ALL FOLK KEYED TO PATRIOTIC FERVOR Deep Sense of Significance of Fourth to Be Manifest at Monster Gathering. DAY TO UNITE NATIONALS Great Celebration of Independence to Be Marked by Demonstration in Americanization on Mult nomah Field Tomorrow. PROGRAMME OP" JOIXT CELE BRATION MONDAY OF" PA TRIOTIC A.VU NATIONAL SOCIETIES AT MULT NOMAH FIELD. Members of Grand Army posts, Women's Relief Corps and other patriotic organizations assemble at 9 o'clock at the Courthouse. National societies participating assemble at their respective halls. March from the Courthouse of participating- organizations at 9:30 o'clock, headed by Grand Army and affiliated organiza tions. Parade goes up Salmon street to Multnomah Field. Patriotic exercises at Multno mah Field beginning at 10 o'clock with singing, flag-raising and drill by schoolgirls under Pro fessor Robert Krohn. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by George W. CaldwelL Addresses by Governor Withy combe, C. A. Johns and Wallace McCamant. Tableau arranged by Portland women's patriotic societies. Salute by Battery A. Oregon National Guard, and dismissal. There Is an Indication of a deep and awakened sense of the significance of Independence day to the American citizen which has manifested Itself In preparation for a broader and more comprehensive observance of the day than Portland has witnessed In many years. This Is to be especially manifested in the tremendous gathering of citi zens from all of the patriotic and Na tional societies of the .city which will be held at Multnomah Field, tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Here with impressive ceremony, thousands of people of all races and national origin, who have become citizens of the United States, will Join the native-born citizens in a common observance of the historical anniversary that marks the birth of the United States Republic. This celebration will be but one of innumerable such celebrations held In all of the principal cities of the United States, but the people of Portland will have gathered. It is predicted, in one of the greatest assemblages, in propor tion to the population of the city, that will participate in the nation-wide "Americanization day." Entire City to Be Represented. The ceremony at Multnomah Field forms the core about which clus ter dozens of community celebrations, lodge celebrations, Sunday school and parish gatherings in honor of Inde pendence day a cluster of public meetings which represent virtually the whole population of the city and which mean that the people have made unanimous preparation for fitting observance of the day. For there is scarcely one of these gatherings which devotes its programme solely to the picnic features and sports, but nearly every one has arranged a programme in which formal recognition of the historic meaning of the anniversary is fully and seriously given. Plans for the celebration at Multno mah Field were finally discussed by the Joint committees at a meeting yes terday held at the Grand Army of the Republic headquarters in the Court house. One of the great features of the pro gramme will be the singing by a chorus of 200O school children from the eighth and ninth grades in the city, under the direction of Professor W. H. Boyer. The children of the eighth and ninth grades who are to participate in this will assemble at the Lincoln High School at 9 o'clock tomorrow and will march with Professor Boyer, in a body, to Multnomah Field. 25 Girla to Give Flag Drill. Professor Robert Krohn will assem ble his 250 school girls who are to give the flag drill at the schoolhouse also and will march with them to Park and Salmon streets, where they will fall In with the Grand Army of the Republic and other organization and march to Multnomah Field. The Grany Army has issued a request for members of all of its posts in the city who are able to march to as semble at the Courthouse at 9 o'clock. Here also will assemble the members of the Women's Relief Corps, the Spanish War Veterans and other patriotic organizations. - The various National societies will assemble at their own halls and march at 9:30 to Join the Grand Army body at the Courthouse, or will go individually to the field, according to their wishes in the matter. The members of the Grand Army and other patriotic organizations, who are not able to make the short march from the Courthouse to the field, will Join the line at the entrance of the field and march in with the rest. Reserva tions have been made for the partici pating organizations In the grandstand of Multnomah Field, and the general assemblage will cluster about in the field Itself, where the bandstand and speakers' stand, have been erected. Programme Is Patriotic The following programme has been announced to take place at Mult nomah Field after the assembling of the participating organizations: Patriotic musical selection by band. Pinirlns of "America" by children of public schools, assisted by audience; direction Pro fessor Boyer. Raisins; of American flair. At signal from Chairman Krohn entire as semblage will Join tn reading the "Salute to the Fhig. as follows: "I pledpe allegiance to our f!aa;. and to the Republic for which It stands one Na tion, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all." Fla drill. 2.10 girls under direction of . I'rorfvor ivronn. Reading Declaration of Independence. George W. Caldwell. Musical selection by band. Address. Governor James Wlthycombe. Address. C. A. Johns. Address. Wallace McCamant. Kinging of "Star-Spanisled Banner," school children and audience. Tableau, arranged by women of Portland patriotic societies. This spectacle takes place on R"aner s siana. Salute by Portland Battery, Oregon Na tional Guard. Dismissal. The members of the committee that has handled the preparations for this programme are: Robert Krohn. chair man, Mark Woodruff, L. R. Alderman. Dr. F. H. Dammasch, Henry Harkvon, r . C. Pozzi. T. B. McDevitt. James Mc Curren, H. C. DittrJch, W. H. Boyer, COMMITTEE IX CHARGE OF "AMERICANIZATION DAY CELEBRATION TO BE HELD TOMORROW. t fv -i I :x II V j ky y.-'.-y ..- , ; M mi4 llL"i 1 ill I "vm ll up ' J J 11 II - . v - ill ? 1 III- , . ell j ill Mrs. Harriet Hendee and A. E. Borth- wick. In the meantime, many of the com munity centers will be holding their programmes in various parts of the city. The community celebrations. however, - are, for the most part, ex tended throughout the afternoon with sports and . concerts following the formal programme of the morning. The preliminary observance of the day begins today, of course, with pa triotic sermons In most of the pulpits of the city and with a number of ex cursions and celebrations by roclal and fraternal organizations. Chief among these are the excursions of the Press Club to Bonneville, the Wood men of the World to Crystal Lake Park and other fraternal organizations in nearby parks. Both today and tomorrow all of the steamers on the river have arranged for special excursions and many hun dreds of people are preparing to enjoy these. Railway lines have also arranged for special rates for excursions and there will be many individual parties going to the beach and to resorts up the Willamette Valley. i FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRA TIONS IN AD ABOUT PORTLAND. Today. Press Club excursion to Bonne t ville. I Woodmen of the World at I Crystal Lake Park. Knights and Ladies of Secur- ity at Crystal Lake Park. Maccabees Lodge No. 1. at Ei tacada. Fraternal Brotherhood, at Ca nemah Park. Monday. Local patriotic and National societies at Multnomah Field at 10 A. M-, in great Americaniza tion Day Celebration." Mazamas' annual ascent of Mount Hood. Irvington community celebra tion at Irvington Club. Kenilworth community cele bration at Kenilworth Park. North Portland Commercial Club at Peninsula Park. Joint Sunday school and com munity celebration all day at Columbia Park. Sell wood community celebra tion at Sellwood playground and park. Woodstock community celebra tion at schoolhouse. Laurelhurst community cele-. bration and children's pageant at playground. Albina Homestead Parent Teacher Association celebration at Lincoln Park. Yacht and Rowing Club at Os wego Lake. Holy Cross parish celebration at Columbia University grounds. St. Stephens parish celebration at church grounds. Hast Forty second and Taylor streets. St. Lawrence parish celebration at Crystal Lake Park. Oddfellows' and Rebekahs' cel ebration at Bonneville. Washington Park "open house" at the playgrounds." Clan MacLeay at Cricket Club grounds. Eatacada fire department at Estacada. Moose Lodge at Gladstone. German Baptist Sunday school I at Jennings Lodge. Sellwood Oddfellows at Esta cada. Welsh societies at Gladstone. Morrow County Association at f Columbia Park. Community celebrations at Sandy. Arleta, schoolhouse and at I Gresham. J Forty-fifth street Baptist Sun- day school picnic at Mount Tabor Park. 150 MILITIAMEN TO GO ALDAN V TO ARRIVE ABOUT JULY 24 FOR 15-DAY CRUISE. Several Daaliru House Allow Men Pax for Maaeurera. Fair Will Be VUUed. About 150 members of the Oregon Naval Militia, will be the force that takes charge of the cruiser Albany in Portland July 26 for a-l-day cruise along the Pacific Coast. A check of the men who will be able to go has been made by Captain Blatr. of the Militia. He urges that all business houses per mit their employes who are militiamen to go on the trip. Several concerns already have announced that their men will receive leave on pay while they are away. Word has been received that the cruiser Albany wiil arrive in Portland Saturday night. July 21. or early Sun day, July 2i. Early Monday morning the militiamen will go aboard and the start will be made. The regular crew of the ship will have charge between Portland and Astoria, where the Naval Militia will take full charge of the ship. July 27 the cruisvr will pass out over the bar at the mouth of the Columbia and will go to sea. Four days later she will dock at San Francisco, where four days are to be passed. After this the ship will go to sea and pass sev eral days maneuvering, finally bring ing up at 1'ort Angeles, where, after a short stay, the ship will go to sea for target practice. The return will be made by the ship. It being the plan to have the vessel reach Portland again August 9. KENILWORTH PLANS FETE i Fourth of July Programme Will In clude IMcnlc and Concert. The citizens of the Kenilworth dis trict are planning the most enthusias tic Fourth of July celebration In Its history. The programme will begin tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock with a community gathering at Kenilworth Park, and at noon a picnic lunch will be served. At 1 o'clock a track meet for boys will be staged under the direction of I. K. Harrlgan. r . v inne will prei-lde at the patriotic exercises at - o'clock. Mrs. j. li. tomiinson win read me i-'ecla ra tion of Independence, and J. p, if l V- ':. I J I h I Kavanaugh will deliver - the patriotic address. A concert will be given at 3 o'clock A programme by the Playground chil dren will be given under the direction of Irene Lacey. This will Include maypole and a fairy and flag drill. The celebration committee, ts composed of cev. L. K. I-.ichardson. F. W. Wlnne. T H. Compton, Mrs. A. Gerard v, J. M. Berdolt. Mrs. A. E. Lacey. F.. F. Mo!. denhauer. Irene Lacey and K. K. llar- rlgan. Kef reshments. including coffee and sanawicnes. Ices and confections. will be served from a booth In charge of E. F. Moldenhauer and Mrs. A. E. Lacey. OPIUM SMUGGLER JAILED Light Sentence) til veil Former Head of King Bccaoke of Family, i B. Stevens, nee king of a Port land opium-smuggling ring, was let off easy in Federal Court yesterday after a recent lapse Into his old habit of bringing the contraband drug Into in is country, following a trip to Van couver. B. C. be was arrested upon his return to Portland and a ran of opium was found In his Pockets. H was sentenced yesterday to pay a line oi ov and serve 30 days In Jail but. after making a plea that his fam. Ily would suffer, followed by the offer of the Portland Railway. Light c Pow er Company, by which concern he has been employed, to take him back to work If he could return In one month, the sentence was cut to ten days In the county Jail. REFUND OF FINES SOUGHT Str Sand Company AYitnt City to H cm ore 91440 Collected tn 1001 An effort U to be made by th tr Snd Company to t back from the ciiy a total of 91440 which was taken Torn the rompany durlnic th admin in ration oi .Mayor Lane in lo an pen alties for delays in the completion of aireei-pavintr projects. Itequ-st for a refund of the money was made yes terday and mill b considered by the Council next week. It Is vafd the- company urot , lonj list of contracts at the samo time and rnshed them to completion as ranldlv aa possible It wan found lmpolble to complete all of thtm within time, and for that reason the company wai iint-a lor oeiays. ih total nna were $1448. which amount the company wantx reiurnei, with i-er cent In-teret-i tor each year since J una JO, PAST OAYS TOLO OF Fourths in State From 1841 to 1914 Are Recalled. PROGRAMMES ARE GIVEN Oregon Historical Society It coords Prcrlbc Briefly Incident la and About Portland at Ivon llt of Celebrations. BT GEORGE H. HIM US. Fourth of July celebrations of one form or another have taken place prac tically avery year In tha "Oregon country- for tha last 74 years. The record of these programmes from 1S41 to 1914. Inclusive. Is an epic of patriotism, not unmlngled with humorous Incidents and cllmatlcal lore, and calls up many names now found In memory. The following extracta of accounta of the celebrations are taken from the Oreaon Historical Society records, and mention only in a brief way what occurred here In ob servance of American independence: 1M1 Sunder. July 4 A flne day: cele bration on rth. MonJa'. uotlrr direction of Capiat in Cnarlea, Iniijd hntr Nvy, nr Krt now in P.rc County, Washington; jrr. Itcv, John I. ;u htnond : Scripture read by Captain Wilkes; !&.. ration read by a-rcaiit of marines; oration. Hev. J. 1. KUhmond. Momtay. July 4 Somewhat cioudy. but a pleaaant cay. Hev. J. s, on n in. lh.TC, stated t hat he rad the I . ! ra tion of Independence and made a fw re marks rciat!v to the day ti hs place nr.r ll.ilsbora. 14.1 Tu-dsy. Jul 4 A fine day. as teatl- n-d to by V, X. Mattfcieu. MMor-m Craw ford end Itev. Jol.n S. l.rifltn. The two that rame to Or son In lot and the latter In IfeJW. 1S4 4 Thursday. July 4 A delicti tfut day; o reported by M. M. lcCsrvcrv who came lu 43. Ce!Hrmtlea at Cham pa eg. 284.VFrlday. July 4 Colonel H. K. Shaw. who came In J(4, eld the day waa One tn Marion County. It was apropriatcy celebrated at Cham po m - IMti -rttunisi) . July 4 i. !bratton at Ore- son Ciiy. Rev. J. I, farriah. crtaplain; A. U. iovejoy, reader of Ulti ation. I'ctrr II. liurnett, orator: weather tine. I'e'.ehratlon ta Sai. ni Chaptatn. He v. lavld read r of lrc;retlon, J. S. Smith Imrmtyr of rgn in 1 ; ora tr. Colonel W. Ki. T Vault, nrat eciitor of treson Sp--ta tor. Ural newspaper la Ur Cn. eatabtlahed February i. 144. 1847 Sunday. July 4 C:eration on 6th at 1'ort.and. Orator. Kv. w i: l tarn Koberta. f ay atunny. 14 TueaOay, July 4 OlebraMon at Ore- Son City; hoe day; orator. Columbia .Lan caster. IMu Wednesday. July 4 A h-autifut day. atated by Key. A!vJn K. Wa.ler lt4M. H ram Straicl.t 4 lfc42 1 and S. W. Moaa f 14. i. C".e'ratlan at Orecon City. 2 wo Thurda. Ju'.y 4 A nne da ; ce'e- bratlon at I'ort ;and : chaplain. He v. 14. I- man ; leraratin read ty W. C. Cald -w-ll; oration by Colonel Wii;um M, Ktni. C.ehration at orrton City. W. W. ltu-a,. preaident f the day; Hev. Kara Kiher. rl.aplaln; K Intatnc I'ritr hatt. a tins iiov eroor, orator. ; niarahal. A. I. loc joy. At ttie d.nnet a number of toaan were of fered, amons them one In vorrie follow Ins: "Oregon from the fertl.tty of Ita aii;, the sa i ubrit y of Ita climate, t he ftnr.t place in North A me r Ira for the real, dence of rlvilsed man. I'eellaued Has Olebrat loau ISil Friday. July 4 Celebration la Port- la tid ; tlv.m day ; chaplain, lie v. J. M. Wii bur; reader of IOaratloa. W. H uit; oratrtr, Tiionui J. lr yer. editor The cre souien; exerciaee In Taylor-Street Mnno i il rip tat opal C.iurvh ; dinner in chur. u- ard. corner Second and Tay : r atreeta. :iw occup ed by the Turny but:d:r.a. Mnljr, July i Celeuralon o Den- niaon bulldins. Front and Starat streets : chaplain. Kv. llurae Lmo; reader of iK-t'raiioit. t". rl. M icka; of a tor, lie 1. 4. Hue ha nan : fine Oay. If Monday. July 4 A fine day; salutea. r icurvlntta. etc.. but no celebration. V".4 Tuesday. July 4 .e.. r-l re lebralloa ; One day. Lieutenant W eii.thal. reader, orator. Oranse Jacobs : proceaun. eoo in Una: firemen took lead in c part. 2 i,W Wednesday, J uiy 4 ier era I eelehra- tkn; Dn day: nremen toutt leadlnc part, shubrlt-k Norrla. marshal . reader. A. I. Dennis on ; orator. Benjamin t-tark ; a lutea. t'nl'vd States war steamer at sasa chuaetts; ex ere lees In 'grove north of the Vlliase. Aatorla Ilea Cele-brat kosw IHiS Friday. Jnly 4 Fine day : no general ceienration in fort land : ceiebra'ton at Aamrbt ; iecla ri t in read by J. 1. Mol nian ; oration. W If. tira ; addreaa. T. J. " Inr. editor The Ornotiun. Jij Saturday. July 4 Vtaiianre hook and ladder company celebrated; oration. Iaua Inc Stout; day fine; reiebtatloa general throushout the Country. IV.a Monday. July S Celebration by Port land fire department; oration by J. M. Yansyckle; Charlie Hut china, grand mar ahaJ; John McCraken. reader; oration, tieperal Kdward Hamilton: fag presenti-d to Wlllamtte No. 1 by ladlea of Portland. ray waa tine. !&." Monday. July 4. Clear; celebration at Olympla; General w. K. Harney and suite, f rom Vancouver, present. 1 fVu Tuesday. July 4 Clear and cool : cel- ebra t ion at I'ort land ; J udse Ueorre If. Will tains, orator: celebration at Saleui: Colon"! Kdward O. Iiaker. orator- I 1 SHI Thursday. Ju'.y 4 -floo'ly part of the I day; celebration la lortiand; a . If Far- I rar. orator; Kev. Tbomaa H. Pea me. I chaplain. 19hV2 Friday. Julv 4 Showery: celebration at Olympla; chaplain. Hev H. J. Kvans; reader of Ieciaraihin. li. M. McGIll; ora tion, lulwood Bvint. hhowera ta IMS. 1SH.1 Saturday. July 4 Celebration In Port land : heavy shower; grand marshal. W. H. Hennett, chaplain. Hev. P. S. Caffrey; reader. Hev. T homaa II. Peara" : orator. Amory Holbrwk. editor The Or-grin lan ; dninr on Cnurh'i wharf; t Ire works In e tn Ing n piasa ; rOtMi present. 1.4 Monday. July & No celebration tn port land : day fine: celebration at Van couver. Wash. ; Major lien Jam in A I void, orator. 1 Tuesday. July 4 Fine day; celebra tion tn Port land; Judgi H. 1 Fbttturk. president of the day ; Rev. Iavtd llut- "rlae. chapialn: John McCrak-n. reader; Ki ood Kvana. OI)tnp!i. orator ; emencisr-s In heavy growth of limber Jus: .u(h tt Jeff rrn'in street and west of Fourteen! h ; One parat'r; fireworks In evening. 1 Wednesday. July 4 No ci hrat ion In Portland: one in Vancouver; fine day; "YlonorUteabllltudanltat tbuea,u-a." a loel organisation, dressed tr outlandish fh lm, paraded the streets, creatine much merrttnent. lfto7 Thursday. July 4 A a Meal Hay; no celebration tn I'ort land . "Honoris pa raded in evening 1". Saturday. July 4 A very warm day; celebration; literary eretca. not : t tended; fireworks attract he, display I e Ittg loc a ted on t he "nort h side of i he open blorki In the rear nf th Cent r a! a hnolhou. the site of Portland Hotl .f the prtnt dsy. Ju1 e MaMhrw leady read tne iwcla rat in ; J. II. Heed, orator. Great Parade Held. 1 (Sunday. July 4 eie brat Ion on fo toelt.g Monday; fire day; srt parade; e&ert tsea bet w en 1 orr laon and Yamhl.j and Park and T :nb at te-ta : Ma or Hamilton lld. pr-sioent of the 1 y.elr. grand marshal; chaplain. Hv. W. H Stoy ; reader of Iteolara ton. John Mc Craken: orator. Corge Krani ta Train: f trew orfcs In e en In c. 170 Monday. Ju.y A nir and ht; T2 Segre-a at S A- M . l"l at .1 lO P. M ; no r;rbrmt!nn: fUoniMRi numerous: fir-, works in evening; supply of le e.hausTed. IsTl Tuesday. J uiy 4 Fine day; no gen eral celebration. Parade by local military mm pan lea. J. H M ;t-h : 1 mad an sd 1res In Kaat Portland Park and J. C Morale nd gave a a add re at the p. y p are. 167 J Tliurs-v. July 4 An Ideal day: gen eral celebration ; president of the day. A. P. Iennison: grsnd marshal. At ..t-ber; t haplain. Hey. T. 1- F:io : orator. Hev. 1 l. lrtver; po-t. f-tephen Mayb-r.l; sad er of s nsing. J. H Wyatt. ItuttMiua very large, requiring 17 n.lnutn in papain g a cten point- Site of eaerclses. "i aptaia ieorwe H. rlsndera orchard " 1STT Knday. Ju'v 4 A very pleaaant dajr at 0!y mpta. Waahlnaton Terrltor ; no celebration In Portland; ball In ev-nlr.g. managed by "t'liy Htflea": da delightful. 1!;4 htfiurtia)-. Jn'y 4 A bright day; rr,-. brstton In Kast Portland Pa'k . J. ft M Van Cav. prs-s!.lent nf the day; John ".V. Kelly. ra-ler of I cUTitinii . watoi Juilpo W. W. Thaer. ltr. Monday. July i A Pn day; re'ebra Uuo at Caaea Oarvrtna; paraUe uf aj.;ll- tary companle; ritraena of Iortland scat tered, going to Vancouver. Cascade enj Aaror, Ta.aee) lay rartUad. 1" Tueeday. Ju y 4 cr-at ee;bratlon. yo.O".0 people In Portland; oay fine. Major--eneral o o. .Howard ld pruoeaeloa ; r-rwU-er of Ikciartlnn of nOtendoce. 'Prer.S M Ilemley: orator. e-eecator J. W. N smith, poeta. It. c. Wn;e and Kamuel 1. Simpson; Her. Isaic on chap ain; ea- err tsea In piaaa Ci-ta a Thmit Moun tain had leg broken. city prutu-.y deco rated. FlasstatI r lO f-t high rrtU la plaaa inder Oirect'.on of Captain MouRtaUk, who a iso provided a f as 4U&mi feet. IS" W'edneday. July 4 No general cele bration tn Portland; da t-ne; H; hernia a Henoler.t Sct.-ry had a ce'.et-ra: ion . reader. Hiinrr lel! ; lr. Paul M Hrmin. orator; erciee ta Cast Portland "Park. IS,? Thursday. July 4. A fair day. though lirht shoe era early In morning, fine la afternoon; no gn-ral celebration; numer oua p tunica, boat racing and other games. UTis I'rl'li). Ju!y 4 Slight show er; cele brailn lu Kast I'ortland; J. C. Haethorr.e. M. 1 . president; lr. C. H H-affetv. vu nt ; Hev Arthur W rtaon, ci-.ap!a:n . rea: r of Le la rat ion. C. H llr.,int,pr . M. i. C.eorce. orator; marha .a. 1C A. 1 un ningham and lr. Lav Icafferty. l.l Monday. July i -l-'ine da ; r.o cele bration in Port : and . great celebration at St ate Fair. Sa:em : 1 kx peop.e oa grounds; reader. Frank M. Be w ley; orator. John F. Capiea. Celebratleai la 1MI. l!iI Monday. Julr 4 K-ne day: general celebration in Portland; H. Y. Thompson, president of the day; l).ehop Morris, chap lain; John McCrsken, rcaiier; Kwood tl. sns. Tacoma. W. T.. orator; poet. H. C. White; exercise In plaaa fronting Court -houae; fireworks at Tenth and Columbia streets. lfcv- Tuesday. July 4 No celebration In Portland ; showeiy: grrd ce.vUrattoa promised at Vancouver; out In t he mir.ot of who went thither, tt aa a pro found f'ra.e; too many folka for the ue to accommodate. Isvt V edi.eua . July 4 A fine day; good celebration; e&rle in plaxa . II. W. fat. bett, president of the day; chaplain. Hev. T. I, tlllot ; re ider, ICutua Malloty ; orator. Ceneral N"lson A. Miles; gmnd mar anal. ;e..ral Henry A. Morrow, L n.ted Slates A rmy. 4 Friday. July 4 A fine day; ce'ebra-tt-n la Kast Portland: tiocroor I F. '.rover made the adlrea. Saturday. Ju.y 4 L'Uud fH day: cele bration; prr-:.1-nt of the day Charles H Iold; Chaplain. lie v. 1. W. Chanalet. re-ader of I'er.aratton. If. It. North up. orator. Judge Matthew P. Ieady. 1$m; Monday. Ju y Z Fine in ilcht ahoera latter part of. day. flr Worka and l.lun.:uiton on rt er . parade. . K S WooJ. marshal: president of iay. Juda Matthew p t-ady. chaplain. He. A. I. l. l. ; orator, Thomas Fitch. sll er-ton sued orator" from Ca-l-forma; eaerciaca in Meant Hood Illuminated. 1.S7 Monday. Juy 4 'elebration In Port -land, nne day. Mount Hood l.luminated tnn'li itti P0 ounls of red nre. et -er :es In plaaa: pteslien; tf tlie day. Hemy Famine, chap. am. Kev. T. K. Clapp. realer of lrr;ranan. John McCraken ; oration. ;vravi (letgt 1 W oodt, tine parade of Vni;ed Siatea irpa under com -mend of Colon Thouiaa M. Auderson Ijjhk Wednesday. Ju.y 4 The day propl l.ous; Mount Hood 11 .umtnete., . general c bftiion in rr(inj . gteat paral. ev ert .mrm at pla. Judge Mtthrw f. lrJv. pi esloen : of the d jy . !;-. T. K. C.a pp. rltaplain. leader of the latat.on. C M Id.eiuan. orator. Judge tieoige ki. tl. llau.a. lsi- i hursday. July 4 No celebration In Port ' ar.d but one at Vinrouvtr. line da 2S:wi Fri.lay. Ju.y 4 A lovele da. Ideal f r a r.rirmoti; a--eat parade . rvn :s- In T'Ial. 1 'ha;.- H f od J. prescient oi mf oa ; v . r verctiau r.r.g An.erl. a. Itadtng a chorus T mji ; redr ! let ; ji tjrtn. l'rofess-r K il. Warntan. oration. .e v Thomas I. W aturay. Ju.y Oay rn: to tr braltoii in Portland, fireworks in Mondajr. Juy Per fe i eat he- . re eUratwn at Mtquam ti:n4. C.eo:g t s-er. iltairman of tlie day, reader of I ru.m.un, 1 lt:k Motter. ar-r jangled Hunef-. parrtsh. orator. Joi.a Hat f ett. lta.i Tuesday. Jur 4 Flr.e day for tbe n.ot prt. a:tl.ouci t:re were m, fe 1icit ai.ower a l lor s the day ended . r.o formal c-:ebr:ion. sham bati.e in A'h'.na Para. 1M4 Wednesday. Juy 4 A dei.ghtpjl dcj celebration at tregon tty; t. W. 1'u.ioh. orator. t V at. cou es. Co. one I Thuttiaa M . A nd ft eon. or a tor. I Thur stla y. Ju.y 4 A rainy day. cele brat'on in p.ara. Halph P'att. pr .lent of tie da , r-ap.a.n. Um Charles K. k. I. 1 . M Hee H h h sang r:r .fc;'ancie'1 Hanner' : reader of lr . ara lunH Mo: :er . or tor a. J ud c Alre4 F. e-rata. W a. lace Mcvamaat. M. C. urgri. I1reweka la I nsS lmprrwa. lf;afl. Saturday. July 4 tieneral celebra tion; l.ev. Charie K. Io ke. U. P. map Juio. M:a lie tie Kvaaa. reader ef Ieclara tt.o. luae b.ex a sang i:ar-Bpang.ed Ivani4r". Co.oaei Juno Jckat. A:tf .e -ieneral i" M. ld. titan, wt a iois . im mens nreworka ta e entug 1'-T nunday. July 4 Lay tlr.e; Monday. July ., ce.ebrat;oa to I'ortland. nt.e for gicater part of d. tuough hummer showers came In; exercuiee m Park ItlOckS. frills O. Hughea, pfes.drnt of the do. H. fcldgar P. H;.i. ct.ap.ain; ;-otge W. Caldel reader of le r. tion. Mrs. W . A. Wetxe .1 aang Mir spang, ed Uanner"; oiation by Itobe.-t Treat Plate 1 V. Monday. July 4 lay fine; gret cele bration; great over cap, ure of Admiral t trtr and destruction of rpan lah squadron at rantiagu. He. Fa i her Hlack. cr-ap.ain. orator. Colonel Jamca Jack run, 11. j. A. 1H Tueaday. July 4 Celebration tn Port land. flu day for it. a.inou-ii clouoy part of the time; saerclsea lu ptaaa; l 1 lia-aklos. president of the day. hi v. Alex ander H lack burn, chap.atu; Ma u a ma No-r-l.i sang "Star -Spang led lUnacr" ; ora tor. Wi.:.m l. Fenton. military and ciic parade. X)mi Wednesday. July 4 - Show ery in fore noon; fatr in afternoon. fc.?tarciaea in Cor ure a Theater; Mayor li. S. Koee. presi dent of tbe day; Ivev. W. S, i:;bert. chap lain; Joel M. Lout, orator: 'rtarpa&gcd Hanner. M tea iueie i am bell. Hull Thursday. July 4 Celebration ta Port land; great ctctc parade: Mayor 11. 3. Ho e. president of the day; exercise at M in Ora&d ; reader of Oec! a ration. W. li. Its am us . orator. Frederick W. Mui key. HvJ Friday. July 4 -Celebra Hon In Port land: showery: civic parade; Mayor tieorge 11. Wiiliam. president of the uy; exercises In Marquam oraud ; Colonel C r.. S. Wood, orator. 1 a Saturday. J uiy. 4 Showery ; no cele bration In I'ortland ; sham battle at irv ington. 1104 Monday. July 4 Celebration In Port land, nne day; parade a mile long; Mayor tieorge H. W ill.ama. ptesideut of the day; reader of On .r at ton. W. li. luiraui; M:ss Heat ha Fowler tig "Star-Spangled Hanner"; (ntnr. Hee. W. S. ti. inert. Ftre worka on Multnomah field. firecracker ltarred. HnO TueeJey, July 4 An Ideal day; fire worka in evening on Guitd'a Lake; no Dre era, k era allowed on Kxpoe'tton grounds; a dm tea tons. C-. . I'resident lltuty W . t.oode. preside nt of the flay; Hev. A. A Morrison, chaplain; Harry Hulkley. of Washington. L. C. reader of the Leclsra t .on ; HabM Stephen S. W ise. orator; Mrs. Hoe Uloch-iiauer Sang ter-Spngied Hanner" ; Kev. T. 1. K.lot. D. L., pro nounced the tec-dlcUoa, 2te, Wedneeday. Ju.y 4 A delightful day; puntca in eery direction; pa gmeial re.e- biation la Portland. tu Johns had its first ce.ebratton. Hev. F. 1 Young, chair man ; Hev. Fred J. W rr n. orator, lieu ; Thursday. J u!y 4 CelcUrat ion ta I'ortland; Henry 1. Puio k. president of the Ja ; Hev. Father llgh Mc le It t. c haplain: Judte teorge 11. t litem . pio neer of t.V&. crowned Mrs, Mavi y lcn.sey I -e tn n n Wood, also a pioorr of 1 -- "vlueen of Oregon. she being over l-o ears old . Judge Stephen A. iea ell. of Pendleton, orator; great parade. Mount Hood. Mount A Jama. Mount St. He. ens. I. iu nitrated ; lirew o.'ks oa ilk poe.l.vs grounds. j tifK Saturday. July 4 I m poeaib'e to have bad a finer ia ; no general ritbrtinn ta Por tl and ; uf)'r.i in many d irert ions . numerous celeurat lona throughout W 1. im e'.ta Val.ey. lneSunday , July 4 V fin day; show ery on ith. the day set apart for celt-oration . North A.btca I'ark dedicated. Thlrteea H e lajwrewl. HrHV Monday. July 4 A fine day; no gen eral celebration; firecrackers and other ea ploeles much in evidence; 13 bo a injured, but none seriously. 1911 Tueaday. July 4 A fin day. Ide!; sen celebration; firecracker under tha be a of ctiy authorities; eacursions numer ous : Mour.t Ta bor Par It dedicated. 1U1 J- Thursday. July 4 Part 11. y cloudy. MOTOR OUT TO Cfjnnticlccr 3nn TONIGHT OR ANY OTHEU NIGHT on the Columbia River Hiphway, overlookinp the Columbia Kiver Gortre, Oreiron" moist noted Beauty Spot, Chicken dinner, frh vegetables. Dinner Dancing. New open air Dininfr-Room. Uanrint: floor just opened. Take Base Line road past Auto Cluh. Call t'p Main S6I2 for Kcsrrvalions, Important Change in Arrangements Kilera "Kvrrr Monday I'lrtrtncp Salt-.-- hi-!i lias ! om. j, r,tuilrv lookrd for rvvnt -.. h in I'orilamt anl vloinllv. III ! lo.lp. nc! until Tuesday. Jmljr a, owinic to tt.. osrrv. snce of InJ'-.nJrni day Monda. July S. Tins Information was Calnrt durlnc a ron rrsat lun by an Oirun:n repre sentative wit:! th nunirr of K.Jers Music House, who aJo mentiorej that the innovation of the "Kvery Muni.iv (frn. Sale" of fine 1'innos an. I 1'lyer Pianos had practically put a new phase on Piano buxInK. niaklnir It possible for purrhasers of inoderste and small means to in-ura mnny new and silently u.e.l Instruments at a n-ere fraumrnt of their Ii;.il value. I'urinc the course c-f t!.e week's bui nes msny hich-nriil- new Instruments are sold, and In the innjority of In stances It ts nevei-sary to accept prsi -t:ca:iy new Instruments as part jav mmt. The sale to be held Tunl.iy, July . will be the fourth of th serien. Krlnw sr. listed soma really exceptional f tera for Tuesday only; riasos. Will o t I-el :mo 4:3 v:i7 ll sis M'O ; 1 r. ::) 3o Z'i 1X7 1.-. 40l 1.1 iiUI 111N i.'.O 3CMI 330 4S Leo r:s is? z:z im ... Xi I'h llkT. 4 00 14-1 473 23 Sou 14U Story : 'iark. mahOKany.. Smith a: l:arnes. mahOKany. Ie5ter. mahon.iny llaa.-Uon ilro., walnut..... KrcliliniT. rosewood i'lnrmlon. mahot.iny Kimball, oak CJesrhard. dark oak Kimball. mahOKany lister, leathered oak Klmbull. mahOKany Haines llroe, mahogany.... WiKncr Marsha!l & Wendell Kimball, mahogany Iceland, aolden oak Story & Clark, mahogany... Marshall A Wend.-l! Marshall & Wendell ehnn- Ised Strlnwsy & Sons, ebonlzed.. Ha-aeltcn. ebonUcd Steaer A Sons, mahossry... tuiariion, rosewood Tlt ''""rtisfiv 1 i.. -J.-: .rtn'1 1 ! "l 3 11. era. ilea. Stcik r I'o. Plj nola . . . I Itunitaiow. dirk oak -v KinKsburj. mahOKany oi Weber. ln:n 11;. 1 Jacob iHdl. Karrand. i"ee:lian. Ma hoc . . : Krell Auto irand. fumed ca k Autopiano, nilssion oak :. You shot:!. I see t!.ese .plend.J a.tii.1 31 Ml 4L-. 4TS b l 1 to appreciate them. Kach and rry on. of tho above Pianos i.ave been carefully (oim over, ret oils.. ed. t-.ine.l and reiculaled. K.tch instn.menl en rlrs Kliers famous money-back xuar antee. b tn: rr with Ire. luring and hani;e prtvilece. A liberal supply of m islc aes with each i'layer-Piano, as well as a hand some plaer tenvh. Not only r. toe prices the losMt nt hlc!i u h st lendtd alues ran be of fered, but terms will ! ai ranfre.1 to suit your convenience. A ra:i payroer.t so low that It hardly reimburses us for the cartas rharees. etc.. wi.l take the mJorllv of mem. K1I.KKS MIS1C HOl'Mi Hroad ay at Alder. b4t coo!. deltcMful day for ptrnica. tirur. sns. rtc . . sjine. in ise'... a ir.t Tc:i-f n:w art, I a. . torits. c,. ttii. tions at aucrtuer sr.d .:ban; rscurstn. I. UlUr place l.y UKlun :..-ct 1 1.-. .in Ins tla ; sh.oaeTs ft U minutes en s-iae after J ..i" p. VI ltl KrMav. July 4 simrS4t rurtr In mnrniHK. i.m .Mn r;j.ie4 ui. nt h-.:i, h"-,'i'. lul sat.'lcletitlr to make nt!bir tnnillMona most acresu.e; s.'tri parage in riry of SunOar s hl wnrkers. thrre mi;n b.ns. it waa ..t.nated that there teie IO.isni In line of march. 1S14 ntunl.y, Ju'y 4 A l'i:sMtful flay throushuul; no ie:ebrMli.m In I'ortland; t'harlra A. Johns, at Vancouver. PAVIMG GUARANTEE GIVEN Ore--;, ,n City Adopts Safety I'olicy in Ix-ttlns Contract. OHKOnx CITV. Or, Julv 2. (Spe rial.) The City Council Thursday n;p?:t adopted a policy of safety firs-t when a motion was passed to requiro a ten-year personal bon.l. a five-year surety bond and a depos!t of ten year of the cost of the Main-street pave ment from the W. H. orswick "pm pany. the concern which ha t! e con tract for the Improvement. Th'f were adopted to protect the city after sev eral propositions had been .iisrussed.' Jos'l'li Penso. of the psrlng company, said Inst night that work on the Im provement would start within the next two weeks and that within a month ths street would bo completed. Mayor Jones named a special committee to notify the Portland Hallway. I-icht at Power Company that the Main-,treet track of that company must be Improved- CHAUTAUQUA GETS SINGERS Adrlpliian (Juartrt to O-m-u Mono Srsslont Tursilajr. OKKflON CITY. July X. -Special ) The Chautauqua directors believ. thev hirs chosen wisely tn booklrc the Adelphlan Men's Quartet ns th. cTlc;.-l "opener" for Chautaur-ua r.est Tues day. Til. Adrlphiar.s Is perhaps the oldest quartet In the country an point of service. and ever where at as recognised as one of the best. Th. personnel follows: H. C House, tenor: It. H. House, second tenor: C. H. Aller. baritone, atvj C 1- Alier. bass. The ofliclals have leen after the Adelphian for two eais, A cap in their Summer schedule makes It pos sible for them to come west. The Gladstone sasrmbly opens Tues day with every Indication of a record attendance. In Laii'.amt Rtn sr.d worr.en ri'v-ks ri. aci.v m tunics. len-r Streeclita. at t .ttkttrtl 'ochraa a n d rrt.''"t aS.-a