ;o. OreKnnan. Fo H SA LE Almost new hoKer feed $lo. AV 34. oregoman. FDR SALE Two rw ele-"tru feni p-ir. phone Sell ood 1211. pump. half H ONE -nclneera V." eve? e-M trs-- Hall. H"-ie Va.V Wi ' -A- Uooo bitycie for aaia at -a L. e7U au SECOND-HAND MACHINERY SUPPLIES See Us For BOILERS. ENGINES. PUMPS. AIR COM- rtw K. or anything In the line ut machinery ou cwu iM"""viy wane or el Pi-LIES t.F ANY KIND, brass. vlv,i. lutings. t.- PI Phi P1.-K 1-1 PE any amount or any sis or kind. Guar anteed stock, long lengths, beer UweaUS wuu coup.mgn. C A bLK CA BLK CA OLE Any sise or kind. RAlLJj RAILS lor relaying and cont rrira. PI. I MlilN'i SUPPLIES. The larseat slock lu the city of Inde- H-vUklj ANL FITTINGS la bort. see Hard for anything. It Pays. M. BAHDE SONS. The House .,t a Million iiarralna. ,0 2-4 Sl 23 ItAlis IS luUlUND. ALL statistics show Kloui Cliy. Iowa, to be " w n.rt ot in most prosperous sec lion of tl.s United males. fha Sioux i ity Tribune Is Issued each evening lo readers approximating 240.ooi and covers Moui City. Northwrii.ra lows. iirtll.tprii X r-1 r,.k. i. rl Mmi,K. Dakota thuroushI. The Tribune bss mote rlrcu.atlon llian any ot.i.r eveuing or inoining newspaper puba.ned In the elate The Great Trl-Slate Want Ad Medium wi.i csrry your meae to the homes of '"' o lerruory at a cost of only oue cent a word each day. bend our adtertlse- THE SIOI'X CfTT TRIBUNE. SloL.V CITV. IOWA. SPKCIXL. prlc on low-down combination loUel. luanotMd new. .&j. ALSO plumbing supplies tana pip of all descrip tions a: Iukt prices. We will save ou money If -iU let us flaune on furnishing your plumblnc supplies and pipe, a c.l a do!n your plumbini work. v e are :J to estimates free of Knmrgm. ah wortt ir u rant.-e J -NOKTM W tlSTth.N I'lPE CO. 187 Kront tit. Pteen Yamhill and Taylor. FOR hKNT OR FOR tALK. IKKinc una hoisttns; nifiuri, derrick, critpvrs. iluiiiBhest buckets, concrete mix ers, pumps, etc. KLtCTRIC MOTORS. Altem.TtinK an J i3lrci-current motors, guarantf d in fviry rreppet; all makes. STANDAKD JiACUlNKRV Co.. 41 gc-oni si. v sell or rent. VlCTKoLA i(iti style, and about 00 rec ords, grand c per as, comic opt as. ovt." turcs, craiorlos. standurd sontts, etc., u Melt-a, McCorn.ack. Caruso. Farrar and a., lettiiiig atngt-rs, lineat collection of miuit on Coast: wl.j sell at great sacrifice ac count departure. Address AK sili. Ore gonlan. PRIVATE grower want- not more tban thnee regular customers to use output of extra ae.eci s ret peas; can supply C do, bunches a w.ek ; uO stems to bunch. 2 to 4 f j wers to stem ; $1 per dox. bunches; Sfi nrr arii v - n.lnr. 1 1 . .. . lawnder. tix JO, Ocegonian. Phoi.o Wood lawn FOR SALE CHEAP One fclerllng nTest-silce.-. -J computing scales, one el-, i ric coifee mill, one meat block. Fairbanks platiorm scales, showcases and other f Ix tures. Must sell rather than move. Phone East -ln or C IMs. Call before Tuesday night. 5.;7 Willliiios ave. teExiN; MAC 11 iN Eri ;in.x 112. Hinger 114. Wme Faxorlie .n. le mores. New Home $12, A U i.on 1 L'avis Mdk't $.. Domestic $s. bee our line of new tu-chines of a:i mske at re duced prices, hewing Emporium. !:m rd near Tnior st. Main l4 II. A Jd PIPE. PIPE. PIPE At bargain prices; galvanied and black, from to H-inch, new and cund-bani. all kin lis of tiiuiitbtr. g supplies. rOliTLA.SU I ii'E aliol', -Tt Front ft. j Main WE wiil dispose of a lt ot used elns inartiinM at eacn, a hit, binders. ew Hma and Sc Wttson. and a gxi many oucr msaes ; all guaranteed. M orr ison. L I LLI A HDS New and second -hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bom Jtn alleys and a"eoria ; uy painenta. iu l rnr.iwt( k-l alkc-Cuutndtf Co.. 41-44 Sin. CASH HE INTERS. larcestckon hand save you 40 to tto pr cent; ail rsgiste.s ICuaranireil. Cvah Register Exchange. SJ Wellington at. FINE sMrhrty used Favorite hornless graphopho.i with 20 d .c records mi 3. pr;ce $10 down, 2 1 "-O monthly. Hya'.t Ta.kin Machine Co.. a0 Aider. SPLENDID horn less Edison Ambero!a with h rers: coal $44; once sI . down. $? monthly. Hyatt 1 silting Jaachin Co :i.-.o Alder. tWlNii MACHINES new and aeenna r.snd saie or rent. $2 up. leing Marhin Emporlum luu ad au, near Taylor, aiaiu im31. a ai2i. 24-lNH leather suitcase, with straps, for H I Stein's Barsaln Exchange, 2 Nort r.f fi st. H'H'Hr Ki.U h Camera Eacnange. id at Cameras, kodaks and tens bought, soid ar.d ei -fisnged. We sell the lea r-m me re a ONE four-hrae Hoover potato-4 gr eo-i as new. Tor $00 cash, by Otto ameinlg. an'iy. Or 7-JKWLL Wa;ttiam or Ft gin a alcUes. d Ji - proof patent casea, $3. btalu a Aiar gain Kt'nar .! North C.ih at. FoR SALE $lt'i safe. $2: $T5 Toledo c:n- fut ing aciia, '-". delivered free In Port ar.d. E. H Huily. t?L Johns. Col. ;S. DIAMOND housa paints, sirict.v pure; made In Orecon : per ssllon. $ 1.75. Portland Paint ' o., 2 '" Front at. Marshall loo 2$ -J E tV El, l'.-sise Vamuaril new 1. o- ear case, ot $4".. $'."5 takes It. Stein a Dart-rim Ex-nre. North fi'h. 1? PL F.N DID Ed.aon phono raph and lo records. $17 5o. $7.' down and tl month lv. Hyatt Ta king Machine Co.. :.5a Aider. .0 unredeemed guna and re volvers: all makes; cheap. Haau regard a ToH Main at. Vancouver. Wash. CHihV VIEW camera, rapid lena. 12 plate, holders. 2 printing frames, cheap, lol He! mont st. $1n5 AI'ToMaTIC printing press and tpa for $75. teteln's Bargain Exchange. 20 N nth st. 5-RoOM modern houseboat for sale; Willam ette moorage, foot of Crampton. AK. 112 iregonlan. BARGAINS In averrthlng. Kn-harii. 2 N. th st Stein's Bargain KNAP Auto and vacuum carpet cleaner com btnd. 4o2 East Wash, at., room 10. Ca!l Monday. FI RST-CLASS double-barrelled shotgun, coat $4.1. price with $" worth of ahl.s, $22.iO. $lo doan. $3 monthly. 3.V1 Alder. 3U Y 1 S. room ; ill matting cheap. See engineer, Merchants Trust b!dg. WALL map City of Portland cheap, bee -engineer. Merchants Trust bldg. CH E. VP Cabinet phonograph and choice lot of records. Call room Congress HoteL THE Neutral Cigar Havana riller sella tor 0c taat s like k3c 262 Puma id a SAFES. The Mosier Fafe Co.. SAFES. :4 .Mark PL U.E H;tseit Native Herbs for rheumatism 5.0 tablets for lie. All druggists. FOR SALE Texas milk gnat, suitable for nursing babies. !.'.l4 tSravensteln ave. SODA fountain complete, chairs and tables for sa.e cheap. Woodlawn 4 Tl 0. SAFE for sale cheap. Alblna EapreasI tZb Everett. TYPWRITER to exchange for eement work or larpenterlnir. H 131 . Oregon i n H'M pool Mlili, IK12. t tregor.lan. for sa.e or tfd 1 HOISEUOAT. Phone P-cry. flfia condition, Mrshail Z4 2. good buy. F H SAli: A nl e new d ks cheap. First Lt (( flat-top FOR SALE. bargtln. IH-ft. C.i: East U21. launcn, fully .rafi?a .x. P4 N. M h at. Century View Camera W NTKI M lfrXI.A ' KOfS. STEIN'S Harmln Eachanae. . tlth at. We buy, sell and exchange. What have ou 7 W bov serorrl.hand rnf'e r-'a.itrr;pnrfi rignt.AC 921, Oregonlan. MK!il'l to small second -hand sa f 2 E Vrr iaon st . HI'ii m bout 4 e. blew are. 7 -t 1 1 V alao sterling stiver A K P.".... Oregonlan. WANTED National cash register. Main $ L'lS Washington st. WANT 1J-itih wood ,aH. with shaft and pu'ley O . Oregonlan. W VTITD Vent r'sn ae rM. Enterprlae meat grin-ler Phone Main 7 r ? 7. I V v.ti a an 'Thau nri. es for used f ir aiiture, carpets, ca;i Ue t ui la. Max. at. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHE py b caM pre for iaui and (f ig iatof c.ot:ilisg. blc cM t.d trl.iit.g in oiKt.ani.., 1. at ws up. We teej :t mJ nh: l, jor tl ul.oUt 51UKL, trst St Ma.o 24$t. &iCuU-HAM CLoTIilNti WANTED"" J . MEacK. 1H!-. TAlLuii. PAV-4 Hit lli'iiiLfl l-ati. K FOK CLoiHlXti ANU OUOES V fc CALL ritCMilLV. the ac.i AliLal ilLia.ic M.i -.a sAjiAu.v W A N KJnm kjT o-n aepo m ef. ;jv or U-p.s. tj-rci motor. l-.eie with t p.aie. poi.wy a iul -.m,e-o-ti:ut be in oa.itlua Ad- P 4t. A:! n. r 1oR a thorvughiy rs.iao.e houae to buy or ! houwim.u oai or ar. triiog to tne Lsrdwei .u, r.i m I,in ata.-dware a Kurniiur Co.. -1 rivoL 1'bot.e A Ills. Ma:n9k '. AN T ED S.-t d uon.-!un t..t n- lu: e., rounj sate, de(osit t!ie lort tuU pr.i e. A ro bsan. 1 WANT t. bu cheap one 1 ur 1 S " K." W. .oific cfncrainr Ana one n r ;4 H p. sa or oil oul.uc. J. a. M C c Jerwuod. VV can. WANTE1 Man and w.f t no rh:Mrni, moud trad p. ana for itut of apartment. bt of rrtern gin and re( Ad rrt is V.'.'l. uritr..ia. I'l.oJ ti"'fo I sr. tern or mnvini -picture machine laniM, 7 ll p. motorcc.e. run ls -"o m:, 10 trad. Ji. i. t:n!e. Central a- oiul, or. WANTED Houseboai on or" before SpV 1 ". furnished or. unfurnished. Addreae or t.' one D. L WlKiama. ai Cara. of Com. bet K 1.1 N L S 1 1 L'"y JELL AND EXCHANGE HUNiTl lit. HE.-r HitU ES PAID. $14 avl. East ;i$ 1 1 t illMI Fl i:NITl HE iiV-IM U(". eor .-a but or jr.. wr furiitura ret ujf rri'-ra. Main Alt.- W ILL PAT CASH "FOR SECOND-HAND HOt AbliOLU OOODJ4. PJiONLaiAlNll2. A Ji47. WANTED-Tlller wnswl. lf-tnrh propeller bis;. and 4cll for ;Ml launch. Mar eJ.a.1 2211. A ; m i. eroud-hand I" Oder wood typ rner an:ed; must be a barga.n, V 4. tr-tjr. .an. VV AN I (Jra'.r! tamer i on. siaie ix and fru- 1 AM Oregonian In aol oiti'li w L v u ansaer IF au hate msrketau.e ( for ss e Me h ou cant ip,;, answer and I w iii l'y -ju carh ft.r trie in. C K1. urvfunun. I PAY lh h :ibtl Drlres for lad lea" and g-r.t' evconu-hand cioihing. Airoadaay 3. WANTED A Hup. ;w or rebuilt Ford road -su-r; term: r;ab.e party, call Marsna.i or l.4. V ANTE! 4-. cle. 4-clli.d r. ecor.d-hand engin, 'tn (urn ioer; muv. be cheap tor CJ" -- Wnn :i'n. Main i4. wanted a firt-c. 4-drawer oak w.ter fl injc cab.iicl for spwt caau. U ort avf. an. boi i.i.fliAjiiiKLLU or pump shoiaun. 2 or revolver, top biin and harnea. MateT'i m S 112. 'fPK-muin. W A X T i: D 2 1.0. mi avtoLd-hsnd Lruk aTid iisurea on re:e and brit k work. Uroad- iy aoo Ditu si. WANT rd ri-oiid-hand cook mv, with coil pr-ierred: ium table aud chairs. W. li. Alar hull u.".. ANTED To buy a Umo tent and a lare Urpaunn In nu-ol order at a low price. tJJ Railway Lachanga. Phone Main lio. W ANTED viasollne engine of 3 to3H. WI can for barcain. Main OWL FCRNITl'RK CO." pa)S best price for yutir furniture. .Jl 1st at. Main ;. WANTI.l rath tuf. range, boilt r and cai- pe nte r io:. Ts:..r i',;. WANT fto.ood um4 furniture"! pay food Prr". s'artir.g bc wJi't: rltwood li CA.-H paid for ha:r combines Sanitary lieauty 1 arlor. 4 Duum bidg. - 1 r.i. npenir-ff nr jt more. 4 rae. y orejroniun. a and S-ft, HELP HAMEU M.ILK. n . -. iir-nii sa.esrtliti: .ittl.rmm Ktesrtlt ti ; l.tad. . Iisiirr f - re fn u n . mil . n.ppiii le; it. ... mi neer. u . s, sa m m , 4u;i-ciumrt. a oo. v en - e. r gutter. $3 ;.o. S.,p foreman. U. sten 1 apuer aiui nf : ir ma. 1. ; ot ner uprt.ii.gA iiit aderiic d. li ou aie epe rieiivca tradesmsn. tna.har.L al or clero al. gei ttith ua. fu-.ure Ala k s. i-.ttle Rok. Ark -OV KM. & LN Y poM.l,iia. oolofu. is.I- a v mal. o; rr are g.od ; p:e para ' -sams ' f. iur C !. rltil sert l e " re tar - amine r itooklrt M J5 lr-e. V. rile tods . l at'.crs-.a Civil irt ice f hiul. l;.ciieer. N. Y. WANTED li.nh-riaM sa es.r.en f .r road, i-apsl.- of eritlt.s $.'.0 to $ ; per we. Mua: Lt ao 10 h:mr(f f..t a e a i- rfet o-niract. e.I afier V A, M. at l. toad a a Vt E oat sevtta. pet.tns gtiint of liid-.-nde:)t ma. t.liaracter in..,e in porta r s f r cstaL.ish- ian tap.ta.. parti u. a: a N . 1 sar t.trie at ftfst. tnd f lea h'. l. arte. I Uf W A NT E I .t an tt re ,i set. ( os. y territor. , p . m,nto. or o n an. 1 cjiun.-M.!"!, ili'Tltr.i rilt It. I. Marie .'VJ Indians ae . 1.. pt. i.-i;;. t- ago. CREW. 1 1. sr. as rv ipn'.f, I : srst c mip a ) yt .-,': .tot er pfi, lie a m. B toeihous. L im i:tov Luc. id ate.. Ci'U :and. tn. !. CAS!f and full cmrnus.or.a 10 starai iut S'lldem or Indus. . a. Insurance men for cuy work 1: us for auaiactia, a-..j Jo urn a I t..! a . IS A DA Y mail, a e have r : o p. . t : that all l; ' T- si )i)4; l.g prof, is. p.-a;ll- t.e. enBii . r.le A.l.lig a. o.. t--a 4 ll an-r Pa - li Vt. u. . rjiA.vcK-13 6J 1:1 pat ou ra a p si ti.:i to ma k o $7 a dey. 1 am the nun t!ai-'.uitr. J. If. Daugherty, fu(Dt..ui Hotel $ 1 t i" a 1a fai!v made. ct-ope-a'.e nn us: no raoitat or t.j-Mrms nereaaary. Wr,;e at tin t Miaiia toiumerce 4oi T f:(fd at , l.Krfii'.-. '. MAN a an ted. iaa U:lik route or a I e j-. a r s a y I a r n and ict cnap. good I.cotoe. WAN I" ED lioy to mora al tinhop. Muuil'iy rnornitig ft o clock. o-B L. N. Isose- City P.trg car. Call I Vs AN T a go-.d painter aud paier hanger tnat :.l ttork f,r bouse rent. J. p. iiaa kl.i. 1M llh st. WILL s-n- poard and r'xim at osaego La We to ffr.! or tierman b' in rtcitanca fur ork around : art,. H 12. Oregoman. W ANTKl-H-i, at.oUt 11. on farm, good ti.riie. toitri. rom ar.d per montb aaKa. phone Wood la an ..'. ,AMKS ,ii. d ad!rese aan'ed by mail-or.ier hounes. Mr pa. no ranvasnns. InC rm at ton for stamp. t. C. rmith. Cotmgton, lean. TWO men ws nied at on to learn suto repairing and driving. Call at 4i l4 t home ave. WANTED Name of young men wasting to be re:. way mail clerks; $.'4 montu, Aaawar Immediately. A V 2 Oregoman. IP V S. look ! Mall posts I. your n a rr.. aT lres. karn how get haeeba.I outf ua free, Wi.i : ams. Par if :c b I c k . se a 1 1 1 e. LA U' i E rr anufacturer of gloves deeirea ex-pfc-rienced glot e sa eamen f or Western ter ritory. Address AV 3r'. Cregonian, WILL en harr furnished room for light janitor ser ice. Rushmark iiotel. &k h Wasntngton. STVt'KNT In arthlteci'g ofTi.e, will pay fr uirrif pon'rii.'i school course; no tv j 1 s prit ;rjr. Alt e'.l. t reEoni. AlVKI.TI.-IMi Pilullor wanted f.Tr h 1 s" L- f 1 ne tp por i unity for c ood tn : .n. II F I 33, ore k on 1 at:. AOKNTS. set neAit. Qi:ick. st s!rs d!re-f fro n n.-iars. lull Iit free. Nai l Agents Aa. 1-'- Vli'himn ave., rhrKo W A NTF-D Experienced bookke-o-r for itiiiiio-r piaLt, out of town. RJ Ore K ot. ta n. MAN :'nul with hote aud hcht lie.!"". ry w f on tor cleaning estab..!umeni 3d st. 0 W ANT rest'onsll:e Contractor to build to o-room liur.k'n .0 a a and take clear iota In p.)mmt AH Al L E I ii 1 1 1 D nien to qnailfy for poeiiioi as and bra en: u ; $1 2j ruoiii.. ltatla". tare f'reon:an. BAKER foreman, familiar a 1: h niaehln er. -1 on Irvad. tuns and roils a dot ess F 7 7 J . i tregonian C l4.Evi i; and his h a hoo( men to aeil Ful -r sanuary itftih-e. lo per cent roei rule ion. ft1 i'hami-er of 1 '"iti rner.-e tidt. W A N T . 1 Mm to work on rarmPy r, r ; moi'- rst I a" ood home. aK PJl" Orti n 1 n MAN aan'ed fn l-.g knoa-ieds phy and lpe " nerieral off. f lookkeep! r 1 1 1 r. g 1 7 r. hat- g. stenora- . Orejr.n;an. TWO HOYS Al once, l learn the barter tra1r. N". Jd su I V.ANI a S'l iaiH-nr tiat a:; ark f r- ren; .1 y. i;Nkii;. 1 i tt st. I' H ' I v.) agerta. something new; iira evm m. salon paid. Sarooy Mudio, Koyal b.og. W A N TE I Flo.r manacer; must have g'tod " fvrei.cea. Metes Rest,. 31 Wash. st. ASSISTANT ma nas r. Prudent :a1n".p;tal A n.. .Wo Mort ,n Kdg.. w ta 1 2 Monday. , .-s 1 r. 1 r -ri -co ss a:ter.sing man d j;e, lory wrk. N iiomr, in oa so l.l n vi: una '1 I f.titlibfl I cu,ult v. Alt Uiigu, Ul'LODlE.NT DEPARTMENT. V. U. C. A. loung n,a secang mpo men! in com wienr.a. c. erica or ti.o..a, are la- ited to tona,t the ni.o ment se-re-larj. 'ih a-rtire of tfi.e Cfamrni ia f 1 e to a . . ntcnbrra. To einm-aibi, a e jcl si memoer n.p Is isaaeI. rl.l.g S jr annu:n. gstiog the r.ce of t:ie de Primer for a ear 1 o muatK tuJ pr t ; sx-s and a reiund of the tuiutrr i.i f .f Mi.klacury emp.oyixorui ta not ae-curi V. M CA, AtTOMublLiv bCHOvL SPECIAL MIORT COC'ItaaV P.FDCCED R A TEH TO SEPT. 1 t ajibai opportunity. For partictt a- ca. at orr.e V M. C A. in cuded v in tau.ot. c-at ia la.l AisxaUva n ei ix l ;p to octoitr L WE aca e.ectxica-. gas ana sieam eagt Ceer:a (o:no.rft :ai ma nicer i iwralios. bui dir.g and repair. n ga ., automob.ita, .umu4, nu tota tad :era atiicsi s pM of acksiructeoa gt S'.udsXta to uf a tboblha' practice. :! reed lor pari.cia.sra. att.e stttfoi. He Vt tvojr L. 4Mia. NAVa t'ttLitii Ul steady 01 a eure ar.d a ! $a. riit.ithl fuwl, rnauce to lurn Lrui irad. academic and ichmai t-str-j, lion. ua and opportunity lr ad . n.tti. rour ar m tna Naty tis ne for mofft In r.ii.ltary or ciWi Lie ji'pi a UMruiuui elation d .;. Morgan MEN'S su:ts reduced Just a few Iisht-co:- " ten. s.sea ta ut tney - a 1 ts.t.'. juii tnina ft 11 $ I-r f. .o Jimmy Iuc;i. iil-lo,-i; Orego tua tJ'.os'. $. ! a lor to 14 Cwor. LKAKN aviuBMbia repairing ta fu.ty euippd tuacntne shop, orivutg p-Caate 'r mt tsvUiciijf. aiaay poaiiiona aa curea. aoeru. room a a. sa i-axats. Lost Lim4ub rate. CaUlogus fie-s. Natloni cui 01 Lnaiaaeruaav Ua Aagetaa. Laiaa h t.ed 1 ei. VA AN I k.i Ambitious or a men. our a or a o actual jobs pa for leacnmg trade d autoinot piurnt-lng. lfu.,,r. only Iw mot. ins nv.a.le. .0 iUuiai K fow ars. w r ,i lor in I or a; a .ton. uruci cb navUng Trade hlww, .4 a:u Los ab WANTED lj mora men fr c o-wje; a l . iai.J, colony at oot.t . earn gets 10 a. res ,JV-., for $ou a-aab. Price is .io, La.ance na, be worked out in uur la.e unte. Coin, ta and iaia It over. O. u un vv i.aon, wj CLambvr ot Cuui men.-r. WANTED An ideal Who iaa think of a-i.iie a.mrlt i'iog 10 pauni? 1 iuKhi your It.eaa, llmy may bfir.g you eaUn. Write f -r "Needed let er.tiou.v- and ' lio a to liet - ur patant." Rai.dOtpa at Co.. Dept. Isu, VV asMnfcloti, D. C ' t HEfT PROPOSITION EVER OFFER KD. Learn automotive drlvn.g and repairing. For particu.a.-s ca.i uiuru.nga. lo to 1 - Ilia st . near Jeilersou. bEi RET Kerice Expert lnteat-sator and i-ruiiinoloarisi. eulor.d. during l. me a 1: 1 ma, rucl l;murU numbet of reltabie per;kS for ai'Uit pacing wora. JM fsonally and by maiL V 14. Oregon- ...i xov l.Nti 1'iC i i lit. I'lsAV."', :.o a.n. devote ail or spare time, am corir. iouiw; start wora at e lai.a free. At. as Pub.iaii g Co., 4 2 Cin a; cm.iati. HAVE and aOU AVLliAuK IN TELLloEN. E 1 ai-paias.e? If m. you c-n " " Pt v. -ea , no ..;.!: i 1 quired. Wo of t orn, biog, -a A. Si. aud o lv 4 I". M . alonuay ou.y. W AM tl An eaperlem-ed mg lor general store in country twn . permanent pa e lor t he riant man. state iprut.c and wages aauied. VV- A MKSSXKR. Culver. tr K'Mor net rxasinuaiton at Purand soon, 1 repare no a under former iiu.rutu til s.ami:ier. Lmkit S-r.l fIW. Write lat'.vraou Civai bcrv k txuouL K'ir.:.r N. Y. bTEADY emp.vyn.eni. gooa in;ni cl.tsaea, t. w moutr learnn ao.a rt, isitiou t.ran:oc maktm-Ln;ij mg S hoot, ls vei:n V drf.. m aiid Ankc-nv . ua aud tg , , - Oil . tVu.i-C'tfllil.u.l- I'.Tt.and. VVI.L trade small business it un.ncunaoei ed lots or aaur aorti, aUoxH . stte (ua pariicuaia a si oregonlan. CAH advanced ou eek: our ban l guarauiv-d ornameniai and iruit atia now Oest time to start Vasnng top N ur aery 1.0m pai., VVasH. MAKE MONEY WRITINO bTORIKS OR ARTltLE.-. b'g p. free bova.e: t..a on. Auureaa LLilcJ 1'i.Aa Frat.t .set frALE.MAN to se.l tools, ru.. 1 o rtn luavrtine h,a: commission las. a, 1 u n.ak j $.'--m tUM.i',.), A. -dress Jcltty Ma ilunr)' j'n, fceatt.e. aahmc:on. W AN I a 1 r .rst-t , f,o repa.r H ap 10 01 1 lu-iir mill to a o . (in op- por t un;i tfooO in a ir rgor.Ia 14 nation- 1 . WASTE l lour.g man w:ih small amour.1 -j money u i,u kodak tin.sning rooa. lo.. tun 1 ; lea h ou tt ' A H ...t. tregoi..n. Studio, 1 u ue i W ANTE! A . -r . state ll S e. aac Laundry. .round ni an in a.i iaun- u.trrj of !. p.uti 1 1.4 a:ca.u rton, or. W AN 1 ED W a enc as sj.e (Million . re ti 2 litters. U W A NT El aT unrnikr. rnust Lata eairt "tian, a .sj si', s;ao -. rpoaana, v s.u. god matchmaker and iTa. e et . t e - y so, a.. 1 n . eat fr.ei. t r4nur.i make $io fcr momh. petmaneni to .'irst Address . v .; oreconiar.. $?m M N r r 1 1. Y and ints. tratel. d.s tru ute smp'es. ilka rders r a ;$:. I agents. er t. Jap-A met loan to.. i-i ago. l-CoNMl Auto .70. wants a L s c hT seeu.g i.rkrt .i ,r, g"-d mona to r.s rt p-rt. a. Moiiua. lo to i. 7oj wt 4tUl b t.g. ATJVt. man fv-r earden and farm - eo m- 1.1(1 and sn.a i Lr: 1 ni""lol tttau w Hi. out c Ifum',!,,. AH Ore iloirru. l-.a.k Mi ttj.xiti- ut. o,ri!r.4r to romn.ence on grounj fl .r sMt n-.fc Co to ra 1 on citr ci:y ir-... opemng for tiutur A. V-'. vrrpmun, Vv NT joung man about 1$ or 1 to asalsi in of fi. a ork; sa.ary l per a eek ; m : -. stu puooa number, w i uxe g-n ;an. roiH-A.Mi HAHlil.H Col.LKiir. E t p-rt wutiur 10 ifiin you li.e 1 trix-r tiat.e e a - too. a iie. p.s.lioQ auerarteeo. Vaid 1- a. -o. M a : n o-a tt r. r. rv . evenings, home, e er ? Ui in urn.siiT-o. no e 1 er.ence. no rant a u'r.s dou't aorry aoout ra'.ti. liod AL Itroau, n. 1, .Tirana. o . 1 W ILL pay any tr.rt man monthly for part of spare tim taesing. no apitai. rite to. hi a. viek IT-2. Omaha, Neb. t-P to -. no fan -a . V our W A N 1 El a A n ad-round sa u sage-ms ker and s.auicnier-nouse man tor a ma. I to a ara $l. per eek ; must be A-l. Co lumbia River Meat Co., Inc.. Rainier. Oo, V ANTE f-lrst-class German coki oihers need not appty Empir Kcataurant. 192 i. jn a 1 n ... bAI r.Hih.M ED toolmakera wanted. 40 1 tamo a st. ew Automatic Aiution Ma- coine o. W ANT El Young man, 1 emra old. a Isn- 11 g t..i iiu'n.s vacation ; must t a good I'finrisn. a-mrers 1 h.. urtt.iniin. EXPERIENCED aitornev to assist In a tail:shed bnaineaa ; stata aaiavry refer eneca R JJ1. Oregonlan. k CLEAN, dry hand milker to milk 1" coai ana do; general arm stork. 1L. ti. Innev. lieatetton RI-ikH atatlonl. VV A N T EL Janitor, rooming -houaa. a eek ar.. ,ouaeKeepin g room. 1". O. pog 3T7. I'iloTO coupon acenta: extra commission. Northup Studio, tlih and Ankeny sts. Help W aniens A genie. blIE LINE for small towns tn oreKon and W ash. i"ow 8pra," a splendid f .y rp lant. Cowl priors, guaranteed article. Mil to dealer. Z 1 per cent comm.ssipn to salae man. Plummer Erug C.. Third sC A'tENTS to sell mason's and plasteror'a too. a, ' t frin factory. W i.l pay a d c m mion. and a jo on repeat ordera Rig money for live . tre. Referem-e required. Mates Itrothera. netrrilt. y irh. ICE billa reduced H ; "Kut-Chur lea Ulii" Kloth. euaranteed. regular i:it ;ie post paid; ! t'er cvnt to scents; maaufac turr.l t.y 'hapman Co., 4 vo bslghl btug . Kansas City. Mo. HCTLINO pe-en-e I csnssera for oir Ul selling honaehotd Spe.ialt le; stead v r tn pio rr.ent. I. hers I fomlM.nn to business gt t era. vv i. ilania lalrs Co., Paciflo b.ock, Seait.e, Wash. CANVASSER! Ih per eent troftt selMnc Kverread y rofftf st rainer. a:ne hng nea . Sella on s'sM ; get fU!l Information loday. I.iMrrrr liroa. Mfg. Co.. 14 Wliit tr. t. hicago. 1' CENT $rof it. free sample, a d sign letter s for elorea. offue tindos. a:, v one ean put on. Metallic Latter Co., . J N la?k. hp-ago. MADE f:rt day bv 13- tear-oM hot I w it u r-h om esc ope ; woman made as, fret hour. Pa 'tit m .are f-o , Ml VV. 13h s- Shomeacorve Ur Kansas City. Ma. Id A K E Ma money aeliing our goods-, new siertaitt. doing a alti fitra tirg oa a uionioM'.ea. C r a a f o rd - V ea t e r Co Ai- bar), t. r. D Tl SUM'..-'; is e manufacture an-1 con -trol fastest selling houaohoM art rja ever er i -d : ct it;it e tei 1 itory . Connoi.y. 1 - t 1 j erty NEW same. e'rsr store, easy se r . repes t r; rartii ultra . V Blrut I s f t ee I "r 1 Sa ea re, hHi;pn:a, Pa, TWi. t. b.oca agenta st anied- Cail . I'ttiock Help W sste4A aattaw tUi'LlM ou i cai-iiai r.f lor lire as bras- n ''rac ier and brains ..u if totl art I o s. ... a . r.e.-e 111 ,oar it tor .y m.rbia Is rjo.-d r -r la. k 0f cleanse -a. Free Tro-n M .,J l is ' ,r"u"11' .ea:.e. en 'r . srante. r, V ofrealn. u.-i. rtiric he r-a .-ei. cot. sM ma pin s . l a..ui.-sa fcai- .-. 1 i . .,(.; A. . L- E ora v. . . 1. N T No t o... 1 ! f f-d e : ." er a J I rt. na r.; i . s S. vw.d ai. wa; s trus tiy tviitlt, .o.-l.-i, c'r-fc-nsi ,ator -eat In B. j -'T rxtnjvui.a t .;i- l-a. ... t. Injure lae f.nrrt at S.ti.t, I tctmTMr -.-x . r- facr ..-a, t-t. mo:nra .rp to irnnwiv .ur Uliig- a i.i. . Mw. m ti -1 c it en. . p; .er,. e r. c.-vai . Urr.t.M t fa.. r ... it t.-r free samprs $-jdc..! ia.e f., ilC3-l East Ma'n st. c : a 1; 1. 1 t. a O - J V AN it... xn and & ii hju.r and 1 an J 1 r( g . s . ..-ri I' al vn .sit and s t-i. and mote un.ier r. air-a uiinurl, Uii VVTtj . Se-i-U'W r. Kan VU t r. par ifi ; an na a e .ul e Ifff !i r eri, k ... Wic'.iiti a m , C; - 1 1 GREATEST stun eer !'f ut -n An.rrirtn .e. ;rea go.d r. rc : am o.n:-r ei r. i.pon ever, a-.c .f i.o.a l.eten" ..ur oi:.rr eei.aatral ,t.a M. -w. bu.aiiona. 1., $;u daiv . - a- man. Vt ur,4 na;. reoeat orders ca.ot .-r t terror M-ki oi r: Tor &r; le I o:;it . ml. E at. 1's.ja. lros:ueL:. - MAi.r UT iN :; ML.'. "-..' ...Tra'.ii-i "Nea lieii a:.Ov r a.'tir:e r ..-n sua.; roAM nv hrt. canvass.:. o i--or t on.l . lur t:-ie. o..kiet free. iasia.fc 4. o . lvo t AiLNTS and orrinur.,ir aeekers rruT: 1 I" Kr aite t sd -n i ; - for runrnt nomaer tjrr - a ker.-' a ma a as. re of and t e -i on d i-u (,UI t,, ior.'t pi s-. ht of I; s hm. I- a. .a an.i mi.or.nik.r. Kjb.r, bos si. .-.:ia.i. itatai.oi.a. To :a ; gl-O.l irti.- n retsll D. at. 1 ores. t: A niei l ar. - n.aoe a i.i.e to take of foreign c o. not ot'l4inl.P, tt;g:ji ouj,g rnen ai.d aomu can make Kood :nor.e , ;.ee: e t- ha-:.;. lrI..ab.e. iio iu-E. r.atnou . New Yolk. &o..; 1 I 1 N,; Cvn mri ii p t a 1 sian.lln,, man pi efen e.. e-r.-- r n uii H m lel.i st L-E Jd A N' ; Hjer.-t.-rl uun. .01. Mas-.n or od.:e:ioa in Ir.surai. ca t.r !;. i as le.. lT:itry proteud. r-f-1. Fraierniit lui.. .o.. fc-o H"!on, Mass. Ku.-lv.I RLE manufacturer dest7es p ac li C a.uaS.a ap wj. suie r-pea;er. l-rijii-11 t; i in 1 ome, bui.tifrt bui tier. no t.n.;e: lion, prote, iwi.ioiv gua'ran- erl.'ction Compant. lj Wrsi 2 : -a v v. x bLiarlTlil.Nii n-, alla si ore, f :t . . a :e . l:.U'r. t ais jp eic ; bol ; .e ; lasts lifet itne; ork v . su.le ork cut- on a uhl eter bori.e. ini;i .oik. in,.K. opens and closes ia I pr-f 1 ia. han.'.irt t l r t h ate, .f At a-, x T.- .ar i riii miin. 1 reaie t se.i.-r et Etery user pen and Ink bus ou si i. . to mm Hpr cem profit, i ne .i :u a sales Mv )n Plx dits; anot i.-r .- in :o l-niT. Monroe Mlc. Co.. X 41 I -a t ose. Wi: FREE samplia, torn an.""omrn asents. monev; Debate's 11 a pi 1 a v as "linn ta ' le t . sash rioilies without rui-- ampt. and art . u . ar ing . sri.d f-' ;i'' asi.lng T ai.iet Compant. co. ikr.iorn : . t a.istto. ELL ru h- looking t m p rt e d""o x ' sr u g s $ 1 ra, h; ( irur. l et.:. . ,,d 4i 4 I r'lit $.. ,u can do am Write m t.i -I'lo oMrr sel l-i p an; ea. e irrrK.-i .-ample ru pa re-1 post. prfald. ! cu;a K:iiion. In; p.. r tel. Mor,,;.n!nii, Me a. r-.x i d:amon Is exactlv rotrml uin-. sme la.rbow lit s'an.i 1 .- gen at s:j.t. Ute a&ents aanied. pru "'' up. Wriie ui- k fr am; e c .r :rr fre. Mriin Psmofi liipor:ii.g -n.par, l ox A.L" iTu.o. N. M MAKE $7 s-Klr. a cu: anter.1 "joo-'V; tie- premium frre ann eat- n sale, f rea jTir.e to wotKers. send f..r free ra- ts, u.a f Ih.i p-! t: ir itllrr. VI .. ru - fotd .r Dnon. als W a.acr b.da. r-ail ford La a a r N ! a 1 - 111 n u ! . 1 u r r r a s r t t omr n. t s-'l g ur t a M-. "irrr. anirts. uire.i to W rie tree Mnip.ea. ia.;:s n M : 1 r a 1 a t N e a j DAiLY n .iarar lee Tiiis'.ers e a ' errl" t'r. ci.lirt ul.!nfM' owners, j n : r2 ,1 If ro: n.aranieed mum reniotef t. , r;"rV c rir-vut.: s a .so . am .-u or o m r. M Valt Ivi'hil V It J. AT r.e rr.rr, 1 .on I : . pa ri ! pr pa. i t nmi M;ir. .' r 1 a r h s U a r s f r a u , I - n $ . l'J4 !' Pt. s.d. DAILY t-ls. at. .. I n re u . t ref n-.-l'- t r h s tnde 1 er s. hnaa t-ea mer.rd. ana.- ei.-. .-n . e r -, -. t W r ,'e f ,.r It or 1 Deiart meni 17. I . tuitmeiai t o . lui. ,..ET Ik not ark a cat- 1 l.:t-. tou cant e... f.d ...r t,str I t t.i-vs. : .of. . sa :n .e BM'l pai:..u.ars VS a s-01 Na'ea Co. 1 ta J iis.aht ; , f 1 a u-.fn, . si. MB 1 It'- at it pn t s, .-. . Addirss 1 .e : CA N V A. -L S a an text 4ar- on. i-. kJ is;, vl t "ir. ni .1 1'auan. Help VV SBIrtl slrinrv AMLi 1 a e crl c. n t Ss.e -.. Jo ... a.' Uif.r n.e.-sure is i it h mere i a ft :a " t t a an a., a ..... u,. rjn .al prices . no ti.ia rrii. J . .d-titv Pank bidg. p rr t.i for p.a-.i.g .r-a i La! il.flrf.r i. ' liJi-. giii tir.f S x TS tt rtte f .,r . 1 EX D.lillA.',; u:.i...oari fa Vtrj'e to. . ar .;s - . r. g cr ).r . -oa to e $ o a j. r t a lii.a e a t i g ! ' ft.!, g 01 -rn ft ..m $ . to 1 i r n A d : es nar-s: l-pi a.l. n..-ri a Tia.i .t-c AtttKistun, -a. hau I'unr.u anot. al t. tioBgu, ,S a I K ET ai.l line Paa., liv e 1 n-t tialC.- s lu t 1 a .s .j 1 m and -a s $ .' (.um'i.ioiun on c-h t.t.g. no t .anl k f ,Mds. essir st. i-. , -de l;e orr .fered. Cs - s l!e. rt . 'h: ra;o. ' a:-1 take tat sting i r - s : -:.e.J fAl-'-'Mi N eterhere re-res--l l.r.a meu a, lo s Jersea, aaeaters. rammiw.mi o. . tn.s- li it t tn ni'i-rn! , f u It :t i :ne Slt,u preferred. e- nd r Terences f . ' et rt t e r . Enter K n 1 1 1 . u g v t . . j ... N e m a r g at e.. Jfrv uy. N J. WA N" T E 1 Sa Ir'mrn to ae I; t e Al.r nas rr.sol.:ne. .met h.r. g nea. Jt f ans ' Tl.e Minimal f j. of 1 h!csfiw arc aoa in a'ti to inaka prompt dt.i.eriea from 'i.nt factory bianrh. M.nimag " - Ca.; n Frti !.. SAl.i.ilAN for general m-r.anti.a Ira-le in Oregon to sell a new proposition nf mt rtt . taa.n noa . atuactite commiaion run tract. $. weealv for epen-a. Mis r ris er o., w no.esnie je IS . 1 ri'- . t .ete and. SA lr..-M EN. eap. rien. an v line to sej general rra-le In I'actllc territory; unex-ceti-rd spee:alty proji-s:t Ion . r.nimii:o:i c-n;ract. aeek!e exj ens a ontiner.ral Jewelry Co . T4--S Continental b.d , i'let e! and. 'hlo. EXi'Kl.l.KVT. pe rmanent position re:i AuKuat first Tor rapah.e salesman Ore gon; staple line, g ere red retail traoe- 1 a. ial c.mmlMion. $;;; eekly adt 'a nea. at. ivia, eu' vv liiiama Mdg.. De troit. A rA LESM AN wanted to hand! a the Pest propoa:lion ever put before the publa-. Wia guarantee from $7 to $10 a day. 1 am the manufacturer. J. li. Daugherty forne- tua Hotel. W bigh-rraoe specialty irim n or rp ahle em-mer'-hanta. 1 1 1 !. . varancy Coa ; staple line; liberal Weekly adtanres; pro! te.-id terrltor ; cld-et anllaned hotise Kline. r.4-l's Crafts b.dg.. t ieteland. O. bALE.-MEN for leading lace and emlro.der importer; unreatneted territory; lii.ej-al rnniwiaiion; no ot -jertlons to side lin. P. o. hoa Sl Madison Sou are station. New fork. SALESMEN W AN T EI to eeil our cheea. pr. tect-r. it sel.s to every person who a rues a check. Clrcu.ars and Information free. Sa nt ;e -,,-. Terry Mlg. Co, Colt 00 t-.'-iC . To H!rt, O $7 WEEKLY; demonstrate evtenslte Ite. userui ur.wcntlors. new unlimited f:e.t. onifl'lfk rnmni!Mlon; reeS1 ord- r Fanf ord made f ;ta week, Pos.tit e fcupp.y t.. I evenport, Iowa, WHOLE time or side Una, l. mnu'.cs snare time pats 10; pocket samples ; promol riiir?n;oiini; state terrftorv -o ered. 11 aood MJg. Co.. Inc.. Ilia Michigan. Chi cago. fELL most attric tis eilulte Irrrf- i.-ry. w-lctter sample !. i;c. Conte l'hir.rab. Mgna. 12 N. Learpom. 1 hi- W A N T E I S a earn an to sell Cs roen t er' s tov and adtert istrg tailoor. s as a aide Pre in org..n and a.Dacent territory. Carpenter Paper Co.. On.a Neb. SAl.OVKV to cs-rre two ;.s-ii'( ies f.-r omen as side Jlne, Kt ltis.v ten;tir. I-tera: c'T-itniss..n. WV.tte baan Via. Co. 1 r-"vsc a iv New Torn. CLE A K $ T. md se;;-trg an- lr-! ruitet rs. Eter l;ad mated sh- new. quii-a All Be. !.n J p h: t ! t e s- i ,rr. ys'em. CM.-it , M A N 1 " A T I llh K 1 1 pat man i .-o mo : ronfr'.Minn. s I a :'--' V' I-a.e K.tnrf ti,i avf. j r u ag... wanta actite trat-:u. epe-s m o t i' r . . w 9' La rt y i r i ; : r tk 1 1