MAGAZINE SECTION SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 VOL.. XXXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 37, 1915. NO. 26. Spruce Tree Near Rockaway, Or. I'" " J : PHOTO BY B. A. GIFFOBD . . fVVVr1 ' tfll; The district on the Coast near Seaview is a territory of striking and "freak" vL " I I fJy J I trees, the spruces being in the majority in the woods of that section. The freak ' - f ' CCy M m I spruce here shown has been trimmed by the owner and a house will be erected j 4 ; gvJj TFtt I with its heavy branches as wall posts. This tree is one of the landmarks of the : 1 Jfe fl -jI ! neighborhood and is located near Rockaway. gT -yS-'J I j-"-'"T',-,J" " i -j- .'" i .,..,. ......j. I t I f i v j f - - f . jj , - , s I !.... --. I 1 I I ' W'"""""' j.iWW.W.i..lil m ... . ... ........ NM.. . ,W.r... , , j,lWIJ,l,i.,.,,,,.w.lullnl.MI.,.l..ii.lUlil .1 ..I.... II J ' f I .1 i -- lli, jn .ma. 'i i in -"-it--a -'"e"''" ) " ! 1 . ' V I. ! ' ' ' X'a! ' ' . .' S i n - - - i : -. . " if . f ymss&"' ' " : J y - ' 'A . u t y I ! rS ij : M I $ - Pk aj I -I. I & - . - - . vr.t?? - s . -I S ?v IwVL t J$iV zr'. s. ili'irt - -.m f: . I : Wf&- liK'VY aWr'-U--N--.: S-.--4r"- I i I rSjfe'-i' -Artf : 4 ' -li'i vfr-.i 'vv-. ?.'JL - 1 , ..-;J I - II 1