J TITE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN. rOTlTLAXD, " .TEXT 4, 1015. NATIONALISM, CRUSHING CHRISTIANITY, BLAMED FOR WAR Dr. Lovelana Traces Impulses of Nations as Spirit Changes From That Inspired by Prayer to Longing for Power That Suggests Failure of Religion- 1 1 They shall bring the Olory and the Honor of the nations into It. Rev. xxi:2B. BY REV. FRANK I,. LOVELAXD, V. D. Pastor. First Methodist Episcopal Church. IDEAS, not swords. "lave always dominated the world. To the su perficial reasoner this may sound Improbable. 'Tis easier to understand the temper of steel than the temper of an idea, to measure ' the flight of a shell than the flight of an Inspired soul. The age of the old-time hero wor ship is passing. Blood and iron seem to hold the stage today in more than half of the civ ilized world and one is prone to think that material force has gained the scepter of do minion, but back of the fearful holo caust of war lies government ideals, back of all our boasted progress in commerce stands a Dr. Frank L, Lvrland. spiritual force. The spirit of a Nation is the spirit of Its great minds. Emerson said that every institution must be regarded as the lengthening shadow of some great mind. Institutions are the embodiment of thought the outward expression of the inner soul. They do not spring sud denly into existence. Democracy was not made by bold creative genius. Block by block they have been piled up by those strong arms whose energy lias been thinking minds. Out of the fires of conflicting opin ions, by the hammers of debate, by the silent movement of invisible forces are formed the instruments that shape the cornerstones of those vast temples which are the produest records of a Na tion's progress. All students of the if ' !: - . - V 4. J- v:. : .:...:.. A i Sunday Services in City Ckurckes CHURCH NOTICES DCE THURSDAY Church notices for The Sunday Oresonlan should be in this dice by Thursday it 5 P. M. It la not possible to assure publication of any notices after that hour. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Temple of Universal fellowship Service TV. O. W". Hall, Eleventh street, between "Washington and Alder, topic, "The Source of All supply," by Rev. J. H. Dickey, a P. M. ; soul cumin union follows. All welcome. BAPTIST. First, White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor Streets Rev. W. U. Hinson, L. D., 9:45, Hible school; classes for a. 11 ages; 11, preach ing; 6:30, B. T. P. U.; 7:30, preaching. Grace, Mont a villa Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor, lo, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preach ing by Rev. H. T. Cash; 6:3u. B. Y. P. U. Calvary, East Eighth and Grant Rev, TV alter Duff, pastor. 11 o'clock, preaching; G:iZ, B. V, P. U.; 7:45, preaching. Italian Mission. Kast Eighteenth and Tib bet ts streets Rev. Francesco Kannella, pas tor. 10, Sunday school; 11, preaching serv ice?; 7, pastor's circle ("prayer services ; 8, preaching service ; 10 :30, short sermon for English-speaking people; 7 :30, preaching. Pt. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. Services. 11 and 8. Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. F. Linden, pastor. Preaching, 10:45 and -7;30; Sunday school, 12 noon; B. 1 P, Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P.- U.t 7. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W, A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school, 12:20. Russellville schoolhouse, under auspices of Grace Church, Montavilla Sunday school, i:ir. Chinese Mission, 358 Burnslde street Sun day school, 7 ; J. G. Maione, superintendent. First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; feunday school, 9:45. Sellwood, Eleventh street and Tacoma ave nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; B. Y. P. U.t :S0. Good "Will Sunday School, Boise and Fif teenth streets Miss A. M. Nelson, superin tendent. Adult Bible class and address by Mrs. Walter Duff. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson pastor. 10, Sun day school: 31, preaching by Rev. E. P. Waltz; ti :30. B. Y. I. U. ; 7 :C0, preaching by Rev. G. L. Carr. Highland, corner Sixth and Alberta Charles F. Mieir, pastor. Bible school, 9 :4 J. W. Black, superintendent: preaching by the pastor at 11 A. M. ; evening, 7:30 to 9. CATHOLIC. St. Charles Chapel. Alberta street be tween Glenn avenue and East Thirty-third street Catechism classes Saturdays at 3; low mass Sunday morning at S and high mass at 10:30; rosary and benediction, 7:H0. Holy Crosi, University Park Rev. C. R. Finner. Low mass, 8:30; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 8. St Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8 :0 ; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 1 :30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 and i ; high mass and ser mon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. St. Francis. East Twelttb street between Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; ves pers. Instruction and benediction, 7:SO. Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas atreets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly. O. P. Low mass, 6, 7, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon. 1; vespers and benediction, 7:30. On the first Sunday of the month rosary proces sion, sermon and benediction, 7:30; third Sunday, sermon and benediction of the most blessed sacrament and benediction, 7:30; third Sunday, sermon, procession of the most blessed sacrament and benediction. FOR THE RENEWAL OF FRIENDSHIPS AND fix:z v-B"..- mj , h : v 1 X . r s6 m-A., present world condition are brought face to face with a paradox, an anom aly, a monstrosity. They see the forces of civilization engaged In that which the spirit of civilization abhors. They see science, which has ever been the benefactress of humanity, prostituted as a handmaiden of destruction. Civilisation Faith im Peril. They see Christianity itself, which was born amidst the music of angels singing of world peace, and whose motto has been always and every where, "Peace on earth and good will toward men." they see this mighty force, the force of religion itself, trans formed ftito a. demon of destruction, and Christian preachers facing each other in the trenches and fighting with all the savagery of ancient paganism. This, considered apart from the spirit of the centuries, apart from the spirit that governs and underlies National activities, would cause one to lose faith in civilization and In Christianity itself, and the superficial observer would be prone to say that civilization has broken down and Christianity become a failure. But if you would know the real reasons for the disturbed condi tions of Europe today and the disquiet ing fears that haunt the minds of our own Columbia, one must study the spirit of the nations now at war. It is easy to understand why Russia has flung her battle line for 300 miles along the borders of the German em pire when you understand the spirit of the Slav, which has been developing and growing for hundreds of years, which has crystallized since the days of Tolstoi into a genuine Slavic nation alism. The spirit of Christian de mocracy has been fermenting in Russia for a half century. The Slavic peoples, not always knowing what they wanted, yet were restless beneath the stirrings of the spirit of democracy. Their de sire for liberty and a warm seaport have been the dominating forces be 7:30; every Thursday evening, holy boor from 7:30 to 8:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Williams avenue Redemption Fathers Rev. Joseph A. Chapotan. pastor. Low mass. d and 8; high niaas and sermon. 10:30; bene diction. 7 :30. St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta streets Kev. Thomas Kiernaa. Low mass, S. M. Conner, pastor. 9:45 A. M., Bible 8; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers. Instruc tion and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence's Third and Sherman streets Kev. J. H. Hughes. Low mass. ft. 8 and 9. high mass and sermon, 10:HO; vespers. In struction and benediction, 7 :30. St. Rose, Fifty-third and Alameda Rev. Cornelius A. Maher. Low mass. 8 ; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers, instruction and benediction. 7 :S0. St, Clare's (Franciscan Fathers). Capitol Hill Kev. CaplBtran. O. F. M. Low mass, 7:30; high mass and benediction. 9:15. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and V; high mass and ser man. 11 ; vesper, instruction and benedic tion. 7:45. St Philip Nerl's (Paullst Fathers), East Sixteenth and Division streets, Ladd's Ad dition Sunday masses at ft. 8:30 and 10: Jo; evening services at 7:30 P. M. Rev. William J. Cartwright. pastor. St. Agatha's Catholic Church. East Fif teenth street and Miller avenue (Sellwood Low mass. 8 A. M . ; high .nasi, sermon. 10:30 A. M. Sermon and benediction, 7:30 P. M. Pastor, Father John Cummlsky. O. S. B. CONGREGATIONAL First Church, Park and Madison streets Luther R. Dyott, minister. Ur5o, Bible school; :30 P. M Y. P. S. C. E. Dr. Dyott's themes: 11 A. M communion ad dress; 7:45 P. M "The Gospel of God and the Rights of Man." St. Johns Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 10 o'clock, Bible school; 11, self-sacrificing service; G:3J, Christian Endeavor;. Ardenwald Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 10:45. Bible school; 7, Christian Endeavor; 8, ''Sacrifice." Sunnyside. corner of East Taylor and Thirty-second streets Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D.. pastor. Services at 11 A. M. sud 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:30 P. M. ; Senior Christian Endeavor, tt'.iiO p. M. Subjects or sermons, t ooa for the Sour and The Evidence of a Kingly Character." University Park, Haven street, near Lom bard Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. lo A. M ., Sunday school; 11 A. M communion serv ice, reception of new members; 7 P. M-. Christian Endeavor Service; 8 P. M ser mon, "The New Patriotism." Pilgrim. corner Missouri and ShAver streets. Dr. D. V. Poling, former pastor, who for the past eight months has ben a member of the Flying Squadron of America, and who returned to his home at the close of the campaign which cloned at Atlantic City on June 0. will preach at 11 o'clock. There will be , an evening service conducted by the Christian Endeavor Society of the church. Dr. Poling s subject will be: "For a Better World ; Incentives Thereto," a patriotic address appropriate to the day. S. X. Steele will sing Kipling's "Reces sional" for the offertory and the church quartet will render an anthem. Highland. East Sixth and Prescott streets Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10, Sunday school ; 11, "Coming Together," communion ; 7:45, "Screaming and Cooing." Fourth of July meditation; 6:45, Y. P. S. C. E. Waverly Heights, Woodward avenue at East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C. Moses, minister. Sunday school, i:45 A. M. ; morn ing worship. 11; Y. P. S., 7 P. M. ; evening worship, 7:45; prayer meeting, 7:30 P. M. Thursday; morning sermon, "Tomorrow's Two Handles," followed by communion service. In the evening there will be a stereo pt icon service on the subject, "Preach ing In 23 Tongues." Laurelwood. Sixty-fifth street and Forty Fifth avenue C. S. Johnson. minister; morning service, 11. subject. "Patriotism"; evening. 8. subject, "The Right Motive". S. S., 10: C. E.. 7. East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev, W. O. Shank, pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11, preaching by the pastor, theme. "A Picture of Life"; o:45, B. Y. P. U.; 7:45, preaching by the pastor, theme, "Fighting Against God." East Forty-fifth street Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school; 11. preaching by the ttastor ; theme. "The Abatement ot i God's Wrath"; 7. B. Y. P. U.; 8, preaching -v4 T 1 ? i it rj rv 'y VjM. irv-- j v;-r.- ; hind Russian activity for the last SO years. Chance Serai la Urrmia Spirit. The spirit of modern Germany, so different from that of old Germany, accounts for the German situation. The spirit of the Germany of Goethe, Bee thoven. Schiller, Leasing and the great host of German thinkers of that day. was the spirit of personal freedom and the idea that the state existed for the Individual. The spirit of the Germany of today, with its divine right of Kings and its belief that the individual exists only for the state, naturally, as a log ical sequence, demands the glorifica tion of war and the growth of mil itarism. The spirit which has dominated the other European countries that are now at war Is clearly traceable and easily classified, and the horrible intoxication from which Europe will reel back stag gering to repent In sackcloth and ashes, and the tearful belching of blood over which she, like Lady MacBeth, will weep and wish for some antidote to cleanse the "damaged spots." All this is only the result of the National ism that has been developing for years It is the bloody blossoming of a flower, the seed of which was planted years long gone by. To understand our own American civilization one must understand the spirit upon which our Christian de mocracy has been builded. A search for the sources of our progress leads us Into the realm of the human heart and the human brain. It's a long dis tance from the bark canoe of the American savage to the -palatial steam er of the Twentieth Century, from the ox team of the primitive pioneer to the overland limited of modern times, but over this vast distance, where the tired feet of humanity have been traveling, and among the forces that have lured the American people onward, have been the great Ideals which have been hung by the pastor, theme. "Patriotism and ths Organization of Society." Arleta Hev. W. T. 8. Spriggs, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school ; 11, preaching by ths pkirtor, theme, "That Glory May Dwell in Our Lend"; t:45, B. Y. P. U. ; 7:45, preaching by the pastor, theme, "John Hus. ths Apostle of Light." TabernaeK 9:45. - Sunday school; preach ing at 11 and 7:30 by Rev. A. J. War; 6:0. B. Y. P. U. University Park Sunday school, 10; B. Y. P. U., ft:30; preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. by Dr. E. A. Woods, subjects. "The Invisible World" and "Some Thlnga Are Not for Sale," CHRISTIAN. Wood lawn, corner East Seventh and Lib erty streets W. L. MlUlnger. minister. Bible school. 9:45; morning worship. 11; Christian Endeavor. 0:80; evening service. 7.30. Kern Park. East Sixty-ninth, corner Forty sixth even us Southeast R. Tlbba Maxey. minister. Bible school. 9:45; morning w orship. M ; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening services, 7:3o; prayer mee'.lng. Thursday evening. 7:3o. Vernon, corner East Fifteenth and Wy gant streets A. J. Melton, minister. Bibls school, 10; morning worsnlp. 11; Christian Endeavor, ft :30; even Ins- services, 7 :30. First, corner Psrk and Columbia streets, George Darsle. minister. Sunday school at 9:45 at the rhurch : men's class st the Y. M. C. A. auditorium at 9:45; young Isdles" class In the Y. W. C. A. auditorium at t:45; C. E. Society at 6:45; patriotic rhurrh serv ices at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.: morning subject. "No One Lives to Himself;; even ing subject, "Ambition as a Vlriue." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services. 11 and 8; sub ject of lesson sermon, "l.od"; Sundsy school. 9:45 end 11; Weo.netso.ay evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Second. East Sixth street and Holladay avtnue Services, 11 and 8; subject of les son sermon, "God ; bunuay scnooi, r.ia ana 11: Wednesday evening meeting at a. Third, East Twelfth and halmon streets Services, 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon, "God": Sunday school. 11 and la: 10: Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Scrvh-es, U and 8: subject of lesson sermon. "God"; Sundav school. 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fifth, Myrtle Park station Services. 11 A M-; subject of lesson sermon. "God"; Sunday school, ;3; Wednesday evening meeting at e. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE. Gospel Tabernacle, corner East Ninth and Clay streets. Jonn E. Fee, pastor Sunday school. 10 A. M.; preaching. 11 A. U . prayer meeting. Tuesday. 7:4 P. at EPISCOPAL. St David's Cliurcn. East Twelfth ad Bel mont streets, Kev. H. H- Taloot rector 7:80 A. M celebration ot holy Eucnartst; 9:45 A. M- Sunday school; 11 A, M- morn ing prayers and sermon. Church ot Our eavior. Sixtieth avsnus and r'oriy-lirst street South ease (WW cax Kw. E. H. Clark, vicar, bervicea at a ana 11 A. M. and 7:30 P.M. fit. Andrew's, Portsmouth 1 M. Bauz-v vicar. Begular services 11 and T:AO; Sua day school, lu; third ounaay at u. holy eosa m union. Ascension Chapel, Nineteenth and Spring tree is Kav. Barr Q. Lee, priest 1 charge. Holy communion. 7.45; Sunday school. .. pro-Cathedral of si- Stephen the Martyr, Thirteenth and Clay street Vary Kev. H. M. Kevins y, dean. Holy commualoa, 1 :e4, Sunday scnooi. 10; morning service. 11; serf ic lor coiored people, 8; tvuiuuj mttih 1:4ft. Su Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbstt streets Hev. W. A. M, Brack, vicar. Baauaj school. 10. service and sermon, 1L Trinity. Nineteen to and stverett street Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector, -iervices. a, 11 and 8: Sunday school. 8:4ft; Good towshlp Society,' parlab-bouaa, Nmetsaata and Davis streets, 7 to 7:M. Church, of St. Michael and All Angea Broadway and East Forty-third street Nona ennon, 11; holy communion, first buuoaj 11; third Sunday, 7:89. Grace Memorial. Weldler and East Bevea. :eenth street North Rev. George B. Vaa , Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, v.- V U l".lMy limilL pa ' - ' ' . i before the people by the dreamers, the prophets and the seer. These are the men who type for us the immortal force that moved humanity onward. Aeblevraaeats af Past Reviewed. If we were to seek for the power which made It possible for Greece to stretch out her dead band across the centuries and guide the world for so long you would, find that power to be In the Inspired souls of Greece. The classical poems and orations of the olden time, both in Greece and Rome, began with a prayer that the Gods would lend inspiration and donate great Ideas to the people.' As we look back upon the ancient world and see how empty It la of Inventions and dis coveries and note that the lands of olden times have no printing pre. no telegraph, no steam cars. 110 electric lights, no automobiles. and. Indeed, none of those things that seem to be so essential to human progress today, we should let our surprise pass away and remember that In that far off day they had Inspired souls and an Inspired soul In Athena is a greater asset to a nation than a sawdust soul In Tort land. Pliny the younger, with a note book In his hand dreaming dreams In the First Century. Is more valuable than a sordid gold hunter In the Twentieth Century shouting through a telephone. Homer. In his poverty and blindness did more for the world than a Jay Gould or a Russell Sage. That marvel ous old Greek. ocratea. sitting In the presence of. and talking to. his friends of youth and beauty, was more valu able to humanity than a Vanderbllt sitting In his office dictating the self ish plans of financial affairs. Let us not forget that the leaders of mankind are the men who have touched with their hands the sources of Infinite power and have opened their hearts to the infinite regions of splen car. Holy communion, 8. excepting on first Sunday la ths month; mornlcg prayer eaa Rev. T. F- Bowen, vtcmr. bun day ache a. and Bible Class, 10; morning service aad sermon. 11; bunday school. 10. Ne evois sermon. All Saints", Twenty-Of th and Salter streets Sunday schcol. 10: morning prayer aaa sermon. 11; celebratloa of tns holy oo ta rn union the first Sunday In ths monia at 11 and the third Sunday sit , Good Shepherd. Graham street and Vaa eouvtr avenue Rav. John Dawsoa, ractsr. bundar school. 9:43; moraine; service, ; evening service, 7 :80. St, Paul a. W'oodixier Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday of month. 8; avanlng prayer and sermon. 4, xcept the first Bunday of moots St. John s. Mliwaukle Rev. Joan D, Rica, vicar. Prayer. 8; holy communloa, nrst Sunday of month. SL John's. Sellwood Rev. John D. Rtoe. vicar. 8, holy communion. acept on first Sunday of month; Id, Sunday school; 11. morning prayer; 7:SO. evening prayer; haty communion first Sunday of month. Bishop Morris Memorial Chape. Ooeel 6amaMtan Hospital Rev. Frederick 1C How ard, chaplain. Holy communion. I; veera St. Mark's. Twenty-first snd Marshall streets re-cior, Rv. J. E, H. Simpson. Hum. mrr schedule : Sundays. 7 ::o a. M.. holy eucharlst; 9:45. Hundsy school, 10:1A, matins; 11. holy eucharlst and sermon. Wekdas: 7:30 daily, holy eucharlst; during July and August there will be no evening service on Sunday or Friday. E V ANf.Kf J( AL First German Church of ths Evangelical Association, torner Tenth and Clay streets 3. F. Ltenlng. pastor. Sunday services: Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. ; preaching serv ices at 10:44 A. M-. sermon by the pastor; communion services In the mortal ug and evening; Y. P. A. meeting at T. First English, East Flxth and Market streets Kv. K. D. llornschurh. pnstor. Hervlces. 11 and 8; Sunday School, lO; Y. P. A- 7. Dr. East will speak to the men's class In Bunday achooL LITHCRAN ' Portland Norwegian. 45 Twentieth street. North Dltman Larsen, pastor. Services at 11 and 7:45; Sunday school at lO Bethel Free, atuben Hall, Ivy and Wllllimi streets. Rev. J. A, Staley, minister Preach ing st 11 a. M. snd ft P. M. ; bunday schoo 10 A. M. Norwegian Lutheran Church. Fourteenth snd Divi Sunday school, lo A. M.: other services at regular hours. Everybody el coma. Bethany Dsnlah. Vnln svenue North and torris street M. C. Jensen-Ensholm D.itor Services. 11 a. M. and 8 P. M. bunday school snd Bible clsss, lo A. M. Young Peop.e't nittcg. Tuesday. 8 P. M. Ladies Aid will meet at M ra. Hsgensen's. WJ Alberta street. Wednesday at 2 o'clock. '"man Evangelical Iutheran 7.1on nurch (Missouri Synod), corner Salmon and Chapman streets ervte 1;13 a. M. and 7:45 P. U. Sundsy school. 9:15 A. M. II. tl. ivoppeimann, pastor. ht. Paul s Lutheran. East Twelfth and Clinton streets A. K rmuse. pastor. Orman and Englisn Sunday school. 9:50 A. M. ; terman service. ID 30 A. M. ; quarterly meeting. 11:45 A.M.; English service, 8 P.M.; dslly grsmmar school from 9 to U A. M. ; Htble lesson and Young People's meeting, i nursaay at a f. 3m . Unit d lAithersn Chunh, 43 North Four teenth street Rev. I. Larsen, pastor. Preaching at 11 and 7 : 45. St. James' English, West Park and Jeffer son streets J. Allen Less, pastor. Services at 11 A, M . conducted by the pastor; the evening services will be intermitted during juiy and August. Trinity German Missouri Synod, corner Williams and t;raham avenues J. A. Rim- bach, pastor. Services, 10:16 A. M.,; S. S. 9:15; no evening service. LATTER DAY SAINTS. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day faints, corner East Twenty-fifth and Madi son streets. Sunday school at 10; cervices, H :45; evening service) at 7:50. Everybody welcome. METHODIST. First. Twelfth and Taylor streets Frank L, Loveland. D. D.. minister. Mf SO A. M.. sermon, by Dr. Loveland; 151:13 P. M.. Sun dsy school; 0:43 P. M. young people's meet ing. Dr. A. W. Llndsey. speaker; 8 P. M.. sermon, topic. 'The United States In the Family of Nations"; Dr. R. N. Avison will deliver this sermon. First Afrlcsn M. E. Zlon Church. Williams avenue W. W. Howard. D. D.. pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; morning sermon by Rev. N. J. Berber, evening sermon by the pastor. subject. MEMORIES OF DAYS IN THE VALLEY OF "4? t dor that lie beyond the realm of sordid commercial Interests. laaptratloa Declared Befclad All. The best thing that ever came to Philadelphia was that long gaunt youth who reached tnectty with a loaf of bread under one arm and a copy of Shakespeare under the other but with a great vision In his heart, who spent his first night In that CJuaker city sleeping on a wooden bench In a Qutk. er meeting house with the volume of Shakespeare beneath his head but with his soul resting upon a pillow of rosea, for when Benjamin Franklin wakened that glorious morning he gave Phila delphia more than though ha had do nated to it a smokestack or a factory bell. Our modern life is prone to smile at the thought of Inspiration, soul beauty and the real spirit that actually la the reality back of all matertaj forma and forcea. our ears are filled with the rattle and clangor of the street, the shriek of the locomotives, the rumble of our commercial wheels fills our ears until we are unable to hear the finer, sweeter sounds which really make the mulc to which the tired and possibly unthinking feet of humanity march up the slopes. Our modern financial kings too often give small attention to the aspirations of the great souls of the past who hare lain broad and deep the foundations of progress. One of the kings of Wall street recently declared before a body of commercial dealers that a smoke stack la of more Importance than a church spire, that a locomotive bell la of more value than a school bell, that the only force worth considering was the force which revolved around a shaft of gold. One Is surprised that such drivel should drip from the Jaws of even n king of Wall street. Prayers Galde Uesaaerary Spirit. Let us not forget that every man who bends the krre or breathes a prayer to Making the Deaf Hear": communion at ' tilcht; S., 1 P. M. ; c, E. Society meet ing. 7 I. M.; everybody welcome. Sunnyside. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth st re-eta K. Eimer Smith, pa tor. Sunday school. 9:50 A. M : preaching. 11 A. M. ; 1 worth League. t :IM p. 1. : community sing and patriotic concert 7:43 P. M. nooilltnn Louts Tnomaa. pastor. 8. B., 10 A. M-; K. L.. 7 P. M. ; services, jl A. M. 7:43 P. M. ; '-Responsibility of NstlonaJ Creatness." "MIm wrac Da Graff on 'In ternational Peace. Ttose t'lty park. Sandy Boulevard and F.at Fifty-eighth street North William Wallace l oungvui. minister. 9:45. Sundsy school; II. 'The Culture of Patriotism"; 7. "Unfurling of New Flsg a Patriotic Servlca." entenary. East Ninth and East nn streets T. W. Lane. minister. Sundsy school, 9 45 A. M ; morning -worship. 11: holy communion, class meeting tmmedlstely 1 after morning service; Epworth League, o P. M. ; evening worship. 7:45. Epworth. Noria Twenty-sixth and Sevier streets O. McCulloch. pastor. Sunday schoo;. 41; public worship, 11 and 7:44; Epworth League, 7. Swedish service will be held In Oregon CHy at S o'clock P. M. All Scandlnavieos re most cordially Invited to attend. Jona Oval, Swedish minister. Vancouver aene. Norwegian Danish, eor pr Skidmor street Rev. Abraham Verelde. pastor. Services Sunday at 10:43 A. M- and 8 P. M. Sundsy school. 9:45 A. M. Morn ing sermon by Pv. C. J. Larsen. district superintendent. This will be communion service. Evening topic. Th Sub;tmlty of a tirest Conviction.' John Hum memorial service. entrat, Vs nenovrr avenue and Fargo street C Itarick. pasor. rundv sc hool. 95 A. M. Morning -rmn. "The Kor Pillar of th American KepuMlc. 11; class meeitnff. 1:15; Epworth League. 6:45. Even ing ervlce, m patriotic sacred concert, ft o'c'o.;k : ruM-week service, Thursday at K Trinity, East loth and Sherman streets Ttev. A. Ft. fsider. pastor: Sunday school, ! A. M Kpworih League. 7 PM. 11 A. M., "lnleendcn-e Day ; It's Meaning." 6 P. M., A v ision of Heaven. Mount Tibor. corner of Fast Stark and Kmy-flrst streets E, Olin K:drMe. pester. Services Sunday ss foi:om a: 11 A. M , preaching by Rev. 1 . T. Su romerviMe. Even. tr.g. preaching ny ths pastor, subject, "tur National Inheritance a Gift From Ood. Sunday school, 9.45 A. M. Epworth League. ti:45 P. M. MFTHOIUST r.riHCOFAL, SOUTH, Union a venus and Multnomah street W. J. Kttnon. rsst-T. Sunday school at 1 A. M.; preaching at 11 A. M. and ft P. M. NKW THOUGHT. New Thought Temple of Truth. Filers building. 14 'J Hroad w ay Perry Jos. Oren. minister. Lectura at 8. "Ths Liberty Bell of the Soul. NEW CHI KCH KOCIKTV. New Church Society. Knights of Pythias Halt. Alder street. between Tenth and Eleventh Hev. Samuel Worcester, pastor. 1 1 A. M.. subject. -What and Where Is Heaxenf"; Sunday school at 10:13. PRESBYTERIAN. Rse City Park Church, comer of Forty fifth and Hancock streets Morula wor ship. 11 : evening worship. 7 :43: church s-h -jol. 9:43 a. M. : Junior C aV. Sunday afternoon 50; Senior C aw. 8:43 p. at.; mid-week meeting. Thursday. 7:43 P. M. Spokane-avenue. East Sixteenth and Spo kane J. E. You el. pastor. S, 8, at 10; wor slilp at 1 1 and o'clock. t entrsl. crner East Thirteenth and Pine streets Id ;ao. communion service ; 12. Sun day school clae for all; 8 P. M The Story of Two Crosses." AH services) abort during the Summer. L, K. tirtmes min ister. Vernon, corner Nineteenth and Wygant street H. N. Mount, pastor. Sunday school at l:43 A. M. ; C. 7. P. !.; preaching s-rv.e. a. M-. subject. "Jonn Hum and His Ieclnratlon of Ecclesiastical Independ ence." At 8 P. M. Mr, Mat tie M. 8 teeth, state lecturer of the W. C. T. U.. will de liver a patriotic address on The Evolution of Temyc ranee helorm." Kenilworth. East Thirty-fourth and Glad stone avenue Kev. L. K. Richardson, pas tor. Bible school. 9:45 ; morning worship, reception of new members and sacrament of Lord's supper. 11 A. M. : evening worship. Fourth f July sermon, "Tho Flag and the Cros." 8 P. M. Hope. Seventy-eighth and Everett streets S, W. Seemann. minister; morning sub ject. "The Pst riot ism Needed Now" ; in the evening, union services at the school build ing. I'alvary. Eleventh and Clsy streets The pas: or. Hev. Oliver S. Baum. will preach; '-sa ' r-- --j ; : J t -cv L any God of whatsoever name, whether It Is an Egyptian bowing at the fanes of lls or a Phoenician merit trine unto Kaal. or a Kabean adoring his gods of Starinlst. or a Maja worshiping his Idols of fire, or a Jewish priest bow ing In his holy of holies, or a Catholic following with passion bis cross, or a Methodist agonising at the mourners' bench, these all are but giving expres sion to those hidden Immortal force that move the world. It is because of this that the sacred books, so-called, of every century and of every race have wrought such mighty Influence upon the mind and activities of men. Whether It la an Al Koran of a Veda a northern aaicaa or a southern tnythologlst. whether It Is the Old Testament or the New. these all lie at the source from whence springs human progress Do not forget that every prophecy and every prayer are only the half articulated voice of humanity crying for light and seeking for the source of soul rlche and mind culture. These are the mighty force that have guided the spirit of modern democracy and these are the men through whose hearts have flown the red tides that have turned the wheel of human prog res. True, too often this very spirit has been compelled to minister to that which Is base and low In human char acter. All too often has his spirit of democracy been obliged to turn aside and become the ally of Injustice and of tyranny. All too often has hi glorious spirit of prayer and praise and prophecy been prostituted to mere formalism, sectarianism and rankest dogmatism. I tells: loa Teg ass d Doaadleaus. The spirit of democracy ever seeks wo relate Itself with conduct as well as creed, with duty as well as devo tion, but when it Is turned aside from Its high and holy mission It often di 10:30, -Independence) Day": 7:43. "New Thoughta on pstrtotism and Liberty"; Sun day school, noon; C. K- Soci-tr, 8:43. Fourth Church, corner First aad GIbbs streets Henry tl. Hanson, pastor. 1 1' A. M-. communion service; 12. S. S. ; 8 1. M.. -Waotel A Greater Citlsenship"; no C E. service. First United Preebyterlen Church, East Thirty-seventh street and Hawthorne avenue Frank De Witt Find ley, minister. Ribie school, 10 ; morning worship, 1 1. sermon topic. "The inspiration or a t.reai i.ire ; Christian Endeavor. 7 P. M.. topic. "Home Mi a tons and National Ideal, leader, W. A. Cums; evening services, 8, sermon topic. "Our Country and lha New Era," REFORMED. First German. Twelfth and Clay O. Kafner. pwstor. Services, 10:4 and . 5Klb anniversary of John Huss ; Sunday school. 9:80; T. P. S- 7 P. M. SEVENTH-DA ADVKNTISTS, (Rrgalar eer wires of this ew-nuatlosi are bcld Mturdayl. Central. East Llevnth and Everett at re-Ma Elder Milton H. SL John, pastor. Preach ing. 11 A- M ; Sabbath school, 10; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7.80; T. P. S-. . Friday evening; epweial aervlcaa Sunday evening at 7.8V. Albir-a German Skid mora aad Mallory avenue Henry Hlock. elder. ti. F. Hutch, local elder. Sabbath school Is at 10; preacA lug. 11:30- and ft. Preaching Sunday night La at s. Montavilla. East Eightieth and Everett streets. J. F. l.estty. elder. Sabbath srBooi, school Is at 10 A. M. and p re-aching at 11. St, Johns Csntral a.enue and Charleetoa street Eder. E. D. Hurlburt, rabbet a school is at lO with prtachlnc at 11; u slonary Society meeta at 8 o clock. Mount Tabor Eat !xtitn and Helmoal street Rev. C. J. lummiDii, ator. sab bath school la held at 19 w in. preaching at Lents Marlon avenue and Blumauer D J. "hit wood, eider. Sabbath school la at 14 with preach in ; at 1L Preaching Sunday Qis.'tt is at .so. Scandinavian Church. flTt v-second aad Thirty-ninth avenue Elder O. E, bandnee. pastor. Mhbath school is at 10; preaching, 11 and Sunday service at 7:30. SriMTVALJHT. First Spiritual Church, Manchester build ing. h5H Fifth street, betm en Stark and oak Special Fourth of Julr services 3 and ft P. M ; lectures and message by Mr. and airs, lfledsoe: snc.ai dinner at ft V. M. ; bring Cass and flowers Church of the Soul. COS S Third street Rev. J. H. Lucas, paator. Conference meet ing. 11 A. M.; mediums meeting. 3 p. M. : lecture 'and demonstration bv Itev. Mas Hoffman. 8 P. M. ; so.o by Mrs. Margaret Marks. The Christian Spiritual Church, Altsky building. V5 Morrirn stree J P. M.. lec ture and circles: P. M-, "A Search After God. by Will C. Hodge, of San Diego. UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father. Rroadway and Tamtilil streets Rev. Thomas L. KMoi. min ister emeritus: Rev. Wm. G. Eliot, Jr.. minister. Sej-vlcea at II A. M. morning. "Militant Good a IU ; evening services lu termttied. V N I V E RMA LIST. Church of th Good Tidings Broadway and East Twenty-fourth streets Dr. J. 1. Corby, pastor. - In vine worship, with sermon, st 10:43 A. M.; sunshine hour. Sundsy school st 12 noon; the pastor will be assisted by Dr. Ed son Relfsnlder. of Massachusetts, del egate to th Umvertallst general conference. V isttora find welcome la this church. No evening service. UNITED EVANGELICAL, First Church. East Sixteenth and Poplar streets Preaching Sunday. May So. at 11 A. M. and P. M. Tn eunuay uxl wiil rnet-i I u A M. and tb ( hristlan Kndeavor clety will meet at P. M. Good musio ul be rendered Ockley Green Churcb. comer of Columbia boulevard and Gay street G. L. Love 11. pas tor, will preach both morning and evening. Sundsy school at 10 A. M. and Christian Kn deavor at 7 P. M. Good music -sill be prv vided. SL John Church Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M- Sunday school at lis A, M. and Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. TCNITED BRETHREN. First United Brethren Church. East Fif teenth and Morrison John D. Ncsewonder. pastor. Bible school. lO; presetting. 11. Practical Influence of God; C E . 7; 8. The Call of Religion In ths Present Crisis in Europe. Fourth. Sixty-ninth street and Sixty-second avenue Southeast. Tremont Station J. E Connor, pastor. Sermons, 11 A. M. and 7:4 - r fr o t vorces religion from ethics to tr-e Ir reparable harm of the ra-e. He! it ion and rlchteounesa, spirituality and moralltv are Ideally one when they have the naht of way In an individual or a natlt n. Religion, however. like every other good thin-, cannot endure the strain of being overdone, else It becomes a magic, a formula, an Incantation, or a sacrifice supposedly to purchase divine favor to turn aside divine vengeance. I prirnuaiu , imewise, ix ovrnonai is liable to recome a eir-r-cariir.g morality, a religious demagogue or an unbrotherly orthodoxy. When this happens, prayer becomes an order for goods. ClVlly wants a cracker"!, wor ship becomes a formality and servitude of lecality. intellectual orthodoxy la substituted for moral conduct, the dif ference between unitarianism and lrtnitrlan!iam I then d-clrcd to be of infinitely more Importance than the difference between virtue and vice, be tween a lie and the truth, between stealing and honesty. When thl happens democracy, a well as Christianity. Is In danger. Patriot ism become partisanship, capital Is threatened with a commune and labor becomes a prey of a Cormorant, selfish ness ascends the throne and diplomacy becomes deceit, treaties are regarded as scraps of paper and war looses Its dev ilish dogs to tear and rend and devour. If America Is to endure, it needs must seek the conserving elements that alone make for permanence. The gos pel of the man of peace Is not a spent force. It will bring In a new social order In which mnnklnd will be broth ers If mankind will only give It a fair chance. The gospel was never Intended to make sectarian. Ita purpose was to make humanitarians. The spirit of Christian democrsry has for Ita goal the social redemption of the race and Is not confined to national boundaries or geographical lines. Its flag is the only flag that files In the night. P. Sunday schvL, 10 A, M,; Christian Endeavor, 8.43 P. M. MD I.LLANEOCS. Christadelphlans, fCl Kast Wash tact oa Street Services. lO SO, Sunday. The regular Dahal meeting will be held In ro m .Wti K 1 1 -r building. Sundsy. p. vt. Order of Christian M stie Tlis study claas will mct Sunday at 8 P. M. in room Mo. Eiiers bi.lldlng; subject, "Life s Duties." Stranrers welcome. iMvin Truth Center. Divine Troth Oh pel. Seillnc-Hlrerh building, corner West Pat k and Washington street Hev. T. M. Minard. pastor. Subject. "Waiting an tlod. Hon Cl:y l ark Church, corner K.ast Fr-rtv-flfth and Hancock streets Kev. J. M. Skin ner, paslor. Worship. 11 and 8 o'cl.vck: Sun dav erttool. 9:43 A. M . : iSenlcr Christian Kn. deavor. 7 I. M-; mid-week meeting. Thurs day evening. 8. Thcophical Society, Morgan buTdlng SAibjct st 8, "What You Want.' by Dr. Of. W. Carey. Christian Yoga Center. Slt-T AbinRto but id in g Itev. v. oro Hammond, lnt rui tor. Sunday evening service at f o'clock; fre public healing meet In Tuesda s and Kri dsr afternoon at - ocl.ck; lie a i In c '.. Tueeday evening ; meditation anil fr heal ing meet in g. Wednesday evening ; cIsk iu metaph sics, Thnrsday evening. Swedish services wl'.l be held 1n tin Methodist Church. In Vsncouver, st 3 o'c!k P. M. All Scandinavians are most crd.s!iv In v: ted to attend. John Ova 11. Swedish minister. Bottle Floats 6000 Miles to Oregon Coast. Hrdroarapklr Rarraa M e a a a K Krarn f Ira.. Jap... la I . Maaaaalla Mrac-a. N1 KIIALKM. Or, July ;. (i.ciat.l A bottl. waa picked up at Man lanlta flrich by I. Sp.ncer. of Sa!cm. which proved to have bi-en con aiJvraMe of a traveler. Acrordim to a note, the bottle was thrown from the ahii Strathallyn. of U!a.sow. on July IS. 1911. off the Inland of Yexn. Japan. It waa one of the reculatlon bottle, of tho Vntted Htatea llrdro sraihlo rtureau. which are frequently caat overboard front ocean vela to a.xcrrtain the direction of current. The rooorda were made by Second Officer Thomaa Mclntyre. of the strath allyn. and a-ava the location of the lace at which the bottlo waa ca.t Into the aea aa 5;31 N., Urns. 14S.47 W. Krotn thla data. It neenia the jtie.-!a mtisl have traveled mora than u00 mile, before reaching Ita deatlnatlon on tho Nrhalem beach. The laiand of Yeso's chief port la Hakodate, and It muft have been In aome location ron aiderably north of thla where the bot tle waa rt afloat. i The menaaice waa Immediately pent to the Hydrographlc Hureau at W.mh Ingion. BRIDAL PAIR FLEE RICE Bui Sheriff f;rti Word to Arrct Com)!", Ijitcr I-t Io. CHAM UKHLkKIN. S. n, June :V Just as John Pitta and bride, of Alexandria, were speeding along the road in their touring car. congratulating themselves that they had escaped the usual :-.r -r of rice and charivari following their marrluKf. a I'eputy Sheriff strrped in front of tlielr car and ordered tlirm lo bait. Pitts put up a fifht. but was sub dued when tlie deputy drew h: re volver and the bridal pair was taken to Pukawana. Then matters were clrared. Friends of tlie couple had telephoned the drputy to arrest them. THE UMPQUA I " ' - . a t . i. - - - "'-:. " i l i : J - ' t 1 s