The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 27, 1915, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Tumalo Project Pleases Ex
ecutive. Who Thinks Ex
ample Encouraging.
Assurance Given Settlers on Central
Oregon Irrigation. Company's
Land That Full Report
Will Be Published.
BEND. Or., Juno 26. (Special.)
This morning Governor Withycombe
and the members of the Fish and Game
Commission left for Klamath Falls on
the second leg- of their Central Oregon
trip. Secretary Olcott and Attorney
General Brown with other members of
the Desert Land Board returned to Port
land last night after spending the day
on irrigation projects near here.
"I am more than pleased with the
Tumalo project" said Governor Withy
combe after inspecting the newly com
pleted state project. "The work has
been, well done and it seems to me that
the project as the state has built it
stands not only as a. monument to the
efficiency but especially as a more de
sirable example of the right way to
construct Irrigation enterprises. It the
example set will encourage others so
much the better."
Governor la Pleased.
The Governor, whose many years of
practical and scientific agricultural
work make him an expert In such mat
ters, spoke with enthusiasm of the
agricultural projects of the Central
Oregon Irrigated lands. In his talks he
urged that farmers devote their chief
attention to raising hogs and cows, as
both were proved successes. Under the
leadership of Fred Wallace, project
manager, and W. D. Barnes a big
gathering of Tumalo settlers greeted
the party at Laidlaw at noon yester
day, giving an elaborate luncheon in
the Community Hall, with more than
250 attending. Representative Forbes,
of Bend, one of the speakers, referred
to the fact that the guests included
the most notable gathering of state
officials ever assembled in Central Ore
gon. Other speakers were the Governor,
Secretary of Stale Olcott, Attorney
General Brown, G. P. Putnam, secre
tary to the Governor, and a resident
of Bend: W. D. Barnes. V. A. Forbes
and W. O. Smith, of Klamath.
While there was not enough time
available to attempt to see much of
the Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany's Carey act project east of Bend
and Redmond, an hour's meeting was
arranged in the morning, at the request
of settlers. Several settlers told of
alleged, grievances against the company
and its management, and were assured
by the board members that their com
plaints would be heard fully.
In reference to a report on the
project, recently prepared by a repre
sentative of the board and revised
brfera publication. Governor Withy
combe. emphatically- told settlers who
objected to delay in getting out the
report that absolutely no facts or find
ings of the engineer who prepared
the report have been omitted.
Findings o Uc Made Public
"So far as I am concerned." said the
Governor, "the settlers will get all the
facts about the project that are avail
able to the board."
Officials of the company havi ob
jected strenuously to publication of
certain engineering findings in the re
port which they allege to bo unfair
or innreurate. According to the Gov
ernor, however, the board believes that
the facts set forth are correct and de
spite the objections no effort will he
made to take the action desired by the
An elaborate banquet was given here
last night by the Emblem Club, with
a programme of unique "stunts."
W. r. Cheney, the "taboo" presided
over the singing, and was "stunt
master," and C. S. Hudson acted as
toastmaster. All the visiting officials
spoke and several local men. W. C
Wilkes, assistant general freight and
passenger agent of the North Bank
Railroad, was given a warm welcome
and a genuine ovation greeted Gov
"nor Withycombe, who spoke last.
The Governor spoke warmly of the
country and the splendid reception ac
corded him and especially discussed
the desirability of educating the young
people of the United States in America
and in all things that would tend
towara me aeveiopment of real patriot
Two Life Certificates Awarded to
Applicants at Pasco.
PASCO. Wash.. June 26. (Special.)
At the last teachers' examination the
following applicants were successful in
obtaining certificates: Miss Gladv
Kleeb and Miss Cyrilla Ramage were
awarded life certificates, Dora Ayers,
a professional certificate; Mrs. Myrtle
Husch. a first grade certificate; Anna
Korgard. Milo Smith. William Levy,
Amoer bcnneiioacner, J. A. Winspear,
Winnifred Myers, second grade certifi-
- " . ajci nam unci, iuyra. neason-
cr. Edward V. Meyer, Lucile Langford
and Delbert Amon, third grade certifi
cates. Most of these are employed as
teachers in the Franklin County schools
lor next year. '1 tiere are few schools
which have not yet employed teachers
for next year.
The following eighth grade diplomas
were granted at the regular examina
tion last week: Donald Austin, Ger
trude Chapman, Lucile Gillett, Frances
Kenoyer, Jessie Maxfield. Evelyn Mal
es' and Mabel Utter, all of Pasco.
New Course at Agricultural College
to Meet Country Needs.
Corvallis, June 26. (Special.) The
board of regents of Oregon Agricultural
College has established a course In
rural architecture. Students of many
departments are already taking sub
jects in architecture, but the outline of
the new work includes the subjects of
buildings, concrete construction, roads
and farm mechanics.
Students xnay also elect agricultural
building design, specializing In that set
of buildings which they are most inter
ested, to meet the demand for rural
builders and for instructors in rural
architecture In the Northwest.
state institutions to the Board of Con
trol show at the beginning of this
mouth a total of 6021 inmates, an in
crease of 12fi per cent in the last eight
months. The population ef the institu
tions October 1, 1914, when the last bi
ennial report was made up, was 5352.
Of the total number in the state's 12
institutions. 29T4 are Inmates of the
three hospitals for insane. This is an
increase of 814 per cent in eight
An increasing number of conviction!
for felonies has brought the population
of the penitentiary at Walla Walla
from 657 to 808 since October 1. The
population of the two soldiers' homes
has increased from 859 to 927 and the
s'ate reformatory from 416 to 442.
There are now 166 in the state training
school at Chehalte and 74 girls in the
girls' school at Grand Mound, while the
population of the Chehalis school last
October, before the girls were removed.
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B. W. DeBnak.
Eugene, June 26. (Special.) A
apecialist in child hygiene and
growth has been added to the
faculty of tlaa. University of Ore
gon. B. W. DeBusk Is an author
ity on accelerated and retarded
children, or, in plain English,
prodigies and dunces. .
While Mr. DeBusk will be at
tached to the school of education
arrangements have been made to
lend him for a considerable part
of his time to the university ex
tension division for work in the
fchools of the state. Mr. DeBusk
Is associated with the Children's
Institute of Clark University,
Worcester, Mass.
was 245. There were 139 at the school
for deaf and 48 at t-he school for blind
June 1. as compared with 132 and 48
last October.
The Institution for feeble-minded at
Medical Lake shows the largest in
crease, from 252 last October to 423. the
result of the completion of new build
ings, allowing the admission of in
mates who had been kept on the wait
ins list.
"Washing-ton Institutions Have 6021
Inmates, Gain of 6 69 Since FalL
OLTMPIA, Wash., June 26. (Special.)
-June reports of superintendents of
Additions Mad to Buildings and Spe
cial Premium Provided for Rest
Herd of Five Dairy Coytb.
WOOD, LAND, Wash.; June 26. (Spe
cial.) The sixth annual fair will be
held irk Woodland. Wash., September
23, 24 and 25 under the direction of
the Cowlitz bounty Fair Association.
For several years past. Woodland has
held fruit shows, each one growing
larger and covering new branches,
until a permanent association was
formed to cover the entire field of
fair work.
In the Fall of 1913 the Cowlitz
County Fair Association was incor
porated by a number of farmers, busi
ness and professional men, who paid
for enough stock to purchase grounds,
erect buildings and finance the first
real fair of size. This fair was well
patronized, both by attendance and ex
hibitors, despite the wet weather, and
the association could show a credit
balance at the end of the season.
Improvements and extentions have
been undertaken by the direotors for
the coming season, which will add
materially to the capacity andat
tractiveness of the grounds.
The association will award a silo tb
the owner of the best five dair cat
tle exhibited at the fair this FalL
In order to qualify for this prize,
the herd must be represented for the
three days of the fair by at least
five animals, and must be on the
grounds by noon September 23, there
being no discrimination as to breeding.
Grains and grasses, vegetables and
roots have their separate space allotted.
Poultry, geese, ducks and turkeys will
have a new home on the west side
of the grounds.
Special attention is to be given to
the county school work.
Hops Jn line Condition.
RIDGE FIELD, Wash., June 26 (Spe
cial.) The hop crop in the-western
section of Clarke County, in the Sara
country, is said to be in the best con
dition at this season for a number of
years. A much larger crop than last
year, judging fFom the present indica
tions, is expected. Joseph S. Harris,
one of the leading hopgrowers in this
part of Clarke County, expects his. six
acres to yield 1500 pounds dried.
Summer Attendance at Eugene
Expected to Set Record.
Educators Drawn From Several
Noted Institutions, Including
Clark, Princeton and Wis
consin Universities.
June 26. (Special.) Summer school at
the University will begin Monday. The
attendance, which was expected to
show a temporary Interruption in its
growth, or even a decrease, on account
of the counter-attraction offered by the
San Francisco Exposition, bids fair to
exceed all previous Summer sessions.
"We have had a much vlarger bulk of
correspondence this year than we ever
had before," declares Dr. Joseph Scha
fer, head of the history department in
the University, who each Summer acts
as dean of the Summer session, "and
unless every indication is misleading,
we can count on a considerable increase
in attendance."
Among the outside professors who
will take part in the Summer session
is d. Stanley Hall, president of Clark
University. Dr. Hall is considered by
educators as the greatest living author
ity on adolescent psychology, and is,
according to Dr. Schafer. "a lecturer
of extraordinary brilliancy." His rep
utation is international.
J. Duncan Spaeth," prof essor of Eng
lish at Princeton, will have as his gen
eral theme, "Poets as Interpreters of
Life." His open lectures will deal prin
cipally with several of the 19th cen
tury English poets.
One of the strongest men connected
with the Summer school, according to
Dr. Schafer, will be Charles Forster
Smith, for many years head of the de
partment of Greek at the University of
Wisconsin. Professor Smith Is in gen
eral demand as a lecturer and usually
Is offered fees far in excess of the pre
vailing rates. He was induced to come
to Oregon, however, through his fon,
Dr. Warren D. Smith, who was last
year called to Eugene from the posi
tion of chief of the bureau of mines for
the Philippine government, to take
charge as head of the Oregon depart
ment of geology.
Professor E. P. Cubberley, head of the
education department of Stanford Uni
versity, will lecture on themes connect
ed with school administration. Profes
sor Cubberly has recently been con
nected prominently with the school sur
veys of many cities, including that of
Professor William S. Morgan, of the
Pacific Unitarian School for the Min
istry, at Berkeley, Cal., will be the Car
negie endowment lecturer in interna
tional law and conciliation.
One of the most unusual courses of
fered by the Summer school will be a
geological-botany scientific expedition
which will be conducted along the crest
of the Cascades from Eugene to Med
ford. a distance by trail of several hun
dred miles. Professors Smith and
Mitchell, of the geology department,
and Professor Sweetser, of the botany
department, will be in charge.
Senator Bnrkctt ATI 11 Be Greeted at
Gladstone. Chautauqua.
OREGON CITT, Or., June 26. (Spe
cial.) Plans are now under way for
a big Nebraska day celebration in honor
of Senator E. J. Burkett, the noted
Nebraska statesman and orator, who is
to appear at Chautauqua for two lec
tures July 10 and 11. In all proba
bility a big basket dinner will be given
on one of these two days, at which the
Nebraska State Society, of Portland,
will turn out, as well as all other
former citizens of that state who know
the Senator.
Secretary Cross said today that ar
rangements were now pending between
the Chautauqua directors and the offi
cers of the Nebraska Society of Port
land to provide for "Nebraska day" at
Dr. J. P. AVullace to Replace Block
Recently (jutted by IFire.
ALBANY, Or., June 26. (Special.)
Work has begun on the construction of
the new business block to be erected
here this Summer by Dr. J. P. Wallace,
to replace the "building gutted by" the
bis fire which destroyed the old Hamil
ton department store last Spring.
The new building will be 77 by 1M
feet in size, two stories in height, with
a full story basement. It will be erect
ed of cream pressed brick, with marble
trimmings. The building will cost 820,-000.
Woodburn Will Celebrate.
WOODBURN, Or.. July 26. (Special.)
The big F'ourth of July celebration
to be held here is being arranged by
Company I Band, of the Oregon Na
tional Guard. There will be a parade,
exercises in City Park and sports, in
cluding a ball game between the Wood-
burn and Gervais teams. The oration
will be given by Colonel Sam White,
of Portland, and there will be a pro
gramme under the direction of Mrs.
O. C. Weller. Professor McDougal. of
Portland, will direct the band and Mr.
Cioffi. of the same city, will give a
euphonium solo.
I i
Lu. j i
let to Right Dr. R. M. Andruas, President William Schuman, Fred
Henderson. Henry Lamb. V. D. Patrician, George Goerle, - C. 11.
Here Is a Cowan Made
Library Tatol
of Solid Cuban Mahogany
for $56
It Regular Price Is $95
Post Colonial Table, extra heav). Top meas
urements, 3.4 inches by) 56 inches. Column
posts fluted or plain. One pf Cowan's best
productions and an authentic design.
The Scroll Colonial in
Ladies' Desks4
in mahogany. Is a style preferred by many.
Ours is a representative showing, those lr the
Scroll Colonial having one. two. three and
four drawers, embodying every feature of the
home desk In appointment.
$30.00, $42.50, $45.00 and $65.00
68 and 70 Fifth St.
Bet. Oak and Pine
of "Mahogany
The Importance of the
Wall or Tip Table,
viewed from both the
p r a c t leal and artistlo
standpoint in home fur
nishing, is readily ap
preciated. Here, among
the many new individu
al pieces of mahogany,
are Wall or Tip Tables,
of the Adam, Colonial,
Sheraton and other
period designs, both leg
and pedestal styles.
Priced at 22.SO, 930.
33.30, S3S, B40 and 94Sp
Original Color Perspectives, showing correct interior decorative treat
ments for all rooms, prepared dhd submitted tvj our Decorative DepL
Seven of them in the nest Baking and Mixing
Bowls of Hull's Semi-Porcelain, blue and gold-band
decoration. The largest bowl is ten inches in
diameter, the others being respectively 9. 8, 7, 6, 5
and 4 inches in diameter. The largest would sell
regular for $1. No deliveries will be made or phone
orders accepted for this special. One set only to
each purchaser.
$45 Gate-Legged
Drop-Leaf TABLE
This style of table has come to be
-regarded almost as a necessity ir the
well-furnished home of today. The one
illustrated here is a popular Colonial
design of mahogany, the top measur
ing, when open, 36 inches by 48 inches.
Drawer in one end.
Ask fof demonstration
of the improved Royal
Electric Suction Clean
er. Price $35.
$21.50 Mahogany Desk . . $16.50
A charming" Sheraton pattern of the flat open
style top, with small drawers on top for writing-
accessories. Larger drawer under writ
ing board. Extreme measurements of top -1
inches by 35 inches.
Any special size
or shape of Mirror
made to your order
at moderate cost.
French Plate
With 3z-inch solid mahogany
frames. Their sizes and prices:
nowy2.VnCheS.. $H.50
22 by 28 inches O CA
now JplO.DU
28 by 34 inches JJCJ JjQ
liwV6.ches:. $16.50's.. $24.00
Extra Special
Laid for, square yd.
55c, 75c, 95c
Made In the right way O C
These SPECIAL ITEMS Contributed
to 2e closed out at
Just 15 of them, not
the ordinary kind of
A x m i n s t er, but of a
quality worth while
buy lng. Regular price
?27.50. Everyone a de
sirable combination of
pattern and coloring.
in our carpet work
rooms from Wilton, Ax
minster, Velvet and
Body Brussels Carpet
ing. G o o d "shap8 and
worth regularly $1.25 to
The grade that sells
regularly for 80c square
yard. By taking advan
tage of thia special you
have choice of many
new patterns.
$1.25 grade, square yard .90c
$1.50 grade, square yard ,:$1.00
$1.80 grade, square yard '. .$1.35
Our New Low .
Rent Location
Means Very
Lowest Prices' to
You as a
Purchaser of
Furniture, Etc.
J. G. MACK & CO.
68 and 70 FIFTH Street
Several Dropped
Sample Patterns
Size 9x12 feet.
Regular $62.50,
to close at
$43.50 to $52.50
nuniEMiiiEsiiniiiiiiiiiianiisiinsiiisinsii liiiiiniiigiimiuiiuaimiiiimiiiiuii niiiamuniiiiimni iBiiiiisiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiE liiinuiitiiiuiiiiiaiiiiiitiiiiiunsiiin.utusei.rra
County Agriculturist Heads Tarty
Starting Out from Kcsnctvlck to
make Study of Best Methods.
KEXNEWICK, Wash., June 24.
(Special.) A strawberry excursion
comprised of growers of the entire Co
lumbia River Valley, from "White Bluffs
to Hover, and headed by County Ag
riculturist Lee M. .ampson, was made
Thursday. The excursionists left Ken
newiik by automobiles and visited
patches in the Kennewick-Richland dis
tricts, where different phases of the
industry were studied and demonstrated-
The rip was made for the
purpose of acquainting tho growers of
the valley with the best methods for
successful and profitable strawberry
At the Gardner Fruit Ranch, near
Richland, the renewing of beds with
out transplanting was demonstrated,
in the patches of.AV. H. Allison -and
W. P. Osgood, the best methods of
fertilization were shown. In tilts patch
of R. V. Bentz, on the highlands, Mr.
Lampson spoke to a large number of
growers on "Growing Plants for the
Market." In the patches of J. E. Mow
rey, of Richland, and C. E. Lum, of
Kenne'wick, Luke Powell, district in
spector, spoke and gave a demonstra
tion on the root weevil.
"Farmer" Smith, agriculturist for the
O.-W. R. & N. Company, held two
meetings here Wednesday. At noon he
spoke at the Commercial Club and in
the evening at the Valley Club. .
Is a new feature added to the pro
gramme of "Colonial Days," which the
Tacoma Carnival Association presents
In the stadium the nights of July 3
and 5. As the flag of each nation is
displayed the band will play the na
tional anthem and the audience will
be asked to join in the chorus. The
directors of "Colonial Eays" are ar
ranging to print the ehorus of as many
national anthems as they can obtain.
Twenty-four young women will par
ticipate in the flag drill.
Arrangements have also been made
for additional fireworks numbers.
These will include new daylight fea
tures which have resulted from new
experiments made by a fireworks
company. New chemical combinations
are said to have been made which will
surpass anything ever before shown.
Inquiries and requests for rooms and
hotel reservations for the four days'
celebration in Tacoma indicate that
there 'will be a big attendance from
all over the Puget Sound region. Ar
rangements will be made for addi
tional seats In the stadium.
Passage for Packhorsos Js Made
From Niagara to Detroit.
ALBANY, Or.. June 26'. (Special.)
The new trail from Niagara to Detroit,
eastern terminus of the Corvallis &
Eastern Railroad, will be open about
the middle, of July according to the
statement of V. il. Brundage, super
visor of the Santiam National Forest,
who has returned to his office in this
city from an inspection of the work.
Heretofore Detroit could be reached
only by the railroad. The trail will
permit pack-horses to proceed from the
end of the wagon road at Niagara to
Detroit. The trail Is being built by
Marion County and the Government
forestry service.
Potato Plant Protrndes Through
Break in Albany- Alley.
ALBANY, Or., June 26. (Special.)
A-potato vine growing In a pavement
is a novel sight in Albany. The vine
is growing in a small break in the
pavement In the alley which crosses
the block between First, Water, Broad
albin and Ellsworth streets.
ln some manner a potato peeling con
taining an eye apparently got down the
small hole In the pavement into the
soil beneath, and a healthy-looking
plant came up. People using the alley
have refrained from breaking it down.
Tacoma Arranges "Unique Features
for "Colonial Days."
TACOMA. June 26. (Special.)
Songs of all nations as an accompani
ment to the spectacular flag display
Regular Army Officers to Teach Es
sentials of Military Duty lu
l'lTt-AVnk' Course.
Corvallis, June 26. (SpeciaV.) An
nouncements of the military Instruc
tion camp for young men who are stu
dents of universities or colleges or
graduate of a high school, to be held
at tho Presidio. San Francisco, begin
ning July 5, have been received by
President Kerr. The purpose of the
camp is to give the young men of the
country an opportunity to take a short
course in military, training to fit them
to discharge their military duties
should the Nation ever stand In need
of their services. Aside from he fore
going -scholarship requirements stu
dents must be between the ages of IS
and 30 years and not less than 5 feet
4 inches high, of strong constitution
and free of organic diseases.
The camp will be in session for five
weeks, and attendance will cost each.
student $32.50, in addition to transpor
tation. Of this sum $10 goes for ex
pense of new uniform and the remain
der for living accommodations, which
will be furnished by the regular Army
quartermaster's department. Tents,
cots, blankets, cooking outfits and in
fantry equipment will be furnished
without cost.
Officers of the United States Army
will be In charge, assisted by regular
troops. Instruction will be given in
tactics, advance and rear guards, pa
trols, outposts, combats, military map
and road-making, use and care of rifle
and target shooting. Marching, camp
ing, tent-pitching, camp sanitation,
first aid to injured and care of troops
will be taught by practice. Use and
construction of trenches, signaling, and
a practice march of several days' dura
tion will be among the exercises.
President Wilson, ex-President Taft
and other leaders of thought in the
United States indorse the work of the
HJamathi Falls Prepares for Big In
dependence Day Celebration.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 25.
(Special.) Plans have been completed
for the big public barbecue for
luly 4. An order has been placed for
Several cords of mountain mahogany,
which is the best wood for the purpose
of roasting the meat, and a number of
beeves, mutton, and other stock will
be sacrificed in honor of the Nation's
One hundred Warm Springs Indians
will enter the contests, besides the
scores of Klamaths and Pitt rivers who
live nearby. The Pelican Bay Lumber
Company tug-of-war and log rolling
teams have been practicing lately for
those events. The Weed baseball team
will play Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
and street dancing will be held Fri
day and Saturday nights.
Corporations to Pass Away.
OLYMPIA, Wash., June 26. (Special.)
Several thousand ' Washington cor
porations will have their corporate
existence ended July 1 as the result of
failure to pay the annual corporation
tax of $15. Of 13,500 corporations or
ganized under the laws of this state
less than 5000 have paid their licenses
this year, and others will bo subject
to a $2.50 penalty after next Wednes
day, with the exception of the several
thousand which then will have been
delinquent two years and will be
Ftricken from the roll.-j of the Secretary
of State.
Woodburn Cliautauqua Sct.
WOODBURN. Or.. June 26. (Spc
cial.) The Ellison-White Chautauqua
will hold a season here beginning July
S. A splendid daily programme is
promised and all Woodburn is working
liard to make this, the first Chautau
qua hero, a successful one.
5r W w
r - in in,, nil . i. 1 -1 i i. rtmniiil--" ' - --.-
JULY 6-18
The Ideal Vacation for Portlanders 10 Miles South of Portland.
Summer School Classes Each Morning Auditorium Programmes Both
Afternoon and Evening Daily Baseball Games at 3:30 P. M.
Circillo's Italian Band and troupe of grand opera stars; Witepskie's
Royal Hungarian Orchestra; the Swiss Alpine Yodlers; the Saxony
Opera Singers; the Adelphian Male Quartet; Buckner's Jubilee Quin
tet; the Gullatto Trio; the Magical Floyds; Charlotte Bergh, the "Nor
wegian Nightingale."
Newell Dwight Hillis; Col. Geo. W. Bain; Senator E. J. Burkett, of
Nebraska; Dr. Roland A. Nichols; Nels Darling, the "Community Ex
pert"; Col. W. H. Miller, Illinois humor jst; Arthur A. Franzke; Rev.
leather MacCorry, Fred Eugene Baker; Mrs. A. C. Zehner; Marion
Ballou'Fisk, cartoonist; Delia Crowder Miller, and Evelyn Bargelt,
Season Tickets at Gill & Co., in books of 10, each $2.00
Season Tickets at P. R., L. & P. Station, each $2.30
Daily Admissions, 23 Good for All Day
P. R., L. & P. cars (Oregon City line) run directly into gates of Park;
25 cents round trip from Portland; S. P. local trains stop within stone's
throw of Park? baggage may be shipped to the Park.