The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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Yv IDOV. want a good homo for her 14-year-oid
boy. Can give good reference.
Aadrees box 224, Independence. Or. r
EMPLOYEP younj lady wishes one or two
rooms with bain, private family preferred.
A Oregonia,
Kooms frith Board.
TVORKLXG woman desires home for boy 0
V AC 917. Oregonian. - "
V ANTED1 By middle-aged gentleman, room
and board in a private family; centrai
fclast biqfl preferred. BF &2lc Oregonian.
Furnished Koom.
Weit Park and Morrison Sta.
Transient and Permanent Guests.
A centrally located hotel with . every
modern convenience; rooms, single or en
suitd. with and without private bath;
modest prices, with special rates by the
month to permanent guests.
Comer 11th and Stark, 33 week and up;
levator, hot and cold water, steam beat,
telephone connection In each room; no ex
tra charge for two in & room; room and
bath l day; transient solicited.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location Re
spectable and strictly modern, Kates $1
per aay, $4 per week. With private bath
$1.50 per day, 45.50 per week.
h 6t e i76 c klet.
Morrison sc. at 10th Central location;
REDUCED RATES, 5oc per day up; week
ly, (2.30 up; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths; steam heat.
YOUXG men may consult without charge
register of furnished rooms' at V. M. C A-.
listing several hundred in all parts of the
city, also those in the Association build-
r tag-
735 Washington.
Family hotel; hot and cold water and
?hone in every room ; rooms without bath.
10 up; with bath. $15 op.
Modern rooms single or with baths,
steam heat, electric light, individual tel
ephones, plenty of hot water. Low rates.
HOTEL"" BUCKINGHAM. 652 "Washington
u New fireproof brick, all outside rooms,
running hot and cold water, private or
public baths, quiet and homelike; J..60 wk.
HOTEL EVERETT. Broadway, cor. Everett;
new fireproof brick, all outside well-furnished
rooms, hot and cold water, eteam
heat; weekly $2.&0 up; montnly$10 up.
WANTED Roommate to reduce rooming
expenses; fireproof building, shower baths,
individual beds. Call or aduress Y. M. C
A. business ofxice.
Northwest corner Stark and 11th,
Modern outside rooms, $3 weekly and op.
Large ground-floor lobby.
LARGE newly furnished front room, hot
and cold water, bath, phone; suitable for
two gentlemen; $2.50 per week. 123
14th, cor. Wash.
lo5W 12TH ST.
Modern; special reductions on all
A 'J CI , cfvv.a- tf.w .11
$2 per week and up. Marshall 2790.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand eve. and EL Belmont-1
Rooms $lu monthly. $20 np with
firivate batn; large, pleasant lobby, cafe
n connection. Phone East $23.
Cast Morrison it,, near Grand sve.
Cleaniineas and comfort. $2 per weelt up.
5484 WASHINGTON tiT.. OPP. 18TH.
Cool, comfortable, airy rooms, free
phones, bath, $2 week, $3 month and bp.
hotel mlnook. 211 . 4Th st., corner
of salmon: new management.
IF looking for quiet, clean, modern rooms,
call 22 H Larrabee st; transient trade
wanted ; rates very reasonable.
.LARGE or single, beautiful rooms, newly
furnished, electricity, phone, bath. 475
HOTEL CORDOVA, 268 llLh st. Strictly
modern; private baths on suite; rooms $3
up. Main 472. A 4782.
HOTEL GRANT. 451 1 Washington. Modern,
clean rooms, all conveniences; $2.50 up.
MAXWELL Hall, 207i4thTtrlcUy modern;
use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 112.
HOTEL N ORRIS, $33 AlderModern out-
sidercoms. $2 per week up.
Furnished Rooms la Firivate Family.
NICE basement rooms for men at $5 and $7
per mo.; good beds, electricity, baths, gas
to cook with if desired and use of laundry.
S N. 15 th at-
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished room,
with alcove and porch; suitable for 2
business men or women; board if desired.
Phone Mam 62S7.
NICELY furnished room, adjoining bath,
electricity. Pacific phone, good location,
walking distance, $2 per wee. t3 .Everett
at 17th.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large, handsomely
furnished airy room with sleeping porcn
for gentleman; price $15; references. Tele
phone Marshall 1720.
FURNISHED room with alcove, suitable for
2 or 3 gentlemen, or single room suitable
for 2 gentlemen, near Library. 212 11 tn
St. Main 1223.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Two nice sleeping
or housekeeping rooms, finest view, 1
minutes' walic; sleeping porch, privata en
trance. phone Marshall ia9.
LOVELY front parlor, suitable agency, dressmaking,-
piano, gas-plate, $11 mo.; cool
room, private porch entrance, $a; quiet,
choice locality, close In. 22 Tenttc
$3 OR $10 MO. Finely furnished, large, cool
rooms, choice location, easy wal-Ung nis
tance, porch, yard, plenty baths, close to
Washington-st, carllne. 69 2lst st. N.
LARGE front room with two good beds. In
modern home; first class in every respect.
fcti N. loth st.
NICELY furnished room, mooern conven
iences, central, wery reasonable. 4o4 Clay,
near lOih.
A PLEASANT, airy room in widow's home,
reasonable and desirable. AH home com
forts, modern and fine location. East U202.
NICE clean furnished room, reasonable;
east end of Broadway bridge. Ida V E
Broadway. LARGE, well-furnished room in modern
home, cloee-ln, every convenience; $1.00
per w eefr. Ph o n e E aat 1 3ft.
$a LARGE front room, 2 windows, desir
able location, modern conveniences. East
$2 WEEK, lovely front room, private en
trance, modern conveniences. ,4-4 Jeffer-
" eon.
NEATLY furnished rooms, $1.50 to $2 pr
week; electric light, hot bath phone. 475
East Bumslde, cor. 8th. Phone East 5055.
ONE nicely furnished room. gentleman
wanted ; Christian Scientist preferred.
Clay et.
LARGE room suitable for 3 people; hot and
co.d water; private phone; 2 in in. from
Postofflce; $18. Main j052.
FURNISHED front room in private family
for a gentleman, walking distance, $6
month : reterences. a ;. uregonian.
VERY attractive room for $5 per month in
a modern home; no other roomers. Tabor
FRONT corner room for refined person, Lau
relhurst, with couple. Tabor S4tf7.
LARGE front room for one or two; S blocks
from P. O. 213 W. Park.
PLEASANT rooms for young men, home
privileges, walking distance. Main 5721.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good
home; references; Nob Hill. 72S Johnson
NICELY furnished room, also sleeping tent
474 Alder, southeast cor, of 14th.
FURNISHED rooms, close In, cheap, clean.
Just tinted. 244 Broadway South.
FRONT suite, also front single room, run
ning water. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 4753.
NICELY furnished front room, reasonable.
Phone Mam 8:134. 2rt5 6th st.
FURNISHED room, modern, 18 East Wash
ington, 661 East wash. Fnone E 3Jh7.
ROOM with private family; Fordham Apta.,
-3d and Washington. Marshall 1684.
LARGE, well furnished roqra S3 month
ajo room $4. 36S 11th.
IRVINGTON Large, light, airy room, all
conveniences; reasonaoie rent. East o20.
LARGE, light front room, very reasonable.
ZHJ 14th 6t
FOR RENT Furnished room, reasonable
ISth and Alberta, Phone Woodlawn S9.
IRVINGTON Room In new home. I, blocks
to "i" or n car; nome comiorta. East 4x2
tEAUTlFUL furnished room, every conven
lence, $2, $1 wek. Mar. 249. 123 N. 23d.
LARGE well furnished attic room, modern.
T month. 4U- ciay at., near jotn.
FINE room for gentleman; no other roomers;
close in; reasonable. 261 Haisey.
FOR RENT Furnished room, private fam
ily. 767 East Glisan. Tel. East 1118.
LA RGE front room, modern, private resl-
lene. 254 North oth st.
ONE furnished room for rit; light and cooL
FURNISHED roonxs. close in. 235 12th St.
rnone Jiarsnaii .'44,
NICE, clean, airy sleeping rooms, close In,
si.vj and up. 4-' Aider st.
$1.50 WEEK Furnished front room, bath.
phone, close IB. 4-f Vs Jefferson.
FOR RENT One nice front room, facing
park, walking distance. 2$Q Park sU
Furnbihed Rooms in Private amily.
ROOMS in private family: 1 large well fur
nished room, next to bath, and 2 medium
sixe rooms, for young men; board if de
sired; modern conveniences. Phone Main
47. $. 263 13th st.
BEAUTIFUL, suite of rooms, elegantly fur
nished, private bath, entrance off large
porch, large yard and lawn, ciose walking
distance. 49 Jefferson, off of 14th st.
liEFINED young American wants congenial
room-mate to share coui front room, ciose
In. everything modern; ery rea-onao.e
rent. AF .14. Oregonian.
LARGE beautiful furnished rooms, private
bath and phone, u and (22.60. 4la lam
hill il Main 3o3.
$1.25 WEEK Clean, comfortable room, qui-t
home, close in. Tenth.
Rooms Wit a Board.
Washington at 23d f?t
A charming lamu- snd transient hotel
of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep
arate tables; estremeiy reasonable rates;
worth investigating. Mam 764. a 7fl&tt.
A modern. FIREPROOF residence botei,
American plan; on carllne; 10 minutes
from business center; price In accord
with general business conditions.
23d snd Hoyt sta. Marshall BL
An American plan Resloenco Hotel.
Put ten Single rooms. Excellent tabla.
A 621L Main 4olL
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel ; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main b23, A 662A
FAMILY hoti. room private bath, phone.
furnished nrst-ciass; must oe seen to e
appreciated; bummer rates, 116 up; board
optional. 710 Washington. Marsnall 6170.
The Whitehall. 253 6th su, has a fine
table -r-s.rd. modern rooms, sun parior, a
real home; reatonaoii ratea
TUB 8TRYKER 554 Couch, choice modern
rooms, excellent tame ooarq. Reasons p-
THE NORTON, 12 th and Morrison; rooms
and board or taoie Doaro. aiain
Rooms With board In Private Family.
COOL, airy, beautifully furnished room, hot
and cold water, batn adjoining; suitaoie
for two; excellent meals; also slng'.e room.
West Side, easy walking distance. Mar
shall 243S.
LARGE front room, closet, running water.
also small room, running water ana sleep
ing porch; walking distance; home priv
ileges; piano, excellent tab.e. U5 Morrison.
Phone Marshall 4S23.
LARGE, beautifully furnished front rooms.
steam neat, witn or wunout pni- u-i-u,
modern and clean: separate dressers and
beds; excellent meals; ooaa In, easy walk
ing distance. 814 12th. MarshaU 544o.
BEAUTIFUL suHe of rooms, for six young
men, 2 meals, sleeping porcn. not ana
cold water, close in, fine rate for Sum
mer. U35 11th St.. Main 7t5.
for week end. In connection w Itn a.o
11th St., a home for business peoj!; boat,
canoe and springboard. Main 2G5.
ARE you looking for a home for the Sum
mer 7 tan at co c -uia wjiu,
Housekeeping rooms or board to refined
adults. C S. preferred.
PRIVATE FAMILY; modem, and attractive
rooms with best home cooKing; nome com
forts; ciose In. 470 Columoa it- Marshall
TWO excellent rooms, one fine front room.
in strictly private nome ; ai mou-m
veniences. bt home cooking; walking dis
tance if desired. East 4013.
DESIRABLE surroundings, all home com-
zorts ior t or - yuung vcupn o r. .- -acter.
69 East Burnsioe; walking dis
tance. WEST SIDE, Nob HU1 district, modern
borne, room and Z meais a oay ior gen
tleman at any reasonable rate he wlsne
to pay. can ain oo.
ROOM and board, beautifully located, mod
ern, dietlnguisnea nome. rnono wu
lawn Isuu.
ROOM and board, easy walking distaace.
near farK, west cioe. nwu. -.
328 iOTH ST., good rooms, hot and co'd
water, noma cooaing. wi.ung u
sleeping porch In connection. Main 77S5.
TWO nice furnished rooms in private home
with or without board. 4u lutn st. rnouo
Main 80S4. .
ATTRACTIVE horn, large, beautifully fur
nished rooms, plenty oi noi waiw, . we!,
close in. Main 72-15; 335llthst.
FURNISHED ROOMS $7 and up, with or
without good taoie uoaro . ow uirai.
405 W. Park bu, near H.rrison.
ROOM, with or without board, m pri aie
home; price reasonaoie, iu ramuiM
town. Tabor tts-4-
LARGE front room, modern home, close In,
all conveniences iree, uodiu uu.uu4,
reasonable. 47 4 Salmon st. Marshall 4410.
valids; referencea. Charges reasonabis.
Box 439. Eugene, Or.
LARGE room. bath attached. excellent
board, suitaoie tor i kcmvicwich
references required. 2il West par.
A HOMEY home, den and small room near
bath; exceUent board. 36i 10th lU Mar
shall 5475. ,
ROOM and board in newly furnished home;
modern: $5 month. 434 M1U, cor. 12th,
Main 6140.
TWO very desirable rooms, nicely furnished.
b o ard, very pleasant location. Ma.n
WOULD like one or two children to care for
in my home at 45 E. 42d st. N. ; C. fc.
prelerred. rnone laoor to--
ROOM and board in modern home; good lo
cation; V AiUS tv.
Jl 16th.
NICELY furnished rooms in beautiful mod
ern home; excellent table board. 600 Haw
thorne ave. East 6300 or B 1024.
ALL the pleasures of country life. Includ
ing home cooking, combined with city
conveniences. 664 Lovcjoy st. Mar. 6151.
THE New Clark. 2 2-room turn. apts. : lare
kitchen, dlsappesrtng b. phone and light
free: $12and $15- blO Pettygrove,
WANTED Lady or gentleman to room and
board in widow's home. Phone Tabor &.-24.
WALKING-distance, quiet rooms with or
without board. 529 East Mill. East 5100.
FOR business girls or students. $4 week up
Anna Lewis" Hall, 51u Flanders st.
ROOM snd board, walking distance, modern.
Mai- tKt79. 332 10th u
FINE room and good board for two. Call
B 8058.
at 369 luth st.
ROOM and board In a beautiful home. 311
11th. Marshall 2003. -
ROOM and board, $25 per month; lrvington
district- Phone East 5152
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 54
North 1 ftth, corner Davis.
ROOM and board very
lngman or woman.
reasonable to wora
Marsh all 43S7.
ROOM with board in private home, 574 Ladd
ave, 1 blk. 12th and Hawthorne, E. i145.
Furnished Apartments.
JACKSON BUNGALOW 5-room, modern
flat, heat, walking distance. 454 11th IU
FURNISHED apt., piano, sewing machine,
until Sept. 1. Phone East wj7.
ONE nicely furnished 3-room suite, cheap
rent, on beautiful street. 4'4 Park st.
2-ROOM apts., new and clean, low Summer
rates. 347 Market st.
HAVE 2-3-room apartments In lrvington,
32U E. 24th N-. cor. Halsey. East ?.:i!l.
APARTMENT, S large. nicely furnished
rooms, fine location, cheap jent to good
tenants. Woodlawn M6. 0
208 lth St.. near Taylor; Marshall 2324;
2, 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur, apta
FAIRMOUNT APT3. 28$ iltli
Modern furnished two-room apartments,
$22.50 up; close In. Main 2286.
DRICK-STOX, 44S 11th; modern 2 and 2
room apt.; excellent service, walking dls
tance. Marshall 56. AS408
WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and, Everett
Two rooms, newly furnished; hardwood
A o pra, walking distance; $J2.SQ. Main 124 5.
2 .AND 3-ROOM modern furnished apts.,
private bath and phone, $1." and juo;
rates to tourists; cl'jse 1n. Marshall 5--X.
(4 a WEEK and up, modern, furnished
apartments. Including gas and U?ht. Har
rison Court, 3W4 5th st. -
Modern, 2 rooms, special rate for J u!y
snd Aug. 17th and Marshall. Mar. 443.
ill.NCEY APTS., 3'JO CI ay. bet. lOth andw"7!
park a suite of 2 rooms and kitchenette.
NEW furnished spartments; concrete block;
$10 and 113. 1144 V Unionae. N.
JACKSON APT P., Unlbn ave. and E. Davit;
completely furnished ; $lo to E. 2&4.
MODERN front apt-, 2 rooms; day. weeK br
mont'n:2s9 10th sU .
CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy Modern brl-k build
ing ;2!3jToom ?ta.Jl6o $30. Mar. 2S17.
PAGE apartments. EL th and E. Bumslde.
East 3566. Desirable-3 rooms, furnished.
ADRMAY TERRACE 85 12TH First-class
In every respect; attractive rates.
3-ROOM front apt.. nlce!v furnished; piano
included: reasonable. 3S 11th st.
Z AND 4-room apta. In flat;
427 H 6th st.
clean; $1S-$C0.
4-ROOM front apart ant with porch, nice
yard. Woodlawn
Furnished Apsriiarau.
5th and Cw.uxnbi ota.
S mln. walk to Meier a- Frank store;
nle surroundings; Junt the thing fof
Summer; strict. y modern 2 and 2 -room
furnished apts., a.l outside, witn French
doors and balconies.
Day, Week. Month,
Rates r-asonsble. Marshal
Apartment Hot.).
Tentn and aiimon c ire eta. ,
Rates day, week, month, year.
12 th and T ay ior.
Most modern ibartmenta on the Paclfle
' Coast furnjshed vmpitte.
tocf gsrdeu in connection.
Walking distance. Reference.
Fifth and Cotleg.
Clean, cosy, three and tour-room fur
nished apartments vry cheap.
Alo bachelor apartmenta
Heat, water, puone and. Janitor service
Fast First and Muliromih Streets.
The xnot up-to-daie 2 and 21 -room fur
t nt plied apartment-boose; n suite has 2
disappearing beds and two dressmg-rowmr ;
all outside rooms, roof garcfi and sun
parlor. R:nt $-5 up. East 14t.
ONLY 118 to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per
week, completely f urnisued
two-room apts., includm g electric light c,
beat, hot water, baib. private phone, new
brick bldg., 15 minutes fro'iu p. c. Lincoln
Apta. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 4102.
Furnished or uuturnisned 8 -room apart
ments; linen, silverware, private pnone and
bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the L'nio
Depot of East Sid spaxtmenta 25 cor
ner Clackamas and Ross sta. East !?.
WASHINGTON-GRAND 2 -room furnished
apts., $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern,
clean, very desirable; hot and cold w iter,
beat, light, bath Xurnined. Orand ave.
ad E- Wash! o ton st. Phone East 44
1201 large rooms, prlv ate bat n. tele
'phone, heat. easy wai-iug distance;
1 upper apartment. net and complete
ly furnisheti. 3 rooms, dress i. g -room so
bath, flower buxe. pnonc-. hieat, 1 wing ton
district. 11th and Hancock.
MONTGOMERY Apts.. cor. 3d snd Mont
gomery sis. ; strictly modern, all outside,
furnished 2 -room apta. ; electric elevator,
best service, close in; $lo to $5; free
lights. Main 4t;d.
Cor. Park and Taylor.
Ilandsomoly furnished 'J, 3 and 4 -room
suites; beet location In city; reasonable.
CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th
New. modern ; steam heat, private baths,
laundry, completely furuished 2 and 3
room apts.; lo mm, from business ceuter;
save carfare; rates moderate; references.
Hotel and Apartments.
Dining-room in connection.
20ta and Kesrney. M-rstiell 74. A 445.
18th and Couch,
g and 4-room ay rtnmbLa, large, mcaj
rooma, all outside, private batn and tole
phone In each; central, $27.50 to $45.
204 Porter su, 'te" car p-sses door. 2
rooir. turuisned aparu&ebta. elO per month
aud up. Main 7312.
Tth and East MorrUn.
Well furnisoed. good service
phones; low rent.
11th st.. corner Hail. Elegantly fur
nished apartment; private) puuo, bath
and balcuny porches; $1$ and up.
644 Everett, bet. 2utn and Ella sta.; fur
nished J -room apts., with or without sleep
ing porch; uouero.
$20 moout up ; modern 3 and 4-room
apartmmts; completely furnished. 1SJ
North 23d, corner Kearney. Marshall 2tHu.
Park St.. at Madison.
Modern 2, 2 aud 4-room furnished apart
menus, clote In; by e:k or month.
CoJufLETELY furnished to and three
room apartments; easy walking distance;
$16 to $20. Including ltgnts, phone and
janitor service. 1S7 17th near Yamhill.
WANTED Roommate In light hous:kcu.L.g
apartment. West Side ; a sitting distance;
reterences required and gvn; price rea
sonable. T ll. Oregonian.
CLAYPOOL ANNEX. "Eleventh and" C I s"y .
Two rooms; llgnt. plcuuat and well fur
nished; vralklntf distance; $2d to $2$.uo.
Msla 757.
14th and Columbia.
2 and 2-room apartments. furnished.
flrgt-ca; reaaonaue ratea Main 7247.
WELL-FURNISH ED," best-arranged ""4-room
apt. for rent tn Portland ; elevated site ;
southern exposure; par-te entrance; -se-
lect neighuorhood. Main 2iu6, A -14.
H1SLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw
thorne: 2 and S-room apts:; private baths
and puone; also rooms; well Xur
mshea ; i2 5o up. i none East k J.
BERKELEY "aPTS. 30 Trinity" Place-" 3
and j-room apts.; llgnt and pleasant;
balconies; central; $i;.u to $20. ou. Mar
shail 1 ia.
GRANDEST A. East Stark and Grand ae.
Nicest furnished three-room apt. ; pri v ate
phone and batn, distanue; prices
moderate. Phone East 2s.
3 -4 -room apta, thoroughly modern and
clean ; roof garden, una boxea for cnii
drtn; $20 up. Conducted by owner.
THE Cisrkelon, nice.y furnished -room
mpts,, including heat, water, phone ano
Janitor service. Sou E. Ankeny. Phone
GARDNER 13th and East Ash, larg 3
rooms, ail outside, fine view, large porch,
clean ; Summer rates ; references.
WILL rent to responsible couple f urnlah d
apt.; sleeping porch and piano, price sin
as unlurnished. Main 47 Id.
Lbby, social ha. I, modern and J-room
f urn, and unf urnis.'ied apta. reasonable.
0-RtMM suite, ni'Mlern conveniences. West
Side, 15 mia. walk postoffice; choice Iocs.
tlou; rent reasonao.e. Ao 013. Oregou.n.
Cor. loth snd Jeiferson ; turee-room apt,,
outside; two beds; mouern; $16.
FURNISHED 5-room apartment. sleeptDg
porch, garage if VT1 V Aiblua
THE CHELTENHAM beautiful f urnlsued
, 8 and 4-room apsruxients; lorn eat rate
lncit y. Corner N. lwtn an d Northrup.
THE LETA 5 large rooms, piano, beau til uT
ly furnished; walking distance, sieepmg
porch. Mar. 3207 Hjv Broadway.
HAMMERSLY COURT. 2i0 12th st. By the
cay, wek or month; modern, close to P.
p.; reasonable; rcf. Marsnall 20i2-
CnfurnUfced Apart mernteu
All these feature-a and many more are
Included in tlieso apartments. Rent
whore you get tne most for your money.
Trinity Place, near Washington.
King st. and V ah., ner 2 2d.
605 Lovejoy St., near 2 1st.
2, 3 and 4-iooin apartment, with all
the modern, up-to-date conveniences. Look
at thete buildings today. Hotter your
living conditions. at buildiags or phone.
Main 6509. 2oU Wash. tit. A 1777.
Jt 1'iTH rT.. near Clay, 5 large rooms, oak
floors, front erai.da, sleeping -pore a.
range, rrf riserator. het. hot aaier. Strict
ly modern. Just c o:npUtl.
3 and 4-room. wide hai.s. private vestibute,
phone and bath ; brick butiding ; elevator;
references. Mgr. Mar. o72; Jan., Mar. 673.
L nfurnlsned apartnients. modern tn
every repet; cloe In, f irst-claas service;
each apartment has a private balcony.
BRUCE1 APTS.. 24 N. 2ith rooms, ver
and a. hardwood floors, steam heat, phones
and janitorMaln 4uuo. A 317$.
S-ROOM apt., unfurnished: 3 bedrooms, all
siiuny. outs! 4 e rooms, t o porches, ieir
eneea. 7o Irlng su Mar. liil.
STEVENS' APT.7 large outside rooms, front
and oack prUate pjrchti. neat, hot water
ana pnone. 11 Northrup, near 24th.
ROE FRIEND, corner Broadaay and Jef
fersnn Elegant unf urnWbi-1 s ran meats,
first-class service, private phone; ref.
THE ORUOM'E One fU--oom
r .anoeis. nod riu.. Main r
THE AMERICAN", 21st and Johnson. 3. 4. &
rooms, reasonable. Mar. 3;6u, A 247.
THEMA RLBO ROUGH, tlst and Flanders.
large, llgnt o, t-r. r as. M. 714. A 27$.
4-ROOM unfurnished apt,, alt outl-l rooms
Nob Hill district. CaU M-.a fc-AL
VnfornlnlMMl A partaaeat .
on iucretla at-. ! feet nortn of 2-d and
ah4 mt beautifully Iocs ted hlgh-ci
apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, all large outatoe
r-ms, 'J apartments newly furn:sed.
prices reasonable, references required ;
se them before locating. Manager, Mar
shall 151S.
705 DAVIS ST..
Heed of King St.
Most modern and fashionable apart-ment-hoiinae
in Portland; absolutely fire
proof. Three to 7 -room unfurnished apart
mcnts. 4 AND -oom spsrimeuts; excellent ' locs
tion. Phone- Mam 2J. call 711 Jvuawn.
FumlUed or V ai urniUed Apsrtnieais.
eia-fe-l Morgan Bidg.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
In a.l parts of the city; greet tariety of
lca::ons elsea and price a Our free auto
mobile at your srvic in viamng say of
our spartments.
Msln "15. ' A 20V
Ti:E BARKER, corner of 2lst and Irvine
Krnianed and un.'urnlihnl apartments tn
2. 2 and 4 rooma four-story brica ; eiso
tric sutomatie tttior, dtappsrinf beds,
buUt-tg buffets and ruing desas, piemy
of rlset rom. vacuum cleaner free.
1'hnr.e Marsha. I 2&6L
Largest. mot borneliae. high--laa aptaN
In el y. f urniaiied and ur.f urniabed,
b.eping purr-hra Walking distance.
3 FURNISHED or uuf ura.iedapTa.-l lower
of 6 tH.rin, l upp-:r of 4 or $ rooms, witti
Lrge alrrping porch. nte yard sod cherry
t. - ; j ; t n y s rvic ncht by toe c "or.
7s and 7tS lat Uu reside. Phone East
12 ih and Harrison.
FInejrt apartment. nous uq Paclfio coast;
beaut rf ul lociimn. strictly modra. veJt
Ir.g div-.ance. reference M. lutol, M loi
fali EKKI ELD Apartments, 70 Broslwiy 4
blocks to business ceuter; best location In
Portland: furnished and unfurnished; a.l
renui reduced. Main 3-C4, A 314s.
TH E EM ERS4.N.3 and " 4 -rom furnished
and uiiun.whed nts., new. modern; god
l"vation. 2l4e W;;.iams ave. Wood! an
OIIA'T. A PA HTM EXT. 2 4 th and Northrup;
s large unfurnished rooms, sleeping porcb
v and all modern conveniences; oca 2-rooia
furnlsned apartment. Marshal 1079.
MANAGER. P 11 0 N E M A 1 1 S 1 1 ALL IIOL
w Estonia" apts. "
New 2 and 3-ruom furnished and unfur
nished. 601 CiUsan st. 1'hone -1-in ZiH
or A ."021.
ROSEN "ELD APTS., 14th and East tiara.
Hrick bldg. and strictly mouern ; 2 and
4-room iit't, large rooms, pm at phone
in each apt. ; reasonsbie rent; ref ere nee a.
MEREIiITH 3 and 4-room apts., very reo
eombk 711 Wash., opp. 320, Main 7134.
4 AND &-room apta, with sleeping porchea
14 E. ISth.. near Yamhill su
REX ARMS 13 tb" and E. Morrlsoa ; 2 and
3 rooms. Summer rates; modern service
THE WINDSOR and 4 beautiful rooms,
furnished or not. E, 14th and Yam h Hi.
iZ I NO-DAVIS APTS,. &4 King st" S and4
rooms; high class; references. Main Sots.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 2. 3, 4
room apartmrn'.s. furnlsned and ur.furn.
PR ETT Y corner flat, unsurpassed location,
accessible to bua.ness sod enure ties, strict
ly modern, lfgbt, cool, clean, one week's
rent free, open for Inspection; owner, ud
10th st.. beta rep Dav.s and Everett.
MODERN loarr flat, nice yard, taken care
of hy the owner; reasonable: f roh sir
from river. 7i Overlook, boulevard, near
FIVE largA rooms, modern throughout, with
every built-in convenience and select
pelgnborbood ; $-j; one mouth rent free.
2tJ East 21st iu Dear Hawthorne.
MODERN. 6-room upper corner flat. ya.
anse, water heatir, f !r-pice and lur
ne: North lAth C. Wet titde. 2 Mocki
off WaahtnKtoii. ptione y.nln .iv3.
MODERN flat. 3 rooms and den. open-a:r
bedroom, disappearing bed. gas range,
Ilnok'um ; corner E. loth and iialsey. .
I. bwan . East 14s. Main lo$.
WEST SIDE -room lower flat ; furnace
with hot-water coll, fireplace, tubs, Itv
south; 72 Kearney; $2. Phoce C 3u0;
mornings or eenlngs.
MODERN l-room flat, lrvington, 2-fsmliy
b:dg.. very reasonaoie. Pnone Broadway
$12 A MONTH Nwt;y tinted 4 rooms, close
to school and carllne; desirsTble location
Ogden, 107 Shavr. Wood. asm JjI.
6-ROOM modern upper f:at with sleeping
porch; maiktng d.stanc; corner East l4tn
and Madison; $0. Phone East 704.
J-KOOJI houstt, nely tinted, clean, gns.
electricity. yard, $1 X bv. No. 416 mn
Kaf.ifl. Phone East 7'6.
$ 1.". WITH water, clean. modern A-roin
lower; furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen.
t -. Kan 1 i 1 1: and H a v l a. Kai t 327.
RENT, bargain, fine upper flat, I72S Tn-ty-thlrd
itejtr Johnson; $lb. formerly i
C. H. Kore... 2o4 Railway Exchange.
LA ROE 5-room with attic, gas range, water
hat-r. linoieum, wa;king distence. 41:
2S E. 11 h st.. near An. East i71.
1 18 MODERN C-ioom fiat, walking dis
tance, lrvington. cVordon. E. btn and
iroad ay.
MODERN 0-room flat, furnace, firep.aia.
gas and heater; splendid loration. lo
E. 24tn. between Ankuny and
upper flat, all Pcht. clean rooma
rMirn. large attic. 260 W 14th St.. near
WALNUT PARK Choice 4-rocrn flat; built
in f urn I? ure, linoleum, gas range, reason
able. 314 W) gant. Woodlam n 3 730.
DELIGHTFUL corner, diwnstalrs suite, gas
range, rutmtuc i'T, beautiful borne; $li
month. 1 1& N. 2Jd.
fl4 i MODERN 4-room upper flat, new
building, basement, furnace, s.eeplng-porch.
yard. W: I ps hurst.
M O D F.RN 4 - run ni fist;
Ir.oulre 17 16th St.
also 3 -room bouse.
7 AND ffr-rooftn modem flat; rent cheap, Wta
ind M'.ll, 430 Mill. M sin 40 IS.
ou.HN 4-rom and bath; gas rentes and
llno.eum. 2i Sandy bWd, Phone East 42.
FOR RENT 6-room modern flat, $13.
K. Mh. cor. Jiurnslce.
4-ROOM f at. West Side, thoroughly modern,
$;i. Ham 37.
FLAT of rooms and bath. 73S Hoyt St.
Inquire 120 4th st. Phone Main 4274,
MODERN 4 and rooms, near City Park;
reasonable. M SMS. A 2474.
MODERN $ and 4-room flats very reason
aa'e. Everett St.. West Side.
WEST fcUDE. 20i 14th. near Taylor. $27.50;
S-room modern flat. East 201.
BEAUTIFUL 3-room Tat very reasonable
7'"i Vancouver a-e. Woodlawn li j.
SIX. rooms. inotUrn, per fret condition, fire
place, gas range, garage. East 11J7.
$15 roum flat, partly furnished, with
lawn, near Hawthorne- Phone East 7044.
Furnished Fist.
NEATLY furnished fist, rooms Isrge and
cool, private bath, f 1 rep' ace, large yaM,
tre-. wa'.king distance; reasonable. 471
He.mutit East U43
FULLY- furnished 4-room fiat, one block
from Tl n Ion ave. No. g17 ban Rafael et.
Piano, sewing machine, phone, water, g er
ase and garoase removal included.
HAWTHORNE district, splendid neighbor
hood, modern 5-room npwr fiat. Iin, gar
den; rent to reitponsn: adults only. 7&S
V. Sarrnn. Tabor 1i.
4-l;ooM FIT, urntahel or unf nrr Ishd ; play rrifjnd. Phone East 171. 6il
U ili onn ae.
$t 4 ROOMS, completely furnished, light,
water, phone. piano, walking distance.
NK ELY furnlfhed 4-room lower f .at. 6.
f-ariine. l.V Helmnnt, Tnhor 13wu.
4-ROOM f urnihed
Phone Fsat . -C"
flat. complete, 1 14.
FURNISHED 4-room flat
and sleeping
porch. 834 cast r:ne.
5ROOM and" bath' finely furntahed flat.
steam heated. i07 11th st.
4-ROOM furniahed flat. Eaat'flde. Thone
East HM2.
4-ROOM. modern new ka'somlned. 2P3 Rose
st.. 2 blocks U road a sy bridge; $14.
4-ROOf ftrrnlehed Funny side. Phone
Tabor ion. -
Ft H P rNT 1 urn !hed -room l"fr fiat
7l-3 H" T s". Pho4 M.B!n."'44-
- ?Ioiiekep4oc Uwms.
NI.O Ulte I-2-:i and 4 bouaeV.e;.n-g
rorm. partly fimisH-l. at 2441-. K.tnga
Aorth ae . cor. Vancouver. Low rcuc
2 MTU ST. 4 housekeeping r-orns and
furntjed rooms; walking distance; ra
iyiiao:. .
441 EAPT-MORRISON Furnished 1 snd 2
r'VJTi botis'-keeptng spartments reasonable.
utll-MAV HOTEL. 1st end Alder Furnished
.Lousaeemg looms cheap. $!. tek up.
lit Vista ave., off Washington st.
$ and 4 rooms, with private balcontaa.
onfum.ihed or furnished. bigh-c.a s
rc;c h bo r hood : best of sr vice; reaeonafa.o.
THE RoYAL A K M s! Tath" aod Lovejoy
The newest and mast up-to-date aptav la
Portlaivl ; hardwood floors, be. con Ire, etc.
all reuts mod-rai; 1 2 -room. $17.50; 1
3 -room. $Co. Mrsnail $vlL
roK stsi.
liuaekeepin( Roe ma.
$2 -5 WEEK UP Completely furalahed
houae.keiptnc rvoms, aboluta.y rle&nest in
'nn; bat ha, b"t ater, etc, f re; suites.
$ t ; deal raoie people only; save ran are.
The siii.iac, 2s , 3d st . d ar Jefrera-m.
$1 TO 3..i wnx, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms, suitao.e for 2 or 4; saa,
Xr- heat, laundry, bath. ard E at 4u3s.
'4Jit ouvtr. 2o2 tan too. "U tar.
F I" R N IS 1 i ED raltca of L S and 4 rooma a t
-44 Kimnsfeorth ave.; low rent. I 'hone
oodlaa v', A 4144, Marshall -Oi.
N "11L.V furnished u. a. roms, fre bath
s T..1 Rgt.ts. ;im 141
FL R N 1-U ED housekeeping rooms, cheap,
twubnons b.Og.. id. cor Mrneoa .
KolCREST, 174 1 itb 'uovdmci suites and
sing h. k. rooms; use of p. ano
Bllousekeepuig Rocwaa la 3'rlvate It amily.
73 FURN'.M'LD front buuaekerpiog room.
. with sir? p. ug pore 4.; mure upper fio.r. 4
rootns: r w'.kir.g Citirt , good
;iioti. i t td tignt lurnuhtu. o
E. A.oer
1 W o rooms on ground floor, vaai gectle
ruan batcaera; not ar.d c'id water, e.eeinc
l.rf ita, ga. rge c.OMt , toi.vt. prite
uirijiv, ian and coiu:ortat.e, c.oao lu,
11 llta su Phone Main tl"4.
4-ROOM fuTOkhel apartment, porch, g
. gas.
" "ic .. a-rd. ru .j r : .. tetviacc. I
M ck Ma Uione car.
pbone D-lle4e. 734
1.mi Mad.snn.
LARiE front si. k. roitn, with ktich. oette,
a.a 2 connecting r-oms. large ia-tr,
gas range and wmtc-r . rent 40 to $13
a1 n ' ! a . k 1 1. g distance. Ca).
LAHoK ouia:de room with kitchenette, nlco
iy turn uwie d for 'ra anaiie
r-nt ior Summer monuia. 163 lout st.
corner Mor r .sou.
TW neat !y furnished housekeeping ronrtus.
bar window, electricity, laouar), clotnes
c et. pantry, iarge porxu. iC 13 N.
cM A LL living -room, coining -room, k;tchvn
ettav. large jorcn, strict, y priu lan.i.y.
modera. wa.atr.g diatati(., $la, 6-u it
o a a. East 4
4-ROOM. furnuhed complete, entire Iwwer
f -oir, pantry, a:uk. be. in. range, gaa, lur
b.ks. tiawt
tnorne car.
7 E. Main,
ur. 21at. B l4tf.
$- TWO finw furntahed buuirp)ti rnua. .
private banruuiu, s.c(it.g pur c " , not
watr beat. c at vM. J a. 14tn., cor.
1 a tr.
TWO nice, clean ooueckep:ng rooms; llgnt,
phone, batn and beat fre. farr..ap-d com
p;et; plenty of fr-sh air; brick building.
1 lv hri:iioai. corner iilh ; only
L11 R APLE houscaeepiag suite of 3 large
rooms and batn. u ot-r flaC In re
f neu. modem hoiue. ver reasurusole, el
Tn.rd su
L.R(JK front H. i
stia-oy yard, I Zi
r, tirsnd ave.
H. room. bath, large
ween; nice woe $!..
TWo Bioeijf f urn lab ed H, K. rwiiu and
kitchenwtte. gas range, electr.c . .g I'ta,
bath, phone; reasonable. fe.i w ood 2 .
NI' E, cool front room, housekeeping or not.
io. a .so amatl roojn. $6. One location. 4 m
LE i ii. a iii.E. alngle or en suite, i.- , ;
tricity, puune. bath. wel vcatliated. 473
M orrton.
34 SvLWON Two desirable rooma fur-
ni tied ior no sckcpplng ; single n. k.
FOUR furniebed 11. K. ruomt, $1-; three,
$11; ard, porches, machine, sink. 412
Nli'E. clean U. K rooms, slso r.lce.y f ur
titabed bwtmrnt suite, and up, cose
In. 426 Alarr st.
TH 1.EE nratiy furnuthed house rms.,
gaa. electricity. b:H ard. lower floor. o.7
1 nurnian. Mars:. a.l
ON E and 2-room suites, usual conveniences,
""-nuai, reasonable, 1U Lonnsda.e. cor.
M orrlson. -
NICELY furniahca. newly papered and paint
ra. . and -rooni nut-keeping suites, Us
Ef-rett. Msrsriall 27.
FRONT suite, running water, phono, aaa.
select uriKhbvruuud; only $10 month. 42
2at st. No.
HOl' single rooma. f to $14
pt month; Ire batn snd ptione. 30 Vain
hi II. bet ween 1 2tn and J-t h.
CLEAN, pleasant front room, ery fine resi
dence ne;g haurhord, gaa range, baui, cup
v-otent. roor.m. 114 .N. ,3 d.
1 AND 2. r;.-at floor, front, gas range, s.r.k.
2 bt Is,; free Lgnts, bath, pao-e, 4.3
2-RooM spts. furnished or unfurnished.
gas. sink, tree l.g ti t. bat h. pnone. 4 71
E t liurnside, cor. Uth. Phone, Kaet oO J J.
LAHCi: front TT.oms. kitrhenetw and sleep,
ii. g porcn ; aao single j oorns; ru;nmtr
prices. g-od arvlre. j;.7 12th.
$ 1 2 $ iare. cicely furntahed H. K. room .
11 ni.nut.a' w(g ft um bua.ness center ts
E. Mb su N.
2 LAR;k. light II. K.Vomi, suUab.e fur
4. o.'2 Columbia st.
O . good furniture of 7-Coom house.
Marshall A7;a.
FR O NT room w I : h
chcap rent. o7 e:
f rea
gas. bath.
a-i "j nousegeeping suites, cool, clean.
coa ; wa.k.i.g d.atauce. E. 12$. 11 7t;i.
TWO nice ckrari Turnlshed bousskeeiitng
rooms cheap.
i-2V Oibos st.
biN.iLE room with kitchenette, hot, co.d
ater. heat, phone, bath. 221 12tn st.
3 NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms
ose Jin. fre Jig nt, batn, phone, a E, 7th.
TWO Turnlshed housekeeping. bywek or
month. 4 N. I7ta. Mn di.
$10d RE W A RD to t at our lo::oa
sndconvoitlenr-. 21 Morrison, ior. 3-iti
Kl LNieilED h. k. looms, ;
tlf .il grouiida. $ 1 . w, rti
-room i-ni. beau.
37 1st st.
T WO lai t e front housekeeping rooms, bath,
S :nr at.
La ROE room, completely furnished for iiga:
h jute keeping ; n chiidreo. 2wu
THREE desirable rooms, completely fu r-
niaued lor buuaekeepiug. $41 Rn st.
NICE room witb un of klichen very ra
so.'.able. 7To y Johnson.
o; ls,rge hojsekeeptng rooni reasonable.
i'uuno Main l.io4. 4o 6th st.
LARvlT. light. coor"lf. "K. roorn7"tnd""re.
aoectaMe people. 2i4 JerTer-.n.
CLEAN, coui. ll. hi. room for one 2nan
rrasonab.e. 1S4 14th at.
TliE tedbug season 1" on; have oUr houses
fumigated, phone Marahsa 1444.
A $16 apartment for lb; 2 beds, phone light
and tree., large yard, close in. Mill at.
$ HOK'E cool room, private porch ea
tranre. quiet, close In. 2t2 Tentn.
FOUR rooms furnished or unfurnished "pri
vate phone and tat h. Phone East 7 1-1
A modern 5-room pew bunga.o sr ; glee
trlcity, gaa, range, cemented uasement
bear 8. P. car sbopa cad Funday, be
twren 1 and 5 P. M., 7S6 Harold ave
OR RKNT Two 6-room bouaee, in good
condition. cioa to R F. sriope and Ford
factory; rent ery reasonable. Phone iSe.l
wood io;j.
MODERN 6-room ho us;, newly renovated.
wa.ktr.g distance. West bide. did Nor
thrup su
I'ORTLAND H KIGil T6 4-room cottage7 fof-
nsce. gas. 3 btsanoe Court. Davenport sc.
1 bloca from end of I4tn. Msin e$.
3-ROOM. 2 lots, fruit trees -s I so 4-room. in
good location; ea :h fi; not modern. Phone
Wool,twa Hit.
IN Rose City lark, a 5 -room bur.galow,
near car and modern; a 6-roorn house, fur
rrire, tnwlern. 'I abir Ko4, evenings.
$14 CLEAN fte-roorn house, eltctrlcity and
gas. loi t:. 20th, between Alder and Wash
ington, rlnst Aod. Water free.
FOtt RENT liv.ngion. nodern b-room
h ouae : hard wood Moors, i-pirr pure 1c
f'4 Lt .ttth North, near IHrasee
FURNISHED or unf urniahed 6 t 6-roo:n
m'xiern bungalow. Alberta dtatrlU Tabor
Modern 4-room cottage, heat residence
section. A3 W. Fsrragut, Kenton.
3-ROOM coey home, lights tnd'bath. on"e
bio.k to car and Columbia lark, $3 per
month. Owner. 16c-" Wooleey au
i-Lo vil house, r.ew; papered and tinted,
easy a:lr. - itarce, excellent nelghuor-
bood. etc tr1-; tig h t a. .1 :t.l l j n .
NEW 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors,
f replace. wrge lot, pwv'ed streec lrm rent.
W. 11. Rosa. Marshall 123. R.22y.
LRoA 1 A drive, slghtlv 6-room cottage,
w alking distance. $. Inquire $-0 Morri
son. $15 MODERN B -room hnr gaow, combina
tion gas and electric, lvo at, W. li,
ear. Phore Marshall ;."t.
MoDERN 6-roont bouse, 3i3 Eat let at N.
C' T. Olaen. M ul'.non. m h llotal Lobby
rirar t-tand. Hroadway 4'X.
A LOVELY noil E.
leaving city, wiab to rent one year.
For furtner Information. Tabor 1503.
MC,71R". -rjr deslraMe 6-room Ijljs
72 and 3i Pan ilafael. cioae In. 1-ast
MODERN fie-roorn tunp low with sleep
ing poreh. Roae City park, two Mocks
from car. fne East 111
6r7OM" iTTTnTJa LOW F i rep' ace. Iv'rh
V:tchen. bat h, w qn trayt. Phre T. S17V
A 6-ROOM HOLE Furnished or uuIuT-ri-ae'l
; rent f aiir.ah;. 4.'3 it st.
TWO liVN'GAl.OW'S Hawthorne district. $13
r.d $1S. Phone Ma-siaj 2432.
ThE bedbug season is on: tar -our buuJea
r jt iga'ed. Pnor.e Mirhe,l 1444.
lA W F R rt of dnpleg rea'den-a. 1 5h -d
Knott. . L mg'.on. nxedtra. Xlaxsha.1 (ko.
$3o.O k-rooru houee House juat rempl-t-ed.
all convenience in Udd i Add.;
f urnrace, I repbace. bardw od t toora.
$ 1 7.0o 5 -room bungalow T road way dis
trict, 2 biHhi car; ail con veuicnie.
furnace. firpiace.
$ 15 !W 5-room rot lage Fast arpronrh of
Stool bridge, modem. AUvtng dis
tance. 114 .OO 4-room bungalow Fast Ankeny dis
trict, new n d modern. coot p r
for the bummer.
$23.00 K-room house Tiedmorit ditrt-t.
eiua l to lr ington . trir t :y Tnourn;
U.u, tirepla.e, ail couvvnieuvca.
Call at our cTice or pbone,
.f Washington bt ,
Main 6w PMoN ES A 177T.
o-oTn mWfm bur.gattw, r? K.
et . 2 blka. so. of 14 aw thorns
ave. 12.
room modern house a K. ftth at .
N.. $V
V-r m house Slat and F meren. $.
4-room fiat. fi ir.. 4
3-room fiat, rlse in. $
2 -room f . t, c in, V
411 Chamber of C;inrce.
meif.r fr iKf rui:: i-.rvtal
Complete and re. ab i,t f mii rerant
tvosea f Sta. sfsrioicitta aoa bunga.ows
la the citv. Ma-e um of tft m service wheo
yoa 3a;re, l nis dos cot cbligat ou tn
any manner to this store. Yo w... find
us read snd aLir.( at a.l t.mea to he p
yoo in iocs t 'eg ew comer a in Port la 3 4
will f.nd m .a ee rv e eae.-ial.y a.ui.
P eej eaiats tax-n and owe re of pntf
property ere nHd lo i-t tteir unoc
Cwp.ed spartmeni. i a'.s and hauM at A k rana s r rt Items liureaa.
THE a. J Ac li CO,
-o U Ali b i .
MAIN u. a 1777.
E. TA Y LOll, w -at -oih. god modern h vt:a f ur&ace. $ i f,
K l.NiiluN". ct.u.w -tiu home, a
lo v t la-- e : r:un rent i 4. S.
WESrvMDE. (.:. on 1 if th s;.. close
down, nnlr l .Mi.
NEVV UlN'i Al.OW. goo! location. $13
A. H. ltlKlttl.l. CO.. . I 7 Nort: rS;e.-n
Hank b.Og. a.ra:i.l 4114. A 41lv
Splendid hou.e s:;i near 1-aarelhurs-Pa.a
for sa.e at Very rn f sare. very
easy unr.i lo a roaoas.6. Home
bj.ider 1 will g. e second ntottage pn
lege and wii. iun ;u-ne w.i.i w u .
to but.d. No coatrwclors tccU app.y. lie
. Oregon an.
UK. HOU&E lll'NTEIt,
Seo Ua before )uu rul a p.ce lUe
tn. Five tninutea lu ou i:u uud r our
new system a a tuuutit o( prtnl
earcbtug. W w itl ato m ou auy prop
er ( y you witi to see. litt y.
IMLHSrAlrl Till.-; 4. LO.V. o,
615 oerunger bldg. alia -sol.
Co. Y aev en-room muo-ru hot 4;ri
bath; new.- p.inted ana Hirou!,
out; fail btnuci. i, si-ee.a g -vd p; um j
1kg. h kit, t.en. etc . Ct i -I'.f .it 1
i-.v taut sarroui.i.;tiKS at.U good lKatint.
i''S ku, tu-v---.e i-iu C-.i l -r
key v-vd st.
Fist. 6 room a, 41 7. tt il, modern, cow
tldo. Coiujc C: J 4i it au. mtx u.u oi
ler. New uiucrra i ot tage. t ao..aud si.,
ii-ar peiilnauiar I'sra, iU-o'.
ED.VARl'.S Co., ita and oaa Main IT' 2 7.
$ id NICE four-room modern house,
p iac. fruit t reea. f m v lo.-.iion. sxa log a
sc. tetwu hlai .7;i r.d -5th Ai-i.'.
on j'Toperiy Sanaa). Ta .- Wo illaw .ar.
1-RoV 1DEN T l Kl I COM PAN 3.
12 be.l.i.g
Foil RENT 6-room h ue. No. 172 i:7"lTii
at ; has rood range and Lcorooru set; rei:
1 13. -111 VI. a :n.i. rooms, nioderu
furnace, f tr-;la. c ; lent $22. 1. a. Cow
4 Co , or la.-or 114.
brl!KA RLE - room dwe.l.&g. Zi tnad
w ay W cat . f i: et'.ace. t urnaoe, gas.
tru ity, modern i iuii.u:ng, itxsouaoes reic
Frrd ei. Wu.iama First ac
"7b JoHXfroN airtci, niiK.ern, at the 1j
price of $3.V
UrO Northweatrrn iiark Hal.
HOl'h'tft, FL-aTS AM aIuil-S.
J - J. oKULit.
Real r.aute ait4 ltntals.
traud a., at ri. Annu,.
ItlVKKuALii Folt IvLNT.
Modern 4-tootn, 2 minutes'
w. a from Lwa we ooc Phone aiuia
ifcg. A 44L
6-RoOM M OPr'RN' I'OTTACK F.repla.e.
heater, ttinucn:, ci-nrut flxir. waa.i
traa g" ai- r.ectriwiy. 722 kuitnomati.
1' Last -u.
0 No. 41 1 11th at., tkr.r 11. .1 sc.
c.e o and -es.rab.e. Knt 1 v Kry -i
.No. 4':i )ltb ac 1 rrl.1, k; Si Co..
No. 16 V J st.
NEAT 4-room cottage, t.ew : painted. e-r
room tint d ; w ood work arni..ed and
c.rared. .- j Fremont st. Key 3. a t remonc
U-ROOM house. 27 L. Ai.kc:.) ,
duced. h vr pa: tiru.n
J J. or.UKJi.
Grand ave, at i.aat Ankm?
1HV INuTu.V, 7-roo:n houw. near c hol. fur
nsre. firrpljice. rWucvl. a. so lurt. ..ed
r om In lin. aid e. li Z 2."i. -
1 1 44 rooms, new .y t:. ted.
irr.rj. si.aaes. vn, rux .
mmp.fle. r-eno-.J i 4 T, lt:i
5 l.ooM, No. 41 11th. H.i'l .
r.rat-c-Aaa condit. on and loatu.n; rent
i'rr r.. V a t a ins Jk oi .! st
ON' T iy own a h"i.a-i -a t ma-i t
..ur e n uiiuluiil. Pho:ia lU t r , Mac
haJ i I-'. x
T- R oM mod m b-'U- on I h- N! areoa li a:,
for rent, $.: Apb.v ;M Mars iait at., or
phone A t Main -14
7 ROOM S. ha r1 w ol floors, f -replace
67th. near Rswih-.rne
.one Last
$ ROoMa' furnace. e:ctrli:. gas, two fl:
p.acca. wa. icing d'.taao. Ap.. ei4 Mor
gan b.g l.eut $.1
NFW C- room ri4oi'.in l.o-a-. fuatui
West, fine view tr n.r. c. L. Atairutit,
own-r. .Mar-bell 1 1 1 .
bTrticTLV modern biga-cl
1 loaed sleep. tg Pwrci.;
1 aoor -1
aas 7-room ltoue
i-.tcre.nuiac C .
Mt'L 5-room coti.rc, rmMti led. painted,
peoer '.. 1 lots, r-rutt tr--s. luce ard.
K. Taylor, near 3iui ; rraaotiauir.
$ 1 1 LOV L Y . new "4-room bungalow, Putth
kitcbcti. lawn, rosea, 1 M. Ml. cott
car. Mrs. Ueald. Tabor 14--.
MODERN "t-room bouas. good nelgbborlaood.
reaeunaMe. good car aervtce ; iruit axid
yard. 1'bore tWilwod --.
ilu'tl; 7-room bouse; has Iarc porcb.
4 tcd rooms a uli esira room lu ::ic. tow
renu Call 44;i lltn st.
FOR KENT 7-room bouse, newly pApcred;
II all. near Rroa,dwy ; reaouab.a rent.
Plmue M-in 7 01.
, K 1-Hon; Irving:
i..g-portu, one -.
ti''i:ra. Lawn -n
;1 l.o'tii. lurce erep
jom dowrvtaus. :nrt
; fon. Ila. orl .
4-KoOM modern cottugo, centra U in bun
ntde; rvnt $li. lor key phone Tabor
isii. .
NP'K home in Laurelurst.
lettcea. rent 3 o. Inona
ino-rn con v en
latiur .dv.
NKAT f'jrmsheti bungalow; sdJl'.a Pboaa
woodlawn -1
TKOOM HOUSE Full lot. ou West Park
at.; thMp teut. Main 1..M.
iToUf't- Nortli Ittn. t roma, gaa, fur
nsoe. key at owner, 44 Nona 1 tut,
tvrrAoK, 17$ North 17th sc. near O'.isan.
Cheap rem Key at ss .Sunn
Ir oft KPN T 7 -ro.1111 h iue. Irving ton da-
t:it-i. Pbne Xiarba:t
il NOALOW rooms, a.t de. n . $i 7. water
inc. scant July tc uoi Invisi n. W-R car
Fc'R RUNT C-roolu 1 :.-..'io at ivii
ecrniaa. 1 ho:.a Jil. Iwe.
JUST THINK ' t'.nly 414; -rora bouae wltb
bath. 4;-"V Ksh s sc
-RooM mclern hue. fc. lUt-i and Aider
sta; $:. Tabor a4-d.
07 FVEhKTT. rtx me gac ectricty, fur
nace, R' g d;an.e Ph r. t. t h
JdiOOil h-uae f r rent, 74 Kearney. 1'Moce
Msin 454.
$ - K OO M cottage, electric lir lim largg gar
rten. -e H)t st. Call Main b
BOOK modem bouse. 713 Lo ejoy. near
22d. Inquire 1.74 th. Ms.n 4.71.
fCK RENT . 3-room collage, waikmg
d. stance. Prone 311C.
7-R''OM houwo, nice yard. 4 5 East Taylor,
ror. lith Key negt door. Main 3uii
.N-.AM f-"o'yn shoys. rew $-r ocm buna
Iww. Wio H. $Jttt bo. $ia.
MOD F.RN g-roo-n h -uae, IR Halsey c
Phone nt 11J1.
S MONTH, modern $ rooms at l-?4 Cor
r. r k-.o-er; tat;, e ri- !
J P. V 1 N t T O V 7. or - ' om hoUc nTT-hu-en
A- Co. M s t n '''"S-
Hooeea, ,
- t7 Cttntou. inodtrn 4-room bouse, fur-na.-e.
i K, 4 Tt h. modern 4-room bungalow,
f.r. p.a.M-. $;.
i t.. 4 h, modem 4-room bung slow,
f rrj:at-e. -.
3i" tla.-'i htrrippn, 4-room bungalow,
f, 4 . : !.
lv r:. oraut, clear.- bungalow, with
lsxv Ii i n -room w i n 1 r co door,
e. .. a:.d u, to cats. 1.5.
4 l ; i 2 4th. f um laheu comp'e'e. $ ?7. frs.
4-room at 11 axe. w .. La Con.
clean ai.J 41. i.e.
a.i of t :iee :u!ia.ows are r ew ar i
clean and a.l wmUowa :.;ted with cree..
li'u i'i't:i lor i,itii.i'C
uLo. A. lluw, OWUnlX.
ivl l.o g.
i-la"U modern burg low. nice iawn ard
:"!, r ;a $ i i . i . o n rues, le a : a t r u i -
M'lnid eak lurmtufe. d.aip.e. - f jr.
r irtf 4. c t $CCg 1 ear ago; g.icg . ai .
ei ior o 'C 1 lo b.- c j jnt c i a"
Nr.'V -rom niode'n T'-'l 11 4 2 J
r : N ; hi i iajt r.m. 2 ta t it ano m-.n.
a.l cccvrniaocoas w .i leavse c.y; ar e
to re jonit, partlra .'aii T.-:'r !"
N y W a l . r a r 1 1 v Mom ho: . r. e w " .r. I ed.
$'v 712 Faat Oak St. t : mv.
$ "urn l be t eueea.
t-KO" J modern h ouee. gind lcaroa, ;
r.i:.ut" car T '.e trm cii. fau.i:ure r.e.
l .'in clean; p ano nd c-w r.g machiae.
i-arwid ,'.iri, gas. ntn r ic . i . r.c .awn
a...l ;ta. a. f.r er.; to iH 1 ml...m Ow aer
a at -ai to ii;. !..! party on.". !!
t!a.t rnji :ei. 4.1 um it Hn 10 l ai
jt ,irj, . ; i.. tou.h 9 . 1. J mora ta.
. 1 i 1 h.r.0 4 a nd M no .
KuU KK.vt'
4 roms n.o;e inr'ufl
l c o a ti t... WMiaiiiK u . uce i rvm
PI U j.. ! l .-U'i..
04 Jo a II UthM'V Ki'AlTT CO,
412 rian.b.r vf C",""irle
7-K'M jioc. l-rau,..s... t.iiniij.f i, r fc1
riJ lai . ew,i.g tiia -l.jjr. iina.mrt
n.:a, . 1 ti.iug 1 r --. oa. ;r;. i"
r 1.1. j reu. 1 Zf' H s ; . l l . U a cl cs r.
i.rtoti-l J!' Uf)', 1 vJ m;tiwl.a f In
dnw. 1 rrma ej-i.orai.
U1.!AM'1. f ur n d b jr. r sU-w, rr. a h og -an
lur nu ure. ha: d e I . oor. . a . e
:i g p-r. !a. Iiit.,n hma, cut g'.aae.
a j '. a ..i j n -i, aun .n n-t ee .rig -1. . -.-t.
nr, --- .ol.- augha W.. -a:i,i;.c
4i- g:.:a
Nli'Fl.V fjrnIied e-room burga.ow f.-r
uitL.l .Nov 1 or 'r.grr. t rar.g'-.
f. a r. .'. f ooja, fitep,at.c. (jluaCf. t.ue
ba-n-tiC lwn, roaa. rct p . i'u.IJ
'u ). v . 1 .iriua. a 1. mo a t ar. J. 1
.; at. Nona.
Ni- t.l, t.tu 'id .-T oi4i h. -. i-.-n-. a--.
i and -r u.niji , -: 4-i.- i.o
a 2 !!. ::i hue-n--ini u vr..
k I . a ion et-. tti) 1 aaou .t-. ?(..
1 '
WANTJL Jiol.r.ed c -ui. to sns'e rr,-f ra
!-n. tji bi ax1 , j-.a 1.0 . h ua.ti'. ?oi :ojn ,
1 b.oa 10m Wi...a t-a a. .ar. ae.
per m . r. t ii . oi v i:-u to t . 4 Van-
u'Utrr S e.
I.--.- r. 1 i 1 M 1 u
a ir.e tr.iit i'r-;i
rj .i S
. : c
1 2 a and !. w ct a, per 11. ai u t.
J : it $.0. ui ' L. d N '1 a.-er -.
$ s ' MY --r ni f urnuiipil modern bom
1 ;ia ;t"t 11. ttrer ha-l!riu, t "T re'-i
t o tti"n: . par ; : 11.1 i ai a ard 4 a :
. 1 lion- TJ r 4112.
.!i.-j ,.-rooji
mu'.em ton-
.. t.-, iira:i. tic od
a a:.V. C.i). eu 4". M-
U ii.l. lent rii'Ur - 1 Z t ..o::i lJi sa.ow Jo - .
nt.:. 1 !; , tf..t I - 2 pr nwui.i. mr ;u.;:r. g
aii r and ir.ri 1 (nt, houf w.l !: uv c u
ami in g .od . .a 11 . t . w o i.d 1
jToil Jli.N 1 t u. r.. i r.-.j-.. ItM Pvatioii
i 1 c; w-..k1:. ui:(.".tt,
:n: iaaon-bie. il -. .Cu.-..-l X
tx : J to 4 I. M .
1 vn. lir. TirTd.t" f rr..s!n 1 house, mod
t .- ii. f .r ui'-i t:.s or ..ns-r. r na t.v.
o.-t. .a w n or a lrea P-1 t ist
No :: --u
A 1 i it C i I H i-r-K.iu l uii u'w ur.l.. No
1. 1- j.liant .. - t- Noiia.
" a .
rl i;M.-litl bo:m. 1- lo 1J ph-iui, J sep-
;r:,i rooms aud 1 Urco s.cepmg porcn. toi
. 1 .u: 11..! . Pliot,- 1 .at 1.
7 -1 ; M bou. partiv ri.nihriV ii"..i
yrn.,,-i Uv J.' wild Mainiil.
b.-r oil. Ke st osrtr .i-v-
M Li.V lai'-'-d. 4io .:n cotisg.-. re.
Rswlin.e. $l". aatrf. Pgi.l, :el fi,
iio cj .it en. .'4. r.aai 4'.'t:i t,.jbo.:
ZTv liu" fr ie;i 1 urine uminr. ra-o:i-.
i-tano. ,iwi'c. ni ".-ru. rloee in. i-x-!
,0 1 -tn. tlat 1- , 4-al .V.r.
C Ci l.l.i l-I.Y furnhed
. -; - s. -. ;:n i-iv .-i.
.- ro.-m o ui.,a -o w .
V I- " - w Ood
Hooia. liauyv. I r. 1 ti i rf , a oi'j
IrtVlNdl ON Part of a fum.ebed bouse ts
tt: t j'rr:naLnt,T, "i rooms uowu aiairs.
lUal'-OA Ksat 4r4. .
bl'iik n.Y iivnlcn 7-room lu.r.ishe
?4 .Mrimi re. ca.l sticr b -
law n J 14.
IU KIVK ruoais. futr.hcd. tacept dishes
and beading, rice ar and p.-rcb. 1M
t . -i ' a i.
IC Ml' n.Kiern 4 ro -n Cs'-.f -r r..a bjnia
...w f.n m d. West oH. $l.t.
M.';ii:-4 .
WEI.L-Kf UMSHhU ti-iooiu buae. p.ano.
iHiat r.rtU, Juy 12 to Aug. -1. $4o. -oi
Kaat od at .N. - Uti.our l...ine. lu!.I J..V 1 -r " n;oi.:i.s. r-jii.. s. p.. - port fc,
. -t -. ! : l-
.Ntrt LY turn .an rd modern bunga.o w . iaa
and r;owia. J t.-lie Mwia-. A-U r caul
. 11. a St. f'oatlc
nT. V, ta fie-ro:n bungalow, r.i-ely
f uri.Le.'.- ti. l!aw::io:ne urUC all bun-
... i . '-l K- l 1 :r:,vin st
Cv-VI L1.TLU- fur mailed o-rm oStaga;
.,.,n j, u,..a. -rti. j:iiiit-r i;ion;bs. OJ
. -tidren. o. J..:ist Maiu Mol.
NT'UI Y furn'ahrd. nmJcra. 7-room house. poicn. Lad.i s AJ.ii'.on. or bwio.
met U4 .it.Uia. l'hine 11. alu.
CC-MPLETI1LY furtilsbed cottage. 1 roome.
u " a . su o ntj,
t.etax Kua.K.1. $1?.
Fo 11 KiN i -jr n.rbed r.tU" l;i Ir v It. fit on ;
ae i" tu : lo I a, b. p. t-p.t:.
1... ir '. J H. '.-n Nt rtl.
4lt.'0t .ari-e )-ru. f,owes. c i:;. tai- . v i-r i.-w (oi.t I tej. T.u.e 1-J..4).
W . H. I.oi. Mars. '.a. a I -. 11 ,.
rTKSlIli;i modern C-roor-i bur,ai..w with
port iw e iity Psia. Uo biocK
1. . .n t:. '!- r.e y. l
i p. m i t mo.iin. c-1. eieirtc, n.e kiuf
414 prr ti. li. w .1. i. J 1. lr-
i. n. Kir. i. 1 M..u-n. 1 a for "-t
$; . ;. I.- o.d t jri;-w.ed t-ottage, L tn
latui;:., TJbor 4-4'.1
1aW 1 li'l; W li-rv-. .11 i.u. .-; ow n. r -an;
t kt - r o.'. c A' il s. r-goniarv
IN htUMlloN. f arn.ahed
up.e .
itliOU'AAl Fumisned lur-iwm
t : K e . . trj -icl ' K li ' S, f r 1 1
t N iN ltUN'iAl.W r, jftV,i . i,ii?v,
1 . : o . 4". ,i. n M t llati''.
t v, bu:aow-. 1U7 cii an Ha w: borne
t r L.i ::uot.d car. 37ih ; garden , 3-Q.
i i. i A NT L I-nupied m de.-n I-rom
t.ot ,-u.ow-; .... F. Mm.n si
i-KoOM furnished .ot;sge. bath, gaa ae
i.g por. n. M-ouri. w oou.n 1 4--
-RooM bur..i:--w . fii-eplsre, lutc kjtcbea.
tin was. i tra;s. ln-e Last M
K M niuiKm boos". p!ea.-anC C44 T.l.s-
ntouk sc lrt-tie fcast .-..
4- is o -M bouae fr re:.:, f -ir r . ; ura t '-e
i'TK A N, n-a : : y f u; n .h ed .'-room c : lac e
rraoiai.t. to "prmai nt tcnai.t Ki"tc
; i.
l.t.--; CITY PARK "--v,-ify fi.i.und
bungalow fir r--nt Toor 3 'a . 1 1 t 4.
PI N 1 furn'.rd Ktta. pl-no. -'4 Al-
p--i r-.i ""77 1m ?.'..
i.n , o:i . li a e uT lio ut s
p -"le M ar J a , , 14 4 4
l i
1 ..:.-i!l. i ..-!- m lu'U
"ih -ot th.
iCVPP'TTULY furn'i!.J .' w: garage.
i.- k .ar:.n. rent ci.'-ip. Fast M.3.
4-l;iM mode-n bvriif o. f-irnlsed, Mu
i-, 1 1 car. P. lone -..w tod 11-. '
nKMcHFI f rt-iipirt 4uodern 7-:ri b' e
3 t.rooM-l, Hi.l".'H!f .1t. T AT 4' '1.
Mmmer Kertw.
frlA.-il'K Tie t:.'r:a cottage. . rooms.
"r: t rcii'. t-. 1 -)u at prtmlsesor ct
afiff Vor:a.
Two roin-ea, !-o a.ey HsU. feaside,
t'a I Ma n t" l-. Voncav
jTrcoM furmhed eottnee at Osrhtrt $
ter week. ln-,u!re 2"i Broadway, near
w r.evK r
f' O iTail f ;rr.:'-. (si hotjsee on Kramar
point at Flk Creeac Ap.y Irapsrlai ir-..U
Astor;a, or.
fvT'KFVT Lats roft.tre at r.ararl : Pf"-er-
ard coir, pieteiy furnished, pnosa Var.
a-V.OC3T house at &-aide lor rent cheap.
4;, ;. ;'.U.u iU'Llfi' a.e: . W ot .a e a
i J'..
i t. i.MJir-4 cd:.-, -'-'' fc
i'i.:ie ii-in 7 1 1. v 'I
U 'MPLKTl'LY furnished co'tsge. c
r . : : it . k. n st. "wv'ci
. - 4.t o.M 'ottjgo, li.te n. . VmC',
r- t J : 1 P. ne V a l -
SioM uTm ned 1- uff. Ir i:irf Pn. i enl
tC ti aat L!il
. M r ut r..!.cd bouaw, i t a.. W o.J- j
, '4' .
R 1 ' :Z rr-".BC r" brach. W1 lC-Stel.
caow $. Ju-r 12. ibsat ev.