12 T1TE SUNDAY OREG ONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 49 1915. FOB RENT. Hummer Resort. BEACH COTTAGE TO RENT. Pes TVasfa.: one of the ermlceet pieces of property oo the boulevard, on ciock irom Biaimn ; raoaem -room, wv teo piertrk. liehta. running water, com pletely furnished throughout; barn for horses and automobile; large, roomy porches, ocean view. Phone Main 115 or E. 4373. NEWPORT, OREOON Two and three ronm cottages right at the beach, over innUt n a- tn an- tiRAtlv furnished: elec- trie lights, city water, - sinks, plenty of wishes and cooking utensils; close to stores and natatorium at Nye Beach; will rent by the week or month; reduced rates to July 1. SEA. CREPT COTTAGES, Newport, Or. FOR SALE. SUMMER RESIDENCE AT Seven-room house, plate glass windows in ironi, wun raagniuceui w. ocean and bay; ideally located; will be old very reasonably. Address VALLEY RBAL ESTATE CO., CARLTON'. OREGON'. riPUTT fHTT Af!R fff)R FO-7NT. Sanborn cottage at Gearhart; 7 bed- Tooras. hot and cold water in each room, two sitting-rooms, dining-room. and kitchen, bathroom second floor, lava tory and shower on first floor, glass-enclosed porch, two fireplaces, electric iights and screens; well furnished. G. F. SANBORN COMPANY. 1131 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR RENT At Newton Station. Long Beach, Wash., one and two-room bunga lows, completely furnished for"- house keeping; eiectnc light and mountain wa ter, full view of ocean, V block from beach and surf bathing; rent $'JO and $-j per month. Will take boys and girls to board, $-'0 per month. Telephone Main 5J."r6. A ofcU. FOR RENT COTTAGES AT GEAKHART PARK. 4 rooms for season 7S.00 4 rooms for season $ 6O-00 4 rooms for season . ...$ 60.00 h rooms, modern, for season $liU.Q0 OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. CANNON BEACH Five-room cottage with spacious sleeping porch, for July, Four-room bungalow with sleeping porch, bath and fireplace, for July and August. Camp; 14x16 tent and cabin, all com fortably furnished. M. B. M'KAT, Ecola, Or. TOUR vacation will cost much leas if you'll go to beautiful Columbia Beach and rent a completely f uraished housekeeping tent. Clamming, fishing, boating, tennis, new plank auio road to ocean front; autos meet a:l trains. Write or call for Informa tion, 1100 Northwestern Brink bldg. FOR RENT Seashore bungalows at Newton Station. Long Beach; completely furnished for housekeeping, electric light, mountain water, full view of ocean; 2 rooms at $7 week. -Z month; 1 room at $d week, $zt month. MaKe your reservation. Phone 'Main ."or,, a 3811. CEARH ART Modern 8-room house. Cot tage ave.. completely furnished, sleeping porch, fireplace, bath; for August, reason able rent. A. H. BIRRELU 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. 7-ROOM furnished house on quarter block, bath, electric lights, patent toilet, fire place, piano, large porches; right at Shelburne station, $J0t for the season. Mrs. T. J. Hoare, box C, Seaview, Wash. THE View Point cottage. Cannon Beach Furnished except silver ware, table and bed linen ; accommodate 10. Information, phone Woodlawn 3419, Mrs. H. A. Cole. Ecola, Or. COMPLETELY f urnished cabin, overlooking Lake Ly t lo and Tillamook Beach, one block from station; accommodates four, water in house; $50 for season. Phone Broadway 142. FURNISHED cottage at Bar View Tilla mook Beach), one block from llfesavlng station and S. P. depot, fronts ocean, fenced, wood, water and electric lights free. Write owner. Box Bar View, Or. PACIFIC VIEW BEACH cottages and tent houses for rent. Completely furnished, $3.5o and $3 per week. Fine beach, fish ing, agate beds. Call 614 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6765. FOR SUMMER COTTAGES" LOTS FOR SALE. ALEX. GILBERT & SON. . Seaside, Or. COSY furnished 5-room cottage with fire place at Ocean Park; $43 for season or 920 for July, $2Z for August. Phone East FOR It E N T A gate Beach, near Newport, two cottages; very desirable. For particu lars call at residence, Hb2 East 8th South or phone Sellwuod 179S. TEXTS and small cottages for rent, also board and room at Ocean Park, Wash. Inquire at Mrs. Emma Matthews, Ocean Park, Wash. MANHATTAN Beach, furnished housekeep ing cottages. o and $d per week. See W. F. Cole, 6b'J! 01 st avenue S. E., or Man hat tan Beach. Tillamook County. FOR RENT Very desirable small cottages and flats; also tents. furnLchd for light hcusektieping ; close in; electric lights; city water. Write to Godfrey Bros.. Seaside. WANTED At iTHarhart or" Seaside, room and board for self and 3 -yea r-old boy in private family; strictly modern home. AR a.'l, Oreonian, or Main 40S!. SIMMER board on farm near city; large, airy room for two, sis per month. BL -.S, Oregon Ian. - FURNISHED fiats. housekeeping rooms; also furnished rooms. L. Roderick, Long Bearh. Wash. CEASI DE Mayo cottage, on board walk, 8 rooms, strictly modern, completely fur nished. Phone East lJO. SUNSET BEACH For sale or rent, 4 -room cottage, furnished. tunning water in kitchen. Room 4'Js Chamber of Com. GKARHA RT 6 -room furnished cottage by month or season. C. A. Lewis, First Nat. Bank. FOR RENT Completely furnished house keeping rooms on the ridge, Seaview, Wash. m EMMA SHEPA K O. liOCKA WA Y 2 and 3-room cottages, new and nicely furnished, by week, month or season. J. J. Kreb3, Rockaway, Or. OR REN T side, or. 1444. Cozy cottage. 322 ;th ave.. Sea Phone aaer Tuesday, Main fcKAIDE Modern cottage, completely fur nished; eery convenience. Telephone L i:;n2. VERY comfortable 6-room cottage at Sea side, n.-ar Necarucum Inn, for August, $.0 g-ept., $i". AP iil9. Oregoman. FOR RENT S'.-aide 5-room modem cottage near ocean, reasonable. Phone Vv oodiawn ELMORE Park. Tiilamook beach ; comfort abliy furnished 5-room cottage; rent oo pcr month Tabor ItiaO. FOR RENT Cottage, furnished. O eao Lake Pars, $." per week; wood and -rater free. M. L. Sampbou. Twin Rocka, Or. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, well furnished second house from board walk. Inquire Marshall lu31 or Seliwood 2136. FOR RENT Completely furnished 5-room modern cottage by month or season. Write P. O. Box 112. Bar View. Or. fcKAIDE For rent, furnished 5-room cut ta ge on the ridge, unobstructed view. Phone Marshall 4TG1 UNUSUALLY attractive annon Beach cot tage, furnished, beautiful grove, reason -able rent. Address tJ7j E. Wash st FOR RENT "-room beach cottage, furnish-J, running water and bath, Tioga. Wash., ocean irontage. Phone East 414. V ELL furnished 6-room house. North Beach, ocean view, rent $oo for season. Phone Main 0910. HOUSEKEEPING apts., furnished, wood, water, light. ocean Crest. Rockaway Beach. SEASIDE Furnished 5-room cottage, water and lights. $00 for season. Address Box , .", Seaside. 2 FURNISHED cottages for rent, NewroTT Phone Main 1715 after 9 A. M. SALTAIR Tillamook line 360 Union ave t NPhone E, or C 237G. $00. SEASIDE 5-room furnished cottage: season. Woodlawn 2-123. FURNISHED HOUSE on Ridge at Seaview, Wash. Telephone East 32&U. FOR RENT 5-room comfortably furnished cottage at Gearhart. Main 8139. 1i,RFVTtl th ,Thy Cottage. Long BeacX Wash., to Aug. I. Broadway 514. idGHT h. k. furnished Ocean Crest apta, Tiilamook Boach, Rockaway p. O. FOR RENT Two furnished cottages at Can non Beach. MW M. Smith. Selling bldg. fcEAVIEW Completely and comfortably furnished cottage, cheap. Main 4178. NEAT 5-room cottage at OceanPark. wiT Seliwood 1500. iV ANTED Two housekeeping rooms Lone 'Beach. Phone C 1657. 501 E. 63d N. MY Gearhart Cottage. "Sandcrof t," for tea- p""' """' nnyi nam, j-none labor 41S4 4-BOO.M Seaside cottage, furnished ISO oer season. B 2514. East 1346. ' SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage. 6E ASIDE Furnished cottages overlooking MOUNT HOOD auto staff a city. Main 33L A 23C1 calls any part of ELMORE PARK One-room furnished cot tage, oceanfrent. Tabor 80S. T-POCO-1 well furnished cottage. N Harris. Ocean Park. Wash. Address WOULD lease AO-room hotel at beach to responsible par ties. T. 924, Oregon ian. FOR REM. Hummer Reports. IF you can furnish us with good recommen dations as to character and ability and have $100 cash to buy supplies, you can have what you make and full charge of our beautiful Kill Kare Kamp. Chance to make money and fine outing. CARY'S HOT SPRINGS. S2tf Electric Blag. WANTED Summer boarders ; three hours f rum Portland, 8 miles from Woodland, Wash., on Lewis River, foot of mountains, good fishing, nice, quiet place, good table board at reasonable pri'-e; fare from Portland to Woodland, by boat, f0c. For information write M. L. Kent. Reno. Wash. TO RENT Will rent to party of 2 or 3 part of cosy cottage at Long Beach, clean and comfortsble, 2(H feet from ocean; everything found except table linen ; rent by week or month, $1 per day or $6 a week. Address box 32, Long Beach. TWO furnished rooms, with or without board, private home, faring ocean, de sirably located, reasonable for two or more congenial women. Main 416, morn ing or evenings. FURNISHED tenia to rent at Klil Kare Kamp and Cadys Hot Springs: most won derful country in Oregon. R. W. Cady, 82tf Electric bldg. GEARHART Modern 7-room cottage, on ocean front south of hotel; completely fur nished ; $20O for season. Main 252 3. 7-ROOM furnished beach" home. "facin g ocean, for August, reasonable rent. Phone morn ing or evenings. Main 4Vr91. 4-ROOM COTTAGE Completely furnished; running water; reasonable ; Beach Center. Main 4801. FOR RENT Lawrence cottage at Gearhart, very desirable, completely furnished. Apply 752 Flanders. Marshall 4J2. TWO 6-room cottages, Seaview, Wash. Main 32fL Stores, FXCE L LC; NT - location for butcher business at Kiliingsworth ave.; no competition; low rent, long lease. Inquire 2''2 Stock Ex change bldg., 3d and yam hill. Marshall FOR RENT Corner store; excellent location on Morrison st. (now occupied ), in heart of shopping zone. Inquire room 52t Lum bermens bldg. SHOP, 4x125, 940; north light; Hawthorne ave., near bridge. H. N. Burpee. Main 2330. STORE and office rooms for rent in retail business district. C Oregoman. Office. FIRHT-CLASS dental suite to let. share one- half reception-room with established M. L). ; central location In b'sico district ; reasonable rental. K S&7, Oregon tan. FURNISHED private office, $10 month; also well-furnished, office, cheap for two months. stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill st. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also desk room, $6 and $7. 7 22 Chamber of Commerce. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room ; free phone; very reasonable; I'ort land's busiest -corner. 203 S wetland bldg. BCMNES3 OPPORTUNITIES. ROOMS, modern, transient, always full, clears $150 month; $4uo will handle; terms. 15 H. K. and transient, rent 130. clear $75 month; Xu50; will handle; terms. 25 li. K. and transient; centrally lo cated; cheap rent; clears $125; $409 will handle; terms. 10 rooms, II. K. and transient; price $250. Grocery and lunch, receipts $18 per day; 6 furnished rooms; rent for ail 3u; price $55. - Restaurant, receipts $20 to $25 dally, good location; price $450; terms. These will bear close Investigation. Open Monday. ELMORE CO., 724 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. NO GAMBLE ABOUT IT. WANT "ACTIVE" MAN TO JOIN US IN DRIED FRUIT INDUSTRY, EVAPOR ATING, PACKING AND MARKETING. W I LL PA Y BE TTE R THAN 25 IE R CENT. GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT MAN (EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY). REA SONABLE IN VES T M E N T. FI RST-CLASS BANK REFERENCE FURNISHED AND REQUIRED. PLANT COST OVER $10,6vii. COMPLETE AND IN OPERATION. BIG DEMAND FOR THIS LINE; NOT "OVER DONE." ADDRESS Y OKEGONIAN. RESTAURANT SNAP. Will sell all or half interest in good, live restaurant. Steady day and night trade. Will make good deal with the right party. Only few hundred dollars re quired. Phone Woodlawn 5766 or ad rlress i!3 E. 3.id St. N. A MAN with an auto can make at least $3. a week selling the most practical auto device In the country; we will give you Multnomah County and the invest ment is only about JloO; give your phone numb-T for appointment. Apply box AP 9 Z 7. Oregon Ian. FOR SALE: Swell little grocery, i e cream, candy and cigars; good location, cheap r;nt. living rooms: will invoice about $.Smj; owner going to California: no reasonable inter refused. Call at 7o2 Sandy road. Owner. PASTEURIZING. CREAMERY AND DAIRY STOKE Complete equipment for plant nnd delivery, large list of regular cus tomers; $1000 over monthly sales. Will show books. Will consider exchange for ACREAGE. 3" Stock Exchange bldg. PA RT Y with $so4i can buy haif interest In a 150 eawrnill. This mill has a good local trade and a money-maker. Forced to sell on account of sickness. R. VY. Cady. 826 Electric bldg. MILLINERY business, best bargain in city, tine established trcde. living-rooms; rent $20. Will invoice $40U. price $100. Sacri ficed on account of sickness- Call 303 Lumber Exchange. DE LICATESSEN and grocery, Ideal West Side location, apartment-house district, nicely equipped, nne living-room, fur nished : ail go for $uu0. 31U Lumber Ex change. RESTAURANT. Willamette Valley town. s . any Diisiness, cwarea over S30i per month for 2 ears; people retiring; $1500 required. Sve Java Coffee Co., 110 1st st. I WANT to buy a cush residence grocery or confectionery ; must be a going business and reasonable; give lowest cah price a nd location, owners only. G 115, Ore gon ian. FOR SA LE funeral store building ; pren- did opportunity to open country store w here irrigation is going through ; will stand thorough investigation. Phono M 4tii I. A I 8 2 2 . Oregonia n. WATCHMAKING, engraving, optical school. day and night cassis; 1 1 w montns learn ing; positions guaranteed; agreeabi. steady, proiitabie work. 218 Commonwealth bldg.. tith and Ankny, Portland. FOR SALE Splendid business, cigars, to bacco, confectionery and light groceries in town with b.g payroll, about $14U0. Box 267, Camas. Waah. WEST SIDE, money-making grocery; clean, attractive place, splendid location, no close competition ; furnished living-rooms; in voice about $1200. 31U Lumwr Exchange. $ooo CASH buys this snappy little cash grocery and confectionery, 3 dandy living rooms, furnished: stock, fixtures and fur niture all go. 31 & Lumber Exchange. DELICATESSEN and lunches. $150 below value. Well established, down-town; rent $2U. Snap, $225. Call Co J Lumber Ex change. CLASSY little cash grocery; desirable lo cation. 3 modern living-rooms, very low rent covers steam heat and water; invoice about $Vo. 3iw Lumber Exchange. THE best equipped lunchroom, situated north Z Washington st. ; a snap. Apply 207 4th St. FOR SALE 2 -oven bakery, centrally lo cated, for downtown business; good open ing for -energetic baker. Apply 27 4 tlx at 2'i INVESTMENT gives you partnership In good business. Can make better than w ages. Call 3U3 Lumber Exchange. HAVE good clear property and notes for grocery store in city r general store near city. R. F. Bryan. 608 Cham, of Corn. GROCER Y Splendid Eit Side location, doing good business; must be sold. Rent $20. $1 15Q. Call 3o3 Lumber Exchange. TO THE man with little money I have one of the best hotel propositions in Central Oregon. H 91 4, Oregonian. FINE little restaurant, splendid West Side location; welt established, low rent, $30 303 Lumber Exchange. MOVING picture show for sale or trade at your own price, with or without piano. What have you? AV 351. Oregonian. GARAGE for sale, beat location and trade Id Willamette Valley; will sell at a pax gain. AV 349. Oregonian. WANT party with $ 1 0, GOO. to pure base interest in profitable business; good salary to right party. E 02t. Oregonian. GEN'L MERCHANDISE and lumber yard, a paying business In Idaho town. Deal with owner. A V 319. Oregonian. CASH grocery, no delivery: cheap rent: fine place, doing good business; a great sacri fice. $BoO. Call 315 Lumber Exchange ACCOUNT sickness must give up best ci gar stand in town. Inquire C. A. Schrum, 409 Washington st. MERCHANDISE store for sale. H. Lowe. Cecil, Or. Apply Thoa, BARGAIN Sawmill. 20,000 capacity, logging equipments and timber. AV 341, Oregonian. STORE with fixtures for groceries,' withor without modern fiat. Owner, East 662- SMALL cash grocery for sale by owner East 4357. BARBERS! Good 2-chsir shop for sale; no GROCERY store, good location, low rent. Giiaa, Kingler, 313 Ry. Exchange. BUSINESS OPPOBTTMTIsA LILLIE MILLER. ATHENA. OR. $15 MAY MAKE YOU $1500. Invest $1 monthly In co-operative oil development enterprise. Secure interest in land share In two wells to bo dislled for oil in great Humble district; one to b drilled sjn our proven oil property where hundreds of wells are producing oil all around us. other adjacent to new gusher oil well territory where single we;is pay thousands of dollars dally; investors have made fortunes; power plant and machinery now ready one location ; wonderful oppor tunity; new plan: sbsre In two wells and lot In our oil subdivision only $15, terms $4 monthlv. Write today for maps, particu lars. Mary Owens Oil Company. 443 First National Bank building. Houston. Texas. GROW rich, in business of your own; get out of wage-earner's class ; your co-operation with our factory starts with little capital. pare time In your own borne; we manu facture exclusive articles ; no canvassing ; experience unnecessary. Write for book let and proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. U 5o, 68 Broaaway. Buffalo. V. T. WAXTED Party with 129.00$ to take an In terest in one of the tet amusement and pleasure propositions to be bad in the state; a party who can either oevote his time or furnish a man who can devote his time. Real property alone Is worth a great deal more than amount required. For par ticulars see J. L. Robinson, ioi Co roe it bldg. - ITUSLNEeid MEN. TAKE NOTICE. We ha b.n advertising In Eastern papers and have secured several pwopl with the cash who will buy a business or put In raont-y for a working interest. II your business is legitimate. us at once. Call 31T Railway Exchange W 1 LL take 1 n a partner and a $ 4 OuO in -vestment, $t0O cash, good rcfereuce, or will consider selling Am sick in bed with rheumatism. Partner must be ex perienced In cigar buaineaa and take car of manufacturing and retail business. Apply Joseph Goldberg. 25 AJarnslde. DRUGSTORE for sale. $3000 w iil handle drug business in Eastern Oregon torn n ; siore 1 1 care a for Its owners last year $10oO above all expenses, includ tng sal ary druggLft $10O a month, assistant S25. and rent 5 a month. Write L. F. Alien. Wallow a. Or. FOR SALE The only restaurant in Gear bart. Summer trad Just arriving, business very good at present; fine ranje and best location ; encampment here next week ; price S 150 caio ; otbT buslnees to attend to; will bear any kind of invest IgaUon. Addres M. Geamart. Oregon. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED country bote! In busy town or t. entrai Oregon. i"aas oi work and development of big Industries going on. rooms a) ways f ull : It us give ou details on this bonanza. Associated In vestment i.o.. t)l Yeon bdg. H 1 5. AUTOMOUILE BUSINESS. I want active man to take Interest In my business; have repair and storage and large accessory business; will show you a fine paying chance. See my agent. 24S Vi Stark st BUTTER, cgsrs, etc. The aale in my store average $i day. all rash and no de livery. Will sacrifice the stAck and fix tures and you can try the business be fore you buy. $50O required. Cail room 3 21 M orgs n bldg. CAUTION", BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real eetate business set ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Seo'ty. 81S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. for sale or trade First-clais meat market doing Tod cash business, located In good country town, doing own buying and killing from country. For particulars, add r ess Palace Market, New berg. Or. A REVELATION and a revolution in clear ing land Is sucompiinea wun a new patent drill, saves half of expense as well as all by-products. See Associated Invest ment Co., 618 Yeon bldg., for dot ails on C 1060. WANTED Id-as. Write for list of Inven tions wanted by manufacturers and prices offered for Inventions. Our four books sent tree. Pntents secured or fee returned. Victor J. IJvatis &. Co., 64 Ninth. Waih Ington. P. f RELIAHIE manufacturing company wants business man. open office, manage sales force; exclusive territory handle own mrmey; should net $7to annually; $40O to $.vm Investment, goods, required. rmJ ea rn imager. Ml Plymouth St.. Chicago. FINE confectionety, fruit and news store; best location on West Side: doing bl business; if sold in 30 days wiil take $5 200. which Is below value, am going into manufacturing business. AM U2n. Ore nlau. PARTNER in busy garsge to attend the of lice and look after the business, with a chance to l-rn t he repair end of the business; good chance lor active man; $350. Call 315 Lumber Kxch;'.ng. WANTED Silent partner, lady or gentle man; no speculation; a strictly high-grade business; will pay interest and share profits; real estato security; $5uu to $luU0 required. AG l:i, Oregonian. AUTO painting business ; owner wants good man to he;p htm as partner; will teach him the business; can make good wage and share profits; only $75 requited. Call 24 h z Stark st. - FIRST-CLASS grocery, csean stock ; invoice about $(f:, monthly sale $13oo; In heart of city with pop. of 12.0OU; country and city trade; want to retire; part cash, bal ance trade. AV 2i?. Oregonian. SALOON building and lot, in live town, 14 miics south of . r ., goou estaoasnea dusi ness. liro ited license, oelllng to sttlo es tate. Call Hamilton, Angela Hotel, for particulars. Write bog I0 Kings City, Cal. $Too. $J50 AN D $500. C per cent. $ years, first inortxage bonds with com moo atock bonus of lvo per cent tnat should earn 5d rr cent; will sell to suit buyer. Card for particulars. E 17, Oregonian. STORE, very suitable for n"Wrn bakery; contains brick oven, capacity iuO loaves daily; will rent very reasonable to righ 1 party. Inquire on pre mist. 4ih and Haw thorne ave. HAVE valuable attachment for telephones ; U. S. patent Just granusd; will give in terest in England and anada for muaty to secure patents. AN 914, oregoman. $5f CASH buys horse, wagon and route; 1 3 to 4i wea g uarsnteeo ; nours work; cash daily. Investigate. Afternoons. l. sth ave., Lenta. DENTISTS Fine location In Eastern Ore gon : good man can pay out in one ear , terms easy, ow-ner wants to Sell property. Box 123, Wood bum. Or. MOVING PICTURE and vaudeville theater for sale- It Is the largest and newest in the best town of the state. Inquire at 252 Thrrd st. WANTED A man with few thousand dollars In tugh -class corporation ; investment se cured ; communication confidential. AF 91 Oregonian. NICELY equipped printing plant. In good hn.inMi rilatrtr t. with SLle.ia.d trails, low rent price right. See C 1052 at 6ia Yeon bldg. WANTED Carpenter or cablnet-msker with 3i0 in profitable dusidmi ; 1000 wasta, steady Jorj ; ampk security ; share of p ro fits. AF Ore gonla HIGH-CLASS rigar aad confectionery store. dolaT S3u day cash business; centra) lo cation; invoice it k and d.sconnt fixtures; good terms. Call 31 Lumber Exchange. GENERAL stock of mdse., in-dclr about $550u; will rent store buildings and wars house; In good valley town. Address AV 63. Oregonian. IF you ran invest SI 25 and your services, will sell you haf Interest in a store busi ness that will pay good wsg from the start. Call 24SS Ftark st. FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream parlor, lunch goods, and w alting room. Owner retiring account oK health. ltl N. Jersey St., St. Johii, Or. SMALL caah business wants a partner will ing to work and satisfied tv make 91H to $25 week; duties are easily learned. Cail room 3 2 J Morgan bldg. P ICTU RE S H O W. fW chairs; small cash psymcnt; sell or trade- bst rcldnce district. Cail 64 Broadway. OWNER solid business desires active part ner; will show that you can make I loo month before you Invest one cent ; $tVO required. Call 317 Railway Exchange. RO O M I NO - H OV S E . I'O rooms. c!oe In: good furniture ; rooms mil t ull ; money-maker, 40o. Jir.o cash, balance 10 tuit. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. OWNER of a profitable o IT Ice business wants , a reliable partner; will be tome outside work ; price $350. which la fully secured. Ual24SJ-ifc tark st. FOR SALE OR TRADE BILLIARD PAR- lor In live payroll town; must go by July 1 : snap. Investigate. Box 122, Pasco, Wash. FOR SALE, or wiil exchange for farm, city property or acreage, a 5-chalr barber shop and - baths doing good business. Owner wishes to retire. M. 9JU, Oregonian. LADY experienced In apartment business wishes to meet someone with means to conduct largd place. K 9.4. Oregonian. GROCERY and confectionery on corner.'do tng good business: good reason for sell Ir.g. Phone East 60J. FuR SA LE Confectionery, good, location, doing business of $r,0 per day; $700 or in voice. 530 Washington st. GROCERY, confectionery and restaurant, doing good business, across from a big school. Call Columbia 1H9. SUBURBAN picture theater; 640 seating ca pacity; best location in city; terms, y $19. Oregonian. &OXA D cash business ca Trying pos: tion ; be your own boss and guarantee good wages $15i. ( bM 315 Lumber Kxchang 711 POWELL ST. On Brooklyn car. bargain In confectionery, newly opened, $75; other business. LAUNDRY Partner want d ; doing f 2onn a moot a. For particulars AH 910, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTfNITll. TALK WITH VLETCHEK. lft Dodse Steamship .......... Special BOm Kidelitv opper ......cheap $10" Home TeL i TeL bond. ..stay down U Mt, sott I'srk Cemetery 4.0i 1 I 'sc. States Fire. Almost give a ay I WANT: Am. Drug Synd. Fidelity Copper -Oregon Home Bldra, Realty Asstociatca All stocks permitted to be sold. 225 Fletcher. Arlington Itldg. A-l PUSINKrt man. resrmnsible Chicago company, this district, open office, manage salesmen for WONPERPHON K taiking machine, equals In lone any $2in phono graph on market; little wonder of A bs jiutaly guaranteed. Re tail a $13.50. Plays any size record. Demonstration means sale. Should clear $700 to $10.Ono annually: $SOo to $20n will finance, ac cording to territory. SALES MANAGER. 1012 Republic Bid. Chicago. LARGE, light a tore. In good bualtieas dis trict, suitable for restaurant. grocery, drugstore, etc; rent adjusted to suit con dition a. TH fC FRED A. JACOBS OO-. Main Kiv. 2o Wash. St. A 1T77. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Good going concern to trane for land or Income from $G0.Oo0 to $lO0,0O according to stock and manufactured product a or hand; owner been in the bualnesa 40 ara and wnh to retire. So omit what you bavt to Mr. Matbta FRED A. JACOBS CO., -v Washington :reri. GROCERY. DEI-IC ATE--SEN. bakery and von ft loner y. 11 Ins-rooms, fat upstairs rented, nhoul $ltM, clen tK k. cbMttt rent In cit y. f tn location. j rrent ow ner been hnr alx years, strictly cash trade; this must be seen to be appre.-uted. Jacob Haas. Ger- llnger Mdg. CREAMERY, with milk route, for sale. This la a hiKh -class buaineaa. wit h an est ao lished trade, and a man who take care of 1 he business ran rasdv clear $ to $2 month. Your money wi: be ful'y secured and the bus'nea ta open to your fullest lnvejutgatioQ bffort you Inveat one do: isr. -ji.il room 32 Morgan bldg. 1-X5R SALE. Confectionery and Ice Cream Pa rlr. To a peraon knowing the busioeaa. an exceptions l opportunlt y la open. IMac Just opened, owner going to Alaska, and wl; mike easy terms If deaired. 104 N. Jersey SU. rt. Johna. Or. FOR SA I E Oeneral merchandise. .!-y crossroads on S. J Ele fnc. 35 milra from Port. ami; good farming country. Mrk nes cause of sel'lng. Iont answer tf you bie no cash. Price, spot raah. $JikM. or lloo CMah, balan e 2 years. T per cent. P. VV. i'Min. 1 rrfiirl. r. W E IL- ES T A li LI AH kT aiUHHAX GRO CERT. With a large list of eteady r us o m e ra In , a we.i-aet tied worklnemen'a Ieity : ion horse nnd wagon, very low rent. Detai'.a at m 1 eon i;o g. CASH gro-ery, doina: $t5 dsuly busineaa. owner wants reliable partner to relieve b im of depending on hlr-d help; price $110. fv0 casn. bnlnnca out of the huai riea. 15 week salary. Call 317 Raii w ay Exchange. SOMETHING NEW Would like to meet a pan y able to Invest a little money in a bustneia that will row to a fortune; aafe and legitimate. Can clear $! week from the start. Particulars room 32 Morgan bldg MANUFACTURER of advertised line of car bon papera and Inked rtbUons will placa exclusive agency In Portland. Unusual op portunity for capable man to start in profitable-, hlgh-f lMsa business. Tsnc aster A- Co.. 4-44 Market at., hnn Kranrfeco. FOR SAI.J-: Finely equipped auburbin pic ture show In Portland, extra, good loca tion; prle $!). part cash, balance easv; equipment alone worth three time the amount aaked. Address Hox 17ft. Coqultle. HAf;DWARE and lmpltnfnt store, good location. Rood business; will trade for rmch n"r PortlaDd or srir Rt invoice. sto k and fixtures about fiO.ftoO. Call D 1532. A-k for WlldrHk. Vr:t W. A Wild rirk. 231 E. Mat St.. rliy. RESTAURANT and momlri-nuio for sale or trade; restaurant seats w people; 21 furnished rooms, good ioca t Ion and trad, ni'jn reij on account of poor hesi:h. c.il "02 Main st. or phone 377 W, Oregon Cit, Or. AUTO garagt ar.d repair shop; partner to sell supplies, etc.; good ealary and prof Its; I ;oo investment, secured ; ow n-r tired of hired help; investigate. Call 31? Kail- way r.xcnsnge, OWNER w ill sucntlr' on he count cf sick ness, caf-'terla in live town, on Main s'... good business, will Inventory 9 lStm. in- ke ofTer for quick sale. Addresa R. M. Mil.. 31 H Ms In at.. L-w iston. Idaho. FOR SALE Fine equipped ttverv and fwTl bartn In good town of 2- m : no competi tion : through It. R. bulldinsr In from Portland; extra high livery rates; term a. Address box 3:. (oqul!?e. rr. WASTE D T he ad dre of be man wh'o ra ! led sever 1 tluiri a few week a ago at Portland Kubbrr Co.. 201 Union ave. I it talked of buying such a plant. Telfphont? C I.Mt.V XOUHY LITTLE STOP.E. Tlutter, egtr and noon lunch, fine loca tion. prl-e arouod $5J. Take good ci-ar lot or anreaKe. Wr.at have jou? Jacob Han, fieri tuner bldx. FOR SALE The best equipped auto repair machine shop nd garagf in the Willam ette Valle v : will sacrifice at a gvd bar KMtn. Answer this ad and I will gi e you full iu.rt Iculara. A V 341, Oregonian. TR ANSFER and storage; ow ner of this solid business wauta active partner, good lar; open to full In vest l cation : In vest mt-nt sc eured. Cn!l .".17 Its : 1 way Exchange. OFFICE business wants a reliable partner; will be a lit t le outside work, nnd owner will guarantee you at least $ 1 ni month. Par' leuia ra room 320 Mnrxan bide. NEW.-PAPER FOR SALE -Tine of the best equipped und most up-to-date p:unts in t h V u..lr y. At a bargain if said soon. Add res A V R4. urfionnn. HALF Interest in co "f the bst located confec: iontr y and cigar at or s In citv. 'om and see; price $15o. J 114. Ore gonian. SOLID automobile business, partner wanted to tend th? offu-e, wait on customers. el. Will psy a good sa'arv. besides share of prof tts. Call room 3 2' Morgan bldg. .'.- v 1 : 1 advert iernet-1 pia-d a. I of good monthly magazines one 1 1 2J. th inontha $2-.'.0. Write for list. F. L. Mil Syracuse. S. T. tr, AUTO bus'ness. reliab: yung man as partner to show and demonstrate cars, on!)- S noo rruulred : will pay $ lov month. Cn:l S7 Rarlwav Evrharge. FuH ALE onfe. t loner . nirara and to-I-arca, Ice cream pa -lor in connection. paing place at sacn'i-o on account o( other Interests. o uid. Oregonian, FOR SALE HY OWN ER The beat l.ttla grocery and cisirr lumh In Portland; hr.ro run this pla--e faur ears and know it la good: price ; no agents. Main 8511 RESTAURANT for aale; well .equipped and Ctean; large basement, lit inc rooms in con nect ton ; ovens to do our own baking, zzt WANT party wltn 1m take a live initr-t contracting businets; hast several sxd jots; references exchanged. P l2l. Or so. nian. HAVF, an attracti lntiimrni for a plctuie theater man with about J .' o cash. A. K IIU.l. 411 Henry Bldg. PARTNER with some capital or stock to takw chant of Umatilla wheat ranch. Call Main iZ4. HALF Interest In established bu:ne: call between 12 and 1 o'clock. Tuesday, at 2'Mi Alder st. $3."0 required. WANT LADY- PARTNER for a "snap" In a rooming-bous. H 919, Oregonian. RESTAURANT very cheap; small p:a-e. cheap rent, transient trade ; terms. i.'2 '7 Washington at. FO R RATX Grocery hustnesa. go-VTt neiirh- borhcKid. West Side. Apply H U1R, Ore- gonlan. FOR SALE or trd, interwat In itm laundry. Addrsa Clearwater Laundry Co., U tat on. Ida ho. $10,000 BUYS Vi interest In placer gold mine on tide water. S E. Alaaaa. J. F. Johnson. Moose Club. Seattle. THE finest moving-picture theater In the suburbs of the ny for rent or for sale. See owner, Jacob Koher, 0 N. 3d st. FOR SALE or trade, bakery and confec tionery, lc cream parlor In connection. Address bog 112, Castle Rock. Wash. FOR SALE Saloon, one of the best loca tions In the city; If Interested, oorntnu n tear e with Prrt Yl m ps 3-. St. Joaeph. M-. RESTAURANT and lunch, new, clean; West Side; making good. G 11 4, Ore on lan. DISINFS OPPORTCMTIKS WAKTtD. MR. GROCER. If you have a ranch, will take your atock as part payment on 3o a. What have you? M. B. Signs. Walla walla. Wasa. W A NTEIV To rent picture t heater In Rood town w ith privilege of buying ; . years In the buMnrrs ; give reference and security. A V Q.'f'. Ore k on Ian. VANT E D TO LEAS1S. Apartment -house. 7." to 13J rooms, new and strictly modern. St Jte location and price per room. S i23. Oreicnn'an, YOUNG man wishes to incst $ 1 ou an I services in good grocery or laundry. AH 417. Oregontan. Sii A 1 -L grocery or conf e t toner v. $300 to 14-Hi cash, any part of city. AH fe2ti. ore. gonta n. WILL G si partner or buy small cash business. HP 124, Oregonian. W A N T ED To re n 1 ur hn v. paving hotel, country preferred. HF 1.' I. Oregonian. WA N I K D Small grocery w it h lining ruuitu cumbined, for cash. VYooU.awa iloi. BllN't OrroKTCMTIEfl WASTE Is. MAN AG H R of L.Igh-clasa morlr.g-pKUia theaters dealrea position, or will connorr partnership In new project ; thorough knomlc-iijo of all branches of tha busineea, including rUnuing, dcsisnlng. decorating and eiuipplng. G 11 1, 4.reconian. HA E man from the East who wanta to buy av manufacturing business, or will put In money for a working interest. If you want to sell, call at once, room 32V M jrgan bid g. W A N TED Merchandise. Hardwire, groce. y or cigar store. Have cle.tr Iota la city, eUity in n.odern houses and rash to trade for same. J. s.uger. 420 Lumber Exchange O.t g W A NT EL Keataurant, roming-hou, g ro cery or any going business for 2.i a crea hchalrm Mountain orchard district, T. a. S. it. w., s $,ut, mortgage $ 1 -OU. lu- Oregonian. MKIUHANTj If you want to a! )our business or waft a partner. If It is legiti mate, ace us. We sell for others, why not you? l ocated here 10 )eir. atern Land Ci . r4 S rtark sr. WILL buy 1-5 Interest In god pay In a con cern If a bargain; 00 bonus or as-! tU. K r-O. Oittfoa.an. ROOMING-HOISF. MARY K LENT. IfOTEI.S K 'UM1V1 A PA RTVKN'T- I4tii:KS K)1.H AND tXi'H AN'i-U. o.IU.-T A EN Y IN THE CITY. r0-w N. W. Itunk Hidg.. ath at.d Morrison. Now la the time to buy. pMcss are low. and you ran sr , I abln In a short t.me at a profit. For l hise having smme rss2i to Invest, we can offer you some t arc!lDf brcalr.a this wee v.. HEKK IS A PICKUP. 7A rooms, corner brick on Washington. This p. ace baa a rmod pa irons 5 e. is w ell furnlatiet and wfl be soid on liberal terms at tlie extremely low price of ar.ooO. this i.rk if )uq wadi t!e targa.n. iV P.i HOIS SICK PLACri. One r.f 1 rt t-est-f urniaheti in the city; a'l large outswle roorr a, h'imri'.kii and a fvsre w her ou can l:e wun your fam ily and have a n.e. esy income of $200 a mouth. prl e fito; terma TRADE FK KAiiM. 40 roc.tns. e ht private baiha. alerato-c, nice;y f -irn .ih-.l . owner la a iarmer and wishes to exthsnci fur a rice, trnaii farm; prefer one already furn:ahad and siockad. price $i:.o TWO Al'AKTMKNT-HOlTtirM THAT PAT. 4 ".room parlmrr.ti. each apartment baa private b:n. drvMr.r-rimm and d;a aptearlng beds, nice and tn, they rent theme. r st I2- a month, mskli.g ou a profil of $2'u eery mon'h. price $G'-H). US 12TII sr. i't 2-room .fimm:i, newly fumlaSed. brw k htii.flini,. l rilf K'.ri. this is a tut. iltrtm. easy to rosnttge: 3nt fail to see this at once: o nrr ci'd out f the 1 it) . ou C4D bu it on terms, price I4..IH1. PO A RD1SG-H"I SES. 1 rnonu. I'Ma'-d .n lti a;.; n!ee lawn, beautiful aurrotindlnfzs. m . I the boarders ou want: serte nea:a a day. 910mj csll w ,1 hjnd,e this. 22 I;mm. U lil K TMrK. N ire iroun:i a i around ; handsome: y furnished: rice t'.ir. ing-rom: would ba good place for a c.iiH, price $200. 12 IKHiM-i. 4n 12th. near ..n:i.ui, sll rerted; low Tent; will e'.' on tt-rn.s. price l'ao. MI'.S, M. K- LENT. X-ead!ng Hotcl-Apartm nt-b-iuse Agent. Jioth Huer and Selier Protected. Oldest Ite.'at.le Agen.-y In tlty. N. W. Bank Old., bn and Morrison. 27 JiilOMS WILL TRADE. This la a fir.o little hte m center of business dist net, a money -ma ker nlsivi, a bic hartnin f-r sme.-ne. Mr. Kei- lr, 72:1 i'hmb-r of Commerce. liTHl I'uKToU, :.d and Uurnsle .V at. trar-uely furnished ioirii, dun an pin; tui.n-ss corner ; lw rem , bmg leas; at -tia-iie harcain: terms to suit u. $ld CASH. $1 ".U our terms, buys lO-rrv-.m f:n furniture. rm renieti. fine est Sid location. lar yard, a anap. t'ai! lOih. near Si ark. KtR SALE Kuraltur of 1G-rtn hous, ti 7 ftth st. ; hous'keepi ng and sleeping rooms; nous au ru.l. t -'red S, Wii.iams, First st. t"- M A LL room tng -litjuav. all full, renter cit ; owner ca;i-l aav; good house and aur rotinrtiniis. Ma:n llt niirnniRi. tiOt ' I lit v est m nt in res: r.rte.1 d rlet. k... rlara of roomers, nrtt fl'" p r m'ith; Me:.l h..niif r fam... T U-d. Orcun.tn. 7.-I(kjM hoi-l, centrally losited. chemp rent, fur sale at bargain or a.ll lake tanner. all 25 North W A NTEI Honeat. capable woman nanti to manage, n-nt or huv in t-- lo furnished If. K. r-om. Man)ill r."i7. FIlfM ownrr, U roms. all lio-wkf-plnc close in. rent income $ J. Uavint; city; I'-'l.. Main 4."i7i. 12 hodMS, m'lv furnished, it ..( b-at lm ; must s-;i on account of he.tltlu Sea owner, Ml Mill st. BA K A 1 S -1 " :n 1 nuN, f urnlt ore. a: most new; rent .t:.o. I rooms rented . prie $!.:. A1 li. nrpcon.sn. li m i.M IN' ; I iOl tZ lr sale cliea ; o a tier. ;i it. i.t si. 4 if H K. roonis, rm $.'; worth $lOit, for : a i. K il 1 KI. KIKST-t'LASS botei f.r m!o cr rent, fur-rii-hcd comp'ete. UK it; EST span In I'-ii'ni!. 7-rnii house, leys than r:lf V irst a 1 'mM N 1 K urr- it ur Io.ro-. in f.t !i ri-Ii OM hot I. centrally located. dwap rent, for aa cheap. Call Z North th at. LOST AM MitND. Fol.l-JVIN; ar:i'a tsere found .o the csrs of the port'and itaiiway. Llslit A I'or iinp.tny and o n-rs tterof m rUl'it SiHie at Tie First and A I .er -street Stut. on. HroaJsiv A Ju'y !. J lad.'-s' bats. 'J pa rk .1 ce, 2 t s, k loves. 1 Ki.lnr. I srn, 1 suit -i4M, I pr men's trouserj. 1 cp. 1 aauh fots, 2 Pirfi, I lan. s tli'Vf. 1 dr iM h. 1 I .11. l;.i:.Jfti. 1 r nd grip. 1 i.urkri, s lun h boti , 1 hand:-., 1 bundle. 1 .tc fiirtis. 1 t.iitre : .a. 1 k.- iucr. 1 ul Isr-i, 1 !)"'. I trtu:r. 1 pka. cheese. I hand kerhtf. 1 pr. so. hs and 1 nc ki:e. 1 kg, :rugs. i K ' I -1 V !N a't.t .v-s v found on tl.e Mti of trie Prt.t.nd La.Iaav. Light A power Company and owners l!iere.f nts 'aim s-rtie at the. Klrsr and A . d- r -ati . t sta t ion Broad ts-ar J A 61 al : Ju.y 2 4 rtickJKi I umbrel!a. riMM-i1, pie. s'oes, 1 g'-ove. I ntt-xk, I duster, su fv as-m. 1 tankbooka. purse 3 vaiieei. 1 pari. 2 lur rf. t--s. 1 coil i'. 1 rkg. !uiHir. I unn sack. 2 tin rui'P. 1 pst e.s. 1 lndB hat. J grips. 1 p..;l. 1 M'.r.n bsikr-t. 1 pag. iUkk.u, bo .kg, 1 ; k . c. n. Lav r 4 ;0ii bnnd r n h4lur:i), Juno 1. ear lat and M-rri-n; name rnsraeu. f 4uu Hansford. lie ward. 2 A.:sa b.CS. LST Saturday afternoon on AMer at., linen ioe marked ith letter I. Picxso return to K!on t"urt. room ; La-'T l'ak.ge ("num.hl aurofi and wals'.. on 2d st . bMreen Waahinatoa and A:di-r. Piior.e 1 ainr C'. L taT i tirse C'O.talninsr $-'1, bunt h of kea. In Ujiman-Wi'.lf store, re a ard. M am 1 i-'. LohT Thunsday P. M.. sma:i Vanvasoark txvrK-t ie.iaer; r.nder p. ease phono beii- wuxl 1414. L .-T hi;. i s .a : tirday 6 .j '.. tr n. No. 2d and Alder. Fed N I -An o:l c Naudta It. 1. Ii , 'tJ to 'ae of EJ 312 . Len-a. Or. Ll-ji r Tbursdav. l, Kineses. Il-a es e shell 4 7?. Ur-w!. to 3 1 Mo fob. Int; !Wk bl'g. i'i J. A. he ward. Ijl t A amall !og Ker.ne.a fo terrier from Klrkiey Phone Tior 4 :ol. Pr I t. OTl( M. NOTICE OK RECKIVElfS SALE By order of the Judge of t:i i parlor Court of Pacific County. VV an in in I lil aell to the hlrhrst bidder, for cash, a.l of tha assets cf tha Kamond 1 rut om pany, a ban klr.g corpora t ion finso. entt. ioated at the ; of ltiuoni, Pa. :t. a Cciur.ty. W.hm n. Sat.i ass, is c r. ist of notes ci;r-J u r.d unor u red. an Interest in lea eetate. luii-ro enien l war rai.ts anl the f.nurci and eu,u.;mnt of said Hamond Trust Company, a,, value! at approximately s xty-to thousand 1$. 0ou duitara. accorcitig to an ap;.r attenwnt re' e r l i y made by thnr competent men. Ku!l Information wi.l be furn.sheU con cerning tt.a tai'i. assets upon inuuny ad dreasrd to A. ". Hammond. rro-.er of t !.e Kaymond 1 rust Company. La) motid. Wash. Lach b'd must be accompanied by certified check or bank draft drawn In rawr of A. . H iri'o d. r -l er .r the l:a mon d Tru: Company, for f iva hun dred Jot'0 1 dollars, Tha ripht to reject any and all bula :s reserved by tha re ceiver. Ail deposits will bo return! to t?. unsuf-cessf ul b;lders. Dated at Kamond. waah . Jure ??. A. W. HAMMOND. RoceIveftheRayinond Trust Company SKA LED propuea.a m-!i rws re-eived at the .f : ice of t ho ur.de rslgneci 401 Court nous, until i: M. Weaneaday. July 14. IJli. for painting of new Kennedy School. Ut.a will be opened in room J'j4. Courthouse, at 4 p. M ., Thurstlay, July 1 i. Iwposit of J la required for plans and sper .f icat ions, which may be obtained at the office of K, A. N a rem ore, Sti pt. of I'ropertiea. lot 1 "Mirt house. "ert if led check for 1 pr rent of amount of proposal. paabl to H. H. Thomas. S:hoi Clerk, must accompany each proposal, l-t aid of Di rv-r lora reserves the right to rr)c-t any and a.l pro puss. a. laiou Julv 2. K. II. THoMAS. School Clerk. M Is-remsuieoua. M Y wife bav tng left her room ar d board. I wl.l not be t e jnsible for a n v dMi contracted b bet. A. UALDWIN. SFKClAa- OTlCE9. Ml NOTICE la hereby gixen that I have oia solved partnership with the Yamhill Poul try Company and wl.l not ro reponio!e lor deutg cuntracted from June 21, Dii, JACOB pCHACB. QUICK LOAM 6ERVICE. $20,000 CASH READY. $300 TO $3000 ON riR5T MORTGAGE AT WILL, BUY FIRST OR bECOND MORTGAGES OK CONTRACTS, WILL IOAN MONET TO ASSIST IN BL'tSlNESS ENTERPRISES, WILL LOAN UPON OR PUT LIPK TV t i; k A N C E POLI C I ES. Ey U 1 T I ES IS ESTATES, KTV L iON L1UERAL TEKMS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US UP. PATTERSON A HL'KKITT, 20 hKM.INO HLlKi. OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING 'OU FINANCIALLY IS UNSU Itl'ASED. WE WILL I.OAN YOU MONET TO BR kppil 'N monthly hais ik Yti; M.ED. ASH UII.L TAKE A LIKE IN MhAM'K IOLK TilHJIOH IS IN KI KMT-OI.Ax- c-LD-LI N E CM PAN IKS. A V I TH j-4 j- y t;A H j .ti Ki( u" M Is 1 ' A 1 1 in US. WE CHAlluK ONLY I PEL Ci-'. NT. xi. a P. SECURITIES CO, .' hKM.INO Ll.l k'.. IK YoU are t-ie o ner f a real esuate oon trawl or mrtgag that you art cieairous f earning into money and ha not beea abl to uo so. wnte ma I n show -u h a t. fg "r mne. a f 1 1 irecn i o WE BUY mortcicfl bonds an 1 notjesx. V KTEKN LUND at MoK TO Ac E CO.. s 4th st,. lizard of 1 rade blcg. FIKnT ard aecoiid mort sages, a;o pel. era ir.iemai. m ruoiriftt purchased. orecn or V asn. H. fe Noble. Lumoermv&s b.Ug. WE buy noiri. bonds and mon ga sea. Rob rrtaon La ,rg, 2i'7-s N. W. La.uk bldg. HoKT'lAilv; loans, notes, contracts" mtg"al pure & as d. ! .s a 4 Lea is b.dg. WAST to buy mortgage nt ver 9 jd urtsi H. 1C M bite. o4 S;ana bldg. Moory to loan -a Re Estate. MOH T'i ACE LOANS Any amount from & per cent to 7 per r-i-t on miie t.iiutieB (.1 imt t ar.d on r;. Idencoa and apartment-bouse; ujirk d 1 r I - ts ar-d fs'-aUie terma v 1 Lr'Kr. D, fH.jItE ac t'o.. .4 .NunasMtfra aiauk li.ac Matsuall I.v money loanlh. Improved tutneaa P to petty, ft to per rent. Improved restdenr proerty, $ to T par rant. lu. pro-ed farm prperty T to per cenL WmTWKll-Ktl.l.Y CO.. ,11 i'uik puck. money Tt loan. OS 1MPKOVKD KKAL L-TATE K.Ml I L ILDIN-; Pi HPl.'i: KRY KLKM liLE C 'N TH At "IS; NO CtiMMISMu.N CO LI M HI A LIKE V TKl'f CO.. p. jo MMl.lM.S.J lvl.l-;. TO LOAN' AT 7 PV:il CENT. -!.. .tN. $:Cmc -tvc. :-uo to $ij.ni- On Pori and Impro jd I'roperty. Mate a;-p.ication to OOOnSKl.L BLvS. PUl Uew is Bldg. M'-KT-JAOE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive irpament priviegea. A- H. HIHHfclLL CU 2 17 Northaestcrn hank Bldg. Marsr.a:! a-4 1 1 u liONLV to loan at to 7 per crnt, Port land buali.c and rcsidcu. property. I-arm loans' at 7 to per irnt. MALL At VON BuKSTtU lus d St.. ocar Mirk. IK ioU are the owner of a r-al estate con tract or mongsae that ou ara desirous of turning Into money and bae not been able to do so. wnte ma. I can snosr jou !. to fi uur tncne. AO -l. irr;or.(u. I II AVm f;o,My to loan on improved city ptci-rty in $mmh and $lo.M amount at 7 per cent. A ppilcati one must not ex ceed 4u per cent of present ta.uation; ao brokers. O 121. Oregonian. PR IVATK OX liAND T b)AN. I10.0W at "S'.-m $:.0e at 7 at S 'e. f trrn. ;, tai 111. , nt h r ; a 'Jim mi at frn. M'KKN'ZIK A CO.. ill OerlJiger bldr. CITY AND FA KM 1a.iA.NS. Lost rates. No d4a. C. D. SIM OS US. 617 v'orbett P.og. WILL f;naoco the building of homes in I ..n'MiM, if pat ti s w nu o n lot. 7 Ve Inu A-:.lr m m at once as olfer IS limited. A K -J. Ort g on tan. J.'iNt.wm T I. iAS I iuuii to sun ; bulid irg loans; lia-st rates. W. U. ileck. il. Jil j Fa 1 . :i gt id if . 3 TO 8 per cent moneys on bua.neaa prop erty, apart mnt a. uweiiinct, f arma K. 11. li: aaom. 1 1 Northa eet-rn Lank bldg. $1 yi TO oaa or will buy good mortgage. Photio 000. awn lj7 ouncay bet. $ aotd & or during wxk. Vlfc.lTDS riluNliVMAN M-'KloAtik. CO. Ol It WS rt'MiN lU-.'.-lo-'. UON 14LIH1. TO LOAN $40.hmi tIt Lca. FAKMNC.TON. 0 4TH PT. H. A K U OK IRADE PLDo. bKK ua today fur laas on improved Cit y proirt. 4 ta f per cent: (Juo and up. t e..arw-Mortou Co., Vtoo b.dg. VIi.L fiuan.e bji.iiici of home on our lot. The crrc-n liurne-Hulldtra, IJO N. W. Park l:i. 4 To prixate f.inds fee us fltsL. I'luavl rvi. e. fair t reai iur nt A. K. HILL. 4'. Henry Itidg. II A v K (,10 or any wther amount up to $ .i. vj t o iuao. auatih 4a iiouck, 3ul li-nry b.tig. MORTi XI. U LOANS IS ANY AUOl" N T c. i t r.ii N IN V. 4c MOH TO A i iC t u. INC. ttvK Lachange bUg.. d at.4 Vamhil 41CH $J UAI ku vn r-i rU!v K. itryau. 5iv chamber i.f c'wmmerce- Mo K Y i-u hand for mortgage loans, moil cacw bouKtit. no d-;ey; .owcat taioa. sd V Hi. am a. First st- $ ,i-o 1 N K W1 NT. 7. most c- rir u . , nilili-UiC'TiT Co . Mo k La. ilvvu TO $-". at 4 to a per cent. 1 1. U Murion. .IT Worcester b.ttg. Ma.n 4il. HuNtl. any amount. 4 to 1 per cuu WIL Seita at o.. 11 fpalulng b.cg. FA JIM AND CTY aORT'lAuK IAJASS, A. li. lUKUI.Nu. liV. iiAis- ur1 lua $i7:J Ti LOAN oa real eat at a. l'LviTs Taror :o. $- o. J-J $". i;MU Mrd ,.. cier asva Cuw. V 1 4 Cham&ar of Commrca. "Fo N r. YT O LOA S 1 N A N Y AMOIN i'. iia-i.ruor.d Murtcas - o , 4.4 ('hanu of 1 om. M v.K 1 vi At'iK IaaNS. a and 7 1 Lit Cr-N a. Lulls hALullU.N Co. SlO OAK ST. lVt a tk m ' n kyT all amounts. H, Y. FKLLjJMAN. 3U CHAM. OK COM. NO re mm 1 set on t t0 or Icj "1 ai.iir.g b.:. A. K. C.ark. LOANS; City, ' - e . lartu. 7 - Loitil K. KtAM.V CO, Cium. of Cora. FL'l-L bu.itling toMn. r a-or.ai-le teruia aud conditions. Cut. jt.7 -v c'k st. IMMrL'lATt LO A N S, OX DIAMONDS AND J K v I. LI; X AT K A. 1 i)HN KAlt. We have one of th finest ie:all Jewelry stores ttt the rPt. A loan uepartment ia conducted in tortr.ertion with same, n-.ak-Ing Uuint-c STHlCi LV -oNKii'hM l.i., ai-soiu:c.y no n ceaignatiug loan bu. ittis i.s:a ed in front of u,r store Ail tit:icttiiij Jt . leased is I. eld for period ot 1 "J mo n Oi a, w u: nr or not inter oat Is Laid wheu due. v are lRened ana tiave ei-rt estatIisu-d smce li No conr ection aim any other loan esiatjliatimeni ia this ct. A. A l. DKLOVAOi:. JfW tLEKS, 3. 4 W a Mr. 4- ton St. STATt: SKCI HITY CO. LlCt-NivD. Oldest established aa!ary !oB Corary In Oregon, KeUalle. Satisfactory terms Lusiucss atricily coofidentiat. Our weU-koown reputation for square daa.ir.g and courteous treatment uuring tl.e past is our best reference. 6TATE SE' ntlTT CO LL'KNkl. 3hir Faoing Hidg. MONKY TO LOAN. TOC CAN .KT IT TODAY at legal rates, on Diamond. Autos. Pianos. Furniture. Livestock or Motorcyc.ca. pay back $a per month or more, lulerest 3 per cent. OFFITS AHoLClKL HIUVATK. I OitlASD LOAN CO.. LICKSSKD. Sll Dekum bldg.. 31 and Wash in 1 ton. MONaiY AT ON' E. LEGAL HATS OF I NTKIt EST. Dlamords, Jewelrj. Musical lustrumeata. Ail Pledges He.d One Year. Separate I pt. for Ladiea. K LI Y COMI'ANY ( Licens-eU I. SJO Lumber Kx. P'dg.. Cd and Stark yts W loan money on diamonds and Jeme.ry at lia.f the ratee chargad by brokers. Daa Marx, 74 2d au liOM t bu..l and fintm cd. Cur Ha. oaa et. looey to lwas- liaitela and eaiarleav. Hant4 WANTED From principal dtrect. a $!-Vw loan at per cent for a years, on a highly -ln xl returns on thia .(0 ... ,t HVjr-,. v. ;,..." 'TT- ! i-'J"0 l !u t,0 . .... I ".! at t. . i.iu. .. . .) at 8 v. .i.. C.,T . .1 v.iu. ...wK..-c,t- MK lN ZIK A CO. M.-. .;r 1 : n c-r b 4 ,T?I VVIKI rn'' m...; iT. , W T.1"0 LoJ of i from iitiv.it n.-i:. ori!l rti(MT.cr 1., ,,. r ..... wnml!on. Write o.u.r J : I i.mi SLVFRAt, KIKST M.-vRfTrr, i. 7 ;w.n .rr.;-;.,?.::.::,;: xxl loan on (una, .-,..u ,m,u... rr col on mol.rn .tT HT lr hunnkiw. .-n. .unro.vT! a'i'ran- ""'. :n. :i . prov.ni.im in; food location. K tJi.. VVANTKI at t rr rn.l on l-Tiirov.J i;, M! in.urr.J ,-.- r ft, triN ai.l aliruMry. a.u. H VV A N T r t - iTVn ,i , 1f- r. I...t..,,.l H,,,,,,.. t. v V. '"-":: .-.vk cco. 1 -d and smii i st " ATi.! f 1 .o( 4 ,v, c, : : - ' ' . s per rent ta.ue S ; . rr cert. o.i farm V li an Jin Spad.nc h . AM Kl Monr , V ' . J J . I. t . . T- a. I . . . - $:.fw. t r:U 4- Co. ici ri:a:a. Iteal Ptate a a Voni. . tf rid ae . at i;. a t . j W AN T ..V0 wr. h or w i T..j Money m ;.s:ute.y sfturrtj. H i.i 4..v or 11 A V K nred of $ :.in t a f ; i ,.u m. Ci t-ese farms and illy itvi-crti Kit c.regor.ian. is AN T $o-l q jricr r'or ! r In A tei 'liMii.t, I eio. Curtis, i WAXTKU $!-' at oa:a. securitv St l-rokerae. liK cent. - or two --..tin i)iiur ; no fi -,11 WATi:i Induurnal imn of J.mi esab-1-shrd Induatrv. will pay 1. Pc r -enL ISO e.4. n gor ms n. LX KI.l.i;T f.rst m or t ; s . a f sole t prlvate money. IM I -r. Tne o,r1 H me- H m uof r s. 1 ..-;o . . Hank t , : g WAST $Um for 3 rs . s v77 e .V. i ecurti. v.a l alter Monda. .v.i,, T t ail Itl3 Ki (t l.i: I) St. WAN T $-'.ih on et .,d 1 T. o -.!, .41, eral botiua for pi ompt actiou. a r 4 Trpon . n. ' W AN TfcZl I. an on im pro ed fa m j t,f acr.s. $soo to 4-ou. McCo, Zi.. Chan bcr of t'ommrrctj, AN' wan ted, $sm on tno!ern lou w r t a $Ii-O0; priva'.A party piel-r-ej s, Vfu.g- "j . ivpiiirr.ua Picg., a!'.na . WANT loan of $ ; r.iH..! on my ha f -e. :,.n of land In I'oi k Count y ; fa;r bui u n.fcs. AU ''oi P. O. bos 3 W ANT $ 1 7 i 0 at 4 t'T eent on IO o"Tn. i.r.ied farm, near ForCar.d. 410 W orccsiar b.dg. VANTi:i on Jot, tioae in. a.ucd $i-0. Afcl S . Orrgoulan. WANT $.0'0 on r lota, aIuIso Vtou ner. AH 1 .". orejionian. WANT 4hi in fvur a res. --TV. 'i r k i 'it im it. WANT ,Xs0 en closo-in avicac. auO :'WMl. .yj S Jl, OTf Koi- an. lioMK poo) tto and 0.111 pm , t , t. fTTr ea.e or trade. M sis. Oregon ian. $l"t( on l-racd n w tDiii, A-l s,-.-n -t. e per cent; no agents. li p."!. o: .!,. n. 41oiM Last ii;e resole nee. a : e iM r t y p r - f r r rt d V - or . n. $i-oo UY pnaie party. a:npie. s,urit fer cent, eipensoa. X 1, o: eKoi.ian. $1 ViHH. 3 YKAKS. T per ci ni, on u.sincUQ farm. Ow net . X 1 ... Oregon is n. U Ai al me, 1 '..Oi t ,n.sr - . ;i r . - dence ; no com mm. on. K oreconiaa. lLKaO..iL AT I ne t ed 1 si IilsI : luio w c uc- 1 !. e e, . -trie it ft ht tat b. te. a use U is I e most en.ciio Rn tnJ ut muui mi; iit: u aa c.inuiai. ai.v.1 w.h.om .... r a t.irc Kiicum.-..:!.. .Neurats, Mag.ia. He, haa teeu vuivd. c omv i;d i o tf ti:no;u trot it ittati ki.vlu .jet; Mia ci. lost .o lua. in ttiicc r , a.s w Mp cured ol ll:irun,,t ' 10. M'. At . w aa curd ol Ncuiitla ar.a wi.ts us a tj; bite iMiimin;i. la a w .111-. st., cor. auii, 0. -p. rirsl Ptuy. t t.uul Ut, ii.irt oi.ij lot i siorniK !.. iti. net iur 1. al a.titis u-r piaitt e, y. tau .me Here as a last, rv:l, (:. iis ii wi rit-Kta to a her eoltw ssiil, ana iu i.-r . cat c-a tu t irve m rn.ia. I i.-itU . o;:.a u, s.a uo stai.ou. g. cuii m - lit . lo.awi.ecia. l-au ro.itp.rt- i i(ii v: o..t- u. a:d c. h. .. I .e (u co i. 1 hi'uit .ta aora lu uas. AH Vat.se aud .tiic. cs tuay t-e (um iI d. iJtCA. i HII.IJI'S 4, HAltXIAN, ro- 1 r r ft .a it 1 W iv bbula ilAiiv. UAiJi. JAi.. "4-lbva lal 6l.-i4J-..i) eat..i.c. .$t fi O-lUi U r a. Lll-sUAtil) 4a .&e 4tvlNcs '1 iiU At uu.-J lor 3 oa Fa- u,itM( . . .mu i.aiuvo ...... .ir-o 4sai.icu:e 3 il saa ou ciauut r.a.r im u t jr e.r. 1 r c 41 . Ouauaoiiced. c at 1-a.i . u s ..ea. ..i.(i a tropin, k ba.f. ht.i;s:r I tVXiulk, A0- 4 a aC iVfliUUt t- . S illiKl Ui W aAii.4iou ilatua.i iTi-. " " 4vi.iVLrA HAM-Hl treading aa ata tw, .i.acx. durst alora huiuau b go- ll es irwoi ewe IsiiwisMs. uaa al ut 11.4. aiiu Ka.a '.if i:uti-u com 11.4 s tuatOe (.4 t oraw, I4t lr.-.J a. a.eai M"i.'uu Main CUKi-Nl' l:seases, Hrs.;ri., l.l.euina lWm. ii.titT. I utii.'Tm. fK.ri ijouI . I. It-. N M'li ae. No rat i.-r.s. t ... t a. t-4UHptl o:fi.. I"-. - : 1 - i " . JUet..,-d. lall.-u ar;u liau onsu... oi J-: t ,J cl.ind l.'Os 4 -r. . '- Ha-Wt. jTt lstm .NfcliLU tra.ned nu.ae snj ir.aa a,r. g.ea lisatoac i.ts for 1 :iko.laiia, iuui&ago. bcurs.g.s. etc.; tub ia:l a. xna-s-4fa atd e.o.troj t.ax.kes La m.uui, . . r- 1 UP at MaisJ.a.4 ..Z. ac a luK .Lj v a t.ar. muies. tcra.a&aat.y leuaocu. eie- trie aieeu.a. .j rs tao tive In por !. 1 : a unrtuc-sa ifa.ai t.ad at rv-ji n Kuaae t a.. -r. am rr.ai-14. rivi ar. la I'Kl.K.. a. utii nt $ Juu. A rimp.e t outnl la U.l or VLLSK. tl.4 twiila in etaix.i lr pel i.L u.a ra. a-i.x, etc. Adareaa Cwtitcst M.ia .1. 4, n. ;sl !-. - i,r'. 1411 at h st.. .:. ana. V.IKIO VlLttAlOit lor t:.tun.s;..:a. bt(si ia. .at ai.a a. ait uriuiaai. r i ii. ci o Mi. .u. boistOi-J JITiTl tCaQ.&M !..-. Mar A, Ir.vs, Crx. 1 uasuav a. VV ed- ana buu. OP. M . r4u l;.s ai "4 ' i- Maisi.nii J. oi. NoK i l.uiAN tra.ii'd uuise and niaa,-ae vino t.am.ei ursouvLii, i:oue 1. ho-r to P. M. -"Ti a o;ns ai.d a Pxcu V A 1 L SANATOii.iL M 1 itaiuirou for pu v-s i aud mwntal siUucikta. a Za -Wt at . KLOICI-; jour h.pe; a ss.'e aud s.iup.a iii-ttiod. I'Uoue Ma Hi !-. beiaecn iv audj. MKS. bf L LN !". il )' Po: t. and a re aownad pan.iat atid cairvo am. a-iuor ol rn;ii .strMade a.a j . . ai awr ac. L'M iS i-LLAl- All colors aad atlea; .axsst llJt 4, itowvrr:u. i.ea- ...cnu.ca put oa. at'ttUtb a, a- as.iinai U M AL OF YOL'K CoM'tilNviS. Siauira WOr. curn and pu.i 'c. Sani tary peauta pariora. 400 I aum t .ci. XK ifTlilkL A- .-ACKY. palr.irs c:..rc-oii, bca pauan.a blu. Pnoue iil.n K"-V MoLx-S, ouperiiuoua l-a.r removed, lira, M L. hiM. 4v Fueci ner bldg. Ma n $;a. UliiKul'KACTiC eap.alT.eO. p.B t ljt n.ca'.s pleasing; 41 treatments 4. 1-1 o- il.vMiH KiMr Lad a aud getule:n. Loom :., Yamhi I st. alias Marie J oh r son. cMroio.;st mi msr.i-cur.i-K. rm. 4-j. 1-aurei liotei. ia f loor. LtSOSS In phrenology and caid raadinga. ib au I hooo V. aia 4K CHlKOi'iHY aud elo tnc treatnncats. Room :i j. i.V Morrison at. GRADC ATK MASSF.l'SK; treatments dally. kca . p maaaag-a. ITOj, '2d St.. 4th fir. apt. 9. balm Tk"fI';scompound. KTrVTToTio laMeia :') Iavie su 1 i:on Mam :e4 LA1Y barber. shae PV, hair cut I." , intttir :i'c. S.'J t.Uan st. G K ST LL MEN Vamcure. sliamroo, far maace. ;i."c. To; liothschild. 27 T"asb. 1st Basaett'a Natu Hsrbs for rhiumauais, 4-w tabMta tor 2 so. au drug gta.