The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 04, 1915, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
72 Pajres
Pages 1 to 16
Six Sections
Ex-Instructor at Cornell
Seeks Banker's Life,
Assailant Says He Called to
Discuss Shipment of Mu
nitions to Europe.
Mr. Morgan Himself Helps
Butler in Subduing Visitor
After Shots Are Fired.
GLEN COVE, N. Y., July 3. Frank
Holt, a former Cornell University in
structor, attempted to assassinate J.
P. Morgan at East Isle, Mr. Morgan's
Summer home, here today, and to
night confessed that he was the man
who set the bomb which exploded in
the United States Capitol at Wash
ington last night
Mr. Morgan, the victim of the bul
lets which Holt fired today, was said
by specialists at his bedside to be
resting well tonight. No vital organ,
the physicians announced, had been
involved in his injury.
Exact Nature of Wound Not Told.
The physicians, however, declined
to "tell the exact location of Mr. Mor
gan's wounds. Junius Spencer Mor
gan, eldest son of the financier, was
asked to tell the exact nature of the
wounds. After conferring with the
' physicians, young Mr.. Morgan as
serted that the doctors had decided
to add nothing to their previous bul
letins. .-
Holt, by his confession and the de
tailed description of the bomb he
used in the Capitol explosion, stamped
himself as an expert on the use of
explosives, the police assert. Imme
diately after his confession was ob
tained the chief of the Washington
police, a squad of secret service op
erators and New York City detec
tives and Bertillon and finger-print
experts were summoned to Glen
Man Suspected of Other Crimes.
The belief prevailed that Holt had
been connected with other bomb out
rages, which have baffled the police,
noiaoiy ine iinaing recently of a
bomb on the grounds of Andrew
Carnegie's Fifth-avenue residence in
New York City.
Holt shot Mr. Morgan twice. Both
shots took effect in the region of the
hip. A bulletin issued by specialists
at his bedside late today said that
ailere were no unfavorable symptoms
and that Mr. Morgan was resting
Intent to Do Harm Denied.
Holt was overpowered by Mr. Mor
gan and Henry Fiske, the butler in
the Morgan household. He was
placed in jail here, where he issued
Concluded on Fagf , Column 1.)
Black Sea Submarine Alxo Shells
Other Vessels and Drives Ar
mored Cruiser Ahore.
PETROGRAD. via London. July 3.
The activity of a Russian submarine
in the Black Sea is recounted in an
official statement issued by the Ad
miralty today. The undersea boat sank
two Turkish steamers and one sailing;
ship with cargo? a of coal and provi
sions and then exchanged shots with
three armored cruisers. The text of
the statement follows:
A Russian submarine In the Black
Sea today torpedoed and sank a
steamer of 2500 tons. It then set fire
to and sank a sailing ship of 1500 tons.
Subsequently a small steamer was sent
to the bottom. The three vessels were
In the neighborhood of Kesken and
were laden with coal and provisions.
"The submarine also shelled another
steamer anchored In the river and sev
eral coal-laden bargres and a tug were
driven ashore.
"Near the mouth of the Bosphoru
the submarine came into action with
an armored cruiser. After an ex
change of shots this vessel, with two
others of a similar type, were run
Mexican Leader Under Arrest
Evades United States Agents.
EL. PASO. Tex July 3. United States
Secret Service agents, who have been
watching Pascual Orozco. under ar
rest for conspiracy to start a new revo.
lution in Mexico., awoke today to find
their man gone.
Orozco escaped despite a guard of
six armed men at his house. He was
out on bond and technically h.vd the
right to go and come as he willed, but
the Government decided to watch him
as an extreme precaution.
Fear is expressed in Mexican circles
that before many hours the Villa gar
rison at Juarez may place itself under
the command of Orozco. It was re
ported that an armed force was march
ing toward Juarez from the west, and
among the rumors in circulation is one
that Orozco has planned to move to
ward Juarez with this organization.
Consent of Parent Too Indefinite for
-.. Lincoln County Officials.
DAVENPORT. Wash.. July 2. fSne-
cial. After they had made all arrange
ments for their marriage even to their
wedding dinner. Roy E. LJttelL 22 and
Miss Josephine M. Smith. 17. had to
postpone the ceremony until today be
cause the mother of the girl. Mrs.
V. A. Lang, of Milton. Or, had merely
written "I hereby give my consent."
after which she had signed her name,
leaving uncertain whether she consent
ed to sell her wheat, or to the mar
riage of her daughter.
The Auditor was compelled to refuse
the license until telegraphic confirma
tion was received from Mrs. Lang.
Commander of Force in Turkey Is
Keturned to France.
PARIS. July 3. General If. f. E.
Gouraud. commander of the French
expeditionary force at the Dardanelles,
is returning to France.
This announcement is made in the
French official statement made to
night, which says the general, who
was wounded by a shell which fell
near the ambulance on which he was,
is not dangerously wounded.
Former Astoria Teacher Weds.
ington. July 7. Miss Iola Lee Gwynne.
formerly a school teacher at Atorla
and recently residing In Washington
with her parents, was married In this
city today to Henry G. Pratt, of Vir
ginia. Washington will be her perma
nent home, Mr. Pratt being employed
Trip to hTotfe nrgran
Made Quickly. ""
Sulphuric Acid and Match--Heads
Used fofFuse.
Prisoner lieacrlbeg Preliminaries
for Kxpioslon In Washington,
After Denying CUarge When
Confronted by Clew. '
GLEN COVE. N. Y.. July 2. Frank
Holt, the man who shot J. P. Morgan
today,, is the man who set the bomb
that exploded in the United States
Capitol at Washington last night.
In a statement made to Justice
Luyster and Thomas Tunney, head of
the bomb and anarchist squad of the
New York city detective bureau. Holt
confessed setting the bomb and
described it in detail. As a missile
of terror it was said to be unique in
the annals of the New York police
Baanb Result f Kirrisws(.
"I made this bomb." Holt is quoted
as having said in his confession, "with
three sticks of dynamite, sume match
heads and a bottle of sulphuric acid."
"You see." Holt said. "I had experi
mented on it before. Not once, you
know, but many times, and knew Just
what I was. doing. I really didn't take
any chances; I knew when the bomb
would go orf. almost to the minute.
I waited in Washington until I beard
it go off. then I caught the train for
New York. I didn't have much time,
so I had to hurry."
"How did you make the bombr hs
was asked.
Tare Dynamite Stick 1 -.
"Well." he answered. "I took three
sticks of dynamite -and bound them
together. Then with my knife I hol
lowed out a place in, one of the sticks
When I had cleaned it out deep enough
1 put fome match heads into the hose.
"When the match heads were put in
the hole I took a little botUe of sul
phuric acid out of my pocket snd put
a regular cork in the neck. I turned
the bottle upside down and fastened
the cork In the hole In the dynamite.
just above the maich heads. You see
I had timed the sulphuric acid in my
tests before and I knew Just how long
it would take to eat through the cork
and get to the match heads.
Acid Seta Matches Afire.
"When the acid reached the match
heads it set them on fire and caused
the explosion. There wasn't any guess
work about It. I knew how much time
I had. so I hung around while the acid
was eating its way through the cork."
Holt's confession of the Capitol out
rage came fast on the heels of his
denial to newspapermen of the same
charge. Reporters told him the story
from Washington, calling his attention
to the marked similarity In language
used by him In his statement today
and that of the writer of a letter re
lating to the bomb in Washington.
Baas Ttsaed far Mid a lake
According to Holt's confession, he
went to Washington from New Ysrk
yesterday, arriving there about noon.,
He went to the Capitol In the afternoon
and set the bombs at 4 o'clock. He
had timed the explosion at midnight.
After setting the bomb he strolled
about Washington for several hours. In
the evening he went to the Union frUa
tlon. a few blocks from the Capitol, and
' Conci ul-l on 1'ift 6. Cuturan -
a. e- . .sssss. a a a. -... . a
The Hielhrr.
YEKTEftPA Y'R Maximum tempera are,
71 dee-rcee; minimum, degrees.
"TODAT AND MONDAY "robsbly fair; not
much chansa In temperatur; wceterly
m Imla.
Attempt m Life of J. P. Mors ma,
J. f. Xnriu shot twice by ex-Instructor St
Cornell. Section I, pass a.
Assailant confesses It was ha who act bomb
In C'apltul si Washington. Section 1.
pa 1.
Germany la believe planning qulcs. vlctery
aver foea la eucceaalau. tiectloa 1. paso 1.
Pope neutral out not Indifferent. Sect too t,
peg 4.
German estimate place losaes of her enemies
at i.Ow.nut men. Section I. pace I.
Carol n Wilson aaye Italy la profit! of by
tvpnsnrs of other nations la war. Sec
- tloir 1. pas T.
Huerta rearrested m El I'aa and taken to
Jail In default of ball, txctloa I. pace 1.
Land crane area regarded as tied up
festively until Congress acta, section 1
fas :.
Dsn stir.
Work begun on memorial to Starr Baker
'taj. secuoo l. pa- i.
Eeatern tourists tarn eyes westward. See
lion 1. pag 1.
miss eatherin 1'sker. ehlraco heireai
e'O.ew.tUO. to area. faction I. pas 1
Summer session at Ilarkaley attended
students. Section 1. pas a.
Pacific Coast league results Oakland ft,
I'ortSand 4; liin r'ranrlaco 4. Venice 2;
'alt l-k 1. Lo' Angel 3- Section i.
pate 1.
Series opens with shoot at Jenn Station
today. election S. pas 4.
Man who picked up John I Sullivan and
mad champion of him Is fort laud visitor.
Paction 2. pas a.
Dauhert and lobb hold batting honor in
National and American laaauea. Section
". pas 1.
Bathers iin Willamette River. Section 2.
pas 4.
Thre double-header In National Lttfui
divided. Section J. pas 1.
California to have revival of bore racing.
auction 2, pas &.
Mattv desrrtbea facing Cobb's bat for on
inning, section 2. pas 2.
Korrest C. Km I th son, Portland athlat. can
didal (or place aa tiaca and football
coach at University of Idaho, section 2.
ag S.
Spurt mad by Klldr Jon St. Louis Ked
"I Deagu team a Ins praise for bitn.
Section 2. f.ase a.
Kudoiph wilhelm's skill In golf attained as
caddy. Section 2. page 2.
Paririo Northwest.
Salem's festival without peer la city's an
nals. Section 1. pas lu.
Idaho Republican central committee to nam
chairman soon. Section 1. pas S.
Three dead, many Injured as result of rail.
way wreck near Tacoma. Section 1. page
Governor WIthycomb enthusiastic over trip
to Crater Lake. Section 1. pas a.
Baker has big two-day patriotic celebration.
(ion i, page a.
Gladstone Chautauqua tent city Is being
puenco. section l, pag 10.
Vancouver begins observing Fourth. Section
. pag s.
Sharp fight In Washington Republican ranks
imeiy over electloa bills. Section 1, pag
Bingham law praised Jy Tss Commissioner
wauoway. Section 1. pag S.
Medford-JackaonvllI railroad. run by fam
ily, is oii. - aectioa . pag s. ;
Catnmerc'lal aad Maria.
Eighty per cent of Oregon a bo! clip has
been sold. Section 2. pag 13.
Historic American battleship Nlpslc la de
stroy d aa Junk. . Section 2, pag a.
Wheat lowar at Chicago on anticipated larger
arrivals. Section 2. pas IS.
Stock market but little affected by Morgan
shooting. Section 2. page la.
River excursion parties unusually numerous.
Section 2. pag
Report of contemplated change of steamet
line terminal from Flavel to Seattle. s
denied. Section 1. page a.
Psciric Coast freight markets for Jun ar
reviewed. Sec tion 2. pag a.
rertlaad aad Vicinity.
All nationals keyed to American patriotic
fervor. Section 1. pag 12.
Una- Oregon celebrated July 4 each year
from imi to 114 iold In Historical
riocieiy records, faction 1. pag 12.
Remedial Ixjb n Association reports aiding
many needy. Section 2. pag a.
St. Johns and L.lnnton become parts of
I'ortland Thursday morning. Section 1.
pag A.
Resolution dismissing Chamberlain case Is
expected to b adopted Wednesday. Sec
tion 1. page 11.
Mis Allc Paul, head of Congressional Cnion
for Hulfrit. answers Mrs. funk's criti
cism. Section 1. pas II.
Dealr for new start la credited for bringing
Himon Hcnson to Oregon. sctlon 1. pag
Premiums He t of connty fair published snd
betsstr exposition than ver promised. Sec
tion . pag 14.
Laundry-men will open National convention
her June Is. Section 1. pag 14.
Federated women's dubs denounce Congres
sional t'nlon. Section I. pag 1.
plans mad for entertainment of Bridgeport
and enver Hhrlner July II. Section 1.
pag 1.
Investigation of Or r eon tk California land
grant caee by Congressional committee
ad v lad by Mr. Iluated. Section 1. pse li.
The Oaka amusements afford relief from
heat. Section ft. peg 7.
Mllltla to entrain lor annual manuvr to
morroa. Section 1. pag II.
Party of .".O Multnomah Club member IS
climb Mount t. Helens tomorrow. Sec
Hon 2. page .
English botanist restore life to Infected gat-
ocn pnrtii-s. pectii.n I. pag
Ex-Dictator and Five
Others Arrested.
Chief Prisoner Telegraphs Ap
peal to Washington.
Chief Juki ice of v-uprvnic Court
Asked to InMruct in Duties to
lie Performed In Order to
Avoid Molestation.
KL. PASO. Tex, July 1 General
Vlrtorlano Huertfc. ex-Presldcnt of
Mexico, was lodkcd In the county Jail
here late today. Incarcerated with
him were Icnaclo riravo and Kduardo
Caus. Mexican Federal ex-ccneral
General Jose Pe!gado. J. It. Halner and
Enrique Cornstlta.
Hurrta bad been rearrested and the
other five taken Into custody on Fed
eral warrants Issued at Fan Antonio.
charsIns; conspiracy to violate the neu
trallty laws of the United States by
attempting; to launch a new revolution
In Mexico. Failure to procure bond of
115.000 each resulted in their Imprison
(elss t.lveat t Needy Cblldrea.
While being; searched Huerta handed
to Lieutenant M. C. Fhallenberser,
provost marshal, a purse containing
probably $30 In miscellaneous coins.
"Give this to needy Mexican chil
dren.' aald Huerta. "You will find lots
of them."
The hearlna- for the six men was set
for July 11. the date on which General
liuerta la under another bond of 115.-
000 to appear before Georice Ii- Oliver.
United States Commissioner, on similar
charges previously filed by Federal of
ficers in El rasa. .-
- . JavlalKy- ), Disappeared.
Por the first time since ha reached
El Paso, last Sunday. Iluerta's Jovial
ity had disappeared- As he entered the
Federal courtroom It was noticeable
that his accustomed smile was none
and there waa an unusual seriousness
In his manner and speech. He spoke
emphatically as he voiced Ms protest
against the surveillance of the civil
and military g-tiarda. although the bond
required by the Federal authorities
had been furnished.
Iluerta's manner waa earnest aa he
said he had been provoked to anger
for the first time since he entered the
United Stales, and declared that had
It not been for certain circumstances
"I would have shot him." referring; to
Edward Bryant. United States Deputy
Marshal. Subsequently Huerta ex
plained that his anger was aroused
because Ilryant had pushed Iluerta's
little son from the running; board of
a i automobile as they started for the
Federal bulldlnc.
Mrs Are Taken ta Jail.
Although Federal authorities ware
llent as to the significance of the case.
It waa understood that the San An
tonio charge probably would super
sede those filed here.
Commissioner Oliver fixed the bond
of each defendant at flS.onn. despite
the fart that It- K. Crawford. As
sistant United States District Attor
ney, asked that Iluerta's bond be set
at 1.000 and the bond of each of the
others at IISOOO. However. General
Huerta and the five arrested with him
failed to secure bond and shortly after j
e o'clock were taken to the county JalL
Haerta Trlegrapba Appeal.
Just before l.e left his home with th
officers Huerta dictated a telegram to
Saturday's War Moves
THE armies of Emperors William and
Prancls Joseph continue their Im
petuous drive against the forces of
Emperor Nicholas along; a front meas
uring; approximately 10 miles In
Southern Poland aad In Oallcla.
The, Teutonic troops, according; to
the German statement, have sained
possession of the lowlands of Eabunka.
In the KtiMlin province of Lublin, de
spite stubborn resistance, and also
have advanced in pursuit of the fleeing
Ituaslan In th Zlwla L.lpa section of
Gal Ida.
I'etrngrad admlle the retirement of
th Russians across the Unlla I-lpa
and explains that the retrograde move
ment further to the north was cause.
by strong flanking operations of the
Austro-Grrmana against the Russian
positions In the Tanew region, mak
ing them untenable. Tlussian military
experts profess to believe that the
GlirUn campaign now la ended.
Fighting- on the western front has
been especially severe In the ArKcnna
Fore.i. where the German Crown
i'rlnce Is In command or the Teutonic
forces. The French aaaert that they
have, Inflicted heavy loasea on the
Germans In the combats In this region.
From Berlin comes the admiralon that
the Germans have been forced to s-'v
up the gains made by litem on the
llllgen rldso of the Vobrcs Mountains.
In the Italian theater of operation
the Italians 'aaaert they are makln.
low but steady gain, though the
Austro-HunsarUiia are augnienttns
their forces and the counter attacks
re said to be becoming more resolute.
Unofficial reports say that Tulmino.
on the Jsonso Klver. has been occupied
t the lutllana.
German submarine activity in the
war sone drawn around the Krltlxh
Inles has accounted for five more Urlt
lb, steamers and one Belgian vessel.
SKS-regatlnK ll.IIl tons cross. The
lives of all the members of the crews
w-ere saved before the ships were sent
to the bottom by torpedoes or shell
A I'.uaslan submarine in the lilack
Sea sank two Turkish steamers and a
sailing; ship carrying; provisions and
coal, and later engaged and drove
kRround three armed schooners near
the mouth of the Hosphorua.
Germans Irje Cultivation of Vege
table Instead of Flowers.
HAMBURG. June 10 Not content
with urging that back arda and tennis
courts be made to id vegetables, the
proponents of what may be called
"window-box gardening" .r. now k . r.t
at work.
It Is the exception rather than the
rule that a (iarm.ii i .
" W LUki 1 j
house Is without Its window or its bal
cony flower box. It la urged that these
boxes. Instead of being; used Tor flow
ers, be devoted la haim .... - ...
cumbers. The proponents vt the new
plan outline carefully Just what kinds
of Vegetables can ba rma n reciic.ii
In such limited ml.rl.r. an. I ln.i ft...-.
they should be tended.
Ixw Denomination I-Tx, looted to
tilve Popular Asjxx-l to Ixisn.
PUTIIOGIIAD. via London. July 3.
The Oriiclal Journal today published an
Imperial edict authorising the Ituavslan
Minister of Finance to Issue two series
of treasury notes of Ii0.u0j.uu0 each.
The lasu la to be In t per cent short
term notes, free from Income tax.
Th Issue will be In denominations
from liO upward. This low denomina
tion Is expected to give the loan a popu
lar aspect and to appeal to foreign aa
well aa Ituaslan Investors. The Issue
is to run six month, beginning; tooay.
(irrmsnr Crnaora SurdUli Mail.
LONDON. July J A letter has Ivcen
turned orer to th Foreign lrtle
showing. It was announced today. 1'iat
first-class mail on board the Saedlsh
slip Hioern. seized In the North Kaa
and taken Into a German port, had been
opened a German censor. It Is ox -
pec tea e4m will protest to theU.T
man government
Disposal of One Foe at
Time Believed Idea.
Desperate German Efforts in
East Arouse English.
Old and You n?. Kicli and Toor and
Women and Men Turn Tltouglus
and r.rfort to Production
of Munitions of War.
IjONDON. July J. imperial.! Ger
many's formidaMe offensive In Galiria
and Poland is believed in lxindun to
portend a desperate effort by the Ger
manic coalition to win the mr befote
the romintr Winter. Tl-e forces orcrst
Inr airainst Htissia are thought to ex
ceed largely the armies similarly em
ployed In the past, probably totaling
not much fewer than 4.000.000 men on
a 1000-mile front men all well trained
and abundantly equipped.
It Is believed that the Germans hop
to Inflict a crushing defeat on th
Czar's armies and thua force K'.M to
an early peace, then to hurl their
whole military strensth acilnsit Franc
and Italy, preparatory to sqtiarinir ac
counts with Britain.
F.arly Victory la Sak.
Here the plan Is believed to be dic
tated by a realisation on the part of
the Germanic powers that unless they
achieve complete victory In the nevt
few months they will be compelled to
accept a peace fr different In char
acter from the peace they want. Little
doubt ia entertained in the beat
informed circles In London that the
Germans are convinced that they mut
make a thorough iurtn of their gen
eral offcnt-lvo this Summer and next
Fall or abandon It entirely and adopt a
strict defensive policy.
Meanwhile the Pritlsh. I-'rrm h and
Italian forces are doing their utmost,
first, to bring all possible pressure to
bear at thl lime on tde common,
enemy; second. to augment their
power. In order to make pressure
vastly more effective In the ftiture.
Urilala l-rrparea far CrUla.
With every day that passes the peo
ple of Great tlrltain are adiirrssms
themselves more .fully to tne task be
fore them. Slowly but surely the
whole national thought and energy ar
finding channels that lead in the di
rection of scientific and unified prose
rut. on of the war. fUrh and poor alike
are learning the difficult lesson of
t lose economy. The war loan Is beln
augmented by suina ranging frum
penny stamps to millions vt pounds
Hustne men. professional men.
clerks, shop assistants and hove are
making munitions nights and Sundays,
Hundreds of thousands of ta omen aro
clamoring- to help and will help, as
thesr alstcrs In France and Germany
are helping those nations, Iiritiah men
In great number have held tat
woman's p!ace is In the tome. Toda.
In thla unexpected crista of l.berty.
these men find that woman's place may
be In the munition factory, and not
only tbere, but in practically everr
pursuit on which men ar capable of
la) Ins their handa.
Lincoln Park Will Haie f.ame.
Celebration of Fourth of July at Lin
coln Park will be under the auspicar
of the AIMna Homestead Parent -Tea fi.
r Aaao-ilal ton. which will hold one of
Its weekly meetings in the park tomor
row afternouiv. In addition to the spe
cial programme.